Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 24 2018

Translation by taiboo

T-T-The world changed!? When did we dive right into a storm!?

I did some rough calcs and the Border's going to sink within the hour! So back up, back up now, Meuniere-kun!

That's… there's no land anywhere to be seen! We're right in the middle of the North Sea!

Da Vinci, can we engage in an Imaginary Numbers Dive here? Although we shall have to do it on the sea, it is better than sinking, is it not?

Impossible, we can't stabilize the boundary ritual while at sea! We'd need an entirely new software for that!

----Hm. No, wait, we have an incoming transmission!

Mr. Meuniere, open the line! Immediately! Da Vinci is of no use here!

A-ah, leave it to me!

CQ CQ. Hey there, this is the Wandering Sea's port.

That's Chaldea's ship, right? Ship… it's not a ship. I see, it's a tank!

You don't need a ship for an Imaginary Numbers Voyage! That's logical, that's very logical indeed! But it's of the absolute worst taste!

After all, that thing looks just like a metal coffin! It's not cute in the slightest!

Without my Paper Moon, you wouldn't have made it this far, have you?

Anyway, well done for getting here! This is all within my calculations!

A transmission, it's a transmission from the Wandering Sea! But from where!?

Where? It's right in front of your eyes. Ah, wait a second, I'll remove the fog.

You should be able to see a bit better now. Keep that rudder steady as it is, and slow down your speed. Then thank me profusely.

Now then--- it's been 2000 years since this island has been seen outside of the 31st of December!

Welcome to the primordial magecraft workshop, the Wandering Sea, Baldanders!

I am Sion. Sion Eltnam Sokaris.

A spiritron hacker who predicted that the world was just about to get busted, and so ran to the Wandering Sea to wait here for you.

The last remaining person of the Atlas Institute, tasked with the project to resolve the blank white Earth by the luminaries of the Wandering Sea.

Choice: …And so that was what happened a few minutes earlier…

Fou, foou!

Mmph, we advanced until the crags according to that transmission's instructions, but what is going on here, Technical Consultant!

The Border's shaking has reduced, but we haven't been sinking for these past few minutes, have we!?

Yes, I feel so too.

The Border sank into the middle of the sea, and then floated up to the surface, it seems…

I didn't do anything. Once we got close to the crags, the currents automatically carried the Border along…

Yeah, that seems to be the case. I tried turning the wheel a bit, but we're being dragged along by some very strong currents.

The Border plunged 40 metres into the sea, and then rose by 30 metres.

The Wandering Sea is probably reached from below the island, I guess~ There's probably no entrance from the outside.

Indeed. This may be the Wandering Sea's docking system. It means that normal ships would definitely not be able to enter.

Yeah, that's it. Wish they'd have said something about it first though.

Choice 1: …Then, what's outside… Choice 2: could that be the port…?

It would be appropriate to consider it that way. The problem is---

Is this really the Wandering Sea? Is it dangerous outside? That's the problem!

Meuniere-kun! Fully activate all sensors! Get us visuals of what's outside on the monitor!

Roger! But I've actually been trying to do that from just now and nothing's coming up at all!

Ah, ah. Testing, testing. Can you hear me?

Sorry, but even the smallest stone on the Wandering Sea will refuse to be "reliably observed by science".

The sensors on that rugged tank will be caught by the censors no matter what, so give up on looking outside from the inside.

And actually, danger is a no-no here! Having something wrong with my calculations is a no-no!

After all, this is the world's number one horror island filled with peace and happiness!

Choice: It's peaceful but horrifying…?

Anyway, just come out here, my guests!

It's time to show off my prided secret base which I've prepared just for this day!

What's that about… what should we do?

As long as we don't know what's outside, someone has to go. So, it should be Holmes?

Right. Just do something or other with your baritsu.

Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do any baritsu just yet! Right now, Director Gordolf is far more reliable than I am!

I-I see. Holmes-san's injuries from Scandinavia can't be completely healed that easily.

H-Here--- as the only melee Servant, I should---

Choice 1: Let's go say hi together, Mashu. Choice 2: It's probably fine. Let's go, Mashu!

---Yes! I share your opinion, Master!

Fou, foou!

Then I'll go along too. My curiosity has won out over my caution.

Whether the Wandering Sea is an enemy or an ally, the fact that it is the most mysterious of mysteries does not change.

I'd really like to find out more about this pillar of magecraft which seems to have inherited the mysteries of the Age of Gods long past even in the modern age.

Although I don't think it's anything bad… even the Clock Tower refers to this as an ominous and mysterious place…

Hm, so the commoners will do as the commoners will, then. That's right, Meuniere.

Get it? The secrets of a pillar of magecraft are not for one's self to see.

It is an affair of such a nature that the moment you lay eyes on it you'll be petrified with terror, landing yourself in bed for a month.

There is not a single merit to be found, only harm. Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Fear did.

However, if you are human, you must endure fear. Like me.

Mashu Kyrielight. Guda.

I permit you to investigate the outside as a two-man cell. When you have judged that there is no danger, call for me immediately.

Ah, do not stray far from the Border, alright? Keep your search in a perimeter you can return from within 5 seconds.

Choice: Roger that!

We will be exiting from the Border's port hatch now. Are you ready, Master?

Very well, leave your backs to me! I can at least defend it!

Yes, I'll leave it to you, Da Vinci-chan! ---Opening the hatch!

This is---

Choice: Am----

Amaaaaaaazing! This is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!

Look, look, Mashu, Guda-kun!

It's a secret base that looks as clichéd as if it was from a picture! What amaaaaaaaazingly poor imagination!

I'm honoured by your compliments.

For the extraordinary genius and problem child, Leonardo Da Vinci to view me with hostility, I've gotcha---

…But still… is that really Da Vinci?

Aren't you a bit small? Aren't you a girl? Aren't you a little too perfect?

Hey, you over there. Master, Guda-kun.

Is this child really Leonardo Da Vinci?

Yeah. I'm undoubtedly the real Leonardo Da Vinci's successor model, Leonardo Da Vinci-chan.

And who are you anyway? The girl who sent us the transmission?

Oops, I forgot my manners in my surprise. Cut, cut.

Yeah. I am Sion Eltnam Sokaris. The alchemist who's come to mess with you as a representative of the Atlas Institute.

The creator of the Trismegistus that you were using, and the Paper Moon that you had been freely using as you pleased just recently.

I'm here to collect the debt you've racked up for the patent fees. Uh, the usage fee so far would work out to $ seven hundred and ninety million…

Wow, so~ sad~! Your human rights have already been revoked!

Well then, you are all mine from your fingertips till the top of your head, Guda-kun!

Right, that's how it is, please sign this contract here.

[I used Lady Sion's inventions without permission. Furthermore, I saw the end of humanity or something. ]

[Therefore, in order to repay the unpaid usage fees, I, Guda will offer my body and time…]

[In short, all of myself to the aforementioned Sion as her possession, here I do solemly swear.]

Right, just sign here! By the way how do you want to be modified?

Mecha? Bio? Fusion? Alright, let's do all of them! It's alright, it's alright, it won't hurt one bit!

Choice: Ha---

Choice: Ha---

Choice: Haaaaah!?

Just kidding, no-no, there's no debt at all! It was just a joke, don't take it seriously!

After all, when I say $ I mean $ at old Zimbabwean dollar rates! It's at a level where you can repay it properly!

…Fou, foou….

I'm sorry, I might have overdone it a bit. After all, this is the first for me since I was born.

I also struck first during the transmission just now… ah, my apologies.

So that you would feel more secure, I adopted a more dignified tone of voice.

My normal self is an alchemist who knows of etiquette, as you can well see, so please do not have any misunderstandings about me.

I, I see… you spoke quite fast so I couldn't really keep up,

but someone from Atlas wouldn't have seriously offered a contract to sign.

So it was a high-level negotiation tactic in order to mellow out the tensions of first contact.

Choice: (I think this person isn't one to lie…)

Well then, let me reintroduce myself once more. I am Sion. Welcome to the Wandering Sea, everyone from Chaldea.

Leonardo Da Vinci. Mashu Kyrielight.

Guda. And…

(I don't have any records of that animal… but perhaps it's someone's familiar…)

(…I feel a faint sapience from it. As if it were an AI that had started to learn things once more).

Well, whatever. Uh, ahem. I know about your current circumstances.

Although I haven't taken a look outside yet, I know what happened to Chaldea when it welcomed the year 2018.

…You haven't looked outside... Could Sion-san perhaps have no immunity to the atmosphere outside?

No, I'm in the pink of health. A high quality analytical mind needs a healthy body.

That's not it, there was just no need to go outside. I'm sorry. You misunderstood, Mashu.

Well then, who's in charge now?

Although Leonardo Da Vinci should've been in charge according to my calculations, that doesn't seem to be the case now, does it?

It seems that my numbers were wrong. Then I'll need to retake it, retake it quickly.

Hmph. To think you would have noticed that. Although you look like a young girl, that is not all you are.

Yes. The Master-cum-amateur mage of a brat, the Demi Servant girl,

and the competent Technical Consultant are but my subordinates. Who am I? No more need be said.

It is I, the head of the golden Musik family which shall one day revive, the New Director, Gordolf Musik…!

It seems that you are surprised by my survival.

That emblem, that uniform, I know it well. It seems to be the truth that you are a mage of the Atlas Institute.

Thusly, it is not far-fetched that your specialty, Parallel High-Speed Thinking, could have predicted the tragedy of Chaldea.

It was I who was unable to see through the last step of Koyanskaya-kun's evil plot, and I who have allowed the Crypters to run rampant.

The [future prediction] of Atlas must have foreseen that I would be killed first.

After all, a competent commander must be the first target to be brought down. Heh.

But! I have survived, as you can see!

For I am a man who will never retire from a race, no matter the harsh roads, no matter the foul weather, even if I do not come in first!

Um, Mr. Gordolf, right? With those specs, you'd have survived.

Eh? Really?

Although the probability was low, it wasn't zero. If other, strong factors were added in, then it's no surprise that you survived.

Actually, what I was shocked about wasn't you, but that Servant. Will you tell me your name?

My apologies. The new Director insisted on going out, so I accompanied him as an escort.

I am the Servant, Sherlock Holmes. My class is Ruler.

This should be sufficient introduction, successor of the great Atlas Institute.

What's that. Do you know of me? A famous detective knows of the private matters of others in that much detail?

Why, it is elementary, lady. The middle name of Eltnam tells us everything.

By further considering your words and actions, as well as our own circumstances, the answer naturally---

Choice 1: Ah, this guy read the cheat sheet. Choice 2: He's used the Trihermes at the Atlas Institute.

That is not good, do not speak of unnecessary things, Mister Guda!

He used the Trihermes…? Ah, I see, I see, you're talking about the sixth singularity!

That was in the Mage's Association's report.

Heh… so he didn't become a cripple after coming into direct contact with Trihermes… Hmmm…. Huh…

As expected of a Servant who lives for [knowledge]! I think we'll hit it off!

…Sion. How long are you going to stand there talking?

This ship needs servicing, right? Just get all of the crew off of it already.

Choice: -----(speechless)

….What? Why are you staring at my face? You are quite rude.

Choice 1: S-sorry Choice: Uh, nice to meet you.

That high level of mana… could it be a Servant? The Wandering Sea can also summon a Servant!?

Yeah, I took a peek at Chaldea's system, and summoned one through my own means somehow.

I also need an escort… or rather, someone to act as my subordinate.

See. No matter how many schematics I can come up with, I need the labour to assemble them, right?

Sion-san's Servant… I'm shocked that Heroic Spirit summoning is possible outside of Chaldea…

Good day, Wandering Sea's Servant-san. I am Mashu Kyrielight.

If it would please you, could I please have your name? No, it's fine if it's not your True Name, just an assumed name would do…

…..I have no name. If you ask who I am, I am nobody. If you need something to call me by, [Nameless] will do fine.

Sion. Get out of the dock quickly. I've called everyone, so these people are in the way.

…It is as miserable as the death of coral.

This ship looks terrible. I can hear its laments. If I don't fix it immediately, I think I'll go mad.

Oops, the Captain's in a bad mood, huh. Well, he's shyer than I am so it can't be helped!

Captain… what's that, are you making fun of me?

But there's no other suitable way to call you, right? Or perhaps you would prefer Prince?

…Well, fine. There's more guests now, so Captain's fine. It's better than Prince.

…That Servant's Saint Graph… it seems to be mixed, Miss Sion?

Yeah. He's a phantom. I'd need Mashu's shield for a proper Heroic Spirit summoning, wouldn't I?

We don't have any such holy relics over here, so I managed to establish the Saint Graph by crossing them together.

Ah, but I won't tell you which Heroic Spirit he is. A Servant's True Name is something a Servant should reveal themselves.

Once the Captain acknowledges you, he'll naturally reveal his true identity.

Sokyu. Fou, fou.

At this moment, the only people here are the Captain and I.

There isn't anyone else around, so feel free to bring everyone else aboard the Shadow Border.

I've prepared quarters for the staff to rest in, but you guys'll have to accompany me for just a while longer.

Well then, everyone, though I'd like to tell you [good work, rest in bed], just come with me for a bit to the Wandering Sea's entrance.

We'll be getting well acquainted for a long time from now on, so I'd like to invite you to the new control room.



This is---

Choice: Chaldea's control room…!?

That's wrong, Guda-kun.

It's not [similar to Chaldea's control room], it's that [Chaldea's control room is similar to this].

This is the masterpiece I have been assembling without sleep for the three months since I've come to the Wandering Sea!

I call this the Spiritron Calculator Trismegistus II!

This is your new brain, faithfully recreated after the Trismegistus lent to Chaldea!

Hmm. You assembled it here, which means you brought the materials along with you, right?

Whether it's the Paper Moon or these preparations, you seem to have a good degree of involvement.

Sion Eltnam Sokaris.

You seem to know Chaldea better than we do, don't you?

Yeah. Though more precisely, it was before Chaldea was officially started.

The Pseudo-Spiritron Calculator Trishermes, the heart of Atlas.

The development of its sister machine, the Trismegistus, was something entrusted to me by my father, the director of Atlas.

The technology to send people to the past, or rather, to singularities, was something that I would have provided through the Paper Moon's Imaginary Numbers Dive.

But the original director of Chaldea, Mr. Marisbilly, came up with a more reliable method, which was to turn the physical flesh into spiritrons and transfer them…

He proposed the Leyshift Ritual instead.

It was an approach which was more active and closer to the [future prediction] that our Atlas Institute had been advancing.

Although it was a proposal lacking in caution, it was a really big matter for a mage to reveal their own secrets.

Still, for one of the 12 Lords of the Clock Tower, the Animusphere family, to share technology with Atlas…

that was something that would have sparked a war if the other Lords knew. The Animusphere family might even have been wiped out.

Even knowing of that danger, Director Marisbilly acted.

In order to express our respect for his resolution, the Atlas Institute decided to honour Chaldea's request.

Well, no Lord noticed Animusphere's choice beforehand, so we fulfilled the promise after the fact.

And after that, it is as you know.

We supplied the Trismegistus, and Chaldea completed Chaldeas.

Thus, it officially began fulfilling its mission as the Human Order Security Organization Chaldea.

You would be more aware of Chaldea's activities after that. We only provided the technology after all.

I know of Chaldea's relationship with the Atlas Institute. What we are more interested in is about you, lady.

How did you come to escape the bleaching of the Earth, and why were you waiting for us here in the Wandering Sea?

Choice: Yeah, yeah.

You like asking about things you already know the answer to, don't you, Sherlock? Is that your duty? Or perhaps you'll die if you don't do it?

Fine, on account of how methodical you are, I'll explain what I've come to understand!

Answer no. 1. [I escaped the Earth becoming blank white because I was here in the Wandering Sea].

The Wandering Sea is something like a singularity that drifts about within the gaps of the Earth's texture.

Even if the Earth is covered by the wave of blankness, the Wandering Sea isn't affected by it.

Answer no. 2. [I was at the Wandering Sea because I predicted this future].

Just like Chaldeas, Trihermes collects, categorizes and records a lot of information on Earth.

It is truly [a sea of information just sitting there]. From the perspective of we alchemists, it is like the soup of life.

I snuck under my father's gaze and leisurely swam in that first-rate sea.

But at that time, it was calculated that [although the circumstances and methods are unknown, under these conditions, the Earth will be destroyed in the year 2018].

It was bad, it was really bad.

I reported my prediction to my father. Hoping that he could do something.

However, that theatre-crazed shitty dad… no, I mean, the great and noble Director Atlasia said thus.

[I see the end of humanity every day. Please do not waste my time with such a trifling problem.]

[In the first place, this is a problem you have come across of your own will. Why would you seek the solution from others, my cute Sion?]

At that time I felt deeply the lack of manpower at the Atlas Institute.

All of them had their hands full with resolving their respective [the end of the world that they saw], after all!

And so, the bonus answer no. 3. Thus, I made my resolve.

[That's right, I'll go to the Wandering Sea].

I replaced the parts of the in-construction Trismegistus II into the giant machine Hermes and knocked on the door of the Wandering Sea.

This plan let me assure my own safety and obtain reliable collaborators. It was two birds with one stone.

In my calculations, Chaldea would shut down no matter what. For [Invader X], Chaldea was the most important case of all.

Humanity's end can come in two ways, the accumulative type or the sudden type.

Most ends are accumulative… step by step, they slowly head towards doom.

The speed at which these ends come can be ameliorated by the efforts of leaders all over the world which can grasp the situation properly.

On the other hand, the sudden types are like a traffic accident. They cannot be protected against by any sage.

Leyshifting is the only countermeasure against these ends which [finish everything in a single blow].

The incident of the blank white earth this time… the invasion from outer space was a foul play which could only be resisted by leyshifting.


The invaders which had prepared such thorough plans would not overlook the leyshift-capable Chaldea.

If it were me, I would crush Chaldea as my first move. No, if Chaldea isn't crushed, the invasion cannot begin.

I'm sorry, that was unnecessary. Let's get back to the topic.

Luckily, I managed to get a place where I could prepare countermeasures, but I was still very powerless.

After all, I don't know my opponent's true identity nor their methods. So---

What I could do was only to [believe in you].

The invaders regard Chaldea as their greatest threat. Therefore, Chaldea should be able to stand as proof of that.

You would surely survive. You would not give up, no matter what happens to the Earth.

You would surely, surely stand up once more. Therefore, what I had to do became simple.

To supply you with a new base. To prepare a second Chaldea, and wait for you.

That is the sole answer that [I found in 2017]. And so---

Without understanding anything, you have come this far.

Quod erat demonstrandum. Thank you very much for listening to me patiently.

Choice 1: You… Choice 2: Believed in us, and waited---

That's pretty embarrassing to hear. Thanks, Sion.

Before, I would have replied [Discuss these things with us first!], though.

Well, that's a no-no! I'm a shy person after all!

Besides, if I spoke to the subjects of the future prediction…

The outline might change, and you'd have to prepare different measures anew, right?

Yep. Recalculating would take up more time too. In that event, there is a high chance the countermeasures might not make it in time.

I judged that this was for the best.

Yeah. That's fine. But--- what's with the state of matters here?

There's not a single mage of the Wandering Sea to be seen.

They shouldn't be affected by the Earth turning blank, right? But why is it that only you and the Captain are here?

That is because they are the same as my father, in that they could not comprehend the [whitening of the Earth] as a problem that affects them.

No, it's even worse than my father. For them, the destruction of humanity in the AD era does not matter at all.

It was when the Earth began to turn white, and the Crypters made their declaration of victory.

[You should avert the end with your own hands. We are already unconcerned with human civilization]

[We understand the thoughts of those that gave rise to this phenomenon. But in any case, those are not our ideals]

The mages of the Wandering Sea said that and left.

[We will allow you to invite the mages of Chaldea. You can also use this much of the Wandering Sea, should you wish.]

[However, do not enter our workshops. We cannot guarantee your fate].

In the first place, this place is the entrance of the Wandering Sea, connected to the strange workshops that dabble with the Regression to the Age of Gods.

Even now, they are shut away behind that closed [stone door].

Hm. You mean to say that the eminent people of the Wandering Sea do not acknowledge human history in the AD era as "something of value", then.

Even so, we are in no circumstances to let things be. The magecraft of the Wandering Sea is magecraft from the Age of Gods. That strength is immeasurable.

If we could somehow get that stone door open--- Mr. Gordolf?

D-D-D-Don't be an idiot, Management Consultant! Let go of that door, don't touch it!

I-I-It's scary, behind there are multiple presences similar to that of the Headmaster…!

How could there be such a thing!? That single door could crush and scatter countless Lords!

Muu. Though Gordolf-kun's making some incoherent statements, I can understand that he is more frightened than he has ever been…

Everyone, I disagree with touching that door too. We shouldn't be increasing our enemies needlessly.

First, let's get the Shadow Border repaired. As long as we have our feet, we can deal with the Wandering Sea later.

Sion, I'll go repair the Border. Sorry, but I'll need to borrow your help---

Heeeeey! Da Vinci----!

I hid inside the Border as you instructed, but I was found! Sorry!

….Haah. Our insurance policy for the worst just became useless…

How could you be so clumsy, Meuniere-kun. That hidden room was something only I knew of, though?

No, there was this really cute kid that came in so I just poked my head out to take a peek…

Ah. No. That's not it. Nope.

He started messing around with the Border, so I thought to give him a piece of my mind. Ahahahaha.

There there. Overlook the Captain's actions. It's that child's hobby to make a ship pretty.

But let's leave the Border's repairs for later, Da Vinci.

After all— we still have other things we need to do!

Choice: An ice-breaking party?

Of course we're going to do that. There's a lot of things I want to talk about and want to hear about!

And then, in order to have an ice-breaking party, there is something we cannot avoid!

Yes--- what all of you need is a new base, a new My Room!

Let's build your Chaldea base here!

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it's not plastic it's not plastic it's not plastic.

it's you it's you it's you

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a cause that will

prevent the death of many living organisims around the globe.

of course I will change

we can all do this

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instead of throwing them away

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So this is the kind of work you do here?


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subscribe and watch this video until the end to know the complete information 1

bananas bananas contain bromelain which is an enzyme that controls sex hormones

bananas also contain vitamin A b1 and C these vitamins promote sperm production

and also enable the body in improving its stamina 2 dark chocolate dark

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pomegranates on a regular basis can help the body and killing free radicals and

also in improving the potential of the sperms 5 beef beef contains zinc which

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conversion of testosterone into estrogen thus it also promotes libido 6 walnuts

walnut is rich in arginine which helps in raising semen volume and also

promotes production it is also composed of

omega-3 fatty acids that promote blood circulation in the penis walnuts are

rich in antioxidants and they protect the body from several diseases 7 spinach

spinach is rich in folic acid that raises sperm count folic acid is also

responsible for strengthening the sperms as well as increasing their motility

eight fruit salad fruits like strawberries oranges and cherries

contain lots of antioxidants they prevent sperm damage and also increases

sperm count fruits are also rich in folic acid which strengthens the sperms

the antioxidants in the fruits help in killing the free radicals and thus they

protect the sperms fruits are a rich source of vitamin C which prevents

clumping of the semen this in turn promotes motility and improves the

possibility of fertilization 9 egg eggs help in promoting fertility and raising

the sperm count eggs contain vitamin E which prevents tissue degeneration of

the testicles eggs are also rich in antioxidants that neutralize free

radicals and protect the cells 10 water drinking lots of water can help the body

and increasing sperm count it also helps in improving the functioning of the

sperms thank you for watching please like comment subscribe and share with

your friends and family

For more infomation >> Sperm - 10 Foods that Increase Sperm Count, Sperm Motility and Sperm Fertility | Natural Medication - Duration: 3:53.


Vintage TV Ads: Revlon Futurama lipstick - 1956 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Vintage TV Ads: Revlon Futurama lipstick - 1956 - Duration: 1:34.


Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu „Lucrarea lui Dumnezeu și lucrarea omului" (2) - Duration: 41:10.

For more infomation >> Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu „Lucrarea lui Dumnezeu și lucrarea omului" (2) - Duration: 41:10.


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Fate/Grand Order - Lostbelt 3 Prologue Part 2 - Duration: 24:20.

Translation by taiboo

T-T-The world changed!? When did we dive right into a storm!?

I did some rough calcs and the Border's going to sink within the hour! So back up, back up now, Meuniere-kun!

That's… there's no land anywhere to be seen! We're right in the middle of the North Sea!

Da Vinci, can we engage in an Imaginary Numbers Dive here? Although we shall have to do it on the sea, it is better than sinking, is it not?

Impossible, we can't stabilize the boundary ritual while at sea! We'd need an entirely new software for that!

----Hm. No, wait, we have an incoming transmission!

Mr. Meuniere, open the line! Immediately! Da Vinci is of no use here!

A-ah, leave it to me!

CQ CQ. Hey there, this is the Wandering Sea's port.

That's Chaldea's ship, right? Ship… it's not a ship. I see, it's a tank!

You don't need a ship for an Imaginary Numbers Voyage! That's logical, that's very logical indeed! But it's of the absolute worst taste!

After all, that thing looks just like a metal coffin! It's not cute in the slightest!

Without my Paper Moon, you wouldn't have made it this far, have you?

Anyway, well done for getting here! This is all within my calculations!

A transmission, it's a transmission from the Wandering Sea! But from where!?

Where? It's right in front of your eyes. Ah, wait a second, I'll remove the fog.

You should be able to see a bit better now. Keep that rudder steady as it is, and slow down your speed. Then thank me profusely.

Now then--- it's been 2000 years since this island has been seen outside of the 31st of December!

Welcome to the primordial magecraft workshop, the Wandering Sea, Baldanders!

I am Sion. Sion Eltnam Sokaris.

A spiritron hacker who predicted that the world was just about to get busted, and so ran to the Wandering Sea to wait here for you.

The last remaining person of the Atlas Institute, tasked with the project to resolve the blank white Earth by the luminaries of the Wandering Sea.

Choice: …And so that was what happened a few minutes earlier…

Fou, foou!

Mmph, we advanced until the crags according to that transmission's instructions, but what is going on here, Technical Consultant!

The Border's shaking has reduced, but we haven't been sinking for these past few minutes, have we!?

Yes, I feel so too.

The Border sank into the middle of the sea, and then floated up to the surface, it seems…

I didn't do anything. Once we got close to the crags, the currents automatically carried the Border along…

Yeah, that seems to be the case. I tried turning the wheel a bit, but we're being dragged along by some very strong currents.

The Border plunged 40 metres into the sea, and then rose by 30 metres.

The Wandering Sea is probably reached from below the island, I guess~ There's probably no entrance from the outside.

Indeed. This may be the Wandering Sea's docking system. It means that normal ships would definitely not be able to enter.

Yeah, that's it. Wish they'd have said something about it first though.

Choice 1: …Then, what's outside… Choice 2: could that be the port…?

It would be appropriate to consider it that way. The problem is---

Is this really the Wandering Sea? Is it dangerous outside? That's the problem!

Meuniere-kun! Fully activate all sensors! Get us visuals of what's outside on the monitor!

Roger! But I've actually been trying to do that from just now and nothing's coming up at all!

Ah, ah. Testing, testing. Can you hear me?

Sorry, but even the smallest stone on the Wandering Sea will refuse to be "reliably observed by science".

The sensors on that rugged tank will be caught by the censors no matter what, so give up on looking outside from the inside.

And actually, danger is a no-no here! Having something wrong with my calculations is a no-no!

After all, this is the world's number one horror island filled with peace and happiness!

Choice: It's peaceful but horrifying…?

Anyway, just come out here, my guests!

It's time to show off my prided secret base which I've prepared just for this day!

What's that about… what should we do?

As long as we don't know what's outside, someone has to go. So, it should be Holmes?

Right. Just do something or other with your baritsu.

Well, I'm sorry, but I can't do any baritsu just yet! Right now, Director Gordolf is far more reliable than I am!

I-I see. Holmes-san's injuries from Scandinavia can't be completely healed that easily.

H-Here--- as the only melee Servant, I should---

Choice 1: Let's go say hi together, Mashu. Choice 2: It's probably fine. Let's go, Mashu!

---Yes! I share your opinion, Master!

Fou, foou!

Then I'll go along too. My curiosity has won out over my caution.

Whether the Wandering Sea is an enemy or an ally, the fact that it is the most mysterious of mysteries does not change.

I'd really like to find out more about this pillar of magecraft which seems to have inherited the mysteries of the Age of Gods long past even in the modern age.

Although I don't think it's anything bad… even the Clock Tower refers to this as an ominous and mysterious place…

Hm, so the commoners will do as the commoners will, then. That's right, Meuniere.

Get it? The secrets of a pillar of magecraft are not for one's self to see.

It is an affair of such a nature that the moment you lay eyes on it you'll be petrified with terror, landing yourself in bed for a month.

There is not a single merit to be found, only harm. Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Fear did.

However, if you are human, you must endure fear. Like me.

Mashu Kyrielight. Guda.

I permit you to investigate the outside as a two-man cell. When you have judged that there is no danger, call for me immediately.

Ah, do not stray far from the Border, alright? Keep your search in a perimeter you can return from within 5 seconds.

Choice: Roger that!

We will be exiting from the Border's port hatch now. Are you ready, Master?

Very well, leave your backs to me! I can at least defend it!

Yes, I'll leave it to you, Da Vinci-chan! ---Opening the hatch!

This is---

Choice: Am----

Amaaaaaaazing! This is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!

Look, look, Mashu, Guda-kun!

It's a secret base that looks as clichéd as if it was from a picture! What amaaaaaaaazingly poor imagination!

I'm honoured by your compliments.

For the extraordinary genius and problem child, Leonardo Da Vinci to view me with hostility, I've gotcha---

…But still… is that really Da Vinci?

Aren't you a bit small? Aren't you a girl? Aren't you a little too perfect?

Hey, you over there. Master, Guda-kun.

Is this child really Leonardo Da Vinci?

Yeah. I'm undoubtedly the real Leonardo Da Vinci's successor model, Leonardo Da Vinci-chan.

And who are you anyway? The girl who sent us the transmission?

Oops, I forgot my manners in my surprise. Cut, cut.

Yeah. I am Sion Eltnam Sokaris. The alchemist who's come to mess with you as a representative of the Atlas Institute.

The creator of the Trismegistus that you were using, and the Paper Moon that you had been freely using as you pleased just recently.

I'm here to collect the debt you've racked up for the patent fees. Uh, the usage fee so far would work out to $ seven hundred and ninety million…

Wow, so~ sad~! Your human rights have already been revoked!

Well then, you are all mine from your fingertips till the top of your head, Guda-kun!

Right, that's how it is, please sign this contract here.

[I used Lady Sion's inventions without permission. Furthermore, I saw the end of humanity or something. ]

[Therefore, in order to repay the unpaid usage fees, I, Guda will offer my body and time…]

[In short, all of myself to the aforementioned Sion as her possession, here I do solemly swear.]

Right, just sign here! By the way how do you want to be modified?

Mecha? Bio? Fusion? Alright, let's do all of them! It's alright, it's alright, it won't hurt one bit!

Choice: Ha---

Choice: Ha---

Choice: Haaaaah!?

Just kidding, no-no, there's no debt at all! It was just a joke, don't take it seriously!

After all, when I say $ I mean $ at old Zimbabwean dollar rates! It's at a level where you can repay it properly!

…Fou, foou….

I'm sorry, I might have overdone it a bit. After all, this is the first for me since I was born.

I also struck first during the transmission just now… ah, my apologies.

So that you would feel more secure, I adopted a more dignified tone of voice.

My normal self is an alchemist who knows of etiquette, as you can well see, so please do not have any misunderstandings about me.

I, I see… you spoke quite fast so I couldn't really keep up,

but someone from Atlas wouldn't have seriously offered a contract to sign.

So it was a high-level negotiation tactic in order to mellow out the tensions of first contact.

Choice: (I think this person isn't one to lie…)

Well then, let me reintroduce myself once more. I am Sion. Welcome to the Wandering Sea, everyone from Chaldea.

Leonardo Da Vinci. Mashu Kyrielight.

Guda. And…

(I don't have any records of that animal… but perhaps it's someone's familiar…)

(…I feel a faint sapience from it. As if it were an AI that had started to learn things once more).

Well, whatever. Uh, ahem. I know about your current circumstances.

Although I haven't taken a look outside yet, I know what happened to Chaldea when it welcomed the year 2018.

…You haven't looked outside... Could Sion-san perhaps have no immunity to the atmosphere outside?

No, I'm in the pink of health. A high quality analytical mind needs a healthy body.

That's not it, there was just no need to go outside. I'm sorry. You misunderstood, Mashu.

Well then, who's in charge now?

Although Leonardo Da Vinci should've been in charge according to my calculations, that doesn't seem to be the case now, does it?

It seems that my numbers were wrong. Then I'll need to retake it, retake it quickly.

Hmph. To think you would have noticed that. Although you look like a young girl, that is not all you are.

Yes. The Master-cum-amateur mage of a brat, the Demi Servant girl,

and the competent Technical Consultant are but my subordinates. Who am I? No more need be said.

It is I, the head of the golden Musik family which shall one day revive, the New Director, Gordolf Musik…!

It seems that you are surprised by my survival.

That emblem, that uniform, I know it well. It seems to be the truth that you are a mage of the Atlas Institute.

Thusly, it is not far-fetched that your specialty, Parallel High-Speed Thinking, could have predicted the tragedy of Chaldea.

It was I who was unable to see through the last step of Koyanskaya-kun's evil plot, and I who have allowed the Crypters to run rampant.

The [future prediction] of Atlas must have foreseen that I would be killed first.

After all, a competent commander must be the first target to be brought down. Heh.

But! I have survived, as you can see!

For I am a man who will never retire from a race, no matter the harsh roads, no matter the foul weather, even if I do not come in first!

Um, Mr. Gordolf, right? With those specs, you'd have survived.

Eh? Really?

Although the probability was low, it wasn't zero. If other, strong factors were added in, then it's no surprise that you survived.

Actually, what I was shocked about wasn't you, but that Servant. Will you tell me your name?

My apologies. The new Director insisted on going out, so I accompanied him as an escort.

I am the Servant, Sherlock Holmes. My class is Ruler.

This should be sufficient introduction, successor of the great Atlas Institute.

What's that. Do you know of me? A famous detective knows of the private matters of others in that much detail?

Why, it is elementary, lady. The middle name of Eltnam tells us everything.

By further considering your words and actions, as well as our own circumstances, the answer naturally---

Choice 1: Ah, this guy read the cheat sheet. Choice 2: He's used the Trihermes at the Atlas Institute.

That is not good, do not speak of unnecessary things, Mister Guda!

He used the Trihermes…? Ah, I see, I see, you're talking about the sixth singularity!

That was in the Mage's Association's report.

Heh… so he didn't become a cripple after coming into direct contact with Trihermes… Hmmm…. Huh…

As expected of a Servant who lives for [knowledge]! I think we'll hit it off!

…Sion. How long are you going to stand there talking?

This ship needs servicing, right? Just get all of the crew off of it already.

Choice: -----(speechless)

….What? Why are you staring at my face? You are quite rude.

Choice 1: S-sorry Choice: Uh, nice to meet you.

That high level of mana… could it be a Servant? The Wandering Sea can also summon a Servant!?

Yeah, I took a peek at Chaldea's system, and summoned one through my own means somehow.

I also need an escort… or rather, someone to act as my subordinate.

See. No matter how many schematics I can come up with, I need the labour to assemble them, right?

Sion-san's Servant… I'm shocked that Heroic Spirit summoning is possible outside of Chaldea…

Good day, Wandering Sea's Servant-san. I am Mashu Kyrielight.

If it would please you, could I please have your name? No, it's fine if it's not your True Name, just an assumed name would do…

…..I have no name. If you ask who I am, I am nobody. If you need something to call me by, [Nameless] will do fine.

Sion. Get out of the dock quickly. I've called everyone, so these people are in the way.

…It is as miserable as the death of coral.

This ship looks terrible. I can hear its laments. If I don't fix it immediately, I think I'll go mad.

Oops, the Captain's in a bad mood, huh. Well, he's shyer than I am so it can't be helped!

Captain… what's that, are you making fun of me?

But there's no other suitable way to call you, right? Or perhaps you would prefer Prince?

…Well, fine. There's more guests now, so Captain's fine. It's better than Prince.

…That Servant's Saint Graph… it seems to be mixed, Miss Sion?

Yeah. He's a phantom. I'd need Mashu's shield for a proper Heroic Spirit summoning, wouldn't I?

We don't have any such holy relics over here, so I managed to establish the Saint Graph by crossing them together.

Ah, but I won't tell you which Heroic Spirit he is. A Servant's True Name is something a Servant should reveal themselves.

Once the Captain acknowledges you, he'll naturally reveal his true identity.

Sokyu. Fou, fou.

At this moment, the only people here are the Captain and I.

There isn't anyone else around, so feel free to bring everyone else aboard the Shadow Border.

I've prepared quarters for the staff to rest in, but you guys'll have to accompany me for just a while longer.

Well then, everyone, though I'd like to tell you [good work, rest in bed], just come with me for a bit to the Wandering Sea's entrance.

We'll be getting well acquainted for a long time from now on, so I'd like to invite you to the new control room.



This is---

Choice: Chaldea's control room…!?

That's wrong, Guda-kun.

It's not [similar to Chaldea's control room], it's that [Chaldea's control room is similar to this].

This is the masterpiece I have been assembling without sleep for the three months since I've come to the Wandering Sea!

I call this the Spiritron Calculator Trismegistus II!

This is your new brain, faithfully recreated after the Trismegistus lent to Chaldea!

Hmm. You assembled it here, which means you brought the materials along with you, right?

Whether it's the Paper Moon or these preparations, you seem to have a good degree of involvement.

Sion Eltnam Sokaris.

You seem to know Chaldea better than we do, don't you?

Yeah. Though more precisely, it was before Chaldea was officially started.

The Pseudo-Spiritron Calculator Trishermes, the heart of Atlas.

The development of its sister machine, the Trismegistus, was something entrusted to me by my father, the director of Atlas.

The technology to send people to the past, or rather, to singularities, was something that I would have provided through the Paper Moon's Imaginary Numbers Dive.

But the original director of Chaldea, Mr. Marisbilly, came up with a more reliable method, which was to turn the physical flesh into spiritrons and transfer them…

He proposed the Leyshift Ritual instead.

It was an approach which was more active and closer to the [future prediction] that our Atlas Institute had been advancing.

Although it was a proposal lacking in caution, it was a really big matter for a mage to reveal their own secrets.

Still, for one of the 12 Lords of the Clock Tower, the Animusphere family, to share technology with Atlas…

that was something that would have sparked a war if the other Lords knew. The Animusphere family might even have been wiped out.

Even knowing of that danger, Director Marisbilly acted.

In order to express our respect for his resolution, the Atlas Institute decided to honour Chaldea's request.

Well, no Lord noticed Animusphere's choice beforehand, so we fulfilled the promise after the fact.

And after that, it is as you know.

We supplied the Trismegistus, and Chaldea completed Chaldeas.

Thus, it officially began fulfilling its mission as the Human Order Security Organization Chaldea.

You would be more aware of Chaldea's activities after that. We only provided the technology after all.

I know of Chaldea's relationship with the Atlas Institute. What we are more interested in is about you, lady.

How did you come to escape the bleaching of the Earth, and why were you waiting for us here in the Wandering Sea?

Choice: Yeah, yeah.

You like asking about things you already know the answer to, don't you, Sherlock? Is that your duty? Or perhaps you'll die if you don't do it?

Fine, on account of how methodical you are, I'll explain what I've come to understand!

Answer no. 1. [I escaped the Earth becoming blank white because I was here in the Wandering Sea].

The Wandering Sea is something like a singularity that drifts about within the gaps of the Earth's texture.

Even if the Earth is covered by the wave of blankness, the Wandering Sea isn't affected by it.

Answer no. 2. [I was at the Wandering Sea because I predicted this future].

Just like Chaldeas, Trihermes collects, categorizes and records a lot of information on Earth.

It is truly [a sea of information just sitting there]. From the perspective of we alchemists, it is like the soup of life.

I snuck under my father's gaze and leisurely swam in that first-rate sea.

But at that time, it was calculated that [although the circumstances and methods are unknown, under these conditions, the Earth will be destroyed in the year 2018].

It was bad, it was really bad.

I reported my prediction to my father. Hoping that he could do something.

However, that theatre-crazed shitty dad… no, I mean, the great and noble Director Atlasia said thus.

[I see the end of humanity every day. Please do not waste my time with such a trifling problem.]

[In the first place, this is a problem you have come across of your own will. Why would you seek the solution from others, my cute Sion?]

At that time I felt deeply the lack of manpower at the Atlas Institute.

All of them had their hands full with resolving their respective [the end of the world that they saw], after all!

And so, the bonus answer no. 3. Thus, I made my resolve.

[That's right, I'll go to the Wandering Sea].

I replaced the parts of the in-construction Trismegistus II into the giant machine Hermes and knocked on the door of the Wandering Sea.

This plan let me assure my own safety and obtain reliable collaborators. It was two birds with one stone.

In my calculations, Chaldea would shut down no matter what. For [Invader X], Chaldea was the most important case of all.

Humanity's end can come in two ways, the accumulative type or the sudden type.

Most ends are accumulative… step by step, they slowly head towards doom.

The speed at which these ends come can be ameliorated by the efforts of leaders all over the world which can grasp the situation properly.

On the other hand, the sudden types are like a traffic accident. They cannot be protected against by any sage.

Leyshifting is the only countermeasure against these ends which [finish everything in a single blow].

The incident of the blank white earth this time… the invasion from outer space was a foul play which could only be resisted by leyshifting.


The invaders which had prepared such thorough plans would not overlook the leyshift-capable Chaldea.

If it were me, I would crush Chaldea as my first move. No, if Chaldea isn't crushed, the invasion cannot begin.

I'm sorry, that was unnecessary. Let's get back to the topic.

Luckily, I managed to get a place where I could prepare countermeasures, but I was still very powerless.

After all, I don't know my opponent's true identity nor their methods. So---

What I could do was only to [believe in you].

The invaders regard Chaldea as their greatest threat. Therefore, Chaldea should be able to stand as proof of that.

You would surely survive. You would not give up, no matter what happens to the Earth.

You would surely, surely stand up once more. Therefore, what I had to do became simple.

To supply you with a new base. To prepare a second Chaldea, and wait for you.

That is the sole answer that [I found in 2017]. And so---

Without understanding anything, you have come this far.

Quod erat demonstrandum. Thank you very much for listening to me patiently.

Choice 1: You… Choice 2: Believed in us, and waited---

That's pretty embarrassing to hear. Thanks, Sion.

Before, I would have replied [Discuss these things with us first!], though.

Well, that's a no-no! I'm a shy person after all!

Besides, if I spoke to the subjects of the future prediction…

The outline might change, and you'd have to prepare different measures anew, right?

Yep. Recalculating would take up more time too. In that event, there is a high chance the countermeasures might not make it in time.

I judged that this was for the best.

Yeah. That's fine. But--- what's with the state of matters here?

There's not a single mage of the Wandering Sea to be seen.

They shouldn't be affected by the Earth turning blank, right? But why is it that only you and the Captain are here?

That is because they are the same as my father, in that they could not comprehend the [whitening of the Earth] as a problem that affects them.

No, it's even worse than my father. For them, the destruction of humanity in the AD era does not matter at all.

It was when the Earth began to turn white, and the Crypters made their declaration of victory.

[You should avert the end with your own hands. We are already unconcerned with human civilization]

[We understand the thoughts of those that gave rise to this phenomenon. But in any case, those are not our ideals]

The mages of the Wandering Sea said that and left.

[We will allow you to invite the mages of Chaldea. You can also use this much of the Wandering Sea, should you wish.]

[However, do not enter our workshops. We cannot guarantee your fate].

In the first place, this place is the entrance of the Wandering Sea, connected to the strange workshops that dabble with the Regression to the Age of Gods.

Even now, they are shut away behind that closed [stone door].

Hm. You mean to say that the eminent people of the Wandering Sea do not acknowledge human history in the AD era as "something of value", then.

Even so, we are in no circumstances to let things be. The magecraft of the Wandering Sea is magecraft from the Age of Gods. That strength is immeasurable.

If we could somehow get that stone door open--- Mr. Gordolf?

D-D-D-Don't be an idiot, Management Consultant! Let go of that door, don't touch it!

I-I-It's scary, behind there are multiple presences similar to that of the Headmaster…!

How could there be such a thing!? That single door could crush and scatter countless Lords!

Muu. Though Gordolf-kun's making some incoherent statements, I can understand that he is more frightened than he has ever been…

Everyone, I disagree with touching that door too. We shouldn't be increasing our enemies needlessly.

First, let's get the Shadow Border repaired. As long as we have our feet, we can deal with the Wandering Sea later.

Sion, I'll go repair the Border. Sorry, but I'll need to borrow your help---

Heeeeey! Da Vinci----!

I hid inside the Border as you instructed, but I was found! Sorry!

….Haah. Our insurance policy for the worst just became useless…

How could you be so clumsy, Meuniere-kun. That hidden room was something only I knew of, though?

No, there was this really cute kid that came in so I just poked my head out to take a peek…

Ah. No. That's not it. Nope.

He started messing around with the Border, so I thought to give him a piece of my mind. Ahahahaha.

There there. Overlook the Captain's actions. It's that child's hobby to make a ship pretty.

But let's leave the Border's repairs for later, Da Vinci.

After all— we still have other things we need to do!

Choice: An ice-breaking party?

Of course we're going to do that. There's a lot of things I want to talk about and want to hear about!

And then, in order to have an ice-breaking party, there is something we cannot avoid!

Yes--- what all of you need is a new base, a new My Room!

Let's build your Chaldea base here!

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Lostbelt 3 Prologue Part 2 - Duration: 24:20.


钟汉良三年后又追初恋女友?是相忘于江湖还是勇敢追爱? - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良三年后又追初恋女友?是相忘于江湖还是勇敢追爱? - Duration: 4:59.


被前夫diss婚内出轨女助理,声明否认指控,孟庭苇的故事变了脸?...离婚之战的结束? - Duration: 22:39.

For more infomation >> 被前夫diss婚内出轨女助理,声明否认指控,孟庭苇的故事变了脸?...离婚之战的结束? - Duration: 22:39.


延禧攻略:大结局时,魏璎珞虚弱地说出3个字,口吐鲜血!...事实暴露了! - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> 延禧攻略:大结局时,魏璎珞虚弱地说出3个字,口吐鲜血!...事实暴露了! - Duration: 6:02.


前夫继续炮轰孟庭苇,称其骗钱骗房产,并曝光苛刻离婚条件 - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> 前夫继续炮轰孟庭苇,称其骗钱骗房产,并曝光苛刻离婚条件 - Duration: 7:23.


High School Senior Campign | It's NOT Plastic It's You (3 R's) - Duration: 1:37.

it's not plastic it's not plastic it's not plastic.

it's you it's you it's you

who decides to use straws when drinking from a glass bottle it's you who decides

to use plastic bags instead of organic bags it's you who can prevent Clogged

Street pipes it's you who throws away small pieces of candy wraps

we can always work for a good cause a a cause that will help us leave a healthier life

a cause that will

prevent the death of many living organisims around the globe.

of course I will change

we can all do this

just remember it's not plastic recycling engines for me things we people don't

bother you so we can achieve our goal of saving

time by reducing the amount of resources we use in our daily life reusing things

instead of throwing them away

For more infomation >> High School Senior Campign | It's NOT Plastic It's You (3 R's) - Duration: 1:37.

------------------------------------------- | Cell Phone Signal Boosters That Work, For Less.

For more infomation >> | Cell Phone Signal Boosters That Work, For Less.


Маркетинг план Прайд. Pride International. Приложение Прорыв. Сетевой бизнес - Duration: 16:06.

For more infomation >> Маркетинг план Прайд. Pride International. Приложение Прорыв. Сетевой бизнес - Duration: 16:06.


Free Spotify premium - Spotify free premium - Get Spotify premium for free (*LAST UPDATE 2018*) - Duration: 3:37.

Free Spotify premium - Spotify free premium - Get Spotify premium

For more infomation >> Free Spotify premium - Spotify free premium - Get Spotify premium for free (*LAST UPDATE 2018*) - Duration: 3:37.


Amazing Unique Red Rescue Retreat Holiday Home with Fantastic Open-plan - Duration: 3:23.

Amazing Unique Red Rescue Retreat Holiday Home with Fantastic Open-plan

For more infomation >> Amazing Unique Red Rescue Retreat Holiday Home with Fantastic Open-plan - Duration: 3:23.


Hannity 11/23/18 9PM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:43.

For more infomation >> Hannity 11/23/18 9PM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:43.


赵薇现身酒庄发布会现场,心情未受"处罚"影响笑容不断 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> 赵薇现身酒庄发布会现场,心情未受"处罚"影响笑容不断 - Duration: 4:07.


杨幂首度否认自己是童星出身:我觉得顶多算是一个小的群众演员 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 杨幂首度否认自己是童星出身:我觉得顶多算是一个小的群众演员 - Duration: 1:54.


Sky Sports confirm Another Arsenal star set to follow Ramsey out in January - Duration: 2:08.

Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny could follow Aaron Ramsey out of the Emirates in January, according to Sky Sports

Ramsey is set to be sold during the winter transfer window as his contract expires in the summer with no hope of a renewal

Elneny could follow him out due to lack of game time.. The Egyptian international has not made a single Premier League appearance this season, with all four of his appearances so far coming in the Europa league and League cup

It is said that Unai Emery who has transformed the club since taking over from Arsene Wenger does not rate the midfielder, preferring 19-year-old Matteo Guendouzi to the 69 capped Egyptian

Elneny joined Arsenal in January 2016 and has gone on to make just 76 appearances for the Gunners as he has never been seen to possess the composure on the ball necessary to play at such a high-level side as the Gunners

He doesn't seem to be comfortable being on the fringe any longer and wants out as soon as January, with interests from a number of sides reported in the summer

However, it is surprising that he would want to leave at a time when Ramsey is leaving, given that they play in the same position and the Welshman's departure is likely to give him more game time

The Gunners are unlikely to replace Ramsey in January should he depart the club, as Emery earlier revealed they are unlikely to make any signings in the winter transfer window, but should Elneny also push for a move, they might be forced to dip into the market

For more infomation >> Sky Sports confirm Another Arsenal star set to follow Ramsey out in January - Duration: 2:08.


Sperm - 10 Foods that Increase Sperm Count, Sperm Motility and Sperm Fertility | Natural Medication - Duration: 3:53.

top 10 foods that increase sperm count sperm motility and sperm fertility are

you concerned about low sperm count are you experiencing lowered libido if

you are looking for a natural remedy that can improve the possibility of

fertilization then you should start eating these sperm counts boosting super

foods these can also improve the functioning of your sperms please

subscribe and watch this video until the end to know the complete information 1

bananas bananas contain bromelain which is an enzyme that controls sex hormones

bananas also contain vitamin A b1 and C these vitamins promote sperm production

and also enable the body in improving its stamina 2 dark chocolate dark

chocolate contains an active ingredient known as l-arginine HCl this helps in

increasing the semen volume and it also raises sperm count eating dark chocolate

can help men in having better orgasms 3 garlic garlic is rich in Allison that

helps in improving blood circulation this in turn promotes blood circulation

in the genitals and strengthens the sperms garlic also contains vitamin b6

and selenium which controls the secretion of sex hormones and reduces

sperm damage 4 pomegranates pomegranates are rich in an antioxidant that reduces

Mulund isla de hyde which is responsible for damaging the sperms consuming

pomegranates on a regular basis can help the body and killing free radicals and

also in improving the potential of the sperms 5 beef beef contains zinc which

protects the sperms from the influence of free radicals zinc also prevents the

conversion of testosterone into estrogen thus it also promotes libido 6 walnuts

walnut is rich in arginine which helps in raising semen volume and also

promotes production it is also composed of

omega-3 fatty acids that promote blood circulation in the penis walnuts are

rich in antioxidants and they protect the body from several diseases 7 spinach

spinach is rich in folic acid that raises sperm count folic acid is also

responsible for strengthening the sperms as well as increasing their motility

eight fruit salad fruits like strawberries oranges and cherries

contain lots of antioxidants they prevent sperm damage and also increases

sperm count fruits are also rich in folic acid which strengthens the sperms

the antioxidants in the fruits help in killing the free radicals and thus they

protect the sperms fruits are a rich source of vitamin C which prevents

clumping of the semen this in turn promotes motility and improves the

possibility of fertilization 9 egg eggs help in promoting fertility and raising

the sperm count eggs contain vitamin E which prevents tissue degeneration of

the testicles eggs are also rich in antioxidants that neutralize free

radicals and protect the cells 10 water drinking lots of water can help the body

and increasing sperm count it also helps in improving the functioning of the

sperms thank you for watching please like comment subscribe and share with

your friends and family

For more infomation >> Sperm - 10 Foods that Increase Sperm Count, Sperm Motility and Sperm Fertility | Natural Medication - Duration: 3:53.


18 Hooded Eyeliner Makeup Compilation 🍎 Viral Eye Makeup 🍎 Makeup Tips & Tricks 2018 - Duration: 10:14.

18 Hooded Eyeliner Makeup Compilation - Viral Eye Makeup - Makeup Tips & Tricks 2018

Thank you for watching!

Hope you can enjoy it!

For more infomation >> 18 Hooded Eyeliner Makeup Compilation 🍎 Viral Eye Makeup 🍎 Makeup Tips & Tricks 2018 - Duration: 10:14.


BlockChats meets ... Peter Ing | Behind The Disruption - Duration: 5:23.

Look at this

Look how real that thing looks

So this is the kind of work you do here?


For more infomation >> BlockChats meets ... Peter Ing | Behind The Disruption - Duration: 5:23.


VIDEO: Virtual reality gives doctors, patients 3D look at hearts - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> VIDEO: Virtual reality gives doctors, patients 3D look at hearts - Duration: 2:25.


[ENG CC] Birthday Hauls2018, วันเกิดปีนี้ได้อะไรบ้าง, มีเรื่องอยากจะบอกแม่ผ่านคลิปนี้ | palm thana - Duration: 5:20.

I have something to announce to my mom

Welcome to palm thana channel

I am going to do birthday hauls video, what I got in my birthday

My birthday is 26 October

You migth watch the vlog already, what happen on that day

Including, the restaurant where I hang out with my friends

This year, I didn't got much gifts

Actually, in the passed year I didn't got much but this year is a bit special

and I have something to announce to my mom about what I have done

Let's start!

The first thing is this t-shirt

I got it from my brother

I was surprise

On my birthday, I came back to my room and I found post-it and a bag stitched on the fridge

like this

I was so surprise

because the several years ago we didn't give a gift to each other

Mostly we will hang out to have a meal together but he is busy this year

Next is Choco Lip Balm

I got it from my guy friend

He told me he didn't know what should he give me

So Night and Noon talked together

Noon suggest Night to buy this for me because I would like to have this one

This is Choco Lip Balm from NYX professional makeup

I really want it because its color is so nice

Another thing, its smell is chocolate, which is so good

For those who would like to buy, you can buy at Siam Square One

But i'm not sure about the store between EvenandBoy or NYX shop, 255 baht

Another reason that my girl friend didn't give me a gift

because she would like to buy me a cosmetic but she afraid that she will accidentally buy for herself tho

Then she decided to treat me the dinner on my birthday

So I got free Korean BBQ on my birthday

The next gift is from my mom

She came to me on 31 October and bring the gift along with her

It is not a big gift. It is a set of cloth

Before that she send me the pictures of the cloth

There are 2 sets

But on 31 Oct. she pack too much stuffs in her luggage

So I got this

but it's fine, I will wear it to travel to my mom

This is the last thing, I got

I am very excited to tell you guys

mom and dad

I have done this....

This girl!

I didn't mean it

I couldn't tell the price

I got her for my birthday and to be a friend with my son

Her name is Hippy

I didn't mean them to be a couple

I would like them to be friend to each other

I got her around 2 weeks

They can get along together

Let me end this video

Mom if you watch this video, call me!

That's all of my birhday hauls 2018

See you in the next video

For more infomation >> [ENG CC] Birthday Hauls2018, วันเกิดปีนี้ได้อะไรบ้าง, มีเรื่องอยากจะบอกแม่ผ่านคลิปนี้ | palm thana - Duration: 5:20.


I Accidentally Found a Shiny Weedle in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu! | MagikarpJordan | Game Dynamos - Duration: 1:30.


For more infomation >> I Accidentally Found a Shiny Weedle in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu! | MagikarpJordan | Game Dynamos - Duration: 1:30.


The Sims 4 Dua Lipa Create a Sim! ✨🎶 - Duration: 3:45.


Hey everyone!

Thanks for checking out this create a sim!

We plan on having more CASs in the future.

We also create Sims stories with voice over,

so feel free to check them out on our channel.

If you like our videos,

hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications

to never miss a thing!

Stay awesome

and hope to see you around! 🙂


If you made it here and enjoyed this video,

feel free to subscribe

and don't forget to hit the bell notification for more content!

Thanks for watching! 🙂

For more infomation >> The Sims 4 Dua Lipa Create a Sim! ✨🎶 - Duration: 3:45.


Vintage TV Ads: Revlon Futurama lipstick - 1956 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Vintage TV Ads: Revlon Futurama lipstick - 1956 - Duration: 1:34.


遭遇中國軍艦!41米外!想擠走我們"……美軍視頻曝光 - Duration: 10:31.




中國海軍蘭州艦 果斷向着擅闖的美艦「壓」 了過去…… 9月底中美 軍艦在南海發生「零距離」 對峙。

當時美艦正擅自 闖入我南海島礁鄰近海域

中國海軍最後在 幾乎是「零距離」的情況下



香港英文出版的《南華早報》 首次公開了這次對峙的詳盡 細節和部分現場視頻。

​零距離逼迫是如何發 生的? 原來

中國海軍導彈驅逐艦「蘭州」 在逼至離美國海軍驅逐艦「 迪凱特」僅「45碼」(約 41米)處之前

就曾向後者發出 嚴厲口頭警告。

《南華早報》自英國國防 部處獲得的文件表明

中國海軍這樣警 告道: 「你正 處於一條危險航線。



」(港媒所錄原文如此: You are on dan gerous course.

If you don』t chang e cour se your will suffe r cons equences.

) 但顯然美方並沒有在意 口頭警告

以至於後來發生了更「驚心動 魄」的一幕。

本次同時公開的 還有一段由美方拍攝的現場 視頻。

從這段此前未公 開的緊張對峙畫面中

可以看到中美兩 艦當時離得有多近。

​這段視頻記錄了美艦被 逼停轉彎的瞬間

一名沒進入畫面 的美國海軍士兵稱: 「本艦位置北緯10 073

東經11407 。

本艦與一艘『旅洋II』級( 北約代號)導彈驅逐艦遭遇


他們正逼近本艦 左舷


」 據觀察者網此前報 道


海事新聞網站g Captain發表了多張 照片

據稱這是美國海 軍提供給該網站的

中國海軍「蘭州 」號導彈驅逐艦與美國海軍 「迪凱特」號導彈驅逐艦「 危險接近」的照片。


當時兩艦的最近距離達到「4 5碼」

「蘭州」艦高速 切入進入我國領海的美艦航 線


​「蘭州」艦(右)從 美艦(左)側面高速切入其 前方 ​美國海軍稱當時 兩艦最近距離僅為40多米 《南華早報》報道 稱

美國太平洋艦隊官員事後還試 圖給中方採取的行動貼上「 不安全且不專業」的標籤

稱美艦在南沙群 島附近執行「自由航行」巡 邏時






」但中方隨後強 調

美艦已經進入中 國海域


國防部新聞發言人吳謙此 前已就這次美艦擅自進入中 國南海島礁鄰近海域發表談 話


美國海軍「迪凱 特」號導彈驅逐艦擅自進入 中國南海有關島礁鄰近海域 。

中國海軍170 艦迅即行動

依法依規對美艦 進行識別查證


「第一次聽到這樣的字眼 」 事件發生一個多月後

港媒在披露最新細節時援引倫 敦查塔姆研究所(Chat ham Ho use)亞太事務專家海頓 (Bill Hayton)分析稱

中方可能是在深 思熟慮並決定「提高對抗等 級(raise the level of ant agonism)」後

才採取了這樣的 行動。



這是美艦首次收到(中方)採 用這種措辭的直接威脅」

中國的回應也向 英國、

澳大利亞等徘徊 在該海域的美國盟友傳遞了 一個信息。


中國只會說『你正在進入中國 海域

(請)遠離』這 樣的話。

我想這是我們第 一次聽到『後果自負』這樣 的字眼。


威脅的級別似乎 更高了。

」 海頓認為

英國作為美國盟 友


不太可能在未得 到華盛頓批准的情況下披露 這些此前未公開的資料。


此舉或旨在「展示中國在南海 的『不當行為』。

」 無論華盛頓 是怎麼打算的

港媒進一步援引 上海政法學院教授倪樂雄指 出


一旦中美衝突升 級

中國已經做好了 準備。

​「美國通過在12海 里範圍內航行

一直試探我們的 底線。


中國通過接近美 艦的行動表明

我們已經準備好 了。

」 倪樂雄同時補充道

兩國海軍很可能只是「表明姿 態」


更直接的對抗 被迫改 變航向後

美國海軍作戰部長約翰·理查 森(John Richardson) 近日還叫囂道

將繼續執行「自 由航行」巡邏

以突顯其反對「 不合理海事請求」的立場

未來還將繼續與 解放軍就「海上計劃外遭遇 準則(CUES)」進行溝 通。



但「堅決反對」 其他國家挑戰中國主權和安 全的舉動。


《南華早報》還援引北京海軍 專家分析認為


隨着中國與菲律 賓等國關係的改善

中美在南海事務 上的對抗正變得越來越直接

「目前沒有哪個 (涉及南海問題的)國家願 意站在第一線

美國必須(與中 國)直接接觸。

」 專家還稱

未來美軍在12海里範圍內航 行的頻率可能會增加

中國需要通過警 告美艦來重申其領土主權。

​ 中國海軍追蹤美艦 圖自英國防部 如不 改变航向



港媒披露了当时 中国海军是如何向美舰发出 警告的。


香港《南华早报》首次公开了 9月底中美军舰在南海发生 "零距离"冲突时的现场视 频。

报道援引专家说 法

中方在现场所使用的措辞也与 此前大不相同。

视频/观察者网 刘楚楚 到底有多近? 9月 30日

中国海军驱逐舰逼至离美国海 军驱逐舰仅"45码"(约 41米)处之前

曾向后者发出严 厉口头警告。

《南华早报》自英国国防 部处获得的文件表明

中国海军这样警 告道: "你正 处于一条危险航线。



"(港媒所录原文如此: You are on dan gerous course.

If you don't chang e cour se your will suffe r cons equences.

) 同时公开的还有一段由 美方拍摄的现场视频。

从这段此前未公 开的紧张对峙画面中

可以看到中美两 舰当时离得有多近。

视频截图 这段视频 记录了美舰被逼停转弯的瞬 间

一名没进入画面 的美国海军士兵称: "本舰位置北纬10 073

东经11407 。

本舰与一艘'旅洋II'级( 北约代号)导弹驱逐舰遭遇


他们正逼近本舰 左舷


" 港媒视频截图 据 观察者网此前报道


海事新闻网站g Captain发表了多张 照片

据称这是美国海 军提供给该网站的

中国海军"兰州 "号导弹驱逐舰与美国海军 "迪凯特"号导弹驱逐舰" 危险接近"的照片。


当时两舰的最近 距离达到"45码"

"兰州"舰高速 切入进入我国领海的美舰航 线


"兰州"舰(右)从美 舰(左)侧面高速切入其前 方 美国海军称当时两 舰最近距离仅为40多米 《南华早报》报道称

美国太平洋舰队官员事后还试 图给中方采取的行动贴上" 不安全且不专业"的标签

称美舰在南沙群 岛附近执行"自由航行"巡 逻时






"但中方随后强 调

美舰已经进入中 国海域


国防部新闻发言人吴谦此 前已就这次美舰擅自进入中 国南海岛礁邻近海域发表谈 话


美国海军"迪凯 特"号导弹驱逐舰擅自进入 中国南海有关岛礁邻近海域 。

中国海军170 舰迅即行动

依法依规对美舰 进行识别查证


"第一次听到这样的字眼 " 事件发生一个多月后

港媒在披露最新细节时援引伦 敦查塔姆研究所(Chat ham Ho use)亚太事务专家海顿 (Bill Hayton)分析称

中方可能是在深 思熟虑并决定"提高对抗等 级(raise the level of ant agonism)"后

才采取了这样的 行动。



这是美舰首次收到(中方)采 用这种措辞的直接威胁"

中国的回应也向 英国、

澳大利亚等徘徊 在该海域的美国盟友传递了 一个信息。


中国只会说'你正在进入中国 海域

(请)远离'这 样的话。

我想这是我们第 一次听到'后果自负'这样 的字眼。


威胁的级别似乎 更高了。

" 海顿认为



不太可能在未得 到华盛顿批准的情况下披露 这些此前未公开的资料。


此举或旨在"展示中国在南海 的'不当行为'。

" 无论华盛顿是怎么打算 的

港媒进一步援引上海政法学院 教授倪乐雄指出


一旦中美冲突升 级


For more infomation >> 遭遇中國軍艦!41米外!想擠走我們"……美軍視頻曝光 - Duration: 10:31.


THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS OBBY! UNEDITED! | Roblox| Natural Nat | - Duration: 16:37.

I know I have my key in one of these boxes, I am just to lazy. hey you! go through the boxes and find my key. will ya!

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