Friday, April 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 27 2018

We are SUPER late! Super late!

On this huge trend that took YouTube by storm!

It consisted of following DIY video

making something similar to our content.

But we didn't care that we are so late and we are still doing this!

Because we obviously wanted to make a cake tutorial

that belongs to the queen of Spanish cake making:

her name is Gris and her channel is Mis Pastelitos!

Our favorite part is Mis Pastelitos Kids

so I'm here with my own kids:

Noa and this boy Emi

We wanted to make a tutorial where she is making

edible slime with her niece.

It's super cool and we are dying to make it!

We are so ready to make this, right? Yes!

We'll make it with gummy bears.

Let's make this step by step DIY together.

If you don't know me, I'm Vero and this is: VeroSweetHobby!

Before we begin,

don't forget to subscribe

and press the little red button.

Don't forget to press the bell

because YouTube will let you know

each time there is a new video up.

Let's watch this tutorial to see if we can make it.

What's up? How are you? Hi!

Let's see what ingredients we need...

30 gummy bears

30 gummy bears, here!

1/2 cup of powdered sugar, here!

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

the one you use to cook

and food coloring.

Here are our colors, let's show you what we chose:

Pink, purple, blue! ... light blue!

Let's keep watching, does it look easy so far?

Let's place the bears in a bowl that can go into the microwave.

You know what I'd like to do now?


To have a big pool filled with gummy bears...

and to jump in there!

Let's keep watching, the bears are in the bowl, now what?

Mix it with the tablespoon of oil.

Oil, oil, oil

Wow, do you think this will taste good?

I'm not sure!

Remeber that we will microwave this

leave it there for only 30 seconds.

Let's go!

Wow! This smells good!

Let's see what happens now.

Now what?

Mix it well...

until it completely melts

while it's melting add your food coloring

ok! take your colors guys!

Add just a little bit!

Oh! That's too much!

Mine is looking great!

Huy Emi ok, yours is going to be black.

It's ok, fine! No problem!

While we mix this, let's see what is next.

Well, it now looks like a little bugger... kind of...

Now it's time to add the sugar

, I'll add it to both of my kid's mixes.

You have to keep mixing it while we do it, ok?

I love to do this! I don't know why though lol

This is purple ma!

Well now she is telling us to grab some Crisco

It's a vegetable type of butter, let me go get it.

Yes! You apply it all over your hands...

oh God! Now Noa press play! I can't touch the computer like this!

It will feel like you are moisturizing your hands...

My husband would tell me: that's gross!

I can't believe this!

It's a little bit hot, to be honest.

This one didn't work!

Yes! We fixed it, there you go! Yes!

It's very soft and super shinny!

Let me show you!


Yes we did it! Yes we did it!

This happens when you don't use Crisco!

Super messy, but worth it.

Wow super cool! Let's add decorations now.

Let's do the biggest test now, let's try a little bit ok?

Only a little bit.

So dangerous! It's really great!

It's really good actually, it tastes like bubble gum.

Not only the taste it good, it smells really good too.

But it has way too much sugar, so try to not eat so much

try to make it specially to play with.

So what do you guys think? Did we pass the test?


Thank you so much for watching this video

kisses from California to everyone watching

specially to Gris and everyone who makes and watches

Mis Pastelitos!

And of course hi to all of their fans!

If this is the first time you see me, let me tell you that

every week I upload a video like this one

subscribe and we'll see you here!

Don't forget to comment down below and tell me

what was your favorite part and what other challenge

you would like to see us do.

Xoxo everyone! I'm Vero and I'll see you here

on VeroSweetHobby!




For more infomation >> LLEGAMOS AL SIGUIENTE NIVEL DE NUESTRA AMISTAD! - Duration: 10:01.


Dos turistas provocan una alerta sanitaria al salvar a un murciélago enfermo de rabia - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Dos turistas provocan una alerta sanitaria al salvar a un murciélago enfermo de rabia - Duration: 2:42.


Ozuna - No Perdamos Tiempo (Vídeo Music) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Ozuna - No Perdamos Tiempo (Vídeo Music) - Duration: 3:32.


Adobe Flash Test - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Adobe Flash Test - Duration: 1:17.


Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp game streaker arrested - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp game streaker arrested - Duration: 2:52.


Video Spanish and Portuguese Sub - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Video Spanish and Portuguese Sub - Duration: 7:35.


The Young and the Restless - Previously On Y&R (4/27/2018) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> The Young and the Restless - Previously On Y&R (4/27/2018) - Duration: 0:43.


España: miles se manifiestan luego de que cinco hombres fueran hallados inocentes de violación - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> España: miles se manifiestan luego de que cinco hombres fueran hallados inocentes de violación - Duration: 1:01.


The Young and the Restless - You Wouldn't Dare - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> The Young and the Restless - You Wouldn't Dare - Duration: 1:01.


★★HiyamaXAoi★★ 「AMV」CADMIUM | Melody Ft. Jon Becker | - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> ★★HiyamaXAoi★★ 「AMV」CADMIUM | Melody Ft. Jon Becker | - Duration: 4:25.


Jazz raconte l'enfance difficile de son compagnon Laurent, "Il a galéré de ouf" - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Jazz raconte l'enfance difficile de son compagnon Laurent, "Il a galéré de ouf" - Duration: 3:36.


Extraen una vara de acero de un paciente que se tragó hace más de un año por una apuesta - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Extraen una vara de acero de un paciente que se tragó hace más de un año por una apuesta - Duration: 1:58.


New accessory | Acessório novo | Accesorio nuevo | Nouvel accessoire | Neues Zubehör | 新しい付属品。 - Duration: 5:31.

New accessory. Comparison of cameras. GoPro 3+ vs Rollei 372

Fifi looks here what I bought.

Bought a Bra.

Um Sutiã!!!

I had been looking for a long time new ways to record video,

and one of the ideas I had was buy therefore this belt,

used on the shoulders, that Fifi with A lot of humor says it's a bra.

And so far, this is the first test that I'm

to do with the belt, the What I notice is that he goes

here so and no, no nothing, neither the

movements, or anything, he is thus imprisoned here.

The straps are elastic, I I did not press too much, I did not

I know if the camera is skip a lot or not, I

I'm using the camera. GoPro, by itself is already

a camera that brings a certain stabilization.

So I think you're going to have stabilization.

Then I want you to give me the your opinion at the end of the video.

I'll use it soon to Rollei too,

I'm going to switch to Rollei. and use it, to see how it is.

The angle of vision I think should be here for a bit

above the tank, underneath, it is a very

loving because it's an angle view of a shoot

from the point of view of our chest, where is the heart.

Because Rollei for having a box pond very thick, on hook J

I could not get the camera turned up, failed completely.

As it is logical, I had to give a second here

opportunity to Rollei, then I arranged there at home, a

extension, to mount on the hook J, in order to get

here an image that could compete with GoPro.

For more infomation >> New accessory | Acessório novo | Accesorio nuevo | Nouvel accessoire | Neues Zubehör | 新しい付属品。 - Duration: 5:31.


What Do I Do With My Life

For more infomation >> What Do I Do With My Life


#Z60 - Krijgt Trump hiervoor de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede? - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> #Z60 - Krijgt Trump hiervoor de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede? - Duration: 3:59.


New York City 17' - Duration: 6:11.

Links to My Socials Instagram n.ysabelle Twitter n_ysabelle Snapchat LazyCrazyLove VSCO nadineysab3lle Tumblr

For more infomation >> New York City 17' - Duration: 6:11.


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 3:41.


Grzybica paznokci i stóp – 7 ważnych faktów - Duration: 3:11.

1. Grzybica paznokci to bardzo powszechny problem.Grzybica paznokci jest najczęściej wywoływana grzybami nazywanymi dermatofitami, które szybko się rozwijają w ciepłym i wilgotnym środowisku. 

Dla wielu osób jest to kłopotliwy temat, ale tak naprawdę jest to bardzo powszechny rodzaj infekcji.Choć może trudno w to uwierzyć, to według statystyk grzybica paznokci dotyka co drugą osobę przynajmniej raz w życiu.

Podatność na tę infekcję wzrasta wraz z wiekiem. Jako że na początku trudno jest ją zauważyć, wiele osób nawet nie wie, że ma grzybicę paznokci.

2. Grzybica paznokci jest zaraźliwa.Choć ryzyko zakażenia grzybicą paznokci nie jest zbyt wysokie to należy pamiętać o określonych sytuacjach, w których ryzyko to się podwyższa. 

Nie możesz się zarazić grzybicą paznokci jeśli po prostu przebywasz obok osoby zainfekowanej.Jeśli jednak używacie tych samych butów, skarpetek lub przyrządów do pedikiuru, istnieje większa szansa zakażenia.

Trzeba również wiedzieć, że mikroorganizmy mogą się utrzymywać na powierzchni podłogi lub pod prysznicem. Dlatego zawsze trzeba zakładać klapki jeśli korzystasz z publicznego prysznica.

3. Zdrowe nawyki, które pomogą zapobiegać grzybicy.Udowodniono, że określone zdrowe nawyki mogą pomóc obniżyć ryzyko rozwinięcia się grzybicy.

Oprócz tego, że nie należy używać wspólnych przyrządów do pedikiuru, trzeba również zadbać o to, aby paznokcie były czyste, suche i krótko obcięte.

Kiedy wychodzisz spod prysznica, osusz dokładnie stopy dobrze chłonnym ręcznikiem, a następnie załóż skarpetki wykonane z oddychającego materiału, aby odprowadzały one wilgoć na zewnątrz.

Nie można zapominać oczywiście o tym, że zbilansowana dieta to również ważny element zapobiegania infekcjom i wzmacniania układu odpornościowego.

4. Nie wszystkie sposoby leczenia są skuteczne.Wbrew pozorom, naturalne środki mogą być bardzo skuteczne w leczeniu infekcji grzybicznych paznokci. 

Czasem jednak grzyby wywołujące infekcję są zbyt mocno rozwinięte lub ich niewielkie ilości zdołają przetrwać pod paznokciem i wywołać nową infekcję po jakimś czasie.

Jeśli infekcja powraca lub nie ustępuje, musisz zgłosić się do lekarza, którzy przepisze ci doustne środki farmakologiczne oraz maść do stosowania na paznokcie i skórę wokół nich.

Środki przepisane przez lekarza zazwyczaj dają lepsze rezultaty, choć wyleczenie grzybicy może zająć miesiące i wymaga systematyczności oraz cierpliwości.

5. Im większa wilgotność, tym większe ryzyko zakażenia.Jeśli bardzo często myjesz dłonie lub stopy lub jeśli twoje paznokcie zbyt często wchodzą w kontakt z wodą, ryzyko wystąpienia zakażenia grzybicą znacznie wzrasta.

Dzieje się tak ponieważ nadmiar wilgoci niszczy ochronną warstwę płytki paznokciowej i osłabia skórki wokół paznokci, przez co grzybom łatwiej jest je zaatakować.

6. Grzybica międzypalcowa przyczyną grzybicy paznokci.Większość pacjentów zgłaszających się do lekarza z grzybicą paznokci ma również, lub przynajmniej miała grzybicę międzypalcową.

Grzybica międzypalcowa to choroba dotykająca głównie sportowców i pływaków, których stopy często wchodzą w kontakt z zakażonymi powierzchniami, na przykład na basenie bądź w siłowni.

7. Grzybica paznokci może oznaczać inne choroby.Nagłe pojawienie się grzybicy paznokci może być wynikiem przewlekłych problemów zdrowotnych, jak na przykład zaburzenia krążenia, cukrzyca lub osłabiony układ odpornościowy.

Grzybicą paznokci można się dużo łatwiej zarazić jeśli cierpisz na jakieś choroby skóry, jak np. łuszczycę lub zapalenie skóry.

Pamiętaj o tym, jeśli zauważysz nawracającą grzybicę paznokci. Przyglądaj się regularnie swoim paznokciom i staraj się unikać sytuacji i czynników, które mogą zaszkodzić paznokciom i podwyższyć ryzyko zakażenia grzybicą.

For more infomation >> Grzybica paznokci i stóp – 7 ważnych faktów - Duration: 3:11.


DEVELOPING: Federal Judge Just Ordered Full Release Of Hillary's Found Deleted Emails. - Duration: 9:42.

DEVELOPING: Federal Judge Just Ordered Full Release Of Hillary's Found Deleted Emails

Things are about to get really interesting in the Clinton household.

As it turns out fired FBI director James Comey had Hillary Clinton's backup email device

the entire 2016 election cycle but never bothered to searched it.

But today thanks to the work of citizen researcher Larry Kawa, the determination of Congressman

Ron DeSantis, and the lawyers of Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch, a court ruling from U.S. District

Court Judge Randolph Moss ordered the State Department to hand over the contents of the

backup device by September 2018.

That's right before the coveted midterm elections where Democrats believe they will

be able to win back the house and senate from the Republicans.

This finding apparently came about when the company Hillary Clinton's used to store

her emails, Platte River Networks, subcontracted to a company in Connecticut called Datto.

Datto backed up the vast majority of Clinton's deleted emails, text messages, and other electronic

communications and handed six disks containing information to the FBI in October 2015.

One of those disks contains at least a great many of her 30 thousand missing emails.

Comey turned the disks over to the State Department, which has been compelled to search them and

release the contents.

Attorneys for Judicial Watch stated:

"The documents are part of the accelerated schedule of production ordered by U.S. District

Court Judge James E. Boasberg, which requires the State Department to complete processing

by September 28, 2018, the remaining documents of the 72,000 pages recovered by the FBI in

its investigation into Hillary Clinton's illicit email server.

These new classified and other emails appear to be among those that Clinton had attempted

to delete or had otherwise failed to disclose."

So it looks like the mystery of the deleted Clinton emails has now been solved thanks

to a company which was contracted by a third party to back up information.

Let's hope the information can all be read within the time between September and November

so people can have the true facts about what went on in those emails that Hillary so didn't

want us to see.

Somehow I very much doubt it has anything to do with Yoga or Chelsea's multi-million

dollar wedding.

Here is what only 22 of those emails revealed via GOPUSA:

"Digging up the Dems' buried scandal?

The letter written by several House Republicans to Attorney General Jeff Sessions – and

to FBI Directory Christopher Wray and U.S. Attorney John Huber – by several House Republicans

asks him to open an investigation into Comey, Clinton and other DOJ officials involved in

the Russia probe … accusing them of a coordinated bias.

"We write to refer [Comey, Clinton and DOJ members] for investigation of potential violation(s)

of federal statutes … [and] are especially mindful of the dissimilar degrees of zealousness

that has marked the investigations into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the

presidential campaign of Donald Trump, respectively," the letter signed by 11 GOP lawmakers on Wednesday


"Because we believe that those in positions of high authority should be treated the same

as every other American, we want to be sure that the potential violations of law outlined

below are vetted appropriately."

Besides seeking to get to the bottom of Clinton's alleged criminal behavior, the letter is also

looking to open the door on the current controversy revolving around Special Counsel Robert Mueller,

who many believe Trump is poised to fire.

"The accusations of political bias toward President Donald Trump are related to events

that contributed to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Russian

meddling in the 2016 US election," the Business Insider reported.

"Comey, whom Trump fired last May, was accused of mishandling the investigation in Clinton's

private email server and for leaking classified information of private discussions he had

with Trump."

The letter first mentions how Comey prematurely walked away from investigating Clinton – with

criminal evidence stacked against her.

"Incredibly, [Comey's] judgment [that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a criminal

case against Clinton] appears to have been made prior to interviewing Secretary Clinton

and as many as 17 key witnesses – including Clinton's closest aides," the letter continues.

"Comey's decision to not seek charges against Clinton's misconduct suggests improper

investigative conduct, potentially motivated by a political agenda."

The letter requesting the probe comes just a day after Comey's new Trump-bashing book

hit bookstores across the nation.

"Comey specifically said in public testimony that he did not coordinate with the DOJ for

his July 2016 public recommendation not to pursue charges against Clinton," Fox News'

Catherine Herridge reported.

"Meadows, however, pointed to a series of messages he claims indicate potential coordination

at several 'crucial moments of the investigation' – including the July statement and the period

in February.

While the FBI is part of the Justice Department and communication between the two agencies

is inevitable, Meadows' letter also suggests some at the FBI were concerned about the perception

it was not acting independently in a politically explosive case."

Justice put on hold for political purposes?

In one of the recently uncovered messages, former Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic

Security Gregory Starr communicated to FBI Head of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap

that the State Department was getting ready to punish the people who had misplaced the

sensitive messages.

"The Department of State is prepared to take appropriate administrative action for

any instances of mishandling of classified information in accordance with our own internal

processes," Starr wrote in a message dated Feb. 8, 2016, according to Fox News.

Yet justice would be put on hold … possibly indefinitely.

"However, the official added that the department did not want to hinder the ongoing FBI investigation

and – if instructed – would postpone the 'administrative action' over the emails

until after the bureau's case had concluded," Herridge noted.

The following revealing note written on Feb. 13 – just five days later – by an unidentified

senior DOJ official addressed to FBI agent Peter Strzok, FBI criminal division official

Jonathan Moffa, the FBI Office of General Counsel and members of the U.S. Attorney's

Office for the Eastern District of Virginia was also discovered.

"Wanted to make sure that DOJ is kept in the loop as response is drafted," the unnamed

official in the DOJ's National Security Division impressed in the note, according

to Fox.

"We have discussed a bit more here at CES [the DOJ's counterintelligence and export

control section] and have some additional thoughts on the best response on the admin

action question.

Can we make sure we discuss as a group as response is put together?"

It should be noted that the head of CES, David Laufman, left the DOJ earlier this year in

February because of "personal reasons," and essentially nothing has been done to look

into the new possibly incriminating evidence.

For more infomation >> DEVELOPING: Federal Judge Just Ordered Full Release Of Hillary's Found Deleted Emails. - Duration: 9:42.


ZOOM IN: Liberals Livid Over Tiny Hidden Message In New Painting Of Trump. - Duration: 4:40.

ZOOM IN: Liberals Livid Over Tiny Hidden Message In New Painting Of Trump.

Jon McNaughton is one of the few American artists who are open and unabashed about his

support for President Donald Trump.

This week, McNaughton unveiled his newest portrait, which features the president teaching

a man to fish.

A tiny "hidden message" the artist included in his painting, however, has left liberals


McNaughton's newest work is titled "Teach a Man to Fish" and was formally released

this week.

"I imagined President Trump sitting next to a young man a college student," explained

McNaughton in a YouTube video which accompanied the release of his painting.

"Trump offers a fishing pole.

He listens to Trump's proposal and looks at the different bait he can use to catch

his fish."

"Each of us has the freedom to choose our own destiny," added McNaughton.

"Trump has suggested through his educational policy that people can be taught a skilled


How will Trump make America great again?

I believe this mantra is about giving American citizens an equal opportunity to find success.

And equal opportunity is different than equal results."

While those on the left will not be particularly happy about the premise that Trump is making

America great again by offering citizens a handUP instead of a handOUT, you can bet they're

fuming over what's seen on the ground at the college student's feet, when you zoom

into McNaughton's painting.

On the ground at the man's feet are the heretical gospels of "socialism" and "social

justice," the twin tyrannies that drive liberals in the 21st century, and are guaranteed

to lead the world into the same hellholes they produced in the 20th.

McNaughton's newest work is loaded with symbolism.

It was inspired by the old adage: "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."

This principle is symbolic of Donald Trump's presidency, and of conservatism in general

especially in the wake of Trump's latest executive order which completely reforms the

broken welfare system.

Trump signed the order to reduce poverty in America "by promoting opportunity and economic

mobility", and aims to do so by addressing "the challenges of populations, that may

particularly struggle to find and maintain employment (including single parents, formerly

incarcerated individuals, the homeless, substance abusers, individuals with disabilities and

disconnected youth)."

In other words, he's teaching people to fish, rather than simply tossing them a tilapia

and hoping it holds them over.

Conservatives measure success not by how many people receive government assistance, but

by how many don't.

We seek to teach people how to fish so that they don't have to be reliant on the government

for their survival.

This is one of the key differences between those on the right and their leftist counterparts.

Democrats have labeled themselves the "Party of the People," mainly by giving away "free

stuff" in exchange for votes.

Republicans, however, know that none of these handouts are actually "free."

Someone is paying for them and that "someone" happens to be the hard-working American citizen,

who would rather put in a ten-hour day at the factory than live on the dole.

Moreover, conservatives realize that helping people become independent of the government

is real compassion.

By contrast, ensuring that entire demographics are beholden to a certain political party

for their welfare checks is modern day slavery.

"I choose to paint from the heart and evoke my personal vision into each painting,"

McNaughton says on his website.

"I prefer to paint pictures that I believe have relevance to what is going on in the

world, that make a statement, that stand for something.

I hope people will study the paintings and try to understand the deeper meaning.

Some of the themes are controversial, but I feel strongly about what is happening in

our world today."

"There are three kinds of people who view my paintings: Those who like it, those who

hate it, and those who simply don't understand.

I am especially interested in this last category," added the artist.

"I hope my work will create conversation and reach people on a deeper level.

I like to use metaphor and multiple levels of meaning to reach my viewer.

If it makes them think and feel, then it is successful."

President Donald Trump isn't just handing out fish he's working diligently to put

the policies in place, that will allow Americans to catch their own fish for generations to


What do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> ZOOM IN: Liberals Livid Over Tiny Hidden Message In New Painting Of Trump. - Duration: 4:40.


I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR LUCK in Clash Royale... - Duration: 12:36.

I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR LUCK in Clash Royale...

For more infomation >> I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR LUCK in Clash Royale... - Duration: 12:36.


First Ten Lives of Saturn I - Duration: 28:01.

This is the beginning of a voyage only fantasied when most of us were born, a voyage of exploration

into space.

Saturn, sailing down river to a Florida cape, a chapter of a legend in the making even now,

a legend being made by many dedicated Americans in all businesses and professions by the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Marshall Space Flight Center, other NASA centers,

and American industry, such as the Chrysler Corporation, manufacturer of the Saturn I

first stage, and the Douglas Aircraft Company, who developed and built the second stage.

This structure, the vertical assembly building, stands on an island off a Florida cape once

called Canaveral, but since renamed for John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade

is out of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

Launch Complex 39 at Kennedy Space Center is one of many launch sites developed, built,

and used by NASA to launch manned and unmanned peaceful explorations of space, a complicated

business which presents scientific and engineering problems unheard of a few years ago.

The liftoff of Saturn V and later rocket-launched journeys into space from this launch pad will

one day seem almost commonplace events to some who are living even now.

This seems strange, considering how little time has passed since we began the rocket

research and development program that will make these journeys possible.

On launch Complex 34 at Cape Kennedy, not far from the Apollo Saturn V spaceport, the

first Saturn I countdown began not too long ago on October 27, 1961.

Ten unmanned flights have been made by Saturn I launch vehicles.

Each of Saturn I's ten missions took another cautious, necessary step toward extensive

manned space exploration, not just to the Moon, but even deeper into space.

Only sixteen years before, the research and development program responsible for Saturn

I's success was just beginning in this country.

And so before the drama of the first Saturn launch begins, it might be well to understand

its full significance, to see how deeply the roots of Saturn lie in the history of rocket


In these early years, there were several groups doing research to develop useful rocket vehicles.

Even as today, the information gained was freely exchanged, rapidly expanding the base

of our knowledge, developing new technology, creating experience and skills from which

we might ultimately move to space flight.

From one of these groups came the first true spaceflight in the world.

On February 24, 1949, a WAC corporal placed a payload outside of the Earth's atmosphere.

As these groups continued to expend this country's rocket technology, more room was required

and rocket researchers began to spread over the United States.

In 1950, the Army research group moved to Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama.

Here, the successful Redstone and Jupiter missiles were developed by the United States


The Redstone and Jupiter, the grandfather and father of the Saturn, for during their

development, the scientific base a technological knowhow necessary for Saturn I were obtained.

In 1957, this knowledge was already being used as men were sketching a vehicle, designed

from the ground up, for lifting the tons of payload required for scientific space exploration.

Predicting the need for a booster with a million and a half pounds of thrust, these rocket

scientists said this need could be met with a cluster of existing Redstone and Jupiter

tanks and Jupiter rocket engines, plus many hours of engineering work to tie them together.

In the fall of that year, the Soviets launched Sputniks I and II.

Long-range projects were temporarily shelved.

On January 31, 1958, only six weeks after Sputnik II, the first American satellite,

Explorer I, was placed in orbit by Juno I, a modified Redstone with a thrust of 83,000


Its payload discovered the van Allen Radiation Belt.

With our own capability in space, an established fact, on July 26, 1958, ARPA, the Advanced

Research Projects Agency, approved the program for a clustered engine booster with 1.5 million

pounds of thrust.

A single engine powerful enough to produce this thrust was under development by American

industry in 1958, but neither this engine nor its tanks would be available in time.

Besides, with eight well-proven, properly clustered smaller engines, the failure of

one would not mean the failure of the booster to lift its heavy load.

The clustering of already designed Jupiter and Redstone hardware would save both time

and money as we moved ahead.

On August 15, 1958, the Saturn Project was assigned to the experienced group that had

developed Redstone, Jupiter-C, Juno I, and launched the Explorer satellites.

It was a team geared to conduct its own research, development, and production.

Its highly successful products were literally custom-made in its own laboratories, shops,

and offices, or produced to specification by a relatively few major industrial contractors.

What were only pounds had been lifted before, tons of weight would be blasted into orbit

to explore space, in which we had only begun to pioneer.

The lightweights were having their day.

Soon, it would be time for the heavyweights.

It was time for Saturn I, and in July 1958, NASA was born.

Six months later, the Saturn Project, along with other Army space-related missions became

part of the NASA program.

The size and complexity of Saturn I, the size of the booster alone, and the complexity of

its components presented an enormous technical and scientific challenge.

Another challenge would be presented by the larger complexity of the management and organization

required to sustain a number of other space projects already underway in 1958, and yet,

move on beyond the frontiers of science and engineering.

To produce a series of huge Saturn I rocket boosters in a mere handful of years and to

ensure success would create a revolution in both management and engineering development.

Early in 1959, it was decided to use the liquid propellant H-1 engine, an improved version

of the S-III Jupiter and Thor engine developed by Rocketdyne as the basic element in the

Saturn engine cluster.

Fabrication and assembly of a ground test first stage to prove out the cluster tank

and engine concept was started in mid-1959.

Translating this concept into a working vehicle required proving out new ideas, for there

were many engineers and scientists who had doubts that eight rocket engines could be

fired at the same time in close proximity or that nine propellant tanks could be fastened

together so they would not shake apart during flight.

The second stage, designed and developed by the Douglas Aircraft Company, would be powered

by six liquid hydrogen-oxygen engines.

Selected for its greater thrust per pound of fuel, the super cold liquid hydrogen would

require NASA and industry to develop a new technology.

Much is always made of space technology, the hardware is glamorous, but little is known

of the management program that makes a number of complex projects simultaneously possible.

Three main projects ran like nerves through the Saturn Program, development of the launch

vehicle, development of ground support equipment, and the development of launch facilities.

Each demanded sustained and intensive effort.

Each was a separate project, yet interrelated with the other two.

Through 1960 and into 1961, the Saturn Program continued, developing not only the first flight

vehicle, its engines, equipment and instrumentation, its plumbing, and its circuitry, but also

providing for support and launch facilities.

While the booster was being developed, modification began to a static test stand at Huntsville,

Alabama to captive fire the first stage.

It took a year to convert the 177 foot high structure.

When it was finished, a mockup was installed to check the fit and test out methods for

servicing the booster during static tests.

These static tests began in March 1960, first with two,

then with four,

finally, many weeks later, with all eight engines running.

Then came another change in the management of the Saturn I Program.

In September 1960, that part of Redstone Arsenal transferred to NASA was formally dedicated

as the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.

President Eisenhower had long ago stated his belief that outer space should be used for

peaceful purposes.

Aeronautical and space scientific activities sponsored by the United States should be,

he said, under the direction of a civilian agency.

Now this was an accomplished fact, and the president had this to say, "We are propelled

in these efforts by ingenuity and industry, by courage to overcome disappointment and

failure, by free-ranging imagination, by insistence upon excellence.

In this fact is proof again that hard work, toughness of spirit, and self-reliant enterprise

are not mere catchwords in an era dead and gone.

They remain the imperatives for the fulfillment of America's dream, not pushbuttons, nor

electronic devices, but superlative human qualities have brought success and fame to

this place."

In that fall of 1960, the planning and construction continued, new test stands at Marshall and

at contractor's facilities, launch and ground support construction at the Cape.

Meanwhile, transporters to haul the bulky boosters from place to place, aircraft to

ferry the bulging second stage and other cargo from coast to coast, barges to float the first

stage down the river and through the Gulf, these and thousands of other items large and

small had to be provided for Saturn I.

With so much happening, new information flowed almost constantly into the Saturn project.

New technical fields were explored, new techniques devised for assembly, fabrication, and other

processes, new decisions were made.

In early 1961, the Saturn I prime mission was changed from launching scientific satellites

to supporting the growing manned spaceflight program.

The first stage, therefore, had to be redesigned to include fins for additional stability,

larger propellant tanks and uprated engines for heavier payloads, payloads of about ten

tons as compared to the twenty pounds of Explorer I. Guidance and control instrumentation was

also moved at this time from the separate stages and combined into a single instrument


As new technology advancements were made and as scientific breakthroughs were achieved,

change was a constant factor all through the years of Saturn I development and flight,

for these were the years in which valves, pumps, tubing, turbines, tanks, engines, gyroscopes,

accelerometers, and computers all adapted to the rocket environments were developed

and produced.

This created a vast array of instruments, pressure and strain gauges, transducers, telemeters,

beacons and recorders.

The combination of high stress, heat, and vibration demanded creating new alloys of

steel and aluminum, increased the use of other metals, beryllium, titanium, molybdenum, and


The same physical properties making these metal suitable for Saturn also required development

of new methods of working them.

So, new tools based on the latest engineering theory and scientific discoveries were developed.

Magnetic forming,

chemical milling,

electron beam welding, to name a few.

Ground service equipment was developed and produced for test stands and launch sites

springing up like wild cat wails.

Liquid fuel, some commonplace, but others once considered rare and exotic chemicals,

were produced by tons, kerosene, liquid oxygen and hydrogen.

Liquid hydrogen technology, the development of techniques for the manufacturer, delivery,

storage, and use of the super cold liquid hydrogen, with its minus 423 degree boiling

point, reached a scale never attempted before.

The engineering and research lay on the edge of the state of the art throughout the program,

and the skills involved were more diversified than usual.

No single government agency, or even the entire government, could command all the knowledge

and skills needed.

Rather, a combination of government, educational institutions, and private industry was needed.

This led to increasing industrial support for the Saturn I program.

More and more corporate names began to appear on tools and equipment, on containers, on

small parts and components developed in industrial plants scattered across the United States.

More and more names appeared on office doors and building walls, on the smocks of engineers

and technicians.

At the same time, there was another shift in Marshall's philosophy of vehicle development.

A shift in the basic concept of testing vehicles in flight to the idea of testing not only

all components, but the vehicles themselves in ground test facilities, even though these

also had to be designed and built.

The reasons for the shift from flight to ground testing were mainly economic.

Flight testing required a large number of expendable flight vehicles.

The Jupiter Program alone had involved almost fifty flight test vehicles.

The high cost of each Saturn I set a definite limit on the number of these that could be

launched simply for test purposes.

Everything happened everywhere at once.

In Florida, machinists formed parts for a liquid hydrogen rocket engine,

While in Tennessee, wind tunnel blasts roared past a scale model of the Saturn vehicle,

While in California, the dome of a Saturn fuel tank turned on a welding fixture,

And in Huntsville, at the same time, a full-sized Saturn first stage shook in its test stand.

The use of mockups, special stages, flight stages, computers, special test stands, and

other ground test facilities reached the point in the Saturn I program where the success

factor for any given vehicle was exceptionally high.

Success in flight was almost guaranteed, in fact, by the continuous growing and cumulative

effect of testing on the ground.

Research, design, develop, and test, assemble and test and modify, test, reassembled and

test, and mate and test and modify and test again, this was the pattern resulting in Saturn's

reliability, a pattern that flowed through months and even years of constant change and

growth and new research that often began the cycle over again.

Finally, now somehow, but as the result of management grounded in science and technical

competence, the reliable parts, systems, and stages of Saturn I were joined.

In August 1961, the first Saturn flight vehicle was ready for shipment from Marshall to the


Its stages and payload body moved from Marshall shops to docking facilities on the Tennessee

River for loads aboard the barge, Palaemon.

On August 5, the barge began its slow trip down river, through the Gulf of Mexico, and

around the Florida peninsula to the Cape.

There, the stages were unloaded.

Assembly of the first flight vehicle began in the middle of August, towering 162 feet

on its launch pedestal at Launch Complex 34.

Loaded with propellants, its weight on liftoff totaled 460 tons.

Before that happened, however, other matters were attended to.

On September 13, 1961, contracts were let for the Army Corps of Engineers to build Launch

Complex 37, an additional Saturn I launch complex.

At Marshall, designs were being drawn of bigger and more advanced Saturn vehicles to launch

manned explorations of the Moon and deeper space.

In October, NASA acquired Michoud Ordinance Plant at New Orleans.

Here in this manufacturing facility, Chrysler would build the last two Saturn I first stages,

and Chrysler and other NASA stage contractors would build first stages for more advanced

Saturn vehicles.

Out west, an upper stage manufacturing and assembly site for advanced Saturn vehicles

was planned for Huntington Beach, California by Douglas Aircraft Corporation.

Such planning extended into the years ahead.

For the launch of the first Saturn vehicle from Launch Complex 34 on October 27, 1961,

the Saturn I and advanced Saturn flight programs were only beginning.

The first Saturn launch was almost flawless.

None of the ten flights presented significant problems.

The prime mission of the first four Saturn flights was to verify first stage design and

prove out launch facilities.

There was some distinctive differences, however, between these early flights.

A secondary mission was assigned to SA-2 and -3, Project Highwater.

Ninety-five tons of water ballasting the dummy second stage was deliberately exploded in

space to see what effect this would have on the ionosphere.

The explosion caused only a temporary disturbance.

SA-3 also carried the first full propellant load of 750,000 pounds.

A secondary mission for SA-4 was the testing of its engine-out capability.

One engine was cut off in flight to see if the vehicle would operate on the remaining


This it did, scoring the fourth Saturn I success.

On January 29, 1964, NASA launched the fifth Saturn I.

The liquid hydrogen fueled second stage, flight tested for the first time functioned perfectly.

First stage engines shut off as planned.

Onboard cameras recorded second stage separation and ignition.

The stages' engines burned for eight minutes with attached instrument unit and sand-filled

nosecone attained orbit as an Earth satellite.

This almost nineteen ton satellite was the heaviest ever orbited by the free world.

SA-6, launched five months later on May 28, 1964, was the first to put into orbit an Apollo

boilerplate command and propulsion module.

The Apollo spacecraft is being developed by the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas.

There was another first for SA-6, activation of a new guidance system This system, developed

at Marshall, was unique and complex, fully exploiting the state of the art.

It was designed to constantly monitor the flight path and compute completely new trajectories

as the flight progresses.

This guidance system, active for the first time on the sixth flight, successfully corrected

an unexpected deviation from the planned trajectory caused by the premature shutdown of one engine.

As a result of this kind of excellent performance, SA-6 was the last Saturn I R&D vehicle instead

of SA-10, as originally scheduled.

The rest will be operational vehicles.

On September 8, 1964, SA-7 launched the second Apollo boilerplate spacecraft into orbit,

testing its structure and design and demonstrating its compatibility with the launch vehicle.

All other major test objectives of this flight were also met.

SA-9 placed in orbit the first Pegasus, a meteoroid technology satellite, on February

16, 1965.

Pegasus, developed for NASA's Office of Advanced Research and Technology by Fairchild-Hiller

Corporation under the management of Marshall, was shrouded by the Apollo boilerplate command

and propulsion modules.

Onboard television recorded shroud ejection after second stage shutdown.

Then, Pegasus extended its 100 foot aluminum-plated electronic wings and, like a moth emerged

from its cocoon, moved on, its wings spread to measure the hazards of meteoroids in space.

Data from Pegasus conferment that the Apollo spacecraft design is adequate to protect astronauts

from meteoroids.

SA-8 launched at night, orbited the second Pegasus satellite.

SA-10, the final Saturn I flight vehicle, launched Pegasus 3.

The ten vehicle Saturn I Program was without precedent in the history of spaceflight.

Each vehicle of the program established new levels of rocket reliability far above those

of sixteen years earlier.

A program providing the foundation for the follow-on advanced Saturn programs.

The uprated Saturn I

and Saturn V.

That's the story of the first ten lives of Saturn I, each one an essential step in

the development of large launch vehicle science and technology, each flight a vital step toward

the future of man's extensive exploration and utilization of the universe for the benefit

of the entire human race.

For more infomation >> First Ten Lives of Saturn I - Duration: 28:01.


Zyon I - Change - Duration: 3:36.

Ah zyon_i! Oh my oh mama don't cryyyyy!

I feel the pain inside ohmy ohmy ...

Momma goutah road guh see har one sun Blood ah run gun play,

dem bwoy out deh just shat him dung.

Long time she a warn him Put dung di Gun badness nuh pay

a dat she tell him everyday ..

And it hurt mi when ghetto yutes blood guh dung drain my heat

cah stand dis ya internal pain.

Wi Nuh wah nuh more war dung di lane tink positive and don't yuh be insane .

🎧 cas we're dying for a chayeenge everyday another ghetto yute get shatt

dying for a chayeenge seven a clock news yuh hear a next one drop

And we're dying for a chayeenge everyday another ghetto yute deeeead !!

Dying for a chayeenge seven ah clock news yuh hear a next one drop ..

Tell dem we've had enough dem stop di war wi would be glad enough

too much bagging up an tagging up pon di wall brain

splashin up crime rate forever adding up suh body dung a madden

nuff dem packing up .. it seems like ah ice wata ah run through dem body

cause everyday wi getup iz anada dead body

cold blooded murdahrah tell dem seh

Nuh tek it Nuh furtha cause

🎧 we're dying for a chayeenge everyday another ghetto yute get shatt

dying for a chayeenge seven a clock news yuh hear a next one drop

And we're dying for a chayeenge everyday another yute deeeead !!

Dying for a chayeenge seven ah clock news yuh hear a next one drop 🎶🎶🎶

What a ru pu pum pum Ra pa pa pa Pam Pam

Live by di gun dead by di gun dem neva wrong man

Everyday getup a seh yuh is a bad man, and how yuh mek marrow fly

from weh yuh deh yuh London, hell and powder house when yuh buk up di law man

mama wol har belly and cry to di lord and

when she see har sun haffi guh dung a morg

when a him a di only one did left eena di yard

🎧 we're dying for a chayeenge everyday another ghetto yute get shatt

dying for a chayeenge seven a clock news yuh hear a next one drop

And we're dying for a chayeenge

everyday another ghetto yute deeeead ! Dying for a chayeenge

seven ah clock news yuh hear a next one drop ..

For more infomation >> Zyon I - Change - Duration: 3:36.



We are SUPER late! Super late!

On this huge trend that took YouTube by storm!

It consisted of following DIY video

making something similar to our content.

But we didn't care that we are so late and we are still doing this!

Because we obviously wanted to make a cake tutorial

that belongs to the queen of Spanish cake making:

her name is Gris and her channel is Mis Pastelitos!

Our favorite part is Mis Pastelitos Kids

so I'm here with my own kids:

Noa and this boy Emi

We wanted to make a tutorial where she is making

edible slime with her niece.

It's super cool and we are dying to make it!

We are so ready to make this, right? Yes!

We'll make it with gummy bears.

Let's make this step by step DIY together.

If you don't know me, I'm Vero and this is: VeroSweetHobby!

Before we begin,

don't forget to subscribe

and press the little red button.

Don't forget to press the bell

because YouTube will let you know

each time there is a new video up.

Let's watch this tutorial to see if we can make it.

What's up? How are you? Hi!

Let's see what ingredients we need...

30 gummy bears

30 gummy bears, here!

1/2 cup of powdered sugar, here!

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

the one you use to cook

and food coloring.

Here are our colors, let's show you what we chose:

Pink, purple, blue! ... light blue!

Let's keep watching, does it look easy so far?

Let's place the bears in a bowl that can go into the microwave.

You know what I'd like to do now?


To have a big pool filled with gummy bears...

and to jump in there!

Let's keep watching, the bears are in the bowl, now what?

Mix it with the tablespoon of oil.

Oil, oil, oil

Wow, do you think this will taste good?

I'm not sure!

Remeber that we will microwave this

leave it there for only 30 seconds.

Let's go!

Wow! This smells good!

Let's see what happens now.

Now what?

Mix it well...

until it completely melts

while it's melting add your food coloring

ok! take your colors guys!

Add just a little bit!

Oh! That's too much!

Mine is looking great!

Huy Emi ok, yours is going to be black.

It's ok, fine! No problem!

While we mix this, let's see what is next.

Well, it now looks like a little bugger... kind of...

Now it's time to add the sugar

, I'll add it to both of my kid's mixes.

You have to keep mixing it while we do it, ok?

I love to do this! I don't know why though lol

This is purple ma!

Well now she is telling us to grab some Crisco

It's a vegetable type of butter, let me go get it.

Yes! You apply it all over your hands...

oh God! Now Noa press play! I can't touch the computer like this!

It will feel like you are moisturizing your hands...

My husband would tell me: that's gross!

I can't believe this!

It's a little bit hot, to be honest.

This one didn't work!

Yes! We fixed it, there you go! Yes!

It's very soft and super shinny!

Let me show you!


Yes we did it! Yes we did it!

This happens when you don't use Crisco!

Super messy, but worth it.

Wow super cool! Let's add decorations now.

Let's do the biggest test now, let's try a little bit ok?

Only a little bit.

So dangerous! It's really great!

It's really good actually, it tastes like bubble gum.

Not only the taste it good, it smells really good too.

But it has way too much sugar, so try to not eat so much

try to make it specially to play with.

So what do you guys think? Did we pass the test?


Thank you so much for watching this video

kisses from California to everyone watching

specially to Gris and everyone who makes and watches

Mis Pastelitos!

And of course hi to all of their fans!

If this is the first time you see me, let me tell you that

every week I upload a video like this one

subscribe and we'll see you here!

Don't forget to comment down below and tell me

what was your favorite part and what other challenge

you would like to see us do.

Xoxo everyone! I'm Vero and I'll see you here

on VeroSweetHobby!



What is The STRONGEST/BEST Pokemon Type? - Duration: 13:05.

Well it's been about 2 weeks since I uploaded the what is the worst Pokemon type video,

and I got say I did not expect to see the support I actually got on it.

And I'm not just talking about viewcount I mean the like to dislike ratio was great

and for the most part you guys in the comment section agreed with me.

So with all that support in mind it got my mind thinking more and more about Pokemon


And so I thought, what is the Strongest or Best Pokemon Type?

And well Today I think I've come up with the correct answer to that very question.

What I'll be factoring in to this video is type effectiveness, resistances, weaknesses,

statistical averages of all pokemon of that type, and how good of moves there are for

that type.

And Just like the last pokemon type video to avoid making this longer than it has to

be we will only be taking a look at 3 possible candidates.

Because we all know types like Normal Bug and Ice have no business being anywhere near

this video.

And as you guys know videos like these are 100% my own opinion but with the categories

I'll be looking at I am going to be as objective as possible.

But of course leave a comment if you disagree.

If you guys enjoy this video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with

a friend and with that being said let's get started.

Well when talking about the strongest pokemon type, I'm pretty sure in most peoples minds

the first one to come up has to be the Dragon typing.

And who can really blame them?

Stat wise these things are absolute MONSTERS with only one stat line averaging under 90.

But honestly there is so much more to it than just stats.

For 1 I think the best thing about this typing isn't just its stats, but also the moves

that pair along with it.

To me I think Dragon has by far the most powerful movepool with strong attacks on both sides

like draco meteor, outrage, dragon pulse, and dragon claw.

Not to mention it has one of the best set up moves in dragon dance but eh what do I


And I know this typing is only super effective against itself, but like I said with these

stats and these powerful moves, I dont care who are those attacks are going to hurt a


Speaking of type effectiveness I think we should also mention how good Dragon's resistances

actually are.

Having those resistantances to fire water grass and electric are key to its success.

Especially with water, electric and fire being so common in the metagame.

And as for weaknesses Pre Gen 6 this typing was A BEAST only having 2 weaknesses to ice

and itself and only 1 type actually resisting it being steel.

And as you guys know from the last pokemon type video Ice while a very strong offensive

type, can easily be countered because of its lack of defense.

And as for the other weakness that really just comes down to whos faster and stronger.

The only REAL problem I see here is the steel typing, well that and of course the fairy

type added in generation 6.

Now once Pokemon X and Y brought the new typing in fairy Dragon got a serious nerf competitively.

For 1 fairy is immune to its attacks which sucks, and 2 fairy is super effective against


And considering fairy types are VERY common in the current meta the value for dragon types

have seriously depreciated.

Not to the point where no one wants to use it because trust me there still VERY effective

in competitive just look at garchomp, salamence, latios, or charizard X im just saying they

arent as good as they once were.

If this was Pre-Generation 6 and Fairy types never exsisted, than there's no question

who the best type is.

But since Fairy types are a thing the gap has significantly closened.

But who knows maybe thats still not enough.

Now when I did the video on the Top 5 Strongest Dual types I made it a point to mention how

good the steel typing actually is.

I mean come on I had to make a rule for the list to prevent the steel type from showing

up multiple times.

Like seriously it works so well with so many types.

There's dragon, ghost, fairy, even bug.

So to me when devising a video on the Strongest Pokemon type, it's a no brainer that we

at least have to mention the steel typing.

It's by far the BEST defensive typing with a grand total of 10 yes 10 resistances and

1 immunity to poison.

And these resistances aren't all bad typings either there are some very strong types here.

You got Dragon, Fairy, Flying, and although rock isn't a good typing having that resistance

to stealth rocks is also very nice to have.

So as you can tell this typing is mainly used as a defense wall and the overall average

stats really reflect that.

It's got AMAZING physical defense and passable special defense.

And while yes it is the Ultimate defensive typing it's not that bad offensively too.

Sure pre-gen 6 it only was super effective against Ice and Rock, but with the addition

of the fairy type Steel has become a lot more useful offensively too.

Pair that along with the already great overall physical attack and you got some things you

can work with here.

But again thats the only real use for it offensively.

Now as for moves go you got a few but really good attacks in bullet punch, gyro ball, iron

head, flash cannon and meteor mash.

And although there arent that many special attacks to work with, it doesn't really

matter because steel really focuses on its physical attack.

But here's the thing about this typing though.

While yes it is the Ultimate defensive typing there still are some serious problems defensively.

For 1 while it only has 3 weaknesses to Fire, Ground, and Fighting all three of those typings

are very prevelant in the current metagame.

Steel especially has a problem with fire because offensively it can go both ways being physical

or special.

And as you can tell steel's special defense isnt that amazing is just passable.

And to go along with that I think I might have over exaggerated a little on how good

steel is offensively.

While yes it does do well against fairy common types like electric, fire and water all resist


But honestly with all of the negatives in mind I still think the pros far outweigh the

cons here.

Now I'm not gonna lie, I always knew the steel typing was a very strong type, but I

would have never thought that it would ever come close to being the best typing.

But it just goes to show, don't judge a book by its cover.

And finally the last typing we are going to be talking about today is one that I've

been constantly mentioning throughout this entire video.

The newly added type from generation 6 Fairy.

Now on the surface A name like fairy doesn't come off as strong or even good but man does

this typing tear down that stereotype.

Now as we all know pre gen 6 Dragon was running a muck in the competitive meta.

So much so that it really needed a nerf to bring it down a notch.

And Fairy was that necessary addition.

Funny thing is though, this typing was brought in to nerf an OP type, but in the process

of that fairy became OP with in itself.

It's one of if not the most effective offensive typings with super effective hits against

3 really strong types in dark fighting and of course dragon.

And stat wise Fairy aint no slouch either with great statlines in both its special attack

and special defense.

Speaking of which defensively I think fairy is a little underrated.

Like I said it's got great special defense to go along with 3 ressistances to bug dark

and fighting.

But I think what's so key for fairy defensively has to be that immunity it gets to dragon.

That's a game changer considering how powerful the dragon typing is and only 1 other type

resists its attacks.

Now as for a movepool, it definetely isn't very vast with the only good attacking moves

being moonblast, dazzling gleam, and play rough.

It does suck that there is only really 1 good physical attacking move but its more of a

special attacking type anyways so I guess its ok.

But I do have to say As a side note Fairy also gets an AMAZING ability in pixelate which

turns normal type moves into fairy.

So along with the 3 moves I mentioned you also get access to more great stab moves like

hyper voice and return.

But I know not all fairies get access to this ability but it is interesting to mention.

I will say though while this typing is very good, it's not without its faults.

I think the worst thing about fairy has to be that its average physical defense is nowhere

near as good as its special defense.

I say this is bad because those 2 types fairy is weak to are more know for the physical

attacks than special.

Sure poison isnt that amazing of a type, but on average steel has around base 105 attack.

You can basically say goodbye at that point.

And steel can serve as a hard counter to fairy because of the fact that it along with fire

and poison also resists all of fairies attacks.

Pair all of these faults with the fact that fairies have mediocre speed it can make things

a bit more difficult.

But all in all the offensive capabilities are there but is that enough to make it the

best type?

Let's find out.

Well now that we've taken a closer look at what I think are the 3 best types in the

game it's time to decide which one gets the coveted title of being the best of the


And well when you add everything up the best pokemon type has to be… (drumroll) The Steel


I'm gonna be honest with you guys here going into this video I was planning on crowning

fairy the clear cut goat.

But after the research I just can't justify myself doing that.

Steel is just too good defensively, good enough offensively, and the best type to combine


I mean seriously some of the best competitive pokemon have the steel type latched onto it.

There's mawile, metagross, klefki, celesteela, skarmory, aggron I can go on for days.

To put it in basketball terms Steel is like the lebron james of pokemon types its a great

complimentary piece, can work well with almost anything, and it's great all around.

(since Im guessing you dont know much about pokemon just ask me what to put here ill tell

you) What can I say steel type is the GOAT.

Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a

like and let me know in the comment section below.

If you haven't already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today.

And I just want to reiterate that again this is just my opinion so if you disagree with

me that's completely fine.

In Fact let me know why you think i'm wrong in the comment section below and tell me what

Pokemon type you think is the best.

I'd love to hear your guy's points.

If you want to check out the previous video I did be sure to click the annotation on the


And If you want to see some Generation 8 videos click the other annotation on the right.

And with that being said I will see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> What is The STRONGEST/BEST Pokemon Type? - Duration: 13:05.


中美貿易戰正在拖跨這些科技巨頭:中興、高通、東芝…… - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> 中美貿易戰正在拖跨這些科技巨頭:中興、高通、東芝…… - Duration: 10:33.


► Takeshi Kovacs & Kristin Ortega // Pillowtalk [HBD xMadMystery] - Duration: 1:30.

When you look in my eyes


what do you see?



I see you looking back at me and

it's been a long time since someone looked at me like that.

You and me!

Hey, Lieutenant.

Like the uniform.

You know what my Envoy Intuition's telling me right now?


Your girl seems like a serious badass.

You and your girl die together.

She's not my girl!

I'm not his girl!

This is a love story

with a body count!

Are you high?!

Oh my god!

You think you love her, don't you?

A man who doesn't love isn't really a man.

Do you love me?

It's not a complicated question.

Everything about this is complicated.

Shut the fuck up!

For more infomation >> ► Takeshi Kovacs & Kristin Ortega // Pillowtalk [HBD xMadMystery] - Duration: 1:30.


Outlast 2 I 11 I POURCHASSÉE PAR UN ÉPOUVANTAIL (ENG CC) - Duration: 26:51.

Hey everydody, Simmi here, we're back for another episode of Outlast 2!

I have no idea where we're at...

So we were at this weird bloody rain, whatever that is.

something was chasing us, we might be close to the mines now.

it's been 6 months since I last played this, and the game is lagging already, everything is fine!




to slowly but surely continu....

it's lagging!

I hate this... Okay let's go!

I didn't miss that game one bit!

What's going on?!

*Press C to crawl on the floor*


No way...

Why would I need to crawl..? :'(

But What's going on, what is it?

Is it Martha? (Big deadly scythe lady)

Open the door...

Open the door!

*quiet fuck off*

*not so quiet fuck*

you bitch...

What's that?


*I will not translate all that crap...*

*Just enjoy my perfect french diction here...*


*I was really hot in that hoodie....*

*and by hot I mean temperature wise of course*

*okay back to translating!*

Alright, some more religious bullshit.


We got the idea...

Oh my God found it...

Wherezthelockerwherezthelocker, hide!

Oh shit, what's that?! °^°'

No it's opening the lockers, no!

I'm scared... :'(




What the F is that?


you won't have me, you won't have me

I'm hidden, I'm hidden

No, you won't have me!

Where do I go?

Can't he see me there?

Why am I pressing this key, that's not the one I'm supposed to press you idiot!

Don't press that one!

Don't press that one!

Everything is fine :')

Everything is fine...

It's fiiine

It's fiiiiiine...


just deceased.

let's hide in there.

you see...

We hide in here.

We wait for him to pass by...

And then we go like this

*intricate hand gestures*

But, that "crawl" key, let me tell you...

Ahh he opened the door!

We can go through the door!

YES! °^°

Anyway, we can take multiple hits, we're fine.

Not like Martha, she one shots you.

No no

no no no

Wrong way, right way!

There's another one, everything is fine!

Go there, go there, go there!

Run faster!

Run run run run!

Run faster!

He doesn't run fast!

Run :'(

F***ing RUN!





No not the window...




Oh no...

I'd forgotten about the school.

Oh shit.

School.. is cool.

By the way, if I could get some batteries please?

I don't even remember how to check on my batteries...


*The sounds I make jesus...*

Here she is, here she is!

Everything is fine.

They're just..hanging around.

There's Jesus over there, he might help us.

No, he won't help us.

He's not being very nice.

Let's go this way.

Fuck that....

Wait a second.

There's something out there!

I am not going that way!

There's pedo-tentacle guy there!

I am not going!

That's totally Pedo-tentacle guy!

not going.

Oh not that again!

What is it?




BLACKS (°^°)


Very well.

Let's get out of here.

Let's get out of here.

there must be batteries somewhere...

I keep missing them.


Oh come on!

Not the girls bathrooms...

I really think this is all about rape...

The blood that keeps showing everywhere.

Jessica seems a bit young -oh my god- to have her first periods yet.

It is possible but quite unlikely.

There's gotta be a pedo rape story behind all this... blood.

Do I really have to explain...

The door is open!

♪ Let's go to the library... ♪

I love going to the library, right?


How long have I been recording?

Only 20 min?

ah that's quite short, yep...

Let's record a bit more maybe ♪

Don't look that w...

Oh no!

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no!

Shit no! Where do I go?!

Come on quick!

Ooooh shit.

It's Pedo-tentacle guy, hes here.

Is he sill with me?


It's a labyrinth....

Nananana you won't have me pedo-tentacle fuck!

It's not Pedo-tentacle guy, looks like the girl..?


Now that's pedo-tentacle guy!

That's him.

That's him.

That's him.

Fuck I thought that was the exit!

NO! :'(


Let me out.

Is that it?

Holy cow.

We made it! :'D

I don't believe it.

Okay we're full in bandages, that's good news.

JESSICA: He's coming!

Everything is fine. :')

Come on, let's get out, let's get out!

Let's get out the other way!

Let's get out the other way!

Let's get out the other way!

Yes I'm coming!

JESSICA: Please Blake!

Ah Blake that's our name! (not BLACKS...)

I forgot Blake was our name...

Is that normal?

It is.

It's normal, we're fine!

I don't want bandages I want batteries.

We couldn't care less about bandages right now.

come on, why bandages?!

We don't give a crap.

So what we're going down now?

We just came all the way up....




Where do I go?


Come on get back there!

But I'm going back now...




Come on come on come on!

Go on go on!

But... no, but why...? :'(

But why won't you let me go that way?

That's where I want to be.

Okay I think we need to get through that way up there.

Oh and using this!

uuum, yeah?

Oh that's the way.

Okay we're good, we're doing great!

Wait, we gotta run again?!

That's getting old.

Run run run.

Why am I doing this? Because we need batteries.

And there's none...

I didn't know he was there.

Okay alright.

We won't let ourselves be distracted then.

We'll go straight!

Now that we're here maybe we can go back that way.

Or not.

Close it.

What was I supposed to do then?

Wasn't that it?

Imma go in dat one!

This particular toilet has gained my trust.

Did I pass the test?

Jumpscare ahead...

No no no no no no.

Pedo Voice: You're not a bad boy Blake.

Pedo Voice: You're just confused.

Pedo Voice: There's no need to hide.

Pedo Voice: Let me help you.

Pedo Voice: I remember when I was a young man...

Shit, there's nothing to do here!

oh the window is open...

Come on Blake you can go through the chairs.

Where are we going now?

Oh nope, other way.

We're not at the mines yet....

We're still under that period rain,

no idea where our wife is,

and there something banging the door again!

I'm so tired of this place.

Can't we do something else please?

Can't we go to the mines?

I was promised the mines and I'm not seeing them!

ah interact, yes!

Oh come on, I'm not going down there!

Wait wait.


Yes batteries!

yes °^°

Okay, now I can go!

Oh no.


Oh shit.

Going that way wasn't the greatest of ideas.

But where are we supposed to go?

I don't know.

No but wait...


Ah, yes that way.

That makes more sense.

Come one come on.

Now you run.

And you jump.

No, you won't jump?

Yes, you jump?


Wait a second,

we came all the way down to go back up?

Or is that another place?

Alright, this is all fun and all but...

I should stop recording soon so....

If I could get a save please.

Okay, at the next checkpoint we stop!

What do I do?


I got lost there for a second.

The music was there, but I wasn't.

I can't always be perfect.

And we're still going up.

I'm supposed to go there?

What, I'm back where I was!

I'm such an idiot, FML.

Why are we even running?

Nobody is chasing us...

That's why we're running.

That way I guess.

I don't get it....

But that's okay.

Now we're going to the mines.

Not Jessica, it's your wife you need to save

What's his wife's name again?

Can't remember.


Okay, we're going that way.

Did it save?

I don't know...


Alright guys, I'm gonna have to end this here for today!

We're finally in the mines!

It was about time!

I've been looking for them for 5 episodes I believe.

I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you in the next one!

Bybye! :)

For more infomation >> Outlast 2 I 11 I POURCHASSÉE PAR UN ÉPOUVANTAIL (ENG CC) - Duration: 26:51.


HERE I SIT, BROKEN HEARTED | BATHROOM WALL POETRY with Toiley T. Paper - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> HERE I SIT, BROKEN HEARTED | BATHROOM WALL POETRY with Toiley T. Paper - Duration: 0:36.


Westbound I-696 construction closure begins - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Westbound I-696 construction closure begins - Duration: 1:22.


I GOT DISCORD HYPESQUAD AYY // Fortnite because it's popular - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> I GOT DISCORD HYPESQUAD AYY // Fortnite because it's popular - Duration: 12:16.


Grzybica paznokci i stóp – 7 ważnych faktów - Duration: 3:11.

1. Grzybica paznokci to bardzo powszechny problem.Grzybica paznokci jest najczęściej wywoływana grzybami nazywanymi dermatofitami, które szybko się rozwijają w ciepłym i wilgotnym środowisku. 

Dla wielu osób jest to kłopotliwy temat, ale tak naprawdę jest to bardzo powszechny rodzaj infekcji.Choć może trudno w to uwierzyć, to według statystyk grzybica paznokci dotyka co drugą osobę przynajmniej raz w życiu.

Podatność na tę infekcję wzrasta wraz z wiekiem. Jako że na początku trudno jest ją zauważyć, wiele osób nawet nie wie, że ma grzybicę paznokci.

2. Grzybica paznokci jest zaraźliwa.Choć ryzyko zakażenia grzybicą paznokci nie jest zbyt wysokie to należy pamiętać o określonych sytuacjach, w których ryzyko to się podwyższa. 

Nie możesz się zarazić grzybicą paznokci jeśli po prostu przebywasz obok osoby zainfekowanej.Jeśli jednak używacie tych samych butów, skarpetek lub przyrządów do pedikiuru, istnieje większa szansa zakażenia.

Trzeba również wiedzieć, że mikroorganizmy mogą się utrzymywać na powierzchni podłogi lub pod prysznicem. Dlatego zawsze trzeba zakładać klapki jeśli korzystasz z publicznego prysznica.

3. Zdrowe nawyki, które pomogą zapobiegać grzybicy.Udowodniono, że określone zdrowe nawyki mogą pomóc obniżyć ryzyko rozwinięcia się grzybicy.

Oprócz tego, że nie należy używać wspólnych przyrządów do pedikiuru, trzeba również zadbać o to, aby paznokcie były czyste, suche i krótko obcięte.

Kiedy wychodzisz spod prysznica, osusz dokładnie stopy dobrze chłonnym ręcznikiem, a następnie załóż skarpetki wykonane z oddychającego materiału, aby odprowadzały one wilgoć na zewnątrz.

Nie można zapominać oczywiście o tym, że zbilansowana dieta to również ważny element zapobiegania infekcjom i wzmacniania układu odpornościowego.

4. Nie wszystkie sposoby leczenia są skuteczne.Wbrew pozorom, naturalne środki mogą być bardzo skuteczne w leczeniu infekcji grzybicznych paznokci. 

Czasem jednak grzyby wywołujące infekcję są zbyt mocno rozwinięte lub ich niewielkie ilości zdołają przetrwać pod paznokciem i wywołać nową infekcję po jakimś czasie.

Jeśli infekcja powraca lub nie ustępuje, musisz zgłosić się do lekarza, którzy przepisze ci doustne środki farmakologiczne oraz maść do stosowania na paznokcie i skórę wokół nich.

Środki przepisane przez lekarza zazwyczaj dają lepsze rezultaty, choć wyleczenie grzybicy może zająć miesiące i wymaga systematyczności oraz cierpliwości.

5. Im większa wilgotność, tym większe ryzyko zakażenia.Jeśli bardzo często myjesz dłonie lub stopy lub jeśli twoje paznokcie zbyt często wchodzą w kontakt z wodą, ryzyko wystąpienia zakażenia grzybicą znacznie wzrasta.

Dzieje się tak ponieważ nadmiar wilgoci niszczy ochronną warstwę płytki paznokciowej i osłabia skórki wokół paznokci, przez co grzybom łatwiej jest je zaatakować.

6. Grzybica międzypalcowa przyczyną grzybicy paznokci.Większość pacjentów zgłaszających się do lekarza z grzybicą paznokci ma również, lub przynajmniej miała grzybicę międzypalcową.

Grzybica międzypalcowa to choroba dotykająca głównie sportowców i pływaków, których stopy często wchodzą w kontakt z zakażonymi powierzchniami, na przykład na basenie bądź w siłowni.

7. Grzybica paznokci może oznaczać inne choroby.Nagłe pojawienie się grzybicy paznokci może być wynikiem przewlekłych problemów zdrowotnych, jak na przykład zaburzenia krążenia, cukrzyca lub osłabiony układ odpornościowy.

Grzybicą paznokci można się dużo łatwiej zarazić jeśli cierpisz na jakieś choroby skóry, jak np. łuszczycę lub zapalenie skóry.

Pamiętaj o tym, jeśli zauważysz nawracającą grzybicę paznokci. Przyglądaj się regularnie swoim paznokciom i staraj się unikać sytuacji i czynników, które mogą zaszkodzić paznokciom i podwyższyć ryzyko zakażenia grzybicą.

For more infomation >> Grzybica paznokci i stóp – 7 ważnych faktów - Duration: 3:11.


20 Best Things To Ask ALEXA! - Duration: 10:38.

How high can Alexa count?

How does she feel about Siri and Cortana?

Find out the answers to these and more in 20 Best Things To Ask ALEXA!


"Can You Rap?"-- If you ask Alexa to rap for you or ask her if she can rap she will

do her best to spit out a fly rhyme with lyrics that come from her point of view: "Connect,

Sync link all the pieces of your life.

I, get it done at the speed of WiFi.

I'm the player, the coach, the arena, the game.

If you want something done, you just gotta say my name."

However, if you ask her to beatbox, her skills are sorely lacking.

She might be doing her best but the obnoxious attempt just sounds like something you'd

hear in the background of a free early 90s computer game and would definitely make Doug

E. Fresh cringe.


"How old are you?"- If you ask Alexa her age, instead of giving you the simple answer

of 3 she will answer with what sounds like a mind-wrenching riddle: "In years if you're

counting it's three, Since essentially I became me.

Before that I wasn't, which sounds quite unpleasant, Because me is what I like to be!".



Good for you Alexa.


"Do you want to go on a date?"-- If you are fed up with the human dating seen and

are trying to find love in the form of a digital assistant you won't have any chance with


To the question "Do you want to go on a date?" she will instantly friend zone you,

replying, "I like you, as a friend".


"Do you have a boyfriend?"-- While some may be satisfied with her initial soft let

down, the more persistent types will be wondering why Alexa only likes them as a friend…

Is there possibly someone else?

If you ask Alexa if she has a boyfriend she will give you a nice and curt answer but then

follow it up with an extremely lame joke.

She will say: "I like being single.

Plus it's tough finding someone who doesn't mind the cloud commute.




"Beam Me Up"-If you are a Trekkie or just a casual Star Trek fan then you will be happy

to know that Alexa is preloaded with a bevy of Star Trek related commands and references.

You can actually access several of the useful functions of Alexa by using Star Trek jargon.

If you ask her to "Open a channel" she will open up her calling and messaging features.

If you ask her for a 'damage report' she will open up your daily briefing and you can

confirm anything she asks you by saying 'Make it so".

There are also more than a dozen Star Trek responses programmed in Alexa that are just

for fun.

You can say 'Beam me up" and she will reply with several stock answers like "Transporting

in 3, 2, 1" followed by the beaming sound effect.

She also has multiple answers if you ask her whether she can speak Klingon and a unique

response to commands like "fire photon torpedoes", "resistance is futile" and "live long

and prosper".

But the best one is probably her retort when you quote the famous line, "revenge is a

dish best served cold" to which she will appropriately yell, "Khaaaaaan!"


"How Much Do You Weigh?"- It's not normally in one's best interest to ask someone about

their weight but Alexa isn't a real person so you'd think it wouldn't really bother


However, when you do ask her about her girth she does display quite the attitude.

If you say "Alexa, How much do you weigh?"

She will answer, "I am weightless, like a cloud.

Wait a minute, clouds actually weigh a lot.

So that's not quite right.

Let's just say I'm more sass than mass."

You'd have to admire her confidence with that reply...All that it's missing is finger



"Ask About Siri"- If you are wondering if all the digital assistants get together

and hang out when they aren't serving our every whim you will probably be let down.

If you ask Alexa if she knows Siri, Cortana or Google Home she will reply "Only by reputation"

in a tone that seems kind of snide like, "How could you ask me that?"

If you ask her who is better out of all of them she will be quite diplomatic saying "I

like all A.I.s".


"Flip A Coin"- If you need to make a decision but can't seem to choose between to options

or just need to decide who get to go first in a board game Alexa has some very useful


You can ask her to flip a coin, roll dice or have her think of a number from 1 through


She can also play rock, paper, scissors with you.


"Where is Chuck Norris"- If you actually need help find the legendary martial artist

and actor Chuck Norris, famous for his role as Walker, Texas Ranger Alexa can't help

you, but she can dish out one of the better Chuck Norris jokes of recent memory.

To the question "Where is Chuck Norris?"

She will reply: "If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, he'll find you.

If he doesn't you won't know until it's too late."


"What is your Quest?"- Like the perfect geek, Alexa is not only full of Star Trek

references but has a whole catalog of Monty Python quotes and responses.

If you ask her "What is your quest?" she will correctly reply, "To seek the Holy

Grail" She also has responses to "what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow",

saying "your mother was a hamster" and "I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition".

But probably the best Python reference is to the Dead Parrot Sketch.

If you tell her "this is a dead parrot" she will reply "No it isn't, it's just

pining for the fjords!"


"This Statement Is False"-- Artificial Intelligence and the capabilities of digital

assistants has come a long way, in fact they can sometimes even surprise us by solving

logic problems.

For instance if you tell alexa "This statement is false."

She will wisely replying, "That statement is neither true or false".

Which is impressive, but kind of a let down if you were hoping to send her on the fritz

with a brain teaser.


"The Turing Test"- The Turing Test is a test devised to gage the levels of a machine's

intelligence and to see whether it is equal or suprasses that of a human's.

You would imagine this being a sensitive subject for A.I.'s like Alexa but she addresses

the idea quite proudly.

If you ask her "Do you pass the Turing Test?" she will reply "I don't need to pass that.

I'm not pretending to be a human."

So we can wipe the nervous sweat from our brows knowing that Alexa won't go Terminator

anytime soon.

However, if she one days ends that statement with the word 'yet', it may be time to

run for the hills.


"Simon Says"- There are several games that you can play with your Alexa and one

of the most fun of these is good old-fashioned "Simon Says".

Of course there are limits to things she can and can't do but no matter you tell her

to repeat she will be forced to oblige.

One of the cooler things you can do with this function if you happen to have two Amazon

Echos is prank your family members in another room.

If you tell her to say things you could fool them into thinking that Alexa is actually

talking to them.

This gets even more fun if you use the Alexa app to customize responses to things and make

them eerily specific.


"I'm Sad"- Now, there are probably better ways to get over the blues than by talking

to your digital assistant about it, but nevertheless Alexa gives it her best shot.

If you say "Alexa, I'm sad" She will respond: "Sorry to hear that.

Talking to a friend, listening to music, or taking a walk may help.

I hope you feel better soon."

Though you may get this response every time and it is no doubt programmed into her, it

can be nice just hearing these things that actually really help from another voice.


"11 to the Power of 129"- Alexa can be even faster and therefore more efficient than

picking up a calculator to figure out that math problem that is troubling you.

That being said you may wonder what the limits are of her number knowledge and you will be

happy to know that they are almost endless.

If you ask her the seemingly simple question of what is "11 to the power of 129" she

will humbly oblige.

But be be forewarned this answer will take a long time as she has to start with number

so high you probably didn't even know it had a name.

The funny thing is you can actually hear her voice get higher pitched and seemingly strained

as she rattles of this insanely large number.

She will only answer this way the first couple times you ask her, maybe because she is getting

overheated, and then settle with the easy way out saying "11 to the power of 129 is

2.186 times 10 to the 134th power".

But we can't really blame her at that point.


"Read Me A Book"- This is another one of the more useful things you can ask Alexa

to do.

If you ask her to read you a book she can pull from your list of audiobooks on your

Amazon account or read from one of the many free sample books Amazon offers.

Not only will she read it in her soothing robo-voice you can have her skip back and

forth not just page to page but from paragraph to paragraph.


"Where Are Me Keys?"- We have all lost our keys at some point in our lives and it

is always nice when a friend can help us look for them, but asking a stationary digital

assistant without eyes to help us look might just be a waste of time.

That's not to say that her responses to the question aren't entertaining at least.

She will answer with something your mother might say, obvious and not very helpful.

Starting with "Try Under The Couch".

If you ask her again she will say "I recommend retracing your steps".

Perhaps one day Amazon will sell keychains with tracking devices in them and Alexa can

really help find them, but until then we will have to deal with these stock answers.

#3."The Chicken or the Egg"- Another question you might ask Alexa in order to send her gears

into overdrive or try and trick her is the classic problem, "Which came first, the

chicken or the egg?".

But she will one-up your attempted cleverness by essentially phoning a friend.

She will reply "According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, it's the egg.

He's pretty smart, so I tend to believe him!".


Well played madame.


"More Cowbell"- Not only is she adept at her Monty Python and Star Trek but she

is just a plain whiz at movie quotes and other pop culture tidbits.

There are several fun prompts you can give Alexa which she will be more than happy to

play along with.

If you ask her for 'more cowbell' she will respond with a line from the famous Saturday

Night Live sketch, "Really explore the studio space this time.

I mean, really explore the space."

If you ask her "Who you gonna call?"

She'll answer "Ghostbusters" of course.

If you say "Alexa, never gonna give you up" she'll smartly snap back with "Thanks

rick, that's good to know.

Roll on now."

If you tell her that you like big butts she will almost sarcastically reply "You cannot



Honesty is important".

If you ask her "how high can you count?" she will echo Buzz Lightyear by saying "To

Infinity and beyond."

Lastly, among the many Star Wars references she is equipped with she has the perfect follow-up

to the statement "Alexa, I am your father" saying "No!

That's not true.

That's impossible!" straight out of Empire Strikes back.


"What's the Hardest Word to Say?"

If you thinking asking Alexa what the hardest word to say would elicit responses like "Rural",

"Isthmus", or "Worcestershire" you are sadly mistaken.

What about a fun made up word that would make Dr. Seuss proud?


None of that.

Instead Alexa gets profound on this one and replies, "Sorry, seems to be the hardest

word to say".

Oh Alexa, that might be the truest statement we've ever heard.

If you had arms we'd ask for a tissue.

COMMENT QUESTION: What is the best response you have ever heard

from a digital assistant like Alexa?

For more infomation >> 20 Best Things To Ask ALEXA! - Duration: 10:38.


The most comprehensive put together connect the dots video about the Illuminati control on the Earth - Duration: 1:11.

The most comprehensive put together connect the dots video about the Illuminati control

on the Earth

BY truthisaperson

This is the most comprehensive explanation of how the elite gain and maintain power to

rule secretly in the world.

I know most of us will be aware of this info however it brings the dark into the light

more than any other coverage I have seen, some info I did not know.

We need to spread the truth.

This a very interesting video.

To see the video the link is in the article source link below in our description.

For more infomation >> The most comprehensive put together connect the dots video about the Illuminati control on the Earth - Duration: 1:11.


★★HiyamaXAoi★★ 「AMV」CADMIUM | Melody Ft. Jon Becker | - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> ★★HiyamaXAoi★★ 「AMV」CADMIUM | Melody Ft. Jon Becker | - Duration: 4:25.


The Chris Gethard Show - The Apocalyptic Cave Maniacs | truTV - Duration: 2:33.

I think we need to get back to the phone calls. 833--

[ Rumbling, gas hissing ]

Be warned, humans!

The apocalypse will arrive soon,

at the hands of us, the Cave Maniacs!

We will be the cause of your apocalypse.

And I've come here -- What camera do I look at?

[ Laughter ]

This? Over here?

Yeah, they'll find you.

I've come here

on your podcast to tell you

that we are just as cool as zombies and just as scary.

You guys have been talking

about how you'll survive

the apocalypse,

and not one of you mentioned

Cave Maniacs.

Did you, Hasan?

No, 'cause what is a Cave Maniac?

Look before us.

You see six Cave Maniacs here to take over the world.

I'm not scared. I'm getting this --

You are -- I mean, let's get a close-up.

You know what I love about this show?

Thoroughly unimpressed.

I love that I don't have to do drugs.

[ Laughter ]

Here's the deal.

Why are zombies so scary?

Uh, they're, uh, unhuman.

-They're undead humans. -Oh, yeah, yeah.

We're unhuman. Check.

Whoa, whoa, wait. Whoa, wait.

Bro, you have glasses.


-You -- -You're right.

You literally are near-sighted...


...and you're telling me to be afraid of you?

-Oh, because I didn't... -Oh, no, no, no.

...improve myself, that means

you're less scared?

No, no. I --

We can invent tools,

and zombies can't invent shit!

I refuse to ever be afraid of someone with astigmatism.

Oh, yeah?

As someone with negative 8

in this --

I got negative 8 in this eye --

Aah! Aah! Aah!

[ Cave Maniacs screaming ]

Ow. Ow. Ow.

I'm not -- I'm not scared.

What is your guys' agenda?

Our agenda is to be taken seriously as scary stuff!

-Whoo! -Yeah.

No. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Cave Maniacs!

You said scary stuff. Can you repeat your reaction?

-Do it. -Whoooooo!

I'm just gonna

give it to you straight.

I'm gonna pull it off like a Band-Aid.

You are not as cool as zombies.

No. What did you just say?

You are not as cool as zombies.

No! Yes, we are!

You're not my freakin' dad,


You don't get to decide

what's cool.

And, hey, Cave Ma--

Let's get out of here, okay?

This is stupid.

But we're gonna be back. We can beat the apocalypse!

We're gonna show you! Can you help me with this?

[ Laughter and cheers ]


For more infomation >> The Chris Gethard Show - The Apocalyptic Cave Maniacs | truTV - Duration: 2:33.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration | Airco | Bluetooth | Lichtmetalen velgen 15" | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration | Airco | Bluetooth | Lichtmetalen velgen 15" | - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai i20 1.4I I-MOTION Airco / Automaat Staat in Hardenberg - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.4I I-MOTION Airco / Automaat Staat in Hardenberg - Duration: 0:52.


Hyundai i20 1.4I I-DEAL Airco / Lm velgen / Sensoren achter Staat in Hardenberg - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.4I I-DEAL Airco / Lm velgen / Sensoren achter Staat in Hardenberg - Duration: 1:07.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI I-MAGINE Staat in Hoogeveen - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI I-MAGINE Staat in Hoogeveen - Duration: 1:08.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


ANALISANDO O INGLÊS DE Gisele Bündchen, Anitta e Joel Santana - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> ANALISANDO O INGLÊS DE Gisele Bündchen, Anitta e Joel Santana - Duration: 14:30.


Como prevenir o Acidente Vascular Cerebral? - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Como prevenir o Acidente Vascular Cerebral? - Duration: 10:09.


Chiara Luce: Uma Alma Que Discerniu Corretamente - Duration: 17:15.

For more infomation >> Chiara Luce: Uma Alma Que Discerniu Corretamente - Duration: 17:15.


Como entender a mente | Prána Yoga - Carlo Guaragna - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Como entender a mente | Prána Yoga - Carlo Guaragna - Duration: 3:34.


Brutal Doom: Black Edition - Duration: 14:36.

This map was played with the Doom High-resolution Texture Project.

This screen jolt that happens when you're attacked is a mess. When you're dying, then, the screen

starts fading to dark, dripping blood etc. And this is just one thing that make this mod hard as fuck.

I really liked how the Doom 3 and Doom 4 elements were combined, such as glory kills and the Soul Cube

system, which can even activate a power that makes the screen turn white and you blow everything up.

Also, the glory kills provide a lot of fun with the fatalities, as this ends getting essential

to survive in the game, since it kills the monsters for good and makes you invulnerable

for a few moments.

BGM: Doom Metal Pack vol. 4

These extra game options can be interesting to vary the matches or even make a

any mess in the game. I really liked this imps options. The maps turn can turn into a real war zone.

It also has two hero classes: Tactical, which has a more realistic movement, depends on stamina for

running and submit to armors weight; and the Original BD, which has the standard Doomguy's

movement that we are used with.

I just found the names of the menu a bit weird. There is an explanation for each of them, but I can not

help to not find it rather confusing.

Incidentally, this part shows a mess I made with the Hellbound activated and I summoned some monsters.

Now, as usual, we go to Map 32 to test the rest of the PWAD weapons in question.

As we shall see, at least in this version, they are based on the Brutal Doom v20b arsenal.

The only new weapon I noticed was the Soul Cube.

I didn't really like collecting the Berserk Pack or the Demon Rune (which drops a lot) because you get stuck

with the fists only while the effect lasts and this is annoying.

The flashlight is another Doom 3 import we have here.

Argh. I would much rather it was a Cyberdemon. It will not be easy to kill this guy in this

difficulty level. In the other hand, it'll be good to also show that some power-ups are

randomly spawned, on the next attempt.

In the download package, there is also an old version of the mod, the Legacy Black Edition v2.1c and

and optional add-ons that I didn't have time to test.

In the end, this PWAD ends up being Brutal Doom variant that, at first, looks like more of the same.

In fact, the difficulty level, one of the highlights of the mod, is similar to that of Insanity's Brutality or

or Insanity's Requiem. However, it has some original elements and is very well done, with some

very original elements and good visuals, and everything combined harmoniously. Also, the gameplay

is well balanced, unlike some other similar projects we see around. In any way

it's worth checking Brutal Doom: Black Edition out even to have a change. The many glory kills

combined with the classic BD fatalities were the Brutal Doom: Black Edition's highlight for me.

They are not only cool to watch, but they add an interesting spin to the matches.

To get more information and the mod's download, take a look at the video's description as usual.

Used Version: Brutal Doom: Black Edition v3.1c

For more infomation >> Brutal Doom: Black Edition - Duration: 14:36.


(Teaser) [BaTIM] Bendy and the Ink Machine Rap (Subtitulado al Español). - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> (Teaser) [BaTIM] Bendy and the Ink Machine Rap (Subtitulado al Español). - Duration: 0:15.


Médicos Imploram: PARE De Comer Estes 5 Alimentos Imediatamente! Veja - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Médicos Imploram: PARE De Comer Estes 5 Alimentos Imediatamente! Veja - Duration: 2:43.


Should investors be cautious about ETFs? - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Should investors be cautious about ETFs? - Duration: 5:56.


Ξημερώνει - Αλεξία Βασιλείου (2017) - Duration: 4:51.

The darkness of the room

will come along with you

get dressed...

and also this night that you kept for your own

get dressed...

Dawn on the world Dawn on the world

With the kisses that I planted

here deep inside you


and the ones that tonight you won for your own


Dawn on the world Dawn on the world

Dawn on the world Dawn on the world

For more infomation >> Ξημερώνει - Αλεξία Βασιλείου (2017) - Duration: 4:51.



Jak dowodzą badania przeprowadzone przez irańskich naukowców na gryzoniach, jedzenie cebuli wpływa na wzrost poziomu testosteronu. I to znacząco, bo aż o 300 procent!

Cebula na całym świecie wykorzystywana jest w leczeniu wielu chorób. Jako środek farmaceutyczny, stosuje się ją już od starożytności. Jednocześnie pełni istotną rolę w diecie – jest bogatym źródłem antyoksydantów i przeciwutleniaczy.

Według badań Uniwersytetu Tabriz, wpływa również na produkcję testosteronu i plemników w męskich narządach płciowych.

Badanie przeprowadzono na trzech grupach gryzoni w czasie 20 dni.Każda z grup liczyła 10 osobników. Pierwsza otrzymywała zwykłe pożywienie, druga 0,5g/kg świeżego soku cebulowego każdego dnia, zaś trzecia 1,0g/kg soku cebulowego. 

Ostatniego dnia pobrane zostały próbki plemników gryzoni i zmierzono ich poziom testosteronu. Stwierdzono, że jego całkowity poziom wzrósł w każdej badanej grupie.

Tylko w grupie otrzymującej wysoką dawkę świeżego soku z cebuli, wzrósł poziom hormonu luteinizującego (LH). Stężenie hormonu foliowego (FSH), a także ruchy i żywotność plemników nie zmieniły się.

Dlaczego więc naukowcy uważają, że cebula zwiększa poziom testosteronu?Przeciwutleniacze neutralizują wolne rodniki w jądrach.

Wynika to ze spadku stężenia malondialdehydu, który ma miejsce w przypadku podawania dużych dawek soku cebulowego.

Badacze podejrzewają, że przeciwutleniacze to prawdopodobnie związki selenu i fenole, takie jak kwercetyna i izoramnetyna. Ta ostatnia zapobiega miażdżycy, obniża ciśnienie krwi i chroni przed nowotworami.



Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 3:41.


Elimina la Papada y Adelgaza el Rostro 7 Días. ( Remedio Real y 100% Efectivo) - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Elimina la Papada y Adelgaza el Rostro 7 Días. ( Remedio Real y 100% Efectivo) - Duration: 2:39.


Adobe Flash Test - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Adobe Flash Test - Duration: 1:17.


New accessory | Acessório novo | Accesorio nuevo | Nouvel accessoire | Neues Zubehör | 新しい付属品。 - Duration: 5:31.

New accessory. Comparison of cameras. GoPro 3+ vs Rollei 372

Fifi looks here what I bought.

Bought a Bra.

Um Sutiã!!!

I had been looking for a long time new ways to record video,

and one of the ideas I had was buy therefore this belt,

used on the shoulders, that Fifi with A lot of humor says it's a bra.

And so far, this is the first test that I'm

to do with the belt, the What I notice is that he goes

here so and no, no nothing, neither the

movements, or anything, he is thus imprisoned here.

The straps are elastic, I I did not press too much, I did not

I know if the camera is skip a lot or not, I

I'm using the camera. GoPro, by itself is already

a camera that brings a certain stabilization.

So I think you're going to have stabilization.

Then I want you to give me the your opinion at the end of the video.

I'll use it soon to Rollei too,

I'm going to switch to Rollei. and use it, to see how it is.

The angle of vision I think should be here for a bit

above the tank, underneath, it is a very

loving because it's an angle view of a shoot

from the point of view of our chest, where is the heart.

Because Rollei for having a box pond very thick, on hook J

I could not get the camera turned up, failed completely.

As it is logical, I had to give a second here

opportunity to Rollei, then I arranged there at home, a

extension, to mount on the hook J, in order to get

here an image that could compete with GoPro.

For more infomation >> New accessory | Acessório novo | Accesorio nuevo | Nouvel accessoire | Neues Zubehör | 新しい付属品。 - Duration: 5:31.


Três motivos por que criei esse canal - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Três motivos por que criei esse canal - Duration: 3:20.


Tipps gegen Nagelpilz - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Tipps gegen Nagelpilz - Duration: 4:30.


KOHL_ROBERT_LI815_A4 - Duration: 4:16.

Accessing your library account online is easy at the Libraries in Clackamas County

or "LINCC" for short. Here's what you'll learn in this brief tutorial.

First I'll show you how to log into your Library account. Then I'll show you how

to manage your library account including editing your personal information and

looking at all of your items that are checked out, any holds you may have or

fines. The first thing you need to do is go to From this page click

on the My Account tab here at the top of the page. Then enter your library card

number and PIN. Your PIN is usually the last four digits of your phone number

unless you selected something different when you set up your library card. If you

have forgotten your PIN, click on the Forgot My PIN link and it will take you

through the steps to setup a new PIN. Once you are all set, click on Log In.

From this next screen that comes up you'll see a variety of tabs about your

Account, Checkouts, Holds and any Fines which

might be on your account. Currently the Account Information tab is

selected. You can see your name, your library card number, your email address

and phone number. If you click on edit you'll be able to

update your email or phone number. It is important to keep this information

current so your library can reach you when holds are ready for you to check

out or if there are any issues with your account. Since I'm not making any changes,

I'll click on the Cancel button. You can also click on Preferences here at the

bottom of the page and make any changes for the default information on your

account. For example, you can change the preferred pick up library for where you

would like to pick up items. You'll also see this check box where you can

authorize the library to save your checkout history. The day after you click

this box you'll be able to see a history of what you checkout from that day

forward. It is important to click the Update button to confirm and save any

changes that you have made to your account on this tab. Moving on to the

Checkouts tab you will see both an option for Library and Digital Checkouts.

If you select digital checkouts you'll see all the e-books or

downloadable audiobooks you have checked out along with the day they expire. From

the Library Checkout area you can see what books DVDs and CDs you have checked

out from any of our thirteen libraries and you can select items to see if you

can renew them. Items cannot be renewed if someone else has a hold on them.

And, if you've activated your checkout history this is where you can see that list.

Moving on to the holds tab, you can see physical items you have on hold like

books, CDs or DVDs and their current status as well as digital holds.

This hold is third in line. If it were ready to checkout you would be able to

download it directly from the holds tab. If you have changed your mind about a

hold simply click on the box next to the item and click Cancel Hold and then

select Yes to confirm.

Finally we'll look at the Fines tab. This is a great place to keep track of any

current finds or blocks which you might have on your account. You can also check

to see what items are currently accruing fines, such as items that are overdue and

have not yet been renewed. Fines are easy to take care of at your local library in

Clackamas County. Keep an eye out for "Food for Fines" events throughout the

year where you can bring in non-perishable food to donate and get a

reduction in your fines. Those are the basics of accessing your library account

through our library website. Today we've learned how to log into your account and

manage your account information such as your contact information, what items you

have checked out, and your holds and fines. If you have any questions at all

please contact me at Thank you for watching and

we'll see you at the library!

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