Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 24 2018

you already know how to reuse the boxes some panettone and pandoro?

Yes! I mean the cardboard boxes of typical Christmas sweets

hi I'm creative joy of the channel live with joy where you can find

many creative recycling projects do it yourself and tricks for home in

This video you can find out how reuse the cardboard boxes of the

panettoni and pandoro so much suggestive if you like tutorials like

this I suggest you to subscribe now my channel clicking on

sign up and also on the bell for do not miss any of the upcoming videos

now let's move on to the video tutorial keep watching

to reuse the panettone box first, he reports on a sheet of

paper the shape of the box, cut out four equal parts and draw 4 details of the crib:

jesus, joseph and maria, the wise men, the ox and the donkey and the

comet alternatively instead of drawing them

you can find the images on google doing a search by typing nativity

silhouette king magi silhouette and so on etc. and print them back each

silhouette on one side of the box and repeat it with a pen, calculating well

the groove created with. must be visible the pen

if you had not done it yet, cut the flaps under the box

with a sharp knife, cut out the shapes

taking great care not to cut yourself

for smaller and more details difficult to cut out or for

fix some inaccuracies you can use of scissors

I also give you an alternative to decorate and so you can reuse panettone boxes

pandoro decorating them in a simpler way you can use stencils like those

cookies the procedure is the same position

the stencil, trace the outline and then cut it out

you can also make smaller stars cutting directly the cardboard

after finishing cutting out colors with your favorite acrylic

if you like tutorials like this I remind you to subscribe to my channel

by clicking on sign up and on bell to not miss a new video

how do you think to reuse them? panettone and pandoro boxes

decorating the lantern with the molds of the cookies or with pictures of the crib?


For more infomation >> How to reuse panettone and pandoro boxes (2018) - Duration: 4:30.


War Thunder gameplay en español. # 1.83 MASTERS OF THE SEA TERRESTRES REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 2:22:06.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay en español. # 1.83 MASTERS OF THE SEA TERRESTRES REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 2:22:06.


Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities - Duration: 10:27.

Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities

For more infomation >> Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities - Duration: 10:27.


Los otros números rojos de Venezuela - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Los otros números rojos de Venezuela - Duration: 8:14.


'Honestidad' Oriana desvela que tiene problemas de salud: "Estoy yendo al psicólogo" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Oriana desvela que tiene problemas de salud: "Estoy yendo al psicólogo" - Duration: 2:34.


死者の日 SHISHA NO HI // DÍA DE MUERTOS ディア・デ・ムエルトス - Duration: 5:01.

One, two, three! And....

The Day of the Dead.

The Day of the Dead.

Good evening!

I'm Laura. I'm Rafael and I'm Shay.

Nice to meet you!

Today we would like to talk about The Day of the Dead.

It's celebrated every year on November 1st and 2nd since

ancient times and its goal is to remember our loved ones that have already passed away.

Within this tradition, some important elements are:

The shrine,

the "bread of the dead" and the music, among others.

Besides, people usually wear a skeleton make-up on their faces.

The most important part of "The Day of the Dead" are the shrines.

Shrines are decorated with many things but

all of them have food and the dead's belongings.

There are people that put their shrines in their homes but

there are also people that prefer to put them on the graves

and even stay in the cemetery all night long to keep their beloved ones company.

Shrines have





pictures of the dead

and alcoholic drinks among other things.

This isn't scary at all!!

On the contrary, being able to be with our beloved ones makes us happy and nostalgic.

Sometimes we even make fun of the death and celebrate it.

When the mexican talk about the Death, we usually call her "La Catrina" and

portray her as a very elegant woman.

And we use this drawing to decorate many things like pricked paper.

Besides, we tipically eat "bread of the dead" in these days.

This bread is made using flour,




and sugar.

The "bread of the dead" has also a meaning:


this circle represents a skull.

These tubes represent shinbones.

And the round shape represents the cycle of life and death.

Have a taste, please!

Thank you very much!

It's yummy!

It's so good!

When it comes to The Day of the Dead, music is a must!

Among the most popular songs are "Las Calaveras" and "La llorona"

which are often played in cemeteries, parades and theaters in this day.

These songs aren't' sad at all,

on the contrary, there are very cheerful and teach us to be positive on the face of death.

Finally, the most important thing about this day is remembering our loved ones.

No matter which country we're from

they will always be a part of our history.

Tukutuku tikitaka what a sneaky "calaca"

When you expect it the least, you're already dead!

I ran away and it couldn't catch me at all!

Rich or poor, it doesn't make distinctions.

One has a golden coffin and the other old underpants.

But as time goes by both end up bald.

Thank you very much!!

For more infomation >> 死者の日 SHISHA NO HI // DÍA DE MUERTOS ディア・デ・ムエルトス - Duration: 5:01.


Charles-Michel de l'Épée , Il y a 306 ans naissait Charles Michel de l'Épée Google Doodle - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Charles-Michel de l'Épée , Il y a 306 ans naissait Charles Michel de l'Épée Google Doodle - Duration: 2:05.


Geometría Mandala - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Geometría Mandala - Duration: 6:50.


Men cleared of murder charges in U of A grad's death in Greece - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Men cleared of murder charges in U of A grad's death in Greece - Duration: 2:24.


How to reuse panettone and pandoro boxes (2018) - Duration: 4:30.

you already know how to reuse the boxes some panettone and pandoro?

Yes! I mean the cardboard boxes of typical Christmas sweets

hi I'm creative joy of the channel live with joy where you can find

many creative recycling projects do it yourself and tricks for home in

This video you can find out how reuse the cardboard boxes of the

panettoni and pandoro so much suggestive if you like tutorials like

this I suggest you to subscribe now my channel clicking on

sign up and also on the bell for do not miss any of the upcoming videos

now let's move on to the video tutorial keep watching

to reuse the panettone box first, he reports on a sheet of

paper the shape of the box, cut out four equal parts and draw 4 details of the crib:

jesus, joseph and maria, the wise men, the ox and the donkey and the

comet alternatively instead of drawing them

you can find the images on google doing a search by typing nativity

silhouette king magi silhouette and so on etc. and print them back each

silhouette on one side of the box and repeat it with a pen, calculating well

the groove created with. must be visible the pen

if you had not done it yet, cut the flaps under the box

with a sharp knife, cut out the shapes

taking great care not to cut yourself

for smaller and more details difficult to cut out or for

fix some inaccuracies you can use of scissors

I also give you an alternative to decorate and so you can reuse panettone boxes

pandoro decorating them in a simpler way you can use stencils like those

cookies the procedure is the same position

the stencil, trace the outline and then cut it out

you can also make smaller stars cutting directly the cardboard

after finishing cutting out colors with your favorite acrylic

if you like tutorials like this I remind you to subscribe to my channel

by clicking on sign up and on bell to not miss a new video

how do you think to reuse them? panettone and pandoro boxes

decorating the lantern with the molds of the cookies or with pictures of the crib?


For more infomation >> How to reuse panettone and pandoro boxes (2018) - Duration: 4:30.


Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities - Duration: 10:27.

Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities

For more infomation >> Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities - Duration: 10:27.


Comparing 5 Pen & Pencil Shapes For Drawing (Guide) - Duration: 12:50.

So are the benefits of having a round pen and pencil versus a hexagon or tripod shaped pen and pencil

let's talk about that

So a round pen and pencil here

the benefit of having a round pen or pencil is that you don't have to worry about

the issue of

The size of your fingers getting so we're getting indentations

Onto your hand because when you're drawing

this is mainly beneficial if you're drawing with a ballpoint pen or say a

Pencil will should be better to have

A rounded shape or have a hexagonal shape that has the edges of it rounded off some

So what I mean is is you have there's actually a total of five different shapes that you have so you've got one which is



And then number two

which is the

Hexagon shape

Number three

Is the same as that

But it has its side is the word instead of a side this sharp point

such as this

What you're going to have is that the corner there is going to be rounded off

So instead of that shape it's going to be rounded off

That's um so what you get is

More of a rounded angled edge so that's helpful for when you're drawing so that your hands don't get sore and

You don't get those indentations and your fingers and if you draw a lull bunch if you have


sharp edges to a pencil and

you draw for many hours you can actually form blisters on your hands I've actually had that happen with me before because I

Spend you know six hours or more drawing every day

And so the benefit of a rounded pencil is you don't have to worry about that now the downside of using a round pencil

or pen is say for example you have it setting on your desk

now while setting your desk

If it's perfectly even you might not have an issue because

I it's not moving now because uh

I've got everything pretty level but a lot of times if you have a desk is just slightly off

You know the pen and pencil is going to roll away


That can be frustrating especially be drawing on a drawing table that is slightly slanted

it can be difficult to keep your own

pens and pencils from sliding all over the place

but to get around that you could just angle it this way such as if you were

say for example your table is angled like that

You could just lay your pens or pencils in this direction

Rather than that way so they don't roll downwards

So that's that and number four

Which is?

the tripod shape of a pen or pencil and

The edges of it or rounded they're not pointing like isn't my

Drawing here the edges of it were kind of rounded like the rounded hexagon. Shape so you get more of it a shape like this

Edges are all rounded so you're not going to worry about they should with it bothering your hands

so, what is the benefit of

the hexagonal

pencil over the rounded one now the hexagonal one

isn't going to roll over the place you don't have to worry about that um but the round one you do

So there's two different kinds of hexagon shape

So there's the one's the rounded corners and the ones that don't have the rounded corners

I don't actually have any pencils I know if they actually have

the hexagon shape the word that the edge of it is sharp they're all rounded slightly so it makes it comfortable for writing


Another benefit with these is that

If you're beginner at drawing it gives you a better grip when you're holding it it allows it to stay in your hand better

So for beginners it's helpful as well whereas with a round

Pencil, when you're drawing. You might want to rotate the pencil and the reason you might want to rotate it is because

while drawing the edge of the pencil will change shape and

as you're drawing you want to turn the pencil so that you get a

point on the pencil and sometimes you might want to draw more boldly and so you change the angle of it and

also as if your hands get sweating

you can just keep rolling your hand

keep your finger from getting too sweaty you know get more air to your hand and all that that makes it more comfortable and

Between the hexagonal and the tripod for me personally I prefer the tripod grip for pens

Because my hand always stays in one position so I don't got to worry about

you know turning the pen or nothing like that it stays one way and

Then you know I just go on and make my lines from there


The benefit of the tripod shape over the round of course, is that it doesn't roll as much as

You know the rounded one fight

it's an example if I bump this pin slightly it's going to roll away across the table

Whereas if I have a pen that is tripod shaped

If I

do this

Sure might roll this because I pushed it really hard but if I just slightly bump it it's not going to go as much

Although, my table is this slight angle a little bit that way

I'll give a better example so let's say. I bump it this way

It doesn't roll all over the place whereas if I do it this one

it's gonna go that went and come back because my tables at this bit of an angle

See so

that's one thing about the

Ramen pen and pencil versus the tripod now as far as

pencils and pens like

between the

hexagon, shape and the tripod the tripod one isn't going to roll as much as the

Hexagon shape because the more sides are to it the more likely it is the roll because every time it hits

it's got more to overcome to roll over

and for beginners if we want to draw off pen I would suggest starting out with a

tripod shaped pin like this

if you want to learn proper hand control

To make sure that you always have your hand in the proper position some filing pins come in this shape there's pins

Such as the one I have here

That come in that shape as well there's a tripod and I find them more comfortable


I'm trying to do something very detailed and I don't want to keep moving my hand and stuff so there's that

They, do make tribe by shape pencils

They're a little bit harder to find that and I really that hard

I'll be leaving link in the descriptions video so you can find all these

pens and pencils below if you're wanting a tripod shaped around, shape or hexagon if you find any of those and

the final shape


Lot of you might know them those do construction or work on things might is

the carpenter's pencil it's more of a

Rectangle and I

Don't actually have any carpenter pencils

because I never had the need for them I've got every other kind of pen and pencils that I can

imagine and

but I think sometime I'll

Try and surprise everybody with a drawing with one see how that turns out but

The number five the fifth example of a different pen and pencil shapes is

the carbon the carpenter's pencil is obviously used for


construction making lines and stuff like that

so you're not really going to see that and

With drawing pencils and pens so the main ones you're going to see is

just one through four here that was the most popular and

with pens the most popular is going to be the round is what pencils is going to be

the rounded hexagon shape of a

pencil and

the reason for round with pens is

because of

you don't need to

Turn the

pen like you would with a pencil and

a lot of times when people are using pencils

most of the people that use them or

You know high school college students or uh

People that are new to drawing so

They use er moving around a lot of stuff

or maybe um no really young people use pencils and so they don't want to know getting knocked off the table but um

So that's why usually a lot of times you see older people drawings they usually use pens and


If you had a rounded pencil

The problem that I think you would have with that if you had two rounded pencil as this

You wouldn't kind of have a hard time with your grip a little bit because I've noticed that my colored pencils some

When I'm holding those compared to when I'm holding

You know my actually gonna shape in CIL's I have a better grip with the pencils then I do the

Rounded colored pencils around any pencils will be used, so that's the benefit of that is

hexagon has a better grip

sharpen is a great gripping is good for beginners if you want to learn the proper hand position and

Round is use the ones you find it vadouvan pens an exception would be the lamest Safari fountain pen

to get a tripod grip which I actually do find very comfortable

Probably just a personal preference for me I kind of prefer?

tripod gripped pens and pencils and fountain pens

they seem to just fit better in my hand and

So if you have any suggestions about any other pin shapes or

Different types of tensley's like to see me do a demonstration with or

Know any device about what I should add to this or any other questions the general

squid let me know in the comments down below and

I was to go from there and answer your questions but um for now I'm going to go work um some drawings with these and

I think today I might do some graphite drawing I've been doing a lot of pen drawing but

Not a whole lot of graphite recently um I think I'll go back to my roots and start using

the old number two

Ticonderoga pencils it uh you know pretty much everybody had an uh school

Well back in my day I'm not, battle I'm not even 30 yet but uh

Most of the technology stuff is advancing a lot and uh people don't use the same things that used to you but anyways nonetheless

Probably going to start using this pencil here

for drawing today and see how that turns out and

I'll have that drawing video posted here soon with the next week or so so

Stick around and watch out for it but uh for now

Thank you for watching

like comment share and subscribe check out links below this video and if you have any questions like I said earlier

go ahead let me know and I will get to them as soon as I can

so thank you for stopping by I thank you for watching this video and

You have a great day and stay warm this winter

For more infomation >> Comparing 5 Pen & Pencil Shapes For Drawing (Guide) - Duration: 12:50.


Lil Yachty : $ 9 000 000 - || - Jewelry Collection - || - LIFESTYLE - Duration: 3:17.

Lil Yachty : $ 9 000 000 - || - Jewelry Collection - || - LIFESTYLE

Lil Yachty : $ 9 000 000 - || - Jewelry Collection - || - LIFESTYLE

Lil Yachty : $ 9 000 000 - || - Jewelry Collection - || - LIFESTYLE

For more infomation >> Lil Yachty : $ 9 000 000 - || - Jewelry Collection - || - LIFESTYLE - Duration: 3:17.


Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 6) {Diamonds} - Duration: 45:26.

Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 6) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 6) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: The Elementalists (Chapter 6) {Diamonds}

Choices: The Elementalists (Chapter 6) {Diamonds Used}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 6) {Diamonds} - Duration: 45:26.


ya, I'm back! 8 ballpool miniclip - Duration: 7:13.

I Don't wanna be angry because it's time for trickshot tutorial number five original

Imagine if the black ball on this position and you got the ball in hand

First move the white ball on this position

Do aiming perfectly on this location

Yes, and the last use three power



Good news for everyone,

After a Long Time ago, finally my avatar is back! Yeah I'm back

I need one brilliant shot for my celebration

Okay, you better stop watching this video right now, because I don't have some great shot anymore

Just give a sh*t after this just useless content and waste your time

Okay, if you still want to watch, take your own risk!

Please don't call 911 if you get any damage in your ears after watching ok I've tell you before

I don't understand why,

What the f*ck what's wrong with this guy

But this guy give me inspiration!

How about song?

I'm singing oh, yeah

The first 8ballpool song in this world

Check this out!

Is that trickshot?

For more infomation >> ya, I'm back! 8 ballpool miniclip - Duration: 7:13.



What's up everybody, it's Octopaeus here

It's now midnight and


To make this video OMG

I bet you guys can't hear my voice

As it's midnight and everybody has gone to sleep and I don't wanna distract anyone.


But don't worry, I'll put subtitles for you.

So, as you guys know, it's BLACK FRIDAY today

I'm gonna go to Steam and buy my favourite game

You guys will know what it is soon

Let's start!

Ok so now my screen is on library of Steam, showing Paladins, yeah I play this frequently

Let's go to store



I'm gonna install it right away

I'm not regret doing that


Jeez, should leave this till tomorrow (the wifi speed is SLOW AF)

I don't wanna wait at all

It's like about 2 hours so that I'll go to sleep by 4??:D

Look at these!All sale


Kay, so, I'm gonna do the thing I'm waiting for all the time!


It's like an updated version of SimCity but with more extensions and you can do more with roads and stuff.

They also have bundles

*sorry for no audio





And roads all amazing

And it's 75% SALEEEE

Purchase for myself

Let's return to the store as I wanna buy some bundles

They are the extensions

I'm not getting all, as I don't have that much money

I forgot to agree with the terms again!

Exactly what I love

I'll buy the Mass Transit too as I love buses

Lol I forgot again!

Deluxe Pack

*add all free bundles to collection

Green Cities?

I'll see how's different it is from the Park Life one

As in the Park Life you'll manage the parks and trees, but Green Cities...

*sorry for turning off the audio again!

Oh yeah

So they use green energy and new technologies

In park life they deal with the parks

But in this version they are doing something more innovated

Keeping cities clean, with solar energy or something like that

Let's purchase it for another time!

How can I keep forgetting to AGREE WITH THE TERMS???

So yeah!

All versions checking

It's downloading!!

I think I forgot something AGAIN!


They're all free so why not getting them?=))

14 mins!


6 minutes

4 minutes left of my life!!

So yeah!

Thank you guys for listening... I mean watching!

Like watching me whispering not listening to my voice xD

If you do go shopping on Black Fri, be kind

Don't record FIGHTING VIDEOS, they aren't funny I swear


It's 12:21 now and I still wait (tired af). I'll launch my game tomorrow

Bye! Thank you for watching again!


For more infomation >> I bought my FAVOURITE GAME on BLACK FRIDAY !! CITIES SKYLINES DELUXE EDITION - Duration: 10:43.


No one watches these why do i stream?? - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> No one watches these why do i stream?? - Duration: 11:11.


Lorraine Kelly STUNS fans with epic pregnancy throwback: 'I look much better now' - Duration: 4:32.

Lorraine Kelly STUNS fans with epic pregnancy throwback: 'I look much better now'

The ITV Lorraine namesake host treated fans to a trip down memory lane this morning, during a segment on I'm A Celebrity.

Get Me Out of Here!.

Lorraine Kelly, 58, and her entertainment correspondent Dan Wootton, 35, were discussing the jungle's newest recruit Noel Edmonds, 69.

The TV legend famously pranked celebrities on his show Noel's House Party, which aired on BBC One from 1991 to 1999.

And it turns out Lorraine was one of his victims, making an unplanned appearance on the series' popular Gotcha segment.

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Kelly was tricked into believing she was interviewing a French Olympic skier, who was really just an actor.

Falling hook, line and sinker for the prank, the presenter ended up smearing pink sun lotion on her face, believing it was a skier's trick.

Rocking oversized clothes, paired with large reading glasses, Lorraine looked nothing like the stylish presenter viewers have come to recognise.

Upon realising Noel had set her up, Kelly unleashed a string of swear words, which had to be censored out of the Saturday night show.

"Lorraine got me.

He absolutely got me" Lorraine Kelly Looking back on the moment, Lorraine admitted: "He got me.

He absolutely got me." Revealing she had some choice words for Noel, the starlet added: "You do not want to know [what I called him]." Lorraine also revealed she had found out she was pregnant with her only child, daughter Rosie, shortly before she was pranked on the show.

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In scenes set to air tonight, Noel will enter the jungle as an emperor, whereby he'll oversee a coliseum-inspired task, from which he is immune from.

The presenter will be able to choose two underlings, who will be forced to perform chores in the camp on his behalf.

Noel's appearance on the show is one for the history books, as he is being paid a whopping £600k for the gig, the highest any I'm A Celeb contestant has ever received.

But the big question is, will Noel's infamous accomplice Mr Blobby be making an appearance in the jungle? We'll have to wait and see.

For more infomation >> Lorraine Kelly STUNS fans with epic pregnancy throwback: 'I look much better now' - Duration: 4:32.


心理测试:惦记着你心中的人,那个人也会惦记你吗? - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:惦记着你心中的人,那个人也会惦记你吗? - Duration: 5:29.


中國最光輝的時代來臨了!美國正在閉關鎖國,中國徹底全球化!(深度) - Duration: 15:21.

For more infomation >> 中國最光輝的時代來臨了!美國正在閉關鎖國,中國徹底全球化!(深度) - Duration: 15:21.


추자현,'출산 후 에도 변함없는 미모' - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> 추자현,'출산 후 에도 변함없는 미모' - Duration: 0:45.


HEARTBREAKING NEWS : |He was a 'bad man' who'd dumped the bodies 'in a freakin' oil tank' - Duration: 17:44.

HEARTBREAKING NEWS : |He was a 'bad man' who'd dumped the bodies 'in a freakin' oil tank'

Chris Watts repeatedly denied murdering his family during a voluntary polygraph, but finally confessed he was 'not a good man' and dumped his daughters' bodies in a 'freakin' oil tank' when told he had failed the test.

Watts, 33, was sentenced to life in prison on Monday for murdering his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, and their two daughters, Bella, four, and Celeste, three.

He finally broke down and said sorry for the murders at the emotional court hearing where he was given three life sentences.

Court cocuments also reveal that Watts finalized plan to kill his family at a birthday party then took daughters home for showers, pizza and a snack before murdering them in their beds.

It was the first time prosecutors confirmed his motive: to begin a new life with his girlfriend he had been seeing for two months before he carried out the murders.

Watts killed his wife and children on August 13 in the early hours of the morning. Their bodies were found inside an oil tank just three days later.

Documents from Frederick Police Department show that Watts had voluntarily consented to a polygraph interview on August 15, which had showed 'deception indicated' when asked if he harmed his family.

The documents obtained by Dailymail. com reveal that Watts only confessed to killing Shannan by strangulation after investigating officers informed him that he had failed the polygraph test.

He then claimed that he killed Shannan after she had murdered their two children. Watts said he'd seen her 'on top of Cece' and 'freaked out and hurt her'.

However, prosecutors found no evidence that Shannan had hurt the children and say Chris killed all of the family members himself and was simply trying to shift blame on his dead wife.

Officers allowed Watts' father Ronnie to speak to him during the interview when he finally admitted that he 'was not a good man' and 'had a lot of rage' because Shannan allegedly hurt the girls.

He admitted that he dumped his daughters bodies in crude oil tanks and buried Shannon, who was 15 weeks pregnant with their only son, in a shallow grave at a site near his workplace.

When Ronnie asked where the girls were, Chris broke down and said: 'That – that's what I feel horrible about…. they're in a freakin' oil tank… I didn't know what else to do.

'Please, God forgive me for everything. I'm not a good man'.

Chris also told officers and his father who was present that Shannan hurt the girls because he and other members of his family believed that she was 'unstable, a narcissist and bipolar'.

Asked what made her 'snap', Chris said he believed it was finding out he was having an affair even though he had not admitted his infidelity to her.

He said that after the murders, he loaded his children's bodies into his truck and drove to the field where he pushed Bella and Celeste through eight-inch holes which led to separate crude oil tanks.

Bella's body was scratched as she was shoved through the hole, Rourke said, and a piece of her blonde hair was found on the door. Watts then stayed at the work site and behaved normally as co-workers showed up for the day.

Later, when they were all reported missing, he said they were all asleep when he left for work that morning. Chris said: 'They're gone, there's no bringing them back' when investigators asked if the girls were still alive during the interview.

Asked why he dumped the bodies at the site, Chris replied: 'I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to f******g do, like none, none of this made sense… why would she hurt my f*****g girls?'.

Chris also told investigating officers that everyone knew he was a good man and when finding out that he had killed his wife and buried their bodies, they would say: 'What the f**k did you do Chris? Why didn't you just tell the cops to begin with?'.

He claimed the girls were still wearing nightgowns and and were inside 20 foot tanks which contained a mixture of oil and water.

His wife Shannan was wearing just a black or grey t-shirt and underwear when he buried her at another location.

Watts also spoke about his mistress Nikki Kissenger and that he had fallen out of love with his wife because he had fallen in love with her.

Later on in the interview, Chris admitted to officers that he was having an affair with Kessenger and that she took his breath away, claiming he never felt the same way about anyone as he did about her.

He told officers: 'I cheated on her, im not proud of it… she accused me of it. and I feel horrible for it…. She was pregnant… I didn't hurt her… I cheated on her…I hurt her emotionally'.

Chris had told Kessenger he was going to separate from his wife eventually but 'didn't know what it was going to look like'.

He was scared to tell Kessenger about the pregnancy because he felt like she wouldn't have gone on a date with him if she knew.

When asked if he was sorry for what he did, Chris responded: 'I wish I wouldn't have lost control and got on top of Shannan and did that… and then I did that', referring to dumping their bodies at the oil well site.

He said in July when the couple had visited Shannan's family in North Carolina , he told her he didn't feel the same connection with her anymore and suggested that they separate.

He told Shannan there was no one else. 'This isn't like somebody came into my life and took me from you,… there's no outside influence coming from this'.

The documents also detailed the couple's financial woes and he suggested selling the house and splitting the proceeds in half when they separated.

They had filed for bankruptcy two years previously and he knew when the the children returned they would be living pay check to paycheck.

Chris consistently said he wasn't trying to cover anything up and wanted his wife and children to come home.

'If I could have my babies back home right now, I would, I want them back, I want everybody back, that is the God's honest truth'.

The documents state the coupled had filed for bankruptcy two years previously, he knew when the kids returned they would be living pay check to pay check.

Shannon took out $10,000 from their savings account to catch up on their mortgage payments. He believed the loan was taken out five months before their deaths.

They were three months behind on mortgage payment. Chris said he and Shannon were stressed about their financial situation and almost all of their credit cards were maxed out.

Weld County District Attorney Michael Rourke described for the first time how Watts attacked his wife on August 13 after she returned in the early hours of the morning from a business trip.

He had been having an affair and she was desperate for their marriage to survive. He strangled her calmly, Rourke said, and had no defensive wounds afterwards.

His motive for killing them, Rourke said, was to start a new life with his mistress Nichol Kessinger. 'He had a desire for a fresh start.

'To begin a relationship with a new love that overpowered all decency and feelings for his wife, his daughters and unborn son.

'While Shanann texted the defendant over and over again in the days leading up to her death, he secreted photos of his girlfriend into his phone and texted her at all hours of the night.

'While Shanann sent him self-help and counseling books, he was searching the internet for secluded vacation spots to take his new love and was researching jewelry.

One was to the school where the girls were supposed to start, telling the school that the girls were being un-enrolled. He also contacted a realtor to start discussing selling his house and he texted with his girlfriend about their future.

Watts had taken the girls to a birthday party on the afternoon of Sunday, August 12, and while Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, played in the pool their father started texting co-worker Kodi Roberts.

At 506pm that evening, Watts set in motion his plan for disposing of his wife and daughters' bodies, as he texted Roberts that he would be making the drive out to one of the more distant oil fields that was managed by his company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation.

Watts claimed that he put the girls down before 8pm and that Bella woke up twice, running out to ask when her mom would be returning home.

The young girl's father and soon-to-be-murderer admitted to assuring her that she would see her mother in the morning.

For more infomation >> HEARTBREAKING NEWS : |He was a 'bad man' who'd dumped the bodies 'in a freakin' oil tank' - Duration: 17:44.


Comparing 5 Pen & Pencil Shapes For Drawing (Guide) - Duration: 12:50.

So are the benefits of having a round pen and pencil versus a hexagon or tripod shaped pen and pencil

let's talk about that

So a round pen and pencil here

the benefit of having a round pen or pencil is that you don't have to worry about

the issue of

The size of your fingers getting so we're getting indentations

Onto your hand because when you're drawing

this is mainly beneficial if you're drawing with a ballpoint pen or say a

Pencil will should be better to have

A rounded shape or have a hexagonal shape that has the edges of it rounded off some

So what I mean is is you have there's actually a total of five different shapes that you have so you've got one which is



And then number two

which is the

Hexagon shape

Number three

Is the same as that

But it has its side is the word instead of a side this sharp point

such as this

What you're going to have is that the corner there is going to be rounded off

So instead of that shape it's going to be rounded off

That's um so what you get is

More of a rounded angled edge so that's helpful for when you're drawing so that your hands don't get sore and

You don't get those indentations and your fingers and if you draw a lull bunch if you have


sharp edges to a pencil and

you draw for many hours you can actually form blisters on your hands I've actually had that happen with me before because I

Spend you know six hours or more drawing every day

And so the benefit of a rounded pencil is you don't have to worry about that now the downside of using a round pencil

or pen is say for example you have it setting on your desk

now while setting your desk

If it's perfectly even you might not have an issue because

I it's not moving now because uh

I've got everything pretty level but a lot of times if you have a desk is just slightly off

You know the pen and pencil is going to roll away


That can be frustrating especially be drawing on a drawing table that is slightly slanted

it can be difficult to keep your own

pens and pencils from sliding all over the place

but to get around that you could just angle it this way such as if you were

say for example your table is angled like that

You could just lay your pens or pencils in this direction

Rather than that way so they don't roll downwards

So that's that and number four

Which is?

the tripod shape of a pen or pencil and

The edges of it or rounded they're not pointing like isn't my

Drawing here the edges of it were kind of rounded like the rounded hexagon. Shape so you get more of it a shape like this

Edges are all rounded so you're not going to worry about they should with it bothering your hands

so, what is the benefit of

the hexagonal

pencil over the rounded one now the hexagonal one

isn't going to roll over the place you don't have to worry about that um but the round one you do

So there's two different kinds of hexagon shape

So there's the one's the rounded corners and the ones that don't have the rounded corners

I don't actually have any pencils I know if they actually have

the hexagon shape the word that the edge of it is sharp they're all rounded slightly so it makes it comfortable for writing


Another benefit with these is that

If you're beginner at drawing it gives you a better grip when you're holding it it allows it to stay in your hand better

So for beginners it's helpful as well whereas with a round

Pencil, when you're drawing. You might want to rotate the pencil and the reason you might want to rotate it is because

while drawing the edge of the pencil will change shape and

as you're drawing you want to turn the pencil so that you get a

point on the pencil and sometimes you might want to draw more boldly and so you change the angle of it and

also as if your hands get sweating

you can just keep rolling your hand

keep your finger from getting too sweaty you know get more air to your hand and all that that makes it more comfortable and

Between the hexagonal and the tripod for me personally I prefer the tripod grip for pens

Because my hand always stays in one position so I don't got to worry about

you know turning the pen or nothing like that it stays one way and

Then you know I just go on and make my lines from there


The benefit of the tripod shape over the round of course, is that it doesn't roll as much as

You know the rounded one fight

it's an example if I bump this pin slightly it's going to roll away across the table

Whereas if I have a pen that is tripod shaped

If I

do this

Sure might roll this because I pushed it really hard but if I just slightly bump it it's not going to go as much

Although, my table is this slight angle a little bit that way

I'll give a better example so let's say. I bump it this way

It doesn't roll all over the place whereas if I do it this one

it's gonna go that went and come back because my tables at this bit of an angle

See so

that's one thing about the

Ramen pen and pencil versus the tripod now as far as

pencils and pens like

between the

hexagon, shape and the tripod the tripod one isn't going to roll as much as the

Hexagon shape because the more sides are to it the more likely it is the roll because every time it hits

it's got more to overcome to roll over

and for beginners if we want to draw off pen I would suggest starting out with a

tripod shaped pin like this

if you want to learn proper hand control

To make sure that you always have your hand in the proper position some filing pins come in this shape there's pins

Such as the one I have here

That come in that shape as well there's a tripod and I find them more comfortable


I'm trying to do something very detailed and I don't want to keep moving my hand and stuff so there's that

They, do make tribe by shape pencils

They're a little bit harder to find that and I really that hard

I'll be leaving link in the descriptions video so you can find all these

pens and pencils below if you're wanting a tripod shaped around, shape or hexagon if you find any of those and

the final shape


Lot of you might know them those do construction or work on things might is

the carpenter's pencil it's more of a

Rectangle and I

Don't actually have any carpenter pencils

because I never had the need for them I've got every other kind of pen and pencils that I can

imagine and

but I think sometime I'll

Try and surprise everybody with a drawing with one see how that turns out but

The number five the fifth example of a different pen and pencil shapes is

the carbon the carpenter's pencil is obviously used for


construction making lines and stuff like that

so you're not really going to see that and

With drawing pencils and pens so the main ones you're going to see is

just one through four here that was the most popular and

with pens the most popular is going to be the round is what pencils is going to be

the rounded hexagon shape of a

pencil and

the reason for round with pens is

because of

you don't need to

Turn the

pen like you would with a pencil and

a lot of times when people are using pencils

most of the people that use them or

You know high school college students or uh

People that are new to drawing so

They use er moving around a lot of stuff

or maybe um no really young people use pencils and so they don't want to know getting knocked off the table but um

So that's why usually a lot of times you see older people drawings they usually use pens and


If you had a rounded pencil

The problem that I think you would have with that if you had two rounded pencil as this

You wouldn't kind of have a hard time with your grip a little bit because I've noticed that my colored pencils some

When I'm holding those compared to when I'm holding

You know my actually gonna shape in CIL's I have a better grip with the pencils then I do the

Rounded colored pencils around any pencils will be used, so that's the benefit of that is

hexagon has a better grip

sharpen is a great gripping is good for beginners if you want to learn the proper hand position and

Round is use the ones you find it vadouvan pens an exception would be the lamest Safari fountain pen

to get a tripod grip which I actually do find very comfortable

Probably just a personal preference for me I kind of prefer?

tripod gripped pens and pencils and fountain pens

they seem to just fit better in my hand and

So if you have any suggestions about any other pin shapes or

Different types of tensley's like to see me do a demonstration with or

Know any device about what I should add to this or any other questions the general

squid let me know in the comments down below and

I was to go from there and answer your questions but um for now I'm going to go work um some drawings with these and

I think today I might do some graphite drawing I've been doing a lot of pen drawing but

Not a whole lot of graphite recently um I think I'll go back to my roots and start using

the old number two

Ticonderoga pencils it uh you know pretty much everybody had an uh school

Well back in my day I'm not, battle I'm not even 30 yet but uh

Most of the technology stuff is advancing a lot and uh people don't use the same things that used to you but anyways nonetheless

Probably going to start using this pencil here

for drawing today and see how that turns out and

I'll have that drawing video posted here soon with the next week or so so

Stick around and watch out for it but uh for now

Thank you for watching

like comment share and subscribe check out links below this video and if you have any questions like I said earlier

go ahead let me know and I will get to them as soon as I can

so thank you for stopping by I thank you for watching this video and

You have a great day and stay warm this winter

For more infomation >> Comparing 5 Pen & Pencil Shapes For Drawing (Guide) - Duration: 12:50.


中國人,你是惹不起的!!中國人,正在用市場的力量,修理一個狗屁傲慢的國際大牌! - Duration: 18:33.

For more infomation >> 中國人,你是惹不起的!!中國人,正在用市場的力量,修理一個狗屁傲慢的國際大牌! - Duration: 18:33.


Flat Belly Fix Honest Review | Must Watch Before you Got Scam - Duration: 6:03.

Flat Belly Fix Honest Review

The Flat Belly Fix by Todd Lamb is a unique system designed to blast away stubborn belly

fat in as little as 21 days.

Now, I know it likely sounds like just another gimmicky fitness plan that promises to provide

results, but don't be mistaken.

Often times, most of those programs will provide results if you follow their regime precisely.

Unfortunately, the regime is usually too unrealistic to follow.

The good news is that the same can't be said about The Flat Belly Fix.

In fact, it's likely one of the easiest programs to add into your daily regime because

it doesn't require you to spend hours on end working on your health and fitness, yet

it still focuses on exercise and healthy eating.


As was I!

Let's discover whether this online fitness program is worth your pretty penny.

What is The Flat Belly Fix Program About?

Speaking of pretty pennies, The Flat Belly Fix is an exceptionally affordable program,

especially considering that it provides you with nutritional information, exercise instructions,

and smoothie recipes.

While most programs charge the same price for just one of these components, you get

all three when you start this program.

The 21 Day System!

7-Minute Flat Belly Protocol!

Smoothie Recipe Guide!

I'll explain these a little further in just a moment, but as you can see just at a glance,

your fitness and nutrition are taken care of within this program.

This is key since it's hard to achieve sustainable weight loss without one or the other; you

need both in order to see results, and this program provides you with a significant amount

of both.

Now, the foundation of this unique health and fitness approach stems from ancient ingredients

that were used back in time to maintain optimal health and strength.

No, I'm not talking about some weird voodoo spell, pill or potion.

These ingredients can be found at your grocery store.

It just so happens that many people today in Westernized countries don't know how

to incorporate them into their diet or the reasons for doing so.

As a result, we don't use them when cooking and we don't receive the benefits either.

The program not only teaches you the power that such ingredients bring into your life,

health and fitness but it also provides you with the easiest way to enjoy them in smoothies.

The smoothie recipes provided put the information you learn throughout the main portion of the

program in the blender, making it easy for you to finally reap the benefits.

As for the exercise regime, it includes various types of movements designed to target the

stomach area to finally eliminate your stubborn belly fat.

While there are dates of the week attached to each protocol, you can pick and choose

which ones you want to do, as long as you're doing 1 full protocol each day, which only

requires 7-minutes to complete.

As for the type of exercise movements, they're all based on the movements that SWAT teams,

military members, and police officers use to ensure they're stamina and strength.

Now, let's get into the details of this program.

To give you a better understanding of what you receive when you purchase The Flat Belly

Fix program, here's a breakdown of the topics covered and what you can expect from each

component provided.

The 21 Day System is a great place to start this system if you're interested in knowing

everything there is to know about your health, nutrition, fitness and how this program caters

to that.

I highly recommend reading this, as it will teach you valuable tips on how to maintain

weight loss even after you've completed this program.

For example, you learn everything from nutrition to human anatomy, eating schedules, triglycerides,

proportions, insulin, and much more.

This is information that you'll want to have under your belt moving forward.

The 7-Minute Flat Belly Protocol is where all of the exercises can be found, from system

tension to isometric holds, fiber activation and more.

There is a protocol for each day of the week.

However, you can choose which one you like to do, as long as you complete one protocol

a day.

Considering they only take 7-minutes to complete, this really isn't difficult to do at all,

but don't be mistaken, you'll certainly feel the burn.

Each movement also comes with two photos along with detailed instructions on how to execute

it properly, for how long, how many reps and how long your rest periods should be in between

each set.

So, it's fairly simple to follow through.

Smoothie Recipe Guide!

Chocolate and avocado, banana nut, chocolate almond.

This section of the program provides you with detailed instructions on how to get proper

nutrition into your diet – and in a way that is enjoyable.

Think chocolate, wild berries, coconut, almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts, and much more.

Link of The Flat Belly Fix Available in Description.

For more infomation >> Flat Belly Fix Honest Review | Must Watch Before you Got Scam - Duration: 6:03.


Black Friday Haul 2018 - Duration: 3:16.

Welcome to the vlog

Yes, we are going to be at vlogging today. Um

Black Friday shopping. Let's see what we get. First things first. You need to get some food. Okay, Taco Bell

Taco Bell, hey, I got a soft taco. So got a Crunchwrap supreme

The but we is at the mall

Versace need Louboutin

Look at these look at these gorgeous. They're hollow. I

Want okay, that's out of our pressure inch give back

Me we like some Fendi

That is so cute, oh my god, I love that so much

The goods

First of all, look at how cute this is. It's so cute and

It lights up oh my god

Cutest thing ever

Anyway, then we also got these


There's so you do like a metallic there chrome in there

How wasted we love if you know me, you know, I love and I mean who else what beiongs look at these?

Nice sweatpants are so cute

Oh my god in there so comfy and then we've got these super cute glasses. They're little frames

Five bucks so cute

That's not including the discount. So these were really cheap socks. We love high knee over the knee socks

I need high knee socks. We got black in gray super cute and

Then you go with these sweatpants we got

Santa Baby little sweatshirt

And truly cute really festive. I feel like the red and the green goes well, and that's everything I got from forever 21

You guys go back Friday shopping. So he's down in the comments down below. I hope you enjoyed this video

If you did, please give it a huge thumbs up and I will see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> Black Friday Haul 2018 - Duration: 3:16.


Okinawa that the typhoon has passed but it does not recover yet 台風24号は過ぎ去ったがまだ信号は消えてるし街路樹も倒れている沖縄 - Duration: 3:40.

The typhoon is gone.

The state of Okinawa Naha in the morning.

Please look.

Fallen leaves of street trees.

It gathers a lot on the roadside.

People who clean it are struggling.

The tree is lying.

Was I able to shoot it?

Signals are not working.

Good weather.

The typhoon has gone, but the electricity has not recovered.

The street tree is collapsed.

This traffic light is working normally.

The traffic light one before was not working.

Signals here are not working either.

Please drive carefully as traffic lights are not working.

I am driving very carefully.

Is it true?

Because it is a rental car.

Please be prepared to stop immediately.

If an accident happens I will assert that the signal was green.

I say that my light was green.

Signal is not working.

I am the preferred road.

This is scary.

A roadside tree is in the terrible state.


This is an intersection without a signal.

I was shocked.

It is difficult to drive by bicycle because the street tree is collapsed.

Signal is not working.

It is scary.

A car comes from the side.

That is the place where there is no traffic light.

The thing now is unrelated to a signal.

A signal isn't in operation at all in spite of a wide road at all.

There was a signal that was finally operating.

The following traffic light is on.

The following next signal seems to be working.

I am already safe.

You can't relax yet.

For more infomation >> Okinawa that the typhoon has passed but it does not recover yet 台風24号は過ぎ去ったがまだ信号は消えてるし街路樹も倒れている沖縄 - Duration: 3:40.


隱瞞36年,趙雅芝前夫曝光,和現任老公根本不是一個檔次! - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 隱瞞36年,趙雅芝前夫曝光,和現任老公根本不是一個檔次! - Duration: 7:16.


eslem Slime ASMR Most Satisfying Slime Video Crunchy Slime, Iceberg Slime, Jiggly Slime, Rainbo - Duration: 9:10.












For more infomation >> eslem Slime ASMR Most Satisfying Slime Video Crunchy Slime, Iceberg Slime, Jiggly Slime, Rainbo - Duration: 9:10.


NaNoWriMo | Day 21-22 Vlog - Duration: 10:08.

Hi there! It's Diane, the nursing geek on day 21 of NaNoWriMo. This is one of the

days that I built up that cushion of words for, because Thanksgiving tomorrow.

I have a lot of complicated feelings about this holiday. The history is not as

nice and fluffy as it's frequently made to seem, and being that I'm part Native

American -- only a little part but part -- I can't help

feeling really some kind of way, as they say, about Thanksgiving.

It is, however, also a day of just getting together, focusing on our gratitude for

each other. Originally, for more harvesty times,

focusing on, you know, "Great! We had a harvest! We're probably not going to

starve this winter!" Most [agricultural] societies had something like that. Ours just happens to

have a really bloody history attached to what day we stuck it on. Today there's

gonna be some prep for tomorrow ,because even though I'm not cooking, I am

bringing something. And also, because of Chuck's work schedule, we're actually

doing Thanksgiving with his mom today or tonight, and then I'll be going to my

family tomorrow while he goes to work. So, two days of Thanksgiving, some prep to do --

fortunately not a whole lot. All I'm bringing making and bringing is

some mulled cider, and being the total geek that I am I got the recipe from

Genevieve Padalecki's blog, which I wiill link below. It is actually a very

delicious cider, whether or not you add the the element that makes it an "adult

beverage." But I need to go pick up some of those ingredients.

So no writing yet. Shopping first, cuz then I need to get the cider into the

crock-pot and warming up so the spices can really be blended in there by the

time I bring this stuff up to Massachusetts for today's round of

Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, and happy 22nd day of

NaNoWriMo to everybody! So I managed to get almost 900 words done this morning

before heading out to visit family, which is more than I really thought I would

get done today. So I think I'm gonna stick with that and, even though it's

only just about eight o'clock, I I think I'm gonna do some other things and just

chill and not get um... not drag myself back to the story, since it's not currently

dragging me back. It's interesting, watching how the conversations change

and shift. It seems to happen in a pattern, and I don't know how much of

that is because we're watching each other's videos and we hear somebody

comment on something so we go in that direction and how much of it is just

that it's the natural course of things, and as you're getting towards the end of

NaNoWriMo, the shift comes to be more about... the *conversation* comes to be more

about what it means to finish. How do you define success in NaNoWriMo and what

that what that even means.

I think success, broadly speaking, is you got some writing done even if all of

that writing was outlining for something you're going to draft later. Okay that

might not be the stated intention of NaNoWriMo, but great, it's writing that

happened that might not have otherwise happened! So that's still a good thing.

For me, the hitting 50,000 and hopefully an end of my draft by the 30th is less about

how good I feel about myself as a writer. It's more about I need deadlines to get

things done. That's actually one of the bigger training wheels or or or hand

holds that fandom gives, is there tend to be a lot of challenges that have

deadlines. So that forces me to get things done by a certain time -- frequently

at the very last minute, but done nonetheless.

I worry doing something that doesn't have a built in deadline that if I drop

it at all, if I give myself any leeway on this deadline, then it'll just fizzle

away and never get done. That's my fear, and it's because I know myself, and I

know how I work. This cluttered craft table behind me, that's cluttered for a

reason, because it's full of unfinished projects that didn't have deadlines. And

they can't be self-imposed deadlines, I've found. As any of my students will tell

you, I give away deadl... extensions like Halloween candy. Now, those students who

turn things in late and ever ask for an extension can also tell you, yeah, it's

exactly like Halloween candy, because if you don't ring the doorbell and say

"trick-or-treat," you ain't getting it. You gotta actually ask for it. But I'm even

more lenient with myself. I can come up with

sorts of reasons to extend deadlines that I've imposed on myself. I need

external deadlines, even if like NaNoWriMo, they're kind of contrived. Like,

nothing is going to happen to me if I don't have 50,000 words written by the

30th of November. Nothing bad is gonna happen to me if I do have 50,000 words

done but I don't have a complete draft. Unless that bad thing is that I never

pick the story back up again and it never gets finished. That's... that's where

my fear is. I think at other stages of the game is probably where the fear of

"Am I good enough as a writer?" comes in. There was a lot of that at the beginning

of NaNoWriMo. For me there's less of that now and more of, "If I don't get this done

now, it may not get done at all." So that's kind of where I am at the moment, as far

as looking at this, you know, now just a little over a week away deadline. Yeah,

that's... that's the fear that I have attached to it, and I feel like it's a

somewhat healthy fear, because it does come from knowing how I work, and what

gets me to get things done is just having a time crunch. Having something

that says, "Do it now, do it now, do it now!" Then it gets done. So... not really sure

where to go with that other than to say that I'm interested to hear what your

thoughts are about the the contrived deadlines and goal of 50,000 words in 30

days. Do you find that that brings up fears for you? Do you find that it's

motivating for you? Do you care whatsoever whether you meet it or not?

Are you having some thoughts about how much it matters

and and why? Because that that is the theme that I have been seeing the last

couple days since we passed into the final third of the month. So comment down

below. Let me know your thoughts on all of that. The one other thing I want to

reiterate, though is, totally aside from any of what I just said,

if you got anything done, call it a success! Even if you're not able to write

anymore or whatever, that's fine. You've got you... you did some writing, or you did

some brainstorming, or you did some outlining. That's all good.

If you're like me and you need the deadline, find another one that'll get

you moving to keep keep the momentum going, but don't let the fact that this

particular deadline didn't work stop you. That's where I think I was going with

that. Okay and that's it for now, so until next

time, have a great day.

For more infomation >> NaNoWriMo | Day 21-22 Vlog - Duration: 10:08.


Star Wars: Journey to the Northside (Fan Film) - Duration: 5:47.


What's that smell?


Don't call me that.

M X - One.

M X - ONE!


Where are you going?

What are you doing out here?

No books in your village?

Are you a teacher or something?

I'm going to the Northside. Could use the company.

I'll protect you.

I'm a Jedi Droid.

We can find some books.

What are you looking at?

I'm not a Robot!

I'm a Droid.

No one controls me. CFDM.

...Digi-Mind. Yes! No one controls me.

You need to get out more.

Shut up. We're entering the Forbidden Orchard.


Quiet! And don't touch anything!

If you want to be a Jedi, you have to pay attention.

On second thought, be a teacher because those that can do...

...and those that can't... LuSega?


What are you doing?!

Let me go!

But I'm a Jed...

Let's go.

What's wrong?

I took it.

I used it to patch you up.

Get over it.

They built... a WALL?!

My journey ends here.

Go home, Lusega,

What do you know about being a Jedi?

You really believe that?

I'm not a Jedi. I'm remnants of a past long gone. Nothing.

Go home, Lusega.


This tablet has over half a million stories.

Read them. Share them.

Maybe you're not a Jedi...

... but you're definitely a teacher.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Journey to the Northside (Fan Film) - Duration: 5:47.


Nets 'We Ain't Fu**ing Tanking' T-Shirt Takes Twitter by Storm | - Duration: 3:29.

Nets 'We Ain't Fu**ing Tanking' T-Shirt Takes Twitter by Storm |

Brooklyn Nets coach Kenny Atkinson has been adamant about the fact that his team is not tanking.

So much so, that the comments have taken off and one t-shirt creator has taken it to the next level.

As The Athletic's Michael Scotto revealed recently, a Nets fan at Barclay's Center during Friday's game was wearing possibly the best shirt I've seen created for the team.

Back in August, Atkinson spoke about the idea of tanking and strongly denied any thought for that, as The Athletic and Scotto detailed in a story.

"No, because we've never talked about tanking," Atkinson said.

"Sean and I, I'm just going to be honest, internally we don't use the word.

We don't talk about it.

We talk about internal improvement.

We talk about player development.

We talk about culture, but tanking is not a word we use.

It's just not in our…I don't think the fans in New York want to see that.".

Nets' Start to Season and Atkinson's Resume.

Over Atkinson's first two seasons with the Nets, the team has improved, going from a 20-62 record to 28-54 last year.

While the Nets are currently playing the Minnesota Timberwolves at the time this is being written, they currently sit with an 8-11 record thus far.

If that trend were to continue, Brooklyn would finish with roughly 34-35 wins on their current pace.

Unfortunately, the Nets did lose their top scorer and arguably best player in Caris LeVert to a scary leg injury recently.

Prior to that, he was averaging 18.4 points over 29.7 minutes per game.

The future looks bright for the Nets, especially when LeVert is able to return to the floor and take back over as the go-to scorer.

READ NEXT: Draymond Green Trade: Odds Have Warriors Star Potentially With Nets.

For more infomation >> Nets 'We Ain't Fu**ing Tanking' T-Shirt Takes Twitter by Storm | - Duration: 3:29.


If giving up had been an option when I saw this sign... 😵 - Duration: 21:24.

Day 17.

It's around 3:30.

Oh dear sun.

I just spent a '' beautiful '' night on my...

In my room with a concrete floor.

I've just pack my things.

I'm going to eat a few things.

There are picnic tables there.

Just a little.

I have a fruit salad waiting for me, I will eat it a little later,

when it will be a little warmer.

It's good thing that I found myself a shelter because it's about ... 10 degres.

Probably even a little less.

So I eat three to four bites and I go.

While riding, I will surely warm up, until the sun ...

I mean right now the sun is up, it's already up, but it still behind

trees and mountains.

So it'll start warming up in maybe two hours.

It's time for me to leave, it's cold.

It's really cold.

A little over 140km to go today.

So let's say a little less than 150.

I think it's going to be ok, I'll ...

Yesterday with all my misfortunes of bad roads, I make some detour, but

I decided to change my route a bit.

I take a bit of a shortcut.

So yesterday I managed to do 128km, but ...

Getting out of the city was quite hard with all those turn left, right, pass

below, over roads ...

It took a lot of time.

It slows me down a lot.

Today I follow Highway 40.

That's it.

Highway 40 brings me to Geilo, which is where I'm going to sleep tonight, in a bed!

I hope so.

Let's go.

We begin to see the first rays of sun, according to me within half an hour

I should be able to get some heat.

A little.

It will do good.

Because here I am really ...

I'm fine, but I'm dressed thick.

It's not the best thing to ride a bike.

It will be hot sometime.

Temperature side it's better and better, the sun is not yet visible

from where I am, but he came out.

Now it's 6 o'clock.

Now it's a little bit better.

It was really cold earlier.

As soon as I find myself a place to eat in the sun, I stop.

Ahh !!! Yeah!!

I know I said the first sunny place, but now I can't wait.

I'm hungry.

So I'm going to eat my fruit salad.

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah I'm going to eat all that.

Oh yes it feels good!

He'll even have room after that.

Oh yeah! Life is Beautiful.

8:10, hamburgers and hot dogs are already ready.

I took a chocolate cake, but ...

Phew ... I'm tired ah!

I still have a lot of rode to ride.

I am still at 75km in a straight line.

A 140km day today.

The day is going to be tough.

It goes up and it goes down more and more.

I think Geilo is ...

It is a village that is still quite high.

Then I go up and down, up dan down, but still climbing a little more.

Ah !!

I am tired.

It was really not the best night of my life.

I sleep so much better a real bed, rather than on concrete, in cold.

What I like the most in nature are the mountains.

Water stuff are beautiful, but it does not excite as much as a mountain.

But now...

The water spot in Norway are amazing.

I think that's the best thing that there is to do in Norway.

It's exploring its small roads and see it's nature.

It is really wonderfull.

Since this morning that I left and it is stuff like that all the time.

All the time all the time.

That's wonderful.

Ah! I wanted the sun so badly this morning and now it strike me so hard.

But is it me or that church has more an Asian style than Norwegian.


In Norway there are two types of people.

Those who stop their engine every time they can, when they arrive at a red light

or see even I saw a few times at a stop.

Or those who do not care at all.

Ah, I want to die!

It's been a lot of kilometers that I climb and it's always climbing

it's gently climbing, but it goes up since a while.

Right now I am at 686M of elevation and I was starting to ask myself

when it will stop climbing and I've just found that.

This is a warning because there will be high elevations.

So here, right now, I'm here.

At my 686M, and it will go up to 1100M.

At 7 to 9%.

To go down to 850M and go back to 1000M to go down to 800M, to go back to more than 1000M.

Up to 10%.


Ha! No! I don't want to do it.

It's been 99km since I left this morning.

There I have 41 left to reach the city.

Yes because after all the ups and downs down, I arrived.

It ends quite tough.

And already now, since this morning I climbed 850 meters.

And I think I'm going to double that.

In 41km.

If not more.

Ah! I don't want to do it.

I have just stopped for at least 10 minutes.

In a shelter in the shade.

Because there is not only that.

The sun burn like hell and I am

doing a huge physical activity so I'm hot.

And the sun is falling on me, I'm overheating.

If I had a little needle like in cars, well earlier I was in the red.

Ah! I have half of the first climb done.

I could have done it by car, motorcycle or maybe I could just not do it at all!

No me for my holidays I decided to suffer on bicycle.

Yeah, well done.

Bravo super good idea.

There are people who decide to lie on the beach, I decide to suffer on bike.

Oh yes I find myself super smart, super smart.

Yeah! Bravo!

Ah !!

Do you see that how easy it is by cars.

He press on the gas and it goes up.



Beautiful invention by the way.

Oh! That, I'll be able.

Just release the brakes and Yahoo.

But I would have liked prefer it goes up a single time than all flat up to the end

Rather that this up and down, up and down and finally up and down.

Big big hills.

Yeah, whew ...

It's a special place. Like a forest desert with scattered houses everywhere.

It is special.

Ah !! My first climb is done.

I still have three descents and two climbs.

Visibly in Norway, they can sell products that are past date

and that's where they put it at a discount.

So today is the 22nd if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway stuff at 50% in Norway is fun, that's made at normal prices.

Ah! Second summit is reached.

He was really less bad than the first.

The last one is the one that scares me the most.

It's not the longest climb, but it is the one with the highest inclination.

But at least it's going to be the last.

In a straight line I am at 15km of arrival.

Phew ...

What a day!

Oufff !! Finally, I think I'm done with the elevation.

It was time because I no longer have energy.

I think I have something left to do in there, and then it goes down to the city.

I have almost no pedal stroke to do, I think ...

It's still pretty ridiculous.

I just ordered a kebab because it's what was less ridiculous

to order on the menu.

I mean to avoid spending a fortune and for $ 17 I get that.

That's all.

Okay, now I'm going to find myself some food at the grocery store to fill my hunger

because my $17 plate did not do it.

I wonder what is the average salary of people here.

Because for $17 in Canada, you stomach is overfill.

Or you ate so well.

I mean it was good, but tabarouette it's crazy.

It's crazy.

Well! Grocery.

Good finally made it to a place with a bed.

It's going to be a so good tonight.

And here I am going to watch the journey I had planned to do tomorrow.

Maybe, modify it.

I do not know what I'm going to do tomorrow.

I'll go back to watching this.

I recharge all my stuff and again tonight, the cheapest place I found ...

Oh no, not the cheapest, there was places where could I sleep

in dormitories but ...

Not tonight.

Tonight I want to sleep well.

Here's my room.

It's cool it's a place ...

It's an old home that they have completely renovated.

It's brand new.

And I have my own bathroom.

There is something I still do not understand.

Since I'm in the Scandinavian countries, all showers have no ledge.

So when we take a shower, it makes water everywhere in the bathroom.

I do not understand.

But OK.

There are worse things in life.

But still, it's a good idea to put shower flanges and it does not cost much.

Okay, so I get to work and I see you tomorrow.

Good evening!

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For more infomation >> If giving up had been an option when I saw this sign... 😵 - Duration: 21:24.


Nightcore - FAKE LOVE (English cover / Female / Acoustic) BTS || Lyrics - Duration: 3:52.

For you I could pretend I was happy I could hide away the sorrow

For you I could feign strength, numb the pain.

and be the man you can depend on.

I'm wishing lovin was perfect, I'm praying

You don't realize deep inside that I'm broken

I trusted in a dream, a hopeless cause

now I watch the flowers as they wither

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I wanna be a good one just for you

Give you the world love just for you

Forget who I was just for you

Now I don't know me, who are you?


forest for us two, love where have you gone

I forgot the route, wandered now I'm lost

I'm starting to fade, to what you want to see

For your happiness, I have lost all of me

For you I could pretend I was happy I could put away the sorrow

For you I could feign strength, numb the pain.

And be the man you can depend on

Im wishing loving was perfect, still praying

You don't realize deep inside that I'm broken

I trusted in a dream, a hopeless cause

now I watch the flowers as they wither

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, in the image you drew

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, thrown away when you're through

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

Why you sad? I don't know anymore

Smile for me, tell me how you love me now

Look at me, even I have given up

Where you at? Love you said you'd understand

You won't take my hand, you're saying

I'm not the guy that you used to love,

but how can you ask me that

When you were the one who ripped me apart?

What do you mean no love?was blinded by you

is love even real I wonder? It's all fake love

(Woo) I dunno, I dunno, I dunno why

(Woo) who's the face, looking back, in the mirror

(Woo) I just know, I just know, I just know why

Cuz its all Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, in the image you drew

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, thrown away when you're through

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

For you I could pretend I was happy I could put away the sorrow

For you I could feign strength, numb the pain.

And be the man you depend on.

I'm wishing lovin was perfect, I'm praying

You don't realize deep inside that I'm broken

I trusted in a dream a hopeless one

now I watch the flowers as they wither

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For more infomation >> Nightcore - FAKE LOVE (English cover / Female / Acoustic) BTS || Lyrics - Duration: 3:52.


7 métodos e técnicas de pesquisa Para Aumentar o Pênis - Como Kid Bengala Pelado - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 7 métodos e técnicas de pesquisa Para Aumentar o Pênis - Como Kid Bengala Pelado - Duration: 9:21.


Jeanne Grier, Will's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:22.

Jeanne Grier, Will's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Will Grier lives a bit of a different life than the majority of college football quarterbacks.

Will lives with his wife, Jeanne Grier (formerly O'Neil), and the couple has one child, Eloise.

When Will was suspended for a year during his short stint at Florida, Jeanne stood by him as his father, Chad Grier explained.

"She was there for him in his dark days and their relationship is really strong," Chad told the Charlotte Observer.

"It's a friendship as much as anything.

You want your kids to marry their best friend.".

Will is one of the top NFL prospects, and the quarterback treats football like a full-time job.

"We call it going to work," Chad explained to the Charlotte Observer.

"He gets up early, makes his coffee, kisses his wife and baby goodbye and goes to his office.

It just happens to be the field house.

He goes to work and loves it.

He tells me, 'Dad, I've been to college.

But this is business.' ".

Learn more about Will's wife and daughter.

Jeanne Is a Former Tampa Bay Bucs Cheerleader.


Prior to moving to West Virginia, Jeanne spent three seasons as a Tampa Bay Bucs cheerleader and a full-time professional dancer.

Jeanne joked she "retired at 21" on one of her Instagram posts.

"Good luck to all the talented ladies auditioning today #RetiredAt21," Jeanne posted back in 2016 along with a photo from her cheerleading days.

These days, Jeanne stays connected to football through West Virginia games, but she could be back in an NFL stadium soon.

Will is widely regarded as one of the top NFL prospects.

Will & Jeanne Have a Daughter, Eloise, Together.


When Will is not running West Virginia's offense, his days are full of cartoons and diaper duty.

Will and Jeanne have one two-year-old daughter, Eloise.

ESPN detailed Will's life when he is on dad duty.

On a stiflingly muggy late-June evening in Morgantown, Grier, 23, is content to park his 6-foot-2, 212-pound frame on his couch, a polka-dot blanket draped over his torso and a toddler trapped between his knees.

"She's a mess," he says with a laugh, then frees Ellie, his 19-month-old daughter.

Next to Will, on the couch, rests a plush Moana; a few feet away, a stuffed Olaf perches on a white cubby.

("We've watched all of these, like, five times a day," he says, waving toward the animated menagerie.

"I'm a huge Despicable Me fan.") And on the TV mounted over the fireplace, Rapunzel from Tangled is frozen midsong, happily paused in her tower.

As Ellie runs circles around the coffee table with Jeanne in her wake, Will — stationary, mostly quiet — practically recedes into the background.

The Couple Met at the University of Florida.

Will started his college career at Florida, but things took a turn after testing positive for PED's.

After serving a year-long suspension, Will ended up transferring to West Virginia.

It was not all bad in Gainesville as Will met his future wife at the University of Florida.

Jeanne detailed on her website how the two met before moving to West Virginia.

My name is Jeanne Grier and I'm married to my absolute best friend in the world, Will.

We met at the University of Florida, where his collegiate football career started.

I transferred to UF to finish my degree after three seasons as a NFL Cheerleader and full-time professional dancer.

About two years after we started dating, we became parents to our beautiful daughter, Eloise.

Now our family of three lives in Morgantown, West Virginia while Will plays quarterback for WVU- Go Mountaineers!.

Will & Jeanne Enjoy Singing Rap Songs Together.


Jeanne notes she sees a different side of the West Virginia quarterback than most people.

When Will is at home, his family gets to see his lighter side.

Fans may not know Will's affinity for rapping.

"I know a completely different Will than everyone else," Jeanne explained to the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

"He leaves football at the door when he comes home.

We enjoy Netflix.

We cook dinner together.

We dance around the kitchen to rap songs.

It would blow your mind to know how smart and funny he is.

He can make me laugh like nobody else in the world.

And we share the same sense of humor.".

Jeanne Called Moving to West Virginia From Florida a "Culture Shock".


Jeanne admitted it was a bit of an adjustment moving from Florida to West Virginia, but the family has come to call the area home.

"If you'd have asked me four years ago if I'd ever live in West Virginia, I wouldn't even know what to say," Jeanne told the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

"I'd never been to West Virginia.

I'd never even been through the Northeast.

So it was a culture shock coming from Florida.

But West Virginia probably has the nicest overall people I've ever met in my life.

You can go anywhere and strike up a conversation.

So it was a pretty easy transition.

Hard, but the people made it easier.".

For more infomation >> Jeanne Grier, Will's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:22.


Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities - Duration: 10:27.

Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities

For more infomation >> Decorative lights from water pipes are used as profitable business opportunities - Duration: 10:27.


How to reuse panettone and pandoro boxes (2018) - Duration: 4:30.

you already know how to reuse the boxes some panettone and pandoro?

Yes! I mean the cardboard boxes of typical Christmas sweets

hi I'm creative joy of the channel live with joy where you can find

many creative recycling projects do it yourself and tricks for home in

This video you can find out how reuse the cardboard boxes of the

panettoni and pandoro so much suggestive if you like tutorials like

this I suggest you to subscribe now my channel clicking on

sign up and also on the bell for do not miss any of the upcoming videos

now let's move on to the video tutorial keep watching

to reuse the panettone box first, he reports on a sheet of

paper the shape of the box, cut out four equal parts and draw 4 details of the crib:

jesus, joseph and maria, the wise men, the ox and the donkey and the

comet alternatively instead of drawing them

you can find the images on google doing a search by typing nativity

silhouette king magi silhouette and so on etc. and print them back each

silhouette on one side of the box and repeat it with a pen, calculating well

the groove created with. must be visible the pen

if you had not done it yet, cut the flaps under the box

with a sharp knife, cut out the shapes

taking great care not to cut yourself

for smaller and more details difficult to cut out or for

fix some inaccuracies you can use of scissors

I also give you an alternative to decorate and so you can reuse panettone boxes

pandoro decorating them in a simpler way you can use stencils like those

cookies the procedure is the same position

the stencil, trace the outline and then cut it out

you can also make smaller stars cutting directly the cardboard

after finishing cutting out colors with your favorite acrylic

if you like tutorials like this I remind you to subscribe to my channel

by clicking on sign up and on bell to not miss a new video

how do you think to reuse them? panettone and pandoro boxes

decorating the lantern with the molds of the cookies or with pictures of the crib?


For more infomation >> How to reuse panettone and pandoro boxes (2018) - Duration: 4:30.


死者の日 SHISHA NO HI // DÍA DE MUERTOS ディア・デ・ムエルトス - Duration: 5:01.

One, two, three! And....

The Day of the Dead.

The Day of the Dead.

Good evening!

I'm Laura. I'm Rafael and I'm Shay.

Nice to meet you!

Today we would like to talk about The Day of the Dead.

It's celebrated every year on November 1st and 2nd since

ancient times and its goal is to remember our loved ones that have already passed away.

Within this tradition, some important elements are:

The shrine,

the "bread of the dead" and the music, among others.

Besides, people usually wear a skeleton make-up on their faces.

The most important part of "The Day of the Dead" are the shrines.

Shrines are decorated with many things but

all of them have food and the dead's belongings.

There are people that put their shrines in their homes but

there are also people that prefer to put them on the graves

and even stay in the cemetery all night long to keep their beloved ones company.

Shrines have





pictures of the dead

and alcoholic drinks among other things.

This isn't scary at all!!

On the contrary, being able to be with our beloved ones makes us happy and nostalgic.

Sometimes we even make fun of the death and celebrate it.

When the mexican talk about the Death, we usually call her "La Catrina" and

portray her as a very elegant woman.

And we use this drawing to decorate many things like pricked paper.

Besides, we tipically eat "bread of the dead" in these days.

This bread is made using flour,




and sugar.

The "bread of the dead" has also a meaning:


this circle represents a skull.

These tubes represent shinbones.

And the round shape represents the cycle of life and death.

Have a taste, please!

Thank you very much!

It's yummy!

It's so good!

When it comes to The Day of the Dead, music is a must!

Among the most popular songs are "Las Calaveras" and "La llorona"

which are often played in cemeteries, parades and theaters in this day.

These songs aren't' sad at all,

on the contrary, there are very cheerful and teach us to be positive on the face of death.

Finally, the most important thing about this day is remembering our loved ones.

No matter which country we're from

they will always be a part of our history.

Tukutuku tikitaka what a sneaky "calaca"

When you expect it the least, you're already dead!

I ran away and it couldn't catch me at all!

Rich or poor, it doesn't make distinctions.

One has a golden coffin and the other old underpants.

But as time goes by both end up bald.

Thank you very much!!

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