Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2018

Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K

For more infomation >> Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.


Safarka Degitaanka Australia - Cutubka 7aad: U safrida Australia - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Safarka Degitaanka Australia - Cutubka 7aad: U safrida Australia - Duration: 3:08.


🔴✅Como CURAR HEMORROIDES Rapido, Barato y Naturalmente | Remedios para las Almorranas - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅Como CURAR HEMORROIDES Rapido, Barato y Naturalmente | Remedios para las Almorranas - Duration: 10:34.


Continuing to Fight Breast Cancer - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Continuing to Fight Breast Cancer - Duration: 1:53.



four of the five marx brothers got their nicknames during a poker game Dottie

famed Marx family comedy act was made up of Julius Adolphe

Leonard Milton and Herbert Marx but to all of us who know and love this

delightful comedy group we know these five characters better as Groucho Harpo

Chico Gummo and Zeppo Marx names four of the five were given one fateful night in

1915 the boys got involved in a poker game in Galesburg Illinois with

monologist art Fisher it was a popular fad around this time to give everyone

and anyone and nicknamed the ten did you know for instance common nicknames were

things like jingo or Bongo or Ringo or typo or cheerio in this poker game

Fisher was dealing out the cards to the four Marx Brothers and he gave them each

their nicknames in rapid-fire first here's a card for Harpo Harpo was the

easiest Adolph Marx played the harp here's one for Chico Leonard Marx was a

notorious ladies man and in those days women and girls were often referred to

as chickens later as now the slang term became Chicks which had actually

previously referred to children since the 17th century as Groucho later said

Chico got the nickname as he was a chicken chaser

you might be wondering at this point why it was later Chico instead of Chico

supposedly a typesetter accidentally left the K in Chico out in one town the

brothers were performing in and his name became Chico instead this typo gave rise

to the misconception that his name should be pronounced as Chico when in

fact the correct pronunciation is actually Chico although Chico rarely

corrected people when they pronounced it wrong even show hosts who'd interview

him next to be dealt a card was Julius and here's a card for Groucho as to why

this nickname was picked there are two popular explanations and one that for a

long time was put forth by Groucho which few believe the

first is that the name derived from Julius not-so-friendly demeanor

Julius denied this for most of his life the second popular theory is that it had

to do with an item he commonly carried with him a big pouch type container

popular at the time called a grouch bag aka a small purse that goes around your

neck and under your shirt where Groucho kept his money the origin story Groucho

himself often put forth was that he got the nickname after Groucho the monk from

the NACO the monk comic-strip however shortly before he died

Groucho said that he hadn't been entirely honest about the origin of his

name and that al Fisher have given him the nickname because of a propensity

towards moodiness however it isn't clear if this is any more accurate than his

comic strip character origin story the 4th and least known Marx brother was

Milton and he is a card for Gummo Fisher said as he dealt the final marks brother

his card this one has two popular theories behind it

but the one the family accepting Harper States his correct is that Milton often

wore gumshoes rubber soled shoes hence the gamma moniker the alternate

origin put forth by Harpo is that gamma was sneaky and would creep up on people

like a gumshoe detective in both cases the origin is related to the rubber

soled gumshoes where gun shooter tectus got their name as to how the 5th marks

brother got his name that one's completely up for debate a few years

later the new straight man and the youngest of the five brothers entered

the act replacing older brother gamo Herbert Marx somehow became the infamous

Zeppo Marx Papa said Zeppo was named in honor of a wild monkey who played on the

bars and ran around named Zippo Groucho on the other hand said in 1972

that Zeppo was named after the Zeppelin airships

there was originally a sixth Marx brother

Manfred or Manny that would have been the oldest Marx brother but he died when

he was just three months old his official cause of death was listed as

enterocolitis inflammation of the small intestine and colon with a senior lack

of bodily strength Harpo Marx never got past the second grade which he attempted

twice before dropping out during the second year in that grade his reasons

for leaving were not because he was dumb or the family needed him to make some

money but rather due to bullying he stated in his autobiography that he was

frequently picked on for being the only Jew in the class and was even thrown out

the window of the classroom several times by other students when the teacher

wasn't looking before he decided to drop out of school and began looking for work

Harpo played numerous instruments including the harp despite being a very

good harp player Papo never actually learned to play the half the correct way

when he got his first harp nobody in the town he lived in knew how to play one or

even how to tune it so he just taught himself how to do it including tuning

the strings incorrectly once he became famous he attempted to learn to play the

harp correctly including hiring instructors but he'd been playing it

with the incorrect tuning for so long and had developed a somewhat unique

style of playing that in performances he stuck with his original self-taught

tuning and method while Harpo's real name was Adolphe

he had it officially changed to Arthur in 1911 as he hated the name at all

this name change - the date he changed it on has since given rise to the myth

that he changed it due to a doll fiddler Harpo stated in his autobiography that

he once tried to paint a nude female model but couldn't do it which resulted

in the model trying to teach him the proper way to paint her before the

session was up the still nude model painted a portrait of the fully clothed

top Oh another little-known Harpo Marx fact is that he is a member of the

croquet Hall of Fame yes there is one

he was inducted into that illustrious institution in 1979 15 years after his

death following open-heart surgery the Marx Brothers were originally not a

comedy act but rather a music and performance act in their early days

their mother and aunt Anna were also a part of their musical act titled the six

mascots they started to realize they could do comedy after a particular

performance where supposedly the show was interrupted by a runaway mule

outside which caused the audience to leave briefly when they came back the

brothers started at living jokes about the incident the audience was more

enthusiastic about the jokes than the Marx Brothers musical act and from there

the group started to integrate comedy into their show the Marx Brothers got

their start largely with the help of their mother meaner Minnie Schoenberg

and her brother Adolf Schoenberg aka Al Sheen who was a successful vaudeville

performer himself Minnie and Al's father had also been a performer a magician

Groucho Marx claimed that occasionally when his Uncle Al Shean would visit

before knocking on the door he'd throw a handful of coins on the ground near him

if there were children about the kids would then run towards him and so when

the door was opened it would appear as if he was being chased by fans in order

to try to get her son's out of being drafted for World War one

many supposedly bought a chicken farm as she'd heard that farmers couldn't be

drafted Groucho wasn't just a jokes to win in the spotlight but also in his own

life for instance his son Arthur once stated that during one vacation Groucho

listed his occupation as smuggler on a customs form needless to say the customs

people found this about as amusing his security people at airports would find

stating you were a bomb maker and they reacted about as you'd expect from his

little joke Groucho Marx originally played a completely different character

than the one he'd become best known for in the early days of their comedy act

he'd do a stereotypical German character around 1915 his character started to get

booed so he instead developed a quick talking smart aleck type character that

he'd continued to for the majority of his career

incidentally if you're interested the origin of the term smart-aleck Groucho's

famous walk was actually based off a walk that was popular in the late 19th

century among well-to-do youth in this walk the person puts their right hand

behind their back near their spine they then turn their body slightly to the

side with the left shoulder angled inwards next they'd lean forward and

then while they'd walk they'd swing their left arm as comedic as this sounds

even Teddy Roosevelt was known for doing this walk in his early days in politics

Groucho simply exaggerated this style of walk to an extreme degree for his

onstage persona Groucho Marx never found out his brother gumbo died before him

when Gummer died in April of 1977 Groucho was going downhill fast and the

family worried that if they told Groucho his brother had died it might kill him

in August of 1977 Groucho kicked the bucket still never

having been told his brother was dead the last of the Marx Brothers to die

Zeppo did so in 1979 of lung cancer Zeppo was never nearly as famous as most

of the rest of his brothers but made millions anyway as he was a great

businessman and engineer among his many business accomplishments he designed the

wristwatch heart monitor for patients which would set off an alarm if their

heart rate slowed to critical levels or stopped his company was also the one to

design and build the clamps that held the fat man atomic bomb when it was

being delivered aboard the bomber among many other wartime materials Chico Marx

not only was a notorious womanizer but also couldn't get enough of gambling

causing him to lose millions of dollars throughout his life and resulted in him

having to continue to perform regularly in order to keep a living even late in

his life the situation became so dire for him that after declaring bankruptcy

the brothers had to get together to make a night in Casablanca so that Chico

would be able to support himself in order to make sure that he didn't waste

his earnings anymore they also took over management of his finances and

him a regular allowance to assure he'd always be able to support himself


For more infomation >> HOW THE MARX BROTHERS GOT THEIR NICKNAMES - Duration: 11:09.


Man Utd's Victor Lindelof tweet to Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Duration: 2:18.

 Manchester United defender Victor Lindelof has tweeted his former club and international team-mate Zlatan Ibrahimovic after scoring for Sweden this evening

 The 24-year-old recently dethroned Ibrahimovic as Swedish player of the year, and he also got himself up to two goals for the national team with his strike against Russia tonight

MORE: Club chief downbeat about keeping £106million Manchester United transfer target  While Lindelof still has some way to go before catching former Red Devil Ibrahimovic at the top of his country's top scorer list

 The LA Galaxy star, now retired from international football, played 116 times for the European nation, scoring 62 goals in total

 It seems highly unlikely that Lindelof, a central defender, will ever come close to that kind of tally, but he's certainly a confident lad after his recent improvement in form

 That's what he seems to be suggesting with his tweet to Ibrahimovic anyway, with Lindelof simply writing 'watch out' and tagging Ibrahimovic in the post

 To be fair, it's a decent finish from Lindelof, even if it's not quite Zlatan-esque just yet

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For more infomation >> Man Utd's Victor Lindelof tweet to Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Duration: 2:18.


Nghe tiếng động lạ trong đống cây đem xiệt ra chích và cái kết | Dân Miền Tây - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Nghe tiếng động lạ trong đống cây đem xiệt ra chích và cái kết | Dân Miền Tây - Duration: 12:26.


Resort turístico prohíbe celulares en el spa por insólita razón - Duration: 2:06.

    Ayana, complejo turístico, escribió en su portal que los huéspedes tienen la prohibición de usar teléfonos móviles, cámaras, tablets u otros dispositivos electrónicos cerca de la zona del spa y sus piscinas

 La limitación es sólo para cierta parte del complejo que cuenta con piscina de dos gradas con jardines de plantas tropicales

 El horario de uso es entre las 9 y 17 horas, en las que no pueden utilizar sus dispositivos

 La filosofía detrás de River Pool -nombre del rincón especial de Ayana- para emplear la insólita medida es que quieren "crear un lugar de tranquilidad, donde nuestros huéspedes puedan relajarse verdaderamente y 'estar en el momento'"

 "Nuestra intención es preservar quiénes somos valorando la conexión humana y el tiempo para uno mismo", dijo representante para Lonely Planet News

 En su mensaje expresa "no habrá llamadas ni mensajes de texto ni fotos, ni tampoco redes sociales, ¡solo tú, River Pool y este momento!"

 Y para quienes caen en aburrimiento por no tener Internet podrán solicitar juegos de mesa clásicos, ajedrez, naipes, sudoku y jenga

For more infomation >> Resort turístico prohíbe celulares en el spa por insólita razón - Duration: 2:06.


Wade: 'I'm trying to get back on track' - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Wade: 'I'm trying to get back on track' - Duration: 0:32.


VLOG - Christmas Shopping & Meet My Other Sister! - Duration: 19:30.

y'all like when I go through the drive-thru guys I'm having some I've

been having cramps every month and I'm not used to that I don't normally get

that and it's just like oh it's uncomfortable for like a few hours I

feel for you guys that get it like really serious and very bad I feel for

you guys because it's just it makes you not want to leave the house makes you

don't want to do anything but I've always been that girl that even though

I've had cramps I still got to work I'll go out I'll go shopping I'll do anything

and I feel like for me it's a good distraction so that I don't think about

it I'm digging the red lip you guys this is lady danger I feel like wearing my

sunglasses because I feel like in the winter sunglasses are even more

important because everything is so white and bright and like let's just be real

like you always look more fabulous when you have your sunglasses on like watch

yourself yeah I'm just gonna get my who was honking back there George have some

patience it's the holiday season yeah I do I wear these you know what no it

looks too dark and George be nice kindness you guys we need some more

kindness in this world um I don't know who's gonna be here today and I think

I'm gonna stop at Heartland I always like shopping for me you guys just like

uh you know when they say like retail therapy

it's literally therapy for me sometimes they don't even get anything at all but

I just it relaxes me I don't know what it is I love looking

at every little piece and all the different clothes and stuff so I think

I'm gonna go there I'm still looking for something small as like a side gift for

Amy and I always get stuck because I hate asking her because I'm really big

on keeping everything a surprise so I'm still looking for that I have all my

other gifts done except for that one thing so maybe I will find something I

think I want to strap in Nordstrom Rock did I tell you guys I used to think it

was called Nord storm yeah so the longest time I was like Oh Nord storm

and I never used to go there to be honest with you because like I'm too

cheap for a Nordstrom um let's just be really even halt run from it was like

I'm not going there and I've just always been I don't know like I'm into high

designer and obviously like fancy things as you can tell I mean a girl log bougie

sorry guys I'm next okay let's see who's here stay

hi there what mr. Becks how are you good are you I didn't thank you like you have

heard of me today can I get a grande green tea latte with

soy and unsweetened yeah an event ii cup

three stevia please no liquid yes yes that's it so far thank you yeah I'm

laughing you guys because I can see the girl at the drive-thru but I don't think

she's the one talking to me and I'm seeing her laughing is she talking to me

through the window she's not you're not that important stuff um yeah I want to

get to the window I'm gonna be late Groth are you talking to me okay it's

cold that closing window I have a reward but I'm gonna do this new thing where I

keep my rewards instead of wasting it cuz I'm always late reward but I'm not

gonna do that anymore I feel like if you get a reward like just use it you guys

use the app if you guys go to Starbucks make sure you guys use that because

there's always little challenges going on the menu challenges that they have

sometimes on Wednesdays I don't think it's every Wednesday well maybe it's

like a new thing right now but you get double

like watch yourself it's like my new saying you guys I'm like obsessed

comment down below watch yourself I can't I just gone ok

let's see what happens here

hello how are you I was seeing you over there that drives too like going like

this I'm like is she talking to me from the dry yep

so it likes when seeing I'm like no no it's not me I'm not that important

because your voice I wasn't recognizing I'm like that's not her

the hot one yeah the hot one today thank you

have a good one

so funny guys was just too funny I'm so used to like in this summer time keeping

my window open you can't do that anymore around these places well you guys they

have the Christmas cups now George just go I'm gonna let you go I'm the driver

that lets everybody go through you know why because number one I don't want a

road rage fight and I just I'm just like just go George just go go you know I

don't want to be involved in what you got going on here you look like you're

in a hurry George so please please I'm not in a hurry so

that's what I've been doing I've been getting my grande drink inside of a

venti Cup just perfect okay we're going to go on the way right

now okay and Nordstrom is so goals for this you guys look at the sweat over

here you got it so cozy how much is it 47 you might have to get this one for

somebody I know these are so good to have I think I'm gonna pick up the white

one for myself and look what we have over here

you guys I got this coat in a size medium and they only have one left one

by Lucky Brand it's so beautiful

this is the cutest bag of light 225 oh my god

it's like the perfect cream color so I didn't end up getting anything at

Nordstrom Rack um because I was gonna get that gray top for Amy and then I'm

like wait a second I have one that I said I would give to her so I'm like

okay no and then she's not really a big fan of ribbed like things that are

ribbed she likes a very plain Jill on the lookout first time thank you guys

that Tory Burch baked that was there that's like the big that I'm looking for

but 225 I was like I'm willing to pay that much but I think the gold was kind

of bothering me I want that sand color with the accent of silver I don't think

I want the gold but that was a really beautiful bag and the other thing is

that it was a small bag it wasn't like a big one that I can put but I can carry

like a satchel I don't know it was just a little bit small I would have spent it

if it was more of like a bigger handbag right now I think I want to stop at Old

Navy he kind of see what they have sometimes they have someone like cute

things and jackets and stuff like that so I'm gonna see what they have went to

H&M recently so I don't think I'm gonna go there and winners I'm gonna check out

winners and see what they have it is I'm as you can tell I'm not really moving

right now because it's Saturday by the way you guys and the it's pretty busy

like it's really really busy you can tell that people are like shopping for

their Christmas stuff luckily I am an early Christmas shopper so I got most of

my stuff done as you guys already know but the thing is like when you are a

shopper like a true shop or you don't care about how busy the stores are you

just go regardless I'm the one that will go on Boxing Day even when it's like

ridiculous I'll be like can you just drop me on just just drop me off like I

still need to get stuff done but up what up peeps they're staring at me so

by the way you guys make sure you check out my blog because on my website

Stephanie said oh Tom I'm gonna have all the Black Friday sales that are gonna be

going on a lot of them go on for the whole entire week so I'm gonna list all

the stores that I love to shop at and then I'll put like the sale that they're

having I heard the sales are gonna be really

really really good I'm gonna be keeping a lookout for some of the sales and

seeing if I can find any steals one good thing about Black Friday is a really

good time to save a ton of money and get your Christmas shopping done to be

honest with you I also have a gift guide on my website too and some of the

stories from my gift guide will be having sales too so if you guys want

like cute gift-giving ideas I have my gift guide also up on there some really

cute stuff I try not to put anything too expensive in my gift guide so right now

I'm getting closer to get to winners and everything is kind of clearing up and

I'm gonna see if I can find anything there okay so winners didn't really have

anything to be honest with you it was super busy in there the lineup was like

whole Lee it was out of the line and then like down the hallway where all the

clothes was it was like insane feeling the tummy getting a little bit hungry

right now it's the one thing I hate about red lipstick you have to like keep

reapplying it whereas if you were nude you don't have to I'm not wearing

foundation today it's so weird and I feel like I have this weird thing I

don't know if you guys do but I can't put on this like colored lip and like

not do a full face especially with red but I was like you know I don't want to

put on foundation today so I just put on my bronzing cream my central PEZ and I

just put like highlighter a little bit of mascara put some highlighter over my

eyelids and do like a little glowy look oh that's actually really good cuz

paneros right by Old Navy so I think after Panera a go to Old Navy see what's

going on there because sometimes I can find some cute things and then if

there's nothing there I'm going to head to Starbucks I'm gonna do some work and

on the weekends I don't really like to work like I'm not editing or anything

but I'm just kind of taking it easy and I want to get the black friday sales

prepped for you guys online so I'm gonna be working on that we are missing a ton

of places where we can like go and eat I feel like every takeout food or every

time you eat outside there a lot more by choices than good Panera I

feel like a silvery taystee I feel like it's similar to how I kind of cook at

home in the meals that I like to eat I love their salads and their soups are so

good there and I get like the Mediterranean wrap I'll show you guys

what I get when I go there it's it's a little bit crazy out here you guys this

is like a mini a mini like Black Friday Boxing Day I don't think you guys in the

US know what Boxing Day is because one time I was like boxing day sale and I

put it on my website and you guys are like what's Boxing Day so Boxing Day for

Canadians if you guys don't know it's the day right after Christmas that's

when we go crazy with our sales we don't have Black Friday we're starting to

adopt Black Friday right now because of you guys in the u.s. a lot of what you

guys do we copy of course because you guys are the but you guys always have

everything even when I'm ordering online so a lot of things I can't get because

it's not available in Canada it's only available in the US and it sucks like

here really really sucks I just got an H&M coat that wasn't

available on the Canadian website and only on the US website I ordered online

and I mailed it to my friend and my friend mailed it back to me and I'm like

let's say like it's serious out here and serious on these streets like you can't

get everything you want to get on here and then a couple days later they put it

on the Canadian website insane balls why are y'all honking people are so

impatient around this time like this is the time everyone supposed to be like

jolly and happy but I feel like it's the opposite I feel like everyone's like get

out of my way I will run you over no I found that

sweater first Susan please I found it first as I saying something and then cut

myself off Boxing Day is the 26th of December that's when we have like crazy

sales it typically goes on for the rest of the week too but when you guys have

Black Friday I find that some of our stores are like Black Friday I'm like

guys were Canadian we're not like stop trying to be cool when you're not cool

like it's not cool to be uncool

fuck my Greek salad and my Mediterranean sandwich guys we found absolutely

nothing today I just came out of Old Navy I was gonna like pick up a tank top

that was like six dollars and then I was like I look to the line I'm like

nevermind at least my tummy is full now like I

feel a lot better than that one but we didn't get anything today it wasn't a

really successful shopping day but I just feel relaxed like I told you guys

shop in size era P to me so cute look at this one it's so major my tell us it's

cool it's for dad and this losing a more pork chop right here I mean if you need

your balls if you ask me I'm feeling these just go look at these iridescent

one and then they have like blush ones over there get these ones elegies

anything that's gold and shimmery I know it's too skinny but that is like tree

goals right there just a little bit more like wide and then I would decorate it

always you guys tis the season to show the other sister this is our other

sister her name is Jessica she saw me and she's like stuff you look hella

bougie and I do not but that's just who I am I'm just Moody

yeah but I mean I'm coming off a word and we're close

yeah you're not sure you're never booty though euro China here

whatever whatever so there's the other sister guys okay he has blue eyes and so

does Amy and I don't I'm the only one that doesn't life is great

you guys these are like my tree goals oh my god this is so pretty

verbal yeah I've had those before you know that on my tree just not on myself

these are they're cools or so it looks like a spider web so I don't know those

are cute I probably stick these flowers somewhere and then these massive

snowflakes over there show them how pretty this is it's like

super Christmas being a that's what I want to show them yeah that's my heroine

so there are 12 rose and vanilla I like the packaging too because I mean I

usually take off the sticker and then I keep it plain like that pick up and

right now they're 12 12:45 oh my god picking up the rose and vanilla and

we're also picking up a vanilla bean one

guys I'm about to light up my new candle I'm so excited I loved this one from

Bath and Body Works I walked into there one day and I smelled this one normally

I don't really buy anything from there to be honest with you with the add rose

and vanilla and I'm about to light it because I just ran out of my other one

from them the normal one that I get is mahogany teak what I think that's what

it's called and love turning on candles in the wintertime look how pretty that

looks I love seeing a candle lit up even

though I'm not really like a huge candle fan but in the winter I am because I'm

sitting on myself that's just so nice and cozy to look over and see this one

so I'm excited to start smelling this one and I'm gonna show you guys so I

also got the vanilla one vanilla bean I got this one as a side gift for somebody

and I didn't get to show you guys what I got at Michaels what I do is I wrap it

up with like a really thick ribbon and then I like to stick something on the

top of the gift I'm just kind of extra like that so I got these two I guess

little garland mistletoe II looking things and there are $2.99 and I got

them for 60% off so I paid like $1 for them and then I got some ribbon look at

this ribbon it was $20 and then there were 60% off so I paid $8 for this and

it's like 25 yeah 25 feet of ribbon so what I do is I wrap the gift up in this

and then I put like a bit of something decorative on top but yeah so I got that

and then then I got this beautiful iridescent one but yeah that's basically

what I got from there you guys I'm headed off to bring the city center the

shopping continues you guys I'm meeting my sister there it's so funny because my

middle sister has the same disease as I do it's called the shopaholic disease um

Amy doesn't really have that like Amy's not a Shopaholic but we I'm the most out

of all three of us like I can show up I can show up I get shop till I drop

like I kid you not you I can like just go and go and go and go

and go and not stop and I think I surprised both of them and it just makes

me laugh because I was texting her and there's some sales going on in Erie and

American Eagle and I'm actually looking for something particularly from there

and normally their stuff is really expensive so I'm like maybe I could use

that sweater maybe I can use also that sweater over there and maybe that one

too and you guys have to say the funniest thing I got kicked off hmmso

website I'm like I'm not joking when I say I got kicked off it would not allow

me on there and it's because I kept refreshing the page because I just

bought another coat from on there you guys I called customer service and like

you have got to place my order honey like I cannot have this coat sold out

like it's not a joke like come on guys it's a collector's piece it's not a

collection I'm spending extra um she's like oh I can see that you've been

refreshing your page that's why we kicked you off like guys I was dying I'm

like okay regardless can you please taste my order nice they blocked me off

but they can and then my sister was like oh just go on like on your phone run

Safari on your phone a mic I'm blocked on there as well you guys I am horrible

okay anyways cuz they wouldn't let me go to my car that's why I like I'm not

psychotic it wouldn't let me check out okay and it wouldn't let me use the

coupon code I was like what's going on with you H and I'm like a girls trying

to save a dollar over here now it's like backup in my life is like complete now I

was texting her and I was like I need a rich man

she's like stuff you need a man with a bottomless visa you guys I was dying

this girl said bottomless visa I'm gonna need a guy you guys that provides you

financially stable and very smart with their finances and their money because

me like money for me I'm good with my money like girls don't think I'm like

I'm broke or something cuz I'm not broke by I am very when I have money I'm like

okay and I'm an emotional spender by the way

so if I'm excited and happy I will spend and then if I'm depressed and upset I'll

be like let me just go to winners and see what they have but anyways yeah I'm

heading off over there right now because I need to see how something fits before

because Aries sometimes their stuff is huge the way it fits but let's see what

I can find this is shopping / - forget it shopping shopping part mm all right


For more infomation >> VLOG - Christmas Shopping & Meet My Other Sister! - Duration: 19:30.


Nightcore - IDOL - Duration: 3:05.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - IDOL - Duration: 3:05.


Como Aprendi a Falar INGLES Sozinha / How to Learn ENGLISH by Yourself - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Como Aprendi a Falar INGLES Sozinha / How to Learn ENGLISH by Yourself - Duration: 4:22.


OWEN - Duration: 2:56.

He's gunna target that man isn't he?








THIS BOY CAN'T THRO- I'm voting someone else



Covering this guy, should be go- ohhh look at this






Oh wait no that's not owen







Just run it in, whatever



*weird sounds*
































For more infomation >> OWEN - Duration: 2:56.


SCAMMER vs SCAMMER!! (subtitles) BAD LANGUAGE! - Duration: 15:44.

For more infomation >> SCAMMER vs SCAMMER!! (subtitles) BAD LANGUAGE! - Duration: 15:44.


Nightcore - Say My Name (David Guetta, Bebe Rexha & J Balvin) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Say My Name (David Guetta, Bebe Rexha & J Balvin) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.


ODOT: 2.2 million Ohioans expected to hit the roads for Thanksgiving - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ODOT: 2.2 million Ohioans expected to hit the roads for Thanksgiving - Duration: 2:09.


Canticos 'Little Dolly' Lyric Video | Nursery Rhyme in English & Spanish | Sing-Along | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:20.


Sing with us!


It's Kiki Chickie.

Hey, looks like today her favorite color is blue.



¿Otra vez?

¡En español!


Put a little song in your heart.


You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!

[music playing]

For more infomation >> Canticos 'Little Dolly' Lyric Video | Nursery Rhyme in English & Spanish | Sing-Along | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:20.


DeAndre Nico's cover of "I Can Only Imagine" charts on iTunes @Deandreknico #TeamDeandre - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> DeAndre Nico's cover of "I Can Only Imagine" charts on iTunes @Deandreknico #TeamDeandre - Duration: 1:52.


海贼王:革命军为什么能对抗世界政府?这几种力量让无数人都畏惧 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:革命军为什么能对抗世界政府?这几种力量让无数人都畏惧 - Duration: 3:47.



Hi everyone, welcome back to the kitchen and today I have an awesome idea for a holiday table dessert

This is what I'm calling pumpkin crunch cobbler

It's very similar to a dump cake

But I really hate that name and it's like cus pumpkin custard on the bottom like a pumpkin pie and this delicious

Crispy crunchy topping like an apple crisp and what's not to like about that?

I hope that you'll stick around because I can't wait to share with you how this all comes together

Today we're gonna make a really easy pumpkin cobbler. This thing goes together super fast

You can make this in a moment's notice if you have a couple of hours before you're unexpectedly

Invited to an event or maybe you forgot that you agreed to bring dessert somewhere

This is something that you can have in your arsenal for when you have one of those really hectic days

We all have them especially going into the holiday season

Everyone's gonna love this, you know, we used to call these dump cakes personally. I really just like that name

So I'm calling this a pumpkin cobbler. It's like a cobbler

It's not like a cake, but it uses a cake mix and it's all good

So we're gonna start off with one yellow cake mix one can of solid packed pumpkin not pumpkin pie mix

Only solid pack pumpkin one can of evaporated milk one cup of sugar granulated sugar. You can use brown sugar if you want

It's just gonna change the flavor up just a little bit three whole a one tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice

One stick or 8 ounces or half a cup of melted butter?

1 cup of chopped pecans, that's all that goes in here super easy and

Quick to make we're gonna start with the filling

The first thing we're gonna do is get the pumpkin in here and we're gonna mix it all up like a pumpkin pie

Then we're gonna crack our actually we'll put our sugar in

The butter and the nuts and the cake mix go on the topping we'll go ahead and get our eggs in here

Pumpkin pie spice goes right on in and the evaporated milk. You can already see how simple this is

We're mixing up a pumpkin custard like you would for a pumpkin pie

Can't live without my hand Easter

I'll leave a link down below if you guys are interested in grabbing one of these I

Mean grab one or two or three of them because with the holidays coming you can never have too many

I'm not joking, but I'll leave a link down below for you. This is how hard it is, right?

I have a 9 by 13 boil baking pan that has been sprayed on the bottom. We're gonna go ahead and

pour our

Custard right on in there now, we're gonna set this aside just for a second

I'm gonna grab another Bowl and we're gonna mix up the topping

The next thing I want you to do is I like to mix these up a little

So the cake mix in the nuts, just give them a good toss

It's also gonna help you break up any giant lumps of cake mix that you have. I don't like those. That's just me

I'm gonna use my hands which are ultra clean and

I'm going to sprinkle

The cake mix and the nuts right over top of that pumpkin custard now the custard looks like it's gonna be super loose

But stick with me here because as this bakes

it's going to do its magic and it's gonna separate and it's gonna turn into a

Lovely two layered dessert with a crunchy topping from the cake mix and these nuts and it's gonna be kind of awesome

I have one stick of melted butter

Drizzle, this is evenly as you can over the top and you don't even have to mix that up

That's all you have to do now

we're gonna pop this in a 350 degree oven for 45 to

55 minutes or until the top is brown

And crispy and we'll be back when it's ready to take out. Our pumpkin crunch cobbler is ready to go this baked

For just about an hour

So you want to check it if it's a little uneven on the top you want to make sure you keep it in there until

It's nice and brown all the way across

And now what you want to do is you want this to cool completely before you serve it

I know that's the hardest part nobody likes to wait, but we got to do it. So we're gonna let this cool

We're gonna serve you up a piece

So we're gonna let you see what it looks like and I'll be back in just a moment

Well, there you have it. Our pumpkin cobbler has cooled

Enough to serve up and I have to tell you guys it looks incredible

Let me show you from the side because you can definitely please see how it looks like a pumpkin pie down below that pumpkin custard

Has set up and it's absolutely delicious. There's only one more thing that I think it needs because you know

There you have it so now that's left is for it to taste it, you know guys he does this for you

It's true right and it's this cobbler topping is nice and um

Crunchy kind of like a crisp, you know when you make an apple crisp

Oh, that is good. Mmm, that's really good

It really is

Buttery flaky crust

This is really delicious the addition of the nuts to the cake mix on the top

It really gives it a different depth of flavor

I had a lot of the cakes that you know, the dump cakes quote-unquote

and I'm not a real fan of them because oftentimes that flavor of the uncooked cake mix is

Overpowering a little bit salty a little bit weird to me, but this is really good. And I think it's because

The base of the pumpkin custard with so liquidy and that it really absorbed well into the cake mix layer

This is excellent

You guys give this a try this is gonna be a great option for your Thanksgiving Day dinner

Or any holiday meal you can make this up to a couple of days in advance

However, you're gonna need to keep it in the refrigerator after it gets cooled off

You're gonna want to bring this to room temperature before you serve it

I might even suggest putting it in a warm oven while you're eating dinner

That way that crispy crust gets crisped up again because once you put this in the fridge, it's gonna get soggy

So really the best idea is to make this the day you're gonna serve it if you have two ovens all the better

But this might not be the best idea as I make a head you can make it work

But it's not gonna be as good as if you made it the day you're gonna eat it

I hope you liked today's video

and if you did

Please consider giving me a thumbs up

And if you're new to my kitchen and you happened on over looking for Thanksgiving or holiday recipes welcome

it's always a pleasure to welcome new friends in please be sure and hit the subscribe button and

as always if you are tried in remember of the Noreen's kitchen family be sure and hit the bell notification button and

set your YouTube homepage to your

Subscription feed so that you don't miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope you give this pumpkin crunch cobbler a try sometime soon, and I hope you love it and until next time I'll see ya



Arsenal suits back "absolutely extraordinary" Unai Emery to fight for the title - Duration: 6:02.

  Unai Emery has the "contagious energy" to lead Arsenal back into the Champions League — and be genuine title contenders again

 That was the message from the Gunners' new powerbrokers Raul Sanllehi and Vinai Venkatesham, who believe the club have the right man to get them back to the top

 Arsenal finished sixth last season, a staggering 37 points behind reigning champions Manchester City last season and even more worryingly it was the second year running they finished outside the Champions League places

  But new manager Emery has helped restore some much needed pride among the fans after Arsene Wenger's departure and Sanllehi and Venkatesham claim they can overcome the odds despite not having the financial power of City, Manchester United and Liverpool

 Managing director Venkatesham said: "His (Emery) energy is absolutely extraordinary

His work-ethic is absolutely extraordinary.  "When you are on that long flight home from Eastern Europe after a Europa League game and everyone is trying to get a little bit of sleep, he is watching the game, analysing it

All times, all hours. His energy levels… We had dinner with him on Wednesday and his energy and passion is infectious

"  Sanllehi, who is the Gunners' head of football, said: "It's contagious. In a good way

I have to make the point also, just to clarify, that I did not know him personally

We are both Spanish but I did not know him personally.  "But the feedback I got from people who had worked with Unai was incredible

Always positive. I did not find one element of criticism. I am talking about players, chairmen, technical directors

I talked with a lot of people who had interacted with him in his time and it was very reassuring

"  Emery has already re-energised the club and made them top four contenders this season when it seemed as if even that might be beyond them because they were so far adrift in May

 Arsenal have also missed out on the £30m cash windfall for reaching the Champions League and could not compete with the huge spending of the likes of Liverpool as Emery had to operate on a tight budget

 But Venkatesham insists that despite Arsenal's self-sustaining business model that Emery is not just aiming for top four finishes but winning the title again

 He said: "We want to be competing in the number one European competition that is what our fans want us to be competing in, the players want to be competing in and that is what all our staff want us to be competing in

 "This is a club that hasn't won the Premier League for a long time and hasn't won the Champions League

I understand. And I do know the only way we're going to be able to answer the questions is by having the Premier League or Champions League trophy here

 "All I can tell you is, I believe we can get there. But I'll only be able to prove that to you when the trophies are on the table

 "Ultimately at Arsenal what we're trying to do is make all of our fans around the world proud of their club

We do that most effectively by winning, but winning our way. That means winning matches and trophies

 "And clearly the trophies we want to more than anything else are the Premier League and Champions League

Football news straight to your inbox  Never want to miss the latest transfer news or match reports?  We've got newsletters sending you the latest from the football world or, more specifically, for Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

 Sign up here to receive stories straight to your inbox.  "We want to win those our way by respecting the 130 years of history, tradition and values of all the great players and managers who have represented this club

 "The players want to be competing in the Champions League and we all want to be, there is a material financial impact but it is much more than that for us

That is the top table of European football and that is where you want to be.  "I wouldn't want this job and I wouldn't want to be working for a football club like Arsenal if I didn't think we could get back to where we need to be

That is not me saying it is going to be easy, it is going to be tough and it is tough for all of the top clubs

 "The first step we need to do is get back into the Champions League and then we need to start competing and then we need to start winning the biggest trophies in the game – I absolutely believe we can do that


For more infomation >> Arsenal suits back "absolutely extraordinary" Unai Emery to fight for the title - Duration: 6:02.


Hope Point Tower heads to Elorza's desk after winning City Council support - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hope Point Tower heads to Elorza's desk after winning City Council support - Duration: 1:11.


#HiddenScars with Julie Nackos - Duration: 1:28.

so Thanksgiving early-morning 2016 our son was on his way home from a concert

with his friend Nash. Kyle was a passenger, he was hit and killed by a

drunk driver who was driving the wrong way on the freeway, on I-25. His friend

Nash is still in a coma today. I had talked to Kyle at 2:22 that morning and

after that I couldn't get hold of him, so for hours I was trying to get ahold of

him. We got a knock on our door at 7:30 there was some police officers there and

they asked if they could come in and sit down, and at that time I knew something

was wrong. They took us upstairs and they let us know that there had been a crash

and that our son had been killed. The last memory that I have with Kyle is I

had gotten home off work and he was standing in the kitchen, and he's usually

not home when I get home and I just remember putting my bag down and I

walked over to him and I just hugged him and I told him how much I loved him.

Our family has always been very close; it's hard though, it's hard on holidays

especially Thanksgiving, Christmas his birthday. My hidden scar is trying to

learn to live without Kyle minute, by minute day by day, and year by year. I

don't know how to do it...

For more infomation >> #HiddenScars with Julie Nackos - Duration: 1:28.


WE ARE NOW UNITED | Conheça Shivani, da Índia (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> WE ARE NOW UNITED | Conheça Shivani, da Índia (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 2:45.



you are going to want to stick around for this if you're trying to conceive

because this is the key and identifying what it's possibly your earliest sign of

pregnancy even before a pregnancy test is even effective hey there welcome to

my channel that mama goes today I am dishing on all of the important details

regarding implantation more specifically implantation cramping

and implantation bleeding hopefully by the end of this video you'll be feeling

one step closer to your BFP or big fat positive my name is Brittany and I am a

registered nurse I worked at a holistic women's health practice where I learned

my passion for women's health and for teaching about and learning about a

woman's cycle which is where this series comes from that's why I'm creating these

videos I'm a mom to one my son Eli is 20 months old

I'm currently pregnant and due in March I'm having a little girl so I'll be a

mom with two come March if you are new here welcome I so appreciate you being

here every Tuesday I post videos relating to feminine health so TTC or

the trying to conceive process tracking your cycle ovulation things like that I

have all kinds of videos coming up on that and I have a whole bunch of videos

already out I also post videos relating to pregnancy and motherhood so if any of

that interests you at all make sure to hit that subscribe button with one

finger that is all it takes make sure to join my tribe hit that Bell

notification so you don't miss any of my future videos just as a quick disclaimer

this is not meant to be medical advice at all so if you have any specific

concerns or questions regarding your cycle and your health or even relating to

symptoms you're experiencing make sure to pick up the phone and call your

doctor okay alright now let's hop into the video so

today we're talking all about implantation and symptoms of implantation

I did an entire video about my early pregnancy symptoms if you missed that go

back and look at that I kind of touch on this stuff but next week I'm actually

going to do a whole video on early pregnancy symptoms and all the general

symptoms you can experience if you have in fact implanted but today is

specifically about symptoms relating to the actual act of implantation if that

makes sense so cramping and bleeding let's say you've ovulated and a sperm

did in fact fertilize the egg so the egg has to make its way down the fallopian

tube and into the uterus and eventually implant into the wall of the uterus and

this is implantation so let's first talk about cramping this basically occurs

when the newly fertilized egg implants itself into your uterine wall this

cramping is minor and brief if you typically experience menstrual cramps

and this is unique to everyone pain is unique to the individual but the one

thing that we know for sure is that implantation cramping should not be

classified as intense it should be minor and it should be pretty brief as well so

like one to two days maybe I've heard up to a little bit longer than that but

typically it's going to be in that range of one to two days it occurs in the

lower part of your abdomen typically some women have reported other

sensations such as piercing so when I think of piercing maybe like a sting

that might be something that I classify is piercing or a tingling sensation so

like if your foot falls asleep kind of that sensation some people will actually

experience it in their back so maybe you'll have a little bit of back pain or

back cramping or maybe you will feel pressure on your sides but the key here

for the cramping is that it's minor and brief so again if we're talking about

menstrual cramps it should not feel like menstrual

cramps it's definitely a much smaller lesser not as intense version of maybe a

menstrual cramp you shouldn't feel like you can't go on with your day-to-day

activity and as far as implantation bleeding goes again we're focusing on

light and brief so this should last maybe one to two days for some women

it's not even a day long it's it's a few hours or can even just be one streak of

blood that's what I experienced actually was one streak of blood in the midst of

my cervical mucus that was probably the earliest sign for me for this pregnancy

was one streak of blood so as far as length of time goes one to two days I

have heard up to three to four days typically again it's gonna fall on that

one to two day category your uterine lining is rich with blood so for some

women when the egg implants into the uterine wall that's why you see this

bleeding and that's why when it implants you might see some spotting this is not

your period it shouldn't really look anything like your period it's much

lighter typically people report that it's more of a pink or even a brown or

like I mentioned a streak of blood and it happens a few days ish and again this

isn't there is no perfect day that this will land on because as we have learned

through me doing these videos and hopefully you watching them that no

woman's cycle is the same even from cycle to cycle for the same woman it's not the

same so there's no way to really predict when implantation like what particular

day it's occurring typically implantation is going to occur at least

a couple days before your period is expected so if you notice like hey I'm

like spotting a couple of days before my period is actually due that that in fact

could be implantation bleeding there should not be any clots so if you're

known to have like small or large clots when you have your period you shouldn't

see this with implantation bleeding and the bleeding could be on and off for

implantation bleeding so you may find that you bleed a little and then stop

and then you have a little bit more and then stop it's not like your period

which kind of starts and then speeds up you have more and it's it's deeper and

redder you won't find it increasing in intensity or you shouldn't so as I

mentioned my personal experience with implantation bleeding was literally a

streak of blood it was a small streak in the midst of cervical mucus I want to

know have you experienced implantation bleeding if you have what did it look

like um are you experiencing it now maybe that's why you landed on this

video you can just write simple yes or no or if you feel comfortable

elaborating please let us know like what you saw because I think if odds are if

you're watching this video and you found this because you're searching for

implantation bleeding signs or anything like that you're probably looking for

experiences from other women so help a sister out write it in the comments

below as soon as implantation occurs your body

starts producing HCG which is actually what is detected by pregnancy test so

this is what is being looked for by the test or by the urine pregnancy test

essentially in order to either get that yes/no or that X or the double lines or

whatever it's measuring that hormone however a urine pregnancy test is not

expected to be positive until maybe three to four days after implantation

occurs because you do have to build up a small level of that HCG before it's

detectable in urine pregnancy tests this is why implantation cramping and

spotting / bleeding could be your very very earliest sign even before a

pregnancy test so that's my summary of implantation cramping and bleeding do

you have any questions did you learn anything please let me know in the

comments I'm always looking for new content to create so if there's some

topic you'd like me to do a video on I would love to hear from you

please leave it in the comments below if you learned something or if you enjoyed

this video please give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe and join my

tribe I have all kinds of new content coming up including a whole video on

symptoms before your big fat positive or early pregnancy test I have my 23 week

pregnancy update coming out soon and then I will eventually be doing a name

reveal once my husband and I finally come to the conclusion of what baby

girl's name is going to be and then if you're interested in knowing kind of

more my day-to-day life my personal thoughts and things like that please

join me on instagram at that mama goes is my handle I'd love to be friends so I

really appreciate you being here we'll see you next Tuesday or if you're

interested in the pregnancy updates we'll see you Thursday

we'll see you next time bye

For more infomation >> IMPLANTATION CRAMPING / IMPLANTATION BLEEDING - Duration: 9:06.


You Can Be Thrown Into Prison For Not Paying Your Bills - Duration: 7:50.

Most people probably believe that debtors' prisons are ancient history but since the

1970's the United States, more and more American citizens have been thrown into jail over their


And private debts, by the way.

And in the last few years judges have increased the number of people being put into prison

because they can't pay their bills.

According to a recent report by the ACLU, more and more American citizens are being

thrown in prison by judges who say that private bills held by collection agencies is now a

criminal offense which most legal experts agree is a clear violation of the Equal Protection

clauses of the 14th amendment.

But as the corporate stranglehold and America gets stronger, it's becoming increasingly

clear that corporations always get what they want.

Very rare that they don't get what they want.

And right now, they want to put Americans in jail if they're not able to pay their bills.

Peter, you know when I looked at this story, look at these headlines, I've been hearing

this story for quite some time where for criminal offenses, the people that can't pay child

support, whatever it may be, it evolves into a criminal offense and they're thrown in prison,

in jail for that.

But this is much different.

This is somebody's got a hospital bill for example.

They can't pay the hospital bill and they end up going to jail for it.

The ACLU has followed this a long time and now thousands of cases of this happening.

What's your take?

They documented a lot of really horrific stories.

What's really happening is that this industry from a legal perspective, these huge firms

that pay their lawyers almost nothing.

It's just a machine where they're churning out claim after claim and then they send a

notice to somebody that hasn't paid their hospital bill or bounced a small check and

the defendant doesn't show up for the court hearing.

If they don't show up for the court hearing as you know, then the court enters an order

and it can be contempt which can be criminal and then they don't get the notice, they don't

show up, they get another notice of contempt, it goes on their record and then an arrest

warrant is issued for failure to appear.

But think about the kind of people that are getting, that can't pay their hospital bills.

They don't have insurance.

They rent so they move a lot so it's hard to find them.

And then they get pulled over for a speeding violation.

They get a warrant.

And they get thrown in jail and they can't get out because they can't pay the bail and

this might all over be like you said, a hospital bill or some bounced check for a pizza or

something ridiculous.

And then they're sitting in jail.

Think about this.

Would you ever believe that an inability to pay a bill like a hospital bill could end

up, could land you in jail?

But this takes cooperation.

You see this is what everybody misses.

This takes some cooperation with the prosecutors and with the judge.

These are criminal prosecutors that are kind of helping in all this.

Here's how it works, you show up, you're supposed to get a notice.

First of all, they got to give you notice that there's a hearing, right?


Lot of people get this in the mail.

It looks like stuff mail.

It looks like irrelevant kind of mail.

Or you've moved.

You've moved.

'Cause your lease is up.


Or you got evicted.

It says, you've got to appear in court.

They don't appear in court after a post judgment where there's already been a hearing.

There's been a default hearing.

Yes, they have not paid the $1,000 that they owe the hospital.

They're in default so then they're supposed to get a notice and it says, "Show up for

your post default hearing."

They have a right to do that under due process.

But the problem with the due process argument here is there's never, it's rarely even a

showing that they got the notice.

As you say, they could've move away.

There's any reason they might not have gotten the notice.

And then the whole due process of what occurs in that courtroom as far as before you're

throwing somebody in jail.

This doesn't happen.

I can just tell you something.

This doesn't happen without cooperation of really second rate, bottom feeder prosecutors,

bottom feeder plaintiffs judge that handle these cases and bottom feeder judges.

That's the only way this happens.

Because a judge is always going to say, "Well wait a second, okay, give me a proof of notice.

I want more than your word.

I want to see something more significant."

I was really troubled by the fact, I had no worth the idea that some of these companies

actually contract with the prosecutors office.

I had no worth idea that there was agreement between the bill companies and the prosecutors

and that there was a quid pro quo and back and forth.

That just seems to violate just not only common sense but to have the prosecutor in a criminal

side to help actually pushing a civil claim through criminal means like failure to appear.

That just seems like it turns it upside down.

One thing is clear.

One of the stories here, this is a very typical story that the ACLU uncovered.

Woman she owed a hospital bill.

She was deathly ill, had a hospital, matter of fact, she left where she was living to

go live with her parents so she could recover.

They supposedly send her this notice, you're in default on the bill.

You have to show up in court for a post default hearing.

She doesn't even get the notice.

One night in her pajamas at here mother's house, she's in literally in her pajamas,

knock on the door, they're there to arrest her in front of her 12 year old daughter and

eight year old autistic son, four year old son as well.

They haul her away and she spends time in jail because she can't even make bond to get

out of jail.

The problem is, this again, I can't say this enough, this doesn't happen without really

second rate, bottom feeder lawyers and judges being involved in this.

To have arrest warrants issued in a debt case is one way to kind of clean this up.

You just can't have arrest warrants issued.

You can have civil contempt which is different but you can't have arrest warrants issued

for failure to appear.

The lady you just mentioned, she was recovering from cancer.

Then she lives with her parents 'cause she can afford it.

She moves out of her place and she ends up staying in jail 'cause she can't get out.

The ACLU's come up with a couple of guidelines and one of those is no more contractual relationships

between the district attorney's office with private check collection companies, which

is a little scary to start.

And that courts can't issue arrest warrants in debt collection cases.

That seems kind of like common sense.

Debtors' prisons hundreds of years ago.


Look, I would say for 50 or 60 years, this type of thing could have been done but you

had maybe you had more responsible lawyers.

Maybe you had more responsible judges who weren't willing to say, "Yeah, I'm going to

go along with this."

Can you imagine a state paid prosecutor having a contract with a private entity, a debt collection?

Yeah, I'm going to help you out.

I'm going to throw these deadbeats in jail.

That's basically what this has come down to.

No, absolutely.

It really doesn't seem like that controversial that we should throwing people in jail.

Another thing, another way to deal with is, you got to hold people accountable.

You need them to show up for court.

That's pretty much common sense.

But you got to give them notice.

You got to give them notice and even if they get notice, you have to have evidence but

what a waste on our system that we're sending police officers out to go arrest people like

that lady.

That you send a police officer over an unpaid medical bill.

You take the resources from the county to go arrest her and then you put her in jail

and you take her out.

Go figure.

It is.

And she's never going to pay back the bill.

For more infomation >> You Can Be Thrown Into Prison For Not Paying Your Bills - Duration: 7:50.


What is the Best drone to buy for filming? Top 5 drones for filming reviewed 2019 - Duration: 9:35.

having a drone doesn't make you a pilot but it gives you that sense of

excitement in making an aircraft do crazy things in the air so here are the

top five drones that you can buy today from the market at number five the Simha

x5c Explorer this one looks more like an X with propellers fitted at all corners

don't get me wrong it is a good looking drone this one has a fairly long feature

list and it doesn't cost much it can perform 360 degree rolls with the press

of a button and is stable thanks to a 6 axis gyro there is a blade protector in

the machine which helps make it that much more durable even if you managed to

break things sima has a detailed manual and all the

spare parts as the feature list goes it has a 720p camera that can also take

pictures for a premium you can also get a Wi-Fi equipped camera that converts

this into more like a first-person shooter game obviously you can't shoot

if you feel so you can stream the drone footage live to your phone there is no

stabilization in place however so the footage can get quite shaky the battery

is good for a 7 minute flight which is not very good when you consider it takes

around 90 minutes to get fully charged the controller uses 2.4 gigahertz

Wireless but the range is an issue as it can only go as far as 50 meters and

streaming distance is less than that

I'm number four is the unique breeze 4k you can put the breeze in the air and

have it perform a handful of automated camera moves to grab photos and video

clips of you your friends and your family then you just download them to

your phone edit and share all with a few taps from within the drones app you can

also fly it around manually with on-screen controls if you want to get

specific aerial shots but the range is limited to a maximum height of 80 meters

260 2.5 feet at a maximum distance of a hundred meters 328 point 1 feet flight

time is around 12 minutes so you won't want to fly it too far away from you

anyways the mobile app is split into two sections tasks and gallery tap on tasks

and you're given five options to choose from

pilot selfie orbit journey and follow me pilot has the manual controls for flying

around the way any other drone would with a regular controller however the

breeze is designed to have the camera pointed at you and not away from you

like other camera drones so the controls are reversed

other than some vibration dampeners in the body there is nothing to stabilize

the video at its highest resolution of 2160p at 30 frames per second so the

slightest wind or drone movements causes shake and jerkiness in videos drop down

to 1080p at 30 frames per second or 720p at 60 frames per second though and you

get digital image stabilization that works pretty well it won't take out all

the movement but even in high winds the video looked fairly stable that's what

the breeze is all about getting a great aerial shot of you and your friends to

share online so that people can view it on their phones or tablets

the parrot bebop drone - is our number three pick on the list

parrots bebop - is one of the least intimidating camera drones you'll find

even less so than most toy drones since it takes off and lands on its own and

has no trouble hovering in place indoors or outside the quadcopter is small

enough to slide into an average backpack and at just over a pound it's easy to

travel with aside from the propellers there are no moving parts which helps

its chances of surviving a crash the ABS body is reinforced with glass fiber to

toughen it up even more for the best range and physical controls you can

spend a couple hundred dollars more for parrots huge and awkward sky controller

it has full controls for the drone and an amplified Wi-Fi radio on top allowing

you to fly up to 1.2 miles assuming conditions are absolutely perfect the

free flight mobile app is installed on it though so you don't need to pair it

with a mobile device to fly it also has a full size HDMI output on the side that

lets you connect an external display to see what the camera sees and also

supports headsets for completely immersing you for first-person flight

view it features a 14 megapixel sensor with a wide angle lens that covers a 180

degree field of view for capturing cool video from the sky or for sharing online

or viewing it small sizes on a phone or tablet you'll probably be pretty happy

with what you get from the bebop to the bebop - uses three axis digital

stabilization for smooth video results and eliminating shake everything gets

stored to eight gigabytes of internal flash storage and there's no microSD

card slot for expansion with its strong feature set and relatively low price

that drone from bebop is an excellent drone for beginners and intermediates


at number two on our list is the DJI phantom4

it's the overall experience of using DJI phantom4 that puts it above the rest

DJI makes doing these things painless and uncomplicated this along with the

Phantom 4s new obstacle sensing system and streamlined design are why it's

quickly been tagged as being great for beginners

the stout quadcopter has a set of optical sensors in front that will help

it navigate around or over obstacles within 0.7 to 15 meters so between 2.3

and 49 feet of it or it will simply stop and hover until you pilot it away it

also enables a couple of new flight modes you'll be able to fly at speeds up

to 45 miles per hour 72 km/h using the phantom force sport

mode DJ eyes go mobile app for iOS and Android devices is used not only for

getting a view from the drones camera but adjusting settings and seeing all

your important flight data and battery status the other noteworthy feature is

the DJ eyes intelligent flight modes these include the ability to have the

drone follow you using a GPS signal from the controller and perform movements

like orbiting around you or another point of interest and arranging a set of

waypoints on a map for it to follow it also has active track which uses the OSS

to follow a subject you just draw a box on screen around what you want to track

tap the Go button and the drone starts following keeping the camera centered on

whoever or whatever you selected barring that it is an older model and lacks some

advanced features this drone still remains a strong contender

and our number one choice today for a drone is the DJI Mavic pro the DJI

maverick pro is the only one to combine high performance lots of automated

flight modes and obstacle avoidance in an ultra compact body the smaller size

of both the drone and its controller and decidedly unfabulous obtrusive its new

occu sync encrypted transmission system gives you control up to 4.3 miles or 7

kilometres away and streams video at 1080p it was able to keep the camera

stable and fly steady in 10 to 15 mile-per-hour winds and still gets

between 22 and 25 minutes of flight time before it landed itself it does warn you

when the winds are too strong for its motors as well like the drone itself the

controller is very small but still has a monochrome screen for important flight

data and physical camera controls want to see what you're shooting you can

connect a phone and mount it just below the control sticks for the camera DJI

stripped away what it could of the body and the lens is smaller a field of view

of 78.8 degrees and has a 1 by 2 point 3 inch size sensor the camera can record

4k resolution video at 30 frames per second or 1080p at up to 96 frames per

second and 12 megapixel photos in JPEG or Adobe raw it has both manual and

autofocus modes and the camera can rotate up to 90 degrees active track DJ

is named for its subject tracking mode can be used for people animals and

vehicles and will now allow the drone to follow them behind in front or alongside

a subject as well as circle one selfie fans will appreciate the new gesture

mode which lets you use hand motions to get the camera to focus on you and snap

a photo so these are the best drones to buy from the market in 2017 the models

described here have feature sets that will cater to almost anyone and cover a

wide range of price points

For more infomation >> What is the Best drone to buy for filming? Top 5 drones for filming reviewed 2019 - Duration: 9:35.


FREE Metro Boomin x Drake Type Beat - Nightmares (Collab w/ Harmoney) - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> FREE Metro Boomin x Drake Type Beat - Nightmares (Collab w/ Harmoney) - Duration: 3:14.


'Honestidad' Aurah, Miriam o El Koala, ¿quién evitará la expulsión del jueves en 'Gran Hermano VIP'? - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Aurah, Miriam o El Koala, ¿quién evitará la expulsión del jueves en 'Gran Hermano VIP'? - Duration: 2:52.


Should Trump change his tone on Saudi Arabia? - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Should Trump change his tone on Saudi Arabia? - Duration: 5:24.


🔴✅Como CURAR HEMORROIDES Rapido, Barato y Naturalmente | Remedios para las Almorranas - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅Como CURAR HEMORROIDES Rapido, Barato y Naturalmente | Remedios para las Almorranas - Duration: 10:34.


'It's A True Loss' Colleagues Remember The Late Dr. Tamara O'Neal - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 'It's A True Loss' Colleagues Remember The Late Dr. Tamara O'Neal - Duration: 3:07.



For more infomation >> PARA CANTANHÊDE, GOVERNO BOLSONARO 'ASSUME AR MILITAR' - Duration: 2:54.





WE ARE NOW UNITED | Conheça Shivani, da Índia (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> WE ARE NOW UNITED | Conheça Shivani, da Índia (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 2:45.


Bitcoin Q&A: BCHABC vs. BCHSV hard forks - Duration: 18:06.

JJ asks about the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) hard fork that took place on November 15th, the day before yesterday.

We're just two days [passed] the hard fork.

Lots of you had a variety of questions about what this hard fork was and how exactly it happens.

What happened in this particular situation: Bitcoin Cash is a [forked] chain that was created on August 1st 2017.

That chain split off of Bitcoin, in a fork that happened on August 1st 2017.

On November 15th 2018, there was a second [network] hard fork.

I can give you some of the information [based on what I have been] reading about this.

I hope this information is accurate as I explain it.

Plans were made by the developers of the most common Bitcoin Cash node software, BitcoinABC.

This is the software that most of the Bitcoin Cash network was running.

BitcoinABC developers decided to add two or three features in a non backwards-compatible hard fork.

What happens when you do a hard fork update is, the rules of consensus change [in such a way] that...

any clients that do not upgrade to the new rules are unable to follow the chain.

As a result, all clients have to upgrade. Clients which do not upgrade essentially create a separate fork.

In this particular case, two major changes were made. One of them is called OP_DATASIGVERIFY.

OP_DATASIGVERIFY is a script language opcode...

that allows a transaction to validate a signature on an external message.

Typically, when you check signatures in Bitcoin script, you check a signature of the transaction itself;

either all of the inputs and outputs with SIGHASH_ALL, some inputs and outputs, or just the inputs or outputs.

There are a couple of different varieties.

DATASIGVERIFY actually signs a separate message, that allows you to have a message as part of a transaction.

[The message] comes from an external source, perhaps an oracle providing signed data about external events.

So you could use that for a variety of purposes, including various sidechain-type operations...

where you have a proof that comes from outside the network.

DATASIGVERIFY was one of the upgrades. The other was called Canonical Transaction Ordering (CTOR).

Canonical transaction ordering changes the consensus rules around the way blocks are built.

The transactions within [these blocks must] have a specific ordering.

In the way Bitcoin Cash worked before this change, transactions were ordered effectively at random,

with just a few constraints.

Miners can put transactions within a block in any order you want, with one important constrait.

If [a transaction depends on another], whereby it spends outputs created by the first transaction,

you can put them in the same block, but they have to be in order.

If you process the transactions one by one, you have to process the parent and then the child.

They must be in that order in the block. That is how you can [protect against] double-spends.

Canonical transaction ordering is a consensus rule change that requires transactions within a BCH block...

to be ordered lexicographically, meaning the alphanumeric order of the transaction ID.

That allows you to do a certain type of optimization called "outputs then inputs,"

whereby you can go quickly through all of the outputs created by all of the transactions, validate those,

and then validate all the inputs.

In the future, you could potentially do transaction validation in parallel,

where you can effectively have separate threads or perhaps processes validating transactions.

This becomes an important optimization when you have large blocks, because the ability to validate transactions

[quickly] is critical to validating the block.

The bigger the block, the more of a burden there is on validation.

Canonical transaction ordering (CTOR) was the second change made by BitcoinABC.

Both of these changes were not backwards-compatible.

However, not everyone in the Bitcoin Cash environment agreed with these two changes.

Another group of developers decided that this was not a good direction to take the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

They proposed another set of changes [in the form of] BSV or "Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision."

The idea with BSV was to introduce a block size increase to 128 megabytes,

an increase in the [number] of [opcodes] that can be included in a transaction, to enable complex contracts...

or scripts, as well as [introducing variations of] five script operands that were previous disabled.

These include OP_MUL (for multiplication), OP_LSHIFT (left-shift), OP_RSHIFT (right-shift), [and OP_INVERT].

These types of operations can be used to manipulate numbers.

So, [there were] two different groups within the Bitcoin Cash community, proposing different sets of changes,

both of which are not backwards-compatible, require changes to the consensus rules, and create new chains.

As soon as the fork happened, [creating] BCHABC and BCHSV, the old Bitcoin Cash chain no longer continues.

Nobody is mining with the original rules now. Two groups are mining different rule sets,

creating two competing forks, which are now effectively called BCHABC and BCHSV.

There was a hash war, as some commentators noted, where different parts of the Bitcoin Cash community

were trying to dominate the chain with hashing power.

But the two chains proceeded [by] competing against each other, about who had the most hash power.

There was some discussion about some potential attacks against one or the other chain,

meaning [actors] could potentially mine competitively in order to cause a re-organisation of the other chain.

That is what happened. This is the technical explanation of what happened, of course.

Aside from the technical explanation, there was a boat load of drama and various characters...

making threats and accusations, leaking emails, forging emails,

lots of livestreams and podcasts about these personalities, and who would dominate [in the end].

Mostly worth ignoring. The end result is...

if you had coins on the old Bitcoin Cash chain, then you now own an equal amount of BCHABC and BCHSV.

[They are on] two competing chains. It effectively works like an airdrop.

You can theoretically split those coins and keep them, have a bit of each, sell them, or do whatever you want.

Some drama spilled over into the Bitcoin blockchain as well, with some price and hash rate declines.

Different groups that needed hash power to engage in this BCH competition...

withdrew some of their mining from Bitcoin temporarily, [but it was] not a big deal.

The mempool is a bit full right now and the price went down by 10 - 15%.

You know [by now], in bitcoin terms that is what we call a Wednesday. Not that exciting.

June asks, "What is replay protection? I have no idea what 'replay protection' means."

"I have heard this terminology being thrown around during debates about Bitcoin forks."

"Could you please help me understand why replay protection is important, and relate it to an example?"

"Thank you."

Replay protection is a technique or solution to a specific type of problem [when] you have a fork.

[When] you have two independent chains that arise from a fork, where you had value on the parent [chain]...

that is now [on each of the] two child fork chains, you may want to move the money.

But you want to move the money only on one chain, [or at least only one chain at a time].

For example, in the recent fork, if you had some Bitcoin Cash [before the fork],

now you have BCHABC / BAB and BCHSV / BSV.

Now you have both of these [fork coins];

they are controlled by the same keys, under the same addresses, but on two different chains...

which are tracking two different ledgers with a common history.

If you want to move your BCHABC / BAB to an exchange in order to sell it, you create a transaction...

and transmit it to the BitcoinABC [network].

Great, the BCHABC has now moved. If there is no equivalent transaction on BCHSV, then [those coins]...

will still be under the old keys and addresses, whereas on BitcoinABC, they will have moved to a new address.

Effectively you've achieved a split of your coins, to separate the two histories.

But if your transaction on BitcoinABC is technically equivalent [to one that could occur on the SV chain],

and there is no replay protection, then [it can be] re-transmitted and included in a block on the SV chain.

Effectively, your coins moved on both chains.

You wanted to just move one set of coins, but they moved on both chains...

because the transaction was valid under both rule sets.

Anyone can re-transmit it to the other blockchain. How do you stop the transaction from replaying?

How do you ensure that [a transaction] only happens on one chain, so you can split control of the coins?

Once you've achieved one transaction that is not replayed, the coins will be under different addresses.

From that point, they will already be spent on one chain; on the other one, they won't.

You can use different keys to control them on different chains, and you've solved the problem.

They now have different [recent] histories. Your coins have forked.

But until you do that first replay-protected transaction, you have a problem.

Replay protection can be achieved in a number of different ways. For example, you can use...

within your transaction some kind of script component that is not compatible on both chains.

For example, in the current Bitcoin Cash fork, you could have (as part of your transaction) some inputs...

and outputs that move your coins, [with] another input or output that used OP_DATASIGVERIFY.

OP_DATASIGVERIFY only exists on the BitcoinABC fork.

As a result, if you replay that transaction to the SV fork,

it would be invalid [for using] an operand SV doesn't have.

You would achieve replay protection by introducing some script operand that only exists on one chain.

You could do it the other way, of course, by including an OP_MUL or OP_LSHIFT in the [transaction],

in one of the insignificant outputs [with] a tiny amount.

As a result, that would ensure the transaction was only valid on SV, and be considered invalid on BitcoinABC.

Once you have done that transaction which can only be played on one chain, your coins have divergent history.

You can manipulate them separately with different keys and not worry about things happening inadvertently.

That is what replay protection means.

If it is not implemented explicitly by the developers in their forking mechanism,

then you have to find a way to do it [yourself].

By the way, the replay protection is not something that only matters in Bitcoin.

Replay protection was also needed in the Ethereum and Ethereum Classic fork.

In the Ethereum Classic fork, [they did] replay protection through a smart contract that has different behaviour...

on one fork than on the other fork.

If you send your money to that smart contract,

it behaves differently depending on which chain you execute the transaction. They have a different outcome.

Effectively you have split your coins and achieved replay protection.

It's the same thing that we talked about before, where you have a script that only works on one chain...

and doesn't work on the other; you can do that with a smart contract that only works on one chain.

Or that works differently on one chain.

This is a consideration for any blockchain that can have a hard fork and produce two incompatible chains.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Q&A: BCHABC vs. BCHSV hard forks - Duration: 18:06.


High Desert Museum | Bend, OR - Duration: 2:11.

The High Desert Museum was founded in 1982,

and its mission is bringing to visitors the high desert


natural history,



and the arts.

Nearly half of Oregon is high desert.

This place has its own rich history,

its own unique wildlife,

and its own fascinating cultures.

And so there are so many stories to share about the high desert

and we take great joy and bringing that to visitors.

We have a variety of exhibits here at the High Desert Museum

Some of the favorites include the otter exhibit, which includes three male otters,

Our raptors, which includes an array of raptors from bald eagles to owls,

and our permanent exhibits on native cultures

and the people who settled the American West.

My favorite part of the museum is really seeing how this place excites people.

This is really an experiential learning kind of facility

and people really get hands-on experiences here,

whether they're visiting the1904 Miller ranch and chatting with our living history characters,

to seeing our wildlife fly right overhead.

So, it really is fun to watch people discover something they never knew about.

For more infomation >> High Desert Museum | Bend, OR - Duration: 2:11.


[SUB PT-BR] BLACKPINK Star Road - Ep. 01: Quem está mais ativa hoje? - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> [SUB PT-BR] BLACKPINK Star Road - Ep. 01: Quem está mais ativa hoje? - Duration: 3:42.


A Fazenda: Sertanejo revela que drone com foto do seu filho sobrevoou sede do reality - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Sertanejo revela que drone com foto do seu filho sobrevoou sede do reality - Duration: 3:39.


A Fazenda 10: Leo Stronda detona Caique Aguiar e dispara: "Mente pra fazer o que quer" - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10: Leo Stronda detona Caique Aguiar e dispara: "Mente pra fazer o que quer" - Duration: 5:09.


11/20/18 5:33 PM - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 11/20/18 5:33 PM - Duration: 5:01.


João Baldasserini repercute morte de Emílio e fala de gravação com cobra: 'Muita intuição e respiraç - Duration: 2:06.

Emílio confessa que a ama Marocas Emílio armou uma cilada para Marocas (Juliana Paiva) e acabou provando do próprio veneno! O advogado morreu ao ser picado por uma cobra venenosa no capítulo desta terça, 20/11, em O Tempo Não Para

João Baldasserini falou sobre a despedida do personagem com o Gshow e comentou a experiência de "contracenar" com o animal: "Foi minha primeira cena de morte em uma novela da casa e foi um tanto emocionante

A Ju (Paiva) também me amparou". "Gravamos com uma cobra coral, mas tinha uma cenográfica que não trazia risco para gente"

Emílio agoniza após picada de cobra — Foto: Globo/Estevam Avellar Os detalhes da cena foram acompanhados por uma especialista que deu os toques necessários para o ator: "Ela falou sobre as reações, o efeito do veneno

Mas foi muito na intuição e muita respiração ofegante". "Pesquisei sobre o tema e o trabalho do ator está muito voltado a isso: a cada processo, a gente se envolve numa história nova e aprende com as vivências"

Veja o antes e depois de João Baldasserini em 'O Tempo Não Para' — Foto: João Miguel Junior e Juliana Mendes/TV Globo O momento foi bastante especial também para marcar a nova fase do ator, que agora dará vida a Lúcio, irmão gêmeo de Emílio: "Estou muito feliz com o Lúcio

Recebi a notícia que o Emílio ia morrer, fiquei triste, mas logo recebi a notícia de que ia voltar o irmão"

"Então, ainda estou na novela, da qual tenho muito orgulho de fazer". saiba mais Nicolas Prattes declara admiração por Juliana Paiva: 'Já era fã dela'

For more infomation >> João Baldasserini repercute morte de Emílio e fala de gravação com cobra: 'Muita intuição e respiraç - Duration: 2:06.


Atualizações & Visita de Mary Grace direto da Nuvem - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Atualizações & Visita de Mary Grace direto da Nuvem - Duration: 11:23.



For more infomation >> FORMATO QUADRADO PARA O INSTAGRAM - Duration: 0:56.


Time Freak (Помешанный на времени)'full'm,o,v,i,e"2018,#Szerelmünk napjai - Duration: 1:19:07.


my niece is a feminist and they get in this afternoon all things considered you

think that's such a good idea yeah it goes they don't know what you're saying

you know have a storm coming and shall await tomorrow so maybe they should just

wait not everyone's as superstitious as you done


okay in there boy

okay fine

don't you say you're good to drive you're not seriously gonna blame this on


be my guest you want to talk about it No

we'll get through this okay

so we had an agreement and what agreement is that exactly I have a hard

time keeping track of all your rules no more arguing in front of Emma she's

been through enough okay she doesn't need to see us at each other's throats

all the time well excuse me if I'm not all that

excited about leaving behind what little of my life is left you're not the only

one who's had to put their life on hold here Marlene and I thought we agreed no

more of this in front of Emma we could have found a way if you really cared we

could have found a way to stay the money's gone Riley mom and dad's life

insurance didn't come close to covering Emma's hospital bills if we want to be

together encore is the only option there's nowhere else to go we need to

get going or we're gonna miss the ferry

there is not much

they're supposed to be a fairy the schedule said three o'clock I guess

we'll just have to go back sorry I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that

the schedule said that there was a three o'clock lots of folks been coming off

the island so I didn't expect anybody wanting to go we don't we do there's a

big storm expected tonight and we've staked over the island now by ferry

there might not be another ferry until the storm breaks and that could be a

couple of days the island is not somewhere you want to be stuck not

during a storm not especially not this time of year

you heard the man this is an all-around bad idea the ferry is scheduled to be

running and we'd like to be on it that would your way Oh

looks like you'll have some company after Allah

folks are you know you wanted to get up to the ramp now if you want to go it's

okay when you're on there was a young girl in her backseat did you see where

she went I thought was just a tool

I can't hold the ferry not with the storm coming Emma we need to go

wanna be stuck here Emma Emma

Emma okay just uh well you know I saw that girl

you were looking for just walking towards the fair I just thought you'd

want to know yeah uh stay off that Island to the storm passes if I were you

I think we'll manage I don't know about that last time the storm hit that Island

on Halloween half the people there ended up dead

I just steer clear that's all I'm saying if you're so worried then why are you

going I have my reasons I guess that makes two of us

once Adams

you scared the hell out of us

what is it Henry alright it's Ankara's fine we just talked to her this morning

but I slept

mmm what's going on I'm sorry I just I wanted to see the Iowan it's okay no

harm done we gotta get going though the dreams aren't getting any better

she needs time things will get better she watched our parents burned to death

in their own car she barely survived herself really think she's ever gonna

get over that

when I was own and of course still not answering I'm

just been sleeping an awful lot her meds makes retired well it's really gonna

help with the nightmares

you do know where you're going right don't start okay

someone's watching us

pick a direction let's just go

what is the GPS a nothing there's no reception out here I thought you said

you knew where you were going I got turned around okay I thought I saw that

green car again nice nothing is ever your fault is it guys we're almost out

of gas

how long has it been like that

please bad for you in drive just drive

no this isn't happening tell me this isn't happening

we just have to walk okay and Korres is just down the road leave it let's just

go we need Ana's medication let's just go

come on let's go who's wishing me state mystery now

oh my god get him in the house Riley get him in the house you're gonna


Emma stay in the basement isn't safe up here I don't know I don't know what the

hell is going on Sara there's someone out there then kill

them core do you understand what that means

what are you getting the mice

how's she doing not good three months of medical school isn't gonna cut it

she needs doctor

everything's gonna be you know it's not I didn't mean you have to what did she

just say what the hell is she talking about

what do you know she's in a lot of pain it's time you tell me what happened to

Ed Cora I'm not sure okay stop treating me like a child tell me what happened I

don't know what happened to her all right

I deserve to know Sarah thank you

her eyes were gone just gone like someone cut them out of her head or

something and then some sick twisted her insides on fire what

sorry I shouldn't even told you not like that

was lucky noon in the truck and was said she had a dream about aunt Cora that's

something happens ever happened she know that Sarah how it's coincidence I mean

it has to be she's been having those type of dreams about all of us she

thinks death follows her around wherever she goes she's terrified that everyone

around her is gonna die

well I'm not gonna let that happen hell I still out let her sleep she had a

rough night and I don't understand Cora

how almond doesn't look too good if we don't get her to a hospital she's not

gonna last much longer

how Idaho's

okay so we'll siphon the gas from aunt Cora's car can't be too hard well get

ours going and we'll get her to the hospital

she says that killing won't stop until the end of Halloween what if whoever

chased her here and killed aunt Cora is just out there waiting for us

if we stay here she'll die for sure

in the house

just don't look okay just get this over with

I should have listened to him listen to who that creepy vibe back at the ferry

he said the last time a storm hit here on Halloween nearly everyone died he

said a white and you're just telling me this now

I thought he was just some weirdo okay for all you know he's the one doing all

this I didn't want to worry you any more than you already were I am so sick and

tired of you thinking you know what's best for me that's enough it's not

enough that our parents are dead now you're gonna get the rest

don't touch me don't okay just don't why would someone do that to another person

it's gone what's gone the car he's going okay

okay so so walk we need to get that woman to the hospital we'll send someone

all right we should need to get the hell out of here we still can

what about Emma she won't make it far with her leg like that well what do you

suggest we do just wait here until that psycho Josef no no wait no we don't have

a choice Marlon you know we don't you keep watch

I'll deal with

Miriam I'm gonna need your help of drill

see where you are

and you shouldn't be out here you need to go back inside but everyone was gone

I didn't know

where the hell are we gonna go home until tomorrow well we'll find help

are you serious did you see that thing who the hell is gonna be able to help us

I don't know all right but you're not helping the situation

Sears read them we're gonna get through this

and then we'll find a way out of here

hey we often just trying to I thought

whatever is happening here have nothing to do with you what what is that

everyone stay in the car

hitting him didn't do we need to get the hell out of here now before he end up

like him we need to find help these people aren't gonna help us you saw how

they just stared us cared they knew this was gonna happen there's nowhere else to

go you said so yourself we we can go to the

ferry dock maybe there's another boat there they should at least have a radio

right please Sarah just this once I need you to listen to me we need to go now

hey let's get in the car she just wandered off right like she did before

if something happened we would have heard him oh my god

see things every run around she dies she's trying to protect

no no


and by now this is your fault another sound



a minds that you need to come out okay none of this is your fault

em you in here

you need to do is shut the hell up okay that thing out there was almost gone and

she's you and your friend showing up you almost got us all killed

let her go Toby I think she gets the message yeah she better have now maybe

you'll be able to keep her quiet - Sarah what are they doing you she

didn't leave us any choice she wouldn't stop yelling who's gonna hear us in here

where's Emma did you find her clean our sister is still out there I'm sorry

but if your sisters out there right now she's already dead but you're all alive

you managed to survive we survived by accident

when everyone else ran away we all hid in the freezer we could hear them but we

knew if we open the door we'd be dead right along with them what the hell is

that thing out there yeah why don't you ask mr. internet sensation over here he

seems to have all the answers you knew about this at the ferry and you didn't

say anything I tried to warn you all right I did when I saw you on Main

Street I was gonna tell you guys everything you drove off too fast you

said that some people died in the last storm that was here you never said

anything about that thing out there I was just trying to mess with you all

right I didn't think it was real yeah I thought it was real enough to bring a

gun okay look I have a web series all right I stay overnight at the haunted

places none of them ever really turn out to be haunted right I bring the gun

because you never know who you're gonna want to enter on these things it's just

me there's a lot of crazies out there I just bring it for protections

couple weeks ago I I was in a bar I met this old guy who's drunk started in with

this story about an island that we still live on so that Halloween 1915 a storm

had killed half the people here get to the part where you tell us what's

killing everyone out there

officially locals say it was the storm the old man says that storm brought

something with it something evil yeah tell her why on the eve of Halloween

before the storm hit and townspeople they they burned six girls on the stage

for practicing witchcraft now as the story goes before the girls

burned to death they summoned a storm lightning struck each one of them

pulling their spirits up in the storms that they could return something far far

more evil families there avenge on the island so the Sun came up ending on a

Hallows Eve and that's not even the best part the

witches they army they vowed to return on the anniversary of their murder once

every hundred years wipe out everyone who - stay on the


people around here been telling that story for years but nobody ever believed

them yeah well I'm sure it's hella believer so how do we kill it

don't we survive it I kill him won't stop until the end of Halloween hates

Halloween and that's why we're not leaving him till morning

until sunrise we'll stay here for the night nothing will go back where it came

from just like he did last time well that's not happening I told you our

sisters out there and we're going to sleep okay

what makes you think you're the only one who's lost someone if you want to stop

us you're gonna play around here hey just let her go Toby no one is leaving

here until morning okay until that Sun rises nobody's leaving

this building I don't think it kills everyone I don't I don't think it chose

everyone no not right away at least you know I think it's taking them somewhere

why do you think that well we were out chasing after these two you know I saw

quite a few bloody drag marks where there was no bodies and they're all

headed in the same direction I've been thinking about it and the only thing

that would make sense is if it's dragging them all at the same place why

and who says they're not already dead I'm just saying that there's still a

chance that Y takes some of the bodies but not the others no maybe they're

survivors out there just dead all right and where's her body huh don't why

wasn't it here with the others so still

that's Kim you know as well as I do that if I were

to open up that freezer door we would all be dead okay I saved your life it

never should have been here in the first place come with us you're looking for

someone too we can search together we must be good with tracking and stuff

right this was our first trip out

we came to the island cuz you kinda have to hunt here the deer don't know to be

afraid you know they're hazy picking yeah let's just try to impress my


well none of that changes the fact that no one's leaving says who Gus yeah okay

okay okay this is if they want to leave just let them leave maybe they'll lead

it away right come on

oh yeah nothing over you're kidding me right

if I'm dying I'm leaving the record I'm gonna find her and shut it up before she

gets us auctioned off no wait wait I see her in the parking

lot why is she just standing there help me help it I like that

dinner no no not so fast something's not right

I can't just let her die out there there there it is do you see it okay I'm sorry

we have to get out of here maybe we're good maybe you didn't hear

us well hide it out in the freezer just

like last time we can't get trapped in here we have to find Emma but you can

stand out here and discuss this all you want but as soon as that freezer door

closes there's no getting in keeping people alive Toby you just saw it

yourself and Jo might still be alive homie found

her you owe her that no used to anybody if we're dead now who's coming with me

cold hell are you doing come on I don't want anybody else to die because I did

nothing come on Alex don't be stupid

you're a coward Toby just don't see the upside of being dead hero

it's nice knowing

good luck

do you hear that it's gone it's stopped that doesn't mean that it's gone well we

have three rounds left that's not gonna get us far the sheriff's station is a

block down we might stay out of sight if we go through the alley in the back

that's waiting for us there we need those weapons

you had there I'll draw it away I'm gonna beat this Marley what the hell are

you doing Marley

we should have gone with them stop or three other people so life up there Toby

we can help our dearest the next one's for but thanks that guy's the only

person I'm interested in keeping alive now is myself I'm going after

I guess we wait and see what your sister has in store

if we're gonna go we're gonna go now got your back oh it's just around the other

side of the building

maybe check that room over there

hello can anyone hear me

is anyone out there

please can anyone hear me this is an emergency

you think it hurt us I don't know

is everything you really think all this is gonna stop that thing

Oh slow down the first time that's something right she'll be back

we best be going Sarah I don't want to be looking in the dark

so you're gonna show us how to load these things everything's loaded and

good to go she's got a release to safety it's uh

it's right there by uh where your thumb I just you said that all the drag marks

were headed in the same direction which way is that these are the ones that I

saw this morning and this this is the one we saw right here

they all seemed to be leaning into this side of the island what's over here

nothing really it's just for us there is an old power station not far from there

that's been closed for years right here

where's Alex

are you gonna tell me what happened you killed them all right like it does

everyone else where were you all the time

I thought I heard em I saw what lookin

and I found this

but they were drag marks like Alex the same

she's still alive okay

I think it's a lunch up here to go where Alex in the cold so that's on the spot I

might be taking in

I'm sure about this they're not powerful it looks like the drag marks are leaning

they're better than nothing right shimmy through here

we should keep going



there's a trail over this way this must be what it's dragging them

come on




Cirie's are you

Sara Sara

it's nice being where they burn them girls I guess they're saying the trail

it just ends here

come on am I just a little further Emma and when you're gonna have to help okay

look look there must be part of the powerplay come on almost there


I'm scared you know we all are you just see you later yeah I'm here until

morning this will all be okay we should find somewhere to stay at a

site we stick together right no more running

I feel all right dice we're not dying and well I'm not leaving you

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