Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 21 2018


If I can't find Circe, who will I waste my bullets on?

We booked you a first-class ticket.

Your spells worked. Diego's mine.

Don't you care that he's a thief who defrauded Fernanda?

No! I don't care!

-Or that he's a murderer? -What?

We don't have a problem leaving your house,

but don't bother my family.

My wife or kids.

If you don't want to be here, you can see your way out.


I'm going to take out Joselito and that traitor Augusto.

Bring them over.

Do you think Isabel... is better off without me?

Marlene and I got into a huge fight and she kicked me out.

What? She kicked you out?

Who betrayed you?


He's been working with me for months

and he spilled his guts to Joselito.



When were you going to tell me

you were working with that ------------?

I knew there was beef between you

and that you wouldn't like the idea.

That bastard destroyed my family!

That bastard believed in me when I got to the city.

He gave me the money I needed.

Know where he got the money?


- NO.

He stole it from my mother and my brother.

I didn't know that.

Now you do.

I didn't know you'd end up joining us.

If this is about money, I promise to pay you back.

I don't want you mad at me.

How can I not be? You kept it from me!

He got my brother involved with your dad and his cartel.

That bastard is responsible for my brother's death.

Don't you see that I've been helping you all along?

-Drop the gun! -Let me go!

Let go!

I'm sorry.

Where is he?

Don't worry about him. The Ibarras will handle him.

Where is he?

I want to see him.

Oh, Joselito...

Jose, ------- it! Jose!

I've killed all of your bodyguards

and you still won't tell me where my merch is.

There are only three of you left!

Who's next?

I... I didn't betray Circe. I'm on her side.

Ask her.

You're too scared to take a beating,

but you're brave enough to betray her, huh?

You can have all my money. Just don't kill me.

All of your money? I have plenty of money.

That's not the point here.

I want to watch you suffer.

Hit him.

No... Please don't!

Hey, come here. Let me tell you something.

You speak of betrayal, but you betrayed us first.

You know Gavino and Jose Arturo Hernandez Esparza, i.e., me,

were your partners.

And you... yeah, you... decided to work with the Chilangos.

Because you failed!

You lost half a ton of merch! Did you forget that?

No, I haven't. And you can't forget who I am.

This is a risky business.

This is my turf. We could've remedied it.

With Gavino in prison? I doubt that.

In business, we are encouraged to go with the best option.

Hot Mama provided it.


If you got the -----, then kill me!

Do it, -------!


No, that's not the point.

We're waiting for our guest of honor.

In the meantime, you... are going to spill your guts to us.

It's Jose, ------! My name is Jose!


You know what?

String up Joselito from the ceiling.

And rough him up some more.

Come on.

How is Joselito doing on his mission against Circe?

Have you talked to your informant?


He said Joselito was closing in on them.


But we have to admit Circe isn't dumb.

We have to wait and see who gives in first.

She has the support of the Colombians.

They're tough and knowledgeable.

Circe might just kill Jose.

-In any case... -Have one, Chief.

You were saying.

Joselito's business is going under.

Circe is going to keep everything in the end.

And I'm the only one here who hasn't seen a dime.

Isn't Gavino making a lot of money with his business?

He's making a ton of money,

but it's all going to the attorney I told you about.

What should we do?

I've been thinking... that the two of us

could take over the business with the girls.

Outside of Babel.

What? How?

We can kidnap them, place them, put them to work,

and keep the money.

You know there's no shortage of clients for that business.

Sounds good. Let's do it.

So between you and me...

why do you hate women so much?

It's like you hold a grudge against them or something.

Are you done?

Yes, they drew blood and did an ultrasound.

I'll have the results in an hour.

That's not so bad. What about the other thing?

How long do you have before you can't abort it?

At most, 12 weeks. Around three months.

Would you like to have some coffee while we wait?

I do. I'm so done talking about this.

Alright. What should we talk about?

Erick. How are things between you two?

I'm crazy about him!

You're so corny!



You're better than I expected.

See? I told you so.

If I pay double, can we go again?

Of course, babe.

But it'll have to be Thursday. I'm busy now.

-I don't care. -You don't.

Whenever you want.

Erick? Erick, are you in there?


-Hide! -What's wrong?

Over there!

Erick, what are you doing?

-I was sleeping. -Ramona's looking for you.

Got it. You can go now.

That was scary!

Hurry up and leave.

Will I see you again?

Yes, on Thursday.

<i> You've reached Augusto.</i>

<i> I can't take your call now.</i> <i> Leave a message.</i>

Augusto, where are you?

I need to talk to you. Diana left the house

and she's probably with that no-good Chucho.

Come home as soon as you get this.

I need you to help me find her. Where are you?




It's great to have you here.

It's a shame unpleasant business brings me here.

What happened?

Marlene wants to marry Augusto, Mrs. Fernanda's ex.

Did you know?

Yes, and I talked to her, but she wouldn't listen.

I brought her and Mrs. Fernanda together

so she could tell her what Augusto was really like,

and she still wouldn't listen.

Poor Mrs. Fernanda. I feel so ashamed.

I've distanced myself from Marlene since.

You know what Mr. Augusto is like.

I need to help Marlene see it too.

I want to find Salas because he has evidence

that might help me open her eyes.

He lives close by.

I'll send him a text asking if he can meet us here.

-I hope he can. -Yeah.

-Women? -Yeah, women.

- .

What happened?

They... have always been awful to me.

Come on!


What happened?

My mother abandoned me when I was very young

and she left me in my aunt's care.

She was a prostitute.

That's rough.

I watched how women like her slept with men for money.

One day, Social Services came after my aunt

and I ended up in an orphanage that was run by priests.

And that's where my so-called education began.

How come you're not a priest?

I mean it.

They opened my eyes about women.

They helped me realize they were no good.

They showed me they sleep with anyone over nothing.

If they had wanted it,

they could've worked on something else.

But they didn't.

They chose to be deviants.

Did you know... that the Devil is a woman?

-What is it? -Hello.

-Who are you? -Don't you remember me, sir?

Yes! You're Amanda's friend!

You were at the park when I got sick.

Come on in.

Is she here?



Edgar! What are you doing here?

I came to ask why you missed school.

The festival was today.

My parents are sending me to a different school.

I'm not going back.

What? Why?

You're awfully nosy. Are you a cop?


Dad, relax. He and I are just friends.

Could I talk to Edgar... alone?


I like Amanda, but she doesn't like me.

What was that?

-Get out! -Dad, wait!

Wait, wait.

Edgar was joking. Right?

Yeah. It's just a joke.

Come in.

Your friend is very funny.

Dad, can I talk to him now?



Thank you.

I'm sorry, but Guevara didn't come to school today.

Did his parents give a reason why?

So what are the Colombians going to do to Augusto

and that bastard Joselo?

First, we have to get the merch back.

After we do, I doubt they'll let Joselito live.

What about Augusto?


If you want me to, we can let him go.

I want that ------ to pay for everything he's done.

Do you realize we find ourselves

in similar situations?

Tell the Colombians to make him suffer,

to make that ------------ beg for mercy,

and then kill him.


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 49 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:51.


Aquí está papá 😷👶👨 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:50.

For more infomation >> Aquí está papá 😷👶👨 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:50.


Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 25 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:22.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.



How could you keep those drugs in here?

There are kids in here.

Now we're responsible

for the death of a man we weren't seeking!

Well, I will always prefer killing a criminal

than letting a fellow agent die.

What's going on?

Time of death...


Bring him back!

Remember, every bullet you shoot is bought with my money.

I need a distraction so my people can attack.

Let's get this party started.

Get down.

Vicenta Acero, your time is up.

It's Teca's people.

No one move.

They're gonna kill us.

Where the hell are they shooting from?

Teca lost his hand, but you're gonna lose your head.


Did you hear that, Rooster?

It's time to kill Teca.

These dumbasses don't know Chava died.

We won't give them the satisfaction.

If you want to reopen Tony Almeida's case, go ahead.

You're within your right.

I just don't understand why we're wasting our time here

when we should be looking for Teca Martinez.

Damn it!

His government can take care of him.

- .

And of your beaner girlfriend.

I'm a beaner too, you son of a bitch!

You just crossed a line, ------------!

Calm down!

You've finally said something sensible.

Yes, there are lines that can't be crossed

and you crossed a very important one.


Hand in your badge and your gun.

Take Mr. Fuentes to a cell.

He's under arrest for attacking a superior.

Roger that.

Vicenta! The trucks!

Eyes peeled, guys.

Your wives will be widows after today.

- .

Vicenta Acero, tell your bro to show up.

Tell him to be a man. -----.


We need to get out of here!

Come on, bastards!


There's a shootout at the hospital

where Salvador Acero is being treated.

It's probably Teca's people.

We can't just sit here. We should ask Floyd for backup.

He won't care.

He'll say it's the Federales' responsibility.

What are you talking about? It's Teca Martinez!

It's our chance to get him.

So now you don't even plan ahead.

You just spring into action.

Not even narcos are this impulsive.

We need to prepare an operation to capture Teca.

Can we?

No, you know things don't work like that.

- .

Alberto knew that too and he didn't care.

That's why he was detained and is under investigation.

I took his badge and gun.

You arrested him?

Was that really necessary?

Agent Fuentes lost control. He attacked me.

He broke the chain of command.

I hope none of you tries to follow in his footsteps.

Fonseca, you're coming with me.

We need to revise the reports we talked about.

Yes, sir.


Sweetie, where are you?



Check those drawers.

There must be something we can find.

This is invasion of privacy.


Oh, my! I know where she is.

Oh, no.

It's been three months since I had my last period.

The baby's in a good position.

Would you like to know the gender?

Can you tell this early on?

In some cases, only when it's in a good position.

As is your case.


I won't be buying pink or blue clothes.

I won't be decorating a room.

This baby has no family.

Let's just get this over with.

Are you sure?

There are other options.

You can carry your pregnancy to term

and then put the baby up for adoption.

If you want to know who the father is,

we can perform a paternity test.

I know who the father is.

I'll give you a few moments to think about it.

He's so pretty.

The doctor wants to know if you'll be going through with...

the abortion.


Leticia, this is absurd. Ridiculous!


You said Floyd asked you to write a report on me.

I saw he had a file on me. Bring it to me.

I want to know what he's accusing me of.

Because this isn't over.

I'm just worried Almeida might find out

about what Floyd is doing.

This seems personal at this point.

I'm worried about Almeida's heart condition.

I think Floyd's doing his job.

You agree with Floyd?


Answer me.

Floyd assigned me to your case.

Now I have a case?

The FBI will provide a lawyer. It's the least they can do.

But you need 80...

I don't need a review of the rulebook!

Just tell me the truth!

Do you think I am what that report says?

Do you think I'm an impulsive nutjob?

I think he's right to take you off Teca's case.


Who'll go after Teca?


-I will! -You?

Yes, after him and anyone who gets in the way.

All Vicenta's done is put you at risk.

There it is!

Vicenta's the problem here, not me!


-That's not what I said. -Yes, you did!

You're my partner, Alberto, and the best agent in the FBI.

I can't lose you.

The FBI can't lose you.

Keep this up and you'll end up dead.




Miss, you can't walk in here shouting!

If you don't tell me where she is,

I'll close this place down!


How could you come to this dump to get rid of that baby?


How'd you find me?

That's beside the point.

The important thing is that you're gonna take that off

and come with me.

Did you go through my things?

You have no right to be here.

This isn't any of your business.

How dare you...

You need a cigarette? A coffee?

Let's play house! Shoo!

Get out of here! Both of you!

I have to talk to her.

I'm here to convince you not to do this.

Or is it done?


But you're not gonna convince me.

I've made my choice. I don't want this baby.

Brutus, why haven't you gone in?

It's a hospital not a fort!

They're holed up. What do we do?

I don't know.

Go in through the back door or the windows.

If you have to detonate a bomb to get in, do it too!

The targets are Salvador and Vicenta.

Got it?

Let's go.

I'm out of bullets.

What do we do?



I'm going to kill you!

And your son too!

He's gonna die first so you can watch him cry.

That's a message from Teca, Mandrake,

and your buddy Brutus!

-Vicenta! -Miguel!

Go get the guns. Run, Chayo!


Watch out!


Let's go.

Mandrake, I'm alone!

This is a test of loyalty.

If you're really with Teca Martinez,

bring Salvador and Vicenta's bodies.


Miguel, what are you doing here?

I promised Alberto I'd protect you.

I'm here. Where's your brother?

He's dead. I need a gun or a magazine.

Alright, are you alright?


Son of a bitch!

Miguel! Look at me.

Everything will be alright.

Miguel, you can't do this to us.

You can't... Miguel!


How are you doing, boss?

I have good news for you.

Salvador Acero is dead.

Sara Aguilar's son is finally dead.

You killed him, boss. You did it.

The Acero last name is no more.


What about Vicenta? Is she dead?

You're not the only one who wants Vicenta Acero dead.


Not this again. Get out.

Salvador's body is safe.

But one of us needs to be there with it.

I have to tell Alberto what happened.

Miguel passed away.

We both lost our brothers today.

Chenta, we heard he's been detained.

How will you get in touch with him?

Then I'll talk to Leticia or the FBI or someone.

They need to know what Miguel did for us to protect us.

Many families will mourn their dead today.

If someone knows how you mourn a husband, please tell me,

because I don't know how to.

You're his widow. You have to be by his side.

I'm no one to tell you what to do or to give you advice,

but still think it through.

A baby's a baby.

I've done a lot of bad things in my time,

but I think a baby sort of cleans a woman's body.

I'm so happy I have Alvaro Acasio as a son.

I love bragging about him because he's smart

even though he's Teca Martinez's grandson.

Because Alvaro Acasio is like the air I breathe.

That's what your baby will be to you.

Thanks, Tuti.

Come here.

I don't understand.

How can you agree that I should be locked up?

Leticia, I've been arrested! Is that logical?

You're being held while they investigate your case.

Protocol states...

Talk to me about protocol one more time...

-Are you threatening me? -Leticia...

Is that supposed to scare me?

Don't start. Please.

You know me better than anyone.

No, not anymore.

Lately I don't know what's wrong with you.

And it's obvious that you're on Floyd's side.

He's a substitute.

What are you talking about?

This is all on you, Alberto!

Floyd's doing his job.

Almeida warned you, but he's always treated you like a son.

I thought you and I were more alike.

I was wrong.

You think the law is just in books.

But my job is about protecting people!

Funny, because I'm protecting you from yourself.

You pressed the self-destruct button and you haven't noticed.

You're the one who hasn't noticed

the law can't fix everything.

-I believe in justice. -Liar!

You believe in the Aceros. That's it!

You're no longer objective.


A good FBI agent puts his emotions aside.

Vicenta just called. Salvador Acero's dead.

Also... Miguel was killed in the hospital shootout.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 25 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:22.


Maldad Hecha Mujer 👨🏻😈👫 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:28.

For more infomation >> Maldad Hecha Mujer 👨🏻😈👫 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 25:28.


La Sultana | Capítulo 17 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:32.


Tell Halime to come immediately.

We shall now sow discord in the harem.

Do not rely on your youth and beauty.

They could be taken from you in an instant.

No one would gaze upon your face again.

They have your favorite concubine.


What are you talking about, Zulfikar Aga.

That is impossible.

I was told she had perished.

I saw her with my own eyes. She is alive.

What's more, she is with child.

You have recovered surprisingly fast.

Not sleeping well, Halime?

I know very well what your place in this palace is

and what's going on through your mind.

You can't sleep because you're afraid

that one day they'll knock on your door

in order to kill your son.

Thank Allah, the sultan is merciful.


He wants us to leave.

I could see what would happen to you.

What's your offer, Sultana?

Because that's why you asked me to come here, isn't it?

The sultan left Istanbul unexpectedly.

He went to face the Celalis.

My offer is...

Before he comes back,

Prince Mustafa will ascend to the throne.

But isn't that weird, Sultana?

He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

At least he would let us know.

Maybe he didn't because he knew we wouldn't let him go.

But don't worry.

Dervis Pasha went for him.

I saw our emperor's enemies, Sultana.

I looked at them in the eye.

I know what they could do to him.

How could I not be worried?

You want to dethrone our sultan.

Why should I believe you?

Because you have no choice.

You tried to get your eldest son Mahmud to the throne,

but you couldn't do it,

because that time

you had me against you.

But now,

I'm with you, Halime.

I'm the only one

who can make Prince Mustafa ascend the throne.

I wonder how you could do that.

Everybody backs Sultan Ahmed.

We still have important people in this palace.

The general they trust the most

is working for us.


Nobody knows that.

There are others.

A sign from me would be enough.

Sultan Ahmed's sultanate would collapse.

There's not much time, Halime.

Think about it tonight.

Come see me tomorrow

at noon

and tell me what you've decided.

Think it through.

Don't forget

that this...

could be your last chance.

Get some rest, Kosem.

I'll protect you.

I won't let Safiye Sultan make use of this opportunity.

I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about him.

We have to find him.

We need to know what's happening.

Come in.

Mother Sultan.

I followed Halime Sultan.

She left Safiye Sultan's chambers,

but I don't know what they talked about.

That viper is already moving.

Allah, protect my son.

What's going on? What could they do?

Haci Aga?

Halime Sultan tried to get her eldest son Mahmud

to the throne.

That night was a nightmare.

She's always denied it, but we all know it.

Will Halime Sultan try to get Mustafa to the throne?

She doesn't have that power, Safiye Sultan does.

She could take advantage of my son's absence

and make the prince ascend the throne.

Haci Aga, why doesn't the sultan follow the rules?


What rules?


It's always been done this way.

The sultan must take the prince with him

every time he leaves the city.

It doesn't matter if it's for a day or a year,

the prince must be with him

so that he can't ascend the throne.

What would happen when he comes back?

He'd fight.

Allah forbid it.

Nobody would side with him now, especially the soldiers.

They're loyal to Safiye Sultan.

The prince is here. We won't let that happen.

They won't dare do it.

Haci Aga, take precautions.

I want to know

about Halime Sultan's every step.

And lock the prince in his chambers.

I'm sorry, but if we did that,

wouldn't that be calling their attention?

Haci Aga is right.

They could use it as a pretext.

The prince is too young and innocent.

We shouldn't scare him.

The Celalis are headed to Hamid, and we...

Your Majesty.

Come closer, Zulfikar.

It's time to start our journey, Your Majesty.

We planned to stop at the Cilician Gates.

Okay, we're leaving right away.

Sultan, excuse me,

but you should be somewhere more remote and safe

when we find them.

How could we protect you amid the chaos, Sultan?

You shouldn't worry, Pasha.

I'm responsible for the Sultan's life.

Did you hear that, Nasuh?

You shouldn't worry.

What's that?

Sultan, I'm sorry, I...

What did you do, Iskender?

If that woman knew you burned her lace, she'd be upset.

Your Majesty, I...

Tell me who she is.

It seems that you love her very much, don't you?


I don't know, sir.

It's just someone I saw.

I saw her once on the street and haven't seen her since.

We're leaving.

My lion is very generous.


You have more things than any sultana.

That's because Sultan Ahmed has a big heart.

That's right.

And you deserve it for all you've done.

Appreciate it, Kosem.


Walk away from vanity.

Others from the harem are waiting for their turn.

I don't want those women to get jealous

and try to hurt you.


Safiye Sultan is waiting for you in her chambers.

She says it's important.

What's wrong, Sultana? Where are we going?

I need to know how serious Safiye Sultan was, that's all.

Are you going to accept it?

Please, don't.

We can't endanger our prince again.

How much longer will you keep up this farce?

We both know you're not sick.

Sadness is a sickness, too.

Worry and desolation break your heart.


I doubt you have one.

Come closer.

I'll tell you something important.

Halime came to my chambers.

You should talk to her.

Why would I do that?

Do you know what Halime is planning?

Do you know what she offered to me?

She dared tell me

she won't send us to the Palace of Tears

and she'll treat us with respect.

In exchange for my help

in Mustafa's accession to the throne

while your son isn't here.

That arrogant woman.

Why should I believe you?

Why should I do it?

To you, I'm the evil sultana.

If you don't believe you, go talk to Halime.

She's being watched.

Go see her.

Find out whom she's meeting,

with whom she's negotiating.

You should do that.

Welcome, Sultana.

We've been expecting you.

You were expecting me?

What are you doing here? Where's Safiye Sultan?

I'm sorry, but we haven't heard from Safiye Sultan.

We're here for you.

You wrote that you're worried

for Prince Mustafa's safety

and asked us to protect him.

What are you talking about? Where did you get that?


I didn't write anything. I haven't called you.

Sultana, here's the letter you wrote.

Sultana, we have to get out of here.

Let's go.

If you spare the life of a snake, it'll bite you.

I'm innocent, Sultana. It was a trap.

It was Safiye Sultan's doing.

The letter to the soldiers is also fake?


It's obvious you wrote it.

You asked for protection for the prince.

I didn't write that letter.

Let's say you're telling the truth.

Then, why did you go to the Incili mansion?

No one forced you to go there.

Dudu Hatun, Safiye Sultana made me an offer.

She said she'd crown my son while the Sultan was gone.

I said no.

I didn't know about those soldiers.

I only know what I see and hear.



I'm not lying, I swear.

Dudu Hatun, this is my decision.

She will go to the Old Palace.


And those soldiers will be imprisoned.

Don't do it!

Safiye Sultan wants to pit us against each other.

Don't let her deceive you.

First off, we were never allies.

Now go say goodbye to your prince.


I won't!

Dudu Hatun, I'm a sultana.

What will you do when the Sultan returns?

I'm sorry, Sultana, but until the Sultan returns

and makes a final decision, you should go

-to the Old Palace. -Don't do this. It's a trap.


I can't leave Mustafa here. Sultana!

Halime's fear, envies and dreams are big.

All it took was a small bait.

Now she'll have to answer for them.

Handan Sultan was looking for an excuse to expel

Halime Sultan from the palace.

She has no idea the problems this incident will cause her.

Isn't it a rather harsh punishment, Sultana?

She should be grateful I didn't have her killed.

You know it too. You saw it.

You witness what Halime did while my son fought

for his life.

I'm not saying Halime Sultan is innocent.

I'm sure she had a plan, that's why she went there.

But this incident would benefit Safiye Sultan as well.

The truth should be discovered.

The truth?

Who cares about the truth?

Why not take advantage of such an opportunity?

My sultana, at least wait a while.

Let's see what Safiye Sultan does.

Safiye Sultan wants to win our favor,

but she'll be sent to the Old Palace as well.

No matter what she does, nothing will change that.


Kosem, you're not to get involved in these issues.

And don't ever, ever, question my decisions.

For more infomation >> La Sultana | Capítulo 17 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:32.


Cómo hacer un reno navideño de madera · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer un reno navideño de madera · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:52.


Françoise Hardy, le cancer est revenu, elle fait une grave récidive -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Françoise Hardy, le cancer est revenu, elle fait une grave récidive -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:30.


In a Village by the Sea: Learn Spanish with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 3:30.

In a Village by the Sea

by Muon Van

In a fishing village by the sea

there is a small house.

In that house,

high above the waves,

is a kitchen.

In that kitchen

is a bright, glowing fire.

In that fire

is a pot

of steaming noodle soup.

By that soup

sits a woman, watching and stirring.

By that woman

is a sleepy child,

yawning and turning.

By that child,

tucked in the shadows,

is a dusty hole.

In that hole

is a brown cricket, humming

and painting.

In that painting

is a sudden storm,

roaring and flashing.

In that storm

is a white boat,

crashing and rolling.

In that boat is a fisherman,

hoping the storm will end soon

because in his village by the sea

there is a small house,

and in that house

is a family

waiting for him to come home.

For more infomation >> In a Village by the Sea: Learn Spanish with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 3:30.


¿Qué servicios te ofrece ASPAYM CyL en Ávila? - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué servicios te ofrece ASPAYM CyL en Ávila? - Duration: 1:54.


El Pentágono reveló que la misión militar en la frontera con México contra la caravana migrante cost - Duration: 3:58.

Un soldado del ejército de Estados Unidos en San Diego, California, en la frontera con México

(Reuters) Utilizar a miles de elementos del ejército para ayudar a reforzar el suroeste de la frontera tendrá un costo aproximado de 210 millones de dólares bajo los planes actuales, dijo el Pentágono al Congreso el martes, incluso mientras surgen más dudas sobre el alcance y la duración de la polémica misión

El total incluye 72 millones de dólares para las casi 5.900 tropas en activo que brindan respaldo a la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza, además de los 138 millones de dólares que se han invertido hasta ahora en las 2

100 tropas de la Guardia Nacional que han realizado una misión fronteriza por separado desde abril pasado, de acuerdo con un reporte enviado al Congreso el martes, pero que no fue difundido por el Pentágono

The Associated Press obtuvo una copia del reporte. Después de que la AP publicó su historia, el Pentágono difundió un comunicado en el que confirmó que la porción para los elementos en activo es de alrededor de 72 millones de dólares

No hizo mención de los costos por 138 millones para la Guardia Nacional. El total superaría el estimado actual combinado de 210 millones de dólares si la misión en activo se extiende más allá de la fecha actual de terminación del 15 de diciembre

Las autoridades señalaron que era posible extender la misión, pero es algo que aún no se acuerda

Un marine estadounidense refuerza la seguridad en la frontera con México. (REUTERS/Mike Blake) El Pentágono también trabaja en un posible ajuste de la misión que le otorgaría a las tropas en activo que operan en Texas, Arizona y California la autoridad de defender al personal de la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza en caso de ser necesario

Las tropas, que incluyen a miembros de la policía militar, actualmente tienen autorizado defenderse entre sí

Alrededor de 2.800 tropas en activo se encuentran en el sur de Texas, lejos de la principal caravana de migrantes que se ubica en Tijuana, México, al sur de California

La movilización de migrantes centroamericanos por México el mes pasado fue la razón que presentó el presidente Donald Trump para ordenar que el ejército proveyera de respaldo a la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza

Trump, quien se refirió a la caravana de inmigrantes como una "invasión, ha sido acusado por sus detractores, entre los que se incluye a varios oficiales militares retirados, de utilizar al ejército como una herramienta política antes de las elecciones legislativas del 6 de noviembre

La senadora demócrata Dianne Feinstein dijo el martes que el reporte de gastos del Pentágono demuestra que la misión era una "farsa"

Con información de Reuters MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Gobernador de Baja California estima que llegaron unas 6

000 personas en la caravana migrante Estados Unidos cerró sorpresivamente el cruce fronterizo con México donde llega el grueso de la caravana migrante Las impactantes imágenes de la multitudinaria caravana migrante en su camino a Estados Unidos

For more infomation >> El Pentágono reveló que la misión militar en la frontera con México contra la caravana migrante cost - Duration: 3:58.


'Honestidad' Ana Belén en 'El hormiguero': "A veces avergüenzo a mi familia" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Ana Belén en 'El hormiguero': "A veces avergüenzo a mi familia" - Duration: 2:54.


Succession de Johnny Hallyday : ce document qui pourrait tout changer -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Succession de Johnny Hallyday : ce document qui pourrait tout changer -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:54.


Quand les parents filmaient leurs enfants en super 8 durant les sixties - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Quand les parents filmaient leurs enfants en super 8 durant les sixties - Duration: 2:00.


木梨出演拒否で石橋激怒!特番の陰にあったとんねるずの亀裂 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 木梨出演拒否で石橋激怒!特番の陰にあったとんねるずの亀裂 - Duration: 5:01.


TOP Free 5 Android Augmented Reality Apps to Make Your Life Easier - Duration: 5:14.

TechDay - OmLamis

Ever played Pokemon GO?

If ever you are already familiar with the name augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR)

that is a technology that combines virtual world objects (2D and 3D) into the real world

There are already many uses of this technology in life

we are good in the field of property and education health

Even though in our country it is not widely used

but this technology is common there overseas

we see what can be done with this AR technology

and whoever uses it

before continuing

Don't forget to subscribe to OmLamis Channel

My Cardiac Coach Apps

We can practice CPR now through My Cardiac Coach

The American Heart Association

this famous voluntary health organization works with Google

the My Cardiac Coach application, which teaches us the CPR-Hand Only technique

if someday we meet people

or our family who suffers from sudden breathing

World Of Tanks Apps

Not just games

World Of Tanks teaches us about tanks directly in front of us

for those of you who like things about war technology especially tanks (Armored Fighting Vehicle)

in this World of Tanks game you are not just playing between wars

but also can learn directly about tanks

or its history directly at our table

AR Sticker Apps

AR Sticker, makes photos or videos feel like in movies

On Android 8.1 we can create augmented reality objects on each of our photos and videos

Yes, even though this type of android does not yet exist in our country, it is certainly exciting right

if we later photograph / video there can be a fictional character like Stormtrooper

Paint Space Apps

If in the past we like to draw fun in our computer Paint

now we can draw in our real world with Paint Space AR

It's common about this Paint application

The difference is Paint AR with Paint on our computer

we can draw pictures or insert photos on the camera when you are looking for the right photo

or right when we make a video too

IKEA Place Apps

Confused about choosing furniture and fear of not being suitable?

IKEA Place provides a solution by checking furniture right or not with your room

IKEA Place, an application that uses augmented reality technology on iOs and Android

can make us not hesitate to choose property

because we can preview directly

What kind of property if you later arrived at our house

Hopefully this cool technology can be as soon as possible in our country

so that we also use it for many things in our lives

Don't forget to subscribe to OmLamis

For more infomation >> TOP Free 5 Android Augmented Reality Apps to Make Your Life Easier - Duration: 5:14.


With Cords of Love - Duration: 5:22.

You formed me

You called me by my name

You restored me

You called me toward you

You formed me

You called me by my name

You restored me

You called me toward you

With cords of love you pursued me

With cords of love you convinced me

That you love me more than anything

That there is nothing that can seperate me from you

that you love me more than anything

That your love will follow me until the end

My injustice seperated us

My weakness made us grow far

Your mercy reached me just to show

That you love me more than anything

That there is nothing that can seperate me from you

That you love me more than anything

That you love will follow me until the end

As in the previous video I shared that I had been sexually abused as a child

and that attracted to my life a million problems it seems for my soul

many of the reactions that I had were because of the anger that I held inside of me

that I had never dealt with. It took me to many addictions

pornography, drugs, alcohol

It was a disaster.

In 2015 I had an accident

where I flipped my car over because I was drunk

many may say you went to church

Yes! But there are so many people inside our churches that cannot share the problems they have because of religion

Therefore they stay quiet and live with those issues for many years inside of them.

At that point I had no other alternative but to deal with my internal problems

Thank God for that day! Because of what happened this song is comes about

It comes out of the book of Hosea chapter 11 verse 3 that says

It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms;

but they did not realize it was I who healed them

I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love.

To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them.

These are verses 3 and 4 from Hosea 11

For a very long time Jesus persued me, He sought me out

but I would run away because religion told me that I had too many problems

That He would never accept me that I needed to hide what was inside of me

But I learned that when you confess your sin and you turn from it, as Proverbs says you will find mercy

I do not know in what situation you find yourself in today, it could be the worst one in your lifetime

let me tell you something, He is pursuing you with His love. With cords of love

He is calling you toward Him. He loves you, Do not allow anyone to run you away from His love

He loves you with an everlasting love, that is why He is looking for you, Come back to Him.

For more infomation >> With Cords of Love - Duration: 5:22.


Remove Cracked Heels Overnight//Cracked Heels Treatment in Urdu & Hindi/Feet Skin Care Remedy Rani G - Duration: 3:31.

subscribe to my channel & be a part of Rani G Family

For more infomation >> Remove Cracked Heels Overnight//Cracked Heels Treatment in Urdu & Hindi/Feet Skin Care Remedy Rani G - Duration: 3:31.


Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 6:36.


Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 5:47.


2018.11.20 4GAMES ALL RECAP - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> 2018.11.20 4GAMES ALL RECAP - Duration: 8:46.


Parr Lego | Pick up the hat with Parr #6 | LEGO The incredibles | Lego Cartoon - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Parr Lego | Pick up the hat with Parr #6 | LEGO The incredibles | Lego Cartoon - Duration: 1:56.


TOP Free 5 Android Augmented Reality Apps to Make Your Life Easier - Duration: 5:14.

TechDay - OmLamis

Ever played Pokemon GO?

If ever you are already familiar with the name augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR)

that is a technology that combines virtual world objects (2D and 3D) into the real world

There are already many uses of this technology in life

we are good in the field of property and education health

Even though in our country it is not widely used

but this technology is common there overseas

we see what can be done with this AR technology

and whoever uses it

before continuing

Don't forget to subscribe to OmLamis Channel

My Cardiac Coach Apps

We can practice CPR now through My Cardiac Coach

The American Heart Association

this famous voluntary health organization works with Google

the My Cardiac Coach application, which teaches us the CPR-Hand Only technique

if someday we meet people

or our family who suffers from sudden breathing

World Of Tanks Apps

Not just games

World Of Tanks teaches us about tanks directly in front of us

for those of you who like things about war technology especially tanks (Armored Fighting Vehicle)

in this World of Tanks game you are not just playing between wars

but also can learn directly about tanks

or its history directly at our table

AR Sticker Apps

AR Sticker, makes photos or videos feel like in movies

On Android 8.1 we can create augmented reality objects on each of our photos and videos

Yes, even though this type of android does not yet exist in our country, it is certainly exciting right

if we later photograph / video there can be a fictional character like Stormtrooper

Paint Space Apps

If in the past we like to draw fun in our computer Paint

now we can draw in our real world with Paint Space AR

It's common about this Paint application

The difference is Paint AR with Paint on our computer

we can draw pictures or insert photos on the camera when you are looking for the right photo

or right when we make a video too

IKEA Place Apps

Confused about choosing furniture and fear of not being suitable?

IKEA Place provides a solution by checking furniture right or not with your room

IKEA Place, an application that uses augmented reality technology on iOs and Android

can make us not hesitate to choose property

because we can preview directly

What kind of property if you later arrived at our house

Hopefully this cool technology can be as soon as possible in our country

so that we also use it for many things in our lives

Don't forget to subscribe to OmLamis

For more infomation >> TOP Free 5 Android Augmented Reality Apps to Make Your Life Easier - Duration: 5:14.


Fire Emblem Heroes - Remembering Books I & II - Duration: 1:01.

Do you remember?

The moment when the door to this world opened.

Do you remember?

The glorious days that Heroes called by the power of summoning brought forth.

Heroes bound by contract set off on a journey.

Though ruled by their cursed blood, the two siblings were extended a hand.

Even when seemingly invincible enemies blocked the Heroes' path,

your bravery gave hope to the princess of ice,

and her frost-forged blade defeated the undying flame.

And now, Book III of our story begins...

That day, the light died.

For more infomation >> Fire Emblem Heroes - Remembering Books I & II - Duration: 1:01.


I Have Donated $5 To Star Wars Theory's Live Stream... - Duration: 0:37.

[Super-Chat Displayed]


Hey Spirit! I've just replied to your email today, I think

There you go... I knew it!

I knew I'll recognise you.

For more infomation >> I Have Donated $5 To Star Wars Theory's Live Stream... - Duration: 0:37.


ELEVATOR PITCH: i 4 Errori che devi evitare! - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> ELEVATOR PITCH: i 4 Errori che devi evitare! - Duration: 3:44.


ESO Bloodspawn Style - Preview of the Bloodspawn Outfit Style for The Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 4:01.

Hello everyone,

my name is Tianlein and today we take a look at the Blood Spawn Style for the Elder Scrolls Online

I found the Blood Spawn Outfit Style on the Public Test server and sadly I don't know

when it will be released on the live server.

Please take a look in the description if you want to go direct to a specific topic

You have a chance to obtain the Blood Spawn Monster Mask Outfit Style page if you complete

the Spindleclutch 2 dungeon which is located in the northeastern part of Glenumbra.

The Blood Spawn Shoulder Outfit Style page can be found as a possible reward in Maj al-Ragath's

Undaunted reward chest.

If you have earned the Hard Mode achievement for this Dungeon the drop chances for the

helm style page is doubled.

The Blood Spawn Arms Pack will be obtainable via the Crown Store and includes various themed

Weapon Outfit Styles.

the Blood Spawn Arms Pack includes a Battle Axe,





and one Outfit Change Style Token.

All the Blood Spawn weapons share a red smoke theme.

A special particle effect is visible if you draw your weapon.

Each month a new Monster Undaunted Style will be available to be purchased from the Crown

Store and earned via in-game activities.

The previous released Monster Arm Packs could be purchased for 2500 crowns, so i assume

that this Style and all the future Monster Outfit Styles will be offered for the same price

Don't forget that the Blood Spawn Helm and Shoulder Styles are only available for a limited

time while the Blood Spawn Arms pack is offered in the crown store.

Both the Monster Shoulder and Monster Mask Outfit Styles are tradeable, meaning if you

happen to acquire additional pages, you can gift or sell them to friends, guildmates and

guild traders.

I hope you enjoyed this my small showcase of the Blood Spawn Outfit Style.

What do you think about this Style?

Thanks for watching and it would be wonderful if you subscribe, like or leave me a comment.

Have a good day and until next time.


For more infomation >> ESO Bloodspawn Style - Preview of the Bloodspawn Outfit Style for The Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 4:01.


读心占卜术:TA真的很爱你吗?这就是真实的答案 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 读心占卜术:TA真的很爱你吗?这就是真实的答案 - Duration: 5:00.


Rolling Sky - Faster | What happen if We reach more Stars - Duration: 3:19.

Rolling Sky - Faster | What happen if We reach more Stars 20 Stars: 00:22 50 Stars: 01:21 100 Stars (Max speed): 02:14

For more infomation >> Rolling Sky - Faster | What happen if We reach more Stars - Duration: 3:19.


Learning English with Twilight EP.2 - Duration: 26:00.

Hello, what's going on everybody?

We're here again for EP.2 - Learning English from movie.

OK, we're going to learn English the same way as the last week.

What're you laughing at?

We'll use the Twilight, the same movie.

For those who are the fans of Twilight

I wanted to pick many scene from the movie

But they're so difficult to listen to because of the way characters speak.

We tried to listen but thinking that it's too difficult to catch the words.

So we only picked scenes that we think you could clearly hear.

And for today is the scene that Bella asking Jacob about the Cullens.

OK, let's see it.

What're you thinking?

Let say, from EP.1 that I said I could hear 70-80%

But for today, I think it's lower that 50%

They speak so fast.

I know what the story is about but I couldn't catch the meaning in each sentence

There are specific vocabularies about vampires or wolves in this scene

Yeah, that's why we have to learn.

If we already knew, what's the point to learn?

Hey, we forgot to introduce our selves.

Hi, I'm Lacta.

Hi, I'm Bell.

OK, done. Go on.

Just do it for new visitors that might not know us before.

OK, next. We're going to watch again with repeating and learn every sentence in the scene.

And try to speak like the characters.

For movie script, you can find in the description below or in the pinned comment.

You can write it down on your paper for ease of reading while watching.

The reason why I don't put subtitle into the movie is

because when we see subtitles we'll focus on it instead of listening.

Then, it's not listening practicing.

So, we just listen and focus on the sound we hear.

Clear? Let's go listen.

That's all.

Is there any mistake, please let me know in the comment.

Now I'm so tired of concentrating on their conversation.

There're difficult vocabularies in it.

Yeah, I think some of them are advanced vocabularies.

So, you don't worry if you find it too difficult to understand.

Don't think about it. Just try to listen and understand the whole story.

It's not easy for us too. Feels like...

So, listen repeatedly or you can slow the clip down.

Or play-pause-play-pause to listen until you get through it.

Try to speak by using the script I provided down below.

Listen and speak like them as good as you can.

And you'll get better and better. Just keep practicing.

Let's see it one more time.

For more infomation >> Learning English with Twilight EP.2 - Duration: 26:00.


女星那個來如何拍戲?楊冪的回答讓人心疼,趙麗穎的最實在! - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 女星那個來如何拍戲?楊冪的回答讓人心疼,趙麗穎的最實在! - Duration: 3:57.


Unfinished MVs & Other Things - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> Unfinished MVs & Other Things - Duration: 8:53.


4 Years training Muay Thai BEFORE and AFTER - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> 4 Years training Muay Thai BEFORE and AFTER - Duration: 10:09.


Haikyuu!! Opening 1 - Imagination - Duration: 2:57.

The heat haze sways, our sweat is dripping,

voices are echoing, shoulders are bumping;

Through the open window I looked at the sky

Hey Mr. Future, what should we do this summer?

Oh come on, come on, come on

even if it's small, there's a chance

Oh come on, come on, come on

let's join Oh

There's always someone that wants to stand up against

even if it's wrong, even if it's irritating, he keeps pushing

Never give up, I don't wanna let it end like this

With this imagination I'll go

Oh oh

More than answers from a textbook,

I wanted something that'll make me jump in excitement

Something moved my heart like "Wow"

and at that time I believed in it, it was my everything Mr. future

Oh hello, hello, hello

can you hear me?

Oh hello, hello, hello

answer me Oh

Bumping, tumbling, I want to be stronger

I obstinately get up and fall all over again but I

Never give up. Let me run like this

toward the horizon of this imagination I'm setting off

Oh oh

Since the moment we lost,

the "next time" began

Right now it's a bitter taste but baby,

someday surely

There's always someone that wants to stand up against

even if it's wrong, even if it's irritating, he keeps pushing

Never give up, I don't wanna let it end like this

With this imagination I'll go

Oh oh

Ah, I'm heading out

oh oh

For more infomation >> Haikyuu!! Opening 1 - Imagination - Duration: 2:57.


Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 6:36.


Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 5:47.


3 Work From Home Jobs In 2019 💰 (Free And Easy To Start Today) - Duration: 7:41.

what's up guys Attan here and in today's video I'm gonna show you three

work from home jobs in 2019 and they are free and easy to start with today all

you have to do is stay with me but first make sure to subscribe to my youtube

channel where I upload videos like this on a consistent basis and hit that

notification bell to be notified every time I upload a new video ok so this

video is a QuickStart free and the easy to get started with to

get your feet wet to work from home and I'm going to show you three different

opportunities that you can get started with well I do recommend that you should

get started with affiliate marketing or some other make money online

opportunities but this is a perfect way to get started with to make some money

so with that being said let's get started the first thing that you can do

actually is you can transcribe and all you have to do is you go to a site like

transcribe mate comm and you can see here fast and accurate transcription

says low as seventy nine cents per minute so all you have to do is we go to

the join as transcriptionist you can see we offer the opportunity to

be a part of our community at one of the best transcription companies and create

lasting connections with professionals all over the world and you can see here

that they pay everything from fifteen to twenty two dollars per audio our top

monthly earnings at two thousand two hundred which is not bad at all in my

opinion and it is really easy to get started with let's have a look at the

frequently asked questions how does it work how do I join you can see here

please go to register you only need a stable reliable internet connection and

a computer and it is really easy to get started with this kind of a job now what

I also would suggest you to do is I would go to a site like Fiverr calm you

can see here if I type scribe and so you can sign up to both

sides okay why not and you see here there is tons of opportunities look at

this lady she works for 36 she charges $36 for 60 minutes of audio so there is

definitely a few more sites that you can sign up if you feel that transcribing is

your thing but definitely two of these to get started with is the most popular

sites the next thing we would have a look at is being a writer and you can

easily go to a site like a text broker com

you can see here this is a very popular site where people go for a content

writing so if you go to I write content here you can see the payments you can

get paid everything from seven zero point seven cents per word up to five

cents per word okay you can actually write anything so don't get stuck on

that you have to write only articles you can actually write blog content might be

some email content so definitely if you feel that your writing is your thing and

also another tip would be why not go to Fiverr as well as sign up for as a

writer okay you can see here I will be your website content writer she starts

at $32 ghostwriter 27 starting at 110 so there is tons of opportunities and if

you're specialized in something then you feel you're good at writing at something

particular it could be your thing actually work from home number two was

writer and work from home jobs number three would be data entry and I'm going

to show you two sides actually the first sight is clickworker calm and I have

tons of jobs here so what you do here is you go to the

earn money as a clickworker so you can read here clickworker is always looking

for Internet users worldwide who can for example create or correct text

participate in surveys all searching categorized data for us so what you do

is you sign up for free and you work independently your schedule is flexible

they all definitely need a computer and internet connection here so you decide

when and how much you want to work on a freelance basis so you can see what type

of jobs there is available here creation of texts data categorization copy

editing proofreading web research service mystery photographers app

testing so there is definitely something for you here you can also read through

the frequently asked questions of course so they do pay you how much will I get

paid it all depends on the project of course so definitely we can say that you

will get some standard amount here that is clickworker and i do have one more

sites it's called job boy you're definitely

not gonna get rich but you will make some money here so for a simple sign up

at job boy calm you can actually make 10 cents and they do have some tasks like

it get likes all you have to do is like something at Facebook or share it on a

group or a fan page or actually subscribe to youtube channel post a

tweet really simple tasks and you see they pay everything from 10 cents and up

so here is a sign up only 25 cents okay and I guess it's nothing that takes you

probably not more than one or two minutes to do this kind of a tasks so

the the thing here is that you have to do many tasks I mean the sign up is not

only one but they might need hundred sign ups or something like that

so that is jobbot calm you just go here to find a

job and you have to sign in of course and sign up as a new user

alright you have it free work from home jobs in 2019 free and easy to start with

today now if you liked this video make sure to hit the like button make sure to

subscribe to my youtube channel hit that notification bell to be notified every

time there is a new video uploaded but most importantly there is a link below

in the description for my number one recommendation on how to make money

online okay that's it for today thanks a lot for watching and see you soon


For more infomation >> 3 Work From Home Jobs In 2019 💰 (Free And Easy To Start Today) - Duration: 7:41.


心理测试:你真的懂TA吗?一张牌测你对TA的真实了解程度 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:你真的懂TA吗?一张牌测你对TA的真实了解程度 - Duration: 4:06.


My "STARTUP OF THE MONTH": Physiostation shows its muscles! - Duration: 4:02.

Who is Physio Station and what are you offering?

We are Physio therapy practice

and opened our studio 6 month ago

here in Schlieren

We are happy to welcome patients in our new practice

What was your motivation to start the business

I guess there is a big competition out there

I am a physiotherapist since 10 years now

It was always my dream

to start my own practice

I think I am not made to be employed

I did not see any other option

than go for my own business

It makes me happy to realize my own ideas

and try out how they work

It was the only logical step

Tell us a bit more

about what you experienced

The most difficult phase was the research of the ideal place

How did you do that research?

I did several analyzes

I checked the number of inhabitants per meter square

and employees per meter square

put them in relation to physiotherapists

that work in this area

This revealed the locations in that area

Than I made a further analyse

to find out where

my competitors are

and where I can find a property

with a location

that is better located than my competitors

Did you experience other challenges

beside the one you shared?

I started with the creation of a business plan

that was a lot of fun

After that I was faced with negotiations

with banks and authorities

How did you handle that?

I took the basic structure of my business plan from my economy studies

and adapted that for my business

I thought about where to find

new development potential in my branch

to make the discussions with the bank more attractive

than my competitors

How do you deal with your employees?

Do you have internal meetings?

How do you keep your employees motivated?

My team is not completed yet!

We are still hiring!

Get in touch with Ben therapists out there!

We have different communication tools

in our practice

On the one hand we use tools

to give short instructions

either used from the therapists to communicate with me or vice versa

or work on open issues via our bookkeeping system

The therapists that join my team

have the possibility to share their experience with me

through a face to face meeting

In this meetings we share thoughts

and socialize

talk about their needs and desires

what works good or not so good

So we discuss how we can handle this issues together

If changes can be implemented

Or if not, why it's not possible.

With the dialog we try to avoid disappointments and keep communication transparent

Where do you see Physio Station in near future?

I hope that we can continue to grow as we actually do

I am looking forward to expand my team

And I hope to have more patients

Further improve the exchange with the doctors

The closer the exchange is

between doctors, patients and us

The better is the consultation we can offer to our patients

This is our core competence

for our patients

For more infomation >> My "STARTUP OF THE MONTH": Physiostation shows its muscles! - Duration: 4:02.


Remove Cracked Heels Overnight//Cracked Heels Treatment in Urdu & Hindi/Feet Skin Care Remedy Rani G - Duration: 3:31.

subscribe to my channel & be a part of Rani G Family

For more infomation >> Remove Cracked Heels Overnight//Cracked Heels Treatment in Urdu & Hindi/Feet Skin Care Remedy Rani G - Duration: 3:31.


Audience Benefits and Results of Resiliency Message - Duration: 1:06.

My audiences tell me that when they leave my resiliency sessions that they have better ways to manage their stress.

That they feel uplifted,

that they understand the importance of

Emotional intelligence. They also understand that they are

resilient. And if there's any core message they walk away with it is that they absolutely

know that no matter their failures and successes, they are lovable,

they are capable ( I often help my audiences discover their strengths) and they're definitely resilient.

They can fall down and they can get up again.

And if they can't get up they can put their hand up and say "Help me." Getting help is a really good strategy!

For more infomation >> Audience Benefits and Results of Resiliency Message - Duration: 1:06.


November 2018 Boxy Charm: Unboxing and Try-on - Duration: 14:22.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is an unboxing and Tryon

of my November boxycharm so if you'd like to see what I got and see me a try

on whatever products I got then please keep on watching also make sure that you

guys subscribe to my channel hit that notification about bookmark my page

upload a video every single day the weekend I don't want you guys to miss

any so guys bla bla bla bla bla boxycharm 21 bucks a month to get 4 to 5

full-size products um most of them are usually high-end prestigious brightness

cake so this is November's box okay so it comes with a little card so this one

this month's theme is gold digger so that's cool okay first thing I've seen

is lasha haul like luxury lashes I've never tried this brand of lashes

those are pretty though it's really really pretty they feel really really

nice nice okay next thing I'm seeing is a Shantae blue glitter star eyeliner and

this is long-lasting intense black the packaging it is black with gold glitter

on it and a gold cap so okay that is very very intense I don't know if you

can see the glitter but that's really really cute okay okay so I see a four

piece of luck see brushes we've gotten luck see brushes before in our box and

they're actually really really good quality I got a couple of face brushes

from them I love their tapered highlighter brush we got in the box so

months ago and so they are we have gold glitter handles those are pretty and

they all look like eye brushes that's nice okay because I did try those I love

brushes I have a lot of brushes oh my god

Shh guys coverfx glitter drops never tried coverfx glitter drops and these

are in nova because it's extremely expensive okay let's try this

that is pretty I actually don't want to touch the applicator to my skin just

because you know that looks kind of like a pretty gold holy crap that is

beautiful that it's gorgeous okay and then the last thing it looks

like an eyeshadow palette it's called ace Beauty ace beaut a it's

black with gold packaging never heard of this brand grandiose palette Oh guys

very pretty warm very fall palette that's gorgeous

okay guys let's look at prices really quick okay guys so the coverfx glitter

drops are $44 holy crap so that's double our box price right now

the grandiose palette is $24.99 the Luxy brushes are $21 the Jonte blue glittery

star eyeliners 5 and then the electronic lashes is $14.99 that is crazy

okay guys I'm gonna go ahead and pry my eyes and we'll get started with an eye

look I'm just using my this is nyx concealer and i'm just gonna go ahead

and apply this to one i will do the other eye off camera so that way the

videos a little bit shorter but so far I am pretty impressed with the array and

the value of the box

okay got this all primed brows looking much better now that it's kind of cut

out on the bottom I always do my shadows first before I do my face makeup so okay

guys um I'm gonna have to bring in some other brushes just because these lucky

set well it's really really pretty they are all pretty small but I will

definitely be using these okay guys let's go ahead and get into this

grandiose palette guys really really pretty shades it looks like there are

for max and for shimmers so I think first thing I'm gonna go in with is

cinnamon right up here that looks like a nice warm transition shade tiny tiny bit

of Fallout not bad though I have no idea I have even that was my

first time touching this palette so I have no idea if these are pick yeah it's

pigmented holy crap it's pretty blends really really nice

even on top of a slightly tacky base that is a really pretty Brown usually

not a huge neutral lover I like color but this is a really pretty

warm I love the name of it cinnamon totally fits it okay guys next I'm gonna

go into patchouli right here it's to have a nice matte warm cream shade I'm

just gonna use that gently to blend out get that edge a little bit nicer

that's really pretty makes a nice little highlight color underneath that brow

okay guys next I think I'm gonna go into poppy which is this kind of Burton be

red shade right here we're just gonna put that a little bit more into our

priests just to warm it up a little

that is pretty it's very very pigmented and not patchy at all so far and these

kind of shades are very hard to make so go ahead and go with Myrtle this kind of

coppery yeah that is a nice shimmer

don't worry guys haven't forgotten about those those Lexi brushes okay I just

wanted to get that shimmer nice and on there I think I'm gonna go ahead and

dark them increase a little darker my crease in outer corner with a mixed up

poppy and cinnamon I wish there was a black in here

that'd be nice but okay so I'm gonna go in with puffy and sentiment on the luck

c-121 mini tapered brush I'm gonna do this into my outer corner increase a

little see if we can intensify that a little blue yeah go ahead and I think

I'm gonna go ahead and get the Lexi 131 mini angled and I think I'm going to dip

back into that Myrtle shade that shimmery shade we put all of our lid and

I think I'm gonna just kind of try to get that a little bit more into the kiss

on that crease all those work great on a brush that

shimmer does that's pretty I like that okay guys I'm gonna go back in with that

fluffy brush I'm just gonna add a little bit more cinnamon as we lost a little

bit of it this blended out

warm pretty Browns really really pretty

okay just what a simple I look okay guys next

I think I'm gonna go in with the lux e-mini flat angle this is the 111 and I

think I'm going to go ahead and pick up jasmine and I'm gonna put that

underneath my brow it's a little bit of highlight let's see what this looks like

well that is pretty

pretty shade okay thanks guys we are going to get into that

Shantay blue glitter eyeliner and I'm just gonna do a line so that way we can

hide that lash band that's really pigmented for just it's not a coal it's

just a just a regular liner

okay guys I'm just going to grab the last little buck ZBrush this is the mini

round brush and I'm going to get this kind of smoked out a little worked into

that lash line

not seeing any fallout from the shadows which is good but yeah that verse works

great for blending out that liner okay guys so I'm gonna go off camera I'm

going to do the other eye put on some foundation and we'll be right back to

try on the lashes and the cover of X drops and yeah is that everything that

we okay guys so I got the other iodine foundation concealer powder a little bit

of bronzer and blush put on my lipstick I use the Milani matte naked lipstick

I'll leave everything down below that I use okay

so guys let's go ahead and do the lashes now I personally like to do mascara

before but guys really really pretty these lashes are gorgeous really really

fluttery and wispy looking guys the lash band is really really thin so that is


those are that is a really pretty lash very very pretty so yeah these um Lasha

holic luxury lashes they are really really pretty I like them a lot they're

really really comfortable they were easy to put on and they are like

natural-looking but they definitely add a lot of boots to the eye look but you

can still see the shadow really really like these lashes okay guys finally

we're gonna be trying the cover of X glitter drops in Nova so I'm excited

never tried these um okay I'm just gonna go ahead and do I think just like a drop

on the back of my hand I just really want to keep this little dropper clean

so try to avoid putting it on your skin okay guys I'm just gonna be using my BH

Cosmetics 125 brush I want to see if I can gently dab this on as a highlight

from what I've seen because I've seen people use these before is that it is a

little bit goes a very very long way that is pretty yeah guys a drop is more

than enough

I've seen people use beauty blenders I personally like brushes for cream and

liquid type just seems to disperse it a little bit better but you just go ahead

and see if we can just intensify that just a little that is pretty I just add

such a beautiful glow it was really really pretty I'm gonna try putting it

on just with like my finger and see if just kind of blended out with a finger

what that will look like

and then gently just pop that in with the brush that is really really pretty

at first it looks too dark because it's like a gold but wants it to blend it out

it is actually quite workable for I think a lot of different skin tones it's

just that was left on my finger down the nose a little bit that is really really

pretty this would be a great foundation mixer if you want to just do a little

bit more bit to your foundation obviously if you don't like glitter I

don't think you like this but it does give a beautiful kiss to the skin so

guys that was me using everything in November's boxycharm

love the glitter drops this will last forever I'm definitely gonna try make

some into foundation the grandiose palette is studying guys really really

nice blendable shades very very pigmented so if I'm not having any kind

of creasing or anything I love the lashes I have a hard time

with lashes sometimes but guys did these lashes are absolutely beautiful so far

loving the lash ahaa like brando definitely tried more lashes from this

brand I really really love the luck see brushes they were great for doing the

outer crease I use the angled one to smoke them cinnamon underneath my lower

lash line and guys I really do like the liner too I mean it's a black liner you

know it's a good liner is that everything so brushes liner lashes yeah

palette and the glitter drops guys honestly I think this has to be one of

my favorite boxycharm boxes to date beautiful beautiful and those drops are

just so beautiful on the skin really really pretty but you guys thank you so

much for watching at this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did please go and

give this video a thumbs up also make sure that you guys leave a

comment down below share this video if you get boxycharm what did you get I

know there's always a little bit of a variation so let me know down below in

the comments what did you get and guys also make sure that you guys follow me

on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat all a

bunch of glam babe I will see

guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys bye

For more infomation >> November 2018 Boxy Charm: Unboxing and Try-on - Duration: 14:22.


52歲港星張衛健的二弟張衛彝於香港家中浴室暴斃! - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> 52歲港星張衛健的二弟張衛彝於香港家中浴室暴斃! - Duration: 7:17.


Cauã Reymond exibe foto raríssima de sua infância e fãs o comparam com sua filha, Sofia - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Cauã Reymond exibe foto raríssima de sua infância e fãs o comparam com sua filha, Sofia - Duration: 1:40.


倾城时光:金瀚带林浅出席家宴,被金爸揭穿身份,金瀚怒扇林浅! - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 倾城时光:金瀚带林浅出席家宴,被金爸揭穿身份,金瀚怒扇林浅! - Duration: 4:57.


Bailarinas do 'Domingão do Faustão' fazem ensaio em apoio ao Dia da Consciência Negra - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Bailarinas do 'Domingão do Faustão' fazem ensaio em apoio ao Dia da Consciência Negra - Duration: 2:40.


Bruna Marquezine deixa de seguir David Brazil e ganha alfinetada - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine deixa de seguir David Brazil e ganha alfinetada - Duration: 2:16.


Neymar Jr. realiza desejo de Marina Ruy Barbosa - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Neymar Jr. realiza desejo de Marina Ruy Barbosa - Duration: 1:47.


유키지루시 HSI누님☆☆☆☆☆ - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 유키지루시 HSI누님☆☆☆☆☆ - Duration: 2:07.


ELEVATOR PITCH: i 4 Errori che devi evitare! - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> ELEVATOR PITCH: i 4 Errori che devi evitare! - Duration: 3:44.


Haikyuu!! Opening 1 - Imagination - Duration: 2:57.

The heat haze sways, our sweat is dripping,

voices are echoing, shoulders are bumping;

Through the open window I looked at the sky

Hey Mr. Future, what should we do this summer?

Oh come on, come on, come on

even if it's small, there's a chance

Oh come on, come on, come on

let's join Oh

There's always someone that wants to stand up against

even if it's wrong, even if it's irritating, he keeps pushing

Never give up, I don't wanna let it end like this

With this imagination I'll go

Oh oh

More than answers from a textbook,

I wanted something that'll make me jump in excitement

Something moved my heart like "Wow"

and at that time I believed in it, it was my everything Mr. future

Oh hello, hello, hello

can you hear me?

Oh hello, hello, hello

answer me Oh

Bumping, tumbling, I want to be stronger

I obstinately get up and fall all over again but I

Never give up. Let me run like this

toward the horizon of this imagination I'm setting off

Oh oh

Since the moment we lost,

the "next time" began

Right now it's a bitter taste but baby,

someday surely

There's always someone that wants to stand up against

even if it's wrong, even if it's irritating, he keeps pushing

Never give up, I don't wanna let it end like this

With this imagination I'll go

Oh oh

Ah, I'm heading out

oh oh

For more infomation >> Haikyuu!! Opening 1 - Imagination - Duration: 2:57.


Cómo hacer un reno navideño de madera · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer un reno navideño de madera · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:52.


In a Village by the Sea: Learn Spanish with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 3:30.

In a Village by the Sea

by Muon Van

In a fishing village by the sea

there is a small house.

In that house,

high above the waves,

is a kitchen.

In that kitchen

is a bright, glowing fire.

In that fire

is a pot

of steaming noodle soup.

By that soup

sits a woman, watching and stirring.

By that woman

is a sleepy child,

yawning and turning.

By that child,

tucked in the shadows,

is a dusty hole.

In that hole

is a brown cricket, humming

and painting.

In that painting

is a sudden storm,

roaring and flashing.

In that storm

is a white boat,

crashing and rolling.

In that boat is a fisherman,

hoping the storm will end soon

because in his village by the sea

there is a small house,

and in that house

is a family

waiting for him to come home.

For more infomation >> In a Village by the Sea: Learn Spanish with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 3:30.


Parr Lego | Pick up the hat with Parr #6 | LEGO The incredibles | Lego Cartoon - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Parr Lego | Pick up the hat with Parr #6 | LEGO The incredibles | Lego Cartoon - Duration: 1:56.


Przeciwnik Wassermann ujawnia! Tak zachowywała się posłanka w trakcie kampanii - Duration: 4:46.

 Małgorzata Wassermann poległa w wyborczej potyczce z Jackiem Majchrowskim, który po raz kolejny został prezydentem Krakowa

Po jakimś czasie od elekcji polityk zdecydował się ostatecznie skomentować kampanię poprowadzoną przez jego przeciwniczkę

Słowa samorządowca na ten temat mogą naprawdę zaskoczyć. Małgorzata Wassermann dostała przed wyborami samorządowymi 2018 naprawdę trudne zadanie, z którym ostatecznie rzeczywiście była zmuszona się zmierzyć

Posłanka została bowiem wystawiona w batalii o prezydenturę w Krakowie jako kandydatka Zjednoczonej Prawicy przeciw politykowi, który rządził miastem od wielu lat

Małgorzata Wassermann oczami Jacka Majchrowskiego. Jak wyglądała kampania wyborcza posłanki? Ostatecznie działaczce nie udało się pokonać Jacka Majchrowskiego, który zachował swoje stanowisko

Co ciekawe, samorządowiec wypowiedział się ostatecznie o samej Wassermann oraz prowadzonej przez nią kampanii w bardzo pozytywny sposób, nie szczędząc jednak krytyki narracji prowadzonej przez wspierającą ją TVP

„Wali jej się na mózg"! Kosmiczne ceny w kawiarni Anny Lewandowskiej zwalają z nóg?!  – To była inna kampania niż dotychczas, przede wszystkim po raz pierwszy zmierzyłem się z kobietą

(…) Nie ustąpiłem. Muszę jednak powiedzieć, że pani Wassermann w kampanii zachowywała się bardzo w porządku

Były czasem uszczypliwości, ale to tak jak w każdej kampanii. Natomiast nie wszyscy się tak zachowywali

Proszę popatrzeć na rolę telewizji publicznej. To był zupełnie inny poziom – stwierdził stanowczo Majchrowski, wyjawiając także, iż ma żal do Telewizji Polskiej pod kierownictwem Jacka Kurskiego

 – Skoro jest telewizją publiczną, to powinna się zachowywać obiektywnie, a nie być jednostronna

Podczas kampanii mnie praktycznie nie wolno było pokazywać, a z drugiej strony kamera telewizji cały czas towarzyszyła pani Wassermann

To nie jest jej wina, ale tego systemu, w który weszła – powiedział w wywiadzie dla Onetu prezydent Krakowa, któremu ostatecznie udało się pokonać kandydatkę Zjednoczonej Prawicy po wyborczej „dogrywce"

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄJaka przyszłość czeka Małgorzatę Wassermann? Czas decyzji dla polityk  Chociaż Wassermann nie udało się objąć prezydentury, zdecydowanie pokazała się w wyborach samorządowy z mocnej strony

W przeciwieństwie do Patryka Jakiego w Warszawie, doprowadziła bowiem swym wynikiem do drugiej tury, w której ostatecznie poległa

 Obecnie spekuluje się więc, że działaczka zasili być może listy Zjednoczonej Prawicy do Parlamentu Europejskiego

Sama posłanka zaprzecza jednak tym doniesieniom. Jak więc można się domyślać, Wassermann planuje pozostać w polskiej polityce, szukając tutaj dla siebie stabilnego stanowiska oraz szans na owocny rozwój

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE:   Loading . Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Przeciwnik Wassermann ujawnia! Tak zachowywała się posłanka w trakcie kampanii - Duration: 4:46.


Remove Cracked Heels Overnight//Cracked Heels Treatment in Urdu & Hindi/Feet Skin Care Remedy Rani G - Duration: 3:31.

subscribe to my channel & be a part of Rani G Family

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