Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 6 2018



-What are you doing? -Nothing.

Get dressed.

Is he still of any use to you alive?

I also heard you run this five-star hotel.

I want you to work for me.

Hey, witch!




What happened today was just the beginning, ma'am.

Why won't you cheat on her?

I'm in love.

Is the dog that's whining here?


I told Circe I wouldn't smuggle any more drugs for her.

What do you want me to do to Emiliano?

Force him to work for us.


You can only stay with your father for a few minutes.

Okay. How are you, Dad?

Are you still in pain?

I'm sorry I made you worry.

Please forgive me.

He can go home after the effects of the drugs wear off.

His home? He has to come home with us.

He can't be on his own now.

That's not just our house. I have to ask first.

I can look after you, Dad.

Diego isn't using his room. He can stay there.

Hey. Frank, it's Salas.

It's been a while.

I hadn't wanted to call after what happened to Eliseo.

Everything was very confusing

and I didn't want us to be linked.

That's why I got a new cell phone number and left Alamos.

I left Sonora.

I understand.

What happened to Eliseo was brutal.


I spoke to my contacts.

The situation is still confusing and messy

even though Gavino's in prison.

The good thing is that Eliseo's brother is still in hiding

and using his fake identity.

Here's the address to your new house in northern New Mexico

just outside the city. Here are the keys.

<i> That's precisely why I called.</i>

<i> Something having to do</i> <i>with his fake identity came up.</i>

What happened?

A small hiccup.

Emiliano Guevara's aunt turned up.

She's looking for him.

It seems she filed a missing person's report in the US.

I need your help.

You work for the FBI, so I thought you could help me

find out if the investigation is going anywhere.

Listen to this, Lola.

"Two US citizens, Camila and Emiliano Guevara,

were identified as suspects after a search

in the motel in Nogales where the shootout took place.

The victim, Victor Garcia,

worked for the Gaona Cartel,

a cartel that works along the US-Sonora border.

Authorities believe this was the settling of a score

among Mexican drug traffickers."

This can't be.

No. Let me see.

Lola, I know you think I'm obsessing,

but please know Emiliano wouldn't do anything like this.

I know!


Maybe I should hire a PI in Mexico,

so he can follow the leads.

That's a good idea.

That's what I'll do.

That's strange.

Dad shouldn't go back to the dump where he currently lives.

He needs us. He's sick.

I know that.

You kept reminding me of it on the way home.

You sound like a broken record.

Dad needs help.

I know he does, and I'm gonna help him.

However, this isn't just my house.

I have to talk to Diego, Fernanda.

Fernanda, what are you doing?


What happened?

Nothing, sweetheart.

I was walking this way and spilled the salsa

I was carrying.

Step around and go to your room.

Please take this to our room.

I'll catch up to you. Read a story in the meantime.

Go on.

What happened?

The Gaona Cartel was here.


The place was a mess when I arrived.

Something... terrible happened.

Are you okay?

-Yes. -Did they hurt you?

-Were you here? -No, they didn't hurt me.

What happened?

Isabel, something...

What happened, Fernanda?

Where's Nico? I want to take him for a walk.


They called me a ------- badass.

Don't you see? You made it!

We're finally gonna make lots of money.


Nana, come celebrate with us!

The 20 candles you lit did the job!

-Circe. -Yeah?

Joselo was here.



Don't you see? She's dead.

He's pissed, and he won't spare her.

---- you.

How could anyone do that to a defenseless animal?

What kind of people are those men?


They said they wouldn't mess with us anymore,

that they wouldn't bother us again.

And you believed it?

Isabel, they are murdering thugs.

You should've seen what they did to the house.

And what they did to that poor dog...

They shot a puppy!

Only the heartless would do something like that.

Where is Felipa?

The celebration didn't last long, Hot Mama.

That's war.

You don't get to celebrate for long.

If you do anything to Felipa, ------------,

I swear I'll make you sweat blood.

Hot Mama, you outdid yourself at the border with that stunt

with the truck and the fake merch, but you know what?

You won't fool me again.

You're angry because I was able to smuggle the merch

even though you killed Brandon

and that now the Colombians are on my side.

If you mess with me, you'll have to take them on.

Oh, I'm so scared of the Colombians!

I don't give a ---- about the Colombians or anyone else.

I can take anyone on!

And even if you had an army of Diegos at your disposal,

you wouldn't win this war.

You took Felipa 'cause Diego helped me, didn't you?

I can picture you two laughing at me after the fact.

Life is like a fire.

It's treacherous.

Well... who's laughing now, Hot Mama?

What do you want? You know Felipa's untouchable.

I know she is.

Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time with her.

What do I want?

Right now?

I don't want your nana to never look at you the same way again.

Circe. What are you going to do?

Call the girls and tell them to get ready.

I need to speak to Augusto too.

Fernanda, thank you.

I know today has been a very difficult day.

There was the incident with Marlene and now this.

Thank you for cleaning up so the kids wouldn't see it.

-Thank you. -Don't mention it.

I'm worried, though.

I'm worried those criminals will come back.

You can't stay here. You have to leave.

Talk to Diego.

Hey... I need to ask you something,

but I don't know if I should after what happened.


Corona was admitted to the hospital.

The doctor says he can't be alone.

I wanted to ask you to stay with the kids,

but I don't know if I should.

Don't worry. I will.

You can count on me. You know that.

What am I going to tell Ricas?


Where's Nico?

You and I have some unfinished business, don't we, witch?

No, no.


It's your fault...


Hold her down!

Because of you, Circe left the cartel and started this mess.

Because you did some card readings

and predicted everyone's ------- future.

The spoon.


The cards didn't tell you this was gonna happen, did they?

An accident?

Yes, honey, an accident.

But... what happened?

Well... he snuck out, sweetie.

He left the house and...

Sometimes drivers don't see

when a puppy is trying to cross the street.

Is Nico dead?

-Yes, honey. -Yes.

No, no! I loved him so much!

I know. I know you did.

These things happen sometimes.

He was my puppy.

I know.

Poor thing.

But you know what?

He's probably in heaven with God right now.

Dogs go to heaven too?

Of course, honey.

Of course they do. All dogs go to heaven.


He's with God and the Virgin now.

They will look after him just as well as you did.

And he'll look after you too.

Isn't this Mom's wedding ring?

Would you send your father to prison?

If you killed my mom,

I don't see why I can't let you rot in prison.

<i> Mateo Corona.</i> <i>Leave a message after the beep.</i>

I'm glad you didn't answer, you bastard.

I don't need you.

Augusto, Jose took Felipa.

How is that possible?

I was with her while you were at the border

and I waited until you called to confirm

the merch had reached the States before I went home.

I didn't ask for your itinerary. I'm asking you to help me.

I'm only saying that it happened after I left.

Where could he have taken her?


No, I don't think so.

If he's in the city, then he took her to Babel.

If that's true, a lot of blood will be shed there today.


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 39 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:59.


Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 15 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:13.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.



Shoot them! Come on!

What's the ---- is going on?

I need a favor.

If you help me, you'll get Vicenta and your nephew back.

They're storming the house.

What? Who?

The FBI.

Rogelio! No!

I'm going to finish what I started!


I came to make sure you got some rest... forever.

You're under arrest for the murder of Rogelio Antolin.

You'd better kill me.

Otherwise, the last thing you'll see

will be your son's cold, lifeless body.

I don't want to be with you. I'm sorry.

This isn't what I want.

You thought I wouldn't find you, traitor?

Let her go, ------------!


I want to help my mom with her finances.

Aren't you too young for that?

Eyes off my baby!

I'll be watching you.

-What's up with this fool? -He's dead.

And so the story ends...

With your death, Acacio Martinez.


I definitely wasn't born to be a farmer,

and this guy's a vegetable. Look at him.

If you want to escape, it'll cost you.

Everything in life costs money.

It's Sofia.

That bitch killed Bebote like she killed our horses?

Your voice sounds familiar.

Then let's familiarize ourselves with each other.

Are you gonna be my new dad?

That's up to your mom.

Do you take Alberto Fuentes to be your husband?

I have important, sensitive information...

detrimental to your family even.

Morning, sleepyhead.

These little scenes don't faze me.

I admit that I masterminded the murder of Rogelio Antolin.

<i> We've recently discovered</i> <i> that Rooster</i>

<i> is in a relationship</i> <i> with Samantha Peña,</i>

<i> his son's girlfriend.</i>

You leaked those pictures? That wasn't part of the deal.

You're free.

I won't let Almeida die 'cause of a corrupt and absurd system.

You're a really great guy.



Get him off me!

You want everyone to think you did the right thing,

but you're a bastard!

She was my lady!

Hold on.

Felipe, who's Samantha?

What the ---- are you talking about?


My girlfriend. Samantha.

Hey, look.

Sam, are you alright? What's wrong?

Why are you crying?

Is this about Felipe?

What happened to your face?

Oh, sweetie.

I fell down the stairs. I've been distracted lately.

And I was born yesterday.

And falling down the stairs?

That story's been around since before I was a whore.

Who did it?

Look, our job here is to make men happy,

but that doesn't mean we have to let them hit us.

Was it a client?

You need to go to the police.

Say something!

Who did this to you?

Last time you said Hector was strong-arming you.

Did he do it?

Of course he did!

But she won't say anything because she's being threatened.

No man, even if he is a politician,

can do this to my girls.

How's this possible? I've put up with way too much.

You're my girls!

Not you, you're way too old,

but you two could be my daughters.

No man can touch you or take advantage of you.

If that man did this to you, I'll go to the police myself.

Why the hell can't we see Rooster?

I understand that Felipe's being questioned

but you're done with Rooster.

Don't waste your breath, sis.

These bastards are puppets.

You're not going to let him see his wife?

She came all the way here.

My husband's always treated all of you very well.

I know, ma'am.

We're very thankful for everything he did,

but sadly, we have our orders.

From who?

I don't know how you're going to do it,

but you gotta get me in there to talk to Rooster.

Talk to whoever you must.

I'll call the governor.

Sir, what about the pictures of my husband with that girl?

I'm talking to my colleagues

to try to keep that from affecting the case,

but I'm sure the prosecution

will try to use it to further damage Mr. Quintanilla's image.

Alberto, I get that you want to save Almeida,

but resorting to organ traffickers?

Hey, they're not traffickers. It's different.

Alright, so what are they?

Traffickers are criminals.

They kidnap people, steal their organs,

and then sell them on the black market.

But the people we're about to see

give hope to desperate people.

That's all.


<i> Ask for Rafael Valdez.</i> <i> Tell him I sent you.</i>

Vicenta sent you the tip, didn't she?

Sure, who knows the border better than a coyote?

Ex. Ex-coyote.

Look, it's there.

Sis, we're running out of money.

You don't know how expensive Felipe's thing was

and now I'm dealing with Rooster's crap!

-You know what this is costing? -Relax, man.

I'll handle it. I'll get the money.

Who I am worried about is Sofia.

Now there's a real criminal, and she's out there.

Owl, may he rest in peace,

was selling each gold ingot for $400,000.

You can have them for $350,000.

You're a fast learner. Congrats.

Where's the ringmaster though?

I came to talk to him, not to his clowns or his freaks.

Why don't you bring two tequilas

and then let the men talk business.

The boss... left me in charge.

Take it or leave it.


So the rumors are true.

Teca's dead and you're selling off what he left,

using his name as a front.

I have another business proposition.

How about I buy this ingot between your legs?

Let me go, ------------. Let go.

What do you say?

Let go!

No one's going to buy Teca's gold from you.

There are codes that can't be broken.

But what would you know about that?


This bitch won't tell her man to shoot.

Am I right?

Get out.

Let's go!

I'm going to make that Vicenta Acero whore pay for everything.

Mr. Fuentes, the heart you need for your patient

will be available this time tomorrow.

I'll be expecting you.


Yes, sir.

-Thank you. -I'm at your service.

Thanks a lot.

See you tomorrow, same time.

Yes, sir.


You're welcome.

Did you hear? Tomorrow.

Hey, you know I'm always supportive,

but I'm not so sure about this.

If that's the case, then don't even talk to me.

Almeida's heart is my responsibility.

Will you come with me tomorrow?

Sure, but it'll cost you and you know what I want.

You're the only man I need in my life.





You need to get revenge on the Aceros.

Especially on that whore Vicenta.

Boss... how do I do it?

Her son, Sofia.

The boy is the key.


I'll get him.

I'll make Vicenta pay for everything.


Hey, I need to sign my daughter's adoption papers.


Tomorrow then.

Alright. Thanks.

Let me see?


You look like a snowman.

Did you like the ice cream, Mom?

No, it tastes like medicine. It's making my tummy ache.

Mom, you've barely eaten anything.


What about this big belly of mine?

And yours?

Have some, Mommy! Here!

Come here. Nice.

Mom, are we done playing with the bad guys?

No, sweetie.

But I promise I'll try my best to win it.

And I promise you can ride Lucky again

as soon as you're better.

-Sound good? -Sounds good.

Here. Have some.

No, you have some. It's melting.


Right on.

Eat more.

I want you to stay with the boss at all times.

Don't leave his side.

If anything weird happens, call me.


Brutus is not one of us anymore.

If he shows up, don't let him in.

Kill him. Got it?

Now I have to do something the boss asked me to do last night.

Last night?

I have to do it.

The boss is in a coma.

Mom, don't forget my cotton candy.

I won't. I'm gonna go buy it.

I'm going to buy it now.

Danielito, sweetie?


Sir, there was a young boy sitting over there.

What do you mean you didn't see him?


Daniel, Daniel!

Ma'am, have you seen a young boy

with a lion painted on his face.

He was over there.

He's got light hair and he's about this tall.




For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 15 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:13.


¡¿Secuestraron a la Dra Polo?! | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 42:08.

For more infomation >> ¡¿Secuestraron a la Dra Polo?! | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 42:08.


La Sultana | Capítulo 06 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:52.


She knows not what she does.

If she tries to escape again

or if anything bad happens to her,

I will behead you.

He doesn't love me.

If you are afraid, love provides the stronget protection.

There is no happiness in our future, only sadness.

We have a common enemy... Safiye Sultan.

If we combine your energy and my ingenuity and bravery,

no one could stand against us.

You are coming with me.



Do not fear.

I had you awoken merely so that I could see you.

But you are upset with me.

I cannot lie to you.

The city of Istanbul,

also known as Constantinople,

is the most beautiful city in the world.

We could go out into the city, Nasia.

If you were to get to know it,


I am certain you would be enchanted.

This city shall be yours, this palace your home.

And you?

What makes you happy?

You do not know happiness, I can see it in your eyes.

Times have changed, Nasia.

I am the sultan now.

Everything you see and everything you don't

belongs to me.

I am yours too, am I not?

Do I belong to you, like a slave?

Have I hurt you?

Have I mistreated you?

You are not the reason for my despair.

You are a good person...

and many young women here wait for you.

What matters is who I want.

I want only you, Nasia. Only you.

Your eyes are the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

You are my sultana,

my most precious sultana.

You are my beautiful rose in this oasis of weeds.


We have been expecting you.

Welcome, Mustafa Aga.

Thank you.

From now on, I shall be referred to as Hagi Aga.

I made the pilgrimage.

I am a new man.

I am still Bulbul Aga.

A pleasure to see you again, Hagi Aga.

I have heard things are not well here.

It is evident there is much to do.

That is why I have returned.

Best wishes.

How can it not be here, Pasha?

How have you not brought the treasure?

Because of the pirate menace, Your Majesty.

As you know, the amount is substantial:

100,000 gold pieces, 12 times over.

What pirates?

What menace are you referring to?

I only respond to His Majesty's questions, Dervish Aga.

Answer his question.

The Mediterranean Sea is infested with pirates, Majesty.

They attack every vessel they see.

That is why I made the decision

to transport the treasure by land, Majesty.

The soldiers await their payment, Pasha!

They almost broke down the palace doors!

I made them a promise, do you understand?

How can I deny them now?

They will think I have deceived them!

We must have been destined to meet like this.

You have brought all the beauty of Egypt to me.

If I could, I would bring you the stars, Your Highness.

I have always prayed for you.

Thanks to Allah, your Hagi shall always see you

as the Valide Sultan.


You do not know the difficulties

wrought upon us since Ahmed ascended to the throne.

We overcame them all.

All that remains is to pay the soldiers,

and you have brought treasures from Egypt, praise Allah.

Your Highness, unfortunately...

the treasure from Egypt

did not come with me.

Attention! Safiye Sultan.

You left and returned with honor, Yavuz Ali Pasha.

You have once again proven your loyalty.

Tell me, what do you desire?

I can think of nothing more

than the appreciation of our beloved Valide Sultan.

I shall keep the Egyptian treasure outside of the capital

for a few days.

I shall bring it when you desire.


Kasim Pasha, does Valide Sultan have the officers' loyalty?

Do not worry, Majesty.

The Sipahi and Janissary are loyal to you.

Were you to order it, they would die without hesitation.

If they do not receive payment, they will flow like the river

and leave everything in their wake destroyed, Your Highness.

There is only one with the power to stop them,

and that is you, Sultana.

His Majesty will finally understand.

Allah willing. That is what we expect.

Be not careless, for tomorrow the flames will rise,

but we decide who gets burned...

and who shall be saved.

That is correct, Your Majesty.

I advised Yavuz Ali Pasha

that we bring the treasure ourselves,

but he did not listen.

It appears Yavuz Ali Pasha

remains under the influence of Safiye Sultan,

as do other Pashas.

Pasha, you wrote a letter in which you stated

you had doubts regarding my father's death.

Have you any proof?

No, Your Majesty, but I am familiar with the illness,

and it is not fatal.

In my opinion, the chief physician is involved.

Dervish, seek out the chief physician.

Do we not have more important matters before us?

There is a meeting tomorrow for disbursement of payment...

and we need those soldiers on our side.

Your Majesty, I can visit the Janissary barracks if you wish.

I shall first speak to the officers.

We shall go together, in the afternoon, Dervish.

I want some fresh air. I need it.

I can feel your heartbeat

and see how frightened you are.

He cannot go and face those furious soldiers, Dervish.

Please, you must do something.

Worry not.

The Janissary did not start the trouble.

The Sipahi did.

We are surrounded by vipers.

They attempt to ambush my son.

You must smile, my Sultana.

Hide your emotions, lest they be interpreted as weakness.

And never forget that while they have a plan,

I have one as well.

From the beginning.

Your presence is a salve that fills me with strength.

Dervish is a smart man, and very courageous.

Greek beauties have fought for him, Your Highness.

He has broken many a heart.

He has a very attractive personality.

Just look at him.

He obviously has the Sultan and his mother

in the palm of his hand.

Mistress Cenneta.

It is pronounced Cennet.

Cennet is my name.


It means heaven. Understand?

I understand.

-Heaven? -Uh-huh.

How convenient for you.

There's an expression.

Storms also originate from the heavens.

Did you understand that, child?

I wrote this to my family. Please send it.

At least you said please.

It appears I have become your carrier pigeon.

Welcome, Your Majesty.

You smile upon us with your visit to our camp.

I have wanted to come for a long time.

Allah willing, I shall come more often.


Forgive us, Your Majesty.

We were not informed of your visit

and could not provide you the proper welcome.

I purposely came without informing you beforehand.

It is important.


The Grand Vizier just returned from Egypt.

There shall be peace

after the distribution of payment, Your Majesty.

He has returned without the treasure.

It shall take longer to arrive.

Given the pirates cruising the Mediterranean,

he took security precautions.

However, payment will be given out tomorrow.

There is no need for concern.

This is the time to show your loyalty, Agas.

The soldiers will know their place and will be loyal.


I'm going to kill you.

Behave yourself, fool!

You are in the presence of His Majesty!

You fought well, recruit.

Ready the combat arena.

I shall train with the recruits.

For more infomation >> La Sultana | Capítulo 06 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:52.


Rihanna & Axl Rose Slam President Trump For Using Their Music At Rallies - Duration: 5:27.

Hé lions, what's up

President Trump Slammed by Rihanna

and Axl Rose for Using Their Music At Rallies

First of all

shout out to Jade Mahogany

Her new music video is available in the music corner

at lionsground.com

Lions Ground supports indie artists

and they get free publicity

add a link in the video description below

If you want to send your music

You can do that

But remember

for independent artists only

It will happen to you

An artist does not want you to play

their music for political reasons

Which I can understand because I'm not a Trump fan.

However, This happened exactly with Donald Trump

Rihanna prohibits Trump for playing her music at political events

In a video during one of his rallies

rallies you hear the song "Don't Stop The Music"

while Trump is exiting his plane

Rihanna is not amused

and immediately drew a red line

and writes clear language on Twitter

She clearly states

that she and her people don't support Trump

Trump's also opted for Aerosmith's "Dream On"

and "Livin 'on the Edge"

Steven Tyler of Aerosmith

points to the Lanham Act

Trump would give a false impression that artists support him

Axl Rose talks about the unauthorized use of their music

and should not be used in Trump events

Other artists prohibit that their music is being played

at political events

artists such as Neil Young and Adele

Well, the question is. Can Trump play music or not?

Who is right and who is wrong?

It is understandable

that artists don't want to give the impression

that they support a certain political party

in this case, Donald Trump

But morality is not written in the law

and is absolutely not the law

When you play music in public

than we talk about music performance

Royalties must be paid

that eventually ends up with the artist

they, the organizations, talk or refer to members

The payouts are made by organizations such as


or BMI

and Rihanna is an ASCAP member

This means she receive money from them

This means that she or her spokesperson

has agreed that all "music users" can play their music

regardless of the nature of the location or event

This can be at the butcher

but also during political events

If you like it or not

Then Steven Tyler of Aerosmith

He refers to the Lanham Act

which prohibits any false designation

or misleading description

or representation of fact

Because Donald Trump plays music

and nothing more

there is no question of deception

If you say something you have to prove it

Playing music is not proof

that people are misled

that the performer of the song supports Trump


However, it has also become apparent

that there is no evidence

that Trump claims in words or in written

that artists support him

Music is used in politics

to bring a certain message

a statement

Take for example "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen

So conclusion

The artists are required

to stop blocking Trump's music choice

as long as the royalties are being paid

By prohibiting Trump we're talking about favoritism

There is also something called political freedom

a concept that protects us against

freedom from oppression

Beware, dislike is not equal to forbidding someone

But an artist can express himself or herself about this

Expressing something is not the same as forbidding something

And for that reason

Donald Trump can play music in public

without any oppression

With this

I prove people wrong I'm anti-trump

I am not left

not right

but straightforward

Before I forget

share this video to support my work

If you're new to Lions Ground

hit the red subscibe button

followed up with the grey bell icon

If you don't

you miss the whole thing

I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Rihanna & Axl Rose Slam President Trump For Using Their Music At Rallies - Duration: 5:27.


Còn ống động mạch (PDA) - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Còn ống động mạch (PDA) - Duration: 5:49.


Johnny , un nouveau mensonge révélé : ce coup de main à un proche qu'il cachait à Laeticia - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Johnny , un nouveau mensonge révélé : ce coup de main à un proche qu'il cachait à Laeticia - Duration: 3:15.


Intentan ejecutarlo de cuatro disparos en La Minita - Duration: 1:34.

    Elementos policiacos fueron movilizados en la calle Mina La India y casi Plan de Ayala, tras recibir el reporte de persona con heridas de bala

 En el interior de domicilio, encontraron a la persona baleada así como como casquillos percutidos del calibre 9 milímetros

 De acuerdo a la versión prelminar, el responsable realizó cuatro detonaciones y posteriormente huyó de la zona

 Agentes de la Policía Municipal custodiaron el lugar mientras que paramédicos de Cruz Roja atendieron a la persona lesionada

 Agentes de la Fiscalía aseguraron la escena para recabar evidencias e iniciar con las investigaciones


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Le prince William : les signes qui prouvent qu'il sera un bon roi -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:06.

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Meghan Markle et le prince Charles : pourquoi ils s'entendent si bien -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:56.

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Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) Emma purposely sabotaged her sister's relationship.... - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) Emma purposely sabotaged her sister's relationship.... - Duration: 7:45.


Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) - Duration: 5:33.

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劉寶傑掰了《關鍵》?她代打收視出爐 - Duration: 3:13.

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spell for husband love || Powerful Wazifa For Husband Love - Shohar Ko Kabu Karne ka Amal Urdu Hindi - Duration: 5:52.

Plz Subccribe My Channle

For more infomation >> spell for husband love || Powerful Wazifa For Husband Love - Shohar Ko Kabu Karne ka Amal Urdu Hindi - Duration: 5:52.


골관절염 퇴치를위한 자연 요법 - Duration: 4:25.

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Лови Дзен 2 Ваш выбор Сделай свой выбор Вика Самойлова Честный обзор Простой заработок 2018 - Duration: 10:42.

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Trip to Kamakura - Sasuke Inari Jinja | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Trip to Kamakura - Sasuke Inari Jinja | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 5:13.


Честный обзор Деньги из Вконтакте тайный метод заработка на 2018 Игорь Алимов Как можно зарабатывать - Duration: 9:12.

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Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection luxe uitv.+panoramadak,clima,navi.74000km. - Duration: 1:11.

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Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 220 CDI Lease Edition - Duration: 1:13.

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Ford Fiesta 1.25 Limited 5drs nieuwstaat + airco + garantie! - Duration: 1:10.

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Peugeot 208 1.4HDI STYLE 5drs nieuwstaat + airco + garantie! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4HDI STYLE 5drs nieuwstaat + airco + garantie! - Duration: 0:56.


If You Love in life you can be Successful by Napoleon Hill - Duration: 9:47.

think and grow rich in hindi & urdu dosto aj ki video ka hamra topic

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.think and grow rich in hindi & urdu by napoleon hill dosto is videos series main

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rich in hindi urdu me lanay ka maksad ap logo ki zindage me change lana ha.

is say apko andaza ho jaye ga k ak insan kasay apni soch kay sath

apni life-changing la sakta ha or apny apko dolat mand bana sakata ha.think and grow rich

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napoleon hill kay mutabik insan zindage me asane say successfull

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ha agar uskay khyalat positive hun

or apni zindage ko asane say badal sakta ha.

For more infomation >> If You Love in life you can be Successful by Napoleon Hill - Duration: 9:47.


Why I've switched to Ornatrix for Maya. Demonstration of Viewport 2.0 and HairPhysicalShader - Duration: 6:05.

Hello everyone!

With you - Krivulya Andrew Charly and today we will talk about my Ornatrix Workflow.

About creating braids, rendering in 3dsmax and Maya.

Talk about why I switched to Maya and how to export the hair to 3ds max from it.

For the lesson you will need a BraidMaker script, which you can buy by clicking on the link.

on my blog at Material4Tuts.

After Clicking on the link you open gumroad akashCGI

and here you can purchase this script.

In the same place you will find - video with features and the instruction of installation in Maya.

If you don't have Ornatrix Maya, then you You can download a demo version

to get acquainted with the possibilities of plug-in - on the official site.

As I remember it is a full version, but it hasn't the ability to save the scene.

After you have installed the BraidMaker script according to the instructions, go to the "Windows" menu ->

Settings / Preferences

And select the plugin manager to enable it.

In the list that appears - you will see two BraidMaker scripts.

One of which may not be turned on, since it is a simple source script.

and the author himself warns about it.

Then go to the Script Editor.

Choose File -> Open Script

And open the BraidMaker file.

Select the all script data that appeared at the bottom of the Script Editor

and drag to the Shelf in the Custom category with holded MMB.

Then - you can open BraidMaker by using a special icon

which will appear on the shelf.

So, before I begin the story of my Ornatrix Workflow - I would like to tell you about

why did I still switch to Ornatrix for Maya.

And many of you asked the question: "Why am I even rendering in the Corona Renderer for 3ds max -

I do my hair in Maya first, and then do export them for rendering? "

Firstly - in Maya is awesome Viewport 2.0.

To show "What is it's coolness?" - I will choose the standard Ornatrix preset ...

I will remove some guides.

Comb them out.

Add a few guides to close all gaps - which are clearly visible.

By the way, in the new version of Ornatrix - you can already draw guides, but we'll talk about that later.

Since I recorded this part of the video -, when this opportunity wasn't work.

I just want to warn you that I won't explicitly disassemble each modifier in detail,

since all this is already possible see - in the lessons for 3ds max.

After all, Ornatrix in Maya is similar to the version for it. and all modifiers work on the same principle.

That is, "3dsmaxers" can very easy go to the Maya version.

This is just the second point that motivated me to switch to it - without any difficulties.

But Ornatrix for Maya, is currently cooler and all new features appear first in it,

and then in the 3ds max version.

At the moment - this is Ornatrix 6 Beta.

So - back to Viewport 2.0.

When you groom this hair in Edit Guides in some way.

Then go to HairFromGuides, set it up a bit and what do we see?

Without a render, you can calmly watch, what you do - right in Viewport

thanks to a special shader for hair.

It has an anisotropic highlight correctly configured and in most cases, if you have a powerful videocard -

You don't need to do a bunch of pre-render, to look at the result.

That is, turning on AO, Antialiasing and continuing to hair styling with different modifiers -

You will see the result in Viewport, which is enough - to understand what you are doing.

Moreover, you can add standard light sources and see the result with lighting.

A little bit to groom the hair and then with moving the light source - you will see

how hair reacts to it.

You can even customize this shader a little bit and get some other result.

This is very convenient and in 3ds max - there is still no such thing.

Let's open it for comparison ...

With you was - Krivulya Andrew Charly

Press 👍 if you like this video.

Subscribe to the channel - so as not to miss the new releases,

and turn on the bell next to the subscription - for notifications.

and of course - share this tutorial through the share button

Peace for everyone!

For more infomation >> Why I've switched to Ornatrix for Maya. Demonstration of Viewport 2.0 and HairPhysicalShader - Duration: 6:05.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Terra 7p. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Terra 7p. - Duration: 1:06.


惟妙惟肖!恰如其分!菲律賓總統的回答亮翻全場,台灣記者啞口無言 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 惟妙惟肖!恰如其分!菲律賓總統的回答亮翻全場,台灣記者啞口無言 - Duration: 2:55.


今生最美的缘分在哪里?聆听塔罗的指引 - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 今生最美的缘分在哪里?聆听塔罗的指引 - Duration: 3:55.


Vera's Journey Episode 2: The Surgery | MED-EL - Duration: 8:10.

Here I am at the cochlear implant center in Bradford.

It has been the final appointment here before I have the operation next month

to have the implant fitted.

The assessment involves three parts.

The patient sees the audiology team,

they see the rehabilitation team and they see the consultants.

The rehab team look at the patient's communication skills

and manage their expectations of a cochlear implant.

Whereas a consultant checks that they are medically fit and organizes and assesses the scans.

The audiology team, so my role, would be to do the patient history.

We do some middle ear tests.

We look at the patient's hearing thresholds, and then we assess their ability to understand speech

So we finished the assessments and we're good to go.

We've got a few weeks before we go ahead and do the operation.


The incision is going to be behind your ear.

It usually takes about two hours. - Okay.

So basically the plan will be to keep you in for one night

and then all being well, home in the afternoon.

I need to mention a few complications, risks. - Yeah.

Any major ear operation you go near the nerve that moves the face, but it's a really rare risk.

You can get a funny taste on your tongue

Depends on the position of this little nerve.

But that can occur.

It usually settles down over a period of months.

So it is very rare that it is a long-term problem. - Right.

Other complications are tinnitus.

Now do you get tinnitus, get noise in the ears? - Yeah.

As a general rule a cochlear implant can help that. - Alright.

But we have a few patients, you occasionally see it, where tinnitus can get worse. - Right.

But that is not common.

Balance is another thing that we need to talk about

because the organ of balance and the cochlea, the organ of hearing, are all related.

So it isn't unusual for people to have some balance problems

and be a bit unsteady after the operation.

And again that is usually a temporary thing

that settles down often within a few days or a week or so.

I am sorry about this long list of complications we have to go through

but that's the way it is.

And the other thing to mention is that these are electronic devices.

They are very reliable and well made.

However, occasionally they can fail.

So if that occurs we have to then get you back in and replace them. - Yeah.

I think that is most of what I would say in terms of complications.

After the operation you go home the following day.

And then we just leave things for a few weeks to settle down

Right. This is a consent form. - Okay.

You need to sign. It is talking about putting in a right cochlear implant.

Yeah. - To give you access to sound.

Yeah. - Those are the complications that I've mentioned to you.

That is just saying you have been given lots of information from the team here.

You need to sign there if you are happy to go ahead.

Your general is health good.

Basically, that is it now and I will see you 12:00, 12:30 on the ward.

So if there are any last-minute questions,

I can ask your then? - You can ask me then.

Yeah, the plan will be to get you home, bandage off the next morning,

x-ray, home the following afternoon.

Jolly good.

Any final questions? Does that all makes sense?

That's fine, thanks. - Good. I'll see you in a few weeks, okay?

- Okay.

I come in to have the operation in just over a month's time.

And then I am expecting, hoping that the cochlear implant

will be switched on sometime in December sometime before Christmas.

Coming up to the operation now it is only a couple of days away.

For the first time I have started to feel a bit nervous about it,

not in a major sense.

You know for a long time it was happening in the future.

And it was like, oh great I am having this operation

and now it is "Oh, I am having an operation on Thursday".

You inevitably start to feel a little bit nervous about it, that's all.


Are you wanting to ... - Roger Pen.

Expectant and hopeful and nervous, all at the same time.

Are you receiving me? - I am.


We are off.

I am looking forward to hearing my husband

in a natural way not in a strained way.

You know, he repeats things three times, rephrases them sort of way.

I'm looking forward to

chatting with more than one friend at once.

That will be good

I'm looking forward to

I'm looking forward to being me again.

This past year being me has sort of trickled away.

And I have become so dominated by not hearing things.

And I have lost so much confidence as a result of that.

I am looking forward to getting back to the person that I used to be.

There wasn't that much hesitation in me,

in fact to be honest, I don't think there was any hesitation in me.

It was if, okay, if that is it with hearing aids then I will go for an implant.

So I was just so relieved this year when they said that I now met the threshold

that I was eligible to have the implant.

There was no hesitation at all.

It was just okay.

This is, you know, an amazing opportunity.

The plan is to insert a SYNCHRONY and a FLEX 28 electrode.

We want to use an electrode, a very well designed soft electrode.

A FLEX 28 should be able to get a full cochlear coverage

right through the middle turn of the cochlea.

[Patient monitor beeps according to heart beat]

It's now one day afterwards. She had the surgery yesterday afternoon.

She is already walking around and in her normal clothes.

Well, what we will do is we will take this bandage off.

That might feel a bit more comfortable. - Okay.

Turn your head across. It looks fine.

Good. A little bit of bruising but there is no swelling or anything like that.

So that's great

So we just leave that open now. - Okay.

And let everything settle down. - Okay.

So the only thing now we need to do is get the X-ray.

How long should it probably be before the pain and the nausea stops?

A few days.

A few days. - Yeah.

The wound usually heals up pretty quick actually. - Okay.

And you know you're doing well. You are only one day after an operation yesterday afternoon.

I think you are looking alright.

Do you want to see it? - Yes I would like to see it.

Hold on. I am going slowly.

Basically I have just seen her now and I'll tell the nurses she can go home now.

So it is less than 24 hours after the surgery

and she can go home.

You know, she needs to take it easy for a few days,

recover in that respect but she will be going home very soon.

Excellent. - That is alright.

I am very happy. Thank you very much.

Cheers. - You can go home.

We will see you soon, okay?

For more infomation >> Vera's Journey Episode 2: The Surgery | MED-EL - Duration: 8:10.


Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) - Duration: 5:33.


Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) Emma purposely sabotaged her sister's relationship.... - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) Emma purposely sabotaged her sister's relationship.... - Duration: 7:45.


中國震撼消息傳出,總師神氣十足宣布,連破世界兩個紀錄 - Duration: 4:25.

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The Ingraham Angle 11/06/18 2AM | November 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:00.

For more infomation >> The Ingraham Angle 11/06/18 2AM | November 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:00.


[VLOG 162] GOALS, PANCAKES AND AUTUMN LEAVES | Daily Vlog - Duration: 16:39.

- Good morning everybody.

It is Sunday morning and I've just finished my live

in the Dare to Grow online course group.

It was amazing.

I'm absolutely buzzing.

So we're going to have some pancakes.

This afternoon me and Alice are going up to Jesmond Dene

to kick the leaves.

Not even jokin', that is our soul objective.

♪ I don't mind the slow down anymore ♪

♪ I don't mind the sound of my shoes on your floor ♪

♪ I don't mind selling out or playing cover song ♪

♪ Just as long as friends and family sing along ♪

♪ And I don't need more money or faster car, no ♪

♪ Don't need a magazine to call me a superstar, no ♪

♪ I'm going to take this little house and make a home ♪

♪ And then I'll never have to face my nights alone ♪

♪ 'Cause in my heart I hear you speak ♪

♪ And on my face I feel you breathe ♪

♪ Next to me ♪

♪ Two by land, by air, by sea ♪

♪ And that is how it's supposed to be now ♪

♪ And not much I can say now ♪

♪ I'm pulling loaves of bread down from the shelf ♪

♪ And how rare it is that I stay up past 12 ♪

♪ In the backyard we are going to start a garden ♪

♪ If that don't sound mighty good I beg your pardon ♪

♪ 'Cause in my heart I hear you speak ♪

♪ And on my face I feel you breathe ♪

♪ Next to me ♪

♪ Two by land, by air, by sea ♪

♪ And that is how it's-- ♪

Right, I've written out all of my goals,

the things I want, how I want to feel.

(light piano music)

Okay, so it feels really nice to be back planning

because for the last week or so

I've been off social media because when you're trying to

create content for social media

you're constantly thinking about opportunities,

that's a photo opportunity, I can make that into a graphic,

I need to get in touch with my graphic designer,

what should I do about this?

Oh I need to make that video tonight.

So after the launch of the online course, Cohort eight,

I thought I'm just going to stop, I'm going to chill.

I'm going to let the engines cool down.

And I spoke about that a bit in yesterday's vlog,

but the reason why it's so important is that

after a launch or after any major achievement

or any major change you're in such high alert

your brain and everything is taking over so quickly

it's looking and scanning the environment

for opportunities all the time.

And all of the opportunities available to you right now

aren't always the best opportunities for you.

So there's lots of things I can do,

there's lots of things you can do,

but who's to say it's the right thing,

who's to say it's going to actually

bring you closer to your dream life?

So what I've been doing for the last few weeks

is trying to be really mindful, really present,

get centered again, get back into my body,

out of my head and just feel how I want to feel

and really think about what life do I want,

because it sounds crazy,

but it's easy to build a business.

With skills I've got I could build a web design business,

I could build another marketing agency,

recruitment company, all sorts of different things.

I can do those things but I don't want to do those things.

And when you get caught up in the hype of money,

of growth, or expansion, of business, or entrepreneurship,

entrepreneurialism, is that a word?

Who cares.

When you get caught up in it you just,

you get swept away in the momentum of it all.

So if you're feeling frantic,

if you're feeling overwhelmed,

if you're feeling on high drive.

Just stop, just relax.

It takes a few days to let things cool down.

And in that time just let your brain work away

in the background on what you want,

what you think you want,

and always challenge it with your heart and say,

if it were three years from today and that was my life,

would I actually be happy?

Would I be smiling every day?

Would I be excited to get up and out of bed?

And honestly I explained this a bit yesterday,

but just to take it to the next level,

for the last three years we've worked so hard to get here,

and I never quite figured out what I was going to do

after I arrived here because here was such a big goal.

It was such a huge vision it seemed so impossible.

And you know I love this phrase, first do what's necessary,

then do what's possible, and before you know it,

you're doing the impossible.

But right now I'm doing what was impossible in my life

three years ago.

Now what's necessary for me is different,

what's possible for me is different,

and what's impossible for me is different.

So I'm having to think, where do I want to be

three to five years from today?

How do I want to feel, what do I want my life to look like?

And then I've got to think next level,

what is the strategy that would get me there?

What activity do I need to do that will get me there?

What do I need to learn and what skills do I need to develop

to become that person?

And if you understand that process

you can have anything you want in life.

(light, uplifting music)

Right, I've written out all of my goals,

the things I want, how I want to feel,

and I've grouped them into kind of

one, two, three, four, five, six themes,

but it's too many.

I'm not going to remember six.

I'm going to try to condense them all.

So, one thing that I want,

and I'm being really honest and open with you here guys,

like this is the very start,

this is the very moment I've decided these are my goals

for 2019, 2020, and 2012, so next three years.

And that is how I think.

It's ridiculous to try and hit a goal in three months,

six months, even a year.

Think three years out, think five years out,

and really extend your vision.

You know I'm big on that, so one thing,

this is mad, and I can't even believe I'm saying this,

I hope she doesn't see this now.

Maybe I'll pull up this clip in a few years when it happens,

that's how excited I am about it,

but there is one person I want one person

that I want to interview me,

there's one person who I want to sit beside,

look in the eye, and just say hello,

and that person is Marie Forleo,

because she is such a badass.

Like she has completely led the way

for how to build an online course

and how to build an audience of absolute raving fans.

When I watch Marie Forleo

I watched a lot of her free content,

which I loved, I watched her interviews.

I love following her on Instagram,

I'm on her mailing list.

And I just like her approach.

And her approach is, well my view of what I see,

is she gives away so much incredible valuable content

living the live she loves,

and then once a year she opens up enrollment to B School,

Business School, and then from all of the reviews I've heard

it's absolutely amazing.

And Alice raved about it as well.

She really enjoyed it.

So when I saw her doing that once a year,

in this world where everyone's like push, push, push,

get out now, get out now, launch again, launch again,

I thought, wow that's so cool.

Like how confident is she to do that once a year,

and I love that approach.

And that's why, because of Marie Forleo,

that's why the course, the online course, for Dare to Grow

only opens twice a year.

I followed that model of spend the whole year

adding as much value as I can,

meeting new people, doing cool stuff,

living my life, having a good time,

and then twice a year opening the course up

and really being present, really giving it my all.

So one thing I really want to achieve

is sitting there opposite Marie Forleo as she interviews me,

and right now like I'm sweating as I say this,

I'm cringing thinking,

who do you think you are to say that Lisa?

Like, this might never come off,

but if you don't ask for it,

if you don't set it as your vision it will never happen.

So what I am not going to do to make that happen

is start tweeting at Marie,

start commenting on all of her stuff,

start reaching out to her, hey Marie,

I think you should get me, that's ridiculous.

What I am going to do is help as many people

as I can through Dare to Grow,

I'm going to finish the book

that I've started and started and started.

And there's two books I've got in my head.

One is like an overview of everything I've taught,

the process to changing your life,

and then the other one will be a deep dive

into like manifestation,

getting into that next vibrational level

like a deeper more physical exploration of those ideas.

So I'm going to finish my first book.

And by writing the book, by raising my profile,

by getting into magazines and adding content,

adding value, by getting my YouTube views up,

by getting more content out,

and basically by helping more people

I'm going to get an invite.

That is how it works, okay?

So I'm really big on this.

You can't blag your way into things.

You've got to buy your ticket through work.

You've got to by your ticket into the life you want

by doing the work, by evolving as a person,

by building your audience, by adding value,

that's how I'm going to do it.

So it's big, it's bold.

You might think, whoa she's full of herself.

I'm not, I'm just ambitious

in the amount of people I want to help.

It's my purpose.

So that's goal number one or theme number one.

Okay, another big one for me is,

I feel a bit weird, a bit nervous

about sharing this with you,

but I know you guys are good, you guys are good people,

and you're just going to honor

the nature of what I'm doing here.

So the second thing is I want more confidence

and more authority in my craft.

So I teach people how to change their lives.

I'm confident that I can teach people

and create a space where people can get over depression.

I'm confident I can teach people how to get out of debt.

I'm confident I can bring people back

from the lowest moments in their life

to literally playing all out and changing the world,

but what makes me nervous is I don't have qualifications

in getting over depression.

I don't have qualifications in money or anything like that.

What I have is a lot of knowledge, a lot of experience,

and I think one of the best things you can possibly have,

experience, I've done it myself.

But over the next few years I am going

to get formal qualifications so that if I'm challenged,

one, I can feel confident that I have been trained formally

in these things.

Two, you don't know what you don't know.

Why wouldn't I go to the best in the world to learn NLP,

CBT, learn more about the brain and how it functions

and where depression comes from.

Like, from a medical point even I want to understand,

I want to broaden and deepen my knowledge.

So there's a theme there around building my confidence,

building my authority, and just in a way

ticking that box where I feel comfortable

sharing thee ideas knowing it's grounded in fact,

in research some of which I'll do myself.

I have to do a research paper with one thing I'm lookin' at.

Some research I'll do myself.

But then also just getting into new people,

reading new books, reaching out and finding new learning

that I wouldn't otherwise find.

So that's a big one.

Another big theme is freedom and time.

So it's crazy that anyone of us right now,

most likely could if we wanted to,

sell everything and go and live abroad.

But we won't because it's scary as.

Well, me and Alice are in a position now

where we can go and live abroad

or at least go for two weeks and work from here

or spend a summer there or a month there

or spend Christmas here.

So next year I want to spend a lot more time abroad.

I want to have a lot more freedom,

a lot more time off to do what I love.

And to just refresh and live life and be present.

So that will involve building a bit of a team,

making more revenue each month through

a smaller course I've built which is how to vlog,

which I really love, really passionate about.

So going to bring that in focus.

And then I've got a couple of other things here

around fitness and health and managing my mental

and physical health in a more stable way,

so not ups and downs but becoming the person

that eats better, becoming the person

that takes care of my mental health more consistently.

So there you go guys.

I feel a bit shy now.

Vulnerability hangover, that's what I've got.

It's a Brene Brown phrase.

Feeling a bit vulnerable that I've put that out there,

but let my intentions be known,

let's draw a line in the sand,

let's put three years on the clock,

and in three years' time I will make a video

and let you know what or how many of these goals I hit.

And yeah, we'll take it from there.

For now I'm going to wrap up, I'm going to find Alice,

and we are going to Jesmond Dene to have a coffee,

kick the leaves, relax, chill out,

and enjoy the rest of our Sunday.

Let's go.

(light, fun music)

♪ Do you remember when our eyes met the first time ♪

♪ I couldn't breathe, you couldn't walk in a straight line ♪

♪ It's like every single scattered star aligned ♪

♪ And we handed over our hearts ♪

♪ The sweetest glances and the rush of getting caught ♪

♪ The happenstances oh who would have thought ♪

♪ We'd ever make it ♪

♪ So let's make it better ♪

♪ The key to forever is back at the start ♪

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ Woooooo ♪

♪ Let's fall in love again ♪

♪ Do you remember when we did before ♪

♪ Wooooo ♪

♪ And all that sounds so nice ♪

♪ You can't fall in love the same way twice ♪

♪ I'd like to fall in love again ♪

♪ Ohhh ♪

♪ Duh duh duh duh ♪

♪ Now I don't want to settle for some boring life ♪

♪ Where I was just a memory not a spark in sight ♪

♪ So my baby will you hold my hand and smile ♪

♪ And promise to love 'til my heart stops ♪

♪ Let 'em write all of the stories of me and you ♪

♪ And how we kept it all together never came unglued ♪

♪ I think we'll make it so let's make it better ♪

♪ The key to forever is locked in my heart ♪

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ Ooohhh ♪

♪ Let's fall in love again ♪

♪ Do you remember when ♪

♪ We did it before ♪

♪ Woooo ♪

♪ And all that sounds so nice ♪

♪ You can't fall in love the same way twice ♪

♪ Yeah I like to fall in love again ♪

♪ And we know who we are and what we got ♪

♪ It's so sweet ♪

♪ Yeah I like who I am when I'm with you baby ♪

♪ We're like a shooting star ♪

♪ Falling into the sea ♪

♪ Yeah I love who I am when I'm with you baby ♪

♪ Woooo ♪

♪ Let's fall in love again ♪

♪ Do you remember when we did it before ♪

♪ Wooooo ♪

♪ And all that sounds so nice ♪

♪ You can't fall in love the same way twice ♪

♪ Hey I'd like to fall in love again ♪

♪ Tell me are you ready ♪

♪ Baby are you ready ♪

♪ Hey I'd like to fall in love again ♪

For more infomation >> [VLOG 162] GOALS, PANCAKES AND AUTUMN LEAVES | Daily Vlog - Duration: 16:39.


Why do you need Anti Virus? - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Why do you need Anti Virus? - Duration: 3:32.


Purulia with a Drone - Duration: 4:47.

Purulia At a Glance

For more infomation >> Purulia with a Drone - Duration: 4:47.


Learn Basic English- English Speaking Practice of Lesson 14 of Languages247 English Course. - Duration: 3:58.

Welcome to questions and answers. Read out loud the answer.

Do you understand English?

Yes, I understand English.

Can you speak English?

Yes, I can speak English.

Do you want to ask a question?

Yes, I  want to ask a question.

What question do you want to ask?

Why do you need to speak English?

Why do we need to speak English?

We need to speak English to work.

Where do you learn English?

I learn English online.

Who do you speak English with?

I speak English online with my virtual teacher.

What do you do at school?

I do my work at school.

What do you do?

I work in the morning and I go to school in the afternoon.

Can you reply to my questions?

Yes, I can reply to your questions.

For more infomation >> Learn Basic English- English Speaking Practice of Lesson 14 of Languages247 English Course. - Duration: 3:58.


Wales boss Ryan Giggs gives his honest opinion on Wayne Rooney's England call-up - Duration: 2:55.

 Wayne Rooney is set to win his 120th England cap when the Three Lions face USA on November 15

 The 33-year-old forward announced his retirement from international football in August 2017 - but is set to be honoured by Gareth Southgate with a special send-off

 Rooney is England's all-time record goalscorer but the decision to recall him for an international friendly has proved rather controversial

 Alan Shearer believes Rooney should be in attendance as a guest.  "Wayne is England's record goalscorer and had a superb international career," wrote Shearer in his column in The Sun

 "But it is an honour to play for England — England should not have to honour you

 "Given Wayne retired from international football 15 months ago, if the FA really wanted to give him a send-off, why could they not invite him to the game as a guest?  Rooney's former Manchester United teammate Ryan Giggs has offered his opinion on England's surprise decision to recall Rooney

 The Wales manager is pleased to see Rooney being honoured and suggested his ability "doesn't get recognised"

 "I understand it. It's a celebration game against America and I'm all for it," said the Wales boss, as per Sky Sports

 "In football, and in sport in general, people are not recognised or recognised too late

This is a chance for not only a great player, but an iconic player and top goalscorer

 "He's gone ahead of Gary Lineker and Bobby Charlton, over 50 goals. It gives him a chance to thank the fans for all the support, and the fans to thank him for all the work he's done over the years

 "I've worked with Wayne, played with Wayne, and he doesn't get recognised for what ability he still has and did have at his peak

 "I understand people have got different opinions but, from knowing Wayne and what he's done for England, I don't see any problem with it

 Do you think Rooney should be winning his 120th cap? Let us know your opinion by leaving a comment below

For more infomation >> Wales boss Ryan Giggs gives his honest opinion on Wayne Rooney's England call-up - Duration: 2:55.


特朗普稱料達協議 手下卻講沒有進展 美國貿易戰又改口?撐中國備戰打小人! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 特朗普稱料達協議 手下卻講沒有進展 美國貿易戰又改口?撐中國備戰打小人! - Duration: 2:23.


這十部電視劇,你如果看過,那恭喜你肯定孩子上幼兒園了! - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> 這十部電視劇,你如果看過,那恭喜你肯定孩子上幼兒園了! - Duration: 10:23.


Learn Basic English- English Speaking Practice of Lesson 12 of Languages247 English Course. - Duration: 4:01.

Welcome to Questions and Answers

Read out loud the answer

When do you say many?

I say many, when I can count.

What do you mean?

There are many cats.

I can count cats, one, two, three.

Can I count work, one work two works?

No, you cannot count work.

So, do I say many work or much work?

You say much work.

Do you have much money?

No, I don't.

And who do you learn English with?

I learn English with my teacher.

Where do you run?

I run in the park.

Why do you run in the park?

I run in the park because it is safe.

Are there cars in the park?

No, there are no cars in the park that is why I run in the park.

Are there many students at school?

Yes, there are many students at school.

For more infomation >> Learn Basic English- English Speaking Practice of Lesson 12 of Languages247 English Course. - Duration: 4:01.


15歲出道,22歲嫁給天王,如今孩子查出遺傳病,她的做法讓人稱讚! - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 15歲出道,22歲嫁給天王,如今孩子查出遺傳病,她的做法讓人稱讚! - Duration: 5:01.


Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/05/2018) - Duration: 5:33.


Rainha Elizabeth 2ª convida mãe de Meghan Markle para passar Natal - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Rainha Elizabeth 2ª convida mãe de Meghan Markle para passar Natal - Duration: 1:47.


Lexa posta foto de biquíni e fala sobre viagens: "Prometi pro maridão" - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Lexa posta foto de biquíni e fala sobre viagens: "Prometi pro maridão" - Duration: 1:10.


David Beckham diz que seu casamento com Victoria é 'complicado' - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> David Beckham diz que seu casamento com Victoria é 'complicado' - Duration: 1:56.


Anitta, Bruna e Pabllo Vittar brigam pelo título de mulher mais sexy do ano . - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Anitta, Bruna e Pabllo Vittar brigam pelo título de mulher mais sexy do ano . - Duration: 3:23.


這十部電視劇,你如果看過,那恭喜你肯定孩子上幼兒園了! - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> 這十部電視劇,你如果看過,那恭喜你肯定孩子上幼兒園了! - Duration: 10:23.


Fall You Can Eat - Duration: 20:47.

For more infomation >> Fall You Can Eat - Duration: 20:47.


Rihanna & Axl Rose Slam President Trump For Using Their Music At Rallies - Duration: 5:27.

Hé lions, what's up

President Trump Slammed by Rihanna

and Axl Rose for Using Their Music At Rallies

First of all

shout out to Jade Mahogany

Her new music video is available in the music corner

at lionsground.com

Lions Ground supports indie artists

and they get free publicity

add a link in the video description below

If you want to send your music

You can do that

But remember

for independent artists only

It will happen to you

An artist does not want you to play

their music for political reasons

Which I can understand because I'm not a Trump fan.

However, This happened exactly with Donald Trump

Rihanna prohibits Trump for playing her music at political events

In a video during one of his rallies

rallies you hear the song "Don't Stop The Music"

while Trump is exiting his plane

Rihanna is not amused

and immediately drew a red line

and writes clear language on Twitter

She clearly states

that she and her people don't support Trump

Trump's also opted for Aerosmith's "Dream On"

and "Livin 'on the Edge"

Steven Tyler of Aerosmith

points to the Lanham Act

Trump would give a false impression that artists support him

Axl Rose talks about the unauthorized use of their music

and should not be used in Trump events

Other artists prohibit that their music is being played

at political events

artists such as Neil Young and Adele

Well, the question is. Can Trump play music or not?

Who is right and who is wrong?

It is understandable

that artists don't want to give the impression

that they support a certain political party

in this case, Donald Trump

But morality is not written in the law

and is absolutely not the law

When you play music in public

than we talk about music performance

Royalties must be paid

that eventually ends up with the artist

they, the organizations, talk or refer to members

The payouts are made by organizations such as


or BMI

and Rihanna is an ASCAP member

This means she receive money from them

This means that she or her spokesperson

has agreed that all "music users" can play their music

regardless of the nature of the location or event

This can be at the butcher

but also during political events

If you like it or not

Then Steven Tyler of Aerosmith

He refers to the Lanham Act

which prohibits any false designation

or misleading description

or representation of fact

Because Donald Trump plays music

and nothing more

there is no question of deception

If you say something you have to prove it

Playing music is not proof

that people are misled

that the performer of the song supports Trump


However, it has also become apparent

that there is no evidence

that Trump claims in words or in written

that artists support him

Music is used in politics

to bring a certain message

a statement

Take for example "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen

So conclusion

The artists are required

to stop blocking Trump's music choice

as long as the royalties are being paid

By prohibiting Trump we're talking about favoritism

There is also something called political freedom

a concept that protects us against

freedom from oppression

Beware, dislike is not equal to forbidding someone

But an artist can express himself or herself about this

Expressing something is not the same as forbidding something

And for that reason

Donald Trump can play music in public

without any oppression

With this

I prove people wrong I'm anti-trump

I am not left

not right

but straightforward

Before I forget

share this video to support my work

If you're new to Lions Ground

hit the red subscibe button

followed up with the grey bell icon

If you don't

you miss the whole thing

I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Rihanna & Axl Rose Slam President Trump For Using Their Music At Rallies - Duration: 5:27.


Best English Love Songs 2018 New Songs Playlist The Best Romantic Love Songs Ever HD - Duration: 1:23:06.

Thanks for watching my video! Please Share my channel on Social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can listen and enjoy it! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

For more infomation >> Best English Love Songs 2018 New Songs Playlist The Best Romantic Love Songs Ever HD - Duration: 1:23:06.


Other ways to say it is heavy rain - Duration: 3:34.

so hello people hey you gone today and as you can see and it's raining so if I

can you see the raindrops hitting there you go you can see it and it's quite

quite rainy so when we see rain like this you say it is pissing down it's

raining bucket loads one else can we actually call heavy rain this is a day

in which a lot of people do not go outside cuz have a look it's raining

that take umbrella they take a pretty wet they have to take mm a lot of

protective covers especially and also for driving it gets more dangerous now

when it's wet because they have traction on the road so when we see it's heavy

raining as I say we say it's pissing down or it's raining bucket loads or

it's shit weapon and it's raining fuck loads so it's just heavy raining and we

use this quite a lot in English because it's just our way of describing heavy

raining when we want to put emphasis so to use it's pissing inside look at the

weather today and it's just pissing down rain it's very wet I'm gonna get

drenched drenched just means very soaked so close

someone close is wet my clothes are drenched they would actually be totally

wet but now it's not drenched just slightly wet

and it's getting heavier look in haveá-- maybe on every country nice what's this

like even dissipation they get well and now it's really pissing down rain never

look at that whoa

and this is actually my so ever to go walking in don't see anyone you might

get a bit wet good time to go bushwalking because the animals actually

come out if you interesting animals actually come out there's a bird here

before that then here before and a lot of the birds like up in that large tree

over there over there over there me there there's actually lots of birds

movement so we need these pissing down rain it's gonna rain bucket loads and

you were just gonna be totally stocked so I hope this helps you out we found

how we describe rain and when you come to Australia or you go to mean speaking

country this was rainy and he really just going look outside it disposition

down rain oh I'm going to get very wet so they were awesome English learning


For more infomation >> Other ways to say it is heavy rain - Duration: 3:34.


ZILLA Update – November 6th - Duration: 1:41.

Hi everyone, this is Wei. She is one of our marketing managers here at ZILLA and

I brought her in the video to announce a couple of cool things that we got coming

up. OK, so the first thing is our bounty program which will start today November

6 until January 6 2019. And so let's see, we're back in ICO mode. That's why

we're doing this bounty and for example it's a pretty nice bounty so for videos

if youtubers make videos for us the max payout is $100 per video it's pretty

good. For more details please check the blog post and also our Twitter. And next

we have a huge airdrop coming up. In total we're giving out 30,000 US dollars.

It's a stable coin bonanza so actually it's an airdrop in stable coins and you

know everyone's kind of got their own stable coin so we're doing it in GUSD,

USDC, TUSD and PAX so the four major new up-and-coming stable coins. I

personally don't really like tether so we are not doing tether.

Four different types of stable coins. So yeah, you'll be able, we'll send out a blog post.

we'll send out a newsletter. We'll be talking about it in telegram so see

our community managers at those places for further details. You have to say bye

somehow. oh yeah okay

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