Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 5 2018

Korea's next generation fighter KF-X development, is Indonesia coming?

Korea is pushing for the next generation fighter KF-X development project in cooperation with Indonesia by throwing 8.5 trillion won (about $ 7.7 billion).

Indonesia, which is a development partner, will pay about 1.7 trillion won (about $ 1.5 billion), which is about 20%.

However, Indonesia has devoted only 95 billion won and has not devoted 240 billion won since the second half of last year.

It is a clear breach of contract, but the breach of contract is not included at the time of contract.

The Korean side can cancel the contract, but it is necessary to prepare the insufficient funds by oneself.

Indonesia is trying to finance it by talking about the reconsideration of the contribution or the purchase of its own transport aircraft.

The two governments of both Korea and Indonesia announced in September that they promised a one-year re-negotiation when Indonesian President Zoko visited Korea.

However, if the investment in Indonesia declines, there will be delays in the KF-X business and problems with aging F-4 and F-5 fighter jets.

The Korea Defense Agency official pointed out that there is no problem in the development schedule at this time.

Indonesia is slowing down its economic growth rate as the economy recovers due to the effects of the tsunami disaster on the way to the currency due to the impact of the US interest rate hike.

Article Source:

Korea's reaction

It sounds rumored to be an international hog. So, Indonesia?

Do not go with Indonesia. What is it with me who can not make it?

It is a country where everything must be signed and signed. Does it make sense to be tired of not knowing what I know from government agencies?

I have to find a contractor. No matter how much I want to blame the government now,

It is not that I can not develop it because it does not have any money. What is more important than that is what kind of performance gas is pulled out.

The experience of making a trainer makes it

Even though there is money to fly in the air, I can not give up the future food industry of the country because there is no money for one trillion dollars.

If I do not pay for my time, I do not have any money to transfer the technology.

Forget Inti and focus on development.

Defense is a lever that protects our people and the people. Even if we collect the donations, we will be doing KF-X business.

Let's develop. Please do not buy it.

Could it take years to develop?

How do you prepare for the next when you finish the power generation of the 5th generation and the 6th generation in neighboring countries?

Reality and ideals are wrong

Indonesia is a stumbling block to kfx development. Once you finish your development first.

Despite frustration, Indonesia is an advanced country in aircraft. Kai's technology is falling, what should I say? Power and technology are different.

The kid who agreed to the renegotiation is also a nerd.

Let's just develop your own. What is the renegotiation that does not benefit your own country?

It is not contract renegotiation but contract destruction

Comment from:

Editing impressions (Japanese editor's thoughts)

The first thing to think about this is that I do not know too much about Indonesia. It is a complete lack of the Korean side.

It was at the time of the Park Geun-hye regime that the contract was concluded, but the problem was that the perception of the person in charge at that time or the minister's consciousness was high.

Perhaps they were stuck with developing countries in the world, so Indonesia might have been mistaken for the same sense.

Developing countries are developed in various meanings, and each country has various characteristics, so common sense differs from country to country.

Those who know Indonesia are not relieved to say that it is the agenda of the country, but they come in with sufficient caution.

So it is not surprising that very simple things have turned upside down. What happened to the agenda?

In order to prevent such a thing, it is necessary to bind it to the bridle by contract,

Korea itself has always been unquestioning and appropriate.

Indonesia is not a financially affordable country,

Now that the presidential election is in place, the president is desperate for a performance appeal.

The development of the next generation of fighter aircraft is obviously not getting much attention just by watching the Indonesian media.

Indonesia seems to be supplementing the immediate power by buying the F-16 in the US.

How much fascination will there be for the 4.5 generation fighter, which can be built in 2021 and begin production in 2026?

In Indonesia, it can be produced in its own country, so it would be attractive to be able to transfer technology.

However, as some technologies can not be approved by the US, or parts can not be procured,

Maybe it's a nuisance burden.

Korea is also suffering from a variety of difficulties in its own domestic weapons, and this is also a competitiveness that can actually be exported.

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For more infomation >> Korean next generation fighter KF-X development, Indonesia get off? - Duration: 6:22.


[ Review ] Nước Hoa Vùng Kín - Dionel Secret Love Black Edition - Duration: 13:34.

For more infomation >> [ Review ] Nước Hoa Vùng Kín - Dionel Secret Love Black Edition - Duration: 13:34.


Commémorations du centenaire de la Grande Guerre: pourquoi Strasbourg en première étape - Duration: 6:06.

POLITIQUE - La musique adoucit les mœurs. Le président de la République lance les célébrations du centenaire de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale par un concert de l'amitié à la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg

L'occasion pour Emmanuel Macron de célébrer en musique, ce dimanche 4 novembre, la relation franco-allemande en présence de son homologue Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Il partira ensuite pour une semaine de visites et de commémorations dans les territoires meurtris par la Grande Guerre, de la Moselle à la Somme en passant par les Ardennes

Mais avant cela, le président de la République et son épouse assisteront à un concert d'oeuvres du Français Debussy et de l'Allemand Beethoven, interprété par 80 musiciens de l'orchestre symphonique de l'Académie supérieure de Strasbourg

Comme le choix de mettre à l'honneur deux compositeurs nés de chaque côté du Rhin, la décision de faire de Strasbourg le point de départ d'une semaine de commémorations revêt une symbolique particulière

Loin d'être le fruit du hasard, elle met en avant le retour de la paix sur le continent européen et l'amitié entre les peuples

Deux points sur lesquels Emmanuel Macron compte bien insister tout au long de sa semaine

Le choix a pourtant de quoi surprendre à plusieurs égards. Alors qu'il va passer une semaine dans les territoires martyrs de la Première Guerre mondiale, le chef de l'État a fait le choix de débuter son itinérance mémorielle dans une ville allemande à l'époque du conflit et bien plus épargnée par les batailles que d'autres cités de son périple

Mais pour Emmanuel Macron, ce centenaire de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale est avant tout placé sous le signe de la réconciliation

"Le sens qui a été donné à ses commémorations n'est pas de célébrer la victoire de 1918

C'est un acte de souvenir, de transmission. Il n'y aura pas de parade ni de défilé militaire

On a la volonté de prendre en compte l'ensemble des belligérants. Pour la paix des mémoires dans l'Union européenne, il ne s'agit pas de célébrer une victoire militaire", détaille l'Élysée

Et qui mieux que Strasbourg pour incarner la construction européenne après les deux guerres mondiales? Pourtant capitale du Reichsland en 1914, la ville a rapidement montré sa défiance à l'égard des soldats allemands avant de réserver un accueil triomphal aux troupes françaises en 1918

Et de devenir, plusieurs décennies plus tard la capitale de l'Union européenne, comme le soulignent les nombreuses bannières étoilées accrochées dans les rues de la ville et sur la Cathédrale Notre-Dame à l'occasion du concert de l'amitié

Aujourd'hui Strasbourg accueille de multiples organisations européennes comme la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, la Pharmacopée européenne ou encore le Parlement européen

Des institutions bâties sur les ruines des nombreux pays après deux guerres mondiales qui ont laissé le continent à feu et à sang

Cent ans après, Emmanuel Macron entend bien insister sur l'impérieuse nécessité de préserver la paix autour, notamment, de la nouvelle amitié franco-allemande

Ce seront d'ailleurs les fils rouges de ces commémorations. Avant le retour à Paris, le périple du président de la République se terminera le 10 novembre par une cérémonie sobre avec la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel dans la clairière de Rethondes, à Compiègne dans l'Oise, où a été signé l'armistice

"On sera dans les pas de Helmut Kohl et François Mitterrand en 1984 à Verdun", dont l'image main dans la main devant un catafalque devint l'un des symboles les plus forts de la réconciliation franco-allemande, souligne l'Elysée

C'est aussi la paix qui sera au menu de la journée du 11 novembre, avec la traditionnelle cérémonie à l'Arc de Triomphe, à laquelle assisteront notamment les présidents américain Donald Trump et russe Vladimir Poutine

Emmanuel Macron y prendra la parole avant de laisser Angela Merkel prononcer le discours d'ouverture du Forum de la Paix qui se tiendra dans l'après-midi à La Villette

Un symbole de plus alors que ce rendez-vous "permettra aux dirigeants d'échanger sur la prévention des conflits", selon l'Elysée qui rêve de voir ce sommet devenir le "Davos de la paix

" À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Commémorations du centenaire de la Grande Guerre: pourquoi Strasbourg en première étape - Duration: 6:06.


U of I Dads - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> U of I Dads - Duration: 0:27.


Recycling - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Recycling - Duration: 0:37.


Johny Johny Yes Papa - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Song Play Doh - Duration: 2:01.

Hello everyone! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Song Play Doh - Duration: 2:01.


Man Utd news: Fresh details emerge of fallout between Jose Mourinho and Ed Woodward - Duration: 3:09.

 Mourinho and Woodward were supposed to sit down and discuss January transfer targets

 Mourinho is eager to get an idea of the budget and strategy for the transfer window after being left frustrated with the summer moves

 Manchester United only signed three players - Fred, Diogo Dalot and Lee Grant - despite wanting some big additions to help challenge for the title

 And after finishing second last season United are toiling at the beginning of this one

 Yesterday's win over Bournemouth took them up to seventh, but they could finish the weekend nine points behind the league leaders if Manchester City beat Southampton

 And new details have emerged of the meeting Mourinho was supposed to have with Woodward, in which they were also supposed to discuss the appointment of a director of football

 "He was due, I'm told, to meet Ed Woodward last week to discuss transfer reinforcements," Duncan Castles, speaking on the The Transfer Window podcast said

 "And I think to discuss the potential of a director of football being brought in, which is always a matter of significant importance to Mourinho because he would want to be sure that any director of football brought in would be supportive of him as opposed to someone brought in to override him in the transfer market because more problems of the type he's had in the last summer

 "I understand that meeting was cancelled at the last minute by Ed Woodward, and Mourinho as you would expect is not impressed that he was not able to speak with the chief executive about matters of key concerns to his future

" Mourinho has eased the pressure on his head after the win over Bournemouth yesterday

 But the Portuguese knows he remains in a battle to keep his job long term. Castles also said on the podcast: "The key point is he's under pressure, he's fighting for his life

 "He is pushing Ed Woodward, the board, the Glazers to get reinforcements as soon as possible, to be allowed to sign the high-quality, experienced leader centre-back he's been asking for months and months and trying to do in the January window

 "The club has come up with a list of proposals for the position that Mourinho is not convinced about

 "He's been scouting some of them in person and proposing other players."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Fresh details emerge of fallout between Jose Mourinho and Ed Woodward - Duration: 3:09.


bináris opciók.Pénzkihozatal-2 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> bináris opciók.Pénzkihozatal-2 - Duration: 7:25.


100 Tượng sáp nghệ sĩ Việt giống như thật, nhìn ảnh đố ai biết thật giả - Dân sài gòn (statue Wax) - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 100 Tượng sáp nghệ sĩ Việt giống như thật, nhìn ảnh đố ai biết thật giả - Dân sài gòn (statue Wax) - Duration: 3:10.


✅ Niepłodność w związku – jak wpływa na relacje partnerów? - Duration: 5:39.

Jak długotrwałe staranie się o dziecko może wpływać na wzajemne relacje partnerów?  To zależy od tego, dlaczego nie mogą począć dziecka

Jeśli przyszli rodzice są przebadani i oboje są zdrowi, ale z jakiegoś powodu nie dochodzi do zapłodnienia, to taka sytuacja nie burzy ich harmonii

Po prostu czekają na dziecko.  Inaczej jest w sytuacji, gdy jedno z partnerów ma problemy zdrowotne, utrudniające zajście w ciążę

Wtedy u tej osoby rodzi się poczucie winy, rozdrażnienie, przewrażliwienie; pojawiają się myśli, że ta druga strona nie będzie tego akceptować

Mogą też powstawać pewne napięcia w związku, mogą zostać zakłócone wzajemne relacje partnerów

Zdarza się to jednak dopiero po kilku miesiącach od stwierdzenia, że są problemy z zajściem w ciążę

To nie jest sprawa kilku dni czy tygodni. Co dzieje się z namiętnością w związku starającym się długotrwale o dziecko?  Jeśli partnerzy od dłuższego czasu starają się o potomstwo, to zaczyna się dziać coś bardzo niedobrego, zwłaszcza w przypadku mężczyzn

Często są przez swoje partnerki traktowani jak reproduktorzy. To nie jest dobra relacja

Mężczyzna postrzega to tak: „jestem reproduktorem, mam być głównie płodnym samcem"

 Seks powinien być wyrazem miłości, więzi, przyjaźni, płodności itd. Jeśli jednak ogranicza się tylko do jednego, jest nastawiony wyłącznie na rodzicielstwo, to u wielu mężczyzn wygasa namiętność

To jest zubożona wizja seksu. Jak starania o dziecko wpływa na libido kobiet?  W przypadku kobiety determinacja, by posiadać dziecko jest tak duża, że dla niej taki seks ukierunkowany (w określonych dniach, mający na celu poczęcie) nie jest problemem

Potrzeba macierzyństwa jest tak silna, że jej to nie przeszkadza. Kobieta myśli: „pojutrze mamy mieć seks, bo wtedy mam dni płodne i mogę zajść w ciążę"

Nastawia się na to, bo ma tę potrzebę macierzyństwa, dla niej jest to OK. Dla mężczyzny natomiast może to być deprymujące, jeśli przez jakiś czas seks ma być tylko celowaniem na zapłodnienie, jeśli nie jest spontaniczny i naturalny, czyli taki, jaki powinien  być

 Oczywiście mówimy tu o niepłodności, gdy przez wiele miesięcy, mimo starań, parze nie udaje się zajść w ciążę, a nie o związku, który na początku nie planuje dziecka, a dopiero po jakimś czasie postanawia mieć potomstwo i nastawia się na seks w fazie płodnej

Jeśli to celowanie na płodność zdarza się raz, drugi, trzeci, to jest w porządku, nie ma wtedy problemu

Natomiast, jeśli to trwa już długo, to u mężczyzn zanika namiętność. Warto wiedzieć: Problem niepłodności – dlaczego warto być optymistą? Jak zacieśniać więzi, dbać o wzajemną bliskość, by długotrwałe starania o dziecko nie sprawiły, że partnerzy zaczną się od siebie odsuwać?  Bardzo ważne jest to, żeby inne relacje między partnerami, takie jak przyjaźń, więź psychiczna, atrakcyjny seks, wspólne spędzanie wolnego czasu, były też udane, cały czas pogłębiane i rozwijane

To są bardzo ważne rzeczy. Jeżeli inne relacje są udane, to wtedy ten problem niespełnionego rodzicielstwa jest pewną dolegliwością, ale nie prowadzi do rozpadu związku

 Znam takich, którzy chcąc się w tym czasie do siebie zbliżyć, pojechali w podróż dookoła świata

Są tacy, którzy więcej uwagi poświęcają seksowi. Niektórzy natomiast prowadzą bujniejsze życie towarzyskie, które dotąd trochę zaniedbywali

Są różne drogi, by te więzi zacieśniać – ważne, by było to coś, co obojgu partnerom sprawia przyjemność i co ma dla nich obojga znaczenie więziotwórcze

Nie ma jednak takich recept ogólnożyciowych" dla wszystkich par, w stylu „róbcie to i to"

Nie, wszystko jest kwestią indywidualną. Jak zniwelować niesłuszne przekonanie i poczucie, że niepłodność jest skazą na męskości/kobiecości i czyni kobietę lub mężczyznę niepełnowartościowymi partnerami?  Osoby, które nie mogą mieć dziecka, mają poczucie winy i są nastawione na to, że druga osoba będzie myślała o nich, jak o kimś „wybrakowanym"

Żeby tego uniknąć, ich partnerzy powinni podkreślać ich zalety, wartości, sukcesy

Trzeba dowartościować te osoby w innej dziedzinie, ale mówiąc o tym wprost, np. „Słuchaj Jasiu, to że nie możesz zostać ojcem, to nie zmniejsza twojej wartości jako człowieka, przyjaciela, męża, kochanka

Bycie ojcem według mnie nie jest twoją najważniejszą rolą. To, że nie możesz być ojcem, nie decyduje o moim postrzeganiu ciebie"

I tak samo w przypadku kobiet. Partner/partnerka musi to usłyszeć wprost. Jeśli powiemy tylko, że jest fantastycznym przyjacielem lub przyjaciółką, z którym się fajnie rozmawia, to odbierze to jako pocieszenie

Polecamy: Czy otyłość może wpływać na niepłodność?  Wywiad pochodzi z magazynu „Płodna Polska" (1/2013)

Tytuł oryginalny „Mówmy o tym wprost". Publikacja za zgodą wydawcy. Tytuł, lid i śródtytuły zostały zmienione przez redakcję

Dołącz do Nas Zostając testerką dostajesz za darmo testowane produkty Zgłoś się do akcji Aby otrzymać za darmo produkty do testów Testuj za darmo Otrzymuj produkty, dziel się opiniami Otrzymaj produkt Przetestuj go i podziel się opinią z innymi użytkownikami Chcę testować

For more infomation >> ✅ Niepłodność w związku – jak wpływa na relacje partnerów? - Duration: 5:39.


The More I See You - Duration: 25:13.

For more infomation >> The More I See You - Duration: 25:13.


I Hate a Mystery - Duration: 25:43.

For more infomation >> I Hate a Mystery - Duration: 25:43.


5 rzeczy, które stresują mnie najbardziej. POWER PONIEDZIAŁEK #38 - Duration: 16:07.

For more infomation >> 5 rzeczy, które stresują mnie najbardziej. POWER PONIEDZIAŁEK #38 - Duration: 16:07.


'This is not how I raised him,' says mother of mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc - Duration: 5:50.

The mother of the man suspected of mailing more than a dozen suspicious packages to prominent politicians, media figures and celebrities said she did not raise her children to incite fear, describing her accused son as having been mentally ill "for a long time

" Madeline Sayoc, the mother of 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc, told in an exclusive letter sent by her attorney that she awoke from surgery last week to learn that he had been accused of mailing at least 14 suspicious packages addressed to liberal politicians and others who support liberal policies, such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Robert De Niro

"While I have not lived with my son for 35 years or even heard from him in over four years, I cannot express how deeply hurt, sad, shocked and confused I am to hear that my son may have caused so many people to be put in fear for their safety," Madeline Sayoc wrote

"This is not how I raised him or my children." Madeline Sayoc said her son has struggled with mental illness for some time, adding that the nation has work to do in how it deals with mental health

"My son has been ill for a long time and my family and I have tried, over and over again, without success to urge him to get the help he needs," she wrote

"We, in America, have a mental health crisis in this country and need to change laws to allow families to compel and require mental health treatment for those in need of such treatment before their illness worsens to where it is too late

" Sayoc's current attorneys have not commented on Sayoc's mental health. The mother also called upon President Donald Trump and other leaders to consider how their words can be viewed by some as "license to violently act out in our country

" ".Our political leaders, like our President Donald Trump, need to recognize that there are many sick people in this country who take their rhetoric and words of 'War with the Media' and 'War with the Democrats' to heart," she said

".I beg President Trump and others to refrain from talk of War with fellow Americans and remembers, as Senator McCain taught us, that we may politically disagree but we are all patriotic Americans and all we want is a safe country for all Americans

" Daniel Lurvey, Sayoc's former attorney who represented him in his grand theft and petty theft charges in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, expressed surprise that he was arrested for the string of suspicious packages, describing him as "a gentleman" with "no political agenda

" "He's as regular, non-political as can be," Lurvey told after Sayoc was arrested, adding also that he is "somewhat gregarious and friendly

" Sayoc was arrested on Oct. 26 after investigators tracked his cell phone to a parking lot in Plantation, Florida

Authorities identified him as the suspect after finding a fingerprint on one of the packages sent to Rep

Maxine Waters and matched it to a print Sayoc provided during one of his previous arrests

Although he had not lived with his mother for years, his official residence is listed as her Florida, home

He had primarily been living in a white van covered in political stickers that is now being investigated

On Friday, Sayoc appeared briefly in federal court in Miami but waived his right to a pretrial detention hearing and agreed to be transferred to New York, where he will be tried for federal criminal charges including interstate transportation of an explosive, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents and certain other persons, threatening interstate communications and assaulting current and former federal officers

"The magnitude of what has happened does weigh on him," Daniel Aaronson, one of Sayoc's private attorneys in Florida, told on Friday after the hearing

"He was the most respectful client that I have ever represented. When I heard his name in connection to this, I just stuttered and stammered that he could possibly be involved

It's just not the person that I know." Another one of Sayoc's former attorneys, Miami-based lawyer Ronald Lowy, told after his arrest that Sayoc's mother is a committed democrat and that his alleged behavior is inconsistent with her political views

ABC News' Santina Leuci, Justin Weaver and Morgan Winsor contributed to this report

For more infomation >> 'This is not how I raised him,' says mother of mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc - Duration: 5:50.


U of I Dads - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> U of I Dads - Duration: 0:27.


Old Soldiers - Duration: 24:21.

For more infomation >> Old Soldiers - Duration: 24:21.


Nepali 19s - 20s Old Pop Audio Jukebox | Nepali Sadabhar Songs Collection | Old Is Gold Nepali Songs - Duration: 1:55:23.

Don't Forget To "SUBSCRIBE" - "LIKE" - "COMMENT" For More Jukebox ^_^

For more infomation >> Nepali 19s - 20s Old Pop Audio Jukebox | Nepali Sadabhar Songs Collection | Old Is Gold Nepali Songs - Duration: 1:55:23.


Chelsea news: Alvaro Morata has no reason to worry for THIS reason - pundit - Duration: 3:11.

 That's the view of former Chelsea star and current pundit Tony Cascarino, who believes Morata still has a few years before he reaches his prime

 Morata scored twice as Chelsea beat Crystal Palace on Sunday but he has been regularly criticised since moving to Stamford Bridge in 2017

 The Spaniard moved to London having played for European giants Juventus and Real Madrid

 But the 24-year-old has struggled to live up to expectations at Chelsea, despite now scoring five Premier League goals this season

 And Cascarino believes it will still be a few years before fans get to see the best out of Morata

 "People should spend less time looking at Alvaro Morata's transfer fee and more time looking at his age," Cascarino wrote for the Times

 "He is 24. When I was 24, I knew so much less about how to play as a striker than I did at 28, and I think Morata now has a manager who will help him develop

 "One thing you can see he is learning is how to get a shot away as quickly as possible, with as few touches as necessary

 "Both his goals for Chelsea yesterday were instinctive finishes after clinical first touches that teed up the shots perfectly

 "It is not unusual for players to take a year to reach their best in this league, and there is no shame in that

 "His judgment is so much better now." Morata could have had a hat-trick against Crystal Palace and he believes he should have

 "I can score a hat-trick so it was not the perfect day but we will take the three points," he said

 "That is the most important thing for us. We want to fight until the end for the Premier League

 "We played good today. I think a lot about the hat-trick but I am improving and I want to keep helping my team to win

 "Palace score to make it 1-1 so we knew we needed to go and win it and stay at the top with the other teams

We needed the three points. "It is very hard because the Premier League is the most competitive league in the world

It will be very difficult."

For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Alvaro Morata has no reason to worry for THIS reason - pundit - Duration: 3:11.


mailbag monday 42 - Duration: 23:46.

it's the forty second episode of everybody's favorite day of the week

mailbag Monday let's start with this one it says expansion board module why do I

never remember to get my knife before I start one of these things what have we


that's not exactly an expansion board module but it's a handy dandy thing it

is some two pins screw terminals oh it's specifically it's these

pluggable ones so you solder that piece onto your board and then you screw the

wires on which makes it pluggable and of course polar ice so kind of going one

way well latching latch there to hold it but

not so much okay so those are destined to be power connectors for various and

sundry future projects handy little things several other pieces of equipment

at work have the have similar things on them and it just makes like replacing it

pulling it out to maintain it or repair it even install it just easier you don't

have to deal with you know getting your screwdriver right in tight to the face

of the units to get at those screws you can do it

you know out here in free space where you're not you know it'll confused and

cramped and everything else especially if the equipment the year installing

goes inside a cabinet or something but even just for some random project like a

Christmas lights control or something just being on the plug the power in and

out is really convenient ten little pieces kf2

EDG kkf - 2 p - pin right angle plug in terminal connector 5.08 millimeter pitch

from LS 1 1 o 1983 this was free shipping again from China

buck 64 Canadian or door 25 American what is next

we have repair fixture offices in there do your valuable customer leave as

positive feedback edits to your favorite cell resistance whatever haha this is

actually a soldering helper kind of thing it's a circuit board clamp so when

you're soldering a circuit board well it's okay so here's how this thing works

if your soldering up some circuitry you adjust that and clamp your board into

there just a little spring of a thing so there and it's holding your board

solidly with components kind of held off there and then you can get at it with

your soldering iron so that's for some applications why can't I never find

anything when I wanted and hurry hey so that I think in some applications is

going to be more handy than using the big dremel vise that I've got or the

helping hands least I hope so I've seen something some of the guys on YouTube I

think David Watts is the first one that I saw using something similar to this

his is no doubt a better quality one than the cheapest possible Chinese one

which is what of course this is because that's just how I roll let's see just

how cheap it really was Universal PCB circuit port holder fixture repairing

tool for mobile phone not sure if that would be appropriate for a mobile phone

or not but for soldering lots of circuit boards it really would from

gene mall selection I paid 503 Canadian or 383 American with

no 89 cents shipping oh my goodness that must have been the sheep cheapest

one I could find though oh well that clarifies everything in

that description right there 12 centimeters by 8 centimeters not much

else to say next in we have expansion board module seems to go popular why

this week okay it is in fact an expansion port module of some kind

that's getting closer it has a little microphone there it is a power in out

there alternately out there buck speak version 3.5 no buck speak 3.5 version

1.0 3.5 millimeter is probably referring to the jack on it okey-dokey so I wonder

if this is just an amplifier I created this little transistor on it as well so

it's providing power to power the electret condenser microphone and some

little amount of amplifying there some resistors and a couple capacitors back

there and that's all it really is huh

so I thought I'd give this thing a little try here hooked it up to or I got

3.7 volts coming out of there it's drawing like three milliamps pretty

negligible but the output hooked up to my little skull P here and check one two

check one two I'm pretty much on top of it and there is stuff happening but you

can see there's also some nasty nasty looking interference just for reference

here's what happens when I unplug the scope probe from it okay so that's

fairly unpleasant that is in order to get there piqué piqué that's like half a

volt that's ridiculous so here I'm just adding a capacitor that

the power supply does nothing how big is that twenty two hundred microfarads so

you know a little bit smaller just the right convenient here not super

convenient oh well so obviously that is not going to be my new microphone for

doing recordings here in the shop slash studio but it might be interesting just

to go to an analog input an analog pin of an Arduino and use it just as a noise

lack of noise trigger or something like that I don't know we'll see

well after that dismal failure let's see what's in here

it's a cable that openly no one else thank-yous it is just an HDMI cable okay

um how can I make this interesting exciting it's both sixteen seventeen

inches long I don't know it's red in black it's got

kind of woven stuff okay okay this is three-in-one black gold plating HDMI

cable adapter HMI to micro adapter 0.5 meter to the meter for PC from wis tech

I paid four dollars and twenty nine cents and calls itself a point five

meter HDMI cable adapter kit and it clearly shows that there are adapters

with it but none came with this one

that's pretty much the cable I got except for with red ends but whatever

but it didn't come with those that's annoying so basically I paid just shy of

five bucks for a half metre HDMI cable let's see if we've been a better luck

with this one it says Oh light bulbs that's always a fun topic even another

another one with the begging for up folks like things interesting oh okay

this is same kind of thing that you'd find it adults in the dollar store it's

just some of those wire mounted tiny little surface mount LED so I'm gonna

zoom in here melted in a ball all above epoxy or silicone or something here you

go so a bunch of those things on some

skinny wire heat shrunk to that driven by and battery box is there any magic in

the battery box let's tika open there we go

so is your circuit board in there no it's just the wire okay let's grab some

doublea's then no disasters I got it I'm in control here so we mmm there we

go power off power on they are kind of warmish wait okay if

you've been watching big cry for a while and you should then you've seen these

things these kind of lights before they're they're kind of neat for

lighting effects people stuff them into bottles and just wrap them around stuff

this isn't the exact list thing that I bought it from but this is the same guy

and it's an auction I bought it at auction originally this is one x two

meter or six and a half feet warm white LED battery string stripe strip rope

glow like party Christmas deckle from rainbow deals

I paid at auction 93 cents Canadian this particular one that I'm showing you

right now is another auction which will be expired by the time you see this but

it's currently up for auction at a dollar thirteen at three bids notice

that's the or 31 and cross-eyed anyway you can go from

the search string if you want there anything else to say about this okay so

here we go LED light strip warm white 20 LEDs indoor/outdoor I don't think I'd

want to use it outdoor necessarily all those battery-operated it might get

destroyed but it's not going to explode or anything and again there we go not

dimmable 2 meters 2500 as cool as this thing is and I'm feeling a little bit

ripped off this week several of these things didn't live up to expectations so

off to the first-in first-out meal buffer yeah you may have heard the

Canada Post is on rotating strikes right now don't worry it's not going to

influence the mailbag schedule at all

what do we have here expansion board module Oh high hopes

I hope so we got two things oh okay two things are better than one what is

this first thing this is voltage in and what is that okay so that is where is an

actual USB thing

okay so that's a voltage converter from some voltage to USB okay got an inductor

there and a little switch mode chip no doubt okay I can find that one quickly

enough I think this isn't the exact listing that I bought it from cuz I

bought it at auction a long time ago but it is the same seller and they're still

selling it DC converter point nerve and a whole bunch boost step-up ba-ba-ba

power supply etc etc this particular one is three point and three volts three

point three three point seven four point two up to 5 volt a boost okay I was

initially thinking it was a buck but it's a boost so you can come from oh

what is that three voltage that looks very similar three point seven four

point two that's a lithium-ion cell isn't it up to 5 volt boost ok cool from

DIY box did I say that already I don't know I got this at auction for 72 cents

currently it's selling for adult or 30 so here is the specs on it such as they

are input between two and a half and and five point five volts strange output 5

volts amp and a half typical to at max 92% efficient working temperature

anything that you'd likely to be existing in without dying the switching

frequency is 1 megahertz so it's not going to cause any noise that you're

gonna hear static or class and power consumption eating micro amps very

negligible okay and it's got a blue LED oh that's nice

also in the same package obviously from the same seller we have one of these

cheap little servo testers three modes chick servo or ESC manual mode neutral

mode and automatic window wiper mode okay how you select those

he's zooming a little tighter here they're better so we have four point

eight to six volts input here we have servo outputs there and speed adjust Oh

okay so there's the modes ah select is this little button down in here okay and

this is just a little flexible plastic cover that's kind of glued on there well

there's a little bit of foam in the back so that you don't stab through it yeah

that's interesting adjustments steering gear tester ccpm

three mode ESC servo motor for RC helicopters or whatever really from DIY

box of course dollar seventy one Canadian this device can be used as a

signal generator for electronic speed controller then you test your motor

system without a transmitter and receiver you can connect one two three

servos simultaneously and test for consistency and so on

and connect one two three ESC to test and compare their okay I don't have any

ESC s I'm gonna helicopter is that 15 milliamps or OS at 5 volts uses four

point eight to six volts output signal there's the timing because that's what

you need to control a servo motor size color blue okay let's go play with it

hmm played with this for a little while here and I can get it to work

successfully with one servo connected to any of the three outputs here so this is

a manual mode I can put it into neutral which puts the it into the center

position basically a servo if you've haven't played with these a

servo basically can go anywhere between zero and 180 more or less

you've got about 180 degrees of rotation and by putting it into the center

position using this you can use that to manually line up what you're installing

just into a neutral center position and then this is the what they call

windshield wiper mode and it works with any of these servos there's a ground

power and signal wire but as soon as you attach to this particular one I don't

know if it's the problem with this one or with the design there seems to attach

a second one it just seems to start resetting itself

or something and slowly steps them to the end now it's not an issue of current

I've got this thing current limiting at about an amp and a half and it claims to

only be drawing about you know 60 70 milliamps in this mode right here with

two of them let me just put one of them back on there and put it in the

windshield wiper mode which is going to fairly consistently run it and we're

peaking with one of them at about a hundred and twenty ish milliamps or so

so having two of them on there isn't going to current limit me so I'm not

quite sure what's going on I suspect or something weird with this one but

regardless even without that it's handy for just being able to do that or set it

to its midpoint for installing them now then I ordered this thing it took 75

days to get here I ordered it way back before I started

doing my my last railroad project now when I did the yard controls right

because I thought this being able Center it and being able to run it through its

paces would be a useful thing but then when this thing took so long to show up

I just built this thing which you may remember from that really old yard video

which does similar it runs it through its range of motion with the pot it

shows me where it is between 0 180 degrees so if I wanted to set it to its

neutral position 90 degrees I could just use that pot to do it right

so this thing isn't quite as useful what I the one thing that I was hoping to use

it for is that mode where you where it claims you can run multiples and set and

watch them go just to see if they're all one as linear as the other one

see this one it looks like well where is it

so there's it's middle position and there's its windshield wiper ring it

looks like it goes a little bit further that way from Center than it does this

this way from Center what the hell it just reset itself yeah

Wesley impressed but for buck 75 I'm not killing myself and this is a lot more

portable than that thing on the breadboard although I could probably put

that in a case and they get a little bit more portable yeah I don't know I'm not

too choked about this it would have been nice if it had worked properly but

whatever so there's today's mailbag items in all

their glory and or disappointment one thing I forgot to do because I am bad at

remembering this is tell you how long it took for stuff to get here the screw

terminal stick a month this circuit board soldering holder took three bloody

months to get here this disappointing noisy what a microphone module took 11

weeks the HDMI cable that came with out its adapters took six weeks the LED

string took a month and this final charging from a lithium-ion battery unit

and the servo tester took 75 days precisely oh not bad I'm a mixed bag and

I can use that this could be kind of fun that'll be useful this I'm looking

forward to using this board holder in my next kit build video

coming soon this thing yeah I come in handy sure running a 5-volt thing off

with you my own battery absolutely always a useful thing well thanks for

watching oh yeah another disappointment I'm on call so I don't get to have a

beer with this I got a drink coffee yeah thanks for watching

comments questions down below as always links will be down there

you made a notice last time and I'm gonna do it again this time I've got the

links doubled up there's just normal link and there's

also an affiliate link with eBay doesn't cost you any more if you use it I get a

nickel well a painting probably given the cheapness of these things kickback

from eBay if you don't want to use it don't just use the normal link it's down

there too if you want to help me out and when if you're buying any of this crap

feel free Thanks also as always to my patreon supporters who kick a buck in

the tip jar now and again and help me not go bankrupt doing this for you

thanks for watching I will talk to you later

For more infomation >> mailbag monday 42 - Duration: 23:46.


The Bus - Duration: 25:42.

For more infomation >> The Bus - Duration: 25:42.


Life Time - Duration: 23:11.

For more infomation >> Life Time - Duration: 23:11.


Last Laugh - Duration: 25:00.

For more infomation >> Last Laugh - Duration: 25:00.


ZEMHER Hit-Head Beats I Trap Beat I Türkçe Rap Beat FREE - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> ZEMHER Hit-Head Beats I Trap Beat I Türkçe Rap Beat FREE - Duration: 3:30.


Man Utd news: Fresh details emerge of fallout between Jose Mourinho and Ed Woodward - Duration: 3:09.

 Mourinho and Woodward were supposed to sit down and discuss January transfer targets

 Mourinho is eager to get an idea of the budget and strategy for the transfer window after being left frustrated with the summer moves

 Manchester United only signed three players - Fred, Diogo Dalot and Lee Grant - despite wanting some big additions to help challenge for the title

 And after finishing second last season United are toiling at the beginning of this one

 Yesterday's win over Bournemouth took them up to seventh, but they could finish the weekend nine points behind the league leaders if Manchester City beat Southampton

 And new details have emerged of the meeting Mourinho was supposed to have with Woodward, in which they were also supposed to discuss the appointment of a director of football

 "He was due, I'm told, to meet Ed Woodward last week to discuss transfer reinforcements," Duncan Castles, speaking on the The Transfer Window podcast said

 "And I think to discuss the potential of a director of football being brought in, which is always a matter of significant importance to Mourinho because he would want to be sure that any director of football brought in would be supportive of him as opposed to someone brought in to override him in the transfer market because more problems of the type he's had in the last summer

 "I understand that meeting was cancelled at the last minute by Ed Woodward, and Mourinho as you would expect is not impressed that he was not able to speak with the chief executive about matters of key concerns to his future

" Mourinho has eased the pressure on his head after the win over Bournemouth yesterday

 But the Portuguese knows he remains in a battle to keep his job long term. Castles also said on the podcast: "The key point is he's under pressure, he's fighting for his life

 "He is pushing Ed Woodward, the board, the Glazers to get reinforcements as soon as possible, to be allowed to sign the high-quality, experienced leader centre-back he's been asking for months and months and trying to do in the January window

 "The club has come up with a list of proposals for the position that Mourinho is not convinced about

 "He's been scouting some of them in person and proposing other players."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Fresh details emerge of fallout between Jose Mourinho and Ed Woodward - Duration: 3:09.


Christian Truther & The Flat Earth Debate (Part 4)-Gravity, Fact or Fiction? DARE YOU TO FINISH! - Duration: 9:42.

Hello, world. Christian Truther here, and I'm here at my church today because, as

Deacon chair of the trustee committee, I had to change a whole lot of clocks

because it's time change Sunday. I got to church early to do it, and I actually

finished up with the fifty bazillion clocks a little early, so I decided to

cut another video. Okay, maybe not fifty bazillion, but it seems

like it. So, this is my fourth video in my series, my multiple part series on the

shape of the world. Is it round or is it flat? Can we determine an objective

truth, regardless of what we think about it? And today's subject is going to be

gravity. Is gravity real or not? Now, a little bit of housekeeping, of course. I've thrown it up on our projector,

which we're going to be using for Sunday morning service here, uh, shortly. But

I've thrown up my ground rules. The top two are my promise to you, and the bottom

two are, of course, what I expect you guys to maintain during the comment section.

As always, no green screen or technological wizardry, because my arguments

don't need it. And if you haven't watched my first video, I do highly recommend to you

that one because I also talked about why I'm even doing this, and what my

methodology is going to be. Also, I tackle a completely different topic, of course, but

those two first ones are the main reason why you would watch that video. So, let's

dive right into "Is gravity real or not?", and let's look for objective truth. Let's

start off with the fact that the Flat Earth model says that gravity is not

real. On a flat surface, if gravity were real, which gravity says objects, objects

attract toward the greatest area of mass. Then, on a flat area, you'd be attracted

towards the Arctic region on the flat world map, and on the edges, you would

feel the lean a lot more distinctly being with towards the center. Because

that's never been experienced by anyone, then they would say this is evidence that

this is false, and so, gravity isn't real. No need for gravity, though, because

density and buoyancy effect whether objects go down

in relation to each other. And this explains why cloud's water vapor hover in

the skies, and don't come crashing to the earth. It explains why helium defies the

laws of gravity, and so that, because gravity isn't real and hasn't been

proven. Of course, from the round earth perspective, they say gravity is

absolutely necessary, because if you were on a ball, and people in Alaska and people in

Australia both feel like their down is down, towards the ground, and they're not

flying off of it. So, they're saying gravity is absolutely

necessary. So, let's look at the two different viewpoints, and look for the

truth. First of all, Aristotle said that objects fell based on their mass, on

their density, their buoyancy, and everything would find its natural state.

Now, the word find is bad, because obviously objects are inanimate. There's

no seeking or finding going on, so... but, he would say they would try to find

their natural state, and so they would go based on their size. But that's really

what he was trying to dedicate to, it's the density-buoyancy argument, and

Aristotolean thought ruled the world; dominated Western thought, for thousands

of years. But then came along came a man by the name of Galileo. He said Aristotle

is incomplete, because he's saying it's based on their mass, and objects fall at

the same rate independent of their mass. He did a lot of experiments with

inclined planes. He also, the story goes, that he took two balls of different sizes

and dropped them off the famous Tower of Pisa, and that they landed in basically

the same time, proving the object's fall independent of just mass alone. Then,

along came Sir Isaac Newton, and he further qualified this effect called

gravity, saying that objects of greater mass, uh, attract each other greater than

objects of lesser mass. Basically, object's attraction to each other is based on

their mass, and is inversely proportionate to their distance.

Okay, that was his fundamentals. By the way, this guy is like the original Christian

Truther. Highly recommend looking into him. Not only was he a giant in the

scientific world, he was also a giant in the theological world. He wrote over a

million words on Christian topics. I find that amazing because so many Christians

today I don't think have even read a million words on Christianity, and this

guy wrote over a million words. So, highly recommend looking at him. And all of his

equations work here on earth. Now, there were a couple things that scientists

discovered outside the earth that didn't quite line up with Newton's theories.

Along came a man by the name of Albert Einstein, who rectified all that. His idea

was that things attracted towards each other because of bending of the

space-time continuum. That objects of mass would bend space-time, and that things

travel along, you know, space-time; basically lines, and as objects of mass

bend those lines, things bend towards those objects of mass. And it's very

similar, ultimately, to Newtonian gravity There's, it, it is a bit mind-expanding

thing. Highly recommend looking into it once you get some time, but it is a

subtle shift, because Newtonian gravity basically is kind of like magnetism in

the sense that objects are attracting each other based on the properties of

those objects. In Newt-, uh, I'm sorry, and Einstein came along and said, "No, it's not

really like that. It's objects that are following space-time lines, and the lines

are being bent by objects of mass." And this explained, by the way, everything

that scientists have so far discovered that didn't line up with Newtonian

gravity, this explains. So, is gravity real? Well, gravity predicts rates of

acceleration, because it's the distance between the objects mass

close, the rate of acceleration will increase. So therefore, we have 32 feet

per second per second here on earth. The second per second there means that it's

a rate of acceleration, meaning 32 feet in the first second of freefall,

sixty-four feet in the second second, 128 feet... It's a doubling effect until you

reach terminal velocity, based on wind resistance. They use that calculation in

order to project trajectories, to predict what they're going to do with ballistic

objects. That's how tanks hit each other. Okay, they need that rate of acceleration,

and they need it to be constant across all things, regardless of their mass and

density. This is highly important, because this is what we observe in reality. If

it's just mass, density, and buoyancy, that doesn't explain why it's a reasonable

acceleration curve across all things. And the ultimate smoking gun. I'm going to

show you an experiment that was done in a vacuum chamber, chamber. We're gonna

take a bowling ball and a feather. I'm gonna drop them and if, of course, they're

going to fall at the same rate in the same rate of acceleration. But why is

this proof? It's proof because there's nothing in the chamber, no air molecules

trying to get above them because they're less dense than the bowling ball or the

feather. There is no buoyancy and density going

on, because there's nothing else in the chamber except the bowling ball and the

feather. So, I'm going to play that for you now.

Released exactly the same time. Slow-mo video. Now, they're falling quite slowly

now, and it's slow-mo, but please notice they are going to accelerate, and accelerate an

even acceleration curve, regardless of the individual mass, density, weight,

anything. And they land at precisely the same time. Interestingly enough, this can

be seen whenever you fire a bullet and drop a bullet simultaneously. There's a

wonderful Mythbusters video on here that you could take a look at, and I

recommend that highly, and they fall at almost exactly the same rate, despite the

fact one of them being fired, and one of them being dropped. The difference

between the two is because one bullet is spiraling in creating, a turbulent wake

and is generating a little bit of lift, but it's milliseconds folks. Milliseconds

apart, and so it's a faster than one of the frames per second of the video that

I'm taking. That's the difference in the time between the dropped bullet and your fired

bullet, despite the fired bullet traveling a great distance. Newton's laws of gravity

were close... Einstein came along and rectified them, and we use these

principles today. When someone says that gravity is unproven, that's incorrect. It

is proven, because we are able to use these laws in practical applications

every single day, all around the world. Gravity is real, and therefore Flat Earth's

concept has a real problem; it's buoyancy and density are not enough.

The scales tip towards round earth. Until next time, this is Christian Truther,

signing out.

For more infomation >> Christian Truther & The Flat Earth Debate (Part 4)-Gravity, Fact or Fiction? DARE YOU TO FINISH! - Duration: 9:42.


Showtime - Duration: 25:43.

For more infomation >> Showtime - Duration: 25:43.


House Arrest - Duration: 26:12.

For more infomation >> House Arrest - Duration: 26:12.


Morale Victory - Duration: 24:40.

For more infomation >> Morale Victory - Duration: 24:40.


Love Story - Duration: 25:43.

For more infomation >> Love Story - Duration: 25:43.


Bombed - Duration: 26:11.

For more infomation >> Bombed - Duration: 26:11.


Airbus pronta para entregar o primeiro C295W da FAB no início de 2017 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Airbus pronta para entregar o primeiro C295W da FAB no início de 2017 - Duration: 2:31.


Here's why one expert says Virginia is a likely finalist for Amazon's HQ2 - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Here's why one expert says Virginia is a likely finalist for Amazon's HQ2 - Duration: 2:03.


U.N. The Night and the Music - Duration: 24:58.

For more infomation >> U.N. The Night and the Music - Duration: 24:58.


Korean next generation fighter KF-X development, Indonesia get off? - Duration: 6:22.

Korea's next generation fighter KF-X development, is Indonesia coming?

Korea is pushing for the next generation fighter KF-X development project in cooperation with Indonesia by throwing 8.5 trillion won (about $ 7.7 billion).

Indonesia, which is a development partner, will pay about 1.7 trillion won (about $ 1.5 billion), which is about 20%.

However, Indonesia has devoted only 95 billion won and has not devoted 240 billion won since the second half of last year.

It is a clear breach of contract, but the breach of contract is not included at the time of contract.

The Korean side can cancel the contract, but it is necessary to prepare the insufficient funds by oneself.

Indonesia is trying to finance it by talking about the reconsideration of the contribution or the purchase of its own transport aircraft.

The two governments of both Korea and Indonesia announced in September that they promised a one-year re-negotiation when Indonesian President Zoko visited Korea.

However, if the investment in Indonesia declines, there will be delays in the KF-X business and problems with aging F-4 and F-5 fighter jets.

The Korea Defense Agency official pointed out that there is no problem in the development schedule at this time.

Indonesia is slowing down its economic growth rate as the economy recovers due to the effects of the tsunami disaster on the way to the currency due to the impact of the US interest rate hike.

Article Source:

Korea's reaction

It sounds rumored to be an international hog. So, Indonesia?

Do not go with Indonesia. What is it with me who can not make it?

It is a country where everything must be signed and signed. Does it make sense to be tired of not knowing what I know from government agencies?

I have to find a contractor. No matter how much I want to blame the government now,

It is not that I can not develop it because it does not have any money. What is more important than that is what kind of performance gas is pulled out.

The experience of making a trainer makes it

Even though there is money to fly in the air, I can not give up the future food industry of the country because there is no money for one trillion dollars.

If I do not pay for my time, I do not have any money to transfer the technology.

Forget Inti and focus on development.

Defense is a lever that protects our people and the people. Even if we collect the donations, we will be doing KF-X business.

Let's develop. Please do not buy it.

Could it take years to develop?

How do you prepare for the next when you finish the power generation of the 5th generation and the 6th generation in neighboring countries?

Reality and ideals are wrong

Indonesia is a stumbling block to kfx development. Once you finish your development first.

Despite frustration, Indonesia is an advanced country in aircraft. Kai's technology is falling, what should I say? Power and technology are different.

The kid who agreed to the renegotiation is also a nerd.

Let's just develop your own. What is the renegotiation that does not benefit your own country?

It is not contract renegotiation but contract destruction

Comment from:

Editing impressions (Japanese editor's thoughts)

The first thing to think about this is that I do not know too much about Indonesia. It is a complete lack of the Korean side.

It was at the time of the Park Geun-hye regime that the contract was concluded, but the problem was that the perception of the person in charge at that time or the minister's consciousness was high.

Perhaps they were stuck with developing countries in the world, so Indonesia might have been mistaken for the same sense.

Developing countries are developed in various meanings, and each country has various characteristics, so common sense differs from country to country.

Those who know Indonesia are not relieved to say that it is the agenda of the country, but they come in with sufficient caution.

So it is not surprising that very simple things have turned upside down. What happened to the agenda?

In order to prevent such a thing, it is necessary to bind it to the bridle by contract,

Korea itself has always been unquestioning and appropriate.

Indonesia is not a financially affordable country,

Now that the presidential election is in place, the president is desperate for a performance appeal.

The development of the next generation of fighter aircraft is obviously not getting much attention just by watching the Indonesian media.

Indonesia seems to be supplementing the immediate power by buying the F-16 in the US.

How much fascination will there be for the 4.5 generation fighter, which can be built in 2021 and begin production in 2026?

In Indonesia, it can be produced in its own country, so it would be attractive to be able to transfer technology.

However, as some technologies can not be approved by the US, or parts can not be procured,

Maybe it's a nuisance burden.

Korea is also suffering from a variety of difficulties in its own domestic weapons, and this is also a competitiveness that can actually be exported.

Thank you for watching.

I would appreciate your evaluation of the video if you do not mind.

It is fortunate that you can give me a favorable rating, bad value, and no specifications.

In addition, please register in channel if you are ok.

For more infomation >> Korean next generation fighter KF-X development, Indonesia get off? - Duration: 6:22.


Two women vying for Ada County coroner - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Two women vying for Ada County coroner - Duration: 1:25.


IMAGEM: Primeiro Airbus C295W para a Força Aérea Brasileira realiza voo de teste - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> IMAGEM: Primeiro Airbus C295W para a Força Aérea Brasileira realiza voo de teste - Duration: 1:54.


Lt. Radar O'reilly - Duration: 24:44.

For more infomation >> Lt. Radar O'reilly - Duration: 24:44.


Episode 6 - Duration: 46:20.

For more infomation >> Episode 6 - Duration: 46:20.


BRASIL: P-3 Orion da FAB pousa em Salvador após defeito em motor - Duration: 1:30.

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✅ Niepłodność w związku – jak wpływa na relacje partnerów? - Duration: 5:39.

Jak długotrwałe staranie się o dziecko może wpływać na wzajemne relacje partnerów?  To zależy od tego, dlaczego nie mogą począć dziecka

Jeśli przyszli rodzice są przebadani i oboje są zdrowi, ale z jakiegoś powodu nie dochodzi do zapłodnienia, to taka sytuacja nie burzy ich harmonii

Po prostu czekają na dziecko.  Inaczej jest w sytuacji, gdy jedno z partnerów ma problemy zdrowotne, utrudniające zajście w ciążę

Wtedy u tej osoby rodzi się poczucie winy, rozdrażnienie, przewrażliwienie; pojawiają się myśli, że ta druga strona nie będzie tego akceptować

Mogą też powstawać pewne napięcia w związku, mogą zostać zakłócone wzajemne relacje partnerów

Zdarza się to jednak dopiero po kilku miesiącach od stwierdzenia, że są problemy z zajściem w ciążę

To nie jest sprawa kilku dni czy tygodni. Co dzieje się z namiętnością w związku starającym się długotrwale o dziecko?  Jeśli partnerzy od dłuższego czasu starają się o potomstwo, to zaczyna się dziać coś bardzo niedobrego, zwłaszcza w przypadku mężczyzn

Często są przez swoje partnerki traktowani jak reproduktorzy. To nie jest dobra relacja

Mężczyzna postrzega to tak: „jestem reproduktorem, mam być głównie płodnym samcem"

 Seks powinien być wyrazem miłości, więzi, przyjaźni, płodności itd. Jeśli jednak ogranicza się tylko do jednego, jest nastawiony wyłącznie na rodzicielstwo, to u wielu mężczyzn wygasa namiętność

To jest zubożona wizja seksu. Jak starania o dziecko wpływa na libido kobiet?  W przypadku kobiety determinacja, by posiadać dziecko jest tak duża, że dla niej taki seks ukierunkowany (w określonych dniach, mający na celu poczęcie) nie jest problemem

Potrzeba macierzyństwa jest tak silna, że jej to nie przeszkadza. Kobieta myśli: „pojutrze mamy mieć seks, bo wtedy mam dni płodne i mogę zajść w ciążę"

Nastawia się na to, bo ma tę potrzebę macierzyństwa, dla niej jest to OK. Dla mężczyzny natomiast może to być deprymujące, jeśli przez jakiś czas seks ma być tylko celowaniem na zapłodnienie, jeśli nie jest spontaniczny i naturalny, czyli taki, jaki powinien  być

 Oczywiście mówimy tu o niepłodności, gdy przez wiele miesięcy, mimo starań, parze nie udaje się zajść w ciążę, a nie o związku, który na początku nie planuje dziecka, a dopiero po jakimś czasie postanawia mieć potomstwo i nastawia się na seks w fazie płodnej

Jeśli to celowanie na płodność zdarza się raz, drugi, trzeci, to jest w porządku, nie ma wtedy problemu

Natomiast, jeśli to trwa już długo, to u mężczyzn zanika namiętność. Warto wiedzieć: Problem niepłodności – dlaczego warto być optymistą? Jak zacieśniać więzi, dbać o wzajemną bliskość, by długotrwałe starania o dziecko nie sprawiły, że partnerzy zaczną się od siebie odsuwać?  Bardzo ważne jest to, żeby inne relacje między partnerami, takie jak przyjaźń, więź psychiczna, atrakcyjny seks, wspólne spędzanie wolnego czasu, były też udane, cały czas pogłębiane i rozwijane

To są bardzo ważne rzeczy. Jeżeli inne relacje są udane, to wtedy ten problem niespełnionego rodzicielstwa jest pewną dolegliwością, ale nie prowadzi do rozpadu związku

 Znam takich, którzy chcąc się w tym czasie do siebie zbliżyć, pojechali w podróż dookoła świata

Są tacy, którzy więcej uwagi poświęcają seksowi. Niektórzy natomiast prowadzą bujniejsze życie towarzyskie, które dotąd trochę zaniedbywali

Są różne drogi, by te więzi zacieśniać – ważne, by było to coś, co obojgu partnerom sprawia przyjemność i co ma dla nich obojga znaczenie więziotwórcze

Nie ma jednak takich recept ogólnożyciowych" dla wszystkich par, w stylu „róbcie to i to"

Nie, wszystko jest kwestią indywidualną. Jak zniwelować niesłuszne przekonanie i poczucie, że niepłodność jest skazą na męskości/kobiecości i czyni kobietę lub mężczyznę niepełnowartościowymi partnerami?  Osoby, które nie mogą mieć dziecka, mają poczucie winy i są nastawione na to, że druga osoba będzie myślała o nich, jak o kimś „wybrakowanym"

Żeby tego uniknąć, ich partnerzy powinni podkreślać ich zalety, wartości, sukcesy

Trzeba dowartościować te osoby w innej dziedzinie, ale mówiąc o tym wprost, np. „Słuchaj Jasiu, to że nie możesz zostać ojcem, to nie zmniejsza twojej wartości jako człowieka, przyjaciela, męża, kochanka

Bycie ojcem według mnie nie jest twoją najważniejszą rolą. To, że nie możesz być ojcem, nie decyduje o moim postrzeganiu ciebie"

I tak samo w przypadku kobiet. Partner/partnerka musi to usłyszeć wprost. Jeśli powiemy tylko, że jest fantastycznym przyjacielem lub przyjaciółką, z którym się fajnie rozmawia, to odbierze to jako pocieszenie

Polecamy: Czy otyłość może wpływać na niepłodność?  Wywiad pochodzi z magazynu „Płodna Polska" (1/2013)

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