Monday, November 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2018

== No protesting, dodging this isn't allowed! == I don't wanna talk about it, though!

Out with it - how does somebody like YOU end up with a book like that?

I've been wondering, for a while now, what it's like to kiss a woman

And that's why you're making such a big deal about this?

Not everyone is as liberal as you

You've done it before, haven't you? I mean, for real?


And what?

Well, what does it feel like?

Well, I dunno... it's just different, kind of.

Here, I'll show you

Coco, you'll never guess whose book--


How was it?

Not bad

I'm gonna go now

Hi, Robin


Oh, here comes more work

== Hi. == Hey.

Just put it there

Is there something else?


Would you feel like maybe going out to eat with me someday soon?

I don't have time for that

Carla, I find it really sad, this glacial chill between us

Don't we wanna try and reconcile again?

You've pulled an awful lot of crap

I'm really sorry about the Anke thing. I didn't mean for that kiss to happen and not for you guys to break up, either.

That is all none of your business

I know

Well there we go, that's a start

Then you aren't mad anymore?



Could you maybe advance me a tiny bit of money?

Vanessa, you receive money from me every month, and you earn pretty well here, too

But that's nowhere near enough!

How many hours a week do you work here? Thirteen?

We can easily increase it to thirty. There's plenty of work available.

Dad always helped me out!

But I am not your Dad!

Please grow up for once


May I sit down?

There are plenty of empty tables here. Besides I'm meeting Carla.

To be honest... I'm the one who sent the text. I just used Carla's phone.

And for that I skipped my seminar...

Since we're both here now, anyway, can we drink a cup of coffee together?

No thank you, I'm absolutely not interested

Please, Anke, it's really incredibly important to me. I have to tell you something.

What kind of game will it be this time? You already turned Carla against me, isn't that enough for you?

Yeah, I admit it. But have you ever asked yourself why?

Because you're spoiled and jealous

So that's what you think of me? That actually really hurts a little.

And it's just not true



Okay, I was jealous - but not of you

But of Carla

Do you still not get it?

I'm really attracted to you

I was simply jealous

And plus, I've never been with a woman before. I'm a little thrown off kilter.

Despite that, you swore in front of Carla that wasn't what you wanted

And I wasn't lying

Don't you understand that I'm afraid?

I just don't know which way is up anymore

And that's why you drove me out?

I was hoping then the feeling would go away

But somehow that isn't working

I just can't fight it

Oh, you two are meeting for kaffeeklatsches now? Did I miss something?

Carla, we wanted--

Vanessa wants to mediate between you and me. She thinks maybe we should talk things out.

Will wonders never cease!

Hello. I've come to see Vanessa, is she here?

Come in

Vanessa, a visitor for you!

Hi. We meet again.

Don't you want to introduce your girlfriend to us?

How do you know where I live?

From your friend in No Limits

You guys have a nice apartment here

You have real taste

Uh... this isn't my room

Do you want something to drink?

Mm, later

Uh... music maybe?

If you'd like

Okay. I have Tracy Chapman, Melissa Etheridge, or would you prefer k.d. lang?

Isn't that a bit overly cliched?

How am I supposed to know? This is my first time.

But you do know what it's like to be in love

Of course

You see? That's all you need to know.

I've really fallen in love with you

It will be wonderful

== Vanessa... == I...

Hey, don't be afraid

No, I can't!

This is going too fast for me

== But-- == No, I don't want to.


Anke, I am so sorry

I'm don't know what's wrong...

Of course

Cécile, we can't give up hope, okay?

I'll call you as soon as I know anything new. Bye.

Carla, do you have a minute?

What's up?

It's about Dad

Lars says things don't look good

But Dad is acting in his letter as if everything is fine

He probably just doesn't want to burden you

I feel really alone

I'll be glad to help you, of course

Thank you, Carla

But right now I really have very little time

I don't want to be more of a bother, but...

... is my room still free?


I thought maybe I could come back?



That topic is closed

== A Bloody Mary, with lots of pepper and Tabasco. == I see... nitric acid in a tomato-juice base.

== The best foundation in the world. == 'Foundation', for what?

Ah... for anything the night has to offer

Buonasera, signorina

Hello, Angelo!

The usual? Sex on the Beach?


Uh, no. A tomato juice.


Excuse me? But I believe that's my drink.

I think I would know!

== This was a really good idea you had, to have a drink here first. == Mhm.

What do you think, do we wanna grab a bite to eat, or go on ahead to my place?

== Only if dragged by a team of oxen. == Sorry, I wasn't trying to be pushy.

No. I mean, I really can't eat any more.

I wouldn't get one bite down.

In lieu of that, you appear to have a mighty thirst though

Ahh... excuse me?

You're obviously very thirsty

Yes, ahem... it's very hot here

You think so?


What's so funny?


I was just wondering - if the heat in this bar was too much to bear and you took off your blouse, what would happen...?

In your case - thundering applause, I would guess

Is that so...

A lovely view

The check, please

I have to make a quick trip to the bathroom, though

Hardly any wonder, given the amount of water you drank

I hope you were able to douse that small fire

I had the impression I wasn't the only one who got a little hot

Who could stay cold at the sight of you?

Maybe a little diversion would do us both some good

I know where we can get the coolest drinks in Düsseldorf



What would you say to our making a getaway through the emergency exit? It says right on it: "In case of fire".

I'm sure your friend would be understanding

Unfortunately, I've already booked up the evening

A pity. Then have fun.


Hey, what happened?

Come on, try and calm down

Don't worry, I'll be right there

Something bad?

That was my roommate. She's crying the blues. Her girlfriend just dumped her.

Oh, and so now you have to go home and comfort her

Don't be mad. I was envisioning something much nicer for this evening, too.

We'll make it up. I'll call you.

Hi. May I come in?

Sure. You're right on schedule.

I'm really not in the mood to haggle with you. So...

How much do you need?

What do you think of me?! Nico told me about Leonard being kidnapped and injured.

Can I do anything for you?

Vanessa, I'm sorry. But...

... I'm a nervous wreck

I know how you're feeling

I can't help thinking about our kidnapping, either, and that Leonard hasn't had the same luck we did

I don't believe it!

When it comes to mooching, you really have no scruples whatsoever

Oh, Nico, please! Vanessa is here to give me moral support.

Oh, is that what she claimed? Back at the apartment it sounded a whole lot different. - Back then, you desperately needed money.

What on earth did I do to you? Why are you telling Carla such lies?!

We can gladly go ask the others. - Half the gang was there when she announced she was going to squeeze money from you.

That is so unfair!

You're just sucking up to her so you can ultimately get more!

That's enough! I am really not in the mood for these childish discussions.


Nico is right. I am actually here because I need your help.

But it's not about money

I was hoping perhaps you could understand me...

I've fallen in love with a woman


And I'm just having a hard time dealing with my feelings

For more infomation >> 100 Carla & Anke - Duration: 15:48.


Cecilia Bolocco confirma que Máximo será dado de alta: "Es el día más feliz de mi vida" - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Bolocco confirma que Máximo será dado de alta: "Es el día más feliz de mi vida" - Duration: 4:03.


Cecilia Bolocco relató cómo fue el momento en que Máximo se reencontró con Carlos Menem - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Bolocco relató cómo fue el momento en que Máximo se reencontró con Carlos Menem - Duration: 3:51.


Tình Mây Ngàn - Juun Đăng Dũng 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Tình Mây Ngàn - Juun Đăng Dũng 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 3:54.


FREE SERIES Get your life & home organised | Part 1 - 3 Quick tips on how to get organised - Duration: 3:44.

Hi I'm Stacey and welcome to part 1 of Busy Mum's Get Organised.

I know you are VERY Busy so I will keep it short so you don't get too overwhelmed...

This video will give you a couple of quick tips to get you started on your organisational


If there is only 1 thing you do today I want you to go make your bed!

Yep that's right make your bed.

If you are already in the habit of doing this each morning then you are already ahead.

Well Done!!

If you don't make your bed each day then today is Day 1 of creating this new habit!

You will find that if your bed is clear of clothes and mess and is made up every morning

each time you walk into your bedroom you feel like you have achieved something in the day.

The next tip I wish to share with you is my all time favourite and BEST EVER TIP.

So listen up!!

Here it is.....

...... I NEVER leave a room empty handed!

That's right, before you leave a room have a quick look and to see if anything needs

to be removed and taken to a different room.... pick it up.

You will be surprised at how much actually gets put away with this very simple method

every day.

For example....

Do you have dirty laundry just thrown on the floor that needs to go to the washing hamper?

Take them to the laundry.

Now when you are in the laundry is there just 1 thing (pile of clean kids clothes folded

ready to put away perhaps?

Are you heading to the baby's room to change a nappy or pop bubs down for a nap?

Take the clothes and pop them away.

Now you are in bubs room look around just 1 thing to go to the next room ....and on

it goes.

Each room you visit.

Just 1 small thing.

Don't go overboard small steps everyday means larger amounts gets done by the end of the



If you are anything like me I tend to wear the same sweatpants and hoodie for a few days

if I am just around the house.

Sometimes if I have changed for just a few hours I don't want to put the clothes away.

(Or find I am rather lazy to put them away) But I also don't want them piled on the bed,

on top of the drawers or hanging over chairs looking unsightly in the bedroom.

That's where I have 2 spare drawers.

1 by the bed side and 1 in the walk-in.

In the bedside drawer I stuff my dressing gown and pjs.

The walk-in robe draw is for worn clothed I can wear again.

This really helps out with the "lazy dumping".

I have also done the same in the kids bed room, and taught them not to get clean clothes

out until they check if they have previously worn ones they can use.

Ok, so I hope this has given you some quick tips on getting motivated.

Don't forget to comment below and let us know why and what you are struggling with to get



So today was pretty simple right?


Comment below and share your challenges.


Make your bed!


NEVER leave a room empty handed.


Clear some drawers to pop away the clothing piles.

Told you it was short!

Thanks for watching now off you go and make that bed!

Don't forget to subscribe so your notified when part 2 is available to get more hints,

tips & hacks on getting organised.

"Wallpaper" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

For more infomation >> FREE SERIES Get your life & home organised | Part 1 - 3 Quick tips on how to get organised - Duration: 3:44.


World's Most Beautiful President : Kolinda Grabar Kitarović President Of Croatia Luxurious Lifestyle - Duration: 10:56.

World's Most Beautiful President : Kolinda Grabar Kitarović President Of Croatia Luxurious Lifestyle

World's Most Beautiful President : Kolinda Grabar Kitarović President Of Croatia Luxurious Lifestyle

World's Most Beautiful President : Kolinda Grabar Kitarović President Of Croatia Luxurious Lifestyle

For more infomation >> World's Most Beautiful President : Kolinda Grabar Kitarović President Of Croatia Luxurious Lifestyle - Duration: 10:56.


ENG CC] 신부 웨딩 셀프 스탬핑 네일아트 단아한 블링블링 디자인 | 2018 Bridal Wedding Self Nails - DIY - Stamp Nail Art - Duration: 6:35.

The stamp plate that I will use today is

called "Fancy Lover 01" from Pueen

and I used this plate

on the last video for French style nail art.

There are a lot of beautiful images

on this plate

so I will use this plate again

for wedding bridal nail art.

Shall we start?

Apply your favorite base coat first.

I'm using CND sticky base coat now.

I will use these two nail polish colors

to make a good match with

white wedding dress.

They will bring out soft yet classy nail design.

This classy gray color is a 'Greycian Goddess' from L'oreal

and this soft light pink color

is a 'Be There in a Prosecco' from O.P.I.

I will apply gray color only on my ring finger nail.

I will wear 2 coats for today's polishes.

I just finished with applying 2 coats of polishes.

Now, I am waiting for my nails to get dry

for a couple minutes.

While I am waiting,

I put some liquid latex on my fingers.

Ok, let's play with stamp plate!

I'm gonna use this

blue gray colored nail stamping polish

to match with my ring finger color.

I will use a clear stamper today

since I need to see exactly where

my image is landing on my nails.

For my middle finger,

I stamp this image on my nail

I repeat the same image on my index finger nail.

This image is a perfect size for my pinky nail.

All images on this plate have pretty thick lines

so I won't cover my whole nail with stamping

but leave some space

to show this beautiful creamy pink color.

Now let me stamp this flower image for my thumb nail.

Now it is time to attach some

sparkling crystal rhinestones.

I'm gonna use 3 different top coats today.

The first one is a great top coat for stamping nails

and it prevents stamped images from smearing.

I will apply rhinestones on my middle and index finger nails.

I want my ring finger nail to look fancy

so I will apply this hologram powder

from Born Pretty onto my nail

to give more shine on the background color.

I apply same top coat over the hologram powder

and before it gets dry,

I place some crystal

and caviar beads diagonally on the nail.

The second top coat that I will use today is

Seche Vite

and I apply this for all of my nails

to seal crystal rhinestones.

Now take liquid latex off

and clean my fingers with 100% pure acetone.

The last top coat is a matte top coat

and it will give my nails a softer look.

This top coat instantly transforms my nails into a matte

finish right after I apply.

I shouldn't touch

crystal beads with this matte brush

so carefully apply without touching crystals.

I love this matte finish with today's design.

How is it?

The matte finish gives different feelings from the shiny finish, right?

The matte finish is definitely a good choice

for today's bridal wedding nail art.

I focus on wedding themed nail art today

but I think it is also good to wear casually.

I really wish you to try fun

and easy stamp nail art!

For more infomation >> ENG CC] 신부 웨딩 셀프 스탬핑 네일아트 단아한 블링블링 디자인 | 2018 Bridal Wedding Self Nails - DIY - Stamp Nail Art - Duration: 6:35.


Crash involving 3 semis, pickup truck closes SB lanes of I-465 near Rockville Road - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Crash involving 3 semis, pickup truck closes SB lanes of I-465 near Rockville Road - Duration: 1:28.


The day for cats to eat a gigantic octopus. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 10:04.

Is there anything you don't eat??




Face too~



Ahhhhh~! (Water flowing)

(Water flowing)

Let... let me wash your arms first.

(Water flowing)

Don't! It's huge~!

Oh, it's so scary~!~!


Wow, this is so long.

DD! You should keep me safe!




Geez... (lol)

Oh, god...

I'm the outlaw of the sea, Kraken!



Kyut Kyut Kyut~


Only with these parts...

Kyut Kyut Kyut~




Alright then,

"I'm the outlaw of the sea, Kraken!"



Phew... It's heavy...


I'll make this completely clean!

Gonna be fine.

TT: She's doing something weird again...

Aww...head first...



The outlaw... of the sea...


Umm... (lol)

Not sure it's washed well... (lol)


I'm sorry for...

putting you into this humble, small place... (lol)

Don't lick it, kitty! Oh...

Geez... My waist...

I think it's heavier than DD...



Take... take the head out and...

Which part of it is the head??

Take the head out and...

get rid of the ink sac...

Are you interested in it, TT? I'll cook it.

(lol) She smacked her lips!

How did you know it's food??


The outlaw of the sea!





Sniff sniff!

No, just smell it.






I gotta get rid of the ink sac first before cooking it.

It won't take that long, kitty.

Gotta take the head out...

But how...?




It bursted!!!!!

YUCK! Geez!




Move away! Move away! I'll put the knife away!


I feel dizzy...



Grab the head and...


put legs into...


Legs first! Ugh~

It's got too much wet...


Put legs into it! In and out!


Legs curled up well, by the way. Awww..

Good. I think it's enough.

One, two... UP!

OK. Go down, please.




The lid!

Then, I'll see you soon.


Hello? It's the butler.

Oh... It's looks a bit... scary.

It's time to get in the cold water.

I got gloves since you look so hot.


I think...

the head looks under cooked though...

Ah.. This way...


How can I cut it...?

Oops, come up to the cutting board.

Are you interested in it?


I'll cut it for you, kitties.

Don't eat too much!


Does it look yummy?

Oh, it's good~



I gotta cut it first, kitty.

You don't wanna eat this, Lulu?? Wow...

Lulu doesn't eat sea food these days...

Nope. The back part of it is mine.

Eat the tip part. (lol)

Shoo~ Shoo~ Shoo~



Oh, it looks so nice!

This is mine~ ♬


Lulu, where are you going?

Lulu: Uh...

Lulu: I think I can wait here.


Only Lala is coming bravely.

EHBI! (Surprise)


Are you not even scared?

I'll cut it for you.

Lala, I'll cut it before I give you.

Almost done...


You... (lol)

How an earth could you do that, kitty?

Let me wash my hands...




Are you gonna eat all of this? You little?

Wow. I told you to wait

until I cut this, huh? (lol)



Let me cut this. Hold on.

Oh~ Do you like it , Chuchu?

You too, chairman Momo?

What about you, doctor Coco?


What do you say?

You appear wherever I go, chairman Momo.

Lala already ate this much. (lol)


Chairman Momo is targeting the bottom of it,

and doctor Coco is targeting the top. (lol)

Hi, Lala!


How is it?

You're amazing, kitty.

How could you do this, you little kitty?


It's snapped!


Is there anything you don't eat??




Hey... Oops...


I'll go cut it.

Stop! Stop!

I'll mince it for you.



I'm not the one I'm used to be any longer!

Lulu: It's too noisy!

DD: (Cat food-ist)

For more infomation >> The day for cats to eat a gigantic octopus. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 10:04.



It gets me thinking about, you know, it's the whole,

the thankful season and what do you want to be thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

So, I thought I'd pose that question to you today.

You know, shoot it in the comments below.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?

So we're gonna walk around a little bit while we're chatting

today, enjoy the weather outside because tomorrow I'm

going on a vacation to Arizona and gonna sit by the pool

for Thanksgiving so it's gonna be a little different

from here so, I'm very excited.

Alright two things: if you can like, comment, subscribe

to this video that'd be fantastic, also if you wanna get

these videos in your email and some free guides about

how to be a more effective financial advisor,

you gotta text DailyFA to 44222.

So DailyFA to 44222, we'll get you all set up,

everything'll come right to you.

So Chicagoans, they're kinda mad right now.

And it's all due to this weather here.

We're used to this weather in the winter,

but not this early.

Like Thanksgiving is not until next week and

we're not too happy.

But it gets me thinking about, you know, it's the whole,

the thankful season and what do you want to be thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

So, I thought I'd pose that question to you today.

You know, shoot it in the comments below.

Now as I'm thinking about it, I come up with three things.

And first one is Freedom.

You know, I run my own business, I'm involved in a couple

others, and I'm not bound by an employer, I'm not bound

by anything that I have to do.

I'm free to do whatever I want to.

I'm free to partner up with people, I'm free to run any

marketing, I'm free to sign on any client I want to, or

design my business any way I want to.

It's quite beautiful in how that's set up.

And I don't take any of that for granted.

Second thing that I'm grateful for, and we're gonna

try not to get hit by a snowplow, is Opportunities.

You know, I'm free to do all these things, but sometimes

those things don't come up.

You gotta work for Opportunities.

You gotta work for things to, you know, appear.

You know, it takes time for business Opportunities

to come around and they come around by relationships.

So, building relationships is important if you

want those Opportunities to come.

And I'm thankfully, after five years

of building relationships, getting a lot of Opportunities,

and when people ask, you know, how do you this and

how do you do that, it's time and relationships,

and that gets you Opportunities.

The last thing, and this is almost the reverse, is I'm

thankful for being held Accountable.

I have to earn an income for my family.

And if this Freedom and Opportunity

don't equal income, then-

This journey doesn't work.

You know I have to generate an income for my kids, my wife,

and those Opportunities have to be right, the Freedom

has to result in something fruitful, because at the end

of the day I'm Accountable and I love it.

So enjoy your Thanksgiving, hopefully your weather's

a little better than this, and I will see you by the pool.

Take care.

For more infomation >> THANKSGIVING: THE THREE THINGS I'M THANKFUL FOR | TheDailyFA 024 - Duration: 3:48.


美雙航母演習造勢,彭斯再發狂言 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 美雙航母演習造勢,彭斯再發狂言 - Duration: 5:22.


Hornets' Kemba Walker: I Just Want To Make The Playoffs | - Duration: 6:29.

Hornets' Kemba Walker: I Just Want To Make The Playoffs |

Kemba Walker is playing inspired basketball.

Averaging 28.

7 points per game, Walker is the NBA's second leading scorer behind LeBron James and Kemba had a league-high and franchise-record 60-point performance against the Philadelphia 76ers over the weekend.

Walker is living his best life!.

While everone has been paying attention to the Boston Celtics, Philadelphia 76ers and Toronto Raptors, the Hornets haven't been mentioned in the same breath as those "elite" Eastern Conference teams.

"I mean, why should they," Walker told me.

"We haven't done anything in the last couple years.

 I wouldn't mention us either…but, you know, we're not bothered by that, we're not fazed by it.

 It doesn't really matter.".

Walker says that he has one goal this season.

"I just want to make the playoffs," he told me.

"That's it.

I want to get back to the playoffs consistently.".

Entering the final year of his contract, many experts are speculative of his next move and the belief is  high that the Knicks are on his radar.

 "I've been hearing it for years," Walker told the Hartford Courant's Dom Amore.

"Every time I come home, 'When are you going to come home and play for the Knicks?' I know it's a special place, I was a Knicks fan growing up, always rooted for the home team.

But I just can't see myself in a Knicks jersey, only because I've only been in one jersey.".

Added Walker:.

"At first, it bothers you," Walker said, via Amore.

"Who wouldn't it bother? Who wants to hear his name in trade rumors? But I'm seven years in—it's not the first time.

It's something I've gotten over.

What can I do?".

The internet went buzzing with Walker's statement.

Is the New York pipedream over? .

"I've only been on one team," Walker told me.

"I don't know.

 I've been on one team in seven years, going on eight years.

So when it's my time, I'll make a decision.

 That's all I said.

I said: 'I didn't see myself in a Knicks jersey because I've only been in one jersey, you know what I mean?".

Per Heavy.

com's Jeff Smith:  Stadium's Shams Charania revealed recently, Hornets owner Michael Jordan is "hellbent" on re-signing Walker to a new deal.

Our NBA Insider @ShamsCharania reports on 60-point man Kemba Walker and where his future stands in Charlotte. — Stadium (@WatchStadium) November 19, 2018  .

"The Hornets for now, still want to build their franchise and make Kemba Walker the face of the franchise.

Michael Jordan is fully focused and hellbent, really, too re-sign Kemba Walker and keep him as his franchise player, as his franchise star.

As long as they remain competitive, and they have been." Charania stated.

The Charlotte Hornets are 7-8 this season, just behind the Orlando Magic (9-8) for the top spot in their division.

For more infomation >> Hornets' Kemba Walker: I Just Want To Make The Playoffs | - Duration: 6:29.


What is Integromat? | C+I 02 - Duration: 2:52.

Integromat is an advanced online automation platform which is similar to

Zapier. It automate processes that are handled manually. Not only does it works

24/7 a day, it can also transfer and transform data. It redefined work

automation so that it save everyone's time. Integromat can integrate with

up to hundreds of apps and services and they are constantly increasing the

numbers of integration. I can say Integromat has one of the

most beautifully crafted editor out there. The most distinguished visual is

definitely the module icon. It is not just nice to look at, it is also very

functional. The way they designed the automation editor, it is so easy to

understand the execution flow. Even with a more robust integration you can see

clearly how each apps or services are connected to one another.

The functions in Integromat is a powerful features which sets them apart

from the rest. You can manipulate the data by using functions which you are

already familiar in Excel.

Here are some of the use cases for automating routine tasks.

Let's check out the social media and see what they have.

For example you can use this template to post new YouTube videos on Facebook.

Every time a new video is uploaded to a selected YouTube channel Integromat

will automatically post the link of that video to a specific Facebook profile.

Let's check out another one.

Okay, upload new Instagram photos to Facebook. Actually you don't need

that because Instagram App itself they have the feature for you to directly post to

your Facebook page so this is actually not useful. Oh no, actually it does

because it can actually select individual Facebook album instead.

Alright anyway you can find all this information on their website. Feel free

to find whichever template that can actually replace what you are doing manually

right now. I hope this video gives you a good introduction on Integromat.

In the next lesson, I'll give you a comparison between Integromat and

Zapier on their free plan. Thank you for watching and I will see you in the next lesson

For more infomation >> What is Integromat? | C+I 02 - Duration: 2:52.


Private Dick - Duration: 1:13.

That uh... that little 'pea-shooter' you got there... it's awful small, isn't it?

It's... department-issue...

Detective Special.

I guess they don't think you've got anything you need to compensate for.

What about your friend, though?

He even got a dick?

Kid, I am a dick.

A private dick.

A gumshoe.

A hawkshaw.

A sleuth.

A snoop.

I am The Eye That Never Sleeps.

And I'm watching you.

Sam... we're cops.

You're not a private detective, you're a police investigator!

Well, sure... by day.

By night, I...

I like to contribute to society.

OK, I'm like, 99% sure that's not legal...

For more infomation >> Private Dick - Duration: 1:13.


FREE SERIES Get your life & home organised | Part 1 - 3 Quick tips on how to get organised - Duration: 3:44.

Hi I'm Stacey and welcome to part 1 of Busy Mum's Get Organised.

I know you are VERY Busy so I will keep it short so you don't get too overwhelmed...

This video will give you a couple of quick tips to get you started on your organisational


If there is only 1 thing you do today I want you to go make your bed!

Yep that's right make your bed.

If you are already in the habit of doing this each morning then you are already ahead.

Well Done!!

If you don't make your bed each day then today is Day 1 of creating this new habit!

You will find that if your bed is clear of clothes and mess and is made up every morning

each time you walk into your bedroom you feel like you have achieved something in the day.

The next tip I wish to share with you is my all time favourite and BEST EVER TIP.

So listen up!!

Here it is.....

...... I NEVER leave a room empty handed!

That's right, before you leave a room have a quick look and to see if anything needs

to be removed and taken to a different room.... pick it up.

You will be surprised at how much actually gets put away with this very simple method

every day.

For example....

Do you have dirty laundry just thrown on the floor that needs to go to the washing hamper?

Take them to the laundry.

Now when you are in the laundry is there just 1 thing (pile of clean kids clothes folded

ready to put away perhaps?

Are you heading to the baby's room to change a nappy or pop bubs down for a nap?

Take the clothes and pop them away.

Now you are in bubs room look around just 1 thing to go to the next room ....and on

it goes.

Each room you visit.

Just 1 small thing.

Don't go overboard small steps everyday means larger amounts gets done by the end of the



If you are anything like me I tend to wear the same sweatpants and hoodie for a few days

if I am just around the house.

Sometimes if I have changed for just a few hours I don't want to put the clothes away.

(Or find I am rather lazy to put them away) But I also don't want them piled on the bed,

on top of the drawers or hanging over chairs looking unsightly in the bedroom.

That's where I have 2 spare drawers.

1 by the bed side and 1 in the walk-in.

In the bedside drawer I stuff my dressing gown and pjs.

The walk-in robe draw is for worn clothed I can wear again.

This really helps out with the "lazy dumping".

I have also done the same in the kids bed room, and taught them not to get clean clothes

out until they check if they have previously worn ones they can use.

Ok, so I hope this has given you some quick tips on getting motivated.

Don't forget to comment below and let us know why and what you are struggling with to get



So today was pretty simple right?


Comment below and share your challenges.


Make your bed!


NEVER leave a room empty handed.


Clear some drawers to pop away the clothing piles.

Told you it was short!

Thanks for watching now off you go and make that bed!

Don't forget to subscribe so your notified when part 2 is available to get more hints,

tips & hacks on getting organised.

"Wallpaper" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

For more infomation >> FREE SERIES Get your life & home organised | Part 1 - 3 Quick tips on how to get organised - Duration: 3:44.


[Outdoor Stream] Berry met "Man of the G-Star" JakenbakeLIVE at G-STAR 2018! - Duration: 5:24.

WTF did just happen...

"Global Berry"'s talk! Let's find out what she said

(Caption provided by Peter_The_Lazy_Editor)

Streamer JakenbakeLIVE at G-Star 2018 (Busan, Korea)

(Jake_The_Streamer trying to find Berry)

(It's been almost 30 minutes, and he still couldn't find her)

(Guess who that is)

(Here's Berry)


(Berry is done with her G-Star schedule)

(Wow, her English is better than I thought)

(Berry saying they should meet when she visits Japan)

(I hope she understands what he says)

(I guess he is asking if she did cosplay today too)

(She always act weird when she is wearing sunglasses)

(BJ Berry and Streamer Berry are two different people LUL)

(She said right...)

(Berry says she is bad with numbers; poor her)

(Somehow the conversation goes on)

Jake: Many people call you 'Bouncing Berry', you know why?

(Berry is excited because Jake recognized her Gucci shoes)

(Berry's fans asking for autograph)

(Berry_The_Awesome recognized by foreigner streamer too)

(While Berry is doing autograph, Jake and chat discussing about Gucci shoes price)

(Berry is bad at math too...)

(She doesn't know the word 'million')

(She is already planning for next year)

(Berry trying to practice American humor)

(... and that's how the conversation ended)

(Seems like he enjoyed the talk)

Press subscribe and like if you like the video!

(Thanks for watching)

For more infomation >> [Outdoor Stream] Berry met "Man of the G-Star" JakenbakeLIVE at G-STAR 2018! - Duration: 5:24.


Gulab Jamun Pudding Pie | Indian fusion dessert pie 😋 - Duration: 8:47.

This dessert not only looks stunning

it tastes great too!

You'll make everyone happy with this desset

Custard powder (strawberry)

add a little cold mil

mix well

There's cold milk in the saucepan

add in the cornflour milk mix

mix it thoroughly

cook this on low heat

add in sugar

cook stirring continuously

till it

becomes thick

this is ready

turn off the heat

cover it with cling film

like this

so that the film touches the custard

leave it to cool

This is lapsi or broken wheat

wash it well

soak it in water

heat the milk in a broad pan

as the milk starts to warm up

add in the soaked broken wheat

drain it before adding


we have to cook it in the milk

as soon as it starts boiling

it will thicken up

add in condensed milk


The broken wheat is completely cooked

it has combined well with the milk

This has become a nice, thick


Turn off the gas

Add in crushed green cardamom

into it and mix well.

Leave this aside to cool.

Arrowroot biscuits

made into crumbs in a mixer or food processor

icing sugar



add the rest of it

once it has been well combined

it will have wet sand like consistency

smells lovely

Take an 8 inch pie dish

with a loose bottom

makes it easier to get the pie out

Brush it with the left over melted butter

so that while demoulding,

the pie comes out


put the biscuit crumbs into the pie mould

spread it out with the spoon

the press it


to set it in the mould

Take a steel bowl with a flat base

Use it to press

smoothen and set the biscuit base

this step takes time

but the base has to be set firmly

That's ready

rest it in the fridge for 15 mins

Take a piping bag

like this

If you don't have a piping bag

you can use a plastic packet instead

fit in a star tipped icing nozzle

The custard has cooled down

it has set perfectly

give it a mix

this is thicker than the regular custard

Fold the piping bag from the open end


fit it into your hand like so

in this

fill the custard

The custard is thick and creamy

perfect for piping

Keep aside

After 15 mins

take out the pie crust

bake it for 10 to 12 mins

This has baked for 10 mins at 180 C

Keep on wire rack to cool

Completely cooled

We need

the pudding

and chopped roasted almonds

Sprinkle the chopped nuts on the base

these will give a nice bite

Now the pudding

goes over the nuts

spread evenly

Spread it out gently

Keep the pie on a turntable

if you don't have a turntable

you can place it on a tall container

makes decorating an easy job

Now take the custard in the piping bag

and start piping stars along the edge

Like this

Make a second row

Cut 4 to 5 Gulab Jamuns in half

Take the Gulab Jamun halves

and place them on these 8 stars

Keep it in the fridge for 2 to 3 hours

to set completely

Just got it out of the fridge

Take a container or bowl

that is

smaller in diameter than the pie

Place the pie

on the container

Now loosen the ring mould

carefully, pressing with your fingers

press with your thumbs

It will come off


Arrange the pie on the table

cut it in front of your guests

before serving.

You will get 8 servings.

For more infomation >> Gulab Jamun Pudding Pie | Indian fusion dessert pie 😋 - Duration: 8:47.


Modified DualShock4 Production record [Second part] Store only one controller in Laptop type PS4. - Duration: 26:15.

Fabrication of integrated PS4's controller (Second part)

Making a controller for housing in an integrated PS4(PS4U). It is the second part.

If you are not watching the first part, please watch it.

Yes. Last time I made around the operation panel.

I was not convinced by the tacky of around the grip. The movie ended there.

I want to do something, but after all I do not get a good idea.

There is no point in sticking to one problem for a long time, so let's proceed., I decided to leave around the stick once.

Switching feelings, relocating SHARE/OPTIONS buttons and headset jack.

Making this part

Two tact switches and a stereo jack(4pin) were soldered to the cut board.

...And, this is a self-made screw hole for fixing the board and the body.

How to make self-made screw hole.

Preparing an acrylic cylinder. It is sold at the DIY store.

Cutting it to an appropriate length ...

Bonding masking tape to the bottom.

A few drops of resin mixed powder and liquid...

In advance, a small amount of lubricated screws are inserted quickly.

Waitting for the resin to cure. It takes time because it does not touch the outside air.

After completion of curing, turn the screw and pull out. If it forgot to apply oil, it is hard to turn.

Then bond the self-made screw hole to the body.

The substrate could be fixed.

A transparent acrylic board which becomes a button is cut out. It has a button hole according to it.

Sorry for the out-of-focus blur.

This is an acrylic board with "Neck" in the center.

It is sandwiched between the body and the headset jack.

Putting a button on it.

"Neck" will tarnish, it will function like this.

...Yes. SHARE/OPTIONS buttons has been made. This ends the button surface once.

Then install a screw hole to fix the DS4 main unit and the top body.

Making a screw hole in the same way as above.

Screw hole in 5 places total.

Depending on how the button is pressed, the height of the screw hole is carefully adjusted.

Let's make side of the top body.

Making this part

First, determine the thickness of the body.

This line of L1R1 button.

Exchanging the Leutor bit for the diamond cutter.

This is expensive, but very useful.

Accuracy is not necessary now. Just cutting it.

Next is bottom. Headset Jack side panel is cut out.

The size is lazy. Later cutting and adjusting.

Jack's hole has been precisely adjusted. Now that is OK.


Dimensions of the depth are determined by cutting this line.

The panel was bonded vertical to the button face. This "vertical" is not lazy.

Lazy part. High accuracy part. Learning that judgment is a way to progress.

Next, left and right sides. Docking rail guide with PS4U is necessary here.

First of all, 8 pieces of 1.5mm thick acrylic board were cut out.

Aluminum rods to serve as rails are prepared. The thickness of the aluminum rod is 3mm.

Acrylic boards are adhered to "U-shaped" so as to surround aluminum rods.

It is not hard. It is not loose. I am adjusting.

Polished with a Leutor and file...

It is the completion of the rail guide.

This incision is...

The alignment position of the rail guide.

Also determine the horizontal width according to the rail guide.

Cutting at the marked place.

The upper end makes it easier to put fingers on LR...

Cutting a little diagonally.

Panels on left and right sides.

It is bent by a soldering iron.

Adhesive left and right side · · ·

Cutting at the same height as the top.

The gaps of the panel are filled with resin. Be careful not to let the resin enter the rail guide.

Polished to prepare the surface...

The left and right side including the rail guide was made.

Next, arrange the mating surface with the bottom side body which does not exist yet.

From the marking of the cutting line, a little margin. can you see it?

"Rough surface by Leutor cutting" with this margin horizontally.

Rubbing on sandpaper.

...However, if it becomes accurate level with this, no one will suffer.

This method which is orthodox when manually leveling out...

Actually, it can not expect high accuracy.

Hand shake, internal stress, variation of friction points... The movement is very diagonal.

When expressed over, it looks like this.

For example, a frictional force applied to the front oblique with respect to the traveling direction...

It's just a car pitch movement.

That's not all.

Movement rubbing the edge by hand shake...

The horizontal is slack, the edge is round. Mechanical silhouette will be blurred.

What will happen then?

A handmade feeling appears.

When forming a face in this way, it must be careful with great care.

Therefore, the cutting surface of a new acrylic board cut off by the machine is precious. And...

I cut out the four sides around and save it for use.

This is when the handy cut surfaces are aligned.

This is when the machine cut surfaces are aligned. It is so different.

And the best new cut surface is...

Used for places where absolute accuracy can not be lost, such as seams bodies.

Seams are particularly noticeable. Especially when it becomes a large body.

There is a person who says PS4U "It seems to be a ready-made item."

I am pleased that I felt that such poverty-stricken efforts were successful.

...even so


So, this way. Processing to lazy will degrade accuracy. That.

Due to the procedural problem of making, it was impossible to use a new cut surface for this top face body. This method without any help.

··Yes. Next, the bottom body.

Making this part

Bottom body has light bar and USB with complicated structure...

...Well, what shall I do. At last the hand stopped.

The hand stopped, the sun had gone. The sun had gone by, but I am deeply thinking, so deeply...

What and where to put it. How about the procedure? How is it made?

The trigger for resumption was extraction of materials.

I decided to procure the mounter of light bar/USB unit and use it.

It would be difficult to model this...

Two acrylic boards are joined together so as to surround the extracted material.

DS4 remodeling machine Aiming at the world's thinnest, the extracted material is also being processed more compactly.

The lens cover of light bar.

The LED passes through the board.

The light bar reflector.

Temporarily assembling them...

Fitting it like this.

...With top side panel.

Since the LR button has a mechanical height, it is difficult to make it thinner any further.

...Then, next. I will continue making the side of the body.

Making this part

Here, luxuriously, using the machined surface of the example. If it can be used in the procedure of production it is done as such.

Temporarily fix 3 panels.

About horizontal with the side face of the top. That is exactly.

And its side faces are adhered to each other. Carefully not to adhere to the top body.

Adhesion is complete.

Tips is bent.

The resin is attached thickly to the joint between the panels...

Form with a Leutor and file.

The tip part bent is...

Naturally, high accuracy is not obtained by bending with a soldering iron.

Again over expression. Slightly, it is outward.

In that case, we can correct the accuracy of the bent portion by polishing it.

The tip part with such face aligned.

Next, cutting obliquely.

It is the same as the slope of this upper panel.

Carefully align the surface with the top surface body and fix it temporarily.

Adhesion is complete.

Forming an adhesive portion.

Next opening the light bar and the USB window.

Yes, it's opened.

Since the slopes of the panels are uneven, naturally, gaps are formed around this.

Shaping it to fill the gap. Adjustment in millimeters or less.

Track accuracy. That is really troublesome.

Hmm... like this.

This line becomes the total height of DS4B...

Just to be sure, the height of the side was also aligned.

A vibration motor is mounted in these spaces.

However, the other side of the feather is decorated. It becomes slightly unstable when mounted as it is.

So I made a lazy spacer. The invisible part is a tear-off work.

Processed by cutting 0.5mm thick PVC board.

While lightly adhering this to the motor with a little double-sided tape...

Apply rubber type adhesive on the front side. Resin adhesion to PVC is impossible.

Before the adhesive dries quickly it sticks to the body side.

When pulling out when the adhesive dries...

The small double-sided tape peels off, only the spacer is fixed to the body.

This is a way to complete alignment and adhesion in one go.

Method of fixing vibration motor. I made the stay and fixed the screw.

With this, the internal construction is almost done.

Let's go back to body production.

Making this part

Since the height of the periphery of the motor was also decided, we will narrow down the bottom body.

I cut it with this line.

This is an acrylic board to be the bottom plate. Cutting out to a larger size...

I will attach it to the side which its made earlier.

It is glued with too much resin.

Roughly scrape off the extra using a rutherf...

In addition, scraping with a file...

It was molded with sandpaper.

Material is not stable...

These projections seal motion.

If closed, it will be fixed like this.

A guide is provided to prevent the two bodies from shifting.

The final shape gradually became visible.

...I like this angle.

The side like a trapezoid is somewhat distinctive.

Next I will make screw holes to secure the two bodies together.

There are 4 screw holes in total.

I would like to reproduce the deep screw hole that is often seen in game controllers.

If do not do this, the finish like a product will be lost.

Acrylic cylinder cut obliquely...

Total 4 places. It is set vertical to the button face.

Enlarging the hole so that the screw passes.

Like this.

Cutting the acrylic cylinder to the same height as this surface.

Next, an acrylic board cut into a circle is prepared...

It adheres to the tip of the cylinder.

...And a hole is made so as to be the same as the diameter of the screw thread.

Looking from the front side like this.

Its deep... Do not you understand well with this?

Next is the top side body on the opposite side. This side is a scalpel screw.

A screw hole made by the example method. It is extended with an acrylic cylinder.

About the height of extension. It is necessary to adjust so that a slight gap is formed when the body is closed.

After adjusting, attach a lot of resin...

Before the resin dries, the body is closed and fixed exactly with tape.

This also performs alignment and adhesion at once.

It is completed when the resin cures.

There is one more gimmick to leave...

It is a switch that seals the vibration motor when PS4U and DS4B are integrated.

It is better not to vibrate during storage.

Making this part

Let's make a sealing switch for the vibration motor.

This is a waste material at the time of making Famicom Pocket of my mods. It is a shield board of the Game Boy.

It is thin and easy to process. Moreover, it is possible to solder. Such a shield board is useful.

Cutting out the contact point of the switch...

Combined with acrylic board, made it like this.

It usually conducts electricity.

When pressing the center switch...

The connection is cut off and electricity is not transmitted to the vibration motor.

This switch is fixed to the bottom body with claws and screws.

When integrated, this is pushed.

Also, I set a plate for scratch protection. It is in the groove provided on the bottom.

The plate is made of aluminum in this image, but it is finally changed to acrylic board.

Well, let's finish remaining wiring work...

The DS4B components are complete.

With this knowledge of the dimensions of the controller, it is finally possible to start making the PS4U body.

Various tests before that.

I will test wired communication and charging. It works properly.

Game play test on wireless.

Alright... All right! It certainly is working.

Although it seemed to be distressed many times during the production, was able to achieve it.

After that, when PS4U main body is completed, I will make final molding together.

Currently, the sharp corner of the controller is stuck in my hand and it hurts! lol

He smiled innocently and said so, and then went back to the production room again to produce the PS4U body.

What is waiting for him there. It was far harder to make controller than before.

It is the days of despair wrapped up in sweat and dust and conflict. To endure, such as everyday to endure.

The date and time passed. Everyone has forgotten about him any more.

Still he came back.

But his appearance changed, the impression of that innocent smile had disappeared. And what lives in his heart...


Crappy...! This molding is truly crappy.

Especially here!!

Does think that it will solve if digging all the grooves?

Bordering around the stick is effective! ...Baby knows that as well.

Use grip for 3DS! Why not utilize more ready-made items?

Hmm! ...Its got a little better. Stupid!!


...brat! fought back me.

...Fought back on me with a sharp corner.

Giving an attack on me. ...not bad!

But that trifling attack made me angry. You will regret it in the afterlife.

Eat it...!


The fool!!

You should have had it round like a cat from the beginning!


Bored already...?

It's a setting called "Evil Kei" ...

Ah... Is not it fun? Alright.


Apparently, as I approached the end of editing, I tend to be desperate. Always keep in mind that before editing "I will try to edit seriously only this time"

Well, Let's go back to the real theme.

Rounding the corner by SHUN - GOKU -! It was molded with various files.

Like the part of the stick, the LR part of the poor texture was also bordered.

Finally small scratches and gaps. A part such as a small corner is carefully molded with resin and light curing putty.

About the work after this. That was said in a previous video of the main part.

Rinse off oil with neutral detergent...

Substrate painting.

Color painting.

Mat urethane painting.

And pasting label seal and plate.

Assemble in order...

DS4B is completed.

I tried shooting from various angles.

By the way ... There is a little supplement.

The only function that did not port to DS4B. It is the EXT terminal beside the headset jack.

Currently, it seems that the EXT terminal is used only for the charging station, so it has been omitted.

First of all, since the PS4U main unit also serves as a charging stand.


This time I mainly explained my work on acrylic board construction.

The invisible place is lazy. The visible place is nervous.

Allotment of such resources is a way to preserve my motivation over the long term.

Afterwards ... to go to the workbench even if disagreeable work. If skip over too much in most cases the project will be abandoned.

In short, what matters is not technology or knowledge. They are not necessary for such as cardboard craft.

If you do it several times, you get used to getting the point. It's true.

What is more important than that is the consent of the family and the feeling that will do it...

About such mental...



Ah. Is this?

This is DualShock4. Brand new.

Because I do not want to use DS4B. Because it made it with great care.

Corner will wear out if used. The stick also deteriorates.

...Yes. I'm sorry.

Finally, a recent report.

It is in the midst of buying the parts of MOD of the next work now. In this way, they arriving one after another.

Inside of this, the parts of the next and next work MOD are also mixed.

I feel troubled by the feelings just going ahead.

Other than that... After all, I bought an anniversary collection.

I pulled out arcade controller from my parents house...

...However, arcade controller for PS3 does not move perfectly.

Is this something I have to buy for PS 4 if I want to use arcade controller?

Is it appropriate to invest in additional to play this?

Every time I update the hardware I also update expensive arcade controller?

I am saddened by the public's "fighting game away", as I am, such a current situation is tough.

...That is why I am remodeling this for PS4 now.

There may not be much demand, but maybe the content of the next movie will be this.

However, arcade controller remodeling has a part suitable for the entrance of "modified hobby".

I myself used a soldering iron in places other than school classes, it was arcade controller remodeling. That is the beginning.

Certainly, I modified for Super Famicom for 3DO. After all I still wanted to play SSF2Turbo.

It is an old story for over 20 years.

I hope to create a video directed to those who wish to start such a "modified hobby".

Well then...

It got longer.

Thank you for viewing this time too.

For more infomation >> Modified DualShock4 Production record [Second part] Store only one controller in Laptop type PS4. - Duration: 26:15.


ENG CC] 신부 웨딩 셀프 스탬핑 네일아트 단아한 블링블링 디자인 | 2018 Bridal Wedding Self Nails - DIY - Stamp Nail Art - Duration: 6:35.

The stamp plate that I will use today is

called "Fancy Lover 01" from Pueen

and I used this plate

on the last video for French style nail art.

There are a lot of beautiful images

on this plate

so I will use this plate again

for wedding bridal nail art.

Shall we start?

Apply your favorite base coat first.

I'm using CND sticky base coat now.

I will use these two nail polish colors

to make a good match with

white wedding dress.

They will bring out soft yet classy nail design.

This classy gray color is a 'Greycian Goddess' from L'oreal

and this soft light pink color

is a 'Be There in a Prosecco' from O.P.I.

I will apply gray color only on my ring finger nail.

I will wear 2 coats for today's polishes.

I just finished with applying 2 coats of polishes.

Now, I am waiting for my nails to get dry

for a couple minutes.

While I am waiting,

I put some liquid latex on my fingers.

Ok, let's play with stamp plate!

I'm gonna use this

blue gray colored nail stamping polish

to match with my ring finger color.

I will use a clear stamper today

since I need to see exactly where

my image is landing on my nails.

For my middle finger,

I stamp this image on my nail

I repeat the same image on my index finger nail.

This image is a perfect size for my pinky nail.

All images on this plate have pretty thick lines

so I won't cover my whole nail with stamping

but leave some space

to show this beautiful creamy pink color.

Now let me stamp this flower image for my thumb nail.

Now it is time to attach some

sparkling crystal rhinestones.

I'm gonna use 3 different top coats today.

The first one is a great top coat for stamping nails

and it prevents stamped images from smearing.

I will apply rhinestones on my middle and index finger nails.

I want my ring finger nail to look fancy

so I will apply this hologram powder

from Born Pretty onto my nail

to give more shine on the background color.

I apply same top coat over the hologram powder

and before it gets dry,

I place some crystal

and caviar beads diagonally on the nail.

The second top coat that I will use today is

Seche Vite

and I apply this for all of my nails

to seal crystal rhinestones.

Now take liquid latex off

and clean my fingers with 100% pure acetone.

The last top coat is a matte top coat

and it will give my nails a softer look.

This top coat instantly transforms my nails into a matte

finish right after I apply.

I shouldn't touch

crystal beads with this matte brush

so carefully apply without touching crystals.

I love this matte finish with today's design.

How is it?

The matte finish gives different feelings from the shiny finish, right?

The matte finish is definitely a good choice

for today's bridal wedding nail art.

I focus on wedding themed nail art today

but I think it is also good to wear casually.

I really wish you to try fun

and easy stamp nail art!

For more infomation >> ENG CC] 신부 웨딩 셀프 스탬핑 네일아트 단아한 블링블링 디자인 | 2018 Bridal Wedding Self Nails - DIY - Stamp Nail Art - Duration: 6:35.


[Eng] FGO - Emiya Kiritsugu My Room Lines Translation - Duration: 5:18.

More dirty work…


That's how it always is.

[Dialogue 1] This is no time to be slacking.

Let's go.

[Dialogue 2] If you have a good plan, I'll at least listen to it.

[Dialogue 3] Caution, attention to detail, and no idle chatter.

I'm sure you can manage that much.

[Things he like] Things I like?

Let me see…

Sometimes I want to eat sweet things.

[Things he dislike] Things I dislike?

That goes without saying.

I feel nothing but disgust at those who ignore the hard facts and think they can save the world with pretty words.

[Holy Grail] The Holy Grail?

I'll tell you now that nothing good can come of it.

Well, see for yourself.

[Event] Something's unusual.

We should check it out.

[Bond 1] I don't know your circumstances, and I don't care to hear them.

In any case, I'll fulfill my obligations as a Servant.

That should be enough.

[Bond 2] You're going to save the world?

For your own good, you should abandon any naive notions you still carry.

[Bond 3] I know people who have… repeated this futile endeavor over and over.

Who, you ask?

Well, who indeed…?

[Bond 4] How odd…

I never thought I could hit it off with idiots like you.

[Bond 5] No matter what miracles might occur, my state… my sins will never change.

But you… you might be someone who can accomplish the things that I wasn't able to.

[Birthday] Have you ever regretted that you were born?

Aren't you mistaking me for someone else?

Don't get ahead of yourself.

Proceed with caution.

It's hot in here…

I'm taking my hood off.

What are you looking at me like that for?

Don't expect too much from me.

Kiritsugu: In the end, this is all I'm capable of.

An Assassin Servant.

That this is the fate of a hero of justice is a black comedy, indeed.

Irisviel: Kiritsugu.

Even if my voice doesn't reach you, I will always…

[Battle Start 1] Let's clean this up quickly.

[Battle Start 2] I'll end you here.

[Skill 1] One can never be too careful.

[Skill 2] Too late.

[Attack Selected 1] Yeah.

[AS 2] I see.

[AS 3] Understood.

[NP Selected] Let's shuffle the cards.

[Attack 1] Over here.

[Attack 2] What a shame.

[Attack 3] Hmph.

[Extra] Sorry, you're finished.

[NP] Now, can you keep up with me?

Chronos Rose. (Pick Ye Rosebuds While Ye May)

[Damage 1] Damn it…!

[Damage 2] Kuh!

[Defeat 1] Ah… finally.

[Defeat 2] I underestimated them… in the end.

[Battle Finish 1] Target Clear!

[Battle Finish 2] You think me a coward?

That'll be your downfall.

[Level Up] All right.

For more infomation >> [Eng] FGO - Emiya Kiritsugu My Room Lines Translation - Duration: 5:18.


30 most common phrasal verbs in English |Group verbs|How to use |top |make - Duration: 19:50.

For more infomation >> 30 most common phrasal verbs in English |Group verbs|How to use |top |make - Duration: 19:50.


[MMDxSelf-model] Tuý Âm (Happy Teacher's Day in Vietnam) - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> [MMDxSelf-model] Tuý Âm (Happy Teacher's Day in Vietnam) - Duration: 1:59.


Chelsea vs Everton on TV: What channel is Chelsea vs Everton on today? - Duration: 3:06.

 Chelsea star Eden Hazard has spoken out about the rough treatment doled out by his opponents ahead of the clash with Everton this afternoon

 "I am not happy to be fair, but it's part of football," Hazard said. "The referee tries to do his job and I try to do mine

I guess when I am on the floor I can win free-kicks so every free-kick with Chelsea is a chance to score more goals

 "I'm 27 now and starting to get older, so I have to take more care of my body. "I am feeling the wear and tear

I have been playing football as a professional for more than 10 years now. It is part of the game, I guess

 "I will just start with more treatment and training. I have been doing yoga since I have been at Chelsea

"Chelsea vs Everton - how to watch The Premier League clash will be shown live on Sky Sports Main Event and Sky Sports Premier League

 Pre-match coverage gets underway at 1pm ahead of kick-off at 2.15pm. Existing Sky Sports customers will be able to stream the action via the Sky Go app, which can be downloaded across a host of devices

 Fans without a subscription can still live stream the match by purchasing a NOW TV sports pass

 Day Passes start at £7.99 and give you 24 hours of access to Sky Sports channels without locking into a contract

Chelsea vs Everton team news Chelsea: Arrizabalaga, Azpilicueta, Rudiger, Luiz, Alonso, Kante, Jorginho, Kovacic, Willian, Morata, Hazard

 Subs: Fabregas, Caballero, Giroud, Zappacosta, Christensen, Barkley, Pedro. Everton: Pickford, Coleman, Keane, Mina, Digne, Andre Gomes, Gueye, Walcott, Sigurdsson, Bernard, Richarlison

 Subs: Baines, Jagielka, Tosun, Stekelenburg, Davies, Calvert-Lewin, Lookman.Chelsea vs Everton latest odds Chelsea 4/11 Draw 4/1 Everton 8/1 (Odds courtesy of Betfair)

For more infomation >> Chelsea vs Everton on TV: What channel is Chelsea vs Everton on today? - Duration: 3:06.


Portal Stories mel - Duration: 40:02.

For more infomation >> Portal Stories mel - Duration: 40:02.


Arsenal news: Martin Tyler reveals what he has heard about Unai Emery - Duration: 2:37.

 That is according to Sky Sports' legendary Premier League commentator Martin Tyler

 Emery became Arsenal head coach in the summer, replacing Arsene Wenger at the Emirates

 The Spaniard has had a successful start to his reign with the Gunners currently on a run of 16 games unbeaten in all competitions

 Arsenal sit fifth in the Premier League table, have qualified for the knockout stages of the Europa League, and are in the quarter-finals of the Carabao Cup

 Tyler admits it was a tough task for Emery to replace Wenger, who had been at the helm for almost 22 years

 However, he reckons the former Paris Saint-Germain boss has got what it takes to have a successful time in north London

 And Tyler also revealed a difference he's heard about between Emery and his predecessor

 "He has made a very good start to the task of succeeding Arsene Wenger," Tyler said

 "From what I gather, his attention to detail is outstanding. "He is also quite prepared to raise his voice when things aren't going well, even Arsene will admit that was not his strongest suit

 "For all the difficulty at the end of the Wenger reign he will go down as one of the Premier League's greatest managers

 "Unai Emery has the track record to suggest that he can make a really big impact

" Despite their unbeaten run, Arsenal have drawn four of their last five matches. They will look to return to winning ways this Sunday when they visit Bournemouth

 Eddie Howe's Bournemouth side are currently one place below Arsenal in the Premier League table

 Victory would put the Cherries within a point of their opponents after 13 games.

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Martin Tyler reveals what he has heard about Unai Emery - Duration: 2:37.


박지원 "대통령 지지율 하락 '이영자 현상'…반문연대 옳지 않아" - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 박지원 "대통령 지지율 하락 '이영자 현상'…반문연대 옳지 않아" - Duration: 2:52.


心理测试:4面墙,哪面墙后有惊喜?秒测你会有什么东西失而复得 - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:4面墙,哪面墙后有惊喜?秒测你会有什么东西失而复得 - Duration: 7:24.








A Fazenda 10: João Zoli, Rafael Ilha e Léo Stronda estão na roça, Quem Deve Sair? - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10: João Zoli, Rafael Ilha e Léo Stronda estão na roça, Quem Deve Sair? - Duration: 1:24.





Salud - Depresión en Adultos Mayores - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Salud - Depresión en Adultos Mayores - Duration: 2:57.


Cauã confirma namoro - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Cauã confirma namoro - Duration: 1:00.


Salen CUARTA y QUINTA Caravana Migrante desde El Salvador #Tijuana #CaravanaMigrante - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Salen CUARTA y QUINTA Caravana Migrante desde El Salvador #Tijuana #CaravanaMigrante - Duration: 1:47.


DATE NIGHT DISASTER ?! | Keke & Me | *Mum Vlogger* - Duration: 7:43.

In my feelings by Drake (Cover) from Tim Bautista Music

Tep: Whose that?

Kim: Thats you!

Kim: So Guys we're gonna be playing bowling

it's just us two tonight because Keanu (Keke) is in Blackett with Teps parents

So lets see how we go, we're at kicks at Parramatta Leagues Club

Really excited!

Last time was a fail because

I even lost to Keanu

Tep: to Keanu, seriously (laughing)

Akiliz by Amara Brown (playing in the background)

music still playing


















Kim: Oooh so close!

"That was legitness kid" meme



Whats up?!

So guys, he won fair and square, I have to admit it

Sad meme song playing

Teps: Don't even know why you're surprised

Kim: I suck soo bad :(

Teps: Yeah soo bad! Keanu would've beaten you

Teps: It is what it is

Kim: You're gonna learn today. We're gonna go play some pool

and hopefully I whoop his a**

Teps: giving her shot at redemption

Teps: pool table, that's her game apparently

Kim: I did not say that, actually pool table is his game because he played it in school playing for years

Teps: I never said that


Teps: you know, I feel like today I didn't perform to the best of my ability

but I got the job done, even though I wasn't able to get the ball to go straight down the line

Teps: a win is a win though

Teps: just checking the time

Teps: Lets Gooooo!

A Storm on A Summers Day - Full Crate ft. Gaidaa playing ...

and he specifically asked me to record it be cause he thought he would get it in, shame! (laughing)

so I'm pretty sure Teps won,

Kim: I'm losing at everything-- Teps: I'm on fire baby

Teps: bowling, pool table, basketball, what else?

Kim: get over yourself

Kim: play something else

Kim: oohh no!

Teps: ohh what?!

we hope you had a lovely day

and thanks for watching

we hope you guys like comment and subscribe to our channel!

Kim: See ya! Bye! Teps: Bye-bye!

Same theme song for intro (In my feelings cover by TIM BAUTISTA)

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