Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 22 2018

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.



I'm going to kill you!

-Vicenta! -Miguel!

Samantha, you were trying to abort your kid?

-I... -You're not touching that baby!

Miguel, what the hell are you doing here?

I promised Alberto I'd protect you.


Miguel, stay with me.

You have to relax.

Floyd doesn't want us talking about Teca or Mexico or...

I can't just do nothing. I can't.

One's mother must be respected.

- .

Where are we going, Mom?

Somewhere nobody's going to find us.

I can't believe you need 48 hours

before you can look for Vicenta.

Know what'll happen in 48 hours?

Teca Martinez will tear her to shreds and kill her.

This is unacceptable.

Yes, it's personal.

She's a very important person to me.


I'm trying to locate Danielito's tracker,

but no luck.

It's encrypted.


It's me, Rooster.

We've been looking everywhere for you.

Where are you?

I'm fine, I just left.

Yeah, I know you left, but to where?

Tell us so we can find you.

No, Rooster, I'm calling so you can tell everyone

I'm not coming back.

I know what happened to Chavita, may he rest in peace,

affected us all, but you have to...

Vicenta, honey, please listen to me.

I won't abandon you.

I'll protect you.

Please come back.

No, Alberto.

The last person who promised to protect me just left me.

I don't want the same to happen to you and that's that.

I'm not going to die.

I'm toxic.

Things happen to anyone who comes in contact with me.

I don't have the strength to keep dealing with this,

so all I can do is protect my kid,

which is what I'm going to do from now on.

What happened?

Miss Vicenta called and spoke to Alberto.

She says she's not coming back.


I understand.

We'd all like to run away.

If that's what she decided, then good.

For the first time, she's thinking of herself.

I will find her.

I know it's not what everyone wants,

but if Teca's on the loose,

he's a danger to Vicenta and Danielito.


If Vicenta doesn't want to be found, you won't find her.

Sorry, but I have to do something.


Vicenta loves you, Alberto.


And the love of an Acero is indestructible,

just like her last name.

Good morning!

Say good morning to the sun!

Good morning!

You like it?


It's pretty.

Yeah, and so are you.

Oh dear!


Come here. Come have breakfast.

Wait, Mommy.


How do you feel?


Did you sleep well?


Mom, how long have you been awake?

Did you not get any sleep again?

No, but don't worry about me. I'm fine.

Any word on Vicenta?

No, and I can't investigate much.

I'm still suspended, and I don't have access

to the portal.


And I'm sure you won't help me.

No, I know you won't. Don't say anything.

You know full well Floyd's got me...

No, he doesn't. He's turned you against me.

That's it.

Go on, say it.

I'm really sorry.

You're sorry.

I hope your suspension doesn't last long.


We're still partners, aren't we?

Come here.

How are you, honey?

Let me call the doctor.

No, don't call him.

Don't touch me. I'm a monster.

We decided together that you'd get this operation.




What happened to Elizabeth?

Are you sure nothing's going to happen to me?

Last time I tried it, I got really sick.


Put more on there.

I'm in a rush. What's up?

Nothing, I just hadn't seen you after...

what happened with your dad.

And I wanted to apologize.


You've really helped me, and what happened...

This is what you had to say?

You could've texted me.



I got a paternity test like your dad said.


The baby is Rooster's.

Okay, my mom can't find out.

It's not a good time.

So stay away and keep your mouth shut.

She needs calm.

Is something wrong with her?

No, she's fine.

Even if there were, it's family business.


Josefina, we were prepared.

We knew all this would happen, it's not a surprise.

I'm a piece of meat. A ghost.

All I care about is that you're alive,

and that what's in here is well-protected and cared for.

That's the only thing that matters.

Please calm down.

If you touch my son, I'll rip your eyes out.

Relax, Tuti.

Nobody's touched you since you got here.

Why's there a tarp on the floor?

What are you going to do?

It's time for your test.

Oh, kid.

Let's make this easy.

Man, you're such a drag!

Grab this.

Don't make him do it!

Kill this dude, or you kill your mom.

Excuse me, just doing a little cleaning.

Mind waiting outside?


It's the day of Salvador's funeral.

The day you fled.

Agent Fuentes.

You'd better have a good explanation

for being in a restricted area when you're suspended.

Elizabeth, I was told you weren't in school today.

Where were you?

I'm right here.

What's wrong with you?

Tell me the truth.

Drink this tea. It's hot.

It'll calm your nerves.

Try it.

Chepina, you're the most beautiful woman

I've ever known.

I'm so grateful that you chose me to share your life with.

I'm also grateful that you were saved.

You're perfect just the way you are.


Mr. Quintanilla, I have the paternity test you requested.

The baby is yours.


Brutus is out there teaching your grandson to shoot.

You want to watch? It might cheer you up.

I had fun a few days ago

when you brought my grandson and Tuti.

But do you really think that'd get me out of bed?

Yes, I do have a good explanation for why I'm here.

You were suspended, Fuentes. This is serious.

Plus you entered in disguise.

Don't I look like Pedro?

What were you looking for? Who do you work for?

For justice. Always.

Justice at any cost.

Someone on the inside is helping you,

and you're going to tell me who.

Who's your accomplice?


This is my problem, right?

I was walking by and...


Who are you?


You trying to kill me and my kid?

Chill out.

I swear I don't have anything valuable on me.

Start talking or you and your ----- are going separate ways.

I have no idea what you're talking about,

and please stop pointing that at me.

It might go off.



You'll wake him.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 26 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:49.


Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 50 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:52.


Oh, Joselito...

Jose, ------- it! Jose!

- JOSÉ, ------, JOSÉ.

I have recordings proving Augusto worked for the Gaonas.

Tell the Colombians to make him suffer and then kill him.

I get it. I do.

It happened to me too.

I held the gun in my hands, but I still refused to believe it.

Who does your worthless life depend on now?

You should be here with the kids

in case something happens to me.

If I get out of here...


Who said you're getting out of here alive?

My sister is a minor. If she doesn't come out,

I'll call the police because he's holding her hostage.

What could I have done?

You could've told me

like you're doing now, -------!



You swapped me for Diego.

You gave him everything... and tossed me aside.

That's why I joined Jose!

It seems you love switching sides when it suits you.

First it was Gavino, then Eliseo, and now me.

Congratulations, Augusto! You're an excellent actor!

I did some things right.

I brought you money, business deals.

It's your ------- fault Felipa lost her eye.

You ratted her out to him!

I didn't know what he was going to do.

I'm going to give you a chance to never betray anyone again.

And while I'm at it, I'll reunite you with your stepson.

Could you do me a favor, though?

Tell him I'm sorry for killing him.

I looked for the gun I used to kill Ramiro

and I can't find it.

Then you're in trouble.

When your stepson becomes governor,

we can't have that gun turn up.

I need you at Los Pinos to help me control the border.

If this isn't enough to convince Marlene

that Augusto is a criminal, then nothing will.

You have to be discreet.

If Augusto finds out I gave you this audio file,

who knows what he'll do.

We could be putting Diego in danger.

Oh, no.

I hope this gamble pays off,

that she understands that he isn't good for her

and that she leaves him.

Excuse me.

Salas, I'm sorry to came by unannounced...


How are you? It's so nice to see you!

I'm very glad to see you too, ma'am.

I spoke with Marlene... and she told me what you told her.

Forgive me for not calling you, but...

I'm so ashamed by her actions.

What she did is shameful, ma'am.

I am so embarrassed.

I couldn't face you.

You'll have to forgive me,

but Diana doesn't want to leave or go back to your place.

What did you say to her?


You did! You turned her against me!

Why else would a girl with a bright future date you?

You're after someone who'll support you, aren't you?

Chill, girl.

Chucho is a much better person than a lot of people we know.


I didn't say anything to her.

Diana chose to move in with me. Know why she did?

Because she can't stand Augusto.

He's always spying on her.

Not true!

Augusto would never do that. He's a gentleman.

Hold on.


Which Augusto are you talking about?

The same one you're thinking of.

Marlene and Augusto are lovers.

We're not! We're getting married!

You are? Is that so?


That guy is married to my mom.

Guess you're the last to know.

Augusto and Fernanda are divorced.

So it's true?

You killed Eliseo.


It was an accident.

He was meeting with Diego and I asked him to take me along.

Why are you following me?

Because I found out Diego's in Alamos.

You're going to see him, aren't you?

Do you want to hand him over to the cartel?

Of course not!

He was upset and lunged at me.

-Drop the gun! -Let go of me!

-Let me go! -Drop it!

I ended up shooting him.

You killed him.


I asked you and you denied it!

Know what really happened?

We all killed him.

You, Gavino, even Diego.

You financed his campaign with drug trade money,

Diego got him involved in his problems with the cartel,

and Gavino declared his war against him.

You shot him.

You put that gun in my hands.

Stop right there.

You're the last person to whom

I have to explain my relationship with Augusto.

And you're proud to be dating that bastard?

Know how it's gonna end? I can tell you.

I don't care about what you have to say.

If you want to know what's going on, ask your mother.

I'm here for Diana. Call her or I'll go get her.


I'm here, Marlene.

Stop it. I'm not leaving.

You stop it.

Get your things 'cause we're leaving.


-No? -No.


Let me talk to her.

-You sure? -Yes.


So I'm going back to my old job.

At the grocery store?

It's not really a grocery store.

It's more like a bar.

It's a place that's opened at night and it hosts shows.

Your dad works there.

You play the guitar too?


No, I don't play the guitar. I dance!


So... you dance naked?

What? Amanda, don't be silly!

Mom wouldn't dance naked!

Especially not if I'm around.

Why does your presence matter? No, I don't dance naked!

There are places where women do that, Ricas.

Yes, but this isn't one of them.

This place has a stage filled with lights.

My friends and I follow the choreography

and we're great dancers.

You know what people think about those... women.


Yes, I do know what people think about those women.

If I were one of those women who dances naked,

would I stop being your mother?


Amanda, I'll say this.

You can't judge people because of what they do,

where they work, or how they dress.

If you speak ill of someone, you'll end up looking bad.

You don't know their story. Besides, why should you care?

I don't care how you dance. I love you, Mom.

I love you too!

I love you too, but please relax.

Mommy, do we have to use our fake identities again?

Well... yes. Sort of.

Everyone there knows me as Camila Guevara.

I visited the house and school,

but I couldn't find Emiliano or Camila.

I visited the neighborhood where the house is located

and the neighbors tell me Emiliano moved out a month ago.


So the woman who answered the door was telling the truth.

Or a half-truth.

The neighbors claim the rest of the family still lives there.


The woman in that house is Camila Guevara.

Going to the police will make everything worse.

Should I tell them I don't feel safe at your place,

that your fiancé harasses me and spies on me?

Why are you making things up? Augusto isn't like that!

-Making things up? -That's right.

It's the truth, but you refuse to see it.

Prove it! What did he say?

Has he touched you inappropriately,

has he made you feel uncomfortable,

has he said something he shouldn't have?

What has he done?

-No. -No? Then?

Your problem is that you're easily influenced

by what people who don't know him say about him.

I can't believe you'd say that! I'm your sister!

There are many ways to harass a woman.

These aren't hours to be out.

I'm going out with my friends. I already told Marlene.

It's not right for you to go out this late.

And much less, dressed like that.


What's wrong with my outfit?

You're dressed provocatively.

What will men think?

You know what they'll say?

You need someone to keep you on a tight leash.

It's a shame you don't believe me.

Augusto has obviously brainwashed you

and you can't see what's right in front of you.

There's only one thing left to decide:

What are we going to do about these pansies?

You really don't want to kill them now?

-No! -Think about it.

Killing them would be a kindness.

They need to suffer, so please keep them here for a bit.


That's what you are, Circe. A murderer.

What are you waiting for? Kill me!

If you don't,

I'll cut you open and feed your entrails to the dogs.

I'll do the same to Ramona and that witch.

How are you going to do that?

You're only able to talk 'cause I haven't cut your tongue out.

You're always going to be a servant, Joselito.

If you'll excuse me. See you later.

Circe! Don't leave me here!

Circe, please!


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 50 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:52.


Manipulando A Sus Hijos 👨🏻‍💻💵👬 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 24:38.

For more infomation >> Manipulando A Sus Hijos 👨🏻‍💻💵👬 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 24:38.


Pastel Amargo 👰🎂😈 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:16.

For more infomation >> Pastel Amargo 👰🎂😈 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:16.


La Sultana | Capítulo 18 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:46.


My offer is...

Before he comes back,

Prince Mustafa will ascend to the throne.

What's that?

What did you do?

If that woman knew you burned her ribbon, she'd be upset.

Tell me who she is.


We thought you were dead.

And I'm here to get revenge on Dervis Pasha.

What is going on here?


-Mom! -No, stop!

Dudu Hatun!

Mustafa, son.

I'm back, I'm back.

I'm here with you.

Dilruba, my beautiful daughter.

How are things?

I talked to her.

But she wouldn't listen.

Then, Dudu Hatun, I have no choice.

I'm sorry.

Dear Allah...

Dear Allah...

May Allah have mercy on our souls.

-May He have it. -May He forgive us.

May He do it.

We had no choice.

If she had talked, it would have been a disaster.

Quiet, Haci, quiet.

We're in this situation because of your clumsiness.

If you had killed the prince that night,

none of this would be happening.

Perhaps, it's best that I didn't.

Thanks to Kosem Hatun, we're all safe now.

She still thinks Safiye Sultan was behind it.

and she doesn't know the truth.

I don't want her to become our enemy.


Look, Kosem.

Look at what you've done, cleaning after

Handan Sultan's stupidity.

Dudu Hatun is dead.

Your hands are covered in blood too now.

You accuse me, but you tried to kill prince Mustafa, Sultana.

It wasn't a coincidence that I was there.

One of your people told me to protect the prince.

If you mean what Cennet said, we sent her

because we knew what Handan was planning.

We tried to stop it.

That's why we also decided to send Dudu Hatun.

Who is Handan?

You think we'd kill the prince just to get back at her?

You chose the wrong side, Kosem. You got it wrong.

They lied to you and used you.

They say Dudu Hatun is dead.

I'll go pay my respects.

Dudu Hatun was innocent.

Why did you do it?

What are you talking about?

You know perfectly well what I'm talking about.

You lied to me, Sultana.

You said you hadn't done it, that it was Safiye Sultan.

-She's got into your head. -Don't deny it, Sultana.

Our beloved sultan spared Mustafa's life,

how could you do that?

I had to, Kosem.

Otherwise, Safiye Sultan would have put the prince

on the throne.

It was all a lie. You fell in their trap.

They wanted you to make a mistake, and you did.

Yes, I did it.

And I'd do it again.

I've spent my whole life

fearing for my son's life.

Doesn't Prince Mustafa have a mother, Sultana?

Doesn't he have a life?

Wouldn't his mother have been crushed if he'd died?

I didn't write our laws, Kosem.

That's the price of being a sultana in this palace.

You fear for your son's life every day.

One day, you'll understand.

When you're a mother.

I assure you, Mother Sultan, that as long as I'm here,

no innocent child will be murdered.

What will you do, Kosem?

Will you tell him?

The news have just arrived.

Our sultan is about to arrive at the palace.

Allah listened to our prayers.

I want you to be with us when we welcome him.

But there's something I want to make sure of.

Don't worry, Sultana, I won't say anything.

But I won't do it for you, I'll do it for the sultan.

I won't cause him such suffering.

You've chosen wisely, Kosem.

If you talked, you'd only help Safiye Sultan.

I have one condition.

From now on, no harm shall come to Prince Mustafa.

No matter what happens, you won't try to kill him.

Attention, His Majesty, Sultan Ahmed Khan!

-Welcome, my son. -Thank you, Mother.

I was so worried.

As you can see, I'm fine. I'm back.

My dear grandson, thank Allah you're back safe.


I have good news.

My favorite, Rasha Hatun.

The Celali were holding her hostage,

that's why I had to leave in secret.

Thank Allah...

Are you all right, Hatun?

Don't worry, Sultana.

Your grandson and I are fine.

Allah willing, I'll give our sultan a prince.

Allah willing.

It was so hard.

I suffered a great deal over there.

But I didn't lose hope.

I never stopped praying.

Allah answered my prayers,

and the sultan arrived just in time.

He saved me.

Mahpeyker Hatun.


I heard what you did.

You took advantage of my absence.

But here I am, I'm back.

I hope my prince is born lucky and brings fertility.

Everything will change here.

I'll be the new favorite.

You may think whatever you please, Rasha.

It won't matter whether you expect one or ten princes.

I'm the only one who owns the sultan's heart.

I'm his favorite.

And nobody can change that.


-I don't have time for this. -Allah is always fair.

Things turned out badly for you.

Leave me alone.

I know Rasha very well.

I raised her myself.

She's a smart girl.

And she's already started spilling poison.

She's a snake.


I have something to show you.

Do you recognize it?

It's my mother's.

Why do you have it? Give it to me.

I don't know anything.

Safiye Sultan is waiting for you at the Incili Mansion.

She will tell you.

Come in.



I've waited a long time for this moment, Dervis.

And finally it's here.

What's the good news?

You'll decide whether it's good or bad.

This letter proves

that you were following Sahin Giray's orders.


My mother's ring...

When I look at you, I remember

my first times in this palace, Kosem.

My fear, sadness, love,

inexperience and courage.

Courage can bring about your destruction.

I went down the same roads you did.

It's been years since I walked the road you're walking.

This is not a war you can win.

You don't have the weapons to.

Why are you telling me all this, Sultana?

Why did you call me here?

To show you who we are.

To give you a chance.

The last one.


For more infomation >> La Sultana | Capítulo 18 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:46.


Curso Online. Diseño de marcas con retícula - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Curso Online. Diseño de marcas con retícula - Duration: 3:00.


'Honestidad' Chiara Ferragni incendia las redes con su último y polémico 'selfie' en ropa interior - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Chiara Ferragni incendia las redes con su último y polémico 'selfie' en ropa interior - Duration: 3:45.


amores que matan - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> amores que matan - Duration: 12:16.


Nightcore ↝ Voices In My Head (Ashley Tisdale | Lyrics) - Duration: 3:21.


For more infomation >> Nightcore ↝ Voices In My Head (Ashley Tisdale | Lyrics) - Duration: 3:21.


'Honestidad' Se descubre el destino de la luna de miel de Marta Ortega y Carlos Torretta - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Se descubre el destino de la luna de miel de Marta Ortega y Carlos Torretta - Duration: 3:35.


週刊新潮が報じた"しゃぶしゃぶ鍋事件"で被害者が会見、芸能事務所のパワハラ行為について弁護士が概要説明 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 週刊新潮が報じた"しゃぶしゃぶ鍋事件"で被害者が会見、芸能事務所のパワハラ行為について弁護士が概要説明 - Duration: 3:59.


'Honestidad' Makoke se despacha a gusto contra Kiko Matamoros: "No le quiero en mi vida nunca más" - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Makoke se despacha a gusto contra Kiko Matamoros: "No le quiero en mi vida nunca más" - Duration: 6:06.


Led Zeppelin Grandes Exitos Cubierta completa 2018 - Lo Mejor De Led Zeppelin 2018 - Duration: 1:44:41.

For more infomation >> Led Zeppelin Grandes Exitos Cubierta completa 2018 - Lo Mejor De Led Zeppelin 2018 - Duration: 1:44:41.


The Nightmare | Haunted House Monster Trucks | Cartoon Videos For Toddler by Kids Channel - Duration: 3:32.

The Nightmare Haunted House Monster Trucks

For more infomation >> The Nightmare | Haunted House Monster Trucks | Cartoon Videos For Toddler by Kids Channel - Duration: 3:32.


Inloggen met eHerkenning - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Inloggen met eHerkenning - Duration: 1:27.


Idol | Part #12 | Bangladeshi Idol 2018 | Bangladeshi Idol Audition | ELJ tv - Duration: 2:28.

Idol | Part #12 | Bangladeshi Idol 2018 | Bangladeshi Idol Audition | ELJ tv

For more infomation >> Idol | Part #12 | Bangladeshi Idol 2018 | Bangladeshi Idol Audition | ELJ tv - Duration: 2:28.


HTML में Marquee Tag Kaise lagate hai | in Hindi | मार्की टैग कैसे लगाते हैं | हिंदी में | #ikss29 - Duration: 3:23.

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IK studies series

For more infomation >> HTML में Marquee Tag Kaise lagate hai | in Hindi | मार्की टैग कैसे लगाते हैं | हिंदी में | #ikss29 - Duration: 3:23.


劣等上等(Cover)【進入認真模式】(HD 720P )內有英譯字幕 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 劣等上等(Cover)【進入認真模式】(HD 720P )內有英譯字幕 - Duration: 4:03.


Смотреть Всем! Самое трогательное поздравление на День Матери | до слез - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Смотреть Всем! Самое трогательное поздравление на День Матери | до слез - Duration: 1:19.


LEVEL - BLUECATS - 2003 - Part I - Duration: 32:50.

For more infomation >> LEVEL - BLUECATS - 2003 - Part I - Duration: 32:50.


How to Magnetise a Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct - Duration: 11:40.

today I'm going to show you how to magnetise a necron seraptek heavy

construct with both weapon options go on give us a kiss nick speaking and welcome

to this video and if you're new to the channel and you want to keep up to date

with the wonders of Warhammer 40k then please subscribe and hit the bell button

so you don't miss a video I upload on a Monday Thursday and Saturday every week

ok so I've now built my Forge world necron seraptek heavy construct and

I've magnetised the weapon options and today I'm going to show you how you can

do yours to now it's fair to say you don't have to magnetise these weapons

they do actually sit in place quite well however the magnets do offer a bit more

stability with your model so I think it's a worthwhile thing to do and it's

very easy so let's find out how to do it ok so here we go the necrons seraptek

heavy construct and we are going to magnetise the weapon options in this

video so of course this is a forge world model and all the parts are made from

resin now the resin comes on little sections which have numbers on which

correspond to the numbers here in this chart so what you need to do first of

all is wash the resin just wash it in hot soapy water let it soak for a good

few hours and they get a soft toothbrush and just scrub the resin very gently and

then rinse it all off put it down on a towel just let it air-dry for

another good few hours and then you're ready to start building and cleaning up

the pieces now to magnetise the weapons you can follow the instructions all the

way up until here this is instruction number 12 in actual fact this is the

first instruction where they introduce the gun pieces so when you've got this

section complete it should look something like

this yeah it's looking pretty awesome the detail on this is absolutely amazing

I'm totally loving it however we're here to magnetise it not to admire it so what

I need to do is have a closer look at the weapons okay so these are the two

gun options we've got the singularity generator and the synaptic obliterators

now these particular guns are very well designed to the point that they both can

fit onto this model using the same piece of resin and that piece is this piece

here it's almost like a little hook so you get one of these for each weapon

because obviously if this comes with two and this comes with two now the way it

works is we take this section here and this will actually pop into this piece

here I won't do it at the moment because I don't want to have to keep popping it in

and out but that just pops into there then there's another piece of resin

which goes over the top here which holds this ball joint into place which means

you don't have to glue this this will be movable however with this piece just on

here this ball isn't going to be able to pop in and out of this it's going to be

fixed in there which means you can't have the weapon already built and just

change it with this section so we're going to have to work on this area here

now I've got the weapon sections and it's pretty simple that just goes onto

there and as you can see in actual fact you can let go which is what I was

talking about when I said you don't really have to magnetise these you could

just lay them into position however I think it would be nice to have them

magnetised just to make them a little bit more secure now there's lots of

other bits and pieces especially on this gun to glue however you need to do the

magnetising before you glue anything into place again before this gets popped

into here because you want to be able to get the drill pieces into here allowing

you to magnetise them so that's what we're going to do next okay so here we

go we're going to start with this little hook piece so what we're going to do is

drill a hole in there and basically put a

magnet in there now I'm going to use some 2 x 1 millimetre magnets now these

are what they call N52 that's the most strongest magnets that you can get at

the moment now to be fair you could probably use a slightly bigger magnets

however I don't have a bigger drill than 2 millimeters at the moment so I'm going

to stick with 2 millimeter they're pretty strong so I don't think I'll have

any issues plus the guns already balanced on here anyway so it's really

just to help secure them into place so what we're going to do is take a little

pin vise this is a games workshop's one and we're going to find the center of

this little arc now here there's a little piece running along the top which

gives us a nice guide of where the centre is i'm just going to aim the

centre up now as it's resin it's very easy to drill through this it's quite a

soft material so we're gonna drill out a little hole just in here I just need

that a little bit deeper then we're gonna just test the hole with the magnet

just to make sure the magnet goes all the way in which it does ok so now we're

going to go to this piece here we're going to drill another hole in the top

again using this section of the gun to line us up as the centre section for the

drill and again just gently drill a little hole or I go too deep make sure

in the middle which we am just drill the hole out ready for the magnet to go in

again just check the depth depths fine I'm going to do exactly the same on this

one just here so again just find the middle and then drill a hole make sure

we're in the middle if we go too deep which we are ok so now we have our holes

it's time to put the magnets in there now the best way to do this is with a

piece of green stuff so I've mixed this up already so this is the epoxy which

basically you it's soft and then it goes hard when

it's dry this will help the magnets stay into position and also help us magnetise

them into position as well so we're gonna take a little bit of green stuff and then we're

going to put that into the hole so I'm going to use my little green stuff tool

I think it's a bit fiddly so push that into the hole then before we glue the

magnet in we're going to put some glue on there now the glue itself it's best

to put on the magnet rather than the green stuff if you put onto the green

stuff the green stuff tends to dry quite quickly so we've got to dab some super

glue i'm using the gorilla super gel glue but any super glue will do this is

getting a bit low so bear with me when I get some glue out right okay so we've

got some super glue on the magnet and then we're going to push that into the

hole like so it also sticks instantly that's because you've got the green

stuff there and now we've got to push that's down until it's flush now

what tends to happen is the green stuff will come out of the hole as you push

the magnet in this means you've got a very nice tight fit so just push that

down till it's flush and that is done okay so now for the gun section so once

again we're to get some green stuff and we're just going to pop it into the hole

that's quite a deep hole so I'm going to put a reasonable amount of green stuff

in there because I've gone a little bit too deep but it's better to go deeper

with extra green stuff than not deep enough at all and having it protruding

out so we've got some green stuff in there now when it comes to the superglue

remember you need to superglue on the opposite side of the magnet you want

reverse polarities so that obviously they magnetise so gonna put a little

bit of superglue into this one like so and pop that into the hole like

that and then once again push this down until it's flush like so there we go

excellent right let's do the next one okay so this one here now so we're going

to put a piece of green stuff in the hole once again make sure the magnets

are the opposite way around to how you glue them before I'm using this little

magnetic piece of plastic just a piece of plastic with a magnet on so I know which

way the polarity is very useful okay so we need some glue then just pop that

into place

okay I'll squash that down into position

right so there you go gonna let that dry for a few minutes okay there you go

that's all dried and we now have magnetised weapon options how cool is

that right we can now continue to build this and I'll be back when I've done

that so I'll have a final look at this all magnetised up okay so here he is all

built up I'm absolutely loving this model very very cool now let's have a

quick look at the guns so we've got the big gun on there at the moment and

that's just magnetises off and we can put the other gun into position now

these guns of course are movable on that little joint pretty cool you can go up

and down as well and then on the other side my rather dynamic pose which I'm

absolutely loving we've of course got the other gun which we can then change over

there it is with the smaller guns on and that is how you magnetise the Necron

seraptek heavy construct okay so there you go hope that was useful to you as I

said you don't have to magnetise this particular Necron model however there

are some other models where magnetising is almost essential so if you're not

subscribed yet start now hit the IDICBbeer icon and if you want to see more necron

magnetising videos then check out that playlist there I've got a bunch of

really useful videos in that playlist beam me up

For more infomation >> How to Magnetise a Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct - Duration: 11:40.


Acer Nitro 5 (AMD Ryzen) Laptop Benchmarks - 10 Games Tested! - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Acer Nitro 5 (AMD Ryzen) Laptop Benchmarks - 10 Games Tested! - Duration: 5:16.


I did it, Beggin' Back by BLIND LEMON JEFFERSON ver.2018-11-03 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> I did it, Beggin' Back by BLIND LEMON JEFFERSON ver.2018-11-03 - Duration: 2:54.


A Little About Me - Duration: 16:11.

hi everyone I've recently gotten a lot of subscribers and I want to thank you

all for finding my channel I appreciate you watching my videos I've had a lot of

comments wondering who I am and how I know these things so I'd like to address

some of those comments let's start with Who I am

well I am Alexandra and I'm 23 years old I have a genetic condition called

ehlers-danlos syndrome it is a connective tissue disorder that affects

my whole body because a large portion of our bodies are held together with

connective tissue my jaw hips and knees dislocate very easily

it is chronic and there is no cure I do go to physical therapy a type

of treatment called A.R.T. up to 3 times a week to help with the symptoms I am in

pain every day and as a result I have a lot of time to learn in research because

I am disabled so for fun I write screenplays and I draw I am very

creative and I like to create art and tell stories so I grew up in a mentally

and emotionally abusive household by someone who claimed to be a Christian

when I was young I rejected what I now call churchianity and started searching

for answers on my own at 16 my favourite musician was Marilyn Manson whom I now

know is a monarch victim of MKULTRA programming anyone afraid of him or who

judges him does not understand how monarch programming works and that he is

still a victim like most but not all of Hollywood if you want to look into

monarch programming I suggest you look at some survivors like Kathleen Sullivan

and Fiona Barnett Marilyn Manson had one song with the lyrics "I never really

hated the one true God but the god of the people I hated" that lyric made me

start to examine my own worldview and I realized that I did not hate God

I didn't know God I knew the version of God based on the

people who abused me but I personally had never met God or

his son and I didn't know the Holy Spirit through a series of events I came

to realize the one true God was real and he was the only one who was there for me

when I had nothing at age 17 I dedicated my life to Him and myself to his service

my deeper research into the occult started when a friend of mine was

wrongfully convicted of a crime and put in prison after months of researching

every aspect of his case I found out that it was the Freemasons who accused

him and convicted him Freemasons own the police and the courts they were

covering up the crime committed by one of their brothers and I was told by a

freemason to stop looking into his case this is how they work with veiled

threats and lies some of the wildest comments I received on my videos are that

I am transgender and that I am a member of the Order of the Eastern Star I can't

believe I actually have to address this but I was born female and I also detest

everything that the Freemasons and the Order of the Eastern Star stand for

I especially reject their Luciferian agenda they're not making men better

they are making men better liars if you want to know from a victim what exactly

these Luciferian organizations take part in I suggest reading Fiona Barnett's

ITNJ statement which I'll leave a link to in the description below what the

Freemasons did to my friend framing him for a crime he didn't commit and then

locking him up led me to where I am now this research was personal and I think

that's why I have stuck with it so long for years I've spent every day praying

for understanding and wisdom researching and reading the word while questioning

all of my own beliefs and throwing out anything that might be part of social

conditioning or incorrect definitions I am NOT a member of any church or of any

cult I do not believe in religion I only follow what Yahusha I've also heard it

pronounced ya-hoo-sha taught i call him that because John 5:43 says that I am

come in my father's name and you received me

the origins of the name Jesus do not have the same meaning as Yahusha in

relation to Yahweh which I've also heard pronounced yahuwah the Hebrew name of

God is used in the Hebrew roots movement which I reject because it is a group

based on doctrines of men I believe the entire Bible along with certain extra

biblical biblically endorsed books like the first book of Enoch and Jubilees

which was removed by the catholic church during the council of nicea in 325 AD

I test the spirits and follow no man or woman's teachings i made this channel to

share what i've learned over the years and give my opinion on it i chose to put

my face on my videos because i stand behind my opinion i feel that makes it

more real and more personal but in doing so i understand that I'm gonna get some

unkind comments about the way I look and I hope people will focus on what I have

to say rather than how I look from now on just because I look a certain way

doesn't mean that my information is less valid I don't expect everyone to agree

with my opinions but I do expect everyone to research the topics I

discuss and decide for themselves I'm a big fan of everyone is not entitled to

an opinion they are entitled to an informed one over the last four years I've spent

every day reading the word and studying but as a result I've lost contact with

my family they do not understand why I don't go to a church and why I don't

take my teachings from freemasonic pastors they also don't believe we're

living in the end times as any studied scholar knows one subject leads to

another and it is an endless web of deceit and lies that make up our world

the more I learned about the occult the clearer it became the God who I will

call Yahweh was not the cause of all the troubles in the world but the evil

people who followed the fallen angels and have hijacked every form of

institution whether it be financial religious commercial the media and

entertainment they are the ones responsible for the lies we believe and

the false history we've been taught after discovering all this information I

decided that I wanted to let others know what I had found

I recently received many comments directed at me personally my subscribers

more than tripled after a group called NYSTV started watching my videos

somehow my videos were shared to their group which I am NOT a part of and their

members started trying to find reasons why my information is not valid none of

their comments are about the content of my videos but rather about my appearance

I realize now though that my hand gestures are very distracting so I am

part Italian and using my hands is very cultural and normal for me but I

realized that this might not be normal for everyone that is part of the reason

I will no longer sit in front of the camera because I do not want to be

distracting anyone this group has even gone so far as to

find all of my social media accounts which is fine because I have nothing to

hide and I would like to explain some of my posts in case anyone else has

questions I chose the username sparkly undertaker because when I read

revelation 14 about the harvest my first thought was "oh man Yahusha's like some

kind of sparkly undertaker" and I thought that was a funny and unique title also

probably Alexandra was taken ok so this is one of my profile pictures on one of

my more artsy social media accounts one of my hobbies is cosplay which means I

dress up as characters and go to conventions to spend time with my

friends who don't live nearby me this character is named Taako

they are from a popular podcast called the adventure zone I create podcasts and

I'm going to be releasing them soon and I like to listen to popular podcasts the

convention I went to was mostly characters from The Adventure Zone and I

went with a group to do a group photo shoot the friends that I spend time with

are these conventions are members of a group called Jesus otaku who go around

the con and tell people who are interested about the gospel during one

convention that was held from October 30th to November 2nd my friends and I

did not participate in the Halloween themed events instead we sat on the

floor of the hallway singing worship songs and the security-guard even joined

in I am also an artist and I write screenplays I draw all of my characters

some of which are villains and might look scary or occult they are villains

and they are based on real-life villains or the Fallen Angels because I like to

show people how they operate in the form of make-believe stories just like any

filmmaker does to convey a message I do not have many close friends but I have

even fewer who believe in a creator but the one I do have who is a follower of

Yahweh is very intelligent and she asks very good questions and we can discuss

prophecy and current events together she's known me for years and I am very

glad to have at least one close friend a lot of people do not understand how lost

my generation is and that a disproportionate amount identify as

witches or pagans I choose to seek these people out so that they can hear the

truth very slowly in ways that are applicable to them they may not be close

friends of mine but I do try to be friendly I also like to be approachable

to those who are in dark places because the occult aesthetic is one big echo

chamber and if no one goes in there to help these people they will never

question their worldview I understand my content might be strange to some when they

see me because not a lot of Millennials are doing what I'm doing there is a

disproportionate amount of people my age proudly involved in the occult

while those watching my videos may be surrounding themselves with a safe space

of believers I do not have that ability I am one of the only ones I know who

doesn't share the beliefs of my peers I am trying to be who I needed when I was

younger if someone had reached out to me instead of judging me and showed me the

truth in a way I could understand it and get interested to go further I it would

have made a very big difference to me I don't judge people and their appearances

or likes and dislikes without knowing them first you have to remember that a

large percentage of people my age and the people that I'm around are in the

LGBTQ community and do proudly identifies witches without knowing

anything about who or what witchcraft really is based on so

because I do know I try to comment or speak to them slowly about certain

things they post or say but I refuse to attack them or leave them to their own

group of like-minded people one of my friends who is not a believer gave me

this plushie here and said it would be perfect for this character here from a

series done by my friend and artist no we do not share the same beliefs

but I do support them as an artist and I hope they would support me even though

we're different the show that she's created is about a character who helps

rehabilitate demons and lead them to redemption while it's pretty ridiculous

and theologically incorrect the creator is just another millennial and by

association pretty pagan the whole theme of this project is that inside of every

demon is a rainbow or that everyone has something good deep down inside another

way to say that would be that you'll never look into the eyes of someone that

Yahweh doesn't love so everyone is worth trying to help okay

point is I'm in the process of slowly witnessing to this friend who gave me

this plushie because he has been personally victimized by so-called

Christians and he identifies as an atheist I've gotten to speak to many

people within the art community and help them question what they do or give them

some resources to look into I also explained the symbolism of the Baphomet

to my friend and he actually did not know any of it

he actually believed that the Baphomet was just a mythical creature like a

chupacabra so because of that I was able to give him a different perspective we

are in a war and in this world I'm the bad guy I am the villain because I

follow the one the rulers of this world fear we should not be afraid of the

darkness the darkness should be afraid of us because we have the light of

Yahweh not the false light of Lucifer or Gadreel Ephesians 5:11 says take no

part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them if you don't

know what the darkness is doing you cannot

expose it like if you don't like being tricked by magicians learn the tricks so

you're no longer deceived you can't fight an enemy you don't understand I

follow no human or man-made religious doctrine and I do not go to church

because the majority of them are 501c3 government-run organizations that are

not allowed to tell you the truth Matthew 10:16 says behold I send you

forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be he therefore wise as serpents and

harmless as doves to be wise as serpents you must know what the serpent knows but

to be harmless as a dove is to be set apart from their ways but just as

knowledgeable or even more so than they are that way you can defeat their

arguments and what they believe with knowledge and logic therefore if they

feel like what they know is not based upon logic they may want to figure out

what you know and why you have been able to prove that their belief is based upon

fallacies that are easily defeated with facts mark 16:15 says go into all of the

world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation so everyone deserves to

hear the truth and I can reach more people by going into the fire than I can

staying in a building with like-minded people that's just what I have found

over the years in my life so regardless of what you think about me I am NOT

interested in followers Yahusha didn't come to create followers he came to

create leaders I want you all to become leaders too and that means not following

any human including me but instead test everything and let the Holy Spirit

discern all information you take in don't trust what I say please research

what I say look at current events and how they relate to what you've

researched and let the Holy Spirit guide you to understanding truth with all that

said I'm going to have to hold comments for a review from now on then publishing

automatically because aside from comments directed towards me there were

two comments that actually referred to people in the NYSTV group as being in a

cult and I myself have never done any research into this organization

so I don't think that it's appropriate for those people to be accusing my

subscribers of something that I have never researched or hold an opinion on

so I'm just trying to keep everybody safe here and I don't want to start any

arguments in the comments so I'm gonna just have to hold the comments for review

from now on but I really appreciate all you guys and thank you so much for

watching my videos and subscribing and I will talk to you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> A Little About Me - Duration: 16:11.


Edyta Górniak rozstała się z partnerem. Tabloid zdradza powody - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Edyta Górniak rozstała się z partnerem. Tabloid zdradza powody - Duration: 3:10.


get free robux codes and how to get free roblox codes ** New *** - Duration: 2:50.

get free robux codes and how to get free roblox codes ** New ***

For more infomation >> get free robux codes and how to get free roblox codes ** New *** - Duration: 2:50.


Welcome to Yeti's Place - Duration: 0:38.

Hi guys!

So do you want to be a Yetable?

Well, come join Yeti, the Samoyed and his Mom, me, on our crazy, wonderful, fun-filled

adventures in his life.

We also feature dog tips and tricks to help you out with dog ownership.

So, come join Yeti and I, on his crazy adventures throughout his fuzzy life, on Yeti's Place.

So, be sure to subscribe.

Click that bell notification so you won't miss anything and join the Yetables, Yeti

the Samoyed and myself, his Mom, on Yeti's Place.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Yeti's Place - Duration: 0:38.


資深女星自曝曾被下藥亂來,婚後生活如牢獄,70歲鼓起勇氣離婚! - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 資深女星自曝曾被下藥亂來,婚後生活如牢獄,70歲鼓起勇氣離婚! - Duration: 4:27.


making pasta for myself - living alone 101 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> making pasta for myself - living alone 101 - Duration: 4:00.


ASMR 咀嚼音 8 Flavors OREO オレオ 奧利奧餅乾 오레오 8가지맛 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> ASMR 咀嚼音 8 Flavors OREO オレオ 奧利奧餅乾 오레오 8가지맛 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 11:54.


Virtues of a Scrum Master with Carsten Lützen - Duration: 3:53.

Hello and welcome. My name is Carsten Lützen. I'm a Scrum Master and Agile Coach.

Today I'll talk a bit about what makes a great Scrum Master even better

I have learned to appreciate as a Srum Master myself to start with myself

I can change a lot of stuff, but it is easiest if I start with myself


I am going to dive into some of the things I have learned to apply in my daily work and

that I think makes me a successful Scrum Master


One of the things, and the first thing is

To have my own Kanban board, Taskboard or call it what you want.

With what am I going to do, what am I doing now and what have I done

That also leads me to have a prioritized list of stuff that needs to be done

It might be Sprint related, it might be related to helping the organization to become better

But what is super nice about that

It leads to transparency

And transparency is what we are striving towards in Agile and in Scrum

Hence, if I my board here

I am transparent in what is my agenda

What is my priority

What am I going to do help the team become even better

But of course that is not all, I also need something more, I also need to help the team

And one of the ways to do that

Is to start to look into what is actually helping the team

Always have my agenda

in the back og my head

And then

Go around, talk to people, examine, look, how are they behaving in the Daily Scrum

are they invested in the meeting, are they invested in Planning

or are they just zoning out with their phones or with their laptop

Its super important to always be on the lookout for things we can improve

And when we find something, when we find a behavior that we do not think is the behaviour we want

Don't jump to conclusions!

What might have been working earlier might not work now


Use the "Scientific Method" so to say.

Create hypothesis

Why is it that people are zoning out during meeting

Why is it that people are not actively participating

Why is it that we are not finishing our Sprint

Set up different hypothesis

and figure out how can we falsify these. How can we see which are the right hypothesis

and which are the ones that did not hold

And when we have that sorted out

Then we can try

and begin to tackle the real problem

and then we can hopefully grow the performance and make our team a high performance team

And then the hypothesis might even go into our board, right

or the task to fix

the root cause

in the hypothesis will then go into the board

and when we have fixed that

We can just continue to again look how can we improve this team

retrospectives or what ever makes sense

But always keeping it transparent

So people can see what is the Scrum Master doing and why is he doing it

and always have our own agenda and how can we improve this

That was it for me today

If you have feedback or comments, please let me know!

I look forward to hear your comments and ideas on how do you make a Scrum Master even better

Awesome! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Virtues of a Scrum Master with Carsten Lützen - Duration: 3:53.


NU'EST Aron's English and Korean. Which one does he speak better now? - Duration: 5:04.

Hello, it's Jinger.

A lot of my subscribers requested

a video about NU'EST Aron's English.

Let's begin!

Jinger English

Maybe because he's on the radio

his English sounds pretty casual.

DJ said 'Your English is good.'

Aron answered 'It's alright.'

It's not like that in American culture.

When people say 'You're good.'

in Korea, people say 'It's alright.'

But in America, people say 'Thank you.'

When Aron came to America in 2011

he went through lots of culture shock.

Maybe this was one of them.

I think he's almost Korean now.

Aron was born in LA.

He came to Korea after high school.

I often make videos about different accents and pronunciations.

You may expect how I'm going to pick apart Aron's English.

But LA accent is not really unique.

People who live in LA may be able to tell

but like me who lives in a different state

it sounds pretty standard.

Aron is known for his intelligence.

He got in 0.5% on the SAT in America.

And he passed the test for journalism faculty in NYU.

But he came to Korea instead.

He wanted to be a singer.

He chose his path to do what he wanted to do. Cool.

Aron is intelligent, handsome and talented.

He's got everything!

He spoke only English when he came to Korea.

Now he's fluent in Korean!

Aron is a native speaker

but he also has to maintain his English.

I still do this.

I read CNN news.

I do this often.

Aron reads CNN and news articles.

There is a misunderstanding about learning a language.

Even if you're born with it

or became good at it

it doesn't last forever.

You forget when you don't use it.

I was born in Korea.

My mother tongue is Korean.

I don't have a lot of Korean people around me.

Other than talking to my 5 year old daughter

I don't get a chance to speak Korean.

I study English.

I also try to maintain my Korean skills.

Otherwise I lose my Korean skills.

So I shoot videos in Korean

read books in Korean.

Oh, I just remembered. Someone said

I'm not sure English YouTuber are qualified enough.

One the reasons is

The majority of YouTubers say

Studying English is a life long project.

He didn't like it.

But it is true.

Even if you become good at it

you lose it if you don't use it.

People need English for promotions and tests.

They don't have time.

YouTubers don't reveal their know-hows and say

It takes time.

Be consistent.

He didn't like them either.

But learning a language takes time.

You need to be consistent too.

You could learn tricks to get good scores in a short time.

It doesn't improve your English.

Mastering English in 3 months? It's BS!

It could work for earning test scores.

If it were true

everyone would be good at English.

From my experience

the best way to learn a language is

studying it little by little everyday.

Rather than an hour a week

10 minutes every day works so much better.

It doesn't have to be 10 min a day.

You can set the amount for yourself.

And study everyday.

Then about 6 months later

You'll see the difference.

You can do it!

My name is Jinger.

If you enjoyed this video


Don't forget the bell for the updates.

I'll be back with different videos.


For more infomation >> NU'EST Aron's English and Korean. Which one does he speak better now? - Duration: 5:04.


قصة حب فادي و ايه !❤️ | بعد ما نشر حب يتشهر 🚫 ( ميوزكلي مصر قلب السوشيال ميديا ) - Duration: 17:18.

For more infomation >> قصة حب فادي و ايه !❤️ | بعد ما نشر حب يتشهر 🚫 ( ميوزكلي مصر قلب السوشيال ميديا ) - Duration: 17:18.


NRI Life in india - USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai Benefits - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> NRI Life in india - USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai Benefits - Duration: 1:57.


Abhay Chautala नहीं बक्सा जाए गए किसी को छाये कोई भी हो #INLD NEWS #Breaking News - Duration: 3:16.


Breaking News

Abhay Chautala

Dushyant Chautala

For more infomation >> Abhay Chautala नहीं बक्सा जाए गए किसी को छाये कोई भी हो #INLD NEWS #Breaking News - Duration: 3:16.


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khmer remix song

For more infomation >> គ្មានអ្នកណាកែចិត្តបង Remix Vai Lerng 2019 Khmer Remix song Nonstop - Duration: 50:05.


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For more infomation >> 劣等上等(Cover)【進入認真模式】(HD 720P )內有英譯字幕 - Duration: 4:03.


Garnier Whole Blends Oat Delicacy Shampoo and Conditioner - Duration: 6:04.

everybody welcome back to my channel so this week's haircare review is on the

Garnier whole blends oat delicacy shampoo and conditioner so if you'd like

to see a full review let's see my opinions on it then please keep on

watching also make sure you guys subscribe to my channel hit that

notification bell bookmark my page upload a video every single day of the

week missiny so guys obviously this is a little sample sachet of the Garnier

whole blends okdal a sea oak delicate sea shampoo and conditioner there we go

anyway guys so a little bit about the prices and everything guys this does

range from about $4 to $6 depending on where you buy it okay guys I have tried

the Garnier whole blends line I've tried the legendary olive you guys can go

watch that video but guys I didn't like it it was way too moisturizing for my

combination hair left my hair feeling really greasy the whole entire whole

blends line it is paraben free so if you are concerned about that this might be a

new line for you to check out but guys the oat delicacy is meant for fine

fragile delicate hair okay it's supposed to cleanse and moisturize gently

it doesn't weigh the hair down I just I've used it a couple of times and I'm

kind of I'm kind of split okay it smells really really good has a very nice

delicate light fragrance smells so good love the fragrance it cleanses well it

suds up pretty well it doesn't feel like you know when you use some shampoos that

are like paraben or silicone free or whatever it doesn't really suds up this

does OK the shampoo does suds up okay I do like the shampoo more than the

conditioner okay the shampoo it cleanses well and it is true it on my hair it

didn't feel like it was weighing it down it was moisturizing but it didn't leave

my hair feeling gummy or weird okay the conditioner on the other hand

it does leave that kind of weird texture on my hair and honestly I only like

conditioned from the ears down but still it left it feeling almost like dry I

know it sounds real weird like in the shower you applied the

conditioner and it it just leaves this weird coating okay

even after rinsing it out it still just kind of leaves kind of a weird coating

in my hair I don't have soft water I do have hard water but I'm used to

that you know but this just leaves it's like if you go visit a family member or

you go out of state and you go stay at a hotel or something and has different

type of water that's what this conditioner makes my hair feel like it

feels like I haven't rinsed it out enough and I don't know I'm I have

shampoo and conditioner that I like better but it does have oak milk in it

and yeah and rice extracts of the oat milk is supposed to gently drow

impurities oil is supposed to help soothe dandruff and sensitive scalp and

the rice milk it's supposed to help kind of beef up as fine hair so I do like the

shampoo will I go out and purchase it no I personally won't I like I said I

have shampoo and conditioner I like better than this but I do like the

shampoo better than I do like that then I liked the legendary olive shampoo from

the same line I don't know I tried two different types now I just don't think

the Garnier whole blends is personally for me like I said I do have combination

here so if you have a dry fragile delicate hair this might just be right

up your alley I definitely recommend checking out the

Garnier hope lens line if you have combination oily hair I don't know I

personally would stay away from this maybe if you can try out a sample check

it out then but for me personally I'm just not crazy about the two different

types I've tried and I'm not going to go out of my way to try to you know get

some other kinds or other variations of this line and try it out I did see that

the Darney whole blends does have the oak Delos delicacy dry shampoo so once

again if you do have dry fragile delicate hair scalp this might be

something that you should check out okay Frank combs is really light it's not

irritating and it does cleanse well I don't know I just it's not my favorite

I'm not you know I'm not gonna go out and purchase I might finish out the

little sample pack I might not I don't know yet but that's just my you know

I've used a couple of times yeah it's not really first impressions do I give

it enough of a go I don't know I just know that I'm not impressed enough with

it to go out of my way to finish this up so anyway you guys sorry for you know a

little bit of a negative Nancy review it's just you know I'm always gonna be

honest with you guys and I just I'm not thrilled with you know this this line so

far but anyway guys I hope you did enjoy this week's haircare review if you did

please go and give this video a thumbs up also make sure that you guys share

this video you know there's people out there they might actually really really

enjoy this let's share for them if you're wondering about it share it for

other people maybe they will you know maybe they need

to know about it too and guys also make sure you guys leave a comment down below

have you tried the Garnier whole blends any part of their line what did you

think of it did you like it if you haven't tried it why haven't you

is it the price cuz I mean you know drugstore four to six dollars but

there's way better shampoo and conditioner for a little bit cheaper or

about that price but guys thank you guys so much for watching i SuperDuper

appreciate hope you guys have a wonderful day don't forget to follow me

on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat all a

bunch of glam babe I will see you guys tomorrow for another video

come great one guys bye


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