Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2018

Mazda MX-5 RF

Moose test

The MX-5 RF that we reviewed came fitted with the optional Sport Package, which among other things, includes shock absorbers from Bilstein. These are harder that the standard ones.

We did our first attempt at 75 km/h instead of 77 km/h due to a miscalculation of the driver.

At that speed, we succeeded at completing the test without moving cones.

The car was easy to control and felt nimble and very responsive from the steering wheel. Even though the body roll was considerable, it did not affect the handling, which is excellent.

The highest entrance speed at which we completed the test successfully was 80 km/h, a very good score.

As it can be seen on the footage, an increase in the entrance speed does not reflect negatively on the reactions of the car, which remain very safe and easy to control.

On other attempts at higher speeds, the differences in the behaviour of the car are not remarkable.

Logically, the tires skid more than on previous attempts, but the Mazda still is an easy controlable car, partly because of the excellent setup of the ESC.


The MX-5 RF performs very well in the slalom, managing to drive nimbly and at a good speed in between the cones.

The body roll, again, is considerable, but the car changes directions instantly and is easy to handle.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 RF 2018- Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | km77.com - Duration: 2:41.


4.3. Números complejos. Representación polar y trigonométrica. Parte I - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 4.3. Números complejos. Representación polar y trigonométrica. Parte I - Duration: 4:47.


2.2.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos, Parte I. - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 2.2.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos, Parte I. - Duration: 6:29.


2.3.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos numéricos e intervalo de la recta real, Parte I. - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 2.3.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos numéricos e intervalo de la recta real, Parte I. - Duration: 5:49.


4.2. Números complejos. Definición y propiedades. - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> 4.2. Números complejos. Definición y propiedades. - Duration: 9:23.


4.3.1. Números complejos. Representación polar y trigonométrica. Parte II - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 4.3.1. Números complejos. Representación polar y trigonométrica. Parte II - Duration: 4:37.


2.2.2. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos, Parte II. - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> 2.2.2. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos, Parte II. - Duration: 4:46.


2.4. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Productos cartesianos. - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> 2.4. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Productos cartesianos. - Duration: 6:21.


2.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Notaciones. - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 2.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Notaciones. - Duration: 3:27.


3.4. Demostraciones por inducción y otras. Más que otra demostración, una deducción. - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 3.4. Demostraciones por inducción y otras. Más que otra demostración, una deducción. - Duration: 4:50.


Echenique dice que la manada que patea mujeres indefensas son votantes del PP C´s VOX y en Twitter - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Echenique dice que la manada que patea mujeres indefensas son votantes del PP C´s VOX y en Twitter - Duration: 3:10.


Passion fruit ganache - Granulated Sorbitol · Liquid Glucose - Technical Sugars - Duration: 2:56.

Mix in a saucepan passion fruit puree with Granulated Sorbitol and Vanilla Seeds and Liquid Glucose.

Heat up to 40ºC and stir well until sugars are well dissolved.

Aside, melt the cocoa butter in a water bath.

Add the Opalys couverture and melt at 40ºC.

Combine both elaborations and emulsify the mixture with a hand blender.

Cling film and set aside in the fridge overnight before using.

For more infomation >> Passion fruit ganache - Granulated Sorbitol · Liquid Glucose - Technical Sugars - Duration: 2:56.


[CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Friendship U (Finnish) - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> [CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Friendship U (Finnish) - Duration: 2:35.


3 motivos por los que el matrimonio de los Reyes Juan Carlos y Sofía ha merecido la pena - Duration: 16:50.

For more infomation >> 3 motivos por los que el matrimonio de los Reyes Juan Carlos y Sofía ha merecido la pena - Duration: 16:50.


Guardia Nacional y rectificación - Duration: 3:10.

 La desconfianza generalizada en las policías, sobre todo municipales y muchas estatales, se debe a la penetración del crimen en sus estructuras que, como ilustra de sobra el caso Iguala-Cocula-Ayotzinapa, termina cooptando corporaciones completas

En las que debieran ser instituciones respetables son frecuentes la fuga de información y aviesas complicidades, pero mucho menor es el riesgo de pitazos y cambios de chaqueta en las fuerzas armadas, debido al estricto control del personal característico de la milicia

Por eso es alentadora la fórmula de que policías federales, militares y navales (éstos dos dejando de ser soldados, porque su estatus será civil) queden agrupados en una Guardia Nacional supeditada a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional

El que una parte sustantiva de la nueva corporación tenga capacitación militar y trabaje como policía es de celebrarse (la formación y valores en que se educan los soldados ha hecho posible la captura de grandes criminales, frente a casi ninguno a cargo de policías estatales y prácticamente de nadie por las municipales)

Otro componente clave, la actual Policía Federal, aprehendió a más de la tercera parte de los 122 "objetivos prioritarios" del gobierno que agoniza (por eso desconcierta que al Presidente electo lo hayan engañado y aluda a ella con expresiones demeritorias)

Con énfasis en la prevención, el nuevo gobierno demarcará 265 regiones. Poca novedad, pues lo hizo el de Peña Nieto con la zonificación de polígonos de violencia para atender más estratégica y directamente las áreas de mayor conflicto

La variante, por demás plausible, es que 70 por ciento de la estrategia se basará en la recomposición del tejido social, tarea determinante porque delincuencia no es sinónimo de pobreza, sino de múltiples y muy complejas variables (ingreso, urbanidad, bienestar, alimentación, hacinamiento, agua, escolaridad…)

 AMLO busca reducir los homicidios con mayor presencia (cuánta gente cuida a cuánta): 300 policías por cada 100 mil habitantes, como recomienda la Oficina para la Droga y el Delito de la ONU

Por eso, para atender a la población de 120 millones, tendrá que apoyarse en los 400 mil policías estatales y municipales que hay… y cruzar los dedos para que de algo sirvan porque ninguno estará, como sí la Guardia Nacional, bajo las órdenes de la Sedena

Disculpas y otra invitaciónEl pleno del Senado tiene hoy la oportunidad de votar afirmativamente el exhorto de su Comisión de la Defensa para que repare el agravio a las fuerzas armadas cometido por la Cámara de Diputados con el retiro de la invitación a los principales mandos en activo para asistir a la ceremonia de toma de protesta del futuro Presidente y comandante supremo de las instituciones militares

Debe ordenar a su colegisladora disculparse y reinvitar o, cuando menos, reinvitar y tratar con dignidad y respeto a esos altos jefes…  cmarin@milenio


For more infomation >> Guardia Nacional y rectificación - Duration: 3:10.


Política en Instagram - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Política en Instagram - Duration: 2:40.


【VOCALOIDXUTAU Original Spanish Song】 GLITCHED HEART【Yohioloid, Hajime Ichida & GLITCH】 - Duration: 4:44.

ERROR E-ERROR Something here is wrong

Circuits are failing; a virus must have entered me...

Someone strange Is looking at me

My body- -I'm incapable of moving it!

Ah...My memories are erasing...

(You don't need them) My senses are rusting

(You are mine now) Cables are getting closer, tangling on my broken body

There's...someone I want to protect

(At all cost...?) Doesn't matter what I have to do

(We'll make a deal) I will break everyone and anyone that tries to interfere


HELP ME, HELP ME A voice inside of me is screaming stained words

My vision and my voice Everything is getting dark, appeasing this horrible pain

HELP ME, HELP ME All those spilled tears will start to rot me

It's breaking me, corrupting me These wires are twisting

Fast, come and help me!

ERROR E-ERROR My screams cannot reach

My fragile voice is cracking more...

Body and soul They're artificial

Just a doll I ended up defective...

Everything I loved and couldn't ever express

Now in front of my eyes, everything is corrupted

"Machine without expressions" they started calling me

My turned off heart was (is) breaking even more

"With a forbidden contract I will take your lives

I will grant you one wish; you just have to sign it"

The life I used to have is getting foggier

I can't hear anything anymore and I only see darkness.

"Ah...So beautiful- your eyes...

And your screams of pain...

Son innocent and pure, I would love to corrupt you two

In any way possible!

HELP ME, HELP ME A voice inside of me is screaming stained words

My vision and my voice Everything is getting dark, appeasing this horrible pain

ATENTION! ATENTION! Binary codes are invading all of my body

Black arms extend towards my neck Staring to kill my breath

Ah...How much time has passed already?

(An eternity) My objective has been forgotten

(It was a trap) A robot without soul or autonomy is all that is left

"Ah...fragile are your bodies

(Artificial) Your minds also are...

(They are at your mercy) Obedient puppets without a sight of their memories

MACHINES they already are!

HELP ME, HELP ME A voice inside of me is screaming stained words

My vision and my voice Everything is getting dark, appeasing this horrible pain

SAVE ME! SAVE ME! This being inside of me is dominating me more and more

It doesn't matter, there's nothing more Even if I'm screaming

I will rot here alone...!

For more infomation >> 【VOCALOIDXUTAU Original Spanish Song】 GLITCHED HEART【Yohioloid, Hajime Ichida & GLITCH】 - Duration: 4:44.


Curso completo de React Native y MobX - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Curso completo de React Native y MobX - Duration: 1:40.


Polvo de hierbas esterilización por microondas mecánica - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Polvo de hierbas esterilización por microondas mecánica - Duration: 1:31.


[CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Friendship U (Finnish) - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> [CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Friendship U (Finnish) - Duration: 2:35.


Çukur 2 Sezon 11 Bölüm Fragman Analizi - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Çukur 2 Sezon 11 Bölüm Fragman Analizi - Duration: 3:04.


Warnke pilnuje męża na planie. Jest zazdrosna o Cielecką - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Warnke pilnuje męża na planie. Jest zazdrosna o Cielecką - Duration: 3:08.


Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody X Love Of My Life | LA RIMBA - Duration: 3:32.

mama just killed a man put a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead

mama life has just began

but now I've gone and thrown it all away

mama, ooh

didn't mean to make you cry

if I'm not back again this time tomorrow

carry on, carry on

as if nothing really matters

love of my life, you've hurt me

you've broken my heart and now you leave me

love of my life, can't you see

bring it back, bring it back

don't take it away from me

because you don't know what it means to me

you will remember when this is blown over

and everything's all by the way

when I grow older I will be there at your side

to remind you how I still love you

i still love you

back, hurry back

please bring it back home to me

because you don't know what it means to me

love of my life

love of my life

huuuu.. huu.. huu..

For more infomation >> Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody X Love Of My Life | LA RIMBA - Duration: 3:32.


Audi A3 Limousine Limousine 1.5 TFSI ultra Sport S-Line Panoramadak Led - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Limousine Limousine 1.5 TFSI ultra Sport S-Line Panoramadak Led - Duration: 1:12.


Audi SQ5 3.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-tronic | Panoramadak | Supersportstoelen - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi SQ5 3.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-tronic | Panoramadak | Supersportstoelen - Duration: 1:12.


Audi SQ5 3.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-tronic | Panoramadak | Supersportstoelen - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi SQ5 3.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-tronic | Panoramadak | Supersportstoelen - Duration: 1:12.


Xếp hàng mua gỏi đu đủ Thái Ty Thy, Trai đẹp bị ghẹo đỏ mặt - 1 giờ bán 50kg gỏi - Duration: 16:08.

For more infomation >> Xếp hàng mua gỏi đu đủ Thái Ty Thy, Trai đẹp bị ghẹo đỏ mặt - 1 giờ bán 50kg gỏi - Duration: 16:08.


Physical BTC Bitcoin Bronze plated - Duration: 1:50.


bitcoin bronze

Let's go straight to the next video

Ok this time we make a detailed video

About the coin collection at the innovation store

Like this

physically the same as bitcoin gold or silver

only difference is the layer or the color this is bronze

the casing is good

for purchases you can click on our booth link in the description [tokopedia or bukalapak]

the diameter is 40mm with a thickness of 3mm

Just like that, Thanks


For more infomation >> Physical BTC Bitcoin Bronze plated - Duration: 1:50.


Audi A7 Sportback New 50 TDI quattro 286pk tiptronic | Adaptive Cruise | Head Up - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A7 Sportback New 50 TDI quattro 286pk tiptronic | Adaptive Cruise | Head Up - Duration: 0:53.


Learn Colors With Spiderman vs Superman ! Funny Heros Nursery Rhymes ! 4k Best #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Spiderman vs Superman ! Funny Heros Nursery Rhymes ! 4k Best #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:38.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro 252pk S tronic S Line Black Edition - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro 252pk S tronic S Line Black Edition - Duration: 1:13.


4.3. Números complejos. Representación polar y trigonométrica. Parte I - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 4.3. Números complejos. Representación polar y trigonométrica. Parte I - Duration: 4:47.


2.2.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos, Parte I. - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 2.2.1. Notaciones, conjuntos y elementos. Conjuntos, Parte I. - Duration: 6:29.


剛剛,日本突然做出驚人決定,連美國都敢拒絕了? - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> 剛剛,日本突然做出驚人決定,連美國都敢拒絕了? - Duration: 7:27.


나도 엄마야 121회 💜 I'm a Mother too Ep 121 - Duration: 29:42.

Engsub is updatting ..... Please Like And Comment in the video and Subscribe to My channel.Thank you for watching !!!

For more infomation >> 나도 엄마야 121회 💜 I'm a Mother too Ep 121 - Duration: 29:42.


Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk. Trener Andrzeja Gołoty i Tomasza Adamka zginął w pożarze! - Duration: 2:06.

 Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk, jeden z najwybitniejszych i najbardziej znanych trenerów boksu, który pracował m

in. z Andrzejem Gołotą, Tomaszem Adamkiem, a ostatnio z Arturem Szpilką. Zginął w pożarze swojego domu

Miał 67 lat. O jego śmierci poinformował na Twitterze Karol Mielcarek:  Informację o pożarze w domu jednorodzinnym podaje na swoim Facebooku Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna Długa Kościelna: Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk - trener Gołoty, Adamka, Szpilki  Andrzej Gmitruk był trenerem najlepszych polskich pięściarzy - m

in. Andrzeja Gołoty, Tomasza Adamka, Mateusza Masternaka czy Artura Szpilki. Karierę jako trener zaczynał w Polskim Związku Bokserskim jako trener kadry juniorów

Po 2 latach zajął się kadrą pięściarską Legii Warszawa. Przez lata trenował również kadry Norwegii

Był również konsultantem Norweskiego Komitetu Olimpijskiego ds. sportów letnich. Od 2012 roku komentował walki w Polsacie Sport

   Jak podaje Fakt.pl, okoliczności pożaru i śmierci trenera bada prokuratura.    Zobacz także: Ekipa "Rancza" w żałobie

Zmarła ważna dla nich osoba. Artur Barciś: "Dzięki swojej twórczości zostaniesz z nami na zawsze"

For more infomation >> Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk. Trener Andrzeja Gołoty i Tomasza Adamka zginął w pożarze! - Duration: 2:06.


My first adventure to clubs! Conquer Korean Itaewon clubs★ I danced while being so drunk!! [ILULIY] - Duration: 10:46.

Sprouts hello♣ It's Luliy♡

I am going to a 'club' now !!!

It's my second time to go club in my life!

and maybe my first v-log

First, I got my boy friend's approval for my 2nd&last visit to club

※Before I met my boyfriend, I've never gone

to a club before, and he's my first boyfriend

so I had not much experience of things like club.

Therefore, my boyfriend said it's good to go there for my 2nd&last time!

I'm little scared..and nervous!

I heard the clothing is important(?) to go clubs

Well, I'm just wearing basic clothes!

l'm wearing like this !!

Yayyy ~ ~ ♥

I'll go there&dance like this ~ ♡

like this haha

like this lol

and come back after dancing haha

It's okay to dance like this? lol

Let's go to the club then - ★

※This video contains drinking and club scenes!

※Minor&children plz enjoy clubs wholesomely after being adults, and be aware to watch!

(( pm_11:20 Arrived at Itaewon station !!! ))

Tada! I arrived at Itaewon as you see!

★☆★☆ ♥!!!!!

Now I will go to a club with my friend!!

Yap - ★

[ Itaewon Fountain ]

First place is Fountain !!

Excited / fluttered / Nervous

Going in ~~~ (pit a pat)

Wow~ I'm getting in ♬♪♩☆

(Wow It's so crowded (chaos))

Wow... ★The atmosphere of Fountain★ is amazing ?!?!

(Oops! Indecent scene on the screen..X0X)

Found an unknown game machine on 2F!!!

How do I play this haha

Luliy: What is this?

Wow lol the lights are on haha

(So cool lol /excited)

Strange man: Can we play together?

Strange man: Do you wanna play a game??

Luliy: I don't know how to play this..

Strange man: You should click this fast until the number becomes 0

( V )

Game started abruptly ?!?!?!?!?!

(haha Actually I was pretty confused)

Ah haha what is this?!?!

♣ As I was embarrassed.. we stopped the game later

and said goodbye then we went to a different place (;_;)

☠️Many people are having fun friday night!!!☠️

(Wow even no place to enter lol)

Hi ~ ~ ~♥

I will have a fun time and go~ ~♡

[ Itaewon Day & Night ]

Fancy laser beams @0@...★

Wow At 'Day&night', there's a place for women to get ready

(Even hair straightener.. Wow)

Luliy: The top is also so pretty❀❀ ✿ ✿


(hair styling time for a while)


(timid dancing)

Luliy: What's the recent hot club dance?

Luliy: You don't know?

Ah this this haha insider dance lol

(shy / awkward )

It's hard since I'm so sober now haha(So timid)

(shy / nervous / awkward )

(Phew... need some alcohol )

To get more excited, I will get a cocktail with my friend!

※ Drinking scenes appear! Be aware to watch

Itaewon [Off the record]

I thought I could dance after getting little drunk, so I ordered a Jager bomb!! ☹⚠


Luliy: Tastes good !

Tasting my friend's peach crush

oh this is so good ♥♥♥

(hehe I'm excited ♡♡♡♡)

lol already so drunk lol

Does Jager bomb have high level of alcohol??? lol

Yep! I am going to a different club now

Where have we been?

Friend: We went Prost, Glam, Daynnight, Fountain

Hard to decide where to go!

Friend: Hiphop ~ ~ !!

Luliy: We will go to Hiphop club!!

Strange man abruptly came over (?)

Stranger: Hello ~! Luliy : (confused/say hi)

♣ At Itaewon, many people don't get offended by camera.

They rather say hello first !! @_@

Itaewon [Connect one]

Cheers ~ ~ ★

( Free vodka !!!! Yay~★ )

Wow lol so bitter haha T T

(?? oh haha didn't see someone coming lol)

(confused bc it's so bitter)

?! very surprised

Wow This is bitter - -

One shot clear !!!! ☆

The mood is so hiphop ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ good good!!

Everyone is excited and dancing lol ♬

My friend is also excited >.<

(( I was ... so drunk lol T0T ))

Trying my best to dance haha

Everyone seems to come Itaewon clubs to just dance :D

( Ver very excited cool girls !!! ★ )

Now we are heading to a different club!

I am so drunk!

but my friend is almost sober!

I'm so drunk that I feel confident haha

When I see this while editing, it would be shameful..

To film this with lots of fun, I tried to be more drunk!!

Itaewon [Bliss]

Wow ~ ~ Dj's awesome music choice ♬♪

The mood is great b

( my dancing.. isn't it awful? )

Itaewon [ Prost ]

I am not good at dancing... but I'm good at being excited !!!!☆

Very sound club touring...☆

(One man abruptly comes and asks to drink together..!)

(My friends is refusing)

(keep asking to drink together..)

(My friend keeps refusing)

[Fountain] again Tada -★

(Trapped between lots of people)

Filming by using a selfie stick lol (shameful history..)

We are on our way to go home after playing hard

trying to get a taxi !!

(exhausted friend)

My second&last time to go clubs..My friend

Umm.. how do I say it ?

My friend is caring me

I will go home !!! (so loud)

It's 3AM!! I will go home ~

Wow ~ ~

I was so drunk ㅠ ㅠ.. but my friend was sober, so she had hard time caring me.

Thank you&Sorry Chane♥ l'll treat you to lunch!!♡

Now We are going home by taking a taxi

I had a great memory with my friend

It's my first time to go Itaewon clubs

It was so fun with my friend ♬

Now I arrived at home by taking a taxi ~

I am very drunk now

I will brush my teeth

and sleep well ~

Itaewon club visit! The end ~ ~

For more infomation >> My first adventure to clubs! Conquer Korean Itaewon clubs★ I danced while being so drunk!! [ILULIY] - Duration: 10:46.


Walking Tour of Trần Hưng Đạo Street in Hanoi 2018 | VIETNAM WALK - Duration: 38:43.

Good afternoon everyone, it's Cory here.

I am on Trần Hưng Đạo street, this is the street that I actually live along.

And right behind me over here is the main Hanoi Railway Station. It's the main train station in Hanoi city.

So today's walk is going to be going down Trần Hưng Đạo street.

And this street runs right through the center of Hanoi, from west to east, east to west.

And so I'm just going to start from here, this is the very west edge of Trần Hưng Đạo street.

And we're going to go all the way east to the very end, I don't know exactly how many kilometers it is.

But, we're going to go there, we're going to see some stuff along the way.

And I'll kind of point out some stuff. And I guess talk while I'm doing it.

Because the last time that I did one of these videos, I didn't talk at all. And I got a lot of feedback from a lot of

you guys saying you wish I had spoken about anything. So I will go back to my original ways of doing these

walking videos, by talking and walking at the same time. So let's go ahead and start.

So it's a Monday afternoon, it's about 2pm, maybe a little after that.

And it's actually cold again. I'm wearing long sleeves and jean pants.

And it's about 18° or 19° Celsius, I think that's like 67° or 68° Fahrenheit.

It's cool enough that, you know, here in Vietnam we're so used to hot weather, that this feels really cold.

But maybe to other people who live in North America or Europe or wherever,

where it gets cold often, then this is like nothing. This is like t-shirt and shorts weather for you guys.

Anyway, the lunch rush is over. So, people are back to their offices so it's not as crowded.

But we're going to go ahead and walk down the sidewalk.

Pretty much the entire way. And I'll be crossing the street a few times throughout the video to point out

different things along the way.

You can see all these motorcycles, this is on the sidewalk. The sidewalk has become parking.

That's how it is here in Vietnam.

And yeah, so...

We'll see a lot of that along the way.

Lot of motorcycle dodging on the sidewalk as well.

There will be times where I might have to walk in the road, I'm not too sure.

Yeah, it was actually raining this morning just a little bit.

So I did bring my little umbrella with me, just in case.

But it feels so nice to actually be walking around in this cool weather.

For some reason, a month and a half ago it was this cold, then it just got hot again.

So like a few days ago, it was hot.

And that's kind of weird because last year this time,

the end of... mid-November, it was cold.

So I'm looking forward to the winter season here in Hanoi.

It's a good break (from the heat).

So coming up here is a bakery.

I don't know how to pronounce French words.

It's called O'Douceurs, this one. And it's one of the only French-owned bakeries in the city.

That was Silen (the owner) inside, looks like he was talking so I won't bother him. Anyways, cool guy.

He's from southern France. Legit French baker. They have good pastries, breads, and sandwiches

and stuff there, that's where I go often.

So that alley across the street, I live down there. That's where my house is.

We're going to keep going this way. We're going eastbound right now

So I wanted to talk about Trần Hưng Đạo street.

It's actually named after a famous Vietnamese prince and general, he was a military general.

And imperial prince. And he is one of the most iconic Vietnamese historical figures.


He defeated Mongol invasions in the 13th century.

I think three times. Three different times the Mongols tried to take over Vietnam.

During the Tran Dynasty.

And Trần Hưng Đạo, he defeated them three times.

So, very famous name.

Oh look at that, look at the styrofoam on that motorcycle.

So this is a roundabout right here, near my house.

That's Quán Sứ street.

And can you see the buildings across the way? Those are old French buildings. They were all part of

what used to be here back in the day. In like the year 1902 or something.

It was the Palace of uhmmm... I forget what it was called.

Palace of Expositions or something like that. It was an expo, so this is not the original structure.

But this is still a convention hall, and like an art center. They do like theater performances,

musicals, and other cool events.

Anyway, so those buildings across the way, they were part of that whole expo palace.

It's like every three days, they have a new kind of an expo/convention kind of a thing.

Like right now, it looks like there's some kind of a grow

growing like farming type of convention (the word I was looking for was agriculture, lol)

So farming equipment and technology and stuff, so it's pretty interesting.

Alright, let's continue the walk.

I do want to say that along the way, there are some buildings that have security guards in front.

I don't know if they're going to tell me to stop filming or not.

There's a lot of sensitive buildings around here that the government is pretty....

I guess the word is "anal"

anal about you if you're going to take photos or film, so hopefully no one stops me and tells me to stop filming.

Along the way, this street, Trần Hưng Đạo, there are several embassies as well.

So we'll see some of the embassies and...... yeah.

*loud screeching sound*

Ouch, loud screeching noise from the brakes.

That guy has a bird cage.

Waiting for our chance to go here.

It's like as soon as the walking light turns green, people from the other way are going to start going,

so, yup... see? It's green for me...

That guy almost just hit me, just now.

So it's kind of like a, you need to go or just don't go.

Cause if you don't go, then everyone is just going to go and you'll never have a chance to go.

That's kind of how it works here. (pedestrians never have the right of way)

Anyway, coming up is, I think, a police museum. A Vietnamese police museum.

And coming up is a security guard, we'll see if... he'll probably look at me and be like "What is this guy filming?"

I'm just going to pretend I'm a dumb tourist who has never been here before.

And film everything. Until someone tells me no.

Yeah, he didn't stop me.

Ok, anyway, this is the police museum.

So they show the... the guys in the khaki uniforms, they are traffic cops.

They deal with traffic related stuff. The guys in the green are just like civil police.

They deal with domestic stuff and whatever.

I forget what the dark color is and what the light color is.

But I think the blue is firefighters.

Yeah. I'll have to have the info on the video later when I edit it.

Anyways, it's cool. Police museum. I haven't been in it.

I really had no interest to check it out. But maybe one day I'll pop my head in and see what it's all about.

Along the entire street, there's so many cafes all the way to the very end.

Cafes, restaurants, some bakeries.

The guys with the light blue shirt, like the one that just walked by,

he's not like an official cop, they're pretty much hired security.

Mainly... like this guy coming up here chilling, he's one of them too.

They're like security for the businesses, they're privately hired.

And they also deal with the parking, they're like parking attendants.

So they deal with the money, like if you have to pay to park or whatever.

And then you know, they'll pull your motorcycle out of this mess here.

They'll pull it out for you so you don't have to do it yourself.

This is a bank, they got two guards.

They're both staring at me like "What is he doing?"

Man, it's just never-ending motorcycles. Look at that.

Yeah, this is annoying. I cannot walk. I have to go around.

Sometimes when I wake up, and I have some coffee or whatever, then I go for a walk.

And this is usually the road that I walk on, just cause it's easy.

And it's not too bad.

It's a big, wide sidwalk.

So it's not like some of the other places around the city, where it's just impossible to walk.

Here you can see I have no problem walking on the sidewalk.

Here's a cool building.

I forget if this is the Cambodian embassy...

Oh it is, yeah, here.

It says Royal Embassy of Cambodia.

So that's this building, with the banana trees. Oh, it's hard to see.

Anyway, we'll keep walking.

Wow, did you hear them laughing? I don't know if you could or not. They're having a jolly old time on that bike.

So across the street is the Embassy of India.

Ok. Good timing with the bus. Uhmmmm

Across the street is the Embassy of India, and that building it's really beautiful.

Actually, I'm going to try and go across the street and show you guys.

Oooh, I still have the green light. Ok, let's go!

Green pedestrian light.

Oh, it's red. It's all good.

Man, literally everybody at that red light just stared at me when I walked by.

They're like "What is he holding?"

It's a camera guys. Have you never seen a camera?


Yeah, so, this place is the Embassy of India.

And it's a really beautiful building. Hopefully I can get a good shot of it.

You can see here, it says Embassy of India.

It's pretty cool huh?

And I'm not sure if the Ambassador also lives here or not.

They have this cool gate, with some peacocks.

You can see the nice house. There's the flag for India.

And there's a sculpture of Mohandas Ghandi inside there, can you see that?

And let's see here, this is a better shot of the house.

And it's a really beautiful French Colonial style architecture.

Really, really cool.

I like this like slate grey or something, it's a really cool like cool-colored grey, it has like a blue tone to it.

That's just awesome.

I love that.

So we're actually in part of the, on the edge of the French Quarter. (I was wrong, we were not on the edge.)

So we're going to see a lot of buildings that have French influence or that were built by the French.

For example, this restaurant across the street is an old French house, converted into a restaurant.

Maison Sen.

It's kind of an upper scale restaurant.

And another French-influenced thing is this place right here.

This is called Marou.

And Marou is a chocolate business.

And, yeah you can just see it, it says chocolaterie.

Super famous.

Woah, and check out this vintage bike.

Very cool.

And speaking of France again, and French influence.

We're here on Bà Triệu street, it's a main like north-southbound street right through the center of Hanoi.

But across the street over there, diagonally, that big white building, it's a huge compound.

That is the French Embassy, the Embassy of France.

It's very large. And I can imagine why, because of France's influence in Vietnam for so long.

If you guys didn't know, French Indochina, during the French occupation of pretty much the whole Indochina

peninsula, the French made their capital here in Hanoi.

It was a good location, so they decided to take over it.

Anyway, there's more behind the big white building on the other side of it,

there's some smaller, I guess like homes, that were converted into office spaces and stuff so...

yeah, can't see it from this side.

I'm a popular guy today, everybody is staring at me.

Like "What is he holding?" It's a GoPro guys, GoPro.

I'm sure you've seen it before.

You can see the French flag across the street, and like a house.

It's very nice.

I'm going to keep walking straight on this sidewalk.

Oh, before I keep going, can you see across the way?

There's a really nice old French house. That thing is old!

Alright, I think the Embassy of Indonesia is up next.

If I remember correctly.

And then after that, I'm not sure what other embassies are on this street.

I just knew that India, Cambodia, France, and Indonesia are on this street.

There's a lot of embassies in and around this area.

In the old French Quarter area.

This is a hat and helmet store, right here in the pink.

I'm a huge hat guy, as you could tell in all my videos, I wear hats.

But they don't have any hats that I like. All the styles are kind of janky.

If you're tall, walking down this sidewalk, you could get hit by these ropes overhead hanging the tarps.

It's happened to me a few times.

I'm 6 feet tall, so....

yeah, anyway....

Here's a cool cafe.

Oh, I forgot about this. It's the Embassy of Qatar.

Across the street, directly across the street.

They have an LEDscreen of somebody.

I don't know how that guy is, but that's the Embassy of Qatar. And next door is uhhhhh....

what is it?

I don't know. Anyways. Woah.

This old French building. Look at the doorway.

That's cool. It's got stained glass as well.

And here's a cafe and this is part of Indonesian tourism, their office.

And here is the Indonesian Embassy.

In huge letters, it says INDONESIA.

So that's pretty cool huh?

Yeah, it's interesting that all this stuff is on the street that I live on.

I can go.

A little known fact, about Indonesia and like how it somehow relates to me.

Look at this, I can't even get... ok, this is my only way.

These guys are playing chess.

So what I was going to say was about Indonesia and how it relates to me.

So a long time ago, like... frick... I don't even know, like 17 or 18 years ago,

I used to study, with my friend, Indonesian Pencak Silat.

That's an Indonesian martial arts.

And yeah, it was really cool.

It was specifically with Kuntao Silat, it's a form of Silat that was created by Willem de Thoars.

And he's a Dutch-Indonesian guy from back in the day, like plantation-style martial arts master.

You know, they were like punching their fingers through banana trees and kicking coconut trees, like old school training.

Anyway, yeah. Little known fact. I used to do that.

More cafes, everywhere.

The cafe culture in this city is very vibrant.

What's really cool is all the old French style buildings,

they build the cafes into them.

So it's just these like really charming, old places that are converted into cafes.

And I don't know, I just never experienced cafes like that anywhere else.

Let's take a look around at this intersection, just to show you guys what it looks like.

So this place right here is the Ministry of Finance, according to that sign in English.

Because I cannot read Vietnamese.

There's a bank across the way.

Yeah, anyway, let's keep going.

There's still a little ways to go, and then it's going to end. Trần Hưng Đạo street will end.

We'll still see some cool stuff along the way.

In my apartment hunting videos, if you go through my videos from last year (2017).

I was doing some apartment hunting in this area.

This is a restaurant. Cha Ca restaurant.

And here's a different kind of restaurant, this is a Vietnamese restaurant, kind of more modern style.

Kind of nice in there.

This place is always packed at lunch time.

This is a little corner street like chill tea spot.

Get some drinks.

Smoke some tobacco. Xin Chao! (Hello)

And uhmm.... yeah.

Very common sight to see.

Hello doggy!

Smell me.

Awww... OK.

Seemed a little bit cautious, so I didn't want to immediately try to touch it. Touch him or her.

Check out these banyan trees, there's just, I'm sure you've seen them earlier in the video.

There's just a ton of banyan trees down this street. They're really cool.

They have the hanging roots.

The root system here, really awesome.

Here's more old French buildings that still exist and are occupied.

I think this is an apartment complex?

I'm not sure.

Oh, it says Center for International Cooperation.

Ok, I don't know what that's supposed to actually mean.

Anyway, it's neat.

Old French balconies.

And then one of the coolest places I've seen

is the one that's across the street, it might be kind of hard to see from over here.

But it's this huge French building with this wrap-around balcony on the 2nd floor.

That is just awesome.

There's another old building right next to it.

There's a little school here, I think it's a pre-school.

I don't know if you can hear the children on the other side of this wall.

Some shops.

Check this place out.


Check out the fence.

The fence is cool too.

I want to say these are residential, cause I've seen before this gate open and inside the parking was

a BMW. Oh yeah, there's a Mercedes in there. But before there was a BMW also.

So I think these are residences for somebody very important or someone with a lot of money.

What's in this one? Oh, there's a Lexus inside of that one.

So I know I had some questions from people before about what does a gas station in Vietnam look like.

And this is a perfect example, right across the street.

A Petrolimex.

It's like one of the main gas station brands or companies or whatever.

This is how it works at gas stations, these cars are lined up, this guy is literally just in the middle of the street.

Waiting to go behind that white taxi.

And that blue car is also behind him.

And that's just how it goes, people line up in the street .

Kind of blocks traffic.


And then the two stations over on the right side, those are for motorcycles.

And when it gets packed, it's crazy. There's like... no one knows how to line up or get in a queue.

So everyone is just cutting in front of each other to get to the pump first.

Right now it looks pretty orderly, but trust me, when it's packed, it's like chaos.

So we got a modern style building across the street this way.

And then directly across from there are these old-looking apartment complexes.

It's a pretty big, drastic difference between the two.

Alright, which way am I going to go? I think I'm going to cross the street this way.

And pray I don't get hit.

There's no crosswalk light at this one, so I have to just go when I can.

And that's when your wisdom of the Vietnamese road comes into play.

Look around, alright, no one is running the red light. I'm good.

So coming up is a very large hospital, it's a really really large hospital.

I can see it all the way from my rooftop and it's really big.

But along this street, in this area, there's all dentistry businesses.

So there's a dental clinic there, there's one there.

And there's also pharmacies and stuff.

So we'll walk right by some.

And a very common thing to see in Vietnam are patients in hospital gowns walking around.

And chilling, smoking cigarettes, drinking tea.

Kind of the same as in Korea.

They believe that patients, like if they're in-patients,

they should have the freedom to, you know, within certain limits,

be able to walk around outside for some fresh air, some exercise, you know, it helps boost their morale.

And you know, they believe it actually helps them heal better. And I can totally see how that would work.

I would hate to just be in a room, all day, every day.

I would want to go outside, go to the park, chill out like at the tea stand just down the street.

Here's all dental clinics. Dental clinic.

Here's a pharmacy.

More dental clinics.

Woah! She laid the law down, did you see that?

She like slapped at that guy's face. (I thought it was his face, it was his back)


That was kind of awesome.

So another common sight besides pharmacies and stuff outside of a major hospital is

a lot of motorcycles, and a lot of motorcycle drivers that want to take you places.

It's a good place to help families get to and from the hospital.

So there's just a lot of these guys waiting around.

They could be Grab drivers, they could be fake Grab drivers.

Taxis. There's a lot of taxis here, they're all just waiting to pick up somebody.

So you gotta watch out and not get hit.

Here it is, the Military Central Hospital.

See these Grab drivers, I don't even know if they're legit or not.

You can see a lot of these guys just chilling out on corners, not doing anything.

Many of them are fake. They're not registered, not licensed by Grab or anything.

And they just bought a used Grab jacket and a helmet online.

And they pretend to be Grab drivers. So, if you want to use Grab, always use the app!

Book through the app, do not just walk up to a guy on the street just cause he has a jacket.

Because there's a high chance that he will not be a real Grab driver.And then he'll try to jack you for a price.

Rip you off.

Anyways, we're coming up on the end of Trần Hưng Đạo here.

There's a... I don't know what that says in Vietnamese, if anybody does...

Maybe I'll just add the info later, when I edit.

But it's I think a military-related building.

There's another one here on the right side.

Here's an example of a guy in a hospital gown.

There's one there, and then there's another guy there.

You can find some good food, cheap food, outside of the hospitals, you know?

People buy the food and then go inside and take it to their family members or friends.

Whoever they're visiting in the hospital.

It's cool.

It is very noisy right now.

These guys are grilling corn.

And sweet potatoes.

It's good winter street food.

So we're at the end of Trần Hưng Đạo street,

I'm going to try to cross and end the video up over there,

above where the graffiti is.

Alright, looks like I'm just going to have to go for it.

Nobody stops for pedestrians.

There's some oranges for sale.

We're going to go up these really steep stairs.

Oooh, sweet potatoes and corn.

So this is a major road.

If you follow it this way, it goes all the way around the edge of Hanoi, and leads towards the airport.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video, walking down Trần Hưng Đạo, the street that I live on.

And you know, kind of just experiencing what a Monday afternoon is like here in Hanoi city.

Check out the description box for a Google Map, it'll show the exact route that I took.

And yeah, subscribe to the channel, give the video a thumbs up, and I'll see you guys later. Peace out!

For more infomation >> Walking Tour of Trần Hưng Đạo Street in Hanoi 2018 | VIETNAM WALK - Duration: 38:43.


The Magnificence of China over 400,000 Photos - Duration: 3:34.

My name is Lv Fengxiao

I'm a photographer who can "fly"

Since 2013, I've been travelling around China

With my backpack and drone

Bringing back video footage of 1,000 hours

And over 500,000 pictures

Some say I'm a bee gathering colors

I'll fly to any place as long as there are colors

I've travelled around China for 3 times in the past 5 years

The motherland's diverse scenery

Attracts me to explore again and again

The views are magnificent and unpredictable

It's really lucky and amazing

To be able to see and capture them

The blue Erhai Lake

Is clear and calming

The red Sertar County

Conveys both deep faith and vitality

The peaceful white snow mountains

Guard people from the distance

The vast yellow in Dunhuang

Inspires awe

The pink beach in Liaoning

Is spectacular and lovely

The greyish green in the Jiangnan area

Is gentle and poetic

City is colorful and bustling

But in its own order

In spite of all those beautiful colors

What impress me the most are the people I meet on the trips

Mountain villagers singing in valleys

Farmers busy preparing the newly gathered tea

Children in new clothes hand-made by their mother for the new semester

People of ethnic minorities dancing around the fire

And other numerous touching moments

I'll continue my journey

To encounter more amazing people and landscape

For more infomation >> The Magnificence of China over 400,000 Photos - Duration: 3:34.


是否该继续这份暧昧?你要的答案在这里! - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 是否该继续这份暧昧?你要的答案在这里! - Duration: 6:30.


Passion fruit ganache - Granulated Sorbitol · Liquid Glucose - Technical Sugars - Duration: 2:56.

Mix in a saucepan passion fruit puree with Granulated Sorbitol and Vanilla Seeds and Liquid Glucose.

Heat up to 40ºC and stir well until sugars are well dissolved.

Aside, melt the cocoa butter in a water bath.

Add the Opalys couverture and melt at 40ºC.

Combine both elaborations and emulsify the mixture with a hand blender.

Cling film and set aside in the fridge overnight before using.

For more infomation >> Passion fruit ganache - Granulated Sorbitol · Liquid Glucose - Technical Sugars - Duration: 2:56.


Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody X Love Of My Life | LA RIMBA - Duration: 3:32.

mama just killed a man put a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead

mama life has just began

but now I've gone and thrown it all away

mama, ooh

didn't mean to make you cry

if I'm not back again this time tomorrow

carry on, carry on

as if nothing really matters

love of my life, you've hurt me

you've broken my heart and now you leave me

love of my life, can't you see

bring it back, bring it back

don't take it away from me

because you don't know what it means to me

you will remember when this is blown over

and everything's all by the way

when I grow older I will be there at your side

to remind you how I still love you

i still love you

back, hurry back

please bring it back home to me

because you don't know what it means to me

love of my life

love of my life

huuuu.. huu.. huu..

For more infomation >> Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody X Love Of My Life | LA RIMBA - Duration: 3:32.


Michał Pronobis-Proński, Katarzyna Jasinska i Paweł Nowak zapraszają na MIXX Awards & Conference - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Michał Pronobis-Proński, Katarzyna Jasinska i Paweł Nowak zapraszają na MIXX Awards & Conference - Duration: 0:20.


Black Friday 2018: Offerte Garmin - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Black Friday 2018: Offerte Garmin - Duration: 2:17.


「黃教主」和楊穎的兒子曝光,小海綿長得讓人意外,難怪一直藏著 - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> 「黃教主」和楊穎的兒子曝光,小海綿長得讓人意外,難怪一直藏著 - Duration: 6:01.


To Protect BTS & I-ARMY(Lovelies) from Lies - Duration: 29:28.

For more infomation >> To Protect BTS & I-ARMY(Lovelies) from Lies - Duration: 29:28.


Adding and editing vector art on Wix website builder - Duration: 2:21.

hi I'm Tom Satori and today I'm going to show you how to easily add vector art to

your Wix website and then how to customize it to now vector arts can be a

really neat addition to your website and when you're in the Wix web builder

navigate to the Add button in the toolbar and then click back to arts

you're going to be met with a large selection of vector art and as you

scroll through the list you're probably gonna find some vectors I fit perfectly

on your website once you do find one simply click and drag it onto your

website bricks is web builder offers you purple guides telling you when objects

are central and aligned once in place click the gears icon to enter into the

settings menu now unchecking the proportions which means you can edit the

size of your vector in any which way that you like next to customize the

vector even more we can go ahead and click this icon here in the new window

that appears we're actually able to change the opacity of the vector as well

as the color itself now this is very handy and it's a great choice to have on

every single vector on your Wix website I've now changed my vector icon to a

shade of blue but what else can I do in terms of customization well I can

actually animate my vector arts right here which again is a very neat in a

very nifty function you can choose from a selection of pre-made animations for

your vector and as you hover your cursor over the vector you can preview the

animation not only can you animate your vector IDEs but you can add a link to it

by clicking this icon here you can link to another page when your Bix website to

an external URL or even your email are much much more

lastly if you want to upload your very own vector art externally click here and

access your very my work on your computer so there is today's tutorial on

adding and customizing vector art on your Wix website have fun building your

website with Wix and take care

For more infomation >> Adding and editing vector art on Wix website builder - Duration: 2:21.


【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.

tadaa ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

so a little while ago I went to hiroshima and I was able to eat a whole bunch of oysters there.

and these are some things that I picked up at Kanawa restaurant

these are Kanawa's oyster rice fixings with plenty of oyster.

being able to make oyster rice at home so easily

you can even make it at home

Doesn't that bring a smile to your face? Being able to make this at home

and this has got their oysters that have been frozen all you have to do is drop them into a rice cooker

I can't wait to dig into these I thought I'd make my first batch with 8 cups

this one pack makes 2 cups worth

which means using all 4 packets I can make 8 cups

Buuuuuuuut.... will a 10 cup cooker handle all that rice and all these fixings?

these packets will probably make for 2 cups worth of space

and if you overload a rice cooker it doesn't taste that great

so I'll just use these packs to make it

and the remaining oysters will be used in a soup that I will make

so lets get cookin'

these are the oyster rice fixings

it smells like the ocean

so start things off by soaking an appropriate amount of rice in water

Once you drain the rice add about 300ml water to 2 cups rice

then add the dashi sauce

tadaa add these oysters to it as well

and cook like normal

the rice is cooked

O M G I luv that aroma from the oysters

its jam packed

chop up some onion that we will top the rice with

Remove the skin and slice into strips

tadaa its even got some burnt bits as well

and onion


I've made some cream of mushroom and oyster soup as well

and some cabbage salad

Sprinkle some seaweed on the cabbage

tadaa its all done

the oyster rice looks amazing and some cream soup here and some cabbage

this looks definitely looks yummy

its jam packed full of oysters as well

oh wait it fell

too darn yummy

its packed full of flavor and so delish the rice has soaked up so much of the flavor from the oyster

I love the burnt bits as well

this is the oyster and shroom soup

its got bits of oyster

It's a soup I made with soy milk its got honey and ginger

its perfect for the cold winters raw oysters are yummy but these cooked ones are yummy too

When you cook these oysters they resemble mussels

mussels are very yummy and are so plump and juicy I love how the juices burst out of them when you eat them

chinese style cabbage salad

I topped it with some salted seaweed

when I tried adding seaweed to this earlier

it was because I was so clumsy all the seaweed fell out when I opened the bag

I used up the ones that survived the spilling to top this salad

I realize that it's kind of old news but no one has reported becoming sick from the Kanawa restaurant

that I went to in hiroshima hearing that really puts you at ease

Last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita Kanawa restaurant's oyster rice was so delish

and this oyster soup was delish as well

I feel so #Blessed to be able to eat Japan's bounty from hiroshima's oysters to hokkaido's cabbage

these sorts of food are perfect for the wintery season as well it was all so delish won't you give them a try as well

And as always thanks for watching if there's anything you want Need to do or each please tell me in a comment section below

If you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.


I'm Reaching for the Stars With or Without You|HFE♪ - Duration: 1:17.

I'm Reaching for the Stars With or Without You

When we talk about romantic relationships, we immediately.

think of a package of two people.

 However, we forget.

that those two people are independent.

For more infomation >> I'm Reaching for the Stars With or Without You|HFE♪ - Duration: 1:17.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 0:43.


The shark family of a Ok Hee cat (Shark Song) Cat dance! - Duration: 1:54.

The video of the MochiMochiParadise is updated every day at 6 p.m. I will disclose a lot of useful information about cats. Small videos are updated in real time. I will release some useful information about cats. If you like watching, please subscribe.

For more infomation >> The shark family of a Ok Hee cat (Shark Song) Cat dance! - Duration: 1:54.


Warnke pilnuje męża na planie. Jest zazdrosna o Cielecką - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Warnke pilnuje męża na planie. Jest zazdrosna o Cielecką - Duration: 3:08.


【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.

tadaa ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

so a little while ago I went to hiroshima and I was able to eat a whole bunch of oysters there.

and these are some things that I picked up at Kanawa restaurant

these are Kanawa's oyster rice fixings with plenty of oyster.

being able to make oyster rice at home so easily

you can even make it at home

Doesn't that bring a smile to your face? Being able to make this at home

and this has got their oysters that have been frozen all you have to do is drop them into a rice cooker

I can't wait to dig into these I thought I'd make my first batch with 8 cups

this one pack makes 2 cups worth

which means using all 4 packets I can make 8 cups

Buuuuuuuut.... will a 10 cup cooker handle all that rice and all these fixings?

these packets will probably make for 2 cups worth of space

and if you overload a rice cooker it doesn't taste that great

so I'll just use these packs to make it

and the remaining oysters will be used in a soup that I will make

so lets get cookin'

these are the oyster rice fixings

it smells like the ocean

so start things off by soaking an appropriate amount of rice in water

Once you drain the rice add about 300ml water to 2 cups rice

then add the dashi sauce

tadaa add these oysters to it as well

and cook like normal

the rice is cooked

O M G I luv that aroma from the oysters

its jam packed

chop up some onion that we will top the rice with

Remove the skin and slice into strips

tadaa its even got some burnt bits as well

and onion


I've made some cream of mushroom and oyster soup as well

and some cabbage salad

Sprinkle some seaweed on the cabbage

tadaa its all done

the oyster rice looks amazing and some cream soup here and some cabbage

this looks definitely looks yummy

its jam packed full of oysters as well

oh wait it fell

too darn yummy

its packed full of flavor and so delish the rice has soaked up so much of the flavor from the oyster

I love the burnt bits as well

this is the oyster and shroom soup

its got bits of oyster

It's a soup I made with soy milk its got honey and ginger

its perfect for the cold winters raw oysters are yummy but these cooked ones are yummy too

When you cook these oysters they resemble mussels

mussels are very yummy and are so plump and juicy I love how the juices burst out of them when you eat them

chinese style cabbage salad

I topped it with some salted seaweed

when I tried adding seaweed to this earlier

it was because I was so clumsy all the seaweed fell out when I opened the bag

I used up the ones that survived the spilling to top this salad

I realize that it's kind of old news but no one has reported becoming sick from the Kanawa restaurant

that I went to in hiroshima hearing that really puts you at ease

Last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita Kanawa restaurant's oyster rice was so delish

and this oyster soup was delish as well

I feel so #Blessed to be able to eat Japan's bounty from hiroshima's oysters to hokkaido's cabbage

these sorts of food are perfect for the wintery season as well it was all so delish won't you give them a try as well

And as always thanks for watching if there's anything you want Need to do or each please tell me in a comment section below

If you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Japanese Oyster Mixed Rice + Soy Milk Soup with Oysters!! [4Kg] 6000kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:12.


Mazda MX-5 RF 2018- Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | km77.com - Duration: 2:41.

Mazda MX-5 RF

Moose test

The MX-5 RF that we reviewed came fitted with the optional Sport Package, which among other things, includes shock absorbers from Bilstein. These are harder that the standard ones.

We did our first attempt at 75 km/h instead of 77 km/h due to a miscalculation of the driver.

At that speed, we succeeded at completing the test without moving cones.

The car was easy to control and felt nimble and very responsive from the steering wheel. Even though the body roll was considerable, it did not affect the handling, which is excellent.

The highest entrance speed at which we completed the test successfully was 80 km/h, a very good score.

As it can be seen on the footage, an increase in the entrance speed does not reflect negatively on the reactions of the car, which remain very safe and easy to control.

On other attempts at higher speeds, the differences in the behaviour of the car are not remarkable.

Logically, the tires skid more than on previous attempts, but the Mazda still is an easy controlable car, partly because of the excellent setup of the ESC.


The MX-5 RF performs very well in the slalom, managing to drive nimbly and at a good speed in between the cones.

The body roll, again, is considerable, but the car changes directions instantly and is easy to handle.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 RF 2018- Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | km77.com - Duration: 2:41.


OFF SIDE : DIYUSI.1 - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> OFF SIDE : DIYUSI.1 - Duration: 7:09.


Çukur 2 Sezon 11 Bölüm Fragman Analizi - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Çukur 2 Sezon 11 Bölüm Fragman Analizi - Duration: 3:04.



For more infomation >> SE VOCÊ TIVESSE POUCOS MESES DE VIDA, COMO VOCÊ VIVERIA? - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:07.


Odmieniona Marta Wiśniewska z ukochanym przyszła na imprezę! Odmładza się? - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Odmieniona Marta Wiśniewska z ukochanym przyszła na imprezę! Odmładza się? - Duration: 2:30.


Małgorzata Kożuchowska: Mąż nie pozwala nam na ciche dni! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Małgorzata Kożuchowska: Mąż nie pozwala nam na ciche dni! - Duration: 2:15.


Echenique dice que la manada que patea mujeres indefensas son votantes del PP C´s VOX y en Twitter - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Echenique dice que la manada que patea mujeres indefensas son votantes del PP C´s VOX y en Twitter - Duration: 3:10.


Tomasz Stockinger szykuje się na urodziny mamy - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Tomasz Stockinger szykuje się na urodziny mamy - Duration: 2:35.


[PL/EN] Renault Clio 2 / Thalia - Instrument cluster disassembly - Duration: 10:02.

In response to your comments on the previous movie

I will show instrument cluster disassembling from the Clio 2 phase two.

In my case, this is the last stage of the ABS system repair

because someone has masked two faults lamp (ABS and SERV)

but in your case, the film can be useful, for example to replace the gauges

or change backlight color if you like such things.

I point out that (according to the manufacturer service instructions), you should not disassemble the set of indicators.

Changing to a new one is allowed only.

In my opinion also it's quite right, because in the home conditions it's practically impossible

to recalibrate pointers fine.

After such amateur procedure, the indicators will be more or less misleading.

So I will perform the whole procedure exceptionally according to my own idea

and previously gained experience, therefore you can certainly do it differently

and probably more professionally.

Just draw your own conclusions from this video and don't follow it directly.

Before the operation, I make photo of the instrument cluster at idle speed and normal temperature of the coolant

and current state of fuel in the tank to have a reference point for later pointers calibration.

Filling the tank to the full makes it much easier to correctly set the fuel level indicator.

Unfortunately, instrument cluster in this car model are not diagnosable.

However, you can connect the CLIP with the engine calculator and read the current coolant temperature

as well as engine revs to have another reference point before making repair.

Unfortunately, I can see that someone has previously calibrated it very poor.

If your instrument cluster shows readings that are true

then it is worth to start the self-test which will be shown later

and remember at what values pointers are stopping when hopping.

Thus prepared, I can start my repair now.

I dismantle the upper part of the cockpit to access the instrument cluster.

I showed you the whole procedure in the previous video.

The link to it is now displayed at the top of the screen and in the description for this video.

If you don't have a CLIP probe, it is recommended to disconnect the vehicle battery before disconnecting the cables from the instrument cluster.

I open the instrument cluster, remove it from the hinges and disconnect the two electrical connectors by opening it's locks.

I unscrew eight screws fastening the plastic cover of the pointers mechanisms

which simultaneously secures the electronics board to the housing

using the T10 socket and I remove it.

Next, I undermine the six latches fixing the front cover of the instrument cluster and I also dismantle it.

If it is scratched, it can be polished using plastic lamp regenerators.

It's time for the most difficult part of the operation, i.e. pointers dismantling.

In contrast to the set of indicators from Laguna 2, which I showed you two years ago

here we have applied newer technology - stepping motors.

So I can easily set pointers manually at any convenient position

and remember it to be able to restore this position during assembly.

Evenly, i.e. axially, I raise the tips using two flat screwdrivers.

Don't distort stepping motor axis!

If pointer cover falls out first, don't worry about it.

Here it is press-fitted and holded by four plastic pins

and not glued like most other Renault models.

So you don't damage anything.

I release three more latches holding the electronics board and take it out.

See how ABS is repaired :)

All you need is a bit of insulating tape that seals the LED and everything works :)

I don't record it because I must repeat this scene (poor focus)

but there was also a second piece of tape flying loosely that fell out while removing the electronics board.

Probably someone has sealed the LED twice.

Unfortunately, due to the high temperature in the summer months, the adhesive gave up

which would explain the incomplete shining of the warning light in my term.

At the beginning, just after this "repair" was certainly great, at least so I suspect.

Well, for consolation only that someone did not come up with a brilliant idea of breaking LEDs with pliers

because I have seen such "flowers" once.

I remember that it was necessary to restore broken circuits then.

I clean the laminate from the remaining glue with a cotton swab soaked in isopropanol

And the ABS indicator is now operational.

As for the SERV indicator, nothing is glued on the board.

The LED also looks okay.

Someone probably had a lot of fancy, because looking through the hole

from the back it looks like the control light has been sealed under the shields.

It's not possible to easily remove it through this hole.

Someone could do this in at least two other simpler ways...

Well, I dismantle the main instrument cluster case by releasing three black latches connecting it with a white bezel

and I try to gently unseal the dial evenly undermining it from all sides.

The manufacturer did not predict 100% that someone would disassemble it and the glue usually holds here very much.

In this case, as the saying goes, "our people were here", therefore the shield is easily removed.

Wow, double layer :)

It would be wiser to seal the control from the side of the white masking plastic rather than directly on the dial

and now you have to be very careful when removing it so as not to damage the inscription.

If you also meet with such pathology, avoid sharp tools during peel-off, eg cutters.

Use a screwdriver but also very carefully.

I have to say that in general I am slightly broken down with the methodology of repairs that someone has used in this car.

Paradoxically, in this particular case, more time (and so money) probably took the masking of the ABS manulfunction than repair it.

On the safety of driving without ABS and mainly without the EBD system

(so without brakeforce distribution regulator), not to mention.

But these are topics for separate videos, let's stay with the instrument cluster.

I mount the whole in the reverse order of disassembly except of pointers and front plastic cover.

I put the pointers on the axels according to their original setting but only a little bit

in a way that I can dismount tchem again very easily.

I connect instrument cluster to the car installation.

If you disconnected your battery, now also restore this connection.

I turn the ignition on for a few seconds and turn it off again.

The idea is that the stepper motors should be placed in it's "zero" position.

This is taken three seconds after each ignition off.

It can be observed. Pointers made little "kneeling".

Now I can proceed to the pointers calibration.

This is the most arduous part of the whole procedure.

With the ignition off, I press and hold the "trip reset" button.

Then I turn on the ignition and waiting a few seconds to start the self-test procedure, then I release the button.

In your case, observe if the pointers stoping in the same places as before.

For me, as I said at the beginning, it does not make sense because someone has not previously do the calibration fine.

So I don't have a good reference point.

If necessary, adjust the position of the pointers by removing them from it's axles and inserting them again in the correct place.

In addition, I start the engine and bring the liquid temperature to the right level by observing the indications displayed by CLIP.

I also control the tacho by increasing the engine revs and comparing the readings of the injection calculator

with those shown by gauges, for example for two thousand revolutions.

A short test drive will also allow you to check the speedometer.

Here a small note: I am not suggesting the value displayed by the injection calculator

because it takes the real speed of the vehicle from CAN network delivered by the ABS / ESP module

while the speed meter is supposed to show overstated data.

As each version of the Clio II phase II had ABS in standard equipment

it was in this model that Renault gave up the speed sensor in the gearbox

(with the exception of the DP0 automatic gearbox which is needed by it's calculator).

The overstated vehicle speed for the speedometer is calculated also by ABS

and then it is sent by on-board CAN network in special frames dedicated only to the instrument cluster.

Unfortunately, the "error rate" is not linear, it reaches +10% of the actual speed at 100 km/h

and grows further to +15% at 200 km/h.

I find this value by establishing a dialogue with the ABS / ESP calculator

going to the "function test" tab and then "information about wheel speed".

I control the pointer according to the "Velocity on the speedometer" field, for example by driving at 30 km/h.

Then I stop, correct pointer if necessary and so on.

If You, like me, you did not disconnect the battery before disconnecting the instrument cluster

immobiliser calculator will remember the error of the immobiliser control lamp.

It does not affect the car's operation, but of course I erase it from the calculator's memory.

The curiosities that I observed: Increasing temperature of coolant by each 2 degrees causes one pointer step.

Here you have it presented at 8x speed - you can clearly see the steps of the motor.

Ok, in my case it will not be any better.

Finally, I'm "pushing" the tips, I also put on the front cover of the instrument cluster and I can assemble the whole cockpit

in the reverse order of disassembly.

Now everything works correctly, I expected such effect.

Okay, that's probably all. Another too long video and litany about stupid instrument cluster, but I assure you that I am already working on my chatter.

Thank you for your time and I hope this video will be useful for you.

As a standard, I recommend the Laguna Fan and Rysiuncio YouTube channels that also treat about Renault.

Regards and see you next time.

PS: "Frog" regained factory acceleration - 10,5 seconds to 100 km/h :)

For more infomation >> [PL/EN] Renault Clio 2 / Thalia - Instrument cluster disassembly - Duration: 10:02.


Guardia Nacional y rectificación - Duration: 3:10.

 La desconfianza generalizada en las policías, sobre todo municipales y muchas estatales, se debe a la penetración del crimen en sus estructuras que, como ilustra de sobra el caso Iguala-Cocula-Ayotzinapa, termina cooptando corporaciones completas

En las que debieran ser instituciones respetables son frecuentes la fuga de información y aviesas complicidades, pero mucho menor es el riesgo de pitazos y cambios de chaqueta en las fuerzas armadas, debido al estricto control del personal característico de la milicia

Por eso es alentadora la fórmula de que policías federales, militares y navales (éstos dos dejando de ser soldados, porque su estatus será civil) queden agrupados en una Guardia Nacional supeditada a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional

El que una parte sustantiva de la nueva corporación tenga capacitación militar y trabaje como policía es de celebrarse (la formación y valores en que se educan los soldados ha hecho posible la captura de grandes criminales, frente a casi ninguno a cargo de policías estatales y prácticamente de nadie por las municipales)

Otro componente clave, la actual Policía Federal, aprehendió a más de la tercera parte de los 122 "objetivos prioritarios" del gobierno que agoniza (por eso desconcierta que al Presidente electo lo hayan engañado y aluda a ella con expresiones demeritorias)

Con énfasis en la prevención, el nuevo gobierno demarcará 265 regiones. Poca novedad, pues lo hizo el de Peña Nieto con la zonificación de polígonos de violencia para atender más estratégica y directamente las áreas de mayor conflicto

La variante, por demás plausible, es que 70 por ciento de la estrategia se basará en la recomposición del tejido social, tarea determinante porque delincuencia no es sinónimo de pobreza, sino de múltiples y muy complejas variables (ingreso, urbanidad, bienestar, alimentación, hacinamiento, agua, escolaridad…)

 AMLO busca reducir los homicidios con mayor presencia (cuánta gente cuida a cuánta): 300 policías por cada 100 mil habitantes, como recomienda la Oficina para la Droga y el Delito de la ONU

Por eso, para atender a la población de 120 millones, tendrá que apoyarse en los 400 mil policías estatales y municipales que hay… y cruzar los dedos para que de algo sirvan porque ninguno estará, como sí la Guardia Nacional, bajo las órdenes de la Sedena

Disculpas y otra invitaciónEl pleno del Senado tiene hoy la oportunidad de votar afirmativamente el exhorto de su Comisión de la Defensa para que repare el agravio a las fuerzas armadas cometido por la Cámara de Diputados con el retiro de la invitación a los principales mandos en activo para asistir a la ceremonia de toma de protesta del futuro Presidente y comandante supremo de las instituciones militares

Debe ordenar a su colegisladora disculparse y reinvitar o, cuando menos, reinvitar y tratar con dignidad y respeto a esos altos jefes…  cmarin@milenio


For more infomation >> Guardia Nacional y rectificación - Duration: 3:10.


Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk. Trener Andrzeja Gołoty i Tomasza Adamka zginął w pożarze! - Duration: 2:06.

 Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk, jeden z najwybitniejszych i najbardziej znanych trenerów boksu, który pracował m

in. z Andrzejem Gołotą, Tomaszem Adamkiem, a ostatnio z Arturem Szpilką. Zginął w pożarze swojego domu

Miał 67 lat. O jego śmierci poinformował na Twitterze Karol Mielcarek:  Informację o pożarze w domu jednorodzinnym podaje na swoim Facebooku Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna Długa Kościelna: Nie żyje Andrzej Gmitruk - trener Gołoty, Adamka, Szpilki  Andrzej Gmitruk był trenerem najlepszych polskich pięściarzy - m

in. Andrzeja Gołoty, Tomasza Adamka, Mateusza Masternaka czy Artura Szpilki. Karierę jako trener zaczynał w Polskim Związku Bokserskim jako trener kadry juniorów

Po 2 latach zajął się kadrą pięściarską Legii Warszawa. Przez lata trenował również kadry Norwegii

Był również konsultantem Norweskiego Komitetu Olimpijskiego ds. sportów letnich. Od 2012 roku komentował walki w Polsacie Sport

   Jak podaje Fakt.pl, okoliczności pożaru i śmierci trenera bada prokuratura.    Zobacz także: Ekipa "Rancza" w żałobie

Zmarła ważna dla nich osoba. Artur Barciś: "Dzięki swojej twórczości zostaniesz z nami na zawsze"

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