We may believe the experience of going to school is universal, but it varies greatly
depending on which country you live in.
Some might say that the purpose of education is learning valuable information.
Others would argue it's primarily about becoming an effective critical thinker, or
that it's simply a bridge to university.
As the learning experience can vary depending on culture, politics, and economics, the teaching
experience also comes with its own set of unique activities.
Today we're going to be looking at how teachers on different sides of the Atlantic deal with
their day to day at school.
What is similar and what is not, and who has the best role of the dice with the perks of
the teaching game?
Welcome to this episode of The Infographics Show: US Teachers vs UK Teachers.
When we started doing our research online, we first came across a topic that has been
making headlines in the United Kingdom…the UK teacher recruitment crisis.
The UK has a shortage of teachers, an issue that has arisen as a result of the boom in
birth rates and the rise in the number of pupils attending schools.
Though the number of primary teachers has been steadily going up, it is not enough to
deal with the increased number of children joining primary schools.
Adding to this, there have been complaints of high workloads, increased targets, and
insufficient remuneration, which have resulted in experienced teachers leaving the profession.
According to a YouGov poll, 53 per cent of teachers are considering leaving their jobs.
11,000 young teachers actually leave during training; a figure that is three times more
than it was six years ago.
British newspaper The Guardian reported that Ministers had failed to meet teacher recruitment
targets for five years in a row, leading to 10,000 fewer secondary school teachers being
hired, than intended.
And that recruitment target for computing teachers had been missed by more than 1,000
over a five-year period.
A shortfall in physics teachers of almost 1,200, and the target for mathematics teachers
has been missed by 1,850 recruits.
The figures published by the Department for Education in 2016, also showed teacher vacancies
up by 26% over the year, with 920 vacancies for full-time permanent teachers in state-funded
schools, up from 730 the year before.
So how does this compare to the US teacher talent pool?
When we looked online, it seems many of the same issues are apparent.
A 2017 Washington Post article referenced a study which published data stating that
teacher education enrollment dropped by 35%, from 691,000 to 451,000, between 2009 and
2014, and that nearly 8 percent of the teaching workforce is leaving every year, many before
retirement age.
The reasons behind the shortages are similar to those in the United Kingdom.
Student enrollments are increasing and will continue to do so by 3 million, to 53 million
total, in the next decade.
This is driven by higher birth rates and immigration.
Teacher attrition is high, at 8% annually, with two-thirds of those that leave, doing
so before retirement age, and most because of dissatisfaction with the conditions of
their employment.
So it seems there is a similar situation with the teacher shortage in both the UK and US.
So this is all interesting, but what about the day-to-day experience of those teachers
who are working in schools.
How do the jobs compare?
We took a look at salaries, and using data from The OECD, we did some side-by-side comparisons.
This is what we found out.
For starting salaries, US teachers are paid up to $42,000, where as in England, it is
up to $31,000.
For teachers working in the industry beyond 15 years, US teachers are paid up to $45,000,
and in England it's $42,000.
For top of the scale teachers, US teachers are paid up to $46,000, where as in England
it is still $42,000.
Looking at how the ages of these teachers compare, the average age of a schoolteacher
in America is 43, where as in England it is 39.
In fact, teachers in England are the fifth youngest, based on a survey of 5 million teachers
in 34 countries.
So US teachers do a little better on the salary front, but maybe there are some other drawbacks.
What about working hours?
Well, unfortunately for those teachers in England, the lower pay doesn't equal lower
According to a study that was referenced in an article in the UK newspaper, The Independent,
teachers in England work longer hours than almost anywhere else in the world.
The study found secondary school teachers work an average of 48.2 hours per week, with
one in five working 60 hours or more.
That's an extra 2.7 hours per week compared to teachers in America.
The extra hours are spent on marking papers, lesson preparation, and filling out forms.
So the pros of teaching certainly seem to be weighted to the US side, but an area we
haven't explored, is teaching materials and supplies.
UK schools are provided with supplies such as pens, paper and learning resources, and
though we did find some cases where the school budget had been exhausted and the teachers
had to dip in to their own pockets, these seem to be isolated.
However, in the US, this is a highly controversial area and in many cases, teachers are being
lumbered with large bills for supplies, which if they do not buy, the teaching activities
may not happen.
According to a study by the National School Supply and Equipment Association, US teachers
spend around $500 of their own money each year on supplies for their students.
And in 2015, when the Huffington Post asked teachers to tweet how much they spent on their
classrooms, many replied saying several hundred dollars, and some even several thousand, so
this $500 average might be low.
We all know the importance of good teachers, so let's look at what the data says in terms
of student perspective.
Statistics from an ING Foundation Survey, told us this; roughly 88 percent of people
say a teacher had a "significant, positive impact" on their lives; Around 98 percent
of people say a teacher can change the course of a student's life, and though it can vary
by grade level and number of years teaching, the average teacher affects more than 3,000
students during their career.
There's a lot to say about our community of teachers on both sides of the ocean, and
whichever country a teacher is based in, there are always benefits and drawbacks.
Are you a teacher who has his or her own perspective on this subject?
Maybe you've worked in both the US and UK?
If so, we'd love to hear from you in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video called Average American vs Average European!
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> US Teachers vs UK Teachers - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
Scrapbooking Mixed Media Layout Tutorial- My Creative Scrapbook - Duration: 14:09.
ЧЕМ УДИВЯТ КИТАЙЦЫ НА ЭТОТ РАЗ | Узнай что в посылке с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 5:14.
Outdoor Party Games for Kids - Duration: 5:02.
happy birthday to me!
Shawn here and today is my birthday and I thought I would give you seven
outdoor party game ideas for kids to celebrate my birthday. If it's raining
where you are and you want some indoor game ideas come back next Wednesday for
some indoor game ideas. While you are here, I would love for you to
consider subscribing to my channel by hitting that red subscribe button down
below. If you are a subscriber and you aren't seeing my new uploads (I post
every Tuesday and Wednesday) then make sure you ring that little bell.
It lets you know when my videos upload Tuesday and Wednesday. If you hear any
babbling, that is my almost 8 month baby girl sitting right over there.
Let's get into this video. Donut on a string is a classic party game that will
have everybody rolling in laughter as you try to catch that donut with your
mouth. Here I've used floss to hang the mini donuts from the string
that's just attached to our yard swing. The bigger donuts probably would
have worked better and lasted a little bit longer but all I could find was the
mini donuts at the target. so there you have it. Building
Cup towers is a lot of fun and actually difficult especially if you are trying
to build towers on a windy day like my son and I were here. We used index
cards to make it a little bit harder, to balance the cups on. You could also
practice pulling the index cards out and having the cups to stack themselves
by pulling the index cards out. It was way too windy of a day for us to try
that so we were just building towers with our stacks of cups. You'll
notice that they fall a lot but this is a really fun party game. If you don't
have a index cards, you can simply just stack the cups, the Solo cups, up as high
as you can get them. That can be another fun party variation of the
stacking cups. Here are my husband and son doing marshmallow wars with
marshmallow launchers. DIY marshmallow launchers. I have a whole video on
marshmallow launchers and how to make these. But you just fight with mini
marshmallows and shoot them at each other. I mean what is more fun? This would
be an awesome party, birthday party game with a lot of kids. I will link that DIY
in the card up above. I'm leaving the bubble wrap noise in this game because
you can bubble wrap hopscotch. It's not fun if you don't have the popping
sound when you're playing.
Here's my husband and son playing Head shoulders knees and cup. As you can
see, my husband and son are playing head shoulders knees and Cup. You just have
one person call out and you take turns between the two of you calling out the
head shoulders knees and Cup and whoever grabs the cup first is the winner.
Pool noodle charades is a lot of fun at parties. Here my son is trying to be a
bunny rabbit. Here I am trying to be a penguin. You just use pool noodles to
act out your typical charades and you can work together in teams as well. Here
my husband and son are trying to be a rhinoceros but I have a whole other
video on games using pool noodles that I will leave in the card up above as well
as in the description box down below.
Frisbee twister is a fun game. Assign a different point value to each of the
colors: green 100 points, yellow 200, blue 300, and red 400 points. Toss your
frisbees. This is classic twister with a twist. The
board has a part where you have to raise your leg or an arm or something up in
the air as well as put your feet or your hands on the dots. I hadn't really planned
to include this in the video. We were just playing for fun here. I pulled
my back out after this video at some point. I apologize for the bad
angle. Don't forget to come back next Wednesday for some indoor game ideas for
kids just in case you're having a birthday party or you need to move your kids
indoors to play some games and you need to entertain them for some reason
indoors. I'll have some game ideas for you then. thanks for watching!
Insert Preview 4/29/18 P&G Couponing Crystle Proctor & Gamble - Duration: 5:31.
Clip to save you will be amazed with Couponing crystle Heylovely people couponing
crystle here with the insert preview for this coming Sunday April the 29th this
is the P&G that is for me and it was in my driveway today so let's take a look
at it it's just giving oh and here we got if I one get one free all a coupon
$4 then we've got some buy one get one free Pantene $4 Pantene $5 Pantene
dollar 50 we've got our Herbal Essence
$4 Head & Shoulders a $2.00 tide detergent another $2 Tide
Pods drift which smells so good and then that $2 downy bounce coupon we got a
25-cent dawn $0.50 dawn ultra buy one get one free Febreze buy one get one
free Febreze unstoppable $2 Swiffer refill or WetJet solution 50 cent mystic
lean eraser 25 cent mr. clean thought this was interesting if you're not in
love with your dry cleaner make a clean break tide dry cleaners
so apparently todd has gotten their hand into dry cleaning and that interesting
and they've even given you some coupons lovely people 25% off your first order
and 15% off your next order okay wonder where things are gonna be at it's gonna
be very interesting to see where they've what's what cities they pop up in
dollar on the old late that's talking about digital coupons and brand saver
flip you know I love that app Sherman got some bounty basic Sherman excuse me
25 second bounty 25 cent pups we were discussing this my sister and I I think
that coupon is usually 50 cent in it lovely people I could be wrong
always discreet always discreet a line a line prilosec pepto-bismol
Metamucil zzzquil and we've got $2 to Tampax
always always Whitestrips
got some mouthwash scope crest oral-b 250 off Fixodent
and $1.00 crest $3.00 Gillette $2.00 Gillette or Venus razor $1 off three
Gillette three Old Spice three Old Spice dollar offer one Old Spice and then
we've got $3 old to Pampers pampers Easy Ups 50 cent wipes dollar 50 loves right
love the people that concludes the P&G make sure you stay tuned and look for
the or you tell me not because I will be doing that one next words that words
that's right here I'm gonna do two RetailMeNot lovely people in a separate
video that way you won't have to watch both of them together in case you don't
want to I like to separate them okay remember clip to save and you will be
amazed bye bye
Metro D en E - Zuidplein Rotterdam Marathon April 2018 - Duration: 2:38.
Metrostation Zuidplein
Watch "Promise"
🔴 KAYSAR ASSUME Novo AMOR? e IMPRESSIONA a Todos - Duration: 1:45.
Remédios caseiros e naturais para a menopausa - Duration: 6:21.
Grande Fratello 2018: gesti violenti e insulti,ecco il video choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.
Uomini e donne: 25 aprile, non va in onda. Ecco perché e quando tornerà | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:32.
Uomini e donne : Lorenzo e Nicolò insieme per locali! Liti all'orizzonte? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:24.
Após fim do BBB18, Kaysar e Jéssica se reencontram e decidem se vão ficar juntos - Duration: 2:28.
Grande Fratello 2018, insulti e offese shock contro Aida: arriva la squalifica? - Duration: 4:16.
Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 26 aprile:Gemma ha ritrovato lamore - Duration: 4:07.
Após fim do BBB18, Kaysar e Jéssica se reencontram e decidem se vão ficar juntos - Duration: 3:00.
Mahmoud se instala na casa da Família Lima e se revolta ao ser chamado de escorado - Duration: 3:30.
Ex-BBB18, Paula fala sobre futuro com Breno e como está sua vida após o reality show - Duration: 4:53.
Boca Juniors x Palmeiras: transmissão da Libertadores ao vivo na TV e internet|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:59.
Goiás x Grêmio: acompanhe o jogo ao vivo na TV e internet|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:28.
Após render cenas na cama, Paula e Breno se encontram fora do BBB18 e clima esquenta - Duration: 5:19.
Sistema de firma biometrico ETTs y RRHH en e-OER - Duration: 2:49.
Aos 59 anos, Sônia Abrão não quer mais se casar e desabafa: "Sem paciência" - Duration: 3:22.
Cesar Tralli substitui Rodrigo Bocardi e fãs ficam divididos no Bom Dia SP - Duration: 3:12.
Mahmoud se instala na casa da Família Lima e se revolta ao ser chamado de escorado - Duration: 2:36.
Após tratamento de câncer, Catra surge bem mais magro e choca com aparência"acabada - Duration: 2:15.
Gnocchi (Nhoque) Gorgonzola e Gnocchi (Nhoque) Napoletana (Massa que derrete na boca) - Duration: 7:53.
Hi everyone, today we are here to present to you a gnocchi recipe ... with homemade
pasta and with two different sauces to eat with it
This gnocchi is the one from Il Gondoliere Restaurant in Manly.
Do you remember it? it a delicius gnocchi gorgonzola.
Super famous !
Let's see how it's done?
We are going to prepare four portions of gnocchi For this, we will need 1 kilo of potatoes
In Australia, the best for it is White Potatoes or Desiree ...
In Brazil, the best is the one with the pink skin, I think it's called asterix
Now, they will be cooked the potatoes with the peel in the water with salt for 25 minutes
Meanwhile, we are going to get the ingredients.
They are 300 grams of wheat flour and two egg yolks
The potatoes are cooked and let's peel and squeeze them
Let's work the gnocchi on a marble surface.
The marble is good because it makes the water from the potatoess evaporate faster
On the cold potatoes, we will put what is missing.
Taste and add more salt if it needs, nutmeg and black pepper to taste
Mix the egg yolks and potatoes together and stir carefully with a spatula because the can not be handled too much
Put 250 grams of flour on the potatoes and
separate 50 grams for later
With a pair of gloves, handle this mixture carefully mixing the flour with the potato
…in this stage the mixture sticks too much... until it forms a homogeneous dough that will
no longer stick in either hands or marble
Always sprinkle flour on it work the dough gently until it turns
that misshapen dough into a homogeneous ball Now that we have a homogeneous dough we will
cut into a slices about 2 centimeters each
and now, cut it into a strips
and now, roll the strips
Cut the small rolls to make the gnocchi
And place them in a floured tray
make small holes on gnocchi, rolling your finger against it
The gnocchi is ready
Let's make the napoletana sauce
2 chopped garlic cloves
Some chopped basil leaves 400 grams of mashed whole skinless tomatoes,
olive olil, salt and sugar
Fry the garlic in olive oil,
Add the tomatoes, 1/2 cup of water
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar and basil
Now, stir it, cover the pan, lower the heat and let it cook for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally
The sauce is ready.
A little bit of basil and....It is perfect now
Let's start making the gorgonzola sauce.
We will use 50g of gorgonzola cheese for portion
We are going to make it for two people...For two servings of sauce. We will need 100 grams,
50 grams of butter and 300 ml of fresh cream.
Melt 25 grams of butter and add 300ml of cream
On low heat, add 100 grams of gorgonzola cheese
The cheese is melting, so now you put 25 grams of butter in
and stir it from time to time , because now it needs to reduce.
Put a small amount of gnocchi in the boiling salted water
When they rise, it is time to take them out from the water
The sauce is wonderful !! You're mouthwatering, are not you?
Mix gnocchi and sauce together in a pan,
sprinkle parsley, stir it ... and it's ready
Now, you do the same as you did with the gnocchi napoletana
Stir it carefully because it is very soft
If you like chill as I like, add a little bit of chili flakes and
turn your napoletana gnocchi into gnocchi all 'arrabiata
On the napoletana gnocchi, grated cheese is recommended, but on the gorgonzola it is optional
Now, they are ready to be tasted!!
Buon Appetito !!
Renault Mégane dCi 110 Serie Signature Exclusive (R-Link/Park assist/LED) - Duration: 0:55.
Renault Captur TCE 90pk Dynamique (1STE EIG./R-link/Climate/17''LMV) - Duration: 1:12.
Renault Talisman dCi 130 Intens (19"LMV/Bose/R-LINK2/Pack Winter) - Duration: 1:14.
Volvo V60 2.4 D6 Twin Engine R-Design 14% bijtelling - Duration: 1:07.
Volvo V60 D4 R-Design Automaat Intellisafe Standkachel On-Call Keyless Navi Xenon 190Pk - Duration: 1:10.
Renault Grand Scénic 1.5 DCI 110PK INTENS 7-PERS | Navi R-Link | Half leer | Camera - Duration: 1:10.
Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D150 R-Dynamic S - Duration: 0:55.
Papá a toda madre | Capítulo 69 - Resumen - Duration: 4:05.
US Teachers vs UK Teachers - Duration: 6:11.
We may believe the experience of going to school is universal, but it varies greatly
depending on which country you live in.
Some might say that the purpose of education is learning valuable information.
Others would argue it's primarily about becoming an effective critical thinker, or
that it's simply a bridge to university.
As the learning experience can vary depending on culture, politics, and economics, the teaching
experience also comes with its own set of unique activities.
Today we're going to be looking at how teachers on different sides of the Atlantic deal with
their day to day at school.
What is similar and what is not, and who has the best role of the dice with the perks of
the teaching game?
Welcome to this episode of The Infographics Show: US Teachers vs UK Teachers.
When we started doing our research online, we first came across a topic that has been
making headlines in the United Kingdom…the UK teacher recruitment crisis.
The UK has a shortage of teachers, an issue that has arisen as a result of the boom in
birth rates and the rise in the number of pupils attending schools.
Though the number of primary teachers has been steadily going up, it is not enough to
deal with the increased number of children joining primary schools.
Adding to this, there have been complaints of high workloads, increased targets, and
insufficient remuneration, which have resulted in experienced teachers leaving the profession.
According to a YouGov poll, 53 per cent of teachers are considering leaving their jobs.
11,000 young teachers actually leave during training; a figure that is three times more
than it was six years ago.
British newspaper The Guardian reported that Ministers had failed to meet teacher recruitment
targets for five years in a row, leading to 10,000 fewer secondary school teachers being
hired, than intended.
And that recruitment target for computing teachers had been missed by more than 1,000
over a five-year period.
A shortfall in physics teachers of almost 1,200, and the target for mathematics teachers
has been missed by 1,850 recruits.
The figures published by the Department for Education in 2016, also showed teacher vacancies
up by 26% over the year, with 920 vacancies for full-time permanent teachers in state-funded
schools, up from 730 the year before.
So how does this compare to the US teacher talent pool?
When we looked online, it seems many of the same issues are apparent.
A 2017 Washington Post article referenced a study which published data stating that
teacher education enrollment dropped by 35%, from 691,000 to 451,000, between 2009 and
2014, and that nearly 8 percent of the teaching workforce is leaving every year, many before
retirement age.
The reasons behind the shortages are similar to those in the United Kingdom.
Student enrollments are increasing and will continue to do so by 3 million, to 53 million
total, in the next decade.
This is driven by higher birth rates and immigration.
Teacher attrition is high, at 8% annually, with two-thirds of those that leave, doing
so before retirement age, and most because of dissatisfaction with the conditions of
their employment.
So it seems there is a similar situation with the teacher shortage in both the UK and US.
So this is all interesting, but what about the day-to-day experience of those teachers
who are working in schools.
How do the jobs compare?
We took a look at salaries, and using data from The OECD, we did some side-by-side comparisons.
This is what we found out.
For starting salaries, US teachers are paid up to $42,000, where as in England, it is
up to $31,000.
For teachers working in the industry beyond 15 years, US teachers are paid up to $45,000,
and in England it's $42,000.
For top of the scale teachers, US teachers are paid up to $46,000, where as in England
it is still $42,000.
Looking at how the ages of these teachers compare, the average age of a schoolteacher
in America is 43, where as in England it is 39.
In fact, teachers in England are the fifth youngest, based on a survey of 5 million teachers
in 34 countries.
So US teachers do a little better on the salary front, but maybe there are some other drawbacks.
What about working hours?
Well, unfortunately for those teachers in England, the lower pay doesn't equal lower
According to a study that was referenced in an article in the UK newspaper, The Independent,
teachers in England work longer hours than almost anywhere else in the world.
The study found secondary school teachers work an average of 48.2 hours per week, with
one in five working 60 hours or more.
That's an extra 2.7 hours per week compared to teachers in America.
The extra hours are spent on marking papers, lesson preparation, and filling out forms.
So the pros of teaching certainly seem to be weighted to the US side, but an area we
haven't explored, is teaching materials and supplies.
UK schools are provided with supplies such as pens, paper and learning resources, and
though we did find some cases where the school budget had been exhausted and the teachers
had to dip in to their own pockets, these seem to be isolated.
However, in the US, this is a highly controversial area and in many cases, teachers are being
lumbered with large bills for supplies, which if they do not buy, the teaching activities
may not happen.
According to a study by the National School Supply and Equipment Association, US teachers
spend around $500 of their own money each year on supplies for their students.
And in 2015, when the Huffington Post asked teachers to tweet how much they spent on their
classrooms, many replied saying several hundred dollars, and some even several thousand, so
this $500 average might be low.
We all know the importance of good teachers, so let's look at what the data says in terms
of student perspective.
Statistics from an ING Foundation Survey, told us this; roughly 88 percent of people
say a teacher had a "significant, positive impact" on their lives; Around 98 percent
of people say a teacher can change the course of a student's life, and though it can vary
by grade level and number of years teaching, the average teacher affects more than 3,000
students during their career.
There's a lot to say about our community of teachers on both sides of the ocean, and
whichever country a teacher is based in, there are always benefits and drawbacks.
Are you a teacher who has his or her own perspective on this subject?
Maybe you've worked in both the US and UK?
If so, we'd love to hear from you in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video called Average American vs Average European!
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
Scrapbooking Mixed Media Layout Tutorial- My Creative Scrapbook - Duration: 14:09.
ЧЕМ УДИВЯТ КИТАЙЦЫ НА ЭТОТ РАЗ | Узнай что в посылке с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 5:14.
Outdoor Party Games for Kids - Duration: 5:02.
happy birthday to me!
Shawn here and today is my birthday and I thought I would give you seven
outdoor party game ideas for kids to celebrate my birthday. If it's raining
where you are and you want some indoor game ideas come back next Wednesday for
some indoor game ideas. While you are here, I would love for you to
consider subscribing to my channel by hitting that red subscribe button down
below. If you are a subscriber and you aren't seeing my new uploads (I post
every Tuesday and Wednesday) then make sure you ring that little bell.
It lets you know when my videos upload Tuesday and Wednesday. If you hear any
babbling, that is my almost 8 month baby girl sitting right over there.
Let's get into this video. Donut on a string is a classic party game that will
have everybody rolling in laughter as you try to catch that donut with your
mouth. Here I've used floss to hang the mini donuts from the string
that's just attached to our yard swing. The bigger donuts probably would
have worked better and lasted a little bit longer but all I could find was the
mini donuts at the target. so there you have it. Building
Cup towers is a lot of fun and actually difficult especially if you are trying
to build towers on a windy day like my son and I were here. We used index
cards to make it a little bit harder, to balance the cups on. You could also
practice pulling the index cards out and having the cups to stack themselves
by pulling the index cards out. It was way too windy of a day for us to try
that so we were just building towers with our stacks of cups. You'll
notice that they fall a lot but this is a really fun party game. If you don't
have a index cards, you can simply just stack the cups, the Solo cups, up as high
as you can get them. That can be another fun party variation of the
stacking cups. Here are my husband and son doing marshmallow wars with
marshmallow launchers. DIY marshmallow launchers. I have a whole video on
marshmallow launchers and how to make these. But you just fight with mini
marshmallows and shoot them at each other. I mean what is more fun? This would
be an awesome party, birthday party game with a lot of kids. I will link that DIY
in the card up above. I'm leaving the bubble wrap noise in this game because
you can bubble wrap hopscotch. It's not fun if you don't have the popping
sound when you're playing.
Here's my husband and son playing Head shoulders knees and cup. As you can
see, my husband and son are playing head shoulders knees and Cup. You just have
one person call out and you take turns between the two of you calling out the
head shoulders knees and Cup and whoever grabs the cup first is the winner.
Pool noodle charades is a lot of fun at parties. Here my son is trying to be a
bunny rabbit. Here I am trying to be a penguin. You just use pool noodles to
act out your typical charades and you can work together in teams as well. Here
my husband and son are trying to be a rhinoceros but I have a whole other
video on games using pool noodles that I will leave in the card up above as well
as in the description box down below.
Frisbee twister is a fun game. Assign a different point value to each of the
colors: green 100 points, yellow 200, blue 300, and red 400 points. Toss your
frisbees. This is classic twister with a twist. The
board has a part where you have to raise your leg or an arm or something up in
the air as well as put your feet or your hands on the dots. I hadn't really planned
to include this in the video. We were just playing for fun here. I pulled
my back out after this video at some point. I apologize for the bad
angle. Don't forget to come back next Wednesday for some indoor game ideas for
kids just in case you're having a birthday party or you need to move your kids
indoors to play some games and you need to entertain them for some reason
indoors. I'll have some game ideas for you then. thanks for watching!
Insert Preview 4/29/18 P&G Couponing Crystle Proctor & Gamble - Duration: 5:31.
Clip to save you will be amazed with Couponing crystle Heylovely people couponing
crystle here with the insert preview for this coming Sunday April the 29th this
is the P&G that is for me and it was in my driveway today so let's take a look
at it it's just giving oh and here we got if I one get one free all a coupon
$4 then we've got some buy one get one free Pantene $4 Pantene $5 Pantene
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Metro D en E - Zuidplein Rotterdam Marathon April 2018 - Duration: 2:38.
Metrostation Zuidplein
How a Ph.D. dissertation in A...
India: Crash Course History of Science #4 - Duration: 13:15.
You might have recognized the names of some of the Greek natural philosophers.
They were individuals with quirky theories, and we have records about them.
But they weren't the only people making knowledge back in the day.
India had major urban centers, centralized administrative states, and complicated metaphysical
traditions long before the Greeks had anything big—
just goats, which are small.
And olive trees, which are bigger than goats but still small.
And a few gods and goddesses doing normal stuff like cheating on each other.
In Indian scriptures, thousands of gods and demons made perpetual war, destroying and
recreating reality itself!
Ancient Indian thinkers didn't give rise to the same natural philosophy as
the Greeks.
India presents a convenient counterpoint to Greece because knowledge-making in india was
indeparable from a long religious tradition, sponsored by the state,
and focused on applications.
At the same time, both regions exchanged ideas with each other and the wider world.
Today we'll dive into a couple of major aspects of Indian natural philosophy, underlying
philosophy–philosophy, and math.
Oh, and we'll talk about everyone's favorite large mammal—the elephant!
[Intro Music Plays]
Ancient India was home to several schools of thought, including what would become Hinduism,
its more austere rivals Buddhism and Jainism, and a super-fatalistic faith called Ajivika
that isn't around anymore.
The most important Hindu texts were the Vedas.
The word "veda" literally means "knowledge."
These sacred texts are passed along orally, even today.
But they had also been written down for centuries by the time Alexander the Great invaded western
India in 326 BCE.
Science and religion were entangled in both Greece and India.
True, the Greek natural philosophers began to break with a mythological tradition, or
at least repurposed it, proposing new ways of thinking about nature.
Even so, we can never neatly separate out science from religion: they mutually affect
one another.
In India, "knowledge" systems were essentially, well, vedic.
The Vedas were written in a sacred language, Sanskrit, which was standardized around the
time of the first Greek natural philosophers.
The greatest Sanskrit scholar, Panini, wrote a book on grammar listing almost four thousand rules!
These covered phonetics, meter, semantics, etymology—everything about the language
and how it should be used.
In fact, Panini's theory of how words are formed was so advanced that it was directly
studied into the twentieth century!
So you can say that the first science in India was linguistics.
And this tradition of memorizing the Vedas and trying to understand words eventually
led to the study of acoustics and musical tones.
But is studying a language, which is a very human thing, the same kind of knowledge-making
as studying fire or gravity?
Yes, totally!
Linguists make hypotheses, take careful observations, and put together testable theories about how
languages change.
They might be frustrated by the seeming randomness of their subjects… but then again, so are
quantum physicists, and medical doctors!
Some parts of the Vedas concerned math and astronomy.
But mostly they concerned gods and rituals.
The Vedas taught that the cosmos is clearly ordered, as is human society.
What happens in the reality you perceive is the result of a complicated ethical algorithm
running in the background—so you have to sacrifice a lot of animals and stay in your
social position.
Thus the Vedas functioned not only as a basis for a whole language, but as a way of teaching
people how society should be: a mirror of an orderly cosmos.
And so we arrive at the present year: 321 BCE…
It's not actually 321.
But it was, at one point.
At that time, in Greece, Aristotle had been dead for only one year.
Over in Babylon, in what is now Iraq, Aristotle's former boss Alexander the Great had been dead
for two years.
But in eastern India, a young adventurer named Chandragupta Maurya was very
much alive: that year he became emperor of nearly the entire subcontinent.
Alexander had only recently invaded India, wisely choosing not to start beef with the
powerful kingdom of Magadha.
When Alexander died, India consisted of a lot of small kingdoms.
Maurya, inspired by the model of Alexander and coached by a brilliant older adviser,
led a coup in Magadha.
From there, Maurya conquered the weaker kingdoms one by one, forging them into a powerful state
called —wait for it, what name did he name it?
who knows!— it's the Maurya Empire.
The dynasty that Maurya founded lasted from 322 to 180 BCE.
It sponsored research into astronomy, hydraulic engineering, and forestry.
Chandragupta's grandson Ashoka became one of the most powerful and culturally
influential rulers of India, as well as a serious convert to Buddhism.
He outlawed hunting and other unnecessary acts of violence towards animals, opened public
hospitals, and spread Buddhism as far as Athens!
When the Buddhist monk Faxian visited India from Jin Dynasty China, starting
in 399 CE, he favorably compared the two empires: both were civilized societies where Buddhism
could flourish.
Increased travel between states brought increased trade in goods as well as ideas.
Under the Maurya Empire, more than half of the arable land in ancient India was irrigated,
producing two harvests a year.
That sustained a lot of people… and required a lot of planning.
Thus Indian states developed whole government departments to supervise the building and
maintenance of irrigation systems.
They controlled a vast system of canals and sluices, funded by taxes.
Breaching a dam was punishable… by death!
The centralized Maurya Empire—like the Egyptian, Sumerian, and Chinese ones—was a "hydraulic"
state: its control of water allowed harvests stability, keeping large populations alive.
To control nature, the people running these big states needed to know lots of things about
the lands, plants, animals and especially rivers they controlled.
And most especially about the people who owed them taxes.
First rule of history: nobody ever, ever liked paying taxes.
Another key to running a big state in India was the elephant.
Training hundreds of war elephants was important to continued military power.
So the Mauryas created a forestry department, because elephants lived in the forests, and
made the slaying of elephants punishable by, you guessed it, death.
Forestry management and regulating land and water would eventually develop into sciences
in their own right.
The Mauryas' administrative or "useful" science, such as their pioneering work in
land management, was not the same as the abstract theorizing of the Greek natural philosophers.
The Greeks left behind their names, thanks to their writings and their cults—I mean—schools.
The work of those who maintained early hydraulic states tended to be anonymous.
A debate about the relative merits of applied versus pure science—knowledge of the immediately
useful versus the abstractly true—is still raging today.
Just compare a scientist applying for a grant to study, say, lichen versus an engineer working
on computer guidance for missiles…
But useful and abstract systems are not diametric opposites, and they were never fully separate.
India had been open to Persian and Chinese influences before Alexander.
The Chinese had already introduced alchemy—or systematic questioning about what is stuff—to
Indian thought.
But India definitely became more Greek-ish when a bunch of Greeks–some trained by Aristotle
himself—pranced in talking about elements and perfectly circular star-paths.
Astronomy was important to all of the ancient states.
This is because, alongside their war-making and tax-taking, states were also religious
institutes, which cared about astrological schedules.
Because, if you're a god, you can fly around the heavens, you have houses in different
parts of the sky, and you want to be worshipped when you're in the right house.
In India, as all over the ancient world, "religion" and "science" were not separate ideas
in the way we might think of them today.
Practicing astrology meant carefully observing stars and planets—and thus also practicing
People who knew a lot about the night sky made up a high-status professional class.
These stargazers were part-priest, part-astronomer, and part-mathematician.
As astronomers, they divided the solar year into months, crafting calendars to regulate
religious ceremonies.
They developed a calculation for adding a leap month when necessary to keep the religious
calendar in sync with the solar one.
And they investigated the moon's cycles, as well as constellations.
As mathematicians, they came up with names for very large numbers—such as 10 to the
40th—related to the very long cosmic cycles in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
In fact, astronomy and related math really took off in ancient India.
Let's take a closer look with ThoughtBubble:
During the Gupta Empire, which lasted from 319 to 605 CE, families of professional astronomer–mathematicians
passed down their teachings about the stars.
And they competed with each other: six regional schools of thought all fought for state patronage.
This period also saw the rise of the siddhantas or "the solutions," meaning high-level
astronomy textbooks.
Two of the major siddhanta writers were Aryabhata and Brahmagupta.
They were both brilliant polymaths,
but unfortunately they disagreed about astronomy.
Which was really too bad, because these guys would have made a team of unbeatable geniuses.
Written around 500 CE, Aryabhata's book of solutions includes a place-value system,
decimal notation, the familiar numbers that we call "Arabic" today, the number zero,
and the irrational number pi calculated to four places.
And Aryabhata famously posited that the earth rotates… daily… on its axis.
This idea was a major breakthrough in astronomy: Egyptian, Greek, and earlier Indian thinkers
argued that the sky rotates around the earth.
Aryabhata figured out that the apparent "movement" of the stars is actually caused by the rotation
of the earth itself.
But Brahmagupta thought that a rotating earth defied common sense: just look at the birds,
all not flying off into the heavens!
Meanwhile, in his own siddhanta, Brahmagupta calculated the circumference of the earth
with astonishing precision, and he worked with negative and irrational numbers.
Thanks Thought Bubble.
Indian mathematicians were working on many topics that writers in Greece were not.
But the most advanced branch of natural philosophy in ancient India was more founded in Vedic
Ayurveda, literally life-knowledge, or the science of life, began with oral traditions
about sacrificial animals.
By the sixth century BCE, it was a standardized system of medicine and way of answering the
question what is life?
Ayurvedic approaches to diseases and cures were rational.
There were reasons for every choice.
Good physicians didn't believe in strictly divine cures, but practiced medical judgment
based on years of study and then more years of experience.
The influential medical textbook Charaka Samhita, for example, calls for physicians to apprentice
with a master, then get royal permission to treat patients.
It also lists 300 bones, 500 muscles, 210 joints, and 70 vessels in the human body.
This was written some time before 200 CE.
And today's med school students complain about organic chemistry!
Ayurveda, which is still around today, is so complex and important that we're devoting
another episode to it, alongside ancient European medicine.
For now, just note that, Indian medicine and surgery was probably the most advanced of
any contemporary ancient civilization.
Rich in people and faiths, India was not a
single culture even under the highly successful Mauryas and Guptas.
But certain features of ancient Indian natural philosophy stand out.
The ancient Vedas—literally, the knowledges—influenced a wide variety of thinkers across a large
geographic region.
There were no sharp breaks with Vedic ways of knowing—although Buddhism, and influences
from China and Greece, added new layers of philosophy on top of the Vedic one.
And the Maurya and Gupta states were wealthy and well-administered, known for their skilled
artisans and able to control vast plains in order to feed teeming cities.
As ancient states exchanged goods and proto-scientific ideas, Indian ideas spread far and wide: we
have accounts of Ayurvedic physicians, or vaidyas, working in eighth-century
Baghdad, then one of the largest cities on earth and a center of knowledge production.
Next time—we'll travel to The Americas to ask questions like, "When are we? What is time? And how to we measure it?"
Crash Course History of Science is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney studio in Missoula,
Montana and it's made with the help of all this nice people and our animation team is
Thought Cafe.
Crash Course is a Complexly production.
If you wanna keep imagining the world complexly with us, you can check out some of our other
channels like Healthcare Triage, How to Adult, and Scishow Psych.
And, if you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everybody, forever, you can support
the series at Patreon; a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you
Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued
'I Made It' Ep. 11 Official Clip | Homeland | Season 7 - Duration: 1:26.
Carrie, they're up to the fourth floor now
You have maybe five minutes
I made it
'No Fudgie?' Ep. 5 Official Clip | Billions | Season 3 - Duration: 2:01.
Do you know what this is about?
Somebody's birthday.
We're all getting a Fudgie the Whale.
I'm 99 percent sure you're lying.
But the one percent is bursting with hope.
[conversations continue]
All right.
In what I can only pray will not be a regular occurrence,
Bill Stearn will take a page from the Otis Redding songbook
and try a little tenderness.
Yeah, um...
Compliance is to be...
complied with.
[index cards shuffle]
Ari Spyros is a human man
worthy of the respect due to any freeholder.
[index cards shuffle]
And I apologize for the remarks
I made to and about him.
[index cards shuffle]
Oh, my god.
[indistinct conversations]
No Fudgie?
Alltair, Raider ‒ Paralyzed (RIzE Remix) ft. Jex 🌊 - Duration: 3:57.
Volvo S80 2.5 T 147kW/200pk Geartronic MOMENTUM PROF. CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI RTI + LEER + CD-WISSELAA - Duration: 0:55.
Kourtney Kardashian Couldn't Be Happier! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:23.
Car audio. Loud meeting in Moscow. VAZ 2112 Umbrella T-Virus. - Duration: 8:03.
People pass on red light , they just don't care/Наглите еп. 5 - Duration: 1:34.
Hello everyone! This happens almost on every crossroad with traffic lights just watch!
This Vectra "СВ 4573 КС"
And this Yaris "СА 5579 ТР"
Remember them!
Like you can see its red already.
More , more go pass!
(Red light? WTF is this no one give a s**t for traffic rules)
3 Best Positions For Guys With Small Penises - Duration: 6:18.
Trip Kramer here from www.trippadvice.com. I made this video
because I know a lot of guys are very insecure about their size and it really
hurts your confidence especially in the bedroom so I have brought on a special
sex expert. Her name is Laurel house who's gonna give you some very good news
for you if you think that you are too small or insecure about it altogether.
In just a second, I'm gonna cut to her butt real quick, if you want to learn how
to be able to build tension with the woman when you're with her so you guys
actually end up in this spot where she's jumping your bones, then I want you to
pick up Tripp's Tension Technique. It's 100% free, just click on the link in the
description below and you're gonna see a demonstration of me and another girl
doing the tension technique to be able to turn her on. Go get that and right
now here is Laurel House. Thanks Tripp. Hey guys. I'm Laurel house I'm a sex expert
for men and I have three positions that are great for guys who have smaller
penises. But first let me just say that while 45% of men think that they
have small penises, which is statistically totally inaccurate,
85% of their women are very happy with their partner's penis so
stop breaking yourself down. Also keep in mind that women generally orgasm in two
areas, vaginal orgasm and clitoral orgasm. Clitoral orgasm is surface. Vaginal
orgasm is hitting the g-spot which is only a couple of inches inside so a
smaller penis is actually hitting up against the g-spot repeatedly so you
might actually be lucky to have it a smaller penis because you are hitting
that thing over and over if you're doing it right. First of all when you're
having sex, if you have a smaller penis instead of doing the in-and-out, you want
to think about rocking, grinding and doing a swivel and screw motion. That way
you're staying right in the spot and just hitting over and over and over.
Also there is types of furniture that you can get. There's a liberator
wedge that can help to lift you up, lift her up and put you in the
exact right space. The first one is missionary.
I'm not just talking about traditional missionary.
If you have a smaller penis, traditional missionary might be a little bit tough.
There are two types that are perfect with small penises. Number one is your
woman is laying down and you are laying down flat on top of her. You're
gonna have your pelvis just a little bit higher than her pelvis to make sure that
you're hitting it directly in and then just pushing, pushing, pushing.
I said rocking and grinding or doing a swivel and screw. The other missionary
style is she's laying on her back and you're doing a really low squat above
her. This makes it so that your penis is hitting directly into her vagina.
It looks kind of like this. I'm the guy.
She's laying and you're gonna be like this. If you're not flexible this is
gonna be tough. But you're gonna be like this and then you're just pushing right
into the spot and then doing a very small movement in order to keep on
grinding and rocking in there. With missionary, this is generally not as much
about a vaginal orgasm. This is a clitoral orgasm which is perfect because
not only is your penis probably possibly hitting inside of her and her g-spot but
your pelvis is pushing up against her clit over and over and over and over.
The next is doggy style. Doggy style position allows if she is
also arching her back so she really needs to be arched then you can get
right in there. If she's not arching, her vagina is lower and it's gonna be hard
to get in if your penis is smaller because then there's butt and butt is
taking up space. She needs to really arch so that you can get in there and
then again you're going to do the rocking, the grinding and the swivel and
screwing. Finally is scissors. Scissors is where you're gonna be laying on your
back. She's on top of you and your legs are criss crossed. You're here
and she has one leg here and one leg here.
Then she's sitting on you so she is sitting directly down on your penis and
that way she always has deep contact with you and then she is doing the
rocking and the swiveling and the grinding instead of doing the up and
down. Up and down and you're gonna fall out and that's not what we want.
Obviously she knows what's going on too. It doesn't need to be a whole
embarrassing thing cuz there is nothing wrong with small penis and there are two
other really great things that you can do with small penises. Oral sex.
Guys with small penises are often amazing when it comes to oral sex. Yes and
anal sex because your penis is smaller, it's not gonna hurt her. It's actually
gonna feel really good and you can wrap your hand around and finger her clit
or put your finger inside of her and give her a g-spot orgasm also.
It actually feels really good. A lot of women actually really do like anal sex
as long as it's not a penis that's massive and is tearing them while you're
doing it. Those are three sex positions and two bonus positions the
oral and the anal that are perfect for guys with smaller penises. Thank you so
much for watching. If you want to learn more about me and watch my videos then
go to my youtube channel "Dating Laurel" and you're gonna hear about all
sorts of dating tips on how to pick up women, what to say what to do from a
woman's perspective. I hope you guys have a great day and I look forward to seeing
you again soon. There's some pretty good stuff there so I hope that you took
notes. Don't forget to check out her YouTube channel. I'll put that in the
description below and don't forget to get Tripp's Tension Technique where you
can learn how to build tension with a girl. Leave a comment down below. Let me
know what you think and I'll see you on the next video.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Vision / Navigatie - Duration: 1:07.
YouTuber Sends Garlic Bread To SPACE For Reason You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:59.
YouTuber Tom Scott decided it would be an amazing idea to send garlic bread to the edge
of space.
Why would anyone want to do that?
I'll fill you in, here on IO.
Hey I'm Charlotte and you're watching inform overload.
Tom Scott has 1.1 million subscribers on his channel.
Apparently, he was having a conversation in a pub a few weeks back, and that conversation
sparked an idea.
He decided to send home made garlic bread into the stratosphere using a balloon, with
a camera attached.
Tom also said that he attached a camera that corrects the horizon, so you can't see the
In case you're wondering.
I feel like every time there's a conversation about sending something into space we have
to clarify these things for the flat earthers.
So what scientific purpose is there for sending garlic bread into the stratosphere?
To eat it.
They sent half into the sky with a balloon, and half they kept on earth, to see if they
could taste a difference.
According to tom, food has been sent up into space before.
For example, for a special on a children's program, someone sent cake.
But no one had actually eaten the food when it came back down to earth from being in space.
To make matters more interesting, when something falls back to earth from being high up, it
can land anywhere within a 5 mile radius.
So it could have literally landed in cow shit.
Thankfully the garlic bread was encased in a box, but it definitely did land in a bunch
of mud.
So what does stratosphere exposed garlic bread taste like?
Out of this world.
Well… not surprisingly…it tasted…cold.
The middle of the bread was icy on the inside, it was essentially frozen from being in the
Yes, its cold up there.
Looks like tom Scott has made history for being the first person to send something into
the stratosphere…and then ate it.
At the time this video was filmed, toms video was #12 on trending and had almost 3 million
Would you eat stratosphere garlic bread?
I suddenly really want garlic bread now.
Komisksi Tv – I hope everybody who dislikes it (nobody) Just doesn't know what the like
button looks like.
I feel like that is not the reason.
Sometimes people like the video but they don't like the story.
You're supposed to give a thumbs up if you like the video, not if you disagree with or
upset by the content of the story.
Just to clarify.
Dora the explorer – I love your videos.
Keep up.
I binge watch your videos and btw I'm a potato.
Thanks Dora, love your TV show.
Fortnite is low key awesome – inform overload is so smart there is not even a number for
how smart they are.
Edit i will be at Orlando.
Hey awesome!
Make sure you come say hi.
By the way, me as well as the crew from most amazing top ten will be at playlist live this
weekend in Orlando, if you see us around don't be shy.
The video is over, thanks for watching.
If you learned something to day, or hey, if you like potatoes, leave a like, subscribe
and turn notifications on.
Wanna keep watching, well we have put together a playlist for you, that's right over here.
IO is on social media, we got Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Scroll down to the description for all our links.
That's it for me and I'll see you in the next video.
=NEW CARNIVAL HORIZON/Ship review, cabin, a day in the Sea= - Duration: 32:15.
Mom Who Admits Raging At Her Kids: 'I Don't Know How To Undo The Damage I've Done' - Duration: 4:54.
Like It Or Not (FNAF 6 Song) - Dawko & CG5 [Synthesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 3:30.
Welcome to the show
And like it or not it's time to play a game
let's play a game
We don't want you to go
Cuz like it or not you'll never feel the same
let's play a game
Let's play it
One, two, three, four, five
You think you can survive
This is all a lie
Cause your story ends tonight
And like it or not you'll never feel the same
Don't run away - just come to play!
No fun today - this is what I have to say
Don't run away - just come to play!
This is what I have to say
You're stuck here everyday!
On my left and my right
I'm seeing quite the sight
Don't wanna be a baby 'bout it but i'm probably gonna die
Feeling trapped and broken, and traumatized
I just want to stay alive
On your left and your right
They wanna pick a fight
But they don't know the truth about themselves
They never realised
Nothing more, but little children
They are
Don't run away - Just come to play!
No fun today - This is what I have to say
Don't run away - Just come to play!
This is what I have to say
You're stuck here everyday!
You're stuck here everyday!
Welcome to the show
And like it or not it's time to play a game
let's play a game
Join Us For A Bite
Real Reason Samoa Joe MOVED To WWE SmackDown! | WrestleTalk News Apr. 2018 - Duration: 4:11.
Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.
Shinsuke Nakamura, Best Of The Super Heels 2018
Before WrestleMania, Shinsuke Nakamura was one of the most beloved wrestlers in WWE,
unique, dangerous and, most importantly of all, owner of an awesome entrance song.
But Nakamura's ball-punching fist wasn't the only thing who's turned heel since WrestleMania,
as now his music has gone bad guy too.
In the rich vein of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rock 'The Dwayne' Johnson, Nakamura
debuted his new heel theme 'Shadows of a Setting Sun' to suit his new heel persona
on last night's SmackDown, because - as Corey Graves explained - he's sick of the
WWE Universe singing along with it.
And true to Nakamura's 'No speak English' claims, the lyrics are rapped in Japanese.
Meaning if I try to sing along, I either get accused of being an idiot, or of cultural
Thankfully, thatsroode on Instagram has translated the song for us single-language speaking philistines.
Better wear a cup cause I'm gonna jab your nuts
I'll jab your nuts all the way up into your guts
Time to punch some nuts Up to your guts
So on and so forth.
Nakamura's current six-star feud with AJ Styles' genitals has also prompted NXT wrestler
EC3 to suggest another change to Shinsuke's gimmick:
"With the amount of low blows @ShinsukeN is dishing out, he may as well change the
name of his finisher to the Peenshasa.
#sdlive" Peenshasa is good.
But so is the Phenomenal BALLarm!
What should Nakamura's new low blow finisher be called?
Click the 'i' in the top right to vote.
But Nakamura isn't the only top heel on SmackDown...
Real Reason Samoa Joe Moved To SmackDown ...as his former NXT Championship foe Samoa
Joe is now also on the brand.
Joe was arguably the most surprising move during last week's Superstar Shake-Up, mainly
because his already-announced Backlash match against Roman Reigns was one of Raw's only
actual established feuds since WrestleMania.
But PWStream is reporting Joe's feud with Reigns is precisely why he was moved to SmackDown:
"Per source: Samoa Joe moved to #SDLive to avoid Reigns.
The two will have a match soon, however following that, Reigns, as expected, will be running
As such, Joe wouldn't be a pivotal part of the show.
WWE want him to play a big role — he wouldn't be on Raw, hence the move."
Major WWE Plans Spoiled?
The idea of Reigns "running Raw" suggests he'll soon hold the brand's top title,
which PWStream also claims will be happening imminently.
As when asked if Joe vs Reigns at Backlash will be for the Universal title, the Twitter
account responded: "As of right now (barring Vince wanting to swerve everyone again), yes."
- therefore reporting Roman will beat Brock Lesnar at this Friday's Greatest Royal Rumble
show in time for Backlash the following week.
PWStream have previously reported Lesnar's contract as being a per-appearance deal, and
that Charlotte ended Asuka's build her up for a WrestleMania 35 against Ronda Rousey
- both claims which have yet to be confirmed.
WrestleTalk Almanac Winner!
It's time to announce the winner of our WrestleTalk Almanac giveaway.
Head over to our Facebook page by clicking the link in the video description below so
you'll know when our next competition goes live.
Congratulations to… no, this isn't that one.
He finally gave an f-word, remember.
Just a normal drumroll.
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Bruce Driver!
Which is a great gimmick name.
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The 'Infinity War' Directors on Avengers 4 - Duration: 3:17.
Now you probably know that social media,
Tumblr, Twitter, they are chomping at the bit...
I hope.
For any info regarding this movie.
Yeah, they're gonna get zero from us. You can try Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo.
Ah, OK, good to know.
What's a little message you'd like to give them
that can just hold them over for the next couple of days?
Well, I think the message we can give them is that
all of the passion that comes from these fans is hopefully gonna be rewarded in the big
finale that is 'Avengers: Infinity War.'
I mean, if you've been following along with the Marvel Universe
for the last 10 years, this is it! This is the big ending, this
is the final chapter of the book, so be excited.
How do you think they'll react? Shock, awe, satisfied?
Hopefully all of those things.
Yeah, hopefully…
I mean we're big fans of balanced storytelling. We like
movies that give you the whole range of experiences and we like
very layered movies. So, when we go to a film, we want to laugh,
we want to cry. We want to be provoked on an intellectual level, etc.
So, we try to build these movies so that they kind of give
audiences a very complete, thick experience.
One that they can keep revisiting over and over.
Absolutely. I know we're here to celebrate 'Infinity War,'
but you know everyone's already talking about Number 4.
So, I would love to know, were there any potential names that you had for the fourth
installment that were just axed? You were like, absolutely not.
I mean, I've got notes. We might have reviewed quite a few names.
You know, exactly. I don't remember... I mean we do have a
name for it, we're just not announcing it.
And I think that we came to that name fairly early in the
development process. It speaks to the heart of the story.
We knew it for quite a while…
It speaks to the heart of the story, so you never
considered… "4"? "Avengers 4."
"Avengers 4"?
[laughs] No.
That sounded easy.
No I think, ya know, it's just out there as a placeholder. You know because these movies
get announced so early before they've been sort of, before
they've been written and worked through.
So I think that it almost becomes a placeholder name, yeah.
What is, cause you know the fans are super invested, is there a ship that just cracks you
up when you see how invested the fans are?
I mean, if we say that then we're just gonna get murdered by them.
But uh, I mean, no, the Stucky fan base is really intense.
We try to be supportive of the way everyone wants to interpret the movie.
We've said this in the past before, sort of, it's storytelling.
It's open to interpretation. Interpret it how you want to.
We encourage people to embrace their ships and have fun with their own imaginations.
That's the whole point of making these movies.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Now, lastly before I let you guys go, cause I just talked to Zoe and Chris.
Speaking of ships, we need these guys to kiss already, I mean
come on... The sexual tension is absurd.
Well, how do you think fans will react if they don't?
If they don't kiss? I mean god knows.
I mean, I don't know. What do they say about it?
It depends... what was their response?
I think it would depend on why they don't kiss.
OK, speaking as a fan. I'm gonna be up in arms, so I want this, I want this to happen.
I want it to happen already.
Well look, relationships are complex things. You know, you sort of have to play them
out and see what happens. They can go one way or they can go the other.
So ambiguous, love it.
Guys, thank you so much!
Thank you, really appreciate it.
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