Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 5 2018

ボルボのプレミアムCセグメント相当SUV『XC40 』の出荷がようやく軌道に乗ってきたとのこと。

スポーティグレード「T5 R-DESIGN」以外の グレードを2つ、短時間テストドライブする機会があ った。

合計2時間ほど、高速道路を主体にドライブするという 限定的な試乗であったが、その範囲でファーストイン プレッションをお届けする。

テストドライブしたのはカジュアルプレミアム風味の「 T4 AWD MOMENTUM(モメンタム)」、 および本革シート、プレミアムオーディオなどが標準 で備わる高級志向の「T4 AWD INSCRIP TION(インスクリプション)」の2台。

先だってファーストインプレッションをお届けしたR- DESIGNのT5エンジンが185kW(252p s)/350Nm(35.7kgm)であったのに対 し、今回のT4エンジンは140kW(190ps) /300Nm(30.6kgm)というスペック。

駆動方式はすべてAWD(4×4)で、FWDはいまだ 未試乗である。 試乗エリアは神奈川の臨海地区で、高 速道路が主体。 1名乗車、天候は快晴。 気温は30度 前後。


まずは走行フィール。 テストドライブルートの大半が路 面の良い高速道路であったため、あれこれと試せたわ けではないが、少なくともハイウェイクルーズに関し てはプレミアムセグメントの顧客を十分に満足させる 水準にあるように思われた。

足回りはソフトなのだが、車体にローリング、ピッチン グ、バンピングなどが発生したときの揺り戻しを少な いバウンド回数で止めるセッティングは秀逸で、フラ ット感はとても高い。

試乗車は両グレードともブロンドという白色系のインテ リアとグラストップを持っていたが、その明るく、光 の差し込みも豊かな室内とあいまって、リラクゼーシ ョン感の高さがいかにもボルボという感じであった。

一方、路面の細かい不整を油圧感たっぷりのショックア ブゾーバーやラバーでなめすように吸収する精緻なフ ィールという点では、以前にテストドライブした20 インチホイール装着の「T5 R-DESIGN フ ァーストエディション」に劣る。

もっともこれは、上位の『XC60』を完全に食うほど であったR-DESIGNのほうが良すぎたとも言え る。

カタログモデルの19インチ版R-DESIGNは未試 乗だが、セッティングがファーストエディションと同 じだとすると、固い、柔らかいではなく本質的に高級 な足を求めるカスタマーはR-DESIGNをチョイ スするのがいいと思われた。


ちなみに走行感、快適性、静粛性については、モメンタ ムとインスクリプションは同一であるように感じられ た。

プレミアム、ノンプレミアムを問わず、クルマという商 品は上位グレードのほうが遮音が徹底されていたり乗 り心地が良かったりと差別化しているケースが多いが 、XC40の場合は純粋に内外装の意匠や装備の違い のみでグレード分けがなされているようだった。

インスクリプションのほうにはハーマンカードンオーデ ィオが標準装備。

試聴してみたところ、とくに低域方向に伸びやかな周波 数特性を持っているようで、ジャズ、ニューエイジな どとの相性がとくに良いようだった。

XC60以上にオプション設定されているB&Wサウン ドシステムに比べると中高音の情報量と繊細さ、音場 感などで負けるが、それでもプレミアムクラスのクル マのオーディオとして十分以上にハイファイだと思わ れた。


今回試乗したモデルはいずれもT4エンジン。 T5との 性能差がどのくらいあるかは関心事のひとつだったが 、実際に乗ってみるとその差は結構大きかった。

とくに登り勾配のついた高速道路の流入路では、T5が SUVの重い車体を一気に高速域に持っていくような エネルギー感を持っていたのに対し、T4は普通。

プレミアムセグメントとしての過剰性を求めるならT5 を選んだほうが満足度は高そうだが、日本の速度レン ジではT4でも十分以上の速力を発揮できるだろう。

オンボードコンピュータの燃費計値はモメンタム、イン スクリプションとも14km/リットル台半ばであっ た。

運転支援システム「パイロットアシスト」は素晴らしい 働きをした。 車線認識はラインがかすれ気味のところ も含めてほとんど失探がなく、車線を見る最遠距離を 長く取ったり、風景を見て車線を推測するような技術 が盛り込まれているのではないかと推察された。

能力的にはEセグメントの『V90』とほとんど同一で あろう。

システムの運転も上手く、車線変更時にステアリングの 切り戻しが十分でない状態を作ってやっても、その先 の車線を踏みそうになってからアラートを鳴らして針 路を急に修正するのではなく、ドライバーが微小舵角 で針路を修正するような柔らかさで自然に針路を保つ ように作られていた。

今回のテストドライブでわかったのはこのくらい。 機会 をみてロングドライブでさらにツーリングフィールを 試してみたくなるようなSUVであった。







For more infomation >> 【ボルボ XC40 試乗】 フラット感が高い走行フィール - Duration: 6:33.


Morning Star Candlesticks Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Morning Star Candlesticks Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:11.


E-Type Life перевод субтитры - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> E-Type Life перевод субтитры - Duration: 4:05.


수입차, 10월 2만813대 신규 등록..벤츠 E클래스 1위 탈환 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 수입차, 10월 2만813대 신규 등록..벤츠 E클래스 1위 탈환 - Duration: 4:16.


My social media - IT'S A TOTAL MESS, I KNOW (Eng subs) | #YurikoTiger - Duration: 10:35.

Hello Tigers! Everyone hi, I'm Yuriko Tiger

Welcome back to my channel

Today I'll explain...

How to use my social

That is their function, in which language are they,

where you can find informations

And everything that you want

Halleluja! Ta da!

A lot of people asked me why is Twitter only in japanese?

Why does Facebook ismore updated than Instagram?

Why... Where can I find all the information

Especially some serious people

that perhaps always say

"But there isn't enough information!"

And continues to criticise everything on my site

So I thought

Maybe I should explain how to use my social and how they are available

Because you follow me on YouTube, but actually YouTube

No, I update every week, but yeah

But I don't tell everything

Maybe an event, that I can't announce on YouTube yet, comes out

Or a new photo, or a new cosplay

There are a lot of things that I can't explain in a single YouTube video

So... We have our beautiful summary for the social media

Number one... Instagram

The coolest thing on fashion web lately

One day I'll have too the followers of Ferragni and Fedez


And the last time I was so exited

to have like 200 people who were watching me in a live

So my Instagram is a big mess

And I mean mess because

If you see it, there's selfie, there's stuff... Like

When I started my Instagram there wasn't the stories function

So I put everything in it like a sort of blog

Let's put a photo and write today's experience

Or some comments or hashtag

Now there's make up

No, you have to use hashtag in a certain way

And then.. Ah, yes...Put, copy, link it.. Go, up, down.. Wa Instagram...

All of this things, and now I'm like...

I'm like... How do you use Instagram?

So it's a bit of a mess that I'm trying to fix

So we have Instagram where you can see

the stories, where you can see stuff for 24 hours

If you want to meddle in my business

This is the best social

Good, let's move to the next one... Facebook!

Dear Facebook

You know I have like 80 000 followers, right?

And if I don't put the post in promotion, only a couple hundred people sees it

I'll kill you

Because yeah, now Facebook is cutting ond the views

So absolutely for all socials, especially Facebook

if you don't have the little bell anymore

The little bell that says

"Hey, hey, something is out

Hey, maybe you should watch it b*tch

So if you don't have it on

unfortunatly Facebook doesn't show you the notification anymore, so..

But one thing is sure, I answer on the page

A beautiful thing about Facebook is you can program posts

So a lot of posts are programmed

I don't always go to bed at 5 am

It's programmed to post it at 5 am

so Italy, and Europe, is a little forward

since the followers in this social are mostly from there

And I have my profile which you can easly follow

but I write random things, I share cat videos and other good stuff

There are like, a lot... And all this sort of things


Because there is were all the important things and photos are shared

Then another one we have is... Twitter!

Good, as you may have notice I write on Twitter only in japanese

because it's the most used social in Japan, so.. Sadly

I definitly respond to italians but

even if I try to do it with 2 languages for the japanese it' a little bit complicated

I'm used to write in japanese. So sometimes there's an english tweet

but usually it's for the japanese, so if you want to follow me it's fine

Certainly everything will come out... Maybe the previews

The most recent things come out on Twitter because they're 8 hours ahead

so it takes me a second to update because everyone is awake

Instead if I do it on Facebook everyone are asleep

zero notification, goodbye post

Then I actually have a japanese blog which is Ameblo

Ameblo is a platform that exist practically befor the War

And I'm doing this blog and I share it every

I do it about two or three times a week

And the blog's literal translation are put directly

on the little TR for Patreon, the one for 10 $

So if you want you have all written down there, otherwise you should learn japanese

Of course if it's important I try to write it both on Instagram and Facebook

But, you know, I usually write the same thing

"Today I ate an ice cream. Today there's good weather

I do this, this or that"

Then we have YouTube

Well here, YouTube doesn't need an explenation

Then we have... Patreon

Patreon! Wait I have to do publicity

Patreon, because you with Patreon will have unlimited super pins

that this stupid camera does't focus. Look at the unlimited super pins

that you can only have if you are Patreon Member

A Yuriko Tiger's real official supporter

And then we have our beautiful prints

For the ones that get the regular TR we have prints for

Five! For five. For five

Then we have the bigger ones

for the TR, super cool and great Fuji Film quality

including a little of my drool and my signature

If you want to support me on Patreon, you're always welcome

Patreon, like Instagram or Facebook, is written in three languages

so you can't be wrong

because it's written in three language and luckly there's enough space

Last but not least, my site

My site that changed domain like 250 times

because an american stole the

asking me also 1000$. K now this, I'll burn your house down, a**hole


So it became Yuriko

This site was made by me and a friend, and neither one has studied graphic design

So don't be a pain in the a-

Because it took us so long, we had a lot of trouble

"Ok, let's do it"

And then a lot of mess, a lot of blackmailing

Something like that, or things that weren't good at all

So I said "Let's do it ourselves"

So this site is actually very simple and intuitive

We preferred to rely on something that is more

No, because people don't get it "Where is the home?"

"So is the portfolio a cv?"

So we thought to do it as simple as you see it

It's as simple as you see it

This site was born internationally so

we would like to make it also in italian and japanese

so it has the multilanguage function but it's not available ye

because japanese go to my agency's website, that is "The Twin Planet"

So all the news... Now listen to me! Listen to me now!

All the most important news, every events, every scheduls,

everything you may need to know

because some thing I may not be able to announce

because I have a deadline and contract things that you don't understand

everything on my site. So all the news are going to my website

Additionally my website also has the online function

where you can buy the book, the old Patreon set

sometimes also little accessories

I also have Weibo, the chinese social

because I have some chinese fans who can't acces Twitter or Facebook

My problem is that I would like to write in chinese but

I need a person that would translate the posts, mini posts, from japanese or italian

If you're interested contact me

And apart from this little thing, I used to have Tumblr

That looked like cancer because I didn't understand how it worked

and I saw only flame, flame, flame, flame

so as long as I could share things on Tumblr

it was like "Yes, I'll share it" and I forgot the password and I didn't share it anymore

I used to also have DeviantArt, how good it was

and it has disappeared instead

So yeah, we have finished

Are there any questions? Yes? Write it under this video and I'll answer it as soon as I can

Use the e-mail only for job

If you want to write a message to me don't use the e-mail but the Facebook page instead

If you have just a comment, a photo togheter or a memory

or you want to try to write in japanese, write me on Twitter

If you want to meddle in my things, there's Instagram

If you want to see a silly video like this one, there's youtube

to become a super duper famous youtuber

like a famous youtuber with big boobs, which I have no idea who she is

Good, this is it. I hope I answered your questions

I would like to know what social do you use

Where do you follow me? I want to know. People, now. You

dude, that you are here. Where the hell did you get me?

Did you saw a notification on YouTube? You saw it on Facebook?

Because we need the data to analize fame and world domination

Our social. See you next time! Bye!

See you next time!

If you'r wandering I would actually throw my phone out the window

but I don't do that because socials are important

and everything I learned about technology is 5 years behind

So I'm a stupid that can't manage it all

but one day I will and I will conquer the world


For more infomation >> My social media - IT'S A TOTAL MESS, I KNOW (Eng subs) | #YurikoTiger - Duration: 10:35.





Today we are going to study force vector in 2D

We will solve a numerical of force vector

Here we have to find FR i-e resultant force

the angle from the positive x-axis to Fr

we have to find this theta

so first we must know there magnitudes

we will contruct a parallelogram

Now in triangular form

we can first find this region

so thankyou Don't forget to subscribe and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> FORCE VECTOR IN 2D | E-MECH STATICS [ NUMERICALS ] - Duration: 4:48.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:07.


Bugcrush (2006) legendado - Duration: 34:09.

-- See you. -- See you.

Young, smoking is not allowed here.

I said turn it off. Now

What is your name?

You won an afternoon detention.

How about that?

-- Name? -- Grant

-- Surname

-- "Idiot"

-- Well, Grant "moron" ...

... I see him in his punishment in the room 120 after the seventh period.

And also like me in detention this afternoon, Ben Holcum?

What an idiot.

No. Thank you. The smoking corner is out there.

Thank you.

Hey Ben Holcum ...

... know where the offices? -- Yeah, right inside ...

... you can not miss, is the first floor.

Thank you.

Well ...

... we see ourselves.

I told you. Impossible

Hit you if you know what you think.

Do not know. Do you believe?

Yes, I do. He is not.

Maybe you should start wear lenses.

Had you heard a prayer complete before?

Hello ...

Hello ... -- Hey.

What happened to your arm?

-- What? -- What happened to your arm?

It's my tattoo. It is not yet over.

Okay. I have to go.

So do I.


Do not know.

Media are rare, especially high with the coat.

As if they were addicted to drugs.

-- You think you go in our school? -- Oh God ...

Shannon is the coat. I know him.

So, my mom knows her Mom made.

-- What do you know him?

-- Nothing never really talked.

-- Hey, Who is the other, the bass? -- Boys are boring me.

Also know that I've seen out there. His name is Keith

You think ... -- What?

Did they are sucking each other in the forest while we talk?

Forget it! You need to shoot.

You know, you'll be kicked by a fucking weird if you're not careful.

-- You may also like. -- Chúpamelo.

-- Can not find it attractive? -- Oh, God ...

You're a stalker. It is totally pathetic.

The scares me.

Got a light?

So ... How do you know Shannon and Keith?


They look quite nice.

-- Do you believe? -- In other words, do not even know.

Hey, check this out.

-- What is it? -- It's a bug.

-- Shannon did for me. -- Dalo laps.

-- Do not you like?

Okay, I guess. What is Scarab?

It's just a bug.

How your tattoo?

-- My what? -- Your tattoo.

Yes, it's like my tattoo.

You know it's weird ...

We were talking about you last night.


I, Shannon and Keith.

Why talk about me?

They wanted to know where I knew you.

You should have seen him around.

What you say?

That really did not know you, but you're nice.

Really? Is not We have gone or something.

We should sometime.

So ...

What the hell do you like?

-- What do you mean? -- To be high.

Oh ...

I smoke marijuana. Ecstasy, sometimes ...

All right. We also While we have some rare shit.

How Crystal or something?


Will you come tonight?

Sure. So, no ...

Come on, man!


Do you know these guys, right?


Can you take or what?

Yeah, right. Come on.

-- So, where do you live? -- Me?

Yes, you.

Near the river there.

-- You have a girlfriend? -- No. ..

-- Do you like women? -- Shut up, Keith.

-- Your radio is not working. -- Yes, it's bad.

Mommy and Daddy do not be bought a new one?

Got a job?

Why you're fucking? Let handle.

Your parents will be home?

No. My mother is in Texas divorce.

Not return for awhile.

When you get just keep right Okay?

Keith, do you remember the girl in that cabin?

Her body was so hot. Great tits too.

Dude, you're a fucking pervert.

If I am, ...

-- Ben, do me a favor and stop at the shore? -- If ...

-- Are you okay? -- Yes. I have to pee.

Grant already told you ¿ that he came to live here?


It is a story well fucked.

What happened?

You should ask yourself.

One quickly loses here.

You can run miles and miles and not see any humans.

A boy lost in the woods. He was found two months later.

His stomach was completely devoured.

Shut up, Keith.

What is it?


-- Do not worry, okay? -- Sure.

Come on.

Nice place, huh?

My mother wanted to unpack everything.

That was five weeks.

Take off your jacket, Ben.

-- Health. -- Health.


What about Ben? I thought you liked the Vodka.

-- Yes. -- I know.

I could smell it in your breath this morning.

-- That's pretty strong -- I had a bad day.

Relax, friend. We're just starting out.

Shannon, I saw the bug that you did to Grant. I liked it.

Yes? Thank you.

I also did one for Keith.

I have also one.

Great. What do they mean?

What do they mean ...?

Grant, Do you want to tell you?

I think Ben is very smart. You can understand it.

We're, right, Ben?

I do not know, really.

I really like Ben.

I like the first time told me about when you get here.

You were ...

... you were the first person I knew.

When I lived on the coast with my mom ...

... was always to take as long walks ...

... and behind our house was a forest.

And I ...

well, it was the only place in the I could be alone.

The guy pulled my mom was a fool, I slept on the couch ...

... so I do not want to be in the house

One day I was walking through the woods y. ..

and I realized that I was far away and alone.

He was lying ...

... In the leaves ...

I stared at the sky and trees, and began to masturbate.

When I was about to come to me ...

... I felt like a little bite.

-- Do not hurt right? -- No.

I want to show this. Relax.

I felt this bite on my leg and saw it was a fucking bug biting.

Like a worm or something, this big.

Before you know it was happening my leg fell asleep and scared me ...

I was thinking: 'Shit, this guy is poison! "

"I will die here and nobody is going to find. "

"Let me think about my mom found half naked with a peak outside. "

Luckily I found you.

Anyway ...

I could not do anything because whatever it was was very intense.

And without realizing what it was I was having the best trip of my life.

I realized it came from the bug. That little bug.

And I started thinking: "Shit if I die here is good because ...

... this is the best "

You can not be serious.

Ben, I'm talking totally serious.

The strange thing is that it was still hard. And you know what I did?

What did you do?

-- Suit the worm here. -- It's really enjoyable, Ben.

I hate bugs, but these are worth it.

In the meantime we will to your room and get high for a while.

Come now, Keith.

I do not want to do this.

Do not force him to do nothing you do not want, Ben.

I promise.

I promise.

-- Do not want those things to bite me. -- Nothing will bite you!

You do not have to go if you want. You can stay outside.

I just want to see them.

Come on, you want them displayed.

I just want to see them

Are not you afraid that your mother find?


Just wait a second, okay?

-- Ben, come here. -- No.

Come on.

Come on!

Come on, man!

Where are the bugs?

Them away.

Do not get them out if you do not want.

Hey, take this.

Not to come to you if hold the flashlight.

Grab the flashlight!

Come here, sit down.

-- You okay? -- Yes.

-- Are you cold? -- No.

-- What the fuck fuck you, bring them out of me! -- Just calm down.

Grant, bring them off. Please do not want to do this, please.

-- Relax, Ben! Relax. -- Please stop, please.

Let him control you Just calm down!

Let it control you.

I did not want ...

I do not want that to happen. Please.

Please ... Let him take control ...

Ben, do you do well with this?

You're fine.

Come on, you're fine.


Can you feel it?

Yes? It feels good, right?

-- Do not want to do this, man, I did not want to do this -- I know

I know. All is well.

See? It feels good.

You see this?

It's beautiful.

You should not scare you.

Hey ...

You're right, man.

You see ...

You're fine.

Oh, man ...

This is ... good.

-- This is ... good. -- Are you?

Are you still drive.

-- Dude, this is good -- Are you?

You were so scared ...

Shannon Altira endured.

With Keith took a while.

But at least you ...

... at least you know what you want.



That's what I like about you.

This is what you wanted, right?

You look frightened. Look, I'll show you how.

I already did many times I became tolerant.

I wish I could feel what you are feeling now.

I love these worms. I did all this myself.

You know all books I had to read for this shit?

I really like you, Ben.

Just wanted to share this with someone.

Now I'm drugging and you're lying there ...

... I can now do what I want ...

... I can do what I want.

Hey Grant. How are you?

-- Cool, man. -- Get out ...

Just try it. Seriously.

Benny did not want to play.

I think someone ...

... Need another bug.

-- Where is the other bug? -- Back of her neck.

-- These are many. -- Do you want one?

-- Let us take him first. -- We will shoot it a little.

Look at his face.

What the hell are you looking at you?

-- Hey, what the fuck are you looking at you? -- Oh shit.

It feels good. You're still hard.


Do you feel this?

It feels good, right?

For more infomation >> Bugcrush (2006) legendado - Duration: 34:09.


Где снимается сейчас Карл Уэзерс - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Где снимается сейчас Карл Уэзерс - Duration: 3:36.


Cartoon - I Own the Best Things In My Life to Him | AmoMama - Duration: 2:41.

Young Margaret used to like with her friends

That she had married tom

Only because he was clingy: every morning he met her with a bouquet of flowers

Took her home every evening

And sang her romantic serenades at night

This is why she regrets missing so many opportunities!

Margaret mentioned that she only gave birth because...

...Tom wanted it so much!

Now she can't get a proper night's sleep

During midlife, Margaret complained that Tom bought a house for her

And she always had to clean it

And wasted her time on the rose garden he had planted for her

When Margaret got old, she complained that Ton was constantly falling sick

Because he was so selfish that he wanted everyone's attention to himself

When Margaret was widowed...

...She was afraid of loneliness

And asked her only daughter, Sue, to move in for a while

Sue came around with her son. Tommy...

These flowers are pretty!

Your grandfather planted them...

And cut fresh roses for me every morning

Do you live alone in this house?

Yes, your grandfather bought it for me... he saved up for 10 years!

Is it grandpa's?

Yes, he used to play it... He had a great talent!

I own the best things in my life to Tom!

Share this video and tell us about the ones to you life

For more infomation >> Cartoon - I Own the Best Things In My Life to Him | AmoMama - Duration: 2:41.


Nadeem Raza Sarwar|Ali Shanawar |Ali Jee Haram-e-Imam Hussain a.s Noha Khuwani Live Arbaeen 2018-19 - Duration: 2:01.

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For more infomation >> Nadeem Raza Sarwar|Ali Shanawar |Ali Jee Haram-e-Imam Hussain a.s Noha Khuwani Live Arbaeen 2018-19 - Duration: 2:01.


Preventing and Reversing Damage from Acid Lowering Medications - Duration: 6:56.

Hey, everyone. This is Dr. Ruscio.

Let's discuss how probiotics can help prevent some of the negative effects from PPI or acid-lowering

medication use.

And I'd like to share with you the results of a study that I found very interesting.

I'll put the abstract up here on the screen.

The study entitled "Lactobacillus Versus Placebo for the Prevention of Proton Pump

Inhibitor-Induced Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial."

And essentially the setup of the study was looking at a group of patients who were on

pantoprazole, which is an acid-lowering PPI medication.

And half of those subjects were given a probiotic.

And the other half were given a placebo.

So this is the control group.

And this is the treatment group.

The treatment got the probiotic.

And the placebo group was the control group.

And what they found was the use of a probiotic could prevent the following symptoms: bloating,

flatulence, stool form alterations that were negative, and stool frequency that was negative.

And so this, of course, looks very much like IBS.

And this study then concluded that Lactobacillus supplementation prevents bowel

symptoms onset in patients on long term proton pump inhibitors.

So again, they found that the use of probiotics could prevent symptoms of IBS in those on

acid-lowering medications.

So what may be happening here?

Well, we do know—and I'll put another study up here on the screen.

This is a meta-analysis, so a summary of the available data.

So this is very high level, high quality scientific data.

And this meta-analysis, and I'll quote here, concluded, "Our meta-analysis suggests that

the use of PPIs moderately increases the risk of SIBO thereby highlighting the need for

appropriate prescribing of PPIs."

So we see that lowering acid can increase the risk for bacterial overgrowth.

And the question is, why is this?

Well, when you lower acid, acid helps to kill bacteria.

And so the theory is that when we lower acid too much, part of your natural defense against

bacteria overgrowing is now gone.

And so this opens the door for bacterial overgrowth.

Now, bacterial overgrowth we know can underlie the symptoms of IBS.

Now, estimations vary.

It may be a minority of cases.

It may be a majority of cases.

But we do know there is a connection between bacterial overgrowth (or more namely, small

intestinal bacterial overgrowth, but not limited to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)

and the symptoms of IBS.

So we've shown that acid-lowering medications increase the risk of having small intestinal

bacterial overgrowth.

And we know that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is associated with IBS.

We've also shown in this one study that probiotics can reduce the negative symptoms

that are seen from longer term use of acid-lowering medication.

So this would suggest that probiotics may be able to combat SIBO (or small intestinal

bacterial overgrowth) because if the acid-lower medication increases bacterial overgrowth

and then bacterial overgrowth causes these symptoms, then if we see the use of probiotics

showing a reduction in symptoms, it would like tell us that a probiotics is combating


And that's exactly what we see in another meta-analysis.

I'll put the abstract up here on the screen again.

"Probiotics for Preventing and Treating Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: A Meta-Analysis

and Systematic Review of Current Evidence."

They conclude, "Therefore, the present findings indicated that probiotic supplementation could

effectively decontaminate SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), decrease hydrogen concentrations,

and relieve abdominal pain."

Now, they did not find in this meta-analysis that probiotics can prevent the occurrence

of SIBO.

But they did find that probiotics can treat SIBO.

So what we're seeing here essentially is if you take an acid-lowering medication in

the long term, that may cause bacterial overgrowth.

And probiotics may be able to prevent that.

So that's great.

So what you should do if you're on an acid-lower medication is, one, you should try to find

what the reason for that is.

It could be something like SIBO.

It could be a poor choice in diet.

It could be other imbalances in the flora in your gut.

And that's definitely something important to look into.

And also, use a high quality probiotic because the probiotic may help with many of those


If someone has H. pylori, for example, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth probiotics

have been shown to be helpful for both of those.

And if you want more information in terms of what dietary changes you may be able to

make to help with reflux or GERD or heartburn that may be prompting the need for the PPI

or you'd like a good, specific probiotic protocol outlined, then I'd encourage you

to have a look at Healthy Gut, Healthy You where I elaborate on all this.

But in sum, we're seeing more evidence showing the beneficial role of probiotics.

And regarding PPIs, I think that we can make a case for using PPIs in the short term to

help heal.

Especially if someone has an ulcer, the heal rate has been documented at about 80 to 90%

with the use of PPIs for four to eight weeks.

So for four to eight weeks, I think we can make a case for these.

In this study, they were looking at six months of administrations of PPIs which is probably

not a good idea unless someone really has to be on them because there are other side

effects to contend with.

Here we're seeing evidence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and evidence of formation

of IBS.

So it's important not to look at a PPI and acid-lowering medication as a viable long

term solution but also be open to these in the short term to provide some healing.

And if you're in need of more guidance, please look at the book Healthy Gut, Healthy


It will help walk you through some of these specifics like dietary changes and probiotic

protocols which can be very powerful in helping to remedy some of these underlying causes.

So in any case, this is Dr. Ruscio.

And I hope this information helps you get healthy and get back to your life. Thanks.

For more infomation >> Preventing and Reversing Damage from Acid Lowering Medications - Duration: 6:56.


Busca Fiscalía a la jovencita Angélica Sofía - Duration: 1:18.

    En documento oficial de prensa, la Fiscalía de la Mujer, informó que tras recibir el reporte de desaparición por parte de los familiares activaron la Alerta Amber, por lo que pidieron a la ciudadanía colaboración para poder encontrar a la joven de 15 años de edad

 En el reporte interpuesto ante el agente del Ministerio Público, señala que la menor salió de negocio electrónico, en la calle Miguelitos número 5006 de la colonia Campesina el 03 de noviembre, alrededor de las 16:30 horas y hasta el momento, desconoce su paradero

 La Fiscalía General del Estado, activó los mecanismos de búsqueda e implementó operativo para lograr su pronta localización

 Para cualquier información, favor de comunicarse al número de emergencia 911, Denuncia Anónima 089 o en la plataforma www

For more infomation >> Busca Fiscalía a la jovencita Angélica Sofía - Duration: 1:18.


Mehmetçik Kutlu Zafer / Mehmetcik Blessed Victory - Episode 3 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

We came in this world in order to die for honor, for the homeland, for the flag.

Their bullets cannot cease us to exist.

Remzi's son İsmail. Tokat province.

In heaven.

If the oppressors knew how your breathless bodies will raise cain...

...if they knew how we will take a thousand lives for each one of you...

...they would run like hell.

So many martyrs... you have been avenged.

Seyit's son Turgut. (Town of) Çarşamba.

In heaven.

They will learn my lions.

They will learn that we won't cease to exist.

We won't finish because they say so.

We won't die because they say so.

O, The Ever-Living One!

For more infomation >> Mehmetçik Kutlu Zafer / Mehmetcik Blessed Victory - Episode 3 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


El banquero de Susana Díaz se puso un "sueldazo" ilegal con el apoyo del PSOE - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> El banquero de Susana Díaz se puso un "sueldazo" ilegal con el apoyo del PSOE - Duration: 6:49.


Morning Star Candlesticks Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Morning Star Candlesticks Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:11.


【ボルボ XC40 試乗】 フラット感が高い走行フィール - Duration: 6:33.

ボルボのプレミアムCセグメント相当SUV『XC40 』の出荷がようやく軌道に乗ってきたとのこと。

スポーティグレード「T5 R-DESIGN」以外の グレードを2つ、短時間テストドライブする機会があ った。

合計2時間ほど、高速道路を主体にドライブするという 限定的な試乗であったが、その範囲でファーストイン プレッションをお届けする。

テストドライブしたのはカジュアルプレミアム風味の「 T4 AWD MOMENTUM(モメンタム)」、 および本革シート、プレミアムオーディオなどが標準 で備わる高級志向の「T4 AWD INSCRIP TION(インスクリプション)」の2台。

先だってファーストインプレッションをお届けしたR- DESIGNのT5エンジンが185kW(252p s)/350Nm(35.7kgm)であったのに対 し、今回のT4エンジンは140kW(190ps) /300Nm(30.6kgm)というスペック。

駆動方式はすべてAWD(4×4)で、FWDはいまだ 未試乗である。 試乗エリアは神奈川の臨海地区で、高 速道路が主体。 1名乗車、天候は快晴。 気温は30度 前後。


まずは走行フィール。 テストドライブルートの大半が路 面の良い高速道路であったため、あれこれと試せたわ けではないが、少なくともハイウェイクルーズに関し てはプレミアムセグメントの顧客を十分に満足させる 水準にあるように思われた。

足回りはソフトなのだが、車体にローリング、ピッチン グ、バンピングなどが発生したときの揺り戻しを少な いバウンド回数で止めるセッティングは秀逸で、フラ ット感はとても高い。

試乗車は両グレードともブロンドという白色系のインテ リアとグラストップを持っていたが、その明るく、光 の差し込みも豊かな室内とあいまって、リラクゼーシ ョン感の高さがいかにもボルボという感じであった。

一方、路面の細かい不整を油圧感たっぷりのショックア ブゾーバーやラバーでなめすように吸収する精緻なフ ィールという点では、以前にテストドライブした20 インチホイール装着の「T5 R-DESIGN フ ァーストエディション」に劣る。

もっともこれは、上位の『XC60』を完全に食うほど であったR-DESIGNのほうが良すぎたとも言え る。

カタログモデルの19インチ版R-DESIGNは未試 乗だが、セッティングがファーストエディションと同 じだとすると、固い、柔らかいではなく本質的に高級 な足を求めるカスタマーはR-DESIGNをチョイ スするのがいいと思われた。


ちなみに走行感、快適性、静粛性については、モメンタ ムとインスクリプションは同一であるように感じられ た。

プレミアム、ノンプレミアムを問わず、クルマという商 品は上位グレードのほうが遮音が徹底されていたり乗 り心地が良かったりと差別化しているケースが多いが 、XC40の場合は純粋に内外装の意匠や装備の違い のみでグレード分けがなされているようだった。

インスクリプションのほうにはハーマンカードンオーデ ィオが標準装備。

試聴してみたところ、とくに低域方向に伸びやかな周波 数特性を持っているようで、ジャズ、ニューエイジな どとの相性がとくに良いようだった。

XC60以上にオプション設定されているB&Wサウン ドシステムに比べると中高音の情報量と繊細さ、音場 感などで負けるが、それでもプレミアムクラスのクル マのオーディオとして十分以上にハイファイだと思わ れた。


今回試乗したモデルはいずれもT4エンジン。 T5との 性能差がどのくらいあるかは関心事のひとつだったが 、実際に乗ってみるとその差は結構大きかった。

とくに登り勾配のついた高速道路の流入路では、T5が SUVの重い車体を一気に高速域に持っていくような エネルギー感を持っていたのに対し、T4は普通。

プレミアムセグメントとしての過剰性を求めるならT5 を選んだほうが満足度は高そうだが、日本の速度レン ジではT4でも十分以上の速力を発揮できるだろう。

オンボードコンピュータの燃費計値はモメンタム、イン スクリプションとも14km/リットル台半ばであっ た。

運転支援システム「パイロットアシスト」は素晴らしい 働きをした。 車線認識はラインがかすれ気味のところ も含めてほとんど失探がなく、車線を見る最遠距離を 長く取ったり、風景を見て車線を推測するような技術 が盛り込まれているのではないかと推察された。

能力的にはEセグメントの『V90』とほとんど同一で あろう。

システムの運転も上手く、車線変更時にステアリングの 切り戻しが十分でない状態を作ってやっても、その先 の車線を踏みそうになってからアラートを鳴らして針 路を急に修正するのではなく、ドライバーが微小舵角 で針路を修正するような柔らかさで自然に針路を保つ ように作られていた。

今回のテストドライブでわかったのはこのくらい。 機会 をみてロングドライブでさらにツーリングフィールを 試してみたくなるようなSUVであった。







For more infomation >> 【ボルボ XC40 試乗】 フラット感が高い走行フィール - Duration: 6:33.


Skymee Petalk AI Dog Camera Treat Dispenser,WiFi Remote Pet Camera with Two-Way Audio & Night Vision

For more infomation >> Skymee Petalk AI Dog Camera Treat Dispenser,WiFi Remote Pet Camera with Two-Way Audio & Night Vision


Maxima des Pays-Bas inquiète, de quelle maladie souffre-t-elle ? - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Maxima des Pays-Bas inquiète, de quelle maladie souffre-t-elle ? - Duration: 1:23.


Funny Tema ride on Tractor Sportbike Cross bike Cars BOX FORT GARAGE Pretend Play with toys - Duration: 3:35.

Funny Tema ride on Tractor Sportbike Cross bike Cars BOX FORT GARAGE Pretend Play with toys

For more infomation >> Funny Tema ride on Tractor Sportbike Cross bike Cars BOX FORT GARAGE Pretend Play with toys - Duration: 3:35.


Radio advert - Don't Cut Corners with Gas - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Radio advert - Don't Cut Corners with Gas - Duration: 0:31.


寂悸(Zhang Delan) - 别说如果 Don't say if - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 寂悸(Zhang Delan) - 别说如果 Don't say if - Duration: 5:26.


"禁烟"夫妇新婚生活曝光!罗晋不舍送唐嫣拍戏牵手过马路超甜蜜 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> "禁烟"夫妇新婚生活曝光!罗晋不舍送唐嫣拍戏牵手过马路超甜蜜 - Duration: 2:47.


Why doesn't Arizona observe daylight savings? - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Why doesn't Arizona observe daylight savings? - Duration: 1:58.


बेसन के लड्डू बनाते समय इन 8 बातों का ध्यान रखें । Besan ladoo with Tips and Tricks - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> बेसन के लड्डू बनाते समय इन 8 बातों का ध्यान रखें । Besan ladoo with Tips and Tricks - Duration: 11:01.


Life, Liberty & Levin 11/05/18 1AM | November 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:13.

For more infomation >> Life, Liberty & Levin 11/05/18 1AM | November 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:13.


Bipolar and Self-Harm: Why Do We Self-injure? | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:20.

Hey guys, it's Hannah.

Self-harm when you live with bipolar disorder.

So this is really personal to me

because I struggled with self-harm for a very long time.

And actually, recently, I relapsed

and that was really a struggle for me.

But it's okay. I'm not ashamed.

I'm gonna get over it.

And I'm moving on and learning different coping skills.

But I think it's a great time to talk about this

when you live with bipolar disorder.

This can be done through eating disorders.

And self-harm, such as cutting

and many types of alternatives

that are not healthy for us,

but we still have acted on them.

Why do we do it?

Why did I do it?

You have these constant negative thoughts sometimes.

And your emotions just become so intense and overwhelming

that you're just trying

to find some type of physical way

to express it.

In my experience,

my emotions become so overwhelming

that I almost feel like I have to release it.

Like I feel like I have to find

some way to get these emotions out.

And maybe that sounds crazy to other people

but really that is how it feels

when you live with something like bipolar disorder.

And it's rough.

Like, when I did it,

I felt so bad and ashamed and guilty after.

But, then, I thought to myself-

You know what?

This isn't any benefit to anything.

It's not benefiting me.

It's not benefiting those around me

for me to keep beating myself down

for going through this.

It happened.

And I have to move forward.

I think opening up about it,

which is a big deal for me,

because usually I keep it to myself,

and then learning what I should do

instead of acting on those kind of

negative thoughts that I have about myself

is really important.

And I want to hear your experience with self-harm

as someone living with bipolar disorder.

So please share that below.

And I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> Bipolar and Self-Harm: Why Do We Self-injure? | HealthyPlace - Duration: 2:20.


Yᴏᴜʀ Lᴏᴠᴇ (Exᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ Vᴇʀsɪᴏɴ) - Fᴏʀᴍᴀɴɴ [2018] - Duration: 6:28.

So, this is what your love's - Taught me to do

Taught me not to care - And how to be untrue

Someone told me about the cure

That can give me peace

And that peace is a bliss

That calms down the life in me

I never knew about the beast

That laid deep inside

(of you)

And why your heart turned

From pumping red to cold dark

(due to whom)

Tell me baby - Is it something

That I've done

(to you)

Or you just like

Playing mind games for fun

(with whom)

Time is between us

There's somebody new

And why should I spoil it

By playing your fool

I don't need to know

Another reason why

Blame it on that beast

And your cold cold heart

So, this is what your love's - Taught me to do

Taught me not to care - And how to be untrue

Someone told me about the cure

That can give me peace

And that peace is a bliss

That calms down the life in me

(Tell me)

Why would kill - Something so true

(and new)

It seems you've made - Other plans for us

(it won't do)

You wouldn't let me have - The right to choose

(on my own)

So, there you go - Well, now we'll play the game

(once more)

So, this is what your love's - Taught me to do

Taught me not to care - And how to be untrue

Someone told me about the cure

That can give me peace

And that peace is a bliss

That calms down the life in me

(I feel I'm falling in love - The fear of falling in love)

So, this is what your love's - Taught me to do

(I feel I'm falling in love - The fear of falling in love)

Taught me not to care - And how to be untrue

(I feel I'm falling in love - The fear of falling in love)

Someone told me about the cure - That can give me peace

(I feel I'm falling in love - The fear of falling in love)

And that peace is a bliss

That calms down the life in me

(I feel I'm falling in love)

For more infomation >> Yᴏᴜʀ Lᴏᴠᴇ (Exᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ Vᴇʀsɪᴏɴ) - Fᴏʀᴍᴀɴɴ [2018] - Duration: 6:28.


How Long Is TWD S09E05? When Does The Walking Dead End? | - Duration: 5:11.

How Long Is TWD S09E05? When Does The Walking Dead End? |

Tonight's episode of The Walking Dead has been widely billed as Rick's final episode, and fans aren't very happy about this.

We're still holding out hope that he might survive and the character will just leave the show for awhile, because we don't want to believe they'd really kill such an important character.

(But then again, considering what happened to Carl, it's definitely possible.) As you might expect, tonight's episode will be longer than usual.

But sadly, it's not going to be as long as you're probably hoping.

Tonight's episode is airing from 9 p.m.

Eastern to 10:08 p.m. Eastern.

That means we're getting an extra eight minutes of air time for what has been billed as Rick's final episode. .

That doesn't quite seem fair, does it? The Season 9 premiere was practically movie length, lasting a full 86 minutes and ending at 10:26 p.m.


So we'd expect at least that long for Rick's last episode.

But sadly, we're only getting an extra eight minutes.

Talking Dead will air for an hour immediately after The Walking Dead airs.

This is a game-changing episode.

It's part of the first season since Angela Kang replaced Scott Gimple as the showrunner for the series.

So far, fans have loved Kang's take on The Walking Dead universe.

They are saying that she's capturing what made the show so great in the earlier seasons.

Daryl, for example, has talked more in the last few episodes than he has for multiple seasons now.

So whatever happens with Rick, it's likely that Kang will handle Andrew Lincoln's exit well.

Tonight's episode is called "What Comes After.

" The synopsis reads: "Rick is forced to face the past as he struggles to maintain the safety of the communities and protect the future he and Carl envisioned.

As you could tell in Episode 4, Rick is still struggling with Carl's death and I don't think he's truly allowed himself to grieve.

That's why he might be making some questionable decisions about trying to save that bridge — decisions that ended up getting him impaled on rebar.

The beginning of the season kicked off with an 18-month time jump.

Since then, the communities have been struggling.

Maggie wants Negan dead, and Daryl is determined to support all her decisions.

Daryl is just as loyal to Maggie as he was to Carol, and it's good that she has someone backing her up like that.

But she also has Jesus, who isn't afraid to let her know when he disagrees with her plan.

The Commonwealth is still out there, which is the group that Georgie oversees (at least, that's what fans have been guessing.) Meanwhile, Jadis is working with a group that has a helicopter and takes people labeled "A" or "B" in exchange for goods and supplies.

I've got to wonder if Negan knew about this group.

For more infomation >> How Long Is TWD S09E05? When Does The Walking Dead End? | - Duration: 5:11.


Concierge Collection AllInOne 6pc Air Mattress Bed Set ... - Duration: 29:20.

For more infomation >> Concierge Collection AllInOne 6pc Air Mattress Bed Set ... - Duration: 29:20.


Road to Christmas : How to Watch Online | - Duration: 7:10.

Road to Christmas : How to Watch Online |

Tonight is Hallmark's third Countdown to Christmas movie, called Road to Christmas.

We're so excited to finally be able to enjoy holiday movies again — and they're going to last through Christmas and conclude with a New Year's Eve special movie.

Tonight's movie will definitely get you in the holiday spirit.

The movie stars Jessy Schram, Chad Michael Murray, and Teryl Rothery.

It will air tonight, Sunday, November 4 at 8 p.m.

Eastern/7 p.m.

Central on The Hallmark Channel.

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of the Hallmark Channel on your computer, phone or streaming device via one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.


Hallmark Channel is one of 85 channels included in the main Fubo bundle.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.

Philo TV.

Hallmark Channel is included in Philo's main 43-channel bundle, which is the cheapest among all streaming services if you plan on keeping it long-term.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Philo website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Philo app.

If you can't watch live, Philo also allows you to DVR programs and watch them up to 30 days later.

And even if you forget to DVR something, Philo also comes with a 72-hour rewind feature, which allows you to replay any event that has aired in the last three days.

Sling TV.

Hallmark Channel is included in the "Lifestyle Extra" add-on, which can be added to either the "Sling Orange" or "Sling Blue" base channel packages.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial of any bundle you want, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.

If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.


Hallmark's synopsis for tonight's movie reads: "Los Angeles television producer Maggie Baker (Schram) unwittingly falls for Danny Wise (Murray), the son and former producer of his mother's (Rothery) popular annual Christmas special Julia Wise Lifestyle.

When Maggie's secret plan to reunite Danny and his two brothers with Julia during the live broadcast in Vermont goes awry, Maggie is reminded that above all, it is the love for family and friends that makes the merriest of Christmas.".

This sounds like one of those movies where it may be tough to predict who Maggie ends up with (but I haven't seen the movie yet, so I'm only guessing.) She falls for Danny, but is it possible that one of his brothers might be a better match? Hallmark sometimes throws those switcheroos on us (albeit only sparingly.) I kind of love it when I can't quite predict who the lead will end up with.

(And by the way, I'm still wishing that someone wanted to date the nice mayor from Hallmark's Christmas at Pemberley Manor.).

Encores for tonight's movie will air Nov.

8 at 10 p.m. Eastern, Nov.

10 at 6 p.m., Nov. 18 at 12 p.m., Nov.

20 at 8 a.m., Nov. 23 at 10 p.m., Dec.

2 at 6 p.m., Dec. 5 at 8 p.m., Dec.

15 at 10 p.m., Dec. 20 at 6 p.m., Dec.

25 at 3:30 p.m., and Dec. 30 at 12 p.m.

READ NEXT: Hallmark's complete Countdown to Christmas movie schedule for November.

For more infomation >> Road to Christmas : How to Watch Online | - Duration: 7:10.


VLOG #2: A DAY AT THE PARK ! | Den & Jen - Duration: 8:38.

we're gonna see how this goes no angle just wait are you get a running jump or

you gonna jump okay cuz if you're just gonna jump you're too far but if you're

gonna run in jump these good okay

we should invest a large

yes I wanted to get a discolored one but you can never

hi definitely unwise random people on the golf cart - they're moving we don't

wanna charge editing this vlog am i high enough double chin is showing I'm gonna

take off my slippers I really am I throw up three two one

I can't see ya so Denise talk about our lives Wow low angle and its finest

what's the t Shuster terms in the park more often actually kind of fun so she's

gonna DSLR shout-out to our friend Courtney's DSLR Wow look at her

yah squeeze spin oh my god we should get a footage of you playing on the

playground before we go

To get into the holiday spirit, we temporarily changed our usernames to @dennysenavidad (Dennyse) & @jennnglebells (Jennifer) :)

For more infomation >> VLOG #2: A DAY AT THE PARK ! | Den & Jen - Duration: 8:38.


Mehmetçik Kutlu Zafer / Mehmetcik Blessed Victory - Episode 3 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

We came in this world in order to die for honor, for the homeland, for the flag.

Their bullets cannot cease us to exist.

Remzi's son İsmail. Tokat province.

In heaven.

If the oppressors knew how your breathless bodies will raise cain...

...if they knew how we will take a thousand lives for each one of you...

...they would run like hell.

So many martyrs... you have been avenged.

Seyit's son Turgut. (Town of) Çarşamba.

In heaven.

They will learn my lions.

They will learn that we won't cease to exist.

We won't finish because they say so.

We won't die because they say so.

O, The Ever-Living One!

For more infomation >> Mehmetçik Kutlu Zafer / Mehmetcik Blessed Victory - Episode 3 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola Champions League claim made, Man City fans won't be happy - Duration: 3:07.

 That's the view of pundit Stan Collymore, who believes Guardiola should have led his side to European glory by now

 City are yet to reach a Champions League final despite achieving plenty of domestic success

 Guardiola guided his side to the quarter-finals last season but fellow Premier League side Liverpool dumped City out of the competition

 The Spaniard has won the Champions League as a manager before, twice guiding Barcelona to the title

 Mourinho has also lifted the trophy twice in his career, once with Porto and once with Inter Milan

 He also achieved European success with Manchester United, lifting the Europa League in 2017

 And with the riches City have at their disposal, Collymore believes the former Chelsea boss would have led the Etihad outfit to continental success too

 "Nowadays the big clubs – especially the major names abroad – see the mark of success as winning the Champions League," Collymore wrote for the Mirror

 "And, as much as we love Guardiola's expansive, attacking philosophy and the purity of his football, if he walks away from City after five or six years in charge without winning that crown you wouldn't be able to bracket him with football's elite

 "I suspect that, if they were given similar resources, all the top managers he competes against at home and abroad, including Mourinho, might already have won at least one Champions League if they were in charge at City

 "Bankrolled by Sheikh Mansour, I'd say Guardiola should win the Champions League three times if he stays six years, which is a fair haul

 "That would certainly put him up with the greats of all time. "If not, his halo will slip

" Guardiola recently expressed his doubts over Manchester City's capabilities in Europe

 "Manchester City can't be considered the favourite for Champions League," he said

 "The maximum that the club has done in the competition is a semi-final, I do not know if we are ready to be honest

 "When you believe you can win, then you have to do it."

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola Champions League claim made, Man City fans won't be happy - Duration: 3:07.


Meet Jack Corner - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Meet Jack Corner - Duration: 0:31.





Dance Song | Momo Beats | Nursery Rhymes | Action Songs For Children | Kids Channel Cartoons - Duration: 1:45.

Dance Song - Momo Beats

For more infomation >> Dance Song | Momo Beats | Nursery Rhymes | Action Songs For Children | Kids Channel Cartoons - Duration: 1:45.


[VLOG 161] WHAT I DO AFTER A MAJOR LAUNCH - Duration: 12:47.

- Hey vlog, how you doin'?

I am back and this is season four because,

hang on, we need to get out here.

Might be a bit bright, the camera will adjust.

(door bangs)

That could have been smoother.

So today we're on our way to a pumpkin patch

to go picking pumpkins.

And it's been a really weird couple of weeks

'cause I've actually had some down time.

I've stopped vlogging,

stopped filming,

stopped working really.

So today I need to bring you up to speed

and tell you what we've been up to,

what's been happening,

what's been changing,

but I feel good.

I feel back on full form.

So let's go.

(uplifting music)

Right, so we have dropped Sasha off

at my dad's, AKA her granddad's,

and now we are off to the pumpkin patch.

It's time for some adult recreational fun.


I don't know how I made that sound

so weird and boring.

(uplifting guitar music)

All right, after what seems like

the busiest three years of our life,

I swear to God,

this feels like officially the first time we've

ever really caught our breath, isn't it?

And had some time off.

So Alice being Alice,

has found a pumpkin patch in Thirsk.

And we are going to do some pumpkin picking.

And we can see the field over there

and it's really exciting.

(uplifting guitar music)

(guitar strums)

- Do you want this one?

- [Lisa] Yep.

(uplifting guitar music)

(wheelbarrow squeaks)

(wheelbarrow clatters)

- This is so fun.

(uplifting guitar music)

- [Alice] That one's massive.

- Really?

- [Alice] Yeah. Trust you.

Woah, you don't expect the camera is that big?

- Do I need to go back?

- [Alice] Woah!

- So this one? Okay.

(upbeat music)

Guys, get out from behind your desk.

Get out into the f***ing field,

and pick a pumpkin,

pick the strawberries and kick the leaves.

This is where you do mindfulness without having

to sit down and think mindfully.

You just do it.

You just do it.

Go somewhere like this.

Thank you, bud. Good call.

(upbeat music)

Do you know I love a word joke?

We're about to go in the Maize maze.

(upbeat music)

- Is it just me that wants to go

♪ green giant ♪



It's in my back pocket.

Thank you Alice for bringing us here.

This is amazing.

Where did you get this idea from?

Country Living magazine? - Never.

- Farmers Weekly?

(lady mumbles)

(upbeat music)

Moment of sheer dread.

We're actually lost in the Maize Maze.

It's not funny but the corn are beautiful.


Look, it looks like my hair (laughs)

(upbeat music)

So it feels like for three really long years

we've been grafting,

working, heads down trying to change our life.

Trying to pay off the debt.

Trying to build a new business.

Trying to learn all these new skills

and honestly,

after the launch of the last course,

something shifted,

something changed.

I hit the major goals that I knew I could hit.

But you know the doubt,

like oh I dunno is this going to work

Is it going to come off?

And then afterwards,


It's like I fell into the abyss

and I immediately thought,

I need more goals,

I need more goals.

And then I thought,

No, Lisa.

You need to stand still for a minute,


You need to catch your breath,

calm yourself down,

take some time off and refuel.

(upbeat music)


You're about to see me turn the pumpkin patch

into a life lesson.

Because I once read that people

who download Google Chrome are more likely

to have a better life.

They're more likely to get more from life

because on most computers,

like Macs for example,

the default browser is Safari.

So if you stick with Safari,

there's nothing wrong with Safari

but there are more options on Google Chrome,

especially if you're a web designer

or a developer.

So to go to the effort

of downloading Google Chrome means in life,

you're willing to go to the effort,

to go the extra mile,

do the extra bit.

And when I was on the pumpkin patch,

I just saw that right at the start

of the pumpkin patch,

literally in the corner when people first come

out with their wheelbarrows,

the pumpkin patch was pretty much empty.

And all that was left

were these like tiny little pumpkins,

a lot of them squished,

a lot of them they could have been eaten by the animals.

There just weren't many left at all.

But if you just went,

literally, an extra 100 meters up and across,

you had the choice of all of the pumpkins

that you could ever imagine,

big ones, small ones, different colors,

huge, big pumpkins.

To me that was obviously went for the adventure

but it just reminded me that in life,

if you take what's available,

if you always go with the default download,

then you're going to have a default download life.

It'll be all right.

There'd be nothing wrong with it

but there's so much abundance

on the other side of effort.

If you just go the extra 100 meters,

the extra mile,

take that extra bit of work,

go through that extra bit of pain

in the beginning,

you're going to get much better choices.

You're going to have a much better life.

So there you go,

pumpkin patch wisdom.

(relaxing music)

So we are back from the pumpkin patch

and we are in one of mine

and Alice's secret favorite places.

This is Mary's Living Room,

aka, my mum.

And when me and Alice were like really broke

a few years ago,

we moved back here for like three months,

was it?

And it was amazing.

We hated the fact that we had to move

in with parents.

That felt awful but Mary had,

like she's got this fire.

She's got this TV that's ridiculous.

These baths,

she had all-she has the best of everything.

It's so, so nice.

'Cause she grew up in a family of six where,

literally, they had nothing.

She won't mind me telling you this.

They each had one pair of nicky nacks.

And then every night my Nanna would wash them

and hang them back out.

And they had like one pair of shoes.

And it was a real treat if they got money

for sweets or something at the sweet shop.

So now my mum literally has the best

of everything.

It's just it's like coming to like a show house

So anyway,

so we've come here 'cause we're going to have like

a little night off,

finish the night off,


We're going to have cups of tea,

watch some TV with my mum, enjoy the fire.

Hi mum.

- [Mum] (mumbles) Sorry.

- I'm just vloggin'. No you're alright.


I will I'm literally going to do it as soon as I finish

this vlog.

- [Alice] Get down Sasha!

- Get the tea off Alice-

- [Mum] Get down! Hey!

- [Alice] Get down Sasha!

- [Mum] Hey!

Get down!

- Can I just tell you something really funny?

I was just painting a scene about how zen this is,

how beautiful it is,

then Sasha jumps on the couch, Mary sees the

sweet wrappers not us,

and then what else

Alice said you spilled your tea mum's

going 'get down get down'

(dog collar shakes)

So I've just been really reflecting and the funny thing

is I'm sorry I'm just going to keep going

there are dogs on me and it's making me think of that

news anchor line, right look show them

what you're doing what's going on


Can you get them for a second while

I just finish this scene?

This is the worst-

- [Alice] Girls!

- (laughs)

- [Alice] Do you have anything left to do?

- I don't know really I'm going to show...

- [Alice] Come on girls

- Ooh who's this little monkey?

- So you've probably seen I've just done

a really big launch of the online cause, and it's huge

and when you do it you're in such a space

of creating content of answering questions

it's really really hyper hyper

activity, and if you know anything about feminine and

masculine activity it's very much masculine activity

drive drive drive drive drive

and then for the last few day's I've just had to

switch off, calm down, get centered, get present.

So I've been going to coffee shops, in time

out do some thinking, do some writing, do some planning,

some journaling, I've been on lots of lovely walks

in the parks, along the beach

I've got back into running, getting back into healthy eating

but that's a slower journey cause one thing that I

learned in this last launch is I haven't quite

managed to balance a successful course launch with

a healthy lifestyle so when it comes round

next year, you know March, April time I'm going

to try and work on doing it in

a healthier way for me.

You know, still get lots of sleep, maybe get some help

build up a bit of a team, eat healthier food

have all of that in, in the house ready in advance so

Anyway, I'm not ready to tell you my goals yet

I might tell them in tomorrow's vlogs but for now

I just want to tell you that after a major launch

or a major success, don't be afraid to take the time

and stop for a few days, a few weeks even

and really reflect on what did I just do?

What have I just achieved?

Who have I become in that process?

Before you start looking to the future like

what's my next goal what do I need to do now,

oh my god I need to keep the momentum going.

No, you need to stop you need to let the engines cool

down, and go back to the question what am

I trying to achieve?

What am I trying to do in the world?

Because it's so easy to keep growing, keep growing,

keep expanding, keep following whatever's coming up for you

instead of getting back on the path and asking

What would it take for me to make a

living doing what I love?

What's the ideal lifestyle I'm looking for and

what do I need to do to build it?

Instead of just chasing, what seems next

what's logical, the next step in the journey

so, just want to bring you up to speed there

you're going to have to tune back in tomorrow on the

vlog and I will start sharing with you what some of

my goals are, they're very exciting but they're still

forming, so I'll give you an outline of them for now,

I'm going to hang out with Alice, Sasha, Betsy, my mum

my dad when he's back, the fire, and the biggest TV

you ever did see.

We're watching a program about criminal profiling.

Ooh I like that kind of stuff.

See you later guys.

(inspirational instrumental)

Oh it's not zoomed in on me there we go

Are you just getting straight in the shot

as I begin filming or?

(lighthearted guitar music)

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