Hey guys this John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time
with me here today. As you can see I am NOT on the screen today and there's a
reason for that I want you guys to see exactly everything I'm going to show you
in this continuing series of assembling and this is going to be send lane part
to the email marketing responder system so that's why you can look at my ugly
mug right there on the acquired Liberty comm website which I strongly encourage
you to go visit I you know want to learn a little bit more about me you can check
my about page check my blog page I try to update that every so often with some
important stuff and the resources page is phenomenal in my personal opinion I
wish someone has a resource pages like that when I got started into the
business and if for any reason you feel the need or want the need to go you know
contact me fill out the contact form and I'll get back with you as soon as I
possibly can but before we continue on our send lean adventure I'd like you to
subscribe to our You Tube channel click on a little bell notification so every
time I make an upload you'll get to see it first and if you want to learn how to
make money from home if you want to generate a full-time income a part-time
income or you want to go soups you know crazy super fast accelerate to six and
seven figures click the link below on the bottom of
the description it's the first line in the description you'll get to watch a
free video there and that shows you how I got started along with thousands of
other people and gave them the ability to work from home full-time I strongly
encourage this there's no better program on the planet and I want you guys to
have a piece of the pie alright guys let me further adieu let's get started back
to San Lane calm now in our last video I showed you how to sign up you get a
14-day free trial you know you have to give your credit card because you know
after the 14 days are up they do charge you I think for the basic account it's
around $25 which actually isn't bad for everything send Lane gives you okay but
here we are back at our dashboard and this is where we left off last time I
kind of showed you how to set up your lists which is down here I showed
you how I set up my you know I think it was my LM WF or the the a are they're
basically the same thing and I showed you what you got to do to fill out a
list how you get things set up you know the contact information the email all
that kind of fun stuff right I showed you how to do that today I want to show
you a little bit more about campaigns now campaigns now you can see my last
campaign I sent with semolina here was back on October 12 2000 18 that's when I
was actually right at the end of my transition into going into get response
and campaigns are basically if you go on Aweber I believe they're called
broadcasts if you're on get response they're called newsletters campaigns or
what you create when you just want to send something out to your email list
you know impromptu let's just say you find this perfect product you want to
get it out to hear your email list right now what you would do is just generate
an email okay which would be called newsletter or I'm sorry a campaign and
send lane and you would create a new email for them and you could basically
throw it out immediately there's no autoresponders involved
someone doesn't have to opt-in you basically just want to you know keep in
touch with people on your list okay now the last one I send out here I'm going
to show you basically how to make a campaign okay now this is actually
really really simple stuff I'm gonna show you two things okay first I want to
show you how to create a campaign from scratch and basically create a whole new
email for your list okay create a campaign name your campaign now name
your campaign is all for you okay you don't need to this isn't for your
customers how you ever want to describe it so let's just say you know oh gosh
you know I don't remember what the last list number was that I was that I had
here but just for the sake of argument let's just say this was my 200th
campaign that I was sending out to my email list in sin Lane so I would label
it my 200th you know campaign slash newsletter slash
broadcast people like to generally keep track of things they do so the best way
to do that is obviously numerically so let's just say I found a new product and
I and I want to make something up and say you know okay I found a way to make
an additional $500 $500 per day all right
I like capital sometimes and all right interested interested right so this
would be my newsletter number 200 I found a way to make an additional 500
dollars per day interested so what I would do is this would be the subject
that they're going to see but I wouldn't put the 200 in there okay because the
name for my campaign is just simply for me
you could personalize it if you like so let's just say you know I want to
personalize it you got all these options here for personalization and keep in
mind this is generally how you could create your autoresponders as well it is
the way you basically do it so if you want to make an automated list of your
emails it's the same exact procedure all the way down but here you know Semele
gives you the option you know subscriber first name so someone's giving you their
first name and your email list let's just say it's you know John John
whatever so say Joan I found a way them you know make an additional five dollars
per day you're interested it would put their first name there I don't know why
you'd want to put their last name in there if you unless it's you know
something very professional like mister so-and-so or mrs. so-and-so you can put
their full name subscriber email I don't know why you'd want to do that
I'm sure there's specific reasons why but it gives you all these ways that you
can actually personalize each email for each individual on your list which is
pretty awesome actually but I'm not going to do that today
so what I would do here is I would hit next and I always check what lists I
want this to go to now some I didn't show you this yesterday but in my list I
have you know the LM AR which is basically empty because I started with
autumn adil responders the automation and I didn't do workflow and then
someone told me do a workflow so I did I answered about you know 90 emails into
two different sections because I was still learning but I basically do
everything with LM WF so basically what you could do is you choose all lists now
if you notice here join my LM team so that you whoever is on my team right my
legendary marketer team I could specifically don't email them let's just
say I want to email I want to give this skinny I want to give the in to the
people who are on my list already my campaign people okay well let's just
keep this for everybody just for the sake of argument boom
highlight them all they're all checked going on here you hit next then all of a
sudden you have all these options here you have my templates pre-designed start
from scratch now the videos you see on YouTube generally I always say start
from scratch and they have incenting get response and as far as I know ad Weber
they all have pre-designed ones now let's just go through them real quick
here now I have my templates and basically what a temple it is is an
email that you've already created that you've decided to save as a template and
I'll show you that as well now these are some of my templates alright now I have
video template video template what I actually do a lot of is I like to let
people know of the latest YouTube videos that I present it that give information
about how to make money different ways to make money online right so what I do
is I every time I do it I update my video template to whether it's improved
or this that and the other thing and I'll always take the latest one like I
could delete a lot of these here but what's the latest one I have nine seven
nine eleven nine seventeen so this one here is probably the last one that I
updated when I was working with sin Lane so normally what I would do is I would
be you know if I wasn't showing you guys this that would hit select and I would
start with that preview right there and just fill in the information where
needed and you know it'd be done probably within you know a minute or two
and here I mean a template here just for text them a little bit of picture and
same thing here if I want to send somebody something where video is not
involved for example but let's go back to template options now here are some of
the send lane options that you have for pre design I I think I try to use there
were one of them here that I used once actually look at look at all the options
they have here they have them for the holidays as well which is really awesome
Merry Christmas so this is a great time if you want to you know ascend ahead you
know happy holidays or thanks get happy Thanksgivings or if you want whatever
you want to do ever the case may be there's a lot of awesome templates that
all these autoresponders or email marketing services give you okay look at
there Steven here happy Memorial Day so I mean there are a lot of options here
for you to actually start off from scratch with your email marketing
autoresponder let's go back to one I just wanted to give you the guys this
option let's go back to template options and then there's the infamous and most
popular start from scratch okay and we'll start that one for today this is
just to give you idea begin designing your email okay now basically here
you're in the send lane back office you're right you're making an email from
scratch okay and one of the first things you're gonna have to do a lot of people
like to justify their email like when you open up your email folks whether it
be in in you know on credit mail or in Thunderbird or in Gmail or I'll look
Express or you know outlook itself depending on how you want to present
your email you have a lot of options now you can go to justify left right see how
that moved to the left and then you have the center I used to do everything to
the left I've since then changed and I liked everything to the center now
whether it was the end when I was finishing up using sin Lane and I want
to get response I like kind of thing centered in the page for some reason I
just I find that attractive now so what I do here let's just say I take I paste
here this is this was the subject line what I like to do is read
what this is about and I'll hit the the bold button here and I'll just kind of
make that a little bit bigger and this is how you make it bigger boom boom boom
boom a little too big one thing I found about San lien it actually has a lot of
awesome options on it but I like the little arrows I think that get response
has where you can kind of you know hit it one individually and not depend on
the slider rule I kind of find it hard sometimes to manage found a way start by
clicking and dragging sections okay let me delete that so now basically I could
start typing here but I want to show you some of the ins and outs of working with
San lien in your back-office now you have your content sections okay and then
you have these sections here it's it kind of gives you an option about how
you want to break things up which is actually one of the reasons why I like
San lien because if you're new and you're inexperienced you haven't really
used any of these things before suddenly it's really easy so let's just say
here's my title or my subject line I have it at the top it has people's
attention let's just say I want to write make three columns here just for the
sake of argument and I want to put an image here I want a button here and
let's just say I want to put another image over here okay now for the sake of
argument here I'm going to show you guys some of the images I have here these are
all basically my video stuff my editing let me get that down here a little bit
more just for the sake of argument let's just say this will be one of my videos
coming out actually I think I did this one today
sorry guys so it gives you the the you know an image here you can have a you
can set up a button here let's click on that button and see what happens here
now trying to see can you justify okay when you hit the justified button down
here oh okay controls the size of your button
you see I'm learning as I go along with you guys so you have all these options
down here vertical spacing so you can make your but
go that far down with okay that's interesting what I would like to do now
see this is the thing that kind of drives me crazy when you get stuff like
this like I personally would like more control and I found this now with just
sending with a lot of other ones I found you want to like put this button down in
the center for example it makes it look nice and neat but let me just like throw
another picture in here real quick just for the sake argument see how though the
pictures fill in the whole box and you can actually adjust each picture to how
big you want it to be right same thing with this one you got your full your
full amount there you can make it smaller this thing the other thing see
it looks nice where the button here I'm not sure let me let me try something
here I'm not experimenting with you guys here
hold on a second and I'll see that won't work what I was
thinking is if I could add something to the top here where I could push that
button down so I could make it put it right in the middle right here see this
one what us oh yes it will I'll not won't hold on space come on yes it will
now check this out all right you can do it
see guys the thing I actually want to show you not so much
anyone could put throw a text box in here right let me just throw another box
in here just for the sake of argument text boom you start typing your text in
here right saying um how would you guys like oops
to earn an extra 500 dollars per day question mark right well
I have the answer for you click this link below and watch the free video to
to this amazing program alright so I could type something like click here ah
alright you highlight it actually what I'll do is I'll take a link from my from
my legendary marketer program and I'll just say take this link alright copy Oh
copy then you can go to back here you just highlight it right highlight it in
blue you go to your little link button there boom put your little Europe your
URL in there hit submit and now it's a link right but I like to make things pop
so what I would do in this case is I go to this box here crank it up to red all
the way submit bold it and probably make it a little bit bigger boom right so
here you go I mean this is just options guys this is not going to be like
concrete and what you should do or you know anything like that I want to get
you guys familiar and comfortable with the fact that this stuff is really easy
to manage it's easy to work and this is how you basically would create a new
email for a campaign broadcast slash newsletter this actually looks goofy to
me boom boom boom boom boom boom no I want to Center that because
okay that looks a little bit better but you guys get the hint these are all the
options and see what you can do here is you can actually see how high it
underlines if you do that you can actually put it under line under there
anyway right and what you could do here with the button you go over here to your
link post that in there there's my link for that and I could actually change the
color for my buttons I always like red Red's an attention-getter right I like
the white everything's good so now click on that you can see down here in the
bottom corner when a highlights up you can see the links in there right now you
have you know this isn't something I send out I'm just trying to show you
guys the options that you have as far as creating an email really quickly okay so
but the thing about this is I don't think copy content let's put the text on
the top let's see if I could do that
paste yes I can it makes a little bit more sense so now I can put the text on
top you can manipulate this any way you want and what I'm going to do for you is
I'm going to show you exactly well first let me preview this you preview it and
it shows you when you preview it what it would look like if someone actually got
now see just at the top of my head this is not something I'm going to send to
anybody because it's crazy right but see how this is like gap there's not a gap
here I kind of like that don't like that that looks I would have to go back and
change that this kind of shows you what your your email would look like in a
mobile phone for example so let's close that I would go over here boom just
click that so we have that space there and let's just preview it again see it
looks a little bit cleaner now because you got that space there but see it
looks here when you go here and you click on this right you click on that
and it takes you right to the landing page for the free book for legendary
marketer with my affiliate link and anyone who
decides to join today gets a free book and they just have to pay for shipping
but that's the thing like this is how easy it is now you know for these
pictures here I normally don't use these size pictures for emails that I send on
to people but I would put my youtube video link in here and people could
click on those and watch the video now instead of clicking on the click here
you can click the button here and it goes to the same page it's really that
simple guys it's not that difficult at all let's go back here let's close this
so that's how I would do that now what I want to show you as well is that's your
preview button up here right you could send yourself a test email alright so
let's just say you want to send a test email that's my gmail account right I'll
sent an email while Liberty dot-com and you could do that and send it to you
know any email that you want to see what it looks like if you got by the way I'm
getting off-topic just for a second the best when you're opting into anything
online that you're seriously interested in and you want people to be able to get
to you easily the best email service to have that's free is Gmail when you're
working with hotmail Outlook Express which are basically the same company of
you know any of the other ones like Yahoo or whatever they have a tendency
of hot meals another one they get a tendency not only to get thrown in a
spam folder but they get tend to keep to get blocked so the best you know free
email service to actually use in anything it's probably Gmail so whenever
you sign up for something that you're interested in you like you wanna learn
more about always use Gmail that's my personal opinion so I'm not gonna send
this to myself now because I saw it look like with a preview now here this is
save as a custom template see if you wanted to save it here you could let's
click on that and you enter a custom name for it like I showed you in the
beginning of the video and you could have a template just like this one
I would not save this this is just to show you guys what it looks like excuse
me so when you're all done
you like your email you basically go up here to save and continue' right and
everything's good to go you check this whenever things in green that means it's
good but the only thing that you want to change like I signed up with this email
right under for sending now when I send notifications I want to use my acquire
Liberty website email like the one I showed you email acquire so I would send
that I resent it so that means whenever an email goes out
or it tells me it's been sent there someone wants to reply back to me it's
gonna go back to my acquire Liberty website or email because that's where I
pay attention to my business schedule now prepare for launch you're about to
send the campaign to this is all of the lists that this email would be sent to
now sending now-now-now means yeah I'm gonna send it now right and then they
have another option called throttle which means it's actually supposed to go
in faster than now now I've seen people and I've heard people say well what's
that mean throttle how can you send it faster than now when an autoresponder
company sends out an email and even though you say you're sending it out now
it really isn't well I don't care if it's send lane if it's get response if
it's Aweber if it's any other ones they don't send all the emails out in one
shot they actually spread it out if you set something up to send out say at 8
o'clock in the morning you're doing a campaign like this in send lling right
or get response to the newsletter Aweber it's a broadcast let's just say you want
to send something out and it's 8 o'clock in the morning what happens is ok they
trigger it it says ok in a clock a little morning we could start sending
this out some people will get that email at 8 o'clock 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:30 because
any company that actually sends these emails out they can't send all you know
your whole subscription list out whether it's a thousand people or five
and people all at once that you would bar the system down so when they say
throttle they're assuming this is super important to you and you're gonna be
more on the priority so as opposed to someone who's sending something out now
they're not saying it's kind of urgent when it's throttled they're kind of
saying okay I really want this to go out like now so when you send it out with
now like I said before if it's 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:30 now you're probably gonna be
more in the line of okay eight o'clock 8:05
you know 8:15 and you should be done with your email is getting sent out or
email is getting sent out to your list so that's something very important to
keep in mind I'm not sending this out now on a given date and time this is
where you would actually schedule your broadcast or your campaign or your
newsletter click it here today is November 21st so let's just say I wanted
to send this out to someone on the 23rd Friday it gives you all the times in
military time right zero meaning midnight so let's just say I want to
send it out at 8 o'clock in the morning that's for the hour and the next one up
is for the minutes so you get it sent out at the nearest five minutes okay so
let's just say I wanted to send it out at 8:45 a.m. so there you would go and
they need to schedule a campaign it would take you back while was way off
the last 1 cent was 1:29 so here I label this one 200 I found a way to make an
additional $500 per day and this one right here tells you it would be sent
out on November 23rd 2018 at 8:45 a.m. okay now and you could view your email
that way the way people are going to see it and that's pretty much it I mean it's
that simple guys now next time when I talk to you next time
what we're going to do is we're going to talk a little bit more about setting up
an autoresponder which basically means an automation right here these are my
automations and there's not too many of them actually here's the workflows that
was telling you about when I was showing you yesterday I said I
an autoresponder and have workflows now when I first setup with sin lane I was
doing an autoresponder for legendary marketer I have 45 emails I wanted to
set in there so when someone opts in laps into my list they will get those 45
emails in fact I'll show you right now here they are
I had everything set up all up to 45 emails right then someone told me and I
was listening to someone else saying you know you surely having a workflow
because you could do more things and I knew nothing about so I went through
another 45 emails posting them just like you saw me do this last email I did them
all over again except I did them in a workflow right just like this and this
is the difference remember how the automation look this is what it looks
like in a workflow and the only difference between automation and a
workflow is this see this plus sign here it gives you options in between each
email that you send out okay now this one I have setup for every day send out
a new email so here's the first one there's a second one there's the third
one it says two because zero zero is the one that goes out as soon as they set up
tin to your email list you want to say hey welcome to set nailer thing and then
it goes in progression every day one at a time so then the only option is is
only difference is is you have options here this is the workflow right you get
all these options in between each email that you send out how you can like move
around your customer to whatever it is they are like let's just say there's
someone who hasn't you know opened up an email in a long time or there's someone
who you know if they get to a certain point in your list you want to
unsubscribe them from your list so you don't bother them you know you got a web
hook you got goals if edits subscriber profile if they get to a certain point
in your list all these things oh and this is another good one I actually
started using this I would get to the 45 emails and legendary marketer and I'd
say oh I want to lose these guys I still want to give them something every day
besides my newsletter so I would give them something relevant to you know
legendary marketer some more information about that so I
I started another list and I started giving them more information so when I
finished out with the 45-day down here I don't know if I still have that like
that yes I do yeah I actually put 76 Automation emails
into this right select your list a legendary marketer
workflow after 45 and I actually just keep moving it down and down and down
when I was adding to it and then what happens is it changes them when they get
to the finish this one they go over to the legendary marketer workflow after
that and then they go they skip a day and then they go over to the other one
I'm not sure if I activated that one or not let me check I might have there it
is yes it did how do you like that
after 45 days so then they start going down this list this is a whole bunch of
other emails that I created in order to you know keep my customers engaged and
happy informed and you know giving them options and hope of things that they can
do online to make them money so this is basically the rundown of everything
about how you can create things online with your send lane email marketing
system I hope this helped you guys out this is all I got for you today now
tomorrow what I'm going to do is probably wrap this one up but I'm going
to show you exactly how to set up a new autoresponder we're gonna hit atom a
ssin here and we're gonna go through the steps about how when someone opts into a
program like legendary marker which I fully endorse fully back this is the
thing that got me started how you could set them up get their lead from them set
them up on an email that's just like I showed you whether it's 45 emails or 90
emails whatever you want to plug in there I'm gonna show you how to do that
okay all right guys listen that's all I got for you today this one's a little
bit long but that's okay it's very educational especially for someone who's
brand new I know this is gonna help people out because it will give them the
confidence to kind of go in and just start messing around the truth of the
matter is I can show you specifics about how to set
an email all day long but until you're actually in the nitty-gritty of it of
you know put any pictures where you want putting text where you want how you want
to save your templates it's really up to you you're gonna have to get comfortable
with that yourself but but what I showed you today is the basic understanding of
it easy and obvious things you can do to generate a really good email for your
customers all right guys listen if you just helped you out leave a comment down
below like the video and subscribe to my youtube channel click on the little bell
notification so every time I make an upload you'll get to see it first and
remember if you're serious about working from home and you want to learn how to
make a passive income you want to learn how to make some extra money you want to
make part time on a year you make a full time income from home click the link
below on the top of the description that is the key number one program that has
helped me out and giving me ability not only to sell that product which is
legendary marketer okay but it's given me the ability to expand my horizons as
far as using other products online to make money all right guys listen that's
all I have for today until next time what I always say I say God bless guys
take care bye now...
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