Sunday, November 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 18 2018



Almere Centrum

Amsterdam CS

Amsterdam Sloterdijk





For more infomation >> Buses videos in The Netherlands Summer 2018 - Duration: 17:30.


Honda Civic 2.0 i-VTEC - Type R - GT - Turbo - 320 PK - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 2.0 i-VTEC - Type R - GT - Turbo - 320 PK - Duration: 0:56.


BMW Motorrad Millennium Auto - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> BMW Motorrad Millennium Auto - Duration: 7:10.


GFVip, lite tra Monte e Salemi, lui sbotta: 'Sei una bambina, io con te ci metto un punto' - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> GFVip, lite tra Monte e Salemi, lui sbotta: 'Sei una bambina, io con te ci metto un punto' - Duration: 10:55.


Luane Dias surpreende e defende Nadja Pessoa após deixar A Fazenda - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Luane Dias surpreende e defende Nadja Pessoa após deixar A Fazenda - Duration: 3:49.


Alla scoperta di una Germania sconosciuta #EnjoyHiddenGermany – Capitolo 2 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Alla scoperta di una Germania sconosciuta #EnjoyHiddenGermany – Capitolo 2 - Duration: 1:00.


Intervista con Thomas Salme, il pilota abusivo - Duration: 31:57.

For more infomation >> Intervista con Thomas Salme, il pilota abusivo - Duration: 31:57.


Matteo Salvini e Silvio Berlusconi, il retroscena clamoroso: "Cosa gli ha chiesto il Cav", bomba su - Duration: 7:26.

 È il solito doppio registro di Forza Italia. Presenta mille e passa emendamenti alla manovra, scende in piazza contro il governo per dire si alla Tav

Ma poi Silvio Berlusconi incontra Matteo Salvini per tenere aperto il dialogo con l' esecutivo gialloverde

O, almeno, con il versante leghista della maggioranza.In ballo ci sono troppi interessi

E il Cavaliere non può permettere che prevalgano le tesi punitive del Movimento Cinque Stelle, che vuole attentare alle sue aziende

 Nelle ultime ore Fedele Confalonieri ha sollevato il caso della Rai, che fa dumping sul prezzo degli spot televisivi

Dietro questa polemica c' è la questione dei tetti pubblicitari. La tv pubblica, in quanto destinataria del canone, deve lasciare fette del mercato maggioritarie alle emittenti private

Ma con i grillini al potere queste regole potrebbero cambiare. Non manca giorno in cui non ci sia un attacco diretto all' impero berlusconiano

La famiglia di Arcore è stata inserita tra gli editori "spuri" e il Cav vuole vederci chiaro

Capire se dalle minacce i Cinquestelle intendano passare ai fatti. Finora la Lega, per difendere i temi a loro cari, come la sicurezza e l' immigrazione, ha lasciato spazio ai pentastellati e alle loro bandiere ideologiche

È andata così anche sulla prescrizione, con Berlusconi che ha vari processi in scadenza

Stessa trama anche sulla pace fiscale, dove alla fine è prevalsa la tesi di Di Maio

Allora Silvio vuole capire bene. Ed è andato dritto alla fonte.A Palazzo Grazioli - Salvini e Berlusconi si sono visti giovedi sera a Palazzo Grazioli

I due hanno parlato della manovra economica approdata in Parlamento, che secondo Forza Italia dovrebbe contenere maggiori misure legate al programma di centrodestra

Si è parlato anche delle prossime elezioni regionali, dove si sta cercando di trovare un accordo per mantenere in vita l' alleanza

Il Cav, poi, ha chiesto garanzie sul temi che gli stanno piu a cuore. Anche se, dal versante leghista, non confermano

Le cose, riferiscono, non sono andate male, il dialogo resta aperto. Nel frattempo Forza Italia interpreta il suo ruolo di opposizione

«Quando il primo partito della maggioranza presenta 194 emendamenti alla legge di bilancio, cosi come ha fatto il M5S, e l' altro partito, la Lega, lo surclassa presentandone 257, vuol dire che qualcosa non va

Tra maggioranza e governo esiste un deficit clamoroso di credibilità e fiducia. I deputati di M5S e Lega vogliono di fatto stravolgere il testo del governo e questo viene confermato anche dai 34 emendamenti provenienti dalla Commissione

Chissà quante manine saranno in azione, attendiamo con trepidazione l' annuncio del ministro Di Maio», informa una nota azzurra

Che annuncia la presentazione di 1.151 emendamenti. «Siamo il gruppo che ha presentato il maggior numero di emendamenti allo scopo di migliorare la manovra e renderla effettivo strumento di crescita e sviluppo per il Paese nel quadro dello spazio europeo ed internazionale

Insomma, stiamo tentando di dare un senso a qualcosa che, al momento, un senso proprio non ha

Anzi si, ha il senso del ridicolo».Quante tensioni - Sulla manovra interviene anche la presidente dei deputati azzurri Mariastella Gelmini: «Il Movimento 5 Stelle svuota ancora di più la pace fiscale della Lega: salta la dichiarazione integrativa

Come la flat tax, anche l' altro caposaldo del programma della Lega soccombe alla furia grillina

Contratto di governo già stracciato in mille pezzi. Ed è solo l' inizio!».Altri aspetti della presenza leghista al governo convincono di piu

Per esempio la presa di posizione di Salvini sulla monnezza napoletana.«Ieri era la prescrizione, oggi sono i termovalorizzatori, domani saranno le previsioni meteo

Se proporre un termovalorizzatore crea tensioni nel governo, significa che questo governo non è in grado di affrontare i problemi concreti della vita degli italiani», dichiara Mara Carfagna

«Mentre Di Maio se la prende con Salvini, che sull' emergenza rifiuti in Campania ha ragione, agitando il contratto di governo come se fosse il Vangelo secondo Luigi&Matteo», aggiunge la vice presidente della Camera, «a farne le spese sono i cittadini campani che continuano ad essere sommersi dai rifiuti e a subire roghi tossici»

di Salvatore Dama

For more infomation >> Matteo Salvini e Silvio Berlusconi, il retroscena clamoroso: "Cosa gli ha chiesto il Cav", bomba su - Duration: 7:26.


#EwangeliarzOP | 18 Nov 2018 | (Mark 13, 24-32) - Duration: 2:12.


Do you hear this knocking on your door?

The delicate, discreet knocking to invite you to let in some truth that will change your thinking,

good coming to you, your world, to make you more beautiful and noble inside.

Do you hear the varied knocks to your heart to make you let in God,

who comes in the other, in some events and invites you to expand your world.

And what do you do in such situations? Are you closed with your headphones on,

deaf to all these calls to these interactions,talks, meetings and committment?

Today's Gospel tells the Lord will stand at the door.

Finally, Savior's coming will be His standing at my door to enter my world with His fullness.

But he also comes today, in this temporal functioning by these various knocks of people, good things and the truths coming to me.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 18 Nov 2018 | (Mark 13, 24-32) - Duration: 2:12.


Christmas lights - perfect in 3 steps! - Lighting control | Smarthome | Astro function - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> Christmas lights - perfect in 3 steps! - Lighting control | Smarthome | Astro function - Duration: 11:20.


21 PLANTAS TÓXICAS PARA GATOS (Part Ricardo Garé) | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 21 PLANTAS TÓXICAS PARA GATOS (Part Ricardo Garé) | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 9:21.


Abstract Painting Demonstration In Acrylics | Cosmic Dancer - Duration: 7:04.

Thanks for watching this video.

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If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Abstract Painting Demonstration In Acrylics | Cosmic Dancer - Duration: 7:04.


【Spicy!】 Korean Instant Fire Noodles [Paldo Bul Cheese] Spicy But Tasty!! [6.5Kg] 7640kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 7:36.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i'm going to eat this Korean Instant Noodles that i received from Paldo

i think it's a new release

that's why even korean people they don't know it

it's written "Bul cheese"

the cheese part looks so tasty

but the "Bul" part looks so dangerous

because bul is a part of "Buldak", i think it's going to be really hot

that's why i think that "bul" mean something dangerous in korean

in englisht, it's written "spicy" as well

but because it contains cheese, i think it's going to be good

so, let's prepare it

hay, this is the bul cheese

the character here is so cute

when you talk about spicy food you think about an ugly character...

but here is a cute one

and today using the cabbage, i'm going to make jumbo this

let's start with cutting the cabbage and adding oil to the frypan

and after that we add all this cabbage

and we let it at a low fire

and we add soy sauce, mirin, and sugar

red pepper

after that, we done, we made jumbo cabbage dish

that we are going to eat it with the bul cheese

we cut the green onion

boil the water

this is how the noodles looks like

i have two bowls

and we add some mushroom as a topping

and here the seasonings

contains carrots, cabbage and more

and this spicy sauce

looks really spicy

so red

we used all the eight packs here

and because this looks it goes with eggs so well, let's add the eggs too

oooh, that's a lot

and we are going to add extra-cheese now

of course i'm going to add plenty of it

isn't this looks so tasty ?

hay, the dish is ready

and now let's just add this cheese powder

we add some mushrooms...

and by adding green onion...

Jaan, we did it

looks so tasty

this is really heavy

and this is the cabbage dish that we are going to eat it with it

there are various vegetables this time


but first let's remove the jacket

and i changed my white t-shirt as well, it's going to be so dirty for sure if i kept it

when i ate the previous release of this noodle it was really spicy, that's why i'm adding plenty of toppings this time

looks so tasty

the amount of the soup in the korean noodles is so good, and i like it


the taste of cheese is really rich

it's tasty but ultra spicy as well

after feeling the strong taste of cheese, it starts burning

this melty eggs is so yummy

the best

we added plenty of cheese but it didn't stop it, it still so spicy

and the aroma of the green onion is so good

as expected from bul cheese, so spicy

aaah, the texture of this mushroom is so good

it goes so well with the noodles

the korean soup is usually so spicy, but i love its taste

and the texture of the noodles is so good as well

and this time i'm going to eat this jumbo cabbage as well

tasty ! ! !

that's really sweet

and the cabbage is crispy

and this is so yummy

the red pepper is doing a good job

it's really good to make this extra-dish too



i added plenty of toppings to it, but still really spicy

because we added extra-cheese as well, the taste of cheese is thick and tastier

spicy ! ! !

the spice entered my throat, and i thought that i'm going to die

but the spicy noodles is so good with such toppings

am i going to die ?

when i eat cheese with green onion i remember the feeling of the okonomiyaki

and i really like that

cheese and green onion goes so well together

when you think about cheese you think about green onion

it's something we all know from the okonomiyaki

- Japanese savory pancake - but maybe people from other countries they don't don't know what is okonomiyaki

eating the spicy food hot is a good thing to do

i start to get used to the spiciness

this is really tasty


the spice entered my eye, this is dangerous

cheese goes really well with the spicy food


the last bite, itadakimasu


we did it


paldo bul cheese noodles was so tasty but really spicy

and even now my mouth is still burning

and adding all this various toppings, didn't make it less spicy, but it definitely makes it tastier

and the cabbage dish was really tasty too

i wish to try this as well

we tried this time something from korea, and it was spicy and good

and it makes the weather hotter as well

there is no argue about how good is cheese with the spicy food

and cheese goes so well with green onion too

and the eggs is good with everything

this is today's dish, hay !

it was really good

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try it as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【Spicy!】 Korean Instant Fire Noodles [Paldo Bul Cheese] Spicy But Tasty!! [6.5Kg] 7640kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 7:36.


SUDAN. AFRICA. The lost pyramids or riddles of the black pharaohs. - Duration: 16:28.

I went to look for the pyramids

here we are such two tourists for the last fifteen years here probably in Sudan

go to the pyramids

one of the landmarks of Sudan

these are pyramids. Sudanese they are a little bit less but they are older

we came to one of these places there are several places in fact in Sudan

one of the most famous nearby is from Khartoum called Meroe

now let's go see. It's untouched pyramids they are in no way exalted and in

this is their charm we came to see

Like other pyramids in Egypt there are camel drivers here too

who offer you a photo or video do top there as usual know on

a hundred pesos climb a camel 200 peso get off

Misha left byyr from Ethiopia (Ethiopian money) and he is trying to sell them here

Zalazim on a camel

my bathrobe is not quite comfortable for this

got up

Now we go to the pyramids, like real drovers

I went to look for the pyramids

On the street now +45 C in the shade, I'm in national clothes

my head does not bake so you can go long because they have a saddle here that

you can sit by any side do not rub ass and saddle flat on camels on Mishin

camel cap is dressed.

On the head on the face

On yours too

we have camels in hats only cap not on the head but on the face

so they do not spit. Here we are two tourists over the past fifteen years

there probably in Sudan in these pyramids and going to the pyramids

and how much he said we will roll?

I did not understand, he leads us there?

He said ok but nothing not changed we keep going the same way

Camel beat on the front legs, a special whip, so he crouched

Now you need to sit down

see how it looks from afar common plan when a camel sits down

Friends What do we know about Sudan?

Sudan is huge country with a very long history

but we only know about him what we Media reports: President dictator, war

danger and more but nothing good at the same time if you

want to see the pyramids you will go to Egypt for want to enjoy the Nile too in Egypt

see the endless Sahara too in Egypt! What about Sudan? In Sudan now

there are more pyramids than in Egypt! Sahara desert occupies most of Sudan

although before the land was here more fertile and the climate is milder

In Sudan, there are two Nile - blue and white

and then the single Nile goes north

many pyramids are unique enough very different from Egyptian

another thing is that no one and never heard of them

at least among tourists. ancient Egypt is studied well enough

however his main opponent practically unknown. Although scientists continue

find ancient cities equal to the Vatican in size and older in age

but buried by the desert, but nubian writing is still not decrypted!

there used to be a river here and there stood a rich nubian kingdom

This was the so-called period of the black pharaohs. I highly recommend reading about it on the Internet.

very interesting

Unfortunately, the top of many pyramids was destroyed in the 19th century, people sought the treasures of the pharaohs pyramids

The pyramids were taken down they were blown up

tried to get to the sarcophagi

Most plunderers were Europeans

nobody knows what they are discovered and stolen

These pyramids are over 4500 years old and they are unesco world heritage

Unfortunately, because of the sanctions imposed on Sudan by the international community

almost all archaeological and restoration work

were stopped

Now the desert absorbs all that was found

You know, I had the feeling that when i get to the pyramids

I want to climb on it, do something some kind of action to do

Absolutely not

don't want anything like that do

you understand that this is just so cool is it so cool

of humanity what is your urge in the moment

make for an action climb a pyramid he as small as a grain of sand in this

huge desert and absolutely no such desires more like just

admire those people who are these the pyramids were built then it was building

century if not the construction of the millennium of course

Egyptian pyramids are big massive I have not seen them yet while these pyramids

I'm very impressed

One of the cool things you can do.

inside the pyramid and see what's there happens

And there's nothing here

but I understand this pyramid already restored

partially but there are inscriptions hieroglyphs

see how erosion kills the ancients drawings hieroglyphs on this side

hieroglyphs and more or less visible, but here further erosion from the wind has gone

Everything. Erosion erased the story

just wind for hundreds of thousands of years blew and erased the whole thousand-year history

This place is preserved something not. These pyramids build

sandstone it is very soft and very easy collapses, but look how they built

several thousand of these pyramids yo look what a joint. You see?

Perfectly flat joint here.

It is very cool!

we are forbidden to shoot a video, but until we get

Hey. We have permission

You have permission to the pyramids, but not to these

You can not shoot this pyramid

They say you can not shoot this area

They are building new pyramids here and this cannot be removed))

Or they disassembled the pyramid

Here are the pieces of stones, but you all see

Pieces of cobblestones just here

guys see what they do with the pyramids don't be like that don't do that

After all, this is a story that can save for our children and descendants.

And here people come and start writing all sorts of nonsense.

as you understand all the pyramids - this tombs

I never imagined that I could touch such a story. The age of these pyramids

about 800 years BC. Imagine what happened a thousand years ago

events that were at that time

key events in the world that is something what was happening here was possible

one of the most important things that happened in the world

And now

You and I can touch this story. This is very impressive!

Always watched on TV these programs about Egyptian pyramids and thought that

it's cool, but when you get here, then completely different feeling

When you stand so close.

Perhaps this ancient Egyptian pyramids are

I don't know the story well. Captions better I will write what and how

Because I see the god Anubis here, there I saw the god Ra I certainly am

I'm certainly not a historian, not an Egyptologist, but visually I have a feeling that it's as if

I am in Egypt, only in Egypt nothing like me will be allowed to do

In Sudan it is possible, the entrance costs only 150 dinars, which is about $ 5.

Just for the sake of it was worth coming to Sudan!

Sandstone is a very fragile material.

any careless movement and you can break away a piece and you lose a thousand-year history

as I showed the wind gradually destroys everything

because of this, it becomes even more valuable that I am here and can touch it!

It is usually said that

in order to understand it is not necessary to touch, but when you just look and touch, these are different things.

sometimes you want to touch what things to understand

how great is this thing and how important is this thing

It is not real!

This is just unreal!

As you can see, the pyramids of Meroe are a whole complex. pyramids and excavations are carried out here

excavations are conducted indoors then have they strengthen the foundation

pours it with cement and drip down under pyramid and comes in from the side

Archaeologists destroy the pyramid externally, they make undermining and going into the pyramid

Unfortunately, we were forbidden to shoot it, but no less excavations are underway

When I went to Sudan, I did not know what I would see here and what it will make an impression on me

But now I can one hundred percent to recommend Sudan for tourism

At least not for long, at least for 3 days!

But believe me.

Nothing like this, I have never seen!

Great amount archaeological finds

And every year, something new is opened, despite the sanctions

wonderful and friendly people, these people pay for you in a cafe, just because you are a guest

or constantly invited you to your table

If you just walked by

This is a great experience.

people are open, friendly and responsive

here I am very glad to see tourists and talk about it openly.

And there are no tourists at all

For the year, Sudan is visited by about 1,000 tourists from around the world.

In any case, Sudan is very safe and interesting.

not expensive country, if there is an opportunity, be sure to come here

now from the pyramids I going back to the car

Very hot!

but there is wind - this is good, because my Sudanese clothing saves me when there is wind

the camels are gone i go dunes

The guy now called someone and said that you are using a device for shooting

I told you that you can't do this here!

Let's go away

Come on, we are leaving!

For more infomation >> SUDAN. AFRICA. The lost pyramids or riddles of the black pharaohs. - Duration: 16:28.


瘋狂殺人猴子追著你跑《Dark Deception》【DK遊戲街】 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 瘋狂殺人猴子追著你跑《Dark Deception》【DK遊戲街】 - Duration: 4:54.


🗺 Faut-il TOUT RÉSERVER en Avance Quand On Voyage Seule ? #voyage #voyagerseul #tourdumonde - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> 🗺 Faut-il TOUT RÉSERVER en Avance Quand On Voyage Seule ? #voyage #voyagerseul #tourdumonde - Duration: 4:48.


Nonstop Bay 2019 - Việt Mix 2019 - Phải Chia Tay Thôi FT Như Một Người Dưng - Nhạc DJ Cực Mạnh 2019 - Duration: 55:49.

For more infomation >> Nonstop Bay 2019 - Việt Mix 2019 - Phải Chia Tay Thôi FT Như Một Người Dưng - Nhạc DJ Cực Mạnh 2019 - Duration: 55:49.


CUMHURİYETİN İLK HAVA HARP ŞEHİDİ - Kıbrıs Hava Harbi - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> CUMHURİYETİN İLK HAVA HARP ŞEHİDİ - Kıbrıs Hava Harbi - Duration: 3:42.


Beautiful Rose Flowers Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 9 to 1 Dots - Duration: 3:29.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Beautiful Rose Flowers Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 9 to 1 Dots

Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya

For more infomation >> Beautiful Rose Flowers Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 9 to 1 Dots - Duration: 3:29.


Buses videos in The Netherlands Summer 2018 - Duration: 17:30.



Almere Centrum

Amsterdam CS

Amsterdam Sloterdijk





For more infomation >> Buses videos in The Netherlands Summer 2018 - Duration: 17:30.


Honda Civic 2.0 i-VTEC - Type R - GT - Turbo - 320 PK - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 2.0 i-VTEC - Type R - GT - Turbo - 320 PK - Duration: 0:56.


BMW Motorrad Millennium Auto - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> BMW Motorrad Millennium Auto - Duration: 7:10.


SmartPhone Zoom Lens Take Professional Pictures on Your iPhone with 8x OPTICAL Zoom Lens

For more infomation >> SmartPhone Zoom Lens Take Professional Pictures on Your iPhone with 8x OPTICAL Zoom Lens


Why Sadhguru Don't Do Studies? Sadhguru At SRCC - Duration: 14:51.

Suppose you are a third-year student at SRCC so most of the third years would

join me in the mindset that this is the time you know where we have a lot of

options we can opt for placement or we can do higher studies or we can do but

we converse you see a etc etc but at times it happens that our vision or our

goal about life is different from that of our parents have you ever come across

a situation where your goals are not in line with your parents and it okay to

you know kind of go against them they had goals and goals I had none so I

never came across such a thing there are many goals so my father being a

physician is a very good man and academically all his life he's been at

the top and he's a physician in India we have a MELAS that first thing is you

become a doctor if you cannot you become an engineer

if you cannot that then only you end up in commerce at least in the previous

generation in the when we are growing up that is the thing so obviously his dream

is I should become a doctor I hope he does he's not on the web

listening to me because he he studied in such a way that he didn't study because

for him it was a passion he lost his mother when he was four years of age and

she died of tuberculosis so though he's from a very large business family he

committed that he will become a doctor because somewhere a four-year-old boy

felt that if there was a good doctor the mother would have lived so he committed

that he wants to become a doctor for him being a doctor was not a profession it

was like his religion he lived like that so naturally he

wanted all the four siblings all his four children rather to become doctors

first one didn't become sick second one didn't become third one didn't become I

got caught at the age of ten or eleven I clearly told him see one thing is I'm

never going to be a doctor please don't pin your hopes on me he

showed me all his notes piles of notes that he is kept about his studies he

said I've kept all this so that one of you will become a doctor well all three

went different ways and me going nowhere I am only interested in biology means

I'm interested in the jungle not in dissecting something just looking and

absorbing things so a time came when I finished mine this is not a good example

you asking me questions okay I finished my what is today called AZ plus 2 is it

who do you call this 12 at that time it was called as pre-university course I

have finished my 12 standard and I decided I will not go to the University

by then I had cycled across southern India I had seen more life than most

people would have seen I've done some small tradings of this and that and

earned a lot of money that means in those days

a few thousand rupees maybe I had 5060 thousand rupees when I was 17 years of

age all rolled up I didn't know what's banking so rolled it up and put rubber

bands and he did all over so that my brother doesn't steal so I have a lot of

money and I have a bicycle and I want to go to Moscow on my bicycle I'm preparing

for that so I am NOT going to the University for sure

in this family you if you fail there's an advantage you don't go to the

University if I knew that out of just faith but the problem is that past so I

said I won't go to the University I will educate myself said what not going to

the University I said no then once I said I am NOT going to the University

suddenly I became such an evil in the family everybody started looking at me

what is wrong with you I said well I want to educate myself how are you going

to do it I said I think I'm doing it pretty well but if you insist that I

must read and study then I decided that one year I did something very unique and

uncharacteristic of me that one whole year just to handle the reaction I got I

wanted I couldn't understand what are they reacting to I don't want to go to

the University what is their problem first of all I never understood why I

should go to the University nobody ever told me why I should go to the school so

I went to the Masjid University Library every day when the library opens at 9

o'clock I was there I was the first customer when it closed at 8 o'clock I

was the last one to get out those days these days many of you are well fed and

like that we were all so well fed but our activity was such the level of

activity was such I am always hungry I would actually eat at that time at

least 10 times more than what I'm eating today at least or much more so I'm

always hungry doesn't matter how much I eat I am always hungry because my

activity levels have sets this one year I went without a lunch is not a small

thing for you you can easily go without a lunch but for me who was funny and a

concave stomach all the time going with our lunch for one year was like a big

feat I just read anything to anything you know from

Kalidasa to Houma to Popular Mechanics to do to a

whole many many years of National Geographic and all kinds of books of

physics mathematics and astronomy and you take whatever one whole year every

day 11 hours a day I had read and read and read that's the only reading I did

after that me and books don't go then after one year I realized that just

gathering all this information is just wasting time for me and when the next

academic year came there was drama at home my mother was crying and said what

are you wasting your life for we thought you will become this you will become

that I said I don't know what I will become but she put so much present just

get into some college whether you go there or not I will not ask just get

into some college then I thought through this and I said okay I'll do literature

English literature because in this one year I had developed some appetite for

reading literature and poetry and I myself was writing many many poems about

just about anything so I joined literature I went to college first day a

teacher comes and reads a book everybody's writing down Caracara these

days he doesn't make noise those days fountain pens cara cara cara cara 50

people are writing cara cara I don't like this

I said say I just looked into the teachers book then I saw it is a

handwritten book that it's her notes I said ma'am if you give that book to me

I'll make photocopies of this and give it to everybody you don't have to come

we don't have to come

but if you want me to come here I have a thousand questions not thousand I have

millions of questions like a dark cloud it's hanging around my head I'm going to

ask these questions if you cannot answer these questions I cannot sit here then I

made a deal with all the teachers that they give me a tenant's and I won't

bother them with their questions this deal worked pretty well for three years

and I got oh is this what my father wanted definitely not why I am saying

this to you is not to simply go against your parents that's not the point the

point is this life is precious now when you're talking about what shall I do

shall I do this shall I do that is it only about how to how to earn a living

you must get off that this is not about education is not about earning a living

when an earthworm can earn a living a grasshopper can Anna living every damn

insect bird and animal can earn a living a straight doc another living what is

the big deal about survival it's such a big brain survival is not the big thing

about the human being survival has become a problem because you want to

survive like somebody else that's the whole problem if you want to survive

there's not a problem my father would ask how will you make a

living how would you live what will you earn I said they say if nobody wants to

feed me I'll go into the jungle and I went into the jungle for weeks and

survived very well by myself many times I went off into the forest and I just

survived of the forest without any food support from anywhere else so survival

is not the issue what are we going to do with this life are we take going to take

this life to full potential or are we going to be those people who are just

shit scared of life itself and what will happen to my food what will

happened to my food what is this when a straight dog is not bothered happily

he's wagging his tail and going to cook coke

what is your problem is such a big brain I'm asking you don't educate for

survival you educate because you want to expand your horizons you want to make

this life into a worthwhile life that's what that matters so will it be in

conflict with many people of course it will be because they think you won't

make it I must tell you this now that you asked this question this was almost

34 years ago there was a person who was like a godfather to my wife at that time

she was still working in a bank I was on my living on my motorcycle traveling all

over the place have teach here and there ones in 3-4 months but rest of the time

I'm just writing simply riding across the country for no purpose so one day I

came to Bangalore and I went to their home because of the entire night I've

been riding I went to their home and I wanted to shower and have some food and

then go pick up my wife from the bank then I showered and ate well and then

this man sit in front of me and said see I know somebody in the Bangalore

Development Authority in this particular extension there are some house sites

available you must get yourself a house site I said what me buy a house site for

what I live in a motorcycle why will I buy a house site he said no

you're married you can't be like this you need to have a house someday you

must buy a house side I said don't you tell me this that if I wanted to buy

real estate I wouldn't buy a house side I will buy a town okay so that's not my

interest at all I'm not going to buy a house side please don't try to push me

thank you for the mail and the shower but then he looked at me hopelessly and

asked how long will you go on like this I said as long as my marbles roll that's

about it that's how that's how long everybody goes about in their life then

I went out and I didn't see and I said met him here and there but about

eighteen years had not met in 2017 see the problem is just this people

recognize people value something only because it's recognized by somebody that

means they're blind isn't it if you look at this you must know this is like you

look at this and you don't know what it is and I said see see that is light that

means what you're blind isn't it yes or no

so after eighteen years of no contact he called me in 2017 because the central

government gave me this padma vibhushan he called me and he said i never thought

your marbles will roll this far so unfortunately a whole lot of people can

see light only when you say it is light otherwise they can't see it don't go buy

such people whoever they may be doesn't matter who they are

For more infomation >> Why Sadhguru Don't Do Studies? Sadhguru At SRCC - Duration: 14:51.


VW Tクロス、専用マスクとLWBで中国の需要に対応…広州モーターショー2018 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> VW Tクロス、専用マスクとLWBで中国の需要に対応…広州モーターショー2018 - Duration: 2:13.


Intervista con Thomas Salme, il pilota abusivo - Duration: 31:57.

For more infomation >> Intervista con Thomas Salme, il pilota abusivo - Duration: 31:57.


'Terribly overrated' - These Chelsea fans not impressed with £70m-rated starlet being linked with mo - Duration: 2:46.

 Chelsea are reportedly set to land the signing of Borussia Dortmund starlet Christian Pulisic, but the rumour hasn't gone down well across the board with their fans

 As noted by the Daily Mail, it's suggested that the Blues are set to fend off both Liverpool and Tottenham in their bid to sign the 20-year-old, who has been given a valuation of £70m

 SEE MORE: Chelsea set to beat Liverpool to signing of £70m-rated ace and eye January switch  While there is no doubt that the USA international is a talented young player, that touted fee seems hugely inflated given he hasn't really proven himself at the highest level on a consistent basis yet

 Pulisic has managed just 15 goals in 107 games for Dortmund, while he's got nine goals in 22 caps for the US national team

 In turn, that would suggest that he has a bright future ahead for club and country, but it's not enough to convince the Chelsea fans below that it's smart business from their perspective

 With the Mail suggesting that the Premier League giants could look to wrap up a deal in January to bolster Maurizio Sarri's attacking options, it remains to be seen if they're left disappointed by the signing

 Nevertheless, it's worth noting that Sarri has helped countless players improve during his managerial career at the likes of Empoli, Napoli and now Chelsea, and so perhaps the Italian tactician's possible influence on Pulisic if he does arrive shouldn't be underestimated

 Should the signing go through as tipped in the report above though, these fans will take some convincing that it's a good move it seems… More Stories about christian pulisic Chelsea set to beat Liverpool to signing of £70m-rated ace and eye January switch November 17, 2018 6:41 Chelsea tipped to be in strong position to land signing of 20-year-old starlet also eyed by Liverpool and Man Utd November 15, 2018 7:35 Liverpool ready to pounce as Borussia Dortmund star admits he is open to Premier League transfer November 14, 2018 14:24

For more infomation >> 'Terribly overrated' - These Chelsea fans not impressed with £70m-rated starlet being linked with mo - Duration: 2:46.


Arsenal transfer news: Unai Emery 'lining people up' for January spree - EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 2:39.

 Emery has enjoyed a promising start to life in his first season as Arsenal boss, that currently sees them fifth in the Premier League having lost just two matches

 The Spanish boss brought in five new players during his first transfer window in the summer as Bernd Leno, Lucas Torreira, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, Matteo Guendouzi and Stephan Lichtsteiner all arrived through the door

 Emery's arrivals have had a positive impact on the whole with some getting more game time than others

 But Parlour still reckons the former Sevilla boss should look to bring in another centre-back in January

 "I don't know. I really don't know," Parlour told Express Sport when asked what signings Emery will be looking to make in the New Year

 "I'm sure they'll be positions he wants to. "For me centre-half he could probably strengthen

 "But he's got [Laurent] Koscielny coming back, they've missed him, but he's a little bit older but I'm sure he's working hard to get back in the side so I think he'll assess the situation when it comes to January

 "He'll be lining people up anyway." One defender the Gunners have been linked with is Manchester United's Eric Bailly

 The Ivory Coast international has not featured since being hooked after just 19 minutes in their 3-2 Premier League win over Newcastle back in October

 Manchester United have shipped 21 Premier League goals already this season, with Bailly struggling alongside the likes of Phil Jones, Chris Smalling, Marcos Rojo and Victor Lindelof

 But Arsenal could be ready to offer the Ivorian a fresh start should Mourinho decide to axe him when the transfer window reopens

 However, Emery faces competition from Tottenham with Mauricio Pochettino also keen to reinforce his defensive options

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Unai Emery 'lining people up' for January spree - EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 2:39.


Quick Tutorial in Wall Trap with voiceover - Duration: 6:01.

Hello everyone! this is General So how are you guys doing?

I have received a lot of messages that hey why not create a video about traps.

So I have think about why not create a video about wall traps because you know its very

rare to see those kinds of videos.

Lets try it.

To be honest im not a wall trap account either but, through my experience in the game I can

say that I am knowledgable enough to share you my experiences throughout the game.

We will discuss today its build and later on the advantages and disadvantages of wall


so lets go First thing first, the hero lineup in your


In connection with this, remember that pick the heroes that have a trap attack boost and

trap max hp as much as possible.

Make it gold if you are really dedicated to be a wall trap account.

So here is my ideal hero line up for your wall trap account.

We have army attack that's very good it boosts your troops.

Trap attack 90% good also trap max hp 150% is also good so this is my ideal hero line

up ok. ok Next is the research go to Defense and then you need to max everything in here

until wall strenght III.

Tier 4 traps are good also if you have it.

However if you don't have then stay with it until wall strenght III.

Next is upgrade defenses same with the defenses max it out alright.

It can give your attackers a hell of a fight if you can max this out.

I think the total max hp is 2m hp but, if you have familiar it can increase to 3m hp

alright Next is the troop comp. as I said earlier I am not a wall trap but, in troop

composition a total of 3 to 5m mix troops will do.

For the gears this will depend on you but, im recommending

for the accessory the blight ring or the burning scroll so you have army stats its good,

for the helmet you can go ancient hat if you want it can also give you a lot of army def

for your troops.

For the main hand you can go to dragon's bite or venom stinger.

For your off hand you can go with dark aegis or dragon fist.

For your armor you can go with deathly mantle for that boost in trap attack.

Lastly for your legs go with durable boots or nether walkers.

Again this will depend on your account.

But, this is my ideal build as a wall trap.

For your talents put full army offense and squad health and the squad offense.then you

can spread out the remaining talent points.

So now we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of wall trap accounts.

Advantages is it can't be hit by a solo attack even a full t4 march considering you

are filled with reinforcement's aswell and you are online to change gear and talents.

The disadvantage of this is if you are being rallied it can break your wall easily so don't

get fury ok and oh the wall is very long to repair so remember to stock up those speed

up repair wall.

That's it and I hope I shared you some important informations that you can use in game.

Remember don't forget to shield if you are not that confident enough ok?

its cool to shield adn fight for the next day rather than zeroing yourself today bye

bye now until next time I am General So please do not forget to subscribe to my channel General

So YT and hit those like button

For more infomation >> Quick Tutorial in Wall Trap with voiceover - Duration: 6:01.


Canadians in Okinawa, Japan! Our first look! Part 1/2 - Duration: 9:11.

In this episode of Vaan and Bibby,

you could be angered,

appalled, enlightened,

utterly confounded,


or inspired to love...

you could be...

But most likely you

will remain unchanged.

But come with us anyway we're going somewhere different...

all right off to another weekend adventure... in the rain.

I'm just headed to the school now to meet Erin, because we have to leave as soon as she gets out

she already has her bags

and also Sarah and Jared, you remember them...

They're coming. and Jermel's coming and a new guy, I'll introduced you to later -


They're all coming with us going to Okinawa so it should be exciting

but I got to go otherwise we're gonna be late so I'll catch up with you in a moment.

We arranged an Uber to pick us up right outside the school that everyone but me

works at.

Shortly after the bell rang, we were on

our way to the airport...

I kept looking at the weather forecast for Okinawa in disbelief

despite its overwhelming certainty that it would rain

90% chance of rain for

Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Maybe it's a typo, they probably meant to say 90%

chance of good sunshine beach vibes.

But the intern at the office screwed up the message.

I'm trying to kill this beer before security.

Yeah, it doesn't matter that we're late...

It matters that we don't waste this beer.

it was a mad dash to the airport.

The bell rang at 4:00 p.m. the flight was at

6:20 it's an hour drive when there's no traffic...

there was traffic.

we made it

don't worry YouTube!

The first omen of good things to come.

We could not have arrived at a more perfect time.

That was perfect timing!

Ya, we didn't have to wait in any lines!

Tigerair airplanes aren't made for six foot tall Canadian men.

It was a fast flight.

we got all our regulars...

Jermel, Sarah, Jared, Erin

and the newbie Eugene

Now were just trying to figure out how to get to our hostel because we only

planned up into this point

so now we got to figure that shit out.

excited to step foot into what will be our home for the next couple days,

we put together the

steps necessary to get us into our hostel and ultimately into relaxation mode.

It seems silly to tell you now about the anticipation

and thoughts of grandeur we had.

picturing a historic island rich with authentic experiences.

Is there a bar where we're going?


So far everything's pretty easy to figure out.

It's easy to figure out the monorail,

The signs are in English.

Well labeled, well lit.


step 1 monorail

step 2 bus

step 3 walk

no problem

any idiot could

figure this one out

it's not as easy as I was saying before I retract my earlier statement.

The bus driver was kind and helpful. Surely amused by our ignorance.

the bus was exciting and deflating all at once.

Passing endless signs that Americans had taken over.

McDonald's, Burger King, gambling dives, Domino's Pizza and

islands surrounded by fresh ocean edibles and the opportunity for fresh

daily features and their stands of Red Lobster for f**k sakes.

The drive seemed to take a lifetime.

Guttural noises from hunger nearly drowned out the sound of the engine.

We all watched the screen to see if our stop was coming up,

and there was doubt that it ever would.

Well that was interesting...

He was super nice though.

We're kickin' it old school

we all have data, we don't have the use of our cell phones,

We have only the things we've written down ahead of time and that's it.

Thankfully Jared ask somebody on the bus.

Our hostel gave us a very detailed email which is super helpful.

Now we're on the hunt for - you guessed it - food and beer!

It's very different than Taipei.

Taiwan was easy to figure out. Right away.

A quick stop at Family Mart for some snacks and beer led us to some

other Americans, and we asked them for directions.

That made the difference

between walking aimlessly and getting to our hostel

the Aien hostel was amazing.

With places like this I wonder why anybody stays in a hotel.

The staff, the decor, the patrons and fellow travelers were a warming

retrieval from the rain.

we got settled in, made our beds and chatted with our friendly hosts.

There was an uneasy feeling in all of our stomachs that was

beginning to demand attention

we needed food but everything was closed...


not Family Mart.

So off we went!

On our way we spotted glowing lights in the distance,

A sign perhaps showing a still-open restaurant.

To our grave misfortune

we found a Coco's.

Our plan is to go see if Coco's is open because we're all just degenerates.

We might be able to make it before a last call.

Apparently CoCo's is American...

I pictured it to be like an Asian version of Denny's

It looks like the kind of place I would never eat at in America...

Please don't deny me food.

They did not deny me food

I get the feeling they don't deny anybody here

it was Eugene's birthday,

and what better way to celebrate than to bring him to a

place that calls pressed ground beef a sirloin steak

Please document my shame.

another quick stop at Family Mart,

a little brainwashing from a nearby vending machine

and we went back towards our hostel where we sat near the water

and just talked verbosely until our long-awaited bedtime

tomorrow will be a much more interesting day

For more infomation >> Canadians in Okinawa, Japan! Our first look! Part 1/2 - Duration: 9:11.


Does Swalwell Really Want to Nuke Gun Rights Advocates? | - Duration: 6:34.

Does Swalwell Really Want to Nuke Gun Rights Advocates? |

California Representative Eric Swalwell is in the middle of a firestorm over some comments he made about gun control.

On Friday Swalwell, a Democrat and a staunch advocate for gun control, got into a heated exchange with some of his Twitter followers.

It wasn't long before Swalwell was talking about going to war.

He even reminded his opponents that the government has nuclear weapons.

By Saturday, social media was buzzing with news about what Swalwell had said.

Infowars weighed in.

And on Saturday afternoon, the NRA took to Twitter to denounce Swalwell for his "inflammatory and decisive rhetoric." The group wrote,.

".@RepSwalwell suggested using nuclear weapons against Americans who oppose his gun control agenda.

This includes forcing Americans to give up their semi-automatic firearms.

This inflammatory and decisive rhetoric will inspire gun owners to fight harder to protect their rights.".

So what did Swalwell really say, and how did things escalate to this point?.

A Vet Named Joe Biggs Said There Would Be a 'War' if the Government Tried to Take His Guns & That's When Swalwell Mentioned Nukes.

Representative Swalwell is known for his strong positions on gun control.

On Friday, NBC wrote about his position on assault weapons (Swalwell wants gun owners to get rid of them).

NBC tweeted the story too, which led to some gun rights advocates starting to tweet at Swalwell.

One Twitter user named Joe Biggs tweeted at Swalwell that he would "go to war" if Swalwell tries to limit his Second Amendment rights.

Biggs wrote, "So basically @RepSwalwell wants a war.

Because that's what you would get.

You're outta your fucking mind if you think I'll give up my rights and give the gov all the power.".

That's when Swalwell responded, saying, "And it would be a short war my friend.

The government has nukes.

Too many of them. But they're legit.

I'm sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.".

Biggs describes himself as "Right Wing.

Combat Vet. 82nd Guy, roger! Harley dude.

Hunting and Guns. political junkie.

welder. jokester.

Go Gators Savannahs Dad.".

Swalwell Is Disappointed That Nobody Appreciated His 'Joke'.

A lot of people interpreted Swalwell's response to Biggs to mean that he was planning to drop nuclear bombs on people who didn't like the second amendment.

That's because Swalwell wrote, "It would be a short war my friend.

The government has nukes.".

The exchange with Biggs led to a firestorm of tweets, with plenty of conservatives and gun rights activists denouncing Swalwell.

He responded glumly, saying that nobody seemed to understand that he was being sarcastic: "Joe, it's sarcasm.

He said he's going to war with America if gun legislation was passed.

I told him his government has nukes.

God forbid we use sarcasm.".

Swalwell summed up the entire debate in one tweet, which you can see here:.

America's gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons 2) Gun owner says he'll go to war with USA if that happens 3) I sarcastically point out USA isn't losing to his assault weapon (it's not the 18th Century) 4) I'm called a tyrant 5) 0 progress  .

Meanwhile, some gun rights advocates are circulating a petition which calls for Swalwell to be censured by Congress.

You can take a look at the petition here.

For more infomation >> Does Swalwell Really Want to Nuke Gun Rights Advocates? | - Duration: 6:34.


Molly forgets her name while hypnotised by Feel Good Hypnosis Hypnotist - Duration: 3:19.

[Feel Good Hypnosis music plays]

In a moment I'm gonna count from 1 to 3 and on the count of 3 you can open

your eyes when you open your eyes you will be able to move but what you'll

notice now is what's pulling you up is your right hand has a beautiful helium

balloon tied around it on a lovely ribbon and that's just pulling it up and

getting you just stand up faster than you ever thought you ever could, so 1 2 3

open your eyes and

notice how that balloon is pulling you up, pulling you up, pulling you up

there you go and your legs will support you now as you go to sleep way down

deeper deeper deeper relaxed you back will support you, your legs will support you go

back into this wonderful feeling of trance.

In a minute I'm gonna count from 1 2 3 on the count of three

you'll open your eyes and be back with us but just like

you were so relax there lying on the ground

your name is just gonna relax out of your mind your name is going to relax

out of your mind you will not be able to remember your name the more you try and

say your name is like you when you see someone on the television you say I know

that person's name but that name is gone I don't know if you'll remember to

forget her just forget to remember you just will not be able to say your name

and the more you try and say your name the more that name just sticks to the

back of your mind.

Nod your head that you understand that's right 1, 2, 3 open your eyes.

You having fun?

What's hypnosis like, is it good?


Yes, now I have a terrible head for names what did you say

your name was when you try and say it?


And it's gone now.

Even if you hear it you can't say it, even if you hear it you

can't say it. Are any of these folks here your friends?




Your try and say it and you can't.

What's your name?

I don't know!

you really don't know, you really don't know

I'll tell you what you can say your name when you sing it in rhyme, you can say

your name when you sing it in rhyme. What's the best way .. sing the birthday song.

happy birthday ..

to me .. happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear

Mooo llly .. happy birthday to me.

and it's gone now, what's your name?

When I click my fingers your name is Bob.

What's your name?

I'm Bob.

Hi Bob, how's it going.

Introduce yourself to this person every time I click my fingers it changes to

different boy's name and introduce yourself to this person this person.

Hi I'm Charles.

Hi Charles.

And introduce yourself to this person.

Hi I'm .. I'm .. Charly.

There you go, and introduce yourself to this person.

Hi' I'm .. James

There you go, come around here again come round here,

look at me and sleep now

Way down, way down deeper deeper deeper deeper relaxed

[Feel Good Hypnosis music plays out]

For more infomation >> Molly forgets her name while hypnotised by Feel Good Hypnosis Hypnotist - Duration: 3:19.


AURORA - All Is Soft Inside [Cover Art] - Duration: 5:11.

I don't know why

But I feel down

You need to know

I can't go on

I was a rose

I was an animal

Don't let me change

Don't let me go

All around is stone

And all is soft inside

All that I know

Lies within emotion

Words remain unspoken

Lead me through the dark

All that I see

Came to me in colours

Lasted for a moment

Lead me through the dark

All that I know

All that I know

I need it all

I don't know where to begin

I carry more than you see

My dreams are bigger than me

Please bring me light

I bear a shadow

I call them back to me

So they could feed on me

All around is stone

And all is soft inside

All that I know

Lies within emotion

Words remain unspoken

Lead me through the dark

All that I see

Came to me in colours

Lasted for a moment

Lead me through the dark

All that I know

All that I know

Did you know

That we're all

Turning softer inside

We can save

What is pure

If the hearts can collide

All that I've ever known

Is the universe is wild

Is the universe is wild

For more infomation >> AURORA - All Is Soft Inside [Cover Art] - Duration: 5:11.


SNS 대박난 뿌링콜팝 +치즈볼 리얼사운드 소리 먹방 b^^d Cola & Popcorn Chicken Colpop Eating Sounds Mukbang コーラとポップコーンチキン - Duration: 26:04.

Blue Dragon = b^^d = Prumir

Hi~! guys~!

Today's menu is Colpop.

Thanks for the food.

For more infomation >> SNS 대박난 뿌링콜팝 +치즈볼 리얼사운드 소리 먹방 b^^d Cola & Popcorn Chicken Colpop Eating Sounds Mukbang コーラとポップコーンチキン - Duration: 26:04.


California Fire Map: Track Fires Near Me Right Now Nov. 17 | - Duration: 13:09.

California Fire Map: Track Fires Near Me Right Now Nov. 17 |

Containment efforts are succeeding for the major fires in California, but the danger isn't over.

Here are the latest updates on all the fires in California as of Saturday, November 17, with a roundup of maps of the larger fires around the state.  News on the fires is constantly changing, so call your local officials if you are concerned about evacuations near you.

This article first includes interactive maps for all of California.

Then the second section details specific fires in the region.

If you're looking for a specific fire scroll down or search for the fire's name or your city's name.

Tragically, more than 60 people have died in the Camp Fire and at least two died in the Woolsey Fire.

At least 1,000 are still missing in the Camp Fire.

(See tributes to some of the people who died in Heavy's story here.) This is a developing story.

Interactive Maps of California Fires.

This map below is an interactive map of the more significant fires in California, consistently updated and provided by CAL FIRE and Google.

Fires in red are active and fires in black are contained.

Read the next section for details about the fires listed on the map.

Depending on your browser, you may need to zoom into this map to see California up close.

If the map doesn't show below, just go here.

Next is another active fire map from Google's Crisis Map, which you can see below.

You may need to zoom in to see areas of interest in California, depending on your browser or mobile device.

This map also includes fires in other states.

Next are more specific details on the fires for November 17.

The details are extensive, so if you are looking for a specific fire, search for the name so you can find it faster, or just scroll down and look at the fires, listed in alphabetical order.

List of Active Fires in California.

Here are the active fires and updates about them, per CAL FIRE.

Most of these are in alphabetical order.

Note that many of these fires are still listed on CAL FIRE's map as active, but they are no longer listed as active by Inciweb or other sources.

We will note that in the fires' descriptions below.

Alder, Mountaineer, & Moses Fires.

These fires are 4,715 acres and 55 percent contained as of November 16, Inciweb's latest update.

The fires increased by about 1,000 acres with containment staying the same since the last update.

The Alder fire is 5 miles north of Camp Nelson in Gian Sequoia National Monument.

The Mountaineer fire is .1 mile north of Summit trailhead and .75 miles east of the Alder Fire in Golden Trout Wilderness, according to Inciweb.

The Moses Fire is 1 mile south of Moses Mountain.

An area closure around the fires has been in effect.

The fires were first discovered on October 4, 13, and 17.

These fires are on Inciweb's site but not on CAL FIRE's map.

Bear Fire.

According to CAL FIRE: "Off Bear Creek Road and Mayfair Road, Boulder Creek north of Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz County) is now 10 acres and 60% contained.

Evacuations lifted.".

Briggs Fire in Ventura County/Santa Paula.

This fire in Ventura County was off Shell Road and Orr Road in Santa Paula.

CAL FIRE reported as of 9:03 a.m.

on November 15 that the fire was 75 acres in size.

It grew to 150 acres but is not 100 percent contained.

Camp Fire.

This fire was first spotted at 6:30 a.m.

on November 8, and quickly grew.

Now, as of 7 a.m.

on November 17, the fire is 148,000 acres in size and 55 percent contained. Containment efforts are increasing, but the fire is still a danger.

Here's a Camp Fire progression map for November 17 from Inciweb:.

At least 15,500 structures are threatened and 9,700 residences and 336 commercial structures have been destroyed from this fire, according to CAL FIRE.

More than 60 people have died from the fire and 1,000 are missing.

CAL FIRE noted on Saturday: "Overnight firefighters continued to battle moderate fire behavior due to critically dry fuels and gusty canyon winds.

Direct and indirect control lines continue to be implemented and secured with back-firing operations as conditions allow.

Throughout the day firefighters will work to strengthen containment lines while also preparing for projected increased winds and a Red Flag Warning this weekend.

Work continues in the interior areas of the fire area extinguishing hot spots and removing the many hazards that still exist.".

There is an interactive map of Camp Fire evacuations and repopulations, provided by CAL FIRE.

Click here to see the map or view below.

Evacuations were ordered for the fire in multiple regions.

These include, but may not be limited to, the following evacuation orders, according to CAL FIRE as of 7 a.m.

on Saturday, November 17:.

Established for Paradise, Magalia, Concow, Butte Creek Canyon, and Butte Valley Powellton zone Lovelock zone Stirling zone North Coutelenc zone North fir haven zone Nimshew zone Carnegie/colter zone South Firhaven zone South Coutelenc zone North pines zone South pines zone Old Magalia zone Lower Pentz zone Morgan ridge zone Lower Clark zone Butte creek zone All areas north of Cherokee Road and Red Tape Road remain under an evacuation order, this includes Louise Lane and Condor Road.

Concow Pulga Yankee Hill Morgan Ridge Skyway from lower paradise to the Chico city limits Highway 70 from Pulga to West branch Feather river bridge All of Clark Road and all of Pentz road, south to highway 70, everything west to highway 99 and south to highway 149 including all of Butte Valley Shippee Road from Highway 149 to Highway 99 East Bound Hwy 162/Oro Quincy Hwy at Forbestown Rd east to Mountain House Road/4 Mile Ridge Road, including the communities of Berry Creek, Brush Creek, Mountain House and Bloomer Hill Doe Mill Road south at Village Drive is closed.

Santos Ranch Rd, Wilder Drive, and Autumn Ln will remain closed.

The areas north of HWY 70 at Pentz Road remain under evacuation order to include the upper end of Cherokee Road and Flag Canyon Road.

Here are some evacuation centers in the area, as shared by CAL FIRE:.

FULL: Bidwell Jr.

Highschool (2376 North Ave, Chico CA 95926) FULL: Yuba-Sutter Fairground (442 Franklin Ave, Yuba City, CA 95991) OPEN: Glenn County Fairgrounds (221 E Yolo St, Orland, CA 95963) FULL: Butte County Fairgrounds (199 E Hazel St, Gridley, CA 95948) FULL: Oroville Nazarene Church (2238 Monte Vista Ave, Oroville, CA 95966) FULL: Neighborhood Church (2801 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA 95928) For the most recent up to date Evacuation Locations and Status go to:

Here are some animal shelters in the area: .

Small & large animals: Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds, 442 Franklin Ave., Yuba City CA Large animals: Butte County Fairgrounds at 199 E Hazel St.

in Gridley, CA Small animals: Chico Municipal Airport at 150 Airpark Blvd.

in Chico, CA.

For more infomation >> California Fire Map: Track Fires Near Me Right Now Nov. 17 | - Duration: 13:09.


Watch 'Shut Up and Dribble' Episode 3 Online | - Duration: 6:00.

Watch 'Shut Up and Dribble' Episode 3 Online |

      Shut Up and Dribble is the new documentary series co-produced by LeBron James that explores how professional athletes have used their platforms to challenge various political and social issues.

The miniseries debut two weeks ago, and is set to air its final episode tonight (Nov.

17) at 9 p.m. Eastern on Showtime.

Even if you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of Shut Up and Dribble (or DVR it, or watch it on-demand) on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services.

Amazon Prime.

If you have Amazon Prime or want to start a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, you can watch all live and on-demand Showtime content through the Showtime Amazon Channel, which also comes with a free 7-day trial.

Once you're signed up for both Amazon Prime and the Showtime channel, you can then watch Shut Up and Dribble either live as it airs or on-demand (new episodes are available on-demand Saturdays at 9 p.m.


With either option, you can watch on your computer via the Amazon website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Amazon Video app.


Showtime live and on-demand content can be added to your existing FuboTV subscription, or you can include Showtime when you start a free 7-day trial.

Once signed up, you can either watch new Shut Up and Dribble episodes live, or you can watch the show on-demand as soon as episodes air.

With either option, you can watch on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

Whether you already have Hulu or you want to sign up for a new subscription, Showtime is available as an add-on to Hulu or Hulu with Live TV.

Once signed up, you can watch Shut Up and Dribble episodes live as they air, or you can watch them on-demand anytime after.

With either option, you can watch on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.


The first two episodes of Shut Up and Dribble has earned acclaim from critics and fans alike. "Shut Up and Dribble isn't an eye-opening re-contextualization of history, nor is it an intentionally inflammatory revisionist work," wrote GQ.

"It's just a brief, digestible account of what happened by some people who were there, and an emphatic reminder that, yes, sports have always been political, and black athletes who have dared to speak for themselves have always been met by white critics who would prefer they not talk at all.".

"Where Shut Up and Dribble hits hardest," added the publication, "Is in the way it shows the persistent pressure of respectability politics used to keep black athletes, and those who would admire them, in line.

" The first two episodes focused on players like Bill Russell, Craig Hodges, and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, and the strife they faced by standing up for what they believed in.

The third and final episode focuses on the current state of the NBA and stars like James and Steph Curry.

"The NBA begins its transition to a players' league, with players reaching unprecedented levels of economic and cultural influence," states the Showtime description for the episode.

"The murders of Trayvon Martin and Erik Garner create a chance for NBA players to stand up and be heard.

In the present turbulent political era, players are now unwilling to just "shut up and dribble.".

For more infomation >> Watch 'Shut Up and Dribble' Episode 3 Online | - Duration: 6:00.


TRIP TO JAPAN #5 - ASCENT OF MOUNT FUJI - Duration: 22:32.

Ascent of Mount Fuji

02:30PM we're starting the ascent of Mount Fuji under the rain

with the raincoats we bought at Disney.

- If we die, please make a movie about our adventures. - Only if it's good.

So we weren't ready..... at all.

We made our last preparations at the station for 10,000¥

The mountain prices.

And we still aren't completely ready. But we're gonna be fine!

We're not even up there, and I'm already cold.

- So that's what we see upfront. - Look, they have better coats! We will freeze up there.

- Nah!

The view is amazing. Really amazing.

That's crazy cause not only, we're not afraid at all,

and we can't even see 5m from here - We're doing this Israeli style.

Like real Israelis:

we're not ready but we're doing it.

- We have: "in case of an eruption" - Which isn't frightening.

So, what you need to do:

Obviously, running, evacuate, of course!

I don't see how we can run on a floor like this!

I'll fall and die! - We will make it!

- I took my prayer book anyway. - You took it?

Yeah, this way I believe that God is with us. I hope.

It worked for all my exams!

You look like shit.

You're mean!

I think it's already something.

The jew is alright

- The what? - The view.

I thought you said something else.


What you need to know is that the bus to get here arrived at the 5th station.

And hum...

We sleep at the 7th station.

We have to show this.

We sleep at the 7th station so we need to climb another station from where we are.

We still have something like an hour and a half of climbing.

You like it? - Yes

Captain's log

- What did you said? - I said "captain's log"

Either the clouds from above went down, or those from below went up,

I don't know how this works. I never listened in science classes.

Or in physics.

- Try geology instead.


Everything's fine.

We're always waiting for Eve.

Cause every time I make a joke like that she stops.

I don't even like climbing 7 floors...

And you're making me climb a mountain! - I wanted to but you're the one who said yes!

I didn't really have a choice.

We continue, common!

Now you see.

What "now you see"? - He has the last word!

Yes! - "Jeremie the victim"!

Who is making me climb I don't even know how high?!


The landscapes are amazing!


We're doing a break before the last meters to our shelter.

A word, Eve?

Resting, I'm keeping my air.

For now it's okay. It's not too complicated, we just take our time.

It's okay, sincerely it's okay.

We arrived at the 7th station.

We now need to find our shelter. There are some more steps there.

We're almost there.

We found our shelter.

We need to wait for our room.

We're the 7th on the waiting list.

We booked a room but some people that also booked one arrived before us.

So it's on a "first come first served" basis for the rooms. So we'll see.

- We arrived at the hotel; I mean - I'd call that a shelter, not a hotel.

We're inside the shelter

We're in a...

great room!

Yeah it's a 5-room flat!

We feel like home in Tel-Aviv.

Inside it's like a huge alley with bunkbeds on each sides, all of them separated by a curtain.

They're gonna served the dinner in an hour.

And we're coming at 03:00AM to continue the ascent.

And they'll give us breakfast as well.

So Eve, what's for dinner?

Very spicy curry!

No it's okay.

- The sauce is violently spicy - And some matcha.

I find it very good!

And a storm started outside.




On the road again.

I don't think we can see the city..

- The sky is splendid - Yeah the stars are beautiful

- I don't think we can see it on camera - Yeah it's impossible.

It's a little bit cold.

I put on a hat, Eve not yet.

I have the gloves!

Luckily we bought climbing gloves.

And I'll show you the path we're taking. It's horrible.


I'll remind everyone that you said on the bus that the path is clearly defined!

It is defined! Look, there are some fences.

It's not defined!

Wait, we can see a little.. the path.

I don't know if we can see something on camera..

It's a volcano!

The rocks, the magma and everything we learned in geology; it poured

it dried

And we're climbing on it! - Voilà!

It's not a steady path.

Yes, it's very sinuous. It's good that we have those fences.


We've been climbing for an hour

3.2km to go, we did 500 meters

In contrast, the sunrise is...


I hope it looks well on camera as well.

Beautiful sunrise

Impossible to do a focus on the sun.

- Magnificent - Yes it was gorgeous to see the sunrise.

I look like shit

Both of us.

It's less obvious on a guy.

On a girl it's more visible. If she doesn't sleep,

- if she doesn't take a shower, clean hear face... - We slept 3h

I don't have the strength to move and we're not even at the top.

I think of the descent and my back hurts.

You want me to take your bag? - Yeah sure (ironic)

I'll take it.

If you take it people will think I'm weak! - It has nothing to do with it!

So this is what we climb

I'm a strong woman!

And those that we saw on the bus

with hiking sticks,

hiking clothes like they're used to it

we didn't even see them!

I think they are already higher.

- We didn't see them pass! - They could have left before us!

I don't know, anyway..

- Anyway this is the path we're taking

- Let me show our sponsor!

We went up, with NIKE!

Those are the climbs we take.

Volcanic rocks. There are stairs only when we arrive to a station, otherwise it's just very risky.

It's dry magma.

No a lot of words now, we're tired.

8th station

We need another 2 hours to get to the summit.

There are a lot of kids! - A 9 year-old!

Yeah a 9 year-old is climbing with us.

We're tired as shit.

And he's like everything is fine!

It's dangerous. - Not for Japanese kids.

- What? - They have strength!

Another 2.9km I think.

I don't remember; we're 3100 meters high.

Another 2-3 hours to get to the summit.


We're almost there


- Dead - We are at the 8.5th station

Then it's gonna be the 9th and then the summit.

Only 900 meters - Yeah

Which means 1 hours from what the panels say.

- But it was already written 1 hour - Yes I know, they didn't calculate properly.

Another hour

The 9th station is 30min away, in 500 meters,

and the summit in 900 meters.

We're going through a cloud so we can't see anything.

It's 8:37AM so we should arrive at 9:30AM, 9:45AM.


And then we need to go back down.

9th station

Eve is here

We're exhausted, still 400 meters to go.

As the crow flies.

So a little more in real distance I think.

The panel said another 30 minutes.

And some are running...

Everything's fine.

Little dipshit.

Here we are! 10:00AM

We're on top!

- Dead - Dead

The sanctuary

Only clouds, it's too bad.

But we did it.

We're on top of Fuji-san!

We did half the way! Now we have to go back.

So it's another path for going down. It's supposed to be easier.

- Sure we know what it means, "easier paths"

We're gonna look here a little. I think there is a shop here.

We're gonna see if there are some unique stuff, and then we'll go back.

- Rocks - We'll take a rock that's for sure.

What can we see on the summit of Mount Fuji?

Vending machines

- 500 ¥ the bottle. - Yes, the inflation is directly linked to the altitude.

Going down now; oh we also bought a stick

with "Fuji's summit" written on it.

It's in our bag. And we stamped it with today's date.

Really going down now.

We're already close to the 8th station.

But because we're going below the clouds, it rains again.

We're so classy.

With our Disney raincoats.

I'm done. - Let's keep it going.

In 40 minutes, we did what took us 2 hours to climb.

Really? - Yeah

So that's great. Let's go down.

The rocks are so red!

It looks like it just poured like that.

7th station

We are exhausted; it's... 1:30PM

It's not really the 7th station no? - It's the 7th of the descent.

We're lower than the 7th station from the way up but it's still called the 7th station.

I look like shit.

From the panels, we have still an hour and a half, two hours. We'll see.

What is motivating is:

we can see the trees!

And we're gonna eat sushis tonight

So what motivates Eve is that we're gonna eat sushis tonight.

And what motivates me is that trees mean that we're close to the beginning.

So I guess we're not that far.

In every shot I say "We're close" "we're close"



We're close.

In the trees. See I said it again!

- Crazy. - What do you want me to say, you're repeating yourself.

We have an hour left.

But it's a good walk. Like a promenade.

It's okay.

Maybe it's gonna change but for now it's okay.

We are in our dear forest

Still 30 minutes left. - A butterfly!

Glad we're almost done cause it was


It's tiring. It's not an enjoyable walk at all.

We say a "enjoyable ballade"

Sorry my French isn't what it used to be.

It's really a hiking ride.

That's for the lazy ones. - Stop it, she's old!

What you said is worse!

I was joking!

2km from here, they offer to ride horses to get back down.

For 4,000¥

So that's smart.

We spent so much on the clothes at the beginning,

and for good reasons.

Wait, what does it have to do with the horses?

We're not gonna pay for that too!

Ah, okay! I didn't get it right away.

Another 30 minutes and we're done!

The ascent took us 10 hours. 3h the first day, then 7h the second.

We recommend doing it in 2 days and sleeping in a shelter.

The shelter we found was at the 7th station. The link is in the description.

The descent is logically easier and took less time (4h30 for us).

The Fuji-san ascent is possible only in July and August.

Book your shelter early!

"He who climbs Mt. Fuji is a wise man; he who climbs it twice is a fool." - Japanese proverb

P.S: the sushis were very good.

For more infomation >> TRIP TO JAPAN #5 - ASCENT OF MOUNT FUJI - Duration: 22:32.


Abstract Painting Demonstration In Acrylics | Cosmic Dancer - Duration: 7:04.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Abstract Painting Demonstration In Acrylics | Cosmic Dancer - Duration: 7:04.


Here is how NOT to INCREASE wifi fpv range - Duration: 5:29.


I all and welcome back to the channel

today, after the full review

full review

about Visuo XS812

here at your right the link

we are going to see

because many asked for it, how far

this mosquito goes, I repeat, this drone

is cool, Visuo xs812 GPS...GPS very good

extremely accurate, you can see that from the


how is accurate during the RTH

before going on I would like to

formalize that I'm on


down here you have all

social profiles name so

subscribe because on INSTAGRAM channel

I will publish all things

that you won't see on my reviews

so, at this point let's throw the landing

pad here...damn

wind, just now and I don't know if this

can fight the wind...let see how far it goes

Ok guys, we are ready to

take off so like in the other video

that I didn't notice I haven't

showed you how to

start the motors

let's go

take off and let see how far it will goes

it suffer a bit the wind so

let's increase the speed...let's go

let stat video recording

ang go

it has arrived at a distance of about

334 feet

let's come back


Guys, test is over at about 101 meters

distance of FPV signal

I've tryed something that I won't tell you otherwise

you all start laughing...I brought

a piece of alluminium paper

inside the backsak down here

I wrapped the camera antenna

camera antenna because I wanted to see if

range could increase even

of about few meters

don't tell anyone

what I just told you so

100 meters far

of FPV wifi signal, this Visuo XS812 GPS

that even with the wind, wait I'll show you

the blowing wind

also olive tree are moving

ok, let me set back the camera

also with the wind is doing a great job

guys, very steady

only few waving

but this is a drone under 200 grams

if you want to buy it

link is under description

80€ the 3 batteries version

someone already asked me to seel this one

so as already told you

I'm on Instagram

anybody is in there so now, also myself

already few posts and

many likes

few subscribers

not so bad to start so, subscribe

on Instagram because there I will publish

unreleased stuff

next week I'm going to receive a

new drone always from Tomtop

that I'm going to review and publish

next SUNDAY...guys

I've a field that is amazing

look at that

a very quite place

sorry for the sun light

the perfect field to fly a drone

I'll wait on Instagram

and other social network, all link in description

bye all and let's see each other

in hte next review. Bye

For more infomation >> Here is how NOT to INCREASE wifi fpv range - Duration: 5:29.


The girls' high school girl rides for the first time at Morikolo Park, what will happen? - Duration: 22:57.

Hi YouTube Hello, welcome to Animal Land

Now with 1000lumens I am photographing with the light on

Place a camera on top of the load

I attached the light of 1,000lumens to be reviewed this time

This is the state. You look so good. I can understand my face.

At the same distance as usual. It is really dazzling.

I will leave a bit.

It's already more than 20meters away

I am far away I think that it is about 50m in this

I think that it looks perfectly.

Can you see the hands? (I can not see) I wonder how it looks? I do not know.

I think clothes can be seen because they are wearing glowing materials

Like that

To be honest, if this bike comes from the other side

I think that it is pretty annoying

It is dazzling.

Always when you run like this because you are running like this

Always because that annoying person gets picked up this

I will lower it, I have lowered it to this level I will do it like this

Now I can see even the camera on my head, but this is it

It is not dazzling Even at the same 1000lumens it is not dazzling because it faces under the tongue after all

The way forward looking directionality seems to be worse, but it goes through with a person For a moment it is better to endure this, so probably it will be OK

If this is 10m ahead 20m ahead of you can see, but ah well enough It's dazzling, but better than before

It was such a kind, I guess the condition just before I can forgive a little while ago Yes

To be Let's try it for a moment

Yes This is in a state The state of 2 It is already a lot dark that much It was running all the while in the city earlier

a He was senior or running

It is in China state It seems like this is it. That's all I guess is that

I feel like being dazzle when kicked by Well Well that thinks I need attention around that area

After Eat

This weak next Weak state

Yes Already it is this

Brothers In the night I can not recommend to take a tile on this train this morning

Plumpet But that dark thing

From here you can see the bright electricity is on the inside of the city Maybe it was OK Maybe this You do not have to be inside this

that I think that it can be appealing enough enough. Shall I leave it apart?

Although it is not dazzling even if it sees from a state which is quite far apart but properly

I know that there is a bicycle and something lights the electricity and is there

Actually how about this 20m 30m or so

I am about 20meters away I guess I can hardly see things in the afternoon.

But from here it is clearly visible It is such a feeling.

Yes, but this mode has 2,200lumens only for 2 minutes. You are very bright

I think that I can see clearly the house of the moment ago It is already

That's unexpected.

I leave about 5 meters at about 5 meters. It is 20m It is about 20m with this

It is clear that ridiculous sports are in such a state for only 2 minutes but

It is too bright. This is probably

Well there is no situation to ride a bicycle. It is like the feeling

Yes that strobe Thief

this I can see this strobe

This strobe is pretty early

I can see 8 Very easy to see

You know what the ground is clearly visible I do not think so.

I think that I can understand that by now seeing the image from the camera on my head I wonder

This is awful This bicycle is too messy as she ran from across the street

Sunny Well it is dazzling Well Well there is no effect

It is very bright

It is such a feeling.

Okay, this is a nice place

You can switch between low, medium and high I will do it in the middle now Yes In this state

When turning the power off and turning the power off first It is getting up in the mode I was using at the end Taketei


When I finish with my body Can you do

When turning the power off when it is done with the body You first start with the body when you power it

I wish this was awesome This is a big thank you

Always It's not necessarily that you must first stand on the platform and change the effect afterwards

It is very difficult That's it because it's so troublesome

I guess this is OK

I wonder how this is it, but Yes it is such a feeling

Here You understand.

Here I am writing a maker I switch it here I will put this switch

I am entering the switch, but it's hard to take it a bit brighter I will do it next year

I wonder if I can see it now, I'm on blue electricity Yes, like this

While the blue electricity is on it runs and runs and says that there is a battery battery Feeling

So while I run I'm going to be a cup Flashing so

Do not blink after turning red. The interesting part of this can be blown in the region

So it keeps this brightness till the end of the end It gradually gets darker and darker It is not a type to go on and off and it can cut without fuss In the meantime,

It's becoming an indicator and I'm back here just now that I can finish it soon It has become like

I wish it was great.

Just do not get caught up in the first memorial moment When it begins to flash and it starts to flash, you have to change the battery properly at that point

Excuse me It's hard work, it's going to be a pillow suddenly

So that's the only point of concern

Yes Yes with this feeling

I am here behind, but usb

Yes My mouth is attached.

You can charge here in this charge

Charging is unexpectedly early. Can charge fast

after Batteries are shaking behind this

I feel like this It's a battery of this type but with a type of battery of 186503100ma

type If you follow this kind of crystal like this

It's a bit subtle when using another range For other amps

And if you are popping it is a subtle movement This is like a crystal I first tried asking you first I thought of trying with that other battery and trying out

Try it a bit too quickly Even if you press switch when you think I wonder what happened if it disappeared

I heard that I did not seem to have such a thing I think that it is no problem because we are supporting it all the time without non trouble

It is such a feeling. Yes

Sounds pretty Surprisingly it is light This is like other makers Please let the child come out

It's quite heavy, but this one is very light I wonder why it is very good for that bicycle

Now I have a good setting It is becoming a pillar in the Uki coat

Nef is good. Clouds pretty around

Hit marks I do not know about it at all. I can understand a bit of this slightly

I can hardly understand

Yes um, is not it?

It entered the tiles, but this one is going for a bit a flight This electric Even this time of curve

I can see the advance payment on the curve I was wearing that type of spot before that, but that's it

I can not see it for a moment. That neighborhood is very good Anu

It is getting cold a little. Hasa cute

Something I'm live san.

Now 07:00 It's 7 o'clock in the evening

It is cold so

Let's call it a curve anymore It turns 90degrees

Also when turning 90degrees It is visible, is not it?

That is amazing

There are people There will be little

I think that it is probably okay if it lowers that much

After all it is that bright I can also secure my own safety

0 Instead

Say it is dazzling I have that disadvantage, too

There To change direction

I hope I can cover it

When that sent me this box This was included in such a package though there was a Boo - ku boundary package

It's such a feeling that little bit stylish Hey Ako Well really I've got a lot of fancy boxes recently, but it's okay I will open it for a while

that Rubbing sticky feeling is sticking something

If I can open it like this It's me Thank you card

thank you card Activity a Riding Japanese That Thank You Card Japanese Also included

Because it is

Instructions I also have instructions There is Japanese and this is four languages ​​Yes

a This is vinyl this, but here it is I got here for this sought-after vinyl.

So here I am addicted and this sponge was there Well this is my strap

The strap is supposed to be named here You can use it to receive it Well when you ride by bicycle Wear it with a strap and clatter it

It is an obstacle to get out of the way I think that there are probably many people who do not have it

However, if you do carry around with that other, like this I think that it would be nice to have a strap attached

past here That 1 usd's

2 A Oh well Maybe I use these kind of things and I do not want to get out of my mouth

There are two spares, and this odin cloud is in there. Here is a fan flying in here

Hmm It will be waterproof after this Bowling

Then it seems to be another transparent Kanako button, so I guess it is probably 9 times But I do not know how to do this

I have something like that Afterthought

Oh dear It is a type that can be charged, usb

table One more thing, this blog I should not forget this

I get out of the seal Yes 50times Right now I'm in because this is dry I do not feel like I'm dry Do not know how kept this

This is quite nice but now a bit I talked to a native birtha this

Like this Put it on the belt

I can hang something like this This

Camp and I wonder if it will be useful

But walking with a cheek on a flashlight Meiji Hey, I feel like I do not feel gold

Hey that boss thing so I get into such a container It might be a good idea to bring along something together

Such a wind

I do not have to write it here Well there is no place where manufacturers are good

This is pretty good, is not it? This is amazon with 6,000yen 595 yen

Yes Well, there is no image that it is specially cheap

Well, why is it a high function that I'm pretty firmly in the late stage Well worth the high function It will be in the 5th term This

It's quite nice. I think I'm going to use this for a while now But I went to the bright that was a little bit ago So it gets caught like a year But I always have one battery at the spare

I am thinking of going out.

Well now I'm still using this kind of thing, but I definitely have to hold a spare battery Why

And then this is so light

I hope I'm much lighter than I have ever been I think I will use this

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