Friday, April 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 27 2018

"IMPORTANT: The content of this video is for educational purposes

and its only purpose is to advise to improve security

in the computational systems of the viewer."

Welcome all, friends, to a new Hackwise episode!

Today we'll talk about the different types of hackers

and how some of them make a living out of ethical hacking.

Wisers, since some time ago I've been seriously thinking

about making this video, and explaining

about the different kinds of hackers out there

and how some of them make a living by

hacking systems ethically.

The purpose of this video is for you to know in detail

some of the paths available to an ethical hacker

in case you're interested in this world

and you're thinking about

dedicating yourself to the wonderful world of Information Security.

But first, I'd like to talk to you about

the origin and meaning of the word "hacker".

As incredible as it may sound,

in the beginning the word "hacker" was used for lumberjacks

that dedicated themselves to cutting lumber with an axe

and making furniture with it.

Essentially, "Hacker" meant (in that time)

one who could build something in a clever way.

As time passed and with the arrival of Internet,

users emerged that weren't content with just

using information systems,

but they also wished to understand them thoroughly

and surpass the average user.

Around the 1960's, in the world of IT

the term "hacker" started to be used to describe users

capable of breaking the security of systems

with creativity and in cunning ways.

Presently, we divide hackers into two groups:

On one hand we have "black hat hackers"

or as we call them in spanish, "de sombrero negro";

all those hackers that can be considered criminals,

since they tend to steal information

to sell it to the highest bidder, among other IT crimes.

Lastly, we have the "white hat hackers"

or "de sombrero blanco".

All those who strive to find flaws in systems

to improve Internet, our systems and our privacy.

If you're interested in ethical hacking you must understand

you'll have to read a lot and practice everything you learn.

Personally, something I like to do is browsing

the Eleven Paths website, where you can find reports

that will help you understand the newest topics in cybersecurity.

The saying goes: "A hacker must always be hungry for knowledge

and practice everything he reads and learns."

Remember, practice makes perfect.

That's why I say, if you like hacking,

it's good that you put a lab together in your computer

so you can perform tests in all systems

with all the techniques you learn

in a controlled environment.

I'll talk about some websites I frequent

to stay up to date in the world of cybersecurity.

The first one is the Eleven Paths blog,

which is rather useful for reading cybersecurity news

since they're presented in a clear and understandable way.

And for an enterprise focus, another site I can recommend

is ItBusinessSolutions []

where you can find a large collection of articles

on topics ranging from "What is a botnet?" to

"Strategies to minimize vulnerabilities in apps".

As an ethical hacker, there are multiple paths you can take.

But I like to group these paths in four categories:

First one is dedicating yourself to being a system administrator

or, as commonly called in English, sysadmin.

They're mainly devoted to keeping systems online

and safe, protecting them from any malicious user.

Then, we have the security consultants.

They tend to help organizations with improving their processes

by implementing solutions or practices

that help improve or maintain security in their systems.

In third place we have the well known "pentesters".

They're hackers that dedicate themselves to finding

security flaws in the platforms of companies that hire them

to prevent malicious users from using these security breaches,

thus securing their systems.

This is one of the ways in which white hat hackers

hack in an ethical way and are well paid for it.

Lastly, I'd place programmers in fourth place;

people dedicated to creating code for the new apps

of some companies but keeping focus on security,

analyzing the code and preventing

any flaws that could be exploited.

They usually write their code following the best practices

of coding to guarantee their customers' security.

Now, you know some of the paths that you,

as an ethical hacker, can follow.

I'd like to ask you which one is your favorite.

Pentester, sysadmin, security consultant or programmer?

Why don't you leave me your answer in a comment?

By the way, before I forget:

Recently I found an e-book where you can

find out more about the cybersecurity environment

in a global level.

And I consider it could help you.

I'll leave you a link to the e-book in the description

together with the links to the sites I recommended.

If you have a friend that might be interested

in hacking share this video with them.

It'll probably help them.

And well, my friends, this is all for today's video.

I hope you liked it.

Remember that my name is César Gaytán

@mrebola on Twitter, hackwisemx on Facebook,

mr.ebola on Instagram,

until next time!

For more infomation >> How to be a Hacker and keep up to date in InfoSec #SecurityRocks - Duration: 6:16.


Clarissa Molina encontró el hombre de sus sueños y por él iría a la cárcel | GYF - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Clarissa Molina encontró el hombre de sus sueños y por él iría a la cárcel | GYF - Duration: 2:58.


Las dos Coreas protagonizan acto de paz y conciliación - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Las dos Coreas protagonizan acto de paz y conciliación - Duration: 2:09.


Amante Pide Residencia 💁🤭🙄 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:42.

For more infomation >> Amante Pide Residencia 💁🤭🙄 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:42.


What is Manuka Honey and Why is it so Good for You? - Duration: 5:06.

From a flower called Manuka, the bees remove highly nutritious pollen and produce a

variety of honey rich in benefits.

Originally from Oceania, Manuka honey has been used not only to sweeten the palates,

but also as ingredients for care with beauty and health.

See 7 amazing benefits and medicinal uses of manuka honey:

Strength and energy

Because of its sugar content, manuka honey is an excellent source of carbohydrates that

energy for the body.

At the same time, the manuka honey takes advantage other natural sweeteners because it has

a lower glycemic index than many of them, thus avoiding blood sugar spikes.

Immune system

Studies show that manuka honey stimulates the immune system, preventing infections,

such as sore throats and common cold.

Next time you feel the flu is close by, try drinking hot tea

with a tablespoon of manuka honey.

Improves digestive health

Studies have shown that manuka honey is great for the gut because of its properties


Its oligosaccharides have a positive impact in the proliferation of good bacteria

live in our gut.

In addition, this honey contains beneficial enzymes for various types of problems related to


It is recommended to take a teaspoon of honey of manuka about 30 minutes before meals

and before bedtime, to treat digestive disorders such as stomach ulcers, sore throats,

acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and gastritis.

When the symptoms are reduced, you can take a teaspoon per day as


Antibacterial activity

Just like conventional honey, manuka honey contains antibacterial properties, however,

each type of honey has different levels of these properties.

In the case of manuka honey, the antibacterial compounds present in it are not found in other

types of honey.

For this reason, it is very effective in treating of infections.

Studies have also shown that the use of honey manuka accelerated healing in patients

who underwent surgical procedure.

You can use manuka honey topically in the treatment of skin diseases and wounds.

Manuka honey should be applied directly in the affected area.

In case of nasal infection and sinusitis, try put a teaspoon of manuka honey

in a glass of warm water.

Add the ingredients to an inhaler.

Repeat this procedure daily until that the symptoms disappear.


Due to its strong antioxidant activity, manuka honey protects the body against

free radical damage, which could lead to cause cell damage and aging


Anti-inflammatory action

Manuka honey is also a potent anti-inflammatory, which can be used in the treatment of pain

in the eyes, in the throat, in the relief of burns and skin irritation.

Some research has confirmed that these properties anti-inflammatory drugs also work in the

of burns and inflammations of the stomach and intestines.

Its benefits also extend to the skin, being a great ingredient for masks

facials that treat different types of problems of skin such as: redness, peeling,

acne and even eczema.

If you have any eye infections, try drip a few drops of a solution of one

teaspoon of manuka honey diluted in one glass of warm water in his eyes.

Use an eyedropper to make it easier.

Repeat daily until symptoms disappear.

For more infomation >> What is Manuka Honey and Why is it so Good for You? - Duration: 5:06.


¿Qué hace tan especial el vínculo de los príncipes Harry y William? - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué hace tan especial el vínculo de los príncipes Harry y William? - Duration: 2:47.


Llegó el tercero y Kate Middleton se las arregla con esta cantidad de niñeras - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Llegó el tercero y Kate Middleton se las arregla con esta cantidad de niñeras - Duration: 2:47.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we'll talk about the next topic that's what happens to your brain if you

sleep with a pair of socks on your feet so do not go and stay with

us until the end of this video where we will be developing this

interesting topic do not forget to like this video

Share it with your family and friends and subscribe to our channel now

we go with the information

Many people suffer from sleep problems and that has many reasons to

it often happens that you come home after a hard day tired and exhausted

you want to quickly get into bed and fall asleep but when you go to bed

the dream did not work for a long time I suffered from this until I found

a way that will help me solve the problem the solution is simple to use

socks before bed we tell you about the research

scientist who showed that you need to make love with socks you know

that wool socks help increase libido and reach

quickly the orgasm because now we will ask because it is better to sleep in

socks and how this influences our body Swiss researchers

conducted a study to discover how the temperature of the hands and

feet affect or help the quality of sleep brought together a group of people

they asked them to put on before bedtime and they checked

as this influences the quality of your sleep it turned out that the heat of the

limbs positively influences the whole body including the brain the

blood vessels expand blood pressure decreases what relaxes the

brain and prepares him to sleep thanks to these processes

people fell asleep in a shorter period of time all the people

they have different habits some like to sleep in their pajamas to others with

spacious shirts and other completely nude some prefer

that the room is warm and they sleep without a blanket others sleep with

an open window but under a pile of blankets the same happens with the

habit of sleeping in socks or without them the study of scientists

Swiss is very inspiring but even so we decided to find out if there is something negative

when sleeping in socks and what rules should be followed to avoid possible

harmful consequences as disadvantages of this habit the

experts attribute that socks feet sweat too much during the

night what is somewhat uncomfortable and does not generate the most favorable conditions

for example infections the fungus develops more intensely in the

warmth which generates an unpleasant odor and if the tights tighten

can compromise blood circulation many also argue that

the legs do not rest if they are not ventilated now it is important to choose

suitable socks the most suitable socks are made of materials

natural cotton or wool it is important that you feel comfortable with your socks

that you do not feel too hot or too cold

besides the socks should be relieved without gums should not squeeze

the ankles so blood circulation will not be disturbed you can also

buy special socks that are used for long trips and flights

as you see if you do everything right there will be problems the socks you

will help sleep with a baby's sleep and not wake up at night will

they will keep warm and help avoid temperature drops and night trips

to the bathroom the dream will be much more comfortable by the way traditional Chinese medicine

also adheres to this point of view the Eastern healers believe that the

cold feet interfere with the normal circulation of vital energy

in our body now many will say that it is inconvenient to sleep in socks

that hinders and even irritates if categorically we can not sleep like that

it is worth trying other methods the conclusion is that the legs are

hot for example you can wrap your feet with a second blanket or

place a heating pad in the most reliable way to test the

effectiveness of this method is by testing it yourself your socks help you

sleep better we will be very happy and share with

us the results of your own

experiments like this finishes another edition of your channel easy remedies 24 do not forget

share this video with your family and friends in your social networks leave your

opinion in the comment box and give it like I'm francisco sucre and

see you in a next video until next time



FFBE Global - Testing Liquid Metal Slime - SIZE DOESNT MATTER - Duration: 15:54.

For more infomation >> FFBE Global - Testing Liquid Metal Slime - SIZE DOESNT MATTER - Duration: 15:54.


Angioma: qué es, cuáles son sus síntomas y cómo se trata - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> Angioma: qué es, cuáles son sus síntomas y cómo se trata - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 9:44.


Dolores En Los Testículos! Tome Mucho Cuidado, Usted Puede Estar Con CÁNCER!! 😱 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Dolores En Los Testículos! Tome Mucho Cuidado, Usted Puede Estar Con CÁNCER!! 😱 - Duration: 2:48.


Doña Letizia vuelve a lucir su enigmática sortija verde - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Doña Letizia vuelve a lucir su enigmática sortija verde - Duration: 3:34.


Belén Esteban, categórica: "Francisco debe dinero a gente" - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban, categórica: "Francisco debe dinero a gente" - Duration: 2:27.


El adiós de Andrés Iniesta el éxito, la depresión y el fútbol eterno del jugador más - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> El adiós de Andrés Iniesta el éxito, la depresión y el fútbol eterno del jugador más - Duration: 4:08.


Barcelona-Sevilla, Copa del Rey: Otro título para Lionel Messi: su colección personal - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Barcelona-Sevilla, Copa del Rey: Otro título para Lionel Messi: su colección personal - Duration: 2:52.


House Reaches Decision On Russian-Collusion, Trump Now Demanding Reprisal. - Duration: 5:10.

House Reaches Decision On Russian-Collusion, Trump Now Demanding Reprisal.

As the liberal media continues to push its Russian narrative, the House released its


The stunning conclusion has compelled President Donald Trump to make this single demand.

Liberals have been making excuses for the 2016 election since the day it ended.

Before Trump was even sworn into office, they cooked up their Russian fantasy.

Despite any evidence, they accused Donald Trump of colluding with Russia to steal the


The left-wing media parroted this story as fact, despite a shred of credible information

to back it up.

This spawned a bogus "special investigation" by Robert Mueller and other cronies in the

FBI and DOJ.

Over the last year and a half, Mueller has not been able to uncover anything to confirm

Democrats wild accusations.

In fact, we've discovered the very people working on the case were Hillary Clinton supporters.

There's no conflict of interest there!

Yet the American people are still forced to put up with this injustice.

It's proof that the Democrats don't believe in democracy.

When they lose, they will do whatever they can to get revenge.

The House Intelligence Committee conducted their own investigation into the matter.

Over the course of a year, they looked into every possible connection between the Trump

campaign and Russian agents.

Today they released their findings.

Guess what they're saying?

There was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Now, Trump is calling on Mueller's witch hunt to end, once and for all.

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found "no evidence" of

collusion between the Russian government, and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential

election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

President Trump, reacting to the report moments after its release, hailed its findings and

said the Russia "Witch Hunt" must end, in an apparent swipe at Special Counsel Robert

Mueller's ongoing investigation.

"Just Out: House Intelligence Committee Report released.

No evidence that the Trump Campaign "colluded, coordinated or conspired with Russia.

Clinton Campaign paid for Opposition Research obtained from Russia-Wow!

A total Witch Hunt!

MUST END NOW!" Trump tweeted.

[Source: Fox News]

The House used its considerable resources to look at every aspect of this case.

Their findings were overwhelmingly clear.

What the Democrats are claiming is absolutely false.

Donald Trump was not working with Vladimir Putin to steal our election.

Trump was not responsible for any of the hacks that led to the WikiLeaks dumps.

In fact, the real people who should be worried are those from the Clinton campaign.

The Committee's findings reveal they were up to plenty of shady business.

The committee's investigation was based on four topics: Russian active measures against

the 2016 U.S. election, the U.S. government's response to the attack.

Links between Russians and the Trump and Clinton campaigns, and purported leaks of classified


The committee also found that there was "no evidence that Trump campaign associates were

involved in the theft or publication of Clinton campaign-related emails, although Trump associates

had numerous ill-advised contacts with WikiLeaks"

"The Committee also found that the Clinton campaign and the DNC, using a series of cutouts

and intermediaries to obscure their roles, paid for opposition research on Trump obtained

from Russian sources, including a litany of claims by high-ranking current and former

Russian government officials," the report read.

"Some of this opposition research was used to produce sixteen memos, which comprise what

has become known as the Steele dossier."

[Source: Fox News]

You see, it's quotes like this that make me really upset.

We've seen these little tidbits come out again and again over the last two years.

While the media has been accusing Trump of colluding with Russia, we know FOR A FACT,

Clinton was actually working with Russian agents to smear Trump.

Hillary Clinton was colluding with Russia!

How more obvious can we make that?

Everything Hillary accused Trump of doing, she was doing.

Her campaign deliberately hid the details of deals between herself and Russian officials.

They invented fake documents aimed at smearing Trump's reputation.

Hillary Clinton worked with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

So where is her investigation?

Why isn't she being pressed for answers?

It's high time that Robert Mueller's witch hunt was brought to an end.

The American people deserve to see real justice done.

Clinton and her gang of crooks must be brought to bear for what they've done.

Otherwise, what was the election even for?

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> House Reaches Decision On Russian-Collusion, Trump Now Demanding Reprisal. - Duration: 5:10.


Relaxing Harp Music For Studying And Working - Duration: 1:00:01.

Relaxing Harp Music For Studying And Working

For more infomation >> Relaxing Harp Music For Studying And Working - Duration: 1:00:01.


É por isso que Você Deve Dormir no seu Lado Esquerdo! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> É por isso que Você Deve Dormir no seu Lado Esquerdo! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:50.


zeHatWearingMan Parkour at school Reaction - Duration: 4:58.

What's up

Guys docrafts your welcome back to another reaction video will be reacting to Parker at school by Z hat wearing man

So this was uploaded a few years ago

And I already had like 10 billion views so this must be really good an interesting

So I saw the description that it has to be like filmed for like a talent show as a like a live performance


About a film at school. I actually need to make a film at school which

Like it's called Student News Network

so I already I'm already editing the behind the scenes and bloopers of that in my school and

Also the real video of that should get uploaded probably around after this weekend

so yeah

I'm gonna let you guys know

I know, so I haven't read it so you guys could check that out in the description below, but other than that

I hope you guys enjoy this video make sure to subscribe to Z hammering man and

Let's begin this video

For some reason in my opinion

I'm not sure why, but I think

The way he reminds me of Super Mario like how?

Mario does like these wall jumps and

Mario super cool moves. He'll know about it reminds me of Mario for some odd reason

Just because of the movements Mario makes it's like similar what this parkour master does

Right mother Dora

Really insane, and he does it drops off at the bathroom

It's like someone

That was insane I

Gotta give credit to this dude, man

if I would see him in real life, I will probably give him a pat on the back or probably ugh and

It has 10 million views. That's insane

That's really insane, so all credit goes to Z hat-wearing man, and also the original video down below

Why comment subscribe turn on post vacation so stayed on the front of every video so?

Yeah, I will give you guys an update of when that Student News Network video comes out

So yeah without being said I hope you guys enjoyed

Please make sure to subscribe subscribe to Z hat-wearing man

So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed. I don't see you in the next video. Goodbye everyone

For more infomation >> zeHatWearingMan Parkour at school Reaction - Duration: 4:58.


3차남북정상회담이 왜, 판문점이고 왜, 4월인가? - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 3차남북정상회담이 왜, 판문점이고 왜, 4월인가? - Duration: 8:40.


리설주 나이와 미모, 전 남편 장성택 루머 및 김정은과 리설주 아들, 딸, 셋째 출산까지의 진실은? - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> 리설주 나이와 미모, 전 남편 장성택 루머 및 김정은과 리설주 아들, 딸, 셋째 출산까지의 진실은? - Duration: 7:23.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150PK S tronic - Duration: 0:53.


Kia cee'd SW 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd SW 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line - Duration: 1:12.


Dorman High student killed in I-26 crash - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Dorman High student killed in I-26 crash - Duration: 1:56.


Victim speaks out after deputy aims gun at him: 'I was thinking I'm probably going to die right now' - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Victim speaks out after deputy aims gun at him: 'I was thinking I'm probably going to die right now' - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> I BUY THE CHEAPEST THING AT LOUIS VUITTON And They LAUGH IN MY FACE | Mar - Duration: 13:55.


what i've made so far for the map - Duration: 0:39.

we can get lost oh na na na

take it all off oh na na na

lemme be your friend

baby lemme in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

give it to me all oh na na na na ༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ

For more infomation >> what i've made so far for the map - Duration: 0:39.


Opel Corsa 1.2I-16V ONYX N.V.BANDEN. L.M.VELG. STUURBEKR. ELEKTR. RAMEN. NAP. - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2I-16V ONYX N.V.BANDEN. L.M.VELG. STUURBEKR. ELEKTR. RAMEN. NAP. - Duration: 1:10.


Honda Jazz 1.2i V-TEC TREND - Trekhaak - Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2i V-TEC TREND - Trekhaak - Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:08.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie | Airco | Toyota Safety Sense | - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie | Airco | Toyota Safety Sense | - Duration: 0:59.


How Paul George TRANSFORMED Into Playoff P In The NBA Playoffs - Duration: 3:46.

Paul George was in a nasty shooting slump heading into the playoffs and then he nicknamed

himself Playoff P and stated that he would step up.

And he did, especially in Game 5 when him and Russ took over, but how?

How did Paul George transform himself into Playoff P?

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

Paul George went off for 36 points in Game 1.

Russ and PG carried the team in Game 5, literally taking turns scoring the ball.

It looked like pickup basketball out there.

I know Paul George is great and is capable of stepping up in big moments, but there are

changes Paul George has made to make himself into the internet meme Playoff P. Let me know

in the comments if you think the Thunder will fight their way to a game 7 and will PG stay

with the Thunder?

Watching Game 5, I once again saw the weak minded Thunder until the middle of the third


Russ and PG just said screw it and started scoring.

They pretty much iso'd and scored.

Looking Paul George throughout this series, he's averaging 28.6 points per game and

apart from a bad game 2, he's just been Playoff P. It's crazy that he called himself

Playoff P before the series started, especially after he was shooting bricks to end the season.

After the All star break, Paul George was averaging 20.6 points per game on 38% shooting

from the field and 32% from 3.

I mean, these lowlights didn't make themselves.

So going into this series against one of the best defenses in the league, Paul George outright

came out guns blazing in game 1, breaking ankles and making 8 3 pointers.

But how did he do this all of a sudden?

On jumpshots, Paul George just wasn't jumping that high and wasn't really doing that much

of a sway with his right foot in the regular season.

In the playoffs, Paul George is elevating higher, letting his right leg naturally go

out more, and shooting much more in rhythm.

Off the dribble, Paul George has leaned into his shot more which helps him out.

Once a few shots would go in, PG had his confidence and playoff P was activated.

With his offense on point, his energy on the defensive end just kicked up another gear.

Looking at the last game, PG found his rhythm from the paint.

Now PG definitely got moves and can get inside the paint, but he was much more controlled

and calmer when attacking the paint.

That's why in the regular season, he was missing those shots, because he was rushing.

I mean PG was just smooth and got by his defender with ease.

He was analyzing the situation and slowly going through the paint which again is a sign

of confidence just like these cases will make you confident in your phone with dope designs

so check out athletic cases in the description.

Paul George is a super star in the NBA.

His two way play is so valuable and his ability to carry a team is amazing.

Playoff P has been a spectacle to see and the way Paul George operates when he's level

headed is gonna be needed for the Thunder to have a chance to beat the Jazz tonight.

But what do you think?

Will Paul George stay with the Thunder?

Will the Thunder win the series?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you liked his video and if you like these moves from Playoff P.

The instagram shout of the day goes to Kris Murthy and the ALLDAY notification squad shout

out goes to Maria Joe.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> How Paul George TRANSFORMED Into Playoff P In The NBA Playoffs - Duration: 3:46.


Volvo 850 2.5 I 20V - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo 850 2.5 I 20V - Duration: 1:10.


Chrysler Voyager 2.4i SE 7pers. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Voyager 2.4i SE 7pers. - Duration: 0:52.


Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active Cool - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active Cool - Duration: 1:10.


Honda CR-V 1.6 i-DTEC ELEGANCE 160 PK - Leder - 4WD - Trekhaak - Advanced Driving Assist - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6 i-DTEC ELEGANCE 160 PK - Leder - 4WD - Trekhaak - Advanced Driving Assist - Duration: 0:55.


Citroën C3 1.4I 5DRS ESSENTIEL EL.PAKKET - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I 5DRS ESSENTIEL EL.PAKKET - Duration: 0:50.


Citroën C4 1.4I 16V 5DRS BERLINE CLIMA PDC CRUISE - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.4I 16V 5DRS BERLINE CLIMA PDC CRUISE - Duration: 1:02.


Chevrolet Aveo 1.2i 16V 5DRS LS AIRCO 1e EIGENAAR - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.2i 16V 5DRS LS AIRCO 1e EIGENAAR - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0I SX APK SEPT 2018/133.000 km ! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0I SX APK SEPT 2018/133.000 km ! - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort Airco - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort Airco - Duration: 1:07.



For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION AUTOMAAT | AIRCO | CRUISE | ACHTERUITRIJCAMERA - Duration: 1:05.


Police: Burglary suspects part of organized crime ring - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Police: Burglary suspects part of organized crime ring - Duration: 1:51.


10 Games With Completely Different Names In Other Countries - Duration: 9:13.

When it comes to releasing games in other regions, there are a lot of different things

that can change.

Some games may have changes to the box art, for example, with the publishers normally

feeling that a different marketing style may work better for that particular market.

Other games may have changes to the game itself, such as characters being redesigned or more.

However, sometimes there are even changes to games' names and this is also something

that can be seen in a wide range of other media.

The first Harry Potter book, for example, is known in its home country of England as

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

This was then changed in the US, for both the book and the movie, to Harry Potter and

the Sorcerer's Stone, with the publishers thinking a US child would not want to read

a book with the word "philosopher" in the title.

There can be a wide range of different reasons for these types of changes and today we'll

be taking a look at 10 examples from video games, and trying to work out why the name

changes were made.

To kick things off with number 10, Bully, which was changed in the UK to Canis Canem

Edit, which is Latin for "dog eat dog".

Bully is Rockstar's high school-based open world title, starring 15 year old Jimmy Hopkins.

Rockstar's notoriety for creating games like the controversial Grand Theft Auto series

led to the game being a big source of outrage in the media, with politicians and it was

also a target for attorney Jack Thompson and his infamous crusade against violent video


The game was labelled as, amongst other monikers, a high school "bullying simulator" and the

controversy got so bad in the UK that Rockstar decided to change the name to try and reduce

the tension.

This was also all despite the fact that, when release day came around, the game was discovered

to be nothing like it was being described as.

But moving on to number 9, Pac-Man.

Whilst nowadays known all around the world as Pac-Man, it originally went by a different

name over in Japan, where the game was created.

The Japanese arcade machines instead went by the name Puck Man but this was altered

when it came to North America over fear of people vandalising the first letter and changing

the "P" to a "F".

Later versions then decided to keep the North American name, even in Japan.

Number 8, Contra.

For many years, people in most European countries received a very different version of Konami's

Contra series that those in Japan and the US.

Most likely due to stricter rules regarding video game violence over in Germany, Europe

had new versions created that replaced the characters with robots.

All human characters were removed, including both the heroes as well as the enemies.

Going along with the game changes, the series was renamed to "Probotector", with this most

likely being seen as more futuristic and appropriate for the robot cast.

These changes would then be made to all Contra games up until 1996's Contra: Legacy of War.

Number 7, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The United Kingdom used to have a rather peculiar set of media restrictions, which set out to

target certain "ninja" and "martial arts" content.

The government had noticed an increase in Eastern styled weaponry being used by UK gangs

and feared that the rise in popularity of these types of movies and games were the cause.

Media caught up in cross fire include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which had to be renamed

in the UK to Teenage Mutant "Hero" Turtles.

This saw all Turtles products, including the comics, video games and the toys, renamed

in the UK as well as some other European countries.

This lasted up until the Turtle's first feature film - which was finally allowed to be called

"Ninja Turtles" worldwide.

Number 6, Tomba!

Sticking with the European theme, the PlayStation's Tomba! series had to have changes made to

its name in Europe, due to some unseen translations issues.

When the Japanese developers settled on the name Tomba! for their side scrolling platformer

adventure, it's unlikely they realised that, over in Italy, Tomba is the word for "tomb"...

as in the tombs you find at graveyards.

This was definitely not the impression that they wanted to give in the Italian market,

with it being a cute and colourful game.

So, for all European countries, they changed the name to "Tombi", which presumably has

no big translation issues over in Europe.

This is far from the first time that something like this has happened either.

Mortal Kombat: Deception, for instance, was changed to Mortal Kombat: "Mystification"

over in France.


Because the word Deception is similar to the French word for "disappointment", which is

clearly not how they wanted people to perceive the game.

Number 5, Puzzle Bobble.

For this entry we'll be discussing 2 different video game series and highlighting an unfortunate

effect that can occur from changing the names of things.

Puzzle Bobble was a very popular puzzle game that spawned numerous sequels and ports for

various platforms.

Puzzle Bobble, however, is its Japanese name, with it being renamed in Western countries

to Bust-a-Move.

It's not known why the decision to rename the series was made but, only a few years

later, a different game would be released in Japan called, none other than, Bust a Move.

This was a completely different series and is a music-based rhythm game made by different


Due to Puzzle Bobble being renamed in the West, this forced the Bust a Move team to

rename their title overseas to "Bust a Groove" instead.

Number 4, Fahrenheit.

Fahrenheit was the 2nd title from developers Quantic Dream, who are now very well known

for their unique 'interactive movie' style of video games and titles such as Heavy Rain

and Beyond: Two Souls.

The French developers seem to have decided on the name "Fahrenheit" due to a theme within

the story involving the world's temperature continuing to drop colder and colder.

However, when the game was first released in the United States, there was some concern

that this could confuse people with Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 - a 2004 documentary

taking a look at George W. Bush and the War on Terror.

Not wanting to confuse anybody, the title was altered to Indigo Prophecy in the United

States, with this title also having ties to the game's storyline.

Interestingly, for the 2015 Remastered version, Quantic Dream decided to use both titles for

the game's name - calling it "Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered" worldwide.

Number 3, Resident Evil.

Capcom's bestselling video game franchise, Resident Evil, is not the title's original

name over in Japan.

Ever since the title's 1996 PlayStation debut, the franchise has instead been dubbed "Biohazard"

in its home country.

When bringing the original game over to the West, Capcom's marketing department realised

that there had already been a recent DOS game released under the name "Biohazard", not to

mention there being a rather popular New York rock band going by the same name.

The US team were tasked with finding a new name and the eventual winner would be "Resident

Evil"... with this being a pun on the first game being set in a mansion.

Comparable to Fahrenheit, the much later Resident Evil 7 decided to pay homage to both of its

titles, with it being dubbed Resident Evil 7: Biohazard in the West and Biohazard 7:

Resident Evil in Japan.

The game's producer, Masachika Kawata, explained this decision speaking to

Capcom-Unity, stating:

"We really want to have the big, impactful feeling of the series being in one place right

now, and having one future it's heading towards.

To do that, we brought the two titles together into one with Resident Evil 7 biohazard.

It's the opposite in Japan, it's BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil."

Number 2, Star Fox.

As we've already gone into now, copyright issues with already existing names can be

a big reason for things being changed.

The same is true for the classic Nintendo franchise Star Fox, which was given a new

name for the European release of the first two games.

The developers have explained that this was due to Nintendo higher ups being afraid of

a German company called "Star Vox" suing over similarities - adding that, with a thick German

accent, a F could possibly be heard as resembling the letter V.

This led to 1993's Star Fox being renamed in Europe to Starwing and 1997's Star Fox

64 being renamed to Lylat Wars.

Fortunately for the devs though, the issue seemed to eventually go away, with either

the Germany company going out of business or Nintendo's lawyers simply no longer worrying

about a possible law suit.

This saw 2002's Star Fox Adventures and all following games being released as "Star Fox"

for all regions.

Number 1, Fatal Frame.

And for our last game for today, we'll be taking a look at a series that has a different

name in Japan, Europe *and* the United States.

Fatal Frame is Koei Tecmo's popular and long running survival horror series that tasks

players with finding ghosts in various creepy locations through the use of a special camera.

The camera mechanic, which is also used for fighting the ghosts, is the reason why the

US localizers decided to rebrand it as "Fatal Frame"... with them likely feeling this would

be a more interesting name for US audiences.

Over in Japan, though, the franchise has a completely different name.

Here, the series is simply known as the kanji character for the number "Zero".

There is a deeper meaning behind it than that though.

The word for zero in Japanese can have a different meaning, depending on the Kanji used.

One of these kanji can also mean spirit or ghost and so the Japanese title, is sort of

like a pun on the word ghost.

Keeping this in mind, it's rather curious how the name was changed over in Europe.

You see, the European franchise keeps the "Zero" part of the name unlike the US.

However, the European series goes by the longer name "Project Zero" instead.

It's speculated amongst fans, that this may have been some sort of mistranslation or miscommunication,

as the development team that worked on the game are known as "Project Zero" too.

It's also interesting to point out that, over in Japan, all of the games are not numbered,

due to the creator feeling that they are standalone games, with minimal connections to previous


This was however changed when the games were released over in the US and Europe.

But, that's all we have time for today.

Let us know of any more examples that you can think of in the description below and,

if you've enjoyed this video, please consider hitting that like button and, until next time,

thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 Games With Completely Different Names In Other Countries - Duration: 9:13.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


What is Manuka Honey and Why is it so Good for You? - Duration: 5:06.

From a flower called Manuka, the bees remove highly nutritious pollen and produce a

variety of honey rich in benefits.

Originally from Oceania, Manuka honey has been used not only to sweeten the palates,

but also as ingredients for care with beauty and health.

See 7 amazing benefits and medicinal uses of manuka honey:

Strength and energy

Because of its sugar content, manuka honey is an excellent source of carbohydrates that

energy for the body.

At the same time, the manuka honey takes advantage other natural sweeteners because it has

a lower glycemic index than many of them, thus avoiding blood sugar spikes.

Immune system

Studies show that manuka honey stimulates the immune system, preventing infections,

such as sore throats and common cold.

Next time you feel the flu is close by, try drinking hot tea

with a tablespoon of manuka honey.

Improves digestive health

Studies have shown that manuka honey is great for the gut because of its properties


Its oligosaccharides have a positive impact in the proliferation of good bacteria

live in our gut.

In addition, this honey contains beneficial enzymes for various types of problems related to


It is recommended to take a teaspoon of honey of manuka about 30 minutes before meals

and before bedtime, to treat digestive disorders such as stomach ulcers, sore throats,

acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and gastritis.

When the symptoms are reduced, you can take a teaspoon per day as


Antibacterial activity

Just like conventional honey, manuka honey contains antibacterial properties, however,

each type of honey has different levels of these properties.

In the case of manuka honey, the antibacterial compounds present in it are not found in other

types of honey.

For this reason, it is very effective in treating of infections.

Studies have also shown that the use of honey manuka accelerated healing in patients

who underwent surgical procedure.

You can use manuka honey topically in the treatment of skin diseases and wounds.

Manuka honey should be applied directly in the affected area.

In case of nasal infection and sinusitis, try put a teaspoon of manuka honey

in a glass of warm water.

Add the ingredients to an inhaler.

Repeat this procedure daily until that the symptoms disappear.


Due to its strong antioxidant activity, manuka honey protects the body against

free radical damage, which could lead to cause cell damage and aging


Anti-inflammatory action

Manuka honey is also a potent anti-inflammatory, which can be used in the treatment of pain

in the eyes, in the throat, in the relief of burns and skin irritation.

Some research has confirmed that these properties anti-inflammatory drugs also work in the

of burns and inflammations of the stomach and intestines.

Its benefits also extend to the skin, being a great ingredient for masks

facials that treat different types of problems of skin such as: redness, peeling,

acne and even eczema.

If you have any eye infections, try drip a few drops of a solution of one

teaspoon of manuka honey diluted in one glass of warm water in his eyes.

Use an eyedropper to make it easier.

Repeat daily until symptoms disappear.

For more infomation >> What is Manuka Honey and Why is it so Good for You? - Duration: 5:06.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we'll talk about the next topic that's what happens to your brain if you

sleep with a pair of socks on your feet so do not go and stay with

us until the end of this video where we will be developing this

interesting topic do not forget to like this video

Share it with your family and friends and subscribe to our channel now

we go with the information

Many people suffer from sleep problems and that has many reasons to

it often happens that you come home after a hard day tired and exhausted

you want to quickly get into bed and fall asleep but when you go to bed

the dream did not work for a long time I suffered from this until I found

a way that will help me solve the problem the solution is simple to use

socks before bed we tell you about the research

scientist who showed that you need to make love with socks you know

that wool socks help increase libido and reach

quickly the orgasm because now we will ask because it is better to sleep in

socks and how this influences our body Swiss researchers

conducted a study to discover how the temperature of the hands and

feet affect or help the quality of sleep brought together a group of people

they asked them to put on before bedtime and they checked

as this influences the quality of your sleep it turned out that the heat of the

limbs positively influences the whole body including the brain the

blood vessels expand blood pressure decreases what relaxes the

brain and prepares him to sleep thanks to these processes

people fell asleep in a shorter period of time all the people

they have different habits some like to sleep in their pajamas to others with

spacious shirts and other completely nude some prefer

that the room is warm and they sleep without a blanket others sleep with

an open window but under a pile of blankets the same happens with the

habit of sleeping in socks or without them the study of scientists

Swiss is very inspiring but even so we decided to find out if there is something negative

when sleeping in socks and what rules should be followed to avoid possible

harmful consequences as disadvantages of this habit the

experts attribute that socks feet sweat too much during the

night what is somewhat uncomfortable and does not generate the most favorable conditions

for example infections the fungus develops more intensely in the

warmth which generates an unpleasant odor and if the tights tighten

can compromise blood circulation many also argue that

the legs do not rest if they are not ventilated now it is important to choose

suitable socks the most suitable socks are made of materials

natural cotton or wool it is important that you feel comfortable with your socks

that you do not feel too hot or too cold

besides the socks should be relieved without gums should not squeeze

the ankles so blood circulation will not be disturbed you can also

buy special socks that are used for long trips and flights

as you see if you do everything right there will be problems the socks you

will help sleep with a baby's sleep and not wake up at night will

they will keep warm and help avoid temperature drops and night trips

to the bathroom the dream will be much more comfortable by the way traditional Chinese medicine

also adheres to this point of view the Eastern healers believe that the

cold feet interfere with the normal circulation of vital energy

in our body now many will say that it is inconvenient to sleep in socks

that hinders and even irritates if categorically we can not sleep like that

it is worth trying other methods the conclusion is that the legs are

hot for example you can wrap your feet with a second blanket or

place a heating pad in the most reliable way to test the

effectiveness of this method is by testing it yourself your socks help you

sleep better we will be very happy and share with

us the results of your own

experiments like this finishes another edition of your channel easy remedies 24 do not forget

share this video with your family and friends in your social networks leave your

opinion in the comment box and give it like I'm francisco sucre and

see you in a next video until next time



P-55 deixa o estaleiro em Rio Grande e segue rumo à Bacia de Campos - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> P-55 deixa o estaleiro em Rio Grande e segue rumo à Bacia de Campos - Duration: 6:12.


É por isso que Você Deve Dormir no seu Lado Esquerdo! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> É por isso que Você Deve Dormir no seu Lado Esquerdo! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:50.


Coutinho já sabe: Barcelona quer o 'novo Neymar' e está quase certo|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Coutinho já sabe: Barcelona quer o 'novo Neymar' e está quase certo|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:18.


Nicole Bahls revela o que pretende fazer antes de se casar e fãs iniciam torcida - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Nicole Bahls revela o que pretende fazer antes de se casar e fãs iniciam torcida - Duration: 4:36.


TV SANA #116 " O Sana 2011" - Duration: 21:48.

For more infomation >> TV SANA #116 " O Sana 2011" - Duration: 21:48.


FFBE Global - Testing Liquid Metal Slime - SIZE DOESNT MATTER - Duration: 15:54.

For more infomation >> FFBE Global - Testing Liquid Metal Slime - SIZE DOESNT MATTER - Duration: 15:54.


Após ser campeã do BBB18, Gleici toma primeira atitude e decide ir para favela do RJ - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Após ser campeã do BBB18, Gleici toma primeira atitude e decide ir para favela do RJ - Duration: 4:30.


BUNDA CAIDA? Aprenda Como Deixar Seu Bum Bum Maior e Empinado Em Poucos Dias!! - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> BUNDA CAIDA? Aprenda Como Deixar Seu Bum Bum Maior e Empinado Em Poucos Dias!! - Duration: 2:26.


曹云金升级当爸爸,太幸福了 - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> 曹云金升级当爸爸,太幸福了 - Duration: 6:04.


Azealia Banks e Janelle Monáe: não as deixe de fora da festa! - Duration: 3:59.

Hello, how are you? My name is Alan, I am a journalist and this is the channel Ingresse na Arte, my culture channel on YouTube.

In this video, I talk about music and about two singers who released new music projects in April.

The first one I am going to talk about is Janelle Monae

who released on April 27th the album "Dirty Computer", her third studio album.

Because of this musical project, New York Times Magazine interviewed her

and in addition Janelle Monae is the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

In these articles, she says that in "Dirty Computer" she abandoned some of the characters that she had created for her first two albums.

She also mentions that in her new CD, it is possible to find out more about herself

and she introduces herself as a black woman and queer who dates men and women.

By the way, this sexual issue is shown in the movie "Dirty Computer" that was released with the album.

It looks like Beyonce's "Lemonade" that shows songs in a different way, in a visual way.

In many videos and in the story that is narrated in the film, Janelle dates a man and a woman.

In an interview published in Rolling Stone magazine, she says:

"A lot of this album is a reaction to the pain of what it means to hear from the people in my family that all gay people must go to hell".

In the 14 songs of "Dirty Computer", Janelle mixes rock, electronic beats, rap and, of course, R&B.

I highlight, so far, "Screwed" in which she criticizes men

who are not worried about getting women to earn the same wages as they performing the same job and also President Donald Trump.

Another great song is the rap "Django Jane", a feminist rap,

in which Janelle asks men to shut up because it is the time for women have a monologue.

My favorite is "Make It Fell", a R&B song perfect for dancing,

with strong influence of names like James Brown and Prince, great idol of the Janelle.

It is worth remembering that Janelle has already done some concerts in Brazil.

She played in some Brazilian cities in 2011, when she opened of Amy Winehouse's performances.

At that time, she was not so popular, but, because of Amy Winehouse health problems, she caught attention of everyone.

The other artist I am going to talk about is Azealia Banks.

She shared in early April her new song "Anna Wintour".

Lots of music critics have commented that this song means a return of Azealia Banks to dance floor.

It is worth remembering that Azealia has become popular worldwide when she released the single "212" in 2011.

"Anna Wintour" mixes rap and house music from 1990s and, I can guarantee, perfect for any party.

This song may be recorded in her next album titled Fantasea II.

This is it. Next Tuesday, there is a new video in this channel.

If you like this video, share this idea, talk to your friends about this channel, subscribe to this channel and listen to Azealia Banks and Janelle Monáe. See you soon. Bye bye.

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