-What are you doing? -Nothing.
Get dressed.
Is he still of any use to you alive?
I also heard you run this five-star hotel.
I want you to work for me.
Hey, witch!
What happened today was just the beginning, ma'am.
Why won't you cheat on her?
I'm in love.
Is the dog that's whining here?
I told Circe I wouldn't smuggle any more drugs for her.
What do you want me to do to Emiliano?
Force him to work for us.
You can only stay with your father for a few minutes.
Okay. How are you, Dad?
Are you still in pain?
I'm sorry I made you worry.
Please forgive me.
He can go home after the effects of the drugs wear off.
His home? He has to come home with us.
He can't be on his own now.
That's not just our house. I have to ask first.
I can look after you, Dad.
Diego isn't using his room. He can stay there.
Hey. Frank, it's Salas.
It's been a while.
I hadn't wanted to call after what happened to Eliseo.
Everything was very confusing
and I didn't want us to be linked.
That's why I got a new cell phone number and left Alamos.
I left Sonora.
I understand.
What happened to Eliseo was brutal.
I spoke to my contacts.
The situation is still confusing and messy
even though Gavino's in prison.
The good thing is that Eliseo's brother is still in hiding
and using his fake identity.
Here's the address to your new house in northern New Mexico
just outside the city. Here are the keys.
<i> That's precisely why I called.</i>
<i> Something having to do</i> <i>with his fake identity came up.</i>
What happened?
A small hiccup.
Emiliano Guevara's aunt turned up.
She's looking for him.
It seems she filed a missing person's report in the US.
I need your help.
You work for the FBI, so I thought you could help me
find out if the investigation is going anywhere.
Listen to this, Lola.
"Two US citizens, Camila and Emiliano Guevara,
were identified as suspects after a search
in the motel in Nogales where the shootout took place.
The victim, Victor Garcia,
worked for the Gaona Cartel,
a cartel that works along the US-Sonora border.
Authorities believe this was the settling of a score
among Mexican drug traffickers."
This can't be.
No. Let me see.
Lola, I know you think I'm obsessing,
but please know Emiliano wouldn't do anything like this.
I know!
Maybe I should hire a PI in Mexico,
so he can follow the leads.
That's a good idea.
That's what I'll do.
That's strange.
Dad shouldn't go back to the dump where he currently lives.
He needs us. He's sick.
I know that.
You kept reminding me of it on the way home.
You sound like a broken record.
Dad needs help.
I know he does, and I'm gonna help him.
However, this isn't just my house.
I have to talk to Diego, Fernanda.
Fernanda, what are you doing?
What happened?
Nothing, sweetheart.
I was walking this way and spilled the salsa
I was carrying.
Step around and go to your room.
Please take this to our room.
I'll catch up to you. Read a story in the meantime.
Go on.
What happened?
The Gaona Cartel was here.
The place was a mess when I arrived.
Something... terrible happened.
Are you okay?
-Yes. -Did they hurt you?
-Were you here? -No, they didn't hurt me.
What happened?
Isabel, something...
What happened, Fernanda?
Where's Nico? I want to take him for a walk.
They called me a ------- badass.
Don't you see? You made it!
We're finally gonna make lots of money.
Nana, come celebrate with us!
The 20 candles you lit did the job!
-Circe. -Yeah?
Joselo was here.
Don't you see? She's dead.
He's pissed, and he won't spare her.
---- you.
How could anyone do that to a defenseless animal?
What kind of people are those men?
They said they wouldn't mess with us anymore,
that they wouldn't bother us again.
And you believed it?
Isabel, they are murdering thugs.
You should've seen what they did to the house.
And what they did to that poor dog...
They shot a puppy!
Only the heartless would do something like that.
Where is Felipa?
The celebration didn't last long, Hot Mama.
That's war.
You don't get to celebrate for long.
If you do anything to Felipa, ------------,
I swear I'll make you sweat blood.
Hot Mama, you outdid yourself at the border with that stunt
with the truck and the fake merch, but you know what?
You won't fool me again.
You're angry because I was able to smuggle the merch
even though you killed Brandon
and that now the Colombians are on my side.
If you mess with me, you'll have to take them on.
Oh, I'm so scared of the Colombians!
I don't give a ---- about the Colombians or anyone else.
I can take anyone on!
And even if you had an army of Diegos at your disposal,
you wouldn't win this war.
You took Felipa 'cause Diego helped me, didn't you?
I can picture you two laughing at me after the fact.
Life is like a fire.
It's treacherous.
Well... who's laughing now, Hot Mama?
What do you want? You know Felipa's untouchable.
I know she is.
Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time with her.
What do I want?
Right now?
I don't want your nana to never look at you the same way again.
Circe. What are you going to do?
Call the girls and tell them to get ready.
I need to speak to Augusto too.
Fernanda, thank you.
I know today has been a very difficult day.
There was the incident with Marlene and now this.
Thank you for cleaning up so the kids wouldn't see it.
-Thank you. -Don't mention it.
I'm worried, though.
I'm worried those criminals will come back.
You can't stay here. You have to leave.
Talk to Diego.
Hey... I need to ask you something,
but I don't know if I should after what happened.
Corona was admitted to the hospital.
The doctor says he can't be alone.
I wanted to ask you to stay with the kids,
but I don't know if I should.
Don't worry. I will.
You can count on me. You know that.
What am I going to tell Ricas?
Where's Nico?
You and I have some unfinished business, don't we, witch?
No, no.
It's your fault...
Hold her down!
Because of you, Circe left the cartel and started this mess.
Because you did some card readings
and predicted everyone's ------- future.
The spoon.
The cards didn't tell you this was gonna happen, did they?
An accident?
Yes, honey, an accident.
But... what happened?
Well... he snuck out, sweetie.
He left the house and...
Sometimes drivers don't see
when a puppy is trying to cross the street.
Is Nico dead?
-Yes, honey. -Yes.
No, no! I loved him so much!
I know. I know you did.
These things happen sometimes.
He was my puppy.
I know.
Poor thing.
But you know what?
He's probably in heaven with God right now.
Dogs go to heaven too?
Of course, honey.
Of course they do. All dogs go to heaven.
He's with God and the Virgin now.
They will look after him just as well as you did.
And he'll look after you too.
Isn't this Mom's wedding ring?
Would you send your father to prison?
If you killed my mom,
I don't see why I can't let you rot in prison.
<i> Mateo Corona.</i> <i>Leave a message after the beep.</i>
I'm glad you didn't answer, you bastard.
I don't need you.
Augusto, Jose took Felipa.
How is that possible?
I was with her while you were at the border
and I waited until you called to confirm
the merch had reached the States before I went home.
I didn't ask for your itinerary. I'm asking you to help me.
I'm only saying that it happened after I left.
Where could he have taken her?
No, I don't think so.
If he's in the city, then he took her to Babel.
If that's true, a lot of blood will be shed there today.
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