Sunday, April 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 30 2018

Hello everyone this is Adam meister the BitcoinMeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 29th 2018

strong hand long term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin this is home of

cryptocurrency straight talk no fancy set her graphics just information value

your wealth of bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture

alright check out the links below yesterday's beyond bitcoin show i talked

about personal responsibility being the nude counterculture also friday this

week in bitcoin was great archives are all linked to below get

your treasure or use my treasure code link to below way down there get a crypt

of steel with your treads or there's some new deal out there and yeah

t-shirts and i know everybody loves seeing these churches teachers i got all

sorts of guys trying to sell t-shirts and i'm graham glad for them bear in

motion good job guys good job alright quickly in the notes section

excuse me in the chat from the other night somebody reminded me of the BTC -

e exchange and those of you you do not know what that is

that was an exchange at many people used for a long time and tone Vaes and me and

other people warned that they would just disappear one day and what would ever

happen it shut down it it went away and despite all those warnings people lost

money on there so people never keep remember that story you might never

heard that before don't keep your money on exchanges don't

keep your coins on exchanges but i it's hard for me to believe when i read

something like this left in my chat section Barry Silbert

and aetherium classics saved my life all my funds would have been on BTC 2

when it went down if not for Barry so this guy's saying that because of

something Barry silver said I guess he maybe he bought a lot of if here in

classic and nothing dust moved all of his uh funds off a btc-e he was saved

but why the heck was this dude even keeping all his funds Oh btc-e that's

the part you know that's great Barry Silbert your savior that's awesome

that's your business dude but then the fact that after watching my show tone

show and all these other people that you were even willing to you needed a

miracle for Barry Silbert to save your butt I mean that just shows you how many

people don't control their own private key keep their money on exchanges don't

do it people you don't know when the next btc-e is gonna happen it could be

any exchange and you're not gonna have some miracle Barry Silbert come in and

ride in on a unicorn and save your life or whatever that dude happened to that

guy and you thanks for being in my chat and everything but I you know when you

leave stuff in the chat I read the chat afterwards I sometimes think a story so

pound that like button people subscribe to the channel check out the links below

and yeah I'm in Denver Colorado I'm gonna be in Portland Oregon starting on

May the 1st until the 10th so hey if you're cool contact me maybe we can

arrange my stir event the first two days I'm hanging out with a college friend

but then after that I will be up and I think Northwest Portland it's actually

near some synagogues actually coincidentally enough it's kind of funny

anyway all right so let's talk about the lawsuits that all these lawsuits people

want to sue Bitcoin calm all right and that's controlled by king of the

trolls every guys you are playing right into king of the trolls hands I mean

have you ever seen the way how he acts on his videos okay how he makes

everything into an infomercial how the be cash people are victims that you need

to feel bad for that the Bitcoin people are you know attacking them and hurting

them and oh poor poor little us I mean he is going to turn

into aggression against him and a gret against be cash he's gonna make he's

gonna make big coin peep bitcoin looks like a villain and be cash looks like a

sympathetic victim now I don't think being a victim is cool but a lot of

people mainstream media um they will pick up on that story and you

you're gonna help you're gonna help him you're gonna help him spread the his

word and his word is that be cash is the real bitcoin now that isn't the truth

but you're giving him a megaphone by suing him by playing right into his

hands and it is playing it's playing right into his hands and he is good at

persuading people and he is good at twisting things around if you can't give

the guy credit for having that kind of talent then you don't know what the heck

is going on you're in oh honey you got a brick you got to treat him with a

certain level of respect when you know that you got to take him seriously is

what I'm trying to say there you know either respect him on a but the I mean

you skill he's got persuasive skills and if you're gonna give him a freebie by

suing him I'm not participating in that at all I'm not encouraging anyone to

spend their precious Bitcoin on giving king of the trolls more attention on

putting the government on a pedestal on a central because again you're like bet

you're gonna beg the government to come in and punish Bitcoin calm that's not

what this is about here this is this we're not Bitcoin is that has not been

victimized here Bitcoin is not for victims be cash is not everybody think

they're doing something illegal there okay if you were scammed by be cash then

you go sue be cash okay who has been scammed by them who has was but what we

got here is this movement of people who wanted to be cash for these victims that

I don't know if they even exist this is not Bitcoin is not for victims Bitcoin

is for the big boys is where the big boys play and when you start getting

into defining victims and everything you get into a territory where it's not

helping Bitcoin it's not this is going to end up hurting the

industry and this is a reference that you know this is not gonna help

cryptocurrencies hallways and dust by attacking your competitor it's gonna

hurt the industry which it means it's gonna hurt Bitcoin too if I mean you're

kind of showing that you're threatened by B cash if you want if you're if

you're part of this movement to sue them ignore then it that is what I'm that's

why I call him king of the trolls don't don't say his real name call it B cash

that's all you need to do they can't take it

dick but again once you you get into litigation then it's gonna be they're

gonna say well a judge will have to decide what will maybe be cash should

say it's Bitcoin that's totally fine maybe they are big again it will help

them it will confuse confuse more people if this thing gets into a well

publicized lawsuit and Kingdom trolls thrives on conclude without confusion

does the more confused people the more people that are gonna think well maybe

this it maybe he's got a point he's being picked on here and I'm not saying

he's being picked on but he's gonna twist it around that way alright so late

let's not uh EB please people don't be it's a weak hand stand strong hands have

confidence that bitcoin is bitcoin wish be cash luck

let them go their own way ignore them treat them like any other altcoin out

there and just call it be cash and that's it that's it pound that like

button alright enough of that enough of that and yeah as I said bitcoin is not

for big for this for the big for the big boys but we do have a victim coin out

there there is such thing as a victim coin that is the US dollar yes that's

how they that's how it thrives today our society is based on victimhood

compensate me let me sue you because you treated me horribly and I will get more

US dollars people like to say that they think the US dollar is stabilized

because it's the petrodollar the powers the oil trade system and they were all

these deals made with Saudi Arabia and it's the petro dollar I know

I don't think the petrodollar is the base of the current system at all of the

dollar system I think it is the welfare dollar the victim dollar the eighty

percent dollar as long as the government dependents get their inflated dollars

and remain fat and distracted then money-printing inflation system stays

quite safe stable here in the US the USA knows how to satisfy the 80 percenters

of the world with entertainment and free money that is what it's not about the

pet you know oil is gonna be worthless eventually dollar will still be there

because it's the welfare dollar and we had so many people that are dependent on

the state who put the state on a pedestal who put put the that this

culture pop culture on a pedestal it is the welfare dollar not the petro

dollar and guess what the welfare dog isn't going anywhere but if you get into

Bitcoin you opt out of the system you're not in the pit you're not in the welfare

dollar system anywhere anyway which is the inflationary system where you will

not have any wealth or just be a government dependent when you get into

the Bitcoin system you're you're gaining wealth you're gaining wealth you're

fighting against that and any the two can exist side by side the two will

exist side by side because there's always gonna be 80 percenters there's

always gonna be 20 percenters there's always many more 80 percenters than 20%

be a 20% be live a life of freedom that is not dependent on pop culture and

welfare and money printing all right I said some of this yesterday too but why

not say it again uh and again most oh here's this oh yeah here's the photo of

the day which is on Twitter by Michael Chris on he says it's a picture of a

bank I think it's called central bank and says have you centralized your

banking relationship with us this is a real advertisement it's funny you know

because we're always talking about the banks or centralizing bitcoin is

decentralized most people in crypto will do not care about these decentralized

aspect of cryptocurrency though and that's unfortunate and thus they pump up

coins base tones the speculative nature of some the marketing of some

over the long run they will learn the hard way what is real cryptocurrency and

what is just digital money okay flavors of the month versus Bitcoin the

rock okay because some of these centralized coins are no different than

the US dollar once it becomes fed coin and is it's it's ridiculous but people

like oh my iota or my whatever my neo can do with so many magical things it's

all centralized bitcoin is decentralized alright but people don't care

show me people getting either cryptocurrency just want to flip this

what's the latest hot thing what did CMB see Africa say today

anybody would get to that in a second okay so let's get into the first aspect

of the crypto a dividend drama of the of the last few days and that is Rhett

Creighton Rhett Creighton was the guy he is a smart person okay he has a high IQ

there's no doubt about that he went to MIT okay I have praised him for his IQ

before I have praised him for coming up with this original spork idea making

Zeke turning renaming Z classic and gay be private and getting all the classic

holders this be private and all bitcoin holders is be private which is basically

Z Cash basically given giving big coin holders their own anonymous coin which

is cool which was original and he came up with this idea he got a team together

and they're working you know people said things about Rhett that he leaves

projects quickly and he's they caught on all sorts of names and everything and I

thought let's give the guy a Bend up the benefit of the doubt well he started

promoting something called up trot that prime point should fork in the Bitcoin

prime let's call it B prime and so that I think the B private people had enough

of it you know and said you know I don't know Bret himself as admitted he's

contributing very little to the project okay but he still was the figurehead of

the project so they did the right thing and they rip the band-aid off now okay

you gotta rip it off eventually it's gonna hurt it just get it over with now

okay before so the price of be private went down now you got to give wrecked

credit on one thing here he does not care what anyone thinks

obviously if he has taken this route he's gonna do what he's gonna do was

best for him and that's his business would I do what he did no I would not do

what he did at all okay III but he you can see his ID linked to all these

tweets below they're very interesting be sure to read the comments under every

one of the tweets because what either you're dealing with this b-prime thing

or we're gonna get about to this be anonymous thing now again Rhett has

nothing to do with the be anonymous Z classic fork that we're gonna be talking

about in a second but if you've read the comments about that one too people are

enraged about all this stuff this is you know again the original idea of Z

classics porking was great but now we've got the unintended consequences of

everything here okay we've got one guy we got Rhett trying to rename another

coin which is his business then we got another guy with this be anonymous thing

is this basically copy doing his own be private in using Z classic as the base

again it's like ridiculous like why you see a book at that then the second

though I'm I'm jumping ahead but let's let's go to Rhett here and read said

something that was good be private doesn't need me the lone genius inventor

is a myth the truth is it can't be stopped now and a hundred other people

did 99 percent of the work okay so they're from the horse's mouth right

there so red is gone be private can move they go their separate ways that is

great for be private maybe some of this exchange madness can be cleared up now

I'm not you know there's rumors that be that red had something that he didn't

answer phone calls or he wasn't around I'm not gonna make accusations you read

to stop he's gone that's it good luck to be prime a good luck to Brett on his

future projects and he does not care about fitting in he takes it to an

extreme clearly clearly alright good loan and again get the loan Jeannie it's

great that be private does not have a figurehead

more it's not good to have a lone genius figurehead it isn't good because they

could be targets and imagine if Rhett would have quit at a much more important

time like I'd be private I just sew swords to five hundred dollars and then

he quit and then everyone would always a clear puppet dump and it would go down

to two dollars I mean they got they they got this over with now that's great

good okay so hey and prime coin pumped like anything of course of course it

popped like 80 percenters a day good luck I am not involved with the pride

point thing at all the probably the B prime if it works out it works out I

guess you'll hear things about it here if it works out if I somehow get it for

free easily then I get it for free I turn in the Bitcoin whatever I'm not

touching that one I mean there's a lot of bad vibes around all this stuff now

it's it's it wasn't supposed to be like this but you know people make individual

decisions so let's we're gonna have to make

individual decisions personal responsibility if you get involved in

this stuff and it really doesn't end up happening because there's no guarantee

that there's gonna be a b-prime fork there's definitely no guarantee there's

gonna be a be anonymous fork it's your own fault for getting into it alright so

yeah be price speaking of be private some good news tomorrow April 30th and I

linked to this reddit post before they're below they're gonna haven't

asked me anything so you can ask them anything and I'm sure there are a lot of

questions right now for the be private people because there has been this drama

surrounding it and drama they're not really even involved in because they'd

be anonymous thing they have nothing to do with but these be anonymous people

guy is is bringing them up on ran show and Rann is Rann is in Miami and just I

mean I guess if you would have been in Miami too and you had some and you told

ran you had some scoop he put you on his show also I mean from what I gather come

from in you watched interview yourself we're gonna cover that in a second but

first I noticed the be Diamond punked to like six dollars or twenty two cents I

don't know what's going on with that man I don't know what is going on it that it

seems to be gradually rising in value in terms of dollars and a Bitcoin I don't

know I still know that there's no easy way for me to get it for free

yeah turned into Bitcoin that's I guess that's what I wait for it that's what I

wait for alright and yeah I talked about this you know the the rumors about ran

show already came out on Thursday that you know and z-class that could already

started pumping and I mentioned and I said do not I want nothing to do with

this and sure enough after my show there was a huge price dump so Z classic is

not as high as it was on the rumors I think partially because Z classic there

I don't know if it's their official Twitter or their pseudo if there's I

guess is their official Twitter Z classic said as said in March all work

has stopped on Z classic nothing about this has change any proposed fork you

may hear about does not have widespread consensus please use caution before

participating in any fork that is promising guaranteed returns or may

sound too good to be true now this be anonymous guy was on ran show that that

was from Z classy but the be anonymous guy on ran showed you could watch the

show says the be private price is a start for them that's a start from there

you know the sky's the limit that's not as exact words you watch it yourself you

decide but anyway that that be anonymous is even happening that B prime is even

happening these new sporks or whatever you would call them I think this might

be a sign that we are at near the end of a bear or crypto market you know this

madness will not be going on during a bear crypto market well maybe but I mean

this I would think this is a bull if you want to or looking for a bullish sign

for cryptocurrency this is probably a when crazy things like this are starting

to happen boil up when when ran has this dude on CNBC and I keep alluding to this

without actually talking about it yet okay

okay yes I said that okay and again I link to be anonymous related tweets some

people are not clearly fans of it the guy so here here's what I see there was

a big conference down there in Miami ran from CNBC Africa is down there he runs

into some dude that's got this be anonymous which is basically just

forking Zee classic in the coin again like be private did but with

um an aspect of - with the masternodes okay so rads like I got a scoop I better

put the guy on um the guy calls himself crypto King

his name is green bomb never heard of him before

so if green bomb if you're watching this I mean you're from Miami or your other

guy was from Miami also that was on this show with you you shouldn't meet a guy

named Chris DeRose Chris DeRose is also from Miami you should go on his show

because you're both in Miami and if Chris DeRose is watching this I actually

tweeted that Chris tours have you heard of this guy before you know this guy's

the crypto he says he's the crypto King he's in Miami you're Chris DeRose you're

from Miami you do interviews and you're a big Chris DeRose is an old-school a

Bitcoin guy you know you know he's got a interesting style and everything and I

hope that Greenbaum goes on Chris's show you should go Chris's show it I think

he'll be very interesting to be on Chris's show um it'll be good wicked

outfit because I think obviously some of us are perplexed about your be anonymous

and I think Chris DeRose can really flesh out what be anonymous is and since

you're both from Miami and everything you know you're close by it would be

really easy so that's just a suggestion but alright um the guy watch I linked to

rant the interview below okay so that ran did is the first eight minutes of

ran show on CNBC Africa and the guy obviously the conference these mega

conferences have a lot of ICO pumper type people Adam and he's the guy

Greenbaum sounds like a nice King crypto or whatever his name is

he sounds like a nice EO pumper um he says Sunday which is today which is

about to end their website goes live I do not know if that has even happen if

the be anonymous website has gone live yet um the entire interview was I mean

some would say shady I'm he ripped on be private yet he basically is doing

exactly what be private did um so let's look at it this week the Z classic and

ran even at the end said you know so if you're by Z class

now you'll get your be anonymous I wonder ran has bought a bunch of Zee

classic it almost seemed like he had it again the interview was it was more like

information and I'm not the only one saying that's gonna get you make your

own decision I'm not here to tell you the way to think watch it yourself it's

linked to below it was very interesting so the Z classic price will tell you

what the market thinks of this if people are excited about it if it does start

pumping again people do you want to get it I guess

80% will 80 percenters like this used car salesman approach because this is it

they define success i means the 80 percenters that dubai to define the

success of things like this they are the ones who pump because we don't buy it we

just get it for free that 20 percenters people say they don't like marketing

what that dude was doing it was not like it was not marking this guy is like a

cold call salesman okay there's a big difference here there's a bit but I mean

I'm reading stuff on Twitter people like this is what's wrong with cryptocurrency

today you and you know again there are it's sort of there are aspects of

cryptocurrency that are like that that are used car salesmen like that are

sales pitchy like but don't we marketing isn't a bad thing but when you do the

call call sales type approach and you watch it for yourself you it's not that

isn't too cool but uh good luck good luck to them

if the 80 percenters pump it up then I'm gonna get it for free and I and again

I'm gonna get it for free because I had Bitcoin not because I'm buying Z classic

okay and again they all let me know it'll set

an example you know ties em said why aren't you

forking in the doge coin because again ties ed once he wants doors cord the

pump to he's got a point like why not be a little bit more original and in for it

and again it will help dogecoin enter it and it will help z classic if they

support but of course they're not gonna fork in the dogecoin you know why

because bitcoin is the rock bitcoin is the one these type of games that they're

playing with bitcoin sporks Forks encrypted dividends whatever would you

benefit they benefit bitcoin holders everyone was a piece of bitcoin they

don't want a piece of those coin the guys doing the Z classic I

don't know why Zico you know be my guest why he's picking Z classic I may be

anyway I get I want nothing to do with the probably wanna make this as clear as

possible I want nothing to do with this be anonymous thing nothing to do with it

at all and it doesn't seem like a reputable person who thinks about it

maybe ran didn't really think about what he was getting into would want to touch

this at all I mean again if we get it for free if 80 percenters fall in love

with it they love the cold cold sales approach and although you know

masternodes being thrown out then great they will buy it and they will pay the

consequences and we will sell it to them and get more Bitcoin I mean it says a

lot about 80 percent or is it if this thing does work out and you want to own

it on a personal note on a personal note he says he's going live on September 2

10th Greenbaum said this is going live on September 10th and this is a personal

thing um the first thing that came to my mind when I heard September 10th was

well that's the first day of Rosh Hashanah

and you know Greenbaum you're Jewish probably or you're fine now if you're

not Jewish then ignore this but if you're Jewish dude why you doing this on

you why you do this on Rosh Hashanah come on you couldn't pick another day

today it's disrespectful it's just I can't believe it I came and believed it

if you're if you are again maybe your dad was juiced maybe your granddad was

juice and you're stuck with that and unfortunate last name because no

Reacher's people we don't have the best last names I got lucky and got Meister

this long story help we got that but anyway dude it's Russia Shauna you're

doing up this I mean I know anyway quickly a bit Manero v has an update

I'll link to it below the second or third of May is going to be the fort

from an arrow V secondary it's been moved up due to uh just the the way it's

working over there it's a natural occurrence anyway I'm tech bought on

Twitter I've mentioned Twitter a lot TEC HP alt town that like button i'm adam

meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this

channel like this video share this video do check out the notes section below

I'll see you by

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not for victims, Zclassic unintended consequences, Bprivate - Duration: 26:36.


While We Live - Movie - Duration: 1:33:55.

For more infomation >> While We Live - Movie - Duration: 1:33:55.


Ava Max

For more infomation >> Ava Max


SPIRALE PERLINE UNCINETTO COME SI FA - tecnica passo a passo - bead crochet how to - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> SPIRALE PERLINE UNCINETTO COME SI FA - tecnica passo a passo - bead crochet how to - Duration: 12:30.


Os tipos de queijo e o seu valor nutricional - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Os tipos de queijo e o seu valor nutricional - Duration: 9:50.


Ivete arrasta multidão em Salvador e canta com sobrinha em volta aos trios. - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Ivete arrasta multidão em Salvador e canta com sobrinha em volta aos trios. - Duration: 4:58.


Ivete Sangalo deixou filhas com avó e enfermeira para cantar em trio: 'Dormindo' - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Ivete Sangalo deixou filhas com avó e enfermeira para cantar em trio: 'Dormindo' - Duration: 4:01.


Wanessa faz desabafo após críticas e Anitta a tranquiliza: 'Cresci sendo fã' - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Wanessa faz desabafo após críticas e Anitta a tranquiliza: 'Cresci sendo fã' - Duration: 5:49.


#MBNeAVISMi - 26: Ricostruzione del Capezzolo - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> #MBNeAVISMi - 26: Ricostruzione del Capezzolo - Duration: 3:06.


Estratto dell'Intervista a Pedro Anderson di Winding Tree - Trips - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Estratto dell'Intervista a Pedro Anderson di Winding Tree - Trips - Duration: 1:59.


SEASON 4 IS 1 DAY AWAY!! Will Meteors Destroy Tilted?? // Fortnite Battle Royale// - Duration: 2:14:38.

For more infomation >> SEASON 4 IS 1 DAY AWAY!! Will Meteors Destroy Tilted?? // Fortnite Battle Royale// - Duration: 2:14:38.


La Gallinosaura È Tra Noi! - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> La Gallinosaura È Tra Noi! - Duration: 11:14.


8 dicas para rejeitar alguém sem feri-lo - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> 8 dicas para rejeitar alguém sem feri-lo - Duration: 6:50.


特朗普要與全世界為敵?美國將中國等12國列入智慧財產權黑名單! - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> 特朗普要與全世界為敵?美國將中國等12國列入智慧財產權黑名單! - Duration: 11:12.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not for victims, Zclassic unintended consequences, Bprivate - Duration: 26:36.

Hello everyone this is Adam meister the BitcoinMeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 29th 2018

strong hand long term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin this is home of

cryptocurrency straight talk no fancy set her graphics just information value

your wealth of bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture

alright check out the links below yesterday's beyond bitcoin show i talked

about personal responsibility being the nude counterculture also friday this

week in bitcoin was great archives are all linked to below get

your treasure or use my treasure code link to below way down there get a crypt

of steel with your treads or there's some new deal out there and yeah

t-shirts and i know everybody loves seeing these churches teachers i got all

sorts of guys trying to sell t-shirts and i'm graham glad for them bear in

motion good job guys good job alright quickly in the notes section

excuse me in the chat from the other night somebody reminded me of the BTC -

e exchange and those of you you do not know what that is

that was an exchange at many people used for a long time and tone Vaes and me and

other people warned that they would just disappear one day and what would ever

happen it shut down it it went away and despite all those warnings people lost

money on there so people never keep remember that story you might never

heard that before don't keep your money on exchanges don't

keep your coins on exchanges but i it's hard for me to believe when i read

something like this left in my chat section Barry Silbert

and aetherium classics saved my life all my funds would have been on BTC 2

when it went down if not for Barry so this guy's saying that because of

something Barry silver said I guess he maybe he bought a lot of if here in

classic and nothing dust moved all of his uh funds off a btc-e he was saved

but why the heck was this dude even keeping all his funds Oh btc-e that's

the part you know that's great Barry Silbert your savior that's awesome

that's your business dude but then the fact that after watching my show tone

show and all these other people that you were even willing to you needed a

miracle for Barry Silbert to save your butt I mean that just shows you how many

people don't control their own private key keep their money on exchanges don't

do it people you don't know when the next btc-e is gonna happen it could be

any exchange and you're not gonna have some miracle Barry Silbert come in and

ride in on a unicorn and save your life or whatever that dude happened to that

guy and you thanks for being in my chat and everything but I you know when you

leave stuff in the chat I read the chat afterwards I sometimes think a story so

pound that like button people subscribe to the channel check out the links below

and yeah I'm in Denver Colorado I'm gonna be in Portland Oregon starting on

May the 1st until the 10th so hey if you're cool contact me maybe we can

arrange my stir event the first two days I'm hanging out with a college friend

but then after that I will be up and I think Northwest Portland it's actually

near some synagogues actually coincidentally enough it's kind of funny

anyway all right so let's talk about the lawsuits that all these lawsuits people

want to sue Bitcoin calm all right and that's controlled by king of the

trolls every guys you are playing right into king of the trolls hands I mean

have you ever seen the way how he acts on his videos okay how he makes

everything into an infomercial how the be cash people are victims that you need

to feel bad for that the Bitcoin people are you know attacking them and hurting

them and oh poor poor little us I mean he is going to turn

into aggression against him and a gret against be cash he's gonna make he's

gonna make big coin peep bitcoin looks like a villain and be cash looks like a

sympathetic victim now I don't think being a victim is cool but a lot of

people mainstream media um they will pick up on that story and you

you're gonna help you're gonna help him you're gonna help him spread the his

word and his word is that be cash is the real bitcoin now that isn't the truth

but you're giving him a megaphone by suing him by playing right into his

hands and it is playing it's playing right into his hands and he is good at

persuading people and he is good at twisting things around if you can't give

the guy credit for having that kind of talent then you don't know what the heck

is going on you're in oh honey you got a brick you got to treat him with a

certain level of respect when you know that you got to take him seriously is

what I'm trying to say there you know either respect him on a but the I mean

you skill he's got persuasive skills and if you're gonna give him a freebie by

suing him I'm not participating in that at all I'm not encouraging anyone to

spend their precious Bitcoin on giving king of the trolls more attention on

putting the government on a pedestal on a central because again you're like bet

you're gonna beg the government to come in and punish Bitcoin calm that's not

what this is about here this is this we're not Bitcoin is that has not been

victimized here Bitcoin is not for victims be cash is not everybody think

they're doing something illegal there okay if you were scammed by be cash then

you go sue be cash okay who has been scammed by them who has was but what we

got here is this movement of people who wanted to be cash for these victims that

I don't know if they even exist this is not Bitcoin is not for victims Bitcoin

is for the big boys is where the big boys play and when you start getting

into defining victims and everything you get into a territory where it's not

helping Bitcoin it's not this is going to end up hurting the

industry and this is a reference that you know this is not gonna help

cryptocurrencies hallways and dust by attacking your competitor it's gonna

hurt the industry which it means it's gonna hurt Bitcoin too if I mean you're

kind of showing that you're threatened by B cash if you want if you're if

you're part of this movement to sue them ignore then it that is what I'm that's

why I call him king of the trolls don't don't say his real name call it B cash

that's all you need to do they can't take it

dick but again once you you get into litigation then it's gonna be they're

gonna say well a judge will have to decide what will maybe be cash should

say it's Bitcoin that's totally fine maybe they are big again it will help

them it will confuse confuse more people if this thing gets into a well

publicized lawsuit and Kingdom trolls thrives on conclude without confusion

does the more confused people the more people that are gonna think well maybe

this it maybe he's got a point he's being picked on here and I'm not saying

he's being picked on but he's gonna twist it around that way alright so late

let's not uh EB please people don't be it's a weak hand stand strong hands have

confidence that bitcoin is bitcoin wish be cash luck

let them go their own way ignore them treat them like any other altcoin out

there and just call it be cash and that's it that's it pound that like

button alright enough of that enough of that and yeah as I said bitcoin is not

for big for this for the big for the big boys but we do have a victim coin out

there there is such thing as a victim coin that is the US dollar yes that's

how they that's how it thrives today our society is based on victimhood

compensate me let me sue you because you treated me horribly and I will get more

US dollars people like to say that they think the US dollar is stabilized

because it's the petrodollar the powers the oil trade system and they were all

these deals made with Saudi Arabia and it's the petro dollar I know

I don't think the petrodollar is the base of the current system at all of the

dollar system I think it is the welfare dollar the victim dollar the eighty

percent dollar as long as the government dependents get their inflated dollars

and remain fat and distracted then money-printing inflation system stays

quite safe stable here in the US the USA knows how to satisfy the 80 percenters

of the world with entertainment and free money that is what it's not about the

pet you know oil is gonna be worthless eventually dollar will still be there

because it's the welfare dollar and we had so many people that are dependent on

the state who put the state on a pedestal who put put the that this

culture pop culture on a pedestal it is the welfare dollar not the petro

dollar and guess what the welfare dog isn't going anywhere but if you get into

Bitcoin you opt out of the system you're not in the pit you're not in the welfare

dollar system anywhere anyway which is the inflationary system where you will

not have any wealth or just be a government dependent when you get into

the Bitcoin system you're you're gaining wealth you're gaining wealth you're

fighting against that and any the two can exist side by side the two will

exist side by side because there's always gonna be 80 percenters there's

always gonna be 20 percenters there's always many more 80 percenters than 20%

be a 20% be live a life of freedom that is not dependent on pop culture and

welfare and money printing all right I said some of this yesterday too but why

not say it again uh and again most oh here's this oh yeah here's the photo of

the day which is on Twitter by Michael Chris on he says it's a picture of a

bank I think it's called central bank and says have you centralized your

banking relationship with us this is a real advertisement it's funny you know

because we're always talking about the banks or centralizing bitcoin is

decentralized most people in crypto will do not care about these decentralized

aspect of cryptocurrency though and that's unfortunate and thus they pump up

coins base tones the speculative nature of some the marketing of some

over the long run they will learn the hard way what is real cryptocurrency and

what is just digital money okay flavors of the month versus Bitcoin the

rock okay because some of these centralized coins are no different than

the US dollar once it becomes fed coin and is it's it's ridiculous but people

like oh my iota or my whatever my neo can do with so many magical things it's

all centralized bitcoin is decentralized alright but people don't care

show me people getting either cryptocurrency just want to flip this

what's the latest hot thing what did CMB see Africa say today

anybody would get to that in a second okay so let's get into the first aspect

of the crypto a dividend drama of the of the last few days and that is Rhett

Creighton Rhett Creighton was the guy he is a smart person okay he has a high IQ

there's no doubt about that he went to MIT okay I have praised him for his IQ

before I have praised him for coming up with this original spork idea making

Zeke turning renaming Z classic and gay be private and getting all the classic

holders this be private and all bitcoin holders is be private which is basically

Z Cash basically given giving big coin holders their own anonymous coin which

is cool which was original and he came up with this idea he got a team together

and they're working you know people said things about Rhett that he leaves

projects quickly and he's they caught on all sorts of names and everything and I

thought let's give the guy a Bend up the benefit of the doubt well he started

promoting something called up trot that prime point should fork in the Bitcoin

prime let's call it B prime and so that I think the B private people had enough

of it you know and said you know I don't know Bret himself as admitted he's

contributing very little to the project okay but he still was the figurehead of

the project so they did the right thing and they rip the band-aid off now okay

you gotta rip it off eventually it's gonna hurt it just get it over with now

okay before so the price of be private went down now you got to give wrecked

credit on one thing here he does not care what anyone thinks

obviously if he has taken this route he's gonna do what he's gonna do was

best for him and that's his business would I do what he did no I would not do

what he did at all okay III but he you can see his ID linked to all these

tweets below they're very interesting be sure to read the comments under every

one of the tweets because what either you're dealing with this b-prime thing

or we're gonna get about to this be anonymous thing now again Rhett has

nothing to do with the be anonymous Z classic fork that we're gonna be talking

about in a second but if you've read the comments about that one too people are

enraged about all this stuff this is you know again the original idea of Z

classics porking was great but now we've got the unintended consequences of

everything here okay we've got one guy we got Rhett trying to rename another

coin which is his business then we got another guy with this be anonymous thing

is this basically copy doing his own be private in using Z classic as the base

again it's like ridiculous like why you see a book at that then the second

though I'm I'm jumping ahead but let's let's go to Rhett here and read said

something that was good be private doesn't need me the lone genius inventor

is a myth the truth is it can't be stopped now and a hundred other people

did 99 percent of the work okay so they're from the horse's mouth right

there so red is gone be private can move they go their separate ways that is

great for be private maybe some of this exchange madness can be cleared up now

I'm not you know there's rumors that be that red had something that he didn't

answer phone calls or he wasn't around I'm not gonna make accusations you read

to stop he's gone that's it good luck to be prime a good luck to Brett on his

future projects and he does not care about fitting in he takes it to an

extreme clearly clearly alright good loan and again get the loan Jeannie it's

great that be private does not have a figurehead

more it's not good to have a lone genius figurehead it isn't good because they

could be targets and imagine if Rhett would have quit at a much more important

time like I'd be private I just sew swords to five hundred dollars and then

he quit and then everyone would always a clear puppet dump and it would go down

to two dollars I mean they got they they got this over with now that's great

good okay so hey and prime coin pumped like anything of course of course it

popped like 80 percenters a day good luck I am not involved with the pride

point thing at all the probably the B prime if it works out it works out I

guess you'll hear things about it here if it works out if I somehow get it for

free easily then I get it for free I turn in the Bitcoin whatever I'm not

touching that one I mean there's a lot of bad vibes around all this stuff now

it's it's it wasn't supposed to be like this but you know people make individual

decisions so let's we're gonna have to make

individual decisions personal responsibility if you get involved in

this stuff and it really doesn't end up happening because there's no guarantee

that there's gonna be a b-prime fork there's definitely no guarantee there's

gonna be a be anonymous fork it's your own fault for getting into it alright so

yeah be price speaking of be private some good news tomorrow April 30th and I

linked to this reddit post before they're below they're gonna haven't

asked me anything so you can ask them anything and I'm sure there are a lot of

questions right now for the be private people because there has been this drama

surrounding it and drama they're not really even involved in because they'd

be anonymous thing they have nothing to do with but these be anonymous people

guy is is bringing them up on ran show and Rann is Rann is in Miami and just I

mean I guess if you would have been in Miami too and you had some and you told

ran you had some scoop he put you on his show also I mean from what I gather come

from in you watched interview yourself we're gonna cover that in a second but

first I noticed the be Diamond punked to like six dollars or twenty two cents I

don't know what's going on with that man I don't know what is going on it that it

seems to be gradually rising in value in terms of dollars and a Bitcoin I don't

know I still know that there's no easy way for me to get it for free

yeah turned into Bitcoin that's I guess that's what I wait for it that's what I

wait for alright and yeah I talked about this you know the the rumors about ran

show already came out on Thursday that you know and z-class that could already

started pumping and I mentioned and I said do not I want nothing to do with

this and sure enough after my show there was a huge price dump so Z classic is

not as high as it was on the rumors I think partially because Z classic there

I don't know if it's their official Twitter or their pseudo if there's I

guess is their official Twitter Z classic said as said in March all work

has stopped on Z classic nothing about this has change any proposed fork you

may hear about does not have widespread consensus please use caution before

participating in any fork that is promising guaranteed returns or may

sound too good to be true now this be anonymous guy was on ran show that that

was from Z classy but the be anonymous guy on ran showed you could watch the

show says the be private price is a start for them that's a start from there

you know the sky's the limit that's not as exact words you watch it yourself you

decide but anyway that that be anonymous is even happening that B prime is even

happening these new sporks or whatever you would call them I think this might

be a sign that we are at near the end of a bear or crypto market you know this

madness will not be going on during a bear crypto market well maybe but I mean

this I would think this is a bull if you want to or looking for a bullish sign

for cryptocurrency this is probably a when crazy things like this are starting

to happen boil up when when ran has this dude on CNBC and I keep alluding to this

without actually talking about it yet okay

okay yes I said that okay and again I link to be anonymous related tweets some

people are not clearly fans of it the guy so here here's what I see there was

a big conference down there in Miami ran from CNBC Africa is down there he runs

into some dude that's got this be anonymous which is basically just

forking Zee classic in the coin again like be private did but with

um an aspect of - with the masternodes okay so rads like I got a scoop I better

put the guy on um the guy calls himself crypto King

his name is green bomb never heard of him before

so if green bomb if you're watching this I mean you're from Miami or your other

guy was from Miami also that was on this show with you you shouldn't meet a guy

named Chris DeRose Chris DeRose is also from Miami you should go on his show

because you're both in Miami and if Chris DeRose is watching this I actually

tweeted that Chris tours have you heard of this guy before you know this guy's

the crypto he says he's the crypto King he's in Miami you're Chris DeRose you're

from Miami you do interviews and you're a big Chris DeRose is an old-school a

Bitcoin guy you know you know he's got a interesting style and everything and I

hope that Greenbaum goes on Chris's show you should go Chris's show it I think

he'll be very interesting to be on Chris's show um it'll be good wicked

outfit because I think obviously some of us are perplexed about your be anonymous

and I think Chris DeRose can really flesh out what be anonymous is and since

you're both from Miami and everything you know you're close by it would be

really easy so that's just a suggestion but alright um the guy watch I linked to

rant the interview below okay so that ran did is the first eight minutes of

ran show on CNBC Africa and the guy obviously the conference these mega

conferences have a lot of ICO pumper type people Adam and he's the guy

Greenbaum sounds like a nice King crypto or whatever his name is

he sounds like a nice EO pumper um he says Sunday which is today which is

about to end their website goes live I do not know if that has even happen if

the be anonymous website has gone live yet um the entire interview was I mean

some would say shady I'm he ripped on be private yet he basically is doing

exactly what be private did um so let's look at it this week the Z classic and

ran even at the end said you know so if you're by Z class

now you'll get your be anonymous I wonder ran has bought a bunch of Zee

classic it almost seemed like he had it again the interview was it was more like

information and I'm not the only one saying that's gonna get you make your

own decision I'm not here to tell you the way to think watch it yourself it's

linked to below it was very interesting so the Z classic price will tell you

what the market thinks of this if people are excited about it if it does start

pumping again people do you want to get it I guess

80% will 80 percenters like this used car salesman approach because this is it

they define success i means the 80 percenters that dubai to define the

success of things like this they are the ones who pump because we don't buy it we

just get it for free that 20 percenters people say they don't like marketing

what that dude was doing it was not like it was not marking this guy is like a

cold call salesman okay there's a big difference here there's a bit but I mean

I'm reading stuff on Twitter people like this is what's wrong with cryptocurrency

today you and you know again there are it's sort of there are aspects of

cryptocurrency that are like that that are used car salesmen like that are

sales pitchy like but don't we marketing isn't a bad thing but when you do the

call call sales type approach and you watch it for yourself you it's not that

isn't too cool but uh good luck good luck to them

if the 80 percenters pump it up then I'm gonna get it for free and I and again

I'm gonna get it for free because I had Bitcoin not because I'm buying Z classic

okay and again they all let me know it'll set

an example you know ties em said why aren't you

forking in the doge coin because again ties ed once he wants doors cord the

pump to he's got a point like why not be a little bit more original and in for it

and again it will help dogecoin enter it and it will help z classic if they

support but of course they're not gonna fork in the dogecoin you know why

because bitcoin is the rock bitcoin is the one these type of games that they're

playing with bitcoin sporks Forks encrypted dividends whatever would you

benefit they benefit bitcoin holders everyone was a piece of bitcoin they

don't want a piece of those coin the guys doing the Z classic I

don't know why Zico you know be my guest why he's picking Z classic I may be

anyway I get I want nothing to do with the probably wanna make this as clear as

possible I want nothing to do with this be anonymous thing nothing to do with it

at all and it doesn't seem like a reputable person who thinks about it

maybe ran didn't really think about what he was getting into would want to touch

this at all I mean again if we get it for free if 80 percenters fall in love

with it they love the cold cold sales approach and although you know

masternodes being thrown out then great they will buy it and they will pay the

consequences and we will sell it to them and get more Bitcoin I mean it says a

lot about 80 percent or is it if this thing does work out and you want to own

it on a personal note on a personal note he says he's going live on September 2

10th Greenbaum said this is going live on September 10th and this is a personal

thing um the first thing that came to my mind when I heard September 10th was

well that's the first day of Rosh Hashanah

and you know Greenbaum you're Jewish probably or you're fine now if you're

not Jewish then ignore this but if you're Jewish dude why you doing this on

you why you do this on Rosh Hashanah come on you couldn't pick another day

today it's disrespectful it's just I can't believe it I came and believed it

if you're if you are again maybe your dad was juiced maybe your granddad was

juice and you're stuck with that and unfortunate last name because no

Reacher's people we don't have the best last names I got lucky and got Meister

this long story help we got that but anyway dude it's Russia Shauna you're

doing up this I mean I know anyway quickly a bit Manero v has an update

I'll link to it below the second or third of May is going to be the fort

from an arrow V secondary it's been moved up due to uh just the the way it's

working over there it's a natural occurrence anyway I'm tech bought on

Twitter I've mentioned Twitter a lot TEC HP alt town that like button i'm adam

meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this

channel like this video share this video do check out the notes section below

I'll see you by

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not for victims, Zclassic unintended consequences, Bprivate - Duration: 26:36.


While We Live - Movie - Duration: 1:33:55.

For more infomation >> While We Live - Movie - Duration: 1:33:55.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not for victims, Zclassic unintended consequences, Bprivate - Duration: 26:36.

Hello everyone this is Adam meister the BitcoinMeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 29th 2018

strong hand long term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin this is home of

cryptocurrency straight talk no fancy set her graphics just information value

your wealth of bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture

alright check out the links below yesterday's beyond bitcoin show i talked

about personal responsibility being the nude counterculture also friday this

week in bitcoin was great archives are all linked to below get

your treasure or use my treasure code link to below way down there get a crypt

of steel with your treads or there's some new deal out there and yeah

t-shirts and i know everybody loves seeing these churches teachers i got all

sorts of guys trying to sell t-shirts and i'm graham glad for them bear in

motion good job guys good job alright quickly in the notes section

excuse me in the chat from the other night somebody reminded me of the BTC -

e exchange and those of you you do not know what that is

that was an exchange at many people used for a long time and tone Vaes and me and

other people warned that they would just disappear one day and what would ever

happen it shut down it it went away and despite all those warnings people lost

money on there so people never keep remember that story you might never

heard that before don't keep your money on exchanges don't

keep your coins on exchanges but i it's hard for me to believe when i read

something like this left in my chat section Barry Silbert

and aetherium classics saved my life all my funds would have been on BTC 2

when it went down if not for Barry so this guy's saying that because of

something Barry silver said I guess he maybe he bought a lot of if here in

classic and nothing dust moved all of his uh funds off a btc-e he was saved

but why the heck was this dude even keeping all his funds Oh btc-e that's

the part you know that's great Barry Silbert your savior that's awesome

that's your business dude but then the fact that after watching my show tone

show and all these other people that you were even willing to you needed a

miracle for Barry Silbert to save your butt I mean that just shows you how many

people don't control their own private key keep their money on exchanges don't

do it people you don't know when the next btc-e is gonna happen it could be

any exchange and you're not gonna have some miracle Barry Silbert come in and

ride in on a unicorn and save your life or whatever that dude happened to that

guy and you thanks for being in my chat and everything but I you know when you

leave stuff in the chat I read the chat afterwards I sometimes think a story so

pound that like button people subscribe to the channel check out the links below

and yeah I'm in Denver Colorado I'm gonna be in Portland Oregon starting on

May the 1st until the 10th so hey if you're cool contact me maybe we can

arrange my stir event the first two days I'm hanging out with a college friend

but then after that I will be up and I think Northwest Portland it's actually

near some synagogues actually coincidentally enough it's kind of funny

anyway all right so let's talk about the lawsuits that all these lawsuits people

want to sue Bitcoin calm all right and that's controlled by king of the

trolls every guys you are playing right into king of the trolls hands I mean

have you ever seen the way how he acts on his videos okay how he makes

everything into an infomercial how the be cash people are victims that you need

to feel bad for that the Bitcoin people are you know attacking them and hurting

them and oh poor poor little us I mean he is going to turn

into aggression against him and a gret against be cash he's gonna make he's

gonna make big coin peep bitcoin looks like a villain and be cash looks like a

sympathetic victim now I don't think being a victim is cool but a lot of

people mainstream media um they will pick up on that story and you

you're gonna help you're gonna help him you're gonna help him spread the his

word and his word is that be cash is the real bitcoin now that isn't the truth

but you're giving him a megaphone by suing him by playing right into his

hands and it is playing it's playing right into his hands and he is good at

persuading people and he is good at twisting things around if you can't give

the guy credit for having that kind of talent then you don't know what the heck

is going on you're in oh honey you got a brick you got to treat him with a

certain level of respect when you know that you got to take him seriously is

what I'm trying to say there you know either respect him on a but the I mean

you skill he's got persuasive skills and if you're gonna give him a freebie by

suing him I'm not participating in that at all I'm not encouraging anyone to

spend their precious Bitcoin on giving king of the trolls more attention on

putting the government on a pedestal on a central because again you're like bet

you're gonna beg the government to come in and punish Bitcoin calm that's not

what this is about here this is this we're not Bitcoin is that has not been

victimized here Bitcoin is not for victims be cash is not everybody think

they're doing something illegal there okay if you were scammed by be cash then

you go sue be cash okay who has been scammed by them who has was but what we

got here is this movement of people who wanted to be cash for these victims that

I don't know if they even exist this is not Bitcoin is not for victims Bitcoin

is for the big boys is where the big boys play and when you start getting

into defining victims and everything you get into a territory where it's not

helping Bitcoin it's not this is going to end up hurting the

industry and this is a reference that you know this is not gonna help

cryptocurrencies hallways and dust by attacking your competitor it's gonna

hurt the industry which it means it's gonna hurt Bitcoin too if I mean you're

kind of showing that you're threatened by B cash if you want if you're if

you're part of this movement to sue them ignore then it that is what I'm that's

why I call him king of the trolls don't don't say his real name call it B cash

that's all you need to do they can't take it

dick but again once you you get into litigation then it's gonna be they're

gonna say well a judge will have to decide what will maybe be cash should

say it's Bitcoin that's totally fine maybe they are big again it will help

them it will confuse confuse more people if this thing gets into a well

publicized lawsuit and Kingdom trolls thrives on conclude without confusion

does the more confused people the more people that are gonna think well maybe

this it maybe he's got a point he's being picked on here and I'm not saying

he's being picked on but he's gonna twist it around that way alright so late

let's not uh EB please people don't be it's a weak hand stand strong hands have

confidence that bitcoin is bitcoin wish be cash luck

let them go their own way ignore them treat them like any other altcoin out

there and just call it be cash and that's it that's it pound that like

button alright enough of that enough of that and yeah as I said bitcoin is not

for big for this for the big for the big boys but we do have a victim coin out

there there is such thing as a victim coin that is the US dollar yes that's

how they that's how it thrives today our society is based on victimhood

compensate me let me sue you because you treated me horribly and I will get more

US dollars people like to say that they think the US dollar is stabilized

because it's the petrodollar the powers the oil trade system and they were all

these deals made with Saudi Arabia and it's the petro dollar I know

I don't think the petrodollar is the base of the current system at all of the

dollar system I think it is the welfare dollar the victim dollar the eighty

percent dollar as long as the government dependents get their inflated dollars

and remain fat and distracted then money-printing inflation system stays

quite safe stable here in the US the USA knows how to satisfy the 80 percenters

of the world with entertainment and free money that is what it's not about the

pet you know oil is gonna be worthless eventually dollar will still be there

because it's the welfare dollar and we had so many people that are dependent on

the state who put the state on a pedestal who put put the that this

culture pop culture on a pedestal it is the welfare dollar not the petro

dollar and guess what the welfare dog isn't going anywhere but if you get into

Bitcoin you opt out of the system you're not in the pit you're not in the welfare

dollar system anywhere anyway which is the inflationary system where you will

not have any wealth or just be a government dependent when you get into

the Bitcoin system you're you're gaining wealth you're gaining wealth you're

fighting against that and any the two can exist side by side the two will

exist side by side because there's always gonna be 80 percenters there's

always gonna be 20 percenters there's always many more 80 percenters than 20%

be a 20% be live a life of freedom that is not dependent on pop culture and

welfare and money printing all right I said some of this yesterday too but why

not say it again uh and again most oh here's this oh yeah here's the photo of

the day which is on Twitter by Michael Chris on he says it's a picture of a

bank I think it's called central bank and says have you centralized your

banking relationship with us this is a real advertisement it's funny you know

because we're always talking about the banks or centralizing bitcoin is

decentralized most people in crypto will do not care about these decentralized

aspect of cryptocurrency though and that's unfortunate and thus they pump up

coins base tones the speculative nature of some the marketing of some

over the long run they will learn the hard way what is real cryptocurrency and

what is just digital money okay flavors of the month versus Bitcoin the

rock okay because some of these centralized coins are no different than

the US dollar once it becomes fed coin and is it's it's ridiculous but people

like oh my iota or my whatever my neo can do with so many magical things it's

all centralized bitcoin is decentralized alright but people don't care

show me people getting either cryptocurrency just want to flip this

what's the latest hot thing what did CMB see Africa say today

anybody would get to that in a second okay so let's get into the first aspect

of the crypto a dividend drama of the of the last few days and that is Rhett

Creighton Rhett Creighton was the guy he is a smart person okay he has a high IQ

there's no doubt about that he went to MIT okay I have praised him for his IQ

before I have praised him for coming up with this original spork idea making

Zeke turning renaming Z classic and gay be private and getting all the classic

holders this be private and all bitcoin holders is be private which is basically

Z Cash basically given giving big coin holders their own anonymous coin which

is cool which was original and he came up with this idea he got a team together

and they're working you know people said things about Rhett that he leaves

projects quickly and he's they caught on all sorts of names and everything and I

thought let's give the guy a Bend up the benefit of the doubt well he started

promoting something called up trot that prime point should fork in the Bitcoin

prime let's call it B prime and so that I think the B private people had enough

of it you know and said you know I don't know Bret himself as admitted he's

contributing very little to the project okay but he still was the figurehead of

the project so they did the right thing and they rip the band-aid off now okay

you gotta rip it off eventually it's gonna hurt it just get it over with now

okay before so the price of be private went down now you got to give wrecked

credit on one thing here he does not care what anyone thinks

obviously if he has taken this route he's gonna do what he's gonna do was

best for him and that's his business would I do what he did no I would not do

what he did at all okay III but he you can see his ID linked to all these

tweets below they're very interesting be sure to read the comments under every

one of the tweets because what either you're dealing with this b-prime thing

or we're gonna get about to this be anonymous thing now again Rhett has

nothing to do with the be anonymous Z classic fork that we're gonna be talking

about in a second but if you've read the comments about that one too people are

enraged about all this stuff this is you know again the original idea of Z

classics porking was great but now we've got the unintended consequences of

everything here okay we've got one guy we got Rhett trying to rename another

coin which is his business then we got another guy with this be anonymous thing

is this basically copy doing his own be private in using Z classic as the base

again it's like ridiculous like why you see a book at that then the second

though I'm I'm jumping ahead but let's let's go to Rhett here and read said

something that was good be private doesn't need me the lone genius inventor

is a myth the truth is it can't be stopped now and a hundred other people

did 99 percent of the work okay so they're from the horse's mouth right

there so red is gone be private can move they go their separate ways that is

great for be private maybe some of this exchange madness can be cleared up now

I'm not you know there's rumors that be that red had something that he didn't

answer phone calls or he wasn't around I'm not gonna make accusations you read

to stop he's gone that's it good luck to be prime a good luck to Brett on his

future projects and he does not care about fitting in he takes it to an

extreme clearly clearly alright good loan and again get the loan Jeannie it's

great that be private does not have a figurehead

more it's not good to have a lone genius figurehead it isn't good because they

could be targets and imagine if Rhett would have quit at a much more important

time like I'd be private I just sew swords to five hundred dollars and then

he quit and then everyone would always a clear puppet dump and it would go down

to two dollars I mean they got they they got this over with now that's great

good okay so hey and prime coin pumped like anything of course of course it

popped like 80 percenters a day good luck I am not involved with the pride

point thing at all the probably the B prime if it works out it works out I

guess you'll hear things about it here if it works out if I somehow get it for

free easily then I get it for free I turn in the Bitcoin whatever I'm not

touching that one I mean there's a lot of bad vibes around all this stuff now

it's it's it wasn't supposed to be like this but you know people make individual

decisions so let's we're gonna have to make

individual decisions personal responsibility if you get involved in

this stuff and it really doesn't end up happening because there's no guarantee

that there's gonna be a b-prime fork there's definitely no guarantee there's

gonna be a be anonymous fork it's your own fault for getting into it alright so

yeah be price speaking of be private some good news tomorrow April 30th and I

linked to this reddit post before they're below they're gonna haven't

asked me anything so you can ask them anything and I'm sure there are a lot of

questions right now for the be private people because there has been this drama

surrounding it and drama they're not really even involved in because they'd

be anonymous thing they have nothing to do with but these be anonymous people

guy is is bringing them up on ran show and Rann is Rann is in Miami and just I

mean I guess if you would have been in Miami too and you had some and you told

ran you had some scoop he put you on his show also I mean from what I gather come

from in you watched interview yourself we're gonna cover that in a second but

first I noticed the be Diamond punked to like six dollars or twenty two cents I

don't know what's going on with that man I don't know what is going on it that it

seems to be gradually rising in value in terms of dollars and a Bitcoin I don't

know I still know that there's no easy way for me to get it for free

yeah turned into Bitcoin that's I guess that's what I wait for it that's what I

wait for alright and yeah I talked about this you know the the rumors about ran

show already came out on Thursday that you know and z-class that could already

started pumping and I mentioned and I said do not I want nothing to do with

this and sure enough after my show there was a huge price dump so Z classic is

not as high as it was on the rumors I think partially because Z classic there

I don't know if it's their official Twitter or their pseudo if there's I

guess is their official Twitter Z classic said as said in March all work

has stopped on Z classic nothing about this has change any proposed fork you

may hear about does not have widespread consensus please use caution before

participating in any fork that is promising guaranteed returns or may

sound too good to be true now this be anonymous guy was on ran show that that

was from Z classy but the be anonymous guy on ran showed you could watch the

show says the be private price is a start for them that's a start from there

you know the sky's the limit that's not as exact words you watch it yourself you

decide but anyway that that be anonymous is even happening that B prime is even

happening these new sporks or whatever you would call them I think this might

be a sign that we are at near the end of a bear or crypto market you know this

madness will not be going on during a bear crypto market well maybe but I mean

this I would think this is a bull if you want to or looking for a bullish sign

for cryptocurrency this is probably a when crazy things like this are starting

to happen boil up when when ran has this dude on CNBC and I keep alluding to this

without actually talking about it yet okay

okay yes I said that okay and again I link to be anonymous related tweets some

people are not clearly fans of it the guy so here here's what I see there was

a big conference down there in Miami ran from CNBC Africa is down there he runs

into some dude that's got this be anonymous which is basically just

forking Zee classic in the coin again like be private did but with

um an aspect of - with the masternodes okay so rads like I got a scoop I better

put the guy on um the guy calls himself crypto King

his name is green bomb never heard of him before

so if green bomb if you're watching this I mean you're from Miami or your other

guy was from Miami also that was on this show with you you shouldn't meet a guy

named Chris DeRose Chris DeRose is also from Miami you should go on his show

because you're both in Miami and if Chris DeRose is watching this I actually

tweeted that Chris tours have you heard of this guy before you know this guy's

the crypto he says he's the crypto King he's in Miami you're Chris DeRose you're

from Miami you do interviews and you're a big Chris DeRose is an old-school a

Bitcoin guy you know you know he's got a interesting style and everything and I

hope that Greenbaum goes on Chris's show you should go Chris's show it I think

he'll be very interesting to be on Chris's show um it'll be good wicked

outfit because I think obviously some of us are perplexed about your be anonymous

and I think Chris DeRose can really flesh out what be anonymous is and since

you're both from Miami and everything you know you're close by it would be

really easy so that's just a suggestion but alright um the guy watch I linked to

rant the interview below okay so that ran did is the first eight minutes of

ran show on CNBC Africa and the guy obviously the conference these mega

conferences have a lot of ICO pumper type people Adam and he's the guy

Greenbaum sounds like a nice King crypto or whatever his name is

he sounds like a nice EO pumper um he says Sunday which is today which is

about to end their website goes live I do not know if that has even happen if

the be anonymous website has gone live yet um the entire interview was I mean

some would say shady I'm he ripped on be private yet he basically is doing

exactly what be private did um so let's look at it this week the Z classic and

ran even at the end said you know so if you're by Z class

now you'll get your be anonymous I wonder ran has bought a bunch of Zee

classic it almost seemed like he had it again the interview was it was more like

information and I'm not the only one saying that's gonna get you make your

own decision I'm not here to tell you the way to think watch it yourself it's

linked to below it was very interesting so the Z classic price will tell you

what the market thinks of this if people are excited about it if it does start

pumping again people do you want to get it I guess

80% will 80 percenters like this used car salesman approach because this is it

they define success i means the 80 percenters that dubai to define the

success of things like this they are the ones who pump because we don't buy it we

just get it for free that 20 percenters people say they don't like marketing

what that dude was doing it was not like it was not marking this guy is like a

cold call salesman okay there's a big difference here there's a bit but I mean

I'm reading stuff on Twitter people like this is what's wrong with cryptocurrency

today you and you know again there are it's sort of there are aspects of

cryptocurrency that are like that that are used car salesmen like that are

sales pitchy like but don't we marketing isn't a bad thing but when you do the

call call sales type approach and you watch it for yourself you it's not that

isn't too cool but uh good luck good luck to them

if the 80 percenters pump it up then I'm gonna get it for free and I and again

I'm gonna get it for free because I had Bitcoin not because I'm buying Z classic

okay and again they all let me know it'll set

an example you know ties em said why aren't you

forking in the doge coin because again ties ed once he wants doors cord the

pump to he's got a point like why not be a little bit more original and in for it

and again it will help dogecoin enter it and it will help z classic if they

support but of course they're not gonna fork in the dogecoin you know why

because bitcoin is the rock bitcoin is the one these type of games that they're

playing with bitcoin sporks Forks encrypted dividends whatever would you

benefit they benefit bitcoin holders everyone was a piece of bitcoin they

don't want a piece of those coin the guys doing the Z classic I

don't know why Zico you know be my guest why he's picking Z classic I may be

anyway I get I want nothing to do with the probably wanna make this as clear as

possible I want nothing to do with this be anonymous thing nothing to do with it

at all and it doesn't seem like a reputable person who thinks about it

maybe ran didn't really think about what he was getting into would want to touch

this at all I mean again if we get it for free if 80 percenters fall in love

with it they love the cold cold sales approach and although you know

masternodes being thrown out then great they will buy it and they will pay the

consequences and we will sell it to them and get more Bitcoin I mean it says a

lot about 80 percent or is it if this thing does work out and you want to own

it on a personal note on a personal note he says he's going live on September 2

10th Greenbaum said this is going live on September 10th and this is a personal

thing um the first thing that came to my mind when I heard September 10th was

well that's the first day of Rosh Hashanah

and you know Greenbaum you're Jewish probably or you're fine now if you're

not Jewish then ignore this but if you're Jewish dude why you doing this on

you why you do this on Rosh Hashanah come on you couldn't pick another day

today it's disrespectful it's just I can't believe it I came and believed it

if you're if you are again maybe your dad was juiced maybe your granddad was

juice and you're stuck with that and unfortunate last name because no

Reacher's people we don't have the best last names I got lucky and got Meister

this long story help we got that but anyway dude it's Russia Shauna you're

doing up this I mean I know anyway quickly a bit Manero v has an update

I'll link to it below the second or third of May is going to be the fort

from an arrow V secondary it's been moved up due to uh just the the way it's

working over there it's a natural occurrence anyway I'm tech bought on

Twitter I've mentioned Twitter a lot TEC HP alt town that like button i'm adam

meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this

channel like this video share this video do check out the notes section below

I'll see you by

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not for victims, Zclassic unintended consequences, Bprivate - Duration: 26:36.


(BISAYA Edition) PBB SEASON 8/2018 AUDITION GONE WRONG! //Anyare ba kasi KYAH? - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> (BISAYA Edition) PBB SEASON 8/2018 AUDITION GONE WRONG! //Anyare ba kasi KYAH? - Duration: 9:26.


FIXING A PAINTING FROM 2016 - Not an Art Tutorial #1 - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> FIXING A PAINTING FROM 2016 - Not an Art Tutorial #1 - Duration: 10:38.


Nightcore - Everything | Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.

I'm on my own, broke and alone

I feel the rain crashing down

All around this empty town

I'm searching for the lost and found

But you don't care, you're unaware

Keep moving like the scars aren't even there

It's in the air, like a prism flare

Just stay cause the flames will burn us

I thought you were the one for me

That's why I gave you everything

Held you close by the stormy seas

Oh, you meant the world to me

I used to kiss your head when you cried for me

Hold your hand while the pain was all around

Keep you warmed by the roaring sea

Oh you meant the world to me

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh, you meant the world to me

My darling dear, you're never here

When I'm in pain you hide and disappear

Like shadows in the atmosphere

Charming the stratosphere, yeah

I prayed for you, and catch you near

And host you chase away my fears

I'm on my own, you made it so

And now I'm chasing nightmares through your pain

I used to grown with you through the gravy leaves

Laugh at you when you laugh at me

Hope for us because I believed

The home was just you and me

I thought you were the one for me

That's why I gave you everything

Held you close by the stormy seas

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh I'm gonna do this on my own

Not point in blaming you-you did not know


I thought you were the one for me

That's why I gave you everything

Held you close by the stormy seas

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh, you meant the world to me

Oh I'm gonna do this on my own

Not point in blaming you-you did not know


Oh I'm gonna do this on my own

Not point in blaming you, you did not know


I thought you were the one for me

That's why I gave you everything

Held you close by the stormy seas

Oh, you meant the world to me

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Everything | Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.


RL input lag retested 1.44 - Rocket Science #15 - Duration: 11:48.

Hey guys, HalfwayDead here with a follow up to my input lag video.

I have a completely new setup and tested all the requests that were made last videos excluding

controllers, but more about that later.

After I released my previous video where I measured input lag, I had a couple of comments

from people doing their own testing which is always awesome to see but there was one

that clearly stood out.

The user flippy199 had an oscilloscope to which he connected a controller and a photodiode

which was pointed at the boost exhaust of the car.

This is a very nice setup that works in any scenario, although it will obviously only

test the lag of boosting.

Of course, an oscilloscope can be many times more accurate than a 1000FPS camera and he

suggested that I might want to look into getting one.

So I considered it for a bit but 400€ just for a good oscilloscope did seem like a bit


Of course, there were cheaper alternatives but it wasn't quite clear whether they would

be able to do things like automated measurements.

So I got the idea of looking into Arduinos which are basically small computers with analogue

and digital measurement pins.

They are fully programmable which in return also means that as long as the readings were

precise and fast enough, I would be able to automate the process.

After buying a starter kit and getting to know the basics of how the system works I

decided to buy an Arduino Due, a set of photodiodes and some more breadboards.

The basic idea is that the Arduino sends a mouse click to the PC, although this can also

be done with an external device, and it measures the delay between the click and the photodiodes

changing their resistance.

Since I'm using a lot of them, spanning the entire height of the screen, I can measure

the first reaction anywhere on the screen.

I can just click 1 button, go afk and come back later when I have 5000 samples.

Depending on the specific scenario, it might take quite a while though.

Enough about that, you can contact me if you want more details on how to replicate that


What data did I collect?

Of course, I didn't just want to redo the entire last video since those results aren't

wrong now that I have a better method but I did have to get at least some reference

so I repeated my Razer Naga tests at 1000FPS in-game and found a 1.2ms higher value than

what I got with the camera.

This is most likely just down to having the photodiodes wait for a bigger response on

the monitor than what I used with the camera.

Also, despite having 11 photodiodes, there is still some space in between them which

can increase the delay by up to 0.6 ms.

Then I went on to using the Arduino to click which reduced the input lag by a whole 4.4

ms, proving that the Naga is far from optimal despite both devices being 1000Hz.

From then on I went down to 240FPS, simply because even on the blank map it is quite

tough to maintain stable 1000.

With the increased amount of samples, the increase in variance at 240FPS isn't important


Anyway, the difference in average input lag compared to 1000FPS was once again 5 ms.

At that point, I decided to go through all the requests and open questions from the previous

video and I found a bunch of things that made no impact, which is mostly great.

I tested whether having my 2nd monitor connected makes a difference, and it didn't.

The monitor is even 4k, in my case.

I activated the Discord and Geforce Experience overlay and they made no difference.

Even doing background recordings as well as active recordings with Shadowplay, made no

difference at all.

I've heard that there are some cases where recording can reduce your framerate which

will also negatively impact input lag, but if that's not the case for you then you can

record without worries.

I retested the config setting OneFrameThreadLag=false because I had multiple reports of people claiming

it has an impact for them.

It certainly did not do anything on my computer and it sounds highly unlikely that it would

still do on others.

Either way, I'm at the point now where I would advise against it in any situation because

any theoretical possible gain in input lag will hurt the framerate stability.

And I have tested an external tool called d3d9 Antilag which essentially allows you

to do the same that the aforementioned setting used to do.

However, it only works if you allow Windows full-screen optimizations and here is where

I found the first interesting result.

When this checkbox was disabled, I got 2ms more input lag with seemingly no benefit.

2 ms is not much, so if you notice that you get more stable framerates with full-screen

optimizations on then use them but otherwise, I don't see a reason why you wouldn't want

to disable them.

2 more things that had absolutely no impact were using Teamspeak and the launch option


1 particularly interesting request, was comparing graphics settings.

Of course, when you're playing with VSync off the graphics card will do a page-flip

as soon as the frame is done rendering, as I explained in Episode 9.

That means, when the graphics card needs more time to render the image at higher settings,

it's going to increase input lag even with a framerate lock.

On my custom map, with my GTX 970, the difference between the maximum and minimum settings was

around 1.3ms.

On a real map, this is likely going to be bigger.

What is really interesting though, is which settings made the biggest difference.

Because there are so many of them I didn't log these tests but I double checked any difference

I found.

0.5 ms came from the Render Quality setting which basically changes the resolution.

That is to be expected, especially on an empty map but I also found bloom to add 0.5ms which

seems rather odd because you wouldn't expect that to require a lot of performance.

Either way, a difference that small seems rather irrelevant if only input lag is affected

and not the performance.

The rest of the difference was split across the other settings.

Something I missed out on in the previous video regarding VSync is the ability to reduce

the input lag that it causes by capping the framerate 1 FPS below the monitors refresh


If you want to know the technical reasons for why this works then I'll leave a link

to an explanation in the video description.

With this method I found the input lag to be equal to FastSync at the same framerate.

I also found out that there is an AMD equivalent to FastSync called EnhancedSync.

This means there are plenty of low lag VSync solutions on any system if you can't stand


Last but certainly not least, I need to talk about car input lag.

When I first tested it with my fancy new Arduino setup, I found about 8ms higher input lag

for the car than expected from the previous tests from Patch 1.41 despite the engine reaction

being the same.

But I don't like jumping to conclusions, so the very first thing I did, was to get out

the highspeed camera again and I made sure that my new test setup wasn't at fault.

But I got the same result.

What I've been doing for my tests is driving through a wall while looking backwards.

The spawn point is chosen perfectly to make sure that boosting will instantly put the

camera on the other side of the wall.

Due to this setup, I wasn't quite sure whether the measured difference was just because the

camera was delayed or the actual car.

I am of course using 1 stiffness.

So I went and did some hacking to teleport the car as soon as the button press is detected

by the engine.

When I did this, I got the input lag down to the number I had in Patch 1.41.

This tells me that teleporting certainly has no camera lag and that the visual frames are

still using the most recent physics frame.

To make sure that my problem wasn't caused by the car moving too small of a distance

in 1 frame I decided to make the car teleport upon any movement.

Because I'm teleporting after I'm already detecting a movement, all these results had

of course 1 more physics tick worth of input lag.

This caused me to get a total of 2 physics ticks extra input lag compared to 1.41 which

already proved that the act of boosting took 1 extra physics tick to move the car.

The amazing thing about this new test is that it also allows me to test things other than

boosting and I got some interesting results.

Regular acceleration also had a delay of 1 tick but jumps didn't.

I also tested turning which had no delay in how fast the angular velocity of the car changes

but the actual angle that the car is facing was 1 tick delayed.

So it seems that to calculate the change in angle, the angular velocity of the previous

tick is getting used.

Finally, to confirm the difference that I found and to test the other values, I rolled

back to Patch 1.41.

What I found was, that the boost lag was indeed lower but all the other things were the same

as 1.44.

Why/how this happened, I have no clue and I am also not sure if this has happened since

Patch 1.43 or 1.42 as I did no testing on Patch 1.42.

Alright, at the beginning of the video I said that I was going to talk about controllers.

I haven't tested anything related to them so far but I have a plan.

I have decided that I am going to buy all the popular controllers there are to do a

comparison between them.

This is only possible at all because of the amazing support from my patrons.

However, taking all my expenses into account this is actually going to put me at loss of

money but I have some savings and I am confident that investing in the future is the right

thing to do.

If you appreciate this kind of testing and have some money to spare then I highly appreciate

any amount of support.

In case you want a controller that's not on the list tested, then you can suggest it on

my discord and if you or other people are willing to give me one time donations that

cover the cost of the controller then I'm willing to test any of them.

This comparison isn't going to be the next video but I'm obviously not gonna announce

it and then wait half a year either.

To stay up-to-date about this channel or any unlisted changes that I find in the game,

follow me on twitter or join my Discord and I'll see you in 3 weeks for the next video.

For more infomation >> RL input lag retested 1.44 - Rocket Science #15 - Duration: 11:48.


[Eng Es PT Sub] BTS "FIRE" - TWICE DAHYUN Can't stop from coming out to dance 방탄소년단 트와이스 다현 불타오르네 - Duration: 1:20.

<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>

YJS: Let's play the next song.

(The next song is BTS <FIRE>)

DAHYUN: Ah....

DAHYUN: Ah... (I have to go for this song)

Yang Se Chan: Isn't this supposed to be a couple dance?

YJS: How many times have you come out?

Yang Se Chan: This is definitely not a couple dance.

(I'm sorry for coming out again, but I have to dance to this!!)

YJS: Wow, this... Dahyun...

(Possessed by BTS this time. Recreating the choreography perfectly)

She is so light! Daebak!

(Can't stop. So focused) YJS: Stop.

YJS: Excuse me, Dahyun-ssi.

YJS: I know you like dancing but stop coming out!

For more infomation >> [Eng Es PT Sub] BTS "FIRE" - TWICE DAHYUN Can't stop from coming out to dance 방탄소년단 트와이스 다현 불타오르네 - Duration: 1:20.


Cute newborn baby Bella fall down on ground several time|Mom leave baby walk no help|Monkey Daily692 - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Cute newborn baby Bella fall down on ground several time|Mom leave baby walk no help|Monkey Daily692 - Duration: 10:54.


Bubbles The Blue - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> Bubbles The Blue - Duration: 11:22.


Kilo Kish:最自然的樣子才美|玩美星期ㄧ|VOGUE - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Kilo Kish:最自然的樣子才美|玩美星期ㄧ|VOGUE - Duration: 2:14.


Stormy Waters/Scoot On Over! - Duration: 26:32.

For more infomation >> Stormy Waters/Scoot On Over! - Duration: 26:32.


Smell of Fear/A New "Spin" - Duration: 26:32.

For more infomation >> Smell of Fear/A New "Spin" - Duration: 26:32.


Albuquerque woman loses everything in apartment fire - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Albuquerque woman loses everything in apartment fire - Duration: 2:15.


Korean War veteran from NH says he doesn't trust North Korean regime - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Korean War veteran from NH says he doesn't trust North Korean regime - Duration: 1:39.


6 Surprising Foods and Drinks You Should Never Eat Together - Duration: 5:07.

Six surprising foods and drinks you should never tied together some foods play really well together

take these 13 health boosting food combos

for example their chemical compounds merge to create a turbocharged nutritional symbiosis

it's a beautiful and tasty thing

other foods however have don't play so nice together we're talking combos that leave you bloated send blood sugar levels to soaring

and dampen the absorption of important nutrients

year six pairings to avoid if you want to feel your best tea plus milk black T is rich in antioxidants that work to decrease

inflammation that's linked to many chronic diseases including heart disease and diabetes

says Alyssa Ramsey road spokesperson for the academy of nutrition and dietetics

however splashing even a little milk cow or soy

into your cup short circuits those benefits milk proteins bind to antioxidants in thien prevent them from being absorbed

she explains what's more milk doesn't even offer of calcium boost in this situation the

caffeine intake and decrease calcium absorption

says Rachel Meltzer warren RT and author of the smart girls guide to going vegetarian

if you really want to add something good to yorty squeeze some lemon in there instead it'll

actually increase the amount of antioxidants that your body can absorb a

white bread plus jam simple carbohydrates to spike blood sugar the most says Liz Windy

road miles per hour a dietitian at Ohio State university Wexner Medical center of

put two or more together think like bread and jam or soda and French fries

and you've got a recipe for disaster

your blood sugar goes up fast

and your body has to work very hard to bring it down by releasing insulin from the pancreas

explains Wendy once that inevitable drop happens

your energy and mood can bottom out leaving you tired and here it aided in the long term this process can eventually where the pancreas

down and create insulin resistance and diabinese ads Wendy a smarter a idea swap

out those refined cards for fighter rich whole grains

which help to slow down digest in and keep you off the blood sugar roller-coaster salad plus fat free dressing

when you avoid fat on your cell it you put up a roadblock to your absorption of nutrients says Meltzer warren in fact a study in the American

journal of clinical nutrition found that grow to Deutz plant pigments linked to a reduced risk of cancer

cardiovascular disease

and macular degeneration

are more readily absorbed when paired with full fat dressing as opposed to low fat or fat free

varieties that you don't need a heavy pour of ranch to reap the benefits

splash screens with olive oil and vinegar and you're good to go

you know the drill your drinking wine at dinner start to Jan after a few glasses and perk yourself up with a host Neal cappuccino

bad idea why the energy boost you get from caffeine can mask intoxication

so you underestimate how drunk ill are the same goes for directly mixing caffeine plus booze think vodka and red bull or coffee and

calla research a out of wake forest university school of medicine found that people who combine caffeine and alcohol are at a greater

risk of being in an accident than those who steer clear of the combo

rentals plus red wine red wines contain compounds called tannins when tannins intermingle with plant based sources of iron

like those found in lentils and soybeans it seriously hinders your body's ability to absorb the mineral

this issue is particularly relevant to vegans and vegetarians

notes rumsey plant base to Iran is already more difficult to absorb and meet based iron

she sat add tenants to the mix and it's that much harder to get the iron you need

burgers plus beer both are processed by the liver and your body naturally prioritizes breaking down the alcohol first

since it recognizes poke a hole as a toxin says rumsey this leaves fat floating in your

bloodstream where it can then be stored in fat tissue

moreover of you'll feel is specially gross afterward have that causes food to digest more slowly

which is why a high fat meal can leave you feeling stuffed and bloated long after you eat it says rumsey

For more infomation >> 6 Surprising Foods and Drinks You Should Never Eat Together - Duration: 5:07.


The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 04/30/18 12AM | April 30, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:20.

For more infomation >> The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 04/30/18 12AM | April 30, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:20.


DIVINE 5 TOP 100 LION/VENGE BLUE SPAN DOTA 2 04/29/2018 DAILY STREAM 6AM PST - Duration: 11:55:01.

For more infomation >> DIVINE 5 TOP 100 LION/VENGE BLUE SPAN DOTA 2 04/29/2018 DAILY STREAM 6AM PST - Duration: 11:55:01.


Why Maria&her boy do this to newborn Brutus Jr?|Rare to see Jill leave baby from her|Monkey Daily693 - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Why Maria&her boy do this to newborn Brutus Jr?|Rare to see Jill leave baby from her|Monkey Daily693 - Duration: 10:30.


How to Make Sliced Baked Apples With Brown Sugar Cooking with Apples - Duration: 1:49.

The Secret to Low-Sugar Baked Apples

baked apples are one of those tricky desserts that sounds healthy but usually isn't

let's face it no amount of wholesome fruit can stand up against an onslaught of butter and refined sugar have that this recipe is different

using just 1/2 tablespoon of coconut sugar for the whole batch keeps the added sugars in

check and lets the apples natural sweetness shine prep time

5 minutes total time

40 minutes serves six

six granny Smith apples

one 4th see hazelnuts

1/4 eat the cons? See shredded coconut

? See reasons

1/2 tablespoon coconut sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon coconut oil

melted one pinch sea salt

coconut or natural yogurt for garnish one

heat the oven to 350 superscript oh enough to

use a small sharp knife or koror to remove the core from the apple leaving an inch at the bottom so filling won't fall out three

chopped nuts then transfer to a bowl along with all other ingredients except the apples and yogurt stern will to combine then stuff the

apples with a mixture for placed the apples in a snug fit of Entre and cook for 30 minutes

to serve with yogurt

For more infomation >> How to Make Sliced Baked Apples With Brown Sugar Cooking with Apples - Duration: 1:49.


Death during a sale contract? | Legal Advice from a Sunshine Coast Lawyer - Duration: 2:12.

What happens to contracts when one of the parties passes away before completion?

Simply speaking, it depends on what the contract is for and what it says.

Practically however, the implications are not straight forward.

I'm John Gallagher from Argon Law.

Today I want to discuss how this situation might best be handled.

Our starting point involves firstly asking whether there is a contract in place.

If an offer to enter into a contract has been made and one of the parties dies, the offer

usually lapses if the offer has not, or can't be accepted.

If there is a valid contract, and the subject matter concerns personal rights (like employment

contracts for example) these contracts will naturally come to an end.

The final scenario relates those contracts that involve the transfer of proprietary rights

– like contracts for the sale of land.

These contracts will remain on foot – meaning they are enforceable by or against the estate.

There is often an expectation that personal representatives will be able to immediately

perform these obligations when they arise.

In practice however, there is often a disconnect between:

the time to do what is needed to give personal representatives authority to act; and

critical dates for performance under the contract, which may lapse before that authority is granted.

This potentially exposes deceased estates to a breach scenario.

Breach of contract situations can be serious, messy and stressful in a time that is already

very stressful for most personal representatives.

Navigating these issues requires a combination of patience, legal expertise and good negotiation


If you would like to know more about death during a contract, please visit our website

or give us a call.

For more infomation >> Death during a sale contract? | Legal Advice from a Sunshine Coast Lawyer - Duration: 2:12.


This New Milk Has More Protein and Less Sugar Than 2% - Duration: 2:57.

This new milk has more protein and less sugar than 2%

here's the background altar filtered milk has become more widely available this year with the release of a new brand fair life

which is under the Coca-Cola umbrella and uses a grammatically frustrating all lower Brand

name there are also other Brands available have like a good simply smart

fair life the capital has intended says they make the super milk have regular milk through a series of filters

the molecules of water protein

fat minerals and lactose a sugar that make up milk are each a different size so each filter

removes one of those components until they are all separated

then the company RE combines the individual nutrients in the new ratio

resulting in a milk with more protein and calcium

less sugar and no lactose

yup that means it's safe for the lactose intolerant

more the best alternatives to dairy it takes milk and makes it better

to says Roussel who has no affiliation with any filtered milk companies the nutritional

breakdown for 1 cup affair life's 2% alter filtered milk 13 g of protein

compared to 8 g in traditional 2% 6 g of sugar

compared to 12 g in traditional 2%

and 370 mg of calcium compared to 209 of three MG in traditional 2%

the company also makes skim told and chocolate versions of the RE engineered dairy it may seem like a small difference

you're getting five more Grams of protein and six fewer Grams of sugar

that it's a step in the right direction Roussel says

especially if you drink the altar filtered milk with breakfast

when most people get too little protein and too many cards

what about the taste it's a little more creamy than regular dairy according to Roussel

the big catch its pricey

at one man's health editors local grocery store of 52 oz 0.4 gallons

container of fear life costs $4.99

while 1/2 gallon of regular 2% milk costs $1.89

so if you can afford it

consider swapping out your regular gallon for filtered milk in your everyday diet Roussel suggests

it also works have as a post workout drink for guys looking to get him since it has less sugar than traditional chocolate milk

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