Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 21 2018

 Quand on dit que l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur

En 2013, Jane Park est âgée de seulement 17 ans

En jouant à l'EuroMillions, elle remporte alors le jackpot fou d'un million 150

000 euros. Si elle peut aujourd'hui quasiment tout s'offrir, Jane Park manque pourtant d'une chose essentielle : l'amour

Et pour y remédier, la jeune femme a eu une idée saugrenue

Moyennant finance, elle compte bien recruter un petit ami

Et l'heureux élu sera tout de même payé 69

000 euros par an ! Et pour cela, Jane Park a lancé un site internet pour les hommes décidés à lui envoyer leurs candidatures

 "Jane est incroyable et a beaucoup à donner, mais elle s'est retrouvée seule à nouveau car depuis qu'elle a gagné, elle n'a pas eu beaucoup de chance, a raconté un proche de la jeune femme au Mirror

Elle ne sait jamais si elle est aimée pour elle-même ou pour son solde bancaire

Elle préférerait donc que l'arrangement soit clair dès le départ

Jane a parfois tendance à se sentir en manque de sécurité et à s'inquiéter des motivations des gens

Elle est disposée à payer le juste prix pour une personne fidèle

" En quelques jours, Jane Park a reçu plus de 10

000 candidatures ! Désireuse de trouver l'homme de ses rêves, elle a d'ores et déjà prévenu que les entretiens d'embauches seront filmés par ses soins pour être par la suite diffusé dans un documentaire

For more infomation >> Une jeune millionnaire veut recruter son petit ami pour... 69.000 euros par an - Duration: 1:40.


《凉生》收官倒计时 钟汉良于朦胧诠释兄弟情深 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 《凉生》收官倒计时 钟汉良于朦胧诠释兄弟情深 - Duration: 5:25.


熹妃传即将开拍:全明星阵容齐上阵钟汉良饰演雍正 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> 熹妃传即将开拍:全明星阵容齐上阵钟汉良饰演雍正 - Duration: 8:32.


做替身不容易,钟汉良替身因太像被辞退,最后这位替身竟成了影帝 - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 做替身不容易,钟汉良替身因太像被辞退,最后这位替身竟成了影帝 - Duration: 5:09.


原来你还在这里【第26集】苏韵锦调入职场陷阱 | Never Gone 26 - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> 原来你还在这里【第26集】苏韵锦调入职场陷阱 | Never Gone 26 - Duration: 9:20.





Mazda 2 1.3 BIFUEL GT 5DRS LPG G3 AC/LMV/MIST.LAMP/124.000KM! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.3 BIFUEL GT 5DRS LPG G3 AC/LMV/MIST.LAMP/124.000KM! - Duration: 1:12.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition **DEMO** - Duration: 1:08.


Carros elétricos: alguns modelos já têm preço e data para chegar no Brasil - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Carros elétricos: alguns modelos já têm preço e data para chegar no Brasil - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 TD Elegance - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 TD Elegance - Duration: 0:49.


🍋Cieve a Lemon and then Grate, and say GOODBYE to Diabetes, Cancer and Tumors - Duration: 2:45.

freeze a lemon and say goodbye to overweight diabetes and cancer

the results are amazing the lemon is a fruit full of benefits for the

health and should be part of your routine feeding for the

taking advantage of all these factors positive but you have no idea what

happens when you choose to freeze the brother does indeed have many

excellent components for the body besides this fruit has a taste

sensational and can complement varied meals and drinks but she

can be even more efficient in dealing with serious illnesses want to know more

about these characteristics of lemon just follow our video according to

with science when you freeze your brother is possible to treat cancer tumors diabetes

and even losing weight it happens because existing flavonoids in the juice of

lemon has very useful antioxidants to treat a number of diseases with

to the bark there is the ability to increase the body's immunity

to lower cholesterol levels and even even prevent the emergence of innumerable

types of cancer Another point is that the lemon zest has

an antimicrobial effect that is very useful in preventing infections

bacterial and fungal this effect is fundamental to expel

the worms and parasites of the organism aiming at the elimination of fat

excessive it is clear that lions are great

to detoxify the human organism especially in the freezing condition

ways to enjoy frozen lemon 1 wash the lemons with apple cider vinegar 2

wash the fruits with water and dry thoroughly 3 freeze the lemons at night 4 rally

all the lemon with the gas that's silly 5 fish all the grated lemon in a

container with ice and freeze again 6 after freezing a lemon by the second

turn you can consume a single spoonful of

rasp soup achieve the expected results liked

to know what happens when you freeze a lemon to share with the

your friends on social networks

If you liked, leave your opinion on comments

let your like sign up for the channel and share this video with your friends

see you later

For more infomation >> 🍋Cieve a Lemon and then Grate, and say GOODBYE to Diabetes, Cancer and Tumors - Duration: 2:45.


Isis Valverde deixa maternidade com Rael no colo e protagoniza momento fofo com o marido - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Isis Valverde deixa maternidade com Rael no colo e protagoniza momento fofo com o marido - Duration: 2:23.


Mendigo se revela um talentoso artista e faz obra de arte no hospital; reveja cena emocionante - Duration: 1:54.

Pai fica emocionado ao ver desenho feito por outro paciente Vítima de espancamento, um mendigo deu entrada no Macedão e foi atendido pela equipe de Carolina (Marjorie Estiano) no episódio desta terça-feira, 20/11, em Sob Pressão

Para a surpresa dos médicos e dos telespectadores, o rapaz se revelou um artista de verdade

A obra de arte feita por Elton (Rodrigo Saad) em uma das paredes do hospital acabou ajudando um pai a aceitar que fosse feita uma transfusão de sangue em sua filha - internada no local

Cabelo interpretou um mendigo em "Sob Pressão" — Foto: TV Globo Obra que apareceu na trama é assinada por Rodrigo, também conhecido como Cabelo e foi feita especialmente para a série

O artista plástico recebeu um convite da direção para mostrar seu lado ator na produção: "Sempre quis trabalhar com o Cabelo como ator, ele é performer e está habituado a atuar", contou a diretora Mini Kerti

"Além disso, o personagem é artista plástico e foi perfeito para ele. Precisávamos de alguém que desenhasse, e o Cabelo era essa pessoa", afirmou

Nas redes sociais, os internautas ficaram muito emocionados com o desfecho do personagem! — Foto: Reprodução — Foto: Reprodução — Foto: Reprodução 📺 Reveja cena em que familiar revela identidade de Elton: Um familiar surge no hospital e revela que o mendigo é um talentoso artista plástico saiba mais Marjorie Estiano explica importância de narrativa social presente em 'Sob Pressão'

For more infomation >> Mendigo se revela um talentoso artista e faz obra de arte no hospital; reveja cena emocionante - Duration: 1:54.


Anitta cancela dieta e afasta preocupação com corpo: 'O que faço é não exagerar' - Duration: 3:24.

 Anitta tem exibido o corpo de biquíni nas redes sociais e garante que não se preocupa com cobranças para ter a silhueta perfeita

"Sentia mais antigamente, hoje em dia não tô nem aí. Se cobrar, vai ficar cobrando sozinho (risos)", disparou à revista "Glamour"

A funkeira explicou que tenta ter uma alimentação equilibrada: "Não é fácil. Quando eu estou viajando pelo Brasil, que tenho uma equipe comigo o tempo todo, é mais fácil, mas fora do Brasil, é difícil

Aí eu tento não ficar o dia todo comendo besteiras, sabe? Tento dar uma balanceada de fato"

  Cantora dispensa dieta e mantém corpo com exercícios  Segundo a cantora, dieta e restrições alimentares não entram na sua rotina: "Então, eu resolvi não fazer mais dieta

O que eu faço agora é não exagerar. Eu não exagero nas besteiras e não consigo ficar só de dietinha, então eu encontrei uma 'balança'"

Para manter o corpo e a saúde, a funkeira aposta em exercícios: "Hoje é uma dependência

Eu tentei ficar sem atividade física, no caso musculação, por preguiça, e acabei acabando com o meu joelho, minha coluna

O corpo inteiro reclama porque eu danço muito, então não adianta de repente, de supetão, ir lá no palco sem ter me preparado antes, que eu acabo com o meu corpo

Então hoje já virou uma necessidade ter uma preparação física para entrar no palco"

Funkeira destaca importância de desconstruir padrões  A funkeira exibiu celulite no clipe de "Vai Malandra" e disse que a atitude foi uma forma de desconstruir os padrões de beleza

"A minha intenção era essa. Eu acho que a cultura popular é a forma mais rápida e prática para passar uma mensagem em massa, então quando eu coloquei as minhas celulites lá e dei a cara "a tapa", foi justamente para mostrar, porque eu estava cansada dessa cobrança

Eu tenho e acabou. Uma vez que eu botei de fora, ninguém está mais me enchendo o saco e perguntando de celulite, de corpo, o quanto eu emagreci, o quanto eu engordei

porque sabe que eu vou falar que não tô nem aí. Eu fico mais relaxada."  (Por Tatiana Mariano)

For more infomation >> Anitta cancela dieta e afasta preocupação com corpo: 'O que faço é não exagerar' - Duration: 3:24.


IDM - Vertical Innovation. Alpine Expert Days - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> IDM - Vertical Innovation. Alpine Expert Days - Duration: 2:08.


The skies of Chile | The Journey | Episode Four - Duration: 5:40.

The only way to truly connect with the cosmos and understand

that we are a species travelling in this interstellar spaceship,

which is the Earth with the sun, the solar system,

is looking at the sky.

There is no other way.

We humans are so caught up in our little problems,

little big problems let's say,

that we forget what happens above can affect us directly.

We start our journey from La Serena

to Las Campanas Observatory,

where we will talk to Leopoldo Infante.

We are in the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world.

Around here, we have approximately 83... or 84% clear skies,

over the course of the year.

We were able to make the observatory a certain altitude,

which is important because the higher it is,

the less atmosphere there is to go through.

This is an exceptional feature of this territory,

which can't be found anywhere else on Earth.

Astronomy is a science apart because it is purely observational.

Based on observation, you only see what comes through the light.

It must be an interpretation of this universe,

based on an imprint, to understand how it evolved.

It's magical, isn't it?

Society is enriched by astronomical knowledge.

Through astronomy, you can arrive at practically all basic science.

The number one enemy in astronomy is light.

We want to capture the light that comes from the universe,

while eliminating the light coming from the cities.

Therefore, if there is an increase in the light pollution,

we are going to lose the connection with the universe, obviously.

Chile will have 70% to 75% of worldwide observational capacity

by the year 2020 or 2021.

So we need to protect the sky from the light,

in order to continue exploring this natural resource in Chile.

We continue our journey, heading towards Alto Patache,

around 1400 kilometres along Route 5 North,

to talk to Pablo Osses about his water catchment project.

The aim is for this station to have the least possible impact.

We are trying to make a "self-sufficient" station,

in the middle of the desert.

We started to work here on research projects,

which allowed us to understand the movement of the fog.

White clouds are composed of tiny drops of water.

What we do is put up a net, the cloud arrives full of drops,

carried by the wind and the drops are captured.

Gravity pulls them down, where they enter a receptacle,

before being transported to a tank,

and from there, we distribute the water for different uses

according to necessity.

This center, which is a miniature, is a prototype

for large-scale production in big cities.

When you think about it, we are producing water

in the Atacama desert.

This is a place where in 30 years there has been no recorded rainfall.

So living here is a challenge for the future.

I've seen a lot of poverty in the world, people without water,

women and their children carrying five gallon drums of water

in each hand.

This really spurs me on.

Water from the fog and mist is not the "solution"...

for water, but it's one more.

It's clean and sustainable,

in a world where we are going to need more and more water.

These clear skies that first shower you with stars,

before giving you water, it's magical, isn't it?

It's the closest thing to magic.

Just as Chile is famous for its coastline and special sites,

geographically unique in the world,

the sky is no different, it is also unique.

The idea is growing in Chile that the sky is in fact

a part of Chilean socio-cultural heritage.

And we must protect it.

For more infomation >> The skies of Chile | The Journey | Episode Four - Duration: 5:40.


[SORI] SORI in Spain EP 6 - La Rambla - - Duration: 4:51.

Sori's YouTube Channel

This place really feels like a bigger version of Myeongdong. (A big shopping district in Seoul)

If those people dancing in the street earlier would let me participate, I was totally down to join them.

So, guys, I'm currently at

A place called La Rambla.

So far I have visited world-famous Park Güell,

and checked out Sagrada Familia,

Not to mention having some delicious food in between.

So far I have hit all the tourists hotspots, since me being one.

And now,

I would like to explore a huge downtown district like Myeongdong

So, I have come down to the heart of the city.

Since there were not many eateries available around Park Güell, I had some juice in a hurry,

then I hopped on a cab,

and moved on

to another popular place filled with people sightseeing: La Rambla!

This place is PACKED with people,

Contrary to all the other places, which were relatively quiet and peaceful

to a point that I assumed everyone was just chilling at home, but here, as you can see...

This reminds me of Myeongdong, maybe a bit bigger in size.

It feels like the entire population of Barcelona has gathered here.

(While walking around the district, I came across some street performers performing!) What are these guys up to?

Are they all working out or something?

(Seems like they want the crowd to come closer)

(This music sounds awfully familar, maybe from movies?)

(Leaving the entertaining performance behind I moved on to get some grub!)

As I walked around this...

avenue filled with different things,

I came across a gelato shop.

I just couldn't simply pass it, so I ended up getting some Spanish gelato~

It is so hot out here right now.

This yellow one's passion fruit.

You've gotta get something fruity and sour on a hot day.

Out of all the flavors available at B*skin R*bbins, my go-to is mango sherbet.

This is supposed to be milk & chocolate.

We've got some pistachios here too.

That's really nutty!

My CEO wants me to share this trivia with you all:

Apparently in Iran, pistachios are...

(blanking out…)

If those people dancing in the street earlier would let me participate,

(Finish eating first, Sori T_T)

I was totally down to join them.

What a bummer.

I think I did a good job selecting gelato flavors.

One of'em is classic, chocolate and milk,

another is very citrusy passion fruit,

and pistachio, the other.

The best!

This is pretty much Myeongdong.

Lots of street vendors selling various items,

reminded me of the part of Seoul that I'm familiar with.

Since my hunger is growing,

Let's go get something yummy!

(On the next episode: Sori's Barcelona trip finale, and a possible prize sweepstake will be announced. Get hyped!)

For more infomation >> [SORI] SORI in Spain EP 6 - La Rambla - - Duration: 4:51.


Bruna Marquezine ganha título de "It Girl" em Portugal - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine ganha título de "It Girl" em Portugal - Duration: 1:42.


"Ci sono donne che hanno il c***". Raptus degli immigrati con Emanuela Folliero: caos a Milano - Duration: 1:34.

 Dopo l'intervista-bomba di Libero, Emanuela Folliero è stata alle Iene per un servizio molto divertente e interessante

   Mary Sarnataro va da Emanuela Folliero per una "cura omeopatica" contro "la paura dell'uomo nero"

Dopo che lei ha raccontato a Libero di aver paura degli extracomunitari da quando un immigrato le si è rivolto così: "Bella bocca, pomp**i gratis?", lei ha detto: "Non esco più sola per strada"

 Guarda il servizio delle Iene   L'insulto era vergognoso e offensivo così l'inviata Mary Sarnataro è corsa da lei per "una cura omeopatica", ovvero andare in giro tutte scollate e molto sexy in zone ad alta concentrazione di extracomunitari per farle passare "la paura dell'uomo nero"

 Viene fuori di tutto e, a sorpresa, perfino qualcuno domanda se Emanuela Folliero sia in realtà un uomo, con tanto di inevitabili attributi nascosti


For more infomation >> "Ci sono donne che hanno il c***". Raptus degli immigrati con Emanuela Folliero: caos a Milano - Duration: 1:34.


Eli Sostre - Routine - Duration: 3:13.

I know you miss me, yeah

tell me what you miss about me

tell me how you been without me

when I lost you when I found me

yeah, them niggas tryna doubt me

but I'm all up in my bag now

you can have that bitch I had now

that shit never made me sad now

model bitches I could brag now

still got Henny in my cup

I'm too drunk I can't tell you what it was

you take that flight just to make love

I can't blame you baby I can't get enough

yeah, I'm down to make this shit the routine

pray to God before I go to sleep

I got love for you I hope you never leave

yeah, I'm down to make this shit the routine

pray to God before I go to sleep

I got love for you I hope you never leave

baby I've been scheming

don't tell me that you love me when I leave here

you got a man, I know you wanna be here

nobody said this life would ever be fair

you the only one that ask me how I been

yeah, I came up but I haven't seen you since

I don't love them hoes they love me for my ends

yeah, you with me now so you don't gotta dance no more

yeah, I'm down to make this shit the routine

pray to God before I go to sleep

I got love for you I hope you never leave

yeah, I'm down to make this shit the routine

pray to God before I go to sleep

I got love for you I hope you never leave

For more infomation >> Eli Sostre - Routine - Duration: 3:13.


Happy Thanksgiving! - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Happy Thanksgiving! - Duration: 2:30.


ENGAGE – Community Management - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> ENGAGE – Community Management - Duration: 4:28.


BUDEG NGRINGOKNA NT NGOMONG260 - Duration: 1:48:19.

welcome to my channel


For more infomation >> BUDEG NGRINGOKNA NT NGOMONG260 - Duration: 1:48:19.


Nelle prime ore di oggi, a Milano, la Polizia ha dato esecuzione, con l'utilizzo del Nocs, ad un'ord - Duration: 3:10.

     Guerra all'Isis. Nelle prime ore di oggi, a Milano, la Polizia ha dato esecuzione, con l'utilizzo del Nocs, ad un'ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere emessa dal Gip del Tribunale dell'Aquila nei confronti di un 22enne cittadino egiziano, ritenuto organico all'Isis e per ciò accusato di associazione con finalità di terrorismo internazionale e istigazione e apologia del terrorismo

L'operazione è stata denominata 'Lupi del deserto'.  Le indagini, dirette dalla Procura Distrettuale del capoluogo abruzzese in raccordo con la Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo, sono state condotte dalle Digos di L'Aquila, Teramo, Piacenza e Milano parallelamente ai Compartimenti della Polizia Postale e Comunicazioni di Abruzzo e Emilia Romagna

L'intera attività di indagine è stata coordinata Servizio per il Contrasto al Terrorismo Esterno della Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione – Ucigos e dal Servizio Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni

(Continua dopo la foto) Sono attualmente in corso numerose perquisizioni domiciliari e personali in Abruzzo, Lombardia, Emilia e Piemonte

Altre due persone , scrive Repubblica, sono indagate: nei loro confronti è stato già emesso un provvedimento di espulsione da parte del ministro dell'Interno, anche su uno dei due risulta al momento irreperibile

I due destinatari del provvedimento d'espulsione, non si capisce se legati all'Isis, sono anche loro egiziani: si tratta di un 21enne e un 23enne che, secondo gli investigatori, avevano dei legami di stretta amicizia con il giovane 22enne

(Continua dopo la foto) L'indagine nasce oltre un anno fa e, dicono gli investigatori, "conferma l'efficacia del livello di prevenzione" del nostro paese"

A ricevere la prima informazione è stata infatti l'intelligence: verso la fine del 2017 gli 007 hanno segnalato che tra i frequentatori di un gruppo Whatsapp formato da militanti islamisti ce ne era uno che aveva un'utenza italiana

(Continua dopo la foto) L'informazione è stata girata alla Polizia e le verifiche hanno immediatamente consentito di accertare che fosse proprio il 22enne arrestato oggi l'utilizzatore di quel numero di cellulare

A quel punto l'egiziano è stato tenuto costantemente sotto controllo dagli uomini dell'Antiterrorismo, sia nel periodo in cui ha vissuto da clandestino in provincia di Teramo sia successivamente, quando si è spostato a Milano

Nel corso dell'indagine, inoltre, gli investigatori sono riusciti a recuperare decine di file audio scaricati dal giovane: si tratta di inni jihadisti e sermoni di imam radicali prodotti dall'apparato mediatico dell'Isis in cui si esalta il martirio e si ribadisce l'odio nei confronti dell'occidente

 Dietro le quinte del potere  Ti potrebbe anche interessare:     

For more infomation >> Nelle prime ore di oggi, a Milano, la Polizia ha dato esecuzione, con l'utilizzo del Nocs, ad un'ord - Duration: 3:10.


How to make Pokemon Pokeball (Eng sub) /Evde Poke Topu Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 2:49.

You can subscribe, like and share to support me.

Materials: toy ball, acrylic paint, small clock battery and rubber circle (black button can be used.

We open the ball and take it out.

If our red black and white paints are out.

We prepare our paints

We throw the paint into the outer surface of the ball, not because we don't want our paint to be peeled off from the outside.

We also ensure that the ball stays bright on the outer surface.

The first layer will be like lining and there may be gaps in between. The blanks will be completely filled with 2 times more paint.

When painting, we must be careful to paint the ball's joining line.

We are waiting for the ball to dry with white and one half of it.

We do the same with red paint for the other half of the ball.

We repeat these operations 3 times more times.

(You can get rid of a lot of waiting by using the dryer)

You can find the tire circle in your home if you have a suitcase.

The rubber circle adheres the small battery with adhesive or silicone.

We continue painting

We are painting black with the most recent remaining transparent lines.

We're digging paint if we've done it.

After drying, we combine.

We attach the button we produce from the battery to the center of the ball with the help of silicone and adhesive.

And thanks for watching our poke ball ready.

Other videos ,You can subscribe, like and share to support me.

For more infomation >> How to make Pokemon Pokeball (Eng sub) /Evde Poke Topu Nasıl Yapılır? - Duration: 2:49.


Kanji of the week #18 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Kanji of the week #18 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 9:16.


CONVIVENCE BETWEEN CATS: how to get along? Seminar dott.ssa Costanza De Palma - Duration: 15:56.

What happens when we have more cats? It helps us in managing more

cats in the house Dr. Costanza De Palma which is an ethologist,

behaviorist and bioethicist and in this seminar gives us many ideas

for cohabitation with more cats within home and she is undoubtedly one

expert in the field of visa, which has 11 cats, a dog, two daughters and a husband.

Good morning everyone I will treat today the topic cohabitation with more cats, the

important concept: the cat is not a animal from herd but a soloist, what

it means? who knows how to survive and live based on their abilities

so there is not a real one need to cohabit with

other conspecifics, does not suffer the loneliness, but boredom and need

of continuous stimuli then cohabit with a specific can

be a positive factor, with due precautions, but the new adopted

it should be possibly of age similar and of opposite sex,

but it is not a real rule, it can increase the success of a cohabitation

optimal, however, we avoid cohabiting a puppy with an old dog because

they have diametrically opposed needs though

there is the possibility that they can live together but being able to choose is preferable to

no. There is no standard fixed number how many cats can live together between

they are all proportionate above all breadth and quality to size

the environment in which he lives, in fact the cats a difference of dogs live a lot

three-dimensionality of the environment therefore if there is a valid enrichment

environmental developed on the three dimensions with the use of example

of shelves, wall units of various heights, bookcases, furniture, climbers, scrapers,

etc, increases the quality of the environment,

moreover more sources of food and water a provision contribute to the

cat's needs, a valid one support is also the possibility of

take advantage of a space outside or like a balcony, optimal would be a

garden, obviously in safety, the number of litters: the rule is that

it must be the number of cats plus one, this because in nature the cat from one

part makes the urine, from another part ago feces, in fact, who has a cat with one

litter can note that the urine itself they concentrate in one side and the feces in one

more, precisely because it subdivides the spaces, so the ideal would be to have

with cat a box for urine and another stool box, two

cats would be three litters, three cats four letters and so on,

I talked about the environment and then the quality of the environment

it's important but a factor very important also the personality of the

cat, that is we as owners we have to understand what kind of personality has ours

cat, if you prefer to live with a other conspecific or not,

there are particularly sociable cats, playful that can make people understand that

adopt another cat can be one positive factor, but there are cats instead

particularly reluctant in the contacts that they could exclude this kind of

concept, it is also true that some cats that are particularly shy if they have

a conspecific may be a bit more stimulated to the approach, but it is not

always true, so in this case when there are cats particularly

introverts should be evaluated with a little more attention. If the place where

we live has the right requirements to do to meet the needs of

more cats respecting their well-being, ok, you can adopt another cat.

The introduction must always be gradual, so it's not like we enter

at home with the new adopted and the we leave free at home, absolutely not

no! we must prepare two environments where in

one put our house cat, a other environment for

the new cat adopted, after which equipped both territories

with bowls, litter, scrapers, games etc,

and at this stage we must give the right ones attention both to our say the

first cat, that new one, with that new already start to create a relationship,

a relationship with it, usually me first advice to relate with the

new cat, then relate to the our cat we had immediately, in

so that our cat can perceive on us the smell of the new adopted,

it already starts a while to get to know level olfactory that is decidedly

much less invasive. After a few days the territories can be exchanged,

so our first cat goes in the in the territory of the other cat, of the

new cat, and vice versa, this is a very important phase

because the reactions of the cats,

so our cat will start to sniff, we must see where it is going to

sniff, if it enters the litter begins to do the needs,

if he uses the bowls, where he ate the other cat, etc. and vice versa. Self

everything goes well and you can then meet in neutral territory,

so not the room where one was and the other, but neutral territory e

evaluate what happens. Our presence is fundamental but

it must be discrete, so we do not start talking, caressing one or the other,

let's try a little to see how react. One thing

very important: do not be absent and above all we do not receive guests,

if we are afraid of cats you can not fight

we put third people in the middle can create further inconvenience,

because it is a very delicate moment. Then there are three phases: not

I point out that everything can go well, that cats sniff, they start to

play, etc., this is the phase optimal, ideal, but not always can

happen this, so they can be these three phases: the phase of

spacing where the cats in fact they can threaten remotely, yes

they also study while sitting, they are very much careful, then the skirmishing phase,

where one of the cats, generally it is who he already lived in the territory, he attacks and

he chases the other and adjoins him, then there they can also be vocalizations

very strong and flying hair, why if the cat gives the paw is possible

that there may be flying poles, the third, the most delicate, the most

serious, more important is when the house cat in fact becomes its own

hypervigil, ambushes, to attack the other cat, it is so

nervous that can also turn against the same owner.

The first phase is normal, the second one is quite calm, yes

can easily overcome, is the third phase the most worrisome and delicate where

we can really play the game cohabitation of the two cats, in this case

the passage must be redone in the introduction, then divide i

territories, redo them to eat eventually one in the presence of the other, so that it does not

they can fight, but that food can be interpreted as a reinforcement

positive, positive memory in the presence of one and the other, do not take

absolutely nobody's defense, not even the house cat and avoid

especially the punishments. It is appropriate as a help, an extra support,

the use of pheromones like the line feliway in version from

put in the electric socket, to be put in the two territories that

they have been created ad hoc, then in the territory a and in the territory b,

and in the neutral one and it would be optimal also the spray version to spray on

a cloth and pass it on the cloaks of the cats so

improve the possibility of interaction. As for the cat if there is

it was an attack or it was bad tolerated the cat, in general

what is adopted, then it would be useful to overcome this trauma

drops of rescue remedy, but the version I recommend alcohol free, to cope

precisely at this moment of distress, the distress is negative stress. If there

we find before needs out of the litter for territorial marking

we have to clean without being seen with hot water and alcohol, never bleach and

ammonia because they are nitrogen-based like urine, so we're going to point out,

we introduce another litter from put it in a quiet place, we avoid

the crystals because in addition to being a lot expensive hold back urine and

they create huge problems for how much concerns the needs at home and we use

odorless agglomerating sand. can he happen that the cat of the house can

give birth and then there are the puppies, what should we do other cats

home? they can not tolerate puppies, but it can also be not very well answered

to the relationship also the cat that has given birth, because there can be one

maternal aggression for the natural defense of the litter,

also stress, effort breastfeeding,

and therefore it is preferable to keep isolated the mother with the litter e

even keep her a little alone without the puppies to make it resume and cure

more diet, I have had one very important clinical case where the

mom had had another litter, he lived with his daughter and mother daughter

they started to fight and mom he was particularly defensive in the

comparisons of the new litter and did not recognize

more the daughter, so I suggested isolating

again mother and daughter and wait for that kittens were adopted,

then gradually start over the introduction as if they were not

never known and the case has been solved. Care must also be taken when yes

bring home their cat after the grooming or going to the vet or a

postoperative, because when it comes reported the cat at home may not

to be more recognized for an odor particularly altered or even use

of the Elizabethan collar, then let's keep the cat the one who came back

at home, after a day or even two for recover your smell and put it back

in force and make it recover also from a possible anesthesia, because it can

stumble, can be exhausted, then let's try to respect his

privacy. The use of remedy rest alcohol free and gods

pheromones in this case can be also a valid support. Pay a lot

attention to cases when there is indeed the introduction of a new cat, cases of

inappetence, excessive grooming with even lack of hair or wounds,

alopecia, changes of habit, excessive isolation. I had another one between

the countless cases I dealt with, I had the case of

a cat of that owner who he often made stalls for

a voluntary association, what it happened? this cat was so

stressed, exhausted by this continuum come and go of cats stalled, too

litters, etc., who had started to totally tore his chest, it was

completely glabrous, with wounds, I gave i due advice to the owner

first of all to diminish these stall, to pay much more attention

against this cat, use of the rescue remedy was great too

the use of feromon has it much helped and practically to the cat

the hair has started to grow again in short, the balance has been rebalanced a lot

situation. When there are these cases it is important to consult an expert in

accredited behavior and above all with a university curriculum, which

visit home: the university curriculum is indispensable because

unfortunately our category has seen the teeming of private corsets, where

people pinche balls have these taken diplomas that have no credit,

they have no power, no value and that so you let people in totally

in disarray, who can not handle in a job properly and professionally

so delicate. It should not be taken lightly, there are professionals and professionals.

To avoid unwanted litters e problems attached to the heat too

suggests to make cats live together sterilized, because I have advised you to

to start the possible cohabitation between cats of opposite sex, so this

it's quite important. For the stress signals

you can also read my article "stressed cat symptoms and remedies"

published on the site, I give it my own practical on cohabitation with more cats, e

I posted a video via the portal just miciogatto on how I

I live with my cats I have 11 cats, at the time there were 12 because one

unfortunately that was already bad there is no more, as I live with 12 cats, a dog, two

little girls and a husband, obviously I have a particular home

great, because I had a chance to have a detached house on three floors.

Thank you for your good attention six-legged cohabitation.

thank you so much the doctor Constance De Palma and I remind you that the

you will also find the Facebook group of MicioGatto, where you can answer yours

questions about the welfare of the cat, the I will also turn the questions and comments that

you will write below on this video, and I recommend you as always sign up

to the miciogatto youtube channel, share these videos for health

the well-being of the cat, let's see if the Lady lets me turn

these videos because she always wants be the center of attention.

Now I cuddle a bit 'a kiss a all, hello MiciGatti and MiceGatte!

For more infomation >> CONVIVENCE BETWEEN CATS: how to get along? Seminar dott.ssa Costanza De Palma - Duration: 15:56.


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En 2013, Jane Park est âgée de seulement 17 ans

En jouant à l'EuroMillions, elle remporte alors le jackpot fou d'un million 150

000 euros. Si elle peut aujourd'hui quasiment tout s'offrir, Jane Park manque pourtant d'une chose essentielle : l'amour

Et pour y remédier, la jeune femme a eu une idée saugrenue

Moyennant finance, elle compte bien recruter un petit ami

Et l'heureux élu sera tout de même payé 69

000 euros par an ! Et pour cela, Jane Park a lancé un site internet pour les hommes décidés à lui envoyer leurs candidatures

 "Jane est incroyable et a beaucoup à donner, mais elle s'est retrouvée seule à nouveau car depuis qu'elle a gagné, elle n'a pas eu beaucoup de chance, a raconté un proche de la jeune femme au Mirror

Elle ne sait jamais si elle est aimée pour elle-même ou pour son solde bancaire

Elle préférerait donc que l'arrangement soit clair dès le départ

Jane a parfois tendance à se sentir en manque de sécurité et à s'inquiéter des motivations des gens

Elle est disposée à payer le juste prix pour une personne fidèle

" En quelques jours, Jane Park a reçu plus de 10

000 candidatures ! Désireuse de trouver l'homme de ses rêves, elle a d'ores et déjà prévenu que les entretiens d'embauches seront filmés par ses soins pour être par la suite diffusé dans un documentaire

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LivePhoto(라이브포토): Kim Na Young(김나영) _ I Can't Say That(그 한마디) - Duration: 4:22.

The reason I'm standing at the end of this road

I came here without saying anything

I won't be able to reach anywhere

I'm getting sad because I know that

I can feel your heart even as I close my eyes

The reason that I came here after turning away from it

I was alone as I turned my back without saying anything

I blamed myself more

Please don't leave me

What's so hard about saying that?

Please don't forget me

I couldn't say it again

I couldn't say the word like a fool

I couldn't deliver my sincerity so I become small again

I again

Even if I go back to the road

Nothing between us will change

I can see that even as I close my eyes

I can't do anything

I blamed myself more

Please don't leave me

What's so hard about saying that?

Please don't forget me

I couldn't say it again

I couldn't say the word like a fool

I couldn't deliver my sincerity so I become small again

I again

This way

I think I shouldn't let you go, really

I need you

Because I need you

Don't leave me

What's so hard about saying that?

Please don't forget me

I couldn't say it again

I couldn't even deliver the word

To your back so I become small

I again

This way

For more infomation >> LivePhoto(라이브포토): Kim Na Young(김나영) _ I Can't Say That(그 한마디) - Duration: 4:22.


My husband doesn't move an inch when he gets home[Hello Counselor/ENG,THA/2018.11.19] - Duration: 22:33.

"Burning Up Inside."


I'm a housewife in my 40s who's frustrated.

My husband doesn't move an inch

when he gets home.

Does he stay next to me?


He's stuck to the sofa and

he doesn't do anything at home.

"Honey, can you change the bathroom light bulb?"


"Honey, can you move the fridge?"


I burn up inside when I ask him to do something.

He never gets anything done.

Sometimes for months or years.

That's not all.

"I'm hungry. Honey, food. Food!"

"Oldest daughter. Make me coffee."

"Younger one. Get me the remote."

"Girls, massage my legs."

My husband treats me and

our 12 and 15-year-old daughters like servants.

Please make my lazy husband move.

Jihye, I'm curious about Junhyeong.

What does he do when he gets home?

It's the other way around for us.

I'm always lying down on the sofa.


I take the kids to school every morning.

I wake up at 6 in the morning

and cook breakfast for our kids.

I tie my younger daughter's hair in a ponytail.

I tie her hair like this.

(It's the other way around)

That means Junhyeong must understand

this housewife's concern more.

I do the dishes for all 3 meals, too.

(I'm sorry, honey)

What do you think, Jihyo?

How would you feel if your husband did this?

Your future husband.

I would hate it.

Becoming one with the sofa.

Since the members all live together,

some members must work hard

and some members must be one with the sofa.




That suits her. She's always one with the sofa?

- No, she always cleans. / - She does?

Then who is always lying down?

- They can't say it. / - Sure.

All right.

Please come on out.

(Who's concerned about her lazy husband?)

(Park Miae)

Does your husband always stay on the sofa?

Yes. He doesn't do anything.

(She must be speechless)

She is speechless just thinking about it.

She's getting angry.

We've been married for almost 20 years now.

Once he gets home,

he just sleeps and eats. Even on weekends.

One time, he went to the bathroom.

I waited for him to come back out

so that we could talk.

He didn't come out for over 30 minutes.

In the bathroom?

I heard a crash.

I opened the door.

He was asleep and the toilet paper fell.

He fell asleep while going to the bathroom?

Or did he go in to sleep?

He just sits there and sleeps.

(Who's worse than my husband?)

When are you most frustrated?

He always puts things off.

I don't ask him to do chores at home.

But there are things that only men can do.

Like moving furniture.

When we just got married, I asked him to do it.

He said, "Let's do it tomorrow."

That was it.

In the end, I did it by myself at night.

- I moved the bed and furniture. / - At night?

Even the refrigerator.

It broke down,

so we got a new one.

But they didn't take our old refrigerator.

So I said, "Honey, let's get this downstairs."

I asked him for help, but he said,

"I'm very tired. Let's do it tomorrow."

He kept putting it off for 2 weeks.

In the end, I hired some men to move it.

What task took the longest to get done?

Tightening the screws on our dining table.

He said that he needed a special tool.

- A hex wrench. / - A hex wrench.

I told him to go and get it.

He said, "Tomorrow."

So how long did you wait?

- It took a year. / - A year.



You must've tried to talk to him about it.

I did.

"Married couples must talk to each other.

We should at least talk 30 minutes a day."

I kept talking, but he went like this.

(Not paying attention)

- He didn't move? / - He just sat there like this.

You should've said, "If you keep this up,

I'll adopt many, many dogs."

I told my daughters,

"I think I'm going to have to raise a puppy."

You should adopt one!

Adopt one! Adopt one!

I'll give you my business card!

You should get her number.

She'll give you her business card.

(Imagine why I'm doing this)

Let's meet her husband now.


(Who's the lazy husband?)

Do you understand her concern?

Yes. Everything she said is right.

Do you really not do anything at home?

No, because it's too cumbersome.

Do you want to help out?

His resolve doesn't last.

I do, but it's not easy to do.

He doesn't. He's lying.

You didn't tighten the screws for a year.

Yes. I kept putting it off

since I didn't feel like doing it.

- For a year? / - Wow.

He's talking like this here.

That's how he talks at home.

Yes. I've signed promise notes many times, too.

I think he's the true master.

Even in martial arts, people who always laugh

tend to be the strongest.

He's unbeatable.

You ask everyone else to do errands for you.

Why do you do that?

It's annoying.

- Too annoying. / - Too annoying.

How did you come here? It must've been annoying.

I'm starting to hear things.

I came because they came to pick me up.

That's right. We send a driver over.

A driver went to pick them up.

If not, you wouldn't have come today?

I would've thought about it once more.

He wouldn't have come today.

Our daughters are older now.

We were quite close when they were young.

Now, it's hard to see them.

I want to see them more, so...

To see them?

I make them do errands.

- That's ridiculous. / - That's ridiculous?

They do something for him.

That should be the end of it.

But he asks for something else.

Right away.

That's why our girls are suffering.

It doesn't happen occasionally.

Excuse me, but his front teeth...

He was in an accident.

- He's getting treatment? / - That's why.

We thought since you don't move,

your wife maybe pulled them out in your sleep.

(Bursts out laughing)

"If you won't talk, you don't need your teeth!"

(It almost became a soap opera)

We might think that he's lazy,

but maybe he works too much.

I work at construction sites.

I tear down buildings.

That's tough.

I get up at 4 and go to work at 4:30 a.m.

Then I get home at around 8 or 9.

You're working 10 hours a day.

Then he can't help but sleep a lot.

That's very tiring.

I think it's because of his tough job.

No. I don't understand it at all.

I think it's because of obesity.

He didn't have a belly before we got married.

He did Taekwondo.

- He was an athlete. / - An athlete?

- He weighs over 220 lbs now. / - I see.

There's a picture of him before he gained weight.

So handsome.

The one in the middle. He is well-built.

- He's so handsome. / - He is well-built.

You've started to gain weight here.

You were a bit bigger when you got married.

It was when I was about to give birth.

My hair was shorter than now.

We both wore baseball caps.

They mistook you two? No way.

My husband was dozing off in the waiting room.

I had my head down, too.

The nurse came and said, "Ma'am"

and helped my husband up.

(The nurse mistook his big belly)


- Really. / - Unbelievable.

A woman is mistaken for a man

and he was mistaken for a pregnant woman.

So many similar things are happening today.

It sounds like

you need a lot of sleep.

Yes. My younger sister wrote about me

10 years ago to another TV program

and we did a shoot about me sleeping a lot.

I was tested to see if I have narcolepsy.

- Luckily, I don't. / - That's good.

It usually take people 20-45 minutes

to be sound asleep.

But for me it takes about 45 seconds.

I fall into a deep sleep in just 45 seconds.

In just 45 seconds?

Our girls would ask him to read a book

and he fell asleep after reading one page.

He was only able to read one page.

You were like this before you gained weight?

Yes, if I decide to sleep...

- You fall asleep in 45 seconds? / - Yes.

"I'll fall asleep" and you just do right away?

I was once sitting in the passenger's seat

and my staff was driving.

I fell asleep while we were talking.

Can you do that here?

Can you come up here and show us?

That'd be hard, but can you do it here?

Yes, if I really want to.

It only takes 45 seconds. I want to see it.

You can't do it here because of us, right?

- Can you do it if you want to? / - Yes.

Can you please show us?

I just can't believe it.

I understand how Yeongja feels.

I want to stop her, but I want to see it, too.

Tell us this and you can go to sleep.

Were you ever in danger because of this?

I smoked at home before our girls were born.

Before they were born.

I fell asleep with a cigarette in my mouth.


- Impressive. / - With a cigarette in your mouth?

That's so dangerous!

Our cotton blanket caught on fire,

so our house nearly burnt down.

He burnt his stomach from the ash.

Then he must've woken up.

"Oh, hot! Oh, hot!"

- No, he doesn't wake up. / - No?

He just screams once and goes back to sleep.

(His sleep beats the pain)

How surprising.

He fell asleep while reading for the younger girl?

It didn't happen with your older one?

He took her out in a stroller a few times.

One time, he sat down on a bench

and fell asleep.

Our daughter stood up on her stroller.

Then she fell over like this.

That happened about 3 times.

Luckily, she never got hurt.

That was fine, but...

(Is he really asleep?)

(A little while ago)

(His eyes were open)



(He's really doing this)

That was fine,

but when our younger daughter turned one

she got sick and was hospitalized.

It was noisy all of a sudden.

I went to see what happened.

He had her on his stomach and fell asleep.

She slipped and fell.

Oh no.

He doesn't fall asleep when he eats?

He eats very well.

Does he wake up when it's time to eat?

Yes. Even on his day off,

eating time must be set on his body.

He wakes up when it's time to eat

and then goes back to sleep.

I'm sure he can't fall asleep here.

I think he's asleep.

He is?

Is he really asleep?

You can wake up now.

(Not moving)

(Wake up, Dad)

He wasn't deep asleep.

(He sleeps anywhere like this)

Were you asleep? Or could you not do it?

I dozed off for a bit.

- You were asleep? / - Yes.

People doubted me.

But I think it's genetic. His father is the same.

He can fall asleep

even when it's very noisy around him.

But my husband is worse.

What was the longest you were asleep?

After work,

I was about to go home, but I fell asleep.

I slept for 2 days.

In your car?

Didn't you call or go wake him up?

No. If he parks close to our house

I always go down

and yell at him to wake up.

So now he parks very far away.

I went everywhere to look for him,

but I couldn't find him.

I thought he got in an accident.

I called him more than 500 times.

- Then he called. / - He woke up.

"I'm sorry.

I fell asleep on the road."

- For 2 days? / - Yes.

He didn't go to the restroom?

He woke up because he was hungry.


Did you really wake up because you were hungry?


You must really be concerned.

Their daughters are here, too.

Do you understand your mom's concern?

Yes, I do.

Dad doesn't do anything when he's home.

When Mom is about to ask him for something,

he leaves saying he left something in his car.

Does he make you do things?

Yes. He's always lying down.

"Hansol, get me some water."

"Hansol, get me my medicine."

He keeps calling my name

so I wish I didn't have a name.

(It's that bad?)

Why doesn't he make your sister do things?

My sister acts cute to him

so he makes me do things more.


(Realistic sisters)

I hate massaging Dad's legs.

His legs are so strong and hard

so my hands hurt when I massage them.

That's understandable.

Then why don't you say no?

I still do it because

he has a tough job.

He works hard to earn money so

I do it to help him out.

She says such beautiful things.

Hansol, you should learn how to do that.

Little white lies.

As a daughter, you could whine, couldn't you?

But if I do, I'm afraid there may be problems.

What problems?

What happens?

If I get mad at Dad,

Mom and Dad end up fighting.

I stopped them so they won't get divorced.

And when they fight, Dad cusses.


- In front of you guys? / - Yes.

So my sister covered my ears so I can't hear it.

It's bad enough to fight in front of them,

but you cuss, too?

She wakes me up

right when I'm about to fall asleep so I get mad.

That's why we fought a few times.

- That's not true. / - She says it isn't true.

I don't ever get mad at the girls.

He says he doesn't get mad at them.

He said that he cusses at the wall.

If we are in the master bedroom

he comes and says, "Am I your enemy?

Why are you leaving me out?" and cusses.

(Please don't fight)

If he continues to do this,

what will you do?

I thought about getting a divorce.

One time, I got so mad and ran out.

After a few hours, my girls called me.

Your daughters?

"Mom, where are you?

I'm hungry. I miss you."

It broke my heart and I went back home.

(She thought about divorcing him)

(But she didn't because of her daughters)

The hardest was when I was sick.

My stomach hurt so bad at night.

I woke him up but he wouldn't wake up.

So I hailed a cab and went to a hospital.

- By yourself? / - Yes.

The ER in the middle of the night.

I must've called him about 50 times.

You need a guardian to get tested.

He finally came and said,

"Where does it hurt?"

He should've asked, "Are you all right?"

I understand that it was late at night

and I know that you must've been tired.

But your kids and your wife want you to be

the man of the house when they need you.

Why don't you talk to her

when your wife tries to talk to you?

Are you mad at her about something?

After we're done eating dinner

they all go into their own rooms

like they planned it or something.

They don't care about me.

I felt left out several times.

I think he's not interested in us.

I once asked him,

"Do you know what grade I'm in?"

He said that he doesn't know.

I asked him, "Do you know how old I am?"

He said, "7th grade? 8th grade?"

Ask him now.

Do you know how old I am?



- I'm 15 years old. / - He got it wrong.

But he said that she's 16.

(Disappointed once again)

Your wife will give up if you keep this up.

What do you think about that?

After listening to my wife and daughters,

I had many thoughts.

As long as you change...

I feel bad for my wife.

I should try to change.

After I come home from work

I'll try to do the dishes

and do laundry.

I will try to find things I need to do.

While he was talking,

his daughters were staring at him in disbelief.

Is that what you want from him?

What do you really want from him?

I want him to be a true father to the kids.

I want to be able to rely on him.

Someone I can trust.

I have a favor to ask you.

You need to change your tone. It makes me sleepy.

Your tone can put him to sleep.

I keep dozing off when you talk.

If you want him to change, you must change, too.

"Honey, just eat one bowl of rice.

After you're done, go take a walk."

All you have to do now is get married.

(She knows the theories 100%!)

It's too late. Introduce me to a dad.


As the head of the household,

please say a word to your family.

You married me because you trusted me,

but I've changed for the worse.

I'm sorry I was never there for you.

I'll try to become a husband

you can rely on

and become a proud father to our girls.

I'll do my best.

I love you, Miae.


(She's holding back her smile)

- Sir. / - An awkward smile.

(Let's be happy)


I love you.

(Mom said that?)

He's too shy to look at her.

Are you happy?

I am very happy.

If you think it's a concern, press the button.

I think it's a concern.

I think it's a concern, too.

I think it's a concern, too.

I think they should understand him, too.

Who isn't tired if you go to work at 4 a.m.

and come home at 8 p.m.?

If you scorn him for that

I think you're being disrespectful.

Thank you.

I think it's a concern, too.

I do understand what you're saying,

but you must be responsible for your family.

He knows what women want.

I nearly fell for you, too.

She nearly fell for you. Be careful.

If you think this is a concern for her,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please show us the result.

(Announcing the result)

"Burning Up Inside."

They will win if they get 173 votes.

How many votes did they get?

They got 153 votes.

(They got 153 votes)

For more infomation >> My husband doesn't move an inch when he gets home[Hello Counselor/ENG,THA/2018.11.19] - Duration: 22:33.


VW、新小型SUV「T-Cross」投入か T-Rocの弟分、ポロと技術共有 - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> VW、新小型SUV「T-Cross」投入か T-Rocの弟分、ポロと技術共有 - Duration: 8:18.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Cosmo schuifdak wegklapbare trekhaak led koplampen - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Cosmo schuifdak wegklapbare trekhaak led koplampen - Duration: 0:55.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI STYLE 115pk BLACK FRIDAY!! 21% KORTING!! WIJ BETALEN DE BTW!! (alleen op do - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI STYLE 115pk BLACK FRIDAY!! 21% KORTING!! WIJ BETALEN DE BTW!! (alleen op do - Duration: 1:14.


NEW BACHELOR PROMO - Most Shocking Season EVER - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> NEW BACHELOR PROMO - Most Shocking Season EVER - Duration: 1:41.


[SORI] SORI in Spain EP 6 - La Rambla - - Duration: 4:51.

Sori's YouTube Channel

This place really feels like a bigger version of Myeongdong. (A big shopping district in Seoul)

If those people dancing in the street earlier would let me participate, I was totally down to join them.

So, guys, I'm currently at

A place called La Rambla.

So far I have visited world-famous Park Güell,

and checked out Sagrada Familia,

Not to mention having some delicious food in between.

So far I have hit all the tourists hotspots, since me being one.

And now,

I would like to explore a huge downtown district like Myeongdong

So, I have come down to the heart of the city.

Since there were not many eateries available around Park Güell, I had some juice in a hurry,

then I hopped on a cab,

and moved on

to another popular place filled with people sightseeing: La Rambla!

This place is PACKED with people,

Contrary to all the other places, which were relatively quiet and peaceful

to a point that I assumed everyone was just chilling at home, but here, as you can see...

This reminds me of Myeongdong, maybe a bit bigger in size.

It feels like the entire population of Barcelona has gathered here.

(While walking around the district, I came across some street performers performing!) What are these guys up to?

Are they all working out or something?

(Seems like they want the crowd to come closer)

(This music sounds awfully familar, maybe from movies?)

(Leaving the entertaining performance behind I moved on to get some grub!)

As I walked around this...

avenue filled with different things,

I came across a gelato shop.

I just couldn't simply pass it, so I ended up getting some Spanish gelato~

It is so hot out here right now.

This yellow one's passion fruit.

You've gotta get something fruity and sour on a hot day.

Out of all the flavors available at B*skin R*bbins, my go-to is mango sherbet.

This is supposed to be milk & chocolate.

We've got some pistachios here too.

That's really nutty!

My CEO wants me to share this trivia with you all:

Apparently in Iran, pistachios are...

(blanking out…)

If those people dancing in the street earlier would let me participate,

(Finish eating first, Sori T_T)

I was totally down to join them.

What a bummer.

I think I did a good job selecting gelato flavors.

One of'em is classic, chocolate and milk,

another is very citrusy passion fruit,

and pistachio, the other.

The best!

This is pretty much Myeongdong.

Lots of street vendors selling various items,

reminded me of the part of Seoul that I'm familiar with.

Since my hunger is growing,

Let's go get something yummy!

(On the next episode: Sori's Barcelona trip finale, and a possible prize sweepstake will be announced. Get hyped!)

For more infomation >> [SORI] SORI in Spain EP 6 - La Rambla - - Duration: 4:51.



Thousands of flights take off every day

The majority are on time and uneventful. Then there's your flight--delayed, or worse,

canceled. You picture your hard earned vacation falling apart right in front of you. A missed flight may mean a missed cruise,

a hotel room not occupied but paid for.

Don't let a travel interruption turn into a vacation nightmare. So what is a traveler to do?

Before we dive into this unpleasant subject, please like, subscribe, comment, and share, and don't forget to ring the notification bell.

Number one: Know your air travel rights.

If your flight is canceled

your carrier is only obligated to provide you with a seat on the next available flight on that airline,

or issue a refund.

Airlines are not obligated to compensate passengers for delays and cancellations.

Carriers will often rebook passengers for no additional fee, even for non-refundable fares, or offer a full refund.

Check your carrier's customer agreement, also known as a contract of carriage. Number two: The reason for the delay matters.

When it comes to delays bad weather is not your friend; a mechanical issue is.

Airlines may offer to pay for hotel and meals during an overnight delay when the reason is the airline's fault.

But when it is weather-related, be prepared to fend for yourself.

Number three: Check if your credit card offers trip delay protection. Many credit cards offer built-in travel benefits.

Immediately file a claim with the airline after your flight is delayed or canceled.

You must have used the credit card to book your seat.

Make sure to keep your boarding pass and travel documents on hand as proof of your claim. Number four: Stay proactive.

Once you know there's a problem, call the airline's customer service number to get rebooked on the next flight, or use the airline's affiliate app.

Gate agents can also assist you, but they tend to be the first people go to so they tend to get swamped.

Number five: Use social media to your advantage.

Keep it classy and to the point.

Because it is public, it is an effective platform to get the airline's attention. If you are in a bind or need assistance,

reaching out on Twitter can be a good way to rebook flights.

Number six: Download the right tools.

You never know when a delay will happen.

To be prepared, download a flight tracking app, like FlightAware, and rely on the valuable tools like AirHelp, which gives

passengers the power to check if they're eligible to receive compensation

for a delay or cancellation. If you think you're eligible for compensation,

type in the information about your trip along with your flight number on AirHelp's app or website. If eligible, the company will

file a claim on your behalf.

Number seven: Remember different rules apply for delays overseas.

Passengers have different rights depending on where they are flying.

If you're delayed within Europe, you may have more rights than if you're delayed within the United States.

Number eight:

Negotiate with your carrier. If your flight is cancelled, and you think you are entitled to compensation,

do not sign anything or accept any offer

until you have vetted all of your options. By accepting the first thing that they offer

you're waiving your right to further compensation down the line.

Number nine: Consider buying travel insurance. Travel insurance can be a wise move if you're continuing onward.

For instance, in a case where your flight causes you to miss your cruise, you can file a claim for reimbursement.

Read the fine print. In some instances your policy could prevent you from being eligible to claim compensation at a later date.

Understand what you are buying.

Number ten: Hold on to your documents. Many airlines will reject a legitimate claim for disputed flights

if you do not have your travel documents like your boarding pass. Hold on to these documents.

You may be able to recover expenses caused by flight delays, including missed reservations for your hotel or

even your car rental.

Thank you for watching. If you have found this video helpful, please like, subscribe,

comment, and share, and please ring the notification bell so you will know when new videos are posted. Happy and safe travels!

For more infomation >> WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR FLIGHT IS DELAYED OR CANCELLED - Duration: 4:47.


Monster school:Thug Life Challenge-Minecraft Animation - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Monster school:Thug Life Challenge-Minecraft Animation - Duration: 6:47.


5 Lesser-Known French Films You Need To See Before You Die | Must Watch French Movies - Duration: 11:44.

I guess that means that you have seen I don't even want to imagine how many

movies. Do you keep a count of how many movies you've seen? - No

I think I watch one per day! - OMG

- Salut Youtube! - Bonjour. - Yeah I've got a French with me

I'm here with Manon she's actually an entrepreneur I can call you working

full-time now and bringing French culture and French cinema to English

speakers and expats like myself. - So my name is Manon, I'm French, I grew up in

Paris and so I am the co-founder of an organization called Lost in Frenchlation

so it's something we created with my partner Matt he's Australian

and he doesn't speak French we created this three years ago when we realized

that there were no movie theaters in Paris showing French movies with English

subtitles, which meant that all the non French

speakers were excluded from accessing French films - Including me! - And we thought

it was a real shame because we're in the country where cinema was born we're in

the city where the first ever screening happened we're in the country of the

Cannes Festival and the country in Europe where people go the most to the

cinema yeah so we just thought it should be part of the experience when you're an

expat or a student on exchange or a visitor you should be able to go to a

movie theater and at least once in your life see a French film without the

language barrier. So that's what we do we host screenings of French movies

with English subtitles at independent cinemas in Paris we have drinks before

the film so that everyone can get the chance to meet and we love to organise

events around the movie anything that maybe inspires us it can be dance music

we have comedy nights like the one you've been to. - Yeah so where can people find you?

The best way is on Facebook - Lost in Frenchlation

We also have a website Lost in Frenchlation where we put the programme and

you can subscribe to the newsletter about our upcoming events.

I'll put all the links down below and I guess that means that you have

seen I don't even want to imagine how many movies, do you keep a count of how

many movies you've seen? - No and I think I watch one per day. Wow!

I've always been really passionate about this

So well into the thousands basically? - Yeah I think. So I couldn't think of

anyone better to bring in for this video today which is about the French movies

you absolutely need to see before you die.

We've actually got a gift for you as so for all of the Paris-based people

watching this right now we have loads of tickets to give away to Lost in Frenchlation

events in Paris so we have ten of those tickets to give away right so

we've got ten tickets to give away plus Manon is lovely enough to offer us this

100 movies you must see before you die poster there are little cut-outs and you

peel them back and it will reveal the film you need to

see before you die so wow that's beautiful. - I think there's two French

films in it, Amélie and Les Intouchables. There's also the Eternal

Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I don't know if you know that one,

it's American but a French director. - Oh I didn't know that

Okay again, Paris-based people if you want to know how to win the poster and

you want to know how to get the free tickets to the Lost in Frenchlation

events watch till the end of the video and we'll explain everything. So what's

the first film that you have for us today? Okay so the first one is very

special and I picked it because I think that it represents French humour quite well

So it's called Le Grand Détournement it's also known as La Classe américaine

and so the story of the project is that in 1993 the Warner

Company was celebrating its 70th birthday and so they gave access to all of

their catalogues of film which represented 30,000 films and so the

director of the movie The Artist, Michel Hazanavicius, he decided to combine excerpts

of American films by dubbing the American actors in French and by

saying something completely different to what they are actually saying and the result is a kind

of hilarious parody but I think they're also trying to celebrate

American cinema by doing this and kind of acknowledging the heritage this

catalogue represented yeah and I just think dubbing is really funny you know I

used to watch American films dubbed in French but I didn't understand yet and I

was like yeah Americans speak funny. What's the second one that you have for

us? The next movie that you have to see before you die? Okay so second one is

La Môme the English title is La Vie en Rose, it's about the life of Edith

Piaf and so it's with Marion Cotillard and she's just amazing in this part she won

the Oscar and the César which is the equivalent of the Oscars

in France. Also I think it's interesting in the movie to

see the evolution of Paris from the 20s to the 60s and there's one

scene in particular in the movie so I'm not gonna spoil if you don't know about

the life of Edith Piaf but she learns about a very tragic news and

she's in her room and she's crying and then with a special effect she ends up

on the stage crying and singing and the violins are playing L'hymne à l'amour

and so it just gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.

For you what are the big differences

between French cinema and American? Because I suppose France and the u.s. the

two biggest producers in the cinema worldwide but they're very different

styles. - Yeah I think the originality of French films comes from the fact that

there's more freedom given to the directors I think in France whereas in

the u.s. producers have more power over the films so I think in Paris in

France we have more of a independent counterstream cinema and I think

we give less importance to the style than to the content so it's a bit less

action, things are less shown, a spectator has to do a little bit more

work to understand what's going on on the screen

so the psychology is a little bit more complicated it's not like black and

white but it's many shades of grey you know. -And I found that French cinema

as well I'm always frustrated at the end, the film just stops and you're like okay

what happens to those people?! Like you get really invested in them and then

you're like, oh! - I think French cinema is closer to reality well I feel like I can

identify more to the characters but maybe that's because I'm French I don't

know. -No but they do they take completely real-life situations and they explore

them it can be a couple struggling it can be you know just something random.

Sometimes I'm like how did they keep me entertained and how did they keep my

attention for two hours just now because we were literally just watching a couple

fight but it's quite impressive. And so what's number three then on the list?

So number three it's a movie you can watch if

you really want to feel happy it's Les Demoiselles de Rochefort and it's probably

the most cheerful film of all of French cinema history okay because I think we

have a reputation of having quite depressing films - Gloomy, yeah

- One day one of our customers sent us an email and she said "can you

please program a film that doesn't make me want to hang myself?" and I

thought maybe we have a problem here we should program more comedy but this

one is just like a Hollywood musical but set in France in the 60s

there's Catherine Deneuve you know this actress she's so beautiful in this

movie and the music is great. Jacques Demy is very famous for musicals and we also

have one Director called Christophe Honoré

he made for example Les Chansons d'Amour and it's like a musical but

it's just that they sing what they have to say but it's different to an American

musical - It's not like La La Land - No definitely not. But La La Land was inspired

by Jaques Demy. Yeah Damien Chazelle said that some of his

inspiration was from Jacques Demy. - So on that note, what's number four then?

Number 4 is L'Auberge Espagnole. - Okay yes I've seen this. - I think it's

just a movie that marked a whole generation including mine.

It's about Xavier he goes on student exchange in Europe, we call it

Erasmus, he goes to Barcelona and he's in colloc, flat sharing

and anyway in the film the experiences really change all of his

life goals and his career and I think the message of the film is that

travelling broadens your minds yeah I think you would agree with that and I just

think if you have the chance anyone should try and go and study abroad or

work abroad at least once in your life to be on the expat sides yeah - Yeah to be

the outsider! - Okay so the lucky last on the list, number five? - The last one is not a French

film but it's in French okay although I say French people might need subtitles

for it because it's french-canadian and the accent is really strong but

I wanted to have it on the list because it's the movie that made us want

to start Lost in Frenchlation, it's called Mommy - Oh I've seen this

it was wonderful - Yeah you know everyone was talking about the movie

and me and Matt were like we need to see this movie but it was just showing with

French subtitles and we went for like 10 pages of Google results

and couldn't find it so we were so sad we had to wait until the DVD was

released to watch it together. It's a slap in your face like we would say in

French when you get out of the movie you laugh you cry it's about this mother and

son relationship and the son has ADHD, hyper activity and I think it's

a real masterpiece and the soundtrack you know, Céline Dion, yeah it's

so great to see them singing that yeah and I would highly recommend to check

out all of Xavier Dolan's films, he's one of her greatest directors in my

opinion like Laurence Anyways, J'ai tué ma mère, Juste la fin du monde,

Les amours imaginaires, they're equally great - So he's a genius. Well I hope you guys have liked this little insight into French

cinema and recommendations from someone who obviously knows French cinema. Let's tell

you how you can also win the tickets and the poster as well. So we were thinking

that if you head to the Lost in Frenchlation Facebook page, the first 10

people to message Manon saying that they came from this video will win the

tickets and the person who messages first will have

the poster as well and you can pick it up at your next Lost In Frenchlation

event. Let us know what your favorite French films are down below, I'll check

those out and otherwise we'll see you guys in the

next video - à bientôt!

For more infomation >> 5 Lesser-Known French Films You Need To See Before You Die | Must Watch French Movies - Duration: 11:44.


Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 4:31.


South Korea-U.S. working group on N. Korea launched in Washington on Tuesday in effort .. - Duration: 2:22.

Seoul and Washington's new working group on North Korea officially launched on Tuesday.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the working group has been set up to make sure

that the two allies share everything necessary for denuclearizing North Korea and ensuring

peace on the Korean Peninsula.

In this part of the show, we'll be discussing further the outcomes and future of this working

group after this report from our foreign ministry correspondent Lee Ji-won.

The newly established South Korea-U.S. working group on North Korean affairs held its first

meeting in Washington on Tuesday.

Seoul's Foreign Affairs Ministry and the U.S. State Department both released a statement

saying that the working group reaffirmed the importance of their alliance in achieving

regional peace and security and further strengthened their coordination on efforts to fully denuclearize

North Korea.

The statements say the group, led by South Korea's Special Representative for Korean

Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Lee Do-hoon and Washington's Special Representative for

North Korea Stephen Biegun, also discussed achieving lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula,

as well as the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions and inter-Korean cooperation.

In a press briefing on Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the working group

will formalize the processes of denuclearization and inter-Korean efforts.

Though Pompeo said that there is complete agreement between Seoul and Washington on

how such efforts will proceed, he mentioned that the group will make sure neither side

takes actions that the other is unaware of or hasn't had a chance to comment on.

In fact, he specifically mentioned South Korea, saying that the group is to ensure (quote)

"the South Koreans don't take an action that the other is unaware of."

There is a view that the inter-Korean projects including the rail and road links are much

more developed than the denuclearization talks, leading to concerns by Washington over the

joint efforts to continue sanctions on the regime.

Pompeo reiterated that the U.S. wants to ensure denuclearization and the peace process don't

lag behind the increased inter-Korean exchanges.

The Secretary said the two should progress in tandem, and that the working group is designed

to keep it that way.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea-U.S. working group on N. Korea launched in Washington on Tuesday in effort .. - Duration: 2:22.


Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/20/2018) Justin's friend has been badmouthing him to his girlfriend.... - Duration: 6:26.


Are You Making This Email Marketing Mistake? - Duration: 1:26.

Online marketing mistakes in email marketing

Let me tell you, that I have probably worked with 

every email marketing provider out there

MailChimp, Aweber, HubSpot, Active Campaign

Simplero, you name it

there is plenty of email marketing tools

Let me tell you that one thing  can go wrong with all of them

whatever they promise you

even if you buy a dedicated IP from HubSpot

which was $500/month

for one IP address from HubSpot

If you email and that IP address gets blacklisted

if you have some kind of reputation problem

with that list because

you don't use your own opt-in emails

because you do not value the unsubscribe request

then you get into trouble

you get on the list

and this could burn your whole list

you could churn and burn through your whole list

and lose all of them

it's the IP address and your list reputation

if you do not have a provider who helps you with that

get someone to do that for you get an email marketing expert


Listen, if you build up that list and you churn and burn

because of technical glitch

because of a technical misconfiguration

then this is all your fault

your problem

and you will lose it all again

For more infomation >> Are You Making This Email Marketing Mistake? - Duration: 1:26.


Rae Sremmurd - Swang (mas1h & Mylky Remix) - Duration: 2:44.

Know some young ****** like to swang

Know some young ****** like to swang

Big bank take a little bank

Everyday spillin' up drank

She want the whole crew, shawty brave

When the money talks, what is there to say?

Blow away, watch it blow away

When I die can't take it to the grave

Hop out, drop, top, **** y'all talkin' I need it right now

Cash in the air, yeah, what goes up gotta come down

Hop out, drop, top, **** y'all talkin' I need it right now

Cash in the air, yeah, what goes up gotta come down


I know some young ****** from the bottom

They'll do anything for a dollar

I coulda went to school to be a doctor

But I dropped out and chose to be a baller

Switchin' lanes, spittin' game in my new drop

Still on a paper chase that don't ever stop

Everybody with me family, that's how we rock

Party at the mansion, we bout to flood the spot

Hop out, drop, top, **** y'all talkin' I need it right now

🔥 Share 🔥

For more infomation >> Rae Sremmurd - Swang (mas1h & Mylky Remix) - Duration: 2:44.


SUPERHERO BABY FIREMAN SAVES NEW SPACESHIP 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 12:10.

Hi guys. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:


If you feel this video is some kind of cool stop motion animation.

Please hit "Subscribe" and "Like"

buttons below to see better episodes on WOA Luka Channel.

And don't forget ro hit the ♪BELL♪

For more infomation >> SUPERHERO BABY FIREMAN SAVES NEW SPACESHIP 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 12:10.


Roman Bürki vs. Marwin Hitz | Who knows more? - The New BVB Duel - Duration: 3:08.

Roman Bürki

Marwin Hitz

Who knows more?

World Goalkeeper of the Year (since 1987)

Petr Cech, was he one? Yes.

I was going to say him! But then I thought no, he can't have won it…

I said Neuer, didn't I? He said Neuer.

Oh wait… no, I started with Olli Kahn.

Well, no one knows who he is anyway.

Swiss players in the 2017/2018 Bundesliga

I couldn't think of any others! This is so embarrassing.

Oh man!

Football World Cup winners (since 1930)






Didn't they win the World Cup?

They won the European Championship, didn't they?

I couldn't think of any others either!


Oh yeah, Spain…

Thanks again!

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