I was first drawn to Abzû by its graphics which are amazing. It features
underwater environments that are really vivid and colourful and also because the
game features no dialogue, it allows the music to tell the story.
Abzû is a unique experience as a concert of this type hasn't been put on by
students at the college before. Similarly to the 'Dear Esther' event there's an
orchestra on stage and the games being played live except Abzû is less about a
structured linear narrative and is more about musical exploration. If I had
describe my sound in three words it would probably be fun colorful and
rhythmic. Similarly to the game's art style the orchestration is very colorful
and detailed as well. I really wanted to bring exposure to the world of video
game music because so much time and effort goes into these scores that isn't
often heared by most audiences. I wrote Abzû to help show that contemporary
video game music can be just as entertaining as film musical or
contemporary classical music.
I'm currently a fourth year composition
student at Royal Welsh here and for my final year project which is Atmospheres
I'm going to be having a concert of my live sound track. Basically I went
on a road trip with a friend of mine who's
a Cardiff based artists here and we
decided to make a film together and the film was going to be about Wales. So we
kind of drove around all over the place to kind of capture the nature and also
kind of the human aspect of things. Fairly early on in the process we knew
that I was going to write the music for this film but we also wanted to kind of
have collaboration on the film levels so I would kind of be part of that
directing team as well with him. The audience can expect a piece full of
vocals, manipulated vocals, especially electronically and string quartet.
I'd like the audience to kind of relate their own lives to the film because the
film is not really necessarily following a strict storyline so I mean it's leaves
a lot of room for interpretation for the audience. So I think it'll be really
interesting to see everyone else's work kind of come to life in a concert scenario
With I think thirteen or so composers putting on concerts this year,it
looks like it's gonna be one of the most diverse Atmospheres yet.
For more infomation >> Atmospheres 2018: Abzû & Teithwyr - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
世界多國叫停美元提前運回黃金後,美國終於有議員提出退回金本位 - Duration: 10:44.
中国海军052型驱逐舰驶进日本海:曾被誉中华第一舰 - Duration: 2:18.
2018年5月今後上がる仮想通貨はリップルとエイダコインと断言できる理由 ADAコインとRippleの将来性 ステーキング最新情報 上がらない幻想から脱却 与沢翼も投資する暗号通貨 仮装通貨の将来性 - Duration: 4:17.
Suzuki Ignis 1.3-16V GLS 5DRS AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.
Top Keynote Speaker 2018
GF 15, Aida umiliata e insultata: ecco chi rischia la squalifica immediata - Duration: 3:55.
Salah tem plano brutal para deixar o Liverpool - e destino surpreende - Duration: 5:01.
Uomini e Donne, Gemma dimentica George per un altro uomo: ecco di chi si tratta - Duration: 4:02.
6 segni di carenza di vitamina B12 che non devi ignorare. - Duration: 4:31.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Estate Business Solution AMG Automaat - Duration: 1:09.
Belen Rodriguez parla delle sue delusioni d'amore e di Andrea Iannone - Duration: 3:48.
Succo curativo a base di barbabietola, mela e carota - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:44.
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 E-HDI 90PK XL Lange-Wielbasis! KOELWAGEN! Navi/Bluetooth/Elek-Ramen/Schuifdeur - Duration: 1:04.
Uomini e Donne, Giulia e Andrea: Raffaella Mennoia si svela - Duration: 3:22.
Rimedi per combattere la forfora e la seborrea - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:18.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 K. AUTOMAAT LPG-G3 AVANTGARDE - Duration: 0:54.
Jaguar "E" Type 5.3 V12 ROADSTER * Nieuwstaat * - Duration: 0:51.
Peugeot 2008 1.6 E-HDi Executive ECC NAVI PANODAK - Duration: 1:08.
Nino Formicola e Alessandra si sposano? La risposta dell'ex naufrago - Duration: 3:43.
O brutal assassinato de 3 estudantes mexicanos confundidos com traficantes e dissolvidos em ácido - Duration: 6:38.
Deborah Secco se diverte com Adriana Esteves em novela. 'Sagitarianas e tensas' - Duration: 4:09.
JAPANESE SWEETS TASTE TEST + GIVEAWAY! | Taste Testers | EP 52 - Duration: 7:58.
Quantidade mínima pra importar de Yiwu I China Gate Importação - Duration: 7:26.
Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130PK Bose (R-link/Climate/Cruise/17''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:07.
Renault Mégane Estate 1.6 DCI 130PK INTENS | Navi R-Link | Half leder - Duration: 1:05.
포뮬러카보다 빠른 폭스바겐 I.D. R 파이크스 피크 실물 등장[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:25.
Atmospheres 2018: Abzû & Teithwyr - Duration: 2:19.
I was first drawn to Abzû by its graphics which are amazing. It features
underwater environments that are really vivid and colourful and also because the
game features no dialogue, it allows the music to tell the story.
Abzû is a unique experience as a concert of this type hasn't been put on by
students at the college before. Similarly to the 'Dear Esther' event there's an
orchestra on stage and the games being played live except Abzû is less about a
structured linear narrative and is more about musical exploration. If I had
describe my sound in three words it would probably be fun colorful and
rhythmic. Similarly to the game's art style the orchestration is very colorful
and detailed as well. I really wanted to bring exposure to the world of video
game music because so much time and effort goes into these scores that isn't
often heared by most audiences. I wrote Abzû to help show that contemporary
video game music can be just as entertaining as film musical or
contemporary classical music.
I'm currently a fourth year composition
student at Royal Welsh here and for my final year project which is Atmospheres
I'm going to be having a concert of my live sound track. Basically I went
on a road trip with a friend of mine who's
a Cardiff based artists here and we
decided to make a film together and the film was going to be about Wales. So we
kind of drove around all over the place to kind of capture the nature and also
kind of the human aspect of things. Fairly early on in the process we knew
that I was going to write the music for this film but we also wanted to kind of
have collaboration on the film levels so I would kind of be part of that
directing team as well with him. The audience can expect a piece full of
vocals, manipulated vocals, especially electronically and string quartet.
I'd like the audience to kind of relate their own lives to the film because the
film is not really necessarily following a strict storyline so I mean it's leaves
a lot of room for interpretation for the audience. So I think it'll be really
interesting to see everyone else's work kind of come to life in a concert scenario
With I think thirteen or so composers putting on concerts this year,it
looks like it's gonna be one of the most diverse Atmospheres yet.
世界多國叫停美元提前運回黃金後,美國終於有議員提出退回金本位 - Duration: 10:44.
中国海军052型驱逐舰驶进日本海:曾被誉中华第一舰 - Duration: 2:18.
2018年5月今後上がる仮想通貨はリップルとエイダコインと断言できる理由 ADAコインとRippleの将来性 ステーキング最新情報 上がらない幻想から脱却 与沢翼も投資する暗号通貨 仮装通貨の将来性 - Duration: 4:17.
Suzuki Ignis 1.3-16V GLS 5DRS AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.
How I Make Money Online
Opel Astra Sports Tourer Online Edition 1.0T | Navi - Duration: 1:08.
Volvo V40 1.9 T-4 TURBO 200PK - Duration: 1:00.
Opel Astra 1.4 T 150PK INNOVATION | Navi | Comfortstoelen | Schuifdak - Duration: 1:08.
Renault Espace 2.0T SÉLECTION BUSINESS - Duration: 1:12.
Renault Twingo 1.0 SCE 70pk COLLECTION Garantie t/m dec 2019 - Duration: 1:04.
Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T Acenta (Navigatie / Camera) - Duration: 1:12.
Trump Only Hires Unqualified People - Duration: 2:03.
How to Keep Veggies Fresh for Weeks - Way to Grow - HGTV - Duration: 1:21.
JAPANESE SWEETS TASTE TEST + GIVEAWAY! | Taste Testers | EP 52 - Duration: 7:58.
New Nail Art 2018 💗 The Best Nail Art Compilation # 263 ❤️| Nail Art and Hairstyles - Duration: 3:25.
Thanks for watching
How the Body Reacts to a Juice Cleanse with Joe Cross - Duration: 3:37.
Five reasons you should never go on a juice claims or detox diet
thinking about trying a juice claims or radical detox to kick off 2016
we don't blame you the allure of these diets in strong
of course you like the idea of chimney sweeping your insides
clearing out all the crack you put in there between Halloween and new year's that as
attractive as the idea of the talk sing as it's also not smart
or healthy or supported by literally any science
here are seven of the biggest clean eating trends we predict for 2016
while it's true that drastically reducing your food intake as part of plans can have a couple short term benefits
like Lauer Ing blood pressure
there are far more reasons not to undertake intense detox diets here are the five most compelling
one you won't lose weight long-term sure that Ikle cleanses result in quick weight loss that the slim down won't last
anyone can follow a restrictive diet or plans for a certain period of time
unfortunately data shows us that
when the Dia NS most people gain back everything they lose plus more says Lauren Harris pincus Ms. RT and owner of nutrition
starring yield of LLC save your body the roller-coaster ride
to you'll feel like SH tea lost of detox plans juice cleanses a specially
seriously scale back your intake of fat and protein
that's a problem since those are the two nutrients your body uses to make narrow transmitters which keep your mood stable
plus drastically reducing the number of calories you eat will sap your energy
three you'll lose muscle
another drawback of limiting protein
you'll lose muscle mass
on a weeklong cleanse it can be as much as 1 pound of muscle mass per day
then when the weight comes back
it will most likely be gained as fat says Harris pincus
try one of these filling weight lost smoothies instead
four you're not actually detox Ing yourself detox diets talk a big game saying they'll eliminate all manner of toxins from your body
that the truth is that your body doesn't really need assistance in that department
our bodies were designed to detox themselves
says Harris pincus are liver and kidneys already do a great job of removing waste and toxins from our bodies how can you actually
help your body run up to Millie just eat healthfully
Tara Steinke says add more fruits
vegetables whole grains
nuts seeds beans and lean proteins and limit added sugars and highly processed foods
five you'll spend a lot of money for nothing
your average three De geus cleanse costs around $200
200 powers for three days of food
just think about how many grocery carts worth of actual sustenance you can get for that amount of money
don't start 2016 by getting swindled
Annual 70:20:10 Summit - Laura Overton - Duration: 3:47.
This Old Man | Kindergarten Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:40.
This old man he played one
He played nick nack on my drum
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played two
He played nick nack on my shoe
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played three
He played nick nack on my tree
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played four
He played nick nack on my door
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played five
He played nick nack on my hive
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played six
He played nick nack on my stick
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played seven
He played nick nack on my deven
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played eight
He played nick nack on my gate
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played nine
He played nick nack on my vine
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played ten
He played nick nack on my hen
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
Kylie Minogue: Can't Get You Out of My Head - Duration: 4:04.
15 Signs You Should Know If He Misses You Like Crazy - Duration: 5:03.
15 Signs You Should Know If He Misses You Like Crazy
As a woman, it is just difficult to know whether your man actually misses you.
The reason is simply because men like to keep things secret especially things related to
their emotion.
They are afraid that instead of obtaining proper advice, they will get blame and judgment
However, no matter how hard they keep, there are some signs that people can see.
Missing someone he loves is no different.
It almost feels like rejection, and that is why there are signs indicating that.
Here is some that you should know.
#1 - Calling you a lot
If he misses you, he will call you randomly and frequently.
More often than not, he becomes annoying for this matter.
However, it is just because he misses you so bad.
#2 - Keeping your stuffs
You probably gave something to him, but he just puts it on his desk or anything.
When he misses you, he touches it, looks at it, and brings it close to him.
He usually will talk about it the next day.
#3 - Reacting to your social media account
In this modern world, social media are means to connect.
He wants you to pay attention to him, and that's why he usually visits your account
and makes some reactions accordingly even though you are not active.
#4 - He asks your friend
Sometimes, it is just impossible to contact her using usual means, and that is why he
misses you so bad.
With that being said, he figures out how to know your updates by asking your friends and
even your families.
#5 - He appears in unpredictable moment
Someone who misses you should have known your schedule and habit.
Sometimes, he stalks to make sure of that, and he appears in the right moment of his
choice once he sees you.
You, however, probably so surprised.
#6 - He is not romantic except to you
Someone who misses you just cannot afford having another intimate relationship with
other women.
Though there is a glimpse of attraction, he always comes back to you.
#7 - What he says in public is for you
He wants to get your attention, and he struggles to get that.
One of them is by always relating every aspect of his life to you.
#8 - He'd rather be alone
Instead of hanging out with friends or even female friends, he prefers staying alone in
a quiet dark room instead.
It is gloomy, and it is sad.
It also does not make him feel better, but it is somehow he wants to do because he basically
cannot do anything to get you back at the moment.
#9 - He does his best
To make things up back again, he tries his best to win your heart back.
He does many positive things to let you know that he has changed.
He also surprises you, but in less annoying way too.
#10 - He's jealous
Jealousy can be the worst sin, but he's actually cannot feel anything rather than
He's extremely jealous especially if there is a new man approaching you.
When he misses you, you can see his eyes turn red because of jealousy.
#11 - He's mad
You know he's a soft person, and you've never seen him angry.
However, he can be super mad knowing you won't see him for a reason.
#12 - Writing a poetic letter
Emotional disturbance like missing you actually makes him feel more artistic.
He wants to show her feeling through lyrics, poetry, and arts that he's usually not good
He really struggles to get you back.
#13 - Love song playlist
Guys typically don't listen too much into love songs because they think they are lame.
However, when he misses you, he will listen to that playlist attentively.
He also wants to be inspired to write something lovely for you.
#14 - Great expenditure
Another sign of high-level of missing you can be determined from how much money he spends
for you.
He's willing to make sacrifice by burning the money to buy things that will get your
#15 - He eventually says he misses you
He probably has said it gazillion times, from the deep of his heart.
However, he is too afraid to tell it to you until he cannot hold the feeling anymore.
Well, at least that's the 15 signs you should know if he misses you like crazy.
Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Air Devil VS Peril Tug Of War | CryptoTruck Cartoons by Super Kids Network - Duration: 2:01.
Air Devil VS Peril Tug Of War
Ford Fiesta 1.6-16V FIRST EDITION (101pk) Airco/ Elek.Pakket/ C.V. Afstand/ LMV/ Metallic lak/ APK t - Duration: 1:12.
LEGO Bricks & Pieces haul (~800 parts) 📦 #225 - Duration: 8:49.
Hey everyone I has a box it's been a while since I opened up one of these
things on camera and this is from Lego made a purchase on their bricks and
pieces ordering service probably I wanna say upwards of a month ago it's been a
while but I've been waiting for this so long in fact and so much has been going
on in life that I don't remember exactly what's in here I know its parts
I know it's Lego stuffs but I don't remember what pieces are kind of the
kind of highlights in here so it's gonna be a little bit of rediscovery for me
and I actually placed two orders over the course of about a week there within
a week of each other I don't remember which this is I don't remember I was in
either but it was it was a situation where I heard a bunch of stuff based on
wanting new parts that had come out recently let me just check see if
there's any personally identifiable information in a an invoice or something
in here okay nice packing so far but yeah I placed an order package there it
is first and then more parts were released
I follow brick CENTCOM and they have an a fantastic inventory system in the show
part inventories and they give you updates usually on the homepage when
there are a bunch of new pieces that were added to the database so that's
that's a great place to look for a new parts and parts in new colors and such
so got a bunch of these kind of garage door slider pieces the 1 by 2 bricks in
tan I don't think I had any of those maybe a couple now this is a big
miscellaneous box all look at that
what if I got these in any other color in this package also maybe yep
sweet yeah so these are the two by two triangular tiles in just light gray you
know I'm gonna be using those and my planetary defense force stuff probably
not in the base maybe in the base somewhat but I want to use those on some
some builds a lot of folks have asked me to do next for my planetary defense
force based and over my planetary defense force I think I'm gonna try
maybe something kind of small I don't know no mechs just don't seem that
practical to me in the real world unless they're like augments to human soldiers
you know more like exosuits we'll see but I also got the same pieces
the same two by two 45-degree angled tiles in black also a very usable color
and then got a bunch of these I forgot about that actually recently made a more
recently made aide at a brick link order that included some of these but these
are the the very new rounded 1 by 2 plates with hollow studs those are
fantastic parts they allow you to do all sorts of things that you couldn't do
before at least not within that amount of space I got just a bunch of them in
black I also got more of these 1x2 garage sliders just in a regular gray
and then there are more colors on those in this bag I can see already this open
over here and
yeah it's another one of those bags okay so dark red dark green and regular
reddish brown and white for those parts a bunch of those I'll obviously sort all
these out cool more of these get one by three jumper plates basically in both
light gray and black how are those coming as well
just seems super useful here are the modified 2 by 2 tiles with only two
studs in both colors there ah light gray for these notched wedge plates two by
twos one of three types of 2i2 wedge plates that come out in the past year or
two getting these roof pieces in just a dark grey sure to be useful these
modified 1 by 2 rounded plates in red with the hollow studs and then these
corner guys corner slopes 1 by 2 by 2/3 angled slopes cut some in red dark red
dark green black and blue maybe some other colors not seeing just yet think
that's about it those are just gonna continue to be useful in in vehicle
builds again and again and again also some of these relatively new relatively
new spoiler pieces they I think they're they're new in black but they first came
out with the cars 3 sets what else there anything else oh yeah these are also
hidden white here I think that's about it
there may be some parts in small quantities sprinkled amongst this order
but that's most well yeah I do remember that one of my
orders had a limited number of different types of parts at a fair quantity so
that was this one and then it I believe another order that's coming has more
larger pieces in it and also a larger number of parts of leading in smaller
quantities like some that I got just a handful huh or a few of I remember right
including possibly some minifig pieces it's just I say it's been like a month
since I placed these orders and I just I just don't remember you know it's kind
of a fire-and-forget type of thing when I placed the order I
know what I'm doing I'm going for very specific things for for calculated
reasons and then after that they come cool need to do bunch of sorting and I
put them away and then over time I start to use them I've already started to use
some of these types of pieces that I've gotten just from taking apart existing
sets that I've reviewed and also getting some of them in by a brick length but
some of these I believe I've gotten here first in some of these colors as
separate pieces like like these I think are on the Mustang the speed champions
Mustang and I haven't taken mine apart I believe I got an extra one of those we
haven't parted that out yet these I think only came in one set so far in
this color yeah so just good stuff to get a whole bunch of these corner tile
pieces these are pre sorted that's great when they actually come pre sorted in
separate bags but usually when you buy from bricks and pieces large orders lots
of different types of parts this is how it comes usually he's just one bing bang
so these may have actually been shipped from multiple warehouses possibly an
even separate country sometimes they bring them together try see if there's
any evidence on the invoice of where this came from I already got rid of the
shipping label but I think ultimately this was shipped from with
the US but yeah that's that so I'm gonna sort these out and review season has
once again kind of come to a close for now for a brief time hopefully I'll have
a good month or so before the next big wave of major major major wave of new
sets comes out so more parts and more custom stuff and more work on the city
for sure is right around the corner stay tuned I'll talk to you in as soon as I
How to make a chocolate milkshake without milk ❤️ Chocolate Banana Smoothie - Duration: 3:09.
Six delicious ways to turn your smoothie into a milkshake without milk
if you searched the entire Internet for every smoothie recipe in existence
there's a good chance that least half of them would contain milk and or yogurt
and to borrow a line from Jerry Seinfeld
not that there's anything wrong with that unless of course
you don't do dairy then there is something wrong with that because the rules of delicious moviemaking dictate that you must include at
least one ingredient to make your drink fake and creamy
because after all isn't that what separates your smoothie from a juice happily
you don't need milk or yogurt
or any sort of cow derived products to give your smoothie the satisfying velvety
milkshake like texture in everyone deserves from a blended drink
year six terry free alternatives to prove it one homemade not puree yes it's basically not milk
that since it isn't strained its way thicker and creamier than the kind you buy at the store
soak a handful of almonds or cashews in a cup of water for a couple of hours or overnight
than TOS the whole thing into your blender and blend until smooth before adding your other smoothie ingredients
to frozen bananas
remember the whole banana soft serve thing from a few years ago
for whatever reason freezing the yellow fruit seems to make the texture about 10 times thicker and creamier just remember to cut your
banana into chunks so you don't kill your blender
three rolled oats
oats are starchy and tossing in 1/4 cup or so will add body and texture plus a healthy dose of fiber to your drink
throw them in raw or soak them in warm water for a few minutes first
or if you have left over cooked oatmeal
that's even better four
coconut cream you know the stuff that collects at the top of a can of coconut milk
it's insanely rich and delicious like whipped cream
and you only need a spoonful or so to make your smoothie taste like heaven
five avocado it's made almost entirely of fat so you know it's kinda make your smoothie superrich if you're not a fan of the slightly
savory flavor toss in some extra fruit or use a few drops of steady of four extra sweetness
six baked sweet potato
you already know the inside of a baked sweet potato is creamy and velvety
sold just imagine the great things it can do for your smoothie
to keep your drink cold cook your sweet potato the night before and refrigerate it overnight and
definitely toss the skin and two there's nothing wrong with fat
BOBA FETT dans le film SOLO ? \ Star Théorie #9 - Duration: 2:45.
Hello there ! I hope you're well. The trailer of SOLO a Star Wars story was released recently and we can ask ourselves:
Will Boba Fett be in the movie SOLO?
Boba Fett is a character who is very appreciated by the fans.
A spin-off on this one was planned at the beginning but was canceled following the departure of its director.
However, the idea of a spin-off on Boba Fett begins to resurface.
The fact that Boba Fett appears in the film SOLO would therefore be an excellent idea to promote his future spin-off.
Two suspicious images can make us think that he will be part of the movie. We start with this one:
indeed, we can notice the presence of a mandalorian armor behind Dryden Vos.
This one is red and can make think of the armor of a samurai. Two possibilities are open to us:
either this armor is actually on a person who could very well be Boba Fett having specially equipped for a particular mission;
either this armor is just part of the Dryden Vos collection. If it is, he could be Mandalorian.
It's just a personal opinion but Dryden Vos makes me think about Pre Vizsla.
So I think this option is more likely than the previous one.
We will now proceed to the analysis of the second image. We can distinguish here the silhouette of the Slave 1, the ship of Boba Fett.
I believed at first, but in fact, watching the scene several times,
I noticed that this silhouette looked more like one of the tentacles of the beast that can be seen in the trailer.
Did those who made this TV spot purposely make us think of the Slave 1?
I don't know. You have to tell me...
On the other hand, I think that Boba Fett will make an appearance with Jabba at the end of the film. Indeed, I imagine Jabba,
accompanied by Boba Fett,
propose to Han Solo to work for him. And now my friends, this video is coming to an end. I hope you liked it.
Feel free to tell me in comment if you think that Boba Fett will be in the movie SOLO or not.
On this, have a nice day or good evening to all!
May the Force be with you ! And me, I tell you: Bye !
If you liked this video,
put a blue thumb
or I cut your hand.
Share it with your family or friends ("I prefer to commit suicide !")
who love Star Wars
and subscribe ("Never !") to join the Galactic Empire so that we can
rule the galaxy !
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