- Hey vlog, how you doin'?
I am back and this is season four because,
hang on, we need to get out here.
Might be a bit bright, the camera will adjust.
(door bangs)
That could have been smoother.
So today we're on our way to a pumpkin patch
to go picking pumpkins.
And it's been a really weird couple of weeks
'cause I've actually had some down time.
I've stopped vlogging,
stopped filming,
stopped working really.
So today I need to bring you up to speed
and tell you what we've been up to,
what's been happening,
what's been changing,
but I feel good.
I feel back on full form.
So let's go.
(uplifting music)
Right, so we have dropped Sasha off
at my dad's, AKA her granddad's,
and now we are off to the pumpkin patch.
It's time for some adult recreational fun.
I don't know how I made that sound
so weird and boring.
(uplifting guitar music)
All right, after what seems like
the busiest three years of our life,
I swear to God,
this feels like officially the first time we've
ever really caught our breath, isn't it?
And had some time off.
So Alice being Alice,
has found a pumpkin patch in Thirsk.
And we are going to do some pumpkin picking.
And we can see the field over there
and it's really exciting.
(uplifting guitar music)
(guitar strums)
- Do you want this one?
- [Lisa] Yep.
(uplifting guitar music)
(wheelbarrow squeaks)
(wheelbarrow clatters)
- This is so fun.
(uplifting guitar music)
- [Alice] That one's massive.
- Really?
- [Alice] Yeah. Trust you.
Woah, you don't expect the camera is that big?
- Do I need to go back?
- [Alice] Woah!
- So this one? Okay.
(upbeat music)
Guys, get out from behind your desk.
Get out into the f***ing field,
and pick a pumpkin,
pick the strawberries and kick the leaves.
This is where you do mindfulness without having
to sit down and think mindfully.
You just do it.
You just do it.
Go somewhere like this.
Thank you, bud. Good call.
(upbeat music)
Do you know I love a word joke?
We're about to go in the Maize maze.
(upbeat music)
- Is it just me that wants to go
♪ green giant ♪
It's in my back pocket.
Thank you Alice for bringing us here.
This is amazing.
Where did you get this idea from?
Country Living magazine? - Never.
- Farmers Weekly?
(lady mumbles)
(upbeat music)
Moment of sheer dread.
We're actually lost in the Maize Maze.
It's not funny but the corn are beautiful.
Look, it looks like my hair (laughs)
(upbeat music)
So it feels like for three really long years
we've been grafting,
working, heads down trying to change our life.
Trying to pay off the debt.
Trying to build a new business.
Trying to learn all these new skills
and honestly,
after the launch of the last course,
something shifted,
something changed.
I hit the major goals that I knew I could hit.
But you know the doubt,
like oh I dunno is this going to work
Is it going to come off?
And then afterwards,
It's like I fell into the abyss
and I immediately thought,
I need more goals,
I need more goals.
And then I thought,
No, Lisa.
You need to stand still for a minute,
You need to catch your breath,
calm yourself down,
take some time off and refuel.
(upbeat music)
You're about to see me turn the pumpkin patch
into a life lesson.
Because I once read that people
who download Google Chrome are more likely
to have a better life.
They're more likely to get more from life
because on most computers,
like Macs for example,
the default browser is Safari.
So if you stick with Safari,
there's nothing wrong with Safari
but there are more options on Google Chrome,
especially if you're a web designer
or a developer.
So to go to the effort
of downloading Google Chrome means in life,
you're willing to go to the effort,
to go the extra mile,
do the extra bit.
And when I was on the pumpkin patch,
I just saw that right at the start
of the pumpkin patch,
literally in the corner when people first come
out with their wheelbarrows,
the pumpkin patch was pretty much empty.
And all that was left
were these like tiny little pumpkins,
a lot of them squished,
a lot of them they could have been eaten by the animals.
There just weren't many left at all.
But if you just went,
literally, an extra 100 meters up and across,
you had the choice of all of the pumpkins
that you could ever imagine,
big ones, small ones, different colors,
huge, big pumpkins.
To me that was obviously went for the adventure
but it just reminded me that in life,
if you take what's available,
if you always go with the default download,
then you're going to have a default download life.
It'll be all right.
There'd be nothing wrong with it
but there's so much abundance
on the other side of effort.
If you just go the extra 100 meters,
the extra mile,
take that extra bit of work,
go through that extra bit of pain
in the beginning,
you're going to get much better choices.
You're going to have a much better life.
So there you go,
pumpkin patch wisdom.
(relaxing music)
So we are back from the pumpkin patch
and we are in one of mine
and Alice's secret favorite places.
This is Mary's Living Room,
aka, my mum.
And when me and Alice were like really broke
a few years ago,
we moved back here for like three months,
was it?
And it was amazing.
We hated the fact that we had to move
in with parents.
That felt awful but Mary had,
like she's got this fire.
She's got this TV that's ridiculous.
These baths,
she had all-she has the best of everything.
It's so, so nice.
'Cause she grew up in a family of six where,
literally, they had nothing.
She won't mind me telling you this.
They each had one pair of nicky nacks.
And then every night my Nanna would wash them
and hang them back out.
And they had like one pair of shoes.
And it was a real treat if they got money
for sweets or something at the sweet shop.
So now my mum literally has the best
of everything.
It's just it's like coming to like a show house
So anyway,
so we've come here 'cause we're going to have like
a little night off,
finish the night off,
We're going to have cups of tea,
watch some TV with my mum, enjoy the fire.
Hi mum.
- [Mum] (mumbles) Sorry.
- I'm just vloggin'. No you're alright.
I will I'm literally going to do it as soon as I finish
this vlog.
- [Alice] Get down Sasha!
- Get the tea off Alice-
- [Mum] Get down! Hey!
- [Alice] Get down Sasha!
- [Mum] Hey!
Get down!
- Can I just tell you something really funny?
I was just painting a scene about how zen this is,
how beautiful it is,
then Sasha jumps on the couch, Mary sees the
sweet wrappers not us,
and then what else
Alice said you spilled your tea mum's
going 'get down get down'
(dog collar shakes)
So I've just been really reflecting and the funny thing
is I'm sorry I'm just going to keep going
there are dogs on me and it's making me think of that
news anchor line, right look show them
what you're doing what's going on
Can you get them for a second while
I just finish this scene?
This is the worst-
- [Alice] Girls!
- (laughs)
- [Alice] Do you have anything left to do?
- I don't know really I'm going to show...
- [Alice] Come on girls
- Ooh who's this little monkey?
- So you've probably seen I've just done
a really big launch of the online cause, and it's huge
and when you do it you're in such a space
of creating content of answering questions
it's really really hyper hyper
activity, and if you know anything about feminine and
masculine activity it's very much masculine activity
drive drive drive drive drive
and then for the last few day's I've just had to
switch off, calm down, get centered, get present.
So I've been going to coffee shops, in time
out do some thinking, do some writing, do some planning,
some journaling, I've been on lots of lovely walks
in the parks, along the beach
I've got back into running, getting back into healthy eating
but that's a slower journey cause one thing that I
learned in this last launch is I haven't quite
managed to balance a successful course launch with
a healthy lifestyle so when it comes round
next year, you know March, April time I'm going
to try and work on doing it in
a healthier way for me.
You know, still get lots of sleep, maybe get some help
build up a bit of a team, eat healthier food
have all of that in, in the house ready in advance so
Anyway, I'm not ready to tell you my goals yet
I might tell them in tomorrow's vlogs but for now
I just want to tell you that after a major launch
or a major success, don't be afraid to take the time
and stop for a few days, a few weeks even
and really reflect on what did I just do?
What have I just achieved?
Who have I become in that process?
Before you start looking to the future like
what's my next goal what do I need to do now,
oh my god I need to keep the momentum going.
No, you need to stop you need to let the engines cool
down, and go back to the question what am
I trying to achieve?
What am I trying to do in the world?
Because it's so easy to keep growing, keep growing,
keep expanding, keep following whatever's coming up for you
instead of getting back on the path and asking
What would it take for me to make a
living doing what I love?
What's the ideal lifestyle I'm looking for and
what do I need to do to build it?
Instead of just chasing, what seems next
what's logical, the next step in the journey
so, just want to bring you up to speed there
you're going to have to tune back in tomorrow on the
vlog and I will start sharing with you what some of
my goals are, they're very exciting but they're still
forming, so I'll give you an outline of them for now,
I'm going to hang out with Alice, Sasha, Betsy, my mum
my dad when he's back, the fire, and the biggest TV
you ever did see.
We're watching a program about criminal profiling.
Ooh I like that kind of stuff.
See you later guys.
(inspirational instrumental)
Oh it's not zoomed in on me there we go
Are you just getting straight in the shot
as I begin filming or?
(lighthearted guitar music)
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