Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2018

Hey there.

You know what?

I think Amazon HQ2 is actually pretty good for New York City.

This is not a popular opinion right now.

People are disgusted by the fact that New York is giving like 2 billion dollars to one

of the world's richest companies. Just to get them to open up some offices there.

People are outraged by the way this move is certain to raise housing costs and displace

lower income communities in Queens.

People are absolutely right to be concerned about these things.

But focusing on them misses what really matters with this Amazon HQ2 thing.

New York City is in a battle to the death with Washington DC and Washington DC holds

all the cards.

The idea that Washington DC and New York City are in some kind of competition may seem laughable

on its face.

New York City is the capital of the world.

Washington DC is just some sweaty backwater full of inbred politicians and crack smoking

mayors right?

On first glance the metro area population numbers back that up.

Since 1950 the population of the New York Metropolitan area has almost doubled.

But since 1950 the Washington metropolitan area has gone up by a factor of five or six

depending on how you do the math.

Also you should probably throw Baltimore's numbers in there too so...

New York is what it is because it's the business capital of the United States.

It's not a port anymore.

Most of the manufacturing left a long time ago.

New York is where you go to be close to all the biggest businesses in the US and to take

advantage of the sorts of services those sorts of businesses use.

The problem is that fewer and fewer of the headquarters of the businesses that matter

are in New York anymore.

No matter how hard they try to make Silicon Alley happen, New York is maybe number three

or four in Tech.

And Tech is what matters.

It's eating all the other industries that make New York New York.

The publishing and media industries are on life support and almost completely at the

mercy of Facebook and Google.

New York's famous department stores are getting beaten up and commercial real estate is emptying

up and down Manhattan as more and more shopping moves online.

Finance is still going strong, but how long is that going to last?

We are one serious financial crisis and a few rule changes from most of that business

moving to Washington DC as well.

Some of its already there.

For over a century now companies have had to have offices in Washington DC to bribe


The city has always been sort of a laughable, corrupt backwater.

Nobody really wanted to be there.

But something has changed over the past couple decades.

Financial crisis and endless war have both worked to make DC a much richer and much more

pleasant place to be.

All of a sudden it costs just as much to live in DC as it does in New York.

And more power over business moves to DC with every year.

As I predicted a year ago, it was inevitable that Amazon's HQ2 would go to DC.

If DC becomes the place that you have to be to do business with the US's biggest companies

then what is New York exactly?

This is not an overnight process.

It is taking decades not years, and New York should stay more economically important than

DC for the rest of my lifetime.

But power and money are definitely draining South from New York to DC.

The Amazon HQ2 results make This clear.

The division between New York and DC is supposedly equal but it's not.

New York had to commit at least three times as much money for the same number of jobs.

DC will have Amazon's CEO and his pet newspaper.

But New York's politicians were right to do what they could to get Amazon in there.

It might get New York into at least the second tier of tech cities.

It's a good step in NYC's battle for tech dominance and its good for the country.

Countries with a single imperial city are just weaker.

Power collects, congeals and stagnates when it doesn't have competition.

I think DC will eventually beat out New York to become America's Rome, but the longer that

takes the better.

Amazon's move to New York will keep the fight going for another couple decades.

And that's a good thing.

For more infomation >> Why Amazon HQ2 Is Good For New York City | Markets Are Dumb 7 - Duration: 5:13.


又一武侠小说家去世!83岁萧逸辞世,曾与金庸并称"南金北萧" - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 又一武侠小说家去世!83岁萧逸辞世,曾与金庸并称"南金北萧" - Duration: 5:59.


Is Nepal new proxy in China's great game 1 - Duration: 18:57.

Thank you for talking to India aware regarding the current crisis between Nepal and India.

Since the new administration of the Nepal Communist Party has come to power,

we are increasingly seeing worsening intelligence as well as sharing ties between India and Nepal

Kp Oli is increasingly trying to push Nepal towards a China orbit. Please tell us what you think about this?

First of all I want to tell you something about neighboring countries of India.

You will see that Pakistan has been the most troublesome neighboring country of India

sometimes there is a government there, and sometimes it has been under dictatorship.

In Maldives, similar situation existed before 2008 it was similar in Bhutan and even in Sri Lanka it was the same situation,

the Indian government has worked with every country, and for a long time it has been associated with China.

According to these facts Left Party which came to power in Nepal or the Communist party,

, it is not right to speak of it as Pro China since KP Oli has come here you will see that relations between India and Nepal has improved.

The Prime Minister of India has visited Nepal several times and the KPG has also visited India.

The Prime Minister's third visit is scheduled to be held in November,

so it is known that the relations between the two countries are very good and many of us are working on the project like the Transportation Hydro Project and the Janakpur railway line,

which is going to start a check post in Viratnagar. So relations are good between these countries; it is not that Nepal's government is against India.

Most recently according to media reports, Khurshid Alam Ansari who was an Indian mujahedin operative was gunned down inside Nepal.

Multiple prior attempts at his extradition have been refused over the years and increasingly he was offered membership in the NCP party.

Can you please give us your thoughts on this?

See Nepal, which is a neighboring country of India, also has security relations and on the other hand Nepal's border seems to be connected with China,

, and with Nepal we have our open border, so many people because of the open border can come to India via Nepal. Our passport is made in Kathmandu.

Open border is also a huge liability for us. There is a drug mafia in which the terrorist come and many things come along with it.

You may say, thus, it concerns India has always been a spot of bother when there is change in government leadership.

But unfortunately, from 1996 to 2006, Maoist Emergency existed, after 2008, the government could never be stable and after the change of 5 prime ministers in 10 years in Nepal,

, and what happens to the Pakistan funded organization which comes from Nepal, they come from India after an attack and go to Nepal to hide.

So they make their ID in Nepal and open their bank accounts and hide there, which is quite random in Nepalganj and Virat Nagar if they are talking about terrorists,

then it has always been the problem of India. However, India and Nepal is related and relationship is quite strong,

and Indian Mujahideen has been experimenting with it in a lot of ways but all these things have been stopped because of the relations between India and Nepal.

Previously multiple terrorists have been caught in Nepal, with Abdul Subhan Quereshi being captured after hiding in Nepal.

He was the mastermind behind the 2008 Gujarat bombing that killed 56 people. Other names to mention include Naseer Ahmed of Hizbul Mujahideen

What can India do to promote open trade and border yet clamp down on the number of terrorists coming to Nepal from Pakistan?

Terrorists are taking advantage of the open border for almost 10 years, so many of our joint secretary level and home secretary level meetings are held.

In this regard every three to four months we keep meeting these people and the intelligence sharing is very strong.

India should think that soon people will get jobs as soon as development in Nepal

comes around and also it will be developed as soon as possible. And this should be India's obligation to Nepal, too.

It is well documented that in Jhanda Nagar border town of Nepal such growth of madrassahs' is well known.

Madrassah Jamia Siraj ul Uloom Al Salafia is expanding its network all over the Nepal Southern border towns and radicalizing youths against India.

Funding is from Saudi Arabia. Why isn't Nepal acting on these Madrassahs?

Due to the change of governments in Nepal, the youth of the country became unemployed and settled in Maldives and Saudi Arabia

and the young Nepalese got converted in Saudi Arabia and came back and opened the madrasa.

In Nepal there are less than 200 registered Madarsas. But if this is seen thoroughly then this figure is more than 4000

and now the madarsas are going to be opened for international funding.

If this happens then more worry for India as they would use Nepal to blast India and India should take this very seriously

China seems to be actively promoting the settling down of multiple terrorists by exerting pressure on the Nepali government.

It is well known that many terrorists seem to be coming from different hubs through the Middle East or Southeast Asia.

It has also put pressure on Nepal regarding its belt road initiative.

. Is China trying to create another proxy in Nepal, while everybody is watching Pakistan.

China always works with the dual policy, on one side, it is breaking the mosque and so on in China and on the other side supports Pakistan,

when India sought China's help in the UN over terrorism, the country refused. However,

in Nepal there is no evidence of China's interfering, but if this thing is not stopped, then the Islamic group will spread very terror widely and will lead to terrorism.

Nepalese are quite concerned about any assistance or help from India when it comes to intelligence sharing.

. Yet this kind of terrorism that is growing in Nepal will eventually come back to Nepal in a much greater scale.

The growth of the centers all over southern Nepal is a ticking time bomb. How can India convince Nepal of the dangers?

Nepal should understand that prior to 9/11 incident , India continued to tell the Americans that these people are coming from Pakistan

and attacking in Jammu and Kashmir, the US did not trust India then and thought that India is plotting a conspiracy,

but when this 9/11 incident happened, the US came to understand where the terrorists are coming from.

Similarly, the radical Islamist group is not doing any incident in Nepal.

But this story can increase very much because Nepalese have 4 per cent to 5 per cent Muslim populations,

and their issue can become a big issue and if Nepal ignores this thing then it can be a problem for Nepal government

And this thing should be relieved by Nepal and it should take help from India to control this.

Indian installations are also coming under attack such as the Indian Embassy camp office in Biratnagar

and the 900 MW power project in Sankhuwasabha. What can India do to protect its interests in Nepal?

As far as it comes to protecting Nepal, it depends on Nepal, it does not want to take much help from India, but I think that India always supports Nepal,

whether an earthquake in Nepal, or any other calamity, you saw how quickly India provided help,

even help is being given to build hydrochloric plants. However, we do not have any such good response from Nepal.

Nepal does not want to take help of India if it has any problem in any matter or if there is a problem with its people,

then all these things should be understood by Nepal

Help for training of police in Nepal should be taken from India and India should train them,

because if they are better trained it would be good for all and even they will feel.

India it seems has never been able to really exert any kind of pressure on China when it comes to creating more proxies either in Pakistan

or now trying to push terrorists from Tibet autonomous region or via Pakistani hubs.

What can India do to exert some kind of pressure upon China?

This issue is a very sensitive matter, both the countries are have nuclear power and if there is any further thing

then the two countries should act together and both of them should negotiate and resolve the issues

and meet for discussions on these subjects regularly. The solution is not by putting pressure.

China is quite a powerful country; it should solve the problem only by talking.

India-aware has always been about showing the success of Nepalis across India and how they have strived and succeeded as a community.

India has always supported Nepal, but increasingly we are being targeted by the multi-pronged propaganda scheme.

How can we fight the propaganda and win the hearts of Nepalis' back again?

I can explain this question for example, if you give a rosogulla to a man and kill it with a stick, then what will he remember,

, he will remember the stick only. We need to be good to do well with the Nepalese, we give them work.

But, we also exploit them by giving less money to a Nepali, and then repeat the same thing, Nepal is a small country.

We must know that it is like our younger brother and we should treat it in a good manner.

For more infomation >> Is Nepal new proxy in China's great game 1 - Duration: 18:57.


5 Marketing Secrets That Will Help Your Resume Get Noticed - Duration: 1:34.

Hi this is The Guy R Cook Report of course and one thing I wanted to mention

that Thursday coming Thanksgiving we won't have an episode available just

holidays got us too busy but today we're having an episode and it's gonna be

about the marketing secrets that will help your resume get noticed now you

know recently we just talked about the 11 best sites to post your resume into

the locations. Well there are some tips and tricks for having that perform even

better the five marketing secrets we'll have that link in the show notes if you

go to The Guy R Cook Report dot podbean dot com and give that look and you know I was

thinking is if you use the Google campaign URL builder to make those links

that you're going to share into those 11 different sites that'll make them that

much more traceable and those traceable links will give you better statistics

and so then you know what I'm thinking you could sell that information as

research you've done on sharing your resume on these sites blah blah blah

blah blah and you might not need a job well of course you probably would anyway

you have a good day, the rest of the week to you the episode of The Guy

R Cook Report thanks to SiteGround thanks to coding brains and on that note I'm

going to say it's a wrap

For more infomation >> 5 Marketing Secrets That Will Help Your Resume Get Noticed - Duration: 1:34.


Давай сделаем вид, что все в порядке, или Мины в отношениях. Как сохранить отношения счастливыми? - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> Давай сделаем вид, что все в порядке, или Мины в отношениях. Как сохранить отношения счастливыми? - Duration: 9:32.


HOMIE SAMUEL & DEVIL - NO LOVE - Duration: 3:06.

What ? What ? What ? What ?

What do you need ?

hold up hold up hold up

hold up hold up hold up This is bitch have no love

You don't need him love

You only need that man

Who is called trill man

Who give you Ferrari Who give you Maserati Who give you fucking Versace

This is all bullshit honey

Normal girl does not need it

And you just need this shit

Yes, I think it is bullshit

All this stuff is bullshit

Why do you need this shit

For which you will suck dick Suck dick like gray stick

Not a natural bitch Who wants to be rich

Not today bitch bitch Not today bitch

I'm so glad my wife is not like you, bitch

Nobody wants to be like you, bitch

Maybe you have money

But you don't have what we have, bitch

hold up hold up hold up This is bitch have no love

no love no love no love This is bitch have no love

hold up hold up hold up This is bitch have no love

no love no love no love This is bitch have no love

Pink Ferrari driving on the highway

And everyone knows how much this bitch sucks a day.


Gray dick sucks every day


Real men don't need such a bitch

Bitch all from silicone is not a natural bitch

Bitch wants to be rich

But after the blowjob she got only shit

Which will smash the shit

Listening only to your shit

Where they sing about shit

She dreams about this shit while riding on the highway

By the way

while she is riding her son of a bitch with another bitch is playing

Driving in the rain

Driving in the rain

Driving in the rain she is in pain, she is in pain she is in pain

For more infomation >> HOMIE SAMUEL & DEVIL - NO LOVE - Duration: 3:06.



For more infomation >> RINGRAZIAMENTI E NUOVE IDEE - Duration: 1:01.


Anticipazioni GF Vip del 19 novembre: i Ricchi e Poveri e Baby K saranno ospiti della casa - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni GF Vip del 19 novembre: i Ricchi e Poveri e Baby K saranno ospiti della casa - Duration: 10:20.


Sedan esportivo: Fiat Cronos acompanha a nova tendência - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Sedan esportivo: Fiat Cronos acompanha a nova tendência - Duration: 1:40.


Why Amazon HQ2 Is Good For New York City | Markets Are Dumb 7 - Duration: 5:13.

Hey there.

You know what?

I think Amazon HQ2 is actually pretty good for New York City.

This is not a popular opinion right now.

People are disgusted by the fact that New York is giving like 2 billion dollars to one

of the world's richest companies. Just to get them to open up some offices there.

People are outraged by the way this move is certain to raise housing costs and displace

lower income communities in Queens.

People are absolutely right to be concerned about these things.

But focusing on them misses what really matters with this Amazon HQ2 thing.

New York City is in a battle to the death with Washington DC and Washington DC holds

all the cards.

The idea that Washington DC and New York City are in some kind of competition may seem laughable

on its face.

New York City is the capital of the world.

Washington DC is just some sweaty backwater full of inbred politicians and crack smoking

mayors right?

On first glance the metro area population numbers back that up.

Since 1950 the population of the New York Metropolitan area has almost doubled.

But since 1950 the Washington metropolitan area has gone up by a factor of five or six

depending on how you do the math.

Also you should probably throw Baltimore's numbers in there too so...

New York is what it is because it's the business capital of the United States.

It's not a port anymore.

Most of the manufacturing left a long time ago.

New York is where you go to be close to all the biggest businesses in the US and to take

advantage of the sorts of services those sorts of businesses use.

The problem is that fewer and fewer of the headquarters of the businesses that matter

are in New York anymore.

No matter how hard they try to make Silicon Alley happen, New York is maybe number three

or four in Tech.

And Tech is what matters.

It's eating all the other industries that make New York New York.

The publishing and media industries are on life support and almost completely at the

mercy of Facebook and Google.

New York's famous department stores are getting beaten up and commercial real estate is emptying

up and down Manhattan as more and more shopping moves online.

Finance is still going strong, but how long is that going to last?

We are one serious financial crisis and a few rule changes from most of that business

moving to Washington DC as well.

Some of its already there.

For over a century now companies have had to have offices in Washington DC to bribe


The city has always been sort of a laughable, corrupt backwater.

Nobody really wanted to be there.

But something has changed over the past couple decades.

Financial crisis and endless war have both worked to make DC a much richer and much more

pleasant place to be.

All of a sudden it costs just as much to live in DC as it does in New York.

And more power over business moves to DC with every year.

As I predicted a year ago, it was inevitable that Amazon's HQ2 would go to DC.

If DC becomes the place that you have to be to do business with the US's biggest companies

then what is New York exactly?

This is not an overnight process.

It is taking decades not years, and New York should stay more economically important than

DC for the rest of my lifetime.

But power and money are definitely draining South from New York to DC.

The Amazon HQ2 results make This clear.

The division between New York and DC is supposedly equal but it's not.

New York had to commit at least three times as much money for the same number of jobs.

DC will have Amazon's CEO and his pet newspaper.

But New York's politicians were right to do what they could to get Amazon in there.

It might get New York into at least the second tier of tech cities.

It's a good step in NYC's battle for tech dominance and its good for the country.

Countries with a single imperial city are just weaker.

Power collects, congeals and stagnates when it doesn't have competition.

I think DC will eventually beat out New York to become America's Rome, but the longer that

takes the better.

Amazon's move to New York will keep the fight going for another couple decades.

And that's a good thing.

For more infomation >> Why Amazon HQ2 Is Good For New York City | Markets Are Dumb 7 - Duration: 5:13.


Grupo CAOA apresentou seus novos modelos no Salão do Automóvel - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Grupo CAOA apresentou seus novos modelos no Salão do Automóvel - Duration: 1:00.


AMAZING VOLGA 2JZ 😱 - Duration: 10:02.


THEAUTOTOP production



For more infomation >> AMAZING VOLGA 2JZ 😱 - Duration: 10:02.


#Galantis - No Money (Official Remix), By Mrr Theara [ TND ] - Duration: 3:06.

Mr. P all the mates

For more infomation >> #Galantis - No Money (Official Remix), By Mrr Theara [ TND ] - Duration: 3:06.


FEEDER FISHING nelle Acque EMILIANE - Giuseppe Trani - Duration: 27:32.

For more infomation >> FEEDER FISHING nelle Acque EMILIANE - Giuseppe Trani - Duration: 27:32.


【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.

tadaa ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

so a little while ago I went to hiroshima and I was able to eat a whole bunch of oysters there.

and these are some things that I picked up at Kanawa restaurant

these are Kanawa's oyster rice fixings with plenty of oyster.

being able to make oyster rice at home so easily

you can even make it at home

Doesn't that bring a smile to your face? Being able to make this at home

and this has got their oysters that have been frozen all you have to do is drop them into a rice cooker

I can't wait to dig into these I thought I'd make my first batch with 8 cups

this one pack makes 2 cups worth

which means using all 4 packets I can make 8 cups

Buuuuuuuut.... will a 10 cup cooker handle all that rice and all these fixings?

these packets will probably make for 2 cups worth of space

and if you overload a rice cooker it doesn't taste that great

so I'll just use these packs to make it

and the remaining oysters will be used in a soup that I will make

so lets get cookin'

these are the oyster rice fixings

it smells like the ocean

so start things off by soaking an appropriate amount of rice in water

Once you drain the rice add about 300ml water to 2 cups rice

then add the dashi sauce

tadaa add these oysters to it as well

and cook like normal

the rice is cooked

O M G I luv that aroma from the oysters

its jam packed

chop up some onion that we will top the rice with

Remove the skin and slice into strips

tadaa its even got some burnt bits as well

and onion


I've made some cream of mushroom and oyster soup as well

and some cabbage salad

Sprinkle some seaweed on the cabbage

tadaa its all done

the oyster rice looks amazing and some cream soup here and some cabbage

this looks definitely looks yummy

its jam packed full of oysters as well

oh wait it fell

too darn yummy

its packed full of flavor and so delish the rice has soaked up so much of the flavor from the oyster

I love the burnt bits as well

this is the oyster and shroom soup

its got bits of oyster

It's a soup I made with soy milk its got honey and ginger

its perfect for the cold winters raw oysters are yummy but these cooked ones are yummy too

When you cook these oysters they resemble mussels

mussels are very yummy and are so plump and juicy I love how the juices burst out of them when you eat them

chinese style cabbage salad

I topped it with some salted seaweed

when I tried adding seaweed to this earlier

it was because I was so clumsy all the seaweed fell out when I opened the bag

I used up the ones that survived the spilling to top this salad

I realize that it's kind of old news but no one has reported becoming sick from the Kanawa restaurant

that I went to in hiroshima hearing that really puts you at ease

Last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita Kanawa restaurant's oyster rice was so delish

and this oyster soup was delish as well

I feel so #Blessed to be able to eat Japan's bounty from hiroshima's oysters to hokkaido's cabbage

these sorts of food are perfect for the wintery season as well it was all so delish won't you give them a try as well

And as always thanks for watching if there's anything you want Need to do or each please tell me in a comment section below

If you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.


Akie秋繪 - Pray【中日歌詞Lyrics】 - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Akie秋繪 - Pray【中日歌詞Lyrics】 - Duration: 4:44.


Top Hits 2018 | Best English Songs November 2018 | New Acoustic Mix Of Popular Songs Music Hits 2019 - Duration: 1:14:02.

Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> Top Hits 2018 | Best English Songs November 2018 | New Acoustic Mix Of Popular Songs Music Hits 2019 - Duration: 1:14:02.


Кори Гуд: Отставной сержант Темного Флота "Кости", представляет детальную информацию Альянсу ТКП - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> Кори Гуд: Отставной сержант Темного Флота "Кости", представляет детальную информацию Альянсу ТКП - Duration: 9:12.


Werken Bij Voordeeluitjes.nl - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Werken Bij Voordeeluitjes.nl - Duration: 2:13.


Garage & Roll - Ep. 8- con "VOCE" - Roma Talenti- Sub Ita, Eng, Esp - Duration: 19:10.

with Garage & Roll, we are going to discover the musical undergrounds of

our cities retracing a musical journey in the history of the garage of yesterday and today

symbolic places already for some time where to cultivate talent ideas and give voice to the

artistic expression. We will go to meet the artists

directly in their creative lair where they will tell us their stories and

their sound

Hi guys, Lara of Garage & roll, nice to meet you! "Pleasure," Giulio, Francesco "thank you for hosting us in your music garage/box

Garage & Roll friends, it's been a while after the summer, but we're back ...

this time we are in the neighborhood Talenti in Rome as you know in every episode we go to

discover a musicgarage, a new band and this time just a new neighborhood

here's from a singer-songwriter like "Giulio Voce" that maybe many of you know he was coming

defined as? "a neighborhood singer-songwriter" here what do you want to say about this district?

that although not mine, but i'm specialized in neighborhoods

my neighborhood is Appio Latino, and Furio Camillo, where I also have a garage there too

but now we are a complete band .. even if ... "and the third where is it ?, has not bothered, has not even presented .. haha

oh my god! ... "I wonder if we will find it, we will discover it...

a surprise "this garage is him and here at Talenti, we started to explore more

neighborhoods since the crew has increased and so in short .. "and how long have you

undertaken this path together ?! all together, the three of us think we are at one

almost precise year; this project was born more or less at the beginning of the summer

Last, I think it was about late September-early October so I would say we are there

"think, when we are born us of Garage & Roll ... and then everything has culminated then

in these days that you debuted with the EP "exactly ...

"that is called?" VOICE "ahah homonym" .. We are very imaginative ...ahah

"What is it, who is it ?, it's the third one!" Luke, pleasure ... Lara's pleasure "

guys, hello! hi Lu how are you?

let's go in! I'll show you the garage thanks thanks...

look what they were talking bad about you, that you do not show up ...? haha

a small injury in reality ... reckless life by musicians! haha

hello hello hello "this garage is your Lu? tell us something about this place .."

this is mine, it's simply

the place where we come to compose try to set up concerts so it's a bit the

our meeting. "Have you been here for a long time?"

a decade or so .. we are now consolidated

it's a bit like our second home and a little bit of their ...

the furniture? who did it? we did a little together ...

piece piece we are ... given that in addition to being bandmates, we are also companions

life ... "eh it's not easy to be like that" then there are also posters ...

"Come on then let us hear something,

taken from the debut of this band, which is called Voce like your band's name

four tracks ... listen well then!

Barefoot barefoot on life ... and with the look that lit up

my fantasies ... you were there ...

garage & roll friends, hola !!! welcome back! it's a turning point because Garage & roll is one year old!

let's start again with a new season we will see many of them let's discover today

new discovery meanwhile there is nothing to discover I make coffee as usual

today we're gonna celebrate because they too complete the years as us! so then big toast with coffee!

maybe even something else .. "yes the coffee is live only" with the cameras turned off ...;)

Lara you can present us this new band "yes, so they introduce themself alone

before, we have already seen "VOCEband" they are: "Giulio, Luca and Francesco and I'm Giorgio

"but nobody cares sincerely ahah first of all,from little days their ep has gone out

which is called in fact VOICE as their name band. Do you want to tell us something about the genesis of

this album guys? "was conceived already more or less last autumn

we started to write some songs inspired and I take advantage of it

to greet him from a friend of mine, a friend of ours with whom we have

started writing a very spontaneous songwriter

Stefano Orsini was born all in a very natural way

on a boat we were in the middle of the sea we started writing some

songs from there then slowly we started to write other things and there is

came the idea of ​​bringing a concept concept that we will propose further

with a real album but now we have extracted this, this ep of

four tracks we also reviewed arrangements, playing and there

satisfies "well, yes, we heard them and also

in short, the friends of Grage & Roll will be able to hear during the episode and ...

So here, a band like your note that is called Voce, comes to me

natural ask a question... maybe even a little rhetorical...what are you trying to give voice?

to us ...

although it may sound simple, we actually chose it because first

what, is direct "voice", arrives and above all because in our project there is not

someone in particular who takes arrives, run and does a little bit of everything

but everyone has his voice to level of the writing-level project of

composition at the level of everything and beyond the fact that when we write

arrange we try to do it always in three voices so there is always melodic

line and two parallel choirs so in all respects we are

a single VOICE. This was the beauty of the band, because we met about a year ago, but we also played in

different situations both with Giulio and Francesco but then we found ourselves in this

project in which all our influences have ended and we have managed to get all of us

at the same level and to contribute equally to all the songs

"a synergy has been created", yes, a single entity

and in the various garments of the "Voice" today we heard them in an acoustic key I wanted to know if there are other garments ..

Well, yes, we have introduce today these

songs in acoustic version but already listening to the ep you hear a sound,

a much more much more complex search, much more studied and focused

we have two sets, one electric and one acoustic, it's also modern, compared to the past...

this quest to make everything very simple and recall what

then it's our world so just the sea, the beach, the party and the

it shines and in the good sense a little more refined as sound but always looking for

to remain very very simple very essential and "direct, no?" yes here, direct

"Simplicity is not always synonymous with banality, not on the contrary"

"and where can our spectators find you?" We are everywhere! haha

"they come out of fucking walls" aahah

in all online stores so spotify itunes deezer, you tube music, amazon ...

even at the traffic light! burned ahah

have unleashed some friends among the traffic lights .. some pirate friends, the "mastered anonymous" but those without a label ... written in pen ahah

I had a question aboutthe new album. I had seen once an

interview of the Negrita who were talking about a new record and said: "I'm always there

those three things we don't like said "because if we adjust those three

things then we do not like three others ... Only three? "I do not know, 3,4,5 ..." Luca is a bit 'perfectionist ".. .. :)

I mean this here, what's the right approach to finishing a record?

Is there always something you do not like? do you wait for everything to be perfect? becouse

some among my friends have delayed too much for improving their album becouse they found always

something to change and so the band can stop. I wanted to know what is the right

approach in saying this project is finished? we arrived almost at that point...

obviously yes, it is a very common thing we arrived at the end of the project

at the end of the recording, on the contrary, to the mixing that cut our legs a little

legs level ... because we were a bit '... this is true but I wanted to say something

during the composition and writing in the studio a nice thing was that

we were very natural everything went very smoothly despite

we were together for a few months we were quick in the studio and we came out with the parties

quite ... fluently ... We really enjoyed it! a beautiful alchemy was born inside the studio ...

"Then you also did some videos, no? soon they can to see, can we reveal something?"

we made various live and acoustic live videos - one electric.

yes, but you will see them slowly

come out the singles of the EP "and between a concert and the other that we hope not?

I guess you'll leave with a roundup of concerts .. "

Speaking of video, the first was released before the EP

single of the ep that is "the bartender" the song with a lot of official video that

it's on youtube, so look for the barman. "the bartender is a good song, talk a little

of young discomfort or not? I interpreted it like that "

It's based on a true story...

indeed, many true stories ... "you are inspired by the stories of people

that surrounds you .. a vein songwriting you have it, you have a little 'all in all ... Yes that unites us.

here the coffee is still not coming out, "we're almost there" so we can ask a lot of questions ... If you have a question, go with the question

Go with the question, open the envelope! haha So speaking of young people,

I want to ask you since

you were born shortly as a band, do you pursue the run to the success?

nowadays is all so immediately and fast... so if you would participate in a talent show

or not ... If you see it as a positive showcase or otherwise prefer to do

an experience a little more .. in short, make the bones day by day in pubs, gigs etc...

in short ... the dues

I do not know if we have an answer .. we have talked about it once in truth but maybe we do not have

a uniform answer

right now we are not thinking about it

ok :) we have to make our way...

this is the question and we have at least shown to us that with the right times

just the right things are done ... even if they do not really care

nothing to anyone and it's up to "come out right away" haha

we are against the trend from this point of view - "okay, but if one is good and makes one

good work, it emerges ... the question has been made but now comes the moment of

coffee!!! ehhh !! it's a coffee for musicians! also the song starts!

and he did it! good boy! haha

so, we have something new for this moment coffee, we even have a phone call

of the public all those that you have put like on our facebook page

let's see who has been extracted..We hope we can see if the technology works

ready ready, miracle! it feels! Hello! name and where are you calling from? Hi my name is Marco...

Marco and from where? from Bari Hello Marco! Thank you for participating in our competition ...

you have the possibility to ask to VOCE a question, then ...

what do you want to ask Marco? "yes guys, what's your best concert you've done? the most beautiful thing? you see that Marco is young and can not wait to play the

his first concert anyway thank you Marco for the question ... in answering you

we thank you and greet you

do we agree on the same concert? I think so. well, certainly just recently, 7

September we had a beautiful concert for a festival called

peripheral at monterotondo on a beautiful stage, we made opening to Lucio Leoni

Giancane, it was really a nice concert

and the nice thing is that our video production that want to say thanks "Visioner"

he made us an official video of the concert that will be released

so if you are connected on facebook or on instagram

youtube etcetera etc. soon you will see this

videos and others we've made so I think that was the

concert .. Now we have a gadget to give to Voce..e just one of number ahah

the next time we meet them we'll give him a tshirt and 4 stickers

subscribe to garage & roll's page but above all to our youtube channel this to have

our gadgets and also to have luck as Marco today to talk with the

the next band ... very nice Marco ahah. Voce's contacts we have just give to you, but we'll repeat it

Voice band if you are looking for VOCE in all caps

otherwise slash facebook.com slash VOCE BAND on instagram VOCE and on youtube VOCE

you can find the album everywhere, even in the traffic lights and in the stalls and ... in the

underground ..and on the beaches :)

if you are a band and want to participate in Garage & Roll, please email us at garageeroll@gmail.com

and you'll taste our fantastic coffee .. it's great! it was really good :)

okay then have a great music day and see you soon..bye everyone! see you soon"

hasta luego!

in the next episode of Garage & Roll, will show you a new band a new story a

new location a new garage and lots of music

CIAO from Garage & Roll!

For more infomation >> Garage & Roll - Ep. 8- con "VOCE" - Roma Talenti- Sub Ita, Eng, Esp - Duration: 19:10.


Ivanka Trump a utilisé sa boîte personnelle pour envoyer des mails gouvernementaux - Duration: 2:38.

INTERNATIONAL - Une nouvelle affaire qui ne manque pas d'ironie. Ivanka Trump, fille et conseillère du 45e président américain Donald Trump, a utilisé sa boîte mail personnelle pour envoyer des e-mails portant sur des affaires gouvernementales, rapporte lundi 19 novembre le Washington Post, qui évoque des "centaines" de messages

Soit une violation des règles de conservations des archives fédérales en la matière

Si l'enquête du quotidien se confirme, cela jetterait un très fort discrédit sur le président des États-Unis, lequel ne cessait d'attaquer Hillary Clinton pour des faits similaires lors de la campagne de 2016

Dans le détail, le Washington Post affirme que ce sont les responsables de la déontologie à la Maison Blanche qui ont été informés que l'intéressée avait utilisé sa messagerie personnelle pour envoyer et transférer des mails portant sur l'activité du gouvernement à des membres du Cabinet ou à ses assistants

Une mauvaise manie qui s'est exercée sur "presque toute l'année 2017", précise encore le quotidien

"La découverte a alarmé certains conseillers du président Trump, qui craignaient que les pratiques de sa fille ne présentent des similitudes avec l'affaire d'Hillary Clinton", note encore le Washington Post, qui indique que ceux qui se sont penchés sur le dossier ont été "surpris par le volume" des mails envoyés et par la désinvolture des justifications de la fille de Donald Trump, qui a plaidé la méconnaissance des règles

Si pour le moment les déflagrations que peuvent provoquer ces révélations sont difficilement prévisibles, celles-ci pourraient toutefois être lourdes de conséquences puisqu'il s'agirait d'une violation des lois fédérales portant sur les communications officielles, notamment pour des raisons de sécurité

De son côté, le clan Trump affirme que cette histoire n'est en rien comparable à celle d'Hillary Clinton, laquelle avait un stocké ses mails sur un serveur privé à son domicile (ce qui ne serait pas le cas d'Ivanka Trump) et que les messages en question ne portent pas sur des affaires classifiées

Des éléments de défense peu ou prou similaires à ceux de l'ex-candidate au début de "l'affaire des e-mails", qui avait d'abord juré qu'aucune information sensible n'avait transité par sa boîte privée

Ce que l'enquête avait contredit. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Ivanka Trump a utilisé sa boîte personnelle pour envoyer des mails gouvernementaux - Duration: 2:38.


Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TDI 150 pk Comfortline Grijs Kenteken 4 Motion 4x4 Airco ECC, 2 Zitplaatsen, e - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TDI 150 pk Comfortline Grijs Kenteken 4 Motion 4x4 Airco ECC, 2 Zitplaatsen, e - Duration: 1:08.


Nonstop Bay 2019 (New) - Full Track Future Tâm Trạng - Nhạc DJ Cực Mạnh 2019 - Duration: 54:33.

For more infomation >> Nonstop Bay 2019 (New) - Full Track Future Tâm Trạng - Nhạc DJ Cực Mạnh 2019 - Duration: 54:33.



For more infomation >> GLEISI PARA MORO: MINISTRO É CARGO POLÍTICO SIM - Duration: 1:36.


Italian days preview! | 【ENG SUB/SUB ITA】 - Duration: 1:36.

Who is there? - It's us!

What do you mean?

Open the door!


Oh my god...

For more infomation >> Italian days preview! | 【ENG SUB/SUB ITA】 - Duration: 1:36.


Für ein gutes 2019: Unser 12+2 Angebot für dich - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Für ein gutes 2019: Unser 12+2 Angebot für dich - Duration: 1:04.


Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.


Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCe Easy-R Lauréate 90pk NIEUW ACTIEMODEL: Parkeer sens., Airco, Cruise contr. - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCe Easy-R Lauréate 90pk NIEUW ACTIEMODEL: Parkeer sens., Airco, Cruise contr. - Duration: 0:47.


Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCe Easy-R Lauréate 90pk NIEUW ACTIEMODEL: Parkeer sens., Airco, Cruise contr. - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCe Easy-R Lauréate 90pk NIEUW ACTIEMODEL: Parkeer sens., Airco, Cruise contr. - Duration: 0:40.


Volvo XC60 T5 245pk AUT(8) R-Design PANODAK/20INCH/INTELLISAFE - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 T5 245pk AUT(8) R-Design PANODAK/20INCH/INTELLISAFE - Duration: 1:10.


Why Amazon HQ2 Is Good For New York City | Markets Are Dumb 7 - Duration: 5:13.

Hey there.

You know what?

I think Amazon HQ2 is actually pretty good for New York City.

This is not a popular opinion right now.

People are disgusted by the fact that New York is giving like 2 billion dollars to one

of the world's richest companies. Just to get them to open up some offices there.

People are outraged by the way this move is certain to raise housing costs and displace

lower income communities in Queens.

People are absolutely right to be concerned about these things.

But focusing on them misses what really matters with this Amazon HQ2 thing.

New York City is in a battle to the death with Washington DC and Washington DC holds

all the cards.

The idea that Washington DC and New York City are in some kind of competition may seem laughable

on its face.

New York City is the capital of the world.

Washington DC is just some sweaty backwater full of inbred politicians and crack smoking

mayors right?

On first glance the metro area population numbers back that up.

Since 1950 the population of the New York Metropolitan area has almost doubled.

But since 1950 the Washington metropolitan area has gone up by a factor of five or six

depending on how you do the math.

Also you should probably throw Baltimore's numbers in there too so...

New York is what it is because it's the business capital of the United States.

It's not a port anymore.

Most of the manufacturing left a long time ago.

New York is where you go to be close to all the biggest businesses in the US and to take

advantage of the sorts of services those sorts of businesses use.

The problem is that fewer and fewer of the headquarters of the businesses that matter

are in New York anymore.

No matter how hard they try to make Silicon Alley happen, New York is maybe number three

or four in Tech.

And Tech is what matters.

It's eating all the other industries that make New York New York.

The publishing and media industries are on life support and almost completely at the

mercy of Facebook and Google.

New York's famous department stores are getting beaten up and commercial real estate is emptying

up and down Manhattan as more and more shopping moves online.

Finance is still going strong, but how long is that going to last?

We are one serious financial crisis and a few rule changes from most of that business

moving to Washington DC as well.

Some of its already there.

For over a century now companies have had to have offices in Washington DC to bribe


The city has always been sort of a laughable, corrupt backwater.

Nobody really wanted to be there.

But something has changed over the past couple decades.

Financial crisis and endless war have both worked to make DC a much richer and much more

pleasant place to be.

All of a sudden it costs just as much to live in DC as it does in New York.

And more power over business moves to DC with every year.

As I predicted a year ago, it was inevitable that Amazon's HQ2 would go to DC.

If DC becomes the place that you have to be to do business with the US's biggest companies

then what is New York exactly?

This is not an overnight process.

It is taking decades not years, and New York should stay more economically important than

DC for the rest of my lifetime.

But power and money are definitely draining South from New York to DC.

The Amazon HQ2 results make This clear.

The division between New York and DC is supposedly equal but it's not.

New York had to commit at least three times as much money for the same number of jobs.

DC will have Amazon's CEO and his pet newspaper.

But New York's politicians were right to do what they could to get Amazon in there.

It might get New York into at least the second tier of tech cities.

It's a good step in NYC's battle for tech dominance and its good for the country.

Countries with a single imperial city are just weaker.

Power collects, congeals and stagnates when it doesn't have competition.

I think DC will eventually beat out New York to become America's Rome, but the longer that

takes the better.

Amazon's move to New York will keep the fight going for another couple decades.

And that's a good thing.

For more infomation >> Why Amazon HQ2 Is Good For New York City | Markets Are Dumb 7 - Duration: 5:13.


又一武侠小说家去世!83岁萧逸辞世,曾与金庸并称"南金北萧" - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 又一武侠小说家去世!83岁萧逸辞世,曾与金庸并称"南金北萧" - Duration: 5:59.


Is Nepal new proxy in China's great game 1 - Duration: 18:57.

Thank you for talking to India aware regarding the current crisis between Nepal and India.

Since the new administration of the Nepal Communist Party has come to power,

we are increasingly seeing worsening intelligence as well as sharing ties between India and Nepal

Kp Oli is increasingly trying to push Nepal towards a China orbit. Please tell us what you think about this?

First of all I want to tell you something about neighboring countries of India.

You will see that Pakistan has been the most troublesome neighboring country of India

sometimes there is a government there, and sometimes it has been under dictatorship.

In Maldives, similar situation existed before 2008 it was similar in Bhutan and even in Sri Lanka it was the same situation,

the Indian government has worked with every country, and for a long time it has been associated with China.

According to these facts Left Party which came to power in Nepal or the Communist party,

, it is not right to speak of it as Pro China since KP Oli has come here you will see that relations between India and Nepal has improved.

The Prime Minister of India has visited Nepal several times and the KPG has also visited India.

The Prime Minister's third visit is scheduled to be held in November,

so it is known that the relations between the two countries are very good and many of us are working on the project like the Transportation Hydro Project and the Janakpur railway line,

which is going to start a check post in Viratnagar. So relations are good between these countries; it is not that Nepal's government is against India.

Most recently according to media reports, Khurshid Alam Ansari who was an Indian mujahedin operative was gunned down inside Nepal.

Multiple prior attempts at his extradition have been refused over the years and increasingly he was offered membership in the NCP party.

Can you please give us your thoughts on this?

See Nepal, which is a neighboring country of India, also has security relations and on the other hand Nepal's border seems to be connected with China,

, and with Nepal we have our open border, so many people because of the open border can come to India via Nepal. Our passport is made in Kathmandu.

Open border is also a huge liability for us. There is a drug mafia in which the terrorist come and many things come along with it.

You may say, thus, it concerns India has always been a spot of bother when there is change in government leadership.

But unfortunately, from 1996 to 2006, Maoist Emergency existed, after 2008, the government could never be stable and after the change of 5 prime ministers in 10 years in Nepal,

, and what happens to the Pakistan funded organization which comes from Nepal, they come from India after an attack and go to Nepal to hide.

So they make their ID in Nepal and open their bank accounts and hide there, which is quite random in Nepalganj and Virat Nagar if they are talking about terrorists,

then it has always been the problem of India. However, India and Nepal is related and relationship is quite strong,

and Indian Mujahideen has been experimenting with it in a lot of ways but all these things have been stopped because of the relations between India and Nepal.

Previously multiple terrorists have been caught in Nepal, with Abdul Subhan Quereshi being captured after hiding in Nepal.

He was the mastermind behind the 2008 Gujarat bombing that killed 56 people. Other names to mention include Naseer Ahmed of Hizbul Mujahideen

What can India do to promote open trade and border yet clamp down on the number of terrorists coming to Nepal from Pakistan?

Terrorists are taking advantage of the open border for almost 10 years, so many of our joint secretary level and home secretary level meetings are held.

In this regard every three to four months we keep meeting these people and the intelligence sharing is very strong.

India should think that soon people will get jobs as soon as development in Nepal

comes around and also it will be developed as soon as possible. And this should be India's obligation to Nepal, too.

It is well documented that in Jhanda Nagar border town of Nepal such growth of madrassahs' is well known.

Madrassah Jamia Siraj ul Uloom Al Salafia is expanding its network all over the Nepal Southern border towns and radicalizing youths against India.

Funding is from Saudi Arabia. Why isn't Nepal acting on these Madrassahs?

Due to the change of governments in Nepal, the youth of the country became unemployed and settled in Maldives and Saudi Arabia

and the young Nepalese got converted in Saudi Arabia and came back and opened the madrasa.

In Nepal there are less than 200 registered Madarsas. But if this is seen thoroughly then this figure is more than 4000

and now the madarsas are going to be opened for international funding.

If this happens then more worry for India as they would use Nepal to blast India and India should take this very seriously

China seems to be actively promoting the settling down of multiple terrorists by exerting pressure on the Nepali government.

It is well known that many terrorists seem to be coming from different hubs through the Middle East or Southeast Asia.

It has also put pressure on Nepal regarding its belt road initiative.

. Is China trying to create another proxy in Nepal, while everybody is watching Pakistan.

China always works with the dual policy, on one side, it is breaking the mosque and so on in China and on the other side supports Pakistan,

when India sought China's help in the UN over terrorism, the country refused. However,

in Nepal there is no evidence of China's interfering, but if this thing is not stopped, then the Islamic group will spread very terror widely and will lead to terrorism.

Nepalese are quite concerned about any assistance or help from India when it comes to intelligence sharing.

. Yet this kind of terrorism that is growing in Nepal will eventually come back to Nepal in a much greater scale.

The growth of the centers all over southern Nepal is a ticking time bomb. How can India convince Nepal of the dangers?

Nepal should understand that prior to 9/11 incident , India continued to tell the Americans that these people are coming from Pakistan

and attacking in Jammu and Kashmir, the US did not trust India then and thought that India is plotting a conspiracy,

but when this 9/11 incident happened, the US came to understand where the terrorists are coming from.

Similarly, the radical Islamist group is not doing any incident in Nepal.

But this story can increase very much because Nepalese have 4 per cent to 5 per cent Muslim populations,

and their issue can become a big issue and if Nepal ignores this thing then it can be a problem for Nepal government

And this thing should be relieved by Nepal and it should take help from India to control this.

Indian installations are also coming under attack such as the Indian Embassy camp office in Biratnagar

and the 900 MW power project in Sankhuwasabha. What can India do to protect its interests in Nepal?

As far as it comes to protecting Nepal, it depends on Nepal, it does not want to take much help from India, but I think that India always supports Nepal,

whether an earthquake in Nepal, or any other calamity, you saw how quickly India provided help,

even help is being given to build hydrochloric plants. However, we do not have any such good response from Nepal.

Nepal does not want to take help of India if it has any problem in any matter or if there is a problem with its people,

then all these things should be understood by Nepal

Help for training of police in Nepal should be taken from India and India should train them,

because if they are better trained it would be good for all and even they will feel.

India it seems has never been able to really exert any kind of pressure on China when it comes to creating more proxies either in Pakistan

or now trying to push terrorists from Tibet autonomous region or via Pakistani hubs.

What can India do to exert some kind of pressure upon China?

This issue is a very sensitive matter, both the countries are have nuclear power and if there is any further thing

then the two countries should act together and both of them should negotiate and resolve the issues

and meet for discussions on these subjects regularly. The solution is not by putting pressure.

China is quite a powerful country; it should solve the problem only by talking.

India-aware has always been about showing the success of Nepalis across India and how they have strived and succeeded as a community.

India has always supported Nepal, but increasingly we are being targeted by the multi-pronged propaganda scheme.

How can we fight the propaganda and win the hearts of Nepalis' back again?

I can explain this question for example, if you give a rosogulla to a man and kill it with a stick, then what will he remember,

, he will remember the stick only. We need to be good to do well with the Nepalese, we give them work.

But, we also exploit them by giving less money to a Nepali, and then repeat the same thing, Nepal is a small country.

We must know that it is like our younger brother and we should treat it in a good manner.

For more infomation >> Is Nepal new proxy in China's great game 1 - Duration: 18:57.


5 Marketing Secrets That Will Help Your Resume Get Noticed - Duration: 1:34.

Hi this is The Guy R Cook Report of course and one thing I wanted to mention

that Thursday coming Thanksgiving we won't have an episode available just

holidays got us too busy but today we're having an episode and it's gonna be

about the marketing secrets that will help your resume get noticed now you

know recently we just talked about the 11 best sites to post your resume into

the locations. Well there are some tips and tricks for having that perform even

better the five marketing secrets we'll have that link in the show notes if you

go to The Guy R Cook Report dot podbean dot com and give that look and you know I was

thinking is if you use the Google campaign URL builder to make those links

that you're going to share into those 11 different sites that'll make them that

much more traceable and those traceable links will give you better statistics

and so then you know what I'm thinking you could sell that information as

research you've done on sharing your resume on these sites blah blah blah

blah blah and you might not need a job well of course you probably would anyway

you have a good day, the rest of the week to you the episode of The Guy

R Cook Report thanks to SiteGround thanks to coding brains and on that note I'm

going to say it's a wrap

For more infomation >> 5 Marketing Secrets That Will Help Your Resume Get Noticed - Duration: 1:34.


Давай сделаем вид, что все в порядке, или Мины в отношениях. Как сохранить отношения счастливыми? - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> Давай сделаем вид, что все в порядке, или Мины в отношениях. Как сохранить отношения счастливыми? - Duration: 9:32.


HOMIE SAMUEL & DEVIL - NO LOVE - Duration: 3:06.

What ? What ? What ? What ?

What do you need ?

hold up hold up hold up

hold up hold up hold up This is bitch have no love

You don't need him love

You only need that man

Who is called trill man

Who give you Ferrari Who give you Maserati Who give you fucking Versace

This is all bullshit honey

Normal girl does not need it

And you just need this shit

Yes, I think it is bullshit

All this stuff is bullshit

Why do you need this shit

For which you will suck dick Suck dick like gray stick

Not a natural bitch Who wants to be rich

Not today bitch bitch Not today bitch

I'm so glad my wife is not like you, bitch

Nobody wants to be like you, bitch

Maybe you have money

But you don't have what we have, bitch

hold up hold up hold up This is bitch have no love

no love no love no love This is bitch have no love

hold up hold up hold up This is bitch have no love

no love no love no love This is bitch have no love

Pink Ferrari driving on the highway

And everyone knows how much this bitch sucks a day.


Gray dick sucks every day


Real men don't need such a bitch

Bitch all from silicone is not a natural bitch

Bitch wants to be rich

But after the blowjob she got only shit

Which will smash the shit

Listening only to your shit

Where they sing about shit

She dreams about this shit while riding on the highway

By the way

while she is riding her son of a bitch with another bitch is playing

Driving in the rain

Driving in the rain

Driving in the rain she is in pain, she is in pain she is in pain

For more infomation >> HOMIE SAMUEL & DEVIL - NO LOVE - Duration: 3:06.


benny blanco & Calvin Harris - I Found You

For more infomation >> benny blanco & Calvin Harris - I Found You


Don't Have Time for the Gym? Get in Shape at Home with these Exercises|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:40.

Don't Have Time for the Gym? Get in Shape at Home with these Exercises

Are you still stuck in a sedentary lifestyle? There aren't any more excuses left! Step up to the challenge and try these exercises at home.

Discover how good it feels to be in better shape both physically and mentally.

Work responsibilities and the general lack of time make the perfect excuses for going about with a sedentary lifestyle.

Despite the warnings we hear about inactivity, some of use still fail to make a little time for physical exercise.

Did you know that you can even get in shape at home.

The problem is that many people put more priority on other activities, or they might think that they need to go to the gym in order to get in shape.

In truth, you need discipline and a change of mentality to start exercising more so than special tools.

Actually, by dedicating just a few minutes to exercise, you could finish a complete training routine to combat excess weight and strengthen your muscles.

In this article, we'd like to share a simple plan that, in addition to taking up little time, can fit in any room at home.

Interested? Let's begin!.

At-home exercise plan.

The plan we're here to talk about today is based on exercising in intervals at maximum intensity.

In other words, instead of exercising for longer than an hour, we're going to exercise for only 15 tor 20 minutes at max level.

Although we should aim to invest more time at the beginning and start slow, the idea is is to make the most of our time as much as we can once we build up more physical resistance.


This cardiovascular activity is perfect for warming up before starting the more demanding exercises.

Jump the rope 50 or 70 times (as much as you can).


Squats focus on working out the zones of the lower parts of the body: your buttocks and legs.

However, squats are also great for burning fat and building physical resistance.

Standing with your legs separated at the width of your shoulders, bend your knees and lower your bottom.

Make sure that you're not leaning over the tips of your toes as you're squatting.

Slowly return to the initial position.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps. Abdominals.

There are a lot of positions for working out your abdominal muscles.

However, to exercise simply and effectively, we suggest "the bicycle" workout to get in shape at home.

Lay flat on your back with your hands on the back of your neck while extending your legs outwards.

Lift your legs at a 45º angle.

Try touching your knee with the opposing elbow.

Alternate sides with each leg and do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds.


The bridge is an exercise that strengthens your buttocks and abdomen.

In addition, it's great for reducing reoccurring back pain.

Laying flat on your back with your arms extended on each side, bend your knees and lift your pelvis towards the ceiling.

Hold this position for 20 seconds and then rest.

Do 3 reps. Push-ups.

Push-ups continue to be one of the best exercises for strengthening arm muscles and the upper part of the body.

Lay on your stomach and bring your body up on your toes with your hands separated at the length of your shoulders.

Raise and lower the body slowly, not letting your body fall to the ground.

If it's too hard, support yourself using your knees instead of your feet.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps. Plank.

The plank got pretty big because aside from working your abdomen, it strengthens other muscle groups as well.

Support yourself on the floor with your forearms and and toes, tucking them to lift your body.

Contract your abdomen and make sure to keep your back straight and steady.

Hold your body in the position for 30 seconds, clenching your glutes and abdomen.

Do 2 or 3 repts. Switch lunges.

Switch lunges are similar to lunges, but they require more cardiovascular effort.

Put yourself into a lunge position, with one leg in front and the other behind.

Lower your back leg as if you were to touch the floor with your knee.

Instead of moving slowly as you would to do lunges, jump to switch the positions of your legs.

Switch lunges for 20 or 30 seconds.

Final notes.

Exercising consistently for at least 3 times a week is a great way to stay in shape.

However, it's essential to eat better and, in general, make healthy lifestyle choices.

Adopt a healthy diet that's controlled in calories and that provides all of the essential nutrients.

Avoid "miracle diets".

Drink more water and natural drinks that are low in calories.

Limit saturated fat, sugar and refined flour intake.

Avoid alcoholic beverages.

Sleep sufficient hours and practice relaxation techniques to avoid stress.

Are you still stuck in a sedentary lifestyle? There aren't any more excuses left! Step up to the challenge and try these exercises at home.

 Discover how good it feels to be in better shape both physically and mentally.

For more infomation >> Don't Have Time for the Gym? Get in Shape at Home with these Exercises|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:40.


**New Update** free itunes codes - itunes gift card - how to get free iTunes codes - Duration: 3:27.

free itunes codes - itunes gift card - how to get free itune codes

For more infomation >> **New Update** free itunes codes - itunes gift card - how to get free iTunes codes - Duration: 3:27.


Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0 T 280 pk AWD SUPER (Navigatie - Pack Performance - Apple Car Play) - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0 T 280 pk AWD SUPER (Navigatie - Pack Performance - Apple Car Play) - Duration: 1:15.


'5년 연애' 끝에 럭셔리 결혼식 올린 강아지 커플 - Duration: 2:45.

5년간의 긴 연애 끝에 호화로운 결혼식을 올린 귀여운 강아지 커플이 보는 이의 흐뭇한 웃음을 자아내고 있다.

지난 26일(현지 시간) 영국 일간 메트로는 지난 8월 결혼식을 올린 강아지 커플 트러플(Truffles)과 코코(Coco)의 이야기를 전했다.

시추 종의 트러플과 시추와 요크셔테리어의 혼혈인 코코는 올해 6살 된 동갑내기 커플이다.

이 사랑스러운 커플이 처음 만난 것은 지금으로부터 5년 전.

친구 사이였던 두 주인의 만남에 따라 나갔다가 서로를 처음 알게 됐다.

두 녀석은 첫 만남부터 서로에게 강렬한 인상을 받았고, 곧 사랑에 빠져버렸다.

트러플의 주인 스타샤(Stacia)는 "강아지들은 마치 원래 알던 것처럼 처음부터 친하게 지냈다, 정말이지 운명인 것 같다"라고 말했다.

코코와 트러플은 종종 만나 행복한 데이트를 즐겼지만 함께 살지 않았기에 둘의 만남은 늘 짧았고 아쉬움이 가득했다.

매번 헤어지고 나면 한동안 상사병(?)에 빠지는 강아지들 때문에 고민이었던 주인들은 결국 두 강아지를 함께 살게 하기로 했다.

1년 반 전 코코는 주인의 허락을 받아 트러플의 집으로 이사를 왔고, 둘의 사이는 급속도로 발전했다.

매일 꼭 붙어 알콩달콩 즐거운 시간을 보내는 녀석들을 지켜보던 스타샤는 마침내 둘을 결혼시켜 줘야겠다고 생각했다.

두 주인이 머리를 싸매고 고민한 끝에 코코와 트러플은 세상에서 가장 '호화'로운 결혼식을 올리게 됐다.

귀여운 강아지 커플의 결혼 소식에 동네 주민들도 크게 기뻐하며 녀석들의 결혼 준비를 도왔다.

결혼 청첩장은 물론 녀석들이 가장 좋아하는 달달한 마카롱과 뼈다귀 케이크도 준비했다.

마침내 결혼식 당일 코코와 트러플은 꽃 머리띠와 턱시도 복장을 하고 동물 친구들과 많은 사람들의 축복 속에 결혼식을 올렸다.

스타샤는 둘의 행복한 '웨딩사진'을 인스타그램에 게재하며 축복을 빌어줬다.  사진을 접한 누리꾼들은 "너무 사랑스럽다",

"선남선녀 커플 인정", "잘 살아", "신혼생활 잘 하구!" 등의 반응을 보이며 함께 축복했다.

For more infomation >> '5년 연애' 끝에 럭셔리 결혼식 올린 강아지 커플 - Duration: 2:45.


Tell me About Your Country by Sending Me a Postcard! - Duration: 4:46.


Bob the Canadian here.

So I went to the store today and I bought some postcards.

I'm not sure if you know what, what postcards are, but a postcard is something that you

buy when you're on vacation and then on the back you fill out the address of someone

you know and you send them a postcard.

I bought these postcards today because, in a previous video I asked you what country

you were from, and I asked people to post in the comments what country they were from,

and it was a really neat video.

I had a lot of people leave comments from all different parts of the world.

And then I was also thinking how much I like Canada.

I like Canada because of the outdoors, it's really beautiful here.

I like Canada because the people are friendly, and I really like Canada because of the seasons.

We have nice warm summers, but we also have really cold winters.

So I thought I would do this again.

I am really curious, I would really like to know more about your countries.

So there's two ways that you can tell me about your country.

The first way is in the comments below.

You can go to the comments and please remind me again what country you are from, and post

one or two things that you really like about your country.

Or if you want to do something that's a little more fun, you could go and you could

buy a postcard and you could send it to me.

So you could go to a store in your country, and you could find a postcard, I hope they're

relatively cheap, and please only do this if you can afford to do this.

Don't spend money to send me a postcard if you need that money for other things.

But if you want, go and buy a postcard, and my address I'll put my address right here,

and my address will also be in the description below.

And then send me a postcard and on the back give me your name, put your English name if

you have an English name, I know some people around the world choose an English name and

then tell me something that you like about your country.

Tell me something that's beautiful about your country, or something that you like.

The front of the postcard can be from one of the beautiful places in your country.

And then what I'll do is in a few weeks I'll wait a few weeks and see how many postcards

I get, I hope I get lots, and then I'll do another video and I'll show you all of

the postcards as well as the beautiful stamps, whatever stamp you end up putting on.

I'll show you all of the postcards that I received in a few weeks.

Maybe I'll wait four weeks, maybe six weeks to give the postcards time to arrive.

So, yeah, tell me about your country, either do it in the comments below something you

like about your country, or send me a postcard, I keep holding this one wrong.

Send me a postcard and I'll show you all of the postcards that I get in the mail over

the next few weeks.

I'll really excited about this.

I'm really excited to get a postcard from a few of you, and again those of you that

can afford it, so..


Bob the Canadian here.

I know this is a little bit of a different video for the week, but I still really enjoyed

making it.

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video.

Subscribe by clicking the subscribe button below, and for sure share this video.

Let's see, let's see how many postcards I can get!


Anyways, have a great day.

Have a great week.

And by the way, that is a little bit of snow on the ground.

I know in the last video people were asking me where the snow was.

It's still late Fall.

It hasn't snowed a lot yet, but this was I think this was a snowman or a snowball that

my kids made, and once we get good snow for making a snowman I'll do a video where my

kids and I make a snowman so that you can see what a snowman looks like.

But yeah, that's what they look like when they melt.

It's gotten a little warmer in the last few days, but I'll definitely do that at

some point in the future.


Bob the Canadian.

Learn English with Bob the Canadian.

Have a great day.

For more infomation >> Tell me About Your Country by Sending Me a Postcard! - Duration: 4:46.


[MV] Highlight(하이라이트) _ Loved(사랑했나봐) - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> [MV] Highlight(하이라이트) _ Loved(사랑했나봐) - Duration: 3:53.


Какими были неандартальцы? - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Какими были неандартальцы? - Duration: 3:33.


Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 11/20/18 3AM | November 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:26.

For more infomation >> Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 11/20/18 3AM | November 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:26.


You won't believe what I found in the bathroom! - Duration: 0:19.

*keyboard typing*


Oh God,

I need to have a *****

*turn on the lights*

Let's see what we can get

Ow, what the hell?

It's that


For more infomation >> You won't believe what I found in the bathroom! - Duration: 0:19.


Firmino back to his best if makes one simple change & "Big problem" for Reds ● Liverpool FC News - Duration: 6:43.


Firmino became Liverpool's second most expensive signing when Brendan Rodgers brought him across

the channel from Hoffenheim in 2015 for an initial fee of £29m – the Reds' record

signing at the time?

Andy Carroll for £35m.

While one has wound up perennially on the West Ham treatment table the other has become

a part of one of the most feared front threes in the world, helping his side to become Champions

League finalists and the Premier League's best chance at dethroning Manchester City.

'Bobby', as he has been affectionately nicknamed by the Kop, scored 15 goals and

assisted a further seven in as he appeared in all but one of the Anfield outfit's league

games last season and recorded an astonishing 10 goals and eight assists in just 13 Champions

League games.

However, something isn't quite right with the Brazilian this season – he has just

four direct goal contributions all season in the league and his average match rating

of 6.94 in all competitions so far is dwarfed by his previous 7.69

So what's going wrong this season for the 27-cap international?

While Klopp's surprise reluctance to stick with the 4-3-3 setup which resulted in such

success last season has seen his side become one of the defensive powerhouses of the league,

the new 4-2-3-1 is not getting the best out of his number 9.

The German has maintained that tactical variety gives his side their best chance of winning

the title, but Firmino looks to be suffering from an ever-changing system.

The introduction and good form of Xherdan Shaqiri have meant that the Swiss is difficult

to leave out – the new formation accommodates all three of Liverpool's wingers – but

his presence limits the effect of Firmino greatly.

The right-footer is up there with the best false-nines in the world, as his effectiveness

in dropping back from his forward role to feed the Reds' rapid wingers is what made

his side tick last season.

The 27-year-old, despite the record-breaking exploits of Mo Salah, has been identified

by many as the key component in Jurgen Klopp's front three as his movement allows the Egyptian

and Sadio Mané to make inverted runs on goal; John Barnes went as far as to say that we

would never have seen the Salah of last season if not for Firmino.

Klopp seems to have figured out that the £72m man cannot lead the line in this system, as

the pockets into which he would usually drop would be occupied by the third attacking midfielder,

so the former Tombense man has slotted into a number 10 role.

The dangerous Salah is now the main man up front when Klopp uses this approach, and even

he appears to be predictable at times.

A solution would be for Klopp to revert to a classic 4-4-2, in which Firmino can start

up front with Salah, this gives the former the option of dropping deep as opposed to

being forced into that position from the get-go where he is quickly found out.

The four-man midfield behind the two strikers offers the defensive security which Klopp

craves as they can press opposition off the park with all areas of the pitch covered so

it seems like a win/win – if Firmino can rediscover

his form.

LIVERPOOL hero Robbie Fowler has revealed the 'big problem' his former side face.

Liverpool are unbeaten through the opening 12 matches of the Premier League, but still

don't sit top of the table.

Reigning champions Manchester City are also unbeaten, as are Maurizio Sarri's Chelsea.

Liverpool were tipped to be the closest challengers to Pep Guardiola's side this season, but

have struggled to find their best form despite the unbeaten start.

The Anfield outfit have never won the title in the Premier League era, with their last

trophy coming in the League Cup in 2012.

And Fowler believes Klopp needs a trophy for this season to be successful though admits

City provide the biggest block in that quest.

"A gauge is getting as high up in the league as they can," Fowler told Sky Sports'

The Debate.

"As much as we talk about Liverpool being this unbelievable side who are easy on the

eye and great to watch, there comes a time when you need to start winning stuff.

"I think Jurgen Klopp's getting together a great, great squad but I think one of the

problems we have is Manchester City are brilliant.

"That's one of the big problems.

You can get a wonderful side put together but you've got to try and catch them and then

hang onto their coat tails.

"For me, no, finishing in the top four isn't enough.

"It really isn't because I'm not one of these fans that think you should be celebrating

finishing fourth.

"I think a chairman or the owners should be the ones celebrating.

For me that's celebrating mediocrity.

I've always wanted to win stuff.

"I wanted to be remembered for what trophies I won as opposed to where I finished in the


"I understand why clubs are happy finishing in the top four but I think a club the size

of Liverpool's stature should be finishing in the top four all the time anyway.

"As I said before, there comes a time when you need to win a trophy.

I don't care if it's a League Cup.

People will belittle that but I've won one, it's a brilliant trophy.

"When you think of football in terms of what you can win there's an FA Cup, a League

Cup, the Premier League and the Champions League.

There are only four trophies so it's tough."

For more infomation >> Firmino back to his best if makes one simple change & "Big problem" for Reds ● Liverpool FC News - Duration: 6:43.


4X4 Namibia, Out of Namib Naukluft Park , Episode 165 - Duration: 3:16.

This adventure takes place in Namibia.

We're packing up to go.

Ben has discovered that we have a diesel leak.

He claims it's only a few drops.

Time will tell.

Emergency drinking water is available.

That's yours.

Oh, I'm using your drinking water.

Thank goodness.

The one with the rubbery taste.

Lets go.

Once we start driving, Ben smells diesel fuel.

It turns out that the leak is a big issue.

Let's get that down and have the car repaired.


Ben likes to eat lunch and open spaces near the sand dunes.


He's quite organized when it comes to mealtimes.

I like a little calcium shell.

I don't have to take vitamins in the morning.

That would be a six egg omelette?

Ben detailing the car.

He noticed some bird droppings on the car,

so he wants to open up a detailing business on this spot it seems.

Time to get back on the main road and head to town.

But before we reach Swakopmund,

Ben discovers a playground for boys.

The route from here is either along the beach or on a paved road.

swakopmund is a traditional German town

displaced from Germany

and located in the deserts of Namibia

We spent the night in Swakopmund

in order to have the fuel leak repaired the next day.

For more infomation >> 4X4 Namibia, Out of Namib Naukluft Park , Episode 165 - Duration: 3:16.


Как полюбить себя и обрести внутреннюю гармонию? Зачем принимать себя? 16+ - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Как полюбить себя и обрести внутреннюю гармонию? Зачем принимать себя? 16+ - Duration: 4:24.


Need For Speed Payback - CHEVROLET Camaro Z28 + Bait Crate + POLICE PURSUIT - Duration: 14:12.


For more infomation >> Need For Speed Payback - CHEVROLET Camaro Z28 + Bait Crate + POLICE PURSUIT - Duration: 14:12.


How Raul Sanllehi is already ripping up Arsenal's contract and transfer methods - Duration: 6:18.

 When he officially took up his role at Arsenal in February, even Raul Sanllehi couldn't have imagined that in just over half a year he would have effectively been handed the keys to the Emirates

 But with Ivan Gazidis deciding the time was right to move to AC Milan, Sanllehi has taken over as 'head of football' at Arsenal and has become the most powerful UK-based figure at the club

 Along with managing director Vinai Venkatesham, he now runs things in north London, making all the big decisions when it comes to contracts, finances and transfers

 "Although I joined Arsenal just months ago, I've felt embraced by this great club and part of its family from the first day," said Sanllehi, following confirmation of his new role in September

"I will do everything possible to maintain our strong values which will be as fundamental to our future as they have been in our past

 "I sincerely thank Arsenal's board for their trust in us and thank Ivan for bringing me to this great club, and for consistently supporting me every day, in every way

It's with overwhelming pride and utmost excitement that I face this new opportunity

"  Sanllehi arrived at Arsenal with a wealth of experience following just under a decade as director of football at Barcelona and there is genuine excitement within the club at the direction he could take Arsenal

 The Spaniard is known within the game as someone who gets things done. That's why he was so well thought of at Barcelona and perhaps while he lasted so long at the Camp Nou during a time when there were so many major changes behind the scenes

 After Joan Laporta left his role as president in 2010 and was replaced by Sandro Rosell, Sanllehi remained in place, just as he did when Josep Maria Bartomeu arrived in 2014 following Rossell's resignation

 Sanllehi first moved moved to the Catalan giants in 2007 having spent five years at Nike - where he built an extensive list of contacts around the globe, especially in south America

 He was promoted to director of football in 2008 and during his time at the Camp Nou he was the man who got the deals done

He played a significant in role in the hugely complicated deal that took Neymar to Spain, flying to Brazil to negotiate personally with the player and his father

 Sanllehi, who speaks fluent English, is also seen as having been key in the deal that saw Alexis Sanchez sign for Barcelona from Udinese in 2011

 Arsenal have long been known as a club who struggle to close out deals, whether it's signing new players or agreeing new contracts with those already at the club

 The days of the north London giants being thought of as significant movers and shakers in European football ended when David Dein left

Gazidis' arrival and subsequent stay coincided with a period where Arsenal consistently missed out on potential transfer targets and saw their best players leave

 Just last season Alexis Sachez was sold having let his contract all but expire and the club has found itself in a similar position once again with Aaron Rasmey

 So it was interesting that with Sanllehi now running things and working closely with contract negotiator Huss Fahmy, the club immediately shelved talks to extend Ramsey's stay and withdrew the offer that was on the table

It's an early indication of Sanllehi showing his ruthless side at the Emirates.  The focus will now turn to the January transfer window and it will be interesting to see if Arsenal begin to see the benefits of Sanllehi's vast contacts book straight away, especially in terms of the south American market

 There is interest in Cristian Pavon and that interest has been led by Sanllehi rather than head of recruitment Sven Mislintat, with Sanllehi having already been in talks with Boca Juniors about the Argentine winger

Mislintat meanwhile, is keen on Nicolas Pepe at Lille and there have been initial discussions between Arsenal and the French club about Pepe's availability

 The recent change at the top of the management structure at the Emirates represents a real opportunity for Arsenal to emerge from a decade of leadership which has seen them fall well behind their rivals, both at home and abroad  Gazidis was a man who was respected in a business sense, but Arsenal now have man in charge who is hugely respected within the football world when it comes to getting what he wants

 Sanllehi now holds the power in north London and there are already signs that with the Spaniard in charge, Arsenal could be acting very differently when it comes to how they operate

 Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football.london via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android.  Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> How Raul Sanllehi is already ripping up Arsenal's contract and transfer methods - Duration: 6:18.


A Wonder Woman Lynda Carter's Family - Duration: 3:14.

A Wonder Woman actress Lynda Carter has been interested in comics since early childhood.

After school, she entered a University in Arizona but left it quickly to pursue a career

in singing.

She had been performing with various rock-bands but it didn't bring her the success she


And so, she decided to take part in a beauty pageant, having won the title of Miss USA

in 1972.

This event marked the beginning of her professional journey as soon after she moved to New York

to study acting art.

She got worldwide fame and recognition after major role in the TV series Wonder Woman.

At that time, many thought that a female superhero might not be perceived positively by the society,

but everything turned upside down and this character became extremely popular among millions

of people across the globe.

When the TV series became over, it seemed like nothing could stop Lynda from acting

in other movies.

However, ever since that time, there are very few movies she took part in.

The actress didn't give up and kept on with her signing career.

Nowadays, she remains to be a talented actress, a singer, a wonderful wife and a caring mother.

Lynda's father Colby is of an Irish origin.

He was an art dealer but is mainly known as the parent of a Hollywood legend.

After the divorce with Juana, he remarried a woman named Larraine, who is Lynda's stepmom


The mother, Juana had roots that go back to Mexico.

She was mainly known as a caring mom, who raised a celebrity.

She passed away in 2013, aged 89.

The film performer has two elder siblings.

Pamela is also into the moviemaking industry being an actress.

However, compared to Lynda, she is not that well-known.

There is also a brother Vincent.

Nothing is known about his personal or professional life, since he lives a calm life far from

the media spotlight.

Carter first walked down the aisle in 1977 with a Hollywood producer Ron Samuels.

He was the actress' manager and that's how their relationship began.

The couple had been married for five years but had no children together.

According to the rumors, Samuels was an offensive man, who turned Carter into alcoholic.

A lawyer Robert Altman became the celebrity's second husband in 1984 and the two love birds

have been happily living ever since then.

In a marriage they became parents to two kids and in Lynda's words, creation of a family

fulfilled her life with real happiness, she couldn't find anywhere else.

Their first child, a son James was delivered in 1988.

He decided to follow dad's footsteps and became a lawyer.

A daughter Jessica became a wonderful addition to the family in 1990 and is also a lawyer

by profession.

Lynda is described as the best mom in the world and looks like being a mother is her

happiest role ever.

For more infomation >> A Wonder Woman Lynda Carter's Family - Duration: 3:14.


【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.

tadaa ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

so a little while ago I went to hiroshima and I was able to eat a whole bunch of oysters there.

and these are some things that I picked up at Kanawa restaurant

these are Kanawa's oyster rice fixings with plenty of oyster.

being able to make oyster rice at home so easily

you can even make it at home

Doesn't that bring a smile to your face? Being able to make this at home

and this has got their oysters that have been frozen all you have to do is drop them into a rice cooker

I can't wait to dig into these I thought I'd make my first batch with 8 cups

this one pack makes 2 cups worth

which means using all 4 packets I can make 8 cups

Buuuuuuuut.... will a 10 cup cooker handle all that rice and all these fixings?

these packets will probably make for 2 cups worth of space

and if you overload a rice cooker it doesn't taste that great

so I'll just use these packs to make it

and the remaining oysters will be used in a soup that I will make

so lets get cookin'

these are the oyster rice fixings

it smells like the ocean

so start things off by soaking an appropriate amount of rice in water

Once you drain the rice add about 300ml water to 2 cups rice

then add the dashi sauce

tadaa add these oysters to it as well

and cook like normal

the rice is cooked

O M G I luv that aroma from the oysters

its jam packed

chop up some onion that we will top the rice with

Remove the skin and slice into strips

tadaa its even got some burnt bits as well

and onion


I've made some cream of mushroom and oyster soup as well

and some cabbage salad

Sprinkle some seaweed on the cabbage

tadaa its all done

the oyster rice looks amazing and some cream soup here and some cabbage

this looks definitely looks yummy

its jam packed full of oysters as well

oh wait it fell

too darn yummy

its packed full of flavor and so delish the rice has soaked up so much of the flavor from the oyster

I love the burnt bits as well

this is the oyster and shroom soup

its got bits of oyster

It's a soup I made with soy milk its got honey and ginger

its perfect for the cold winters raw oysters are yummy but these cooked ones are yummy too

When you cook these oysters they resemble mussels

mussels are very yummy and are so plump and juicy I love how the juices burst out of them when you eat them

chinese style cabbage salad

I topped it with some salted seaweed

when I tried adding seaweed to this earlier

it was because I was so clumsy all the seaweed fell out when I opened the bag

I used up the ones that survived the spilling to top this salad

I realize that it's kind of old news but no one has reported becoming sick from the Kanawa restaurant

that I went to in hiroshima hearing that really puts you at ease

Last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita Kanawa restaurant's oyster rice was so delish

and this oyster soup was delish as well

I feel so #Blessed to be able to eat Japan's bounty from hiroshima's oysters to hokkaido's cabbage

these sorts of food are perfect for the wintery season as well it was all so delish won't you give them a try as well

And as always thanks for watching if there's anything you want Need to do or each please tell me in a comment section below

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For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.


БЛИЦ! 1000 и 1 факт обо мне😊 Откровение. Часть 14 - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> БЛИЦ! 1000 и 1 факт обо мне😊 Откровение. Часть 14 - Duration: 14:18.


The players Emery needs to buy and sell in the transfer window - Duration: 7:28.

 The prospect of Arsenal doing business in the January transfer window had appeared to be slim until Danny Welbeck suffered his horrific broken ankle in the Europa League clash with Sporting CP

 Raul Sanllehi, Arsenal's head of football, had said in October that he did not envisage the club making any significant moves once the window opens again in 2019

 But crucially, the Spaniard did suggest that stance could change, should anyone get injured

 "I don't believe much in the winter window," said Sanllehi. "There are exceptions, but if you have the right plan in the summer and the team are performing at the level you expect, you should not go to that window or try to avoid it

 "It's there for emergencies, a big injury or if something is really not working and you need to recover there

"  So despite some financial restrictions and a spiralling wage bill pointing to Arsenal doing most of their business in the summer, they could still be active in January should the right opportunity arise

 Buy  Nicolas Pepe  Arsenal have been monitoring Lille's impressive winger closely for the past few months ahead of a potential move next summer

 But given the clubs that are also starting to take notice of the Ivory Coast international, it could be that trying to strike a deal with Lille in January is the best way of landing the attacker

 Unai Emery is well aware that he needs to add to his attacking options out wide, with Cristian Pavon at Boca Juniors also on Arsenal's list as a potential summer recruit

 Pepe, however, has impressed the hierarchy at the Gunners with his performances since the start of the season

He has now scored eight goals in 14 appearances and also added five assists.  Danny Welbeck's injury has left Arsenal short in terms of their attack and if they are to make a sustained push for the top four over the second half of the season, you feel bringing in some more firepower in January is key

 Pepe predominantly plays on the right hand side where he can cut inside on his favoured left foot, but he can also play on the left

He is quick, has excellent technique and has shown this season that he has an eye for goal

 A left-back  The last few weeks have highlighted just how important it is for Arsenal to add to their options at left-back

 Finding a replacement for Nacho Monreal was already a priority for head of recruitment Sven Mislintat looking ahead to the summer, but Monreal's recent absence may well prompt the German to move his plans forward

 Sead Kolasinac has just returned from injury, but the Bosnian is not a key part of Emery's plans going forward and it would not be a surprised to see the former Schalke defender sold at some point over the next two windows

 Monreal is still a very consistent performer, but plans are being put in place to bring in a successor

Celtic's Kieran Tierney has been watched on several occasions by Arsenal, who have seen a bid rejected in the past for the 21-year-old

 Ajax's Nicolas Tagliafico has been linked, as has Liverpool's Alberto Moreno. While Lyon's Ferland Mendy is attracting interest from a host of top clubs around Europe

 Mendy is an excellent prospect who looks to have the tools to go on and become a top quality left-back and could be an excellent addition to the Arsenal squad

 Sell  Aaron Ramsey  Given what has gone on with Aaron Ramsey in the past few weeks, the club should do all they can to move him on in January

 It will be difficult, given the financial incentive he will have to stay until the end of the season when he will be able to leave on a lucrative free transfer, but that should not stop Arsenal from trying

 There could still be a chance that an offer could come in that is both professionally and financially tempting enough that it tempts Ramsey into leaving

 It's clear that the Wales international does not fit the system that Unai Emery is trying to instil in north London, which makes Arsenal's decision not to sell in the summer even more frustrating

 They are now facing up to losing a £50 million player for free, which is utter madness

Especially when you consider the restrictions the club are working under given the self sustaining model it follows

 There is no chance they will be able to command that sort of figure for Ramsey now, given he is out of contract at the end of the season, but they could at least try to get something in for the midfielder in January which could then be reinvested

 Mohamed Elneny  The writing is very much on the wall for Elneny at Arsenal.  The Egypt international, a senior player at the Emirates, has yet to play a single minute in the Premier League this season

That tells its own story.  And that has happened with Ainsley Maitland-Niles being injured long-term and Lucas Torreira being eased into the first-team picture following his move from Sampdoria

 So with Torreira now established in the side and Maitland-Niles back available, there just looks to be no way back for Elneny - with a transfer away from the club looking certain

 He had a chance to move away in January last season but opted to stay amid interest from Leicester City, but he will be well aware that the prospect of getting regular game time in the Premier League is now incredibly slight

 So should on offer arrive once the window opens, the best option for all sides would be for 26-year-old to move on

 Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football.london via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android.  Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> The players Emery needs to buy and sell in the transfer window - Duration: 7:28.


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