Thursday, November 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 22 2018

Acacias 38 Capítulo 895: La mag i a en tre Tel mo y Lucía lleg a a su fin

El Prior Espineira manda a llamar a Telmo y le pone en su sitio: quiere resultados ya.

La noticia de la pintada en la sastrería corre por el barrio. Susana desaparece, decidida a irse a París. Rosina trata de impedirlo y Susana se desmaya.

Por nhabilitan un ala del albergue para los damnicados del Hoyo.

Antoñito sigue sin lograr acercarse a Lolita. Trini le cuenta lo que le pasa: según ella el año de noviazgo ya se ha cumplido; ya pueden casarse. Los novios se arreglan.

Raúl pretende ir a trabajar, pero Carmen se lo impide con ayuda de Casilda.

Una de las fotos tomadas por Flora ha sido publicada. La chocolatera y Servando lo celebran.

Celia y Lucía dan por terminado su trabajo en la casa parroquial y Samuel aprovecha para plantear a Lucía un viaje a Toledo, que Felipe aprueba.

Sin los damnicados del Hoyo en la Casa Parroquial, la magia entre Telmo y Lucía llega a su fin. Ella le cuenta que marcha con Samuel de viaje.

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 Capítulo 895: La magia entre Telmo y Lucía llega a su fin - Duration: 1:56.


Sophie Marceau tourmentée, «Le coeur n'y est pas » - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Sophie Marceau tourmentée, «Le coeur n'y est pas » - Duration: 1:25.


Seto de ocultación en ramas de Catral · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seto de ocultación en ramas de Catral · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:09.


Murillo. Parroq. Sta. María Magdalena y experiencia Past View. Sevilla - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Murillo. Parroq. Sta. María Magdalena y experiencia Past View. Sevilla - Duration: 2:05.


Sánchez estos camorristas que escupen a tu ministro son los caseros que te dejan vivir en La Moncloa - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Sánchez estos camorristas que escupen a tu ministro son los caseros que te dejan vivir en La Moncloa - Duration: 8:19.


Alessandra Sublet s'amuse de son divorce, la page «Clément » déjà tournée ? - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Sublet s'amuse de son divorce, la page «Clément » déjà tournée ? - Duration: 1:30.


Una visión 360º de las conexiones globales - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Una visión 360º de las conexiones globales - Duration: 2:48.


'Honestidad' Sofía Suescun aclara, por fin, la relación que tiene con Kiko Matamoros - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Sofía Suescun aclara, por fin, la relación que tiene con Kiko Matamoros - Duration: 3:22.


Véronique Sanson épuisée par la radiothérapie, elle a le coeur en mille morceaux - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Véronique Sanson épuisée par la radiothérapie, elle a le coeur en mille morceaux - Duration: 1:17.


Brad Pitt «déstabilisé» par Angelina Jolie, elle renoue avec sa copine de fac - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Brad Pitt «déstabilisé» par Angelina Jolie, elle renoue avec sa copine de fac - Duration: 1:27.


I MOVED!!! [2018] [CC Available] | Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 3:22.

hello, it's kinoshita yuka

hay, i know that you noticed something different today...

the room is so empty

and that's because i moved to a new house

i lived in this house for about 3 years

that's why i wanted to change and move to a new one

a lot of things happend in this house

i didn't use this room to film my videos, but still this place hold many memories

let's try to remember it together

this place collect many wonderful memories

- you can answer the questions in the comments too - what's the most wonderful thing that happened to you in this house ?

LON of course, the day that i brought lon in it to this house, it's the best and the most memorable

what you want to do most in the new house ?

of course filming plenty of videos, and making videos that i couldn't make it in the previous house

i moved all my furniture, tables to the new house, nothing left here, and this gives you special feeling

so, let's move to the new house !

so this is the new house, and lon is nervous a little bit

this is our new house

the house is still empty but i'm moving the furniture little by little

isn't that, lon ?

hay, this is going to be the filming room from now on

i didn't put anything in it yet, that's why it's a little bit empty

but i'm going to do my best to make it vivid

i took many breaks recently, that's why i'm going to do my best from now on

i'm going to do my best

and this room is warm so i don't need to worry about winter cold, and that's makes me so happy

i'm really happy

during the moving i noticed that i need more electrical machines, so i bought plenty of it today

i didn't publish many videos this week because i was busy with the new house and the moving

this is the filming room from now on

and i'm thinking about making videos about the routine and the house tour

because the kitchen is so beautiful too, i want to make video about it too

so, i'm looking forward to enjoy with all of you in this new house from now on

this is all what in today's video

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> I MOVED!!! [2018] [CC Available] | Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 3:22.


역발상으로 미국의 허 찌른 미사일 선도국 | korean army - Duration: 13:10.

For more infomation >> 역발상으로 미국의 허 찌른 미사일 선도국 | korean army - Duration: 13:10.


6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018 - Duration: 2:35.

6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018

6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018

6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018

6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018

6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018

6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018

For more infomation >> 6ix9ine Car Collection - $5000000 - || - Lifestyle 2018 - Duration: 2:35.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk - Duration: 1:05.


Mosaic art project (end-to-end) in review | Educational | Mosaic tile art - Part1 - Duration: 13:42.

this is educational video which is showing the end-to-end process on mosaic

art projects for people who want to make a good living by creating custom made

mosaic art project for clients so no fancy edits just experience. we'll come to the

first video of the mosaic art project review. and this is a the first project

that I want to show and talk about the important details that we have to care

about during this kind of mosaic Commission. I will try to make 100

projects a review of 100 mosaic projects if I will have enough time to show. but

for today we will start with the project call it Alona village mosaic tile art

project. made in 2005. so on this videos we will talk about and also on today's

video about this particular project. we will talk about the location the design

and the marketing steps for this kind of a mosaic project. it's about how to how

I've got this commission and what I did to get it. and then the workshop process.

in the workshop process we will talk about the material used create this

mosaic project. the studio where I have created this mosaic project and the

tools to create this kind of for work. and then we will talk about the

construction area and the installing process. then there this folder we will

take a look at the installation process of this of this work and then we will

talk about and look at the final view of the mosaic project. this folder is kind

of important. we will talk about I mean this is about, mistakes made on this

mosaic project. those like mistakes during the workshop and mistakes during

the installation. and then we will have managing the finance the financing and

the balance. which is also important if you are

planning to make our mosaic art Commission and to earn money to create a

living by doing mosaic artworks and mosaic projects. so let's start so I want

to start with the final view first. which I should show you at the last. but the

installing the final look. ok this is how it looks like it's the project made on

2005 I believe and I have only one shot of the work unfortunately. we have a nice

Jacuzzi here and this is a handmade ceramic tile mosaic stuff. so this is the

only photo that I have unfortunately. because at that time you know we didn't

have this intelligence smartphones and stuff. so whatever I wasn't aware of how

important it was to make footages and videos I even don't have any videos. so

this is the final look and let's see how it came how it comes to this point. the

location, it was in Cyprus. why I want to talk about the location? cuz in different

countries there are different type of tools and materials and you know the

financing stuff is can be different may be. different glueing materials and grout

stuff. that's why I want to mention that the project was at Cyprus Island. and

this is the only photo that I have of that house. you can see it's written in

Greek. so it was a very old town house. how you call? that it was a great house.

it was as you see very historical and stuff and it was a very old house by the

way. that's me over there. and the location. yeah. and so by the way

it was at the south side at Cyprus which is in European Union right now. so

the design. we talk about the design first. this is it simple drawing that

I've made for the client. and he just gave me the opportunity to make my own

design which is great actually. normally clients have some ideas and

they came up with which is not already possible to to turn to a mosaic work.

But this time this client he gave me the opportunity which was great. so it was a

modern bathroom they told me. And you know that I thought that I was coming

from Germany. so he just let me create some fine lines in here. I want to have

this I was planning to have it to you it's really view some kind of simple 3d

view. like you know. and I want to stop in here and start in there and also here a

few mosaic borders. also here on this side. and I also written the sizes. that's

25 millimeters by 25 each tile. and this I said I'm gonna use 15 millimeter by 15

millimeter tiles. how I get to these numbers because I was able to cut them. I

wasn't able to cut ten by ten millimeter tiles for example which I wrote tiny. so

this is how I calculate the tiles according to my.. this is a white word?

according? you know the tools that I have was able to create to cut this type of

mosaics in size. so everything I calculate how many lines I will need to

get this view. and I sign it and I give it to him. and

he he likes that and he agree. and this is how I started. so design is kind of

important! to tell your client what it will look like. almost doesn't mean it

looks like that the same. but uh it's important to give him a vision because

he will pay and he don't know what he is up to. so it's kind of important. this

kind of a scratch. How u call that? a simple design made freehand and stuff is

important. this was the final view. let's get into the marketing steps for this

kind of a mosaic project. marketing steps for this project. before I dive into this.

I want to just make a quick talk about how does it work out for me.

so this guy was actually just a guy a owner of an accountant company.

and we just went there to open up is to establish a company in the south side of

Cyprus which was in European Union. which is still in the European Union.

and so he came up like he asked me what kind of business you're gonna do? and we

said well I'm mosaic artist and I want to do this and that. so he went like oh

hold on I'm I haven't I have a construction house so. he was interested

in the same minute. and he start to show up his project on paper you know this

plant paper and stuff. and then we talked about where we can apply the mosaics and

what we can do. and this is how it starts actually. there was no extra marketing or

advertising nothing. it just came naturally. so there was no extra method

used to get this kind of a project. for this project.

I'm talking right now. it's not always like that most of the time you have to

make advertisement and stuff. and we talked about this later on. so I did some

extra things. what I'm trying to say is, it's not enough when a when the client

just came naturally to you. and something has builded up commission just naturally.

I thought, I had to make some extra things to satisfy the client. to make,

create different. and I thought it was not enough just to show him the design.

and also so why don't you make just a sample of it. you know. the piece how it

will look like as a mosaic. so I just created this with different kind of

colors. so this are the five fifteen by fifteen millimeter tiles in four lines.

as you see they just you know they fit correctly. and I also made a smaller

piece, you know. I came up with the idea that maybe this smaller size will look

better than the huge one. and I also put here it was the company Delphina designs

that we have stablished over there. and I put this Roman guy was our you know

company icon. and service group project and design was another company that we

own it at that time. and here's a project name and mr. M.Avr. I don't

see any problems to pronounce his name he's a great guy he's super guy.

he's great guy really. and it was more easier to him at that time to decide

when he see the the correct Tile in front of his eyes.

it's different than the drawing. you know. and so he decided to use this piece over

here. not the smaller tiles. he likes the bigger one. and so this is

something that you can do it's like a storyboard in a movie. okay.

the the man on the camera behind the camera or the woman definitely know what

kind of scene to shot when she or he sees any the storyboard. and this is the

same for me to me. like when you show him you in the work in real sizes and in

real dimensions he definitely know how it will look like. why this is important?

it is important because if we have for example another idea in his head, okay?

are you with me? if he was not able to see this and he was dreaming of

something else because he don't know how it would look like at the end. then you

can have problems to get your balance. you know the financing stuff. you can

have troubles over there cause he will come up like, this is not something that

I want! I didn't imagine that it will look like this. so to solve this kind of

a problems future problems: make a simple piece. it wasn't even necessary to make

the whole thing. it was even enough to make a piece like you know from here to

here or just a piece like that to give him an idea which is important. it's that

kind of inner marketing. you already have almost a project. you know. the Commission.

but it is good to give some support to your to your client even if you know

that you have the Commission already. and I also have to say that he really

liked it. it's simple as that. it's more information you gave to the client then

you feel more comfortable to spend his money on. you can support artists if you

think this video was helpful for you. you can do this by buying goods designed by

the artist. thank you.

For more infomation >> Mosaic art project (end-to-end) in review | Educational | Mosaic tile art - Part1 - Duration: 13:42.


Visit to CDEC office in Minsk and review of powerbank USAMS US-CD21 - Duration: 8:53.

Hello! Yesterday a representative of the courier service SDEC called

and said that my some kind of parcel arrived.

But I guess what the package is.

But for the first time I was delivered to Minsk by this very service, all the time to the post office.

Therefore, I am now going to Kiseleva, 11 in Minsk,

to the office of this company, or whatever you call, the point of issue of orders and

receive my package.

Conveniently, a special application for Android has been developed

for this transport company, called CDEK, here is a shortcut

where you can track the parcel by your track number

and find out the order number, which must be reported upon receipt at the point of issue of orders.

From this information it can be seen that the powerbank was sent from China to Moscow

and then from Moscow to Minsk to the point of issuing orders for Kiselyov.

Specifically, the address of this item can be viewed also in this application.

There is a label "Our offices".

Specifically in Minsk, they are represented by 1, 2, 3, 4.

I'll probably be in this, yes, Kiseleva 11, Metro station "Victory Square".

Working hours. And you can contact by phone.

I ordered in the official store on AliExpress "ROCK", in my opinion, the powerbank for 10 Ah,

so he did not come, so he ordered another brand in the official store on AliExpress too,

since Bel-post cannot send batteries, the seller sent it to SDEK.

Well, finally I'm home, I have this product.

Yes, there is a powerbank here, although

as I asked the seller, he indicated the "speakers" here.

So, and, yes, we open, we look.

There should be an external battery. And there is.

From some company "USAMS".

Although I see the USA letters MS first of all here,

the Chinese always imitate something,

they can't think of anything, that's why we have the USA MS

for 10,000 mAh, the model and the US-CD21. Strange. I ordered, in my opinion, "US-CD06".

The choice was made in favor of this powerbank, but I said that I ordered another "ROCK", but "ROCK" did not come,

it was I who needed a portable charger for cycle accessories,

an action-camera hangs there, sometimes I insert a smartphone in my wallet.

Ways to charge them, I needed such a portable battery.

Dimensions were declared 130x75x15 mm.

15 mm thick and the weight is about 185 g.

It cost me just under $ 15 with delivery.

Ordered in the official store, so the link that I leave in the description under this video,

you can safely order.

On the outer side of the back of the box there is such a QR code,

part of it was covered with a protective layer. If you erase it and

scan the QR code, go to this page, which

confirms the security check that "the number you are looking for is correct. It was scanned for the first time,

but here, 0:34 November 16".

This is the authentication of this product, and it was successful with me.

The seller offers three colors: black, almost white and so blue.

It has such an interesting mosaic texture, if you notice it.

It is very small,

like a 4.5-inch smartphone.

Powerbank is completed with instructions in English and Chinese with illustrations,

a corporate certificate of quality confirmation

and such a 20-cm-long noodle-type charging cable.

The Powerbank contains a lithium-polymer battery.

On one of the faces are all its connectors:

two USB connectors are 2.1A outputs, as stated,

and a microUSB port for charging this battery.

Well, here is written the capacity of 10,000 mAh and the name of the brand.

To indicate the capacity of the built-in battery, there are 4 LEDs hidden in such openings,

and they are triggered by pressing this button until such an improvised click.

At full discharge of the battery built into the powerbank,

the single LED blinks.

He gives already here his last mAh. Everything is discharged.

To charge it, you will need a power adapter for 5 V, 2.1 A.

As a result, the battery capacity was flooded here with such 8784 mAh.

The second time I charged this battery. Charged to a capacity of 8951 mAh,

charging lasted 5 hours, which of course is far from 10,000 mAh, as stated.

At the same time, the charging was carried out with a current of 1.89 A and a voltage of 5.2 V.

Each of the four LEDs of the indicator are supposedly responsible for 25% of the total capacity

of the powerbank battery,

but in reality the first LED went out when the capacity was about 1000 mAh,

specifically I had 1090 mAh.

The second LED went out, that is, as if half the capacity, he gave at the level of 2650 mAh.

The third LED went out at the level of capacity when it gave 4050 mAh.

And the total output capacity, when all 4 LEDs went out,

amounted to 6664 mAh.

That is, its actual capacity is 6664 mAh, well, approximately 6600 mAh.

This full battery capacity was enough for me 2 times to charge my "Samsung Galaxy Note 2", which has a capacity

of a built-in battery of 3100 mAh, and to charge it a little more.

Without a load, this powerbank produces a little more than 5 V.

With a 2-amp load, if connected, the voltage drops to 4.95 V, and the current is 1.94 A.

And with a load of 1 A, the voltage is 5 V and the current is 1.02 A.

These are the parameters of this battery. In principle, the battery, I would advise you to buy.

His body is strong enough, does not play.

The design is beautiful, attractive, in the hand lies easily.

I speak as a 4.5 inch smartphone. I once had such a "Samsung Galaxy S2".

Very handy in hand and suitably in pocket. Even in the pocket of pants, jeans fit easily.

Very thin, only 15 mm.

Therefore, the thing is good, well, and accordingly the price democratic up to $ 15 can be purchased.

Although I saw his wholesale price. something around $ 9 or $ 8.

All links in the description. I say goodbye to you. See you at the channel. Until.

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For more infomation >> Visit to CDEC office in Minsk and review of powerbank USAMS US-CD21 - Duration: 8:53.


LVBet kod promocyjny - jaki jest bonus w LVBet? - Duration: 1:02.

Hi, in this video I will show you why

you should register in LVBet bookmaker.

First go to the LVBet page.

You can see that LVBet have a great offer with betting events.

You will find something good for you for sure.

Next we click "Register and get bonus".

Now we are writing registration details.

Let's start from basic data.

Here we have firstname, surname, nationality.

In the second step we are filling address fields.

We are writing post code, city, country and we are clicking "next".

In the third step we have to choose type of document

to verify us.

We send a copy of first site.

Then click "next".

Now we are in the penultimate step.

Here we have to fill your PESEL bank account, mobile phone numbers.

The final step is to chose login and password.

And that's it!

Now you can log in to your account and start playing. Good luck!

For more infomation >> LVBet kod promocyjny - jaki jest bonus w LVBet? - Duration: 1:02.


Volkswagen Caddy Combi Peugeot Partner 1.6HDi Automaat 1e eigenaar Airco - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy Combi Peugeot Partner 1.6HDi Automaat 1e eigenaar Airco - Duration: 0:51.


Seat Ibiza New 1.0 EcoTSI 115pk DSG-7 FR NAVI - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza New 1.0 EcoTSI 115pk DSG-7 FR NAVI - Duration: 1:13.


মধুর সুরে কান্নার ওয়াজ | Bangla Waz Video | মুফতী ওসমান গনি হাবিবী যশোরী | Waz 01 - Duration: 1:02:12.

মধুর সুরে কান্নার ওয়াজ | Bangla Waz Video | মুফতী ওসমান গনি হাবিবী যশোরী | Waz 01

For more infomation >> মধুর সুরে কান্নার ওয়াজ | Bangla Waz Video | মুফতী ওসমান গনি হাবিবী যশোরী | Waz 01 - Duration: 1:02:12.


I MOVED!!! [2018] [CC Available] | Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 3:22.

hello, it's kinoshita yuka

hay, i know that you noticed something different today...

the room is so empty

and that's because i moved to a new house

i lived in this house for about 3 years

that's why i wanted to change and move to a new one

a lot of things happend in this house

i didn't use this room to film my videos, but still this place hold many memories

let's try to remember it together

this place collect many wonderful memories

- you can answer the questions in the comments too - what's the most wonderful thing that happened to you in this house ?

LON of course, the day that i brought lon in it to this house, it's the best and the most memorable

what you want to do most in the new house ?

of course filming plenty of videos, and making videos that i couldn't make it in the previous house

i moved all my furniture, tables to the new house, nothing left here, and this gives you special feeling

so, let's move to the new house !

so this is the new house, and lon is nervous a little bit

this is our new house

the house is still empty but i'm moving the furniture little by little

isn't that, lon ?

hay, this is going to be the filming room from now on

i didn't put anything in it yet, that's why it's a little bit empty

but i'm going to do my best to make it vivid

i took many breaks recently, that's why i'm going to do my best from now on

i'm going to do my best

and this room is warm so i don't need to worry about winter cold, and that's makes me so happy

i'm really happy

during the moving i noticed that i need more electrical machines, so i bought plenty of it today

i didn't publish many videos this week because i was busy with the new house and the moving

this is the filming room from now on

and i'm thinking about making videos about the routine and the house tour

because the kitchen is so beautiful too, i want to make video about it too

so, i'm looking forward to enjoy with all of you in this new house from now on

this is all what in today's video

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> I MOVED!!! [2018] [CC Available] | Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 3:22.


くまみきさんのメイクを真似してみた!I Tried Following A Kumamiki Makeup Tutorial! - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> くまみきさんのメイクを真似してみた!I Tried Following A Kumamiki Makeup Tutorial! - Duration: 4:39.


Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i Tech Edition | Navigatie | Keyless entry+start | Camera - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i Tech Edition | Navigatie | Keyless entry+start | Camera - Duration: 0:49.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Play | Airconditioning | Origineel NL! | - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Play | Airconditioning | Origineel NL! | - Duration: 1:06.


Very spicy steamed monkfish EATING SOUND! Crunchy bean sprouts, addictive sauce♥ (Korea) [ILULIY] - Duration: 9:44.

Hello Sprouts♣ It's Luliy♡

Tada~ ★

Today I will eat a

very very very! spicy!

Steamed monkfish☆

There are lots of bean sprouts


Oh my mouth is watering lol

Various sea foods are in

this very very spicy steamed monkfish!

Let's eat them deliciously !

Oh now.. I am so starving haha

Let's dig in - ★

Oh ~ ~♬♪

Look at this~ Wow ~!

Looks good ♡♥

((munching bean sprouts -☆))


Tastes so good ㅠ ㅠ It's crazy ㅠ ㅠ

so hot

Very hot, but delicious b

((My nose was running bc it was spicy, so there's a lot of editing))

Wow.. the sauce tastes so good !!!

(The best steamed monkfish I've ever had)

Umm.. spicy but so tasty..!!


This monkfish is huge !!

Wow Look guys

I love this crunchy texture of bean sprouts

Monkfish tastes so savory♣

This monkfish tastes great♡

Eating it with a huge bone - *

Because of lots of big bones, I need to be careful as I eat!!

Busy eating since it's very very delicious....@.@

Monkfish meat♡

Dipping it into [sour wasabi sauce] - -

one bite -

Wowㅠ ㅠ ㅠ This wasabi sauce.. what is it.. So sour&sweet♥

This wasabi sauce is very~ tasty !!

Sniffle.. oh so hot

There are lots of meat on monkfish, which make it tasty!

Phew... very hot.. (gulping down water)

Yuptteok original..? That level of spiciness @_@

Also,there are Warty sea squirts ♠

Crunching - Munching -

This hard to eat the meat part @_@

A shrimp - !

This shrimp is so plump ☆♧♤

Lol this is so good, That's why I am very busy eating @ㅁ@;;;

The fish meat is so soft and nutty♡

Since it's so spicy.. my stomach kinda..hurts!!

but what if it's that good?...★

(Oops.. Spilled some on my clothes)

very spicy.. spicy...☆

Warty sea squirt --♣

(The sound of passing airplane ~ ~ ~✈)

The sauce is so addictive '- '*

It's the best -★

Sprouts I had a great meal again !

I ate a very very spicy steamed monkfish today


My nose kept running

so I will edit those scenes from this video!

My nose is still running

and my mouth is so hot

but it was very very good

When I eat a steamed monkfish,

I always love to eat bean sprouts!

I love the crunchy texture of bean sprouts

and also the spicy sauce was delicious!

I will eat the leftovers with my family!

Don't worry too much ♡

Then See you guys at the next fun video

Bye ~ ~

For more infomation >> Very spicy steamed monkfish EATING SOUND! Crunchy bean sprouts, addictive sauce♥ (Korea) [ILULIY] - Duration: 9:44.


天秤座12月运势详解:敏感点不见得就是坏事 - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 天秤座12月运势详解:敏感点不见得就是坏事 - Duration: 6:09.


Special Clip(스페셜클립): J_ust(그_냥) _ Alone(혼자서) (Light ver.) - Duration: 2:18.

I love alone

I break up alone

Only my heart is broken like this

That gives me a harder time

Already in your heart

There might be no room for me to get in

I think I can't help it

Because I love you more

Your words that you miss me

And love me

I know they are not sincere

But staying with you

I'm just happy with that

So I try to understand you today too

I love alone

I break up alone

Only my heart is broken like this

That gives me a harder time

Because I feel like I'm a fool

I try to let go of you now

But I think I can't help it

Because I love you more

For more infomation >> Special Clip(스페셜클립): J_ust(그_냥) _ Alone(혼자서) (Light ver.) - Duration: 2:18.


Filipina Australian Couple: TARA SA HIGHPOINT with ELLA || IrisLaine - Duration: 10:14.

Morning guys! Let's put this.

bought this yesterday for the christmass tree stand

Let's add more ornaments to the tree

little by little

these are cute! Little gift boxes

they can be earrings

we'll swap, it's Chris' turn

there's still tag on the star!

Chris: let's put the star this way

Chris: There you go.

Iris: I don't know what to do with this

Iris: You make ribbons

Chris: A ribbon Iris: Yeah

Chris: I can barely tie my shoe laces

Chris did great! Infairness

Hey guys, let's go to Highpoint

Chris is playing, I'm meeting bebe Ella

Iris: Chris are you coming? Chris: After this battle

Let's head out first, 'cos he's still playing

playing Final Fantasy

The weather is so good

Sunny but cool wind

I like this! It's cute

Cute! nice, and it has pinkish detail

I'm here with Ella

Nike's on sale today

Look at Santa's bum


so expensive

I can't hear anything, I can't hear myself

I can't hear myself guys

We are going to eat here at Dumplings Plus

Chris is right there

This is Chris', uhhh, what's this?

Ella: Can he understand? Iris: No

I pointed it, that's why he already knows

We are going to do a mukbang

we are here at dumplings plus

Oh, it's hot

oh my goodness!

I want this!

Iris: Ohh, haggard Ella: Looks good!

Ella, Let's do a selfie

Oh, I look terrible!

We are here at Zara Homes guys, beautiful!

That's Chris

This is so soft, I wish you can feel it too

Iris: Super soft

We are going to have milk tea, 'cos he owes me one.

we are still with Ella

If you're here at Highpoint

hey, we are on our way home

Ella already went home too

This already taste good, it's not too sweet anymore

we just didn't mix it properly earlier

but it's really good. Nice.

It's good to go to shops

'cos there's a lot of Christmas decors

Chris would end up finishing the tea again

He's trying to get the pearls at the bottom

we'll just cross the road

We're home, look what Chris is doing.

what are you doing?

I feel happy when I see the Christmas Tree

Feels good. Baby deer is alone

but he'll have friends soon

sorry, it's a bit noisy. I'm here in the bathroom

Chris is in the lounge, watching TV

Thank you so much for watching

for leaving us comments

for liking our video, thank you so much

For more infomation >> Filipina Australian Couple: TARA SA HIGHPOINT with ELLA || IrisLaine - Duration: 10:14.


*Mirroring Psychology* - How To Mirror Someone You Like - Duration: 8:51.


If the topic of psychological manipulation and emotional enslavement of women offends

you, I want you to stop watching this video.

And if you want to continue, you must agree never to use this knowledge to hurt women.



Let's start!

You've probably heard of "Mirroring" somewhere and how it's a powerful way to

make women like you more.

And now, you want to learn everything you can about it.

It's true.

If you want to be great with the ladies, then you'll want Mirroring to be in your toolkit

of techniques.

In this video, you'll learn all about the psychology of Mirroring and how you can use

this technique to make yourself better with women.

Does that sound good to you?


Now, let me ask you this…

Ever noticed that whenever you're an authority on the current conversation topic...

...or if you're simply talking about something that excites you... tend to be more animated?

You move your arms, you gesture with your hands, you even touch the person you're

talking to.

And as a result – people pay more attention to you and agree with you more.

Yes, right?

Well, that's the power of nonverbal communication.

That should tell you one thing: If you're not a master of nonverbal communication – or

better known as BODY LANGUAGE... ...then you're less than half as good with

the ladies as you could be.

That means: • Of all the women who would have liked

you, only half end up actually do • You'll go on half the number of dates

you could have had • You MIGHT still meet the woman of your

dreams but it's going to take twice the amount of time

But, if you ARE a master of body language, you get double everything:

• Double the women who like you • Double the dates

• You may very well meet the woman of your dreams in half the time

So make no mistake: You MUST master body language!

And the most powerful body language technique out there is the reason you're watching

this video.

It's Mirroring.

And by the end of this video, you'll know what Mirroring really is, why it works, and

how to start using it TODAY.

Sound good?


Well, before we go further, however, there's something I want you to do for me.

Could you help me out by clicking LIKE?

That will really mean a lot to me.

Go on and click LIKE now because I'll wait here.

Clicked LIKE?


Let's continue!

So, what's Mirroring?

Well, Mirroring is simply mimicking her body language.

For instance, if she's sitting relaxed with her hands clasped over her stomach, you should

do the same.

If she seems a little tense, with her arms and legs crossed, you should likewise assume

the same position.

The result: She likes you and trusts you more, almost instantly.

Simple, right?

Why does Mirroring work so well, though?

It's all because of a flaw in the female mind:

While it can filter out words that imply familiarity, it CANNOT filter out actions.

This is the reason why, when you tell a woman you just met:

"I know exactly what you feel."

...she immediately seems to resist you.

That's because in her mind, she thinks: "You know how I feel?

But I've just met you!

You've GOT to be up to something..."

Meanwhile, if you imply familiarity with your actions – such as by Mirroring hers – she

can't resist that.

And as a result, deep inside, she'll FEEL that familiarity with you.

She'll think: "There's something about this guy I really like.

I don't know what it is – but I'm going to find out!"

Which reaction would YOU rather get from women?

The second one, right?

Mirroring is great for building Rapport.

It creates that powerful emotional bond that opens the doors to romance.

And you're about to learn how to do it, so continue watching!

So, there are three things you'll need to do when Mirroring a woman you like.

Here's the first one: #1: Obey The Three Second Rule

That is: You should only mimic her actions three seconds AFTER you notice them.

This is to keep her from NOTICING you're Mirroring her movements.

That's because when she notices, she'll immediately think you're MOCKING her.

And when that happens, everything falls apart.

She instantly dislikes you, she breaks Rapport, and you ruin your chances with her.

So don't be too obvious – respect the Three Second Rule!

How here's the second rule…

#2: Show Genuine Interest Forget what the Pickup Artists say, and DON'T

fake interest.

It's a no-win situation: • If it doesn't work, she finds out you're

faking, and she instantly distrusts you.

• If it DOES work, you'll end up with an attractive but BORING woman.

Either way, you lose... ...and besides – it's easier to feel the

same way she does when you feel REAL, INSIDE-OUT interest in her.

Makes sense, right?

OK, now before we get into the third and final rule, I want you to do this for me.

If you have enjoyed this video this far, then SUBSCRIBE to my channel because that will

guarantee that you'll get these videos from me in the future.

Go on and click on the SUBSCRIBE button because I'll wait here.



Let's continue.

So, here's the third rule…

#3: Mirror Everything You Can This includes:

• Verbal tics • Physical tics

• Thoughts • Feelings

• Tone of voice • Breathing patterns

What's your goal for doing these three things?

It's this: To reach the Rapport Inflexion Point.

What is the Rapport Inflexion Point?

This is the point when she likes you and trusts you so much that SHE starts Mirroring YOU,


Try this...

When you sense a strong enough emotional bond with her, do something very obvious.

A good example would be to stretch your arms.

If she does something similar within the next few seconds, you're in.

You've successfully used the Mirroring technique!

Congratulations – she likes and trusts you enough.

You're ready to take things to the next level with her.

So far, so good, right?

Now, I gotta warn you, though...

Don't Neglect Verbal Communications You already know how important body language

is in love and relationships...

Simply, if you don't have the right body language, you'll only enjoy HALF the success

you could have had with women.

It's true.

And yet, guess what?

The opposite is also true.

You might know how to Mirror a woman, but you don't know the right way to carry a

conversation with her.

The result will be the same: You cut your positive results by half.

Not good, right?

So, what's the right way to carry a conversation with a woman you like?

Here's a clue: It's not having an "intellectual" conversation with her.

You might have tried it before and gotten friend-zoned for your efforts.

That's the usual result for trying to be harmless.

Here's another clue: It's not flirting with her.

You might have tried it before and gotten rejected.

That's the usual result when you haven't built enough Rapport with a woman yet.

So what's the right way?

Answer: By using the Fractionation technique.

Fractionation is a storytelling technique.

It involves putting your target on an emotional rollercoaster.

Think of the emotional rollercoaster you get from following your favorite TV show.

Or the emotional rollercoaster women get from reading novels like Fifty Shades.

And when she's emotionally addicted to you, good things happen.

She'll like you, trust you… and when you lead the interaction to the next level, she'll

gladly follow.

Sounds great, right?

I want you to remember this: If you want to be great with the ladies, you'll

want to have the complete package.

You must master both verbal and nonverbal communication.

You've just received everything you need to start using Mirroring on the women you


If you want the other half of the package then you must master Fractionation!

Here's the thing, though…

I can't explain Fractionation in detail in this video.

It's already pretty long as it is... ...and that's why I'd recommend Derek

Rake's legendary Online Masterclass on Mind Control.

After you sign up for Derek's Masterclass, you'll know what Fractionation and Mind

Control is, how the technique works, and how to use it on women.

A link will now come up in the video.

Click it and the registration page for Derek Rake's Online Masterclass comes up.

There, enter your best email address because that's where your Masterclass Ticket will

be sent.

Do it.

Click on the link now.

For more infomation >> *Mirroring Psychology* - How To Mirror Someone You Like - Duration: 8:51.


Popcorn machine! [Introducing Kitty's job Vol.3] - Duration: 1:10.

It's the Hello Kitty channel! Here we go!

Hello Kitty, hi there (How about some freshly made popcorn?)

Everyone loves Kitty (How about some freshly made popcorn ?)

Naughty kids, mean kids,

angry ones too.

When they're with gentle Kitty,

her kindness is infectious and they'll become kinder too.

Hello Kitty, hi there (How about some freshly made popcorn?)

Everyone loves Kitty (How about some freshly made popcorn ?)

Naughty kids, mean kids,

angry ones too.

When they're with gentle Kitty,

her kindness is infectious and they'll become kinder too.

I forgot the money...

How about a freshly made channel subscription?

For more infomation >> Popcorn machine! [Introducing Kitty's job Vol.3] - Duration: 1:10.


[SORI] Sori in Spain EP7 Ciao España - Duration: 8:35.

Sori's YouTube Channel

One of them is for me, and the other is for one lucky subscriber. It's a gift!

You can say anything, like "Please go on a diet!"

I'm ready to accept any criticism.

I will give one of these to a subscriber!


have arrived at the lodge, the last place I'll spend a night in Barcelona.

I would like to explain you a couple things. (Sori is whispering because it's late at night.)

So as you enter by opening the door...

You would reach

a hallway like this.

The room no. 1

Each room can hold

up to four people.

It's a hostel of some sort.

Here's our communal kitchen.

This area is shared by everyone.

I see a trash can over here.

And here..

is the common room.

Earlier in the afternoon,

I saw a group of 4 or 5 people from various countries, hanging out.

one of them was sitting here on the table, and the other was watching TV.

I entered this place earlier lugging my bags,

they said hi to me.

and here...

is the room that I'm going to be staying.

So, here

I'm gonna spend a night alone.

The current time is...

well past midnight.

I have to wake up in 3 or 4 hours and leave for the airport.

So guys, I just gave you a brief tour of

this hostel that I'm staying in Barcelona, and this is my first time staying in a place like this.

As I opened the door, I saw narrow hallway filled with rooms,

each of which equipped with 1 or 2 bunkbeds.

Well, in my case I'm using this all by myself.

but the fact that you could share a room with complete stranger, is something quite new to me.

It's very refreshing,

well, initially I was a bit scared,

but once I have arrived here,

everyone seems to be quite friendly, saying hello to one another.

and at night they went to bed.

and the floor underneath is quite well-furnished too.

you can rent out skateboards or bicycles too!

They serve basic food downstairs as well.

it feels very home-y and to experience culture like this is very new to me and I am happy.

and I've been reitereating this over and over again,

Spain is one of the countries I really wanted to visit.

Once I came here, everything exceeded my expectation,

which grew my love towards Spain even bigger.

I am currently taking Spanish lessons, and would like to work harder on it.

This trip gave me that motivation.

I came here to see Shakira's concert, after all.

and the show has left me with so much inspiration.

I was able to experience culture and people, and came across a variety of characters from different countries.

I got to see a world heritage location with my own eyes as well.

As I soaked in all of this...

This has been a good trip for Sori, broadening her horizon and gain more perspectives.

I wish I could one day, like Shakira,

hold my own show and be on stage.

cheering the crowd, and perform in front of many,

if that cannot happen, but I would like to come back here as a tourist, but I dunno if I'd have time for that in near future.

Since I haven't any idea what future holds...

I will consider this the last night here for the time being. I wasn't going to buy anything,

but ended up purchasing a souvenir.

I was at Park Guell earlier...


Can you guess what this is?

All the famous buildings

in Barcelona. Sagrada Familia is here,

I saw lots of mosaic-like details everywhere in this city.

This is another prime example, these are so pretty.

These are fridge magnets!

Wait, that doesn't stick there.


(This is fun!)

This is my first time ever to get fridge magnets like these.

I saw quite a few travelogs on YouTube,

and found out that many people collect fridge magnets.

and I have come across many vendors selling these at tourist hotspots,

I initially was wondering why people would collect stuff like these,

but once I come across these, I realized they are so pretty, so I purchased a couple.

One is for me,

And the other...

will be for one lucky subscriber to my YouTube channel, "Sori Not Sorry!"

We could rock a couple magnets, one for me and one for you.

Only one lucky person will get this.

I wish I could give this away to everyone,

but since that's not feasible, I ended up getting only one.


After watching my

videos of trip to Spain series

including the Shakira episode,

I would like you to write your reaction towards this series.

you can write something about what I did, or certain part of Barcelona was cool,

but what Sori did here was pretty crappy, and that annoyed me, I hope she doesn't do that again, etc...

I am ready to accept your criticism.

Leave your thoughts on the comment below,

and so this is the first one,

and the second one.

No. 1,

and No. 2.

You gotta write the number of the fridge magnet of your choice first,

and write your reaction or review of some sort on the comment section, I'll read your comments and pick the winner!

We will ship this internationally, anywhere in the world.

Shipping charge might be more expensive than the magnet itself, but that doesn't matter.

Sorry about not being able to give away a bunch of these to everyone.

But this way having one for me and one for you would feel more intimate.

I hope you look forward to my future foray as a musician,

This has been Sori of "Sori Not Sorry!"

Then, until next time!

Once againm No. 1

and No. 2.

Take your pick, couple magnets with Sori!

Have a good night~

For more infomation >> [SORI] Sori in Spain EP7 Ciao España - Duration: 8:35.


塔罗牌占卜:往后余生,你会嫁给现在心爱的他吗? - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 塔罗牌占卜:往后余生,你会嫁给现在心爱的他吗? - Duration: 6:14.


69歲「惡婆婆」陳莎莉兩段婚姻皆失敗,帶著兒子獨身至今!看了她身邊的兒子,網友:苦盡甘來! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> 69歲「惡婆婆」陳莎莉兩段婚姻皆失敗,帶著兒子獨身至今!看了她身邊的兒子,網友:苦盡甘來! - Duration: 4:33.


1adrianaries1 Riven God 1v2 | nightblue3 Kayn E BUG??? | LOL Random stream#329 - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> 1adrianaries1 Riven God 1v2 | nightblue3 Kayn E BUG??? | LOL Random stream#329 - Duration: 10:42.


梁咏琪42岁,林心如42岁,颜值不相上下,差距却好尴尬! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> 梁咏琪42岁,林心如42岁,颜值不相上下,差距却好尴尬! - Duration: 4:33.


Minetime Prison #1 (The Beginning) - Duration: 28:26.

Minetime Prison #1

For more infomation >> Minetime Prison #1 (The Beginning) - Duration: 28:26.


Fingerless Gloves | Freezing Photographer's Best Friend - Duration: 2:52.

Hey, this is Scott of Photography Banzai.

In this video I'm gonna talk about fingerless gloves.

Probably seen in some of my recent videos if you do watch consistently...

Thank you to all those people! I have been sporting the fingerless gloves. Now,

there's a specific brand that I'll get to that I prefer. But basically, it's good

for handling your camera while still keeping your hands relatively warm.

Of course, you can access all the buttons very easily when your fingertips are not

covered. You can do a lot of stuff with these. This specific brand that I usually

buy are from H&M. It's just a generic clothing brand for younger people. You

go there, you can buy usually ..ah.. two pair for around $6 full retail. And

also if you go off season or maybe Black Friday which is coming up, you can

actually get these super cheap. Of course there are specific photographer brands of

fingerless gloves. Or gloves with covers over them and all that jazz. But these

ones work really well. They're a simple knit fabric and they have a decent

texture on them. My hands are relatively thin and having some type of glove on

especially this time of year helps out a lot.

With the H&M fingerless gloves... See I've got a nice pack here. We've got some

older ones. You can see they do wear out. The wrist area is totally shot with the

elastic in there. Still, they're usable even like this. Especially if you want to

put them under. Or use them over a good pair, and then it works perfectly. It's

thicker. Still have the fingers uncovered for all the buttons, and all of that. I use

them more for just photography. If it's pretty cold out, even inside. I've got the

fingerless gloves on. With the computer it works perfectly well to type on the

keyboard and all that. Use the mouse no issues. Of course I'll probably just use

one pair instead of two. But generally works very nicely for computer stuff as

well as the photography stuff. All that said, I'm a big fan of fingerless gloves

for photography. They work really well. Specifically this H&M brand. I haven't

found ones that work better for my hands than those...

But generally: perfect fit, works nicely, low-cost...

Don't want to spend 20, 30, 40, 50 dollars on some specialty glove if I don't have to.

Really like these, and I also think they look pretty cool too! If you're into that.

Anyways, I'm Scott from Photography Banzai. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did

please consider subscribing. Helps me out a lot.

Likes and shares to social networking and all that helps out a lot as well.

Thanks again!

For more infomation >> Fingerless Gloves | Freezing Photographer's Best Friend - Duration: 2:52.


Они убили Кенни! l Rebirth RDA l by Mike Vapes & HellVape l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:32.

Hello there!

Today our guest is Rebirth RDA, that was created by Mike Vapes in cooperation with HellVape

Let's roll!


Hello everyone. Alex VapersMD is with you and I'm glad to welcome you on my channel

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey... I've lost count how many devices Mike made with various companies

And yes, here we have another RDA by Mike and HellVape

I'll say this - you surprised me, you did. But it's not that simple as I would like

We'll learn all the details in close up and in pros and cons section after it

So let's dive down

Okay, friends, we won't be concentrate attention on the packaging

Because auto-focus of my camera is going insane focusing on those lines

And we'll look at all the kit contents right away

Obviously the RDA itself - deck and top cap separately

Coily tool for cutting coil legs

Additional transparent drip tip

510 drip tip adapter

2 extra post screws, squonk pin and set of spare o-rings

Also there's User Manual, sticker, Alan key and flat head screwdriver

And now, friends - a little bit of specs

This RDA is made out of stainless steel and available in 9 colors

This RDA is designed to fit 810 non-o-ring drip tips

Also it has airflow adjustment by rotating the top cap

The deck have two posts and designed for installation of single or dual coils, bottom airflow and 6mm deep juice well

Also this RDA have a stopper on the deck and it's squonk-ready

Diameter at base is 24mm

Height without drip tip is 25.2mm

But we're getting to the detailed look

And as always we'll start from the top, where we have plastic drip tip with metal inlays

We've seen similar honeycomb style drip tips before

First device with these kind of drip tips was Wismec RX Machina

And apparently it become popular, since everyone started using it. Honestly, not a big fun of such drip tips

Anyway, there's enough space to use your favorite 810 drip tips

And there's additional transparent drip tip in the kit. By the way, in the Black version it's black

Moving forward, next part of the device is the top cap

Top cap, that have engraving with the name of an RDA and airflow holes on the sides

Through these holes air will get inside and you can adjust the airflow by turning the top cap around

Airflow adjustment works like so. By turning the top cap these holes gradually starts to close down

And like so you can close it down to a small single hole on both sides

Also you can close the airflow completely

As I said before, on the deck we have a locking mechanism, which prevents top cap from spinning around

So you can only twist it only up to a certain position - either fully opened or fully closed

This is how the top cap looks inside. You can see all the cutouts for locking it and you can also see the spherical machining

And last part we'll discuss is the deck

This is the deck with two posts, bottom airflow and 6mm deep juice well

Bottom airflow is look like so and it's pretty interesting. Yeah, the air is taken from the side, but it blows on coils from the bottom

Due to this part you're able to close down airflow completely. And these keys is locking mechanism for top cap

Pay attention on these posts - they're asymmetrical. Yeah, it's designed that way for convenience of coil installation

Anyway, we'll test that and we'll install dual coins into this RDA

As you can see, the positive post is gold-plated and we have have a flat head screws in it

At the bottom we have all the important logos and so on

Mike Vapes logo, HellVape logo and name of this RDA

510 connection with nice protruding pin. Pin is gold-plated

So, folks, as you can see it's pretty simple RDA - there's only 1-2-3 parts in it

I think it's time to install dual coils in it. Let's roll

So, friends, everything is ready for getting back to face-time and talk about pros and cons of this RDA

Thanks for your attention in close up

I'll be waiting you up top

Yummy, as it says

It's really tasty. It is.

Yeah, this RDA is turned out to be the flavor chaser, but there's some nuances that I want to discuss with you

I didn't found any major cons, which would've affected workability of this RDA

But there is couple of nitpicks, which we'll discuss right now

Not the most convenient implementation of the posts for installing dual coils

As you saw in close up - coils interfering each other during installation

They're kinda push each other and because of that there might be a deformation of coils.

Yes, you can install dual coils, but it's not that fast and convenient as it is in other dual coil RDAs

Next thing. I believe that this RDA is for dual coils only

Yes, you can install 1, 2, 3, 4, 2.5, 1.5 coils

Well like in any other device

But here only dual coils will be properly working and be getting correct airflow

So in my opinion it is dual coil device

Next thing is appearance. As for me, this device has very simple appearance

But maybe it's the beauty of it. Honestly, from afar, this device reminds me of good old Kennedy

And overall, this RDA is kinda hint and pretension to legendary RDA

Let's make a count. Solid top cap - check. Two posts - check. Bottom airflow - check. Adjusting of the airflow by top cap - check.

And even on early prototypes there was a dual airflow, as shown on this picture

But, anyway, it isn't Kennedy, this is absolutely different product, which is also performs very good with bottom airflow

And my last nitpick will be for condensate which can appear on small holes on the sides

Yes, condensate will come out over time, especially if you're got used to purging

This is old and classic issue. You just should know about it

I'm done with complaints. Not even complaints, just with some nitpicks and my thoughts on this

Now let's talk about pros

First pro to this device I'll give for quality of manufacturing

HellVape did a good job, nicely done. Machining quality is great, parts looks great, everything is gorgeous

Another pro I'll give for kit contents. It includes all the things you need - two drip tips, screwdrivers, coily tool

Yes, it might be lacking coils, but other than that - everything you need is there

Now will be the subjective pro for fast adjustment of this device

A whole lot of RDAs, RTAs with various post designs, with various coil installation had passed through my hands

And I'll tell you this - I didn't experienced some kind of discomfort while launching this device

Beginners, who didn't faced with such post design before, might have slight issues for the first time

But you'll be happy with final result

Bottom airflow with side air intake. It is good

So air intake holes aren't on the very bottom and condensate will appear on the side

So you'll have enough time to wipe it away before it reach the mod and gets into, for example, connector of your mod

I like the realization of the airflow

Deep juice well. Yes, this thing can hold a lot of juice and I'm giving it a pro for this

And last Big pro I'll give it for flavor and decent cloud production

There's absolutely no issues with flavor

Bottom airflow doing its job properly and delivering just amazing flavor

Due to spherical machining and small distance between coils and drip tip as well

The flavor on this RDA is top notch

Overall, friends, like I said, this RDA have no issues that would affect workability of this device

And if you ask me - Would you buy this for yourself? I will definitely answer - Yes

This RDA is recommended for purchase

If you like bottom airflow RDAs

If you're okay having a small amount condensate

And with some minor issues during coil installation - this RDA is must have for you

So yeah, this RDA is good and I'm recommending it to you

And now it will be a cherry on a cake. I've searched in Google and come across a price tag - 22$


Yes, folks, it's really 22$. Link will be in the description

And it's surprising. 22$ price tag for such an RDA - it's just a steal

So, folks, I don't have any more words - everything is great

Overall I want to say this -

It is very good device, I liked it and I'm recommending it to my subscribers

And at this point I'll be finalizing

I want to say big thanks to Mike and HellVape for sending me this device for review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention, friends

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Leave a comment - what do you think about this RDA?

And don't forget to Like this video if you liked my review and share this video with all of your friends

As always on this channel, Alex VapersMD was with you

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> Они убили Кенни! l Rebirth RDA l by Mike Vapes & HellVape l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:32.


ЛИЧНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ/Как Выучить Английский с Нуля Самостоятельно? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> ЛИЧНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ/Как Выучить Английский с Нуля Самостоятельно? - Duration: 5:19.


Pasta Salsiccia e Verze - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Pasta Salsiccia e Verze - Duration: 3:26.


Afinal… O Que É Marketing? O Que A Apple Nos Ensina Sobre Isso - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Afinal… O Que É Marketing? O Que A Apple Nos Ensina Sobre Isso - Duration: 8:40.


Prestes a dar à luz, Sabrina Sato prepara a casa para o Natal ao lado de toda a família - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Prestes a dar à luz, Sabrina Sato prepara a casa para o Natal ao lado de toda a família - Duration: 2:04.



For more infomation >> VEJA COMO ACONTECE O ATAQUE ESPIRITUAL DO INIMIGO - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:23.


Tomasz Herbich o „Pragnieniu Królestwa" - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Tomasz Herbich o „Pragnieniu Królestwa" - Duration: 1:33.


लौकी मुठिया - Gujarati Doodhi Na Muthiya Recipe In Hindi - Lauki Nu Muthiya - Toral - Duration: 5:17.

Subscribe to Swaad Anusaar.

And for regular recipe update press the bell icon.

Hello friends. I'm Toral, welcoming you all to Swaad Anusaar.

The recipe that I'm sharing with you today.. which you can serve as a morning snack or evening snack.

And can serve it in kitty parties and get togethers.

Which is doodhi muthia.

First of all we'll peel the bottle gourd and grate it.

Now we will grate this.

Now in this we'll add, 2 cups whole wheat flour.

3 to 4 tbsp bengal gram flour(besan).

If you're allergic to bengal gram flour, you can use mixed grain flour too.

Or you can use pearl millet flour.

Now we'll add 1 big spoon of ginger chilli paste.

Now we'll add salt as per taste.

Half spoon turmeric.

Half spoon red chilli powder.

2 tbsp white sesame seeds.

Now we'll mix this all well.

Now in this we'll add 1 spoon sugar.

Now we'll add 3 to 4 tbsp oil.

And mix everything well.

Before mixing, we'll preheat our steamer.

And grease the plate.

Bottle gourd contains lot of water, so we don't need to add water in this.

If you feel that your bottle gourd is dry, has less water..

.. then you can gradually add some water while kneading the dough.

We'll put the tray on the steamer, because now we will steam our muthias.

We'll take some oil in our palms.

We have to prepare the muthias like this.

I've put oil in my palms, so that the muthia flour doesn't stick.

Like this we'll keep all the rolls.

We'll keep this for steam in the steamer for around 15 to 20 minutes.

Muthia has steamed, now we'll switch off the gas.

And keep this to cool for 15 to 20 minutes.

Muthias have cooled down, now we'll make its small pieces.

Now we'll give it a tempering.

We'll take 3 to 4 tbsp oil.

After the oil has heated, we'll add half spoon mustard seeds.

5 to 6 curry leaves.

Now we'll add the muthias to it.

We have to cook the muthias in low flame for around 5 to 6 minutes..

..till the muthias turn out crispy.

Muthias are ready, we'll remove them in a plate.

Doodhi muthia is ready, now we'll garnish this with sesame seeds..

Grated coconut.. and coriander leaves.

So doodhi muthia is ready.

Do write to us how did you like this recipe.

If your kids don't eat bottle gourd, then make such muthias and give them.

And write to me your comments.

For such delicious gujarati recipes, like share and subscribe to Swaad Anusaar.

For more infomation >> लौकी मुठिया - Gujarati Doodhi Na Muthiya Recipe In Hindi - Lauki Nu Muthiya - Toral - Duration: 5:17.


I MOVED!!! [2018] [CC Available] | Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 3:22.

hello, it's kinoshita yuka

hay, i know that you noticed something different today...

the room is so empty

and that's because i moved to a new house

i lived in this house for about 3 years

that's why i wanted to change and move to a new one

a lot of things happend in this house

i didn't use this room to film my videos, but still this place hold many memories

let's try to remember it together

this place collect many wonderful memories

- you can answer the questions in the comments too - what's the most wonderful thing that happened to you in this house ?

LON of course, the day that i brought lon in it to this house, it's the best and the most memorable

what you want to do most in the new house ?

of course filming plenty of videos, and making videos that i couldn't make it in the previous house

i moved all my furniture, tables to the new house, nothing left here, and this gives you special feeling

so, let's move to the new house !

so this is the new house, and lon is nervous a little bit

this is our new house

the house is still empty but i'm moving the furniture little by little

isn't that, lon ?

hay, this is going to be the filming room from now on

i didn't put anything in it yet, that's why it's a little bit empty

but i'm going to do my best to make it vivid

i took many breaks recently, that's why i'm going to do my best from now on

i'm going to do my best

and this room is warm so i don't need to worry about winter cold, and that's makes me so happy

i'm really happy

during the moving i noticed that i need more electrical machines, so i bought plenty of it today

i didn't publish many videos this week because i was busy with the new house and the moving

this is the filming room from now on

and i'm thinking about making videos about the routine and the house tour

because the kitchen is so beautiful too, i want to make video about it too

so, i'm looking forward to enjoy with all of you in this new house from now on

this is all what in today's video

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> I MOVED!!! [2018] [CC Available] | Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 3:22.


Morre Devin Lima, ex-vocalista do LFO, aos 41 anos - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Morre Devin Lima, ex-vocalista do LFO, aos 41 anos - Duration: 1:24.


Seto de ocultación en ramas de Catral · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seto de ocultación en ramas de Catral · Handfie DIY - Duration: 1:09.


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are finally ready to settle their bitter battle over their six kids - Duration: 11:23.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are finally ready to settle their bitter battle over their six kids

They've been marred in a bitter custody battle for the what seems like an eternity. But Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are apparently close to an agreement regarding their six children, according to a report from The Blast.

According to the outlet's sources, the 54-year-old actor and 43-year-old actress are wrapping things up because, they 'realized the ongoing fight is only hurting the children.

According to the report, their goal is 'to wrap up negotiations before the private custody trial begins. Despite Jolie fighting for Pitt to receive minimal custody, the deal 'will include a substantial amount of time given to the World War Z star.

However, the two sides still have not signed the agreement. Next up for the duo, they will have to hash out their finances. It remains unclear how the two will divide up their millions of dollars in cash and property.

The couple did not sign a prenup when they wed on August 23, 2014 in France. According to US Weekly reports on Tuesday, Pitt had reached out to his estranged wife asking to settle out of court.

The A River Runs Through It actor hoped 'persuade' her that a 'hearing will cause lasting psychological damage' to their kids, the outlet's source revealed.

They are parents to six children: Maddox, 17; Pax, 14; Zahara, 13; Shiloh, 12; twins Knox and Vivienne, 10. US Weekly's insider added: 'There will be no winners, no matter what the judge decides.

The couple got engaged in April 2012, and married on August 23, 2014, after nine years together. Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt on September 19, 2016, citing irreconcilable differences.

Just days before the filing there was an alleged 'altercation' that involved Brad and Maddox aboard a private jet that was heading from Nice, France to Los Angeles, California. Brad was cleared of any wrongdoing.

That's what image experts would say to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, the once-golden couple now edging into explosive Hollywood divorce territory occupied by the likes of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow.

Today, "most celebrities keep their divorces private, they settle them quickly usually with a press release," says Christopher Melcher, partner of the California firm Walzer Melcher family law. "We rarely see this kind of nastiness that's happened recently.".

Brangelina is now shorthand for textbook anti-conscious uncoupling. Still, resolution – especially when six children are involved – is a thorny endeavor. So could this all end with a messy public spectacle?.

After a summer of freshly boiled acrimony, the fractured family is back in Los Angeles, and the couple has seemingly recommitted to a previously agreed-upon temporary custody agreement. A scheduled hearing in family court on Aug. Pitt is seeing the children regularly.

Jolie "continues to support the reconciliation of the children with Brad and everything she does is focused on healing her family," a source close to Jolie, who was not authorized to speak publicly, tells USA TODAY.

But what a road to get to this point.

n June, their divorce made headlines again when the couple's private judge threatened Jolie, saying if the actress doesn't start encouraging her children to forge relationships with her ex, she could be in danger of losing custody.

The judge further ordered Jolie to arrange a phone call with the kids and their doctors to explain to the children that "the court has determined that each of them are safe with their father.

"What I imagine is difficult for Angelina is, how can somebody else override a parent's decision? How can a judge tell her as a mom what's best for her children? That's the consequence on not agreeing with the other parent and submitting it to a judge," says Melcher.

The lawyer adds: "Maybe she knows something nobody else does, but the judge did not agree with her. And ultimately, the judge makes these decisions.". And so it got uglier.

With both stars asserting they wanted to move forward in dissolving their marriage (a process known as bifurcation), Jolie's new lawyer, Samantha Bley DeJean, accused Pitt of not having paid "meaningful" child support in court documents.

As the news went viral, Pitt's lawyers quickly countered, detailing an $8 million housing loan plus $1.3 million in child care paid since their split. Pitt's lawyer, Lance Spiegel, called the legal maneuvering "a thinly veiled effort to manipulate media coverage.".

But Jolie's lawyer doubled down, indicating that not only was Pitt charging the mother of his children interest on her new home, but he was also not paying half their expenses.

Image-wise, all of this matters: In the past two years, Jolie's negative Q score, the industry's most commonly used measure of likability, has gone up four points. Pitt's negative score has remained static.

"Whatever's been happening in the media, he's been dealing with it better, based on the data," says Henry Schafer, executive vice president of Q Score. "It looks like based on consumer reaction that he's weathering the storm much better than she is.".

The downfall of Brangelina.

The uber-private, A-list couple married in 2014 after a decade of globe-trotting and children together, but the facade shattered in September 2016, when Jolie filed for divorce citing the "health of her family" after a private plane ride in which Pitt was alleged to have had a physical altercation with their eldest child, Maddox, who is now 17.

In the months that followed, each staffed up with power lawyers and various advisers. Allegations flew in the media and legal documents were leaked from family court.

Pitt, who was cleared of child abuse allegations, confessed a serious drinking problem to GQ, saying he was now sober.

Then this June came, with their judge dressing down Jolie for withholding access to their children. (The court is allowing Maddox to decide how much time he wants to spend with his father.

Their other five children are Pax, 14; Zahara, 13; Shiloh, 12; and 10-year old twins Vivienne and Knox.). "They're not healing from divorce. They're healing from some. from life, from things in life," Jolie told Vanity Fair in September 2017.

In late August, Jolie officially split from her Los Angeles divorce attorney, Laura Wasser, and hired DeJean, a San Francisco-based attorney whose "expertise is the protection and best interest of children," said Jolie's rep, Mindy Nyby, at the time.

Family law attorney Jeffrey Cohen of New York's Cohen Goldstein calls such positioning "an adversarial stand. This is a sign of the deterioration of the litigation, of the relationships. It looks like it's heading south.".

And it could it get worse. If Jolie and Pitt can't bury the hatchet, there's a chance their custody battle could end up at trial, creating a media storm neither star's image will be able to weather.

Pitt told GQ in May 2017 he knew such an outcome would be a "spectacular" nightmare for everyone involved.

"I see it happen to friends – I see where the one spouse literally can't tell their own part in it, and is still competing with the other in some way and wants to destroy them and needs vindication by destruction, and just wasting years on that hatred," said Pitt then.

"I don't want to live that way.". To that end, compromise could be around the corner. "Almost every case is settled in the hallway between the parties," says Melcher.

And there are a million reasons to go that way. "If it goes to an open trial (with) public proceedings, this would be as juicy as they come," says Cohen. "These are two of the most well-known actors on the planet.".

For more infomation >> Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are finally ready to settle their bitter battle over their six kids - Duration: 11:23.


Nanda Costa surge nua em banheira e leva fãs ao delírio: ''Muito quente'' - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Nanda Costa surge nua em banheira e leva fãs ao delírio: ''Muito quente'' - Duration: 1:23.


Apaixonada! Cris Dias está namorando galã de novela da Globo - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Apaixonada! Cris Dias está namorando galã de novela da Globo - Duration: 1:37.


Anitta está 'pegando' jovem de 20 anos, diz colunista - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Anitta está 'pegando' jovem de 20 anos, diz colunista - Duration: 1:30.


【TouhouMMD】Build Our Machine(REMIX) full ver.【Murasa Minamitsu】 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 【TouhouMMD】Build Our Machine(REMIX) full ver.【Murasa Minamitsu】 - Duration: 3:47.


Nike Phantom Vision Always Forward Pack Test & Review - Duration: 5:38.

Hey yo! everyone. Welcome to our new video

For more infomation >> Nike Phantom Vision Always Forward Pack Test & Review - Duration: 5:38.


ピンポン玉神業 ドラゴンボール編 | KAMIWAZA (PingPong TrickShots Dragonball Edition) - Duration: 12:53.

Let's go!

Through this very long tunnel

Jump three boxes and speed up with a fan

Go through the gate

Go rails and three plates bouncing...




I have done hard work everyday to win this game

I put everything on this ball!


Hello, We are KAMIWAZA!!

Welcome to Ping Pong Trick shots Dragon Ball Edition!!

Let's go



I gonna throw ping-pong balls into those six cups

Ultimate Concentration Max Shot



This is indirect kiss ♡

Seriously! Please cut this part. haha

Seriously!! I'm not gay!!

Seriously!! I'm not!!

Ping Pong Cup Battle

The rule is simple. It is a game that throw Ping Pong ball into the cup in front of you.

1st and 2nd place will go to the finals.

And loser will do bikini wax on foot hair as a penalty.

Let's go




1 billion

I gonna show you the results of my hard work!!

Kick Shot

I did it!



Not finished yet

No way!

Are you ready?

I don't have foot hair

This feel bad

Do it quick


It hurt!

It hurt!!

It hurt!!!

So smooth. lol

Looks bad, right?

Obviously bad!!

Thank you for 90k Subscribers!!

Bounce beam!!


This is super saiyans power!!

Please look those cups!!

I gonna throw 3 Ping Pong balls into those cups by using these plates!!

Kan Kan Kan Shot!!



Final match!


I will not lose!!


He is reading the wind

He's learning with fight!!

Both of you are good

No! I will not accept it!!

You have to accept reality. lol

Impossible! Because my battle power is 20,000!!

Let's go!

Vegeta, are you ready?

You are brutal.



It does not hurt at all.

It's getting red! lol

Oh my god!! My leg!!


Why me. I did nothing. lol

The result of the battle is my victory!

Thank you!!


Let's go!!

I gonna throw 2 Ping Pong balls and bounce on this bench and put into those 2 cups.

Continuous Bound Shot


I will get those dragon ball!

I'm not gonna let you!!

Dream on.


He is learning with fight!!

I gonna throw a ping-pong ball into this cup with doing trampoline!!

Trampoline Back Bounce Shot!!

I did it

Thank you for watching!!

How about our Ping Pong Trick Shots Dragon Ball Edition??

This person is winner of Soccer Ball with Autograph!!


Giveaway of this video is...

This one!!

7 Dragon Balls!!

Please subscribe and comment if you want them!! Winner announcement is the next video.

See ya!!

For more infomation >> ピンポン玉神業 ドラゴンボール編 | KAMIWAZA (PingPong TrickShots Dragonball Edition) - Duration: 12:53.


Ronaldinho Gaúcho termina noivado duplo que mantinha com modelos - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Ronaldinho Gaúcho termina noivado duplo que mantinha com modelos - Duration: 1:20.


Mumuzinho revela situação tensa que viveu na mansão de Luciano Huck - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Mumuzinho revela situação tensa que viveu na mansão de Luciano Huck - Duration: 2:01.


Fotos do casamento de Mandy Moore são compartilhadas na web - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Fotos do casamento de Mandy Moore são compartilhadas na web - Duration: 2:14.


Diljen Ronî - Sînê [Official Video] - Duration: 4:11.

Come to me Sinê Of whom I admire eyes

Of whom I love stature I am desperate

Kind! You are like a black speckled white dove in the sky

And you are very beautiful! Like the flower of the tribe's grassland and gardens

I worship your name Sinê like a holy tomb

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

I worship your name Sinê like a holy tomb

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

I am wounded Like an eagle in the sky

Come Sîne, come to see your wounded I am desperate

Know that I will never forget the name of Sînê

I am wounded Sinê, come to me

I worship your name Sinê like a holy tomb

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

I worship your name Sinê like a holy tomb

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

I worship your name Sinê like a holy tomb

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

You are the most beautiful of all girls of the tribe

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