Planeta em choque: Enchentes de proporções bíblicas no deserto e ondas Gigantes na Espanha - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha, João Zoli e Leo Stronda estão na roça; quem deve ficar? - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Sem perder tempo e receoso de ser indicado, Rafael Ilha planeja estratégia para próxima roça - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Report: Ivanka Trump Used Private E-Mail For Government Business | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 9:56.-------------------------------------------
Korea's Moon Jae-in shows his admiration in Japan. - Duration: 5:43.Korea Bunka Tiger President "An empty call to Japan to improve relations between Japan and Korea. (Translated by google.com)
Cheong Wa Dae in Korea "as colonial era is a painful past for both Korea and Japan, but it can not turn his face away from the truth"
"If both countries will correctly restore justice and principles in a posture to think about their opponent's position, they will become a new friends to open their minds," he said.
President Watanabe Tiger is a message written in a letter of congratulation at the Korea-Japan and Japan-Korea Cooperation Committee meeting held the previous day.
It is drawing attention due to the fact that it has been made after the court decision decided by the Supreme Court of Korea the other day.
Meanwhile, Japan's foreign minister Kono said, "In Korea, we have a strong concern that recent movements that go against the future-oriented relationship building are continuing"
"Japan and South Korea are in a very difficult relationship, but even if political and diplomatic relations between the two countries deteriorate, human exchange is important and we must continue."
At the ASEAN summit held the other day in Singapore, President Tiger and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe came into contact twice, but they are not supposed to have summit talks and only shake hands with simple greetings.
Even at the APEC summit talks held in Papua New Guinea, the Japan-ROK Summit has not been held.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2KhdVhX http://bit.ly/2KfFeJm http://bit.ly/2KfOtt1 http://bit.ly/2KfFqZ6 http://bit.ly/2Kc5l3U
Korean reaction
The problem is that we can not put out any solution. We will not be able to present alternatives that exceeds existing negotiations during the term of office.
What if I just shake hands? In merely President Tajima Tiger is that you do not want to talk with people who disdain for us as you like.
I am disgusted that the Japanese government will ask the Korean government to make a decision.
Comfort women, reproductive workers, only throwing out problems When can you see the solution?
Even though Japan 's right wing conservative foolish politician is distorted forever because I can not see the history. The thief has plenty to do.
Send a statement saying that making Korea-Japan relations difficult makes it difficult for Japan not to reflect on past history, but to face it.
Why do you dislike Japan but you can not unify it with North Korea? North Korea did not even apologize even more?
We have to cut off diplomatic till Abe retires.
Frankly rather than the past things China's heavy metal present dirty problem of fine dust is 100 times more steep and important is not it? Can not protest by calling the Chinese ambassador while all the people's lives and health are being threatened?
I will be able to know who will put on me even in BTS case.
Authenticity? truth? Japan does not have such a thing for its own people. I only have national interests ...
The Japanese government seems to be doing well when it sees what Japan does ah.
Kim Jong-Il's best collaboration with an ideologicalist who tries to turn anti-North Korean emotions to anti-Japanese.
In politics anti-Japanese would be easiest.
And from the painful economy is a sense that turns his face.
We need an alliance in order to break Japan. I must forget the tragedy that fought among the same Korean people and have to fight against Japan.
Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2Kj5se7 http://bit.ly/2Kh1ym6 http://bit.ly/2Kj5sL9
The idea of Japanese editors
As Japan still continues to be in a difficult situation, it seems that the remarks of President Tajima Tiger are encouraging action towards Japan.
In terms of writing, each other faces the truth and it is time to reconsider the attitude of thinking about the position of the other party under justice and principle.
However, I hear that this is what Korea does but Japan does not, so I hear it is like this.
I am Japanese, so it seems like Korea is not thinking about Japan's position.
I think that it seems like Japan does not seem like thinking Korea's position if it is said to Koreans.
Because of this state, this kind of relationship has been going on for a long time, and it is the best thing to arrange the idealism which is only a part of usual.
Even within Korea, there are complicated regional emotions from long ago and it has not been solved yet.
In terms of inter-Korean relations, Korea regards it as an invasion to the south side of North Korea, but North Korea regards it as a release strategy.
With such a position it is possible to create a groove that can not be filled.
We will condemn it with current values without considering the circumstances at the time, and even if we pursue it unilaterally it will not go well.
I do not deny the behavior of attempting to improve relations, but I think there are also cases where complicated problems remain lying.
Even if we apologize for what Korea wants, it is doubtful whether it will produce good results for both parties.
I think that the relationship and the ideas of both citizens have become complicated so much.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.
Evandro Santo é alertado sobre Rafael Ilha: "Ele fica te escorraçando por ai" - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Che tempo che fa, Bruno Vespa fa impallidire Fabio Fazio in diretta: "Perché Matteo Salvini trionfa" - Duration: 2:06.Ha spiazzato Fabio Fazio e fatto infuriare molti telespettatori grillini e di sinistra, Bruno Vespa
Ospite di Che tempo che fa, il conduttore di Porta a porta ha presentato il suo ultimo libro Rivoluzione e spiegato, senza troppi giri di parole, perché Matteo Salvini ha conquistato la scena della politica italiana diventando nel giro di pochi mesi il leader più seguito e decisivo della scena nazionale
"È abile nella comunicazione, ha più follower di tutti i leader europei - ha spiegato Vespa -
Salvini è riuscito a trasformare gli elettori in fan". Un giudizio che ha fatto letteralmente impazzire gli anti-salviniani su Twitter
Ma il giudizio del giornalista è a 360°, a cominciare dal M5s, alleato-avversario della Lega
"Luigi Di Maio è più sorvegliato di Salvini e deve convivere con il fantasma di Alessandro Di Battista"
E su Silvio Berlusconi Vespa spende anche una punta d'ottimismo, decisamente in contro-tendenza: "Secondo me c'è ancora uno spazio per Forza Italia, penso che lui adesso voglia solo accompagnare il partito"
Franklin and the Green Knight - Movie - Duration: 1:15:41.-------------------------------------------
Crispi Wasatch. Uno scarpone da caccia leggero pensato per gli ambienti rocciosi - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
在台灣如何把英文學好? 學習英文的經驗分享 - Duration: 15:50.-------------------------------------------
Il Passito di Pantelleria Ben Ryé | DonnaFugata - Duration: 6:10.-------------------------------------------
Grazi Massafera relembra a vida antes do BBB:'Eu me achava burra' - Duration: 4:03.-------------------------------------------
Belém do Pará - Amazônia - Brasil / Belém of the State of Pará - Amazonia - Brazil. - Duration: 8:03.-------------------------------------------
បទនេះវៃឡើងកប់- Khmer Remix 2019- By Au Federlin - Duration: 2:48.
Erotic fresco uncovered in Pompeii - Duration: 0:33.A spectacular, erotic ancient Roman fresco has been uncovered during new excavations
at Pompeii, Massimo Osanna, the director of the archaeological site, told ANSA on Monday.
The artwork portrays Jupiter taking the form of a swan to impregnate Spartan queen Leda.
The high quality fresco uncovered in a big house in the ancient city is rich in colour
and highly explicit.
"It's an exceptional, unique find," said Osanna.
BOLSONARO TERÁ SUPERSALÁRIO DE R$ 60 MIL, MAS DEFENDE CORTE DE 50% PARA SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Monday weather update - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
目前首播破亿的4部剧,赵丽颖新剧垫底,她的新剧1小时破2亿! - Duration: 8:05.-------------------------------------------
关于金马奖你不知道的事,全都在这了 - Duration: 13:52.-------------------------------------------
Pt.2 Southern Incest,swamps have maneating butchers Rise Mandingo! - Duration: 12:52.-------------------------------------------
原来你还在这里第21集 预告 | Never Gone 21 - Duration: 8:50.-------------------------------------------
หวยหุ้นนิเคอิ 20-11-61 แนวทางปลดหนี้(บ่าย) - Duration: 13:11.-------------------------------------------
បទនេះវៃឡើងកប់- Khmer Remix 2019- By Au Federlin - Duration: 2:48.
Don't feel like cooking on Thanksgiving? RN74 has you covered.(food) - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Don't wait in line for the best Black Friday Deals - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
IELTS Speaking: Improve your fluency with the LASAGNA METHOD - Duration: 13:25.Hi.
Welcome to www.engvid.com.
I'm Adam.
In today's video I'm going to talk about IELTS speaking.
So, as normal, I'll speak a little bit faster.
For those of you taking the test, you get a little bit of listening practice as well.
Even if you're not taking the test, this is also very useful for you if you want to practice
your speaking skills in English.
So, we're going to talk about IELTS speaking generally.
I'm not going to talk about any of the three parts in specific.
I want to talk about fluency in specific.
Fluency is one of the categories that you will be graded on.
The interviewer is listening for your fluency skills when deciding to give you the band
out of nine.
Now, first of all, what does it mean...?
What does "fluency" mean?
Fluency has a few things to consider within it.
First, how quick you respond; a fast response.
So when the question is asked to you, when the interviewer asks you a question in part
one or part three, they're looking to find out...
They're paying attention to how quickly you answer back.
If you receive the question and you need to think about the question, try to translate
the question in your mind, then you need to try to build up an answer before you start
speaking - the more time you take to do this, the less fluent you are in English.
The graders want to make sure you understood the question quickly, you're ready to start
speaking quickly; that's part of fluency.
Another thing: Connected sentences.
They want to make sure that your sentences flow from one to the next; you're not just
throwing out ideas.
"I like it.
It's good.
I did it five times."
Like, all of these sentences individually are not part of fluency.
That means you're just throwing out ideas, but fluency is also how...
The flow.
The flow of your speech.
And, again, especially in parts one and three when they're asking a question, but also in
parts two where you need to construct the answer completely.
They're listening for your thinking sounds, so: "Um...
Well, uh...
If I...
" All of these thinking sounds means you're having trouble with the language, means: Your
fluency is not very high, your score is going down.
Try to minimize or even completely eliminate thinking sounds from your speech; they don't
help you.
Now, if you need some time to think about what to say, you could say: "Well, when I
think about this situation, what I usually think about is..." and then get into your
You say: "Well, um...
Well, usually it's like this..."
Well, that doesn't work.
That's not fluency.
That means you're having problems with the language.
So cut out the thinking sounds: "Ah, erm, er", etc.
Now, extend - this is probably the most important part of fluency.
Do not give one-word answers to any question.
-"Do you like swimming?"
Why do you like swimming?"
-"It's wet."
That doesn't work.
That's not an answer, even, right?
They want full sentences, they want a few sentences, and they want to have a few ideas
all strung together coherently and with nice flow.
Now, with all these things in mind, what do most students have the most problems with
when it comes to the actual speaking test of the IELTS?
The most common problem is what to talk about; they just don't have ideas.
So here is my major tip, my major piece of advice to you when it comes to preparing for
the speaking section of the IELTS test: Create an idea bank.
This is what I call this exercise.
Essentially, what this means is: Do your thinking before the test.
Don't be in the test room, don't be sitting in front of the interviewer and trying to
think about all these ideas that they're asking you about, because sometimes they're going
to ask you about things that you have...
You just don't think about; you don't really care about.
If they ask you about music and you're just not a music fan, you don't...
You don't listen to music, you don't have an iPod; you listen to the music when you're
with your friends, but generally you don't really know much, you don't know who the famous
bands are, who the famous singers are - you don't care about music.
How are you going to answer questions about music?
Now, keep in mind: You don't really have a choice in terms of what they're going to ask
you about.
If they ask you about music, you have to speak about music.
So, make sure that you have some ideas about music before test day.
Here's what you can do.
I want you to make a list.
Grab a note...
Take a notebook and make a...
Start making a list.
I want you to write favourites.
Favourite anything.
Favourite food, favourite restaurant, favourite book, movie, band, music.
Make a whole bunch of these lists.
And then make another list.
Think about people; friend, relative, famous person.
Or a hero, or somebody...
A bad person.
Make a list of people.
And then think: Hobby, activity, game, sport.
I can make a whole huge list here; I'm not going to do that now.
You can use your imagination.
Think of all the different topics they can ask you about.
Then once you find out...
Once you have your list, start thinking about ideas.
Food: What's your favourite food?
Now, you have to think about favourite food to eat; favourite food to prepare; and then
favourite food in terms of, like, ethnicity.
Like, do you like Chinese food?
Do you like Italian food?
Do you like Greek food?
Think about all the different types of food.
Now, when you think about food...
When you come to the test and they ask you any question about food, you're going to think
and you're going to talk about this particular dish that you've already thought about at
So, let's take a lasagna.
Your favourite food to eat is lasagna.
Guess what?
Your favourite food to prepare: Also lasagna.
Your favourite ethnicity of food: Italian.
Don't think about all kinds of different foods.
One food.
Any question that comes up about food, you're going to talk about lasagna.
Because why start confusing yourself by thinking about different types of food?
Have one ready to go for any question about food.
Now, if the question is about restaurant: -"What is your favourite restaurant?"
-"Oh, my favourite restaurant is Italian.
They make a...
I love the one near my house; makes the best lasagna.
The reason I like lasagna is..."
Again, food, restaurant: Lasagna.
It doesn't matter what the question is up, bring it back to lasagna because you already
thought about the ideas.
Now, once you have your topic, once you have your specific example of the topic, make sure
you make yourself a vocabulary list; a bit higher-end words so you're not stuck using
simple words.
Think: "culinary".
"I'm a culinary adventurist; I like to try all kinds of different foods.
My favourite, of course, is lasagna, because I love Italian cuisine.
Now, I've had some gourmet lasagnas, but my lasagna, I think, is the best.
The ingredients I use are...
I like to prepare it..."
Again: "I like to saut� the onions just so, so I can put them on the top layer of
my lasagna."
And, again, it's all about lasagna because your question is about food.
So when you come to the test and your interviewer asks you about: -"What's your favourite food
to eat that you don't eat very often?"
-"Oh, I don't eat very often...
Well, I don't eat curry very often.
Or I don't..."
You eat lasagna every day, you eat lasagna once a year - it doesn't matter.
Talk about lasagna because you already have the ideas.
So, again, remember: The whole point is not to think.
You want to answer fast.
You want to have connected sentences, which means you have to have information.
You don't want thinking sounds, but you don't need to think; you already thought about this
at home.
And you want to extend your answer; you want to speak more, so...
Another thing about the extension, remember: The more you speak, the less the interviewer
If you speak...
If you give long, good answers, they will have less time to ask you more questions.
So speak at length.
Don't go off topic, but make sure you have full answers.
Now, same thing for book and movie.
Why would you think about one book and one movie?
Think about a book that's been made into a movie.
Any question about book, you're going to talk about this one book you thought about at home.
Any questions about movies, you're going to think about this one movie that's also the
same as the book that you thought about at home.
So, for example: Shawshank Redemption, I think everybody has heard of this movie at least;
it's a great movie.
It's also a book.
It was written by Stephen King.
Read the book at home, make sure you know the story; be able to talk about it.
But any question about books: Shawshank Redemption; any question about movies: Shawshank Redemption.
You've killed two birds with one stone, essentially.
Band, music, all of these things.
As much as you can...
A friend or a relative.
Who says that your best friend can't be your cousin?
Why not?
One person for two topics.
And do as much of this as you can for all kinds of different topics, so you think less,
speak more.
Now, very, very important and I know this is very hard for a lot of students, and I've
had experience with this with a lot of students: Do not be afraid to say: "I don't know."
It's okay not to know.
This is not a test of your knowledge of music; this is a test of your knowledge of English.
If somebody asks you a question about a topic that you just don't know anything about, say:
"To be honest with you, I don't really..."
Like, okay: -"What's your favourite...?
Who's your favourite musician?"
-"Well, to tell the truth, I don't really listen to music very much so I don't really
have a favourite musician, but I like to listen to, you know, whoever's popular on the radio
these days."
Say you don't know, but make sure that the interviewer understands that you understood
the question.
Show them you understood the question, you just don't really know about this topic so
you don't have much to say.
It's not an English problem; it's a topic problem.
Some interviewers will adjust their questions to make it easier for you to actually speak;
some won't, in which case, again, just say: "Well, you know, I don't really think about
this stuff very much, but if I had to imagine, I would say this, that, or the other."
The key is: Speak.
Don't panic, don't overthink it.
Have all your ideas ready.
Now, another thing you can do: Once you have all of these things ready-you have your general
topic, you have your specific examples and your specific situations about this topic,
you have your vocabulary-practice part two of the speaking.
Create a one-and-a-half-minute speech...
Create one-and-a-half-minute speeches for each topic.
Just practice saying it for a minute and a half.
A) You'll work on your timing, because you're supposed to speak for one to two minutes.
If you speak for one minute, they will make you speak more or they will ask you more questions.
Practice speaking for about one and a half minutes.
Maybe they'll ask you one more question; maybe they won't.
Plus, when you come to the actual test, it's just like you practiced.
You've already practiced it, and you have all these ideas.
Practice making, like, very organized, structured answers, so again, you get your connected
ideas and you get your extensions, and you eliminate your thinking sounds, and you get
a high fluency score.
That is the key to the speaking section.
Now, there are also other videos here on engVid by Emma, and I think Benjamin has a very good
video as well about the speaking section - go watch those.
But, again: Speak, don't think, get your fluency score.
Don't forget to work on the pronunciation of these words before the test day, that way
you're relaxed, you don't panic, you get a good score, you pass your test, you go on
with your life and not think about it again.
If you have any questions about any of this, please go to www.engvid.com in the forum section
there; you can ask me questions and I'll be happy to help you out.
There's also going to be a quiz just to review all this information.
If you like the video, please give me a like, and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube
channel, and come back for more great tips on how to pass the IELTS test.
See you again.
'Charlie's Story' Inside the Season Premiere BTS | The Little Drummer Girl - Duration: 4:03.♪♪
We are drawn in to the story of "The Little Drummer Girl"
as we follow a mysterious suitcase.
The suitcase explodes,
and we begin to wonder who delivered the bomb, why.
So, we set off to uncover that mystery.
The enemy is using Westerners. So must we.
Our fiction has to match their reality.
We get inside Khalil's network, then we catch him.
Cornwell: Kurtz sits at the heart
of the operational side of "The Little Drummer Girl" story.
He is -- in classic Le Carré senses, he is the puppet master.
He is the orchestrator.
He is the person that finds the characters
and then sets them on their path.
Hi. I'm Charmian, Charmian Ross.
Man: We are thrilled to meet you, Miss Ross.
Charmian Ross is an actress in London.
She's loud and colorful and creative
and desperate to have an interesting life.
Charlie's theater team are invited to Greece
to rehearse by some patron they've never met.
In Greece, she meets this beautiful man
that the theater troupe are fascinated by,
but in true Charlie style, she smells a rat,
and yet, she is ultimately taken in by him
and agrees to go on this adventure with him
to the Acropolis.
Charlie: Where is everyone?
It's closed at night.
She's in this magical environment.
She's swept, effectively, off her feet
with an enigmatic, romantic, mysterious man,
and that is the context for the first kiss.
Skarsgard: Becker is initially very professional,
and it's not emotional at all.
There's no emotion connection in the beginning.
He understands the value of Charlie
and how important she is in this situation.
Almost as soon as the love story starts, Becker,
becomes clear, has another motive.
You need to slow down.
It's not far now.
She is taken in a rather frightening way,
and she realizes she's entered something
that she does not understand.
What's going on?
Some sort of work slave trafficking?
Please tell me some good news, please.
The good news is I've lied to you as little as possible.
She finds out that he lied to her.
This man that she's essentially thought she could trust
has completely lied to her, and that's terrifying.
Cornwell: What Kurtz recognizes in Charlie
is an opportunity to create a character of conviction.
She is someone that has been looking, in a way,
for a context, for something to believe in,
and that character looking for definition is essentially
the access point that Kurtz, the Israeli mastermind,
identifies and uses to set his operation in motion.
I am the producer, writer, and director of our little show.
And I would like to talk to you about your part.
White House correspondents' dinner won't feature a comedian - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
'Becker' Inside the Season Premiere BTS | The Little Drummer Girl - Duration: 4:02.♪♪
You know what it cost me to get you here?
Your decency?
Nothing so cheap -- My career.
Kurtz is the Israeli mastermind in our story.
He's the rainmaker, the artist of our piece,
the man who has conceived of the operation
of which Charlie is the heart.
Kurtz: We are mounting a production.
Now, there will be no cut, no curtain --
constant improvisation.
What's the character?
A terrorist.
In the first half of the second episode,
we get to see effectively this master class
in recruitment by Kurtz,
repositioning Charlie as someone that can become his operative.
Was it your father who made you feel so angry?
It must have upset you, his going to prison like that,
conning people out of their money.
It was humiliation.
That sort of thing didn't happen to people like us.
So, what did happen?
They took it all.
What we also see from Charlie's perspective is,
in a sense, a master class from her.
We get to see her capacity for invention.
We know your father never went to prison, Charlie.
We understand how you've spun a more dramatic fiction
for your life, and we love you for it
because we are just the same.
[Breathing heavily]
Did great, kid.
You just got the part.
That interrogation scene was obviously massive and is
the start of it all, but we really see her
make up her mind in about half a second.
It really wasn't a big decision for her.
She is one of those people, and we all know those people,
who tend to step through doors when they are ajar,
and this is one that she wants to step through.
This job, is it dangerous?
This is the secret world, Charlie.
Are you in or out?
The hope is that she goes underground and will eventually
lead Mossad to a Palestinian organization,
but there has to be an agent who, in a sense,
grooms her for this role, and that is Becker.
You will become my latest recruit.
And once you have proven yourself,
my network will reach out to you
and you will enter its ranks.
I will stay close to you every step of the way.
Skarsgard: I really enjoyed exploring
how seamlessly Becker goes between being himself
and being the mentor and talking to her about the mission.
We're building a fiction and the audience
is everywhere all the time.
And then he would go into being Michel
and talking about the cause that he was fighting for.
And that was very rewarding
to kind of guide Charlie through that.
The moment you got in this car in Athens,
you were with me, Michel.
The episode ends with two cars that are identical,
but one of them full of explosives.
From here, you will be driving that car.
What's the difference?
In a sense, this is actually
the moment in which the imagined narrative
really does become real.
I ask you to do this, Charlie,
for me, for love,
for our great revolution.
This is your debut in the theater of the real.
Security at funeral of Lamar HS teen who was killed in gang shooting - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
LHSAA rule about social security numbers a big concern for immigration rights advocates - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool in hunt to sign £40m golden boot & Reds ace: "I almost joined Midlands club" ● LFC News - Duration: 6:06.Liverpool
target Luka Jović has a £40million release clause in his Benfica contract, according
to Mundo Deportivo.
The Spanish outlet claims that the 20-year-old, who is currently on loan at Eintracht Frankfurt,
would be allowed to leave the Portuguese giants if a team activated his release clause.
Rui Vitoria's side are said to be unsure about whether to cash in on the player or
not, with Barcelona and Bayern Munich also interested in the Serbian international.
Jović has impressed hugely since joining Frankfurt on a temporary basis, netting 12
goals in only 15 games so far across all competitions this season for the German side and leading
the race for the golden boot in the Bundesliga.
This is an interesting update, that's for sure.
There's no doubt that Jović is a tremendously talented young player, and as such £40million
isn't a particularly outlandish sum of money.
Liverpool's pursuit of the Serbian is complicated by the interest of Barca and Bayern, both
of whom would provide stern resistance to any move the Reds make for the attacker.
Jović hasn't really pulled up any trees since joining Benfica, but it appears that
he is now developing into a fully formed frontman at Frankfurt.
Jurgen Klopp isn't overly blessed with attacking talent beside his fearsome starting front
Daniel Sturridge's future is uncertain, while Dominic Solanke and Divock Origi are
unlikely to make the grade at Anfield.
A move for Jović could be a good idea, then, and £40million isn't a bad price tag for
a 20-year-old in this sort of form.
We'll have to wait and see what the Reds do here.
Luka Jović is a Serbian professional footballer who plays as a striker for German club Eintracht
Frankfurt, on loan from Portuguese club Benfica, and the Serbia national team.
In June 2017, Jović joined Eintracht Frankfurt on a two-season loan while his new club secured
an option to sign him on a permanent basis.
He made five appearances as they won the 2017–18 DFB-Pokal, and scored the only goal of the
win at FC Schalke 04 in the semi-finals on 18 April 2018, but was an unused substitute
in the 3–1 final win over FC Bayern Munich.
Liverpool left
back Andrew Robertson has revealed that he almost joined Stoke City before the Reds came
in for him in 2017.
The Scotland captain has emerged as a key part of Jurgen Klopp's team, but he has
now claimed that he looked set for a move to the bet365 Stadium in the Midlands rather
than Anfield.
"Stoke were quite interested in me," he told Open Goal.
"Mark Hughes had liked me and I think there was a wee bit of chat with them.
So I was thinking 'it's a really good option', I think Stoke finished top ten
that season.
"I was trying to get my head on, kind of, Stoke.
Then his agent phones me, he's like 'I've just spoke to Liverpool.'
I couldn't believe it.
Then it started to build up that momentum and it just so happened that the deal ended
up going through."
Imagine how different life would be at Liverpool now if the club had missed out on Robertson.
Perhaps they'd still be struggling along with Alberto Moreno, who knows.
However, Klopp was able to get the deal done for the Scotland captain and he's gone from
strength to strength ever since.
Stoke would have been a decent move for him after Hull City, as they were an established
Premier League team at the time, but Liverpool are a different kettle of fish entirely.
It says a lot about the transfer nous of the Reds boss that he even made a move for Robertson
– none of the other top clubs did.
Indeed, he was heading to a mid table team like Stoke until Liverpool stepped in.
All parties will be delighted at how it's worked out, though, because Robertson has
gone on to become a massive player for Klopp, and likely will be for some time to come.
Andrew Robertson is a Scottish professional footballer who plays as a left back for Premier
League club Liverpool and captains the Scotland national team.
Robertson began his senior career with Queen's Park in 2012 before joining Dundee United
a year later.
His form in his first season as a professional led to him being named SPFA Young Player of
the Year and also making his international debut.
He joined Hull City in July 2014 for a fee of £2.85 million, before joining Liverpool
in July 2017 for an undisclosed fee, believed to be an initial £8 million.
Robertson made his full international debut for Scotland in May 2014, and he was appointed
Scotland captain in September 2018.
Teen Tournament Finals Day 2 | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 1:36.(Jeopardy! theme music)
- Maya, you had $12,800.
Impressive, but in third place, so we come to you first.
You wrote down, "Who is Emerson?"
Not a bad guess.
You're in the right area,
but unfortunately, it is incorrect.
So, it will cost you $5000.
You drop to $7800.
Let's go to Emma Arnold,
took a long time writing down her response, why?
'Cause she wrote down the whole thing,
Henry David Thoreau.
Walden Pond, yes.
And you will add $3400.
That bumps you up to an even $19,000.
You're in first place.
Clare, over to you now, $18,600.
Look at that smile.
She came up with a correct response.
And she risked how much?
$3200, that gives her the lead going into day two.
Remember these scores ladies and gentleman,
because at the end of tomorrow's program,
they will be added to whatever the young ladies earn then
to determine the $100,000 winner.
Congratulations on a great game today.
We'll see you all tomorrow.
Confirmed by Bild: Latest Update on Ramsey transfer to Bayern Munich - Duration: 2:17.Arsenal News HQ brings you the latest Arsenal news, match analysis, transfer news, injury news, team news and rumours from trusted media outlets around the World
According to the German media, Bayern Munich don't have any agreement with Aaron Ramsey over a transfer next summer, despite recent reports to the contrary
The Independent claimed this week that Bayern were confident they'd won the race to sign Ramsey, after a recent breakthrough in talks
They added that the Welshman was expected to sign a long-term contract with the Bundesliga club from the start of next season
However, usually-reliable German outlet Bild now say that story is false, in an article titled 'that's it for Bavaria's alleged Ramsey deal'
According to their information, there can't be any realistic claims of an agreement between the two parties 'for a long time'
They add that Ramsey will be offered to 'several clubs' in Europe, and Bayern are just one of them
It does seem a little early for the 27-year-old to be making any final decisions. The offers will presumably come rolling in during the January window, and a key injury or transfer here or there may open the door to a desirable move
Giving that option up now would be a bit shortsighted.For now, it's better for Ramsey to just continue focusing on his football and on getting results for Arsenal
That will get him a better move at the end of the season, or maybe even another chance with the Gunners
We'll see
How to go on a cruise on a tight budget - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Fulham star Ryan Sessegnon on his way to Arsenal as first January Signing? - Duration: 3:37.Arsenal News HQ brings you the latest Arsenal news, match analysis, transfer news, injury news, team news and rumours from trusted media outlets around the World
The unreliable fitness levels of Arsenal's left-back options this season could force them into the transfer market this January, but who could they look to sign?
Sead Kolasinac, Nacho Monreal and Ainsley Maitland-Niles haven't all been fit at the same time at any point so far this campaign
First, Monreal and Kolasinac were out, then Maitland-Niles suffered a fracture and Stephan Lichtsteiner had to fill in
Then Monreal returned for a while before he and Kolasinac both suffered hamstring injuries at the same time
Kolasinac has returned, but Monreal's return date just keeps being pushed back every time Arsenal discuss it
Rumours at the start of the summer suggested Sven Mislintat was interested in a goalkeeper, a centre-back, a holding midfielder and a left-back in the window
He signed three of the four, but the club made no headway on the left-hand side.It's hard to argue the injury situation is going to make Arsenal any less likely to go back again this winter
Let's have a look at who the media believe are on Mislintat's shortlist. Ryan Sessegnon
Age: 18. Current club: Fulham FC. Contract until: 2020. Market value: £31.5m.18-year-old Sessegnon is one of the rising stars of English football
Despite his age, he's already made 96 appearances for Fulham, scoring 24 goals and assisting 13
The youngster can play anywhere along the left-hand side, and he's split his time between left-back and left-midfield/wing this season
That could suit Arsenal perfectly, given their play style involves full-backs getting forward a lot
For example, Hector Bellerin was a right-winger before he joined the club.According to Goal, Arsenal have been "keeping a close eye" on Sessegnon
They aren't the only ones though.Reports late last year suggested Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United and Tottenham have all spent time scouting the youngster since his breakthrough
That interest is only going to have increased now that he's playing regularly in the Premier League
It wouldn't be easy to sign the Fulham man, but it could be well worth it if he reaches his potential
The Difference Between Men And Women. Do you agree? - Duration: 5:55.This one is old, but gold, and probably the best story out there that tells the difference
between men and women in a hilarious way.
We simply love it!
You can read it below.
Let's say a guy named Fred is attracted to a woman named Martha.
He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time.
A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves.
They continue to see each other regularly, and after a while neither one of them is seeing
anybody else.
And then, one evening when they're driving home, a thought occurs to Martha, and, without
really thinking, she says it aloud: "Do you realize that, as of tonight, we've been
seeing each other for exactly six months?"
And then, there is silence in the car.
To Martha, it seems like a very loud silence.
She thinks to herself: I wonder if it bothers him that I said that.
Maybe he's been feeling confined by our relationship; maybe he thinks I'm trying
to push him into some kind of obligation that he doesn't want, or isn't sure of.
And Fred is thinking: Gosh.
Six months.
And Martha is thinking: But, hey, I'm not so sure I want this kind of relationship either.
Sometimes I wish I had a little more space, so I'd have time to think about whether
I really want us to keep going the way we are, moving steadily towards, I mean, where
are we going?
Are we just going to keep seeing each other at this level of intimacy?
Are we heading toward marriage?
Toward children?
Toward a lifetime together?
Am I ready for that level of commitment?
Do I really even know this person?
And Fred is thinking: …so that means it was…let's see…February when we started
going out, which was right after I had the car at the dealer's, which means…lemme
check the odometer…Whoa!
I am way overdue for an oil change here.
And Martha is thinking: He's upset.
I can see it on his face.
Maybe I'm reading this completely wrong.
Maybe he wants more from our relationship, more intimacy, more commitment; maybe he has
sensed – even before I sensed it – that I was feeling some reservations.
Yes, I bet that's it.
That's why he's so reluctant to say anything about his own feelings.
He's afraid of being rejected.
And Fred is thinking: And I'm gonna have them look at the transmission again.
I don't care what those morons say, it's still not shifting right.
And they better not try to blame it on the cold weather this time.
What cold weather?
It's 87 degrees out, and this thing is shifting like a garbage truck, and I paid those incompetent
thieves $600.
And Martha is thinking: He's angry.
And I don't blame him.
I'd be angry, too.
I feel so guilty, putting him through this, but I can't help the way I feel.
I'm just not sure.
And Fred is thinking: They'll probably say it's only a 90-day warranty…scumballs.
And Martha is thinking: Maybe I'm just too idealistic, waiting for a knight to come riding
up on his white horse, when I'm sitting right next to a perfectly good person, a person
I enjoy being with, a person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about
A person who is in pain because of my self-centered, schoolgirl romantic fantasy.
And Fred is thinking: Warranty?
They want a warranty?
I'll give them a warranty.
I'll take their warranty and stick it right up their…
"Fred," Martha says aloud.
"What?" says Fred, startled.
"Please don't torture yourself like this," she says, her eyes beginning to brim with
"Maybe I should never have…oh dear, I feel so…"(She breaks down, sobbing.)
"What?" says Fred.
"I'm such a fool," Martha sobs.
"I mean, I know there's no knight.
I really know that.
It's silly.
There's no knight, and there's no horse."
"There's no horse?" says Fred.
"You think I'm a fool, don't you?"
Martha says.
"No!" says Fred, glad to finally know the correct answer.
"It's just that…it's that I…I need some time," Martha says.
(There is a 15-second pause while Fred, thinking as fast as he can, tries to come up with a
safe response.
Finally he comes up with one that he thinks might work.)
"Yes," he says.
(Martha, deeply moved, touches his hand.)
"Oh, Fred, do you really feel that way?" she says.
"What way?" says Fred.
"That way about time," says Martha.
"Oh," says Fred.
(Martha turns to face him and gazes deeply into his eyes, causing him to become very
nervous about what she might say next, especially if it involves a horse.
At last she speaks.)
"Thank you, Fred," she says.
"Thank you," says Fred.
Then he takes her home, and she lies on her bed, a conflicted, tortured soul, and weeps
until dawn, whereas when Fred gets back to his place, he opens a bag of Doritos, turns
on the TV, and immediately becomes deeply involved in a rerun of a college basketball
game between two South Dakota junior colleges that he has never heard of.
A tiny voice in the far recesses of his mind tells him that something major was going on
back there in the car, but he is pretty sure there is no way he would ever understand what,
and so he figures it's better if he doesn't think about it.
The next day Martha will call her closest friend, or perhaps two of them, and they will
talk about this situation for six straight hours.
In painstaking detail, they will analyze everything she said and everything he said, going over
it time and time again, exploring every word, expression, and gesture for nuances of meaning,
considering every possible ramification.
They will continue to discuss this subject, off and on, for weeks, maybe months, never
reaching any definite conclusions, but never getting bored with it either.
Meanwhile, Fred, while playing racquetball one day with a mutual friend of his and Martha's,
will pause just before serving, frown, and say: "Norm, did Martha ever own a horse?"
And that's the difference between men and women.
If you love this, please share it with your friends.
She Chose Another Person Over Her Child - Duration: 42:22.-------------------------------------------
More than a barber: Maryland man becomes success installing weaves for men - Duration: 6:01.-------------------------------------------
Arsenal transfer chief Sven Mislintat lineup shock January deal for centre-back - Duration: 2:24.Arsenal News HQ brings you the latest Arsenal news, match analysis, transfer news, injury news, team news and rumours from trusted media outlets around the World
Sven Mislintat's team are scouting Sebastian Walukiewicz ahead of the January transfer window, according to a report
Pogon Szczecin defender Walukiewicz is just 18 years old, but he's reportedly already drawing the attention of some of Europe's top clubs
Football.London write that Mislintat has identified the Polish u20 international as a potential addition to Unai Emery's squad, but Barcelona and Southampton are also watching the youngster
Walukiewicz has made 12 starts this campaign for Pogon Szczecin in the Polish first tier
Even though the league isn't nearly as competitive as some of the best in Europe, for his age that's still pretty impressive
If Sven Mislintat is interested, that's a good sign too. He brought Konstantinos Mavropanos to the Premier League from the Greek Superleague last season and, other than his recent injury problems, that seems to be going pretty well
Meanwhile, Walukiewicz probably wouldn't be particularly encouraged by the way Southampton are treating the last Polish defender to join their club
Jan Bednarek signed from Lech Poznan last summer, and he's made just 12 appearances since then, four this season
If Pogon Szczecin's 6'2″ teenager is going somewhere to sit on the bench, it may as well be Barcelona or Arsenal, rather than Southampton
We'll see if the defender does indeed end up moving on in January
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