Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 6 2018

Let everyone know this is a new world

Let's fight for it together and win

This power we are looking for one galaxy

This power becomes reality

Release your power they will know

This is the world of you and me

In battle we soar your shadow becomes cloud

Release your power they will know

This is our world

Release your power they will know

This is the world of you and me

In battle we soar your shadow becomes cloud

For more infomation >> Boboiboy Galaxy Musim 1 #2 - Duration: 20:33.


Reliable iron "Philips Mistral 2100, model GC2115. Reviewed after 14 years of use - Duration: 3:07.


If you decide to buy yourself a new iron,

look for a brand like Philips.

I disassembled my old iron, which I acquired on

July 31, 2004, that is, an iron for use for 14 years.

And this year I decided to buy myself a new replacement iron.

Iron "Philips" definitely recommend to buy.

14 years of excellent work.

I disassembled it, once again cleaned it.

That's how it looks inside for 14 years.

Please note that there are already some elements of corrosion

on the contacts, especially here the ground contact

began to rust a little.

One of the power supply contacts was also covered with rust, well, and there are

some small watchers here.

Basically, that's all inside. The only such moment

that dust is stuffed out of here, and periodically you need to disassemble and clean it,

that is, the whole of this side is covered with such fine

dust - a pile of laundry.

But of course, for 14 years, the sole has fallen into disrepair.

Celaron coating was used here.

Well, the meager British cannot think of anything else, only Celeron or Celaron.

One letter has been changed and now you have a new brand of some kind of sole coating.

You see, she had already been scratched by some elements of clothing: metal zippers, buttons,

and began to wear off,

that is, the coating is erased.

At one time, this iron was quite

expensive. It has all the necessary functions, including

vertical steaming. His model is "Philips GC2115",

that is, this model is "Mistral 2100".

This is its power 2100 watts.

And if you look at the plastic parts,

here are the plastic components, they are practically,

one can say, in perfect condition,

the contacts, this plastic part of the sole.

Of course, modern irons are much cooler, they are more powerful,

and in comparison with the iron that I purchased to replace it,

there is a somewhat short cord, only 2 m.

Well, so, in principle, the iron is excellent!

These are still rubber things, as you see, they did not break, I washed

them now in citric acid.

They are quite rubber, soft

and easy to put in their positions.

Therefore, "Philips" - definitely a quality brand.

And I recommend it for purchase.

Well, I say goodbye to you. Good luck to all! Until. See you in the new videos!

For more infomation >> Reliable iron "Philips Mistral 2100, model GC2115. Reviewed after 14 years of use - Duration: 3:07.


Правило 13. Вознаграждаются только дела, или Начинайте действовать. Психолог Лариса Бандура - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Правило 13. Вознаграждаются только дела, или Начинайте действовать. Психолог Лариса Бандура - Duration: 6:51.


Learn Colors With Plane #1 ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes ! 4k Best 2019 #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:51.

little lamb mary had a lemons please was white as snow

everywhere that the level shirt

to school one day to day school one day it followed her to school one day which

was against the children laughing

the teacher

so the teacher turned but still it

waited patiently he should say about issues me about


what Mary so Mary so Mary so what does the

lamb love Mary so the eager children cry what Mary

every had a little lamb little mary had a little lamb its fleece was

white as

hijk an q r s t u v w x y and z now i know

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Plane #1 ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes ! 4k Best 2019 #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:51.


Peugeot 107 1.0 Active AUTOMAAT-AIRCO-5DRS-TREKHAAK-SCHUIFDEUR KM 29.147 NAP - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0 Active AUTOMAAT-AIRCO-5DRS-TREKHAAK-SCHUIFDEUR KM 29.147 NAP - Duration: 1:07.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco !! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco !! - Duration: 1:10.



For more infomation >> ORCHIDEE MERAVIGLIOSE TRUCCHI E SEGRETI - Duration: 32:33.


Uomini e donne, Tina Cipollari strappa i capelli a Gemma Galgani: l'affronto in diretta - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Tina Cipollari strappa i capelli a Gemma Galgani: l'affronto in diretta - Duration: 2:58.


Emerson Sheik confessa que namorou Nicole Bahls e Antonia Fontenelle ao mesmo tempo - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Emerson Sheik confessa que namorou Nicole Bahls e Antonia Fontenelle ao mesmo tempo - Duration: 2:08.


Ticiane Pinheiro fala sobre Cesar Tralli e porre com Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Ticiane Pinheiro fala sobre Cesar Tralli e porre com Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 3:01.


Noor Stars - View Wh@*re ( Official Music Video ) - Duration: 2:46.

To become famous on YouTube ( This is a YouTube wh@*re by PewDiePie parody )

You need to claim the Ladder of fame!

Come on Noor Stars! (a YouTuber )

This is your only chance!

For Fame...

When you don't want to...

fake being pregnant

But you have to do it

To become famous!

i've done a lot of thing...

Just for fame! X2

Give me my fame!!!

I don't really want to upload videos...

But I have too, to become famous

I don't really want to upload videos with Dyler ( a famous Youtuber )

But I have too...

To become...


View wh@*re X2

i'll do anything for views!

View wh@*re X2

I'll do anything

For views!

View wh@*re X4

congratulations you've become famous!

I knew you would've done it!

Now for the final test...

there is one last thing I need you to do...

it's something simple...

View wh@*re X4

Come on!

View wh@*re X4

there's no other way!

View wh@*re X4


View wh@*re

NOOOOOOOOO ( sry it's cringy )

i've done a lot things

i've done a lot of thing for views

i've done a lot things

i've done a lot of thing for views

i've done a lot things

i've done a lot of thing for views

i've done a lot things

i've done a lot of thing for views



i've done a lot things


View wh@*re X4

For more infomation >> Noor Stars - View Wh@*re ( Official Music Video ) - Duration: 2:46.


Príncipe William e Príncipe Harry revelam hábito não-convencional que aprenderam com o pai.... - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Príncipe William e Príncipe Harry revelam hábito não-convencional que aprenderam com o pai.... - Duration: 2:07.


Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia Salemi replica a Signorini e ammette: 'Ho baciato Monte' | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia Salemi replica a Signorini e ammette: 'Ho baciato Monte' | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:53.


Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia Salemi replica a Signorini e ammette: 'Ho baciato Monte' - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia Salemi replica a Signorini e ammette: 'Ho baciato Monte' - Duration: 11:30.


[日韓字幕] 레임이와 가을산책 ! 마늘도 실컷 먹고, 쑥 크로와상도 먹고 떡볶이도 만들어 먹은 일상 | 한국일상 vlog - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> [日韓字幕] 레임이와 가을산책 ! 마늘도 실컷 먹고, 쑥 크로와상도 먹고 떡볶이도 만들어 먹은 일상 | 한국일상 vlog - Duration: 10:30.


Add This Ingredient To Your Shampoo And Your Hair Will Grow WITHOUT STOPPING - Duration: 3:02.

mix these three ingredients with your shampoo and say goodbye to hair loss

forever the hair has a relevant role

to make a good first impression conquer someone and even to

get a job after all present in an environment with hair

misaligned can be seen as Slip is not but you know some

solution to stop the fall of hair naturally

after all, this subject does not only women but men also suffer from

wire loss wants to know how to avoid naturally the loss of wires

just follow our video below learn how to make a solution to end

the fall of hair naturally on days of today you can easily find

various items to take care of your hair some may even be useful.

only the good part will end until damaging your wires

so why not learn how to make a solution to stop the fall of

hair of course let's go there ingredients shampoo with neutral ph ten

drops of rosemary essential oil two vitamin capsules is half lemon

squeezed preparation mode put all the elements within a container

suitable for shampoo then however the cover and we're fine until all

well blended from there you need to wet the hair and use the

Apply shampoo from roots to tips with gentle massage movements should

especially on the leather of the hair for up to ten minutes

The last step is to thoroughly rinse the tresses with water at warm temperature

important due to the use of a lemon

you should use this mix in the and do not pick up strong sun in the

next day you should also take be a small precaution before using

solution to stop the fall of Naturally the ideal hair is that you

do a power test to avoid scares all you have to do is

put a small amount on your skin and wait a little

If nothing happens you can apply this It is made

your children as presented here liked to know this solution for

End Hair Loss of course then take

share this content with your friends on social networks

If you liked the video, leave your opinion or comment on these I read and

Share with your friends see you later

For more infomation >> Add This Ingredient To Your Shampoo And Your Hair Will Grow WITHOUT STOPPING - Duration: 3:02.


Silly Americans Try to Guess British Idioms - Duration: 15:50.

- Today we are going to challenge each other

with some British idioms.

Today's lesson is going

to be a very difficult lesson for us

because we have some different British idioms

that we are going to ask each other

and see if we can figure out what they mean,

and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do bad.

- Yeah, me too.

We're gonna try to do our best to guess them.

- Alright, so do you wanna ask me one of yours first?

- Yes.

It's a kerfuffle.

- A kerfuffle.

- A kerfuffle.

- I would say that's,

isn't that kind of like a commotion

or like a kind of a fight

or a dispute about something,

that they're a kerfuffle?

- I thought you said you were gonna be bad at this.

- I think I've heard of kerfuffle.

- Oh, yeah you're right.

- (laughs) Yes.

- Yeah it is. - It's like I'm British.

- It's a really good word though,

kerfuffle, I really like it.

- A kerfuffle?

What does it say?

- It says, a skirmish or fight

caused by different views.

- Okay, yeah.

Nailed it.


Alright, your first one is

maybe you'll get it if you work through it.

All mouth and no trousers.

If you're saying somebody's

oh, you know,

he's all mouth and no trousers.

- Is this similar to like if somebody's

bark is louder than their bite,

something like that?

- Kind of, like yeah. - So does it mean--

- It's similar.

- Somebody's like, just all talk,

but they're not really?


- Yeah, no that's exactly what it says,

all talk, no action.

Are you all mouth no trousers?

- Oh yeah, like I think many times

like I'll say things, but.

Okay, I like this one.

Knees up.

- Knees up.

Can you give me a sentence?

- This party is knees up.


- Knees up?

Is it, it's really cool, it's great,

it's happenin'?

It's knees up?

- Yeah, kind of. - This lesson is knees up?

- Yeah, I hope we're using that the right way,

it just says adjective for liveliness.

Like, dancing, like your knees are up

when you're dancing, maybe.

- I guess that makes sense, yeah.

Okay, your next one, blinding.

- Like if something's very bright

or something? (chuckles)

What's a sentence?

- Okay, the Prime Minister

gave a blinding inauguration speech.

- So this could either be very good

or very bad I feel.

- I mean, or you could say like,

I'm trying to think of something more recent.

The royal wedding was blinding?

- Yeah, it's not making it any easier.

Well I'm guessing it means like amazing

or something really cool? - Maybe I'm using it wrong.

- Excellence, it says. - Oh.

An adjective for excellence.

- Interactive english is a blinding channel.

- We're very modest today.

We're so blinding.

- We're so blinding. - We're so freakin' blinding.

- This one I really like.

I gotta say, I think British idioms are better

than American idioms.

- The ones we've done thus far, yes.

- Yes.

Okay, so one is to know your onions

or to know one's onions.

- To know your onions?

I'd just say, is it like to know your stuff,

to be informed

and you're aware of what's goin' on?

Like, hey, you know,

this guy doesn't know his onions.

- Yep.

- Really?

- That's exactly what it is. - Alright,

well that was pretty easy based on the context.

- But how much better is to know your onions

than to know your stuff?

- That is much better.

- It's so much better. - Yeah.

Okay, the next one

I think you'll get the next one

'cause this is, this is a little bit a review,

for you, alright?

And it is-- - Oh gosh.

- Chuffed.

- (laughs) I remember this one - Chuffed.

'cause we did this one with Allie.

- Yeah.

- But do I remember the meaning is the question.

- We did another idiom challenge with

Allie, from Papa Teach Me,

long time ago, we'll link it.

- He said chuffed to bits. - I think the idiom he gave,

chuffed to bits, yeah.

- I think it means, like

like excited or happy or delighted?

- Yeah.

- Oh okay, thank god.

- Yeah. - I was like

is my memory that bad?


- No, yeah to be very pleased about something.

- Okay.

- The sentence was, I just, it's like,

Reginald was chuffed about the football match

and I just thought like-- - Very British and simple.

- Reginald, yeah, is such a,

seems like such a stereotypical

British name. - Reginald.

- Reginald was chuffed.

- This one I think you should know

because I've heard it around,

at least I know it.

- Okay.

- But I still really like it.

- I might surprise you and be very wrong.

- Lets hope so

'cause it's funnier that way.

It's miffed.

- Miffed?

- Miffed.

- If you're miffed,

you're a little upset,

pissed off about something, you know you're miffed.

- Yeah, you're right.

I'm sorry I'm laughing,

I'm laughing because, because the example is,

he got all miffed about the football match.

- Sure people in the UK get miffed.

- Reginald, stop getting-- - About the football match.

Miffed about the football match.

- I imagine people were very miffed

at the last World Cup.

They were not chuffed at all.

- Reginald is miffed. - People were not chuffed.

Reginald especially, super miffed.

- Okay, we need to stop with this name okay.

- This, go away. - How can you see?

It's so small.

- Yeah, well I don't want you to see,

'cause you're trying-- - Well I can't.

To cheat here.

- I am-- - You're trying to cheat.

Okay, corker.

- What?

- Corker.

- Like, like does he have to something

he would like put a cork in it or something?

- No.

- Oh, a corker.

- Corker, I, this I don't think

you'll get it, do you,

would you like a sentence?

- Yes.

- You're probably still not gonna get it,

but it's a good sentence.

- What is it?

- Great job, Jim.

You're a real corker.

Maybe you will get it.

- Like a good person

or a good sport or something good?

- Yeah, I mean, kinda,

it's, this says-- - Good lad?

- Unless, unless this source is wrong.

Someone or something that is outstanding, a stand out.

Yeah, that Reginald,

he's a real corker.

There's like a Reginald watching this right now,

like, screw you guys. - I'm sorry,

we're not picking on you. - Sorry, you know.

- We actually do like the name, it's really--

- I am somebody who should not

be making fun of anybody's name.

- I mean, to be fair-- - Yeah.

- Me neither, because nobody's heard of my name.

- So we're with you, Reginald.

- We understand.

- We know (chuckles).

- Names are hard.


- A numpty?

- Yes, it's an adjective.

- Okay.

- I think.

- Well let me take a guess

and then you give me a sentence.

A numpty, I'd say somebody

who is lazy, kind of like a bum,

sloth, they're not working hard,

they're a numpty.

- You are--

- Stupid numpties.

- You are kind of wrong,

but also kind of, I mean you're right

on the connotation of the word.

- Why wouldn't, okay, alright.

It's not a good word.

- Not a numpty,

it's an adjective, so--

- Oh, if somebody's a numpty?

Okay, so-- - Well no--

- Can you give me a sentence?

- That's somebody's a numpty, somebody's--

- Somebody's numpty.

- We're still struggling

with the concept of adjectives today.

- Numpty.

- You and your numpty friend should apologize.

- You and your stupid-- - That is such a good one.

- You and your stupid friend should apologize?

- Yeah.

- Is it?

- Yeah.


- We're gonna bring some of these idioms

back to America and start saying,

hey numpty, what are you doin'?

Numpty friend, that numpty shirt.


This is another, this is a good one.

I like this one too.

British idioms are much better.

- They're much better.

- Doofer.

- A doofer?

- A doofer.

- Is it like a doofus?

- D-O-O-F-E-R, doofer.

- Like a doofus?

- No.

- Can you?

- I'll give you the saying,

it's to say like, you know,

what is that doofer?

- What?

That made it harder.

- What is that doofer?

- Is it a thing?

A doofer is a thing?

- Kind of, but there's a little more to it.

What do you call that doofer over there?

- Thing?


- Or could be a thing.

- Thingy?

- It says, it's an unnamed object,

so if you don't-- - Oh, so like a thing?

- Yeah, a thing, like if you don't know the name

of something, like,

oh, what's, what's that doofer?

Thingamajig, whatchamacallit.

I think a lot of people in the US

would say a thingamajig,

or a thingy.

Whatchamacallit, I think of the,

the candy bar.

♪ How's it go ♪

♪ Whatchamacallit ♪

- What is that?

- It's the song

that was like the old commercial.

♪ Ahh ahh ♪

♪ Thingamabob, gobbledygook ♪

♪ Whatsitsface ♪

♪ Whatchamacallit ♪

- You don't know your onions, apparently.

- Apparently about Whatchamacallits.

Okay, oh I think you know this one.

Odds and sods.

- No, I'm like, odds and sods,

can I have a sentence?

- Okay, You lot got first picks

and left with nothing but odds and sods.

- That you like, odds and sods,

like empty handed?

I got all a bunch of of rubbish.

- See, that's why I think

this particular sentence wasn't the best.

- Did you wanna give me another sentence?

- Like at the flea market,

you, you, you could find a bunch

of odds and sods. - Doofers?

Is it a doofer?

- Unnamed. - It's an unnamed thing.

It's just a bunch of,

like a bunch of knickknacks?

- Yeah, miscellaneous things.

- Okay.

- But what I didn't want it to think,

it's like it's not something

that's not valuable,

it's just like,

yeah, miscellaneous things.

- Okay.

Another good one, I thought, an earwig.

- What?

- An earwig.

- Earwig?

- Yeah an earwig.

- An earwig.

- I think it's a verb.

Earwig. - To earwig?

- Earwig.

If, do you want a sentence?

- Yes. - I think you'll,

you might be able to get it based on the context.

Don't earwig on my personal phone calls.

- Oh, is it like to eavesdrop? - Don't earwig.

Yeah, it says to eavesdrop.

I don't know,

it's like, like kind of like wiggling your ear,

like kind of like an earwig

or something instead

of like a wig you put on your head.

- That's how I imagined it.

- That's what I first thought of when I heard it.

- A little wig for your ear.

Okay, the next one from me is spawny.

- Spawny.

Somebody who thin and lanky

and gangly, like they're spawny.

- No.

- Spawny, I don't know,

can you give me a sentence? - It's an adjective.

That was a spawny outcome for you.

- Okay, a positive, great, unexpected?

- That's a good connotation-- - That's, that was--

- It's the right kind of connotation.

- You know, that was a spawny outcome,

that was surprising?

- Getting closer.

- Should I keep guessing?

I don't know.

- Lucky.

It means lucky.

- Oh, okay.

Maybe you'll get this one.

Well I don't wanna give you a hint.

Eating irons.

- What?

- Do you want me to give you a hint

before I give you the sentence?

- Yeah.

- Eating irons,

it's basically exactly what it sounds like.

- No it can't be.

Eating iron?

- Eating irons.

- I don't know, eating spinach?

- Eating irons, like no. - Spinach is iron.

- Somebody would ask or something like,

don't we have any clean eating irons?

- Oh, is it like utensils?

- Uh huh, yeah, cutlery, eating utensils.

- I wonder how common this one is.

- Eating irons.

- I just assume somebody is eating iron,

so that's why I was like, what?

Like is it vitamin deficiency thing?

Okay, the next one is steaming.

- Steaming if you're steaming? - Steaming.

- Steaming?

If you're steaming,

then you're really mad,

you're angry, you're upset?

- No, but that's a good guess.

- Okay, can you use a sentence?

- Steaming, the drunk Reginald

hobbled out of the pub.

- Is that really the sentence?

(laughs) - Yes.

- Reginald, he's everywhere.

In that case, it'd be like an adverb of degree,

like a very, very,

a very drunk Reginald?

- I think you were right,

even in the beginning,

now I see the second part of the definition.

So it says,

the state of extreme drunkenness

or extreme anger,

so maybe you were right in the beginning,

but steaming I think does add excessiveness

to whatever is that you're doing.

- Okay.

- This one I think you

will get, some of you

may even know about it.

The fuzz.

- I have no idea.

- Really?

- Yeah, how would I know the fuzz?

- Because there was a movie called Hot Fuzz.

- Oh, I haven't seen it.

- Don't let the fuzz catch you.

There's any problem, call the fuzz.

- The police?

- Yeah.

- Oh.

- You've never heard that?

I think that's been used,

I've heard that quite a bit. - I mean I may have heard it.

- In like movies and shows,

like people thought the fuzz, the cops.

- Now I'll know.

- Now you know your onions. - Mmhm.

Wag, wag off.

- Okay, I'm gonna say to wag off is to like,

just gonna go out there and say it,

talk back to somebody,

to talk a lot?

- No.

- Talk trash?

- No.


Maybe it is connected,

but it means something else. - To wag off.

Wag off?

Like get outta here?

Go away?

- No.

I'll give an example,

I had nothing to do, but wag off at work.

- Just do nothing of importance?

I don't know, you're bored, you wag off,

you screw around, you don't do much?

- Kind of.

- Wag off?

What are you doing?

- To waste time.

- What are you doing?

- It kind of means to waste time.

- To waste time?

Okay, I kinda got that.

To waste time.

Wag off.

Georgie, you waggin' off?

- Oh, always.

- You just wag off all day.

The next one, honk.

It's a verb, honk.

It's not a car.

- Oh, I was like,

that's easy, that's a real word.

I have no idea, what,

what, I mean, can you like give me some kind of hint?

- I can give you an example sentence.

This is good.

- Reginald.

- Reginald coughed so hard,

he honked all over the pub.

- Ew.

Does it mean to throw up?

Ew. - Uh huh, to vomit.

- Ew ew ew.

- I'm gonna check where we got these,

'cause we got these off of,

like a site, just to challenge each other.

- Wait, sorry.

The cat honked.

She drooled.

- I wonder if, yeah, I wonder if the person who kind of

wrote that like, blog post.

- If their name is Reginald. - With all of these,

it was Reginald.

- You should know this one,

I believe because I've heard it before,

but this one goes, warts and all.

- Just, you're not feeling good about your appearance,

like warts and all, or like just--

- You don't know this?

I've heard it in the US too, I thought.

- I've never heard of warts and all.


- Alright, I'll keep the cat, warts and all.

- Like you'll keep,

you'll, for something for better or for worse?

Like, you'll keep it with all the defects

and problems that something might have, warts and all?

I've never heard warts and all.

- Really? - No.

I think you'll get it,

I think people have said it in the US before.

An idiot box,


or the idiot box.

- I don't think I've heard it,

but it's good, it sounds good.

- Most homes have an idiot box.

- Oh, like a panic room?


- What?

Why would that be an idiot box?

- Well you're acting like I'm supposed to know,

is that, am I the idiot box?

- Alright, no.

I think I'll spend the night

in front of the idiot box.

- Oh, a TV.

- Uh huh, yeah.

- Oh.

- It's the idiot box.

So if you learn some new idioms,

just like we did,

we want you to do two things:

please hit that like button down below,

also, write to us in the comments

and tell us which one was your favorite

or if you know of some other British idioms,

we'd love to hear em',

because yeah, we think they're just better

than the American idioms.

- They're way funnier.

- Thank you guys so much for watching

and we'll see you next time.

- Bye.

For more infomation >> Silly Americans Try to Guess British Idioms - Duration: 15:50.


[ENG SUB] Aglio e olio Pasta+Gambas al AhilloㅣKorean MukbangㅣReal Eating Sound [Young Yi TV] - Duration: 16:32.



Pepperon Chino Hall




Hello, this is Young Yi

Today is

Gambas Al Ahi and Allio made olive pasta.

Then I'll eat well.

I like your subscription.

There are many parts that do not fit well because of poor translation. hope you understand.

I would appreciate it if you would like to revise the insufficient part.

Thank you for watching today.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Aglio e olio Pasta+Gambas al AhilloㅣKorean MukbangㅣReal Eating Sound [Young Yi TV] - Duration: 16:32.


Carro parado na garagem: fique atento a gasolina no tanque - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Carro parado na garagem: fique atento a gasolina no tanque - Duration: 1:00.


Born to preserve | The Journey | Episode Two - Duration: 5:32.

Nature photographers or filmmakers, have an inherent need

to preserve what they see and get to know up-close.

And photography is a powerful tool

because I think it moves and touches everyone.

I truly believe that the mission of every nature photographer

is to show people something they don't know,

stimulating in them an interest in preservation.

I was already an admirer of the "Right Whale" project.

And now I have the chance to go and meet these researchers,

who are changing the world through conservation.

The "Right Whale" project began in the early 1980s,

once the return of the whales to Santa Catarina was confirmed,

after they had been hunted here in Brazil for about 400 years.

This made the species practically extinct in the region.

My participation in the project began as a volunteer in 1996,

when I discovered that there were whales here

on the coast of Santa Catarina.

After that I was hooked and I never looked back.

The focus of the work, in the initial years,

was to monitor the region, in order to identify

the main area of reproductive concentration

on the coast.

So we proposed the "Right Whale" environmental protection area,

which was created in September 2000.

Seeing these whales in Santa Catarina is invigorating

and in terms of photography, unrivaled.

We started flying over the region

to identify the areas that are important for the species,

but also to catalog these individuals.

Right Whales have calluses on their heads

that are like fingerprints.

We take a photo of every Right Whale sighted.

This enabled us to estimate species population growth

of approximately 12% per year.

For a biologist and researcher, seeing these whales return,

it's very emblematic.

For 22 years I've protected a species under threat of extinction,

and which we hope one day will be free of this threat.

I have great admiration for people like Karina and her team,

who dedicate their lives to preservation.

That's why I became interested in another project

which is promoting the preservation of Araucaria forests,

in an innovative manner.

We are now headed to Urubici,

to find out about the "Araucária+" project.

Araucaria forests are one of the most endangered ecosystems

of the Atlantic Forest.

Experts argue that less than 1% of the original territory remains

of that which covered the south of Brazil.

When we talk about sustainability and the future,

we have to discuss sustainable development.

And that's the base of this project.

Realising the importance of preserving this environment,

"Araucária+" aims to train small farmers

who still have forested areas on their properties.

Training them to leave behind some of the nuts or herbs,

for the animals in the forest,

because a lot of them eat these products as well.

The idea is for growers to become more sustainable,

through "Araucária+",

and to help them reach a market that appreciates this

and pays a fairer price.

Another side of the project is to develop new products,

with researchers and universities, which can be made

using raw materials from the forest.

All this makes it possible to pay the growers even better,

which then increases the development of the region.

People like Mr. Natalino develop more of an environmental awareness,

and respect for nature.

And we can see that our work is really paying off.

The project has shown amazing results.

More than 700 hectares of forest have been conserved

through sustainable use.

And it's really reassuring to see that there are people who care,

and see preservation as their ultimate goal.

And the more people photography can reach,

the more people it touches, the greater its role will be.

For more infomation >> Born to preserve | The Journey | Episode Two - Duration: 5:32.


Irama e Giulia si sono fidanzati, la conferma in televisione e il video del bacio | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Irama e Giulia si sono fidanzati, la conferma in televisione e il video del bacio | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:32.


Chicken cutlets with cheese - Duration: 1:51.

Ingredients for 8 servings: chicken mince - 600 g; cheese - 100 g; white bread - 100 g; milk - 100 ml; egg - 2 pieces; salt; pepper; breadcrumbs; vegetable oil for frying.

Hello! Today I want to share you a recipe of my favorite chicken cutlets with cheese

Fill with cold milk 2 slices of white bread

Grate the cheese on grater

Add 2 eggs to chicken ground meat

Add cheese

Add the soaked bread. Stir thoroughly

Add black pepper

And salt

Thoroughly mix again

Form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs

Put the cutlets in a frying pan with well-warmed vegetable oil

Chicken cutlets are ready. Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Chicken cutlets with cheese - Duration: 1:51.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active | Airco | Bluetooth | Electrische ramen | - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active | Airco | Bluetooth | Electrische ramen | - Duration: 1:11.


【MUKBANG】 Easy Crab Omelette Over Rice Using Crab Sticks!!! [By Microwave] [6500kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 6:28.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i made using the microwave Crab Omelette Over Rice

looks so tasty

the crab is tasty but expensive as well

and preparing it is so hard

and here comes the benefits of the crab sticks

- let's show yuka that we support her by leaving a comment and smashing the like button - and this time we used the microwave that make cooking looks so easy to make crab sticks rice bowl using crab sticks

so, let's see how we made it now

the ingredients...

rice, crab sticks

eggs, soy sauce

sauce powder, black pepper

sesame oil and green onion

let's start with slicing the crab sticks

it looks like my cat LON smells the crab sticks

lon is excited

but because lon can't eat this kind of food, i can't give it to her

so, let's taste it


crab sticks is amazing

let's break the eggs in the bowl

i couldn't do that by one hand

and soy sauce

with some sauce powder


- black pepper -

and we mix it

you can use chopsticks for a normal amount, but because the amount is so huge that's what i'm going to use

- put the mix in the microwave for 30 sec on 500 W - and now let's cover the mix

and during that let's cut the green onion

this kitchen knife is a gift from my friend, it's so easy to use

sorry for the green onion, but it's a berti knife

you can't buy it anymore here in japan

it cut so nicely

i used to have a cate shaped knife

it was so unique

and after that we bring the mix

i cooked it in the microwave for about 30 sec

and now let's mix eggs with sauce more

it's not solid at all

and after that we cover it

and we let it in the microwave until the eggs become half-cooked

5 min

the recipe said to cook it for 30 sec and mix it once

but i cook it for 5 min

i think after cooking for 5 min it's complete now

hay, like this

and now we add the crab sticks that we made our best to cut it

and i'll let a little bit for the topping

and after that we add sesame oil

and because i really like, i'll add plenty of sesame oil

jaan, i made today 7 cups of rice

and i'm going to top it with eggs

and crab sticks as well

and by adding the green onion...

Jaaan, we did it

this really looks so easy

we just sliced the crab sticks, we used the microwave for the eggs and sauce mix and by making rice we done

and this looks so tasty


the eggs is half-cooked and this looks so tasty

looks so yummy


the eggs is so jiggly and this is so good

and the crab sticks is doing a great job here

the taste is so good

moderate and good


the eggs is so jiggly and rich with the sauce flavor

it's so tasty especially with the aroma of the crab sticks


and i made today 1kg of miso soup as well

because the eggs is half cooked, i like it a lot

i was not sure about using the microwave at first but it was so easy

and the result is so good

the taste is moderate...

but it's so rich with flavors, and this is so good

this is so tasty

because the rice that i use recently is so tasty, this makes me so happy

and of course it's the famous datema's rice

this rice is really so soft and yummy

makes me eat huge amount of it

it really makes the taste of the dish better


the weather is cold and i'm not wearing that much but i feel so hot because of the rice

i would feel really hot during summer, it's a tough period

the texture of the crab meat is so good and the flavor explode from it, and this is so tasty

using the real crab is so luxurious...

but the crab sticks is so convenient

the last bite, itadakimasu



Crab Sticks rice bowl was so tasty

and making it was so easy as well

i think all of you can use the crab sticks

it's an accessible ingredient to all of you

using it is so easy and you can make with it delicious dishes like this one

this is so good

and i'm so happy that using the crab sticks is much more easier than the real crab

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Easy Crab Omelette Over Rice Using Crab Sticks!!! [By Microwave] [6500kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 6:28.


Gerry Scotti, il successo e i record: "Non mi piace sentirmi superiore a nessuno" - Duration: 6:06.

Intervistato da Sorrisi, Gerry Scotti ha parlato del successo dei quiz show e del ritorno di "Chi vuol essere milionario"  Gerry Scotti è uno dei volti più amati del piccolo schermo

Il conduttore televisivo, attualmente impegnato al timone di "Caduta Libera" e come giurato nel talent show "Tu si que Vales", si è raccontato a Sorrisi tra lavoro, successo e progetti futuri

Gerry Scotti: "l'ora di cena è il momento dove mi trovo meglio"  Il successo di Gerry Scotti è davvero inarrestabile

Il conduttore televisivo è uno dei personaggi più amati del piccolo schermo e i suoi programmi infrangono record di ascolti

Da Nord a Sud il conduttore riceve quotidianamente messaggi di stima ed affetto da tutti i suoi fan e dai telespettatori

Da diversi anni, infatti, il conduttore arriva puntuale in vide all'ora di cena.  Ritengo che è il momento dove mi trovo meglio, mi sento meglio, e dove la gente mi vede meglio

A quell'ora si capisce se uno è un amico, è un parente, è uno a cui voler bene.  Con queste parole Gerry ha raccontato a Sorrisi come è diventato, nel corso degli anni, il menu preferito dei telespettatori italiani

Del resto proprio la cena rappresenta un momento davvero speciale per il conduttore milanese:  La cena è il momento della mia vita più vero, mi piace raccontare i fatti del giorno, sapere come sono andate le cose alla mia famiglia

Sono abba- stanza fissato con gli orari. Io lavoro tanto, ma alle 20.30 pretendo di avere le gambe sotto il tavolo

Però sa cosa mi stupisce?. Gerry Scotti e il ritorno di Chi vuole essere milionario  Nato a Pavia e cresciuto alla periferia di Milano, Gerry Scotti riesce ancora a stupirsi quando escono gli ascolti di "Caduta Libera" oppure di "The Wall", due quiz show portati al successo nella fascia pre-serale di Canale 5

Generalmente il finale di questi giochi a premi è seguito mediamente da 4-5 milioni di telespettatori, numeri importanti che emozionano quasi il conduttore: "Pensare che ci sono tanti italiani lì a guardarti…"

Davvero tanti per Gerry che si distingue nell'intero panorama televisivo italiano come un presentatore alla mano e contrario ai litigi, per intenderci "quelli provocati e sopra le righe che riempiono un po' tutti i programmi" come ha precisato a Sorrisi

 Per questo motivo il conduttore ha da sempre preferito associare il suo volto a programmi televisivi come i quiz:  Probabilmente il quiz mi ha permesso di essere sopra le parti

Da tempo ho scelto quello che in inglese si chiama "understatement". Non mi piace sentirmi superiore a nessuno, né ai concorrenti, né agli interlocutori  Intanto per Gerry Scotti dopo la fine di "Caduta Libera" sono in arrivo grandi novità

A cominciare dalla nuova edizione di "The Wall – Il Muro" in partenza dal 19 novembre su Canale 5, mentre per il futuro ha in programma un importante ricordo e qualche nuovo format tv

Sicuramente ci sarà il ritorno di "Chi vuol essere milionario?" come confermato dallo stesso Scotti:  Sì, è vero

Stiamo ufficialmente preparando quattro prime serate esattamente come lo avete sempre visto, seguito e amato, con piccole novità  Si tratta di un'edizione celebrativa per i 20 anni della nascita del format originale "Who wants to be a millionaire?"

L'appuntamento con molta probabilità è per la fine dell'anno e Scotti ha raccontato di essere davvero felice "di riaccendere" un programma che gli ha regalato tantissime soddisfazioni

 Lo riaccendiamo. Prima della fine dell'anno. E non è da poco. In questa tv che celebra i grandi ritorni, per me è una fortuna rievocare una cosa che ho fatto io

A quasi tutti gli altri conduttori è capitato di fare una cosa che prima ha fatto qualcuno che adesso non c'è più  Poi sul finale dell'intervista non nasconde di essere un amante di un altro quiz televisivo anche se è della concorrenza

Si tratta de "L'Eredità" su cui ha detto:  Rendo l'onore della armi al mio più grande avversario

Penso che "L'eredità" abbia nel Dna qualcosa di eccezionale visto che dura da tanti anni ed è passata attraverso così tanti conduttori

 L'appuntamento con Gerry Scotti è tutti i pomeriggi con "Caduta Libera" e dal 19 Novembre con la nuova edizione di "The Wall"!

For more infomation >> Gerry Scotti, il successo e i record: "Non mi piace sentirmi superiore a nessuno" - Duration: 6:06.


Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi Airdream 92pk 91g So Chic - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi Airdream 92pk 91g So Chic - Duration: 1:12.


Renault Mégane Estate TCe 140pk Bose Camera, Park. Assist, R-link, Climate, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate TCe 140pk Bose Camera, Park. Assist, R-link, Climate, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.


Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.


Boboiboy Galaxy Musim 1 #2 - Duration: 20:33.

Let everyone know this is a new world

Let's fight for it together and win

This power we are looking for one galaxy

This power becomes reality

Release your power they will know

This is the world of you and me

In battle we soar your shadow becomes cloud

Release your power they will know

This is our world

Release your power they will know

This is the world of you and me

In battle we soar your shadow becomes cloud

For more infomation >> Boboiboy Galaxy Musim 1 #2 - Duration: 20:33.


Reliable iron "Philips Mistral 2100, model GC2115. Reviewed after 14 years of use - Duration: 3:07.


If you decide to buy yourself a new iron,

look for a brand like Philips.

I disassembled my old iron, which I acquired on

July 31, 2004, that is, an iron for use for 14 years.

And this year I decided to buy myself a new replacement iron.

Iron "Philips" definitely recommend to buy.

14 years of excellent work.

I disassembled it, once again cleaned it.

That's how it looks inside for 14 years.

Please note that there are already some elements of corrosion

on the contacts, especially here the ground contact

began to rust a little.

One of the power supply contacts was also covered with rust, well, and there are

some small watchers here.

Basically, that's all inside. The only such moment

that dust is stuffed out of here, and periodically you need to disassemble and clean it,

that is, the whole of this side is covered with such fine

dust - a pile of laundry.

But of course, for 14 years, the sole has fallen into disrepair.

Celaron coating was used here.

Well, the meager British cannot think of anything else, only Celeron or Celaron.

One letter has been changed and now you have a new brand of some kind of sole coating.

You see, she had already been scratched by some elements of clothing: metal zippers, buttons,

and began to wear off,

that is, the coating is erased.

At one time, this iron was quite

expensive. It has all the necessary functions, including

vertical steaming. His model is "Philips GC2115",

that is, this model is "Mistral 2100".

This is its power 2100 watts.

And if you look at the plastic parts,

here are the plastic components, they are practically,

one can say, in perfect condition,

the contacts, this plastic part of the sole.

Of course, modern irons are much cooler, they are more powerful,

and in comparison with the iron that I purchased to replace it,

there is a somewhat short cord, only 2 m.

Well, so, in principle, the iron is excellent!

These are still rubber things, as you see, they did not break, I washed

them now in citric acid.

They are quite rubber, soft

and easy to put in their positions.

Therefore, "Philips" - definitely a quality brand.

And I recommend it for purchase.

Well, I say goodbye to you. Good luck to all! Until. See you in the new videos!

For more infomation >> Reliable iron "Philips Mistral 2100, model GC2115. Reviewed after 14 years of use - Duration: 3:07.


Правило 13. Вознаграждаются только дела, или Начинайте действовать. Психолог Лариса Бандура - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Правило 13. Вознаграждаются только дела, или Начинайте действовать. Психолог Лариса Бандура - Duration: 6:51.


Learn Colors With Plane #1 ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes ! 4k Best 2019 #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:51.

little lamb mary had a lemons please was white as snow

everywhere that the level shirt

to school one day to day school one day it followed her to school one day which

was against the children laughing

the teacher

so the teacher turned but still it

waited patiently he should say about issues me about


what Mary so Mary so Mary so what does the

lamb love Mary so the eager children cry what Mary

every had a little lamb little mary had a little lamb its fleece was

white as

hijk an q r s t u v w x y and z now i know

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Plane #1 ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes ! 4k Best 2019 #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:51.


Peugeot 107 1.0 Active AUTOMAAT-AIRCO-5DRS-TREKHAAK-SCHUIFDEUR KM 29.147 NAP - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0 Active AUTOMAAT-AIRCO-5DRS-TREKHAAK-SCHUIFDEUR KM 29.147 NAP - Duration: 1:07.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco !! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V 5drs Ambiance Airco !! - Duration: 1:10.


Wrapples Music Video

For more infomation >> Wrapples Music Video


Why you should give a sh*t about the US midterms - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Why you should give a sh*t about the US midterms - Duration: 5:25.


Don't the Collars Choke the Cats? Why Doesn't Yoji Wear One? - Duration: 4:22.

Monji, Bongji, Hyuji always wear these collars.

It would probably look too empty if they're not there at this point.

Some people comment "What are those for?", "They look uncomfortable"

These collars are their IDs

They have their names and my phone number.

If they ever get lost,

or some accident happens, this collar can help a lot.

They started wearing these 2 years ago.

It's pretty snug but a finger still fits in.

It doesn't choke them.

It's like how we get used to wearing a watch.

As so, the cats are already used to these,

so no worries.

But Yoji couldn't get used to this.

It also doesn't even show because of his long hair.

So all the cats except Yoji are wearing these.

The leather is too worn out,

so I bought the same ones again!


This place has really good designs,

so I hope they don't go out of business anytime soon.

Every time the collars wear out, we need to reorder from them.

Bongji is opening his himself. "I can open on my own"

Go ahead, try.

(grabbing with his teeth)

It's almost open.

Keep going~

(I helped him open the box)

It's open.

Only Monji's and Bongji's are here

Hyuji's is a mint colored one,

but they're discontinuing this color 😞

So Hyuji only gets this worn out one..

I hope it lasts long.

The leather's kind of worn out,

but there's no choice but to hope it lasts.

The floor's warm, so Hyuji's lied down.

(Soo) Yoji's here too.

Yoji, you don't get one.

You didn't like it.

Such pretty colors.

Monji's and Bongji's old ones turned so dark..

"Hurry up"

It's new!

It's so shiny too.


How about like this?

"I'm the prince of plums"

It's so dirty and stretched out.

One thing that changed is

the shape of the buckle turned into a rectangle so it's easier to put on.

There you go.

Can you see?

Tada~ It's a new collar.

It looks so great on you.


The leather's so stretched out.

Hold on, hold on~

Bongji also got a new collar~

Yoji gets a pink scarf instead.

Oh god, you silly little cat.

Yoji still needs an ID

so just the pendant is going to get ordered

and put on the lace.

Why do you look so old, Yoji?

[Next Episode] I'll try brushing him.

For more infomation >> Don't the Collars Choke the Cats? Why Doesn't Yoji Wear One? - Duration: 4:22.


Americans Aren't That Divided! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Americans Aren't That Divided! - Duration: 1:53.


Korean women VS American women. What they don't do. - Duration: 5:08.

Hello, it's Jinger.

I immigrated to America about 5 years ago.

There are some similarities.

But there are differences too.

I'm a woman. So I made female friends.

I noticed that some things are really different from Korean women.

So, when you make American friends

I hope this video helps.

I'll share my experience.

Jinger English


Korean people don't like sunlight.

They try to move in the shade.

Arm warmers

hats with wide brim

sun screen, and so on..

They will do anything to avoid sunlight.

But American women love sunlight.

Unlike Koreans want fair skin like white people

they want some color on their skin like ours.

If you have pale white skin

they think you worked hard inside without vacation.

Maybe because you couldn't afford it.

There are regional differences.

I got yellow skin.

I didn't get discriminated for that.

Instead, people said 'You got beautiful skin.'

And freckles.

When I shoot videos, I use bright lights.

It also makes my skin look smooth.

But I see lots of freckles when I look at the mirror.

I cared so much about them in Korea.

I got laser treatments like IPL.

I've done everything to get rid of freckles.

I used lots of skin lightening products.

But American people think freckles can be cute.

No one made fun of them.

So I started to accept my face with lots of freckles.

But it's hard to let go of my obsession for even skin tone.

It's hard to find good skin lightening products in America.

They exist, but not very good.

Korean cosmetics rock!


American women don't have 'Aegyo'.

They think Aegyo is weird.

Grown-ups trying to be cute?

We use 'cute and se.xy' in Korea.

But in America, being cute goes with being young.

They have a hard time matching 'cute and se.xy'

You have to be mature to be se.xy in America.

I don't have Aegyo.

In Korea

a man dumped me because I didn't have Aegyo.

I didn't know the cultural difference.

When my American husband was my boyfriend

I tried Aegyo

and he hated it.

Oh, really?

I love it!

(Throwing up..)

I can't take it.

What the heck are you doing?

He didn't like it at all.

I thought my husband was weird.

But Western man in general don't understand Aegyo.

Some western men come to Korea

and get into Aegyo.

Cultural difference and

personal preference.


American women don't care what people think when they get dressed.

Koreans are fashionable.

Everyone is a fashionista on the street.

But in America

you see a lot of people with comfy clothes on the street.

When you go to a party or a club

no matter the body shapes

people wear whatever they want.

If you wear revealing clothes in Korea

it hard not to care about what other people think.

So you hesitate or

become brave or

you buy revealing clothes and keep them in your closet.

But in America, women with pot bellies wear midriff shirts

women with big legs wear mini skirts

obese women wear bikinis too.

Honestly, they don't always look great.

But they don't seem to care much.

It would be ideal to find the middle ground between America and Korea.

No matter what other people think

they accept how they are.

It's positive.

When I pick clothes

I don't care what other people think.

I pick clothes that make me feel good.

I'm not exactly young

so I don't feel comfortable in revealing clothes.

But honestly, young, pretty women look great in revealing clothes.

Am I the only one?

Your parents or friends

could give you advice on how to wear clothes.

But when someone you don't know try to say something about it

don't bother. They must have too much time in their hands. Lol

In Korea, not just how you dress

a lot of things in general

people care about what other people think too much.

But you know what?

People are not interested in your life as much as you think.

They're busy living their lives too.

Let's say I have a pimple on my chin.

I can't help but notice it from the morning till night.

But people around me don't care.

I think about myself

and assume that other people may think the same.

But it's not true.

They might care.

But not as much as you think.

So I hope you don't limit yourself because of what other people think.

My name is Jinger.

If this video is helpful


See you again next time.


For more infomation >> Korean women VS American women. What they don't do. - Duration: 5:08.


Prelude to Fallout 76 - Duration: 15:24.

War… war never changes.

Following the victory of the allies in the second world war, an era of cold war arose

between communist and capitalist governments, with tensions initially mounting between the

Soviet Union and United States of America, though eventually a third faction emerged,

led by the Peoples Republic of China.

Throughout the 1950s and 60s, the world's resources were by divided amongst competing

superpowers, leading to conflict but also investment in alternative energy sources like

nuclear power.

By 1969, the United States of America reorganized into 13 Commonwealth territories, whose authority

were above state government, but below federal, in the hopes of encouraging cooperation and

trade within these regions.

As a result the nation's flag was redesigned to embrace the new system.

As technology increased throughout the end of the 20th century, so did the human population

of the planet, while resources like fossil fuels steadily dwindled.

Yet for the citizens of the wealthier nations of the world, life continued on in relative

peace as their governments waged proxy wars and used puppet regimes to secure their interests.

With the people of America enamoured with consumer culture, new inventions and forms

of entertainment were constantly developing, and so in 2021, Hubris Comics released the

first issue of Gorgnak the Barbarian.

In 2037, the company General Atomics International released their line of Mister Handy utility

robots, which were often used as servants and low cost employees.

In the year 2040, with the global landscape becoming increasingly hostile, the American

government collaborated with Vault Tec industries, to acquire Tibbets Prison, for the purpose

of conducting experiments on the inmates, in preparation for Project Safehouse, which

strove to build fallout shelters in case of nuclear war.

In 2041, after centuries observing Earth, and occasionally abducting humans for study,

a Zeta Alien Mothership captured Dr. Morrison Rand.

In 2042, Robert House founded Robco Industries.

In 2044, John-Caleb Bradberton created Nuka Cola, which eventually became the most popular

drink in America.

In 2049, the Mass Fusion Company was founded by Karl Oslow.

In 2050, as the Nuka Cola Corporation prepared to launch a theme park, their nearby power

plant suffered a melt down, but used their money and influence to cover it up, allowing

for Nuka World to open as planned.

Featuring Nuka Town USA and Kiddie Kingdom, the park was a great success, selling about

40 000 tickets a day.

In this same year the American military redesigned the Sierra army depot to develop robots and

advanced weapons.

In 2051, the United States increased pressure on the Mexican government, crippling them

with economic sanctions before sending in the army to secure their oil refineries.

Later this year the New Plague swept through America, killing tens of thousands and forcing

them to close their borders and implement a national quarantine.

In 2052, as supplies of fossil fuels dwindled drastically, the nations of the Middle East

raised oil prices, leading the European Commonwealth to invade the region, beginning the resource

wars of the 21st century.

By the end of the year, relations between the governments of the world had grown so

hostile, the United Nation was dissolved.

In 2053, terrorists launch a nuclear strike against Tel Aviv.

In 2054, Vault Tec began Project Safehouse, commissioned to build 122 vaults across America,

under the pretence of providing shelters for the population in the event of nuclear war.

However they also had a secondary motive, as they planned to use many of these vaults

to conduct social, physical and psychological experiments on isolated populations, in order

to study how humans react to certain situations.

This may have been done in conjunction with the covert government agency known as the

Enclave, who sought to secure humanities future, either by rebuilding civilization after a

nuclear apocalypse, or else colonizing another planet, if the earth became uninhabitable.

In 2057, the United Stated started mining the grand canyon for uranium and then in 2059,

they formed the Anchorage Front Line, increasing their military presence in Alaska to protect

their oil interests.

Later this year, the first Artificial Intelligence was created.

By 2060, the world's energy crisis continued to worsen, forcing many to stop driving cars

due to the expense of fuel, leading to the manufacturing of a limited supply of electric

and fusion cars.

In this same year, the European-Middle East Wars finally came an end, as the oil fields

ran dry, leaving both regions in utter ruin.

Soon after the European commonwealth dissolving, and the remaining nations fought smaller scale

conflicts for the remaining resources.

In 2062, the Mormon church purchases space for their people in Vault 70 located in Utah.

Later this year, the UFO known as Palandine crashed in Maryland.

Accused of working for the Chinese Communists, Wan yang was arrested as a suspect in the

Niagara Sabotage.

By 2063, many of the vaults for project safe house were constructed; however those chosen

to participate soon grew tired of the excessive readiness drills, and began to ignore these

false alarms.

Also this year, Hubris Comics Game Studio released the holotape game Grognak & the Ruby


In 2065, the construction of Vault 76 began, one of 17 known control vaults which were

designed to act as relatively normal fallout shelters, in order to observe them and compare

the results to those who underwent experimentation.

In America, power rationing was implanted in New York, after a near meltdown at a local

nuclear power plant.

Also in this year, the American military began creating suits of armour for their soldiers

to be powered by Fusion Cell technology.

By 2066, even the richest world superpowers suffered significant resources shortages,

resulting in more aggressive actions by their governments.

In America, the National Guard was called to put down food riots in Denver, while in

China they suffered a severe energy crisis.

Desperate to gain access to one of the last remaining sources of fossil fuels in the Alaskan

oil fields, the Chinese government mobilized their military and invaded Alaska, beginning

the Sino-American war.

The United States then sent their own military into the area, and pressured the Canadian

government to allow troops to move through their territory, in order to protect the Alaskan


The following year, the American military completed their work on the T-45d Power Armor,

deploying their new weapons on the front lines of the war.

Although the Chinese had some advantages in this conflict, like their larger population

size and advanced stealth technology, they were years behind in their development of

power armor, tipping the scales of battle in favour of the Americans.

With world super powers now engaged in direct combat, nuclear war became a more realistic

possibility, leading Senator Todd Peterson to work with Posiedon Energy as well as the

Enclave, to build a secret fallout shelter in Colorado.

In 2069, construction was completed on Vault 76.

By 2072, the people of Canada grew increasingly hostile towards the American military presence

in their nation, leading to riots and mass protests across the territory.

After an attempted bombing of the Alaskan oil pipeline, the US government started to

annex their northern neighbour, stripping their lands of natural resources.

In this same year Nuka World opened the Galactic Zone.

In 2073, the American government worked with West Tek defense contractors to launch the

Pan-Immunity virion Project, with the goal of creating a drug that might make their people

resistant to the threat of a biological attack by the Chinese.

By 2074, the use of power Armor led to significant advances for the American military in their

war with the communists, prompting them to invade mainland China.

After years of failed negotiations, America walked out of talks with other international

leaders and declared that they would not be exporting oil outside of their nation.

In 2075, the Pan-Immunity virion Project was renamed into the Forced Evolutionary Virus,

with successful tests increasing the size and resistance of single celled organisms,

flat worms, mice and rabbits.

In this same year, a government AI known as the Predictive Analystic Machine, or PAM,

concluded that a Chinese ghost fleet was stationed near the American border, but her report was

dismissed due to a lack of concrete evidence.

In 2076, FEV was tested on dogs and raccoons, once again increasing size, strength and resistance,

though it did nothing to increase intelligence.

Meanwhile the American Military successfully completed their line of T-51b power armor,

deploying these units in mainland China, leading to many victories and leaving the communist

government on the brink of collapse Back in America, while some celebrated the

tricentennial with events like the official opening of Vault 76, others were outraged

by food and energy shortages, with widespread riots leading to a state of emergency and

the implementation of Martial Law.

As all this occured, the Enclave continued to prepare for humanities future, seizing

control of the Bloomfield Space Center in the hopes of creating space ships capable

of transporting important individuals off-planet in event of global crisis.

In 2077, a Chicago police detective named Nick Valentine lost his finacee in Operation

Winter's End, after failing to apprehend the criminal Eddie Winter.

After seeking treatment for PTSD, Valentine's brain was scanned, allowing for his memories

and personality to be transferred into an early model synth, many years later.

As the Chinese grew evermore desperate in their conflict with the US, they resorted

to acts of terrorism like the attempted sabotage of Hoover Dam, but their efforts were not

enough to stop enemy advances, with the Alaskan territory finally reclaimed by the America


With the war all but won, the United States turned their attention to quelling violence

within their own border, using soldiers in power armour to put down riots.

Meanwhile all FEV research was transferred to the Mariposa Military Base, and with the

news of this project finally leaking to the rest of world, many began to fear what the

Americans were planning.

However when research scientists started using soldiers to conduct further experiments with

the drug, Captain Roger Maxson took control of the facility and its personnel, executing

those responsible and officially severing ties with the American government.

In order to prepare for a nuclear or biological attack against the nation, the President of

the United States joined the Enclave in retreating to a Poseidon oil rig off the coast of California,

where they planned for the restoration of the government in the event of catastrophe.

Then finally, on October 23rd, after decades of escalating international conflicts, the

Great War began, and the nations of the world launched their nuclear weapons.

Although it was uncertain who attacked first and why, some have claimed it was started

by the Chinese, as the American military detected a launch of 4 ballistic missiles against them

before the President authorized full nuclear retaliation.

However others believe the US launched first due to an error or intentional sabotage that

made them believe they were under attack.

In anycase, soon all the nations of the world began to launch their nuclear and conventional

weapons, leading to mass devastation across the planet.

In America bombs landed in New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Massechustes, Utah and other


Although some attempted to make their way into known vaults and fallout shelters, many

others died needlessly, as they ignored the alarms and raid sirens believing it was just

another readiness drill.

Despite many failing to arrive at their Vaults in time, those who managed to make it were

quickly sealed in, with the Overseers and staff moving on to implement whatever plan

was prepared for their specific location.

With human civilization in utter ruin, FEV was released into the atmosphere, black rain

and radiation killed off of mutated various animal and plant species, and an EMP blackout

caused many vehicles and electronics to cease functioning.

Having survived the initial devastation, Roger Maxson led his men to a known government bunker

in the Lost Hills of southern California, where they would later establish the Brotherhood

of Steel, a militaristic faction dedicated to the preservation of technology.

In 2078, the city of Little Lamplight was founded by a group of children who survived

the nuclear apocalypse inside of a cavern system, while in Vault 87, scientists began

experimenting on their people with FEV, creating super mutants of low intelligence but exceptional

size and strength.

In 2083, the city of Necropolis was founded by the survivors of Vault 12, a shelter purposefully

designed to remain unsealed as part of the experiment being conducted in this location.

As a result, some of those within the vault were mutated by the high levels of radiation

and became Ghouls, being who did not age and resembled a rotting corpse.

And while some ghouls turned into ferocious, zombie like beings, those of Vault 12 and

many others maintained their intelligence and became highly resistant to the environment

of the nuclear wasteland.

In 2089, Dr Willem Clark became the leader of a Ghoul Faction who believed they represented

the next stage in human evolution.

In 2090, Vault 29 opened its doors, and the inhabitants left to populate the village of

Twin Mothers.

Although the original plan for the Vault was to prepare its youthful inhabitants to survive

on their own in the wasteland, Diana, a human brain connected to the main computer, made

it her mission to become their caretakers, using robotic servants to prepare Twin Mothers

before they left the vault, to ensuring their safety and prosperity once released.

In 2091, the people of vault 8 begin to re-colonize the wasteland.

Designed as a control vault, it's people were relatively healthy and well prepared,

using a terraforming device known as the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to prepare fertile soil,

eventually founding Vault City.

In 2093, the Hub was founded as a trade city in Southern California by a man known as Angus.

In 2096, the residents of vault 22 left their shelter due to an outbreak of mutated spores

which slowly drove them mad.

Over 100 of them then attacked the survivors who had taken shelter in Zion Canyon, and

possibly ate their captives, until driven out by Randall Clark and his followers.

In 2097, after years of social experimentation in Vault 15, which purposefully gathered together

people of extremely diverse ideological positions and cultures, the shelter became divided into

competing factions, which eventually led Jonathan Faust and 200 others to escape and start the

Vipers raider gang.

And finally in 2102, Vault 76 opened its door and celebrated Reclamation Day, sending its

residence to begin repopulating the wasteland.

Although this control vault was originally designed to open 20 years after the nuclear

apocalypse, they instead waited 5 more years before at last releasing their population

back into the world.

For more infomation >> Prelude to Fallout 76 - Duration: 15:24.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *VERKOCHT* - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *VERKOCHT* - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.2T Aspiration Limited LAGE KM-STAND LM-VELGEN METALLIC MULTIFUNCTIONEEL STUURWIEL ACH - Duration: 0:43.


What is Remembrance Day? - Behind the News - Duration: 3:45.

BEN NIELSEN: The community of Bridgewater in the Adelaide Hills

has never had a proper war memorial.

So, these kids and others from a local school

decided to design and build a new one.

After five long years of work,

it's now nearly finished.

Can you tell me what is left to do?

Well, there's going to be a boomerang with the rising sun,

just up the back, and then a sign with 'remember' on it

down at the front.

And some fences and some pavers.

But that's about it, really.

The boomerang with the rising sun, what does that mean?

That symbolises that all Australians were part of the war.

Memorials and monuments like this one

are a common feature of Remembrance Day commemorations

right around the world.

At 11am, on the 11th day, of the 11th month,

people gather at places

like the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne

or the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

They stand still and silent

and then listen to a bugler playing The Last Post.


People have been marking Remembrance Day like this since 1919.

But back then, it was actually called Armistice Day

because it marked the anniversary of the day the armistice was signed

and the First World War finally ended.

NEWSREEL REPORTER: November 11, Armistice Day.

At the time, hundreds of people gathered in London

to celebrate the end of the conflict and to remember those who died.

People did the same here in Australia.

The tradition of silence on Remembrance Day

was actually suggested by an Aussie journalist called Edward Honey.

He thought it'd be a sacred gesture

to acknowledge those who died fighting for peace.

Britain's king at the time, King George V, liked the idea

and declared two minutes' silence across the British Empire.

Since the first Armistice ceremony,

people have added new traditions to the commemorations,

like wearing red poppies.

That was inspired by a poem called In Flanders Fields,

which describes the poppies

that sprung up on abandoned battlefields in France and Belgium.

Later on, in 1945, when World War II ended,

the Australian and British governments

changed the name of Armistice Day to Remembrance Day instead,

so the people who served in all wars could be remembered together.

The Last Post, poetry, poppies

and a bunch of other traditions are still important parts

of the memorials that happen today...

..along with places like this in the Adelaide Hills,

that will proudly form

the centrepiece of these kids' commemorations for years to come.

Well, I did have a great grandad, my mum did,

and he fought in World War I.

And I've never actually thought of him as a soldier before,

as my relative, and now that there's a place here,

I just find that it's easier.

It makes me feel happy because it's a great place to meet up and...

..it's in a good spot.

It's special to me because it's a place not just to remember,

but it's a place for...


It's not just for one subject.

It's sort of a place where you can do anything, really.

For more infomation >> What is Remembrance Day? - Behind the News - Duration: 3:45.


Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 11/06/18 3AM | November 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:35.

For more infomation >> Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 11/06/18 3AM | November 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:35.


Silly Americans Try to Guess British Idioms - Duration: 15:50.

- Today we are going to challenge each other

with some British idioms.

Today's lesson is going

to be a very difficult lesson for us

because we have some different British idioms

that we are going to ask each other

and see if we can figure out what they mean,

and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do bad.

- Yeah, me too.

We're gonna try to do our best to guess them.

- Alright, so do you wanna ask me one of yours first?

- Yes.

It's a kerfuffle.

- A kerfuffle.

- A kerfuffle.

- I would say that's,

isn't that kind of like a commotion

or like a kind of a fight

or a dispute about something,

that they're a kerfuffle?

- I thought you said you were gonna be bad at this.

- I think I've heard of kerfuffle.

- Oh, yeah you're right.

- (laughs) Yes.

- Yeah it is. - It's like I'm British.

- It's a really good word though,

kerfuffle, I really like it.

- A kerfuffle?

What does it say?

- It says, a skirmish or fight

caused by different views.

- Okay, yeah.

Nailed it.


Alright, your first one is

maybe you'll get it if you work through it.

All mouth and no trousers.

If you're saying somebody's

oh, you know,

he's all mouth and no trousers.

- Is this similar to like if somebody's

bark is louder than their bite,

something like that?

- Kind of, like yeah. - So does it mean--

- It's similar.

- Somebody's like, just all talk,

but they're not really?


- Yeah, no that's exactly what it says,

all talk, no action.

Are you all mouth no trousers?

- Oh yeah, like I think many times

like I'll say things, but.

Okay, I like this one.

Knees up.

- Knees up.

Can you give me a sentence?

- This party is knees up.


- Knees up?

Is it, it's really cool, it's great,

it's happenin'?

It's knees up?

- Yeah, kind of. - This lesson is knees up?

- Yeah, I hope we're using that the right way,

it just says adjective for liveliness.

Like, dancing, like your knees are up

when you're dancing, maybe.

- I guess that makes sense, yeah.

Okay, your next one, blinding.

- Like if something's very bright

or something? (chuckles)

What's a sentence?

- Okay, the Prime Minister

gave a blinding inauguration speech.

- So this could either be very good

or very bad I feel.

- I mean, or you could say like,

I'm trying to think of something more recent.

The royal wedding was blinding?

- Yeah, it's not making it any easier.

Well I'm guessing it means like amazing

or something really cool? - Maybe I'm using it wrong.

- Excellence, it says. - Oh.

An adjective for excellence.

- Interactive english is a blinding channel.

- We're very modest today.

We're so blinding.

- We're so blinding. - We're so freakin' blinding.

- This one I really like.

I gotta say, I think British idioms are better

than American idioms.

- The ones we've done thus far, yes.

- Yes.

Okay, so one is to know your onions

or to know one's onions.

- To know your onions?

I'd just say, is it like to know your stuff,

to be informed

and you're aware of what's goin' on?

Like, hey, you know,

this guy doesn't know his onions.

- Yep.

- Really?

- That's exactly what it is. - Alright,

well that was pretty easy based on the context.

- But how much better is to know your onions

than to know your stuff?

- That is much better.

- It's so much better. - Yeah.

Okay, the next one

I think you'll get the next one

'cause this is, this is a little bit a review,

for you, alright?

And it is-- - Oh gosh.

- Chuffed.

- (laughs) I remember this one - Chuffed.

'cause we did this one with Allie.

- Yeah.

- But do I remember the meaning is the question.

- We did another idiom challenge with

Allie, from Papa Teach Me,

long time ago, we'll link it.

- He said chuffed to bits. - I think the idiom he gave,

chuffed to bits, yeah.

- I think it means, like

like excited or happy or delighted?

- Yeah.

- Oh okay, thank god.

- Yeah. - I was like

is my memory that bad?


- No, yeah to be very pleased about something.

- Okay.

- The sentence was, I just, it's like,

Reginald was chuffed about the football match

and I just thought like-- - Very British and simple.

- Reginald, yeah, is such a,

seems like such a stereotypical

British name. - Reginald.

- Reginald was chuffed.

- This one I think you should know

because I've heard it around,

at least I know it.

- Okay.

- But I still really like it.

- I might surprise you and be very wrong.

- Lets hope so

'cause it's funnier that way.

It's miffed.

- Miffed?

- Miffed.

- If you're miffed,

you're a little upset,

pissed off about something, you know you're miffed.

- Yeah, you're right.

I'm sorry I'm laughing,

I'm laughing because, because the example is,

he got all miffed about the football match.

- Sure people in the UK get miffed.

- Reginald, stop getting-- - About the football match.

Miffed about the football match.

- I imagine people were very miffed

at the last World Cup.

They were not chuffed at all.

- Reginald is miffed. - People were not chuffed.

Reginald especially, super miffed.

- Okay, we need to stop with this name okay.

- This, go away. - How can you see?

It's so small.

- Yeah, well I don't want you to see,

'cause you're trying-- - Well I can't.

To cheat here.

- I am-- - You're trying to cheat.

Okay, corker.

- What?

- Corker.

- Like, like does he have to something

he would like put a cork in it or something?

- No.

- Oh, a corker.

- Corker, I, this I don't think

you'll get it, do you,

would you like a sentence?

- Yes.

- You're probably still not gonna get it,

but it's a good sentence.

- What is it?

- Great job, Jim.

You're a real corker.

Maybe you will get it.

- Like a good person

or a good sport or something good?

- Yeah, I mean, kinda,

it's, this says-- - Good lad?

- Unless, unless this source is wrong.

Someone or something that is outstanding, a stand out.

Yeah, that Reginald,

he's a real corker.

There's like a Reginald watching this right now,

like, screw you guys. - I'm sorry,

we're not picking on you. - Sorry, you know.

- We actually do like the name, it's really--

- I am somebody who should not

be making fun of anybody's name.

- I mean, to be fair-- - Yeah.

- Me neither, because nobody's heard of my name.

- So we're with you, Reginald.

- We understand.

- We know (chuckles).

- Names are hard.


- A numpty?

- Yes, it's an adjective.

- Okay.

- I think.

- Well let me take a guess

and then you give me a sentence.

A numpty, I'd say somebody

who is lazy, kind of like a bum,

sloth, they're not working hard,

they're a numpty.

- You are--

- Stupid numpties.

- You are kind of wrong,

but also kind of, I mean you're right

on the connotation of the word.

- Why wouldn't, okay, alright.

It's not a good word.

- Not a numpty,

it's an adjective, so--

- Oh, if somebody's a numpty?

Okay, so-- - Well no--

- Can you give me a sentence?

- That's somebody's a numpty, somebody's--

- Somebody's numpty.

- We're still struggling

with the concept of adjectives today.

- Numpty.

- You and your numpty friend should apologize.

- You and your stupid-- - That is such a good one.

- You and your stupid friend should apologize?

- Yeah.

- Is it?

- Yeah.


- We're gonna bring some of these idioms

back to America and start saying,

hey numpty, what are you doin'?

Numpty friend, that numpty shirt.


This is another, this is a good one.

I like this one too.

British idioms are much better.

- They're much better.

- Doofer.

- A doofer?

- A doofer.

- Is it like a doofus?

- D-O-O-F-E-R, doofer.

- Like a doofus?

- No.

- Can you?

- I'll give you the saying,

it's to say like, you know,

what is that doofer?

- What?

That made it harder.

- What is that doofer?

- Is it a thing?

A doofer is a thing?

- Kind of, but there's a little more to it.

What do you call that doofer over there?

- Thing?


- Or could be a thing.

- Thingy?

- It says, it's an unnamed object,

so if you don't-- - Oh, so like a thing?

- Yeah, a thing, like if you don't know the name

of something, like,

oh, what's, what's that doofer?

Thingamajig, whatchamacallit.

I think a lot of people in the US

would say a thingamajig,

or a thingy.

Whatchamacallit, I think of the,

the candy bar.

♪ How's it go ♪

♪ Whatchamacallit ♪

- What is that?

- It's the song

that was like the old commercial.

♪ Ahh ahh ♪

♪ Thingamabob, gobbledygook ♪

♪ Whatsitsface ♪

♪ Whatchamacallit ♪

- You don't know your onions, apparently.

- Apparently about Whatchamacallits.

Okay, oh I think you know this one.

Odds and sods.

- No, I'm like, odds and sods,

can I have a sentence?

- Okay, You lot got first picks

and left with nothing but odds and sods.

- That you like, odds and sods,

like empty handed?

I got all a bunch of of rubbish.

- See, that's why I think

this particular sentence wasn't the best.

- Did you wanna give me another sentence?

- Like at the flea market,

you, you, you could find a bunch

of odds and sods. - Doofers?

Is it a doofer?

- Unnamed. - It's an unnamed thing.

It's just a bunch of,

like a bunch of knickknacks?

- Yeah, miscellaneous things.

- Okay.

- But what I didn't want it to think,

it's like it's not something

that's not valuable,

it's just like,

yeah, miscellaneous things.

- Okay.

Another good one, I thought, an earwig.

- What?

- An earwig.

- Earwig?

- Yeah an earwig.

- An earwig.

- I think it's a verb.

Earwig. - To earwig?

- Earwig.

If, do you want a sentence?

- Yes. - I think you'll,

you might be able to get it based on the context.

Don't earwig on my personal phone calls.

- Oh, is it like to eavesdrop? - Don't earwig.

Yeah, it says to eavesdrop.

I don't know,

it's like, like kind of like wiggling your ear,

like kind of like an earwig

or something instead

of like a wig you put on your head.

- That's how I imagined it.

- That's what I first thought of when I heard it.

- A little wig for your ear.

Okay, the next one from me is spawny.

- Spawny.

Somebody who thin and lanky

and gangly, like they're spawny.

- No.

- Spawny, I don't know,

can you give me a sentence? - It's an adjective.

That was a spawny outcome for you.

- Okay, a positive, great, unexpected?

- That's a good connotation-- - That's, that was--

- It's the right kind of connotation.

- You know, that was a spawny outcome,

that was surprising?

- Getting closer.

- Should I keep guessing?

I don't know.

- Lucky.

It means lucky.

- Oh, okay.

Maybe you'll get this one.

Well I don't wanna give you a hint.

Eating irons.

- What?

- Do you want me to give you a hint

before I give you the sentence?

- Yeah.

- Eating irons,

it's basically exactly what it sounds like.

- No it can't be.

Eating iron?

- Eating irons.

- I don't know, eating spinach?

- Eating irons, like no. - Spinach is iron.

- Somebody would ask or something like,

don't we have any clean eating irons?

- Oh, is it like utensils?

- Uh huh, yeah, cutlery, eating utensils.

- I wonder how common this one is.

- Eating irons.

- I just assume somebody is eating iron,

so that's why I was like, what?

Like is it vitamin deficiency thing?

Okay, the next one is steaming.

- Steaming if you're steaming? - Steaming.

- Steaming?

If you're steaming,

then you're really mad,

you're angry, you're upset?

- No, but that's a good guess.

- Okay, can you use a sentence?

- Steaming, the drunk Reginald

hobbled out of the pub.

- Is that really the sentence?

(laughs) - Yes.

- Reginald, he's everywhere.

In that case, it'd be like an adverb of degree,

like a very, very,

a very drunk Reginald?

- I think you were right,

even in the beginning,

now I see the second part of the definition.

So it says,

the state of extreme drunkenness

or extreme anger,

so maybe you were right in the beginning,

but steaming I think does add excessiveness

to whatever is that you're doing.

- Okay.

- This one I think you

will get, some of you

may even know about it.

The fuzz.

- I have no idea.

- Really?

- Yeah, how would I know the fuzz?

- Because there was a movie called Hot Fuzz.

- Oh, I haven't seen it.

- Don't let the fuzz catch you.

There's any problem, call the fuzz.

- The police?

- Yeah.

- Oh.

- You've never heard that?

I think that's been used,

I've heard that quite a bit. - I mean I may have heard it.

- In like movies and shows,

like people thought the fuzz, the cops.

- Now I'll know.

- Now you know your onions. - Mmhm.

Wag, wag off.

- Okay, I'm gonna say to wag off is to like,

just gonna go out there and say it,

talk back to somebody,

to talk a lot?

- No.

- Talk trash?

- No.


Maybe it is connected,

but it means something else. - To wag off.

Wag off?

Like get outta here?

Go away?

- No.

I'll give an example,

I had nothing to do, but wag off at work.

- Just do nothing of importance?

I don't know, you're bored, you wag off,

you screw around, you don't do much?

- Kind of.

- Wag off?

What are you doing?

- To waste time.

- What are you doing?

- It kind of means to waste time.

- To waste time?

Okay, I kinda got that.

To waste time.

Wag off.

Georgie, you waggin' off?

- Oh, always.

- You just wag off all day.

The next one, honk.

It's a verb, honk.

It's not a car.

- Oh, I was like,

that's easy, that's a real word.

I have no idea, what,

what, I mean, can you like give me some kind of hint?

- I can give you an example sentence.

This is good.

- Reginald.

- Reginald coughed so hard,

he honked all over the pub.

- Ew.

Does it mean to throw up?

Ew. - Uh huh, to vomit.

- Ew ew ew.

- I'm gonna check where we got these,

'cause we got these off of,

like a site, just to challenge each other.

- Wait, sorry.

The cat honked.

She drooled.

- I wonder if, yeah, I wonder if the person who kind of

wrote that like, blog post.

- If their name is Reginald. - With all of these,

it was Reginald.

- You should know this one,

I believe because I've heard it before,

but this one goes, warts and all.

- Just, you're not feeling good about your appearance,

like warts and all, or like just--

- You don't know this?

I've heard it in the US too, I thought.

- I've never heard of warts and all.


- Alright, I'll keep the cat, warts and all.

- Like you'll keep,

you'll, for something for better or for worse?

Like, you'll keep it with all the defects

and problems that something might have, warts and all?

I've never heard warts and all.

- Really? - No.

I think you'll get it,

I think people have said it in the US before.

An idiot box,


or the idiot box.

- I don't think I've heard it,

but it's good, it sounds good.

- Most homes have an idiot box.

- Oh, like a panic room?


- What?

Why would that be an idiot box?

- Well you're acting like I'm supposed to know,

is that, am I the idiot box?

- Alright, no.

I think I'll spend the night

in front of the idiot box.

- Oh, a TV.

- Uh huh, yeah.

- Oh.

- It's the idiot box.

So if you learn some new idioms,

just like we did,

we want you to do two things:

please hit that like button down below,

also, write to us in the comments

and tell us which one was your favorite

or if you know of some other British idioms,

we'd love to hear em',

because yeah, we think they're just better

than the American idioms.

- They're way funnier.

- Thank you guys so much for watching

and we'll see you next time.

- Bye.

For more infomation >> Silly Americans Try to Guess British Idioms - Duration: 15:50.


How did World War I end? - Behind the News - Duration: 2:49.

NIC MAHER: It wasn't a fighter plane, a tank or a battleship

that spelled the end of the First World War

but a signature in a train carriage made on November 11, 1918.

By the second half of 1918, Germany was in big trouble.

It had defeated Russia, but it was losing in France.

German forces were being pushed back,

and its leaders no longer believed they could win the war.

Defeat was coming.

One by one, Germany's allies, including Bulgaria,

the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary

pulled out of the fighting

and signed formal agreements to stop the conflict.

That's called an armistice,

and Germany was ready to sign one too.

The Allies, led by Marshal Ferdinand Foch,

came up with the agreement.

It called for fighting to end, for Germany to evacuate,

hand over all of its weapons and return its prisoners.

Germany signed it on 11 November 1918,

in General Foch's railway carriage,

with the Armistice officially coming into effect on:

It would be the end of fighting, for a while at least.

In the coming years, Germany would be forced to sign more treaties,

including the Treaty of Versailles,

which officially blames Germany for the war

and forced it to make big repayments to the Allies.

Many historians think those terms played a big part

in the rise of Hitler's Germany and the start of World War II,

just 20 years later.

But at the time, everyone was ready for the Great War to end.


News spread that the war was over.

MAN: "Queensland Government Gazette."

"Germany has signed the Armistice with the Allies,

"and that consequently the war that has devastated the world

"for more than four years is at an end."


The guns fell silent, and on the front lines,

troops cheered and danced.

In London, in Paris, in New York, people celebrated too.

After more than four years of conflict,

war was finally over.

For more infomation >> How did World War I end? - Behind the News - Duration: 2:49.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo - Duration: 1:08.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T ACENTA AUTOMAAT NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T ACENTA AUTOMAAT NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:07.


Pelicans Roster & Starting Lineup vs. Thunder | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:03.

Pelicans Roster & Starting Lineup vs. Thunder | Heavy.com

The New Orleans Pelicans hit the ground running to start to the NBA season, winning four-straight out of the gate.

Unfortunately, they cooled off quickly, dropping their next five games and now look to right the ship Monday night on the road against the Oklahoma City Thunder.

One key to the tough stretch was the absence of Anthony Davis, who missed three games.

His return last game against the San Antonio Spurs wasn't enough to help get back in the win column, as the team lost 109-95.

Davis is seemingly good to go for this game against Russell Westbrook and the Thunder, but the Pelicans will again be without Elfrid Payton.

Payton is dealing with an ankle injury, and as Daniel Sallerson of the Pelicans reported, he said he could return within a week or so.

The Pelicans have tried two different lineups (which included Davis) to replace the point guard, but neither worked out incredibly well.

With that said, let's take a look at the projected starting lineup and roster for the Pelicans Monday night.

Pelicans' Projected Starting Lineup & Roster vs.

Thunder. *Notates expected starter.

C: Anthony Davis*, Jahlil Okafor.

PF: Nikola Mirotic*, Julius Randle, Cheick Diallo.

SF: E'Twaun Moore*, Wesley Johnson, Darius Miller, Solomon Hill.

SG: Jrue Holiday*, Ian Clark.

PG: Tim Frazier*, Frank Jackson.

The Pelicans opted to start Wesley Johnson over Tim Frazier last game against the Spurs, which was more than a bit surprising.

But Frazier wound up playing just seven minutes in that game.

With that said, there's a chance Alvin Gentry could opt to change things up once again with the lineup in an attempt to snap this losing streak.

Johnson only played 21 minutes in his starting role, while Julius Randle saw 26 minutes off the bench, along with 19 for Ian Clark and 14 for Darius Miller.

This could be a situation to monitor ahead of game time, but the Spurs have a bit more size than the Thunder.

In turn, it's expected that Frazier will return to the starting five.

READ NEXT: Lakers Set for Strong Pursuit of Pelicans' Anthony Davis?.

For more infomation >> Pelicans Roster & Starting Lineup vs. Thunder | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:03.


Opel Astra T 105pk 5drs Navi Tel. Usb Airco Pdc Cruise 1.0 Edition - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra T 105pk 5drs Navi Tel. Usb Airco Pdc Cruise 1.0 Edition - Duration: 1:08.


Hoarding for Hope - How to Know What Stuff to Get Rid Of - Duration: 10:17.

How do you know what stuff to get rid of when you're organizing your house?

That's an excellent question.

We're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's show is brought to us by HouseCleaning360.com

and on there, you will find a bunch of professional organizers

and professional house cleaners that can come help you during spring cleaning

or help you for back to school cleaning or whenever it is that you reorganize

and tidy up your home.

So, if you need some professional help, HouseCleaning360.com

has the people that you need to hire.

Okay, on to today's session, which is from a house cleaner who watched an episode we

did the other day on cleaning out a closet.

And she wanted to know, how do you determine what is of value and what you should throw away?

And that was a great question, so I wanted to cover that today.

One of the things that we are told in organizing and professional cleaning is that, if it does

not spark joy, that you should get rid of it.

Okay, as I was going through my closet, I found all kinds of things that sparked joy

and I got so excited when I saw them, but I realized, although it sparks joy, it's just a spark.

I'm not actually using these things and I'm not wearing them and some of them don't even

fit me anymore.

So, although they've sparked joy, I'm going to go ahead and get rid of these things,

and so that is why I got rid of some of the things I got rid of.

Now, another reason we hang on to things is not for the things at all.

It's for what they represent to us.

Here's an example.

16 and a half years ago I got married and I was running a house cleaning business at

the time and I had lots of employees and I had payroll and finances were really tight,

and so I could not afford to spend $150.00 on a wedding cake.

So, I decided I was going to make my own wedding cake.

Now, I have zero experience at making wedding cakes.

So, I decided I would go down to Michael's, which is an arts and crafts store, and they

have all these classes and so they were going to teach a class on how to make a wedding

cake and I thought, "Oh, that's so cool.

I'll go take the class and then I will make my own wedding cake."

So, I went and I took the class and, when I got done, I ended up walking out with this

tips set for cake decorating.

This probably has about 28 different tips in it that will help you make designs and

decorations on the tops of cakes.

Alright, the reason I still have that is not because I'm ever going to make any more cakes.

As I look at my consulting calendar and my travel calendar and I look at the upcoming

birthdays and holidays and all these things that I have going on, I probably will never

make a cake again in my life.


The reason I still have this is not because I'm going to make cakes.

It's because of the illusion of what it would bring me if I owned these.

So, what it was going to bring me, I was going to get my nieces together and we were going

to make birthday cakes for all the different birthdays and I was going to make cakes for

Christmas for my house cleaning customers and I had all these things I was going to

do in the back of my head, but the reality is, in the 16 and a half years since I've

been married, I've made about 12 cakes.

That's it.

Like, 12 cakes.

And then, I decided I was done forever, I'm never going to make any more cakes.

I just don't have the time, but I did end up making my wedding cake and my wedding cake

turned out fabulous.

It tasted delicious and it looked amazing, but true confession is, I did not design and

decorate my wedding cake.

As I in-creeped upon the, in-creeped, I think I just made that word up, as I in-creeped

upon my wedding, it became so frustrating with the clients that I had and the customers

that I had and the employees that were dropping off and I had some mismanagement of a bunch

of issues, including my finances, that I did not end up decorating my own wedding cake

and it was my sister, Yolanda, that decorated my wedding cake.

And so, as frustrating as it was that I had planned and prepared and I'd taken this class

and I didn't even end up decorating my own wedding cake and it looked amazing and it

turned out beautifully because she did it.

So, thank you, Yolanda, for that.

In the course of my life, I will probably never make another cake though, and after

I'm telling you this, I'm probably going to get rid of this set of cake decorating tips

because I will never use them again.

The things that we have, sometimes, are not because we're going to use them, but we're

hanging on to the hope of what they were going to bring us.

I still hope I'm going to get my nieces together and we're going to spend some girl time.

I still hope for that.

Hanging on to this makes me hope for that.

It makes me think that there's a time in my life when I'm going to sit down and I'm going

to make some cakes and I'm going to decorate them and frost them and they're going to be

fancy and whatever, but the reality is this.

In all the years that I've bought birthday cakes for people, there's not one person that

has ever come up to me and said, "I would like you better if you had made this by yourself

and done your own frosting."

Nobody ever said that.

So, truth be known, nobody's going to like me any more or less if I make the cake or

if I buy it.


Another thing is I don't even eat cake, so I'm not making the cakes for myself.

I don't even eat cake.

So, it was the illusion of what it was going to provide.

So, how do you know what to get rid of in your house?

Get rid of the stuff that just brings you hope, but you're never going to use it,

you don't need it, you don't want it, and if you stop to think about what you're hoping for,

there are other ways to get it.

If I really want to have some time with my nieces, then it's not making cakes, because

that's just out of the question.

It's not going to happen, but we could go out to lunch together, we could visit on the

phone, we could email, we could chat, we could Facebook.

There are other things we can do that will fill those gaps of time probably more on a

level of where they are right now than them coming over to my house and us making cakes.

Alright, when I was a kid, I had ADD and I was not diagnosed with that, but I had all

the signs and symptoms and, in order to kind of give me something to do with my hands and

keep me busy and keep me occupied, my mother sent me down to an elderly lady who was probably

like 80 at the time.

She seemed like she was a 100, really old lady, her name was Helen Clarke and I spent

three hours with her every Wednesday of my youth and she would teach me how to knit and

tat and crochet and embroider and all these different things that were handy arts.

I created all kinds of things.

I embroidered pillow cases and crocheted slippers and I sewed little handbags and I tatted bookmarks

that looked like little pieces of lace and I would back them with a shiny ribbon and

I sold them at the public library when I was nine or 10 years old and that was my little

business at the time.

I sold tatted bookmarks at the public library.

But the reality is this.

As a grown adult, for way too long, I've hung on to the yarn and the knitting needles and

the crochet needles and the tatting shuttles and all of these things and I recently got

rid of all of that stuff.

I did hang on to the tatting shuttle because of what it represented to me and it's only this big.

It's very small and it's going to be easy to store for the rest of my life, but I got

rid of all the other stuff because, as my life progresses, I do not see a time, even

when I'm retired, where I'm going to ever sit in front of the TV knitting and crocheting

like I once did.

This ugly thing hit me called adulthood and, as soon as I hit adulthood and I had responsibilities

and bills to pay, a business to run, all that stuff kind of went out the window.


And the more I progressed through my business, I found other ways on the internet to keep

busy, even while I'm in front of the TV.

So, I could be restructuring and reediting pictures or a video or something, while I'm

in front of the TV.

I'm never going to be knitting and crocheting again.

So, the reality is, we hang on to things because they were either a part of our past or they

represent something to us, but the reality is, there are other ways that we can get those

same feelings and let some of this stuff go.

So, I'm going to say goodbye to the cake decorating tips because, I promise, I will never use them again.

I will never find a time when it makes sense for me and it's profitable for me to sit down

and make a cake when there are six or seven fantastic bakeries that are right near where I live.

And so, if it's somebody's birthday and I need a cake, I can run down and just order

a cake and buy it and they can actually deliver it for me or I can pick it up and deliver it myself.

But I'm not going to go through the time and the energy and the effort to make a cake.

That's not going to happen.

So, as you go through your cupboards, pull out the things that mean something to you,

that are representative of things you wish would happen, and then, are there other ways

that can happen without you keeping and hanging on to this stuff?

There was a time when I had a lot of cake pans because of this illusion and they were

candy cane cake pans and they were Christmas tree cake pans, and they were Barbie doll

cake pans, and Garfield's, and fun little things.

There were themed cake pans.

I was going to make all these fun cakes, and the reality is, I ended up selling most of

those cake pans on eBay because I realized that, hey, this was a journey through hope

and I don't know.

Maybe it helped me at the time or something, but I did not end up making the cakes I thought

I was going to make.

So, what are you hanging on to right now?

And you have to be really honest about this.

What are you hanging on to that you don't need, don't want, and can't use?

And then get rid of those things and, if you have to, take a picture of those things and

hang on to the picture because the picture will bring back that flood of happy memories

of what you were hoping, but you're not physically storing the stuff.

So, that is one of my suggestions on how to get rid of this stuff that you are trying

to shell out and send on its way.


That's my two cents for today and, until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Hoarding for Hope - How to Know What Stuff to Get Rid Of - Duration: 10:17.


New Orleans Saints: Drew Brees Making a Case for NFL MVP? | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:41.

New Orleans Saints: Drew Brees Making a Case for NFL MVP? | Heavy.com

The old man has still got it! After Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints became the first team to knock off the Los Angeles Rams, is it time to start considering Drew Brees a potential favorite in the MVP race? It sure is! Headed into week nine, we all had to assume that Kansas City Chiefs second-year veteran Patrick Mahomes had it locked up so far, but don't think for a second that this race is over.

There are plenty of worthy candidates this year, for sure.

But a 39-year-old Drew Brees is playing like he is still in his prime.

As he continues to break records and break undefeated seasons, Brees is well on his way to leading the Saints to a potential deep playoff run.

Last season, the Saints were stunned by a miracle in Minnesota, but it's going to take a lot more than a fluke play to take down Drew Brees and the New Orleans high-powered offense, that's for sure.

Through eight games, Brees has a passer rating of 120.6.

He's thrown for over 2,300 yards and 18 touchdowns, which ties for sixth in the league.

Although his passing numbers aren't off the charts, his lack of turning the ball over is undoubtedly impressive.

With 213 passing attempts on the season, Brees has thrown just one interception.

He's the only quarterback in the NFL to throw one pick, with over 200 attempts currently.

Is Brees an MVP Favorite?.

Brees has the attention of all of the top writers, currently.

He might not have the same hype around him now as Patrick Mahomes, but the race for MVP is going to be a lot closer than you think.

It kind of reminds me of last year, when Tom Brady was the veteran favorite, while a young guy like Carson Wentz was the emerging star, who, unfortunately, lost out due to injury.

Hopefully, that doesn't happen in this case.

But the overall race for the award should be quite interesting.

As the Saints only have one loss on the season, Brees has clearly gone above and beyond to put his team on his back.

That's no slight to the rest of the Saints as they are an outstanding team all around, but it's clear that Brees is elevating them to the next level.

Could Drew Brees finally win the league MVP at age 39? According to NJ Advanced Media's Matt Lombardo, Brees has the third-best odds to win as of Monday morning.

His odds are at +750.

He trails behind Los Angles Rams running back Todd Gurley, and Kansas City Chief's quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

We'll see how the rest of the second half of the season goes, but knocking off the top dogs in the NFC should surely elevate those odds when it comes to voting time.

For more infomation >> New Orleans Saints: Drew Brees Making a Case for NFL MVP? | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:41.


Things That Are Surprisingly Bigger Than You Probably Thought - Duration: 5:39.

Things That Are Surprisingly Bigger Than You Probably Thought

For more infomation >> Things That Are Surprisingly Bigger Than You Probably Thought - Duration: 5:39.


Le'Veon Bell: Steelers Still Haven't Heard from Him | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:45.

Le'Veon Bell: Steelers Still Haven't Heard from Him | Heavy.com

The Pittsburgh Steelers haven't had Le'Veon Bell on board since last season, even though he is still technically under contract.

As the team couldn't come to an agreement with Bell about him wanting a large chunk of his money being guaranteed up front, Bell decided to take a gamble and hold out for now what has become more than half of the season.

And since Bell did not sign his franchise tender before the trade deadline, he was not able to be traded away.

Bell now has until next week to return to the Steelers facility before he is no longer able to play in 2018.

Although Bell did not tell anybody what his plans were, he did send out a tweet on Monday that indicated that he may be on his way back to Pittsburgh.

The timing of the tweet absolutely makes sense.

Bell Going Back to Pittsburgh?.

Steelers Are Still Lost.

Although Le'Veon Bell told Twitter he was leaving behind his Jet Ski's in Miami, nobody is exactly sure where the Pro Bowl running back is going.

Sure, we can assume he's headed back to Pittsburgh, but if you ask the team, they have no idea.

ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter claims that the team is still unaware of Bell's plans.

And quite frankly, it doesn't seem like it matters to them much as they are getting ready for a tough matchup this week.

At this point, implementing Bell back into the offense may be the last of the Steelers worries right now.

After a slow start to the season, Pittsburgh picked things back up and are now 5-2-1 on the season, as they are sitting on top of the AFC North.

Could they use Bell? Sure.

But if they do get him back, he might just end up being a distraction.

You know the saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Well, the Steelers backfield is definitely the least of their worries.

With James Conner rushing for 706 yards on the season, he's only behind Los Angeles Rams running back Todd Gurley.

A return for Bell could very well just be another distraction for the Steelers heading into the second half of the season.

For more infomation >> Le'Veon Bell: Steelers Still Haven't Heard from Him | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:45.


Meningioma Brain Tumor - Duration: 0:26.

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