Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 19 2018

in this video I'm gonna show you how to set up this donut chart from a custom

group to pivot table from here we can see the relative proportions of employee

headcount versus pay per department grouping.

This video is part of a series

where I will take you step-by-step through the process of building this

dashboard in Excel to see the full series check out the playlist and

subscribe to see all of the videos. To check out other tutorials and reviews of

other tools please check out my channel.

In the previous video we pulled in out

data by a power query also known as get and transform in Excel 2016 applied a

top 10 item filter and adjusted a setting to stop out dashboards from

becoming distorted on refresh now in this example we used the top 10 items or

the top 10 departments the problem with this view is that it truncates

some of our data so we used to have 16,000 records and now we only have

around 13,000 so the other thing that we might want to do with this is to take

our top 10 items and then group everything else into a grouping code

other. To do that I'm going to copy this table I'm going to paste a copy over

here remove my grouping and what I'm gonna do this time is use a grouping

called group by text so I've got my top 10 items here so I'm going to take all

of these values now all of these values are in a single range if I want to

select a another value which is not part of this continuous range I can just use

the control key to say select this item as well and right click and then I can

click group now that's going to add everything to this group called Group

one let me rename this to other and hit enter I'm then going to come over to

here and collapse all of these now you notice here that what's happened to a

pivot table it's actually added additional field the field inside our

table was called Department and now I have this extra field called Department2 -

which includes this value of other we can see that over here as well

so let's go ahead and get rid of that and let's reapply a sort to this date

here the other thing I want to do to this summary is at an annual total pay

over here so I've got the sum here now you'll notice here that this value is

very big so it doesn't really display very well let's see if we can go into

the number formatting to clean this up now when formatting the numbers in the

pivot table it's really important that you come over to here right click and

click number formatting like this inside the pivot table

this formats the fields inside a pivot table as opposed to me coming over here

selecting these cells and coming over to home and using these formatting options

here what happens is if I format my data this way my formatting is only applied

to these 10 cells and if my pivot table changes in size then I'm not gonna have

the correct cells formatted so the correct way to do this is to come over

and click number format now because I have quite a large value over here what

I'm gonna do is I'm going to use a custom format and I'm gonna come up to

here this hash coma hash hash and these comma between the as a thousands

separator here now what you can do is by coming to the end of this and adding a

comma I've now turned that into thousands add another comma and that's

millions I'm going to add inside here quotes and so I know what the scale is

and click OK so now here I can see I've got two hundred twenty-nine million

let's do something similar for the head count so let's come over here number

format custom

and this time I have a smaller number so let's say I want this show as 3.9

million so I want to add a decimal place to this so to do that I can add point

zero before adding my comma and this is now three point nine thousand again

let's add in quotes okay to the end of this so that I know what the scale is

that we're dealing with let's now update some of these labels so

they're a little easier to read let's change that to headcount and let's

change that to pay let's go ahead and visualize this data using a pivot chart

and for this I'm going to use a special type of pie chart called

a doughnut and I'm going to click OK now the nice thing about this year is

we've got our head count on the inside here and we have our pay

on the outside here and what you can see from this is the proportion of head

count versus the proportion of pay so let me just add the labels on here just

make this a little easier to read so add data labels to the inside data labels to

the outside and let's just change that color to something slightly easier to

see that's better so we can see here because the inside ring is smaller than

the outside ring we can see that a smaller percentage of the population is

getting a larger percentage of the pay so let's go to this knicks chunk of the

ring over here so three and a half thousand hit count which makes up 21% of

the population is receiving 153 million which is only 18% of the pay so an

interesting piece of analysis that you can do here while we're here let us

label our charts I'm going to add chart element I'm going to add a chart

title yep I think that looks good there let us call this cost versus headcount

okay so that is using a group by text now there's two other types of groupings

that we can use inside a pivot table one of them is grouped by number and the

other one is grouped by date if you found this video helpful please remember

to give a thumbs up if you're not subscribed yet and you want to learn

tips tricks and tools to help you and your team work more effectively with

data hit the subscribe button and the notification icon so you don't miss

anything thanks for watching this video and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Excel 2016 Dashboard Custom Grouping and Doughnut Charts - Pivot Table Dashboard Part 2 - Duration: 7:24.


Social Anxiety: Not a Cure, But a Different Perspective ✓ - Duration: 11:31.

Another great question from one of my LIG members.

let me read it first then I'll share with you my approach;

Hi Deniz, I hope you are well.

I completed your LIG program 3 months ago and I have now found a position with Unilever.

This is my first real corporate experience upon graduation without counting my internships.

I love my job and I love that I am learning a lot and surrounded by great leaders but

I struggle with anxiety at work.

I get really anxious at meetings.

It's been almost a month now and I still get very nervous at every single meeting with

my managers.

My anxiety doesn't go away.

My heart's racing out of my chest and my voice trembles.

Can you help me?

I can try.

You know what I am gonna do.

I am gonna first share with you the advice from psychologists.

It'll be the best practices.

Like If you were to go to a physcologist with these issues, what I am gonna share with you

is exactly what they would share with you.

But once I am done with the conventional best practices, I'll share with you one more


And that one more thing will just make everything click.

Everything will just register.

You'll be like ahh…

So, let's start with the conventional approach first.

Now, as you probably know what is happening to you in those meetings is that your subconscious

mind considers that situation, the meeting environment as a threat and it starts pumping

adrenaline and cortisol to make you prepare for either the fight or flight response.

Essentially, for your subconscious mind, you facing those powerful executives in the organization

is same as facing a powerful predator in the jungle.

Your brain doesn't know the difference.

In simple terms, you don't have a social anxiety problem.

It's not a problem to start with.

It's just a bunch of orders given by your brain to prepare for battle or prepare to


And It originates from your fear of being judged as well as your need for social acceptance.

Get this right, you fear being judged and you want to be socially accepted.

So, the conventional wisdom, conventional advice is that you need to convince yourself

that there is no threat.

Nobody is judging you, nobody is trying to take you down, it's just an exaggeration

of your subconscious mind.

The fear you have towards being judged is unfounded.

And that you already are socially accepted.

And there are a couple of techniques.

like; looking people in the eye to understand that they aren't really judging you, paying

attention to their body language, breathing properly.

And of course understanding that again nobody is judging you.

Now, these are all fine and if they work for you it's great.

Once again, this was the conventional advice.

But remember I told you that there was gonna be one more thing, right?

Because, if you are like me, then you'd ask the question, why.

Why do I even fear being judged?

Why do I want to be socially accepted?

Because, having these feelings by default like a factory setting makes no sense unless

there was a need for them.

And then

the next question, what was the need that required me to have these feelings?

And is that still valid in 21st century.


Asking that question and finding the answer will make it click for you.

The answer to this question, as with most other questions about work psychology lie

in evolution.

65 million years as primates.

And 3.2 million years of evolution as homo sapiens, we've always been pack animals.

Social animals.

Being part of a pack gave us the food, shelter, water, safety, and even opportunity to mate,


All the things we needed in order to survive and thrive.

Being kicked out of a pack meant immediate death; starvation, dehydration, becoming a

food to outside predators.

I just want you to take a second now.

And think about the kind of death I just shared with you.

Imagine, you step out of your village and there is a wolf or a large cat waiting to

tear up your flesh, or you dying of starvation, or dehydration.

These are incredibly powerful mental images and imagine seeing people you love, your friends

and family dying this way, and imagine this continueing for 3.2 million years as you evolve

into becoming the modern day homo sapien sapien.

So, you evolved with that fear.

The fear of being kicked out of a pack.

This fear is so powerful that it's not gonna go away in a few thousand years with safety

and security.

It is engraved in your DNA.

You cannot change this.

It'll change on its own, but not a few millennia.

It'll be gone probably in 100,000 years not in your lifetime.

Now, in modern times, the modern pack is first your family then your employer, the company

you work for.

That's your new pack.

Your manager is your Alpha, a supervisor is your Beta, and you as the new joiner, you

are the Omega.

And it's also such a complex relationship that your Alpha may be a Beta at a departmental

level, and even an Omega at a wider company level.


Things are a lot more complex.

So, it's perfectly natural that you get nervous in front of the Alpha or the Beta

whom have the absolute power to kick you out of the pack.

And as we discussed, being kicked out of a pack for your subconscious mind meant horrible

things happening to you.

Again, it's in your DNA.

You can't change it.

Now that you understand the root cause of these feelings, the fear of being judged and

need for social acceptance, you can address it.

In this case, it's as simple as understanding that you will not starve or dehydrate or become

a food to predators if the Alpha decides to kick you out.

An Alpha today isn't as powerful as an Alpha 100,000 years ago.

An Alpha no longer has the power to decide who lives or who dies.

Today, the packs are interconnected.

You can very easily find yourself a new pack if you wanted to.

Times have changed.

It's just that your brain hasn't changed fast enough to suit the needs of modern society.

That's the reason why it's pumping those stress hormones even though there is simply

no need for it whatsoever.

It's just doing what it did for 3.2 million years to survive.

For your brain, An Alpha or a Beta in a pack is as powerful as a lion in the jungle from

a survival perspective.

They both had the power to end your life.

So, just embrace it.

Embrace the fact that this poor little thing, your body, your ancestors have been through

horrible times that they ended up developing such fears for being judged, such need for

being socially accepted.

They desperately needed the support of the pack to live.

You still carry most of the same genes your primate ancestors had millions of years ago.

Your brain still acts very much the same way to ensure its survival.

But then when your subconscious mind does, then you should put a conscious effort to

remind yourself that you know what, I understand why I evolved to feel this way have these

chemicals being released but it's just not relevant anymore.

I am not gonna starve if the Alpha kicks me out of the pack.

I'll be just fine.

And just understanding this fact that Alpha isn't powerful anymore or that you will

not starve or die if you get kicked out of the pack, will allow your brain to start releasing

endorphin and dopamine, and serotonin so you are gonna end up feeling immediately better.

This topic is done.

Thanks for watching and if you are one of my regular subscribers please remember to

hit that bell icon so YouTube can notify you of my future videos.

And please do me a favor.

If you like the video, please hit the like button and if you don't like the video,

then hit the dislike button.

That's ok.

I don't care about YouTube's algorithm.

If you dislike the video, hit the dislike button that's ok.

That's the only way I can really understand if

I am helping at all.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Social Anxiety: Not a Cure, But a Different Perspective ✓ - Duration: 11:31.


Talking Tom Gold Run NEW UPDATE - PRINCESS ANGELA Medieval World Android Gameplay 2018 Epic Snow Run - Duration: 12:33.

Talking Tom Gold Run PRINCESS ANGELA

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run NEW UPDATE - PRINCESS ANGELA Medieval World Android Gameplay 2018 Epic Snow Run - Duration: 12:33.


BEMBI FOLGE 59: Wettersche is weiter wechselhaft und aach kalt! Created by B.S. #Hessen - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> BEMBI FOLGE 59: Wettersche is weiter wechselhaft und aach kalt! Created by B.S. #Hessen - Duration: 1:36.


How to draw Beach for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Beach for kids


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi | Airco | Cruise | LED | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi | Airco | Cruise | LED | - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 320 AVANTGARDE Aut - Leer - Clima - Navi - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 320 AVANTGARDE Aut - Leer - Clima - Navi - Duration: 0:54.


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For more infomation >> Sbobinature diritto privato dell'economia Piraino Economia e Finanza Palermo - Duration: 1:56.


Worst 5 things ever made to a guitar (ENG subs) - Duration: 5:21.

Guitars smashed onstage, guitars hit by a car, acoustics with a floyd rose,

telecaster with seven strings or emg pickups...

there are many ways to abuse a guitar, to ruin it or simply

not to respect its heritage.

I'm Pietro of and I picked some special facts for you,

true stories of the five worst things ever made to a guitar


Relic, the art of finishing a guitar to make it

look older than it actually is, is up to your taste. Some love it, some hate


But there's the story of a guitar that gave the creeps to half


What you're looking at is a picture of a relic made on a PRS CE model by the british luthier

Crimson Custom Guitars.

His video run around the world, enough to traumatize any prs' fan,

and then it disappeared, deleted like a dangerous file,

and its only traces are some old posts where the users asks themselves why

should somebody ever ask the luthier this kind of work.

And somebody notes how the luthier kept saying "I apologize for what I'm doing

I swear this is the first and last guitar i relic"

like it was something just came out from Saw!

The relic thing is up to your taste, but on a PRS... no.

It's no good.

But there's much worse, so let's go to the 4th position:


Modifying a 2k euro worth PRS that can't be more than 30 years old to make it look like

a 50 years old may not be nice, but it's nothing compared to taking

a 50 years old guitar and modifying without any logic neither respect for its value.

It's an old story between guitar geeks and not many old Strat and Les Paul

went thru the 80's without getting an extra pickup or a Floyd Rose

but there's a specific guitar that was very unlucky.

This Stratocaster is quite famous on the internet.

It looks like it's a 70's Strat: big headstock, three screws, microtilt...

and somebody had the great idea of cutting away its shoulders, cut the headstock into a triangle shape and

take a little bit away on one side.

Because... I don't know!

But an even worse crime than ruining a valuable instrument is making it no more capable of playing,

and here we go to the nemesis of any musician:


Putting a guitar in the storage of a flight terrifies any musician.

You need lots of precautions and you never are 100% safe.

Pushing it between tons of luggages until it breaks is the 3rd worse thing you can do to a guitar, but

it's probably the worst you may do to a guitarist.

The songwriter Dave Carroll didn't appreciate when his Taylor broke

during a flight, and he wrote a song about it! "United Breaks Guitars", says nothing

to you?

But there's something even worse, and it's...


Combine the irreparabile destruction of a guitar and the damaging of a

priceless guitar, and you'll get what happened on the set of The Hateful Eight,

by Quentin Tarantino.

In this scene, Kurt Russell takes a guitar off the hands of the actress Jennifer Jason Leigh

and he smashes it against a column.

What you may not know, and Kurt did not know, that the guitar was

an original 1870 Martin, borrowed by the company's private collection who, of course,

announced that they'll never borrow guitars again.

Now that you know that, watch again.

It hurts, doesn't it?

They were supposed to exchange the guitar during the scene, but it didn't happen.

Kurt didn't know it, but Jennifer noticed what was going on.

You can actually pinpoint the second

when her heart rips in halves... and... now!

But there's something even worse!

You can ruin an expensive guitar, you can disrespect an historic guitar, you can

break a guitar, you can destroy a piece out of a museum, but deep down the bottom there's...





Anything the guy who reincarnated into the tree whose wood has been used to

built that guitar did... this punishment is

just too much.

Guitars aren't only wood pieces, they're heart pieces, they're emotions, blood and

sweat, and you should respect them. And, according to me, taking a guitar on such a stage

to play that thing is the worst thing ever you may do to a guitar.

Do you agree with this list?

Comment with your own worst 5, subscribe to this channel to be constantly updated

and share this video if you found it somewhat useful.

We'll catch again soon!

For more infomation >> Worst 5 things ever made to a guitar (ENG subs) - Duration: 5:21.


ASL fa richieste eccessive dopo un infortunio - Avv Zaniolo Ing Delaini - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> ASL fa richieste eccessive dopo un infortunio - Avv Zaniolo Ing Delaini - Duration: 2:26.


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For more infomation >> Assédio sexual: É justo argumentar que os homens também sofrem? - Duration: 9:11.


Custodia compartida de los hijos | Ventajas y desventajas para los niños 💔 - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Custodia compartida de los hijos | Ventajas y desventajas para los niños 💔 - Duration: 4:10.


ভেসলিনের সাথে এগুলো মিক্স করলে মাত্র ৩ দিনে ঠোট সুন্দর হবে !! মাত্র ৭ দিনেই ঠোট গোলাপি করার ক্রিম!! - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> ভেসলিনের সাথে এগুলো মিক্স করলে মাত্র ৩ দিনে ঠোট সুন্দর হবে !! মাত্র ৭ দিনেই ঠোট গোলাপি করার ক্রিম!! - Duration: 3:15.


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For more infomation >> Mercedesz Henger scoppia a piangere a Domenica Live per colpa di Nadia Rinaldi - Duration: 2:35.


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For more infomation >> Avião despenha-se no Irão. Morreram todas as 66 pessoas a bordo - Duration: 1:38.


Excel 2016 Dashboard Custom Grouping and Doughnut Charts - Pivot Table Dashboard Part 2 - Duration: 7:24.

in this video I'm gonna show you how to set up this donut chart from a custom

group to pivot table from here we can see the relative proportions of employee

headcount versus pay per department grouping.

This video is part of a series

where I will take you step-by-step through the process of building this

dashboard in Excel to see the full series check out the playlist and

subscribe to see all of the videos. To check out other tutorials and reviews of

other tools please check out my channel.

In the previous video we pulled in out

data by a power query also known as get and transform in Excel 2016 applied a

top 10 item filter and adjusted a setting to stop out dashboards from

becoming distorted on refresh now in this example we used the top 10 items or

the top 10 departments the problem with this view is that it truncates

some of our data so we used to have 16,000 records and now we only have

around 13,000 so the other thing that we might want to do with this is to take

our top 10 items and then group everything else into a grouping code

other. To do that I'm going to copy this table I'm going to paste a copy over

here remove my grouping and what I'm gonna do this time is use a grouping

called group by text so I've got my top 10 items here so I'm going to take all

of these values now all of these values are in a single range if I want to

select a another value which is not part of this continuous range I can just use

the control key to say select this item as well and right click and then I can

click group now that's going to add everything to this group called Group

one let me rename this to other and hit enter I'm then going to come over to

here and collapse all of these now you notice here that what's happened to a

pivot table it's actually added additional field the field inside our

table was called Department and now I have this extra field called Department2 -

which includes this value of other we can see that over here as well

so let's go ahead and get rid of that and let's reapply a sort to this date

here the other thing I want to do to this summary is at an annual total pay

over here so I've got the sum here now you'll notice here that this value is

very big so it doesn't really display very well let's see if we can go into

the number formatting to clean this up now when formatting the numbers in the

pivot table it's really important that you come over to here right click and

click number formatting like this inside the pivot table

this formats the fields inside a pivot table as opposed to me coming over here

selecting these cells and coming over to home and using these formatting options

here what happens is if I format my data this way my formatting is only applied

to these 10 cells and if my pivot table changes in size then I'm not gonna have

the correct cells formatted so the correct way to do this is to come over

and click number format now because I have quite a large value over here what

I'm gonna do is I'm going to use a custom format and I'm gonna come up to

here this hash coma hash hash and these comma between the as a thousands

separator here now what you can do is by coming to the end of this and adding a

comma I've now turned that into thousands add another comma and that's

millions I'm going to add inside here quotes and so I know what the scale is

and click OK so now here I can see I've got two hundred twenty-nine million

let's do something similar for the head count so let's come over here number

format custom

and this time I have a smaller number so let's say I want this show as 3.9

million so I want to add a decimal place to this so to do that I can add point

zero before adding my comma and this is now three point nine thousand again

let's add in quotes okay to the end of this so that I know what the scale is

that we're dealing with let's now update some of these labels so

they're a little easier to read let's change that to headcount and let's

change that to pay let's go ahead and visualize this data using a pivot chart

and for this I'm going to use a special type of pie chart called

a doughnut and I'm going to click OK now the nice thing about this year is

we've got our head count on the inside here and we have our pay

on the outside here and what you can see from this is the proportion of head

count versus the proportion of pay so let me just add the labels on here just

make this a little easier to read so add data labels to the inside data labels to

the outside and let's just change that color to something slightly easier to

see that's better so we can see here because the inside ring is smaller than

the outside ring we can see that a smaller percentage of the population is

getting a larger percentage of the pay so let's go to this knicks chunk of the

ring over here so three and a half thousand hit count which makes up 21% of

the population is receiving 153 million which is only 18% of the pay so an

interesting piece of analysis that you can do here while we're here let us

label our charts I'm going to add chart element I'm going to add a chart

title yep I think that looks good there let us call this cost versus headcount

okay so that is using a group by text now there's two other types of groupings

that we can use inside a pivot table one of them is grouped by number and the

other one is grouped by date if you found this video helpful please remember

to give a thumbs up if you're not subscribed yet and you want to learn

tips tricks and tools to help you and your team work more effectively with

data hit the subscribe button and the notification icon so you don't miss

anything thanks for watching this video and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Excel 2016 Dashboard Custom Grouping and Doughnut Charts - Pivot Table Dashboard Part 2 - Duration: 7:24.


Excel 2016 Dashboard Custom Grouping and Doughnut Charts - Pivot Table Dashboard Part 2 - Duration: 7:24.

in this video I'm gonna show you how to set up this donut chart from a custom

group to pivot table from here we can see the relative proportions of employee

headcount versus pay per department grouping.

This video is part of a series

where I will take you step-by-step through the process of building this

dashboard in Excel to see the full series check out the playlist and

subscribe to see all of the videos. To check out other tutorials and reviews of

other tools please check out my channel.

In the previous video we pulled in out

data by a power query also known as get and transform in Excel 2016 applied a

top 10 item filter and adjusted a setting to stop out dashboards from

becoming distorted on refresh now in this example we used the top 10 items or

the top 10 departments the problem with this view is that it truncates

some of our data so we used to have 16,000 records and now we only have

around 13,000 so the other thing that we might want to do with this is to take

our top 10 items and then group everything else into a grouping code

other. To do that I'm going to copy this table I'm going to paste a copy over

here remove my grouping and what I'm gonna do this time is use a grouping

called group by text so I've got my top 10 items here so I'm going to take all

of these values now all of these values are in a single range if I want to

select a another value which is not part of this continuous range I can just use

the control key to say select this item as well and right click and then I can

click group now that's going to add everything to this group called Group

one let me rename this to other and hit enter I'm then going to come over to

here and collapse all of these now you notice here that what's happened to a

pivot table it's actually added additional field the field inside our

table was called Department and now I have this extra field called Department2 -

which includes this value of other we can see that over here as well

so let's go ahead and get rid of that and let's reapply a sort to this date

here the other thing I want to do to this summary is at an annual total pay

over here so I've got the sum here now you'll notice here that this value is

very big so it doesn't really display very well let's see if we can go into

the number formatting to clean this up now when formatting the numbers in the

pivot table it's really important that you come over to here right click and

click number formatting like this inside the pivot table

this formats the fields inside a pivot table as opposed to me coming over here

selecting these cells and coming over to home and using these formatting options

here what happens is if I format my data this way my formatting is only applied

to these 10 cells and if my pivot table changes in size then I'm not gonna have

the correct cells formatted so the correct way to do this is to come over

and click number format now because I have quite a large value over here what

I'm gonna do is I'm going to use a custom format and I'm gonna come up to

here this hash coma hash hash and these comma between the as a thousands

separator here now what you can do is by coming to the end of this and adding a

comma I've now turned that into thousands add another comma and that's

millions I'm going to add inside here quotes and so I know what the scale is

and click OK so now here I can see I've got two hundred twenty-nine million

let's do something similar for the head count so let's come over here number

format custom

and this time I have a smaller number so let's say I want this show as 3.9

million so I want to add a decimal place to this so to do that I can add point

zero before adding my comma and this is now three point nine thousand again

let's add in quotes okay to the end of this so that I know what the scale is

that we're dealing with let's now update some of these labels so

they're a little easier to read let's change that to headcount and let's

change that to pay let's go ahead and visualize this data using a pivot chart

and for this I'm going to use a special type of pie chart called

a doughnut and I'm going to click OK now the nice thing about this year is

we've got our head count on the inside here and we have our pay

on the outside here and what you can see from this is the proportion of head

count versus the proportion of pay so let me just add the labels on here just

make this a little easier to read so add data labels to the inside data labels to

the outside and let's just change that color to something slightly easier to

see that's better so we can see here because the inside ring is smaller than

the outside ring we can see that a smaller percentage of the population is

getting a larger percentage of the pay so let's go to this knicks chunk of the

ring over here so three and a half thousand hit count which makes up 21% of

the population is receiving 153 million which is only 18% of the pay so an

interesting piece of analysis that you can do here while we're here let us

label our charts I'm going to add chart element I'm going to add a chart

title yep I think that looks good there let us call this cost versus headcount

okay so that is using a group by text now there's two other types of groupings

that we can use inside a pivot table one of them is grouped by number and the

other one is grouped by date if you found this video helpful please remember

to give a thumbs up if you're not subscribed yet and you want to learn

tips tricks and tools to help you and your team work more effectively with

data hit the subscribe button and the notification icon so you don't miss

anything thanks for watching this video and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Excel 2016 Dashboard Custom Grouping and Doughnut Charts - Pivot Table Dashboard Part 2 - Duration: 7:24.


Social Anxiety: Not a Cure, But a Different Perspective ✓ - Duration: 11:31.

Another great question from one of my LIG members.

let me read it first then I'll share with you my approach;

Hi Deniz, I hope you are well.

I completed your LIG program 3 months ago and I have now found a position with Unilever.

This is my first real corporate experience upon graduation without counting my internships.

I love my job and I love that I am learning a lot and surrounded by great leaders but

I struggle with anxiety at work.

I get really anxious at meetings.

It's been almost a month now and I still get very nervous at every single meeting with

my managers.

My anxiety doesn't go away.

My heart's racing out of my chest and my voice trembles.

Can you help me?

I can try.

You know what I am gonna do.

I am gonna first share with you the advice from psychologists.

It'll be the best practices.

Like If you were to go to a physcologist with these issues, what I am gonna share with you

is exactly what they would share with you.

But once I am done with the conventional best practices, I'll share with you one more


And that one more thing will just make everything click.

Everything will just register.

You'll be like ahh…

So, let's start with the conventional approach first.

Now, as you probably know what is happening to you in those meetings is that your subconscious

mind considers that situation, the meeting environment as a threat and it starts pumping

adrenaline and cortisol to make you prepare for either the fight or flight response.

Essentially, for your subconscious mind, you facing those powerful executives in the organization

is same as facing a powerful predator in the jungle.

Your brain doesn't know the difference.

In simple terms, you don't have a social anxiety problem.

It's not a problem to start with.

It's just a bunch of orders given by your brain to prepare for battle or prepare to


And It originates from your fear of being judged as well as your need for social acceptance.

Get this right, you fear being judged and you want to be socially accepted.

So, the conventional wisdom, conventional advice is that you need to convince yourself

that there is no threat.

Nobody is judging you, nobody is trying to take you down, it's just an exaggeration

of your subconscious mind.

The fear you have towards being judged is unfounded.

And that you already are socially accepted.

And there are a couple of techniques.

like; looking people in the eye to understand that they aren't really judging you, paying

attention to their body language, breathing properly.

And of course understanding that again nobody is judging you.

Now, these are all fine and if they work for you it's great.

Once again, this was the conventional advice.

But remember I told you that there was gonna be one more thing, right?

Because, if you are like me, then you'd ask the question, why.

Why do I even fear being judged?

Why do I want to be socially accepted?

Because, having these feelings by default like a factory setting makes no sense unless

there was a need for them.

And then

the next question, what was the need that required me to have these feelings?

And is that still valid in 21st century.


Asking that question and finding the answer will make it click for you.

The answer to this question, as with most other questions about work psychology lie

in evolution.

65 million years as primates.

And 3.2 million years of evolution as homo sapiens, we've always been pack animals.

Social animals.

Being part of a pack gave us the food, shelter, water, safety, and even opportunity to mate,


All the things we needed in order to survive and thrive.

Being kicked out of a pack meant immediate death; starvation, dehydration, becoming a

food to outside predators.

I just want you to take a second now.

And think about the kind of death I just shared with you.

Imagine, you step out of your village and there is a wolf or a large cat waiting to

tear up your flesh, or you dying of starvation, or dehydration.

These are incredibly powerful mental images and imagine seeing people you love, your friends

and family dying this way, and imagine this continueing for 3.2 million years as you evolve

into becoming the modern day homo sapien sapien.

So, you evolved with that fear.

The fear of being kicked out of a pack.

This fear is so powerful that it's not gonna go away in a few thousand years with safety

and security.

It is engraved in your DNA.

You cannot change this.

It'll change on its own, but not a few millennia.

It'll be gone probably in 100,000 years not in your lifetime.

Now, in modern times, the modern pack is first your family then your employer, the company

you work for.

That's your new pack.

Your manager is your Alpha, a supervisor is your Beta, and you as the new joiner, you

are the Omega.

And it's also such a complex relationship that your Alpha may be a Beta at a departmental

level, and even an Omega at a wider company level.


Things are a lot more complex.

So, it's perfectly natural that you get nervous in front of the Alpha or the Beta

whom have the absolute power to kick you out of the pack.

And as we discussed, being kicked out of a pack for your subconscious mind meant horrible

things happening to you.

Again, it's in your DNA.

You can't change it.

Now that you understand the root cause of these feelings, the fear of being judged and

need for social acceptance, you can address it.

In this case, it's as simple as understanding that you will not starve or dehydrate or become

a food to predators if the Alpha decides to kick you out.

An Alpha today isn't as powerful as an Alpha 100,000 years ago.

An Alpha no longer has the power to decide who lives or who dies.

Today, the packs are interconnected.

You can very easily find yourself a new pack if you wanted to.

Times have changed.

It's just that your brain hasn't changed fast enough to suit the needs of modern society.

That's the reason why it's pumping those stress hormones even though there is simply

no need for it whatsoever.

It's just doing what it did for 3.2 million years to survive.

For your brain, An Alpha or a Beta in a pack is as powerful as a lion in the jungle from

a survival perspective.

They both had the power to end your life.

So, just embrace it.

Embrace the fact that this poor little thing, your body, your ancestors have been through

horrible times that they ended up developing such fears for being judged, such need for

being socially accepted.

They desperately needed the support of the pack to live.

You still carry most of the same genes your primate ancestors had millions of years ago.

Your brain still acts very much the same way to ensure its survival.

But then when your subconscious mind does, then you should put a conscious effort to

remind yourself that you know what, I understand why I evolved to feel this way have these

chemicals being released but it's just not relevant anymore.

I am not gonna starve if the Alpha kicks me out of the pack.

I'll be just fine.

And just understanding this fact that Alpha isn't powerful anymore or that you will

not starve or die if you get kicked out of the pack, will allow your brain to start releasing

endorphin and dopamine, and serotonin so you are gonna end up feeling immediately better.

This topic is done.

Thanks for watching and if you are one of my regular subscribers please remember to

hit that bell icon so YouTube can notify you of my future videos.

And please do me a favor.

If you like the video, please hit the like button and if you don't like the video,

then hit the dislike button.

That's ok.

I don't care about YouTube's algorithm.

If you dislike the video, hit the dislike button that's ok.

That's the only way I can really understand if

I am helping at all.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Social Anxiety: Not a Cure, But a Different Perspective ✓ - Duration: 11:31.


Talking Tom Gold Run NEW UPDATE - PRINCESS ANGELA Medieval World Android Gameplay 2018 Epic Snow Run - Duration: 12:33.

Talking Tom Gold Run PRINCESS ANGELA

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run NEW UPDATE - PRINCESS ANGELA Medieval World Android Gameplay 2018 Epic Snow Run - Duration: 12:33.


BEMBI FOLGE 59: Wettersche is weiter wechselhaft und aach kalt! Created by B.S. #Hessen - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> BEMBI FOLGE 59: Wettersche is weiter wechselhaft und aach kalt! Created by B.S. #Hessen - Duration: 1:36.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T | Sportiva | Automaat | Navigatie | 1/2 leer | 18" - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T | Sportiva | Automaat | Navigatie | 1/2 leer | 18" - Duration: 1:00.


【undertale】Ask Mercy [Charisk Lesbian] 第十五集 中文字幕 - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> 【undertale】Ask Mercy [Charisk Lesbian] 第十五集 中文字幕 - Duration: 5:36.


Social Anxiety: Not a Cure, But a Different Perspective ✓ - Duration: 11:31.

Another great question from one of my LIG members.

let me read it first then I'll share with you my approach;

Hi Deniz, I hope you are well.

I completed your LIG program 3 months ago and I have now found a position with Unilever.

This is my first real corporate experience upon graduation without counting my internships.

I love my job and I love that I am learning a lot and surrounded by great leaders but

I struggle with anxiety at work.

I get really anxious at meetings.

It's been almost a month now and I still get very nervous at every single meeting with

my managers.

My anxiety doesn't go away.

My heart's racing out of my chest and my voice trembles.

Can you help me?

I can try.

You know what I am gonna do.

I am gonna first share with you the advice from psychologists.

It'll be the best practices.

Like If you were to go to a physcologist with these issues, what I am gonna share with you

is exactly what they would share with you.

But once I am done with the conventional best practices, I'll share with you one more


And that one more thing will just make everything click.

Everything will just register.

You'll be like ahh…

So, let's start with the conventional approach first.

Now, as you probably know what is happening to you in those meetings is that your subconscious

mind considers that situation, the meeting environment as a threat and it starts pumping

adrenaline and cortisol to make you prepare for either the fight or flight response.

Essentially, for your subconscious mind, you facing those powerful executives in the organization

is same as facing a powerful predator in the jungle.

Your brain doesn't know the difference.

In simple terms, you don't have a social anxiety problem.

It's not a problem to start with.

It's just a bunch of orders given by your brain to prepare for battle or prepare to


And It originates from your fear of being judged as well as your need for social acceptance.

Get this right, you fear being judged and you want to be socially accepted.

So, the conventional wisdom, conventional advice is that you need to convince yourself

that there is no threat.

Nobody is judging you, nobody is trying to take you down, it's just an exaggeration

of your subconscious mind.

The fear you have towards being judged is unfounded.

And that you already are socially accepted.

And there are a couple of techniques.

like; looking people in the eye to understand that they aren't really judging you, paying

attention to their body language, breathing properly.

And of course understanding that again nobody is judging you.

Now, these are all fine and if they work for you it's great.

Once again, this was the conventional advice.

But remember I told you that there was gonna be one more thing, right?

Because, if you are like me, then you'd ask the question, why.

Why do I even fear being judged?

Why do I want to be socially accepted?

Because, having these feelings by default like a factory setting makes no sense unless

there was a need for them.

And then

the next question, what was the need that required me to have these feelings?

And is that still valid in 21st century.


Asking that question and finding the answer will make it click for you.

The answer to this question, as with most other questions about work psychology lie

in evolution.

65 million years as primates.

And 3.2 million years of evolution as homo sapiens, we've always been pack animals.

Social animals.

Being part of a pack gave us the food, shelter, water, safety, and even opportunity to mate,


All the things we needed in order to survive and thrive.

Being kicked out of a pack meant immediate death; starvation, dehydration, becoming a

food to outside predators.

I just want you to take a second now.

And think about the kind of death I just shared with you.

Imagine, you step out of your village and there is a wolf or a large cat waiting to

tear up your flesh, or you dying of starvation, or dehydration.

These are incredibly powerful mental images and imagine seeing people you love, your friends

and family dying this way, and imagine this continueing for 3.2 million years as you evolve

into becoming the modern day homo sapien sapien.

So, you evolved with that fear.

The fear of being kicked out of a pack.

This fear is so powerful that it's not gonna go away in a few thousand years with safety

and security.

It is engraved in your DNA.

You cannot change this.

It'll change on its own, but not a few millennia.

It'll be gone probably in 100,000 years not in your lifetime.

Now, in modern times, the modern pack is first your family then your employer, the company

you work for.

That's your new pack.

Your manager is your Alpha, a supervisor is your Beta, and you as the new joiner, you

are the Omega.

And it's also such a complex relationship that your Alpha may be a Beta at a departmental

level, and even an Omega at a wider company level.


Things are a lot more complex.

So, it's perfectly natural that you get nervous in front of the Alpha or the Beta

whom have the absolute power to kick you out of the pack.

And as we discussed, being kicked out of a pack for your subconscious mind meant horrible

things happening to you.

Again, it's in your DNA.

You can't change it.

Now that you understand the root cause of these feelings, the fear of being judged and

need for social acceptance, you can address it.

In this case, it's as simple as understanding that you will not starve or dehydrate or become

a food to predators if the Alpha decides to kick you out.

An Alpha today isn't as powerful as an Alpha 100,000 years ago.

An Alpha no longer has the power to decide who lives or who dies.

Today, the packs are interconnected.

You can very easily find yourself a new pack if you wanted to.

Times have changed.

It's just that your brain hasn't changed fast enough to suit the needs of modern society.

That's the reason why it's pumping those stress hormones even though there is simply

no need for it whatsoever.

It's just doing what it did for 3.2 million years to survive.

For your brain, An Alpha or a Beta in a pack is as powerful as a lion in the jungle from

a survival perspective.

They both had the power to end your life.

So, just embrace it.

Embrace the fact that this poor little thing, your body, your ancestors have been through

horrible times that they ended up developing such fears for being judged, such need for

being socially accepted.

They desperately needed the support of the pack to live.

You still carry most of the same genes your primate ancestors had millions of years ago.

Your brain still acts very much the same way to ensure its survival.

But then when your subconscious mind does, then you should put a conscious effort to

remind yourself that you know what, I understand why I evolved to feel this way have these

chemicals being released but it's just not relevant anymore.

I am not gonna starve if the Alpha kicks me out of the pack.

I'll be just fine.

And just understanding this fact that Alpha isn't powerful anymore or that you will

not starve or die if you get kicked out of the pack, will allow your brain to start releasing

endorphin and dopamine, and serotonin so you are gonna end up feeling immediately better.

This topic is done.

Thanks for watching and if you are one of my regular subscribers please remember to

hit that bell icon so YouTube can notify you of my future videos.

And please do me a favor.

If you like the video, please hit the like button and if you don't like the video,

then hit the dislike button.

That's ok.

I don't care about YouTube's algorithm.

If you dislike the video, hit the dislike button that's ok.

That's the only way I can really understand if

I am helping at all.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Social Anxiety: Not a Cure, But a Different Perspective ✓ - Duration: 11:31.


Humpty Dumpty | Kindergarten Videos For Toddlers | Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 18:30.

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty | Kindergarten Videos For Toddlers | Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 18:30.


How to choose the right Estate Agent? - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> How to choose the right Estate Agent? - Duration: 1:47.


Old Mac Donald Had A Farm | Song for Children | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:01:51.

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O

With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" there

Here a "moo" there a "moo" everywhere a "moo-moo"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O

With a oink, oink here and a oink, oink there

Here an oink there an oink everywhere an oink, oink

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a horse, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there

Here a "neigh" there a "neigh" everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a chicken, E-I-E-I-O

With a "cluck, cluck" here and a "cluck, cluck" there

Here a "cluck" there a "cluck" everywhere a "cluck, cluck"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a duck, E-I-E-I-O

With a "quack, quack" here and a "quack, quack" there

Here a "quack" there a "quack"everywhere a "quack, quack"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

For more infomation >> Old Mac Donald Had A Farm | Song for Children | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:01:51.


Head Shoulders Knees And Toes | Videos For Babies | Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 16:25.

- Let's learn the body parts.

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ And eyes and ears and mouth and nose ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ Elbows, ankles, feet and hands ♪

♪ Feet and hands ♪

♪ Elbows, ankles, feet and hands ♪

♪ Feet and hands ♪

♪ And hips and hair and fingers and chin ♪

♪ Elbows, ankles, feet and hands ♪

♪ Feet and hands ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

♪ And eyes and ears and mouth and nose ♪

♪ Head, shoulders, knees and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪

For more infomation >> Head Shoulders Knees And Toes | Videos For Babies | Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 16:25.


TIPS ON SELLING YOUR HOME | How do you choose the right agent? - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> TIPS ON SELLING YOUR HOME | How do you choose the right agent? - Duration: 0:31.


TIPS ON SELLING YOUR HOME | Get a minimum of Three Valuations! - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> TIPS ON SELLING YOUR HOME | Get a minimum of Three Valuations! - Duration: 0:39.


Does JVM create object of Main class (the class with main())? | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Does JVM create object of Main class (the class with main())? | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 0:46.


Fox Report Sunday 02/19/18 1AM | February 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:39.

For more infomation >> Fox Report Sunday 02/19/18 1AM | February 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:39.


Forest Vocabulary - Learn German for Beginners A1/A2 #42 - Deutsch lernen - Duration: 2:46.

Deutsch lernen für Anfänger A1/A2 #42: Wald Wortschatz

This is a tree.

A tree is made up of roots, a trunk, branches and leaves.

Some trees have nuts while others have seeds.

These seeds and nuts fall onto the forest floor.

Sometimes they become new trees.

The most wide-spread kinds of trees in Germany are: spruce, pine, birch, and oak.

A lot of animals live in the trees of the forest.

I think squirrels are especially cute.

The upper coat color is light red to dark brown.

The stomach side is white or cream colored.

There are also grey squirrels in Germany, but they originate from America.

This will cause problems in the next century,

because the grey squirrels are more aggressive and larger than the red squirrels

and the competition between the two is not good for the red squirrels.

There are also of course many birds in the trees.

For example: owls, woodpeckers, cuckoos, and sparrows.

There are also a lot of ducks in German,

but they live near ponds, lakes, and rivers.

Most birds can fly, but some of them can't.

Turkeys for example can only fly short distances.

Therefore they spend most of their time on the forest floor.

I think the food chain in forest is very interesting.

The trees and other plants bear fruit and nuts.

Mice eat fruits and nuts.

Owls eat mice.

Young owls are often eaten by foxes

and foxes are eaten by worms after they die.

What is eaten by worms comes back out as soil.

The trees and plants get nutrients from soil and the circle begins anew.

In summary, there are plants, such as bushes, moss and trees,

as well as animals, such as birds and worms, in the forest.

There are also sometimes witches, werewolves, vampires, ogres, donkeys, cats and princesses there.

Actually I have no idea. I learned everything from Shrek.


Sharing is caring. Share this video on your social networks and tag me in your posts.

I'll retweet, comment or like what you share.

I'm on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Links on my channel page or my website,

See you there. Tschüss.

For more infomation >> Forest Vocabulary - Learn German for Beginners A1/A2 #42 - Deutsch lernen - Duration: 2:46.


Just Give Me a Reason [Karaoke] Pink feat. Nate Ruess - Duration: 4:12.




For more infomation >> Just Give Me a Reason [Karaoke] Pink feat. Nate Ruess - Duration: 4:12.


Australia mulls rival to China's 'belt and road' with US, Japan, India - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Australia mulls rival to China's 'belt and road' with US, Japan, India - Duration: 3:01.


[Minecraft]火柴人-釀造藥水Ep3 (模擬對話cc中文字幕) - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> [Minecraft]火柴人-釀造藥水Ep3 (模擬對話cc中文字幕) - Duration: 5:41.


"Big Mouth" James Comey Made 2 Shocking Admissions That Have Robert Mueller Hating - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 24:57.

"Big Mouth" James Comey Made 2 Shocking Admissions That Have Robert Mueller Hating


Former FBI Director James "Big Mouth" Comey is front and center again after making

two shocking admissions that have Special Counsel Robert Mueller hating his deep state


You don't want to miss this.

James Comey (left), Robert Mueller (right) (Photo Credits: YouTube/MSNBC/AJ English)

After being cut loose by President Donald Trump in May 2017, former FBI Director James

Comey has, for the most part, limited his public presence to Twitter.

While that may not be something Special Counsel and deep state hack Robert Mueller is concerned

about, two shocking admissions Comey made previously to lawmakers is giving Mueller

plenty of reason to curse the former FBI Director.

According to The Gateway Pundit, Comey's own words from a meeting in March 2017 with

Congress are coming back to haunt him and wreak havoc on Mueller's witch hunt.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey admitted to lawmakers that

the FBI agents who interviewed General Michael Flynn on January 24, 2017, did not believe

that Flynn had lied to them.

Comey also divulged that he believed any inaccuracies in Flynn's answers were not intentional.

These two shocking admissions alone should have Flynn vindicated and walking free.

The problem created by this report for Mueller is obvious.

Why on earth was Flynn charged with lying to the FBI if the Director of the Bureau told

members of Congress that he didn't lie?

It's almost as if the FBI officials responsible for setting up that meeting had an agenda

somewhat different than Comey's.

Those two officials were former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and corrupt FBI agent

Peter Strzok.

As a result of Comey's two shocking admissions during that congressional meeting in March

2017, several lawmakers who were present left with the impression that Flynn would not be

charged with a crime pertaining to the meeting on January 24, 2017.

However, McCabe and Strzok were on a mission to dismantle Trump's team, and Flynn was

just the easiest target.

The meeting on January 24, 2017, was set up by McCabe and executed by Strzok.

Normally, a lawyer for the National Security Council would be informed of that kind of

meeting and be present for it.

The unannounced meeting came as a surprise to General Flynn.

I can just imagine McCabe and Strzok licking their chops as they went in for the kill.

This act of entrapment of a Trump administration official is a sobering demonstration of how

the deep state operates to take out its political opponents.

How ironic that Flynn was later charged with lying to the FBI by Special Counsel Robert

Mueller and his team of Trump-hating degenerates.

According to the Washington Examiner, Republicans in Congress asked Comey to appear for that

meeting in March 2017, after they grew concerned over reports that Flynn had lied to Vice President

Mike Pence about telephone conversations he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

There was tremendous concern about highly classified information pertaining to Flynn's

wiretapped phone calls with Kislyak being leaked to the press.

Robert Mueller (left), James Comey (right) (Photo Credit: YouTube/Wochit Politics)

Wouldn't Mueller's life be so much easier right now if it weren't for Comey's big


It doesn't look good for the FBI Director to say Flynn didn't lie only to have Mueller

charge him with lying.

Maybe Mueller had a special place in his heart for Flynn and decided to seize an opportunity

that Comey hadn't intended on exploiting.

Or, perhaps, McCabe and Strzok were running their own agenda without any regard for making

their boss look like a complete dumbass.

The outcome here is probably not one that the collective deep state is proud of.

Robert Mueller looks like a corrupt asshat.

At best, James Comey could have been misled by his subordinates, and at worst, he's

just a habitual liar.

To make it worse, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok left a trail of electronic evidence

a mile long, and they are both in really deep shit.

I'd say the deep state had lofty goals but failed miserably because they couldn't recruit

more intelligent monkeys.

General Michael Flynn should have all charges against him dropped immediately in light of

James Comey's two shocking admissions.

For more infomation >> "Big Mouth" James Comey Made 2 Shocking Admissions That Have Robert Mueller Hating - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 24:57.


Students Rally For Action On Guns After Florida Shooting - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Students Rally For Action On Guns After Florida Shooting - Duration: 1:55.


Best Moments Of Aishwarya Rai Wedding | Abhishek And Aishwarya Full Wedding | Bollywood Shaadis - Duration: 4:49.

Best Moments Of Aishwarya Rai Wedding | Abhishek And Aishwarya Full Wedding | Bollywood Shaadis

For more infomation >> Best Moments Of Aishwarya Rai Wedding | Abhishek And Aishwarya Full Wedding | Bollywood Shaadis - Duration: 4:49.


Look at this Gorgeous Gaming Desktop for Gamers!!! - Duration: 9:24.

Hey, guys, this is Nick and Om from Tech Basterz... and in this video, we are going to convert

this boring windows desktop in this wonderful gaming desktop.

So without any further ado lets get started.

*Intro Music ♫♩

Before we get into this video please take a second and subscribe our channel for more

awesome videos like this and make sure to press the bell icon for upcoming videos.

First off, right click on your taskbar and uncheck lock the toolbar.

Right-click again and under toolbar check links.

Now drag the links next to the start.

Also, drag the shortcuts to the middle by dragging the bar.

Right-click on the task bar again and uncheck show title.

Lock the task bar.

Go to the first link in the description and download the file.

Open the folder and right click on the 1st image and set it as your background.

Right-click on your desktop and go to personalize and make sure to choose stretch

under 'choose your fit.'

Open the same folder and run rain meter app.

After installation, unload all the default skins by right-clicking and click unload.

Now run the 3rd file and install it.

Now open rain meter from hidden icons.

Click on the small arrow next to translucent task bar and click on sample and press load.

This will give us a nice transparent task bar.

Now run the 4th file and install it.

Single-click on one of the bar.

Now choose the height width according to your preference.

Here, I am keeping the bars as 20, bar width as 7 and height over 150.

Let's make the bars red to match the theme.

Click on colours and select red.

Now right click on the skins and unload the skins.

Right-click on the bars, and under settings, transparency select 70%.

Right-click once more and under settings, position check on bottom.

Now download the file from the second link and install it.

We need this file for awesome clock styles.

Open rainmeter.

Unload the default clock.

Under MNML, load the clock type you like.

Here, this clock looks good.

Once you have load the clock you like uncheck draggable so you don't mess up the position

and set the transparency to over 60%.

Let's also make the clock red.

Right-click on the clock and click on edit skin.

Now change the colour to 230 coma 9 coma 20.

Save and exit the notepad.

Right click on the clock and refresh the skin

I guess the clock will look more good if I decrease the transparency to over 70%.

Go to the 3rd link and download these additional resources.

This is a zip file so you will need WinRAR to extract this file.

After unzipping, open the folder and install the 1st file named 'Honeycomb' for some fancy icons.

Now open rainmeter and under honeycomb, load up the icons of apps that you use on daily basis.

Arrange them wherever you like.

Right click on each of them and set the transparency to over 60-70%.

Now open the gaming resource folder and install the wallpaper file for some awesome effects.

All the icons don't come with wallpapers.

I will show you how you can make one by yourself.

But before you watch the rest of the video make sure you have photoshop installed.

We have made a separate video on how to install photoshop.

If you want to know how its done, click on the card to watch the video and

get Photoshop for free.

If you already have photoshop installed follow the rest of the video.

Here I am going to show for Premiere Pro.

Open your internet browser and search for the png image for Premiere Pro.

Download the PNG image.

Now open Photoshop.

and drag the wallpaper PSD from the gaming resource folder.

Now drag the PNG image over the PSD.

To make the image smaller press and hold shift and then drag the corner points

to decrease the size in proportion.

Match the size of the window.

Once done click on the check at the top.

Now decrease the capacity to over 70%.

Now click on File, export and click on save for web.

Click on save and save the file on the desktop.

Rest of the video might be a bit confusing.

Lower the video speed if required.

Now copy the created wallpaper file from desktop and copy to documents, rainmeter, skins, wallpapers,

Rename the file to premiere.

Now go back and open honeycomb wallpaper and make a copy of chrome folder.

Rename the file to premiere.

Open the file and rename the 'inc' file to premiere too.

Now open the 'inc' file and change chrome to premiere.

Make sure you type the same spelling or you will not get the end results.

Now save it and go back to the main folder.

Open honeycomb, then chrome and

Now copy the two lines, mouse over and mouse leave and close the notepad.

Now go back to honeycomb folder and open

and paste both the lines under H.

Change all the chrome names to premiere.

Now save and exit notepad.

Open rainmeter and click on refresh all.

And that's it, we are done.

We almost forgot about something.

Open gaming resource folder and install layer1.

Open rain meter and load layer1.ini.

Set the Width and Height according to your screen resolution.

For reference, right-click on your desktop and click on Display to know your screen resolution.

Mine is 1366 x 768.

And there we go.

Guys, if you enjoyed this video, please make sure to hit the like button and subscribe

our channel for more awesome videos like this.

With that being said I am Nick and I am OM from Tech Basterz and we are signing out.

For more infomation >> Look at this Gorgeous Gaming Desktop for Gamers!!! - Duration: 9:24.


How to enable system restore in Windows. - Duration: 1:06.

Help protect your computer against data loss by enabling system restore in Windows.

First, save any work and then close all applications.

Select the start button.

Type create a restore point and then select it from the results.

On the system protection tab,

Select your system hard drive.

In most cases,

It will be the C drive.

Select configure and then turn on system protection,

If it is not already enabled.

If desired,

Adjust the maximum disk space used by system restore.

Select OK to save your system restore settings.

If desired,

Turn on protection for any additional data drives in your computer.

Also, dont forget to create a restore point.

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