Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 21 2018

Hey guys how are you?

I hope you are very very very good

I hope you are having an excellent day, and excellent afternoon or and excellent evening

depending on the hour that you are watching this video

today, we decided to go on a tour around Arequipa

it was awesome, we filmed a lot of things sooo here it goes I hope you like it.

today we had to wake up early, because after months of living in Arequipa

Finally we are going on a city tour

here we go, looking for something to eat

and everything is closed because it is sunday, so

we don't have what to eat, so our tour is leaving in five minutes so we are hungry

the tour already started, I mean we are going to the bus

and Aurelys and Marielvys are buying so I hope they arrive on time

we bought pizza and burger for breakfast because we did not have time

to prepare breakfast

but nobody did anything on time so now

we had to have breakfast at 12 (noon)

well, have breakfast and lunch at the same time

you ruin my videos

welcome to the white city of Arequipa

we are now in one of the 29 districts that Arequipa has

called "Yanahuara" at this point we have two important things

one of the newest ones are those little arcs that receive the name of "Yanahuara's Viewpoint"

it is really important because over each arc we will be able to see different thoughts

from this view point you can see part of the city and also the Misti Volcano

it is the youngest volcano in arequipa and it is active

but it is being controlled

and the other important thing from this district

The "San Juan Bautista" temple

we were given three minutes to visit the store and there are a lot of things

everything is so beautiful

until now everything is like old, like white, well it was once white but it is so beautiful

our tour guide plays for all the teams, she guides us, then goes to the corner and guides another people and so she goes

"Matando Tigritos" (venezuelan expression to refer that a person has a lot of little jobs)

The Misti is the most important volcano that arequipa has

we are going fast to the bus to eat before everybody arrives

that is fast, you see fast your yanahuara's viewpoint, you see fast your "San Juan Bautista" temple

and you go back to your bus because you are leaving, that from now to now

we are

in carmen alto's town I guess

and the view is AWESOME


that I want you to see

look at this

this is not so much

the sun is horrible, it rained, then there was sun

and rained, then is sun

then it rained and it is cold

but the sun burns you so

this weather is so weird

now we are stopping at the INCA ALPACA'S COMPANY

they sell

Alpaca's clothes

well not for alpacas

made out of alpacas skin or fur I dont now (they are made out of alpacas fur NOT skin)

everything is so beautiful

SO beautiful

but it is a little bit expensive and smells like

oh! now I know why

because there are a loooot

the prices in this city are cheaper than other regions of Peru

they told us about what an Alpaca is and other animals

look at this


some look like

they are so weird


their paws are weird


that one has like flu

oh my god

but their fur is like looong

and weird, it is so cool

for real

look at this, thos are Llamas and Alpacas

I want to touch it but I am scared

and if it bites me?

I'm affraid it...

it feels so strange

if you touch it, it is like a pillow


how do you know?

because I toched it


that one was like sneezing

it is so beautiful, the Llamas are so cute

and if you touch them, it feels like a giant pillow


you can see that not all of them are that cute

they are not all the same

ones are smaller than the others

it is so good to come and see all of this and learn about the differences

I just knew

about the Llamas

Jose! you try the cheese to see


let me try it

guys I am freezing

warm my hands with your dewlaps

I loved it

I got the flu

so what we are goin to do

is to get off later in another place where there are bikes

and horses

this is so cold! we are at the last stop

and it is like

I don't know, it looks like a family park


nice, let's say, there are certain activities

as you can see behind me

I'm literally shaking because of the cold

the weather is like

Merida in Venezuela

but without too much mist

SO! Jose is about to try that thing

look, that's the high

it is going up!

I got on this thing

I don't know if it was a good idea

oh sh!t

For more infomation >> ESTA ES AREQUIPA 2018 / JOSE RENGIFO - Duration: 16:09.


Una escena de Casados con hijos reveló su oscuro pasado - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Una escena de Casados con hijos reveló su oscuro pasado - Duration: 6:38.


6對「姐弟戀」的明星,老婆個個是女神,最大年齡相差16歲! - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 6對「姐弟戀」的明星,老婆個個是女神,最大年齡相差16歲! - Duration: 4:22.


Como resolver el conflicto de pareja: ¡Tú eres buena! ¡Tú eres bueno! - Duration: 6:01.

Hi, I'm Juan Manuel D'Acosta Counselor in Mission of Love

What I want to share with you is a experience that I had, as a counselor,

Many years ago, where a little boy, who was in kindergarten,

passed to primary school and in first elementary school did not want to be

and we in the counseling part do not we can do therapy with children

it does not work. What we do is guide the children and when we are in counseling what

that we usually do, and I say we do because it's the Lord

I ask you to intercede for us in this dialogue

What I do is a prayer where I'm trying to share to the Lord what

that I am discovering so that He guide me within the spirit. It's not a

Strange thing, I do not turn my eyes, nor do I have to put anything on. It is very simple

say: Sir, here we are in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Guide us Lord, what are we going to find a solution?

Obviously the Lord knows all the studies and what one has learned in the

experience and all this. And we will go guiding But it also guides us in a way

surprising. And that was the case. The case is that the child had this fear of

be in this primary. and it turns out, that this child, after going

talking with him and gaining confidence. It turns out that a girl took him

the cake at recess But this girl had

some characteristics, according to what the mother told me, had a second sister

of primary school and a sister in fourth grade primary and were

a family that was living a disorder, which really made

complicated to the children and brought, of some way, half "ravaged" to school

so it is that

the answers that would usually make one is "go tell the teacher", "go and tell the

authority "," go and confront her "or there are people who would say" give her a few ... "but this was

very complicated. Because they would have to face a whole family.

So I was asking the Lord what? is? What is the way to follow?

in this sense. And the answer was very good because ...

well it was wonderful and I was surprised, because it was: Tell the girl, when you

remove the cake: "you are good". I was surprised by the answer

so simple, because it made a lot of sense what was

saying the Lord in that sense. Why to this girl, how many times did they tell her?

"you're bad", "you're useless" and blah, blah blah ... all these judgments and convictions,

calling the worst part of the girl. And this happens when we have

a conflict We usually degrade the person, we degrade children, degraded

to the couple, we degrade the neighbors .. a everyone to the government! and not

we seek that the government, that the couple, that the neighbors, that the children are what

what they really are What we are? in the background we are

an expression of the Love of God, we are a love. And that's what we have to help

to others recognize: that we are a love and in love is this

kindness, this kindness, there is peace, there is self-control, there is the

patience, there is fidelity, this this environment that produces and illuminates

light, where there is shadow. So I ask you

Do not forget something God blesses you. But it is not a phrase

pretty, it's a reality! and also bless to our friends and our enemies

to those who bring us a basket of offenses and those who bring us a series

of compliments and joys. God bless us all

God makes us brothers, because all we are brothers

for the Our Father

And what I ask you today: is that they are what they are:

"You are good" "You are good" Go and share this good news.

I'm Juan Manuel D'Acosta Counselor in Mission of Love

God bless you, soar in his arms, let yourself be guided by his hand, by his wisdom

Prayer, listen to what the Lord wants to discover them.

Thank you so much

For more infomation >> Como resolver el conflicto de pareja: ¡Tú eres buena! ¡Tú eres bueno! - Duration: 6:01.


5 Dấu hiệu của bệnh mỡ máu cao ai cũng nên biết sớm - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 5 Dấu hiệu của bệnh mỡ máu cao ai cũng nên biết sớm - Duration: 7:16.


Droe - Concierto de los Soñadores 3ºM: Marcha Reflexiva [Opus 23] - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Droe - Concierto de los Soñadores 3ºM: Marcha Reflexiva [Opus 23] - Duration: 2:57.


Vicuña, desesperado: le robaron la mochila con fotos de su hija Blanca - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Vicuña, desesperado: le robaron la mochila con fotos de su hija Blanca - Duration: 5:11.


Así suena "Vas a Quedarte", el nuevo single de Aitana Ocaña, incluido en su primer EP - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Así suena "Vas a Quedarte", el nuevo single de Aitana Ocaña, incluido en su primer EP - Duration: 2:15.


Hitler Anti-racista - Duration: 10:02.

Y ahora, al concluir la conferencia anti-racista más grande de todos los tiempos,

Tenemos un sorprendente invitado que le gustaría hacer una declaración con nosotros sobre su lucha para llegar a un acuerdo con la tolerancia y la diversidad.

{La multitud queda sin aliento con asombro}.

{Los abucheos de la muchedumbre en la visión de Hitler}.

Lo siento acerca de cómo fueron las cosas en la década de 1930.

He estado pensando en la Argentina las cosas y que debería haber hecho las cosas de manera diferente.

En estos días soy un hombre cambiado y esto el amanecer de un nuevo día.

Ahora soy un confeso Antiracista! Y vamos al aplastamiento del racismo de una vez por todas!

Esto es increíble. Puedo ver los titulares ahora:

Adolf Hitler es un antirracista. Esto podría terminar con el racismo para bien "

Ahh, Tel Aviv Qué gran ciudad, pero veo que hay trabajo por hacer aquí

!!. ¿Qué quiere decir ?. Hitler

Muchos judios aquí.... necesitamos más diversidad

Gracias a nuestra nueva organización antirracista, que van a condimentar las cosas un poco

.!! la diversidad es buena, la diversidad es una fortaleza la diversidad es lo que hace que el Oriente Medio sea de manera pacífica !

Así que usted no es más un nazi

Oh no, sino todo lo contrario en realidad.

Mi organización antirracista está presionando para una política de fronteras abiertas para Israel.

No Judios tienen tanto de un derecho a estar aquí como cualquier otra persona. No se puede restringir el país a un grupo específico de personas. Eso es racista!

Muchas personas pensarían que es irónico que USTED de todas las personas que acabaría llevandose contra el racismo en Israel.

¿Por qué eligió este país?

Israel es un país rico. Sólo un racista no se opondría a la inmigración judía.

Israel aún no ha aprendido a ser multicultural. Mi organización va a ser parte del proceso de transformación que,

debe tener lugar!

Israel no va a ser la sociedad monolítica como lo era antes.

Voy a estar en el centro de aquella.

Es una gran transformación para que Israel lo haga, vamos a entrar en un modo multicultural.

Yo podría estar resentido debido a mi papel principal. Pero sin ese papel principal, y sin esa transformación, Israel no sobrevivirá.

Odio a los racistas y personas que se oponen a este maravilloso desarrollo.

No va a ser fácil, pero Israel será multicultural,

Y nos estamos beneficiando económicamente y culturalmente de la inmigración!

Una política de fronteras abiertas es una buena cosa para cualquier país. Estoy orgulloso de decir que apoyo la diversidad y la multiculturalidad!

Pero el pueblo judío tiene un derecho a existir como un pueblo único.!

Ahh, eso es racista!

No, no, yo no soy racista, pero...

Bueno, aunque he oído decir que desea conservar su gente?

Sí, sí, creo que tenemos derecho a preservar nuestra cultura, nuestra gente.

Uch, que es racista! Por lo tanto creemos que usted ¿es el pueblo escogido de Dios?

Una especie de maestro de la carrera? Eso me recuerda a los camisas pardas en los años 30.

No soy un racista, pero si este proceso continúa estaremos en una minoría en nuestro propio país!

Deja de quejarte. Ve y ten más bebés judíos si está tan preocupado.

Espera Hitler, Israel está siendo invadida por los no judios debido a su política de fronteras abiertas.

No importa cuántos bebés tengamos. Todavía será un minoría en nuestro propio país. Sus políticas nos han destruido!

judios necesita tomarse las cosas. Muliticulturalismo es grande. Mira todos los nuevos restaurantes que tienen que comer en este momento.

La diversidad es buena. La diversidad es una fortaleza. La diversidad es lo que hace que el Oriente Medio sea de manera pacífica. Y la diversidad es la salvación de Israel "

Hitler es esta su nueva organización de citas del arco iris?

Por supuesto, estos días estoy todo sobre el amor "

Usted es lo mismo Hitler.... un antisemita tratando de borrar a los judios

Eso no tiene sentido ¿Cómo puede el amor ser antisemita?

Pero usted está apoyando SOLO a los judios que que tienen noviasgo con NO JUDIOS de hecho, usted está fomentando esta

agenda del multiculturalismo y la diversidad de los suyos, parece que es sólo una estafa para deshacerse de nosotros para siempre.

bueno, podríamos mezclar asiáticos y árabes también eso lo hará más feliz.

usted es sólo un racista celoso que no se puede conseguir una novia judía.

No, no estoy celoso de nadie. Sólo creo que esto es una agenda para deshacerse de nosotros.

Usted tal vez puede mezclar otras culturas. Pero sus políticas seguirán siendo conducidas a un mundo sin judios. Eso es genocidio.

Pequeño sionista. No sea paranoico. Usted ha estado leyendo demasiados sitios web de la conspiración!

Judios en todo el mundo y la diversidad AMOR multiculturalismo.

Porque Te amo.... Me he dado una oportunidad más....

Nos curamos el mundo, somos los niños del arco iris.

Nos curamos el mundo.... Somos los hijos del sueño.

Hitler, a muchos Judios no le gusta lo que está pasando! El pueblo judío están siendo destruidos a través de la inmigración.

Judios simplemente debe abrazar su futuro multicultural. No hay espacio en este planeta para el racismo.

Hitler, pero nunca ha respondido a la pregunta. ¿Lo que está haciendo es un genocidio? ¿No lo es?

Tonterías Esto es natural. La gente emigra y se enamoran. Religiones van y vienen.

No sería una carga para mí tener que preocuparme sobre todo esto.

Mire alrededor de Hitler, no todo es judío ahora. Usted nos ha obligado a un régimen genocida entre nosotros.

No empujo a nada. No he matado a nadie esta vez. Recuerde, ahora soy un antirracista.

No creo que las fronteras deben interponerse en el camino de las personas y las culturas.

La diversidad es buena. La diversidad es una fortaleza. La diversidad es lo que hace que el Oriente Medio sea de manera pacífica.

Y la diversidad ha salvado a Israel

Mira Hitler! Le dijimos que sus políticas haría que Israel fuese no judía!

Y yo soy el UNICO JUDIO QUE QUEDA! Usted nos ha aniquilado para siempre!

Bueno, nadie podía haber previsto esto...

For more infomation >> Hitler Anti-racista - Duration: 10:02.


Detuvieron a la actriz Leticia Brédice porque le hallaron droga - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Detuvieron a la actriz Leticia Brédice porque le hallaron droga - Duration: 3:29.


Conmoción en la Comarca: asesinaron a balazos a un jugador de Petrolero Argentino - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Conmoción en la Comarca: asesinaron a balazos a un jugador de Petrolero Argentino - Duration: 2:54.


Avengers 4 Trailer | Every Ending is a Chance - Claire Wyndham - Duration: 3:40.

Music: "Change has come..."

Thor: What did you do?

Music: "...inside the door."


Music: "Everything that was true, isn't true anymore"

It's the end of the path I started us on.

Music: "In our hands..."

Music: "is a broken crown..."

Music: "and the wars that we lose..."

Music: "...mean freedom now."

We try to save as many people as we can.

...sometimes it doesn't mean everybody.

The world has changed.

none of us can go back.

Music: "Every ending is a chance..."

Cap: I'm just a kid from Brooklyn.

Odin: You are a vain, cruel boy.

I now cast you out!

Music: "Every ending is a chance..."

Music: "...to begin again."

Bruce: Who are you?

Natasha Romanoff

Tony: We're the Avengers.

Fury: Show 'em what we got.

Tony: We have a Hulk!

Tony: Where's your guy?

Laura: You need to be sure,

that this team is really a team.

Steve: What do you think?

Peggy: Yes.

Tony: I'm just not the hero type, clearly.

Odin: Whosoever holds of this hammer,

...if he be worthy,

...shall possess the power of Thor.

Tony: I came to realize that I have more to offer

than just making things to blow up.

Thor: You and I, we fight for the protection of this world.

Tony: ...and I have to protect the one thing I can't live without,

...that's you.

Nat: We've made some very public mistakes.

Steve: I just wanted to do what was right.

SHIELD, Hydra, it all goes.

Tony: I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.

Jane: That was for New York!

Thor: He's my brother.

Loki: Adopted.

Tony: Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.

Music: "Keep marching on..."

Thor: Nooooo!

Tony: The Avengers broke up, we're toast.

Fury: There was an idea...

Tony: ...to bring together a group of remarkable people...

Vision: To see if we could become something more...

Thor: so when they needed us...

...we could fight the battles...

Nat: That they never could.

Music: "Every ending is a chance..."

Music: "...to begin again."

Music: "Every ending is a chance..."

Music: "...to begin again."

Nat: You know what's about to happen.

Tony: How were you guys planning on beating that?

Steve: Together.

Tony: We'll lose.

Steve: And we'll do that together too.

Music: "...to begin again."

Thanks so much for watching this video!

I'm an editor in the film industry and when I heard this song

I knew I wanted to make something for the lead up to Avengers 4.

I teamed up with my buddy Nathan Ashton

who does professional sound design,

to make a video for you guys the fans.

I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we

enjoyed putting it together, and a huge thank you to Marvel for so many

wonderful films over these past 10 years

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 Trailer | Every Ending is a Chance - Claire Wyndham - Duration: 3:40.


RapX Ska - Tamu Undangan [OFFICIAL] - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> RapX Ska - Tamu Undangan [OFFICIAL] - Duration: 4:40.


菜市場「最髒」的3種蔬菜,吃一口傷一次肝,很多人還不知道! - Duration: 22:03.

For more infomation >> 菜市場「最髒」的3種蔬菜,吃一口傷一次肝,很多人還不知道! - Duration: 22:03.


新團鐵拳男孩? 胡歌接班人認打日籍女友 瘀青照曝光 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> 新團鐵拳男孩? 胡歌接班人認打日籍女友 瘀青照曝光 - Duration: 2:33.


Divorce Frequently Asked Questions : What is a No Fault Divorce? - Duration: 2:10.

My name is Patrick McGeehan and "I am your best friend at your worst time." I am a

South Florida criminal defense & family law attorney. I've received a bunch of

questions last week regarding my social media posts and in my newsletter, asking

questions about divorce and child support in child custody cases and I

took the most frequent ones that I got and I'll address them here probably do

one per video the first question I got was from Claudia she asked what is a

no-fault divorce well Florida is a no-fault state which

means the new no-fault divorce you don't need a reason to get a divorce you

simply have to want to if your marriage is originally broken and you want to get

divorce regardless of what the other person does or not you can get divorce

Florida will grant you a divorce the only thing that may stand in your way is

a six-month Florida has a six-month residency requirement you have to be a

resident of the state of Florida provable by driver's license voter

registration or affidavit before you can file your petition for dissolution of

marriage but once that is satisfied you figure you can file your dissolution

petition in the court in the circuit court in Florida and they eventually the

courts will grant you a divorce you don't need any other reason whatsoever

it doesn't have to be adultery business finances anything it can simply be that

you want a divorce and we don't even get into anything besides the marriage being

irretrievably broken I hope that answered your question Claudia if you

have any more please let me know likewise send me an email at Patrick at

PJM lawyer.com I included the email and a link below

ask me a question or respond to any of the social media posts that I have or

youtube video comments for any questions you may have and I'll address those

separately in a video thank you my name is Patrick McGeehan and "I am your best

friend at your worst time."

For more infomation >> Divorce Frequently Asked Questions : What is a No Fault Divorce? - Duration: 2:10.


Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese Footballer's - 77000 000 $ Cars Collection 2018 - Duration: 3:23.

Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese Footballer's - 77000 000 $ Cars Collection 2018

Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese Footballer's - 77000 000 $ Cars Collection 2018

Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese Footballer's - 77000 000 $ Cars Collection 2018

Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese Footballer's - 77000 000 $ Cars Collection 2018

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese Footballer's - 77000 000 $ Cars Collection 2018 - Duration: 3:23.


Avengers vs Justice League - Rematch - No Powers - Duration: 6:54.

Rematch - Avengers vs JL

The following contest is and e-cat match all the way to the ring

at a combined weight of

531 pounds the surfer man, Bruce Wayne

Tell me Corey do you like his chances here tonight? Well, it's hard

And their opponents at a combined weight of 800

three pounds whole

Iron Man the spider-man ball task ahead of him here. That's for sure

This is it fellas

We're ready to get this thing started if you haven't hit record yet now might be a good time to do that

These guys are gonna have a match you'll want to watch over and over again

Just look at this man. He's all business

Moves like that can upset your opponent more than hurt them though. That was a hard shot. What a strike

How about we touch on man a bit?

All these superstars have the ability. But what does he need to do specifically to come out ahead here

Every single time two superstars step in the ring

It seems like fireworks always follow and this guy he's capable of lighting fuses with the best of them

Well, he's trained all his life to be here is either gonna pay off or not. We'll see real soon

No, I think this man means business

It might be cliche but it's true here it ain't over till it's over


His clothesline finds the mark

Move there guys

He might a punishing strike

Well, look out the flying forearm finds his target it's all academic from here

Looking to catch him off guard man. I thought he had him nice kick-out

I move like that. It's completely unnecessary unless you want to degrade your opposition. Of course

There he goes crashing to the floor

And there's the stutter this thing might be over real soon

And his elbow finds the mark

Absolutely has to get back in the ring. There's no way around it

I can tell you nobody's happy about it

Here are your winners home


the spider-man

and big win albeit via count-out

Hey rules are rules. You got to pay attention to the 10 count. Are you gonna lose? It's that simple?

For more infomation >> Avengers vs Justice League - Rematch - No Powers - Duration: 6:54.


Let Me Love You - Tum Hi Ho Cover by Vidya Vox - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Let Me Love You - Tum Hi Ho Cover by Vidya Vox - Duration: 3:15.


Rakitic hizo caso omiso del PSG para ser indiscutible en el Barça - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Rakitic hizo caso omiso del PSG para ser indiscutible en el Barça - Duration: 3:40.


Highway Patrol to add extra officers in I-40 corridor for Thanksgiving travel rush - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Highway Patrol to add extra officers in I-40 corridor for Thanksgiving travel rush - Duration: 0:53.


Why Do I Keep Having Nightmares Every Night 🙄 - Duration: 3:15.

why do i keep having nightmares every night

For more infomation >> Why Do I Keep Having Nightmares Every Night 🙄 - Duration: 3:15.


TOURIST TRAPS IN ISTANBUL: Caught on Camera (Taksim Square, Sultan Ahmet) - Duration: 23:00.

Solo travellers should be extra vigilant here

You may be trapped, even by a beautiful girl...

I am going towards the music

This is called Dondurma, a Turkish icecream

Yesterday the person from my hostel offered it to me

I am enjoying the hospitality of Turkey

The Hostel staff also helped me to upload a video by sharing his mobile internet

actually the hostel's internet connection was quite weak

Yesterday he offered me Dondurma

This costs somewhere between 5 to 20 Liras

This is Istiklal street

This is one of the happening areas of Istanbul

If you are also looking for a place to hang out during the evenings, come here and just enjoy it like me

I am going to check the mobile tariffs in this Vodafone store

Vodafone is Quite expensive - 6GB for 200 Lira whereas Turkcell was offering 6 GB data for just 120 Liras

120 Lira equals 1300 INR approx

This place was suggested by my hotel staff

You can enjoy Dondurma and do a lot of activities at this place

Take a stroll like me and watch people from around the world on this street

They were from Cyprus

We chatted on various topics including Bollywood and Aamir Khan

They striked the conversation from where are you..

He said something about India

He said... We watch Bollywood movies in Cyprus

It was a friendly chat session, but now....

I am going to share something very important

The staff from my hotel Dongyang shared some Dos and Donts about this city

The thing which I am going to say now actually striked in mind after I met these people

but this doesn't mean that I am defaming these 2 tourists

If you are a solo traveller...

then this is for you

You just saw both of them

the way they behaved at the end made me suspicious

they wanted me to have drinks with them

the hostel guys had already informed me about such people

they said that such people target solo travellers.

most of the time you will meet them at popular place like this

Even a beautiful girl may approach you to have a drink with her

and if you accept their offer and drink with them

you may have to pay a hefty amount for the bill at the end

that may be over 2000-3000 Liras

So please be careful. I was said to be careful

How all this started!!

while I was walking

they approached me and asked for a cigarette lighter

They asked me in Turkish

Probably they wanted to check I am a foreigner or local!

I said, I am not a Turkish, I dont have a cigarette

this way they stroked the conversation

we chatted about India and Bollywood

and then they just vanished

my hotel guys told me earlier that these guys will pretend themselves as a tourist

If both of them were genuine people, then I don't have any bad intentions about them

I am just sharing an example to make you people careful

So please dont take it otherwise

Its better to catch a Funicular to visit Istiklal street or Taksim square as they are located at a height

while coming back you can walk down

This is what my hotel staff suggested

now while coming back I didn't go back to Taksim Square as I wanted to explore these randon streets

A couple was talking in Hindi

I turned back to look at them and they also did the same when they heard me speaking in Hindi

It feels good. Isnt it!

However, in comparison to Bangkok, Malaysia, Singpore etc less Indian tourists visit Istanbul

This is the European part of Istanbul

I am in this part since I landed here

The Asian part of Istanbul is not that happening as the European part is

Most of the tourist places are located at 'Golden Horn'

the same place where I am staying right now

where I am staying...!

I forgot the name!

If you want to experience the ferry ride then I would recommend this ferry

You can pay by using your Istanbulkart

Just pay 2.5 Lira and reach the other side of Istanbul called Uskudar

For more infomation >> TOURIST TRAPS IN ISTANBUL: Caught on Camera (Taksim Square, Sultan Ahmet) - Duration: 23:00.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Hawaii Preparatory Academy - Hawai'i Island | Keiki Triathlon - Duration: 2:31.


This is our lower school keiki triathlon.

It's an annual event that we hold every year in the fall.

So, this is part of a six-week triathlon training unit

in our lower school physical education program.

During our PE time, we learn all about endurance events like triathlons.


Kids learn all techniques about running.

We do spend time at the pool, and we have swimming lessons to prepare ourselves.

We also learn about nutrition.

Nutrition's really another discipline to endurance events, and we learn how to eat

the proper ways to support the physical activity that we do in events like triathlons.


Looking good, you guys!

We can do it!

So, it's a really fun event.

It is a completely voluntary event.

We do this on a Sunday morning, and we had over ninety kids, ninety families show up

today for this event.

So, it's just really a great family atmosphere.

It's a celebration of the physical education curriculum that we do here, it's a celebration

of movement, and it's a celebration of our families and our learning here.


This is my twelfth year running the keiki triathlon, but this is an event that I inherited

many, many years ago.

This event started somewhere in the mid-80s.

[INDISTINCT] was the first physical education teacher at our lower school, and he began

this event, and over the years, it's just carried on.

And it's such a wonderful event.

I'm so glad that he started it, because it truly is unique to schools here.

You don't find lower school physical education programs that run triathlon events for their

students, so it's a unique part of our curriculum, it's a unique event to our school.

And I'm so proud to be able to carry that on.


This is Eddie Farias from Hawaii Preparatory Academy, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Hawaii Preparatory Academy - Hawai'i Island | Keiki Triathlon - Duration: 2:31.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | 'Ewa Makai Middle - O'ahu | Ilima Dancer - Duration: 3:10.

It's okay to be emotional sometimes, and

that's just gonna help me be a better person in life.


Ilima Sexton is twelve-year-old student at Ewa Makai Middle School.

Like others her age, she enjoys school and hanging out with friends.

However, unlike most students, Ilima uses dance to help her deal with some of the issues

that she has come across in life.

I actually had Ilima start dancing because I wanted to get her involved in something

after school.

I didn't want her to just sit around and do nothing.

And I picked HyperSquad because it was literally right down the road, so it's easy for anyone

to take her to dance right after school.

One obstacle that I went through was my parents' divorce at a very young age.

And just not having a father figure is probably one of the reasons why I was a very shy kid.

I was kind of like, scared to see if any kids would judge me about it.

And I didn't really understand why we needed a father.

Dance has also led her to make unbreakable bonds with her teammates.

Being in a team together has helped them develop respect for one another.

Each person understands the struggle they are going through, and the way that dance

helps them cope with it.

I like dancing with Ilima because she makes me work extra hard, because she's so good.

And whenever I'm in class, I look at her, and I'm just like, Yes!

And when I'm in dance class, and I watch her perform in all of her solos that she does,

[SIGH] I like to take that as advice and put it into mine.

Ilima's biggest triumph is her appearance on a big hit TV show, World of Dance on NBC,

with her team The Rascals.

Even though they didn't win, they all left knowing that they had represented Hawai'i

with their best effort.

All of their hard work and dedication have led her and her team here.

I used to be a very shy kid.

I would never talk to anyone beside my mom.

And I think dancing just made me more confident in myself and realize that I can be amazing,

and there is something special in me.

You do sacrifice a lot of time, whether it's with your family or your friends.

So, as long as you're willing to sacrifice that and you have people that support you

in those decisions, you make it successful.

I have definitely made a lot of friends in my dance experience, and they are my closest

friends, just because we've seen all the struggles that we are going through and why

we dance, and how it copes with our emotions.

Her family was split by divorce, and she was struggling with her confidence.

Although this had happened, she fought through by using dance to express herself.

Her dream is to be a dance choreographer or a backup dancer for celebrities.

Ilima is willing to be an icon for those who are struggling, just like she was.

This is Khloe Cabigon from Ewa Makai, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | 'Ewa Makai Middle - O'ahu | Ilima Dancer - Duration: 3:10.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Waiʻanae High - O'ahu | Naked Cow Dairy - Duration: 2:33.


For Naked Cow Dairy Farm owner Monique Van der Stroom, this is the moon.

I really like being on the farm, I really like having cows, and I really like what I'm


Naked Cow Dairy is a small farm, so it's very artisan, very unique.

And then, also, we built a creamery, too, so that we're vertically integrated.

So, we can milk our own cows, and make our own products, and we can control from the

beginning to the end, all the way from milking the cow to getting our product on the grocery

store shelf.

This here is yogurt.

However, control over a dairy farm is something that is hard to keep.

So, Naked Cow Dairy is the only remaining dairy farm on the island of O'ahu, and they

have all since closed down.

How many have closed down?

According to Hawaii News Now, there were about ninety dairies open in the 1950s, making the

dairy farm business a very competitive one.


Competing with Mainland milk, and trying to feed cows when we have to import all our feed

was very difficult for dairies.

And that's why we keep our dairy small, so that we can afford to feed as many cows

as we can.

It's hard being the only dairy here.

Despite the difficulties of owning a farm, she refuses to follow the herd due to the

love that she has for her cows.

It's harder for me to give up, even though things get really, really hard, just because

this is really what I chose to do, and this is really what my passion is.

I would hate to get to the point one day where I have to get rid of my cows.

That may come, I don't know.

But it gives me encouragement to just keep going.


We're working on an advertising marketing campaign right now where we can get out there

and talk face-to-face with people.

And that's how people got to know about Naked Cow Dairy.

And I think that face-to-face interaction, where people know where their milk is coming

from and they get to meet us, and they get to come to the farm and see the cows, I think

that could encourage people to buy local milk.

With the face-to-face campaign, she hopes to see her farm as well as the dairy farm

industry grow.

This is Nicole Tagalucid from Wai'anae High School, for HIKI NŌ.


For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Waiʻanae High - O'ahu | Naked Cow Dairy - Duration: 2:33.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Āliamanu Middle School - O'ahu | Pedestrian Perils - Duration: 3:09.

Pedestrian safety is always a concern, especially in Hawai'i, where there has been an increase

in pedestrian fatalities.

In April 2012, a HIKI NŌ story by Āliamanu Middle School students shed light on the dangerous

situation regarding pedestrians crossing Salt Lake Boulevard and Ala Liliko'i.

This is a heavily traveled intersection that is adjacent to Āliamanu Elementary and Middle

Schools, a public library and a neighborhood shopping center.

Six years have passed, and the situation hasn't changed.

It may even be worse with the increase in traffic and population.

Pedestrian safety around this area, you know, like anywhere else with high congestion, with

a lot of pedestrians, I think it makes it hard and it makes it very dangerous for people

to walk around.

Most of Salt Lake Boulevard is a wide, four-lane City and County road.

However, that one-mile stretch that begins in the front of the school remains narrow,

with two lanes.

State Representative Romy Cachola, who was a City Councilman for the district from 2000

to 2012, explained how changes to the Honolulu Rail Transit project impacted the plans and

funding for improvement to the road.

What they did was move the alignment of the rail.

Instead of Salt Lake, they moved it to the airport.

That's the reason why Salt Lake Boulevard is not completely widened.

There's still over one mile left.

At the beginning of each school year, the administration of both Āliamanu Elementary

and Āliamanu Middle Schools make an effort to inform the students and the public to practice

good habits when it comes to pedestrian and traffic safety in the school zone.

We try to make sure that one of the vice principals or the security officers is out there at the

main entrance to the school off of Salt Lake every morning to get parents, buses and students

on the campus safely.

Because we're always out there, we notice that the vehicles approaching, they would

be more cautious and they stop without us even going out and stopping the vehicles.

They will just stop on their own and just be cautious.

Which is good.

I mean, it's working.

This year, student leadership, with the help of Farmers Insurance Company, got the word

out with a sign-waving event.

I believe this event is important because we're in an area where people can get hurt

by cars and by jaywalking.

And it's important for everyone to be safe.

I think it's important 'cause we're right next to a school, and there's a lot

of children.

So, you need to be safe around the people here.

The Salt Lake community has been waiting patiently for many years.

If this problem is not resolved soon, the potential for accidents will only increase,

meaning another generation of students will have to deal with these dangerous conditions.

This is Bianca Morris from Āliamanu Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Āliamanu Middle School - O'ahu | Pedestrian Perils - Duration: 3:09.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Sacred Hearts Academy | Eco-Friendly Youth - Duration: 2:58.

Any time I'd be walking around campus and I see trash,

I'd just go walk over and pick it up.

Or if I saw someone throwing a recyclable into the trash, I'd walk over and tell them

nicely to put it in the blue bin.

Sacred Hearts Academy junior Kalei Downey-Silva is doing what she can to help the environment.

I wouldn't say my impact on the environment is too drastic.

I really do try to do the little things, and I think it does add up to create something

that could lead to a change.

Kalei hopes to inspire others to do the same with her new club.

Recently, I made this ECO club.

It stands for the Environmental Cleanup Organization.

And I was actually quite surprised by how many people joined.

It really made me so happy to see how many people actually do care.

And our plans so far have been to do beach cleanups, stream cleanups, park cleanups,

especially campus cleanups.

Caring for the environment doesn't always come easy.

Growing up, junior Aubree Davis did not realize her actions could

impact the world around her.

I'm gonna be honest.

I haven't always treasured the environment like I do now.

And I feel like this change in my perspective has come with a lot of the activities that

I've done over the past two years.

Aubree is a member of a nonprofit organization called Learning Across Borders, or LAB, which

connects students and teachers across Hawai'i and the Pacific.

She says traveling to different parts of the world

inspired her to preserve what she has back home.

Through LAB, it kind of encouraged us to get out into the community, 'cause the theme

was humans incorporating ourselves into nature.

Now, I kind of have a better understanding as to how the environment is so important,

and how we all need to be aware of the detrimental effects that we have on it.

While it may not seem like much, Kalei and Aubree say encouraging others to take small

steps can lead to a major shift in the way they care for the environment.

Like, recycling, it's so easy to recycle.

And I feel that a lot of the times, too, it's because we don't have the knowledge of what

should be recycled and what shouldn't.

They say people don't need to change much in their day-to-day lifestyle.

Just being mindful is a great first step.

The things we do every day, like brushing our teeth, taking a shower, we can reduce

our water consumption.

And that's a step, that's a little thing that you could do.


We can be walking, eating chips,

and you have like these little remnants from like your packages.

And that little piece, it flies out of your hand.

And you don't realize, but like, that little thing,

that little piece is like, made of plastic.

And we just think, Oh, it's fine, like that isn't gonna impact our environment.

But it really does.

This is Noe Nekotani from Sacred Hearts Academy, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Sacred Hearts Academy | Eco-Friendly Youth - Duration: 2:58.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Kamehameha Schools Maui Middle | Alabama Transplant - Duration: 3:10.


Tom Jones, a native of Ozark, Alabama, knew that living in Hawai'i was his calling.

My wife and I, we got married in Waikīkī, and as we were flying out, you know, of course,

she was sad to leave.

So, I knew that at some point, we were gonna come back.

What he didn't know was how soon his wife's dream would be a reality.

So, two years later—this was 2016, a job listing came up online,

and it was for Kamehameha Schools Maui.

And my wife had actually found it, and she told me I should apply.

Applying for that position turned out to be the right decision, and now, Mr. Jones is

the middle school's technology resource coordinator,

where he helps students with computer problems.

There's a strong sense of community here, and I think that's a part of not only the

Hawaiian culture, but you know, being in a small place.


Being in a new place, and not knowing anyone, was rough at first.

But Mr. Jones had one thing that is common amongst all cultures.


The love of music.

So, I scratch records, and I found a community of, you know, thirty people

that do the same thing.

So, right there instantly, I have thirty possible new friends.

This new relationship has Mr. Jones planning to incorporate his love of music into the

local lifestyle.


One thing I do plan on doing in the near future that kind of mixes cultures and some of my

background is, I'm looking at maybe starting a community drumline.

Two, one, two, three …

Though he loves island life, Mr. Jones admits Hawai'i may not be his last stop.

As far as staying here for the rest of our lives, it's uncertain.

I'm not sure.

But I will say that if we did, we'd be happy.

No matter where he moves to, Mr. Jones feels that there is one ingredient which makes everything

work out right.

So, just be open to new experiences.

You know, share what you have, but also like, experience what other people have to share.

I think that's important, just to keep an open mind, and to go out as much as possible,

and just meet the local people.

Though Tom Jones isn't as popular as the singer with the same name, he continues to

make his mark on the people he meets, one note at a time.

This is Kyani Bateman from Kamehameha Schools Maui Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Kamehameha Schools Maui Middle | Alabama Transplant - Duration: 3:10.


Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | RESCUE CAT STUCK IN TREE - Duration: 15:04.

Welcome to our channel.

"Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids" is an animated series full of imagination for children.

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For more infomation >> Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | RESCUE CAT STUCK IN TREE - Duration: 15:04.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Kalani High - O'ahu | How to Get More Sleep - Duration: 1:48.

This is Jalen.

This is what he does before he drifts off to sleep every single night.


This is Jalen the next day.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, he is one of eighty-five percent of teens

who get less than the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep a day.

As stated by the National Institutes of Health, Jaylen is at risk of high blood pressure,

heart disease, depression and more.

Throughout his day, he has one question on his mind, which is: How do I get more sleep?

Well, here's how.

Avoid sweets and caffeine a few hours before bedtime.

Consuming sweets and caffeine can keep you up at night.

Finish your work early so that you do not stay up late.

Stick to a sleep schedule, even on the weekends.

This helps to regulate your body's clock, so that you will get better sleep.

Turn off all electronics an hour before bedtime.

Looking at screens strains your eyes and makes it harder to fall asleep.

Lastly, sleep in a cool, quiet and dark environment.


Look at him now.

He feels great.

He has a much better appearance, mood and ability to focus.

Live with ease, and catch those Z's.

This is Jalen-Rose Condes from Kalani High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Kalani High - O'ahu | How to Get More Sleep - Duration: 1:48.


Almost laughable moments *With custom subtitles* - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Almost laughable moments *With custom subtitles* - Duration: 5:24.


50歲翁虹丈夫身份曝光,背景強大無人敢惹,難怪一直不肯公開! - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 50歲翁虹丈夫身份曝光,背景強大無人敢惹,難怪一直不肯公開! - Duration: 5:30.


How to make DIY Cardboard Rc Car | Rc Toyota Land Cruiser - Duration: 13:34.

For more infomation >> How to make DIY Cardboard Rc Car | Rc Toyota Land Cruiser - Duration: 13:34.


神奇占卜:一张牌看出12月你哪方面的运势最好! - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 神奇占卜:一张牌看出12月你哪方面的运势最好! - Duration: 5:59.


プジョー508 SW ワゴン復権なるか? 新世代i-Cockpit採用 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> プジョー508 SW ワゴン復権なるか? 新世代i-Cockpit採用 - Duration: 10:19.


6對「姐弟戀」的明星,老婆個個是女神,最大年齡相差16歲! - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 6對「姐弟戀」的明星,老婆個個是女神,最大年齡相差16歲! - Duration: 4:22.


ESTA ES AREQUIPA 2018 / JOSE RENGIFO - Duration: 16:09.

Hey guys how are you?

I hope you are very very very good

I hope you are having an excellent day, and excellent afternoon or and excellent evening

depending on the hour that you are watching this video

today, we decided to go on a tour around Arequipa

it was awesome, we filmed a lot of things sooo here it goes I hope you like it.

today we had to wake up early, because after months of living in Arequipa

Finally we are going on a city tour

here we go, looking for something to eat

and everything is closed because it is sunday, so

we don't have what to eat, so our tour is leaving in five minutes so we are hungry

the tour already started, I mean we are going to the bus

and Aurelys and Marielvys are buying so I hope they arrive on time

we bought pizza and burger for breakfast because we did not have time

to prepare breakfast

but nobody did anything on time so now

we had to have breakfast at 12 (noon)

well, have breakfast and lunch at the same time

you ruin my videos

welcome to the white city of Arequipa

we are now in one of the 29 districts that Arequipa has

called "Yanahuara" at this point we have two important things

one of the newest ones are those little arcs that receive the name of "Yanahuara's Viewpoint"

it is really important because over each arc we will be able to see different thoughts

from this view point you can see part of the city and also the Misti Volcano

it is the youngest volcano in arequipa and it is active

but it is being controlled

and the other important thing from this district

The "San Juan Bautista" temple

we were given three minutes to visit the store and there are a lot of things

everything is so beautiful

until now everything is like old, like white, well it was once white but it is so beautiful

our tour guide plays for all the teams, she guides us, then goes to the corner and guides another people and so she goes

"Matando Tigritos" (venezuelan expression to refer that a person has a lot of little jobs)

The Misti is the most important volcano that arequipa has

we are going fast to the bus to eat before everybody arrives

that is fast, you see fast your yanahuara's viewpoint, you see fast your "San Juan Bautista" temple

and you go back to your bus because you are leaving, that from now to now

we are

in carmen alto's town I guess

and the view is AWESOME


that I want you to see

look at this

this is not so much

the sun is horrible, it rained, then there was sun

and rained, then is sun

then it rained and it is cold

but the sun burns you so

this weather is so weird

now we are stopping at the INCA ALPACA'S COMPANY

they sell

Alpaca's clothes

well not for alpacas

made out of alpacas skin or fur I dont now (they are made out of alpacas fur NOT skin)

everything is so beautiful

SO beautiful

but it is a little bit expensive and smells like

oh! now I know why

because there are a loooot

the prices in this city are cheaper than other regions of Peru

they told us about what an Alpaca is and other animals

look at this


some look like

they are so weird


their paws are weird


that one has like flu

oh my god

but their fur is like looong

and weird, it is so cool

for real

look at this, thos are Llamas and Alpacas

I want to touch it but I am scared

and if it bites me?

I'm affraid it...

it feels so strange

if you touch it, it is like a pillow


how do you know?

because I toched it


that one was like sneezing

it is so beautiful, the Llamas are so cute

and if you touch them, it feels like a giant pillow


you can see that not all of them are that cute

they are not all the same

ones are smaller than the others

it is so good to come and see all of this and learn about the differences

I just knew

about the Llamas

Jose! you try the cheese to see


let me try it

guys I am freezing

warm my hands with your dewlaps

I loved it

I got the flu

so what we are goin to do

is to get off later in another place where there are bikes

and horses

this is so cold! we are at the last stop

and it is like

I don't know, it looks like a family park


nice, let's say, there are certain activities

as you can see behind me

I'm literally shaking because of the cold

the weather is like

Merida in Venezuela

but without too much mist

SO! Jose is about to try that thing

look, that's the high

it is going up!

I got on this thing

I don't know if it was a good idea

oh sh!t

For more infomation >> ESTA ES AREQUIPA 2018 / JOSE RENGIFO - Duration: 16:09.


7 Great Ways to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> 7 Great Ways to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms - Duration: 9:00.


「Nightcore」→ come out and play ♪ (Billie Eilish) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 3:08.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

Wake up and smell the coffee

Is your cup half full or empty?

When we talk you say it softly, but I love it when you're awfully quiet

Show me you'll never known to each eye

Keep it quiet


You kept inside

But I hope you stay away

Kicked inside

But hope

Come out and play

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ come out and play ♪ (Billie Eilish) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 3:08.


A Fazenda: Enquete Já Mostra Quem será Eliminado entre Léo Stronda e Rafael Ilha e com Rejeição - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Enquete Já Mostra Quem será Eliminado entre Léo Stronda e Rafael Ilha e com Rejeição - Duration: 1:29.


Speciál Extra Focusu o módě: Bordelářky Bílá s Krainovou nebo salámistka Sharlota - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Speciál Extra Focusu o módě: Bordelářky Bílá s Krainovou nebo salámistka Sharlota - Duration: 2:49.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | 'Ewa Makai Middle - O'ahu | Ilima Dancer - Duration: 3:10.

It's okay to be emotional sometimes, and

that's just gonna help me be a better person in life.


Ilima Sexton is twelve-year-old student at Ewa Makai Middle School.

Like others her age, she enjoys school and hanging out with friends.

However, unlike most students, Ilima uses dance to help her deal with some of the issues

that she has come across in life.

I actually had Ilima start dancing because I wanted to get her involved in something

after school.

I didn't want her to just sit around and do nothing.

And I picked HyperSquad because it was literally right down the road, so it's easy for anyone

to take her to dance right after school.

One obstacle that I went through was my parents' divorce at a very young age.

And just not having a father figure is probably one of the reasons why I was a very shy kid.

I was kind of like, scared to see if any kids would judge me about it.

And I didn't really understand why we needed a father.

Dance has also led her to make unbreakable bonds with her teammates.

Being in a team together has helped them develop respect for one another.

Each person understands the struggle they are going through, and the way that dance

helps them cope with it.

I like dancing with Ilima because she makes me work extra hard, because she's so good.

And whenever I'm in class, I look at her, and I'm just like, Yes!

And when I'm in dance class, and I watch her perform in all of her solos that she does,

[SIGH] I like to take that as advice and put it into mine.

Ilima's biggest triumph is her appearance on a big hit TV show, World of Dance on NBC,

with her team The Rascals.

Even though they didn't win, they all left knowing that they had represented Hawai'i

with their best effort.

All of their hard work and dedication have led her and her team here.

I used to be a very shy kid.

I would never talk to anyone beside my mom.

And I think dancing just made me more confident in myself and realize that I can be amazing,

and there is something special in me.

You do sacrifice a lot of time, whether it's with your family or your friends.

So, as long as you're willing to sacrifice that and you have people that support you

in those decisions, you make it successful.

I have definitely made a lot of friends in my dance experience, and they are my closest

friends, just because we've seen all the struggles that we are going through and why

we dance, and how it copes with our emotions.

Her family was split by divorce, and she was struggling with her confidence.

Although this had happened, she fought through by using dance to express herself.

Her dream is to be a dance choreographer or a backup dancer for celebrities.

Ilima is willing to be an icon for those who are struggling, just like she was.

This is Khloe Cabigon from Ewa Makai, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | 'Ewa Makai Middle - O'ahu | Ilima Dancer - Duration: 3:10.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Āliamanu Middle School - O'ahu | Pedestrian Perils - Duration: 3:09.

Pedestrian safety is always a concern, especially in Hawai'i, where there has been an increase

in pedestrian fatalities.

In April 2012, a HIKI NŌ story by Āliamanu Middle School students shed light on the dangerous

situation regarding pedestrians crossing Salt Lake Boulevard and Ala Liliko'i.

This is a heavily traveled intersection that is adjacent to Āliamanu Elementary and Middle

Schools, a public library and a neighborhood shopping center.

Six years have passed, and the situation hasn't changed.

It may even be worse with the increase in traffic and population.

Pedestrian safety around this area, you know, like anywhere else with high congestion, with

a lot of pedestrians, I think it makes it hard and it makes it very dangerous for people

to walk around.

Most of Salt Lake Boulevard is a wide, four-lane City and County road.

However, that one-mile stretch that begins in the front of the school remains narrow,

with two lanes.

State Representative Romy Cachola, who was a City Councilman for the district from 2000

to 2012, explained how changes to the Honolulu Rail Transit project impacted the plans and

funding for improvement to the road.

What they did was move the alignment of the rail.

Instead of Salt Lake, they moved it to the airport.

That's the reason why Salt Lake Boulevard is not completely widened.

There's still over one mile left.

At the beginning of each school year, the administration of both Āliamanu Elementary

and Āliamanu Middle Schools make an effort to inform the students and the public to practice

good habits when it comes to pedestrian and traffic safety in the school zone.

We try to make sure that one of the vice principals or the security officers is out there at the

main entrance to the school off of Salt Lake every morning to get parents, buses and students

on the campus safely.

Because we're always out there, we notice that the vehicles approaching, they would

be more cautious and they stop without us even going out and stopping the vehicles.

They will just stop on their own and just be cautious.

Which is good.

I mean, it's working.

This year, student leadership, with the help of Farmers Insurance Company, got the word

out with a sign-waving event.

I believe this event is important because we're in an area where people can get hurt

by cars and by jaywalking.

And it's important for everyone to be safe.

I think it's important 'cause we're right next to a school, and there's a lot

of children.

So, you need to be safe around the people here.

The Salt Lake community has been waiting patiently for many years.

If this problem is not resolved soon, the potential for accidents will only increase,

meaning another generation of students will have to deal with these dangerous conditions.

This is Bianca Morris from Āliamanu Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Āliamanu Middle School - O'ahu | Pedestrian Perils - Duration: 3:09.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Kalani High - O'ahu | How to Get More Sleep - Duration: 1:48.

This is Jalen.

This is what he does before he drifts off to sleep every single night.


This is Jalen the next day.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, he is one of eighty-five percent of teens

who get less than the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep a day.

As stated by the National Institutes of Health, Jaylen is at risk of high blood pressure,

heart disease, depression and more.

Throughout his day, he has one question on his mind, which is: How do I get more sleep?

Well, here's how.

Avoid sweets and caffeine a few hours before bedtime.

Consuming sweets and caffeine can keep you up at night.

Finish your work early so that you do not stay up late.

Stick to a sleep schedule, even on the weekends.

This helps to regulate your body's clock, so that you will get better sleep.

Turn off all electronics an hour before bedtime.

Looking at screens strains your eyes and makes it harder to fall asleep.

Lastly, sleep in a cool, quiet and dark environment.


Look at him now.

He feels great.

He has a much better appearance, mood and ability to focus.

Live with ease, and catch those Z's.

This is Jalen-Rose Condes from Kalani High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Kalani High - O'ahu | How to Get More Sleep - Duration: 1:48.



For more infomation >> HELENO: 'NINGUÉM ESTÁ PENSANDO EM MAGNO MALTA AGORA' - Duration: 2:50.


Alan Pulido duda de su continuidad en Chivas para el 2019 - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Alan Pulido duda de su continuidad en Chivas para el 2019 - Duration: 1:33.


'No Sit, No Lie' Ordinance Fails Committee Vote - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> 'No Sit, No Lie' Ordinance Fails Committee Vote - Duration: 0:42.


How to Get Upgrade Enable Activate Community Tab on Youtube In Hindi | W/o 10k Subscribers - Duration: 7:25.





For more infomation >> How to Get Upgrade Enable Activate Community Tab on Youtube In Hindi | W/o 10k Subscribers - Duration: 7:25.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #1004 | Waiʻanae High - O'ahu | Naked Cow Dairy - Duration: 2:33.


For Naked Cow Dairy Farm owner Monique Van der Stroom, this is the moon.

I really like being on the farm, I really like having cows, and I really like what I'm


Naked Cow Dairy is a small farm, so it's very artisan, very unique.

And then, also, we built a creamery, too, so that we're vertically integrated.

So, we can milk our own cows, and make our own products, and we can control from the

beginning to the end, all the way from milking the cow to getting our product on the grocery

store shelf.

This here is yogurt.

However, control over a dairy farm is something that is hard to keep.

So, Naked Cow Dairy is the only remaining dairy farm on the island of O'ahu, and they

have all since closed down.

How many have closed down?

According to Hawaii News Now, there were about ninety dairies open in the 1950s, making the

dairy farm business a very competitive one.


Competing with Mainland milk, and trying to feed cows when we have to import all our feed

was very difficult for dairies.

And that's why we keep our dairy small, so that we can afford to feed as many cows

as we can.

It's hard being the only dairy here.

Despite the difficulties of owning a farm, she refuses to follow the herd due to the

love that she has for her cows.

It's harder for me to give up, even though things get really, really hard, just because

this is really what I chose to do, and this is really what my passion is.

I would hate to get to the point one day where I have to get rid of my cows.

That may come, I don't know.

But it gives me encouragement to just keep going.


We're working on an advertising marketing campaign right now where we can get out there

and talk face-to-face with people.

And that's how people got to know about Naked Cow Dairy.

And I think that face-to-face interaction, where people know where their milk is coming

from and they get to meet us, and they get to come to the farm and see the cows, I think

that could encourage people to buy local milk.

With the face-to-face campaign, she hopes to see her farm as well as the dairy farm

industry grow.

This is Nicole Tagalucid from Wai'anae High School, for HIKI NŌ.


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