Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 21 2018

President Directed you to South Korea anti-corruption policy! What? (Translated by google.com)

President Moon Jae-In said that he had to settle anti-corruption policy councils and settle living expenses.

Illegal school attendance, private kindergarten injustice, domineering of public agencies, illegal medical hospital, redevelopment / reconstruction fraud, illegal employment of public agencies, etc.

I explained specifically to each one and ordered it.

Cheong Wa Dae said, "I knew the details of various absurdities occurring in the living scene and the case examples of cases and their structural causes more than any minister."

In response to extremely detailed points, it was said that "Most familiar things as far as detail is known" were mostly opinions.

It is announced that the meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere.

However, some officials in Cheong Wa Dae said, "There have been a lot of scoldings against the cabinet that can not formulate measures in recent years."

Because the President's point of view was too long, the meeting that was scheduled for 40 minutes has exceeded 2 hours.

A media reported that the president reprimands every reporter that the president seems to be unfamiliar with the scene.

Article Source: http://bit.ly/2BmCHdA http://bit.ly/2BmD3kq http://bit.ly/2Bos7mt

Korean reaction

Who is running down cold sweats. People can not hear anything in the ears One person gets pleasured on vacation praised.

Is the president the auditor director? The president must keep it firm. All the people are going to die. Real estate only knows the ceiling.

As you can see, President Taiga is the best!

It seems that the secretaries are getting excited because the inadequate guy scolds.

You are a cashier who has settled all the opposition forces including the former administration with excuse as a crowd. History will referee.

It's all related to civil servants. Strengthen the civil servant weighted punishment law further.

Liquidating from Diet Secretary who appointed the Diet neglecting the people. Do not use it just for removing your political enemy.

President's remarks on reconstruction, redevelopment fraud are 100% correct. We must also eliminate the reorganization and redevelopment union system.

We have to liquidate it. It rotted in some places.

Please do not know the useless things so please recognize the current economic situation.

Because there are many experienced people in the vicinity, it probably reported in detail.

Because the support rate crash, pretend to care about domestic problems.

The president is omniscient as it is not North Korea but the committee chairman. Is this the word that the person engaged in the national organization speaks?

It is surrounded by a flattering person so it is likely that the people's life and economy will be disarmed north by mess.

Please point out the minister as to reduce the number of secretaries in Cheong Wa Dae. Can the executive branch correctly make Cheong Wa Dae interfere with each other?

Since the secretaries are appointed because they have no expertise, they are only able to feel reality. Just as you appoint your skill with more power.

Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2Bmqwh0 http://bit.ly/2BnNunT http://bit.ly/2Bp00DF

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

It is strange that each secretary does not know about his share and somehow the information gathers only in the president.

Whether the secretaries are incompetent or whether the president is competent, is the information flow strange?

I seemed to be exactly like the northern report that it was as if general Kim Rong-soo had guided each minister.

The reaction of the secretaries seems to be almost as reported by North Korea.

It is truly surprising that the contents that the instructions were given in detail about each item were truly written in the report.

Are the secretaries too incompetent or do not see anything that is supposed to be a problem at all? Either way it's a big problem.

It is said that the meeting was advanced in a friendly atmosphere, but also that the President handled secretaries who can not do anything else if they look differently.

If it is such a composition, is it not because the president is not responsible for economic and employment policies to go wrong, is it because the secretaries can not use it?

When I saw this report I felt that the color of the director was very strong.

Corruption settlement has continued to gain a large support from the people doing the Xi Jinping in China.

Would not it be possible to appreciate the success of the President to the public, so that the support rate will recover a little?

Whatever it is, if Korean society gets better anyhow, it would be good for Korean citizens, will it work as it is drawn here?

Thank you for your viewing.

If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.

Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.

Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.

For more infomation >> President Directed you to South Korea anti-corruption policy! What? - Duration: 5:38.


Phần 3: Ước mơ của gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai - Duration: 38:21.

For more infomation >> Phần 3: Ước mơ của gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai - Duration: 38:21.


知名基金經理人警告「 中國將全面破產!」 有字幕 - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> 知名基金經理人警告「 中國將全面破產!」 有字幕 - Duration: 6:24.


Cristiano Ronaldo's Cars - $77000 000 - || -2018 - Duration: 3:23.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Cars - 77000 000 $ - || -2018

Cristiano Ronaldo's Cars - 77000 000 $ - || -2018

Cristiano Ronaldo's Cars - 77000 000 $ - || -2018

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo's Cars - $77000 000 - || -2018 - Duration: 3:23.


Anticipazioni U&D: Gemma si scontra di nuovo con Rocco: "Gemma vuoi che mi spogli?" - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D: Gemma si scontra di nuovo con Rocco: "Gemma vuoi che mi spogli?" - Duration: 6:05.


How I Avoided Compulsory Military Service - Storytime - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> How I Avoided Compulsory Military Service - Storytime - Duration: 12:17.


First Graders Rush To Defend Mom's Trans Daughter: "These Kids Are Incredible. We're Gonna Be Okay." - Duration: 7:35.

I am Marcella Andrews and I am from Madison, Wisconsin.

I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and went to high school there.

I have a distinct memory in high school of being in the hallway near my locker.

Someone walked by and said, you know, "Hey, you're a lesbian."

And it was, you know, it was with this very angry tone.

I was confused.

I don't really know what that all meant, actually.

And then they said, "Oh, you use a double header," which I did not know what that

was at the time.

Then I got even more confused and they're like, "You don't even know what you are

but that's what you are.

You're a lesbian."

It was a very scary moment for me because I knew that it wouldn't - it wasn't going

to be easy if that's what I was.

But I knew at that time I was I was different.

Fast-forward 25 years and I'm happily married to my wife and live in Seattle, Washington.

We have two beautiful children and life is going quite well.

One day, my youngest son says to me - I had bought outfits for them, dress-up clothes

because there's going to be an event, piano recital.

And I'm showing, you know, him the outfits and he says, "You you never listen to me!"

And it startled me because that wasn't typically how, you know, he has spoken to me.

And so I sat down at the kitchen table and said, "I am listening.

What am I not hearing?"

And he said, "I want to wear a dress."

And so I said, "Okay."

You know, dress-up, dress-up clothes, totally fine.

We're open in our house.

Let's go.

So we went to Target and I just was trying to be very open and say you can go anywhere,

you can do anything, you know, anywhere for your shopping.

And he went directly over to the girls clothes, picked out an extremely frilly, girly, dress

- cardigan, tights, shoes and hair bow to match.

We're in the dressing room and I just remember being there thinking, okay, you know, don't

mess this up.

Like, be calm, be neutral, don't say too many, you know, feminine words or whatever.

So just, whatever, just try to be calm.

He just turned around and his head was down and was waiting for my reaction.

And so I said, "You look nice."

Because it wasn't "beautiful" or feminine or anything.

And then - I'll never forget, he just turned around and held out the dress, looked in the

mirror, and head was held high and spun around back at me and said, "I feel like me!"

And I just remember getting chills everywhere and I text my wife and said "This is really


You know, time went on.

Decided, you know, at several weeks to, you know, she/her pronouns, changed her name.

So one Friday I was walking the school bus - so in Seattle, we walk the kids to school,

and so a walking school bus is just a group of kids that all are from one neighborhood

and that's how they get to school.

And so one parent is in charge of that particular day to kind of drive the bus.

And so that was - Friday's my day to drive the bus.

And Rosemarie wasn't in school yet.

She was still in pre-school but she helps me drive the bus on Fridays.

And so she was in transition during this time and there was one child on the bus that was

having a particularly hard time with her transition.

He's a first grader and he would come over and her hair was growing longer and he would

grab fist-fulls of her hair and say, "Where's your boy hair?"

And so - or one day, she was wearing a skirt and he lifted up her skirt - "Where's

your boy parts?"

And I would just try to redirect them and so she was always holding my hand on the walking

school bus, staying really close because, I think, she was a little afraid.

You know, I just walking, you know, the kids through that, you know, some people might

be able to have a little difference of opinions about it.

But then this particular day, I must of been in a raw place or something, but we were walking

and this child came running up.

I was holding her hand and I could see him coming.

He came running up and said, "You're a transgender.

I know what you are.

You're a transgender."

And right just like that, I was back in high school standing at my locker.

And I froze.

I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know what to do.

We weren't using that term in our house.

This is just gender exploration.

You can be whatever you wanted to be.

And Rosemarie looked up at me with her little 5 year old eyes and said, "What's a transgender?"

And she knew that by the tone that it wasn't a good thing, at least to this child.

And he had picked on her enough to know that.

And so he just kept repeating and repeating it and I started to cry.

And I didn't know what to do.

My older son came over and said - he saw this going on, he knew this child was picking on

his sister, and said, "Well, in our house, we believe that you can be born a boy and

be a girl and you can love anyone you want to love, and we will love you no matter what

in our house."

The same child kept repeating, "But it's a transgender.

It's a transgender."

And the other kids are like, "So what?

Who cares?"

And I was like, wow, this is incredible.

I can't believe this is happening.

So I was just, pull yourself together, okay?

"Everyone, like, keep walking the school bus.

We gotta cross the street."

And I just kept crying and walking and thinking, this is incredible.

These kids are incredible and we've evolved and it's okay.

We're gonna be okay.

She never asked again what transgender was.

Atticus, our older son, knows what the term means and we just said you can be whatever

you want to be and if you want to be a boy tomorrow, you can do that.

It doesn't matter.

We did write a letter to the parents of the walking school bus explaining that something

happened on the school bus and that we're not using that term and that please, you know,

that what we're using is gender exploration and, you know, isn't it a great world that

you can be whatever you want to be?"

And so, and that was received really well.

So, you know, that was kind of how we handled it.

Before the walking school bus incident/story, you know, I really kind of felt like I was

just - we were a family with two moms and that's just who we were.

We were, you know, walking the world with just being that.

But now I really feel like we're a queer, proud family and that's okay.

We really need to own that and go out into the world and and help people understand that

we're different.

Back in high school, I was different and felt shame by that.

And now I'm starting to really own my differences and own my children's differences and not

only accept it but be proud of that.

For more infomation >> First Graders Rush To Defend Mom's Trans Daughter: "These Kids Are Incredible. We're Gonna Be Okay." - Duration: 7:35.


心理测试:你会和你这一辈子的正另一半在哪里相遇? - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:你会和你这一辈子的正另一半在哪里相遇? - Duration: 3:57.


感情抉择:这段让你又爱又恨的感情,到底该放下还是继续? - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> 感情抉择:这段让你又爱又恨的感情,到底该放下还是继续? - Duration: 6:16.


The First Trumpsgiving Performed by Fifth Grade Kids - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> The First Trumpsgiving Performed by Fifth Grade Kids - Duration: 5:01.


Arsenal show their class with gesture to Aaron Ramsey despite contract dispute - Duration: 3:17.

 He may be on his way out of Arsenal - but Aaron Ramsey will be on show at the Emirates for some time to come

 It's been a tough couple of months for the Wales international who thought he was close to signing a new Arsenal contract, only for the offer to be dramatically withdrawn at the last moment

 With his current deal due to expire at the end of the season, he has now been informed he will be free to leave in the summer

 "Everything has been going great with the club – we thought we were in a position where we had agreed a deal but that's no longer the case," Ramsey said

 "So I just have to carry on playing my football and do my best for Arsenal this season and I'll leave the rest with the club

 "Am I disappointed? That's a decision they have made and things happen in football and you just have to get on with it

That's all I am concentrating on and giving my best for Arsenal."  Top clubs across Europe have been linked with Ramsey, including Bayern Munich, Paris Saint Germain and Liverpool, and he will be free to agree a pre-contract with a foreign club in January

 The midfielder's imminent departure will end a decade-long stay in north London which has seen him make more than 250 appearances for the Gunners

 During that time he has scored two FA Cup winning goals, including the one against Hull City in 2014 that ended Arsenal's nine-year wait for a major trophy

 And it is for that reason that Ramsey will remain part of the furniture at the Emirates even after he has decided on his next destination

 Despite all that has gone during the past few months, Arsenal have included the former Cardiff City man in a new legends wall that is being put up outside of the stadium behind the Thierry Henry stature

 The wall will be part of 'celebration corner' - a new area outside the ground which will feature 2,700 personalised plaques with messages from fans

 Ramsey - who is pictured celebrating his FA Cup winning goal against Chelsea - is included alongside Henry and Ian Wright and with the likes of Patrick Vieira and David Rocastle nearby

 Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football.london via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android.  Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Arsenal show their class with gesture to Aaron Ramsey despite contract dispute - Duration: 3:17.


Rear Parking Sensor Retrofit Audi A4 B8 / Montaż czujników parkowania od firmy www.hadron.pl - Duration: 13:57.

Hi! Welcome to my channel "CheckEngine+-"

Today I will install rear parking sensor

In Audi A4 B8

Of course conditions aren't very good


Result is amazing

I invite you to watch the film

And don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Rear Parking Sensor Retrofit Audi A4 B8 / Montaż czujników parkowania od firmy www.hadron.pl - Duration: 13:57.


5 Foods for Prostate Health - Duration: 10:12.

What can I eat to reduce risk of developing prostate cancer?

This is one of the most common questions physicians hear

from men concerned about prostate health.

Don't miss this video to get an answer!

Hey everyone, aqila here!

In this video I will talk about 5 foods that may help to keep a healthy prostate.

There's no definitive evidence that good nutrition can prevent prostate problems

but eating a healthy balanced diet may reduce your risk.

Building a meal and snack around veggies and fruit is a smart idea for health in general

and particularly a healthy prostate.

And here are 5 Foods For Prostate Health:

1. Brazil Nuts.

The first food that may help to keep a healthy prostate is Brazil Nuts.

Of all the different types of nuts these natives of South America

are an especially rich source of the mineral selenium which is important for prostate health.

In fact just one ounce of Brazil nuts can contain as much as ten times the RDA for selenium.

Research has shown that selenium intake is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

The Brazil nut tree grows in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia.

The Brazil nut are also a very good source of zinc another mineral that plays an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate.

An addition Brazil nuts contain all the amino acids necessary

to qualify as a complete protein

and the nuts are also a good source of magnesium and thiamine.

2. Broccoli.

The second food that may help to keep a healthy prostate is Broccoli.

Broccoli is a source of some very critical nutritional benefits that are not listed on a nutrition label.

As a member of the cruciferous family,

which is also populated by cauliflower Brussel sprouts, kale, and many other vegetables,

broccoli contains high amounts of the phytonutrients sulforaphane and the indoles both of which have anticancer properties.

Sulforaphane enhances the activity of the body's detoxification enzymes,

which helps to eliminate potentially cancer causing elements more quickly.

A study published in Cancer discovered that indole-3-carbinol which occurs naturally in broccoli and its cousins,

suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells and also inhibited the production of prostate specific antigen (PSA).

Investigators with the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial also found

that eating broccoli more than once a week could reduce the likelihood of developing stage III and IV prostate cancer by 45 %.

The most healthful way to enjoy broccoli is lightly steamed or sautéed for no more than five minutes.

If the vegetable is cooked longer than that the anticancer abilities of its phytonutrients fade.

Before you begin cooking, however, cut the florets into pieces and let them sit for about five minutes.

This allows the vegetable's cancer preventing elements to form before you cook it,

because heat denatures the enzyme that allows the process to occur.

To boost the healthful value of your meal add virgin olive oil and fresh garlic and cayenne.

3. Green Tea.

The third food that may help to keep a healthy prostate is green tea.

Before you continue watching this video don't forget to subscribe this channel to see other useful health videos.

The medicinal powers of green tea are attributed to antioxidant compounds called catechins,

a type of polyphenol that has been shown to destroy certain bacteria and viruses, boost the immune system,

and fight several forms of cancer including prostate cancer.

Although there are several different kinds of catechins experts have identified

epigallocatechin gallate as the most potent.

Research has shown that green tea polyphenols can significantly lower the levels of PSA and two biomarkers for prostate cancer

hepatocyte growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor.

Green tea catechins also may help men who have pre-cancerous prostate lesions,

that also known as prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN),

a condition that signals a high risk of developing "full-on" prostate cancer.

Studies show that men with PIN who took catechins daily had a significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer

and also a reduced risk of lower urinary tract symptoms which makes catechins helpful,

in treating symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Study after study has demonstrated that men.

who drink at least three cups of green tea each day

have a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

Catechins also work to repair damaged DNA, that might otherwise trigger cancer growth

as well as hinder the actions of an enzyme called COX-2, which is involved in the process of prostate cancer.

4. Tomatoes.

Another food that may help to keep a healthy prostate is Tomatoes.

The benefits of tomatoes in relation to prostate health have been known for years,

with various studies around the world corroborating their effectiveness in controlling the rapid growth of the prostate

during a man's later years

It's all because tomatoes are rich in the nutrient lycopene which incidentally is what makes them red.

We knew lycopene seems to slow down the development of prostate cancer,

but now, it seems it can slow down the enlargement of the prostate and development of BPH as well.

Tomatoes are a popular food as well as a superior source of lycopene a phytonutrient,

or more specifically a carotenoid one of a group of yellow, orange, and red pigments found in plants.

Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that has proven itself in study after study

to have properties that enhance prostate health.

Although fresh tomatoes are nutritious their lycopene antioxidant potency increases when they are processed.

Processing breaks down the cell walls of tomatoes which makes the lycopene more accessible to the body.

Thus tomato paste, soup, and juice, offer more antioxidant protection for the prostate than do fresh tomatoes.

The results of many studies show that processed tomato products really enhance prostate health.

Researchers from Germany's University of Bonn say, that just one serving of tomatoes,

or a tomato product every day could protect against the DNA damage that can set the stage for prostate cancer.

Tomatoes are also good for managing benign prostatic hypertrophy and keeping PSA levels down.

Because processed tomato products are available year round it is easy to make them a part of your diet.

Something as simple as a glass of tomato juice daily can be helpful in promoting prostate health.

5. Pumpkin Seeds.

The last food that may help to keep a healthy prostate is Pumpkin Seeds.

Pumpkin seeds offer some unique health benefits for the prostate especially for men who have benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

This condition which involves enlargement of the prostate gland,

commonly affects men 50 years and older.

One thing that contributes to BPH is overstimulation of the prostate cells by testosteron

and another hormone dihydrotestosterone

The oil in pumpkin seeds can help prevent the hormones from triggering multiplication of prostate cells.

Pumpkin seed oil also contains carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids.

Research shows that men who have higher levels of carotenoids in their diet have a reduced risk of BPH.

Another nutrient found in pumpkin seeds is zinc which is associated with prostate health.

A recent study from the Linus Pauling Institute suggests that zinc may protect against the development of prostate cancer.

So far, studies of the impact of zinc on BPH have had mixed results.

And don't forget to stay active. In addition to eating a healthy diet you should stay active.

Regular exercise pares down your risk of developing some deadly problems,

including heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer.

And although relatively few studies have directly assessed the impact of exercise on prostate health,

those that have been done have concluded for the most part that exercise is beneficial.

Based on questionnaires completed by more than 30,000 men,

researchers found an inverse relationship

between physical activity, and BPH symptoms

Simply put, men who were more physically active were less likely to suffer from BPH.

Even low to moderate-intensity physical activity,

such as walking regularly at a moderate pace yielded benefits.

Researchers also examined the relationship between ED and exercise.

They found that men who ran for an hour and a half or did three hours of rigorous outdoor work per week

were 20% less likely to develop ED than those who didn't exercise at all.

More physical activity conferred a greater benefit.

Interestingly regardless of the level of exercise men who were overweight or obese

had a greater risk of ED than men with an ideal body mass index or BMI.

Eating the right foods can promote to keep a healthy prostate.

Thank you for watching "5 Foods For Prostate Health".


SUBSCRIBE for more videos.

Hope you feel better!

For more infomation >> 5 Foods for Prostate Health - Duration: 10:12.


Boy Erased - Movie - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Boy Erased - Movie - Duration: 0:26.


50 Cent, Lil Pump & More React to 6ix9ine's Arrest | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:33.

50 Cent, Lil Pump & More React to 6ix9ine's Arrest | Heavy.com

Tekashi 6ix9ine has always been a controversial figure in the rap community, and his arrest on Monday has elicited mixed reactions from his peers.

Some were encouraging of 6ix9ine's predicament, like Lil Pump, while others were more hostile in their response as a result of the rapper's checkered past.

50 Cent, who has been friendly with 6ix9ine in the past, posted a photo of them together on Instagram with the caption: "My son got picked up, I told him don't call me.

Sh*t. The Fed's on you fool.

Call ya momma.

Don't put the FBI on my phone." 50 made it clear that he's not prepared to tangle with the feds, even if he's referred to 6ix9ine as his "son" on several occasions.


50 Cent & Smokepurpp Made a Point of Distancing Themselves from the Rapper.

During a recent interview with The Breakfast Club, 6ix9ine opened up about his close relationship with 50 Cent.

"He don't pay his child support bills," the rapper joked, before revealing that the two rappers clicked 50 claimed that 6ix9ine reminded him of his younger self.

50 and 6ix9ine have previously worked together on the tracks "Kings" and "Get the Strap" alongside Casanova and Uncle Murda.


Smokepurpp was similarly callous when reacting to news of 6ix9ine's incarceration.

The rapper posted a message that read: "6ix9ine welcome to keep your b**tyhole shut behind bars." The account that took a screenshot of Smokepurpp's message captioned it by writing: "#Smokepurpp clowning #tekashi69 while he's locked up." Smokepurpp and 6ix9ine have had beef in the past, with the latter mocking him in a DJ Akademiks interview.

"Lil Pump and his little homeboy I'm not even gonna say his name I'm not giving anyone any power," he said, referring to Smokepurpp.

40 Glocc & Lil Pump Have Been More Supportive of 6ix9ine & the Latter Shouted Him Out at a Concert.


40 Glocc was more encouraging in his sentiments, addressing the rapper and telling him that he will likely be granted bail.

"It's all bad… Sh*t I'm out on a hie a*s bail right now," he wrote on his Instagram caption.

"I think he will eventually get granted bail at another hearing… This sh*t is just how the court processing works.

They try to spook you and stress you out and break your mental state and yo pocket.".

6ix9ine also received moral support from Lil Pump.

The "Gucci Gang" rapper encouraged a crowd to chant "Free 6ix9ine!" at one of his recent concerts in the UK.

According to HotNewHipHop, Pump threw his mic up in the air at one point during the show, and led concertgoers through an impromptu cover of 6ix9ine's breakout single "GUMMO.".


Lil Pump and 6ix9ine previously worked together on the tracks "Drip" and "Turbo." Both were named by Kanye West as some of his favorite new artists during an interview with HipHipNMore. "I love Pump, I love 6ix9ine," he said. "Man don't talk to me about controversy… We all the same.

So what, this make him a worse person than someone else? He worse than one of our cousins that's like, locked up? That's our family.

He our family, we all family.".

Both Pump and 6ix9ine have recorded music with West, and are believed to among the artists featured on West's upcoming studio album Yandhi.

West will also appear on 6ix9ine's upcoming debut album Dummy Boy, out November 23.

For more infomation >> 50 Cent, Lil Pump & More React to 6ix9ine's Arrest | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:33.


Apple, Kale & Pomegranate Salad Recipe - Duration: 4:00.

- Hi, I'm Jerry James Stone.

In today's video, I'm gonna show you how to make

a really fun apple, kale, and pomegranate salad.

I love this recipe because, well,

it has a great visual to it.

But I'm also gonna talk a little bit about

the different apple varieties that we have

here in the United States,

what kale is related to,

and, should you buy organic or not.

So let's get to making it.

(upbeat music)

Okay, so to make this salad, what we're gonna do

is we're gonna slice our apples.

We're gonna slice off the top,

but you wanna slice it so that you don't slice

in this area here.

You want it to actually be a little bit taller.

So slice off the top, and then we're just gonna

keep cutting it into rings.

Okay, so there are over 2,500 different

apple varieties here in the United States.

Oddly, only the crab apple is native to our region.

And guess what?

If you ate an apple a day, it would take you

seven years to try every single one.

And then just taking an apple corer,

we're gonna remove all the seeds.

'Cause no-one wants to eat those.

(light music)

So as you can see here, we prepped the apple,

cored out all the seeds in each layer.

Now we're gonna build our salad.

Now we're just gonna spread some goat cheese

on each layer, kinda like ya put cream cheese

on a bagel.

Very similar.

Just like that.

So should you buy organic kale or conventional kale?

Well, there's a couple of things to consider.

The first is price.

Organic produce can be more.

And hey, you might not have the budget for that.

Also, accessibility.

Organics are not available everywhere.

But here's the thing to consider.

Kale, conventional kale, is listed on

the Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen list

as one of the top vegetables that

really absorbs pesticides.

So if you really want to eat pesticide-free,

and you're really concerned about that, buy organic.

And now we're just gonna build our salad.

Put a little bit of kale on there.

Did you know that kale comes from the same plant

as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage?

In fact, over time, farmers have used

selective breeding to create this wonderful

diversity of vegetables that we have today.

That particular group of crops is called cole crops.

Top it off with some pomegranate seeds.

Add the next layer.

And then just rinse and repeat.

Add some more chopped kale,

more pomegranate seeds,

add on the next layer.

And then just top it all off.

It's a very easy, last minute salad for

your holiday table.

Great visual.

Okay, so that's how you make this fun salad.

The thing that I like about it, like I said,

it has a great visual to it.

It's not super hard to put together.

And you just get a lotta bang for your buck.

It's just a few ingredients, and it looks great.

Let me know if you try it.

If this is your first time watching

one of my videos, hey, subscribe.

I release a new one every single week.

Especially if you like to cook, let me know

what you like to make.

Drop a comment down below.

And if you liked this video, give me a thumbs up.

I'll see you guys next time.

(light music)

For more infomation >> Apple, Kale & Pomegranate Salad Recipe - Duration: 4:00.


A Storm to Be Reckoned With - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> A Storm to Be Reckoned With - Duration: 42:35.


Dushyant Chautala के हितेसी Digvijay Chautala ने खोली अपनी चुपी ,और क्र दिया बहुत बड़ा ऐलान #INLD - Duration: 2:21.


Indian National LokDal

Dushyant Chautala

For more infomation >> Dushyant Chautala के हितेसी Digvijay Chautala ने खोली अपनी चुपी ,और क्र दिया बहुत बड़ा ऐलान #INLD - Duration: 2:21.


Just Hanging in the Shop - Episode 2 - November 21st 2018 - Duration: 14:59.

Hello and welcome to donald vlogsifys wood shop, I'm your host Donald Matthews.

As you see in this picture up here. I didn't get this far on the drawers as I was hoping to you this past week.

I'm still kind of working on the last two. I had another one done after that, and then..

Life happens. What can I tell you?

So now I'm working on the third one. Getting the dovetails here.

And I just thought I'd... kind of....

do one of the hangin' in the shop things with you, you know.

Just to see what's up. What's going on. Kinda let you know what's going on.

So, how's life treating you folks? Don't be afraid to let me know in the comments.

I really ain't got a whole lot to say. lol

Let me work here a little bit, and I'll be thinking about it.

Move you down here a little bit. Where you can kind of see me working. What I'm working on. And what I'm doin.

Mm-hmm. Just your standard...

drop stuff on the floor....


Might shoulda got my bearings a little bit better before I started trying to record. But... Oh well.


All right now...

Trying to get things where I can sneak up on this line.

Well the first I'm gonna make the line. Already drew the line. Now I'm gonna give it a knife wall.

And work on sneaking up on it.

Not a whole lot too it, but little whackin'. And a little paring. A little tappin'.

But yeah...

Wound up having to work on my one of my days off.

Had some other things going on.

Some running around and stuff I had to do.

And just didn't quite get as much done on this stuff as I was hoping to.

This is a bit of a tedious part of the dovetails.

A lot of people ask me, why don't I just...

Cut the dovetails on the bandsaw. Well number one at the moment. I don't have a bandsaw. That makes that kind of difficult.

My router, I got a dovetail jig for it but... Dovetail jig? A dovetail bit for it.

And I imagine I could buy a bigger one if I wanted to. But the one I've got is kind of small and....

Getting it set up


To where I can make your dovetails and then do the pins and all that; it's just as easy....

seems just as easy for me to just...

excuse me, do the dovetails by hand.

Gives me practice on my build tails etc. etc...


Again, another question here is why I like using hand tools so much. Well it...

Aside from me just enjoying it.

Gets me proficient with them.

And practice with them and...

Something happens the powers out or whatever when somebody who...

normally always uses power tools and hasn't used the hand tools a whole lot.

I'm a little bit more comfortable with this with the hand tools and just keep on working without power.

As long as I've got some light I'm good to go.

That's a big part of it. Mostly I just enjoy working with hand tools.

Generally hand tools a little bit easier to afford then power tools.

Think I just knocked that knot out.

Got a knot right there.

In the dovetail.

Or the space there. And it may pop out on me. If it does...

Oh well. I mean, it's a drawer. Come on.

I'm not stressing that too much. It's gonna be on the inside.

They're not gonna be seen. I doubt it causes me too many problems.

Worst comes to worst. I'll fill it up with something with ... with some....

my old friend the...

sawdust and the wood glue.

Wanna get done with this. I got other projects I need to get to.

I need to get that bench grinder up there. Cause I got some things some folks want me to sharpen for them.

That I'm kind of obligated to sharpening. One thing, the fella's been waiting for quite a little while for.

Which he said there's no hurry on it, but


I like getting stuff like that done...

so it's not always on the back of my mind, that I gotta get it done.

A tad more on this side.

There we go.

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now this week.

Ohhh....I'm gettin old.

Anyway, that's where I'm at this week. I'm still working on these drawers.

Probably will be for a little bit now or the next couple of days anyway.

One of main reasons I'm doing this is Thursday coming up; this Thursday coming up...

Hopefully I get this up tonight. Today's Tuesday.

Hopefully I'll get this up tonight and it'll be up Wednesday.

Might be Thanksgiving Day before I get it published. But anyway, I do want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

You guys...

My viewers and my friends and all that. I'm very thankful for all of you

And I do appreciate your support.

I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Get stuffed beyond belief.

Because one true day for a good amount of gluttony...

The one day set aside forit is Thanksgiving.

So be thankful, eat and be merry.

Try not to wear people at the store is out too much on Thanksgiving... uhh the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday.

Have a lovely holiday. Be safe. Be careful. Be full.

Main thing is be full and be safe. Yes, siree.

Again thank you all for your support and for viewing my videos and sharing my videos.

If you're not already a subscriber I invite you to pretty please subscribe.

The biggest portion of my videos aren't...

stuff like this. I do try to do build videos.

Although there is the occasional shop update when I haven't gotten anything done out here in the wood shop.

So pretty, please subscribe.

And during the last 20 seconds in this video. They'll be a little round button... since I'm sitting over here..

I'll probably put it up over here somewhere. It's got a little picture me in it, click on it.

It'll take you to where you can subscribe to me. And don't forget to click on that bell.

So you'll be notified when I do upload a new video or publish a new video.

Follow me on Facebook Twitter and Instagram...

Dem links it down below as well as a email address.

If you'd like to ask me questions. Or you just put the questions down there in the comments, that'd be cool too.

Pretty please. Give me a thumbs up.

Share my videos. Check out some of my other videos. I got quite a few up here.

Yep. Mm-hmm. Thank you again

Have a lovely day. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Have a lovely night.

Beginning to wonder if I was being invaded. Have lovely night.

Have a lovely whatever your lovelyin'.

Have a lovely life because life is short and it's meant to be enjoyed. Peace

Happy turkey day

Happy turkey day

For more infomation >> Just Hanging in the Shop - Episode 2 - November 21st 2018 - Duration: 14:59.


Bài #12 (5/9) - Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm: Cặp từ khác âm Minimal pairs - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 5:51.

Saying more than one consonant at the beginning of English words

is quite challenging for Vietnamese people,

so let's look at some minimal pairs and practice saying R-blends and L-blends correctly.

Watch and listen to me saying these minimal pairs and focus on the differences.

In the first few sets of words, focus on the following:

1. I say the /p/, k/ and /t/ sounds

strong at the beginning of words, and I add a puff of air after them;

2. I vibrate the /b/, /g/ and /d/ sounds quite hard

Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /p/ and voiced /b/ sounds:

Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /k/ and the voiced /g/ sounds:

Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /t/ and the voiced /d/ sounds:

In the next set of words,

listen how the /tr/ sound is different from the /tʃ/ sound:

In the final set of words,

listen how I can say the soft /f/ sound longer than the explosive /p/ sound.

Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs and focus on:

saying the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong at the beginning of words,

and adding a puff of air after them;

vibrating your throat at the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds;

distinguishing the /tr/ from the /tʃ/ sound;

and distinguishing the soft /f/ sound from the explosive /p/ sound;

Pause now.

For more infomation >> Bài #12 (5/9) - Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm: Cặp từ khác âm Minimal pairs - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 5:51.


Too Hot to Handle - Duration: 41:28.

For more infomation >> Too Hot to Handle - Duration: 41:28.


Flesh Wounds Are Not Five-Star - Duration: 43:05.

For more infomation >> Flesh Wounds Are Not Five-Star - Duration: 43:05.


Jonah's Grad-itude - Duration: 42:31.

For more infomation >> Jonah's Grad-itude - Duration: 42:31.


Silver Peak's Secret - Duration: 42:34.

For more infomation >> Silver Peak's Secret - Duration: 42:34.


Удобный бюстгальтер большого размера с широкими бретелями Luisse, бежевый - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Удобный бюстгальтер большого размера с широкими бретелями Luisse, бежевый - Duration: 1:12.


Raymond Wijaya - Testimonial Video - Duration: 0:32.

Hi! My name is Raymond and I would like to thank SmileTutor for introducing

me to Ms Lim.

I've been struggling with English for years and SmileTutor got

me Ms Lim who was so dedicated to teach me every week

and because of that my

grades improved from C5 to A2 over the span of just eight months

I couldn't be more grateful for SmileTutor

who got me a tutor within 24 hours upon my request

Their service is just excellent and I will definitely recommend SmileTutor

To all my friends

For more infomation >> Raymond Wijaya - Testimonial Video - Duration: 0:32.


Phần 3: Ước mơ của gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai - Duration: 38:21.

For more infomation >> Phần 3: Ước mơ của gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai - Duration: 38:21.


President Directed you to South Korea anti-corruption policy! What? - Duration: 5:38.

President Directed you to South Korea anti-corruption policy! What? (Translated by google.com)

President Moon Jae-In said that he had to settle anti-corruption policy councils and settle living expenses.

Illegal school attendance, private kindergarten injustice, domineering of public agencies, illegal medical hospital, redevelopment / reconstruction fraud, illegal employment of public agencies, etc.

I explained specifically to each one and ordered it.

Cheong Wa Dae said, "I knew the details of various absurdities occurring in the living scene and the case examples of cases and their structural causes more than any minister."

In response to extremely detailed points, it was said that "Most familiar things as far as detail is known" were mostly opinions.

It is announced that the meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere.

However, some officials in Cheong Wa Dae said, "There have been a lot of scoldings against the cabinet that can not formulate measures in recent years."

Because the President's point of view was too long, the meeting that was scheduled for 40 minutes has exceeded 2 hours.

A media reported that the president reprimands every reporter that the president seems to be unfamiliar with the scene.

Article Source: http://bit.ly/2BmCHdA http://bit.ly/2BmD3kq http://bit.ly/2Bos7mt

Korean reaction

Who is running down cold sweats. People can not hear anything in the ears One person gets pleasured on vacation praised.

Is the president the auditor director? The president must keep it firm. All the people are going to die. Real estate only knows the ceiling.

As you can see, President Taiga is the best!

It seems that the secretaries are getting excited because the inadequate guy scolds.

You are a cashier who has settled all the opposition forces including the former administration with excuse as a crowd. History will referee.

It's all related to civil servants. Strengthen the civil servant weighted punishment law further.

Liquidating from Diet Secretary who appointed the Diet neglecting the people. Do not use it just for removing your political enemy.

President's remarks on reconstruction, redevelopment fraud are 100% correct. We must also eliminate the reorganization and redevelopment union system.

We have to liquidate it. It rotted in some places.

Please do not know the useless things so please recognize the current economic situation.

Because there are many experienced people in the vicinity, it probably reported in detail.

Because the support rate crash, pretend to care about domestic problems.

The president is omniscient as it is not North Korea but the committee chairman. Is this the word that the person engaged in the national organization speaks?

It is surrounded by a flattering person so it is likely that the people's life and economy will be disarmed north by mess.

Please point out the minister as to reduce the number of secretaries in Cheong Wa Dae. Can the executive branch correctly make Cheong Wa Dae interfere with each other?

Since the secretaries are appointed because they have no expertise, they are only able to feel reality. Just as you appoint your skill with more power.

Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2Bmqwh0 http://bit.ly/2BnNunT http://bit.ly/2Bp00DF

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

It is strange that each secretary does not know about his share and somehow the information gathers only in the president.

Whether the secretaries are incompetent or whether the president is competent, is the information flow strange?

I seemed to be exactly like the northern report that it was as if general Kim Rong-soo had guided each minister.

The reaction of the secretaries seems to be almost as reported by North Korea.

It is truly surprising that the contents that the instructions were given in detail about each item were truly written in the report.

Are the secretaries too incompetent or do not see anything that is supposed to be a problem at all? Either way it's a big problem.

It is said that the meeting was advanced in a friendly atmosphere, but also that the President handled secretaries who can not do anything else if they look differently.

If it is such a composition, is it not because the president is not responsible for economic and employment policies to go wrong, is it because the secretaries can not use it?

When I saw this report I felt that the color of the director was very strong.

Corruption settlement has continued to gain a large support from the people doing the Xi Jinping in China.

Would not it be possible to appreciate the success of the President to the public, so that the support rate will recover a little?

Whatever it is, if Korean society gets better anyhow, it would be good for Korean citizens, will it work as it is drawn here?

Thank you for your viewing.

If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.

Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.

Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.

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