Hello everyone this is Adam meister the BitcoinMeister the disrupt meister
welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 29th 2018
strong hand long term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin this is home of
cryptocurrency straight talk no fancy set her graphics just information value
your wealth of bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture
alright check out the links below yesterday's beyond bitcoin show i talked
about personal responsibility being the nude counterculture also friday this
week in bitcoin was great archives are all linked to below get
your treasure or use my treasure code link to below way down there get a crypt
of steel with your treads or there's some new deal out there and yeah
t-shirts and i know everybody loves seeing these churches teachers i got all
sorts of guys trying to sell t-shirts and i'm graham glad for them bear in
motion good job guys good job alright quickly in the notes section
excuse me in the chat from the other night somebody reminded me of the BTC -
e exchange and those of you you do not know what that is
that was an exchange at many people used for a long time and tone Vaes and me and
other people warned that they would just disappear one day and what would ever
happen it shut down it it went away and despite all those warnings people lost
money on there so people never keep remember that story you might never
heard that before don't keep your money on exchanges don't
keep your coins on exchanges but i it's hard for me to believe when i read
something like this left in my chat section Barry Silbert
and aetherium classics saved my life all my funds would have been on BTC 2
when it went down if not for Barry so this guy's saying that because of
something Barry silver said I guess he maybe he bought a lot of if here in
classic and nothing dust moved all of his uh funds off a btc-e he was saved
but why the heck was this dude even keeping all his funds Oh btc-e that's
the part you know that's great Barry Silbert your savior that's awesome
that's your business dude but then the fact that after watching my show tone
show and all these other people that you were even willing to you needed a
miracle for Barry Silbert to save your butt I mean that just shows you how many
people don't control their own private key keep their money on exchanges don't
do it people you don't know when the next btc-e is gonna happen it could be
any exchange and you're not gonna have some miracle Barry Silbert come in and
ride in on a unicorn and save your life or whatever that dude happened to that
guy and you thanks for being in my chat and everything but I you know when you
leave stuff in the chat I read the chat afterwards I sometimes think a story so
pound that like button people subscribe to the channel check out the links below
and yeah I'm in Denver Colorado I'm gonna be in Portland Oregon starting on
May the 1st until the 10th so hey if you're cool contact me maybe we can
arrange my stir event the first two days I'm hanging out with a college friend
but then after that I will be up and I think Northwest Portland it's actually
near some synagogues actually coincidentally enough it's kind of funny
anyway all right so let's talk about the lawsuits that all these lawsuits people
want to sue Bitcoin calm all right and that's controlled by king of the
trolls every guys you are playing right into king of the trolls hands I mean
have you ever seen the way how he acts on his videos okay how he makes
everything into an infomercial how the be cash people are victims that you need
to feel bad for that the Bitcoin people are you know attacking them and hurting
them and oh poor poor little us I mean he is going to turn
into aggression against him and a gret against be cash he's gonna make he's
gonna make big coin peep bitcoin looks like a villain and be cash looks like a
sympathetic victim now I don't think being a victim is cool but a lot of
people mainstream media um they will pick up on that story and you
you're gonna help you're gonna help him you're gonna help him spread the his
word and his word is that be cash is the real bitcoin now that isn't the truth
but you're giving him a megaphone by suing him by playing right into his
hands and it is playing it's playing right into his hands and he is good at
persuading people and he is good at twisting things around if you can't give
the guy credit for having that kind of talent then you don't know what the heck
is going on you're in oh honey you got a brick you got to treat him with a
certain level of respect when you know that you got to take him seriously is
what I'm trying to say there you know either respect him on a but the I mean
you skill he's got persuasive skills and if you're gonna give him a freebie by
suing him I'm not participating in that at all I'm not encouraging anyone to
spend their precious Bitcoin on giving king of the trolls more attention on
putting the government on a pedestal on a central because again you're like bet
you're gonna beg the government to come in and punish Bitcoin calm that's not
what this is about here this is this we're not Bitcoin is that has not been
victimized here Bitcoin is not for victims be cash is not everybody think
they're doing something illegal there okay if you were scammed by be cash then
you go sue be cash okay who has been scammed by them who has was but what we
got here is this movement of people who wanted to be cash for these victims that
I don't know if they even exist this is not Bitcoin is not for victims Bitcoin
is for the big boys is where the big boys play and when you start getting
into defining victims and everything you get into a territory where it's not
helping Bitcoin it's not this is going to end up hurting the
industry and this is a reference that you know this is not gonna help
cryptocurrencies hallways and dust by attacking your competitor it's gonna
hurt the industry which it means it's gonna hurt Bitcoin too if I mean you're
kind of showing that you're threatened by B cash if you want if you're if
you're part of this movement to sue them ignore then it that is what I'm that's
why I call him king of the trolls don't don't say his real name call it B cash
that's all you need to do they can't take it
dick but again once you you get into litigation then it's gonna be they're
gonna say well a judge will have to decide what will maybe be cash should
say it's Bitcoin that's totally fine maybe they are big again it will help
them it will confuse confuse more people if this thing gets into a well
publicized lawsuit and Kingdom trolls thrives on conclude without confusion
does the more confused people the more people that are gonna think well maybe
this it maybe he's got a point he's being picked on here and I'm not saying
he's being picked on but he's gonna twist it around that way alright so late
let's not uh EB please people don't be it's a weak hand stand strong hands have
confidence that bitcoin is bitcoin wish be cash luck
let them go their own way ignore them treat them like any other altcoin out
there and just call it be cash and that's it that's it pound that like
button alright enough of that enough of that and yeah as I said bitcoin is not
for big for this for the big for the big boys but we do have a victim coin out
there there is such thing as a victim coin that is the US dollar yes that's
how they that's how it thrives today our society is based on victimhood
compensate me let me sue you because you treated me horribly and I will get more
US dollars people like to say that they think the US dollar is stabilized
because it's the petrodollar the powers the oil trade system and they were all
these deals made with Saudi Arabia and it's the petro dollar I know
I don't think the petrodollar is the base of the current system at all of the
dollar system I think it is the welfare dollar the victim dollar the eighty
percent dollar as long as the government dependents get their inflated dollars
and remain fat and distracted then money-printing inflation system stays
quite safe stable here in the US the USA knows how to satisfy the 80 percenters
of the world with entertainment and free money that is what it's not about the
pet you know oil is gonna be worthless eventually dollar will still be there
because it's the welfare dollar and we had so many people that are dependent on
the state who put the state on a pedestal who put put the that this
culture pop culture on a pedestal it is the welfare dollar not the petro
dollar and guess what the welfare dog isn't going anywhere but if you get into
Bitcoin you opt out of the system you're not in the pit you're not in the welfare
dollar system anywhere anyway which is the inflationary system where you will
not have any wealth or just be a government dependent when you get into
the Bitcoin system you're you're gaining wealth you're gaining wealth you're
fighting against that and any the two can exist side by side the two will
exist side by side because there's always gonna be 80 percenters there's
always gonna be 20 percenters there's always many more 80 percenters than 20%
be a 20% be live a life of freedom that is not dependent on pop culture and
welfare and money printing all right I said some of this yesterday too but why
not say it again uh and again most oh here's this oh yeah here's the photo of
the day which is on Twitter by Michael Chris on he says it's a picture of a
bank I think it's called central bank and says have you centralized your
banking relationship with us this is a real advertisement it's funny you know
because we're always talking about the banks or centralizing bitcoin is
decentralized most people in crypto will do not care about these decentralized
aspect of cryptocurrency though and that's unfortunate and thus they pump up
coins base tones the speculative nature of some the marketing of some
over the long run they will learn the hard way what is real cryptocurrency and
what is just digital money okay flavors of the month versus Bitcoin the
rock okay because some of these centralized coins are no different than
the US dollar once it becomes fed coin and is it's it's ridiculous but people
like oh my iota or my whatever my neo can do with so many magical things it's
all centralized bitcoin is decentralized alright but people don't care
show me people getting either cryptocurrency just want to flip this
what's the latest hot thing what did CMB see Africa say today
anybody would get to that in a second okay so let's get into the first aspect
of the crypto a dividend drama of the of the last few days and that is Rhett
Creighton Rhett Creighton was the guy he is a smart person okay he has a high IQ
there's no doubt about that he went to MIT okay I have praised him for his IQ
before I have praised him for coming up with this original spork idea making
Zeke turning renaming Z classic and gay be private and getting all the classic
holders this be private and all bitcoin holders is be private which is basically
Z Cash basically given giving big coin holders their own anonymous coin which
is cool which was original and he came up with this idea he got a team together
and they're working you know people said things about Rhett that he leaves
projects quickly and he's they caught on all sorts of names and everything and I
thought let's give the guy a Bend up the benefit of the doubt well he started
promoting something called up trot that prime point should fork in the Bitcoin
prime let's call it B prime and so that I think the B private people had enough
of it you know and said you know I don't know Bret himself as admitted he's
contributing very little to the project okay but he still was the figurehead of
the project so they did the right thing and they rip the band-aid off now okay
you gotta rip it off eventually it's gonna hurt it just get it over with now
okay before so the price of be private went down now you got to give wrecked
credit on one thing here he does not care what anyone thinks
obviously if he has taken this route he's gonna do what he's gonna do was
best for him and that's his business would I do what he did no I would not do
what he did at all okay III but he you can see his ID linked to all these
tweets below they're very interesting be sure to read the comments under every
one of the tweets because what either you're dealing with this b-prime thing
or we're gonna get about to this be anonymous thing now again Rhett has
nothing to do with the be anonymous Z classic fork that we're gonna be talking
about in a second but if you've read the comments about that one too people are
enraged about all this stuff this is you know again the original idea of Z
classics porking was great but now we've got the unintended consequences of
everything here okay we've got one guy we got Rhett trying to rename another
coin which is his business then we got another guy with this be anonymous thing
is this basically copy doing his own be private in using Z classic as the base
again it's like ridiculous like why you see a book at that then the second
though I'm I'm jumping ahead but let's let's go to Rhett here and read said
something that was good be private doesn't need me the lone genius inventor
is a myth the truth is it can't be stopped now and a hundred other people
did 99 percent of the work okay so they're from the horse's mouth right
there so red is gone be private can move they go their separate ways that is
great for be private maybe some of this exchange madness can be cleared up now
I'm not you know there's rumors that be that red had something that he didn't
answer phone calls or he wasn't around I'm not gonna make accusations you read
to stop he's gone that's it good luck to be prime a good luck to Brett on his
future projects and he does not care about fitting in he takes it to an
extreme clearly clearly alright good loan and again get the loan Jeannie it's
great that be private does not have a figurehead
more it's not good to have a lone genius figurehead it isn't good because they
could be targets and imagine if Rhett would have quit at a much more important
time like I'd be private I just sew swords to five hundred dollars and then
he quit and then everyone would always a clear puppet dump and it would go down
to two dollars I mean they got they they got this over with now that's great
good okay so hey and prime coin pumped like anything of course of course it
popped like 80 percenters a day good luck I am not involved with the pride
point thing at all the probably the B prime if it works out it works out I
guess you'll hear things about it here if it works out if I somehow get it for
free easily then I get it for free I turn in the Bitcoin whatever I'm not
touching that one I mean there's a lot of bad vibes around all this stuff now
it's it's it wasn't supposed to be like this but you know people make individual
decisions so let's we're gonna have to make
individual decisions personal responsibility if you get involved in
this stuff and it really doesn't end up happening because there's no guarantee
that there's gonna be a b-prime fork there's definitely no guarantee there's
gonna be a be anonymous fork it's your own fault for getting into it alright so
yeah be price speaking of be private some good news tomorrow April 30th and I
linked to this reddit post before they're below they're gonna haven't
asked me anything so you can ask them anything and I'm sure there are a lot of
questions right now for the be private people because there has been this drama
surrounding it and drama they're not really even involved in because they'd
be anonymous thing they have nothing to do with but these be anonymous people
guy is is bringing them up on ran show and Rann is Rann is in Miami and just I
mean I guess if you would have been in Miami too and you had some and you told
ran you had some scoop he put you on his show also I mean from what I gather come
from in you watched interview yourself we're gonna cover that in a second but
first I noticed the be Diamond punked to like six dollars or twenty two cents I
don't know what's going on with that man I don't know what is going on it that it
seems to be gradually rising in value in terms of dollars and a Bitcoin I don't
know I still know that there's no easy way for me to get it for free
yeah turned into Bitcoin that's I guess that's what I wait for it that's what I
wait for alright and yeah I talked about this you know the the rumors about ran
show already came out on Thursday that you know and z-class that could already
started pumping and I mentioned and I said do not I want nothing to do with
this and sure enough after my show there was a huge price dump so Z classic is
not as high as it was on the rumors I think partially because Z classic there
I don't know if it's their official Twitter or their pseudo if there's I
guess is their official Twitter Z classic said as said in March all work
has stopped on Z classic nothing about this has change any proposed fork you
may hear about does not have widespread consensus please use caution before
participating in any fork that is promising guaranteed returns or may
sound too good to be true now this be anonymous guy was on ran show that that
was from Z classy but the be anonymous guy on ran showed you could watch the
show says the be private price is a start for them that's a start from there
you know the sky's the limit that's not as exact words you watch it yourself you
decide but anyway that that be anonymous is even happening that B prime is even
happening these new sporks or whatever you would call them I think this might
be a sign that we are at near the end of a bear or crypto market you know this
madness will not be going on during a bear crypto market well maybe but I mean
this I would think this is a bull if you want to or looking for a bullish sign
for cryptocurrency this is probably a when crazy things like this are starting
to happen boil up when when ran has this dude on CNBC and I keep alluding to this
without actually talking about it yet okay
okay yes I said that okay and again I link to be anonymous related tweets some
people are not clearly fans of it the guy so here here's what I see there was
a big conference down there in Miami ran from CNBC Africa is down there he runs
into some dude that's got this be anonymous which is basically just
forking Zee classic in the coin again like be private did but with
um an aspect of - with the masternodes okay so rads like I got a scoop I better
put the guy on um the guy calls himself crypto King
his name is green bomb never heard of him before
so if green bomb if you're watching this I mean you're from Miami or your other
guy was from Miami also that was on this show with you you shouldn't meet a guy
named Chris DeRose Chris DeRose is also from Miami you should go on his show
because you're both in Miami and if Chris DeRose is watching this I actually
tweeted that Chris tours have you heard of this guy before you know this guy's
the crypto he says he's the crypto King he's in Miami you're Chris DeRose you're
from Miami you do interviews and you're a big Chris DeRose is an old-school a
Bitcoin guy you know you know he's got a interesting style and everything and I
hope that Greenbaum goes on Chris's show you should go Chris's show it I think
he'll be very interesting to be on Chris's show um it'll be good wicked
outfit because I think obviously some of us are perplexed about your be anonymous
and I think Chris DeRose can really flesh out what be anonymous is and since
you're both from Miami and everything you know you're close by it would be
really easy so that's just a suggestion but alright um the guy watch I linked to
rant the interview below okay so that ran did is the first eight minutes of
ran show on CNBC Africa and the guy obviously the conference these mega
conferences have a lot of ICO pumper type people Adam and he's the guy
Greenbaum sounds like a nice King crypto or whatever his name is
he sounds like a nice EO pumper um he says Sunday which is today which is
about to end their website goes live I do not know if that has even happen if
the be anonymous website has gone live yet um the entire interview was I mean
some would say shady I'm he ripped on be private yet he basically is doing
exactly what be private did um so let's look at it this week the Z classic and
ran even at the end said you know so if you're by Z class
now you'll get your be anonymous I wonder ran has bought a bunch of Zee
classic it almost seemed like he had it again the interview was it was more like
information and I'm not the only one saying that's gonna get you make your
own decision I'm not here to tell you the way to think watch it yourself it's
linked to below it was very interesting so the Z classic price will tell you
what the market thinks of this if people are excited about it if it does start
pumping again people do you want to get it I guess
80% will 80 percenters like this used car salesman approach because this is it
they define success i means the 80 percenters that dubai to define the
success of things like this they are the ones who pump because we don't buy it we
just get it for free that 20 percenters people say they don't like marketing
what that dude was doing it was not like it was not marking this guy is like a
cold call salesman okay there's a big difference here there's a bit but I mean
I'm reading stuff on Twitter people like this is what's wrong with cryptocurrency
today you and you know again there are it's sort of there are aspects of
cryptocurrency that are like that that are used car salesmen like that are
sales pitchy like but don't we marketing isn't a bad thing but when you do the
call call sales type approach and you watch it for yourself you it's not that
isn't too cool but uh good luck good luck to them
if the 80 percenters pump it up then I'm gonna get it for free and I and again
I'm gonna get it for free because I had Bitcoin not because I'm buying Z classic
okay and again they all let me know it'll set
an example you know ties em said why aren't you
forking in the doge coin because again ties ed once he wants doors cord the
pump to he's got a point like why not be a little bit more original and in for it
and again it will help dogecoin enter it and it will help z classic if they
support but of course they're not gonna fork in the dogecoin you know why
because bitcoin is the rock bitcoin is the one these type of games that they're
playing with bitcoin sporks Forks encrypted dividends whatever would you
benefit they benefit bitcoin holders everyone was a piece of bitcoin they
don't want a piece of those coin the guys doing the Z classic I
don't know why Zico you know be my guest why he's picking Z classic I may be
anyway I get I want nothing to do with the probably wanna make this as clear as
possible I want nothing to do with this be anonymous thing nothing to do with it
at all and it doesn't seem like a reputable person who thinks about it
maybe ran didn't really think about what he was getting into would want to touch
this at all I mean again if we get it for free if 80 percenters fall in love
with it they love the cold cold sales approach and although you know
masternodes being thrown out then great they will buy it and they will pay the
consequences and we will sell it to them and get more Bitcoin I mean it says a
lot about 80 percent or is it if this thing does work out and you want to own
it on a personal note on a personal note he says he's going live on September 2
10th Greenbaum said this is going live on September 10th and this is a personal
thing um the first thing that came to my mind when I heard September 10th was
well that's the first day of Rosh Hashanah
and you know Greenbaum you're Jewish probably or you're fine now if you're
not Jewish then ignore this but if you're Jewish dude why you doing this on
you why you do this on Rosh Hashanah come on you couldn't pick another day
today it's disrespectful it's just I can't believe it I came and believed it
if you're if you are again maybe your dad was juiced maybe your granddad was
juice and you're stuck with that and unfortunate last name because no
Reacher's people we don't have the best last names I got lucky and got Meister
this long story help we got that but anyway dude it's Russia Shauna you're
doing up this I mean I know anyway quickly a bit Manero v has an update
I'll link to it below the second or third of May is going to be the fort
from an arrow V secondary it's been moved up due to uh just the the way it's
working over there it's a natural occurrence anyway I'm tech bought on
Twitter I've mentioned Twitter a lot TEC HP alt town that like button i'm adam
meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this
channel like this video share this video do check out the notes section below
I'll see you by
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