Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2018

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Tardigrades are strange-looking, slow-moving microscopic animals.

They are semi translucent, segmented like caterpillars, and have eight limbs with claws

at the end of each one.

They are also called "moss piglets" and "water bears," and they are found almost

everywhere on the planet.

Some of them live completely in water, while others are terrestrial and exist in damp vegetation

and soil.

According to Live Science, they "suck the juices from algae, lichens and moss," and

"some species are carnivores and even cannibals."

What makes them special is their unusual survival skills, which we will discuss in this episode

of The Infographics Show, "What Makes Tardigrades Immortal."

Tardigrades are not immortal in the sense that they live forever.

However, they can endure extreme conditions that would kill many other animals.

One common problem terrestrial tardigrades experience is dehydration.

They need at minimum a thin film of water to function, but the long-term absence of

water is not necessarily a death sentence for them the way it is for humans, whitetail

deer, and many other animals.

Tardigrades can be revived after years of drought.

Just add water and they are good to go!

Tardigrades also don't easily freeze to death even in subzero temperatures.

According to an American Scientist article, they have survived short-term freezing for

20 hours at functional absolute zero or -459.3 °F (-272.95 °C) and long-term storage for

20 months at -328°F (-200°C ). It can tolerate temperatures that are even cooler than the

red flat bark beetle of Alaska, which has survived temperatures as low as -238°F (-150°C)

according to a Business Insider article.

Tardigrades can be thawed and revived in a short period of time.

In addition, tardigrades can withstand high temperatures.

The American Scientist reports that they have lived after being "exposed to 150 Celsius

(302°F), far above the boiling point of water."

To give you an idea of just how hot this is, Guinness World Records states that the highest

recorded temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), which occurred at California's

Death Valley in 1913.

This record temperature is less than half of the scorching temperature the tardigrades

were exposed to!

If freezing and boiling them weren't enough, scientists tested the toughness of the tardigrades

in other extreme ways.

They tried to crush them with high pressure.

A Live Science article reports that "tardigrades can withstand pressures of up to 87,000 pounds

per square inch (600 megapascals) – six times what you'd experience at the bottom

of the sea."

It also noted that "just half this pressure would kill most other organisms on Earth."

One of those organisms would be humans.

We can withstand only about one atmosphere of pressure according to the American Museum

of Natural History.

This is a measly pressure of 14.2 pounds per square inch.

And then the scientists hit them with high levels of X-rays, gamma rays, and other types

of radiation.

The Mother Nature Network reports that "researchers found some water bears can survive radiation

doses of 5,000 to 6,000 grays."

Once again, tardigrades prevail where humans easily fail.

We sicken and die after exposure to significantly lower levels of radiation.

According to the CDC, it takes only about 0.7 grays of radiation for a human to develop

radiation sickness under certain conditions, and 10 grays is the LD 100 dose that is "necessary

to kill 100% of the exposed population."

These tough tiny animals have also faced the final frontier – outer space.

"Tardigrades in space" may sound like the title of a science fiction B-movie, but

it actually happened in 2007.

Popular Mechanics briefly described the tardigrades' off-planet experience: "A European team

of researchers sent a group of living tardigrades to orbit the earth on the outside of a FOTON-M3

rocket for ten days.

When the water bears returned to Earth, the scientists discovered that 68 percent lived

through the ordeal."

Up to that point, no known animal on Earth had accomplished such a feat, and there are

good reasons why.

One source describes outer space as "the closest physical approximation of a perfect


The very low pressure of outer space would suck out the air of animals with lungs.

There are also the dangers of ionizing radiation.

Among the open space conditions described in a Space.com article are "deadly levels

of solar UV radiation, which are more than 1,000 times higher than on the surface of

the Earth."

And then there is the extreme cold.

The temperature in outer space is -454 °F (-270°C).

How are tardigrades able to survive in conditions that are inhospitable to most life on Earth?

If necessary to save their lives, tardigrades enter a state that ironically mimics death

called cryptobiosis.

A Live Science article reports that in this reversible near-death condition, the "tardigrades'

metabolic activity gets as low as 0.01 percent of normal levels."

What happens to them next depends on what extreme conditions they are subjected to.

If the problem they face is the absence of water, tardigrades can undergo a form of cryptobiosis

called anhydrobiosis, which the American Scientist defines as the "metabolic suspension brought

on by nearly complete desiccation."

The tardigrades curl up, dry out, and shrivel into smaller structures called tuns.

They enter a "dry state of suspended animation" called anabiosis, and they are essentially

reduced to a "powder comprised of the ingredients of life."

Popular Mechanics notes that this desiccated state also allows them to endure "utter

vacuum and intense pressures."

They can be rehydrated back to life in a short period of time with some form of moisture

such as rain or dew.

If they are submerged in water with dangerous levels of salinity, tardigrades can undergo

a form of cryptobiosis called osmobiosis.

They can contract into a tun in this situation as well to avoid what the American Scientist

calls "destructive osmotic swelling," but it may not be necessary "since active

animals can survive high salinity" according to one source.

When faced with extreme freezing conditions, tardigrades can undergo a form of cryptobiosis

called cryobiosis.

This state also involves a dramatic slowdown in metabolism and the formation of tuns.

According to the American Scientist, some researchers believe that tardigrades also

produce "cryoprotectants" that slow down the tissue freezing process to the point where

the most damaging ice crystallization is prevented and revival from thawing is possible.

However, researchers still struggle to understand how tardigrades protect themselves from cell

death caused by the expansion of water at extreme temperatures.

Some of them think this protection comes from a sugar called trehalose.

A Popular Mechanics article notes that trehalose "replaces water" and prevents "remaining

water molecules . . . from rapidly expanding when faced with hot and cold temperatures."

According to a Wired article, others became skeptical that trehalose is an extreme temperature

protectant after the discovery that "not all water bear species produce the sugar under

stress" and the ones that did produced only a small amount of it – about 2 percent of

their body weight.

A new theory is that tardigrades produce special proteins to protect themselves from the ravages

of extreme temperatures.

The same Wired article reports these proteins are made exclusively by tardigrades and are

called "intrinsically disordered proteins."

These proteins bring on vitrification, a process that turns the tardigrade into a "frozen

glass figurine."

Vitrification is a way for the tardigrades to bypass the most damaging effects of desiccation,

which normally "crystallizes living cells, shredding up proteins and DNA in the process."

Tardigrades may not live forever, but an amazing by-product of cryptobiosis is that it extends

their lives way beyond their normally short lifespans, which range between 3 months and

about 2 years depending on the species.

Tardigrades don't age while they are in cryptobiosis.

They can live in a state of suspended animation for years or even decades until they are revived.

A Live Science article reports that scientists were able to bring back to life "two tuns

and an egg that had been in cryptobiosis for more than 30 years" in a 2016 experiment.

There are also stories about a tun that was over 120 years old being revived in a 1948

experiment, but "this research has never been duplicated, according to the BBC."

However, tardigrades don't always need to undergo cryptobiosis and form tuns to endure

extreme conditions.

In a BBC article, researcher Thomas C. Boothby says that "'Tardigrades can survive freezing,

radiation, and low-oxygen conditions without forming a tun."

Experiments have also revealed that tardigrades can "cope with excessive amounts of alpha,

gamma and ultraviolet radiation – even if they're not in the tun state."

Tardigrades have other tricks they can turn to in order to survive.

For instance, they produce high levels of antioxidants to reduce "harmful chemicals"

created by desiccation and high radiation.

They also produce another special protein that counteracts DNA damage.

The science journal Nature reported the recent discovery of "a protein known as Dsup"

that "prevented the animal's DNA from breaking under the stress of radiation and


It is important to keep in mind that there are some limitations to the tardigrades'

impressive resiliency.

First, not all tardigrades are extreme survivors.

American Scientist reports that "marine and aquatic tardigrades did not evolve these

characteristics because their environments are stable."

The tardigrades that live in hot springs, Antarctica, and other places with highly variable

and harsh environmental conditions are the ones that possess the extreme survival abilities.

Second, tardigrades can't handle oxygen deprivation as well as they can handle other

extreme conditions.

One source states that a lack of oxygen can trigger a cryptobiotic state called anoxybiosis.

During anoxybiosis, the tardigrades become "immobile, transparent, rigid, and very

extended due to water absorption resulting from loss of osmotic control," and they

can't live very long in this condition.

Depending on the species, they can survive a few hours to up to 5 days in anoxybiosis.

They will die if oxygen is not restored within that time frame.

Third, the tardigrades' ability to undergo cryptobiosis does not mean that they can come

back from the dead.

Tardigrades are still alive even though they may seem dead in cryptobiosis.

There is still some metabolic activity going on during cryptobiosis even though it is very


One source notes that death differs from cryptobiosis because it involves the "cessation of metabolic


Unlike cryptobiosis, death is also "considered an irreversible state."

Tardigrades may not be immortal as individual organisms, but they have a kind of immortality

as a group.

According to Live Science, they "have survived five mass extinctions over the course of around

a half a billion years."

Volcanic eruptions, sudden climate change, and possibly even a comet or an asteroid impact

may have wiped out ancient life forms like trilobites and dinosaurs, but tardigrades

lived on.

Given the tardigrades' great track record of survival, scientists are optimistic that

these cute but hardy creatures will continue to exist after the next mass extinction event.

A 2017 study cited in a Telegraph article predicts that the "astonishing abilities"

of the tardigrade will make it "the only creature that will survive until the Sun dies."

If you want to be immortal like the tardigrade, why not learn how to write, produce, and animate

your own online videos like us here at The Infographics Show?

After all, they say the internet is forever- so check out Skillshare for the skills you

need to make high quality content.

With classes like Creative Personal Writing: Write the Real You and The Beginner's Guide

to Animating Custom GIFs, you can be on your way to online immortality today!

You can learn about these and many other topics by joining Skillshare.

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Do you know of any other animals with amazing survival skills like those of the tardigrades?

Do you think humans can ever become immortal?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Why Would a Scientist Inject Himself

with 3.5 Million Year Old Bacteria?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Makes Tardigrades Immortal? - Duration: 12:29.


Scrapbook.com 2018 Video Gift Guide Top Picks! - Duration: 2:56.

hi this is Alexandra from the Hedgehog Hollow here with the Scrapbook.com a

20-18 Gift Guide and here I have the best craft organizer ink pad traveler so

this here comes flat packs here is some assembly required you need a couple our

hex keys and spanners but it goes together pretty simply and you can see

it has a nice spinning base it's double-sided you can fit all sorts of

different ink pads in here and I have my scrapbook com hybrid ink pads in here

and there's 24 and each size you can fit 48 pads in your organizer you can also

have put things in these slots at the top so here I have my distress refresher

I have fine embossing powder I also have a couple of ink pads in the other side

as well I have sprayers in here Nuvo drops

liquid watercolors I can put blending sponges my scrapbook calm daubers fit in

here too alcohol inks refills all sorts of things will fit in the top of this

organizer and it's great for on-the-go I can add this handle in the top here if I

wanted to to carry it and then I have this option of adding these here in the

front that would then close off my front pieces so that my ink pad wouldn't fall

out and these are then nice and secure in there as well I can fit my

distressing in here archival inks hero arts by Wendy variates

a good variety of inks in here as well I also wanted to remind you about the

scrapbook calm holiday sales that start pre a Black Friday they go through the

cyber weekend we have the days of Christmas coming up all sorts of things

you wee wanting to check out scrapbook on every single day for daily deals

steals and all sorts of fun coming your way so don't forget to check that out

again and we'll see you again very soon happy stamping bye

For more infomation >> Scrapbook.com 2018 Video Gift Guide Top Picks! - Duration: 2:56.


Metal Building Insulation - Best - Metal Building Insulation - Duration: 1:31.

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For more infomation >> Metal Building Insulation - Best - Metal Building Insulation - Duration: 1:31.


马天宇发文diss自己,戚薇扬言要给他一巴掌,网友:我也想 - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 马天宇发文diss自己,戚薇扬言要给他一巴掌,网友:我也想 - Duration: 5:49.


琼瑶剧最悲情的配角,父亲去世后自己又患癌,66岁无儿无女还未婚 - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> 琼瑶剧最悲情的配角,父亲去世后自己又患癌,66岁无儿无女还未婚 - Duration: 11:24.


Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.

Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K

For more infomation >> Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.


Raleigh taking another look at its scooter policies - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Raleigh taking another look at its scooter policies - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> PASSO A PASSO CROCHE | TAPETE CROCHE BARBANTE - Duration: 1:30.


Self care that decrease extra moisture of inflate cheek. - Duration: 7:12.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about self care that decrease extra moisture of inflate cheek.

I am doing self care about 30 minute every day. It is include the study. About face also,i do many self care.

I am thinking my skin condition also nice compare same years people. I am 36 years old.But almost people does watching me look like young. This reason is not DNA only.

I am thinking self care of every day is very important. Cell or skin condition become bad by stiff muscle and weak blood flow. If that condition was keep,your skin age become bad little by little.

Maybe you worry many wrinkle. Bad skin or muscle condition is cause to come out many wrinkle. To decrease face stiff muscle is nice into beauty.

My self care effect is not one day only. That effect is Semi-permanent. I convey that self care method from now.

At first,put both elbow into desk. Then make fist with both hand. So fit finger joint into cheek bone.

Please rub cheek bone a little in that state. Almost people feel strong painful. The aiming place is not cheek bone out side,cheek bone inside.

Please aim bone-inside. Almost case,muscle of inside keep stiff from long time ago. That stiff muscle do causing bad skin condition. Please soften stiff muscle of back side or inside.

Up to this point is normal self massage. Case of bone rubbing "Seitai" is move face muscle with condition that did fit joint. The muscle do move in state that fixed stiff muscle.

This movement is gather face parts into center. Please try it. Even if don't move joint,you will feel pain into fitting place by this movement.

You will to feel strong pain when move facial muscle. That condition is OK. This painful is by stiff muscle.

Almost people didn't notice this stiff muscle from long time ago. But some people have no pain. For example it is children. Their muscles is not stiff yet.

Sometimes,please check the cheek stiffness. If your cheek condition became thin or soft,facial muscle are being soft. Case that become that condition,it is success.

Many people don't understand self body condition. There is person that don't notice into to muscle been soft. Case that no big change,person that don't notice is a lot.

For example,if neck pain became nothing,you will notice that change. But if body thickness was decrease,you will notice that change. Little softness etc,in little change is many people don't notice.

But muscle softness be increase certainly by this method. If you feel to decreasing of painful when stiff muscle pressed,your muscle are becoming soft. Certainly,it come out big effect.

Please check frequently the cheek softness. Case of woman,maybe notice by take frequently cream. Please increase the touch frequency.

Maybe you don't conscious for muscle stiffness. But please conscious that from now. Case that kept to awake until midnight,your skin will be hurt.

Please compare that with normal condition. Please check that difference of 2 things. You can to get sharp sense by that. Your body healthy will keep by that sense.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> Self care that decrease extra moisture of inflate cheek. - Duration: 7:12.


Revelado! Faça Este Remédio Apenas Uma Vez a Cada 5 Anos e ESQUEÇA as Doenças! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Revelado! Faça Este Remédio Apenas Uma Vez a Cada 5 Anos e ESQUEÇA as Doenças! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:27.


E-Card Scams - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> E-Card Scams - Duration: 2:38.


Cristiane Machado divulga vídeos de agressões de ex-marido e teme morrer pelas mãos dele - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Cristiane Machado divulga vídeos de agressões de ex-marido e teme morrer pelas mãos dele - Duration: 6:46.


Conhecimento Infuso vs. Aprendizado e Arrebatamento do Bem - ou do Mau? - Duration: 20:24.

For more infomation >> Conhecimento Infuso vs. Aprendizado e Arrebatamento do Bem - ou do Mau? - Duration: 20:24.


Memória da Apresentação de Nossa Senhora (Homilia Diária.1010) - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Memória da Apresentação de Nossa Senhora (Homilia Diária.1010) - Duration: 5:24.


Relacionamento Amoroso: A receita para um relacionamento duradouro | Roberta Dias - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Relacionamento Amoroso: A receita para um relacionamento duradouro | Roberta Dias - Duration: 5:32.


Inmigración: Visa E-2 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Inmigración: Visa E-2 - Duration: 3:02.


Community remembers teen killed in Harrison County crash - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Community remembers teen killed in Harrison County crash - Duration: 1:39.


CDC warns of romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> CDC warns of romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak - Duration: 0:27.



This toninho is crazy!

you will see this trick very hefty!

unprecedented prank

Hello, can you help?

We are selling a kit kills roaches

here at home I don't have roaches

How could you not?

don't have roaches

in your House you don't have roaches?

just to help, 20 reais, business is good

show you how it works

these corners all are dangerous

This piece of wood

is the legal kit, basic, but it helps

it comes with a box, this is poison

can sneeze to you see

can play in the corners

you said you don't have roaches

are you sure?

There's no cheap here?

and now?

Now you have cheap!

get out of here!

has Roach or not?

Hi how are you?

can I have a minute of your attention?

I sell a kit to kill roaches

I sold a lot here on the street

are you interested in?

There's a lot of cockroaches in the House?

No, there's no

There's nothing?

It's been three years since I live here and have no

three years?

Damn it!

make a good deal for you, I leave and you test

If it works, I'll be back in 15 days

There's no roaches!

you just forehead, I give you for free and be back in 15 days to receive

just test!

You can try, but there's no cheap

can I test?

the product is good

You can even use

do you see?

If you want to use on the floor

and comes with the kit, you will not pay

will not pay anything, anything!

the kit you will gain under the bed,

You can squeeze in there

There's no cheap how long?

six years

and now you have!

No problem?


We have the promotion today, icy blonde for only three real

cold cracking

and I'm going to give a lot of free potatoes!

This is and meets.

look here, folks

What is it?

Are you crazy?

I said icy blonde!

Are you crazy?

place your hand for you to see!

I told you!

calm down!

Hi, how are you?

All right?

can you help me, come here

What's happening?

I'm trying to get through a hard time, I'm going through this phase

It's fast!

help me get through this phase, help me


help, what is?


so come on!

look, kid, you're going to help me get through this rough patch, please

make yourself comfortable, OK?

look, this is my stage

help me get through this game

the phase of my video game

video games?


are you kidding?

I love to play but I can't spend

you're crazy, don't!

It's too hard!

I thought you wanted a cuddle

but I need to pass this phase, is the video game

Sorry, are you kidding me

will you leave?

It's going to leave me like this?



Caótica fuga de sospechoso de secuestrar a su hijo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Caótica fuga de sospechoso de secuestrar a su hijo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.


Chofer perdió el control de su auto y chocó contra comisaría | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Chofer perdió el control de su auto y chocó contra comisaría | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:32.


CDC Urges Consumers Not To Eat Romaine Lettuce - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> CDC Urges Consumers Not To Eat Romaine Lettuce - Duration: 0:27.


Scrapbook.com 2018 Video Gift Guide Top Picks! - Duration: 2:56.

hi this is Alexandra from the Hedgehog Hollow here with the Scrapbook.com a

20-18 Gift Guide and here I have the best craft organizer ink pad traveler so

this here comes flat packs here is some assembly required you need a couple our

hex keys and spanners but it goes together pretty simply and you can see

it has a nice spinning base it's double-sided you can fit all sorts of

different ink pads in here and I have my scrapbook com hybrid ink pads in here

and there's 24 and each size you can fit 48 pads in your organizer you can also

have put things in these slots at the top so here I have my distress refresher

I have fine embossing powder I also have a couple of ink pads in the other side

as well I have sprayers in here Nuvo drops

liquid watercolors I can put blending sponges my scrapbook calm daubers fit in

here too alcohol inks refills all sorts of things will fit in the top of this

organizer and it's great for on-the-go I can add this handle in the top here if I

wanted to to carry it and then I have this option of adding these here in the

front that would then close off my front pieces so that my ink pad wouldn't fall

out and these are then nice and secure in there as well I can fit my

distressing in here archival inks hero arts by Wendy variates

a good variety of inks in here as well I also wanted to remind you about the

scrapbook calm holiday sales that start pre a Black Friday they go through the

cyber weekend we have the days of Christmas coming up all sorts of things

you wee wanting to check out scrapbook on every single day for daily deals

steals and all sorts of fun coming your way so don't forget to check that out

again and we'll see you again very soon happy stamping bye

For more infomation >> Scrapbook.com 2018 Video Gift Guide Top Picks! - Duration: 2:56.


CDC: Do not eat any romaine lettuce - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> CDC: Do not eat any romaine lettuce - Duration: 2:06.


Sem Roteiro - NORT7 (Prod. Brisa Norte) - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Sem Roteiro - NORT7 (Prod. Brisa Norte) - Duration: 2:39.


Carrera clandestina de autos terminó mortalmente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Carrera clandestina de autos terminó mortalmente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.


Golpiza salvaje de mujer a un niño en centro infantil | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Golpiza salvaje de mujer a un niño en centro infantil | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Juez bloqueó orden de Trump de negar solicitud de asilo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Juez bloqueó orden de Trump de negar solicitud de asilo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.


Tiroteo en Denver deja una víctima mortal | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Tiroteo en Denver deja una víctima mortal | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


What Makes Tardigrades Immortal? - Duration: 12:29.

This episode is brought to you by Skillshare.

The first 1,000 people to sign up using the link in the description will get their first

2 months free.

Tardigrades are strange-looking, slow-moving microscopic animals.

They are semi translucent, segmented like caterpillars, and have eight limbs with claws

at the end of each one.

They are also called "moss piglets" and "water bears," and they are found almost

everywhere on the planet.

Some of them live completely in water, while others are terrestrial and exist in damp vegetation

and soil.

According to Live Science, they "suck the juices from algae, lichens and moss," and

"some species are carnivores and even cannibals."

What makes them special is their unusual survival skills, which we will discuss in this episode

of The Infographics Show, "What Makes Tardigrades Immortal."

Tardigrades are not immortal in the sense that they live forever.

However, they can endure extreme conditions that would kill many other animals.

One common problem terrestrial tardigrades experience is dehydration.

They need at minimum a thin film of water to function, but the long-term absence of

water is not necessarily a death sentence for them the way it is for humans, whitetail

deer, and many other animals.

Tardigrades can be revived after years of drought.

Just add water and they are good to go!

Tardigrades also don't easily freeze to death even in subzero temperatures.

According to an American Scientist article, they have survived short-term freezing for

20 hours at functional absolute zero or -459.3 °F (-272.95 °C) and long-term storage for

20 months at -328°F (-200°C ). It can tolerate temperatures that are even cooler than the

red flat bark beetle of Alaska, which has survived temperatures as low as -238°F (-150°C)

according to a Business Insider article.

Tardigrades can be thawed and revived in a short period of time.

In addition, tardigrades can withstand high temperatures.

The American Scientist reports that they have lived after being "exposed to 150 Celsius

(302°F), far above the boiling point of water."

To give you an idea of just how hot this is, Guinness World Records states that the highest

recorded temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), which occurred at California's

Death Valley in 1913.

This record temperature is less than half of the scorching temperature the tardigrades

were exposed to!

If freezing and boiling them weren't enough, scientists tested the toughness of the tardigrades

in other extreme ways.

They tried to crush them with high pressure.

A Live Science article reports that "tardigrades can withstand pressures of up to 87,000 pounds

per square inch (600 megapascals) – six times what you'd experience at the bottom

of the sea."

It also noted that "just half this pressure would kill most other organisms on Earth."

One of those organisms would be humans.

We can withstand only about one atmosphere of pressure according to the American Museum

of Natural History.

This is a measly pressure of 14.2 pounds per square inch.

And then the scientists hit them with high levels of X-rays, gamma rays, and other types

of radiation.

The Mother Nature Network reports that "researchers found some water bears can survive radiation

doses of 5,000 to 6,000 grays."

Once again, tardigrades prevail where humans easily fail.

We sicken and die after exposure to significantly lower levels of radiation.

According to the CDC, it takes only about 0.7 grays of radiation for a human to develop

radiation sickness under certain conditions, and 10 grays is the LD 100 dose that is "necessary

to kill 100% of the exposed population."

These tough tiny animals have also faced the final frontier – outer space.

"Tardigrades in space" may sound like the title of a science fiction B-movie, but

it actually happened in 2007.

Popular Mechanics briefly described the tardigrades' off-planet experience: "A European team

of researchers sent a group of living tardigrades to orbit the earth on the outside of a FOTON-M3

rocket for ten days.

When the water bears returned to Earth, the scientists discovered that 68 percent lived

through the ordeal."

Up to that point, no known animal on Earth had accomplished such a feat, and there are

good reasons why.

One source describes outer space as "the closest physical approximation of a perfect


The very low pressure of outer space would suck out the air of animals with lungs.

There are also the dangers of ionizing radiation.

Among the open space conditions described in a Space.com article are "deadly levels

of solar UV radiation, which are more than 1,000 times higher than on the surface of

the Earth."

And then there is the extreme cold.

The temperature in outer space is -454 °F (-270°C).

How are tardigrades able to survive in conditions that are inhospitable to most life on Earth?

If necessary to save their lives, tardigrades enter a state that ironically mimics death

called cryptobiosis.

A Live Science article reports that in this reversible near-death condition, the "tardigrades'

metabolic activity gets as low as 0.01 percent of normal levels."

What happens to them next depends on what extreme conditions they are subjected to.

If the problem they face is the absence of water, tardigrades can undergo a form of cryptobiosis

called anhydrobiosis, which the American Scientist defines as the "metabolic suspension brought

on by nearly complete desiccation."

The tardigrades curl up, dry out, and shrivel into smaller structures called tuns.

They enter a "dry state of suspended animation" called anabiosis, and they are essentially

reduced to a "powder comprised of the ingredients of life."

Popular Mechanics notes that this desiccated state also allows them to endure "utter

vacuum and intense pressures."

They can be rehydrated back to life in a short period of time with some form of moisture

such as rain or dew.

If they are submerged in water with dangerous levels of salinity, tardigrades can undergo

a form of cryptobiosis called osmobiosis.

They can contract into a tun in this situation as well to avoid what the American Scientist

calls "destructive osmotic swelling," but it may not be necessary "since active

animals can survive high salinity" according to one source.

When faced with extreme freezing conditions, tardigrades can undergo a form of cryptobiosis

called cryobiosis.

This state also involves a dramatic slowdown in metabolism and the formation of tuns.

According to the American Scientist, some researchers believe that tardigrades also

produce "cryoprotectants" that slow down the tissue freezing process to the point where

the most damaging ice crystallization is prevented and revival from thawing is possible.

However, researchers still struggle to understand how tardigrades protect themselves from cell

death caused by the expansion of water at extreme temperatures.

Some of them think this protection comes from a sugar called trehalose.

A Popular Mechanics article notes that trehalose "replaces water" and prevents "remaining

water molecules . . . from rapidly expanding when faced with hot and cold temperatures."

According to a Wired article, others became skeptical that trehalose is an extreme temperature

protectant after the discovery that "not all water bear species produce the sugar under

stress" and the ones that did produced only a small amount of it – about 2 percent of

their body weight.

A new theory is that tardigrades produce special proteins to protect themselves from the ravages

of extreme temperatures.

The same Wired article reports these proteins are made exclusively by tardigrades and are

called "intrinsically disordered proteins."

These proteins bring on vitrification, a process that turns the tardigrade into a "frozen

glass figurine."

Vitrification is a way for the tardigrades to bypass the most damaging effects of desiccation,

which normally "crystallizes living cells, shredding up proteins and DNA in the process."

Tardigrades may not live forever, but an amazing by-product of cryptobiosis is that it extends

their lives way beyond their normally short lifespans, which range between 3 months and

about 2 years depending on the species.

Tardigrades don't age while they are in cryptobiosis.

They can live in a state of suspended animation for years or even decades until they are revived.

A Live Science article reports that scientists were able to bring back to life "two tuns

and an egg that had been in cryptobiosis for more than 30 years" in a 2016 experiment.

There are also stories about a tun that was over 120 years old being revived in a 1948

experiment, but "this research has never been duplicated, according to the BBC."

However, tardigrades don't always need to undergo cryptobiosis and form tuns to endure

extreme conditions.

In a BBC article, researcher Thomas C. Boothby says that "'Tardigrades can survive freezing,

radiation, and low-oxygen conditions without forming a tun."

Experiments have also revealed that tardigrades can "cope with excessive amounts of alpha,

gamma and ultraviolet radiation – even if they're not in the tun state."

Tardigrades have other tricks they can turn to in order to survive.

For instance, they produce high levels of antioxidants to reduce "harmful chemicals"

created by desiccation and high radiation.

They also produce another special protein that counteracts DNA damage.

The science journal Nature reported the recent discovery of "a protein known as Dsup"

that "prevented the animal's DNA from breaking under the stress of radiation and


It is important to keep in mind that there are some limitations to the tardigrades'

impressive resiliency.

First, not all tardigrades are extreme survivors.

American Scientist reports that "marine and aquatic tardigrades did not evolve these

characteristics because their environments are stable."

The tardigrades that live in hot springs, Antarctica, and other places with highly variable

and harsh environmental conditions are the ones that possess the extreme survival abilities.

Second, tardigrades can't handle oxygen deprivation as well as they can handle other

extreme conditions.

One source states that a lack of oxygen can trigger a cryptobiotic state called anoxybiosis.

During anoxybiosis, the tardigrades become "immobile, transparent, rigid, and very

extended due to water absorption resulting from loss of osmotic control," and they

can't live very long in this condition.

Depending on the species, they can survive a few hours to up to 5 days in anoxybiosis.

They will die if oxygen is not restored within that time frame.

Third, the tardigrades' ability to undergo cryptobiosis does not mean that they can come

back from the dead.

Tardigrades are still alive even though they may seem dead in cryptobiosis.

There is still some metabolic activity going on during cryptobiosis even though it is very


One source notes that death differs from cryptobiosis because it involves the "cessation of metabolic


Unlike cryptobiosis, death is also "considered an irreversible state."

Tardigrades may not be immortal as individual organisms, but they have a kind of immortality

as a group.

According to Live Science, they "have survived five mass extinctions over the course of around

a half a billion years."

Volcanic eruptions, sudden climate change, and possibly even a comet or an asteroid impact

may have wiped out ancient life forms like trilobites and dinosaurs, but tardigrades

lived on.

Given the tardigrades' great track record of survival, scientists are optimistic that

these cute but hardy creatures will continue to exist after the next mass extinction event.

A 2017 study cited in a Telegraph article predicts that the "astonishing abilities"

of the tardigrade will make it "the only creature that will survive until the Sun dies."

If you want to be immortal like the tardigrade, why not learn how to write, produce, and animate

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Do you know of any other animals with amazing survival skills like those of the tardigrades?

Do you think humans can ever become immortal?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Why Would a Scientist Inject Himself

with 3.5 Million Year Old Bacteria?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Makes Tardigrades Immortal? - Duration: 12:29.


Scrapbook.com 2018 Video Gift Guide Top Picks! - Duration: 2:56.

hi this is Alexandra from the Hedgehog Hollow here with the Scrapbook.com a

20-18 Gift Guide and here I have the best craft organizer ink pad traveler so

this here comes flat packs here is some assembly required you need a couple our

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again and we'll see you again very soon happy stamping bye

For more infomation >> Scrapbook.com 2018 Video Gift Guide Top Picks! - Duration: 2:56.


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For more infomation >> Metal Building Insulation - Best - Metal Building Insulation - Duration: 1:31.


马天宇发文diss自己,戚薇扬言要给他一巴掌,网友:我也想 - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 马天宇发文diss自己,戚薇扬言要给他一巴掌,网友:我也想 - Duration: 5:49.


琼瑶剧最悲情的配角,父亲去世后自己又患癌,66岁无儿无女还未婚 - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> 琼瑶剧最悲情的配角,父亲去世后自己又患癌,66岁无儿无女还未婚 - Duration: 11:24.


Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.

Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K

For more infomation >> Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.


Raleigh taking another look at its scooter policies - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Raleigh taking another look at its scooter policies - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> PASSO A PASSO CROCHE | TAPETE CROCHE BARBANTE - Duration: 1:30.


Self care that decrease extra moisture of inflate cheek. - Duration: 7:12.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about self care that decrease extra moisture of inflate cheek.

I am doing self care about 30 minute every day. It is include the study. About face also,i do many self care.

I am thinking my skin condition also nice compare same years people. I am 36 years old.But almost people does watching me look like young. This reason is not DNA only.

I am thinking self care of every day is very important. Cell or skin condition become bad by stiff muscle and weak blood flow. If that condition was keep,your skin age become bad little by little.

Maybe you worry many wrinkle. Bad skin or muscle condition is cause to come out many wrinkle. To decrease face stiff muscle is nice into beauty.

My self care effect is not one day only. That effect is Semi-permanent. I convey that self care method from now.

At first,put both elbow into desk. Then make fist with both hand. So fit finger joint into cheek bone.

Please rub cheek bone a little in that state. Almost people feel strong painful. The aiming place is not cheek bone out side,cheek bone inside.

Please aim bone-inside. Almost case,muscle of inside keep stiff from long time ago. That stiff muscle do causing bad skin condition. Please soften stiff muscle of back side or inside.

Up to this point is normal self massage. Case of bone rubbing "Seitai" is move face muscle with condition that did fit joint. The muscle do move in state that fixed stiff muscle.

This movement is gather face parts into center. Please try it. Even if don't move joint,you will feel pain into fitting place by this movement.

You will to feel strong pain when move facial muscle. That condition is OK. This painful is by stiff muscle.

Almost people didn't notice this stiff muscle from long time ago. But some people have no pain. For example it is children. Their muscles is not stiff yet.

Sometimes,please check the cheek stiffness. If your cheek condition became thin or soft,facial muscle are being soft. Case that become that condition,it is success.

Many people don't understand self body condition. There is person that don't notice into to muscle been soft. Case that no big change,person that don't notice is a lot.

For example,if neck pain became nothing,you will notice that change. But if body thickness was decrease,you will notice that change. Little softness etc,in little change is many people don't notice.

But muscle softness be increase certainly by this method. If you feel to decreasing of painful when stiff muscle pressed,your muscle are becoming soft. Certainly,it come out big effect.

Please check frequently the cheek softness. Case of woman,maybe notice by take frequently cream. Please increase the touch frequency.

Maybe you don't conscious for muscle stiffness. But please conscious that from now. Case that kept to awake until midnight,your skin will be hurt.

Please compare that with normal condition. Please check that difference of 2 things. You can to get sharp sense by that. Your body healthy will keep by that sense.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> Self care that decrease extra moisture of inflate cheek. - Duration: 7:12.


All New Wrapples

For more infomation >> All New Wrapples


3 Groundbreaking New Toilets - Duration: 5:32.

This episode of SciShow was brought to you by Bill Gates.

Most of the time, you don't have to think too much about our toilets.

I mean, you go, you flush, and unless you've caused a catastrophic clog

or something, it just kind of works.

But 4.5 billion people worldwide

don't have access to safely managed sanitation.

It's a serious global health problem, with sanitation-related diseases

causing an estimated 500,000+ deaths every year in kids under 5.

The simplest solution seems obvious: get more people access to safe toilets.

But you can't just drop off a bunch of porta-potties.

Those only work if you have the infrastructure

to treat the waste once you collect it.

That's why research teams around the world are working on more sustainable

types of toilets: ones that are cheap, don't require access to

water, sewer, or power lines, and can last for a long time.

And some of the most promising options are surprisingly cool.

Take the toilet being developed at Caltech, for example.

It's one of the more advanced systems out there, using solar power to turn

waste into treated water, hydrogen, and fertilizer.

It even flushes.

Here's how it works:

You do your business and flush, sending the water,

along with whatever you deposited in the toilet, into a holding tank.

There, the larger particles of waste settle to the bottom and microbes

start breaking them down, eventually turning the poop into fertilizer.

Meanwhile, the liquidy leftovers go into a separate tank,

which uses electricity to drive chemical reactions that disinfect the water,

producing hydrogen gas in the process.

That's what the solar panels are for, they charge the batteries.

In theory, you could also use the hydrogen gas to generate some electricity,

but that hasn't been incorporated into the toilet's design yet.

After it's treated, the water travels through a filter into another tank,

and is clean enough to use the next time you want to flush the toilet

or for things like irrigating crops.

This all sounds pretty awesome.

But once the team started testing toilet prototypes in the real world,

they ran into a problem: maintenance.

The Caltech toilet is complicated, and when parts broke down,

there was no one around to diagnose and fix the problem.

The group is working on a set of sensors to help figure out issues automatically

so people can fix them without much training.

But clearly there are some drawbacks to a system

where so many things can break.

So other researchers are working on solutions that would be more viable

for developing countries, like terra preta sanitation,

a method that actually goes back thousands of years.

Back in the day, some indigenous groups in the Amazon

used to mix excrement, other types of organic waste,

and charcoal in airtight containers,

which produced super-fertile soil now known as terra preta.

This stuff is so effective as a fertilizer that hundreds of years after they stopped

doing this, there are still areas in the Amazon

where the soil is three times more fertile than the surrounding dirt.

Over the last decade or so, researchers have been

using the same idea to develop a safe sanitation system.

The main difference is that you need to do something with the pee.

So terra preta toilets divert liquid and solid waste into separate tanks,

using a special mix of microbes to treat the urine and turn it into liquid fertilizer.

The poop tank also gets a special blend of microbes,

along with a mix of charcoal and wood that helps make sure

there's enough carbon for the composting process later on.

Bonus: the charcoal gets rid of the smell.

After about a month, the processed poop is ready for the next step,

called vermicomposting, which is what will actually turn it into fertilizer.

The "vermi-" prefix comes from the Latin word for "worm,"

and the whole thing is basically driven by earthworms.

You put the processed poop into either a pile or a container,

then add some worms.

Together, the worms and microbes take nutrients

like potassium and phosphorus in the processed poop

and turn it into compounds like humic acids,

which help plant roots absorb more nutrients.

And, voilà: you've got some nice, fertile terra preta.

There are some challenges to this system:

for one thing, you need to be able to either make or get more

of those microbe and charcoal mixes.

Otherwise the process won't work.

There also needs to be some demand for the terra preta,

or else you'll just end up with a bigger and bigger pile of fertilizer.

So, too complicated, like the Caltech toilet, and you risk the toilet breaking.

Too basic and you have to figure out what to do with the leftovers.

But maybe there's a nice middle ground for Goldilocks to poop in.

Like a toilet being developed at the University of Toronto

that disinfects liquid waste and incinerates the solid stuff.

Like the terra preta toilet,

the Toronto toilet is designed to do the separating for you.

Solids end up on a conveyor belt, which we'll get to in a sec,

and liquid goes into a tank.

First, the liquid is filtered through sand, which removes contaminants that might

be in there, like parasite eggs, which you really don't want in your water.

Then it's sent to a chamber with a UV light, which kills off any microbes.

Meanwhile, you turn a crank that moves the solid waste

along that belt I mentioned.

As other people use the toilet and also turn the crank,

the poop gets flattened by the belt and is dried by fans.

The belt leads to a smoldering chamber,

which works kind of like a charcoal grill, in that,

it will just keep going until there's nothing left to burn.

The fan and UV light rely on a battery connected to a solar panel,

but there are no complicated electrochemical processes involved

like with the Caltech toilet.

And there's nothing like fertilizer that could accumulate if you don't use it.

Poop and pee go in, and water and ash come out.

Perfect for Goldilocks.

There's still a lot of work to be done to make safe sanitation available

to everyone, no matter how the toilets are designed.

But, since 2000, efforts like these have helped 1.4 billion people get access

to at least basic sanitation, the type where they have access

to some type of facility, even if the waste disposal process isn't totally safe.

So hopefully, we'll be able to extend that to the others who still need it.

This episode of SciShow was brought to you and sponsored by Bill Gates.

Visit GatesNotes.com or check out the link in the description below

to learn more about the safe sanitation problem and strategies that can help,

including other toilets being developed by teams around the world

and the progress that's been made so far.

For more infomation >> 3 Groundbreaking New Toilets - Duration: 5:32.


Don't Fall 4 it: The scams to look out for during Black Friday - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Don't Fall 4 it: The scams to look out for during Black Friday - Duration: 3:21.


Nightcore - Waiting For Love - Duration: 3:13.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Waiting For Love - Duration: 3:13.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Business+ Leder - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Business+ Leder - Duration: 1:08.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Business+ Leder - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Business+ Leder - Duration: 1:08.


Lawyer: Pres. Trump provides written answers to Mueller questions - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Lawyer: Pres. Trump provides written answers to Mueller questions - Duration: 0:33.


I Love Mazda! CX-5 Test Drive/Review & my RX7 Miata MX5 and Mazda5 - Awesome & Affordable Cars! - Duration: 12:31.

Hi Everyone!

I'm Steve with Steve's POV.

I'm usually introducing and test driving rare and unique cars...

Classic cars...


hypercars and more...

But today I am introducing you to a fairly normal car...

a family car...

a car to take the kids in...

a car that I have owned for quite a while...

I don't drive it much and I haven't introduced it to you before....

but it's easy to drive and a fun car...

gets good gas mileage...

and its kind of cute too!

Mazda CX-3 !!!

Oops!! I meant Mazda CX-5 ! LOL

I have never introduced you to my CX-5 before... and I don't drive it very much.

My daily driver is a BMW M4...

But I was thinking the other day...

I have owned a lot of Mazdas over the years...

I always talk about Nissans.... and Toyotas too....

but when I really think about it, I have owned and driven a lot of Mazdas!!!

This CX-5 is a 2017; I believe....

and I've owned this CX-5 for about a year or so now...

But I've owned at least 2 other CX-5 previously...

One was white like this one is...

the other one was red.

I always drove white or black cars but for some reason chose red.

That was a mistake!

My Haksuka Skyline is red, so I don't mind red....

But a red new Mazda CX-5 just didn't work for me for very long...

The CX-5 isn't a sports car... it is a family car...

but with this Sports Mode switched on...

it is actually pretty quick!

It is very different in Sports Mode than just regular normal driving...

When you take it out of Sport Mode...

it is a very normal driving family car.

If you are a car guy like me...

Sport Mode is where you want to be in this CX-5!

With Sports Mode you can actually have some fun in this car!!

I was remembering more of the many Mazdas I have owned over the years...

Back in 2001 or 2002, I bought my first Miata MX-5.

It was black with a beige interior.

I got bored of it pretty quickly and sold it...

After that sometime I went to Japan and saw a Mazda I never saw before...

Mazda Premacy ( Mazda5 )

The Premacy was a small minivan with cool Euro design looks....

I thought it was very cool looking the first time I saw it.

As a car guy, even the "family" vehicle needs to be a little bit cool!

I thought the Premacy Mazda5 was pretty cool looking...

So I came back to the USA and bought one!

In America the Premacy is sold as the Mazda5.

I don't think it was a very popular vehicle in the USA.

I never really saw many others driving around.

I drove the Mazda5 for a couple years before buying my first white CX-5.

Then I bought the red CX-5.

After that I got this white CX-5.

I can't believe how many Mazdas I have owned.

I've also owned Mazda's most popular car as well...

Mazda's sportscar....


I miss my RX7...

I met rotary legend RE-Amemiya several years ago...

I got the opportunity to interview him too...

I remember the enthusiasm he had for the RX7...

He talked about how awesome a car the RX7 is...

I was so intrigued by his words...

He said he can beat a Diablo or a Ferrari in an RX7...

in traffic with 1 hand only on the wheel, he said he can easily beat those car!

I couldn't believe what he was saying...

So I came back to America and bought my first RX7 to see for myself.

I had so much fun with that car for 2-3 years...

I did a lot of custom stuff to it too!

Unfortunately I sold that car but you can see the car and those mods in previous videos on Steve's POV "RX7 Project" playlist.

I liked that car a lot...

I hope to own another RX7 one day!

But an RX7 is not a good daily driver!

But the CX-5 is...

a family vehicle... a vehicle for the wife to drive...

a vehicle for a trip with 3-4 others...

For those type of situations, this is a better vehicle than the M4 too!

I like this car...

I like the interior a lot.

I went with white leather...

and black accents...

I think this is a good looking interior color combo!

But I do NOT recommend this color if you have small kids!!!

It will get so dirty very fast!!

My Kid is already 18 years old....

and he knows not to eat or drink in the car!

In fact ever since he was a little kid he knew not to eat or drink in the car.

We taught him not to mess up the inside of a car!

If you teach a young kid that way, they will learn to keep things clean!

Now that he is a big Kid and has his own car, he doesn't eat or drink in it either!

I have never been a fan of eating and drinking in my car...

I hate a dirty car!

But I understand everyone is different...

all I am saying is that white may not be the color for you if you do eat and drink in the car!

I like an option they added in this year model CX-5.

Check out the side mirror.

Can you see the yellow Blind Spot Indicator?

It tells you when there is a vehicle in your blind spot.

I think this was a new option from this year model.

I really like the Blind Spot Assist option... its very useful!

The navigation system is also pretty good.

For a vehicle like this the navigation/entertainment system is pretty good.

The best part about this car is...

I think this Mazda is made 100% in Japan (Hiroshima)...

because of that I get to enjoy something I like very much!

When I drive I like to listen to music...

and I happen to like to listen to Japanese songs!

Don't laugh at me!!

I like old Japanese songs called "Enka"

This Mazda displays the songs properly in Japanese characters; kanji, hiragana and katakana too.

Most American built cars will not properly display these characters...

but with this being built in Japan... I get to see all my favorite songs displayed!!

I had a Infiniti G37S (Skyline) previously and even that car didn't properly display the characters!

That was a Japanese car but built for the USA with no Japanese character on screen capability.

I hated that!

How can I choose my Enka if I can't read it!?!?!

But with this CX-5, I never have to worry!!

I like this song a lot lately!

Today's video isn't about Karaoke...

its about this Mazda CX-5...



and of course my RX7.

I really like Mazdas!

I always say in my videos that I am a Nissan fan!

but the more I think about it I might have been mistaken...

I may have owned more Mazdas than Nissans in my lifetime!

I recommend Mazdas to you too!!

At a previous Tokyo Auto Salon I saw a customized CX-5.

By the way, we don't have diesel versions of the CX-5 here like Japan does....

and you rarely see modified CX-5s here at all...

I think I'd like to customize my CX-5 one day!

Raise it? Lower it??

I'm not sure but would like to do something to make it stand out more!

There is another CX-5!!

Black and White! Nice!!

I wonder if there is some kid of hand sign for Mazda owners...

Subaru guys have a hand sign they do...

I'm not too good at it though! LOL

Like I always say, a simple "Thumbs Up" is best!

It's simple, easy and relays what you want to say!

Please Subscribe to my channel!!

Thumbs Up!!

See you next time!!

For more infomation >> I Love Mazda! CX-5 Test Drive/Review & my RX7 Miata MX5 and Mazda5 - Awesome & Affordable Cars! - Duration: 12:31.


Barbie Etsy Haul: Clothes, Accessories & More! - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Barbie Etsy Haul: Clothes, Accessories & More! - Duration: 6:41.


Guy With Huge Neck RESPONDS To Viral Mugshot - Duration: 5:04.

you've probably seen this mug shot around its pretty much the most viral

image on the internet right now the mug shot belongs to Charles Dion McDowell

who was charged with running from police as well as drug possession well McDowell

was just released from prison and he's got something to say about going viral

welcome back to inform overload where we tell you about all the funniest most

interesting news stories on the Internet and we make them more entertaining where

appropriate I'm Charlotte Joe Bray why don't you smash that subscribe if you

like my face or like maybe my shirt and if you don't follow us on social media

make sure you do that our links are posted down below in the description

before I get into this video why don't you tell me in those comments one thing

that you love about yourself and one thing you wish you could change I

personally hate my nose but I like mad social media erupted in neck jokes and

puns when Charles Dion McDowell's head shot went viral after it was shared by

the Escambia County Sheriff's Office in Florida I mean he's got a pretty thick

neck you have to admit how do you even get a neck that big it's like from

working out or something and also I think people also thought the photo

itself was funny cuz Charles looks genuinely happy in this mugshot like the

look on his face is pretty priceless like it's just like another day at the

office or something the truth is this isn't Charles's first mug shot so you

might be a little more rehearsed in that kind of thing but more on that later so

on the original Facebook post there were around a quarter of a million responses

and both neck jokes and people tagging their friends so everybody could share a

good laugh some of the best puns include when you take viagra but it gets stuck

in your throat Kendra Brewer said what they charged

this guy with necklace endangerment claim Freeman said my neck my back they

took my meth and my crack Brian White said that neck tattoo only cost six

thousand dollars they charge per square foot all jokes aside guys all this

negativity is definitely not nice last one I promise

31 year old Charles was slapped with several charges including fleeing police

with lights and sirens active possession of meth with intent to sell possession

of cocaine with intent to sell possession of marijuana and possession

of drug equipment his bond was fifty seven thousand dollars this guy is up to

his neck in charge as you okay that was the last one I promise there were a lot

of people who thought this mugshot couldn't be real but it definitely is

they don't Photoshop mug shots and if you didn't think it was real someone

filmed a video of Charles when he got out of jail

his neck really is that size plus there are a lot of older mug shots of him that

also show how big his neck is in the video Charles said shout out to all the

females who gave him a chance and said that he couldn't thank them all because

there were so many oh that's really cute I guess a lot of people reached out to

Charles after he and his neck became famous so at least there's not

maybe his neck will get him laid I ain't mad about that the fact is though people

were being pretty mean to be quite honest like I know the social media

loves a good meme but damn like imagine getting out of jail and finding out that

the whole world was laughing at your appearance there were a lot of people

who didn't find the neck memes and joke so funny and when it comes down to it

people were body shaming him a lot of people it just goes to show that people

can be pretty mean me included man I threw a neck joke in there I mean you

know whatever all in good humor Charles seems to be taking all the jokes

pretty well though in his video response Charles also said that he doesn't care

about all the people making fun of him it is what it is that's a pretty decent

response what can he do the guy just has a big neck all right guys that's all I

have for you on that it's time to do some comment replies the Deshawn Allen

said still can't believe Landon is the boss haven't seen him in a while

Landon host most amazing top ten now so you can see him on there if you miss him

KJ Sims said Charlotte do you like doing I yell please answer me it is a very fun

job I have to admit I mean I sit around and laugh it means and like make YouTube

videos all day so they can't complain Savanti black said y'all need to get a

real job that's all okay so but like to find real job cuz like I write close to

5,000 words a day we have meetings and pizza parties once a month I stare at

screens and read news articles this is a real job why don't you like change my

mind on that okay to me yeah me me me me know every Bratz Feud said I think our

potato Queen meets her own personal fridge like if you agree I liked but

listen I don't need a whole fridge to myself like I don't eat that much but I

would very much like to have a fridge in the studio cuz right now I got to go all

the way downstairs to get my lasagna and it is annoying Jay Locke said I owe

newbies are funny it is honestly the funniest thing ever to watch all the new

people try to understand the potato jokes ADN said charlotte is actually

funny in this video like you say that like you're surprised

furious Frank said Charlotte you should do a video about potatoes that would be

amazing if I find a story that's relevant and funny and viral I will for

sure do a video about potatoes but for now I haven't really seen any stories

like that lately we've reached the end of the video don't be sad I really

appreciate you spending a few of your valuable minutes with us hey I have been

loving all the story suggestions I've been getting from you guys they've been

really helpful and at the end of the day we want to make videos that you guys

like if you have a story suggestion for this channel make sure you contact me or

IO through social media welcome to the end screen you got a couple of choices

right now to keep watching I yo check out this playlist that's clickable on

your screen and make sure you sub and turn on those notifications so I can see

you in the next IO video

For more infomation >> Guy With Huge Neck RESPONDS To Viral Mugshot - Duration: 5:04.


You Can Be Thrown Into Prison For Not Paying Your Bills - Duration: 7:50.

Most people probably believe that debtors' prisons are ancient history but since the

1970's the United States, more and more American citizens have been thrown into jail over their


And private debts, by the way.

And in the last few years judges have increased the number of people being put into prison

because they can't pay their bills.

According to a recent report by the ACLU, more and more American citizens are being

thrown in prison by judges who say that private bills held by collection agencies is now a

criminal offense which most legal experts agree is a clear violation of the Equal Protection

clauses of the 14th amendment.

But as the corporate stranglehold and America gets stronger, it's becoming increasingly

clear that corporations always get what they want.

Very rare that they don't get what they want.

And right now, they want to put Americans in jail if they're not able to pay their bills.

Peter, you know when I looked at this story, look at these headlines, I've been hearing

this story for quite some time where for criminal offenses, the people that can't pay child

support, whatever it may be, it evolves into a criminal offense and they're thrown in prison,

in jail for that.

But this is much different.

This is somebody's got a hospital bill for example.

They can't pay the hospital bill and they end up going to jail for it.

The ACLU has followed this a long time and now thousands of cases of this happening.

What's your take?

They documented a lot of really horrific stories.

What's really happening is that this industry from a legal perspective, these huge firms

that pay their lawyers almost nothing.

It's just a machine where they're churning out claim after claim and then they send a

notice to somebody that hasn't paid their hospital bill or bounced a small check and

the defendant doesn't show up for the court hearing.

If they don't show up for the court hearing as you know, then the court enters an order

and it can be contempt which can be criminal and then they don't get the notice, they don't

show up, they get another notice of contempt, it goes on their record and then an arrest

warrant is issued for failure to appear.

But think about the kind of people that are getting, that can't pay their hospital bills.

They don't have insurance.

They rent so they move a lot so it's hard to find them.

And then they get pulled over for a speeding violation.

They get a warrant.

And they get thrown in jail and they can't get out because they can't pay the bail and

this might all over be like you said, a hospital bill or some bounced check for a pizza or

something ridiculous.

And then they're sitting in jail.

Think about this.

Would you ever believe that an inability to pay a bill like a hospital bill could end

up, could land you in jail?

But this takes cooperation.

You see this is what everybody misses.

This takes some cooperation with the prosecutors and with the judge.

These are criminal prosecutors that are kind of helping in all this.

Here's how it works, you show up, you're supposed to get a notice.

First of all, they got to give you notice that there's a hearing, right?


Lot of people get this in the mail.

It looks like stuff mail.

It looks like irrelevant kind of mail.

Or you've moved.

You've moved.

'Cause your lease is up.


Or you got evicted.

It says, you've got to appear in court.

They don't appear in court after a post judgment where there's already been a hearing.

There's been a default hearing.

Yes, they have not paid the $1,000 that they owe the hospital.

They're in default so then they're supposed to get a notice and it says, "Show up for

your post default hearing."

They have a right to do that under due process.

But the problem with the due process argument here is there's never, it's rarely even a

showing that they got the notice.

As you say, they could've move away.

There's any reason they might not have gotten the notice.

And then the whole due process of what occurs in that courtroom as far as before you're

throwing somebody in jail.

This doesn't happen.

I can just tell you something.

This doesn't happen without cooperation of really second rate, bottom feeder prosecutors,

bottom feeder plaintiffs judge that handle these cases and bottom feeder judges.

That's the only way this happens.

Because a judge is always going to say, "Well wait a second, okay, give me a proof of notice.

I want more than your word.

I want to see something more significant."

I was really troubled by the fact, I had no worth the idea that some of these companies

actually contract with the prosecutors office.

I had no worth idea that there was agreement between the bill companies and the prosecutors

and that there was a quid pro quo and back and forth.

That just seems to violate just not only common sense but to have the prosecutor in a criminal

side to help actually pushing a civil claim through criminal means like failure to appear.

That just seems like it turns it upside down.

One thing is clear.

One of the stories here, this is a very typical story that the ACLU uncovered.

Woman she owed a hospital bill.

She was deathly ill, had a hospital, matter of fact, she left where she was living to

go live with her parents so she could recover.

They supposedly send her this notice, you're in default on the bill.

You have to show up in court for a post default hearing.

She doesn't even get the notice.

One night in her pajamas at here mother's house, she's in literally in her pajamas,

knock on the door, they're there to arrest her in front of her 12 year old daughter and

eight year old autistic son, four year old son as well.

They haul her away and she spends time in jail because she can't even make bond to get

out of jail.

The problem is, this again, I can't say this enough, this doesn't happen without really

second rate, bottom feeder lawyers and judges being involved in this.

To have arrest warrants issued in a debt case is one way to kind of clean this up.

You just can't have arrest warrants issued.

You can have civil contempt which is different but you can't have arrest warrants issued

for failure to appear.

The lady you just mentioned, she was recovering from cancer.

Then she lives with her parents 'cause she can afford it.

She moves out of her place and she ends up staying in jail 'cause she can't get out.

The ACLU's come up with a couple of guidelines and one of those is no more contractual relationships

between the district attorney's office with private check collection companies, which

is a little scary to start.

And that courts can't issue arrest warrants in debt collection cases.

That seems kind of like common sense.

Debtors' prisons hundreds of years ago.


Look, I would say for 50 or 60 years, this type of thing could have been done but you

had maybe you had more responsible lawyers.

Maybe you had more responsible judges who weren't willing to say, "Yeah, I'm going to

go along with this."

Can you imagine a state paid prosecutor having a contract with a private entity, a debt collection?

Yeah, I'm going to help you out.

I'm going to throw these deadbeats in jail.

That's basically what this has come down to.

No, absolutely.

It really doesn't seem like that controversial that we should throwing people in jail.

Another thing, another way to deal with is, you got to hold people accountable.

You need them to show up for court.

That's pretty much common sense.

But you got to give them notice.

You got to give them notice and even if they get notice, you have to have evidence but

what a waste on our system that we're sending police officers out to go arrest people like

that lady.

That you send a police officer over an unpaid medical bill.

You take the resources from the county to go arrest her and then you put her in jail

and you take her out.

Go figure.

It is.

And she's never going to pay back the bill.

For more infomation >> You Can Be Thrown Into Prison For Not Paying Your Bills - Duration: 7:50.


Gwinnett County no longer pursuing charges against attorney accused of drugging employee - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Gwinnett County no longer pursuing charges against attorney accused of drugging employee - Duration: 0:21.


How to Get Started with Your New Samsung Galaxy Watch (R805U/R815U) | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 3:15.

Getting Started.

Pair Galaxy Watch with Phone:

To pair your Galaxy Watch with your smartphone,

you must have the Galaxy Wearable app

downloaded on your smartphone.

It is also recommended

that you be signed into a Samsung account,

so that you can use the Galaxy Watch's full functionality,

including setting a reactivation lock,

receiving message or e-mail notifications

through the Samsung server,

and being able to download apps or watch faces.

Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your smartphone.

From your smartphone navigate to

and select the Galaxy Wearable app,


then select the Galaxy Watch.

Your phone will search for nearby devices to pair with.

Once your watch is found, confirm the pass keys match,

then select "OK" on your phone

and the Checkmark icon on the Galaxy Watch.

Your watch will take a moment to pair.

Review the terms and conditions.

Select the desired options, then select "NEXT" to continue.

If you're trying to restore a device,

select "RESTORE",

select "SKIP" if you are setting up a new device.

If you have a QR code or Activation code

to set your watch up with a mobile network,

select "Use code".

Use the camera to scan your QR code,

then select "CONNECT",

the device will take a moment

to connect your watch to a mobile network.

Select "NEXT" when it is finished.

You will need to set up NumberSync

in order to make calls and send or receive text messages

from your connected phone's number.

Set Up NumberSync:

When you connect your Galaxy Watch

to the AT&T cellular network,

your watch will receive an AT&T features notification.

From the Clock screen rotate the bezel to the left

and select the AT&T features notification,

select "Install".

Your device will take a moment to restart.

To set up NumberSync on your watch,

press the Power Home button.

Rotate the bezel to and select "Settings",

rotate the bezel to and select "Connections".

Rotated the bezel to and select "AT&T NumberSync",

select "Get started",

select the checkmark,

your watch will display "Check your phone".

Please note:

NumberSync requires an AT&T User ID

that is associated with a smartphone number

that you want to sync.

Select "Register" if you need to create one.

Select "Forgot ID" or "password"

if you can't remember your login information.

From your smartphone enter you AT&T Access ID and password,

then select "Log in".

You will receive a five-digit NumberSync code on the watch.

On your smartphone enter the five-digit NumberSync code

from the watch.

If desired enter the desired nickname for the device,

then select "Continue".

NumberSync is ready for use.

For more infomation >> How to Get Started with Your New Samsung Galaxy Watch (R805U/R815U) | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 3:15.


Credit card skimmers on the rise - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Credit card skimmers on the rise - Duration: 2:04.


Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.

Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K

For more infomation >> Luxury Spacious 280 Sq. Ft. PAD Tiny Home FOR SALE $78K - Duration: 3:34.


Are Mother-Daughter Roommates at Their Breaking Point? - Duration: 4:45.

- When this mother and grown daughter

decided to become roommates,

things didn't quite work out the way they planned.

Terra moved in with her mom to build a better relationship,

but says all they do is fight.

She says her mom expects a spotless home,

and is constantly nagging her.

Sh also accuses her mother of sleeping with her ex.

Debby says that Terra is messy, disrespectful,

and doesn't help with bills.

She thinks her daughter may be a hoarder.

Debby admits she slept with Terra's friend,

but says he wasn't her ex.

She wants Terra to get a job and move out.

So Terra, tell, why did you move in with your mother?

- Well my mom, she had a broken heart.

She had a very serious relationship for many years

and when the relationship dissolved

she was very depressed and wanted me to move out to Arizona.

- Can we back up just a minute?

Can you tell us what were you doing

before you moved in with your mom?

- I lived in Indiana with an ex.

- So you both had broken up your relationships

and then decided to become roommate?

- I had been broken up for probably two years

before but we still co-existed together in the same home.

- [Vivica] Okay.

- Hers was fresh.

- So Terra, yes, came out.

Three months was the agreed time limit

on her living with me.

- Uh oh, she said no it was not.

- Oh boy. - Okay well what was

the agreement, in your mind, Terra?

- That's ridiculous.

There was no agreement.

She was broken hearted and wanted me to come out

and live with her

and she was al like, oh so excited,

my daughter's coming out.

There was no agreement of time frame--

- [Mary] And how long has it been now, Debby?

- It's been a year this past April.

So a year and a half.

It was three months, get a job, get your own place.

- What was the reason, why did you feel

that you should go and move in with your mom?

- I had tried to relocate about nine years prior,

but it was a bad time.

I had children that were middle school.

It was just not right yet.

So this is a good time of season for my life to relocate,

and then the fact that my mom needed me made it.

- But she's saying she only needed you for three months.


I mean I'm just saying.

Debby clearly remembers she said no I told her three months,

and now we here at a year and a half, okay.

- Why are you still living with your mom?

- Well for one, she's in a three bedroom house.

So she needs me to stay with her right now.

- But didn't she move to a three bedroom house

because of you?

- No she moved to a three bedroom house because of her.

I had no part in it.

- You take up two of those bedrooms and the garage

for your items, right?

- I have one bedroom and half of the garage.

- And Debby, how much does she contribute to the household?

The rent, the mortgage, the utilities?

- It's a fraction of what is needed.

I had originally a one bedroom nice little condo,

and when Terra came in,

it's like, we'll get through this for a few months

because you, the plan is you'll be moving out

into your own place

clearly that was not happening.

- And Terra, you have a different story about this.

Your mom says that you're hoarding,

you're putting too many items in the home.

What do you think this is?

- Well I live in my home, I exist not just in one room,

but I live in my home,

so if I go to the bathroom,

she's picking up my things and trowing them in the garage

with a big pile all in one,

like I'm not allowed to live in my home.

- Do you think that you have a problem with hoarding?

- I walk out of my bedroom, I see a shopping cart

with a tire on top because that,

in my living room, on carpet,

because that is a perfect height

for her her latest art project,

and it was there for days,

but that's living in a home.

- She wasn't home for the two days that it was out there.

- Well she says it's my home.

That's the other thing I don't get.

My home, my home means we share.

We share bills, we share responsibility, we share.


- I agree.

- Do you guys share responsibilities?

Who's paying all the bills in the house?

- No, she does not work, she contributes barely anything

towards rent, utilities.

I clean.

- Do you pay for her phone too?

- The last time I cleaned, she's giving herself

a pedicure and I'm scrubbing, I'm cleaning up the kitchen,

and I pile things that are left in the dining room,

living room, kitchen.

- [Woman In Red Dress] Your shared living areas.

- Did you talk to her about shared expenses

before buying the new home saying,

you know if you're gonna move in with me,

this is going to be your part.

Did you talk to her so she understood

what she was getting herself into?

- Absolutely, I said Terra, I cannot move in,

we cannot move into this home.

I have to make sure that you are going to be able

and willing to get the job, to pay the rent,

to pay the, no she hasn't.

For more infomation >> Are Mother-Daughter Roommates at Their Breaking Point? - Duration: 4:45.



you are going to want to stick around for this if you're trying to conceive

because this is the key and identifying what it's possibly your earliest sign of

pregnancy even before a pregnancy test is even effective hey there welcome to

my channel that mama goes today I am dishing on all of the important details

regarding implantation more specifically implantation cramping

and implantation bleeding hopefully by the end of this video you'll be feeling

one step closer to your BFP or big fat positive my name is Brittany and I am a

registered nurse I worked at a holistic women's health practice where I learned

my passion for women's health and for teaching about and learning about a

woman's cycle which is where this series comes from that's why I'm creating these

videos I'm a mom to one my son Eli is 20 months old

I'm currently pregnant and due in March I'm having a little girl so I'll be a

mom with two come March if you are new here welcome I so appreciate you being

here every Tuesday I post videos relating to feminine health so TTC or

the trying to conceive process tracking your cycle ovulation things like that I

have all kinds of videos coming up on that and I have a whole bunch of videos

already out I also post videos relating to pregnancy and motherhood so if any of

that interests you at all make sure to hit that subscribe button with one

finger that is all it takes make sure to join my tribe hit that Bell

notification so you don't miss any of my future videos just as a quick disclaimer

this is not meant to be medical advice at all so if you have any specific

concerns or questions regarding your cycle and your health or even relating to

symptoms you're experiencing make sure to pick up the phone and call your

doctor okay alright now let's hop into the video so

today we're talking all about implantation and symptoms of implantation

I did an entire video about my early pregnancy symptoms if you missed that go

back and look at that I kind of touch on this stuff but next week I'm actually

going to do a whole video on early pregnancy symptoms and all the general

symptoms you can experience if you have in fact implanted but today is

specifically about symptoms relating to the actual act of implantation if that

makes sense so cramping and bleeding let's say you've ovulated and a sperm

did in fact fertilize the egg so the egg has to make its way down the fallopian

tube and into the uterus and eventually implant into the wall of the uterus and

this is implantation so let's first talk about cramping this basically occurs

when the newly fertilized egg implants itself into your uterine wall this

cramping is minor and brief if you typically experience menstrual cramps

and this is unique to everyone pain is unique to the individual but the one

thing that we know for sure is that implantation cramping should not be

classified as intense it should be minor and it should be pretty brief as well so

like one to two days maybe I've heard up to a little bit longer than that but

typically it's going to be in that range of one to two days it occurs in the

lower part of your abdomen typically some women have reported other

sensations such as piercing so when I think of piercing maybe like a sting

that might be something that I classify is piercing or a tingling sensation so

like if your foot falls asleep kind of that sensation some people will actually

experience it in their back so maybe you'll have a little bit of back pain or

back cramping or maybe you will feel pressure on your sides but the key here

for the cramping is that it's minor and brief so again if we're talking about

menstrual cramps it should not feel like menstrual

cramps it's definitely a much smaller lesser not as intense version of maybe a

menstrual cramp you shouldn't feel like you can't go on with your day-to-day

activity and as far as implantation bleeding goes again we're focusing on

light and brief so this should last maybe one to two days for some women

it's not even a day long it's it's a few hours or can even just be one streak of

blood that's what I experienced actually was one streak of blood in the midst of

my cervical mucus that was probably the earliest sign for me for this pregnancy

was one streak of blood so as far as length of time goes one to two days I

have heard up to three to four days typically again it's gonna fall on that

one to two day category your uterine lining is rich with blood so for some

women when the egg implants into the uterine wall that's why you see this

bleeding and that's why when it implants you might see some spotting this is not

your period it shouldn't really look anything like your period it's much

lighter typically people report that it's more of a pink or even a brown or

like I mentioned a streak of blood and it happens a few days ish and again this

isn't there is no perfect day that this will land on because as we have learned

through me doing these videos and hopefully you watching them that no

woman's cycle is the same even from cycle to cycle for the same woman it's not the

same so there's no way to really predict when implantation like what particular

day it's occurring typically implantation is going to occur at least

a couple days before your period is expected so if you notice like hey I'm

like spotting a couple of days before my period is actually due that that in fact

could be implantation bleeding there should not be any clots so if you're

known to have like small or large clots when you have your period you shouldn't

see this with implantation bleeding and the bleeding could be on and off for

implantation bleeding so you may find that you bleed a little and then stop

and then you have a little bit more and then stop it's not like your period

which kind of starts and then speeds up you have more and it's it's deeper and

redder you won't find it increasing in intensity or you shouldn't so as I

mentioned my personal experience with implantation bleeding was literally a

streak of blood it was a small streak in the midst of cervical mucus I want to

know have you experienced implantation bleeding if you have what did it look

like um are you experiencing it now maybe that's why you landed on this

video you can just write simple yes or no or if you feel comfortable

elaborating please let us know like what you saw because I think if odds are if

you're watching this video and you found this because you're searching for

implantation bleeding signs or anything like that you're probably looking for

experiences from other women so help a sister out write it in the comments

below as soon as implantation occurs your body

starts producing HCG which is actually what is detected by pregnancy test so

this is what is being looked for by the test or by the urine pregnancy test

essentially in order to either get that yes/no or that X or the double lines or

whatever it's measuring that hormone however a urine pregnancy test is not

expected to be positive until maybe three to four days after implantation

occurs because you do have to build up a small level of that HCG before it's

detectable in urine pregnancy tests this is why implantation cramping and

spotting / bleeding could be your very very earliest sign even before a

pregnancy test so that's my summary of implantation cramping and bleeding do

you have any questions did you learn anything please let me know in the

comments I'm always looking for new content to create so if there's some

topic you'd like me to do a video on I would love to hear from you

please leave it in the comments below if you learned something or if you enjoyed

this video please give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe and join my

tribe I have all kinds of new content coming up including a whole video on

symptoms before your big fat positive or early pregnancy test I have my 23 week

pregnancy update coming out soon and then I will eventually be doing a name

reveal once my husband and I finally come to the conclusion of what baby

girl's name is going to be and then if you're interested in knowing kind of

more my day-to-day life my personal thoughts and things like that please

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interested in the pregnancy updates we'll see you Thursday

we'll see you next time bye

For more infomation >> IMPLANTATION CRAMPING / IMPLANTATION BLEEDING - Duration: 9:06.


Pokeball time!「Pokemon: Let's Go Eevee! ⬅🦊 Ep3」 - Duration: 1:19:36.

For more infomation >> Pokeball time!「Pokemon: Let's Go Eevee! ⬅🦊 Ep3」 - Duration: 1:19:36.


How to Reset Your Samsung Galaxy Watch (R805U/R815U) | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:50.

reset device power cycle there are multiple ways to reset your device if

you are experiencing issues the first is to perform a power cycle to turn the

device off press and hold the power home button on the right side of the device

select power off the device will take a moment to power off

to turn the device back on press and hold the power home button the device

will take a moment to power on factory reset

if a power cycle doesn't resolve the issue you can perform a factory reset a

factory data reset will revert the device back to factory settings it will

permanently erase all personal data preferences settings and content that is

saved to the device it is recommended that you save or backup important data

before proceeding to perform a factory data reset from the clock screen press

the power home button rotate the bezel to and select settings

rotate the bezel to and select general

rotate the bezel to and select reset if you reset the device the watch will

still be able to connect to the AT&T network if you would like to disable

this feature reset your mobile networks to disconnect the watch from all mobile

networks if you wish to do this select reset networks and follow the prompts to

continue resetting your device without disconnecting it from the AT&T network

select next select the checkmark icon

For more infomation >> How to Reset Your Samsung Galaxy Watch (R805U/R815U) | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:50.


DIY Edible Eyeshadow | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:18.

DIY Edible Eyeshadow | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> DIY Edible Eyeshadow | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 7:18.


I'm A Celebrity's Anne Hegerty bows out of Bushtucker Trial after hellish ordeal - News Today - Duration: 3:25.

 Anne Hegerty was forced to end her I'm A Celebrity Busktucker trial after gaining just two stars after she had bugs, slime and fish guts rained on her

 The Chase star has struggled throughout her time in the jungle so far, desperately trying to keep positive as she adjusts to uncomfortable beds, lack of sleep and barely any food

 But tonight's ordeal was her worst yet as she took part in Monstrous Monoliths, and had to undo padlocks while she was being covered from head to toe with slime, fish guts and mealworms

 It was the later which sadly saw her bow out of the competition, having only gained two stars, neither of which went towards her own camp, Snake Rock

 Before the trial, her campmates rallied around her, as Fleur said in the Bush Telegraph: "I really didn't want it to be Anne because I feel like she's really settled in now and she's got a rhythm and now she's going to get the shock of her life

 "Whatever's lying in these monoliths could be pretty deadly and really freak her out

Oh man I feel for her. Come on Anne!"  During the trial, Holly Willoughby and Dec Donnelly tried to make her feel OK about everything, as they said: "Best of luck, we all want to you do this

We're all behind you."  Anne made some extraordinary exclamations during the trial, including: "I'm fine, I'm fine

Oh God you disgusting thing, you."  "Get out of my ear you thing! That's revolting of you

Oh God you're disgusting" Read More I'm A Celebrity 2018  Sadly the mealworms were enough for her after Anne ran out of time during the second part of her trial, meaning she had onnly gained two stars after storming the first section

 She told the pair: "I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here. I can't do it. I'm so sorry

"  They consoled her, with Dec saying: "You've got two stars in that bag. There are plenty of people who have taken on Bushtucker Trials and haven't even got two

 Holly said: "You tested yourself and you've done brilliantly. We're really proud of you

"  "Well done for coming down here and facing it head on. That takes guts," Dec added, before Anne chimed in with a joke about the fish innards which had rained on her

 Afterwards, she reacted: "I did the first one in 90 seconds. That was ok. I got two stars

Then it all went pear shaped.  "Absolutely freak out disgusting. And I came out and I was just covered in gunk and mealworms and I was like no, no more, can't do it so I shouted I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!  "Well we got two meals for the other camp

Aren't they lucky? I really really hope that they're glad!"   I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here continues everyday at 9pm and at 9

30pm on Saturdays on ITV.

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