Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 18 2018

I studied lyrical singing and classical piano. But in Charlotte, I scream.

Women to the front: female punk movement

In punk, generally who gets involved with this is thinking less about the music, the lyrics ... is a political thing indeed.

Feminist punk began to emerge in the United States... England... at the end of 70's, 77 - 78

it boomed and the empowerment of the female artists was greatly encouraged.

But the story silences us a lot right? After that boom came the fall.

Only the bands of men were reported, only the bands of men entered in the history of punk.

When you talk about punk rock you think about Ramones, Sex Pistols.

Then with the 90's punk that is our Riot Girl, the women appeared again on the front line, let's do it all, and our culture is the do-it-yourself culture,

which is the essence of punk rock and then, it fell again.

From the transition of the decade in the year of 2000 until now has had everything, has had the frontwoman but always objectified, I say so, always were beautiful girls, front woman type produced... the hair... the talent... the voice,

but now we are back to this new moment of DIY, do it yourself, then the girls said:

I do not know how to play but I'm going to play, Ramones did it,

they used their capacity and today with the women, it's everybody like that, in culture, it's everyone like that, what I can do, how I can do it.

In 2017 we are in a boom again and in a very creative one.

The Dominatrix started in 1995 and today we are celebrating 20 years of the first album, Girl Gathering, which was released in 1997

and the difference between the period we started and today, it is difficult to say, I believe that once Margareth Rago, who is a historian, said that there are times that cohabit in the same time,

and I feel the same thing in the experience with the band.

When we started there was some progress on some issues, it was very political and we had information of what happened outside the country through the fanzines and today,

while having access to information we have a setback of issues that people no longer discusses within the independent universe, then feminism is accepted as something already accepted,

in some spheres this is not discussed at all and then it is a challenge for us. There is a difference, because at the time what seemed to have a facility of communication because of a specific politicized scene in which people came,

today we have other challenges within a discourse that seems accessible but not always it is put into practice.

I think it's a constant fight, right?

I think while finally, while so many women die every day, while so many women are raped every day, while so many people are killed by homophobia every day, we still have not won, this war.

But I think our job is to fight, to fight to end it in all the ways we have, with the tools that we have at hand, whether it's setting up a band or through other types of art,

I think we have to use what we have around us. I think punk allows that a lot, right?

The "Festival Distúrbio Feminino" (Women's Disturbance Festival) appeared naturally from a need to think that...oh no!

I must do something else and there was the first festival in 2015, it was very cool, it was on the street in a square in São Paulo, four bands performed,

and in the following year (which was last year)it happened again and this year came even bigger... it was a big surprise too.

I think the feminist punk attitude today is not to expect that this process of assimilation that is happening nowadays with the corporations when they use the feminism to sell things, the feminist punk means that you should not get into that process,

and to some extent to reaffirm our tool and our do-it-yourself methodology and do not let our essence and our culture be lost in the process of selling our ideals.

Today is odd to think about it, isn't it? Because punk has always been very nihilistic, it came about because people were very unhappy with the system, punk was always very critical,

so there's the "No future", but I think nowadays we should not use the "No future" of that punk movement, because punk is very transformative, punk incites people to be themselves,

to use their capacity, to believe in themselves, that it is something that the system cuts off from us, it is always said that we are not capable, that we need to do more, or that this will not work ...

Nowadays we are living in a reactionary wave in the country and the world, right?

We are seeing a few rights that we have already conquered receding and for this reason that we can not give up, that we have to keep fighting that we have to organize, that we have to grow together,

and that we have to go out in the streets, go on stage, and occupy the spaces. We have to occupy spaces in music, we have to occupy space in politics.

I hope so, I see it for today's girls, for today's bands, for the feminist punk movement today, that our future is here and now and for us to believe in it,

we are building it, I am sure that everything that we are doing today will resonate in 10 years, this is also history, I'm sure we all have enough future working with it and giving voice to ourselves and strengthening.

So I think punk status today can change and say: "Yes Future"!

When we move, the things around us get reallocated and in this reallocation is never untroubled, we face a lot of resistance:

in punk, in music, in everyday life, nothing that we are not used to.

But I think precisely because it is this terrible moment we are living through that we must shout even louder.

Taking some of that anger that we supress during the week and enjoy releasing it during the show.

For more infomation >> Women to the front: female punk movement - Duration: 8:42.



in the beginning all the planets, comet stars, galaxies at last

the whole universe was compressed into smaller size than the head of a pin

Everything that is, was, and will was stuck in a size of an atom

the situation was so extreme that the forces of nature and the laws of physics did not make much sense

the temperatures were absurd somewhat like 1 followed by 30 degrees

the density of energy and matter was enormous

when suddenly the universe cooled and the electro-weak force split into two forces

this separation released an enormous amount of energy that made the universe grow exponentially its size

in 1 followed by 15 zeros its original size

in this video we will see what is this huge expansion, what is the big bang?


Singularity - Helping to spread science in Brazil

Hello cosmologists all right? Here it is the Vini of the Singularity channel

And this is the seventh video of our mini-course of astronomy

in this video we will see what the big bang is

so if you like the theme already let your liked, subscribe to the channel and bora pro video

There is a branch of astronomy called cosmology, cosmology study the cosmos

the cosmos is all that is, has been and will be

that is, it is the universe, cosmology studies of the past, present, future and the structure of the cosmos

that is, how the universe works

The idea of the big bang is then a cosmological idea that has to explain the origin of the universe

or a very distant period in the past in which the universe was very small and dense

The idea of the Big Bang began with Albert Einstein

Einstein was one of the greatest physicists of all time

basically everyone in the world knows or has heard of this physicist

he created the theory of general relativity that revolutionized our concepts of space and time

his theory has been confirmed in countless times by experiments like:

Michelson-Morley, gravitational waves, atomic clocks at last

General relativity is pretty cool, so if you want...

A specific series on this topic will participate in the vote that will be there in the upper right corner

the theory of general relativity makes several predictions like:

black holes, gravitational waves

all these predictions have already been confirmed

And one of those predictions is the expansion of the universe

the universe should be expanding

two scientists used the mathematics of theory and realized that it proposed an expanding space

the universe was expanding like this

Einstein tried to get this prediction out of his theory, but later as he himself said:

'' The cosmological constant was the biggest mistake of my life. '' Albert Einstein

the universe really is expanding that idea was confirmed by Edwin Hubble

Yes, the Hubble telescope has this name because of this astronomer

He realized that the galaxies were with their light shifted to red

but so what does it mean?

When an ambulance passes by you

first the sound is sharp and then as it goes away the sound gets more and more serious

this effect is called the Doppler effect

which is a physical effect that describes this apparent change of frequencies

Light is nothing more than electromagnetic frequency

colors are defined by this frequency

Then the light is also subject to this doppler effect

If we apply the Doppler effect then the galaxies are moving away from each other

is happening then an expansion of the universe, gravity is not enough to contain the expansion

Today we know that the universe is expanding faster and faster, that is, the expansion is accelerating

but as it is expanding, does the universe have an end?

imagine a universe with a bladder, the more we expand the bladder

the greater the distance between the galaxies, then it is not that the galaxies are moving away.

It is that the very fabric of space is expanding

And apparently universe is really finite as we see now

In 1965

Some radio astronomers were testing certain radio frequencies

when they suddenly detected a radiation that was being emitted throughout the universe

no matter which direction he tried to measure this radiation was uniform

This was an accidental discovery, but it was fundamental to cosmology

this radiation is called cosmic background radiation, it is 13 billion years old

and it shows that in the past about 13 billion years the universe was extremely hot and dense

This radiation is like an echo of the Big Bang is what is left of the great expansion

By the way when you tune your TV or radio on that frequency

a small fraction of this interference is the cosmic background radiation

They are the echoes of the Big Bang, so in a way you can hear the Big Bang

in your home using a TV or radio

so if the universe is expanding and in the past it was much warmer

This means that the more in the past we are, the smaller the universe and the warmer it will be

the physicists then created a well-founded theory called Big Bang

The theory reads as follows:

the universe emerged from a tiny point in space all matter was contained in a smaller place than the head of a pin

Temperatures were absurd, the energies and density were absurd, the laws of physics made no sense

It was a very extreme situation the origin of the universe

great inflation has expanded in an unimaginable way

may seem crazy this scenario, it may not do in the least sense

How, then, was all matter contained in a place smaller than the head of a pin?

but as Neil deGrasse Tyson would say '' the universe had no obligation to make sense to you ''

If there is much evidence for this scenario, it probably happened even though it is very absurd

But what happened before the Big Bang? this question does not make much sense

because the Big Bang that gave rise to space and time, the conceptions of space and time only exist in our universe

Before the Big Bang there was no time so to speak

It's very strange but it's true.

the physicists also do not really know what caused this explosion and also much less gives where the matter arose

There are some hypotheses that I will speak now:

Some say that the Big Bang can happen in countless times, the universe can expand and decrease

Until you generate another Big Bang

In this idea the universe has always existed and will exist

Others say that the Big Bang is not a single event, it can happen endlessly in a hyper-space

thus generating several other universes, would be a multi-verse with infinite universes

then our universe would not be the only one

The Big Bang would happen endless times, this Multi-verse hypothesis is very cool

so I would do a specific video explaining how this theory came up the evidence at last

I am already saying that she has much more evidence and makes much more sense than it seems

but this is already speculative physics what we know is:

14 billion years ago

the universe had a great expansion, after some time the universe cooled

decreases the expansion a bit, thus enabling neutron protons and electrons to form atoms

The first atoms were Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium

These were the three primary elements of the universe

due to gravity these elements generate nebulae, which in turn collapsed stars

these stars formed the galaxies, what remained of the nebulae became planets, moons and comets

And this is basically what originated the universe

This is the most accepted theory in science to describe this phenomenon

If you do not know what a scientific theory is, I recommend you watch this video

Where I explain the difference between, a law, a hypothesis and a theory

If you liked the video, leave it to yourself.

Comment us comments any questions or suggestions...

Any hypothesis of how the universe came about

subscribe to the channel so you do not lose any videos like this

These are the social networks of the Singularity

This is personal, until the next video and spoke

perhaps one day our descendants will see our present ignorance with such sorrow

how much we feel here for the ancients because they did not know that the earth revolved around the sun

but if the overall picture of a Big Bang...

followed by an expanding universe is correct what was before that?

The universe was devoid of all matter and then matter was suddenly created, how did it happen?

in many cultures the usual response

is that a god or gods created a universe out of nowhere

but if we are to pursue this question with courage we have to ask the next question

Where did God come from? if we decide that this is an unanswerable question

why not spare a step and conclude that the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question

or if we said that God always existed

why not spare a step and conclude that the universe has always existed that

that there is no need for a creation, it has always been there

they are not easy questions

cosmology brings us face to face with the deeper mysteries

with issues that were dealt with only in religion and myth

For more infomation >> HOW THE UNIVERSE HAPPENED? - BIG BANG - Duration: 10:28.


#EwangeliarzOP | 19 lutego 2018 | (Mt 25, 31-46) - Duration: 1:55.


Begging you, angels - let me get to know you better.

This is my sincere request.

Because I realized - reading this Gospel today -the angels who will be there at the Judgement

- they participate in a very discreet way in this breakthrough event in human history.

Their discretion impresses me. They are present in the struggles your and my freedom is exposed to.

They are very discreetly present in this drama, which life is, in the drama of our choices and in the drama of our struggles.

May this angelic world, in this discreet, supportive presence, become close to us.

May we be much more open to the presence of our friends.

May we receive, from their hands, with their wings, the grace that flows on us,

this grace which our Creator and our Savior passes through these heavenly beings.


For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 19 lutego 2018 | (Mt 25, 31-46) - Duration: 1:55.


Find Out What The Length Of Your Finger Reveals About Your Personality - Duration: 4:10.

Your middle finger or middle finger is larger than your index finger, or vice versa?

The answer to this simple question can be the key to understanding something new about your


This is not your simple fun test from Internet.

In fact, researchers are studying the length of the middle finger to understand

how it can influence our personality and in the development of our body.

So far, scientists have discovered that men usually have the ring finger

longer than the index finger, which is equivalent to increased production

of testosterone by the body.

On the other hand, women the shorter annular finger compared to

the index finger.

Specialists who studied length also performed tests related to the

ability to learn and probability to contract diseases.

They found that the length of the fingers it would be linked to hormonal problems.

The longer ring finger, for example, reveals a more masculine and aggressive personality,

while the shorter annular finger indicates a person more feminine and sweeter.

According to the researchers, compare the length of the finger is not just an interesting subject.

Your ring finger can reveal something important on his personality and on the development of

of your body from the embryonic stage up to adulthood.

Find out which of these groups you fit into:

Finger ring longer than

index finger People whose ring finger is longer than the index finger are fascinating.

They are very competitive, very good people. in winning games and solving problems and puzzles.

Sometimes they can become aggressive.

They are wise, intelligent, and learn new things.

They are usually a point of reference for those who want some advice.

Have an annular finger longer than the finger indicator means that the person has a

more masculine personality.

Ring finger shorter than the

index finger A person whose index finger is longer than the ring finger is usually

a very determined person, that when you dedicated to work, is not easily disturbed.

They have clear goals to follow. in life.

These people like to work hard and, at the same time, they are always ready to

help the friends they need.

They are very protective.

The ring finger smaller than the index finger is related to a more


Finger ring and index finger of the same size

When the ring finger and index finger are of the same size, means that the person is

always trying to keep the peace, trying to avoid conflicts at all costs.

Usually these people are very organized, quiet, silent and faithful in relationships

with partners and friends.

That's because family and friends are everything. for them.

Such people may be somewhat sensitive, so it's no wonder they get angry

with teasing and joking.

What do you think of this research?

Does that suit your personality?

For more infomation >> Find Out What The Length Of Your Finger Reveals About Your Personality - Duration: 4:10.


Salidos de la Cripta - Diles que no me maten - [TENDA] - 285 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Salidos de la Cripta - Diles que no me maten - [TENDA] - 285 - Duration: 4:54.


Suzuki SX4 1.6 5D Shogun DEALERONDERHOUDEN, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 1.6 5D Shogun DEALERONDERHOUDEN, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:03.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T CONNECT EDITION * 1e eigenaar - Lage kilometerstand - Design-pakket (panora - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T CONNECT EDITION * 1e eigenaar - Lage kilometerstand - Design-pakket (panora - Duration: 1:01.


quando meu pai foi a lua / When my dad went to the moon - Duration: 1:02:13.

Space is impossible, he said

I wanted it to be purple

Yellow in a very red wall, it was fucking awesome

I did it as well!

Yellow over red?

Red over yellow

Nice, it looks sick doesn't it?

It looks fucking sick!

I like it

Vampire purple, you know it?

Of course

It's almost black

But I don't like using black, because black is not…

It's the lack of colour, you know?

I wish I'd only vandalize politicians' houses but

it's hard to find them, they're all in Brasília

What's the matter, has your dad grounded you?

Yeah, he did


So…You know

And you mom?

My mom applauded it, like

take this boy away, he's stressing me out

What did you paint with red over yellow?


The one you told me about, right?

Actually it has like.. been that since the old times this is Hot

After I came back from Lagoa Santa

there was some different, crazy stuff…

But old times, like fifteen years before I travelled,

it was just letters

Only now I'm painting different stuff

Letter scrawls?

Yeah scrawls, all the dudes from my hood

did about the same thing

Was it planned?

No, I think it just happened naturally

The older guy who painted, I learned with him

Then everybody started doing the same

do you remember?


In the end we were kind of tired,

I had a…

Which Fifa flag, man?

The one, from…

I have no memory for that, Hot. Tell me

Santa Teresa

Santa Teresa...

There's a myth about two brothers who earn their

deceased father's patrimony

But there were two rings to be given

One was made of diamonds and very expensive

The other one was made of cheap silver

The more ambitious one said

"I want the expensive one, I want this one, it'll be mine !"

And the other on said "Okay you can keep it"

Then each one kept a ring

The brother who kept the expensive ring went to live his life

And then winter came, it was very cold

And he suffered in the cold winter

His life was all based on that,

when summer came he was happy

When it was winter, he just missed summer all the time

And suffered, because it was so cold

In the other brother's ring,

there was something written,

in small letters

"This is also going to change"

And then when summer came,

he was happy happy happy

But he knew that summer would end,

that it was going to change


But then it went by, winter arrived,

he suffered more, had to withstand the cold

But he knew that was going to change

But he knew that was going to change

Yes, and then

Myth, like a Buddhist myth right?

Yeah, it is



I love seeing this city at night

I like it too, but I like to see things from above as well,

it's sick!


You know Alencar,

I'm breathless

Nobody knows with certainty

Where all of this is going

There's too much small talk

Which I can't understand

Why? Oh, why?

Why? Oh, why?

It seems like the end of the world

I pray every day

Hoping my saint will hear me

Hoping my saint will guide me

This stupid world

Wasn't made for us

What we have to swallow, you know

Life's sweet, but it's not easy

Life's sweet, but it's not easy

You know Alencar,

I'm breathless

Where are we all going?

I don't know, I don't know

When you hear about it, let me know

When your hear about it, let me know

This stupid world

Wasn't made for us

What we have to swallow, you know

Life's sweet, but it's not easy

Life's sweet, but it's not easy

You know Alencar,

I'm breathless

Where are we all going?

I don't know,

I don't know

When you hear about it, let me know

When you hear about it, let me know

When you hear about it Alencar,

let me know!

When you hear about it,

let me know...

Words can fall upon us like a meteor

and open a hole that can never again be filled

We've talked and reached very silent conclusions

which shall be kept for life somewhere

that will always emerge light years away.

A few days from now you'll get sued or whatever.

That happens here alright?

Here you need an allowance for everything

Are you eating?

Lets sit here, yes.

I was eating something, waiting for you.

I'll make eggplant for you.

as you want?

So… What's new?

Put your feet down, girl

Put your feet down!

I worry about you

You haven't been here for a long time

Could not come


I don't have one

You don't have a boyfriend?


Still painting?

Messing up the city?


Why have you never painted a picture of me?

Don't know

I am your mother!

Paint a picture of me!

I'm sure it'll be a great hit!

more now that, I'm work as a model.

Model of what?

Well, model, actress, don't you know what's an actress?

An actress…is an actress.


Same thing. Don't you paint?

I'm not gonna ask what you do. You paint, you paint!

Okay, alright!


Show me, tell me how it is, I want to know

I've heard that people use vinegar,

I don't know what for. Are there bombs?

What? What's the matter? I wanted to know

You wanna see a mask?

Yes, I wanna see it!

Like this?

That's it

So lets go dear, lets go to the protest

Lets destroy everything! Everything!

How do we eat with the mask, dear?

Actually we don't really bother with that in the protests

No? Don't you eat during the protests?


Stay all day walking without eating?



My hair

I would like you to tell me…

about my dad…

the real story

Your father

is an astronaut

Again that story?

Again that story? Again, mom?

Talk to me seriously mom!

Who's my father?

When your dad went to the Moon,

you orbited your mom's belly

And then, when he came back,

your were seventeen and he was fifty

I'm gonna sleep.

Excuse me

Scape Number one

Umbrellas, umbrellas

Umbrellas, umbrellas

It's a rat!

Leave the rat! Let it go out!

Let it go out!

Step on it! Step on it, look!

Kill it! Kill it!

Kick it, man!

Kick it, man!

Pick it up and take it out!

With your hands! With your hands!

How many rats will go in again?

As many as it's needed for us to kill!

Take the rats to your place

Here we kill them all!

Hope the Lord hears you!

Fast made glasses

Murderous police

The mayor is a businessman

Everybody knows each other

This place is a living hell

Despicable elite

Hangs out in Lourdes

Bullies the homeless

Represses the street painter

BH City

BH City

BH City

Mother's love

Mother's love only



… days left

Residence, home, habitation, resistance, settlement, headquarters, whereabouts...

For me?

Where did I leave the gift?

Thank you

lets sit

How is your mom doing?

She's fine

Has she told you about how we met?


She hasn't, how was it?

Do you remember?

I remember

How old was she?

I'm not sure, nineteen, twenty

How about you, sir?

Lord is in heaven, ok?

How about you?

I think I was twenty eight, something like that

That old?

Yeah, afterwards she…

Well lets just…Just leave it alone


This cod is great

Open your gift

When dad went to the moon

I orbited my mother's belly

When he came back

I was seventeen

He was fifty.

We've talked

and reached very silent conclusions

which shall be kept for life


that will always emerge

light years away.

He told me that from up there

Earth is blue and sublime

I said that starring at the moon,

You can write a blues.

Space is impossible, he said.

Word, for instance, is something that can

fall upon us just like a meteor

and open a hole that can never again be filled!

my father

is an astronaut.

He knows what that means

and teaches me to stay away from troubles

That could fall on me like a star

But his words are tough,

he frequently needs to

make up for the time wasted in space

with words at the speed of light

I like my dad

As I like myself

It is hard to explain each one's reasons

All I know is,

the less we understand

The closer we get

To the Moon.

We make up so many things

So we won't suffer

And laugh of anything

So we won't cry

We make up so many things

So we won't suffer

And laugh of anything

So we won't cry

We even try to go live on the moon

And want to leave right now

We live in buildings with elevators

Want to live in heaven or in Arpoador

We dream, drink and cry to forget

Tear down letters and pictures so we won't suffer

We go out to travel, to take a walk

Want to work, not to remember

We do not want to face the animal

That's crawling inside of us

We make up so many things

To be happy

Fall in love with an actor

Or with an actress

And laugh of anything

So we won't cry

For more infomation >> quando meu pai foi a lua / When my dad went to the moon - Duration: 1:02:13.


Nimm jede Phase deines Lebens an (1) – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 23:10.

For more infomation >> Nimm jede Phase deines Lebens an (1) – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 23:10.


10 Most Inappropriate School Punishments Ever - Duration: 5:57.

• What student got arrested for working too hard?

Why was a 4-year-old boy forced to unclog a toilet with his bare hands?

Here's 10 cruel and unusual punishments that probably top anything you went through

in school.

10 –Class vote • You know when it's appropriate to have

a group vote to kick one of your group members?

On reality TV.

Survivor get to vote people off the island, and that's fine.

• You know where that doesn't really work well?



• Seriously.

A teacher in Port Lucie, Florida actually thought it was a good idea to kick an autistic

5-year-old out of her class.

• Then she had an organized class vote in which a bunch of 5-year-olds ganged up to

vote on whether to allow him back into class.

• They voted no by a 14-to-2 margin, because the poor kid had only made one friend.

Luckily, the child's parents moved him to a different class, and the teacher was reassigned

to a job where she's nowhere near children.

9 –Eating off the floor • In 2008, a fifth-grader at a school in

New Jersey accidentally spilled a water jug while trying to refill the water cooler.

• For this TERRIBLE, AWFUL CRIME, a group of about 16 students were forced by the vice-principal

of the school to eat their school lunches off the ground for a WEEK.

• Some of those students WEREN'T EVEN THERE.

They were absent the day of the unforgivable "spilled water on the floor" incident.

But when they came back to school, they were also made to eat lunch off the floor.

• Years later, those students sued the school and the vice principal for 500 thousand dollars,

and won.

8 –Marking on students' faces • A school in Idaho set reading goals for

its fourth-grade students, which is totally normal.

The class got to choose its incentive to meeting the reading goal.

• Except they didn't choose a reward.

They chose a punishment.

And that punishment was to let students write on the faces of the students who didn't

meet the reading goal.


• Nine students didn't meet the goal, and three of them opted to miss recess to


The other six got their faces marked all over – even on their eyelids.

7 –Monster closet • Parents tell stories about there being

monsters under the bed or in the closet all the time.

It's a pretty normal thing.

• But at a preschool in Texas, a teacher read the story "After School Monsters,"

about a monster who eats kids.

• And then, to punish a 4 -YEAR-OLD CHILD for misbehaving, the teacher locked the student

in a dark janitor's closet, and called it the "monster closet," where monsters would

be waiting to eat them.

• The teacher held the door shut with her foot for five minutes, while the child cried

so hard he threw up.

6 –Strip search • In 2003, 13-year-old Savana Redding was

accused of bringing a banned item into her Arizona school.

• What was that item?

A weapon?


• Nah, just some ibuprofen pills.

And on that suspicion, school administrators searched her locker, her backpack… and her


• This led to a Supreme Court case that ruled 8-1 in favor of that being totally screwed


5 –Arrested for making a clock • 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed wanted to be

an engineer, so he studied hard and became a bit of a mechanical whiz kid.

• So he took a pencil case and he built a digital clock in it.

He was proud of himself, so he brought it to school the next day and showed his teacher

– the one who showed him how to do it.

• Naturally, the teacher praised him for his excellent work as such a young age and

encouraged him to join the science fair.

• Nah, just kidding.

His name is Mohamed, so his teacher assumed it was a bomb, took it as a threat, and called

the police.

• He was arrested wearing his NASA t-shirt, and suffered so much harassment over the following

year, his family ended up leaving the country.

4 –Jailed for missing class • Diane Tran was an honor student at age

17 in her Houston high school.

Problem is, she also needed to help support her siblings.

• So in addition to keeping up her good grades, she also worked two jobs to keep food

on the table.

• Problem is, those jobs were forcing her to miss too much school.

She was still getting great grades, but she was absent a lot for her work schedule.

• After she missed too many days of school, the school district sent an officer to her

house to TAKE HER TO JAIL.

• She spent 24 hours in jail before truancy charges were dropped.

Local groups raised 100 thousand dollars for her in support, but she refused it, saying,

"There's some other kid out there struggling more than me."

3 – Therapy bag • Sandra Baker was called to her son's

school in Kentucky to pick up her misbehaving son.

When she got there, she heard her son's voice coming from a closed duffel bag on the

ground in the hallway.

• The teacher referred to it as a "therapy bag," for the child's autism.

• When she got him out of the bag, his eyes were huge, he was covered in sweat, and he

was too scared to speak.

So… apparently it wasn't very good therapy.

2 –Unclogging the toilet • Lots of four-year-old boys haven't even

learned to wipe themselves yet.

• But one boy did – he just clogged the toilet by using too much toilet paper, as

many young children do.

• But his preschool teachers thought that using too much toilet paper needed to be punished.

So they made him unclog the toilet by himself.

With his bare hands.

• He suffered cuts on his hands from it.

And none of the teachers even checked to make sure he washed his hands.

1 – Assaulted in class • In 2015, a 16-year-old girl was told to

put her cell phone away during class.

She did, but apparently not fast enough.

• The teacher ordered her to leave the classroom for not complying quickly enough.

The girl refused and continued to sit there, not disrupting anyone.

• That wasn't good enough for the teacher, who called the police to remove her from the


The girl still refused to leave and sat there quietly.

• So the cop put her in a chokehold and threw her out of desk in the middle of class,

putting her in a right arm cast.

• And for that, the POLICE filed charges against HER that could have resulted in her

spending 90 days in jail.

For more infomation >> 10 Most Inappropriate School Punishments Ever - Duration: 5:57.


Desfiles RJ 2018 - MANGUEIRA - Duration: 53:06.

For more infomation >> Desfiles RJ 2018 - MANGUEIRA - Duration: 53:06.


Plush Adventure Time Music: I Really Miss You Buddy (Version 2) - Duration: 4:06.

But you really have to go home, I will miss you

a lot Buddy so much and I will visit you someday.

Also I hope you can return to my dimension someday, But

I know you need to go back home to your dimension.

I wish you can come back to see me one day buddy, also sometime I might visit

you in your dimension.

I don't know what to do without you in my life.

Good bye, Buddy and please make sure to be safe back in your dimension.

But I really miss you a lot buddy, Saying my last good bye to him before he left me.

For more infomation >> Plush Adventure Time Music: I Really Miss You Buddy (Version 2) - Duration: 4:06.


Couple Illegally Converted Their Garage Into An Extra House - Duration: 3:09.

Dr. Reeta Herzallah and Hamdi Almasri have both been convicted of illegally converting

their garage into a second home, according to the Leicestershire Mercury.

An investigation, which was launched in 2015, revealed that the couple had a list of unauthorized

work violations.

According to the Daily Mail, the couple was convicted, despite not being present, at the

Leicester Magistrates Court.

As reported by The Sun, no pleas have yet to be entered on their behalf.

Blaby District Council has said that they believe the small property is occupied by

an employee of the couple.

It was back in 2015 after reports surfaced about unauthorized work being carried out

at the Enderby home when an investigation was subsequently launched.

Leicester Mercury revealed that the couple illegally converted their garage into a second

home and then hid it behind fences and a fake garage door.

In an article by the Leicester Mercury, the couple had initially applied for changes to

their garage and home and with some degree of success at first.

But ultimately, in 2007, the city stated that the car parking facilities, including the

garage, must be made available to 'ease potential on-street parking issues.'

After the hearing, which the couple was not present at, a council spokesman said: 'our

enforcement team was first made aware of the breaches in October 2015 and made numerous

approaches to Dr. Herzallah and Mr. Almasri to resolve the matter.'

As reported by the Leicester Mercury, the council spokesman said: 'inspections by

officers in July and August 2017 confirmed, however, that the garage had not been restored

to its approved use, with the inserted door and window concealed by a propped up garage


A final site visit in November 2017 confirmed that the required works to the garage had

still not been undertaken, following we sought prosecution for the offense.'

The couple has been ordered to pay a 770 pound fine as well as the legal costs which are

just over 1200 pounds and also a 77 pound victim surcharge.

The council's cabinet member for planning, Coun Sheila Scott, said: 'if you breach

planning regulations and ignore us we will not just go away.

Creating an access to the busy B4114 and blocking off valuable off-road parking space was completely


The couple's garage will have to be restored back to its original use.

For more infomation >> Couple Illegally Converted Their Garage Into An Extra House - Duration: 3:09.


Volvo V60 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk Aut8 R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + SPORTSTOELEN + LEER/AL - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk Aut8 R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + SPORTSTOELEN + LEER/AL - Duration: 1:01.


Renault Kadjar TCE 130pk Extase (GLAZEN DAK!!/R-link/Climate/PDC/LMV) - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar TCE 130pk Extase (GLAZEN DAK!!/R-link/Climate/PDC/LMV) - Duration: 0:57.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.6 TDI DSG Highline Business R-Line (Navi/Climate/Cruise/Leder/alcantara) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.6 TDI DSG Highline Business R-Line (Navi/Climate/Cruise/Leder/alcantara) - Duration: 1:01.


Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC (R-link/Climate/Cruise/17"Velgen) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC (R-link/Climate/Cruise/17"Velgen) - Duration: 0:59.


►Los Mejores Easter Eggs Reales en Videojuegos | Saimsboy - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> ►Los Mejores Easter Eggs Reales en Videojuegos | Saimsboy - Duration: 9:38.


moze tym razem bedzie lepiej /ROAD TO 100 SUBS - Duration: 1:28:25.

For more infomation >> moze tym razem bedzie lepiej /ROAD TO 100 SUBS - Duration: 1:28:25.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Xtronic TEKNA *Panoramadak + DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Xtronic TEKNA *Panoramadak + DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 1:02.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T CONNECT EDITION * 1e eigenaar - Lage kilometerstand - Design-pakket (panora - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T CONNECT EDITION * 1e eigenaar - Lage kilometerstand - Design-pakket (panora - Duration: 1:01.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:50.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 90pk 5d Online Edition Start/Stop - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 90pk 5d Online Edition Start/Stop - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI STYLE - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI STYLE - Duration: 0:42.


Marina Kaye - Mirror Mirror (audio & lyrics) - Duration: 3:52.

I hold it in, to turn it up Until it gets deafening

My tears can fall, like diamond rain Nothing's gonna be the same

I might be restless, I could be wild I might be torn inside

I could be cold, but I'm burning for a new life

Mirror mirror on the wall I'm falling to the other side

A thousand pieces on the the floor So, I can chase the fireflies

I face the pain it's beautiful

I don't have to run anymore I don't have to run anymore

I scream it out, no one can hear Release the demons inside of me

Break through the ice, scars on my sleeve Nothing's gonna be the same

I might be restless, I could be wild I might be torn inside

I could be cold, but I'm burning for a new life

Mirror mirror on the wall I'm falling to the other side

A thousand pieces on the the floor So, I can chase the fireflies

face the pain it's beautiful

I don't have to run anymore I don't have to run anymore

Catch me now, I'm a runaway I'll be who I'm meant to be

I'm invisible, now I can see

I'll be who I'm meant to be I'll be who I'm meant to be

Mirror mirror on the wall I'm falling to the other side

A thousand pieces on the the floor So, I can chase the fireflies

I face the pain it's beautiful

I don't have to run anymore I don't have to run anymore

For more infomation >> Marina Kaye - Mirror Mirror (audio & lyrics) - Duration: 3:52.


Marina Kaye - Sounds Like Heaven (audio & lyrics) - Duration: 4:27.

Standing in a maze, waiting for the wonderful Losing in a race, defeat makes us vulnerable

I want to find a place we can be comfortable Wish we could escape, but I don't know where to go

I can't stop crying, crying, disguise it like smiling Dying dying, don't you know I'm trying

Waiting waiting, for a resolution Say those words, my conclusion

The love that saves me, kills me, just like a weapon Hold me, know me, show me, you're my blessing

Free this hostage heart in your possession Say you, when you say you, when you say you love me

Sounds like heaven Sounds like heaven

Does anything I say or do have this effect on you ? I wonder if it did would you treat me like you do

I can't stop crying, crying, disguise it like smiling Dying dying, don't you know I'm trying

Waiting waiting, for a resolution Say those words, my conclusion

The love that saves me, kills me, just like a weapon Hold me, know me, show me, you're my blessing

Free this hostage heart in your possession Say you, when you say you, when you say you love me

Sounds like heaven Sounds like heaven

The love that saves me, kills me, just like a weapon Hold me, know me, show me, you're my blessing

Free this hostage heart in your possession Say you, when you say you, when you say you love me

Sounds like heaven Sounds like heaven

For more infomation >> Marina Kaye - Sounds Like Heaven (audio & lyrics) - Duration: 4:27.


Spirix ‒ Little Doubts ft. Aviella 🌊 [Official Lyric Video] - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Spirix ‒ Little Doubts ft. Aviella 🌊 [Official Lyric Video] - Duration: 3:54.


Hello Kitty Wine Bottle DIY | Requested - Duration: 7:49.

Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse

This was another fun but extremely messy one!

It's this very sparkly, glittered out, Hello Kitty wine bottle.

I really had fun making this one.

I wanted it to look like a color book drawing but with glitter and I think I pulled it off.

Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!

Hello Kitty Wine Bottle DIY | Requested A quick reminder to please turn on your notification

bells so that you can get notified as soon as I upload a video.

Let's get started.

For this bottle, let's prepare all the embellishments first so that they can start to dry while

you make the rest of the bottle.

I carefully cut out one of the Hello Kitties from this paper napkin.

You can also just print out an image from online and follow the same steps.

Once you've cut it out… separate the plies of paper.

Next, we're going to decoupage the image onto a piece of white crafting felt.

This way, when it's all done, it'll still be flexible enough to glue onto the bottle.

If you print yours out, you don't have to do this step.

Go straight to the glittering.

Place Mod Podge on the spot where you'll be placing the image, place the image and using

a piece of plastic wrap, dab the image down.

You don't want to wipe this image on like you do when you regularly decoupage because

it'll rip.

Just press down until it's completely glued.

Using a brush, seal it with more Mod Podge and let that completely dry.

I bought a pack of these napkins so I cut out 16 of the bows and prepared them the same

way I did the Hello Kitty.

Again you can just print these out as well if you'd like.

So place glue on a spot, place the bow, and for these, I didn't need the plastic wrap

because they are so small.

I just glued them down as I added another layer of glue to seal them.

Let them completely dry as well.

Once they are dry, using Mod Podge and very fine glitter, I colored in each image, without

touching the black lines.

Make sure to place a piece of paper under the image to catch all the loose glitter so

that you can place it back in the container when you're done.

You want to make sure to place the glitter back in its container before starting a different


Place glue with a very thin brush to cover the area you will be placing the glitter and

then tap the excess off.

Be careful not to ruin it while tapping the excess glitter off.

I did half the bows with light pink and the other half with the darker one.

Once they are all dry, taking a rough brush, I brushed off all the excess glitter.

Using black puffy paint I outlined all of the images and sprinkled black glitter all

over the outlines.

After you're done, tap the excess off...

again being careful not to ruin your work.

Once they're all dry, cut each one out and you'll have these beautiful, glittery, images.

You can add these to anything.

Just seal them with more Mod Podge or Glitter sealer first.

I didn't seal them because I'll be sealing the entire bottle once I put it all together.

Using a pouncer brush and matte white acrylic paint, paint the whole bottle and let it dry.

Using a brush and Mod Podge, I spread glue on a section of the bottle and then covered

it with white iridescent glitter.

Keep doing this until the whole bottle is covered.

Let it dry and give it as many coats as it needs.

I did two.

I then painted the cap pink, let that dry and glittered it as well.

Now it's time to assemble the whole thing.

Using a hot glue gun, glue all the embellishments onto the bottle.

I was going to leave it there but I felt like something was missing.

I realized I wanted a big glittery bow on the neck of the bottle to pull it all together.

I totally improvised this and was an on the spot idea.

I grabbed a fresh sheet of crafting felt and spread Mod Podge on it using a brush.

I made it pretty wide.

You want to make it as wide as you want the bow to be.

I then sprinkled glitter all over it.

Once that side was dry, I turned it over and did the same thing to the back but I used

the darker pink on this side.

Let that fully dry before doing the next step.

I outlined the edges with the black puffy paint and sprinkled the black glitter over


Let that dry and then do the same thing to the other side.

Cut the strip out and form it into a bow.

Fold it to form the two loops, cut the excess off.

Using hot glue, glue the loops in the middle.

I cut two triangular shapes on each end as you see here, to make it look better.

This meant I had to fill in spots where it didn't have the black outline.

Fill those spots with the black puffy paint and black glitter.

Let one side dry and then do the other side.

Fill all the edges the same way until it's completely outlined.

Do the same thing to the strip that will go in the middle of the bow and the piece that

will wrap around the neck of the bottle.

Now to assemble the bow.

Hot glue the middle strip onto the bow.

Then the one that goes around the neck of the bottle.

and lastly, hot glue the bow as you see here.

I also decided to outline where the cap meets the bottle and glitter that as well.

Let everything dry and using your stiffest brush, brush all the loose glitter off the


Finally, seal it and you're done.

I used Hairspray for this one just to show you it works.

You can also use glitter sealer or Mod Podge.

And here it is, all done!

I love the way this bottle came out!

It's sooo pretty and sparkly!

I totally nailed my vision and it was easy to do.

It's really more time consuming than anything.

You just have to wait for things to dry completely before going to the next step….

oh and by the way, this is extremely messy!

Lord knows I tried to keep it confined and as neat as I could but glitter has no bounders


I had to clean my whole apartment because somehow it ended up in every room but it was

well worth it.

Thanks for requesting it!

This is a great bottle for a girls room or make it for a Hello Kitty themed birthday

party or as a gift for any Hello Kitty fan and as always… you can change the colors

and images to suit whatever you want.

Remember that you can also stick these on to anything.

Have fun, be creative and make a mess!

Thanks for watching!

If you like this video please don't forget the thumbs it up as it helps the growth of

the channel and to show your support.

If you're new here, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future videos

and remember, do it yourself there's no need to cry.

For more infomation >> Hello Kitty Wine Bottle DIY | Requested - Duration: 7:49.


Suffocators - Duration: 4:02.

They're the suffocators, they're the victim blamers,

make it hard to speak, so you can hardly weep,

and you can't cry for help.

Cause even if you do, oh oh,

they'll just make fun of you, oh oh, call you out on your sensitivity,

tell you you're acting too womanly.

Yeah they're calling you a blond when a simple mistake is make,

they're making you feel stupid, making you feel so ashamed,

telling you that you're not 12 years old and that you should learn to take these jokes,

these jokes that are demeaning and inappropriate,

they call themselves feminists when they're just hypocrites,

these stereotyping comments that they choose to make

are one of their biggest, their biggest mistakes.

They're the suffocators, they're the victim blamers,

make it hard to speak, so you can hardly weep,

and you can't cry for help.

Cause even if you do, oh oh,

they'll just make fun of you, oh oh,

call you out on your sensitivity, tell you you're acting too womanly.

Yeah they're the ones who blame you for being a flirt,

told you it was your fault cause you wore that short skirt,

asking you, "How could you walk home all alone?"

And that it's your fault, cause you called no one on your phone, you should've known.

You should have known...

But I know too many people who have suffered the same but then they are told that they're the only ones to blame

So they shut their mouths and they don't say a word,

and then they go through their lives their voices never being heard.

So no, you never mentioned that playful slap on the ass

that your superior gave you when he was making that pass,

or when you left home from the one you thought loved you,

trying to hide you heart and body that was left black and blue

oh these suffocators, oh these victim blamers, make it hard to speak so you can hardly weep,

but you CAN cry for help.

Cause when you do, oh, oh, we won't make fun of you,

cause truth be told it happens too often and the only way to stop it,

is to start talking.

But I won't let them suffocate me, and I won't let them blame me,

cause we'll call them out so loud, cause we're no longer ashamed,

cause now we're only... Proud!

For more infomation >> Suffocators - Duration: 4:02.


Self-Advocacy - NDIS at the VALiD Having a Say Conference - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Self-Advocacy - NDIS at the VALiD Having a Say Conference - Duration: 1:51.



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I'm fine... - Duration: 0:06.

I'm cold

I'm afraid

I'm dying

I'm crying

I'm falling

Why else am I not uploading?

For more infomation >> I'm fine... - Duration: 0:06.


Look Who Mad Maxine Was Just Caught Working With To Take Out Trump - Duration: 5:33.

Look Who Mad Maxine Was Just Caught Working With To Take Out Trump – Lock Her Up!

President Trump has many detractors and many people in Congress and the Senate who are

willing to do anything to undermine him.

Even if it means doing what is not in the best interest of the United States.

One of those most notable people is Representative Maxine Waters.

Maxine visited a Nation of Islam Convention where their leader, Louis Farrakhan defended

the suicide bombers of Palestine.

In the past, Farrakhan has shown himself to be an antisemite who hates Jewish people and

referred to Adolf Hitler as a very great man.

This is just the most recent link between the Nation of Islam and the Democratic Party.

The Daily Caller reported,

"Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters attended a Nation of Islam convention where

the hate group's leader, Louis Farrakhan, defended Palestinian suicide bombers.

The convention, which took place in California in 2002, is just the latest tie to emerge

between Democrats and the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist group known for being

viciously anti-Semitic."

"We have Maxine Waters here," Farrakhan told the convention audience, gesturing to

the seats behind him, "our great congresswoman from this area."

The audience cheered Waters' name.

Later in his speech, Farrakhan excused Palestinian suicide bombers and defended Iran for arming

Palestinian terrorists.

Farrakhan criticized the United States for providing Israel with planes and other weapons,

which he indicated was to blame for Palestinian suicide bombers.

"The Palestinians have nothing to defend themselves with, so they're so exhausted

and exasperated, think about that, strapping bombs to themselves, making themselves a weapon,"

Farrakhan said.

"And then for the world to get upset because Iran or somebody is trying to send them some


Wait a minute.

If you were Jewish and you saw unarmed Jews being persecuted, wouldn't you come to your

brothers' aid?

Do you expect Muslims to see their brothers suffering like that and not come to their


Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite who has called Jews "Satanic" and said that white

people "deserve to die."

The Nation of Islam holds that white people are inherently inferior to black people and

its leaders have criticized inter-racial marriage as unholy and wrong.

Waters' office did not return repeated requests for comment.

An interview request submitted to the Nation of Islam was not returned.

Waters' appearance at the Nation of Islam convention is just the latest tie to emerge

between the hate group and Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

The CBC in 2005 held a meeting with Farrakhan, where then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama took

a smiling photo with the hate group leader.

Both the photo and the meeting remained secret until last month.

The man who took the photo, a journalist for a Nation of Islam publication, said CBC members

asked him to suppress it in order to protect Obama's political future.

A year after the Obama-Farrakhan photo op, Waters and several Democratic members of the

CBC met Farrakhan and were seen embracing him, recently resurfaced video shows.

Twenty-one current CBC members were part of the caucus at the time of the 2005 Farrakhan


TheDC asked all 21 members if they would condemn Farrakhan.

Zero of the 21 condemned Farrakhan.

One of those members, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, defended Farrakhan as an "outstanding

human being" in an interview with The Daily Caller.

Davis said he has a personal relationship with Farrakhan and has visited him at his


The clearest ties between Democrats and the Nation of Islam run through Minnesota Rep.

Keith Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Ellison worked with the Nation of Islam for 18 months organizing a Minnesota delegation

to Farrakhan's 1995 Million Man March.

Ellison admitted to his work with the Nation of Islam when he first ran for Congress in

2006, but assured the public that he had since cut ties with Farrakhan.

But Ellison's ties with Farrakhan continued while in Congress.

Ellison attended at least three meetings with the hate group leader since taking office,

according to photos, videos and witness accounts reviewed by TheDC.

One of those meetings was a visit with Democratic Indiana Rep. Andre Carson to Farrakhan's

hotel room.

Farrakhan said in Dec. 2016 that the meeting had taken place recently and that the three

men had an enjoyable time together.

Ellison's office refused to deny or confirm that the meeting took place and instead attacked

the media for reporting on it."

The Palestinians and Israelis have been fighting over land since the dawn of time and since

scripture was written.

Neither have a good opinion of the other and always feel as though the other is trying

to steal their land and annihilate their people.

The United States has always closely aligned with Israel.

And Congress has made it clear they will protect and ensure this longstanding friendship.

For Maxine Waters to align herself with our virtual enemy is flabbergasting.

Not to mention that Iran is one of our most serious enemies and the Nation of Islam gave

kind words of support to their republic during their speech where Maxine was present.

Who exactly is she supporting and who exactly does her loyalty belong to because it does

not appear to be the United States of America.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Look Who Mad Maxine Was Just Caught Working With To Take Out Trump - Duration: 5:33.





Suzuki SX4 1.6 5D Shogun DEALERONDERHOUDEN, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 1.6 5D Shogun DEALERONDERHOUDEN, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:03.


Marina Kaye - Dancing With The Devil (audio & lyrics) - Duration: 3:52.

Like fire beneath the ice An inevitable demise

Standing on the edge jumping into hurt Time and time again I will never learn

And I should cut all the ties Let it burn and walk away from you

There's beauty in suffering When you love someone you're scared to lose

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Ain't no chance of heaven Going straight to hell

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Darken up my heaven Brighten up my hell

Hear the sirens in the air All the warning signs were there

When I feel your touch it burns my skin Echoing sublime it spreads within

And I should cut all the ties Let it burn and walk away from you

This predator I let in knows my heart There's nothing I can do

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Ain't no chance of heaven Going straight to hell

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Darken up my heaven Brighten up my hell

This passion is a blasphemy My second lung, my enemy

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Darken up my heaven Brighten up my hell

I oppose my pride, my dignity And this hold you got, it smothers me

In my narrow boots, on rocky ground Is where my angels fly

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Ain't no chance of heaven Going straight to hell

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Darken up my heaven Brighten up my hell

This passion is a blasphemy My second lung, my enemy

I know I'm dancing with the devil

Darken up my heaven Brighten up my hell, my hell

Brighten up my hell

For more infomation >> Marina Kaye - Dancing With The Devil (audio & lyrics) - Duration: 3:52.


Real Madrid vs Real Betis 5-3 - All Goals s Highlights...18/02/18 - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Real Madrid vs Real Betis 5-3 - All Goals s Highlights...18/02/18 - Duration: 6:32.


UNHINGED Mueller Now Goes After Trump's Family Their Response Is EPIC - Duration: 11:37.

UNHINGED: Mueller Now Goes After Trump's Family- Their Response Is EPIC

Turns out that our president is not the only one under investigation.

Sources claim that Robert Mueller has launched two investigations.

One into President Trump, and one into Jared Kushner.

As you have all been informed by now, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has reported that he

has launched an investigation into President Trump for his attempt to pressure former FBI

Director James Comey to drop a FBI investigation into National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn.

However, according to our source Liberty Writers, President Trump's son in law, Jared Kushner,

is also under Robert Mueller's investigation.

That's right.

Reports from the Washington Post are claiming that Mueller has opened an investigation into

Kushner for the alleged interference made by Russia in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.

Officials are guessing that the investigation is going to focus on Jared Kushner's meetings

with both Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and Sergey Gorkov, head of the Russian development


According to the Washington Post's report, first Kushner met with Russian ambassador

Kislyak to discuss the possible connection line between the U.S. president and Russia.

Kushner's second meeting with the Russian ambassador was what the White House like to

call, a diplomatic encounter.

However, the fact that Kushner's business needed some help with finances, 1.8 billion

dollars to be exact, raised a lot of question whether President Trump's son in law mixed

his diplomatic responsibilities with his personal needs.

Another point worth mentioning is that Kushner actually did agree to discuss details of his

conversations with the Russian diplomats with the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"We do not know what this report refers to.

It would be standard practice for the Special Counsel to examine financial records to look

for anything related to Russia.

Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with Congress what he knows about Russia-related


He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry."

stated Mr. Kushner's lawyer.

So you see, Kushner had already offered the U.S. Senate to share every single information

of his meeting with the Russian officials.

And why wouldn't he?

He has absolutely nothing to hide!

So what do you patriots think?

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