Hello my dearest friends and welcome to my channel!
Today I will talk about a very good product
Is about ......
Is about Babyliss and is got curlers
Is to get volume to your hair
I m going to do a test
I m going to use only the big curlers
You can see here
It have 3 diferent shapes
Has the biggest, that I will use today
And small
And the tweezers
They are like that
The tweezers
Has a device that ....
I m going to remuve some
To see better
Has some irons ...these
That is heated
This is plastic
That is heated too!
And like that you do not punish your hair
A little bit yes, obvious!
But not like hair iron
The iron you must use not to much
Not too much!
And the hair dryer....it burns your hair, too
This is plugged in, it leaves about to heat, I leave like 30 minutes
If I leave it less the waves, will not be so defined
So.. if you remember to plugged in, before to wash your hair
Because I forget sometimes
Because I m in a hurry, the waves It won t be so defined!
Well I have this from...
My girlfriend from Holland she gave it to me
That I say HELLO to her...
Andreia, regards....I miss you so much!!
Well, since I have it
I use Babyliss ...every time I wash my hair
I just love it!
It didn t cost to much, let s see...
I see a price here, it cost 35 eur
But i have this 2 years ago
You can put the curlers all together, that it will give you much more volume
I just want a little bit waves and volume
I will use today just the biggest curlers
and in the next tutorial
I will show you what you get with all the curlers
the biggest, medium and smaller curlers
So let s do it!
So girls let s start
I will start from...
I always start from here, I don t know why...
With this part
my nail.....
I will put 2 tweezers, because my hair it will lying in one side
I just want a little bit volume, and some waves
If you want to start with this part is OK, but I m used like that
How the curlers weigh
they go to the front
and I don t like that
because you have to stay like 20 minutes, 30minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours how long you want
I will put .....this hair gum
And it wont fall anymore
A trick!
We climb up
This hair it s broke or it s baby hair ...i don t know...
I have my hair very fragile and....
And now the rest of the hair....I will put 3 curlers more
And now we wait 20 minutes, a half an hour, one hour, two hours...
But after two hour the curlers weigh , it will hurt a little bit the head
So ...we see in a few minutes, OK?
So girls, how it pass 25 minutes I will take out the curlers because I m in a hurry
So let see what we have!
I m going to give a little bit more volume
A lot of volume, a lot of volume!
A will use 3 Wheather Taft, Invisible Power Hairspray, Schwarzkopt
Et Voila! That s it!
So with this you ll not burn your hair like...
like the iron hair
And you have a great hair immediately.
So girls if you enjoy this tutorial
Please don t forget to Subscribe and Comment
If you want to see others video tutorials in the future
Some makeup, hairstyle or others....
A big kiss and we see the next time
For more infomation >> Reseñas y Como usar Babyliss Coffre Volume Curl/ Review/How to/Tutorial Español- Ingles - Duration: 7:40.
Trucos para ejercitar tu cerebro y mejorar tu memoria - Duration: 7:35.
Armor ● jikook || angst - Duration: 1:29.
Q2 Weather: 10 p.m. with Bob McGuire for April 30, 2018 - Duration: 3:46.
Alivia el dolor de cabeza sin recurrir a pastillas aplicando estos 6 consejos - Duration: 7:39.
最新劲爆!杨幂腿上为何满是伤痕?站立都显的困难!网友:刘恺威的特殊癖好! - Duration: 3:55.
El locutor Rafa Cano y los 'triunfitos' Miriam y Roi serán jurados en Eurovisión - Duration: 3:23.
4警車追本田辣跑 無業毒男被捕 - Duration: 2:43.
¿Padeces bruxismo? Descubre estos consejos para tratarlo - Duration: 10:23.
6 misterios del océano ocultos bajo el agua - Duration: 4:40.
Ava Max
Money Plant's Best & Fast Roots Growing Media Experiment | Finding a Better Media //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:01.
in this video
i'll show you
the root development check for money plant in different soil media
i just test the best growing medium for money plant
for my test
now i'm going to select different growing medium
coco peat or peat moss
garden soil
and soil mix
soil mixture includes sand, garden soil , compost and cocoa peat
select money plant cuttings for planting
these cutting don't have roots
i'm filling the growing medium in the cups
i'm going to plant the cuttings
before planting
make a small hole in the soil
this will help to plant it easily
after planting all cuttings
pouring enough water
keeping them in shade area
every 3 days
i'll pour freshwater for each media
20 days after
see the results
first i'll check the growth in the soil mix
leaf is yellowing
It seems unhealthy
no root
and also
It's rotten
another one i'm checking
coco peat media
here new roots and it seems healthy
new leaf Sprout
next i'll check the garden soil
in the garden soil new root is growing
in the sand test
root is growing
in water
root appears to be smaller
coco peat is the fast root growing media
for money plant(pothos)
cocopeat's PH is slightly acid
money plant (pothos) prefer a slightly acidic soil and water
water is slow root growth media
soil mixture root growing test failure
so i think
it is not recommended for growing money plant
thanks for watching
내일 새벽, 챔스 결승 진출팀 가리는 레알VS뮌헨 경기 열린다 - Duration: 3:58.
嵐・二宮和也『ブラックペアン』第2話にして「映像化失敗」の匂いがプンプンしてきた..... - Duration: 5:25.
Black Line Fingernail Could be Sign of Cancer? V 4 YOU - Duration: 3:22.
Black Line Fingernail Could be Sign of Cancer?
A woman has shared a warning within which she claims that finding a black line down
your nail may be a proof of cancer.
According to Jean Skinner, WHO says she's a beauty technician from Uckfield, county,
a shopper came in soliciting for a nail color dark enough to hide the black line on her
Skinner urged her to go to the doctor concerning it, and she or he claims the lady then known
she had skin cancer.
Writing on Facebook, Skinner describes the client as having "a straight dark vertical
stripe down her nail," which, she says, many people had told her was due to lack of
calcium, hereditary or a blood blister.
"This is melanoma!!!" Skinner wrote.
"I did not want to frighten her but I told her she needed to see her doctor immediately!
She called me today to tell me that yes it was a very aggressive melanoma that has already
spread to her lymph nodes!!
Her prognosis is not good!"
Skinner is now urging people to pay attention to abnormalities in their nail beds, even
though, she points out, "odd changes in your nails can very likely be nothing to worry
The Facebook post has been widely shared, with people commenting on how scary the warning
But according to official NHS guidelines, "dark stripes running down the nails (linear
melanonychia) are fairly common in black people over 20 years of age, and in most cases it's
perfectly normal."
They do advise, however, that dark stripes on nails shouldn't be ignored because they
could in fact be a sign of subungal melanoma, a form of skin cancer that affects the nail
If you find a dark line, you should see your doctor to check it isn't melanoma.
"Subungual melanoma usually only affects one nail," the NHS explains.
"It will also cause the stripe to change in appearance – for example, it may become
wider or darker over time and the pigmentation may also affect the surrounding skin (the
nail fold)."
Melanoma makes up four per cent of total cancers in the UK and it has become 119 per cent more
common since the early 1990s, according to Cancer Research UK.
Symptoms can occur in various places of the body, including under fingernails, between
your toes or on your scalp.
"Symptoms of melanoma under your nails include dark areas or marks," Professor Sanchia
Aranda, CEO of Cancer Council Australia, told 7 News.
"Elsewhere on your skin, as well as keeping an eye out for new moles or spots, look for
moles or spots that change colour, have a variety of colours, are getting bigger or
have an uneven border or develop a lump within them
Top Keynote Speaker 2018
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And today I'm going to bake a cake.
I'm actually really excited to make this.
It's for my friend's niece for her birthday.
She wanted one of those unicorn cakes I haven't made one yet.
I have been really wanting to try one, but I haven't gotten around to it
so I'm pretty excited to make this.
So I already have all my fondant pieces made up,
they have been drying out for a little while.
So we will get that together and we got to make all of our cakes.
So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below
there is some good stuff down there.
And let's bake a cake!
Alright guys I made a unicorn!
It is so cute I love it!
OK let's not break it.
So thank you so much for watching, go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up,
check all the links down below and I will see you next time.
Free Roblox Codes-How to get free Robux Codes 100$ - Duration: 2:40.
Practice English PHRASAL VERBS with this game - Duration: 14:09.
It is necessary to be really good at what you're doing.
I wonder if we can play a game today.
Hi. James from engVid.
I was reading a book on concentration, and it dawned on me...
And "to dawn on you" means I understood something that a lot of times when we play games, we
concentrate, we really concentrate, we enjoy it and we learn a lot.
And what I'm thinking today is that I would like to teach you a game that could help you
concentrate and learn grammar easily and make it fun.
I know that sounds like that doesn't make sense, it's like opposites, but bear with me.
Stay with me and let's see where we go.
So, Mr. E's playing a game.
Some of you know this as tic-tac-toe, some of you know it as Xs and Os, and I'm going
to use this game here to help you learn phrasal verbs.
Very difficult subject for a lot of people, and today I hope to make it easy and fun.
You will be able to do this by yourself and do it with a friend or family, or other students.
You ready?
Let's go to the board.
Because as E says, he wins and you can, too.
So, first I'm going to look at is preposition, and I'm going to pick one.
Because when we play this game of Xs and Os, you can see the board is here, we're going
to play and I'm going to teach you how to use this preposition with these verbs to create
phrasal verbs.
Now, one of the things we want to do is figure out what "up" means.
You don't have to do this.
You can just go in...
You're on the internet, and you could look up these verbs, and see, you know, the phrasal
verb "pull up", what does it mean?
"Pick up", "close up", but today I'm going to help you with "up".
We actually have a video with phrasal verbs on it, or many videos, where you can go and
research and find out what these ones mean and other ones.
And I believe I did one that gives you a method for "up", "down", and other phrasal verbs.
Go check it out.
So: "up".
"Up" can mean more.
"Increase", "closer", "improve", "finish", or "end".
So, when you know that "up" can mean these things, it means when we use these words here,
we add "up", it will change the meaning of each word and give it a new meaning with the
two words combined.
For instance: "pull up".
When we pull up it means to get closer, so when an English-speaking person says to you:
"Please pull up a chair", it means get a chair and sit close with us.
"Pull up" means closer, move closer.
"Pick up".
"Pick up" has several meanings but I'm not going to go into all of them.
I'm going to give you one that you can use now.
If you say: "I will pick you up at 4 o'clock or 5", it means I will come to a place you
are at, meet you, and we will go together.
A lot of times when someone says "pick you up" it means they will either have a taxi
or a car, and they will take you, transport you with them.
That's why they're picking you up, or they would say: "I would come to your house".
"Close up", when you close up a store it means to shut, finish, and you end the work, so
you close the door and go home.
"We going to close up at about 6 o'clock."
We will finish working about 6 o'clock.
"Lift up", well, this pen, lift it up.
We could say it more, and I should have added "move", right?
Because when you lift something up, you take it from a lower position, you put it to a
higher position.
"Brighten up".
"Brighten up" means to go bright, so we go from...
Well, let's look here: Purple, this is brightened up.
It's not clean, it's not perfect, but it's brighter.
So "brighten up" means to give more light.
Or it could mean make happier.
"He brightened up at the prospect of going out."
He got happier.
"Hold up" means to make wait.
If you're saying: "What's holding up the train?"
It means: "Why is the train staying here?
Why is it waiting?"
"Shot up", it means to go straight up.
"The rock got shot up into the sky".
"Clean up" means to clean.
"Let's clean up the room."
Let's clean it up, make it better.
In this case, improve the condition of the room.
"Take up" means review.
So, when you take something up it means to review or discuss.
So: "We're going to take up the homework once we've finished the class."
Or: "We'll take up this conversation at a later time."
We will continue it and come back to it later.
So now I've given you a quick overview of these nine phrasal verbs, let's play a game,
shall we?
I will be blue and you will be red.
So, an example of this is when you call out the phrasal verb, let's just say: "Okay, I
want to go to this square", then you'd have to call it out and say: "Okay, the phrasal
verb is 'pull up'", and then in order to get my mark, because I'm going to be blue, I would
have to say what "pull up" means.
My friend was having dinner out with some other co-workers, and they asked me to pull
up a chair.
I get this square.
Now it's your turn.
You might want to say: "Hmm, I bought some flower..."
So: "brighten up".
"Brighten up", okay, good.
What's the sentence?
I bought some...
Oh, you know what?
Let's have E play for you because he's here.
E could say: "I bought some flowers to brighten up the room."
Good for you, E, you get a square.
I think you could see how the game would go.
Now I could go here, but maybe "shot up" is too difficult.
And I might go: "Oh, I can't do that one, so I will go here: 'take up'".
Okay, past tense.
Past tense.
We took up the homework in the morning, we took it up.
Take up, remember?
So, "take up" is the present tense, but because I had to use the past tense, I had to change
it a bit.
So remember when I said you have to say it?
You have to use the sentence correctly.
We have to use the right term, right?
So it would be past tense: We took up the homework in the morning.
I would get my circle.
You guys want to try one with E?
So what's E saying, he says: "Pick".
Want to try "pick"?
"Pick up".
I'll pick you up at 8 tonight...
At your house.
Good, thanks, because that gives more explanation is just words, but: "I will pick you up at
your house", I will meet you.
You're good at this.
It's my turn.
Let's try "clean up" to do, you know, I reviewed "clean up", "clean up".
There was a cleanup yesterday.
What do you mean that's not a phrasal verb?
What do you mean "a" is an article?
Oh, you're right, I clean up, oh, that's not a phrasal verb because it's got to be a verb
plus a preposition, and I used a phrase.
Damn it.
Your turn.
"Let's clean up his mess because he doesn't know English."
That was mean, but you know what?
You're correct.
So you would win the game.
And in this we have talked about the prepositions, we've used them in sentences, got a deeper
understanding, and then a little competition.
Cool, huh?
Well, I have another way to make it...
Because I mean right now this is kind of easy and that's one.
So, how about we learn how to do a few of them.
You ready?
Okay, so the first time we did this I made it easy.
I gave you...
Well, what did we do?
We had many words and we used one preposition: "up", and we went through nine examples.
That was easy.
That was fun.
This is a harder version.
You'll notice here that I'm using nine different prepositions, and you're probably going to
say: "What are these numbers beside?"
Well, once you've learned to master the preposition "up" and its meanings, you can go on: "to",
and "on", and so on.
It sounds like it's a lot, but trust me, when you look at the preposition...
Sorry, the phrasal book, phrasal verb preposition book, it's about that thick.
Here you're going to learn maybe 30, 40, or 50, and you'll become a master of them by
playing a simple game, especially when you play with your friends, you'll learn even faster.
So how do you play this game and what makes it different?
Well, this time when you play with your friend, you won't be able to just say: "Okay, 'pull
up', make a sentence."
If the number says 4 and it says "up", you're going to have to come up with four phrasal
verbs, so in this case what we're doing is we're just giving the preposition and you
actually have to remember: What are the verbs that go with this?
Sometimes the same verb can go, like: "shut", "down", and "shut up" can go together, right?
Which is great.
Sometimes you cannot put them together.
You just can't do that.
So, you're going to learn which ones go from the meanings we talked about earlier when
we did "up", and I did tell you to go check the website for the other ones where I know
I've done phrasal verb videos on "down", "up", "in", and "out", check them out.
So in this case when you play the game, if you want to get an X here, you would have
to say: "Okay, first off, 'up'.
There's 'pull up', 'close up', 'shut up', and 'take up'." Okay?
And when you're looking at that, you'd say that, but you'd still have to say four sentences.
Look, I am making this a bit challenging, but I know you can do it.
The first game will get you practice for each individual one and you'll get very good at
And then in order to speak English like a fluent speaker, you're going to have to master
the other ones.
And if you follow this method, you'll be able to do it.
I promise.
So we've come up with four phrasal verbs, we go: "Okay, I know four.
We'll go to the ones we learned earlier, so 'pull up'."
The car pulled up to the house at night.
The car pulls up close to...
Pulled up on my driver, closer to.
"Close up": We like to close up early on Saturdays because we like to go to the beach and finish work.
"Shut up", okay, I didn't do that one but I think it's universal, it means close your
mouth, stop speaking, shut up, but it means shut up now or stop speaking now.
And "take up": We're going to take up the homework after we have lunch.
Now that I've used all four of these, they are correct, first of all.
Then I use them in sentences, now I can leave my mark.
A lot harder work, but well deserved.
Because when you win a game from doing this, you'll go: "Whoa, I really know."
Well, look anywhere from 10 phrasal verbs, 20 phrasal verbs, not bad.
All from playing Xs and Os or tic-tac-toe.
Now, before I wrap up this particular video, I would like to give you some homework.
"Oh. What?" Yeah.
Now, where are you going to take up this homework?
Saying we did this, or it means review.
On the website.
We've got a thriving community, a lot of people come down after they do the quiz, they talk
to each other. I'm inviting you to join them. Okay?
Share your knowledge, share your wisdom.
Help other people.
Maybe play the game with them online, too, yeah?
See how it goes.
Anyway, your homework for this particular video is, number one: Remember what we did
before with the first one, with "up"?
Take one preposition, "up" as an example, I've helped you with that.
I've even told you what it means.
Take that, okay?
Play the game.
Play it with a friend, play it by yourself, see what you can remember.
Play it with other people, play it engVid.
This is the harder version, and this is where we take nine prepositions, so you might want
to wait for a bit and work on some other prepositions first.
And then play with the prepositions.
Now, to make...
To give you a little bit of a hint on what to do, the easy version of this game is if
you have the numbers, one, so that would be like across.
You just need one preposition to go this "up", right?
"Walk across", that's it, easy enough.
And we have "down", you need to do two: "tone down", "go down".
You need two.
And so on and so forth.
With each one you need more in order to get your point.
So, if you do one, it's easy.
You can think of one, okay?
Two to three is what we call medium.
So when you see a game and you say to your friend: "Hey.
You know what?
I'm not really good at it, but I want to challenge myself, I'm going to do two to three."
So no more of these numbers should never be higher than two or three, that's medium.
Now, when you're an expert or let's say native, dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh, you're native, you're
going to go four to five in every square.
Every square, you can have five in every square.
I mean, seriously, having to do five of these, five sentences, doing it three times - oh
my god, that's so much work. Right?
But you're good enough to do it, I bet you are.
Anyway, I got to get going, it's time to go.
Enough with the games.
What I'd like you to do, though, is go to www.eng as in English, vid as in video, so
www.engvid.com to do the quiz, visit, and meet up with your other friends to do homework.
And as always, thank you for watching.
See you soon.
Cosplayer on the Run - The Cosplay on the Run Song - Duration: 3:49.
A cosplayer always looking for a perfect shot trying to capture a great image she was one
day caught trespassing accidently at a government facility
clueless that her one defense would be her cosplay ability
the scientist who saw her screamed for the guards to shoot
and so she ran but left her camera on the laboratory roof
she hurried home and packed her bags and when the feds came she was gone
she'd taken with her everything she normally would bring to con.
She's not a secret agent no she's never shot a gun
but they're never gonna catch her she's a cosplayer on the run
Cosplayer on the run now the chase has begun she's got her finger on the trigger of a
hot glue gun thankful for all the cosplay craftmanship contests
she's won cause now they're never gonna catch her
she's a cosplayer on the run,
The people they have chasing her aren't
exactly happy it's rare they find a fugitive that's
quite this crafty used to driving all day and hardly sleeping
at night she's not packing heat but she didn't
pack light she's got a sewing machine and like 17 wigs
contacts prosthetics it's a good thing that the car she borrowed is big
makes quick cash repairing clothes she isn't sure why they're surprised
that a cosplay master also is a master of disguise
Cosplayer on the run now the chase has begun she's got her finger on the trigger of a
hot glue gun
thankful for all the cosplay craftmanship contest
she's won cause now they're never gonna catch her
she's a cosplayer on the run,
Got a fake passport and ID from an old Artist Alley friend
the run's been fun but now she's done
she really wants the chase to end she's grown a little tired of this life
on the lam misses her smartphone and the pictures she
would post on Instagram thinks of her friend who left The States to
go teach English in Japan she's always wanted to live in that land
looks like a plane's the next part of her plan
she doesn't think the feds would chase her to Japan
Cosplayer on the run now the chase has begun she's got her finger on the trigger of a
hot glue gun
thankful for all the cosplay craftmanship contests she's won
cause they're never gonna catch her
she's a cosplayer on the run On the run now the chase has begun
she's got her finger on the trigger of a hot glue gun
thankful for all the cosplay craftmanship contests she's won
cause they're never gonna catch her she's a cosplayer on the
She's not a secret agent no she's never shot a gun
but they're never gonna catch her she's a cosplayer on the run.
激動! 中國空間站成唯一, 昔日大哥請求上車, 把美國禁令當擺設? - Duration: 4:52.
日本最怕中國什麼?日本學者:中國有一種力量,能打敗任何武器! - Duration: 3:58.
中國又一偉大工程:鑿開秦嶺,引長江之水進入黃河,億萬人民受益 - Duration: 2:03.
Israeli PM Netanyahu says he has proof Iran lied about nuclear program - Duration: 2:46.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has evidence Iran was lying when it
said it had given up its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Ro Aram reports.
Netanyahu went on national television on Monday to present what he called evidence of a secret
Iranian nuclear weapons program.
He said Iranian officials had deceived the world by denying it had ever sought nuclear
weapons, adding they moved relevant documents to a secret location in Tehran.
"Iran lied, big time.
After signing the nuclear deal in 2015, Iran intensified its efforts to hide its secret
nuclear files.
In 2017 Iran moved its nuclear weapons files to a highly secret location in Tehran....A
few weeks ago in a great intelligence achievement, Israel obtained half a ton of the material
inside these vaults and here is what we got, 55,000 pages another 55,000 files and 183
President Trump, who has long been critical of the Iran nuclear deal, said his Israeli
counterpart's presentation showed he was right about Iran.
"What Israel has done today with the news conference and Prime Minister Netanyahu just
gave a very, I don't know if everybody's seen it but I got to see a little bit of it, and
that is just not an acceptable situation.
And I've been saying that's happening.
They're not sitting back idly.
They're setting off missiles which they say are for television purposes.
I don't think so.
So we'll see what happens.
I'm not telling you what I'm doing but a lot of people think they know and on or before
the 12th we'll make a decision.
Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif pushed back against Netanyahu's claims, dismissing
his presentation as propaganda.
In a tweet he said the evidence was a "rehash of old allegations" which had already been
dealt with by the UN nuclear watchdog.
The 2015 deal has been a hot topic since Trump came to office, who has long threatened to
pull out of the agreement.
European nations have been acknowledged that the deal had its shortcomings, but have urged
Trump to keep it for now as it still provides the best deterrent for Iran not to obtain
nuclear weapons.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
【リコール】三菱 i-MiEV、坂道発進できなくなるおそれ【車と人生 24_7】 - Duration: 1:47.
Před 73 lety zemřel masový vrah Adolf Hitler. Jeho smrt i po letechvyvolává řadu otázek - Duration: 2:55.
How to improve Spoken English skills part 1 | Bangla tutorial - Duration: 16:18.
코미디언 자니 윤, 이혼 당하고 치매 걸려 홀로 비참한 노년 보낸다 - Duration: 6:56.
A Sombre Story + Thanks - Duration: 9:01.
Before the video starts, I want to thanks to a couple of people for what they have done.
Meetch, for getting me into my first competitive TF2 team.
Porsche, for letting me be on said team.
NervousPyro, for being the kind gentleman for returning my very first unusual that was scammed from me.
Writers Block Productions, for working with me on the First Impressions video.
ShakoSoldier, for being a great friend.
And, well, all of the people who watched my animation, which is about 263 of you.
Just… thank you.
With that out of the way, I want to talk about something that has been, plaguing my mind
for a very good while.
And before we start off about what this is about, I want you to know that if you are
easily disturbed by any type of bullying, then this is not the video for you.
This is a serious topic, and I will be completely honest about this, and will not deviate the
truth from this because I want to show that I've have made mistakes as well, and I'm
not completely innocent in this, but its only because it's the truth, and I have evidence
to cement my claims as the truth.
Other than that, let's talk about it.
This started about a year ago, when I went into my 3D animation course, and during the
small breaks between lessons, I talked to the other students, amongst one of them,
who will not be named, became a good friend of mine.
We played Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch with each other practically every day, and we had
a very good relationship, we managed a very good discord server together and we had a
lot of fun together.
But such time of peace can only last so long.
I had run into a person who seemed trustworthy, he was nice, friendly and was pleasant to
chat with, so I, as an admin of the server that me and my friend made, invited this man
into the discord, and unbeknownst to me, he was a very disturbing fellow who was a sociopath.
He made lots of NSFW posts in places we didn't like, was aggressive to others and was practically
a different person to whom I thought.
So, we had to ban this person from the server.
This was my first mistake I made, but even then, we were all manipulated by this man,
so it was an honest mistake.
To make sure this didn't happen again, we did a server clearing, one that I was in charge
So as expected, I kicked all the inactive users from the server, but as I did, my friend
freaked out for no reason.
Because it seems that one of the inactive users was his cousin.
I was promptly banned because of this, but after a day, he calmed down.
But it was hardly my fault because he never told me that the user I kicked was his cousin.
How is it fair that I'm labelled the bad guy when I had no idea about this?
Several months had passed since the incident, so our relationship was still very good,
and my friend had practically finished school, which is amazing.
We had helped each other in our 3D animation course throughout the entire course and we
succeeded together.
So, to celebrate, me, him and my friend ShakoSoldier had decided to play some games of Overwatch.
The problem had begun when his computer had crashed unexpectedly, so whilst we waited,
we queued up for a match, and we had the most unfortunate luck as we got set up in the most
toxic game we had ever had, and because of that, we got angry quickly.
My friend noticed this and decided to make a joke about it.
Fair enough really, I mean, we can take a joke or two at our expense, but there's
a difference between a joke, and, as I said at the beginning of this video, bullying.
He and a friend I introduced to him, who also will not be named, had decided to make fun
of us for 30 straight minutes.
Its fine for 5 to 10 minutes, but 30?
That's harassment.
And it escalated from there, they changed our names to salt, gave us a role called salt,
and kept harassing us.
We asked them to kindly stop, but they kept dragging it on, long past after the event,
and we were not okay with it.
It was very strange to be honest, as my friend did say he hated bullying, but to do that
to one of his friends like that, it was like a completely different person.
I felt very uncomfortable about it, and so me and Shako left the server to make a point.
After a month passed by, we got together again, but our relationship was very shaky.
I was no longer admin of the server, and we no longer talked to each other like we used
3 months rolled by, and me and another friend of mine, TerrorMan, were playing on a 2fort
server, and we had ran into him again, and it started as playful banter, nothing more,
nothing less.
But there was a cheater on their team, one that was being very obvious.
So, I asked him if he could kick the cheater, but he said no… which is weird.
Was he being spiteful?
I asked why not, and he said because I do a lot of hack-usations.
Fair enough, I do tend to do that, but only when I have sufficient evidence, like shooting
invisible spies, and as a result, I've been mostly correct.
Plus having over 2000 hours is a small bonus.
So why would he trust some random stranger who he never met, over his friend that he
has known for a very long time.
It only got worse, he became more aggressive, started to talk very negatively about me,
and overall was being very nasty towards his own team.
We didn't quite know this, until someone else on the other team, who will also be unnamed
for privacy, told us after what happened.
Before losing all contact with my friend, he commented about how he would rather have
the scammer have my unusual hat that I originally unboxed.
That was last straw.
I snapped back, telling him that I can take a beating, I can take the crap, but the moment
he said that some other person who would act as scummy as to scam other people out of their
hard-earned time and money to have something better than an honest person, is crossing
the line.
I stopped talking to him after that for over the remainder of the year after that, but on the 4th
of February, 2018, me and him and a friend of his, tried to contact each other, try and work this out and say
my apologies. and all I got was some the most childish, rudest and downright disgusting
It was a catastrophe, nothing was sorted, and the man I once called a friend has fallen
into a rude, unsavoury and aggressive person from the once friendly, fun and great person
he once was.
Even still, people are still redeemable, I have seen his great drawings, his creative mind
shows that he has great talent, and someone who is still having a good life, so I took
the time to compliment on his work, and still show that I care about his wellbeing even
after what has been said and done.
He replied with... well, another childish retort.
He then blocked me, as did his friend, even though I did nothing to antagonize
them intentionally.
And that is the last of what I have to say.
No further contact has been made, and this is where all of it ends.
I made this video not to start a war, but in an act of self-defence.
I've seen what's been happening behind my back and this is only made to show that
if anyone wants to dispute with me in anyway, then I will fight back with evidence, not
because I'm cruel, but because I'm honest.
Thank you all for making this far to the end of the video, as I know a lot of you don't
really expect this kind of stuff, but I want to show that I really do appreciate all of
what you people have to say and every last one of you care about well… everything.
I just made this not only as an experiment, but a message to my old friends.
If you two do see this, then please, don't be afraid to admit your mistakes, because
we all do make mistakes in our lives, and blaming others for your mistakes
is just not- its just not healthy.
Other than that, thank you all for listening to this, rather, sombre story.
Back in my hometown & stuffs 😥 | TBVlogs - Duration: 13:47.
we arrived here this 12pm (noon)
I'm tired, recently I slept for a while ago...because I'm having painful.. not stomach.. maybe uterus??
and she woke up me to eat my lunch so late at 2pm.
she said, do you wanna visit lolo at the hospital?
I really want to see what happened to him.
I'm here in my hometown *spelling word*
Most of pink in my lip, I looked at my lip in the mirror. I don't like very pink.
I want a korean light pink gradient so i will buy it.
I don't know what's the name of any lip brands,maybe only as very soon or future.
why am i coming back here?
we forgot to bring our any own stuffs so that we must get all stuffs who owned.
but if some things..those are some of things owned by not ours,my aunt liberty.
um and yesterday my mom called about what happened to lolo. maybe he has cancer leg?
she's busy of paperworks.
I forgot to say,*I mean* I'm having dysmenorrhea (spelling word)
hello everyone,have a good day!
her luggage inside all any clothes
yesterday at whole afternoon,my thoughts says what will I do today?
I really want to spend time fun! and I also want to play for fun.
I went to bluestacks and checked the list of RPG/MMORPG games
its bored, not interesting at war games,ughh.
oh,it appeared on my mind, I remember about the old game called the sims 1,about just before.
so yesterday I downloaded it and then play,yeah its fun to build your own house whatever you like to imagine.
I told in the old video what I said?
I play the Supercity at facebook game (i'm tired) there are more new timer quests....'
Hard to say.
umm then I decided to stop playing because I focus on training school,youtube,
I don't know when we'll go home,not tomorrow.
she told me it's necessary for medicine to take care both of lolo and lola.
I thought I reminded that she told me we'll go home this thursday. later that happened
I can't believe she always change her mind about the schedule.
she's telling me only for tomorrow's church. so i already went to church with my mom and sis together.
before she woke me and said,you go to other church? I refused and go back to sleep.
she said,you go with us? i said, yes.
about the schedule, i get mad at her, i told her that she should inform me to bring my clothes for church
I'm wearing my mom's dress ( it fitted me as well) and the sandal is my aunt.
I think she didn't plan on thinking,she's busy many work to dos.........
okay alright I don't mind at all about it.
April 2018 Reading Wrap Up [CC] - Duration: 13:17.
Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my April 2018 Reading Wrap Up.
If you're not already aware, I do weekly entertainment wrap ups of everything I read, watch, and
listen to, but recently I have started doing monthly wrap ups of just the books, which
is what we're doing today.
I'm going to start with nerdy, hardcore stats and charts, and then get into what books I read.
In April, I read 15 books, for a total of 5075 pages.
That takes into account converting audiobook minutes to pages, so 2079 of those pages were
actually 68 hours of audio.
The age breakdown for these books was 6 adult books, and 9 YA books, meaning 60% YA and
40% adult books.
This month I read mostly contemporary and fantasy, at 40% each, followed by 13.3% of
non-fiction, and 6.7% of historical fiction.
If you adjust for amount of pages in each genre, fantasy takes a bit more of the pie,
which is pretty usual for fantasy page counts.
Most of these books, no surprise, came from the library, but I read one new and one used
book as well.
I read five audiobooks, five paperback books, and five hardcover books, which is just so
tidy but was not intentional.
The majority of my books were in the 300-499 page range, and 66% of them were published
this year or last year.
Most of these books were by female authors, and most of my books had ensemble casts or
dual narrators that had different genders.
I read books set in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and other worlds.
In terms of diversity, I read a lot of queer content, and only one book didn't have any
distinguishable diversity.
This was a pretty good reading month if you go by star ratings.
This month I read one 2.5 star book, two 3 star books, one 3.5 star book, five 4 star
books, three 4.5 star books, and three 5 star books.
Let's start with the lowest rated read and work our way to the highest, shall we?
My 2.5 Star read for this month was The High School Life of a Fudanshi.
This was the first volume of a manga series and I picked this up originally because it
has a fandom element to it, and I love me some fandom reads.
A fudanshi is a male who reads manga that is classified as BL, or Boy Love; basically,
they ship male/male romances.
The reason I wasn't so into this is because some of gender and sexuality stuff was handled
really poorly, and also the plot was kind of meandering, so it just wasn't really my thing.
My first 3 star was another graphic novel, and that was The Wicked + The Divine Imperial Phase Part 2.
This is the 6th bind up in a wonderful series with beautiful art, but I think I'd forgotten
too much of what had been going on, so even though I read the page at the beginning reminding
me, like, who's died so far, et cetera, et cetera, it just didn't jump out to me.
I still enjoyed the experience; the art remains beautiful.
But I wasn't immediately compelled to pick up the next volume, which is good because
I don't think it's out yet.
My other 3 star read this month was Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett.
I read this with my local Nerdfighter book club.
And although this had a ton of humour to it, which I totally appreciated, I always found
my mind meandering when it was talking about things that weren't characters discussing
things on the page.
Wyrd Sisters is one of the Witches books in the Discworld series, and this one was basically
a satire of a bunch of different Shakespeare plays, which I found amusing.
I also found it very amusing when the witches went to see a play, and one of them didn't
understand what theatre was, so she thought that all of these people dying on stage were
actually dying, and then when they weren't dead, she was like, "what magic is this?!"
As with everything Terry Pratchett ever wrote, there's a lot of love in this, but it just
wasn't that great for me.
My 3.5 star read this month was Don't Cosplay with my Heart by Cecil Castellucci.
This is another fandom read that I picked up specifically for that purpose.
This book centres around a high school girl named Edan who has a lot of troubles at home
right now, and starts a cosplay club at school, basically to get her mind off of it.
And, also, hopefully, to win a trip to meet the cast of an upcoming movie that she is
obsessed with.
There was a ton of great fandom culture in this, but I felt like the character was much
younger than she was written on the page.
For example, she just gives out the information for her PayPal account, which, no!
No, no, no.
Don't do that.
But overall, I feel if people from the intended audience for this, and not an adult, read it,
they might get something out of it that would keep them safe in the future.
My first 4 star read was The Secret Loves of Geeks.
This one is a compilation of a bunch of different nerds just nerding out about what they love,
and I love me a good, nerdy anthology because no matter what you're passionate about, I
love to read about you being passionate about it, if that makes any sense.
I might not be in that fandom, but if you are excited about it, I like to see you being
excited about it.
My next 4 star read was another anthology, called All Out: The No Longer Secret Stories
of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages.
This is exactly what it sounds like.
This is a bunch of different queer stories taking place in different timeframes, different countries.
The one thing I'll say in terms of countries is it was mostly America and random places
in Europe, and I would have liked to see elsewhere.
But there was a decent amount of racial diversity, as well was tons of diversity in terms of
sexual orientation and identity.
My next 4 star read was Confessions by Kanae Minato.
This is and interesting book because it's split up into about six different sections,
and each sections is from a different point of view of a character that's within the book.
The first section starts out in second person, where this teacher is telling her class about
why she's not coming back to school the next year, because her daughter died, and also
telling them who in the classroom is responsible for her daughter's death.
This one had a really interesting style to it, and every time you switched to another
character, it took you a while to figure out whose perspective you were in, and then there
was just something that made you feel sympathy for that character, even if you knew you were
reading from the perspective of the murderer.
It was quite a compelling read with themes of revenge, and I just found it really intriguing.
My next 4 star read was Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston.
This is a fantasy novel that has various perspectives.
We have an orphan, her AI best friend, the shipmates that she has been with since she
was a small child, as well as basically royalty for this space-based location in which they live.
What I found most compelling about this is I read her other book, Geekerella, last year,
so when it opened with a girl narrator and a boy narrator, I was like, "okay, well, I
guess they're falling in love and that's just, kind of, the thing that she writes".
No, they don't fall in love.
They fall in love with others, and yes, there's queer content, and I love it.
I also really appreciated that even though I want to read the next book in the series,
when it comes out, it doesn't end of a super chiffhanger.
We know the status of each of the characters.
We know what they want to do next, but we don't see them in the middle of a battle,
not knowing if their best friends are alive.
We see them as they're about to regroup, to come back stronger for the next adventure.
My last 4 star read of the month was An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.
This was technically on my TBR for next month, but I started early.
And that was simply because I was able to find an audiobook for this book, and figured
starting early couldn't hurt given all of the books that people recommended to me.
If you didn't see that video, I got BookTube to pick my TBR for May, and, uh, they left
me a lot of suggestions, so I'll leave that up there for you.
Anyway, this is the first in what I think is going to be a trilogy.
The third one comes out in June and this was is a dual narrative between a lower class
girl and a higher class boy.
They are on opposing side politically and she ends up in a position where she needs
to spy on the empire, and he wants to leave the empire because he hates what he's been
trained to do all his life, which is basically kill people.
He finds himself caught up in needing to stay in order to figure out how to get true freedom.
I just finished this one, so I'm still processing my thoughts on it, but it will be in my next
weekly wrap up.
My first 4.5 star read this month was Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh.
This was great.
It's about necromancers, which, I don't think I've ever read a book I liked about necromancers before.
Basically, this ruling family has been in power for centuries.
In fact, the king has been king for over 200 years.
That's because when he died, necromancers brought him back, and every so often they
kill him and bring him back to make sure that he doesn't turn into something that's called a shade.
Basically a dead person can become a shade one of two ways.
Their flesh is exposed, or they've been walking amongst the living for just too long and they
start to go a little hazy and become more evil.
Al least that's the feeling that I got from it.
Our protagonist is a necromancer for the royal family and I just love the world building
and how it works to bring people back.
To bring back somebody from the land of the dead, you actually have to take an offering
from their family tree.
You have to take somebody from their family with you into the land of the dead, and then
that person could lose some form of fertility.
It doesn't necessarily mean that they will never bare children, but maybe they'll never
be able to plant plants and have them grow again - that type of thing.
It's intricate and it varies person to person.
This book had a lot of moving parts, and again, I really wanted to read the next book but
this is another book that didn't leave you in the middle of action, which - thank you so much.
My next 4.5 star read was Adnan's Story by Rabia Chaudry.
If you are familiar with the first season of Serial, this is about that case.
Adnan Syed was convicted of murdering his high school girlfriend Hae Min Lee back in
2000, and has been fighting since then to have this overturned because a lot went wrong
with his case.
Again, if you've heard of or listened to Serial, you know a lot of the questions that one has.
This book goes more into depth.
Rabia Chaudry is a family friend who has known Syed since way before his conviction, and is a lawyer.
Since she's been working on the case much longer than Serial had been, obviously there
are way more details within this book than were in that podcast.
Additionally, as of March, it was announced that Adnan will have a new trial because of
the ineffective counsel that he received during his 2000 trial.
If you enjoy true crime or true life stories, this is a book to pick up for sure.
It is very well written and thoroughly researched.
My last 4.5 star read was Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormshee.
This is a book about a girl who makes a webseries with her friends, and suddenly somebody big
on the internet mentions it and they go from a few hundred subscribers to thousands overnight.
It goes so far that her webseries is actually nominated for an award, so she finds herself
flying across the country to possibly win an award for something that she's just been
doing with her friends.
Not to mention, she can also meet that cute boy she's been flirting with face to face
because they've only ever talked on the internet and by text.
The only hesitation there is Tash is asexual and hasn't told him yet.
I absolutely adored this book.
There are tons of different characters with different personalities, and so many different
things were discussed.
For example, she lives in a family where her father is Christian and her mother is Buddhist,
and she's somewhere in between.
Toss in tons of family and friend dynamics, as well as wrangling talent to get a webseries done.
If you've ever had to adhere to a filming schedule, this book will speak to you.
And on to my 5 star reads,
the first one being The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson.
This was an absolute delight.
Elena Mendoza's the product of virgin birth and for as long as she can remember, she's
heard voices.
One day, those voices tell her to heal someone who has just been shot, and low and behold,
she can actually do it.
This starts an apocalypse.
There is a ton to love about this book.
There's wonderful queer rep, amazing friendships, a really hard home situation where Elena takes
no sh*t from her stepdad.
This book tackles indecision and morality and "what if I do the wrong thing?"
I loved it.
It's wonderful, and if you haven't picked it up already, you definitely should.
My next 5 star read was Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli.
I absolutely loved this.
It's the second in the Creekwood series, so a direct sequal to Simon vs the Homo Sapiens
Agenda, but we are now following Leah, which is great, because I always wanted to know
what Leah's deal was during that book.
I absolutely devoured this book and actually made a video just about it, as well as gushed
about it in my last weekly wrap up.
It's so great to see characters we already know and love and see them grow.
And the romance that happens in this book made me so happy.
I know it basically goes without saying that if I've given something 5 stars, I think you
should pick this up, but I think you should pick this up.
I'm going to say it.
I laughed so hard throughout this book.
I laughed twice on the first page.
If you like comedy, you like contemporary, you like any form of romance - pick this book up.
And my final 5 star book of the month, and the book that I think everyone needs to pick
up and read immediately if you haven't already is done so The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
by Taylor Jenkins Reid.
This is the badass, bisexual book that I have always wanted and needed.
Monique is a journalist who is called in, specially requested, to do an interview with
Evelyn Hugo, a starlet who is world renounced and hasn't done interviews for years.
When she gets there, she finds out that Evelyn actually wants her to write her biography.
One of the biggest things that Evelyn is known for is having had seven husbands, so Monique
leads with the question of "who was the love of our life?" and it turns out it wasn't one
of those husbands.
Evelyn Hugo was crafty, and interesting, and business-minded, and there were so many tears
during this book.
And there's absolutely no surprise that I feel in love with this story.
If you want to hear me talk more about these books, or other books for that matter, the
playlist for my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Ups is always in the description below.
If you have read any of these, please let me know about it down in the comments below.
On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.
You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you very soon.
[outro music]
Easy Heirloom Tomato Stacks with Pesto - Duration: 2:37.
Easy heirloom tomato stacks with Pesto
when I was at the market the other day I saw dozens of gorgeous heirloom tomatoes I wanted to take a bunch ohm love them and
show off their quirky crevices and imperfect shapes if I wanted to throw a party and have them be the main event
well I ended up making this salad and ate it all by myself or lunge but as I was eating it I daydreamed about how impressive it would be
to walk out with these gorgeous stacks of tomatoes as an appetizer at my next cookout
I am going to do just that
and I think you should to the makes 3 to 4 stacks Pesto? Sea pine nuts
? See omens one handful basil one LG clove garlic
five plum tomatoes seeded and diced
1/4 E olive oil
stacks three heirloom tomatoes sliced
two avocados sliced one yellow zucchini sliced
one green zucchini sliced
have two leaves lettuce torn 10 levs basal one shallot sliced thin
toasted pumpkin seeds optional
one place zucchini can bowl and season with salt set aside
to make Pesto
in small pan toast pine nuts and almonds over medium heat until lightly browned
remove from heat and let cool
place basil garlic
and tomatoes into food processor and pulse to several times
add toasted nuts and pulse until roughly chopped add oil gradually processing until pasta reaches desired consistency
three spread small amount of Pesto on each serving plate
place the largest tomato slice on top of Pesto and season with salt and pepper
continue stacking with basil avocado zucchini more Pesto and one piece lettuce
repeat 2 to 3 times
or until stacks reach desired high
top with shallot and toasted pumpkin seeds if using
and season with salt pepper and olive oil
serve immediately
Reseñas y Como usar Babyliss Coffre Volume Curl/ Review/How to/Tutorial Español- Ingles - Duration: 7:40.
Hello my dearest friends and welcome to my channel!
Today I will talk about a very good product
Is about ......
Is about Babyliss and is got curlers
Is to get volume to your hair
I m going to do a test
I m going to use only the big curlers
You can see here
It have 3 diferent shapes
Has the biggest, that I will use today
And small
And the tweezers
They are like that
The tweezers
Has a device that ....
I m going to remuve some
To see better
Has some irons ...these
That is heated
This is plastic
That is heated too!
And like that you do not punish your hair
A little bit yes, obvious!
But not like hair iron
The iron you must use not to much
Not too much!
And the hair dryer....it burns your hair, too
This is plugged in, it leaves about to heat, I leave like 30 minutes
If I leave it less the waves, will not be so defined
So.. if you remember to plugged in, before to wash your hair
Because I forget sometimes
Because I m in a hurry, the waves It won t be so defined!
Well I have this from...
My girlfriend from Holland she gave it to me
That I say HELLO to her...
Andreia, regards....I miss you so much!!
Well, since I have it
I use Babyliss ...every time I wash my hair
I just love it!
It didn t cost to much, let s see...
I see a price here, it cost 35 eur
But i have this 2 years ago
You can put the curlers all together, that it will give you much more volume
I just want a little bit waves and volume
I will use today just the biggest curlers
and in the next tutorial
I will show you what you get with all the curlers
the biggest, medium and smaller curlers
So let s do it!
So girls let s start
I will start from...
I always start from here, I don t know why...
With this part
my nail.....
I will put 2 tweezers, because my hair it will lying in one side
I just want a little bit volume, and some waves
If you want to start with this part is OK, but I m used like that
How the curlers weigh
they go to the front
and I don t like that
because you have to stay like 20 minutes, 30minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours how long you want
I will put .....this hair gum
And it wont fall anymore
A trick!
We climb up
This hair it s broke or it s baby hair ...i don t know...
I have my hair very fragile and....
And now the rest of the hair....I will put 3 curlers more
And now we wait 20 minutes, a half an hour, one hour, two hours...
But after two hour the curlers weigh , it will hurt a little bit the head
So ...we see in a few minutes, OK?
So girls, how it pass 25 minutes I will take out the curlers because I m in a hurry
So let see what we have!
I m going to give a little bit more volume
A lot of volume, a lot of volume!
A will use 3 Wheather Taft, Invisible Power Hairspray, Schwarzkopt
Et Voila! That s it!
So with this you ll not burn your hair like...
like the iron hair
And you have a great hair immediately.
So girls if you enjoy this tutorial
Please don t forget to Subscribe and Comment
If you want to see others video tutorials in the future
Some makeup, hairstyle or others....
A big kiss and we see the next time
Kard. Joseph Zen: chińscy katolicy są gotowi cierpieć - Duration: 14:29.
以色列再次空襲敘利亞!猛烈轟炸造成地震 美俄依舊袖手旁觀 - Duration: 7:43.
Ordrestyring.dk: Odense El - Hvordan bruger en el-installatør | elektriker Ordrestyring | Odense - Duration: 3:48.
Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...
Com Wagner na cola, Gleici cogita possibilidade importante para o futuro do casal - Duration: 4:00.
Practice English PHRASAL VERBS with this game - Duration: 14:09.
It is necessary to be really good at what you're doing.
I wonder if we can play a game today.
Hi. James from engVid.
I was reading a book on concentration, and it dawned on me...
And "to dawn on you" means I understood something that a lot of times when we play games, we
concentrate, we really concentrate, we enjoy it and we learn a lot.
And what I'm thinking today is that I would like to teach you a game that could help you
concentrate and learn grammar easily and make it fun.
I know that sounds like that doesn't make sense, it's like opposites, but bear with me.
Stay with me and let's see where we go.
So, Mr. E's playing a game.
Some of you know this as tic-tac-toe, some of you know it as Xs and Os, and I'm going
to use this game here to help you learn phrasal verbs.
Very difficult subject for a lot of people, and today I hope to make it easy and fun.
You will be able to do this by yourself and do it with a friend or family, or other students.
You ready?
Let's go to the board.
Because as E says, he wins and you can, too.
So, first I'm going to look at is preposition, and I'm going to pick one.
Because when we play this game of Xs and Os, you can see the board is here, we're going
to play and I'm going to teach you how to use this preposition with these verbs to create
phrasal verbs.
Now, one of the things we want to do is figure out what "up" means.
You don't have to do this.
You can just go in...
You're on the internet, and you could look up these verbs, and see, you know, the phrasal
verb "pull up", what does it mean?
"Pick up", "close up", but today I'm going to help you with "up".
We actually have a video with phrasal verbs on it, or many videos, where you can go and
research and find out what these ones mean and other ones.
And I believe I did one that gives you a method for "up", "down", and other phrasal verbs.
Go check it out.
So: "up".
"Up" can mean more.
"Increase", "closer", "improve", "finish", or "end".
So, when you know that "up" can mean these things, it means when we use these words here,
we add "up", it will change the meaning of each word and give it a new meaning with the
two words combined.
For instance: "pull up".
When we pull up it means to get closer, so when an English-speaking person says to you:
"Please pull up a chair", it means get a chair and sit close with us.
"Pull up" means closer, move closer.
"Pick up".
"Pick up" has several meanings but I'm not going to go into all of them.
I'm going to give you one that you can use now.
If you say: "I will pick you up at 4 o'clock or 5", it means I will come to a place you
are at, meet you, and we will go together.
A lot of times when someone says "pick you up" it means they will either have a taxi
or a car, and they will take you, transport you with them.
That's why they're picking you up, or they would say: "I would come to your house".
"Close up", when you close up a store it means to shut, finish, and you end the work, so
you close the door and go home.
"We going to close up at about 6 o'clock."
We will finish working about 6 o'clock.
"Lift up", well, this pen, lift it up.
We could say it more, and I should have added "move", right?
Because when you lift something up, you take it from a lower position, you put it to a
higher position.
"Brighten up".
"Brighten up" means to go bright, so we go from...
Well, let's look here: Purple, this is brightened up.
It's not clean, it's not perfect, but it's brighter.
So "brighten up" means to give more light.
Or it could mean make happier.
"He brightened up at the prospect of going out."
He got happier.
"Hold up" means to make wait.
If you're saying: "What's holding up the train?"
It means: "Why is the train staying here?
Why is it waiting?"
"Shot up", it means to go straight up.
"The rock got shot up into the sky".
"Clean up" means to clean.
"Let's clean up the room."
Let's clean it up, make it better.
In this case, improve the condition of the room.
"Take up" means review.
So, when you take something up it means to review or discuss.
So: "We're going to take up the homework once we've finished the class."
Or: "We'll take up this conversation at a later time."
We will continue it and come back to it later.
So now I've given you a quick overview of these nine phrasal verbs, let's play a game,
shall we?
I will be blue and you will be red.
So, an example of this is when you call out the phrasal verb, let's just say: "Okay, I
want to go to this square", then you'd have to call it out and say: "Okay, the phrasal
verb is 'pull up'", and then in order to get my mark, because I'm going to be blue, I would
have to say what "pull up" means.
My friend was having dinner out with some other co-workers, and they asked me to pull
up a chair.
I get this square.
Now it's your turn.
You might want to say: "Hmm, I bought some flower..."
So: "brighten up".
"Brighten up", okay, good.
What's the sentence?
I bought some...
Oh, you know what?
Let's have E play for you because he's here.
E could say: "I bought some flowers to brighten up the room."
Good for you, E, you get a square.
I think you could see how the game would go.
Now I could go here, but maybe "shot up" is too difficult.
And I might go: "Oh, I can't do that one, so I will go here: 'take up'".
Okay, past tense.
Past tense.
We took up the homework in the morning, we took it up.
Take up, remember?
So, "take up" is the present tense, but because I had to use the past tense, I had to change
it a bit.
So remember when I said you have to say it?
You have to use the sentence correctly.
We have to use the right term, right?
So it would be past tense: We took up the homework in the morning.
I would get my circle.
You guys want to try one with E?
So what's E saying, he says: "Pick".
Want to try "pick"?
"Pick up".
I'll pick you up at 8 tonight...
At your house.
Good, thanks, because that gives more explanation is just words, but: "I will pick you up at
your house", I will meet you.
You're good at this.
It's my turn.
Let's try "clean up" to do, you know, I reviewed "clean up", "clean up".
There was a cleanup yesterday.
What do you mean that's not a phrasal verb?
What do you mean "a" is an article?
Oh, you're right, I clean up, oh, that's not a phrasal verb because it's got to be a verb
plus a preposition, and I used a phrase.
Damn it.
Your turn.
"Let's clean up his mess because he doesn't know English."
That was mean, but you know what?
You're correct.
So you would win the game.
And in this we have talked about the prepositions, we've used them in sentences, got a deeper
understanding, and then a little competition.
Cool, huh?
Well, I have another way to make it...
Because I mean right now this is kind of easy and that's one.
So, how about we learn how to do a few of them.
You ready?
Okay, so the first time we did this I made it easy.
I gave you...
Well, what did we do?
We had many words and we used one preposition: "up", and we went through nine examples.
That was easy.
That was fun.
This is a harder version.
You'll notice here that I'm using nine different prepositions, and you're probably going to
say: "What are these numbers beside?"
Well, once you've learned to master the preposition "up" and its meanings, you can go on: "to",
and "on", and so on.
It sounds like it's a lot, but trust me, when you look at the preposition...
Sorry, the phrasal book, phrasal verb preposition book, it's about that thick.
Here you're going to learn maybe 30, 40, or 50, and you'll become a master of them by
playing a simple game, especially when you play with your friends, you'll learn even faster.
So how do you play this game and what makes it different?
Well, this time when you play with your friend, you won't be able to just say: "Okay, 'pull
up', make a sentence."
If the number says 4 and it says "up", you're going to have to come up with four phrasal
verbs, so in this case what we're doing is we're just giving the preposition and you
actually have to remember: What are the verbs that go with this?
Sometimes the same verb can go, like: "shut", "down", and "shut up" can go together, right?
Which is great.
Sometimes you cannot put them together.
You just can't do that.
So, you're going to learn which ones go from the meanings we talked about earlier when
we did "up", and I did tell you to go check the website for the other ones where I know
I've done phrasal verb videos on "down", "up", "in", and "out", check them out.
So in this case when you play the game, if you want to get an X here, you would have
to say: "Okay, first off, 'up'.
There's 'pull up', 'close up', 'shut up', and 'take up'." Okay?
And when you're looking at that, you'd say that, but you'd still have to say four sentences.
Look, I am making this a bit challenging, but I know you can do it.
The first game will get you practice for each individual one and you'll get very good at
And then in order to speak English like a fluent speaker, you're going to have to master
the other ones.
And if you follow this method, you'll be able to do it.
I promise.
So we've come up with four phrasal verbs, we go: "Okay, I know four.
We'll go to the ones we learned earlier, so 'pull up'."
The car pulled up to the house at night.
The car pulls up close to...
Pulled up on my driver, closer to.
"Close up": We like to close up early on Saturdays because we like to go to the beach and finish work.
"Shut up", okay, I didn't do that one but I think it's universal, it means close your
mouth, stop speaking, shut up, but it means shut up now or stop speaking now.
And "take up": We're going to take up the homework after we have lunch.
Now that I've used all four of these, they are correct, first of all.
Then I use them in sentences, now I can leave my mark.
A lot harder work, but well deserved.
Because when you win a game from doing this, you'll go: "Whoa, I really know."
Well, look anywhere from 10 phrasal verbs, 20 phrasal verbs, not bad.
All from playing Xs and Os or tic-tac-toe.
Now, before I wrap up this particular video, I would like to give you some homework.
"Oh. What?" Yeah.
Now, where are you going to take up this homework?
Saying we did this, or it means review.
On the website.
We've got a thriving community, a lot of people come down after they do the quiz, they talk
to each other. I'm inviting you to join them. Okay?
Share your knowledge, share your wisdom.
Help other people.
Maybe play the game with them online, too, yeah?
See how it goes.
Anyway, your homework for this particular video is, number one: Remember what we did
before with the first one, with "up"?
Take one preposition, "up" as an example, I've helped you with that.
I've even told you what it means.
Take that, okay?
Play the game.
Play it with a friend, play it by yourself, see what you can remember.
Play it with other people, play it engVid.
This is the harder version, and this is where we take nine prepositions, so you might want
to wait for a bit and work on some other prepositions first.
And then play with the prepositions.
Now, to make...
To give you a little bit of a hint on what to do, the easy version of this game is if
you have the numbers, one, so that would be like across.
You just need one preposition to go this "up", right?
"Walk across", that's it, easy enough.
And we have "down", you need to do two: "tone down", "go down".
You need two.
And so on and so forth.
With each one you need more in order to get your point.
So, if you do one, it's easy.
You can think of one, okay?
Two to three is what we call medium.
So when you see a game and you say to your friend: "Hey.
You know what?
I'm not really good at it, but I want to challenge myself, I'm going to do two to three."
So no more of these numbers should never be higher than two or three, that's medium.
Now, when you're an expert or let's say native, dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh, you're native, you're
going to go four to five in every square.
Every square, you can have five in every square.
I mean, seriously, having to do five of these, five sentences, doing it three times - oh
my god, that's so much work. Right?
But you're good enough to do it, I bet you are.
Anyway, I got to get going, it's time to go.
Enough with the games.
What I'd like you to do, though, is go to www.eng as in English, vid as in video, so
www.engvid.com to do the quiz, visit, and meet up with your other friends to do homework.
And as always, thank you for watching.
See you soon.
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