this video I'm gonna show you the truth about what is called collective
manifestation I'm gonna share with you how to transcend that of the media how
to transcend that of social conditioning so that you start to create what you
want easier than ever welcome back to another video my name is Erin and I help
people expand their consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you
more about understanding I know social conditioning what is called collective
manifestation and how we can start to transcend that of what is normally
keeping us in a little box now this is something that will sound a little bit
more esoteric but if you've been watching my videos on reality transfer
fene if you've been watching my videos where I talk more about how the
vibration is speeding up on the planet and how manifestation is coming more
easily than ever then this will make a little bit more sense in that context
now this has to do with understanding first off that there is an
electromagnetic energy around each of our bodies
now they've proven this they've shown this using different types of testing to
see that there is an aura around our body and then beyond that the heart math
Institute has shown that the electromagnetic energy of that of the
heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head now the
cool thing about this is that in general the momentum that we're feeling with the
emotions that we feel with the thoughts that we're having that toroidal field
around our body which every one of us has is constantly vibrating at a certain
frequency and depending on that frequency we will then go into the world
we will have certain experiences that will resonate with that frequency of the
electromagnetic energy around of our body now the cool thing as well is
there's no momentum to it and if we change our thoughts if we change our
feelings we change the momentum of it so in general for about a month there is a
certain momentum of the thoughts that we've been thinking of the feelings
we've been having and this isn't to make you feel like there's so much you have
to do to try to change that just to make you aware of what have you been thinking
and feeling because if you're in a little bit of a rut it's
not gonna last forever you can switch your focus you can switch your momentum
and then change what you are manifesting and creating inside of your life now
with understanding that now let's understand it from more of a collective
point of view collectively there are many of us that have this
electromagnetic energy around our body I mean we all do but then what happens is
as we have similar thoughts to one another this is from reality tram
surfing what we do is having similar thoughts as other people we create what
are called pendulums now pendulums is just a metaphor for understanding that
our thoughts have an electromagnetic type reality current to them and when
multiple people think similar things that develops momentum for us to
experience that so this could be some type of collective event it could be
something when you look at being a Republican or Democrat those are
pendulums whether you're for or against them if you're for or you're fighting
one then you are feeding it at the same time if you are four against a certain
sports team you may be feeding that pendulum it doesn't have to be a bad
thing but just be aware of it because many times you may think you're thinking
your own emotions when in reality you're thinking the emotions of this general
thought consensus you're thinking the emotion of that the collective energy
and you're thinking that it's yourself so this is where we then get to
understanding something that there is this is something that people know and I
do not mean this in a negative way I mean this in a very positive way when I
first became I first went through my spiritual awaking I became more aware of
how my thoughts correlate with what I experienced in my life and I just had
this inner knowing that at a certain level that is suppressed from people
from knowing at a very deep level now what do I mean by that well I thought to
myself I can't be this special that I know this like I can see it I can feel
it I just intuitively know that it is true that we create our own realities
but why isn't this taught in schools why isn't this talked about on the media why
isn't this talked about at all why is it completely suppressed
and what I realized they're doing a lot of research is that there are certain
forces that want to keep it so that we are not aware that we create our own
reality because if we are more manageable because we don't believe in
our own power if we are able to just be programmed by the media programmed by
the things that we're paying attention to then were more easily contained and
if we don't know our true power some other organizations and people can
retain the power now once again if this is your first time hearing it I do not
mean for this to be scary you doesn't have to be scary it just can be
empowering if you choose to know that that means you can take your power back
so in general there is an understanding of the very high level and I'm not going
to necessarily get into that of understanding the Illuminati or any of
these back governments or any of the understanding of that but it has to do
with knowing that they at a deeper level whoever they are understand that there
is a certain level of creation that happens when we are focused in a certain
direction now collectively we go collectively create our realities
together based on certain energies based on what we are collectively thinking and
because of that there is certain ways that we can understand to take our power
back from adding to the energy the probabilities of things happened on the
planet that we don't necessarily prefer this is when things will happen like the
certain waves of economic crashes this is when things will happen that seem to
be devastating events that happen and sometimes those can be triggered by
certain things but what we can learn how to do and I mean this in a very positive
way we can start to take our power back by
taking our focus back now what can you do to really change this what you could
become aware of is that your focus is being pulled in many different
directions it's being pulled on believing the world is bad because of
the media if you are watching the media and if you've taken your power back and
you don't watch the media and whatever my media is the mainstream media is
specifically then if you do that you start to take your energy in your
emotion back anytime we focus on something and feel a certain way we are
adding electromagnetic energy and momentum to that reality having that
kind of experience so what can we do start to more so observe your thoughts
and start to realize that there is an agenda behind what the media is showing
you so what you can begin to do is not watch the media or if you do watch it
watch it from a place of awareness because there's this understanding that
whatever we focus on is growing whenever we focus input moment and momentum and
energy behind is creating that more so within the collective consciousness but
I believe that this is the most important time to be alive in the
history of our planet and that is because there is an awakening a speeding
up of vibration there is a spiritual awakening that is happening collectively
not every single person is going through this at this moment but I believe that
over the course of the next 10 15 20 years there'll be more and more people
going through this and in a certain level there could be a spiritual
Renaissance that happens I believe it's the reason that so many people are here
at this time it's over 7 billion people that are here right now it's because
this is the place to be because collectively there's never been this
kind of awakening on a planet that's just what I believe I know it's a little
bit out there get a believe me I get it however with that with that awareness of
spiritual awakening comes understanding that we create our own reality that our
thoughts and our focus has power and when we start to take our power back
guess what we can start to co-create what we want collectively in a much more
powerful way now they've shown before that if you get
200 meditators and you have them focus on certain areas of the planet or just
focus on love that that will statistically change the amount of
violence it'll decrease the amount of violence in certain areas so what they
would do is they would put monks or people that meditate in certain areas of
the city have them meditate on peace and love and statistically speaking
there is less crime there is less violence so knowing that that is
something that is powerful imagine what we could do collectively if we started
to put positive energy on building a future that we really want instead of
focused on separation we started focusing on connection we started
realizing that we have the power but until we start to claim our power back
we won't really experience the full ramifications of it and what we can
really do because until then we're going to continue to give away our focus to
give away our power the same that this is the kind of system that we will that
we will allow for now we can allow ourselves to have an amazing future if
we get together and start to focus on optimal timelines on optimal parallel
realities that we want to experience because all of them exist there's an
infinite number of parallel realities that exist now what I mean by this is
I've talked on this channel a lot about how we create a reality using parallel
realities how we shift through our focus we shift through our beliefs and that be
dependent on our focus our emotions and beliefs shifts us to parallel realities
that we prefer collectively we do the same thing there is future probable
earths that are amazing there's future probable earths that are not so amazing
but collectively we are creating our reality together and when we start to
become more aware of what we are thinking that's when things begin to
change now here's the kicker though the outside reality is a reflection of the
inside now at a certain level the only way we can really create change in this
world is by first changing ourselves it's from taking the focus from that
direction and bringing it in this direction and here's the thing - as you
begin to transform yourself by paying attention to what you're focused on by
choosing to do things that put you in a better state of being by choosing to let
go and not watch the media or don't want not watch things that trigger lower
emotions within you you start to change your own vibration and that will
literally leak out to every single person around
now the other cool thing is that it does not take a majority of the planet to
change into shifting these optimal timelines or to have this collective
manifestation the way that we want to be because the power of people that are in
a higher vibrational state that are kind of bowed down by all of these lower
emotions have much more power than the people then then hundreds and hundreds
of millions of people that are in those lower states of consciousness I don't
mean that a judgement way just from a point of awareness when you start to let
go of the focus of these lower emotions you will start to raise your vibration
and it will only take a couple hundred thousand of us out of the seven billion
people to shift the planet and to shift our awareness and to shift the planets
momentum of what we experience collectively this I think is very very
empowering to understand is that power exists within of us it is something we
can begin to connect to now if you want to learn how to raise your own
vibrational set point from maybe I'm consistently out of a one out of ten
maybe you feel out of three or four or a five that's how I was I felt a four out
of five for a long time I learned how to meditate I learned some of the
techniques that I use in this meditation and it brought me from a four or five to
seven or eight out of ten I thought that feeling is gonna go away but it never
did it became my natural setpoint I believe that you can also raise your
vibrational set point that's why I've made a free guided meditation that will
show you exactly how to do that I recommend that you listen to it every
day for at least a month and that if you do that you're gonna start to really
experience profound change in your life because as you raise your vibration you
manifest things easier than other than ever and what you can then learn how to
do is how to transcend this social type understanding the social conditioning
you start to really create what you want now remember collectively we are
creating the momentum of what we experience in our lives but at the same
time the best thing you can do is to go within and to decide to let go of what
no longer serves and to change yourself and then as you by you doing that that
will leak out it will be contagious even at subconscious levels to everyone
around you they will shift a change within you
because you are not feeding into those lower vibrations you are choosing to be
who you prefer to be and you are starting to create from a more authentic
place this is something that I think can profoundly change the world and can
profoundly change your world and it's something that I want to help you do as
well so I'm gonna be talking more on this channel about ideas like that if
you guys want me to talk more about these esoteric ideas of understanding
how reality works or understanding how collectively we can start to create more
optimal timelines or any of these esoteric ideas let me know let me know
in the comments if you want me to talk more about that and I will continue to
go more in this esoteric type direction so with that be upset I hope you guys
enjoy this video feel free to like this video if you guys like to subscribe
haven't already I'll also be doing a lot more live cuties on Instagram so if you
want to have more of a live type dialogue with me interaction ask me
questions go ahead and follow me on instagram below so with that being said
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