Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 24 2018

what's you doin' up here pencil-neck?

For more infomation >> whats you doin up here pencil neck? - Duration: 0:04.


Bill Duke Asks How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up? - Duration: 5:53.

Film Courage: Going back real quickly [George Orwell's] 1984 you said it was a book that you would be one of the

five books that you would take with you if you couldn't read any other books I

was just curious why 1984? Bill Duke, author/filmmaker/actor: I want to get in trouble for this but in 1984

something worth living today you're durable it's my favorite books at the

time but I've been reading looking at the film and reading the book since its

last election and it has a section about the thought police

you guys ever read that Medina for I know parts of it I haven't read it by

George where well yes but I've heard the whole concept about what the thought

police but the thought police in 1984 I mean

you're not allowed to do anything without the permission of the police and

they determine your reality they create this war that's not looking at what is

happening at all but they have these soldiers marching and all this stuff and

blah blah blah blah that you're not allowed to have a relationship without

their permission can't just fall in love yet to have it

let me go through them so Richard Burton is the head of the thought police and

John great actor John forget his name he is a citizen and he miss young girl fall

in love they kept meeting secretly at his place in her placing and running

away and running one day that I thought caught but I thought police in the

helicopters coming the soldiers come in and kept available and take them to the

thought police headquarters and John the actor forgot his name was lying

on the table I thought police headquarters and there's a spotlight on

the table he's lying there naked with his hands tied and his feet tied and

symmetrical force I'm suited to the table with a switch that if you turn the

switch on it just electrocute you and there's water coming down so it's a

guy near the button in Richard Burton is sitting there in Javas I'm so sorry I

was wrong I did I said I did the wrong thing I'm apologizing never should have

ever ever ever seen her and then an image of Brittany says well you know she

said that you started it he said well I don't I don't know I just he says okay

and he says I'll never do it again please forgive me free just when I trust

so he says to Jesus how many things am i holding up John says for Roberta nos at

a guy with the button sure Jeff oh

what'd I do wrong what do they what's wrong

how many fingers am i holding up for oh

what'd I do wrong

how many fingers am i holding up I don't know I don't know better how

many fingers am i holding up

three three

I'm holding up as many fingers because I tell you yes I'm holding up

you got nothing dude your eyes nothing dude your intellect or your mind

I say it's three fingers how many are they three three alternative fact is in

three an alternate effect you won't believe what we tell him to believe

nothing to do with your perspective at all okay not me


For more infomation >> Bill Duke Asks How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up? - Duration: 5:53.


4 People, Including 5-Year-Old Boy And Mother, Injured In I-93 Crash - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 4 People, Including 5-Year-Old Boy And Mother, Injured In I-93 Crash - Duration: 0:31.


I went to the sheep farm with my dog! /Going on a trip with a puppy. - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> I went to the sheep farm with my dog! /Going on a trip with a puppy. - Duration: 3:16.


Funds slow progress of World War I memorial in nation's capital - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Funds slow progress of World War I memorial in nation's capital - Duration: 2:08.


DO NOT Trust Yoga Blindly • Yoga Myth and Reality - Duration: 7:18.

Why You Should Not Trust Yoga Blindly

Yoga is a popular means of a healthy lifestyle and means of recovery for both athletes and

regular people.

During the last decade it has blown up in the world and became extremely popular not

only as a practice but also as a lifestyle and even a fashion statement.

Yet while many Yogis tend to shine an extremely positive light on the benefits of Yoga, nothing

is always just bright, as there is a dark side to it which is often left unspoken of

as well.

Hi, my name is Rokas.

I've been a professional Yoga instructor for the last 10 years and ran my own Yoga

studio for 7 of them.

Through these years I've personally experienced why you should not trust Yoga blindly and

will share with you the why in this video.

I began learning Yoga intensively when I was 19 while I lived in an Aikido, Yoga and meditation

school as a live-in student.

Not only was I introduced to the philosophical, cultural and mystical side of Yoga such as

chakras, nadis, prana and more, I also did at least three Hatha Yoga classes per week,

which included stretching, balance postures, breathing exercises and more taught by various

different instructors.

After living in the school for two years, eventually wanting to open up my own martial

arts school I was suggested to become a professional Yoga instructor in order to have a more wholerounded


In order to become proficient, I set out for a month to visit India and deepen my Yoga

knowledge there before, after three years of intense studying I was ready to start my

own school in my home country.

While I've gathered teaching experience during my time as a live-in student and ended

up learning quite a bit about Yoga, when I started my own school I did not feel confident

in my teaching skills as I felt something was missing.

I was encouraged and blessed by my main Yoga instructor to teach, yet every time I taught

I felt I wasn't sure exactly what I was teaching.

I knew all the main postures, breathing exercises, theory and main official benefits.

I could pass them on quite well to my students too, yet still, I always felt a nagging feeling

that something was wrong.

I also had a feeling that others Yoga instructors knew much more than I did and that compared

to them I was inferior.

To fix this nagging feeling, I decided to start seeing other Yoga instructors to fill

my missing gap, yet what I discovered was surprising.

While I expected to be blown away by the superior knowledge of other Yoga instructors and was

ready to fill my gaps of knowledge with theirs, each Yoga instructor I've met and attended,

I either knew as much or sometimes even more than they did.

That caught me off guard as I expected to be way inferior, yet while I still felt a

missing piece in my method of teaching, I had to come to a conclusion that: "If I

know as much as all these well known Yoga instructors, my Yoga teaching must be good

enough", and thus I continued to teach, trying to ignore the doubt I had.

Everything changed though when a book called "The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the

Rewards" written by a pulitzer prize winning author William J Broad, came into my attention.

As I dove into the book, it explained in detail how Yoga arrived to the West and how actually

little it was tested by science to check and prove all the claims which it came together


That reminded me of all my, so called "knowledge" about the benefits of various Yoga postures

that I knew, which to me, always felt suspicious.

It turns out most of them were just made up by various Indian Yogis and passed on from

generation to generation, until it finally spread through the West as well.

Regarding pretty much 90% of them there were no scientific proof to back up the supposed,

claimed benefits and in the researches that were actually done, most of the times the

benefits were very different to the oficial ones, if there were any at all.

To reveal my nagging thoughts even further, the book gave a whole list of examples where

the practice of Yoga was actually damaging to the body of the practitioner, often times

leading to dramatic, life long injuries, since as it turns out, while many Yogis proclaimed

Yoga to be completely safe and only beneficial practice, if practiced in the wrong way, which

is by the way, not difficult to do, can lead to extreme injuries, which turns out - actually

happened very often through the entire world.

After having read the book I was finally sure of what was bothering me all this time.

Despite the fact that I knew almost as much as most professional Yoga instructors, it

turned out most of us did not know much about the reality of the body and healthy physical

practice at all.

We were all given some watered down, fantasy based information about how the body works

and the made up benefits of the postures and exercises that our teaching was based on.

Worst thing - many people came to our classes wanting to get better, to heal from various

injuries or become healthier and in reality - they came to the very wrong hands of a bunch

of people who were sure they knew what they are doing, although in reality they didn't.

That is such a dangerous "game" to be played, yet unfortunately it is still played

in many Yoga schools across the world.

Thinking about all of this, for a moment I still considered that maybe it was just me

who was just unlucky and I've met the wrong people in my Yoga practice, who were unable

to see the reality side of things.

Of course, how good a Yoga instructor is also depends on himself and how much he is interested

in the truth.

I am sure that there are a handful of instructors who do know the science behind the body and

physical health and teach it in the right way.

Unfortunately, I am quite certain as well that such people are few out of many.

This realization soon came to me when a close person to me attended one of the most famous

and world wide spread month long Yoga instructor course, where after spending a month there

and learning everything they had to give her, I still saw a huge amount of lack in her proper

knowledge on how to teach a science based Yoga which would guarantee safety of the students,

and that knowledge in the course was pretty much not addressed at all.

While through the years I've seen many more dark sides of Yoga practice, this one was

the most shocking one for me to discover.

Millions of people entrust their health to the so called "Yoga professionals" without

deeply questioning their source of knowledge and risk experiencing injury which may lead

to lifelong consequences.

Most Yoga instructors blindly trust their original sources too, without taking the time

to look at the science tested methods and information of helping other individuals to

maintain their physical health.

There are endless numbers of so called professional Yoga instructors who passed a month long course,

where they were mainly taught some Indian mysticism and a handful of physical exercises,

with made up benefits and straight away went for teaching others.

Does that mean Yoga is an entirely bad practice?

Of course not.

If learned and taught properly, it can be a wonderful, healing practice.

Yet as in everything, it is essential that critical thinking is applied, that our sources

of knowledge are properly tested and that we neither pass on dangerous information and

practices, nor we allow ourselves to fall into the hands of such.

While Yoga is painted in a very bright light, it is essential that we look behind it to

know what we are really getting into.

For more infomation >> DO NOT Trust Yoga Blindly • Yoga Myth and Reality - Duration: 7:18.


What is he saying?(93) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:24.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name's Richard and today I'm going to say something three times quickly

and I'd like you to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Did you catch that?

Alright, let's try that again but this time with a hint.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Did you catch that?

Alright, let's try that again but this time a little bit slowly.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Did you catch that?

Alright, so the answer is "Some are better than others."

Some are better than others.

So, "some are" should sound like "summer", "summer".

Not "some are".

And, "than others" should sound like "thanothers", "thanothers".

Not "than others".


Alright, so this expression means that some things are better than others.

For example, some products are better than other products.


So let's practice this expression together.

So please repeat after me.

First slowly, then a little bit faster after that.

Some are better than others.


Faster than that.

Some are better than others.


And even faster than that.

Some are better than others.


Now let's try that three times quickly, so please repeat after me.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.

Some are better than others.


So now you know, how to pronounce this expression.

My name's Richard.

Remember to please click like, share, and subscribe and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(93) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:24.


Engine Bay Detailing : Toyota Yaris 2016 - Duration: 4:14.

hello guys, today I'm gonna show you how I clean my car engine

this is not me teaching you about how to clean car engine properly.

but this is the way I do it

remember I'm not a professional so if you want to do this, the risk is yours

and remember never detail a hot engine

the first thing I do would be removing the battery to prevent any shorts

then I proceed to cover the fuse box

the engine's air intake.

and cover any exposed filters & electrical connections that I can see using alumunium foil

and also don't forget to cover the alternator

These are the areas that you really don't want water or degreaser pooling in

after everything is covered I use meguiars super degreaser

diluted at 4:1

4 parts of water 1 part of degreaser

then proceed to agitate with a paint brush

after it spread out nicely

I simply rinse it using a regular hose not a pressure washer.

and spray degreaser again, but this time I leave it to dwell about 1 to 3 minutes

rinse for the last time

then I use blower to dry everything

this is a blower with a heater so it makes drying faster

next step I use water based dressing this is meguiars hyper dressing diluted at 1:1

so I spray over everything and spread it out nicely with a paint brush

last step is drying it again using the blower with a heater

while removing all the cover at the same time

now before I put the negative connection back on the battery

I usually wait overnight.

I hope this video is helpful

don't forget to check links in the description

thanks for watching and please subscribe

For more infomation >> Engine Bay Detailing : Toyota Yaris 2016 - Duration: 4:14.


Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 30 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 46:16.

For more infomation >> Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 30 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 46:16.


2049年後的中國軍事實力會有多強?最少擁有10個航母編隊 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 2049年後的中國軍事實力會有多強?最少擁有10個航母編隊 - Duration: 3:05.


大國海軍實力有多強:總兵力50萬,279艘軍艦,4000架戰機! - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> 大國海軍實力有多強:總兵力50萬,279艘軍艦,4000架戰機! - Duration: 9:07.


Mera - Comic Basics Origins - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Mera - Comic Basics Origins - Duration: 3:19.


Beauty Is Truth - FLUNK Episode 20 - LGBT Series - Duration: 5:02.


Don't worry about it

Just Harry's psycho sister posting stuff about you

It's fair enough I reckon

I'm just going to walk

You know I thought you'd be more pissed

She's calling you a liar

But don't worry about it I'll sort her out

You don't have to do that

She shouldn't be defending her rapist brother

Please just leave it


How's any girl supposed to feel being in class with him?

Yeah everyone should know what he did

You weren't even there


You're being really weird

Can we just drop it?

What is wrong with everyone knowing the truth?


Are you serious?

You made the whole thing up?

Told you

I didn't make anything up

You guys invented all of it and you ran with it

That is sick Ingrid

Who does that?

I didn't you all did

You had every chance to correct us

It's that simple is it?


I'm all ears Ingrid

Let's hear the truth

You want to know the truth?

Yeah I do

You're a bully and you're homophobic

You want to say that again?

You take every chance to make people miserable

and you get off on it

Makes you the sicko

Thanks for defending me

You're so whipped man

You're not gonna say anything?

I don't know if I should

Yeah well trust me everything you're thinking I've already thought myself

Look what you did was bad Ingrid

You must have known what was going to happen


Ruby would stop having a go at me every single chance she got

Are you serious?

Do you actually want to know or are you just going to twist the knife like everybody else?

Of course I want to know

I've tried to set it straight with you

You know I did

We all thought that you were too scared

I was it's just

Things got out of hand and

It got complicated and


She was actually finally nice to me

And you were...


You had been really weird

ever since that time...

Look I know it's no excuse okay

Everything that happened to Harry

It was my fault and I know that

Look you've got to speak up and not let people think the wrong thing

I'm not like you okay

I don't just stand up and say whatever I want to say

You used to be

Maybe in grade four

When it was just us two

Now there's all these other people

and you're off doing shrooms

I don't even know who you are anymore

Well I know who I am

That must be nice

Beauty is truth

Truth beauty

Keates again?

How'd you know?

You've read two books and I was there both times

Look it just takes a while to figure out who you are sometimes

And what if you have no idea?

But you do deep down

I mean I was always curious

About what?

I don't know drugs and stuff

You going to school?

Guess so

You coming?

Look life's too short to

be somebody you're not

Hey guys thanks for watching Flunk

If you like that episode make sure to give us a thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe

And comment!

For more infomation >> Beauty Is Truth - FLUNK Episode 20 - LGBT Series - Duration: 5:02.


ROE DuPont Analysis - How to Use the DuPont Equation to Analyze a Stock - DuPont Decomposition - Duration: 5:10.

return on equity is one of the few ratios that ignores the price of the

stock so what does return on equity actually tell us well it can tell us a

lot if we look close enough and this is where the DuPont analysis comes in in

the DuPont analysis we break down return on equity this break down helps us see

the impact of profit margins leverage and turnover on shareholder returns

let's look a bit closer the calculation for return on equity often called ROE

for short is simply net income divided by equity so this tells us how much

profit a company generates for each dollar of equity so a return on equity

of 25 percent tells us that for every $1 of equity the company generates 25 cents

in profit but how return on equity is generated can often help add to the

story so essentially the DuPont analysis is a breakdown of this formula to look

closer at how ROE was generated here's an example of an income statement

and a balance sheet so if we simply take net income and divided by the average

equity we see that we get a return on equity of 32% now you may notice that we

simply use net income and we had to use average equity not just equity and

that's because net income is the income earned over the entire year while equity

and the balance sheet as a whole is simply a snapshot at a specific point in

time in this case the end of 2017 so to make the two numbers comparable we

typically use averages on the balance sheet so we add up the starting number

which is the ending number from last year to this year's ending number and we

divide by 2 simple enough now let's start breaking this down if we take net

income and divide it by revenue we get net profit margin but then we can take

revenue and divided by the average total equity and this gives us our equity

turnover net profit margin tells us what percentage of revenue is converted to

profit equity turnover measures how much revenue the equity is able to generate

over the course of the year but we can go further we break equity turnover down

by adding average total assets so now we have net profit margin asset turnover

and a leverage ratio this allows us to see how the equity turnover was created

and how it contributed to over return on equity asset turnover helps us

examine how effectively management uses the assets to generate revenue this

leverage ratio shows us how much the company borrows or how leveraged they

are because don't forget the basic formula of the balance sheet its assets

equals liabilities plus equity so if there were no liabilities

well then assets and equity would be the same and our leverage ratio would be one

so the more debt the company has the higher this ratio will be now if we

stopped right here this formula was the original version of the du Pont equation

but it was realized that the net profit margin formula can be further

deconstructed to give us even more information instead of going right from

net income to revenue we could break this into tax burden which shows us the

effects of taxes on profit interest burden which shows us the effects of

interest expenses and finally operating margin which shows us the percentage of

profit from operating the business now if we simply multiply these numbers we

end up with the exact same 32% we calculated to start with now we could do

the same DuPont decomposition to a competitor in the same industry to

analyze not just how return on equity stacks up but why they're different we

could also compare a company to its own history why has ROE changed since we

had the last few years in numbers here let's take a look at the changes so in

2015 ROE was a hundred and one percent in 2016 it fell to 73% in the

calculation we already saw in 2017 it was just 32 percent when we look closer

we can see of the tax burden fell which is negative for ROE all these

percentages here the closer they are to a hundred percent the less impact they

have on ROE so the 50% we can see that taxes took a huge chunk out of

earnings before taxes then interest burn got slightly worse

each year by the looks of it it seems that EBIT was falling faster than

interest expenses were falling then we have operating margin and that

got worse as well suggesting a less efficient business now we can also see

that asset turnover is falling which tells us that a hundred dollars in

assets let's say in 2015 produce seventy two dollars in revenue

now it's only producing sixty five dollars in revenue

generally higher financial leverage leads to a higher return on equity and

this makes sense because if a company had a ton of debt well this would lead

to a smaller equity which in turn would create a higher return on equity so we

usually want to be careful if we see return on equity improving but then we

noticed that it is due to an increase in financial leverage this can be a red

flag about the company so that's an example of the DuPont equation and how

we can use a DuPont equation to determine what is happening to return on

equity if you have any questions about the world of investing any suggestions

on videos please post in the comments below and please subscribe as we

continue to update with new videos every week thank you

For more infomation >> ROE DuPont Analysis - How to Use the DuPont Equation to Analyze a Stock - DuPont Decomposition - Duration: 5:10.



Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video, make sure to subscribe

With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media

So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

The Thanksgiving feast be served

Pickles to Turkey the cranberries stuff

and all this good stuff beef stew and this this the most

It'd be served I

Will see you guys in the next video. Hope you guys enjoy your Thanksgiving and yeah, see you guys in the next video. Peace out

For more infomation >> LET THE THANKSGIVING FEAST BE SERVED!! - Duration: 1:29.


【MMD】Тили-тили-бом | Tili Tili Bom【Lullaby】 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】Тили-тили-бом | Tili Tili Bom【Lullaby】 - Duration: 0:52.


AMAZING! Playing Ragnarok M Eternal Love on PC using Nox Player [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 16:28.

How you are doing?

Today, I will be playing

To Ragnarok Online fans, now you can play it mobile using your phone

But today I will be showing you how I play it on PC

Using Nox Player

What is Nox Player?

Nox Player is the perfect Android emulator to play mobile games on PC

So now you can play any mobile android games on your PC

Why we want to do that?

Some people have low performance phone. That is why we play it on PC so that it performs well.

Awesome right?

Let us see the player

At the screen above stated the player name

and the right is the player's features/functions. I will brief you more on that later.

Let us now focus on playing the game first

Move the mouse cursor. You can see the cursor there.

Click at any place of the screen

I had created an account before for test. Let us create a new character.

You can choose which character you like

This is Hunter

Next, let us see what character

I will choose this

We can select which gender we want

You can also change the hairstyle and hair color

You can also equip headwear

I will put the wing

Enter the name

This game is an online game. Make sure you are connected to internet

Click play and it will check whether name is taken or not

This is the starting point for all

You can move the character by clicking any place you like

Huh what's that?

Let's click it

Wow we attack it

Let's attack all

You can also use the attack or skill on the right bottom of the screen.

Sword icon for attack. Punch icon is for the skill

Or you can activate auto attack by clicking the Auto icon

Select all monsters or select specific monster. I will try all monsters

wow now you can relax and let the PC handles it and boost your level

Attack ALL

Yeah I leveled up!

So fast

Let's cancel the auto

I want to show what are Nox Player features

At the right side mouse over on the keyboard icon ,You can see it displays "Keyboard shortcut control". Click it.

Then, drag the direction controller

You can change to any key you like. I will change it to arrow keys

Next, we can also put shortcut key on the attack, skill, auto attack icon. A , S and D respectively

Now click Save

For All monster selection, I will assign E key for it

Now you can move the character using your keyboard key. No need to use mouse click to move.

You can also use attack, skills and auto attack using keyboard key

But, it seems annoying with those keyboard shortcut key displayed on the screen

Not to worry! We can remove them by reducing the Opacity to 0.

As you can see, the keyboard shortcut icon gone

But we can see the directional navigation icon. So let position it

Now we can use they keyboard shortcuts with ease

So easy and convenient! Nox Player is VERY GOOD and AWESOME!

Let's talk to the character

We want to enter the team

It seems I got some items and equipments from her

Let's talk some more to other characters

The team called Eden

To get Quest, let's talk with this guy

He asked us to find Poi

You can open up the map. Poi's location will be showing. Just click at it and will automatically go there.

I hope we succeed on or first Quest/Mission!

Eh I already at Level 3!

Poi asked us to use the Dead branch. Just click at the arrow

The Porings are attacking us

Yeay received new equipment

Let's go back to the guy. You can see the instruction, Trial 1. Just follow the instruction.

Received new items!

To whom that never played Ragnarok Online, it's a online RPG multiplayer game where you can choose what job you want. I choose Assassin .

Then we train ourselves to the highest class of the job

The next quest

You just follow the indicator in the map. Very easy.

Wow there's bunnies

We want to find the lost pet

Got new Boot. Let's equip it.

So these are the quests. Let's click the icons above.

This is the Game Event. You can join if you like.

This is to join Party. You can invite your friends. Make sure you are in the same server.

Then we can see the items in the bag

Next, click More. You can see there are more features here.

Wow this game is nice

You can explore the Ragnarok World

Let's get into the town

This is a big town

It's a good experience playing using Nox Player

You can shopping and do all sorts of things here

Nox Player is the BEST

We can view the stats and skills here

These are the current skills we have

Now I want to brief more on Nox Player

This is the home screen. It just like your android phone screen

Like your Android phone, we can install any games and apps using Google Play

Other then Ragnarok, you can install any popular games such as PUBG, Fortnite using Nox Player and play it on your PC

AWESOME right?

You can see all kinds of functions/features here

There's virual location where you can change your location. If you play Pokemon Go, you might can change your location instantly and catch rare Pokemons

Then there's My Computer

You can make it full screen without the functions icon showing

We also can take screenshot instantly and easily

This is the Home icon. Just like your phone

Okay guys, how's today's video?

AWESOME right?

Nox Player! The perfect Android emulator to play mobile games on PC


So what you been waiting for?

You can download Nox Player for FREE !

I have provided the download link at video description and pinned comment. Click it and DOWNLOAD!

Okay, if you like this video, please

See you on the next video

For more infomation >> AMAZING! Playing Ragnarok M Eternal Love on PC using Nox Player [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 16:28.


মাত্র 5 মিনিট আপনার জীবন বদলে দেবে | Power of your Subconscious Mind | How to Success in your Life - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> মাত্র 5 মিনিট আপনার জীবন বদলে দেবে | Power of your Subconscious Mind | How to Success in your Life - Duration: 5:39.


Mồi CẤM CÂU CÁ đơn giản bạn không biết mà hiệu quả | Dân Miền Tây - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> Mồi CẤM CÂU CÁ đơn giản bạn không biết mà hiệu quả | Dân Miền Tây - Duration: 11:55.


Bang Bang Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:04.

Bang Bang Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name

For more infomation >> Bang Bang Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:04.


Learn Piano #5 Workshop Sargam Alankar Practice in piano | Learn to play Sargam | SaReGaMa Practice - Duration: 13:42.

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Don't worry about it

Just Harry's psycho sister posting stuff about you

It's fair enough I reckon

I'm just going to walk

You know I thought you'd be more pissed

She's calling you a liar

But don't worry about it I'll sort her out

You don't have to do that

She shouldn't be defending her rapist brother

Please just leave it


How's any girl supposed to feel being in class with him?

Yeah everyone should know what he did

You weren't even there


You're being really weird

Can we just drop it?

What is wrong with everyone knowing the truth?


Are you serious?

You made the whole thing up?

Told you

I didn't make anything up

You guys invented all of it and you ran with it

That is sick Ingrid

Who does that?

I didn't you all did

You had every chance to correct us

It's that simple is it?


I'm all ears Ingrid

Let's hear the truth

You want to know the truth?

Yeah I do

You're a bully and you're homophobic

You want to say that again?

You take every chance to make people miserable

and you get off on it

Makes you the sicko

Thanks for defending me

You're so whipped man

You're not gonna say anything?

I don't know if I should

Yeah well trust me everything you're thinking I've already thought myself

Look what you did was bad Ingrid

You must have known what was going to happen


Ruby would stop having a go at me every single chance she got

Are you serious?

Do you actually want to know or are you just going to twist the knife like everybody else?

Of course I want to know

I've tried to set it straight with you

You know I did

We all thought that you were too scared

I was it's just

Things got out of hand and

It got complicated and


She was actually finally nice to me

And you were...


You had been really weird

ever since that time...

Look I know it's no excuse okay

Everything that happened to Harry

It was my fault and I know that

Look you've got to speak up and not let people think the wrong thing

I'm not like you okay

I don't just stand up and say whatever I want to say

You used to be

Maybe in grade four

When it was just us two

Now there's all these other people

and you're off doing shrooms

I don't even know who you are anymore

Well I know who I am

That must be nice

Beauty is truth

Truth beauty

Keates again?

How'd you know?

You've read two books and I was there both times

Look it just takes a while to figure out who you are sometimes

And what if you have no idea?

But you do deep down

I mean I was always curious

About what?

I don't know drugs and stuff

You going to school?

Guess so

You coming?

Look life's too short to

be somebody you're not

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