Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 21 2018

Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this shave we're

doing a budget shave yep so I am going to start off showing you

my ZY 430 this is a fantastic budget razor it is full hollow excellent shaver

made in China but will hold a nice edge and then I'm also going to be showing

you this Gold Dollar and this is the 66 so again a budget razor now any camp you

want to go in during the Gold Dollar camp this is a fine razor and again it

is full hollow in will hold an edge yeah so that's good now if your first out of

the gate and you're just beginning this what I would do I would go ahead and go

with the ZY 430 it has gotten better hit and finish in I think will be easier to

learn on although both razors will be good and we're going to use them both

tonight in the shave as well now if you want to get started on the cheap right

here okay this is a Van der Hagen and this is a Premium Shave Ste comes with

a Premium Boar Brush, a Bowl and Soap so you get all three in one box in it's

cheap it really is you get this right off

Amazon or in your local store for that matter I've got them on sale for as low

as like $8 bucks USD okay for all three items now you get the Premium Ceramic

Shaving Bowl which is very nice and there is a nice puck soap in there now

the scent on this is a maybe brilliant but it's clean it's

fresh and you know it it works it works really good because it is a fine soap

now I just I've had that blooming and I'm putting that on as a pre-shave now if

you were so inclined you could go with a real pre-shave all right there there are

pre-shave creams out there that you could use now what I'm going to do

tonight is I'm using my Connecticut quarter is a twenty two millimeter

Maggard synthetic knot that I put in this handle myself

and I'm going to get that wet now if you use the boar knot that comes with the

Van der Hagen set you will have to soak that because it's natural hair this did

not have to be soaking because it's not natural

alright so now we're going to just get that brush loaded up and get the shave

going yeah so how are you doing alright we made it to the midweek shave

yeah alright hunt day that is so good so and tomorrow is Thanksgiving I hope you

have a fantastic time I hope you can be with family and friends and really enjoy

yourself I do so you know just be safe when you're doing it okay

I would appreciate that I want you to come back all right I did I want to see

you here now I've got that's going pretty well

alright so now I'm just going to reach in there and I'm going to get out just a

massive load of soap and we're gonna put again most of that on that brush just

like that okay that in that beautiful yeah then I'm going to take the rest of

that and put it on now I like making it nice and pasty to start with

because you can always add water alright and seriously this this soap is cheap

okay especially this and there's no reason to be too skimpy on it alright

now if you haven't really expensive so do whatever you have to do okay but this

is a budget change so this soap didn't cost me an arm and a leg you know I

didn't you know this was cheap stuff I'm pretty sure it will give you just as

good a shape as anything else alright so here we go in a beautiful oh man that is

nice so now from time to time I will be checking the viewfinder here to see if

I'm going to focus so don't let that disturb you alright still working on

that part of it alright so hopefully you are well and healthy in you know having

a good day in matter of fact hopefully you're in high spirits yeah that is so

good you know being able to you know get out there work do what you have to do

and then enjoy a good shave or maybe you enjoy good shape and then

do everything yeah now for me and I shave in the evening in reason why I do

that I find I have more time and I could use the time to get a better shave I

could so you know because you can take your time you can slow down it is nicer

alright look at that in a beautiful in fantastic so really if you have to you

know the only thing you can maybe complain about a little bit would be the

scent but for me I it's just clean and fresh and I don't find it offensive at

all and this is a fan nasty way to start because if you don't

know how to straight razor shave or even wet shape for that matter you can start

off wet shaving like this and it's it'll be on the cheek and you find out if you

like it

and that's what I did I this is basically the set up you know I was I

was on that zy razor and and the Vander Hagen pretty insane set yeah and I was

using the board brush and I still use it from time to time as a matter of fact so

now this is past one which is for me primarily with the grain we're going to

start off with the zy 430 and use that for this pass nice yeah like I say these

hold the edge really well

Gary nice quiet

there we go get that blade cleaned off yeah

there we go nice yeah yeah this is really a good way to start shaping okay

because in the beginning if you're in like I was I didn't know if I really

wanted to do this so I didn't want to pay two hundred two for razor all right

I didn't want to pay big bucks for soap and a brush and all of that

am i found out you don't have to

all right nice now get that blade cleaned off again

oh that's when I forgot all right so if you're new around here give me a hashtag

new down in the comments I really would appreciate it that way I can welcome you

into this community and you know just if you have any questions or comments just

go ahead and put that in there as well it is good to see you here I really

appreciate you and now for everybody that's been around for quite some time I

appreciate you guys - I'm telling you the adventures in wet shaving community

is fantastic so we can answer any kind of questions you have just like I say

put them in the comments all right that would be brilliant

and by the way down in the description of this video I have got the time of

links there for you for straight razor shaving and for

honing as well so you can check that out all right so let's finish this off and

every day we'll talk a little more yeah so now we got that go on let's get that

cleaned off see how we did it yeah right and now I have been traveling a little

bit so you're gonna notice right here there's a little spot all right I got

that in the last shape when I was traveling I brought my shavette and kind

of got a little too close with that and it's early but there but again it's

really no big deal so you know don't worry too much with

that either you know if those kind of things happen

but you know it's just a matter of learning some good technique and I just

was getting a little close with that shavette because those blades are

machine sharp which differs from a straight razor which is honed to shave

ready and you know sometimes I like I have to tell you I like the whole razor

is better and I like the natural stones the best as far as putting on a finish

our blade makes it so much more comfortable

and now you know when you're looking at getting into straight razor shave me you

know you're not going to be honing and everything right from the beginning so

you will either need to buy a shave ready razor or nice to lay a home for

you yeah all right so that's always an option and even if it's the shape ready

it may or may not be all right so your mileage may vary on that one as well so

now I'm just going to keep working this and and get the right consistency that

I'm looking for

all right that's it right there that feels good think so

now I do Street razor-edge Friday specials on the first and third Friday

of every month so stop going by and check that out yeah they're really good

all right you click on this one to see the best

beginner how to shave video you've ever seen all right now we're gonna go with

the gold dollar this time all right and now for me my second pass is primarily

going to be against the grain so let's do this

now right now I'll switch ants get this side

very nice

here we go and a ride feeling good yes it is

yeah the really the difference between these two razors I believe that the zy

has better fit and feel to it as far as the build quality over the gold dollar

but you know they both have good qualities about them and keep in mind

both these razors are between like six or seven bucks now eight bucks 60 bucks

okay that's what I paid for

so that will give you an idea what you can do with a razor you know it's one of

those things where yes I had to hold at that price and you're gonna get in at

probably 30 to 40 bucks okay with the same kind of razor at a shave ready

state but that beats 200 or more on a straight razor if you don't know if you

like it or not

and end up liking it didn't buy more

here we go looking good

here we go pass to complete very good yes it is now let's get that rest off

see how we did oh yeah those cheeks are good right where they are

yeah yeah we'll do a little more work on that jawline that neck and we're good to

go yep all right oh if you haven't seen half past four be able to go ahead and

click on this card that'll show this in more detail because this is the half

pass yes it is I have found I don't need a full three pass shape so give me two

and a half passes and I'm good to go yes sir it is a fine thing and in all

reality if you are having problems with irritation and stuff like that the less

you have to run that blade over your face better you're going to be with less

irritation yes so keep that in mind as well now here we go

those hands dry oh yeah we're going to switch back to this wonderful zy 430

which again cheap cheap cheap cheap but holds an edge

nice oh yeah yeah I hope you're getting this good a shape Society

I do truly find street racers are much more forgiving than shape ads I do

there we go no oh yeah now finish this off

there we go now that shave in the books and technically I did not hit a bomb I

really didn't so there were no bombs harmed in this

show now I did hit that area there in the last year but I don't even think we

really opened it up or anything too badly oh nice

that's good all right now we're going a loom everywhere yes we are just like

that and dry that off mm-hmm that is in a septic and

astringent which it's just a wonderful thing it really is taking care of the

skin next up we are using Faiers and this is the lavender this is just

marvelous now I would say use something like this for aftershave because again

it's great for the skin you know that witch hazel does fine job on the skin

and I put it everywhere I do mm-hmm yeah it really helps with redness

and things like that as well then I pop off my shave with Nivea poche

oh yeah now if you can take a bomb go for it because that is even better for

the skin then that will even help more kind of bear not really more okay that's

a misnomer if everything works in concert okay so each step has a purpose

has reason and this is putting moisture back

in your skin so that's good yes it is you can click on this card to see my how

to start straight razor shaving series I think it will be very helpful for you if

you're a beginner especially now click over here to see my latest video click

down here on video especially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe

like comment share this video with your friends have a great shave and a good

day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Van der Hagen Premium Shave Set - Duration: 28:26.


《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤》钟汉良于朦胧和解 - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> 《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤》钟汉良于朦胧和解 - Duration: 5:35.


Farewell e-scooters! - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Farewell e-scooters! - Duration: 1:17.


CDC alert: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> CDC alert: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 2:22.


Romaine lettuce linked to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Romaine lettuce linked to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 0:48.


Romaine lettuce still on some store shelves after CDC issues E. coli warning - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Romaine lettuce still on some store shelves after CDC issues E. coli warning - Duration: 2:25.


E. Coli outbreak in lettuce - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> E. Coli outbreak in lettuce - Duration: 1:38.


People warned to stop eating romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> People warned to stop eating romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 1:36.



oh my god.

hello how are you guys doing today my name is black Tarzan and I have some super exciting


there is some new leaked footage of super smash bros ultimate that just came out and

fortunately I'm one of the few lucky big youtubers that Nintendo chose to share the game with

before I start this video I want to give a huge thank you and shout out to Nintendo Nintendo

I love you guys if you don't know Nintendo flew me out to Japan and they let me play

the full game of Super Smash Bros ultimate and I can tell you that the game is completely

amazing you guys will be so happy and satisfied once you see the new Super Smash Bros ultimate

this game is insane it's like nothing you've ever seen before so thank you Nintendo so

much so yeah guys while I was in Japan I so yeah guys while I was in Japan I filmed a

lot of the release Super Smash Bros ultimate and I want to share with you all now I can

be a nice guy and I can just share with you all for free but me being Who I am I feel

like if I'm giving you something you guys need to give me something in return so if

you guys want to see the new leaked footage of Super Smash Bros ultimate coming out you

have to do four things because the YouTube algorithm isn't going to show you what you

want to see unless you do what I tell you to do so number one if you want to see it

you have to number one subscribe with notifications turned on number two you have to like or dislike

the video number three you have to subscribe note if you have to leave a comment and number

four you have to share this video do all those things and then refresh the

video and you'll be able to see those leaf clips okay now in Tendo didn't really they

didn't really tell me whether or not I was allowed to show you all this so I hope I don't

get into any trouble showing you all this newly clip I'm really really nervous and excited

so I mean I'm taking a huge risk so you guys need to you know pull it forward and help

me out as well so I'm about to roll the clip now if you couldn't do all the steps and you

didn't subscribe and you didn't you know like the video comment and share this video you

didn't do if you didn't do all that step these steps it's not gonna show for you or it'll

show you something completely different it may or may not show for you.

that's all I'm gonna say some of you might get lucky but a lot of you it's not going

to show for you so basically I'm going to show you this clip BAM and yeah guys that

was the clip so I hope you guys liked that clip in addition to that clip with all that

new stuff and all the new starter packs and the new characters and the story I mean you

guys saw Bowser going ham on Princess Peach in that clip I'm going to show

you this gameplay now this gameplay isn't the gameplay that I had when I was in Japan

but it's actually the new gameplay that is in America it's they released it in a few

certain places and I was part since I'm a youtuber they gave me a beta passed and I

got part to like be part of the people who got to play like the demo version in America

even though I played the full version back in Japan so this is a clip I haven't playing

as Dedede and if you guys don't know this I'm actually the number one super smash bros

ultimate Competitive player in the world on the number

one professional in the old entire universe and world so there's no one else who is better

than me in Super Smash Bros ultimate and if you guys don't know I was a very competitive

player with Super Smash Bros Brawl super smash bros melee. all the Super Smash Bros I was

a professional I rank top ten in the whole entire world and now after years of training

I am Number One with Super Smash Bros ultimate at number one on the leaderboard you can check

you'll see black Tarzan is up there so everything I'm saying is legit in this clip I'm Dedede

and I was at the mall you know and I whooped everyone's butt in this game yeah.

literally it was me and my friends we went to the mall and this is the clip

it's real it's released, and I was just it was really funny because you know there was

a lot of people who don't really play smash that often or play it barely rarely and they

were just playing it for like leisurely purposes but I mean

all in there they're they don't know like I'm super professional I go super hard at

this game and I'm just whooping all their butts in this game and I'm just going bam

bam with the attacks and they're just there they're hurting so it's pretty funny and I'm

gonna roll the clip right now

Oh - watch this for their oh my god somebody's you know what they don't so what they say

got some skill Oh edge no water do it duty no mother was better than Icarus nobody Oh

Oh get a DVD so the warrior got that Oh taro you literally talking hey to vendetta all

right I hope you guys really liked and enjoy that clip now for me at least my thoughts

on the game is it's really good it's a really good game you guys should definitely go and

preorder it and buy it a huge thank you and shout out Anna props to Nintendo you guys

are the best like my heart goes out to you you guys built such a good product such a

good game I mean I feel like this is better than all the games out there on the market

like literally better than a lot of games I'm gonna be going in on this because in my

opinion I feel the new super smash bros ultimate after playing the full game and beating it

and being the number one professional player in the whole entire world I think it's a better

than call of duty black ops floor better than for a night better than minecraft better than

any other game in the whole entire universe I mean if you guys want something for Christmas

ask your parents to buy you a if you don't have a switch asking to buy you a switch and

ask them to buy you super smash bros ultimate preorder it now I mean it's really cool and

if you're still deciding I'm gonna leave the link to the trailer down below in the description

so check it out I mean it's gonna be a really good buy it's gonna be really hot and they're

gonna run out quickly guys like these copies are gonna run out so you just got to order

it quick because you know if you don't get yourself a copy you might not be able to get

it and Nintendo I don't think they're gonna release additional be like they might eventually

release additionally but for now it's just like a CD copy I believe I believe don't quote

me on it I don't know but I think it is okay but yeah anyway that's pretty much it for

this video guys definitely be sure to subscribe with notifications turned on like this video

leave me a comment and share this video as well now I apologize about the lighting I

know the lighting is like really bad not that really bad but it's a little bit weird and

I apologize for that because you know I ordered my lighting kit on Amazon it's supposed to

come in tomorrow so hopefully it'll be back up tomorrow so you guys are just gonna have

to bear with me for a day you know and I brushed my hair for this video so hopefully you guys

let me know down below in the comments if you guys like my hair brand new haircut and

you know I literally just came from work went grocery shopping came back home cooked myself

dinner and now I'm recording the video so it's already like 11:50 and I understand a

lot of you most of you guys who watch my channel or like in elementary school or middle school

some of you guys are in high school but most of you guys are in bed by now so at least

I mean I might post it at drawing midnight but at least you know when you

wake up maybe you're in school I know you can like some of you guys are rich you might

be rich kids who have smart phones and you can watch it on the bus on the way to your

class or maybe you can watch it in the computer lab I know when I was in public school they

like me and watching YouTube in like the computer lab class or I could go to a library so you

guys can check it out there but yeah definitely be sure to subscribe that's pretty much it

I don't have anything else to say other than look at this new Canon thing this is the canon

lens cover for my thing I like the autofocus on this thing look it's an expensive camera

guys I bought an expensive camera anyway peace out.

For more infomation >> NEW LEAKED FOOTAGE OF SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE!!! - Duration: 12:29.


Tuesday High School Basketball Highlights - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Tuesday High School Basketball Highlights - Duration: 3:12.


CDC: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> CDC: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 2:06.


CDC alert: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> CDC alert: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 1:56.


KHOU 11 Top Headlines at 10 p.m. November 20, 2018 - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> KHOU 11 Top Headlines at 10 p.m. November 20, 2018 - Duration: 11:11.


CDC warns against eating romaine lettuce after E. Coli outbreak - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> CDC warns against eating romaine lettuce after E. Coli outbreak - Duration: 1:56.


Vaping - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Vaping - Duration: 2:05.


Beneficios Del Germen De Trigo En Nuestro Organismo, Germen De Trigo Propiedades, Germen de Trigo - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Beneficios Del Germen De Trigo En Nuestro Organismo, Germen De Trigo Propiedades, Germen de Trigo - Duration: 6:03.



For more infomation >> 'QUEM FERROU O BRASIL FORAM OS ECONOMISTAS', DIZ BOLSONARO - Duration: 2:47.


CDC: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> CDC: Avoid all romaine lettuce due to E. coli outbreak - Duration: 0:51.


Citing E. coli outbreak, health officials say don't eat romaine lettuce - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Citing E. coli outbreak, health officials say don't eat romaine lettuce - Duration: 0:33.


अमृतसर ट्रेन दुर्घटना का पूरा सच सिर्फ 4 मिनट मे || The complete truth of Amritsar train accident - Duration: 3:54.

The complete truth of the Amritsar train accident in just 4 minutes

For more infomation >> अमृतसर ट्रेन दुर्घटना का पूरा सच सिर्फ 4 मिनट मे || The complete truth of Amritsar train accident - Duration: 3:54.


凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤丨到底是谁在忧伤? - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> 凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤丨到底是谁在忧伤? - Duration: 9:02.


Rainbow Noodle Soup/Pizza Party! - Duration: 22:40.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Noodle Soup/Pizza Party! - Duration: 22:40.


阚清子知道张翰的病情,放弃和他一起"私奔" - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 阚清子知道张翰的病情,放弃和他一起"私奔" - Duration: 4:27.


Mt. Vernon prepares for semifinals - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Mt. Vernon prepares for semifinals - Duration: 1:15.


钟汉良妻子近照曝光,终于知道钟汉良为什么隐婚了 - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良妻子近照曝光,终于知道钟汉良为什么隐婚了 - Duration: 7:29.


Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Van der Hagen Premium Shave Set - Duration: 28:26.

Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this shave we're

doing a budget shave yep so I am going to start off showing you

my ZY 430 this is a fantastic budget razor it is full hollow excellent shaver

made in China but will hold a nice edge and then I'm also going to be showing

you this Gold Dollar and this is the 66 so again a budget razor now any camp you

want to go in during the Gold Dollar camp this is a fine razor and again it

is full hollow in will hold an edge yeah so that's good now if your first out of

the gate and you're just beginning this what I would do I would go ahead and go

with the ZY 430 it has gotten better hit and finish in I think will be easier to

learn on although both razors will be good and we're going to use them both

tonight in the shave as well now if you want to get started on the cheap right

here okay this is a Van der Hagen and this is a Premium Shave Ste comes with

a Premium Boar Brush, a Bowl and Soap so you get all three in one box in it's

cheap it really is you get this right off

Amazon or in your local store for that matter I've got them on sale for as low

as like $8 bucks USD okay for all three items now you get the Premium Ceramic

Shaving Bowl which is very nice and there is a nice puck soap in there now

the scent on this is a maybe brilliant but it's clean it's

fresh and you know it it works it works really good because it is a fine soap

now I just I've had that blooming and I'm putting that on as a pre-shave now if

you were so inclined you could go with a real pre-shave all right there there are

pre-shave creams out there that you could use now what I'm going to do

tonight is I'm using my Connecticut quarter is a twenty two millimeter

Maggard synthetic knot that I put in this handle myself

and I'm going to get that wet now if you use the boar knot that comes with the

Van der Hagen set you will have to soak that because it's natural hair this did

not have to be soaking because it's not natural

alright so now we're going to just get that brush loaded up and get the shave

going yeah so how are you doing alright we made it to the midweek shave

yeah alright hunt day that is so good so and tomorrow is Thanksgiving I hope you

have a fantastic time I hope you can be with family and friends and really enjoy

yourself I do so you know just be safe when you're doing it okay

I would appreciate that I want you to come back all right I did I want to see

you here now I've got that's going pretty well

alright so now I'm just going to reach in there and I'm going to get out just a

massive load of soap and we're gonna put again most of that on that brush just

like that okay that in that beautiful yeah then I'm going to take the rest of

that and put it on now I like making it nice and pasty to start with

because you can always add water alright and seriously this this soap is cheap

okay especially this and there's no reason to be too skimpy on it alright

now if you haven't really expensive so do whatever you have to do okay but this

is a budget change so this soap didn't cost me an arm and a leg you know I

didn't you know this was cheap stuff I'm pretty sure it will give you just as

good a shape as anything else alright so here we go in a beautiful oh man that is

nice so now from time to time I will be checking the viewfinder here to see if

I'm going to focus so don't let that disturb you alright still working on

that part of it alright so hopefully you are well and healthy in you know having

a good day in matter of fact hopefully you're in high spirits yeah that is so

good you know being able to you know get out there work do what you have to do

and then enjoy a good shave or maybe you enjoy good shape and then

do everything yeah now for me and I shave in the evening in reason why I do

that I find I have more time and I could use the time to get a better shave I

could so you know because you can take your time you can slow down it is nicer

alright look at that in a beautiful in fantastic so really if you have to you

know the only thing you can maybe complain about a little bit would be the

scent but for me I it's just clean and fresh and I don't find it offensive at

all and this is a fan nasty way to start because if you don't

know how to straight razor shave or even wet shape for that matter you can start

off wet shaving like this and it's it'll be on the cheek and you find out if you

like it

and that's what I did I this is basically the set up you know I was I

was on that zy razor and and the Vander Hagen pretty insane set yeah and I was

using the board brush and I still use it from time to time as a matter of fact so

now this is past one which is for me primarily with the grain we're going to

start off with the zy 430 and use that for this pass nice yeah like I say these

hold the edge really well

Gary nice quiet

there we go get that blade cleaned off yeah

there we go nice yeah yeah this is really a good way to start shaping okay

because in the beginning if you're in like I was I didn't know if I really

wanted to do this so I didn't want to pay two hundred two for razor all right

I didn't want to pay big bucks for soap and a brush and all of that

am i found out you don't have to

all right nice now get that blade cleaned off again

oh that's when I forgot all right so if you're new around here give me a hashtag

new down in the comments I really would appreciate it that way I can welcome you

into this community and you know just if you have any questions or comments just

go ahead and put that in there as well it is good to see you here I really

appreciate you and now for everybody that's been around for quite some time I

appreciate you guys - I'm telling you the adventures in wet shaving community

is fantastic so we can answer any kind of questions you have just like I say

put them in the comments all right that would be brilliant

and by the way down in the description of this video I have got the time of

links there for you for straight razor shaving and for

honing as well so you can check that out all right so let's finish this off and

every day we'll talk a little more yeah so now we got that go on let's get that

cleaned off see how we did it yeah right and now I have been traveling a little

bit so you're gonna notice right here there's a little spot all right I got

that in the last shape when I was traveling I brought my shavette and kind

of got a little too close with that and it's early but there but again it's

really no big deal so you know don't worry too much with

that either you know if those kind of things happen

but you know it's just a matter of learning some good technique and I just

was getting a little close with that shavette because those blades are

machine sharp which differs from a straight razor which is honed to shave

ready and you know sometimes I like I have to tell you I like the whole razor

is better and I like the natural stones the best as far as putting on a finish

our blade makes it so much more comfortable

and now you know when you're looking at getting into straight razor shave me you

know you're not going to be honing and everything right from the beginning so

you will either need to buy a shave ready razor or nice to lay a home for

you yeah all right so that's always an option and even if it's the shape ready

it may or may not be all right so your mileage may vary on that one as well so

now I'm just going to keep working this and and get the right consistency that

I'm looking for

all right that's it right there that feels good think so

now I do Street razor-edge Friday specials on the first and third Friday

of every month so stop going by and check that out yeah they're really good

all right you click on this one to see the best

beginner how to shave video you've ever seen all right now we're gonna go with

the gold dollar this time all right and now for me my second pass is primarily

going to be against the grain so let's do this

now right now I'll switch ants get this side

very nice

here we go and a ride feeling good yes it is

yeah the really the difference between these two razors I believe that the zy

has better fit and feel to it as far as the build quality over the gold dollar

but you know they both have good qualities about them and keep in mind

both these razors are between like six or seven bucks now eight bucks 60 bucks

okay that's what I paid for

so that will give you an idea what you can do with a razor you know it's one of

those things where yes I had to hold at that price and you're gonna get in at

probably 30 to 40 bucks okay with the same kind of razor at a shave ready

state but that beats 200 or more on a straight razor if you don't know if you

like it or not

and end up liking it didn't buy more

here we go looking good

here we go pass to complete very good yes it is now let's get that rest off

see how we did oh yeah those cheeks are good right where they are

yeah yeah we'll do a little more work on that jawline that neck and we're good to

go yep all right oh if you haven't seen half past four be able to go ahead and

click on this card that'll show this in more detail because this is the half

pass yes it is I have found I don't need a full three pass shape so give me two

and a half passes and I'm good to go yes sir it is a fine thing and in all

reality if you are having problems with irritation and stuff like that the less

you have to run that blade over your face better you're going to be with less

irritation yes so keep that in mind as well now here we go

those hands dry oh yeah we're going to switch back to this wonderful zy 430

which again cheap cheap cheap cheap but holds an edge

nice oh yeah yeah I hope you're getting this good a shape Society

I do truly find street racers are much more forgiving than shape ads I do

there we go no oh yeah now finish this off

there we go now that shave in the books and technically I did not hit a bomb I

really didn't so there were no bombs harmed in this

show now I did hit that area there in the last year but I don't even think we

really opened it up or anything too badly oh nice

that's good all right now we're going a loom everywhere yes we are just like

that and dry that off mm-hmm that is in a septic and

astringent which it's just a wonderful thing it really is taking care of the

skin next up we are using Faiers and this is the lavender this is just

marvelous now I would say use something like this for aftershave because again

it's great for the skin you know that witch hazel does fine job on the skin

and I put it everywhere I do mm-hmm yeah it really helps with redness

and things like that as well then I pop off my shave with Nivea poche

oh yeah now if you can take a bomb go for it because that is even better for

the skin then that will even help more kind of bear not really more okay that's

a misnomer if everything works in concert okay so each step has a purpose

has reason and this is putting moisture back

in your skin so that's good yes it is you can click on this card to see my how

to start straight razor shaving series I think it will be very helpful for you if

you're a beginner especially now click over here to see my latest video click

down here on video especially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe

like comment share this video with your friends have a great shave and a good

day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Van der Hagen Premium Shave Set - Duration: 28:26.


《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤》钟汉良于朦胧和解 - Duration: 5:35.

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Justice Served - Duration: 41:50.

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クロアチア「集中力切れた」まさかのリーグB降格。 - Duration: 1:07.

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For more infomation >> Nightcore - come out and play (Billie Eilish) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:06.


St. Michael's men's hockey can't snap the streak against Amherst - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> St. Michael's men's hockey can't snap the streak against Amherst - Duration: 1:11.


Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Van der Hagen Premium Shave Set - Duration: 28:26.

Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this shave we're

doing a budget shave yep so I am going to start off showing you

my ZY 430 this is a fantastic budget razor it is full hollow excellent shaver

made in China but will hold a nice edge and then I'm also going to be showing

you this Gold Dollar and this is the 66 so again a budget razor now any camp you

want to go in during the Gold Dollar camp this is a fine razor and again it

is full hollow in will hold an edge yeah so that's good now if your first out of

the gate and you're just beginning this what I would do I would go ahead and go

with the ZY 430 it has gotten better hit and finish in I think will be easier to

learn on although both razors will be good and we're going to use them both

tonight in the shave as well now if you want to get started on the cheap right

here okay this is a Van der Hagen and this is a Premium Shave Ste comes with

a Premium Boar Brush, a Bowl and Soap so you get all three in one box in it's

cheap it really is you get this right off

Amazon or in your local store for that matter I've got them on sale for as low

as like $8 bucks USD okay for all three items now you get the Premium Ceramic

Shaving Bowl which is very nice and there is a nice puck soap in there now

the scent on this is a maybe brilliant but it's clean it's

fresh and you know it it works it works really good because it is a fine soap

now I just I've had that blooming and I'm putting that on as a pre-shave now if

you were so inclined you could go with a real pre-shave all right there there are

pre-shave creams out there that you could use now what I'm going to do

tonight is I'm using my Connecticut quarter is a twenty two millimeter

Maggard synthetic knot that I put in this handle myself

and I'm going to get that wet now if you use the boar knot that comes with the

Van der Hagen set you will have to soak that because it's natural hair this did

not have to be soaking because it's not natural

alright so now we're going to just get that brush loaded up and get the shave

going yeah so how are you doing alright we made it to the midweek shave

yeah alright hunt day that is so good so and tomorrow is Thanksgiving I hope you

have a fantastic time I hope you can be with family and friends and really enjoy

yourself I do so you know just be safe when you're doing it okay

I would appreciate that I want you to come back all right I did I want to see

you here now I've got that's going pretty well

alright so now I'm just going to reach in there and I'm going to get out just a

massive load of soap and we're gonna put again most of that on that brush just

like that okay that in that beautiful yeah then I'm going to take the rest of

that and put it on now I like making it nice and pasty to start with

because you can always add water alright and seriously this this soap is cheap

okay especially this and there's no reason to be too skimpy on it alright

now if you haven't really expensive so do whatever you have to do okay but this

is a budget change so this soap didn't cost me an arm and a leg you know I

didn't you know this was cheap stuff I'm pretty sure it will give you just as

good a shape as anything else alright so here we go in a beautiful oh man that is

nice so now from time to time I will be checking the viewfinder here to see if

I'm going to focus so don't let that disturb you alright still working on

that part of it alright so hopefully you are well and healthy in you know having

a good day in matter of fact hopefully you're in high spirits yeah that is so

good you know being able to you know get out there work do what you have to do

and then enjoy a good shave or maybe you enjoy good shape and then

do everything yeah now for me and I shave in the evening in reason why I do

that I find I have more time and I could use the time to get a better shave I

could so you know because you can take your time you can slow down it is nicer

alright look at that in a beautiful in fantastic so really if you have to you

know the only thing you can maybe complain about a little bit would be the

scent but for me I it's just clean and fresh and I don't find it offensive at

all and this is a fan nasty way to start because if you don't

know how to straight razor shave or even wet shape for that matter you can start

off wet shaving like this and it's it'll be on the cheek and you find out if you

like it

and that's what I did I this is basically the set up you know I was I

was on that zy razor and and the Vander Hagen pretty insane set yeah and I was

using the board brush and I still use it from time to time as a matter of fact so

now this is past one which is for me primarily with the grain we're going to

start off with the zy 430 and use that for this pass nice yeah like I say these

hold the edge really well

Gary nice quiet

there we go get that blade cleaned off yeah

there we go nice yeah yeah this is really a good way to start shaping okay

because in the beginning if you're in like I was I didn't know if I really

wanted to do this so I didn't want to pay two hundred two for razor all right

I didn't want to pay big bucks for soap and a brush and all of that

am i found out you don't have to

all right nice now get that blade cleaned off again

oh that's when I forgot all right so if you're new around here give me a hashtag

new down in the comments I really would appreciate it that way I can welcome you

into this community and you know just if you have any questions or comments just

go ahead and put that in there as well it is good to see you here I really

appreciate you and now for everybody that's been around for quite some time I

appreciate you guys - I'm telling you the adventures in wet shaving community

is fantastic so we can answer any kind of questions you have just like I say

put them in the comments all right that would be brilliant

and by the way down in the description of this video I have got the time of

links there for you for straight razor shaving and for

honing as well so you can check that out all right so let's finish this off and

every day we'll talk a little more yeah so now we got that go on let's get that

cleaned off see how we did it yeah right and now I have been traveling a little

bit so you're gonna notice right here there's a little spot all right I got

that in the last shape when I was traveling I brought my shavette and kind

of got a little too close with that and it's early but there but again it's

really no big deal so you know don't worry too much with

that either you know if those kind of things happen

but you know it's just a matter of learning some good technique and I just

was getting a little close with that shavette because those blades are

machine sharp which differs from a straight razor which is honed to shave

ready and you know sometimes I like I have to tell you I like the whole razor

is better and I like the natural stones the best as far as putting on a finish

our blade makes it so much more comfortable

and now you know when you're looking at getting into straight razor shave me you

know you're not going to be honing and everything right from the beginning so

you will either need to buy a shave ready razor or nice to lay a home for

you yeah all right so that's always an option and even if it's the shape ready

it may or may not be all right so your mileage may vary on that one as well so

now I'm just going to keep working this and and get the right consistency that

I'm looking for

all right that's it right there that feels good think so

now I do Street razor-edge Friday specials on the first and third Friday

of every month so stop going by and check that out yeah they're really good

all right you click on this one to see the best

beginner how to shave video you've ever seen all right now we're gonna go with

the gold dollar this time all right and now for me my second pass is primarily

going to be against the grain so let's do this

now right now I'll switch ants get this side

very nice

here we go and a ride feeling good yes it is

yeah the really the difference between these two razors I believe that the zy

has better fit and feel to it as far as the build quality over the gold dollar

but you know they both have good qualities about them and keep in mind

both these razors are between like six or seven bucks now eight bucks 60 bucks

okay that's what I paid for

so that will give you an idea what you can do with a razor you know it's one of

those things where yes I had to hold at that price and you're gonna get in at

probably 30 to 40 bucks okay with the same kind of razor at a shave ready

state but that beats 200 or more on a straight razor if you don't know if you

like it or not

and end up liking it didn't buy more

here we go looking good

here we go pass to complete very good yes it is now let's get that rest off

see how we did oh yeah those cheeks are good right where they are

yeah yeah we'll do a little more work on that jawline that neck and we're good to

go yep all right oh if you haven't seen half past four be able to go ahead and

click on this card that'll show this in more detail because this is the half

pass yes it is I have found I don't need a full three pass shape so give me two

and a half passes and I'm good to go yes sir it is a fine thing and in all

reality if you are having problems with irritation and stuff like that the less

you have to run that blade over your face better you're going to be with less

irritation yes so keep that in mind as well now here we go

those hands dry oh yeah we're going to switch back to this wonderful zy 430

which again cheap cheap cheap cheap but holds an edge

nice oh yeah yeah I hope you're getting this good a shape Society

I do truly find street racers are much more forgiving than shape ads I do

there we go no oh yeah now finish this off

there we go now that shave in the books and technically I did not hit a bomb I

really didn't so there were no bombs harmed in this

show now I did hit that area there in the last year but I don't even think we

really opened it up or anything too badly oh nice

that's good all right now we're going a loom everywhere yes we are just like

that and dry that off mm-hmm that is in a septic and

astringent which it's just a wonderful thing it really is taking care of the

skin next up we are using Faiers and this is the lavender this is just

marvelous now I would say use something like this for aftershave because again

it's great for the skin you know that witch hazel does fine job on the skin

and I put it everywhere I do mm-hmm yeah it really helps with redness

and things like that as well then I pop off my shave with Nivea poche

oh yeah now if you can take a bomb go for it because that is even better for

the skin then that will even help more kind of bear not really more okay that's

a misnomer if everything works in concert okay so each step has a purpose

has reason and this is putting moisture back

in your skin so that's good yes it is you can click on this card to see my how

to start straight razor shaving series I think it will be very helpful for you if

you're a beginner especially now click over here to see my latest video click

down here on video especially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe

like comment share this video with your friends have a great shave and a good

day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Van der Hagen Premium Shave Set - Duration: 28:26.


Smash Bros Ultimate In A Nutshell - Duration: 1:31.

All right! Who am I gonna fight fight first the

evil Mario?


What, Kirby!?

Why don't YOU have an evil spirit in you?

(Kirby, staring into space)

Are you seriously not gonna talk!?

*sigh*Forget this, I'll deal with you myself.

(OOH, I've been waiting for action!)

Boom.(THAT'S IT!?)

So you thought you could defeat me, huh?

Well you can't cause I have a spirit in me.


Hello human being,(Kirby a puffball, make up your mind)

I'm here to bring peace to the world and

get a job or a mortgage or something,

but MOSTLY bring peace, and

you look like you need some help

What do you need?(Bruh)

I needed help, man. Are you gonna help me or not?

Whoa, calm down my friend.

Just listen, it'll take a long time, but it's gonna be a long journey are you up for it?


(9001 HOURS IN THE GAME!?!? I ain't wasting 60 bucks)

Okay, so I already got every other fighter, all these spirits, and

Every boss is defeated but there's one more who is it?


WHAT?! Mario?!

Yeah man. You have to defeat the

first guy you lost to. So you...

You just... you got to...

How can I put this delicately?

You're awful! You don't even know how to fight!(BOI)

Well you can defeat Galeem all by yourself,(Galeem is Mario's second spirit, not a spoiler)

You think you'll be able to take him on?

Pshh! I'll defeat him in under a minute.

(1 MIn Later)


For more infomation >> Smash Bros Ultimate In A Nutshell - Duration: 1:31.


Cold War II: Russia hasn't gotten involved yet but is already winning. - Duration: 5:27.

Hi, friends, I, Angelina Proskurina, am with you.

Today I would like to discuss how our country is doing in the Cold War with the West. Some think that we are most certainly losing.

But the Head of the Department of Information and Media of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova has a different opinion, which she recently shared with us.

I am quoting: "If we were losing, many things would be different", - Zakharova said on NTV in the program "Cool history with Tatyana Mitkova".

"They wouldn't have to change hastily the laws on media and journalism in Germany, the UK, and France placing restrictions on journalists and the media".

"The owners and representatives of social media wouldn't be urgently summoned to Congress and told in no uncertain terms to block everything related to Russia".

"Nobody would say anything against our journalists, if we were losing".

As most of you might have noticed, in recent years the anxiety of the West about the Russian influence reached a peak.

The exploitation of this theme in the internal politics has been so shameless, that in Russia it became the butt of jokes and flared imagination.

Everyone is waiting for something new and fresh from the West, which can become the butt of new enjoyable jokes in social media.

If you look at it from the one side, it is truly and utterly impossible to take the whole thing seriously.

Remember the news about Russian interference in the US Presidential elections, or Facebook fake adds, or other things like that?

But on the other hand, all this BS is just a maneuver to distract attention from what is really happening.

The thing is, the West does have a real reason to be afraid of the Russian influence.

To be more precise, the reach of the Russian influence in the West is much greater than that of the Western influence in Russia, contrary to the West's intent.

For example, very recently a former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said in an interview: "Sooner or later, we'll have to recognize that Crimea is Russian".

He also said that Europe must restore cooperation with Moscow adding that Russia is a close neighbor and lasting peace in Europe is impossible without it.

For us, his statement sounds very logical and reasonable. However, he is going against the general tendencies in the Western treatment of Russia.

He reminds us of the cat Leopold (a personage of a popular Russian cartoon). All that is left is to utter his famous phrase "Guys, let's live in friendship" to complete the image.

Clearly, for many in Europe, and even to a greater extent in the US, his statements will serve as yet another pretext to accuse the former Chancellor of being a Kremlin agent.

Once again, because it has become habitual. Besides, there is a weightier pretext than simply his words.

Gerhard Schroeder is now the Chair of the Board of Directors of Rosneft and of the Shareholder Committee of the North Stream.

In this context, it becomes clearer why the Western hysteria about the Russian influence have grounds.

What else are Moscow and the so-called Kremlin agents up to now? In fact, nothing illegal.

We are simply trying to build normal diplomatic relations in all spheres.

Yes, there is nothing out of the ordinary that we invite foreigners to take leading posts in large Russian companies.

The position people like Berlusconi, the Czech President Milos Zeman, the Italian Internal Minister Matteo Salvini chose is not so much pro-Russian,

as simply a pragmatic rational positions with regard to our country. But they are in the minority.

In the meantime, the hysterical paranoid psychosis of the West keeps growing.

Most likely, as we said before, this is a reaction to the Russian efforts that turned out to be more effective than their own, which was unexpected and shocking for the Europeans.

It is not surprising that the West found it problematic to push its ideas in many countries, including Russia. This means we are winning without an extraordinary effort.

Despite our social conservatism, nobody tells us who to marry, how many kids to have, what rules to follow, etc. This is nobody's business but our own.

Russia proposes to build the relationships on the strictly pragmatic and mutually beneficial basis.

Naturally, Europe is free to choose whether to buy the Russian pipeline natural gas or American LNG.

However, Moscow believes that the key reason for this choice should be the price, and, consequently, the social and economic interests of the countries.

The American natural gas should not be selected because it is "free and democratic", as opposed to the "authoritarian" Russian gas from the "Putin's regime".

We see that Russia even under current very complicated circumstances does not experience difficulties in finding allies in the West.

This goes even for the most influential people in the Western society.

Now I'd like to know what you think about the subject, my friends. What do you think about nervous fits of the West whenever Russia is mentioned?

How will our relations with the West evolve in the near future? That's it for today. I am Angelina Proskourina. Goodbye.

For more infomation >> Cold War II: Russia hasn't gotten involved yet but is already winning. - Duration: 5:27.


Aaron Carter Goes on Twitter Rant & Criticizes Young Fans | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:04.

Aaron Carter Goes on Twitter Rant & Criticizes Young Fans | Heavy.com

Aaron Carter took went on the offensive on Tuesday when he unleashed a series of tweets about not being respected as an artist and constantly being compared to fellow pop singer Justin Bieber.

Carter, 30, tweeted almost every minute for more than two hours after a Twitter user asked why he never achieve the same superstar status as Bieber.

"Listen man.

I can't sit here & just not say anything to that, I've been in this industry before he was born," Carter tweeted.

"I've had harder times and always bounce back.

No I'm not Justin Bieber I'm Aaron Carter.

I'm also in construction I paved the way.

These kids have NEVER paid me homage.".

Carter Claimed That Young Fans Have 'Never Paid Him Homage'.

From there, Carter discussed everything from the hardships he went through to the commercial slump he career suffered in the mid-2000s.

"Why don't you try losing everything and having the professional world turn their backs on you including your fans, gain their respect back and then never give up on yourself and get back at me," he asked.

"Maybe I'll have some advice for you.".

It wasn't all bad news for Carter, however.

The "I Want Candy" singer recently put out his first studio album in six years, Love, and he teased the possibility that he might soon propose to his girlfriend, Lina Valentina.

He also teased Valentina's pregnancy. "I'm in such an amazing place mentally, physically & emotionally," he tweeted.

"I finally bought my first home and I'm going to be proposing soon to my gf and we might just be expecting…".

Carter Also Teased That He Will Be Starting a Family With Girlfriend Lina Valentina.

Some may remember that Carter came out as bisexual on August 5, 2017.

The singer later retracted his statement, however, telling Hollywood Life that "It was more so just a story that happened when I was like, 17 with somebody.

And I can find men and women attractive, but when it comes down to it, I think it was a little misconstrued.".

"I see myself being with a woman and having kids.

I want to have a family," he added.

"I keep telling people that.

I don't want it to be misconstrued too much just because I was open about a story." Carter announced that he was dating Valentina on Instagram in September.


Carter Made His Relationship With Valentina Official In September.

"I finally found my love of my life," he wrote.

"No one has understood me and shown the love this woman has for me, EVER.

@lina_valentina you have my heart for the rest of my life. Our relationship is new, but we WILL grown old together and have our family… I will cherish honor respect and be the man I've always wanted to be because you've shown me you're the woman I've always dreamed of.".

Carter continued his praise of Valentina, writing: "You are my light, you are my dream and I will never give up on us, no matter what… You are my queen.

I love you with every inch of my heart and soul.

Relationships aren't easy.

But I want you to know I will never fall out of love with you.".

For more infomation >> Aaron Carter Goes on Twitter Rant & Criticizes Young Fans | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:04.


두루마리 휴지 신나게 물어뜯고 혼날까봐 미리 벽 보고 벌 선 댕댕이 - Duration: 2:10.

"엄마, 잘못했어요…" 강아지는 자신이 저지른 잘못을 알기라도 하는 듯 주인의 눈치를 보았다.

최근 온라인 커뮤니티에는 말썽을 저질러 놓고 주인에게 혼날까 무서워 눈치를 보는 강아지의 동영상이 게시됐다. 

영상 속에서 강아지는 곁눈질로 주인의 눈치를 보며 벽을 보고 서있다.

주변을 둘러 보니, 두루마리 휴지가 잔뜩 펼쳐진 채 바닥에 나뒹굴고 있다. 마치 어린아이가 부모님에게 벌을 받는 듯한 자세다.

알고 보니 강아지는 주인이 외출한 사이 신나게 휴지를 갖고 놀았다. 

녀석은 주인이 돌아와 난장판이 된 거실을 보고 자신을 혼낼 것을 예측이라도 한 듯 최대한 불쌍한 표정을 지었다. 

벽을 보고 선 채 꼼짝도 않고 안절부절 못하는 모습은 영락없이 자신이 뭘 잘못했는지 알고 있는 모양새다.

해당 영상을 접한 누리꾼들은 "저러고 있으면 불쌍해서 못 혼낼 줄 알고 더 불쌍한 척 하는 것 같다", "주인이 혼낼 것을 알고 보인 리액션이 엄청나다.

귀여워서 차마 혼낼 수가 없겠다"며 귀엽다는 반응을 보였다.

한편 집안을 어지르거나 휴지나 종이 등의 물건을 갈기갈기 찢는 행동은 강아지들이 흔히 저지르는 실수로, 적당한 훈육과 훈련을 통해 행동을 교정해야 한다.

이때 잘못된 훈육은 반려견에게 상처를 주고 주인과의 신뢰 관계를 무너뜨릴 수 있으니 주의해야 한다.

손찌검을 하거나 소리를 지르는 등의 행동은 절대로 해서는 안되며,

그 자리에서 짧고 단호하게 "안돼"라고 말하며 손바닥을 들어 보여주거나 반려견의 몸을 아프지 않게 꽉 붙잡아 행동을 제지시키는 방법이 효과적이다.

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