Lets see how the Civic Type R can do
Grippy isn't it good morning guys now this is something different something
that you guys are very unused to on this channel but let me give you a bit of a
history lesson so I used to own an EP three Civic type-r now I've kind of
missed a lot of the generations as to how far they've come and obviously I
missed the fk2 this behind me is the new 2018 Honda Civic fk8
now a lot of people have raved about this car and fortunately for me
Jerry um has kindly invited me down to have a go of what is a 316 horsepower
front-wheel drive many
right so for all of you who don't know Jerry who's sitting next to me so Jerry
is the proud owner of a modified 695 Biposto yep 230 little sparrow
217 217 but the real story that I'm keen to to really understand is what was it
what was it that made you choose the the honda civic type r fk8 funnily enough we were in on holiday
in Cyprus last year and big modern supermarket complex yeah and they had
one in there that the sport one with the twin exhausts when we came back I was
just started looking at the Eagles and as I said yeah yeah so you've gone -
yeah awesome yeah and this this is a this already so obviously I said earlier
I've had my own ep-3 at the final edition EP 3 which I thought was
absolutely amazing as a proper ASBO little car and I'm just amazed at how
much more refined this car feels already
oh it just brings a nice little smile to your place already nice car
now obviously what so under have gone so then the key difference between this and
the Fk2 I think we talked about earlier it's the individual suspension is once
they've got away from the parts of individual suspension Center it's a lot
more usable here she's not as with hidden comfort mode as well yeah yeah
and it's 316 horsepower this one still using the side of the 2-liter engine but
obviously it's turbocharged now itself makes a big difference it makes you
wonder what they did the v6 or something yeah how can you imagine I think one of
the first things I noticed on this car is is the seating position it allows you
to sit very low down it's all in the right place the steering wheel itself is
a bit like a PlayStation controller you've got a million and one different
options on here which obviously I'm not going to understand right now - the
first time I've driven this car but it's clear that you've got a lot of
functionality available to touch your fingers which is great but I think the
plot I'm really looking forward to try now is just seen what the performance of
this car is like so let's find some good roads and it's hit this
the grip it's phenomenally needed it oh my word for a front-wheel drive car
I've just come around that corner feel this felt like it was a four-wheel drive
back that's incredible a lot of the YouTube
ones that's what they say honestly I'm super impressed I know it's
a dry day in the tarmac stick here but you know don't take that away from this
car you normally you get a bit of understeer where you get a bit of front
you know up front wheel spin and I just took it just a eat it alive and that's
the thing is I think you've got the so we've got the option between Comfort
Sport and race and is it that is out three different stages of suspension a
completely different yeah that's incredible
nights really absolutely
it just keeps going doesn't it just keeps pulling up I know I shouldn't be
holding the gears out there I can't forgive never the fifth and the sixth
it's putting like a training sinking I don't think I've ever had it to the post
on track go into the million meter misfire this is the speed at which
you're doing both I would feel yet is is completely out of proportion
yep you're doing some spirited driving and I think it feels more like a 40 to
50 mile an hour speed limits it's insane I think a lot of that is
down to the knees and push you down to the arrows or keeping them hot car
planting the suspension setup which is great
all the - lights up red as well
Honda you've done a good job with this car but where do they go next to this
opposite where do they go nobody knows - to produce a front-wheel drive car this
good 300 and close 320 horsepower that lays the power down perfectly what you
do next
freezing the rock out yeah it is a license taken I mean the gearbox throw
on the gears is fantastic absolutely brilliant
and the thing that I really love about it is the revolution I mean I know I
can't stop mentioning I thought that was you oh yes - it does it does make me
look like some sort of a hero driver I know you do have that Lewis Hamilton feel
though it feels a little bit alien to start with because you are used to doing
it yourself yeah but it's blur finish makes you free
engage in the gears sandwich look at this move into fit perfect rope magic
I think from a looks perspective I think the front of this car so aggressive is
so much wider as well yes I think if I if I was driving and I saw the front of
this coming up in my rear view mirror the first thing I do is blow absolutely
I think the rear of the car for me is very Star Trek yeah it's super super
there's lines everywhere square shapes every but I think that's exactly what
Honda or about I think that's their thing is what they do it takes something
great and make it crazy that's kind of long as ethos isn't it and I think
they've done a fantastic job with this car okay so we're on some B roads now
let's seal these bad boys out so we're in race ah see what The new 2018 honda civic type r fk8 can do!
that's special it's creepy isn't it you are I tell you
what you really can connect to of this car it's phenomenal that's why I'm an
absolutely unbelievable driving experience the Honda Civic type-r the FK8
I absolutely love it I honestly I'm super super I'm lost for
words as to how impressed I am with a 321 horsepower 316 also have a car
front-wheel drive that grips as much as it does but the driving experience of
that Civic type-r I think Honda have absolutely smashed it and what I thought
was brilliant in the form of the ep-3 has just been enhanced and raised to
complete new levels they've they've set a benchmark if a front-wheel drive in my
opinion now guess the question is is what's next and I'm really excited to
see what happens but yeah huge thanks to Jerry for allowing me to come down and
drive his car much much appreciated my name is Ben Steph and you guys have been
awesome of course make sure to subscribe if you haven't already hit subscribe we
do automotive content loads of cool stuff the card reviews events all that
good stuff make sure to do so and I'm going to see you all on an expo thank
you bye bye
For more infomation >> Is The NEW 2018 Honda Civic Type R FK8 the BEST fwd car EVER?! - Duration: 10:22.-------------------------------------------
Best of D.VA Overwatch | 1080p - Duration: 0:25.
Best of D.VA Overwatch | 1080p - Duration: 0:25.
UN MORT DANS LA SÉRIE ? SACHA et SERENA S'ENFUIENT ! - Episode 6 - Pokebook (Fanfiction Pokémon) - Duration: 3:40.
うちの飼い主またいないん。寂しきワンコを壁越しで慰め続けていたのは隣の家の・・・【感動する話】 - Duration: 4:19.
Geometry Dash Stereo Madness X10 (Challenge) - Duration: 15:13.
Raspberry Pi 3 come sistema di videosorveglianza ⋆ motionEyeOS ⊷ #gon_Pi3 - Duration: 9:56.
Al Bano chiama Federica Panicucci e si incazza: "La situazione è squallida" - Duration: 3:58.
Al Bano e Loredana Lecciso si sono lasciati: la dichiarazione del cantante - Duration: 3:34.
Parla Jolanda: ecco le sue parole d'affetto per Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:51.
還記得《寶貝計劃》中的萌娃嗎?成龍拿他當親兒子,如今長這樣! - Duration: 3:02.
Unhas Decoradas Faceis de Fazer 2018 | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 #4 - Duration: 10:34.
8 truques para restaurar os arranhões dos móveis de madeira - Duration: 7:44.
Come sbarazzarsi delle occhiaie in 7 mosse - Duration: 5:40.
8 benefici degli asparagi per la salute - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:55.
Iogurte integral ou desnatado. Qual é a melhor opção na dieta? - Duration: 6:44.
8 benefici degli asparagi per la salute - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:55.
Albano e Romina: la richiesta di Jolanda Carrisi alla cantante - Duration: 4:08.
CTP a spus totul despre incredibilul episod 'mătreața'! Comentariu incendiar al jurnalistului: - Duration: 2:27.
"groovy music"
Nightcore ~ Happier [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:00.
Nightcore ~ Happier [Lyrics]
Ex-"Köln 50667"-Stars Yvonne & Jerry: Hochzeit in Las Vegas? - Duration: 2:34.
Coreias do Norte e do Sul prometem encerrar conflito em acordo histórico - Duration: 2:53.
Mendonça dispara contra Paulo e diz que ele apoiou impeachment de Dilma - Duration: 5:04.
Tè verde, zenzero e cannella: un toccasana per l'organismo - Duration: 8:51.
タイプRにどこまで迫る!? 韓国の最強ファストバックがニュル激走 - Duration: 2:16.
Is The NEW 2018 Honda Civic Type R FK8 the BEST fwd car EVER?! - Duration: 10:22.
Lets see how the Civic Type R can do
Grippy isn't it good morning guys now this is something different something
that you guys are very unused to on this channel but let me give you a bit of a
history lesson so I used to own an EP three Civic type-r now I've kind of
missed a lot of the generations as to how far they've come and obviously I
missed the fk2 this behind me is the new 2018 Honda Civic fk8
now a lot of people have raved about this car and fortunately for me
Jerry um has kindly invited me down to have a go of what is a 316 horsepower
front-wheel drive many
right so for all of you who don't know Jerry who's sitting next to me so Jerry
is the proud owner of a modified 695 Biposto yep 230 little sparrow
217 217 but the real story that I'm keen to to really understand is what was it
what was it that made you choose the the honda civic type r fk8 funnily enough we were in on holiday
in Cyprus last year and big modern supermarket complex yeah and they had
one in there that the sport one with the twin exhausts when we came back I was
just started looking at the Eagles and as I said yeah yeah so you've gone -
yeah awesome yeah and this this is a this already so obviously I said earlier
I've had my own ep-3 at the final edition EP 3 which I thought was
absolutely amazing as a proper ASBO little car and I'm just amazed at how
much more refined this car feels already
oh it just brings a nice little smile to your place already nice car
now obviously what so under have gone so then the key difference between this and
the Fk2 I think we talked about earlier it's the individual suspension is once
they've got away from the parts of individual suspension Center it's a lot
more usable here she's not as with hidden comfort mode as well yeah yeah
and it's 316 horsepower this one still using the side of the 2-liter engine but
obviously it's turbocharged now itself makes a big difference it makes you
wonder what they did the v6 or something yeah how can you imagine I think one of
the first things I noticed on this car is is the seating position it allows you
to sit very low down it's all in the right place the steering wheel itself is
a bit like a PlayStation controller you've got a million and one different
options on here which obviously I'm not going to understand right now - the
first time I've driven this car but it's clear that you've got a lot of
functionality available to touch your fingers which is great but I think the
plot I'm really looking forward to try now is just seen what the performance of
this car is like so let's find some good roads and it's hit this
the grip it's phenomenally needed it oh my word for a front-wheel drive car
I've just come around that corner feel this felt like it was a four-wheel drive
back that's incredible a lot of the YouTube
ones that's what they say honestly I'm super impressed I know it's
a dry day in the tarmac stick here but you know don't take that away from this
car you normally you get a bit of understeer where you get a bit of front
you know up front wheel spin and I just took it just a eat it alive and that's
the thing is I think you've got the so we've got the option between Comfort
Sport and race and is it that is out three different stages of suspension a
completely different yeah that's incredible
nights really absolutely
it just keeps going doesn't it just keeps pulling up I know I shouldn't be
holding the gears out there I can't forgive never the fifth and the sixth
it's putting like a training sinking I don't think I've ever had it to the post
on track go into the million meter misfire this is the speed at which
you're doing both I would feel yet is is completely out of proportion
yep you're doing some spirited driving and I think it feels more like a 40 to
50 mile an hour speed limits it's insane I think a lot of that is
down to the knees and push you down to the arrows or keeping them hot car
planting the suspension setup which is great
all the - lights up red as well
Honda you've done a good job with this car but where do they go next to this
opposite where do they go nobody knows - to produce a front-wheel drive car this
good 300 and close 320 horsepower that lays the power down perfectly what you
do next
freezing the rock out yeah it is a license taken I mean the gearbox throw
on the gears is fantastic absolutely brilliant
and the thing that I really love about it is the revolution I mean I know I
can't stop mentioning I thought that was you oh yes - it does it does make me
look like some sort of a hero driver I know you do have that Lewis Hamilton feel
though it feels a little bit alien to start with because you are used to doing
it yourself yeah but it's blur finish makes you free
engage in the gears sandwich look at this move into fit perfect rope magic
I think from a looks perspective I think the front of this car so aggressive is
so much wider as well yes I think if I if I was driving and I saw the front of
this coming up in my rear view mirror the first thing I do is blow absolutely
I think the rear of the car for me is very Star Trek yeah it's super super
there's lines everywhere square shapes every but I think that's exactly what
Honda or about I think that's their thing is what they do it takes something
great and make it crazy that's kind of long as ethos isn't it and I think
they've done a fantastic job with this car okay so we're on some B roads now
let's seal these bad boys out so we're in race ah see what The new 2018 honda civic type r fk8 can do!
that's special it's creepy isn't it you are I tell you
what you really can connect to of this car it's phenomenal that's why I'm an
absolutely unbelievable driving experience the Honda Civic type-r the FK8
I absolutely love it I honestly I'm super super I'm lost for
words as to how impressed I am with a 321 horsepower 316 also have a car
front-wheel drive that grips as much as it does but the driving experience of
that Civic type-r I think Honda have absolutely smashed it and what I thought
was brilliant in the form of the ep-3 has just been enhanced and raised to
complete new levels they've they've set a benchmark if a front-wheel drive in my
opinion now guess the question is is what's next and I'm really excited to
see what happens but yeah huge thanks to Jerry for allowing me to come down and
drive his car much much appreciated my name is Ben Steph and you guys have been
awesome of course make sure to subscribe if you haven't already hit subscribe we
do automotive content loads of cool stuff the card reviews events all that
good stuff make sure to do so and I'm going to see you all on an expo thank
you bye bye
Best of D.VA Overwatch | 1080p - Duration: 0:25.
Best of D.VA Overwatch | 1080p - Duration: 0:25.
うちの飼い主またいないん。寂しきワンコを壁越しで慰め続けていたのは隣の家の・・・【感動する話】 - Duration: 4:19.
UN MORT DANS LA SÉRIE ? SACHA et SERENA S'ENFUIENT ! - Episode 6 - Pokebook (Fanfiction Pokémon) - Duration: 3:40.
Geometry Dash Stereo Madness X10 (Challenge) - Duration: 15:13.
How I Make Money Online
Henrikh Mkhitaryan in line to make Arsenal return against Manchester United ● News Now ●#AFC - Duration: 1:53.
Arsene Wenger is considering picking Henrikh Mkhitaryan for Arsenal's trip to face his
old club Manchester United at Old Trafford on Sunday after he returned to full training.
The Armenian playmaker has been sidelined with a knee injury picked up against CSKA
Moscow since the start of April and there had been fears that he might not play again
for the Gunners this season.
However, he has recovered quicker than initially expected and Wenger has revealed that the
January signing is in contention to take on his old club.
Speaking ahead of the game, Wenger confided: 'He has a chance.
If he's ready I'll play him.'
On Thursday night, Mkhitaryan himself told a beINSPORTS reporter in the Emirates mixed
zone that he felt he would be fit in time to play at Old Trafford.
The news will be a huge boost for Arsenal after Thursday's disappointing result in
the first leg of their semi-final against Atletico Madrid at the Emirates.
Despite a strong performance in which they created a host of chances, the Gunners gave
up a crucial away goal late on as Atletico clung on for a 1-1 draw.
Mkhitaryan, who helped inspire Manchester United to Europa League glory last season,
could now be part of the squad that travels to the Wanda Metropolitano in Madrid next
week for the second leg if he gets through the trip to Old Trafford unscathed.
S. Korean public's reaction when 'Panmunjom Declaration' was announced - Duration: 2:56.
Let's turn the spotlight to the South Korean public now... and their reaction to the inter-Korean
Around this time last year,… people were talking about Korea being on the brink of
So when the two leaders vowed there would be 'a new era of peace' on the Korean Peninsula
on Friday,… it's easy to understand why many South Koreans were so excited to hear
the news.
Won Jung-hwan reports..
When the two leaders from South and North Korea announced the 'Panmunjom Declaration'
to the public on Friday,… people in the South cheered and applauded the statement.
"I'm very glad that the summit was more successful than expected.
I think it was a memorable and meaningful moment,... being able to witness how things
unfolded on such a historic day."
"I think the results are above expectations, especially because I didn't think they would
agree to an official declaration of the end of war"
"I think it's great news for the Chinese, South Koreans, and North Koreans.
I've heard there could be war several times during the 10 years that I've lived in Korea,...
and my parents have been telling me to come home.
I'm so happy with the results of the summit.
The leaders agreed to a range of measures aimed at promoting peace and reconciliation
between the divided Koreas,... including holding high-level dialogue in the near future...
and resuming family reunions on National Liberation Day on August 15th.
And there are other things some of the Korean public would like to see happen.
"Reunions of separated families should take place regularly,… but besides that,… economic,
social and cultural exchanges should also be regularly carried out following today's
successful summit.
"It was a shame to suspend tours to Mount Baekdu due to an unfortunate incident.
But I hope the momentum of increasing ties between the two Koreas could mean the tours
resume again"
As the two previous summits held between the divided Koreas in 2000 and 2007 didn't lead
to much in the long run,… there were some concerns that this agreement might end it
up like those past cases.
But some people who watched this third inter-Korean summit live on TV said that this time, things
could be different.
"Since the past summits were all held in Pyongyang,…
I felt like they were somehow one-sided meetings.
But I think I can see the positive side of the Panmunjom summit."
"The summits in the past were kind of led by North Korea,… but I see some difference
in this year's meeting between Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un at Panmunjom"
It might be too early to tell whether the joint declaration will lead to a different
result than the previous agreements between the two Koreas.
But at least for now, the Korean public can finally hope this is the start of an era of
lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.
Flower Child - Duration: 43:03.
Learn Colors With Boom Balloons and Doremon - Color Names For Children on Kids Studio TV - Duration: 3:30.
Nightcore ~ Happier [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:00.
Nightcore ~ Happier [Lyrics]
URAL'S MERCEDES BURNT! LOUD NEWS @6 - Duration: 10:11.
Hey, everyone! This is LOUD SOUND,
and we're continuing our LOUD NEWS section.
Coming up in this episode:
A Mercedes Vita showcar set on fire.
Pride is announcing their new mid-bass speaker.
The renewed projects by Medved and LowBass Brothers studios.
Opening a new section - 'Projects from Subscribers'.
Ad a lot more.
Let's go!
And we're starting with a news that's not really happy but is a lesson.
In Sevastopol, Oleg Solopikhin's showcar burnt,
one Mercedes Vita with Team Ural.
The project was planned to show quite the result -
it was supposed to house 9 pcs 15" Ural Ultimatum
in 4th order BP.
Six monoblocks 3500 of the same brand.
But, unfortyunately, the plans on finishing it up were broken off.
April, 12, 4 a.m. the car was lit on fire in 3 places.
The whole motor section and the interior of the car burnt.
[BRB]: Oh, f*ck!
Luckily, the amps and wiring survived the fire.
At the moment, an investigation is in progress.
Btw, unfortunately, this was not the first car arson case.
Recently, another car was set on fire.
A LADA Geanta fro Cheboksary.
It was also Ural-powered. But that's not the end of the news!
Just a couple days back, The Queen of SPL Dina Mikhaylova posted a video.
In it, she also mentined the tragedy. But she also noted
that police came to her house,
and now she herself is suspected of setting the Mercedes on fire.
Actually, see for yourselves:
[D]: And what do you think? My mom calls me today. all in tears,
[D]: Says my grandma's feeling bad.
[D]: Why is she feeling bad? 'Cuz the police came by my house.
[D]: Turns out, I'm a suspect.
- Whoa!
We can't know for sure what was the true reason behind the arson,
bt Team LOUD SOUND has always been for building systems safely
and treating your neighbors friendly.
Don't turn your music up near appartment buildings and mind your wires!
And now, let's move tot he motherland of JApanese cars in Russia - Vladivostok.
To Sasha Pavlenko and Yaroslav Semyonov and their updated Toyota bB.
The car started off as a daily.
But by 2016 is had gradually become a face project for the Dinamica Avto shop.
In season 2017, the bB moved along with Kicx hardware.
Those were two 18" subs Gorilla Bass and one 10-kW amp.
This season, the Toyota will be moving along with...
[B]: Kicx components!
But four (!) 18" Gorilla subs and two 15k monoclocks are being installed now.
The front part is also planned to have:
six pairs of Tornado Z-850, four pairs of Tornado 6.5EN,
six pairs of DTN-48 on the back side, eight pairs of Gorilla Bass GB-8N
and five pairs DTS-28.
By now, the guys have painted the box, finished crafting the covers,
the amps and the front are being installed now.
Pride has presented their new and basically their only mid-bass speaker - W8.
This mid-bass has a very powerful magnet system and a basket with resonance coating.
It's in the standard (for a mid-bass speaker) size of 20 cm or 8".
The brand claims it's 4-Ohm, and its power is 300 W.
The coil here is 2" which is pretty sufficient to provide max drive.
The lip is rough and has roughening lines.
And they are there for a reason!
The mid-bass itself has quite a long drive,
and these lines, with the motor at its highest position
simply prevent the lip breakage.
This helps provide max linearity and 'correctness' of the sound response.
The only thing that puzzles me is,
why does a mid-bass speaker need such a wide frequency range
starting at 50 Hz?
I mean, isn't a mid-bass speaker supposed to play 70-80 Hz +?
But this is rather a bonus, not a flaw.
Anyone familiar with car audio in Russia in any way
is bound to know about Vik Mots's famous Ford.
They started calling Vik the King of Wind after that car.
'Cuz it was pretty windy in there.
As we all know, Vik has sold that Ford,
and now he drives an Escalade with two 32" Deaf Bonce subs in it.
But it's not the end of Ford's story.
Now, the Ford has moved over to Aleksey Chirkov with Car of Bass studio.
It's notable that the Ford still sticks with Team Deaf Bonce.
And now it's gonna house 8 pcs Deaf Bonce 315 subs,
4 pcs of 11 kW Apocalypse monoblocks,
six pairs of MX-80, four pairs of D75NEO drivers
with the total power being 60 kW.
Guys, don't let us down! Make it wind even more! You've got the hardware.
But that's not the only project guys are doing.
They're also prepping a Lada '09,
and it's gonna be Aura Team
with 8 C-122 subwofers,
two 7 kW Apocalypse monoblocks,
and a front with C-654.
So, it's one project powered by low-cost hardware,
and a hi-end one.
Btw, the latest intel says, the '09 is already done
and is preparing for its first out at RBR competitions in Volgograd.
Ramazan with LowBass Brothers and the Medved' studio
are going to surprise us with a few renewed projects this year.
I think we'll start with UAZ Patriot powered by Ural.
This season, we're looking at 9 Ultimatums with a new arrangement -
there's an enclosure box for each sub.
For the feed, there will be nine Decibel 3500 monoblocks.
The front has 12 pcs of 20" Patriot Neo, 24 pcs of 16" Patriot Neo.
In the rear part, there are 12 pcs 16" Patriot Neo, 12 pcs 20" Patriot Neo and more.
The outlook is different now, too.
It's not just white anymore, it's now camouflage.
Also, the famous Dodge RAM is being prepped.
It's switching to Pride hardware now.
Max, if it's now a Pride show car, why don't you paint it yellow?
- Nice joke, bruh!
As for the hardware composition, all they shared
was that it'll be 12 pairs of Solo 8 and five pairs of Pride 777 tweeters.
As for the subs and the rest, they're keeping numb.
But Pride has slightly outed them.
These subs are gonna be there.
But that's not all. Ramazan is making a project of his own.
It's the Volvo S60 Ando used to have.
It's gonna have 4 pairs of 10" Solo 8 and two pairs of 6.5" Solo.
Plus two pairs of B&C drivers and 3 pairs of Pride 777 horns.
The funny thing is, 5 years in car audio, Ramazan's never done a front for himself.
We noticed that you've been writing in comments
that we only talk about popular projects.
[hysteric]: Why the floor? Why the f*cking floor?!
And regular guys have no way of making it to our news.
Let's fix it now!
We're starting a section 'Projects by Subscribers'.
Oleg who is only 16, has sent us the project he's going to build.
It's gonna be assembled in an Oka, and it's gonna have:
2 Sundown SA-18 subs in an enclosure arrangement.
That's some serious claim!
As for the front, it's 8 pairs EDGE PRO6B
plus 4 pairs of tweeters and 4 pairs of 8" mids.
The project is on, part of the hardware's been purchased.
The body's being re-welded, the rust's been removed..
The target result is 155 dB.
The exterior's gonna be changed, too.
I really want to wish the guy all the luck and reaching his results.
- Good job, pal!
Alphard has recently presented their loud mid-range speakers
Sylvester and Arnold...
Sigismund, Francesca...
...and now they're treating us to a new 26th series Deaf Bonce sub.
This model has an aluminum coil, high coiling
with the size of 2.6" and quite a long drive.
The 26th model has the same dustcap and cone as its bigger bro - the 27th.
The sub is available in 2 sizes - 12" and 15"
with resistance options of 1+1 or 2+2 Ohms.
Also, the 26th model, like the 27th, has a whole-cast basket,
round press-on terminals and the power claim of 1300 W.
And the sweetest part is this sub is in the category
'below 10,000'. Dope, right?
And this was pretty much it for today.
Like, leave comments.
And, of course, Subscribe, Share, Seriously!
Bye, everyone. Live LOUD!
[V]: Today we'd like to show you our new mid-range speakers.
[V]: And we've decided to give them proper names - Sylveter and Arnold.
[V]: It really does sound unusual and fun.
I guess I'll be Captain Obvious here.
Acı Tatlı Ekşi [AU Fragman] - Duration: 2:10.
I'm Murat
I fell in love with you long before you know
And I've waited for you way more than you think
Don't you worry
The hero of my fairytale will always be you.
Marry me.
I want to break up with you
We will marry 5 years later if we're still single
I don't want you to remember
I want you never to forget
Welcome back
My fiancee
What do you think to do now?
I don't believe in fairytales or heros anymore.
Tell me, what's next?
I'll tell him the truth.
There is only one moment...
...and that is now.
I let you leave me once...
...that will never happen again.
I'm sorry...
...for come back to your life again.
I don't want you to be sorry
I just want an answer, an answer!
I've waited for you for 5 years.
Damn it!
Didn't you ever love me?
Say something!
Get the hell out!
I'm not afraid anymore.
Six Foods That Fight Stress and Speed Recovery That Aren't Carbs - Duration: 4:14.
Six foods that fight stress and speed recovery
that aren't cards stress puts you in a crappie mood and can make you sick
and if you're an athlete it gets worse since the stress hormone cortisol promotes inflammation in the body it can force longer recovery times
eat away at your hard earned muscle tissue
and seriously downgrade your performance
to combat stress your first instinct may be to reach for sugary snacks have after all research confirms its calming effect people who downed
drinks sweetened with sugar showed no activity in areas of the brain responsible for controlling fee are and stress compared to
people who drank aspartame sweet and beverages according to a USDA study published earlier this year
to still even though a car be snack may help you feel calmer it wont to your body any favors after intense exercise
by the time you're done with your workout you've already increased your cortisol levels as a result of physiological stress
says Adam Cullum Tsun author of the athletes plate
and throwing sugar into the equation will only promote more inflammation
instead reach for these six clean CARB free recovery foods that help bring stress and inflammation back down one
wild salmon EPA and DH a the Amiga three fatty acids found in fish
help counter inflammation caused by the release of cortisol
can't afford to feast on the staff after in every sweat session
no big deal popping a daily supplement is just as good says Collins and to Brazil nuts
an ounce of Brazil nuts posts 544 to emcee AG of selenium
a trace element that helps fight the oxidative damage
especially after exercise a study published in the journal of the city founded of consume just 200 DEM CG of selenium post workout had
lower levels of oxidative stress compared to those who skipped the stuff
three leafy greens
the more intense your work out the more free radicals and other inflammation causing metabolic waste your body produces
to get rid of the junk load up on Folic acid rich leafy greens like kale spinach
and Swiss chard they contain antioxidants that bind to waste products and help move them out of the body
: some sat for match a casa spoonful of the powdered green T into your post workouts movie the action is rich in alfie mean an amino
acid that research shows can minimize your fight or flight response and keep your body from getting flooded with cortisol
so you feel calm not crazy
more the 10 best ways to use match a T5
grass fed beef cortisol causes the breakdown of muscle protein
which is exactly what you don't want a after spending an hour at the GM
that quality protein like beef helps put a stop to that process and gives your body the amino acids it needs to help tired muscles recharge
: some sat plus its rich in sync which acts as an anti inflammatory to help Knicks oxidative stress
the search suggests it can also help boost your mood
which is important to since you're more likely to be stressed if you feel lousy
six sunflower seeds
can a handful a day keep your share the mood at the maybe sunflower seeds are pat have
often the amino acid used by the terrain to make the field good hormone serotonin
they've also got magnesium which helps ease anxiety and promote feelings of com which is
important to since a happier mood equals healthier muscle
Team Fortress 2 - Duration: 4:02:42.
When a mother is being tough #StandByToughMoms - Duration: 3:54.
When a mother is being tough #StandByToughMoms
When a mother is being tough #StandByToughMoms
When a mother is being tough #StandByToughMoms
When a mother is being tough #StandByToughMoms
When a mother is being tough #StandByToughMoms
"groovy music"
明星照騙,高圓圓大象腿,賈靜雯滿臉油光,葉璇與真人差40歲! - Duration: 4:51.
Old MacDonald BirdsToys For Kids - Learn Birds Names With Wrong Wooden Slot for Children - Duration: 3:16.
Old MacDonald BirdsToys For Kids - Learn Birds Names With Wrong Wooden Slot for Children
L13 - Communication of Ethereum Nodes (CBDE Course) - Duration: 4:06.
In this lecture we are talking about the way Ethereum nodes communicate with clients.
If you are programming a distributed application then you need to get access to the blockchain
Distributed applications usually have two parts: One part is HTML/Javascript.
The other part is some smart contract deployed on the blockchain.
And there is a standardized way for the communication between the HTML/JS part, so, the website
and the node that connects to the blockchain.
It's like there is a standardized way for the communication between a MySQL database
and the clients, just easier.
The Blockchain node is communicating with other blockchain nodes with the Ethereum Protocol.
That's what a blockchain node is implementing.
This can be in various languages.
For example Geth is written in the language Go.
Parity is written in Rust.
And so on.
But how do blockchain nodes really communicate with the outside world?
Good question!
Every blockchain node must also implement a way to do Json Remote Procedure Calls.
It's a so called JSON-RPC.
This way it will let you run commands and accept json arguments or return json objects
through a standardized API.
Let me give you an example directly here from the Go-Ethereum Website:
Eth.coinbase for example, will give you the address of the coinbase.
Or eth.accounts will give you an array of stored accounts.
Or eth.getBalance(...) will give you the balance in wei of a certain account.
So, now we know that Ethereum nodes implement the Ethereum protocol.
And they expose a an API to do JSON Remote Procedure Calls.
But how can we connect to such a node to talk to that interpreter?
Different nodes expose different methods, but in general it should be possible to use
either IPC or HTTP.
IPC stands for Inter Process Communication and is basically a file based pipe to interact
with a server-like process.
So for example you open Go-Ethereum or Geth and then you can attach with another Go-Ethereum
to the already running instance.
This could happen via an ipc file.
It is a very common method and we will be doing it later in the course.
The other very common method is connecting to an ethereum node via HTTP.
This way a website can connect to the node like connecting to any other API.
For example a weather API.
Instead of requesting the weather in New York City the website could request a specific
transaction or block or create a new account, sign a transaction and so on.
There are also other methods, like WebSockets, to connect to a node, but IPC and HTTP are
the most common methods.
So, what is your take away from this lecture?
There are multiple Ethereum Node Implementations out there.
They all implement the Ethereum protocol to talk to each other.
And they need to implement an endpoint to do JSON-RPC either via IPC or HTTP.
Поклонение, которое достойнее намаза, поста и милостыни - Duration: 8:39.
Тренинги личностного роста это секта. Вайн - Duration: 2:13.
How to Make an Easy Pumpkin Pie The Easiest Way Insanely Easy and Clean Dinners - Duration: 3:11.
A insanely easy and clean dinners you can make with canned pumpkin
pumpkin lattes and pancakes and muffins are tasty.but there also kind of predictable
luckily we found far more interesting ways to make use of our favorite fall gourd check out
these eight easy dinners you can make with a can of pumpkin pier in a
chick pea pumpkin veggie pizza
autumn eyes your pizza by swapping out plain Jane Maran opera for a layer of pumpkin pier in a
here's another clean eating pizza recipe you'll love this gorgeously colorful pie from Vegan
rata also features chickpeas fresh basil tomatoes and red onion
here's the recipe pumpkin and black been burgers canned pumpkin makes an ideal
binder for the veggies in these burgers from sweet miscellany
you can even freeze them for a super Colinas Howell may version of those supermarket frozen veggie patties
here's the recipe pumpkin adds a hint of sweetness to the spicy sauced smothering these enchiladas
fiber rich black bands add protein and melted cheddar bring serious delicious Nis check out the recipe from food this right here
don't miss the Swiss chard enchiladas are either
in this genius recipe from the weary chef wild rice absorbs a mixture of pumpkin puree and
warm spices as it bakes in the oven with chicken breasts
the end result juicy meat creamy rice and minimal cleanup get the recipe right here
shepherd's pie is about as on Vegan as it gets
that didn't stop one blocker from totally we vamping the classic for a plant based diet
it doesn't taste like chickens recipe features a layer of Lendl's mushrooms carrots and sun
dried tomatoes topped with mashed pumpkin and maple syrup
all the details are right here
pumpkin chili this chilly from unconventional kitchen is as easy as it gets scrounge up a few
pantry staples canned beans tomatoes broth add pumpkin and spices
and simmer away here's the recipe
also check out these seven clean eating slow cooker recipes
pumpkin and cashew ricotta stuffed shells
pumpkin puree replaces ricotta in this Italian inspired Vegan entree
this age cream sauce
made from cashews garlic sage and nutritional yeast
ads tons of rich savory flavor
check out the recipe from my darling Vegan right here
clean eating pumpkin Yockey the dreamy little pasta a pillows have just for cleaning greedy and SP pumpkin of whole wheat flour eggs and
nodded learn how to assemble them with this step by step guide from the skinny fork
Upalabdhi | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Mithun, Mahua - Duration: 1:43:11.
(Foreign language)
(Foreign language)
(Foreign language)
(Foreign language)
Swamiji, all people are same.
Then why do we practice different religions?
Everybody is same.
But, we've different lifestyles.
But, they look forward to the same thing.
Swamiji, we've heard that man gets salvation in all his lives..
..if he does good deeds.
Is this true?
I didn't get an answer to my question.
It's not just that he gets salvation in his next births,
He can get salvation in this life itself.
I know of someone who was a bright child.
But, in his youth he got lost in a dark life due to bad company.
"My music.."
"Is my eyesight, my life."
"My music.."
"Is my eyesight, my life."
"My music.."
"It makes me smile, it makes me love."
"It makes me smile..."
"It makes me smile, it makes me love."
"The melodies help me erase.."
"The melodies help me erase.."
"..the differences in my mind."
"My music.."
"We get lost in the storm."
"We get lost in the storm."
"I get lost in myself."
"Every difference is forgotten."
"Every difference is forgotten."
"And all insults."
"My music."
"My music."
"My music."
"My music."
"Is my eyesight, my life."
"My music."
"My music."
"My music."
"My.. My.. My music."
Fantastic! Maya sings really well.
Don't praise me. Raju is very talented.
If he learns music, he'll be a great singer.
Sister, if you teach me, I'll surely win a prize in the next competition.
Raju is right.
His teacher is absent since the past few days.
Teach him music.
Drink milk.
Aunt, why did you bring milk for me?
You need it.
You must drink milk if you wish to practice music.
Or else how will you maintain your health?
I've clicked your photo.
I'll keep it in the showcase of my shop.
You must give me a copy. - Of course.
I'll hang one copy in Raju's room.
I'll give you.
Give it to me.
I'll leave now, aunt. - Ok.
I heard that your father has got transferred.
He works in the post office. Transfers are the norm there.
Ranu, how are you? I hope you are fine.
Go carefully. Don't go near the Ganges.
Do you get me?
Why hasn't Ujjwal come yet?
I'll go and pick him up from his house. - Ok.
Bye. Wish you a safe journey. Bye.
In an unknown village during day and night..
..amidst the fields and farms..
..he isn't aware of anything.
He may be illiterate. He maybe a beggar.
But, he is my caregiver who always helps me.
He toils hard and carries heavy load.
Wonderful! Sit down.
Did you see how the boy who is half your age..
..recited the poem so beautifully?
You are worthless.
Go. Go and plough the field.
You go and work in your father's garage.
You are worthless.
If you don't prepare your lessons from tomorrow..
..I'll teach you a lesson.
Raju, they've sent the prize you won in the singing competition..
..as you couldn't collect it.
Collect it from the office before you leave.
I can smell something.
Stand up. Come on stand up.
Did you smoke in the classroom?
Yes, you smoked here.
Who smoked in the class? - Sir, Raju.
Raju? I'll thrash you badly.
Sir, why don't you smell Raju's mouth to check?
So, you are supporting your rogue friend.
Raju, come here.
Let me check.
You smoked inside the class?
Raju, show it to Maya and tell her to come immediately.
I'll be back soon. - Get milk for your sister.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Raju, why are you going away?
Maya di, I didn't know that..
What's in your hand? - Certificates.
I've won the music competitions.
Really? - Yes.
Come in. Come in.
Sit down.
Show it to me.
This is for classical music.
This is for Rabindra sangeet.
This is for Atul Prasad's songs.
And this one is the certificate for the champion.
After all you were my teacher.
I'm very happy.
What will you have? - I'll give you a treat.
I've come here to take you home.
Mother told you to go home. - Is it?
But, I can't go right now.
I'm going to watch a movie. - Don't go there.
That's not possible.
I've guest at home.
He'll get angry if I don't go. - Then?
Tell aunt that I'll go to your house at night.
What if you don't come?
You can come and take me with you.
What's the matter?
What makes you laugh so much?
Raju was conspiring to ruin our movie plans.
Raju? - Hmm..
Well, doesn't matter.
What was he conspiring?
What happened? Why did you get up?
He is a talented boy.
His teacher is also very talented.
I'll come and take you with me at night, Maya di.
I'll go now.
Where are you going? Listen to me..
Wow! This is great.
Don't get excited. There's more.
Bansi! Bansi! Guru!
Listen to me.
Look there.
Wait, I'll get him.
Guru is too much. - Right.
Raju, we are classmates.
There are bound to be differences amongst us.
Why did you stop talking to us? It's not right.
Raju, say something.
Are you done? - About what?
Have you finished talking?
Raju is still angry with us.
Raju, wait. I'll show you a nice book.
Give it to me.
Look. Look. You'll enjoy it. Look! - Rubbish!
He is not in his senses now.
Right. I can't be calm.
..you look very beautiful today.
What are you doing?
Father will be home any time. - Let him come.
You are very impatient.
After a few days.. - What? Our wedding.
"Hey river, why don't you flow in the straight direction?"
"Why didn't you build the broken banks?"
"You break down the banks."
"You don't stop."
"Hey river, why don't you flow in the straight direction?"
"I've heard that you overflows and filled to the brim."
"I've heard that you overflows and filled to the brim."
"But you can't douse the fire in the heart."
"Hey river, why don't you flow in the straight direction?"
"Why didn't you build the broken banks?"
"You break down the banks."
Look! He is over there. Let's get hold of him.
Come on.
"Hey river, why don't you flow in the straight direction?"
What's wrong?
You seem very sad.
Who won't miss a teacher like her?
Your teacher was very beautiful.
Shame! Don't you feel ashamed?
We are classmates. We'll be friends from today.
Do you get me?
Raju, we won't fight with each other from today.
Munsi. Raju. Shake hands. Promise.
All the expenses are on me today.
Let's go to Belgharia.
Tell me something about your plans.
Be calm, friend. Be calm.
Calm down. - Shut up.
Why didn't brother go to the shop when he knows that father is sick?
Hey, get two bottles of liquor.
Oh no! Raju and Guru's gang is coming. - Oh no!
"I sway happily. I'm a wild flower."
Where were you throughout the night?
What's the use of lamenting now?
If he was young we could've disciplined him.
But, things will become worse if we try to discipline him now.
I'm going. - Why are you blaming me?
I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming my fate.
I'll have to open the shop.
But, you didn't eat anything. - I'll eat something in the shop.
I'm getting late. - Drink milk.
Give milk to your son.
His health will break down if he doesn't drink milk.
Do you get me?
..are you angry?
You are always angry.
This it too much.
Sit down. Have you brought money? - Yes. But a small amount.
What do you mean? Have you brought the rent?
Yes. But, I couldn't get money from Chandu.
Why? - He is very smart.
He gives excuses every time.
He is smart? Go. Go.
They are useless.
So, he is acting smart with me.
Boss, Raju is angry as you didn't give money.
He is a dangerous man. What shall we do now?
So, you are trying to scare Chandu?
He is a dangerous man?
If you speak like this again, I'll kill you.
Get out from here.
You've come after a long time, Ujjwal. - yes, aunt.
But, I'll stay here for few months. - is it?
Where is Raju? - He is in his room.
Ujjwal da!
Do I look like a ghost? - No.
But, you've come after a long time.
You forgot us.
Brother, Ujjwal da is here.
Brother, Ujjwal da is here. As if I can't call him.
You? Come in. How are you?
I'm good. But, how are you? - Alright.
When did you come? - About 48 hours back.
I've spent two nights and two days here already.
Have a seat.
You are doing quite well. - Why?
You've become a renowned artist.
I read about your exhibitions in the newspapers.
I never thought that you would come here.
You could've become a renowned artist.
People would've stood in queues to buy tickets of your concert.
But, instead of that you spread terror in the city.
Don't laugh. Shut up. Don't you feel ashamed?
Raju has become the most notorious element of the city.
Don't you repent this life? - No, I don't.
It's not wrong to enjoy life. - Great! Fantastic!
Enjoying and lawlessness is not the same.
Well, I'm not here to discuss all this.
Listen.. there's an art exhibition day after tomorrow in the Town hall.
You must come. Here is the card.
But Ujjwal, won't the renowned people present there treat me as a misfit?
It's my exhibition.
Oh! It means I can visit it fearlessly.
Well, I'll be eagerly waiting for you.
Bye. - Why are you going? Have tea.
Raju is right, Ujjwal.
You've come after a long time. Why are you so eager to go?
Come on, have this.
Aunt, I'll get late. - Doesn't matter. Eat it.
Eat it.
You would share your food the same way when you were small.
Eat. I'll get tea for you.
Mother is worried for me.
Well, I must praise you for one thing, Ujjwal da.
Praise me for what?
Write down your comments herein this copy.
No! Shameless fellow.
Raju, what are you doing there? Come.
He is Raju. Rajen Sarkar. She is Rupa.
She is the daughter of Dr. Choudhury.
She is our neighbor.
I'm sorry.
I never got introduced to you but I saw you several times after we came here.
But, always like this. On bike.
I saw you for the first time today.
You are one of the paintings amongst Ujjwal's painting.
Wonderful! Fantastic!
My friend is a master of words. - Ok.
Master of philosophy.
You can't win against him in an argument.
In which college do you study? - I study here.
Rupa, you told me that philosophy is confusing for you.
You can seek his help.
Don't believe him, he is exaggerating.
Don't speak nonsense.
Why are you pretending to be so humble?
Well, you can meet me whenever you wish to.
I'll sharpen my rusted skills.
Thank you. - Welcome.
Ujjwal, we'll leave now.
I hope you liked the exhibition. - Remain seated.
Father, he is Ujjwal da's friend Rajen Sarkar.
He is my father and she is my aunt. - Hello.
Visit us some day. We can sit and chat.
I've work today. I'll leave now.
Let's go, dear. - Coming.
Bye. - Shall we meet tomorrow?
Not tomorrow, day after tomorrow.
Listen, I hope you won't forget.
Ok, we'll meet tomorrow.
Park the bike, I'll come soon.
They are at home.
Hey! Who are you looking for? Are you a customer?
Come inside.
Will you have a drink?
Who is singing? - Mira di. She sings very well.
She also dances very well.
What happened? Why are you going away?
"Rose is fragrant."
"That's why you've come to me."
"To fill your life with its aroma."
"Do you know that many roses have died to give you the fragrance?"
"Rose is fragrant."
"That's why you've come to me."
"To fill your life with its aroma."
"Rose is fragrant."
"If you wish to spread colours in the sky at night."
"If you wish to spread colours in the sky at night."
"You must burnt the crackers."
"If you don't pluck flowers, you can't take it home."
"If you don't pluck flowers, you can't take it home."
"To deck your flower vase."
"Eyes shed tears secretly behind smiles."
"Rose is fragrant."
"That's why you've come to me."
"To fill your life with its aroma."
"Rose is fragrant."
"Rose, you are blessed that you became fragrance."
"Rose, you are blessed that you became fragrance."
"Rose, you are blessed that you became fragrance."
"Or you would've been placed in the vase or hair."
"Or you would've been placed in the vase or hair."
"Rose, you are blessed that you became fragrance."
"The rose flower never..'
"The rose flower never bears fruits."
"Does it?"
"The rose flower never bears fruits."
"Be happy to spread fragrance."
"Don't shed tears."
"Be happy to spread fragrance."
"Don't shed tears."
"As the pole star.."
"As the pole star you'll never spread light."
"It's better to burn down like the crackers."
"Isn't it?'
"You'll flash light."
"You'll flash light."
"And we'll stare at you."
"Rose, you are blessed that you became fragrance."
"Rose, you are blessed that you became fragrance."
Where are you going?
I heard that you've become smart.
You need to be a brave heart for that.
It's a mild stroke. But don't worry.
Remain alert and keep an eye on him throughout the night.
But.. your son has not come home yet.
I've prescribed the medicines. Give them on time. He'll be fine.
I'll leave now.
Mother, won't you give him the medicines?
Uncle is not well. He is serious.
He felt dizzy in the shop and fell down.
What? - Yes.
What happened?
He felt dizzy in the shop and fell down.
First stroke.
First warning for you.
Yes. Get ready from now.
The doctor told us to keep watch over him throughout the night.
I'll be in my room.
Why did you go to sleep?
Come and have dinner.
I don't feel well.
Why do you drink every day?
He is bed ridden now.
Go and sit in the shop from tomorrow.
Mother, sitting in the shop is a torture for me.
Torture? - Isn't it a torture?
Am I not doing business?
Only you know what you are doing.
I'm relieved that you somehow managed to pay the vehicle loan.
What do you think of me?
You tell me. - Look..
Why did you stop? Come on, tell me.
Raju, I'm your mother.
You can't cheat me.
You spend the entire night outside the house for your business.
You drink for your business. - Mother..
Raju, just think of how you were and what you've become.
Your friend Ujjwal was never better than you in studies and sports.
But today.. when I compare you with him today..
Come on, tell me. Why did you stop? Continue.
You want to hear it? How dare you speak?
I can't think of how much my talented son has changed..
..since his childhood days.
I also wonder the same.
Why did I change?
I think that I'll change every day.
But, somebody pulls me towards evil.
I don't know what tempts attracts me.
"My music.."
"It's my eyesight, it's my life."
"My music.."
Don't you recognize these certificates?
You won them in the singing competition. Take a look.
Today you got drunk and sang a song. Shame!
Why have you come here?
Why are you disturbing me?
Why do you feel irritated?
You won this cup in the 200m race.
Do you remember it?
Raju, you were so talented but you are caught up in muck now.
Shame! Shame!
Do you recognize these prizes? - No.
We won't go.
Go away from here.
Go away from here.
Come on hurry up. The vehicle is waiting.
Don't hasten, it's a mechanical problem.
You know why I'm asking you to hurry up. You know how short-tempered Raju da is.
Let him be.
Get these photos ready.
I'll solve the problem of the lorry and come back.
How is your father? - He is fine.
Take care of the shop.
Why don't you understand me?
Well, I can understand.
Ratna, you know what they say.
Why are you laughing? What has happened?
Rupa likes everything here even Raju.
What do you say, Ratna? - Yes.
How would I know that he is a Casanova?
Look the Casanova has arrived.
Good morning, Ms. Choudhury. How are you?
Let's go.
What happened? Did you forget our conversation yesterday?
Don't you recognize me? - Shameless fellow!
How dare she!
What happened?
What has happened?
I've seen many girls in life.. many girls..
..but this doctor's daughter is different.
Rupa (Silver)? - No she is loha (Iron).
Change her name.
It seems that you are very angry.
Tel me what has happened. - What can happen? What can happen?
The other day she was interested to take philosophy lessons from me.
I saw her on the road and called her.
She pretended that she doesn't know me.
Don't laugh.
Let me warn you. Don't laugh.
I'm so angry that I want to slap her hard and teach her a lesson.
You could've slapped her. - I will.
I will definitely teach her a lesson, friend.
But, not by slapping her.
Like this.
Maybe Rupa found out about you in the meanwhile..
..and so she wants to maintain distance.
She wants to maintain distance.
I know what has happened.
Someone must've spoken ill against me to her.
Ok. - Listen..
Rupa can't be influenced so easily.
Why do you laugh?
After what happened today I don't think it is different, friend.
If you really treated yourself as my friend..
..you wouldn't have spoilt your life and hurt me.
Don't give me lecture.
No. No, Raju. This isn't a lecture.
This is my pain. This is my sorrow.
Forget it. Listen.. a talented girl like Rupa..
Let me say something.
It's useless to say such things to me.
Raju knows how to get things done his way.
Do you get me?
One day in future that beautiful girl will be in my control.
Do you get me?
Remember that I'll trap her some day.
The work didn't get done. I just wasted the time.
Where is my sunglass?
You can't see the reality because of the veil on your eyes.
I won't let you wear this.
Glory to Lord Krishna!
Please give me some alms.
Come on, go from here.
God will bless you. - I hope God blesses you.
Why don't you work hard and earn?
Come on go from here. Go.
Is Mr. Ramen inside? - No.
We are from Manav Seva Sangha.
Pardon me. I don't give donations.
Just now a person came her begging in the name of God.
I told him to go away from here.
We haven't come here for donation.
We've arranged a religious conference.
We've come here to tell him to photograph the event.
When is it? - Day after tomorrow in the evening.
It won't be possible day after tomorrow. Father is sick.
You are here.
I know that you click nice photographs.
Your father is a patron of our organization.
I've heard about you from him.
Well, give the advance payment. - Advance?
Mr. Ramen arranges everything every year.
Go and talk to father. Why are you here?
Give him advance payment.
I don't have more than1 5-20 rupees.
Give whatever you have. Give 15 rupees.
There's a system in business.
Yes, there's a system in every business.
There are rules and regulations.
Give him the advance.
A car is like the child.
If you make him work hard, you must take care of him too.
But, you don't do so.
Guru, what are you blabbering? - Don't disturb me.
Is there any news? - Yes, there is.
I've trapped the bird. - Really.
I'll send her to you.
Really? - Yes.
Listen go and have a cup of tea and couple of biscuits at Gopal's shop.
Tell him to send a cup f tea for me.
Guru, give me five rupees.
I'll do the shopping. That'll solve my problems.
You trouble me a lot. - Trouble?
You bring good news. But, this is what I dislike about you.
Please give me.
I'll go and come soon.
What's the matter? Where is your friend?
Who? Keshta? - Yes.
He has gone to commit suicide for you. - What?
Raju, you are an experienced player.
How could the doctor's daughter override you?
Stop your nonsense and speak about something else.
Well, I can't ignore this. Keshta has gone to commit suicide.
Shall I say something?
I'm Rajen Sarkar. I've handled many girls like Rupa.
Grapes are sour.
Ujjwal da! - Rupa.
What's the news? How are you? - I've spoilt your plans. Right?
Plan? - You had planned with your friend that..
..you would introduce me to him during the exhibition.
Then we would befriend each other.
If the girl would fix an appointment day after tomorrow..
..you taught your friend to change it to the next day.
But, your plan didn't work. Right? - What are you saying?
Everybody knows Raju in this city.
You are right.
But, I never thought that you would judge a person..
..by what others say about him.
I know you as well as Raju.
I still believe that he is a genius.
He went astray due to bad company and lack of proper guidance.
Oh! So, you want to use me as his guide to mend his ways?
Well, I won't stretch this conversation further.
If you are brave enough then try to judge him with your intellect.
Bye. Ok?
You've control over your actions and not on the results.
So, you must do your actions.
But, never think of the outcome of your actions.
That's because the expectation of the fruits of the action..
..spoils the actions.
So, never think of the result.
Never think of the outcome when you do anything.
Don't forget to do your actions.
So, you are clicking photos.
I hope you are at comfortable here.
There's no problem.
What is your opinion about the environment here?
My opinion doesn't matter.
You need photographs and I'll deliver them to you.
But, the composition is quite good. - Composition?
Did you find only composition here?
Didn't you find anything else?
Shall I say? - Yes. Tell me.
I hope you won't get upset. - No. why shall I be upset?
We accept the truth even if it is bitter.
We are worshippers of truth.
Everything is fake.
An attempt to hide the truth. Do you get me?
I've heard from your father that you don't believe in all this.
What do you mean?
In which religion do you find so many gurus?
We've gurus only in our religion.
All of them are fraud.
They cheat people and do business.
We must protest against you all.
So, you mean that there is no real guru.
No, I mean..
Where do you find a disciple like Vivekananda?
It's difficult to find boys who can accept honest teaching.
There is no dearth of people who can pour water.
But, if you pour water in a container that has a hole in it..
..then the water will drain out.
What's the use of doing it?
Remember the words of wisdom of Guru Shri Ramkrishna.
He said that we must leave our mark behind in this world.
Try to do it. You are capable of doing it. Yes.
The sages who doesn't care for the outcome of their actions..
..get freed from the cycle of life and birth.
They are freed from all attractions and achieve the divine path.
When your intellect is not shrouded by temptations..
..you'll be detached from the outcome of your actions.
Mr. Raju!
What happened, Raju?
Nothing, mother.
I saw a dream.
Dreams are additions to our life.
It's based on what you do and think in life.
If you can't share it with anyone you feel burdened.
Ujjwal, can you tell me what this kind of dream indicates?
First share with me the dream that you saw.
We do different kinds of work throughout the day.
We want to do different kinds of work.
The things that we can't fulfill..
..get expressed in our dreams in our subconscious mind.
We term it as dream.
Well, what dream did you see?
It was a strange dream.
It has no connection to my thoughts.
Don't you've college? - No.
Why have you arranged this feast? - Raju has come.
Raju hardly comes here. He came here so, I made all this.
I'll go and serve him.
It might be the outcome of your argument with the sage yesterday.
Actually, Swamiji has left his mark on your atheist mind.
Go and serve this food. I'll get tea for them.
Why will you take the trouble? I'll come and take tea for them.
Aunt, where is the tray? - I'll get it.
You had difference of opinion with Swamiji.
And you refuse it?
You can't treat it that way. - Why?
You told me about it.
What's the matter? You are here?
I'm helping aunt.
Have luchi (deep fried bread), potato fries and sweets.
After that you can continue your discussion on Philosophy.
When did you come? - A long time back.
Hello. Don't pretend that you don't know me.
Why will I pretend? Have a seat.
I hope I'm not disturbing. - In what way?
Well, I mean my presence here.
Come on, eat. The food is getting cold. - Yes.
Where is your food? - My food?
Did you think that aunt would forget me and send food..
..only for the revolutionaries? - No.
Wait, I'll get tea for you.
Look, she is poking us. She called us revolutionaries.
What's the matter?
Rupa, serve them tea and then come and have tea here.
Well, give my cup too.
What? - Yes.
There's an opposite reaction to every action. Do you get me?
Come in. Come in.
You've become Goddess Annapurna (food) today.
You finished everything in this short while.
Take it.
W are going to organize a protest against frauds.
Will you support us, Mr. Raju?
Won't you join us?
Ok. We'll go for a picnic after the election.
I hope you'll join us.
You all? - Us.
We are going for a picnic from college.
We need a lorry and you can join us.
I can give my lorry if you need it.
But, I can't join you for picnic. Bye.
You are surprised. Right?
Well, what you heard about him and what you see don't match. Right?
You are right.
Rupa, if you want to know him, get close to him. Closer.
I hope you are not surprised as I forced you to come here.
Well, your attitude proves that you've a mental ailment.
Are you doctor too?
Don't try to avoid me. Answer my question.
Can you refuse that it's only your hobby to insult girls?
Aren't you scared of defamation?
How could you ask me to meet you here despite knowing everything?
No. you are so talented.
Why are you wasting yourself?
Promise me that you'll change yourself.
What will you gain if I change?
I won't gain anything. You'll gain.
What do you say? - I..
Then I must think about it again.
No. Promise me that you'll change.
Swear on me.
"Butterfly wanders where there are lots of flowers."
"It doesn't notice a single flower in the corner."
"Everybody know this."
"Butterfly wanders where there are lots of flowers."
"It doesn't notice a single flower in the corner."
"Everybody know this."
"So, it finally arrived in this land which has one flower."
"So, it finally arrived in this land which has one flower."
"It's happy here."
"It doesn't notice a single flower in the corner."
"Everybody know this."
"I know it, so I can forget everything."
"I can fill this moment with music and songs."
"I can take my heart filled dreams to him."
"I can play this joyous game."
"It doesn't notice a single flower in the corner."
"Everybody know this."
"Butterfly wanders where there are lots of flowers."
"It doesn't notice a single flower in the corner."
"Everybody know this."
Let's go. - Ok.
Take a rickshaw and go home.
I'll collect my bike from the garage.
How is your father? - Father?
My father is the patient and your father is the doctor.
They are battling it out.
The ailment has run away.
Why did you stop?
Look, Raju is there.
I've found him after a long time.
Bansi.. - Yes.
Take the car.
I'll bring him with me.
Guru, shall we start the program?
Yes. I'll get him.
Raju! Hey Raju! Listen.
Keshta.. - Yes.
Get another bird. - Ok.
No. I'll leave now.
I wouldn't have come if I knew you had planned this.
Why are you pretending to be so pious?
We could've brought Rupa. - Right.
Earlier all of us would enjoy a girl.
We could've done the same with Rupa.
If you speak a word against her, I'll break your mouth.
What happened? Scoundrel!
Hey! You are acting quite smart.
Why? Do you have anything to say?
You've spoilt my life.
I won't spare you.
Mother.. you are angry with me. Isn't it ?
I couldn't help it. It was an accident.
Why are you lying to me?
Believe me, mother.
I'm not lying.
Don't I know that your bike is in the garage?
You couldn't change your old habits.
I had planned to change myself.
But, the evils around me..
I always dreamt that you would do well in life.
Mother! - What is it?
Come, Ujjwal. Look what he has done.
Come in, Rupa.
Aunt, she is Rupa. The daughter of the doctor.
It's ok, dear. Come in.
Sit and chat. I'll be back soon.
So, you are bed ridden after breaking your hands.
Rupa, she is Ranu, Raju's only sister. - Ok.
She makes very nice tea.
Sit and chat with him, Ujjwal da. I'll join you soon.
You are going to make tea. Right? - No.
Sit and chat with me. - I'll be back soon.
Well Rupa, I'll go and check if tea is ready.
Why did you hit me? - Why did I hit you?
Why won't I hit you? - Ok.
Do you think I won't let you romance just because you hit me?
I'm going. Oh no!
Did your vehicle betray you? - No.
It's my fate.
I'm swaying between belief and superstitions.
"Let's go somewhere where there's no one."
"Not even me?"
"No. not even you."
"Don't go there."
"Don't go there where I'm not there."
"The waves of thoughts.."
"..are swaying on their own, but no one is noticing them."
"I'm afraid that the overflowing river will engulf everything."
"If it drowns everything."
"And breaks all restrictions."
"I wish to go somewhere where we belong to each other."
"Don't come ahead uselessly."
"Don't come ahead uselessly."
"You won't be able to get me."
"You won't be able to get me."
"Let's find out right now if I can get you or not."
What happened? You've lost speed.
Come on, check out the speed. My speed.
What are you doing? Drive slowly.
I'll lose. Don't say that.
"Hold my hands. Hold my hands."
"Good night. Good night."
"See sweet dreams about me."
"Hold my hands. Hold my hands."
"Good night. Good night."
"We'll meet tomorrow at 6."
"Good night. Good night."
"Good night. Good night."
Where are you staying?
Your brother-in-law is the OC of the local police station.
That's good. I thought that you forgot us.
Come on. Come with me. - No. I can't go right now.
Come on. - Listen to me.
No, sister. I can't go right now. I've to attend to the shop now.
Give me your address. I'll come in the evening.
You must come. - Of course.
You must come.
Enter Bosepara. Leave the first house, leave the second house.
The third house is ours.
I'm laughing heartily after a long time.
Take this plate. - No. Finish it.
You always act very smart.
I can't eat so much.
Nothing will happen if you eat one day. Come on, eat.
Raju, I'm very lonely. Very lonely.
I don't like this at all.
I've changed a lot.
My outward appearance and mind has changed a lot.
Maya di, I'll leave now. I've an appointment today.
I told you to come and spend some time here.
Well, I'll come another day.
Not another day. You must come daily.
Sit. I'll check who is at the door.
What's the matter? Why are you back so early?
He is Raju. Our small Raju.
He would sing with me. Don't you remember him?
Look, he is grown up.
Sit down. Sit down.
I'll have to go out to investigate a case.
I won't return today. I came here to inform you about it.
When will you go? - Maya di, I'll leave now.
Where will you go? - Towards the market.
Will you leave right now? - Yes.
Come on. I'll give you lift.
Whom are you addressing formally?
Raju, come tomorrow evening.
I'll sing for you.
You won't have time for me. - Right you are.
Come on. Get in.
Let's go.
Hey! Ms. Rupa. - Hello! Hello!
Bansi, what' the time? - It's 6.
Soon it'll be 7:30, 8:30 and the night will be over.
But, you'll have to wait forever.
He doesn't have just one girlfriend.
He has many girlfriends.
He is not sure with whom he wants to spend time.
Ok bye, Ms. Rupa. - Bye.
Drop me here. Thank you. - Stop.
Ok. Bye.
Come and visit me at home. Bye.
Let's go. Go.
Since when do you know this boy, Mr. Bakshi?
My wife is from this place.
He would take music lessons from my wife when he was small.
The boy is no longer small.
Instead of music he handles different kinds of weapons now.
I went to Maya di's house. So, I'm late.
You shouldn't have come. - Ok. I'll never be late again.
I can't wait here from tomorrow.
Why are you angry? Look, I'll pull my ears.
Ok. I'm not angry. Let's go. I want to go home.
Where shall we go? - Home.
You'll go home now? - Yes.
At this time? - Yes.
Let's go home.
Raju has become a terror now.
Choudhury was surprised to see me offer him lift.
It's better if he doesn't visit the house of the OC.
Tell him not to come here.
There's great news.
There's great news. - What's the news?
Raju's music teacher Maya di has come back to the city.
His visits to her house has started.
He visits her regularly.
He is back to his childhood days.
Guru, it means Rupa is out of his life.
Get two cups of tea quickly.
Rupa. Maya di.
Maya di. Rupa.
Come on, let's go.
Are you leaving for the police station? - Yes. Why?
Come home early tonight.
I've invited Raju for dinner.
That's why you've made elaborate arrangements.
I thought that today is our wedding anniversary.
You've forgotten about your family after working as police.
Why are you laughing? - What kind of man are you?
I've invited Raju to celebrate the special day.
Don't you see these flowers?
Listen, I told you earlier, let me remind you again..
..tell him not to come here.
I can't tell him to stop visiting me because of a wrong notion that you have.
You know him. - Yes, I knew him.
But, I've a different perception about the person we know now.
He is a criminal for a police officer like me.
That's your nature to treat everybody as criminals.
You never think what you are.
Maya! What are you saying? - Yes.
What have you given me?
You are always busy with your work.
Do you ever think about me?
What have I got in life?
After meeting Raju I thought I would start practicing music once again.
I thought of going back to my past life.
Alright. I'll send someone and cancel the invitation.
What's the matter? Why did you call me urgently?
I was waiting for you for a long time.
Let's go to Rupa's house immediately. Her father wants to talk to you.
Well, I've heard Rupa's decision.
I've also decided.
Now, I've a question to you.
Yes, tell me.
Are you ready to marry Rupa?
If you give your blessing and best wishes then I can take up this responsibility.
Great! Great!
Karuna, I told you that my decision can never be wrong.
Why did you bring only tea? This is not done.
No. No, aunt. Where are sweets for us?
I won't go without having sweets.
Rupa, am I not right?
Come on, tell me.
Yes, you are right.
Karuna, get sweets for them. - Yes, brother.
Sit and chat. I'll get sweets for everybody.
Sit and chat. I'll be back soon.
Don't worry, I'll be around.
Do you remember?
What is it?
6 in the evening. Remember the time.
Come on, hurry up. I've an important appointment.
Raju da, wait for a minute. It's almost ready.
What are you doing? I'm ruined.
It had to break down right now. The bike has broken down at the right time.
Pancha, get the range. - Don't talk. Do your work.
Hello, Ms. Rupa. - Hello.
Know that you are irritated with us.
But, we don't want you to be the heroine in Raju's life.
Is it? What proof do you've against him?
Proof? Of course.
What's the time? - 7.
You were supposed to meet at 6.
Raju traps women in different ways.
He proposes them and then leaves them stranded.
Now, he is busy.
Maya di is Raju's childhood infatuation.
The inspector is out all the time. All the time.
Raju is always with Maya di. Always with her.
They're enjoying a lot.
Why are you worried about what others are doing.
Yes. Why should we bother? - Why should we bother?
But, we want to say that our friend.. our friend..
Well, he didn't listen to us the other day.
He got thrashed badly as he was involved with a prostitute.
Don't speak nonsense. It was a bike accident.
Your love and care cured him.
You are his friend.
This incident will get repeated again.
This time the heroine is Maya di.
So, I would suggest that you think before acting.
Give it a thought.
Move aside. I'll pay you later.
Come on, let's go. - Yes, let's go.
I saw Guru's car.
Did he say anything to you?
You know the people who are like you so well.
What are you saying? - What can he say?
He told me about your activities.
What do you want to say? - Did you meet with an accident?
You sent me home in a rickshaw that day..
..and you went out with your friends to enjoy.
I feel ashamed even to talk about your escapades.
You got drunk and fought.
Shame! Shame! - Rupa!
You've continuously ruined the lives of many girls.
You couldn't forget your old ways.
So, you've started visiting Maya di's house.
Her husband is always out on work.
Do you think I don't understand why someone of your character..
..takes advantage of her husband's absence and goes there?
You've betrayed me by accepting my father's marriage proposal.
You've interacted me with your dirty mind.
You are a rogue. A loafer.
I shouldn't see your face.
Live with your dirty mind.
Rupa! - Don't shout.
We don't have any relation with you from today.
I'll think that I tried to tame a wild animal.
You've continuously ruined the lives of many girls.
So, you've started visiting Maya di's house.
You've betrayed me by accepting my father's marriage proposal.
You are a loafer.
I shouldn't see your face.
Come in. I'm really happy to have you here today.
I was thinking that it would be great to have you here today.
I just returned from market.
What happened? Cheer up.
If I knew that you would come, I would've brought something for you.
Can you tell what is it? Food.
What are you staring at?
I'll change and come back soon.
You've continuously ruined the lives of many girls.
You couldn't forget your old ways.
So, you've started visiting Maya di's house.
You are a rogue. A loafer.
I shouldn't see your face.
What's this? You?
I'm becoming mad. I'm becoming mad.
Listen! You are making a mistake.
Maya.. Maya..
What have you done? - Maya..
He is not guilty.
Maya! Maya!
Raju! What's this?
What happened?
What has happened
Well.. - What have you done?
Raju, what have you done?
Police.. - Police?
What have you done?
I'll tell you, Ujjwal.
What shall I do now?
Help me.
Yes. You'll live.
You'll have to live for me.
I've many dreams surrounding you.
I've lot of dreams.
You must live for me.
Run away. Raju, run away.
Raju, run away and hide somewhere.
Have something.
Why are you crying? There's no use crying.
Why are you crying again?
Ranu has brought the drink for you. Drink it.
Father, did you get any information about brother?
I don't know how long this boy will trouble me.
Is there any good guest house or hotel? - Come with me.
Why do you wish to stay in a hotel? You can stay in my ashram with me.
From where are you coming? - I'm from Kolkata.
Then ill speak to you in Bengali. Come on, get in. Come on. Let's go.
You should've told me that you are from Kolkata.
Sit down.
This is our ashram. This is our temple.
Welcome, Swamiji.
I hope everything is fine. - Yes.
Your room is ready.
But, you must make arrangements of stay for this young sage.
You know that there is no spare room here right now.
Arrange something for him.
If you allow them we can make another bed in your room.
Great suggestion!
I hope you don't have any problem with this arrangement.
Come on.
Come on.
Why will Mr. Bakshi run away?
We can't trust Raju.
He must've killed both of them and escaped?
What do you mean?
Raju may have killed Bakshi sir too.
But, what about his dead body? - It has disappeared.
Disappeared? - Well, he may have hidden it.
No. I was thinking of issuing a warrant in their names.
Exactly sir. I was thinking of the same.
We'll leave now, sir. - Good night, sir.
They are discussing the same thing in the entire city.
If Raju is not guilty why did he escape?
Uncle, this is another accident in his life.
Maybe he would've landed in further trouble If he didn't escape.
He didn't escape.
I forced him to go.
This wouldn't have happened if I didn't hurt him that day.
Where is he right now?
What is he doing?
He is the same Swamiji. I'll be in trouble if he recognizes me.
Where are you running away, Mr. Rajen Sarkar?
You thought I didn't recognize you?
Please save me, Swamiji.
From what crimes are you trying to escape?
You must get punished if you've done something wrong.
I haven't done anything wrong.
My fate has brought me here.
Then why are you dressed like a sage? Answer me.
I'll tell you everything.
Help me. Show me a way out of this.
Get up. Get up.
You can't attain salvation like this.
Ok. I'll show you the path of salvation.
I'll guide you to the path of enlightenment.
"Now I've recognized you."
"You are omnipresent among humans."
"You are not present in the stone idols."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You get lost amidst luxuries and comforts."
"You reveal yourself in sacrifice."
"You get lost amidst luxuries and comforts."
"You reveal yourself in sacrifice."
"You move away when we offer you kanaanjali."
"You come forward to help the poor and needy."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"The puppets created by you commit mistakes out of pride."
"Pity makes a person a true human."
"I dedicate myself to that service."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"Now I've recognized you."
"You are omnipresent among humans."
"You are not present in the stone idols."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
"You are the deity of humans."
Glory to God.
You've passed the test of life.
You've a long journey ahead.
God resides amongst humans.
From today the service to mankind is your only aim in life.
Remember that Gautam, Vivekananda, Subhash Chandra..
..all of them were sons of this soil.
They had surrendered themselves to sacrifice and services.
From here begins your work life, service to mankind.
Bless you.
Excuse me.
Are you Swami Satyananda whose earlier name was Rajen Sarkar?
You are under arrest. Come.
Rajen Sarkar, the murderer of Mrs. Maya Bakshi has been arrested.
Raju has been caught.
Raju is not guilty. He is innocent.
He is helpless.
Help him. Please help him.
According to section 302 of Indian penal Code..
..I declare Rajen Sarkar guilty of Maya Bakshi's murder..
.. after going through the evidence and decision of jury..
Your Honour!
I'm Arup Bakshi.
I confess that I killed my wife Maya Bakshi.
I killed her. I shot her.
He is not guilty.
I confess that I'm guilty.
Punish me.
He is innocent. I'm the culprit. I'm the culprit.
I went into hiding to save myself.
My conscience forced me to surrender today.
I've spent nights and days someone told me.
..'Arup, you are the murderer'.
How can an innocent boy get punished for me?
I confess that I killed my wife Maya Bakshi.
I support the decision of the jury and accused Rajen Sarkar..
..is released as the case of Maya Bakshi's murder is not yet solved.
The inspector present is ordered to register a case..
..against Arup Bakshi on the basis of his statement.
Under the present circumstances..
..Arun Bakshi will be kept under police custody.
Raju, aunt is very sick.
So, Ranu and uncle couldn't come here. Come with me.
Raju.. my Raju.
Look who has come.
Aunt, Raju has come.
Where is Raju?
Raju.. my Raju..
You wanted your son to be a nice person.
I've dedicated my life to the service of mankind.
There can't be a better work. Tell me.
Raju, don't we have any relation with you?
How could you forget us?
I've taken up asceticism.
Mother, give me permission.
Even Nimai had come to seek his mother's permission.
Please give me the permission, mother.
My blessings...
"As a person puts on new garments.."
"..when he gives up his old garments."
"Similarly, the soul accept new material bodies.."
"..after giving up the old one."
Raju, the life of an ascetic is full of hardships.
You must sacrifice everything for it.
It's not meant for you.
Rupa has realized her mistake.
Now when you've come back to your family, stay back.
Shame Raju!
Can't you renounce family life?
You promised your guru.
Haven't you dedicated your life to the service of mankind?
Get up. Go out. Don't delay.
Then that boy..
What happened?
Why are you crying?
Who are you?
Can't you recognize me?
I'm your Rupa. - Rupa..
I've wandered all my life and searched you.
Do you know why?
I thought that I ruined your life.
Rupa, your love has brought me here today.
You've helped me experience life.
No one is happier than me today.
No one.
Female Hip Hop Pop Soul Artists Top 5% | Rochelle "Hot 16" I Just Wanna - Duration: 2:44.
Where, in the world is
Carmen, San Diego
House arrest her, always
Finds a scape Pulls kangaroo
Off her Kango Ride him down cahuenga, Uber x or uber black
Driver Diego
Trips to ski slopes Not my color vacation
Can't spell party without white lines in Sega
Rich folk stay broke,
Compensate, Poor traits
Can't pay for Andele
[[female hip hop artists Rochelle "Hot 16" ]]
You just wanna We just wanna
I just wanna You just wanna
We just wanna Love life
Love life Love life
[[female hip hop artists Rochelle "Hot 16" ]]
Human glitches Relax sensation
Tripping Ascension, Be patient be fore vibe here
Sensory, Prevention
Soft Massage chair Fro blown out
Solange Afro sentric
But still deliver whippings Your moms did
Wanna my find myself a copy I'm my moms kid,
Status platforms Critics demolition Does Charlemagne Envy all the stars,
A whole galaxy be star not opposition Range rover in my mind
Brought it like I pictured To existence
Who am I any way One of Gods kids
Hurry home Andele
[[female hip hop artists Rochelle "Hot 16" ]]
You just wanna We just wanna
I just wanna You just wanna
We just wanna Love life
Love life Love life
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