Antique shop presents a very nice edition of Kornel Makuszyński's "Miss of a Wet Head" from 1948.
from the publishing house Gebethner and Wolff,
the last period of existence of this publishing house
The edition has a very nice cover.
"Miss with a wet head" is a charming story about a resolute girl,
who optimizes his surroundings with his optimism.
Makuszyński had an unusual talent for creating expressive characters
and immersive stories for children and young people.
"Satan of VII class", "Row of Basia",
"Miss Eva's madness" they are the best example.
He also used the fairy-tale convention
- as in songs "Two of those who stole the moon"
or "Friend of the merry devil".
Finally, he was the creator of popular cartoon tales for the youngest
"120 adventures of Koziołek Matołek"
or "Brawls and antics of a small monkey Fiki-Miki"
- in collaboration with a cartoonist Marian Walentynowicz.
Please visit
For more infomation >> "Panna z mokrą głową" Makuszyńskiego - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Que se passe-t-il après la mort selon la recherche scientifique!|LSF TV - Duration: 5:36.
Color Cars for Kids. Cartoons about Cars for Boys - LIGHTNING MCQUEEN Super RACE Cartoon - Duration: 11:07.
Cool School Jelly Slime for Ki...
Spumone alle fragole bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 3:32.
Grande Fratello, rissa di notte censurata: schiaffi e pugni, la confessione choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.
Uomini e Donne trono over, puntata 27/4: polemica in studio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:21.
O Anti-Édipo e outras reflexões – AULA de Gilles Deleuze (Legendado em PT/BR) - Duration: 1:24:16.
Timothée Chalamet e Armie Hammer no Quotidien | Parte 1| Legendado PT - Duration: 17:48.
Dores nos joelhos: quais exercícios são bons e quais não são? - Duration: 8:09.
Chiude il Grande Fratello 2018? La richiesta da Canale 5 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.
Grande Fratello: Alberto Mezzetti è stato aggredito da Luigi? La confessione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
My Mom Reacts To My Instagram Pictures - Duration: 7:08.
what about this picture
what are you wearing, Back is all open
you should not click pictures like this DEAR
I don't find it appropriate
This is my second video with my mom
so i am going to show her my instagram pictures and she is going to give her reaction
So I hope you guys like the video
I will show you my instagram pictures and you
have to tell me whether the pictures are good or bad
So lets start the video
Comment below and let me know how you like the video
and want to see more videos with my mom
First picture is this
Dear, We never put such pictures
I dont like the front part
It should be covered
Then would have been ok
What about this one
this picture is really nice, awesome
very beautiful
what about the pose is it ok ? YES it is ok
you look like a small girl :D
What about this one mommy
I like the whole outfit
why mom ? because it is covered ? YES its covered
and also the way you are posing
Is really nice
looks good ?
You are exceptional :D
Couldnt be more happier, mom complimented me :D
now what about this
its just like you are flying like a wind
doesn't look like you are posing
means ?
looks like someone suddenly you sit and someone clicks your picture
CANDID :D ( mom didn't now the word)
Its different and looks like its all cloudy and wind is blowing ( she didn't know the blurred effect as well)
Now what about this one ?
This also looks nice
I am wearing jeans and top in this one
Nowadays nobody care about the clothes
if pictures are different then it is nice
the background in this picture
looks really nice. There is nothing in the background as such. But still it looks very nice
I like the color of the top. Yes it is beautiful red color
And pose is also quite different.
Now what about this picture ? This is a winking picture(Don't know if that's a thing :D)
This is selfie
It matches this song, it goes perfectly with that song (thinking about some old indian song here)
This looks like .....RANDOMLY SINGING SONG :D
When i was coming back home from Mumbai,
that time i went to central park , i clicked this picture there
what about this picture mummy ?
You look like chubby sumo wrestler GABBAR ( gabbar is very famous indian fictional character, he was a villain)
you look very healthy
NO that's actually because of the angle
yeah angle is fine but the picture is very popping out, its very beautiful
photos with different angles and all comes out really well
What about this picture mom ?
This also looks nice
all pictures are different and all pictures look nice.
Its the modern era,
reapting :D ( MODERN ERA)
This photo is also similar to the first one that you showed me
But if had little bit more hair in the front
This should not look
yeah it doesn't look nice
but still, little bit
mommy ? What about this picture ?
Ohooo ! I think this is the shirt you are wearing ?
yeah this is tshirt(mom agrees on tshirt) i got confused
and corrected SHIRT, it is SHIRT.
I don't understand how are you wearing it ?
I am wearing it differently
I made one video as well about the same :D
So wearing like that.
It looks very beautiful
Asking again and again if picture looks good :D
Then mom says (its ok) :(
Mommy what about this photo ?
Photo looks colorful, looks good,
BUT .... Style is also good(mom meant pose)
BUT the shoulders are way too open, should be more covered.
Convincing mom ( no mom its normal :D)
Still trying to convince ( i am wearing jeans it is covered)
Its good, not that bad ( means it was little bad :()
Its not like someone would say its vulger and cheap
Is it decent ??
Acceptable ??
Mom How is this picture ?
oho ! What are you wearing here ?
6 jantares saudáveis para dormir melhor - Duration: 6:34.
Venditore: Dove Hai Lasciato l'Empatia? | V60S #41 - Duration: 1:00.
Minacce di morte nella casa del Gf: un concorrente è in lacrime | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.
Rimedi naturali per il colon irritato - Salute 24h - Duration: 5:57.
Estos son los secretos de belleza de la Reina Letizia - Duration: 4:58.
El último deseo, no satisfecho, del padre del rey - Duration: 5:38.
Mal humor de los reyes por una Cristina eufórica en la misa de Don Juan - Duration: 4:16.
Karate training (La Maddalena) - Duration: 4:48.
Training with water to the throat to develop speed, power and balance in kick techniques
Rimedi naturali per il colon irritato - Salute 365 - Duration: 5:57.
Como tratar a falta de libido na mulher - Duration: 7:27.
Guidare un treno? - #DdVotr 212 - Duration: 12:19.
#TheOpenHouse - InCel - Wizard Warriors - Duration: 9:30:25.
Jucá recebeu R$ 5 mi da Odebrecht pela sua 'importância política' - Duration: 6:42.
"Panna z mokrą głową" Makuszyńskiego - Duration: 1:04.
Antique shop presents a very nice edition of Kornel Makuszyński's "Miss of a Wet Head" from 1948.
from the publishing house Gebethner and Wolff,
the last period of existence of this publishing house
The edition has a very nice cover.
"Miss with a wet head" is a charming story about a resolute girl,
who optimizes his surroundings with his optimism.
Makuszyński had an unusual talent for creating expressive characters
and immersive stories for children and young people.
"Satan of VII class", "Row of Basia",
"Miss Eva's madness" they are the best example.
He also used the fairy-tale convention
- as in songs "Two of those who stole the moon"
or "Friend of the merry devil".
Finally, he was the creator of popular cartoon tales for the youngest
"120 adventures of Koziołek Matołek"
or "Brawls and antics of a small monkey Fiki-Miki"
- in collaboration with a cartoonist Marian Walentynowicz.
Please visit
Que se passe-t-il après la mort selon la recherche scientifique!|LSF TV - Duration: 5:36.
Color Cars for Kids. Cartoons about Cars for Boys - LIGHTNING MCQUEEN Super RACE Cartoon - Duration: 11:07.
How I Make Money Online
Que se passe-t-il après la mort selon la recherche scientifique!|LSF TV - Duration: 5:36.
Gröna Lund premiere VLOG - Duration: 12:04.
Hey, hey! We're going to Gröna Lund.
Yes, it opens for the season today and we're outside the entrance. Let's go!
It's 10:50 AM and the carousels open at 11 AM for invited people. The park open to the public at 12.
It's a beautiful and sunny day.
What did you buy?
I used to sell these as a child and I promised myself to always buy them as a grown up if a kid asked me.
I've already bought several this year. It's good though. The money goes to charity.
What a pretty Mayflower.
Alma and Harry, what are you waiting for?
The bumper cars.
Your first ride today.
Turn the wheel. Good Harry. Turn the steering wheel.
Good Harry!
It's difficult to coach kids in a bumper car.
Let's do something more fun.
You did well Harry.
Hussein is at a wedding.
I want to go on that ride.
We will honey. Our plan was to go here the five of us. But Hussein was invited to a wedding. He's having fun.
I don't want to go on the ghost train.
Are you ready?
We need more balls.
The time is up.
I hit one!
You did so well. You're good cowboys. Here's for you.
And here's for you.
They love to dance.
Thank you!
What are you eating?
Let's go!
You're going on that crazy ride called Ikaros.
See you soon! Go on mommy!
Such an adrenalin rush. You're tilted up there. I hope the footage show you.
Great, are you hungry?
It's 1:30 PM, It's busy in the park and we're having... lunch!
Pancakes for me.
Thank you! Your burger looks great Harry.
Everyone's really hungry. It will be peaceful now.
Welcome to Skrattkammaren.
A water gun!
Harry loves this, a gun.
Let me see you shoot.
We're going in Lustiga Huset.
Can you see how she walks the crazy stairs.
Look at her.
I see and I know how to do it.
I'll be right behind you.
Stay on one step Alma.
We were probably the worst ever on those stairs. We couldn't get it right.
It's tough.
I want to go again! It's so much fun.
How are you?
It's exhausting to be in an amusement park. It's so intense.
We've taken many photos with fans as well. That's fun though. But at one point we couldn't move.
There was people coming up to us again and again.
Alma said yes to every photo. But Harry didn't.
It's a lot of people here today.
This is the last thing we'll do. It went from sun to rain.
It's not that bad though. It wakes you up.
Is the camera on? Yes! We're ready! Go!
The last dance. Are you happy with the day at Gröna Lund?
We're back home. And we're going to answer Question of the Day.
Nikita is asking; What would you do if you had 100,000 or 200,000 subscribers on YouTube?
Oh My.
Let's start by saying thank you for 50,000 subscribers.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We're thankful for every subscriber. It feels unreal that there are so many.
I can't imagine having 100K or 200K and I'm not sure we'd like that.
My dream is to have 10 billion subs. Because the whole world would know me and I could talk to everyone.
You're crazy.
It's possible that we'd do something completely different with our lives if we had that many followers.
Yes, we'll see.
Thank you for watching this video. Please leave a thumb up or down.
Comment, post questions and take care until next time. Bye! Bye!
WATCHING TV: Differences in Germany & USA - Duration: 7:30.
Yes, I have noticed some differences between watching TV in Germany and the U.S.!
Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.
So in both Germany and the U.S. people do watch TV!
Hey look at that, starting off with a similarity.
And in both the U.S. and Germany there are restaurants where you can go and watch sports.
But there are already some differences there.
In the U.S. a common thing is the sports bar and restaurant.
This is a bar-restaurant where you can go and watch sports on TV.
And many of these places don't just have 1 or 2 or 5 or 6 six TVs.
They have lots of TVs.
Lots and lots and lots of TVs.
Like not just a TV in every general direction you look, but TVs on top of TVs on top of TVs.
Not like on top of one another so that you can't see the one behind it, but stacked
on top of each other like this.
I've even been to a place in the U.S. that had little TVs mounted into the individual
bathroom stalls. TVs installed on the inside of each stall door.
I know I'm not a sports person but...really?
Sometimes the TVs in the U.S. sports bar-restaurants are actually showing the same game.
So I have experienced it that I've gone to a place that has 20 TVs and 18 of them
are showing all the same thing.
But then also a lot of times the places in the U.S. show several different games and
different kinds of sports on the different TVs.
And in the U.S. a lot of times you might go to a sports bar-restaurant and not actually
watch any sports.
I know that I've gone to places in the U.S. many times that show sports but I went there
with my friends simply because I was craving chicken wings or potato skins or whatever,
not because we actually wanted to watch sports.
We just wanted to go to that place because they had good food and drinks.
It wasn't about the sports.
Okay, so now hop on over the ocean to Germany where there are also restaurants where you
can go and watch the game, but it's not super common here to have so many TVs all over the
place in the restaurant.
Actually I myself have never seen a restaurant in Germany with so many TVs like what I've
seen in the U.S.
And I've also never been to a restaurant in Germany showing more than one game at a time.
If a restaurant is showing a game here in Germany it's usually soccer and then that
is usually something that is advertised in advance.
Like it's a normal restaurant that all the other days of the week is not actually a place
for watching sports, it's just a normal restaurant.
But then on this particular day of the week at a particular time they will be showing
a particular game.
And pretty much everyone who goes there on that day at that time is there to watch that game.
Another difference I've noticed is commercial breaks.
But this one is a little bit tricky because it also seems to differ by show,
so what I'm actually watching.
And advertising schedules do change over time, so it definitely could be different now then
when I first moved away from the U.S. 9 years ago.
But my overall feeling with this is that in the U.S. there tend to be more frequent shorter
commercial breaks, whereas in Germany it feels like to me that the commercial breaks happen
less frequently, but then when they do come they seem to be longer.
But I have not done any measurements or timing on that.
That's just my feeling of it.
As far as the shows on TV go, a lot of the kinds of shows being broadcast seem pretty
similar in both countries to me.
Although I do have three things that I would like to mention here.
Number one: in Germany there are a good number of American TV shows and movies aired here,
and most of the ones that I've seen are with German dubbing.
But I believe that I've also seen one or two shows with just German subtitles instead.
Number two: there is a crime drama show here in Germany called "Tatort," which is really
well known and while I must admit I have not yet watched a single episode of it, I have
heard a lot about it.
And I learned that it's produced in a really cool way.
"Tatort" is filmed in a bunch of different locations with different crews and actors
in different cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
So I think that's a really awesome concept for a show.
And number three: the time that prime time actually begins is a little bit different.
Where I grew up on the East Coast of the U.S. prime time starts at 8 p.m., while in Germany
it starts at 8:15. 8:15 why? Why 8:15?
Because of the "Tagesschau," of course.
The "Tagesschau" is a 15 minute news broadcast that goes from 8:00 to 8:15 and has been airing
like that since the 1950s.
And thus in Germany most prime time shows begin at 8:15.
So my question for you is: Do you watch TV, when and what kind of shows?
And what TV watching differences have you noticed in places around the world?
Please let me know in the comments below. Thanks so much for watching.
If you enjoyed this video please think about giving a like with the like button.
And don't forget to subscribe for more Wanted Adventure videos on Wednesdays and Sundays.
And I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon
who help make these videos possible. Thank you so much for your support.
If you would like to check out our Patreon page you can find a link to that down in the
description box below.
Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!
Thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed this!
And it's, it's...
I haven't seen that here.
Where there were TVs in each door stall...stall door.
Pythagoras Theorem Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Part 1 - Duration: 49:35.
Pythagoras Theorem Class 10th Maharashtra Board new syllabus
Pythagoras Theorem Class 10th Maharashtra Board new syllabus
Awesome features you didn't know on Instagram. - Duration: 4:08.
welcome to my channel
got a trick
here i am with a new trick for all of you
on instagram
instagram is a social media platform where you
can upload photos,videos,and follow your friends,loved ones,and many more....
so i am gonna tell you some tricks
which will enhance your instagram app and its usage experience
so without delay lwts start it
but before that like this video
and subscribe to our channel
as here you can see my instagram app is open
but did you notice something different?
there a change in the tipical looks of instagram app
thats what i am gonna tell you
so for this you have to download a app
whose link is given below in the discription
there you can get this app
now you have to goto setting option as shown in video
there you can get option to change looks of insta app
as your choice
now theres a lot more in this app
after applying theme you can see that you tooo have customized instagram app
now lets show you another feature in this app
now click on the three dots at corner
you will find DOWNLOAD option
using that option you can download any ppicture to your device storage directly you can do same for videos
now lets talk about next feature
if you wish to zoom any image normally you have to pinch or pan
but in this appp
hold the picture and you will zoomed at very detailed pixels
as you can see in video
now lets tallk about next feature
in noraml insta app we dont get any option to zoom DP
but here we get the same
just hold the DP you want to zoom
and voila!! its zoomed
so guys this was the trick/hack for today
i hope you liked the video
hit the like button
share it with your friends
and subscribe to our channel
7 Desserts That Are Absolutely MesmerizingTasty - Duration: 4:02.
Desert lasagna is a thing
here are seven delicious kind you need to try
who's ready for dessert I made lasagna
that's not something you hear every day or ever of that that's about to change
everyone listen up
desert lasagna is here
and even though you're probably picturing some gross mash up of noodles and frosting or
Marin opera sauce and chocolate cake this sweet trend is none of those things
the cert was Anya is basically
a layer cake like concoction
like a actual is a Neah it's made in a big square pan
and it's designed to feed a crowd
know there's nothing inherently healthy about it
it's definitely a treat but it's a fun
and seriously impressive
one like the kind of yummy thing to serve when you have lots of people over and you want
more nose and us than a basic tray of cookies or cake from the supermarket
if you're still kind of confused
don't worry the easiest way to get what dessert lasagna is all about is by saying it here are seven mouthwatering examples to try
lose up to 25 pounds in two months and look more radiant than ever with prevention's new younger in eight weeks plan
apple pie lasagna when you want the flavor of apple pie but can't deal with the idea of doing
all that work make this street from beyond frosting in 20 minutes flat
it's just layers of Graham crackers
so tied spiced apples and easy cream cheese filling
sounds to simple tastes incredible
birthday cake lasagna
Beth cakes sprinkle filled treaty is crunchy chocolate Graham crackers or near it with
homemade vanilla pudding and if Enola cream cheese cake filling
in short a delight that might just make turning a year older a little bit easier
the ought to mention more delicious
pumpkin lush what's a lush
it's essentially desert lasagna with a fancier name
and something that folks in the south have been making forever this one from the very
cooks does layers of buttery Graham cracker crust
sweet cream cheese fluffy whipped topping
and spiced pumpkin pie filling
in short your favorite new fall Desert Samoa Desert lasagna
if you love Samoa girl scout cookies
you'll flip over there Samoa inspired treat from food folks and fun
it starts out with a layer of coconut flecked shortbread followed by cream cheese fudge caramel pudding
whipped topping and of course
plenty of sweet and shredded coconut
red velvet desert lasagna
the cookie rookie recommends making this for Valentine's Day but you probably won't want to
wait that long to dive into this combo of chocolate cookie crust
cream cheese whip red velvet pudding
and loads of chocolate chips
Butterfinger chocolate and peanut butter lush fans of candy bar inspired desserts this one's for you
just make sure to have plenty of people around for sharing
otherwise you might end up devouring spicy southern kitchens creamy crunchy chocolate a peanut butter a lush all by yourself
seriously it's that good lemon desert lasagna think of little luna's lemon desert lasagna as a lemon meringue pie that isn't in owing to make
its just crushed Manila cookies sweetened cream cheese lemon pudding and whipped topping
no whipped egg whites needed and unlike its fancier cousin you can make this desert no matter what the weather's like
6 Delicious Salad Dressings With 4 Ingredients for Weight loss - Duration: 4:17.
Six delicious salad dressings with four ingredients or less
there might not be any ledge its scientific evidence to support this woodward and the throw it out there anyway homemade salad
dressing is a million times better than store bought versions
for starters it's usually cleaner bottled salad dressing is notorious for packing tons of added sugar and sodium that you definitely don't need
watch for these six other secret sugar bombs at the grocery store
two and even some natural versions contain word ingredients
like the thickener Carradine and with homemade dressing
you get to decide the ingredients that go in
best of all salad dressing is one of the easiest things you can make
all you have to do is add a handful of ingredients to a Jure or bowl then shake or whisk for a creamier texture
just give everything a world in the blender
old and the flavor combinations are pretty much endless just look at these simple
creative dressing combos
each one calls for four ingredients or less not counting pantry staples like olive oil
salt and pepper in practically the time it would've taken huge appeal that annoying plastic wrap off the cap of your store bought
bottle you have a clean homemade dressing that'll keep in the fridge for at least a week
easy homemade Italian dressing
your favorite joint with the red and white checked tablecloth doesn't pour bottled Italian dressing over that mouthwatering house Allied
they use a homemade recipe made with olive oil
Brad wine vinegar garlic and a sprinkle of parmesan and oregano
just like this one from add a pinch
creamy salon trill lime dressing
you don't need gobs of mail or sour cream to make are rich creamy dressing
high protein Greek yogurt mixed with olive Oil Works just as well
according to culinary hill combine it with fresh cilantro
garlic and lime juice
and you get it any tax mix inspired dressing that's tasty on salads
as a taco topper or even swirled into black been soup
apple cider to Heaney dressing
another trick to making creamy dressing without loads of saturated fat
to Heaney whisk it with apple cider vinegar on maple syrup plus a splash of almond milk to thin the mixture
try it over a Middle Eastern inspired fare like cotter crunches turmeric roasted chickpea
carrots Allied apple cider vinegar has a ton of health perks
here are four things that happen when you drink it with every meal
maple orange stressing bitter greens like kale or Eric gale a call for a sweet dressing
like this one from Amy sheree
orange juice and maple syrup ad sweetness while tart apple cider vinegar keeps things from getting two polling whisk or shake the
ingredients in a jar for minimal cleanup or follow the blender instructions for a creamier texture
be sure to avoid these five mistakes that ruin any sell it limb and ginger poppy seed dressing
lemon is a classic dressing ingredient for reason the juices tartness balances out the
richness of the olive oil while adding a zippy brightness that no vinegar can match
the cafe Sucre fair in combines it with honey
freshly grated ginger
and poppy seeds for a sweet and sour dressing that also packs spice and crunch
creamy raspberry vinaigrette the roasted routes delectable recipe is proof that pureed fruit has a place in salad dressing
year suite raspberries and honey are blended with a combo of the olive oil and claimed yogurts to get a creamy texture that doesn't
feel heavy drizzled over baby spinach or tender field greens it's just right for spring
just a question.. - Duration: 2:14.
Hey Guys
Today i have a question.
Do i need to Get the Tron Bike or the Army Heli?
what has much seats for the Two Vehicles?
The Army Heli right?
what is the fastest Vehicle in Jailbreak?
Tron Bike.. right?
what abilities those Two have?
Tron Bike: Has the Ability to Easily Escape from Cops.
Army Heli: Has an Ability to Launch Missiles.
As you know, The Police Helicopter can Use Rope.
Tron Bike is fastest, Army Heli is for transport.
Do they Win at Races?
Are they Great from Escaping?
Guys, i dont know what to Buy!
Is Army Heli useful?
Is Tron Bike Useful?
Put it in the Comments below on what to Buy.
Say Cheese for more videos!
5 Weeks Pregnant - 5 Weeks pregnancy Symptoms - Pregnancy week by week - Duration: 5:15.
5 weeks pregnant – what to expect.
Your little embryo is now the size of an orange seed and your hCG hormone levels are now high
enough to confirm that you're expecting.
Top of your list this week is getting to your GP to confirm and figure out your due date.
What's my baby doing at five weeks pregnant?
The umbilical cord is forming and by the end of this week the neural tube will be as well
– this is where your baby's brain and spinal cord will form.
Your baby's heart is made up of two tiny channels and they're already working.
Once those tubes fuse together at some point this week, your baby will have a fully functioning
Also during this week, several other organs will become to form, including the neural
tube, the beginnings of your baby's brain and spinal cord.
Your baby will also double in size this week – from 2mm to 4mm.
The placenta still hasn't fully formed, so at the moment your little one is feeding
from something called the 'yolk sac.'
What's my body doing at five weeks pregnant?
Your hormone levels are changing, you'll have missed a period and you might even be
experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms.
Here's what to expect:
Your hormones – mood swings.
One word that is going to crop up a lot in the next eight months – hormones.
This week, your pregnancy hormones are going to start kicking in – think of these as
chemical signals that tell your body to get ready to start growing a baby.
Among these are estrogen, which will keep the levels of progesterone and hCG up where
they need to be.
Progesterone maintains the function of the placenta and stimulates breast tissue to grow
(which is why they are probably feeling a little tender right now).
hCG supports the corpus luteum, this nourishes your growing baby until the placenta is ready
in five weeks' time.
Your due date and the emotional roller coaster it brings.
If you've just done a pregnancy test a lot of things will be going through your mind.
As well as extreme excitement, there can be fear, worry and anxiety about the fact you
had a glass of wine last weekend.
Firstly, don't worry about the wine – unknowingly drinking in very early pregnancy is not uncommon,
and you have no reason to panic.
It's natural to feel daunted, and combined with the cocktail of pregnancy hormones racing
around your body, it's no wonder you're feeling a little all over the place.
The best way to make everything feel less scary is to read and prepare yourself.
Early pregnancy symptoms.
Food cravings.
It might be early days, but the food cravings might already be kicking in.
Hormones play a part here, so try and relax and go with it as your body gets used to the
hormone havoc!
That said, indulge your cravings within reason and make sure you're getting healthy substitutes
for the foods you can't stand.
During the first trimester, most of your energy will go into growing your new arrival.
Of course, you're not complaining, but it's normal to feel completely wiped out.
The good news is that by the end of trimester one the placenta will be in place, but in
the meantime, listen to your body and rest up!
Feeling sick.
Sure, you've heard all about morning sickness, but didn't realise it would be THIS bad!
That queasy feeling in your stomach won't just hit you in the mornings, but can hang
around all day, especially during these first twelve weeks.
Try not to skip meals, as much as you don't want to eat, instead, try grazing throughout
the day.
Excessive saliva.
Morning sickness and excessive saliva?
You've hit the confusing jackpot of early pregnancy symptoms.
Try chewing sugarless gum to help your mouth stay a little dryer.
Experts aren't really sure why this happens, but have put it down to those pregnancy hormones.
What should I be doing at five weeks pregnant?
Now is the time to stop eating certain foods.
These include unpasteurised foods, undercooked meat and eggs and some kinds of fish.
These can cause food-borne illnesses that are damaging for your little one.
If you've got a cat, it's time to hand over the litter cleaning duties for the next
eight months.
This is dangerous as it can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis, which can harm your
unborn baby.
Don't skip that evening floss!
More than 90% of pregnant women suffer from gum problems during pregnancy thanks to the
extra blood surging round your body.
[CC] Sohyang talks after You Riase Me Up / 소향 유레이즈미업 이후 멘트 - Duration: 2:09.
Recently, I thought.
(The Bible) says that we are a royal priesthood. (kings and priests)
When I first heard it,
That glory, that beauty, that resplendence,
that greatness. At first, I only thought about them.
"What is the true king God wants?"
"What is the true priest God wants?"
as I think about it,
Like a sage king who makes the times peaceful.
But to be a sage king,
his mind must walk in hell, someone said.
There may be many participants after me today.
The road they should walk won't be easy.
If the way is the way God gave us,
surely He will accomplish it,
and let us walk the way of the cross, I believe.
As a true royal priesthood,
Every participant and everyone who is in here,
I hope you walk according to His will.
And I'll sing "Until The Lord Returns" as my last song.
575 Exhaust - Duration: 22:03.
[ATELIER GRANDES VOIES] : STAGE d'escalade 3 JOURS dans les Calanques ! ● VLOG #24 - Duration: 6:17.
最新劲爆!宋慧乔第九、全智贤只能排第二,韩国最美纯天然女星....第一竟是"她"!! - Duration: 6:24.
郑爽真团宠!《这就是铁甲》弹射队长表白太苏了 - Duration: 2:59.
Metro ride Rotterdam Nesselande - Schiedam Centrum Line B - Duration: 37:47.
Metrostation Nesselande
Halo - Beyoncé [Acoustic Ver.] (Cover) {이 곡을 커버했습니다.} - Duration: 3:51.
Remember those walls I built Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you win But I never really had a doubt Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you break it It's the risk that I'm taking I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby, I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby, I can feel your halo Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo
Hit me like a ray of sun Burning through my darkest night You're the only one that I want Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again But this don't even feel like falling Gravity can't forget To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened Every rule I had you break it The risk that I'm taking I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby, I can see your halo Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo
Halo, halo
Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby, I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby, I can feel your halo Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo
Watters' World 04/29/18 2AM | April 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:41.
GET RID OF ENEMIES FASTER | बगलामुखी साधना | दुश्मन से छुटकारा- चैन की ज़िंदगी - Duration: 1:32.
Who wouldn't want a giant walking robot that transforms into a sports car? - Duration: 3:00.
Any kid who grew up watching Transformers cartoons wanted one in real life, and now
a robotics company and roller coaster manufacturer have teamed up to make that dream come true.
Brave Robotics, SoftBank sumsidiary Asratac, and Sansei Technologies in Japan have created
a 12-foot-tall robot named "J-deite RIDE" which morphs into a sleek sports car in less
than a minute.
The robot will be displayed on May 5 at the GoldenWeek DOKIDOKI Festa All Working Cars
Assemble! festival in Tokyo and will make its international debut at the IAAPA Attractions
Expo for amusement parks in Florida this November.
Unsurprisingly, the CEO of Brave Robotics is a fan of movies and anime featuring giant
transforming robots, and he's been building them since he was a teenager.
Kenji Ishida told Reuters Television, "I grew up believing that robots had to be capable
of such things, which became my motivation to develop this robot."
Legendary mechanical designer Kunio Owara also contributed to the design of the robot.
Owara has lent his vision and influence to the robot designs in multiple manga and anime
franchises, including the Gundam series.
Constructed mostly of aluminum and powered by a lithium battery, the Ride seats two people
and weighs in at just under two tons.
It can be controlled remotely as well as by a "driver."
The robot's software, named V-Sido, controls the motion of the robot both in vehicle and
walking mode, as well as the transformation between them.
Its maximum walking speed is 18 mph and the company says it can exceed 37 mph in driving
mode, although the developers have limited testing to the factory where it was constructed.
In fact, we don't see the Ride in motion much in the video at all, and it's a far
cry from the Autobots and Decepticons many of us grew up watching.
Ishida admits it's not practical for an everyday commute, but he hopes the robot will
inspire future designers.
According to their website, the company is already working on an even larger prototype
dubbed the "King J-deite" that's more than 16 feet high.
Their new creation will be unveiled
in 2020.
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