hi everyone I've recently gotten a lot of subscribers and I want to thank you
all for finding my channel I appreciate you watching my videos I've had a lot of
comments wondering who I am and how I know these things so I'd like to address
some of those comments let's start with Who I am
well I am Alexandra and I'm 23 years old I have a genetic condition called
ehlers-danlos syndrome it is a connective tissue disorder that affects
my whole body because a large portion of our bodies are held together with
connective tissue my jaw hips and knees dislocate very easily
it is chronic and there is no cure I do go to physical therapy a type
of treatment called A.R.T. up to 3 times a week to help with the symptoms I am in
pain every day and as a result I have a lot of time to learn in research because
I am disabled so for fun I write screenplays and I draw I am very
creative and I like to create art and tell stories so I grew up in a mentally
and emotionally abusive household by someone who claimed to be a Christian
when I was young I rejected what I now call churchianity and started searching
for answers on my own at 16 my favourite musician was Marilyn Manson whom I now
know is a monarch victim of MKULTRA programming anyone afraid of him or who
judges him does not understand how monarch programming works and that he is
still a victim like most but not all of Hollywood if you want to look into
monarch programming I suggest you look at some survivors like Kathleen Sullivan
and Fiona Barnett Marilyn Manson had one song with the lyrics "I never really
hated the one true God but the god of the people I hated" that lyric made me
start to examine my own worldview and I realized that I did not hate God
I didn't know God I knew the version of God based on the
people who abused me but I personally had never met God or
his son and I didn't know the Holy Spirit through a series of events I came
to realize the one true God was real and he was the only one who was there for me
when I had nothing at age 17 I dedicated my life to Him and myself to his service
my deeper research into the occult started when a friend of mine was
wrongfully convicted of a crime and put in prison after months of researching
every aspect of his case I found out that it was the Freemasons who accused
him and convicted him Freemasons own the police and the courts they were
covering up the crime committed by one of their brothers and I was told by a
freemason to stop looking into his case this is how they work with veiled
threats and lies some of the wildest comments I received on my videos are that
I am transgender and that I am a member of the Order of the Eastern Star I can't
believe I actually have to address this but I was born female and I also detest
everything that the Freemasons and the Order of the Eastern Star stand for
I especially reject their Luciferian agenda they're not making men better
they are making men better liars if you want to know from a victim what exactly
these Luciferian organizations take part in I suggest reading Fiona Barnett's
ITNJ statement which I'll leave a link to in the description below what the
Freemasons did to my friend framing him for a crime he didn't commit and then
locking him up led me to where I am now this research was personal and I think
that's why I have stuck with it so long for years I've spent every day praying
for understanding and wisdom researching and reading the word while questioning
all of my own beliefs and throwing out anything that might be part of social
conditioning or incorrect definitions I am NOT a member of any church or of any
cult I do not believe in religion I only follow what Yahusha I've also heard it
pronounced ya-hoo-sha taught i call him that because John 5:43 says that I am
come in my father's name and you received me
the origins of the name Jesus do not have the same meaning as Yahusha in
relation to Yahweh which I've also heard pronounced yahuwah the Hebrew name of
God is used in the Hebrew roots movement which I reject because it is a group
based on doctrines of men I believe the entire Bible along with certain extra
biblical biblically endorsed books like the first book of Enoch and Jubilees
which was removed by the catholic church during the council of nicea in 325 AD
I test the spirits and follow no man or woman's teachings i made this channel to
share what i've learned over the years and give my opinion on it i chose to put
my face on my videos because i stand behind my opinion i feel that makes it
more real and more personal but in doing so i understand that I'm gonna get some
unkind comments about the way I look and I hope people will focus on what I have
to say rather than how I look from now on just because I look a certain way
doesn't mean that my information is less valid I don't expect everyone to agree
with my opinions but I do expect everyone to research the topics I
discuss and decide for themselves I'm a big fan of everyone is not entitled to
an opinion they are entitled to an informed one over the last four years I've spent
every day reading the word and studying but as a result I've lost contact with
my family they do not understand why I don't go to a church and why I don't
take my teachings from freemasonic pastors they also don't believe we're
living in the end times as any studied scholar knows one subject leads to
another and it is an endless web of deceit and lies that make up our world
the more I learned about the occult the clearer it became the God who I will
call Yahweh was not the cause of all the troubles in the world but the evil
people who followed the fallen angels and have hijacked every form of
institution whether it be financial religious commercial the media and
entertainment they are the ones responsible for the lies we believe and
the false history we've been taught after discovering all this information I
decided that I wanted to let others know what I had found
I recently received many comments directed at me personally my subscribers
more than tripled after a group called NYSTV started watching my videos
somehow my videos were shared to their group which I am NOT a part of and their
members started trying to find reasons why my information is not valid none of
their comments are about the content of my videos but rather about my appearance
I realize now though that my hand gestures are very distracting so I am
part Italian and using my hands is very cultural and normal for me but I
realized that this might not be normal for everyone that is part of the reason
I will no longer sit in front of the camera because I do not want to be
distracting anyone this group has even gone so far as to
find all of my social media accounts which is fine because I have nothing to
hide and I would like to explain some of my posts in case anyone else has
questions I chose the username sparkly undertaker because when I read
revelation 14 about the harvest my first thought was "oh man Yahusha's like some
kind of sparkly undertaker" and I thought that was a funny and unique title also
probably Alexandra was taken ok so this is one of my profile pictures on one of
my more artsy social media accounts one of my hobbies is cosplay which means I
dress up as characters and go to conventions to spend time with my
friends who don't live nearby me this character is named Taako
they are from a popular podcast called the adventure zone I create podcasts and
I'm going to be releasing them soon and I like to listen to popular podcasts the
convention I went to was mostly characters from The Adventure Zone and I
went with a group to do a group photo shoot the friends that I spend time with
are these conventions are members of a group called Jesus otaku who go around
the con and tell people who are interested about the gospel during one
convention that was held from October 30th to November 2nd my friends and I
did not participate in the Halloween themed events instead we sat on the
floor of the hallway singing worship songs and the security-guard even joined
in I am also an artist and I write screenplays I draw all of my characters
some of which are villains and might look scary or occult they are villains
and they are based on real-life villains or the Fallen Angels because I like to
show people how they operate in the form of make-believe stories just like any
filmmaker does to convey a message I do not have many close friends but I have
even fewer who believe in a creator but the one I do have who is a follower of
Yahweh is very intelligent and she asks very good questions and we can discuss
prophecy and current events together she's known me for years and I am very
glad to have at least one close friend a lot of people do not understand how lost
my generation is and that a disproportionate amount identify as
witches or pagans I choose to seek these people out so that they can hear the
truth very slowly in ways that are applicable to them they may not be close
friends of mine but I do try to be friendly I also like to be approachable
to those who are in dark places because the occult aesthetic is one big echo
chamber and if no one goes in there to help these people they will never
question their worldview I understand my content might be strange to some when they
see me because not a lot of Millennials are doing what I'm doing there is a
disproportionate amount of people my age proudly involved in the occult
while those watching my videos may be surrounding themselves with a safe space
of believers I do not have that ability I am one of the only ones I know who
doesn't share the beliefs of my peers I am trying to be who I needed when I was
younger if someone had reached out to me instead of judging me and showed me the
truth in a way I could understand it and get interested to go further I it would
have made a very big difference to me I don't judge people and their appearances
or likes and dislikes without knowing them first you have to remember that a
large percentage of people my age and the people that I'm around are in the
LGBTQ community and do proudly identifies witches without knowing
anything about who or what witchcraft really is based on so
because I do know I try to comment or speak to them slowly about certain
things they post or say but I refuse to attack them or leave them to their own
group of like-minded people one of my friends who is not a believer gave me
this plushie here and said it would be perfect for this character here from a
series done by my friend and artist no we do not share the same beliefs
but I do support them as an artist and I hope they would support me even though
we're different the show that she's created is about a character who helps
rehabilitate demons and lead them to redemption while it's pretty ridiculous
and theologically incorrect the creator is just another millennial and by
association pretty pagan the whole theme of this project is that inside of every
demon is a rainbow or that everyone has something good deep down inside another
way to say that would be that you'll never look into the eyes of someone that
Yahweh doesn't love so everyone is worth trying to help okay
point is I'm in the process of slowly witnessing to this friend who gave me
this plushie because he has been personally victimized by so-called
Christians and he identifies as an atheist I've gotten to speak to many
people within the art community and help them question what they do or give them
some resources to look into I also explained the symbolism of the Baphomet
to my friend and he actually did not know any of it
he actually believed that the Baphomet was just a mythical creature like a
chupacabra so because of that I was able to give him a different perspective we
are in a war and in this world I'm the bad guy I am the villain because I
follow the one the rulers of this world fear we should not be afraid of the
darkness the darkness should be afraid of us because we have the light of
Yahweh not the false light of Lucifer or Gadreel Ephesians 5:11 says take no
part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them if you don't
know what the darkness is doing you cannot
expose it like if you don't like being tricked by magicians learn the tricks so
you're no longer deceived you can't fight an enemy you don't understand I
follow no human or man-made religious doctrine and I do not go to church
because the majority of them are 501c3 government-run organizations that are
not allowed to tell you the truth Matthew 10:16 says behold I send you
forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be he therefore wise as serpents and
harmless as doves to be wise as serpents you must know what the serpent knows but
to be harmless as a dove is to be set apart from their ways but just as
knowledgeable or even more so than they are that way you can defeat their
arguments and what they believe with knowledge and logic therefore if they
feel like what they know is not based upon logic they may want to figure out
what you know and why you have been able to prove that their belief is based upon
fallacies that are easily defeated with facts mark 16:15 says go into all of the
world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation so everyone deserves to
hear the truth and I can reach more people by going into the fire than I can
staying in a building with like-minded people that's just what I have found
over the years in my life so regardless of what you think about me I am NOT
interested in followers Yahusha didn't come to create followers he came to
create leaders I want you all to become leaders too and that means not following
any human including me but instead test everything and let the Holy Spirit
discern all information you take in don't trust what I say please research
what I say look at current events and how they relate to what you've
researched and let the Holy Spirit guide you to understanding truth with all that
said I'm going to have to hold comments for a review from now on then publishing
automatically because aside from comments directed towards me there were
two comments that actually referred to people in the NYSTV group as being in a
cult and I myself have never done any research into this organization
so I don't think that it's appropriate for those people to be accusing my
subscribers of something that I have never researched or hold an opinion on
so I'm just trying to keep everybody safe here and I don't want to start any
arguments in the comments so I'm gonna just have to hold the comments for review
from now on but I really appreciate all you guys and thank you so much for
watching my videos and subscribing and I will talk to you guys in my next video
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