Thursday, November 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 23 2018

what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on the vengers 4 so you

have tuned in to the number one spot on YouTube for Avengers based and news so

if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe to never miss any other

videos and also we are doing a giveaway for infinity war or Deadpool

scooby-dooby-doo / - or for ant-man and wasp all you gotta do is comment down

below who is your favorite super hero so in this video we're gonna go over a

trader leak that popped on reddit on Tuesday I will leave the link in the

description box down below for transparency reasons and there's some

pretty bad news guys if you're respecting the Avengers full trailer

tomorrow sadly it's not actually coming it's being confirmed due to a Disney

press release that there is no Avengers full trailer at least dropping on Good

Morning America or the Jimmy Kimmel Live show but this does not mean it won't

100% drop randomly but Marvel don't do things

randomly normally but there were some reports coming from some media outlets

saying the Avengers 4 is going to be marketed very different to any other

Avengers movies ever would put out that doesn't make sense so I can't see a

random Avengers floor trader posting on the internet tomorrow but hang on walls

to you you just said they're marketing it very different yeah that's what I

said so it will be out of the ordinary for them just to post a video with no

kind of hype and at the end of day Disney Walt Disney is a massive company

they've lost a lot of money by buying the Fox it's costing 70 billion plus I

think 70 million haven't got the stats in front of me they've lost a lot of

money buying Fox so they have to recuperate money their business so they

will tell people so like I've always said it would drop bracket Ralph's most

likely but racket Ralph UK so by the end of next week it should be there it'll

make more sense for it to post with Monday Night Football for the European

viewers it's well I believe they're on about NFL like they're not on about

soccer like I believe they're on about American

football is what I'm saying or it could drop at the Collider infinity war

screening with the Russo brothers that's happening next week

next week will be the anniversary of the first trailer I don't really know why we

need to talk about oshi of the first trailer and the reason

I don't really think it's coming tomorrow is a very reputable source on

Twitter called trailer trap their credentials their track record is

amazing they don't have anything listens so the

source for the rest of video is coming from reddit yes would you read it isn't

a good source well actually reddit is a good source

sometimes so this is specifically coming from the Marvel Studios spoiler pay now

it's a very interesting story I'm not going to read it all out cuz it'd be

like a 25 minute video but essentially what it is saying is the people that

drop this elite description for the first trailer they worked with James

Gunn and because he was sacked and caused them to scrap the gardens to

galaxy 3 and too much into one movie and what should have made it like but

wasting what again is they got really annoyed but James Gunn was fired so

today's society to drop a kind of elite description for a trailer but what is

even weirder is they've signed it by Ricky bubbles and Julian um they've only

made one post on the reddit account if they actually did work for a studio

house that make the trailers they I mean some information would get out but it

wouldn't be this detail and also if you are a professional in that kind of job

the writing level wouldn't be as bad as it is you'll see what I mean when I

start talking about it so the reason I think this isn't true but you know me I

love to go over anything leagues I love to discuss where I think things are true

or false it's because I don't think the first Avengers trailer is gonna be very

long like I've said before guys they don't even have to market this video

movie they don't have to market it at all because everyone wants to see it so

before we get into that let's get into the video and like I said guys this most

likely isn't true but you guys always asked me to go over stuff so well so

like I said in mind that makes sense but I try and make sense of it the trailer

begins closing in on a television showing only static in a disk shelf

living room just before a picture as the camera closes in a news report begins

and as second later you hear that overlapping

voices of reporters describing the aftermath of infinity war in vague terms

another alien invasion those missing beings reported in billions half the

population of the world gone with the snap of their finger now already this

has got a lot of red herrings as the voice of new castes come in your ear the

12 Titans dust ash remac remix begins playing and continues until indicated

between the time the television screen snaps from static to news and the

newscaster voice stops on the snap of a finger you see three different images

rotating in quick flashes lasts in about six seconds total see in each image for

one Mississippi second and the closing on the screen in faster flashes water

what got what do I even continue making this video yes because I've already

started this sounds so vague but let's go on it might get more interesting as

we get into it first in rotation is the camera drawing closer to the TV screen

until it's only pixels seconds it's scattered around the living room where

the TV sits third are scenes from infinity war visions falling to his

knees black and white Peter Park attorney to dust cap struggling to fight

off darkness the cycle ends I mean seriously they're not going to

advertise any of the dead Avengers obviously spider-man will be advertised

in his own movie but they're not gonna advertise any of the dusted Avengers in

the first trailer or in any trailer with a close-up on a broken picture and frame

of the Barton family and Hawkeye as the news cast says with the fingers snap

imply in the scene was from the Barton home as the music the screen snaps back

and the Marvel studio logo shows with ten years detail I mean maybe the only

thing realistic about this at the moment is the fact that the 10-years logo shows

do i yeah okay I'm going to continue because I don't always my

I'm next you see Barton a pullin back a bow aiming at an unlit scene and then

rolling through the grass in a field with a sword coming to clash with an

unclear human opponent a coy voice says we've lost so much as you see the scene

switch to a coy pleading face in a room in Wakanda

Bruce browner says we've lost the only things that matter also in a room in

Wakanda cap says from the same room declaring no not yet we haven't Natasha

screams with tears welling in our eyes we've lost everything I've lost

everything they're both standing in the trashed living room from the opening

sequence next you see Tony for the first time battered and distraught turning to

say we've lost for good this time don't you get that as a scene of the

unknown spaceship comes to hold far above Titan cap voiceover answers Tony

but we didn't do it together so yeah I mean this sounds legit but not

really because we do know that they have shot scenes together in Avengers four as

we've seen imagism of it so whoever wrote this I've got no idea what's going

on but this does not sound any more far-fetched than anything else I've been

over there is a short montage of everyone suiting up as new music begins

it's the Avenger score from before the mid-credits scene of age of Ultron as

this epic score plays you see cap put on a new shield Barton slides his roan in

mask on as the sword slides into its sheath Tony is in a nanotech suit

slightly more angular than that of infinity war Thor puts on a helmet

modified from thor ragnarok gladiator version and from a seating position

electricity crackles through Stormbreaker and his classic ooh armor

snaps into place a piece at a time over his arms and legs

you see rocket climb on to war machines shoulder and a cock a massive weapon as

war machine face plant snaps down and his shoulder cannon slaps

the shoulder opposite rocket natasha attaches her wrist weapons and you see

black and grey visions and we actually that's been in concert like so yeah that

could actually be true eyes like brutally with a camera focus only there

so you cannot see the rest of his body this montage of everyone suiting up

lasts eight seconds that's a lot to play in eight seconds next you see a scroll

leader turn to another and say he took half of us as well and the scroll

replies at half our might our people are still stronger than any race alive next

Captain Marvel in full gear is shown saying I think you might be disappointed

when you learn the truth the scrolls turned to look at another this scenes

are out of sequence cut together for effect that ice is seen walking towards

the camera in full armor palace he passes you see his farmer cloven hanging

on the scarecrow wear his helmet had rested at the end infinity war you see

fallows assessing the damage infinity gone as you hear his voice for the first

time chaos order there's forces the fulfillment of my

destiny but this as Donna speaks you see him being attacked by war machine rocket

Captain America trying to hold them off while sprouting shield from the damaged

infinity goner as a double fisted blast from Captain Mal hits the power stone

directly and it cracks breaking open breaking open two looks of horror from

the surrounding heroes and the phallus alike as the stone explodes in a

blinding purple and white flash that opens the sky like a book followed in

open where from the purple and black boots of an unbelievable large figure

steps forward and Thanos finishes his statement this is something beyond any

of our control this is the end of the world

this is title screen comes up and into focus to finish his statement

annihilation written with Avengers a and a font cuts the Hulk shrugging when you

say it like that doesn't sound bad Scott lying appears

for the first time and says wait he talks now how long was I gone

credits opening date comes up that's it enjoy when you see it this week so guys

I'm pretty sure that's the mostly fake because for starters the tile isn't

actually Avengers annihilation it will probably be something like avenge as

that site makes more sense the last Avengers the annihilation has

been debunked but let me know what you think the title for the movie should be

I personally think it should be Avengers or the last Avengers or eternity war

Quentin realm war something like that's something that actually has a powerful

impact annihilation is just weak in my opinion so don't be expecting the

Avengers full trailer tomorrow it definitely won't be on Good Morning

America or the Jimmy Kimmel show cuz it's not listed so hopefully you don't

wake up tomorrow thinking it's a vengeance war trade a day because it's

not it most likely will be sometime next week but that's not being verified or

confirmed by anyone officially at Marvel or a Disney Wrap so no one really knows

it's just everyone's kind of theories or they're kind of like sources of a source

of a source but even if you get from reddit that's no better than someone

randomly saying it on my Instagram or Twitter so guys let me know what you

think about these kind of videos if you like me doing them I'll keep doing them

but she promised this leak was it's probably the weakest one I've ever ever

had to do but you guys seem to like these kind of videos so I do videos that

you like so anyway guys please like subscribe and comment let me know what

do you think it's gonna be an Avengers full trailer personally I think the

Avengers war trailer is just going to be a tease trailer because they can't

really show any of the heroes that would turn to dust and also they don't want to

give away too much because there's already a lot of skepticism out there

there's a really lot of like discussion kind of speculative stuff out there so

it's pointless for them to give more fire to all the fuel anyway guys like I

said please like subscribe and comment it does help the channel grow massively

YouTube's in a bit of a problem moment with article 13 maybe getting past and

all that kind of stuff and also YouTube being in debacle with kind of YouTube

keeps crashing and notification since they did it do you Google bus so it just

helps me out a lot if you could hit the like button and the subscribe button a

notification button that would be cool anyway guys I'll catch you in another

video very soon it catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 TRAILER RELEASE UPDATE! NEW TRAILER DESCRIPTION & NEW TITLE REVEAL? - Duration: 13:22.


11月份最热的6部剧,郑爽第四,钟汉良第五,榜首熬夜追 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 11月份最热的6部剧,郑爽第四,钟汉良第五,榜首熬夜追 - Duration: 7:16.


Le dernier espoir pour ma chaîne.. - Duration: 4:16.

Before this video begins here. I am. Sorry about the next it doesn't matter

I am a very important exciting announcement me and my sis latest collection quickie is out now

It's his clothing brand that we made together. This is our third collection and it's my favorite one so far

Here's a glorious picture of me wearing the long-sleeve shirt. It's got a cool print on the back

I absolutely love how this one turned out. So all these pieces aren't designed by me and Marcia together. They're all custom fitted

they're all weak people the patterns we call the

Fabrics and then they're made Emily as well. So it's not a mass-produced thing. It's an actual clothing brand as opposed to merge

We're very excited about this is the goodie

You know what? Mark said looks ten things fight over them and it's about the show her very cute

We also have really nice comfy oversized hoodie. All the pieces are very comfy. We have this

Overall, I call it overall but my sense is not hold over on through the sandbags on it

All the buttons are custom. Everything is custom. I love the jacket that we designed. It's so cool. It's a pullover

I love how the back term that. It's such a cool jacket

We also have a scarf with the same things on it. And of course a t-shirt super cool

I love this design turnout as well. And of course the pants finally I have pants that fit me. Well, these are so awesome

so good looking among these turnout if you guys want to check it out link is in the description and

Support Sookie and the brand and vision that we have. I can't wait to see what else we do in the future as well

But this is it enjoy the video. Thank you guys. Bye

Very good, the ye time, how's it going brows?

It's me, PewDiePie brows brows. What's up brows? Hang around?

So, how's it going?

Welcome to Lorraine

YouTube's favorite show everybody that's right last week

We hit trending just kidding. Only PTC bullshit's gets on trending. Like if your lip tarde let's review the line

I would love to have Nicolette on or have all of them on we have Nicolette

We'll have vegan Jesus or everything was and all those all those guys

As you can see I purchased all the billboards are in India to promote purify

And purify. I know you are watching this video

I'm totally not doing this so that you can react to this video on your channel

That is really not the reason but it will be great if you do it, so please do it

Please pewdiepie. I need subscribers. Okay fair enough

So for the sake of YouTube, please subscribe to purify because

You're welcome Simon Says, thank you. Very cool. I

Mean, thank you, India. Very cool now subscribe to PewDiePie and

Unsubscribe from t-series. That's all I ask. Thank you guys for watching another episode of look why YouTube favorites show everybody

See you guys next week some it means down below become that's it

penny cool breaking popping pills

Money murder shut up blazing Billy wheel city

For more infomation >> Le dernier espoir pour ma chaîne.. - Duration: 4:16.


เดอะค็อป รอชม!! หงส์แดง เตรียมใช้แผนเก่า บุกเยือนรังแตน เกอิต้า คัมแบ็คตัวจริง - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> เดอะค็อป รอชม!! หงส์แดง เตรียมใช้แผนเก่า บุกเยือนรังแตน เกอิต้า คัมแบ็คตัวจริง - Duration: 1:52.



For more infomation >> RONALDINHO É ALVO DE MANDADO DE BUSCA E APREENSÃO - Duration: 2:00.


หวยมาเลย์ 24/11/61 แนวทางปลดหนี้กับหวยมาเลยวันนี้(วันเสาร์) - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> หวยมาเลย์ 24/11/61 แนวทางปลดหนี้กับหวยมาเลยวันนี้(วันเสาร์) - Duration: 9:56.


วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: แมนฯ ยูไนเต็ด, แมนฯ ซิตี้, สเปอร์ส - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: แมนฯ ยูไนเต็ด, แมนฯ ซิตี้, สเปอร์ส - Duration: 3:51.


孟庭苇离婚真相曝光?被传恋上小12岁女性助理 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> 孟庭苇离婚真相曝光?被传恋上小12岁女性助理 - Duration: 6:00.


为何很多人都不喜欢王菲,反而喜欢张柏芝赵薇八字说出真相 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 为何很多人都不喜欢王菲,反而喜欢张柏芝赵薇八字说出真相 - Duration: 4:54.


Kia Picanto 1.0Turbo GT-Line 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0Turbo GT-Line 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> RONALDINHO É ALVO DE MANDADO DE BUSCA E APREENSÃO - Duration: 2:00.








Britney Spears - Overprotected (E! Behind the Scenes) | Legendado - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Britney Spears - Overprotected (E! Behind the Scenes) | Legendado - Duration: 3:04.


Peugeot 308 1.2 e-THP 110pk ACTIVE|NAV|AIRCO|} - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.2 e-THP 110pk ACTIVE|NAV|AIRCO|} - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 72PK 5-DEURS ACTIVE BLUETOOTH AIRCONDITIONING - Duration: 1:12.


The Truth About Scotty Kilmer Playing in the Band Rush - Duration: 5:00.

rev up your engines, correy the fan says Scotty got two questions, were you in

the band rush back on the seventies and my 95 Chevy Silverado squeaks when I

turned my wheel on driver's side is that a bad ball joint, okay now I wasn't in

the band rush but I went to university in Toronto and my best friend's

next-door neighbor was their band manager, so I actually played in their

studio one time, I could play the harmonica and I was attacked by

their, they had a mastiff if you don't know these gigantic dogs and somebody

else had brought another dog and the Mastiff was a male dog and the female

dog was in heat and it was going wild and I had a leather jacket and it was biting

my arm it was interesting scenario let me tell you, but as for when you hear a

squeak when you turn the wheel, tons of things can squeak, so what you want to do

is jack it up in the air first and pull on

everything, if you got play you fix what's got play but if not, that's a 95

that's old and a lot of times rubber bushings will just be worn and in that

case get a big can of wd-40 and spray all the rubber joints let it soak

overnight and if the squeak goes away great, if you see rubber ones that are

cracked and broke and of course you want to replace, but a lot of times that old

stuff just squeaks and a little wd-40 can keep it stopped squeaking for months

and just spray it again, tv says Scotty my wife wants to drive vehicles

that look nice with no dents but are high mileage when they're in our price range, I

prefer low mileage vehicles with body damage am i right, you're right in terms

of saving money there's no arguing that, but she's right if you want to have a

car that looks nice, now I got the best for my wife, I got a Lexus when it was 15

years old but it only at 60,000 miles on it so I only paid four grand for it,

it's a great car I love driving it too but normally I'm really I'm cheap and I'll

get a cheaper car, older car, maybe it's got

dents and then fix the dents, it all depends on your lifestyle, sounds like

your wife is a little fancier lifestyle than you are, and that you'd have to talk

to a marriage counselor not a mechanic,

Nicholas Karl says Scotty what do you think about buying a

Chevy Camaro iroc-z as a weekend car sure just don't pay much for one because

the they weren't the greatest made ones they had problems with some of them,

and they can be fun, their fast the only thing ism if you're talking about

obviously buying a used one, you want a mechanic like me to check it out first, cuz guys buy

cars like that some beat the living heck out of them and the engine

and transmissions are shot and unless you're willing to put many thousands

rebuilding those, you don't want the vehicle,

so you want a mechanic to check it out first and if he says, that's okay you know

maybe needs a water pump, brakes, alignment or something bodywork you can do

yourself, but you want to make sure that the engine and a transmission is solid

before you buy it, John says Scotty I bought a 2.4 liter 2000 Chevy

Malibu with 107 thousand miles for 4,500 bucks what is it a good buy, thanks I

love your videos, how often do you post usually I put a couple of videos up a

day, just join the Scottie Kilmer channel on YouTube and click that notification

bell so you'll get notified and you'll see there's tons of videos coming out all

the time, I'm not a chevy malibu fan, it's got

a hundred thousand miles and you got the four-cylinder engine, the v6 engine is

absolute garbage, I would never buy one with that, but the four-cylinder engine

if the person has changed the oil, it can actually be a decent engine, you want to

change the oil religiously, don't listen to any crap anybody gives you, change it

every four or five thousand miles, watch the temperature gauge never overheat the

engine, you never know it might last a really long time, you paid what forty

five hundred bucks for a car that when it was brand new nine years ago somebody

paid a lot more than that and if it can last you a few years it can be a decent

car, Scotty if I had a big oil cooler in my car does the oil

pressure still be fine in the level, level the only thing that matters is

what's on your dipstick, so if you add a big oil filter, odds are it's gonna take

some of the oil so you'll probably have to put more oil in, all you do is check

the dipstick after you drive it a few minutes and if it's low you add a little

and then remember when you change the oil you got to add that little bit more

oil to it, as for the oil pressure as long as you keep it full of oil it will

work perfectly fine, now the only thing that you have to realize is, if you put

an extra oil cooler on, if you happen to live in a place like Alaska it might

actually run too cool and that's bad for the vehicle, now the factory oil coolers

are designed by engineers, certain size, certain flow ratio, so

they'll work perfectly in any temperature and it doesn't matter

but if you're just gonna add one in if you live in, Saudi Arabia you know or the

Nevada desert go right ahead it isn't going to hurt

anything, but if you live in a really cold area, you do not want the oil to get

too cold cuz running too cold will actually damage the bearings inside the

engine and that would make some very expensive repairs down the road, so if

you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring

that Bell!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Scotty Kilmer Playing in the Band Rush - Duration: 5:00.


Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:28.


Meghan Markle baja su popularidad y vive su peor momento | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle baja su popularidad y vive su peor momento | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:02.


Un olvido casi los deja sin premio millonario de lotería | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Un olvido casi los deja sin premio millonario de lotería | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.


Mujer ganó la competencia del palo encebado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Mujer ganó la competencia del palo encebado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:49.


Mitos y realidades sobre las bacterias | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Mitos y realidades sobre las bacterias | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:14.


Sospechoso atacó a un policía en medio de una requisa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Sospechoso atacó a un policía en medio de una requisa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Estrenos en el cine 📽 [CARTELERA] semana 23 noviembre 🎬2018 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Estrenos en el cine 📽 [CARTELERA] semana 23 noviembre 🎬2018 - Duration: 2:55.


Atropelló a un anciano de 91 años y huyó de la escena | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Atropelló a un anciano de 91 años y huyó de la escena | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.


✅ Stefano e Benedetta, Silvia lascia tutti a bocca aperta: "C'è stato qualcosa di più" - Duration: 3:26.

Foto gentilmente offerta da Ufficio Stampa Mediaset Gf Vip 2018, Benedetta e Stefano: è amore? Silvia Provvedi sorprende tutti!  Cosa c'è davvero fra Stefano Sala e Benedetta Mazza? Ce lo stiamo chiedendo tutti

E alcuni concorrenti del Grande Fratello Vip hanno avuto il coraggio di palesare il proprio pensiero

Come ha fatto Silvia Provvedi. Senza troppi giri di parole, ha spiegato che è assolutamente impossibile che tra i due ci sia un semplice rapporto di amicizia

Ci sono coccole e attenzione continue tra di loro (inoltre hanno dormito un'infinità di volte insieme), ma Benedetta – come ha spiegato Silvia – non vuole ammettere di essersi innamorata di lui per non rimanere delusa

Stefano, dal canto suo, non si sbilancia perché c'è Dasha che lo aspetta fuori dalla Casa

La confessione di Silvia su Stefano e Benedetta  "Penso che non è un'amicizia, questa – ha detto Silvia Provvedi –

C'è stato qualcosa di più, altrimenti Stefano non starebbe così. Non starebbe male e turbato

Lui deve fare un passo indietro per capire di più sulla sua storia. Benedetta resterebbe parte lesa se dovesse ritornare da Dasha"

Benedetta Mazza, dopo aver svelato dei segreti sulla sua famiglia, ha chiarito tutto quello che c'è da chiarire sull'amicizia con Stefano: "Non sono sorpresa, addolorata e nemmeno felice

Voglio molto bene a Stefano. Molto spesso mi sono trovata a spiegare pensieri relativi a lui e tante volte mi sembra di avere la cosa giusta nel momento sbagliato

Io rimango un passo indietro. Non sono nella situazione di sentirmi sbagliata. Io sono l'amica di Stefano"

Silvia e Lory litigano per Stefano e Benedetta: ecco cosa è successo  C'è stato anche un acceso litigio tra Silvia Provvedi e Lory Del Santo: quest'ultima ha spiegato in confessionale che la storia è servita a Stefano per emergere… per poi ritrattare (quasi) tutto: "Questa storia è una bellissima storia, che ha fatto diventare tutt'e due dei personaggi"

Silvia non ci ha visto più e l'ha attaccata, dicendo che deve imparare a prendere una posizione

Si è lamentata del fatto che anche con sua sorella Giulia, la settimana scorsa, ha fatto dichiarazioni ritrattate in puntata

Ah, a proposito di Giulia Provvedi: l'incontro con Deianira è salto per un motivo preciso

Grande Fratello Vip, Benedetta Mazza riceva una sorpresa  Stefano Sala ha detto la sua: "Non sto capendo nulla

Tra me e Benedetta, è nata una cosa naturale. Non ho bisogno di ricevere visibilità

Non sono d'accordo. Io e Benedetta siamo diventati amici fuori dalla Casa del Grande Fratello Vip

Ho messo in dubbio il mio rapporto con Dasha. Questo non significa che si è rotto qualcosa con lei"

Finalmente c'è stata una sorpresa per Benedetta Mazza. Ha incontrato la mamma: "Io ti vedo più adesso che prima – ha detto la madre -

Vivi tante emozioni. Sono emozioni meravigliose, quelle per Stefano! Devi stare tranquilla

Va tutto bene. Per quello che si deve vedere, si vedrà fuori". E mentre sul rapporto tra Benedetta e Stefano ci sono ancora dei dubbi, Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi hanno sorpreso!

For more infomation >> ✅ Stefano e Benedetta, Silvia lascia tutti a bocca aperta: "C'è stato qualcosa di più" - Duration: 3:26.


Le dernier espoir pour ma chaîne.. - Duration: 4:16.

Before this video begins here. I am. Sorry about the next it doesn't matter

I am a very important exciting announcement me and my sis latest collection quickie is out now

It's his clothing brand that we made together. This is our third collection and it's my favorite one so far

Here's a glorious picture of me wearing the long-sleeve shirt. It's got a cool print on the back

I absolutely love how this one turned out. So all these pieces aren't designed by me and Marcia together. They're all custom fitted

they're all weak people the patterns we call the

Fabrics and then they're made Emily as well. So it's not a mass-produced thing. It's an actual clothing brand as opposed to merge

We're very excited about this is the goodie

You know what? Mark said looks ten things fight over them and it's about the show her very cute

We also have really nice comfy oversized hoodie. All the pieces are very comfy. We have this

Overall, I call it overall but my sense is not hold over on through the sandbags on it

All the buttons are custom. Everything is custom. I love the jacket that we designed. It's so cool. It's a pullover

I love how the back term that. It's such a cool jacket

We also have a scarf with the same things on it. And of course a t-shirt super cool

I love this design turnout as well. And of course the pants finally I have pants that fit me. Well, these are so awesome

so good looking among these turnout if you guys want to check it out link is in the description and

Support Sookie and the brand and vision that we have. I can't wait to see what else we do in the future as well

But this is it enjoy the video. Thank you guys. Bye

Very good, the ye time, how's it going brows?

It's me, PewDiePie brows brows. What's up brows? Hang around?

So, how's it going?

Welcome to Lorraine

YouTube's favorite show everybody that's right last week

We hit trending just kidding. Only PTC bullshit's gets on trending. Like if your lip tarde let's review the line

I would love to have Nicolette on or have all of them on we have Nicolette

We'll have vegan Jesus or everything was and all those all those guys

As you can see I purchased all the billboards are in India to promote purify

And purify. I know you are watching this video

I'm totally not doing this so that you can react to this video on your channel

That is really not the reason but it will be great if you do it, so please do it

Please pewdiepie. I need subscribers. Okay fair enough

So for the sake of YouTube, please subscribe to purify because

You're welcome Simon Says, thank you. Very cool. I

Mean, thank you, India. Very cool now subscribe to PewDiePie and

Unsubscribe from t-series. That's all I ask. Thank you guys for watching another episode of look why YouTube favorites show everybody

See you guys next week some it means down below become that's it

penny cool breaking popping pills

Money murder shut up blazing Billy wheel city

For more infomation >> Le dernier espoir pour ma chaîne.. - Duration: 4:16.


台北》柯媽掃街遇抗議 柯P前攝影師控訴盜用照片 - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 台北》柯媽掃街遇抗議 柯P前攝影師控訴盜用照片 - Duration: 4:35.


A Fazenda 10: Caique Aguiar surpreende, sugere que Evandro fingiu acidente e polemiza - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10: Caique Aguiar surpreende, sugere que Evandro fingiu acidente e polemiza - Duration: 5:40.


Salmos | SALMO 71 - "Súplicas de Um Ancião" - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 71 - "Súplicas de Um Ancião" - Duration: 3:48.


Renault Mégane 1.5 dCi 110pk Bose R-link, Climate, Bose - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.5 dCi 110pk Bose R-link, Climate, Bose - Duration: 1:14.


Volvo V40 2.0 D2 R-Design Business Navigatie Stoelverwarming 14% Bijtelling BTW Auto - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 D2 R-Design Business Navigatie Stoelverwarming 14% Bijtelling BTW Auto - Duration: 0:56.



what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on the vengers 4 so you

have tuned in to the number one spot on YouTube for Avengers based and news so

if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe to never miss any other

videos and also we are doing a giveaway for infinity war or Deadpool

scooby-dooby-doo / - or for ant-man and wasp all you gotta do is comment down

below who is your favorite super hero so in this video we're gonna go over a

trader leak that popped on reddit on Tuesday I will leave the link in the

description box down below for transparency reasons and there's some

pretty bad news guys if you're respecting the Avengers full trailer

tomorrow sadly it's not actually coming it's being confirmed due to a Disney

press release that there is no Avengers full trailer at least dropping on Good

Morning America or the Jimmy Kimmel Live show but this does not mean it won't

100% drop randomly but Marvel don't do things

randomly normally but there were some reports coming from some media outlets

saying the Avengers 4 is going to be marketed very different to any other

Avengers movies ever would put out that doesn't make sense so I can't see a

random Avengers floor trader posting on the internet tomorrow but hang on walls

to you you just said they're marketing it very different yeah that's what I

said so it will be out of the ordinary for them just to post a video with no

kind of hype and at the end of day Disney Walt Disney is a massive company

they've lost a lot of money by buying the Fox it's costing 70 billion plus I

think 70 million haven't got the stats in front of me they've lost a lot of

money buying Fox so they have to recuperate money their business so they

will tell people so like I've always said it would drop bracket Ralph's most

likely but racket Ralph UK so by the end of next week it should be there it'll

make more sense for it to post with Monday Night Football for the European

viewers it's well I believe they're on about NFL like they're not on about

soccer like I believe they're on about American

football is what I'm saying or it could drop at the Collider infinity war

screening with the Russo brothers that's happening next week

next week will be the anniversary of the first trailer I don't really know why we

need to talk about oshi of the first trailer and the reason

I don't really think it's coming tomorrow is a very reputable source on

Twitter called trailer trap their credentials their track record is

amazing they don't have anything listens so the

source for the rest of video is coming from reddit yes would you read it isn't

a good source well actually reddit is a good source

sometimes so this is specifically coming from the Marvel Studios spoiler pay now

it's a very interesting story I'm not going to read it all out cuz it'd be

like a 25 minute video but essentially what it is saying is the people that

drop this elite description for the first trailer they worked with James

Gunn and because he was sacked and caused them to scrap the gardens to

galaxy 3 and too much into one movie and what should have made it like but

wasting what again is they got really annoyed but James Gunn was fired so

today's society to drop a kind of elite description for a trailer but what is

even weirder is they've signed it by Ricky bubbles and Julian um they've only

made one post on the reddit account if they actually did work for a studio

house that make the trailers they I mean some information would get out but it

wouldn't be this detail and also if you are a professional in that kind of job

the writing level wouldn't be as bad as it is you'll see what I mean when I

start talking about it so the reason I think this isn't true but you know me I

love to go over anything leagues I love to discuss where I think things are true

or false it's because I don't think the first Avengers trailer is gonna be very

long like I've said before guys they don't even have to market this video

movie they don't have to market it at all because everyone wants to see it so

before we get into that let's get into the video and like I said guys this most

likely isn't true but you guys always asked me to go over stuff so well so

like I said in mind that makes sense but I try and make sense of it the trailer

begins closing in on a television showing only static in a disk shelf

living room just before a picture as the camera closes in a news report begins

and as second later you hear that overlapping

voices of reporters describing the aftermath of infinity war in vague terms

another alien invasion those missing beings reported in billions half the

population of the world gone with the snap of their finger now already this

has got a lot of red herrings as the voice of new castes come in your ear the

12 Titans dust ash remac remix begins playing and continues until indicated

between the time the television screen snaps from static to news and the

newscaster voice stops on the snap of a finger you see three different images

rotating in quick flashes lasts in about six seconds total see in each image for

one Mississippi second and the closing on the screen in faster flashes water

what got what do I even continue making this video yes because I've already

started this sounds so vague but let's go on it might get more interesting as

we get into it first in rotation is the camera drawing closer to the TV screen

until it's only pixels seconds it's scattered around the living room where

the TV sits third are scenes from infinity war visions falling to his

knees black and white Peter Park attorney to dust cap struggling to fight

off darkness the cycle ends I mean seriously they're not going to

advertise any of the dead Avengers obviously spider-man will be advertised

in his own movie but they're not gonna advertise any of the dusted Avengers in

the first trailer or in any trailer with a close-up on a broken picture and frame

of the Barton family and Hawkeye as the news cast says with the fingers snap

imply in the scene was from the Barton home as the music the screen snaps back

and the Marvel studio logo shows with ten years detail I mean maybe the only

thing realistic about this at the moment is the fact that the 10-years logo shows

do i yeah okay I'm going to continue because I don't always my

I'm next you see Barton a pullin back a bow aiming at an unlit scene and then

rolling through the grass in a field with a sword coming to clash with an

unclear human opponent a coy voice says we've lost so much as you see the scene

switch to a coy pleading face in a room in Wakanda

Bruce browner says we've lost the only things that matter also in a room in

Wakanda cap says from the same room declaring no not yet we haven't Natasha

screams with tears welling in our eyes we've lost everything I've lost

everything they're both standing in the trashed living room from the opening

sequence next you see Tony for the first time battered and distraught turning to

say we've lost for good this time don't you get that as a scene of the

unknown spaceship comes to hold far above Titan cap voiceover answers Tony

but we didn't do it together so yeah I mean this sounds legit but not

really because we do know that they have shot scenes together in Avengers four as

we've seen imagism of it so whoever wrote this I've got no idea what's going

on but this does not sound any more far-fetched than anything else I've been

over there is a short montage of everyone suiting up as new music begins

it's the Avenger score from before the mid-credits scene of age of Ultron as

this epic score plays you see cap put on a new shield Barton slides his roan in

mask on as the sword slides into its sheath Tony is in a nanotech suit

slightly more angular than that of infinity war Thor puts on a helmet

modified from thor ragnarok gladiator version and from a seating position

electricity crackles through Stormbreaker and his classic ooh armor

snaps into place a piece at a time over his arms and legs

you see rocket climb on to war machines shoulder and a cock a massive weapon as

war machine face plant snaps down and his shoulder cannon slaps

the shoulder opposite rocket natasha attaches her wrist weapons and you see

black and grey visions and we actually that's been in concert like so yeah that

could actually be true eyes like brutally with a camera focus only there

so you cannot see the rest of his body this montage of everyone suiting up

lasts eight seconds that's a lot to play in eight seconds next you see a scroll

leader turn to another and say he took half of us as well and the scroll

replies at half our might our people are still stronger than any race alive next

Captain Marvel in full gear is shown saying I think you might be disappointed

when you learn the truth the scrolls turned to look at another this scenes

are out of sequence cut together for effect that ice is seen walking towards

the camera in full armor palace he passes you see his farmer cloven hanging

on the scarecrow wear his helmet had rested at the end infinity war you see

fallows assessing the damage infinity gone as you hear his voice for the first

time chaos order there's forces the fulfillment of my

destiny but this as Donna speaks you see him being attacked by war machine rocket

Captain America trying to hold them off while sprouting shield from the damaged

infinity goner as a double fisted blast from Captain Mal hits the power stone

directly and it cracks breaking open breaking open two looks of horror from

the surrounding heroes and the phallus alike as the stone explodes in a

blinding purple and white flash that opens the sky like a book followed in

open where from the purple and black boots of an unbelievable large figure

steps forward and Thanos finishes his statement this is something beyond any

of our control this is the end of the world

this is title screen comes up and into focus to finish his statement

annihilation written with Avengers a and a font cuts the Hulk shrugging when you

say it like that doesn't sound bad Scott lying appears

for the first time and says wait he talks now how long was I gone

credits opening date comes up that's it enjoy when you see it this week so guys

I'm pretty sure that's the mostly fake because for starters the tile isn't

actually Avengers annihilation it will probably be something like avenge as

that site makes more sense the last Avengers the annihilation has

been debunked but let me know what you think the title for the movie should be

I personally think it should be Avengers or the last Avengers or eternity war

Quentin realm war something like that's something that actually has a powerful

impact annihilation is just weak in my opinion so don't be expecting the

Avengers full trailer tomorrow it definitely won't be on Good Morning

America or the Jimmy Kimmel show cuz it's not listed so hopefully you don't

wake up tomorrow thinking it's a vengeance war trade a day because it's

not it most likely will be sometime next week but that's not being verified or

confirmed by anyone officially at Marvel or a Disney Wrap so no one really knows

it's just everyone's kind of theories or they're kind of like sources of a source

of a source but even if you get from reddit that's no better than someone

randomly saying it on my Instagram or Twitter so guys let me know what you

think about these kind of videos if you like me doing them I'll keep doing them

but she promised this leak was it's probably the weakest one I've ever ever

had to do but you guys seem to like these kind of videos so I do videos that

you like so anyway guys please like subscribe and comment let me know what

do you think it's gonna be an Avengers full trailer personally I think the

Avengers war trailer is just going to be a tease trailer because they can't

really show any of the heroes that would turn to dust and also they don't want to

give away too much because there's already a lot of skepticism out there

there's a really lot of like discussion kind of speculative stuff out there so

it's pointless for them to give more fire to all the fuel anyway guys like I

said please like subscribe and comment it does help the channel grow massively

YouTube's in a bit of a problem moment with article 13 maybe getting past and

all that kind of stuff and also YouTube being in debacle with kind of YouTube

keeps crashing and notification since they did it do you Google bus so it just

helps me out a lot if you could hit the like button and the subscribe button a

notification button that would be cool anyway guys I'll catch you in another

video very soon it catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 TRAILER RELEASE UPDATE! NEW TRAILER DESCRIPTION & NEW TITLE REVEAL? - Duration: 13:22.


11月份最热的6部剧,郑爽第四,钟汉良第五,榜首熬夜追 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 11月份最热的6部剧,郑爽第四,钟汉良第五,榜首熬夜追 - Duration: 7:16.


Le dernier espoir pour ma chaîne.. - Duration: 4:16.

Before this video begins here. I am. Sorry about the next it doesn't matter

I am a very important exciting announcement me and my sis latest collection quickie is out now

It's his clothing brand that we made together. This is our third collection and it's my favorite one so far

Here's a glorious picture of me wearing the long-sleeve shirt. It's got a cool print on the back

I absolutely love how this one turned out. So all these pieces aren't designed by me and Marcia together. They're all custom fitted

they're all weak people the patterns we call the

Fabrics and then they're made Emily as well. So it's not a mass-produced thing. It's an actual clothing brand as opposed to merge

We're very excited about this is the goodie

You know what? Mark said looks ten things fight over them and it's about the show her very cute

We also have really nice comfy oversized hoodie. All the pieces are very comfy. We have this

Overall, I call it overall but my sense is not hold over on through the sandbags on it

All the buttons are custom. Everything is custom. I love the jacket that we designed. It's so cool. It's a pullover

I love how the back term that. It's such a cool jacket

We also have a scarf with the same things on it. And of course a t-shirt super cool

I love this design turnout as well. And of course the pants finally I have pants that fit me. Well, these are so awesome

so good looking among these turnout if you guys want to check it out link is in the description and

Support Sookie and the brand and vision that we have. I can't wait to see what else we do in the future as well

But this is it enjoy the video. Thank you guys. Bye

Very good, the ye time, how's it going brows?

It's me, PewDiePie brows brows. What's up brows? Hang around?

So, how's it going?

Welcome to Lorraine

YouTube's favorite show everybody that's right last week

We hit trending just kidding. Only PTC bullshit's gets on trending. Like if your lip tarde let's review the line

I would love to have Nicolette on or have all of them on we have Nicolette

We'll have vegan Jesus or everything was and all those all those guys

As you can see I purchased all the billboards are in India to promote purify

And purify. I know you are watching this video

I'm totally not doing this so that you can react to this video on your channel

That is really not the reason but it will be great if you do it, so please do it

Please pewdiepie. I need subscribers. Okay fair enough

So for the sake of YouTube, please subscribe to purify because

You're welcome Simon Says, thank you. Very cool. I

Mean, thank you, India. Very cool now subscribe to PewDiePie and

Unsubscribe from t-series. That's all I ask. Thank you guys for watching another episode of look why YouTube favorites show everybody

See you guys next week some it means down below become that's it

penny cool breaking popping pills

Money murder shut up blazing Billy wheel city

For more infomation >> Le dernier espoir pour ma chaîne.. - Duration: 4:16.


เดอะค็อป รอชม!! หงส์แดง เตรียมใช้แผนเก่า บุกเยือนรังแตน เกอิต้า คัมแบ็คตัวจริง - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> เดอะค็อป รอชม!! หงส์แดง เตรียมใช้แผนเก่า บุกเยือนรังแตน เกอิต้า คัมแบ็คตัวจริง - Duration: 1:52.



For more infomation >> RONALDINHO É ALVO DE MANDADO DE BUSCA E APREENSÃO - Duration: 2:00.


หวยมาเลย์ 24/11/61 แนวทางปลดหนี้กับหวยมาเลยวันนี้(วันเสาร์) - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> หวยมาเลย์ 24/11/61 แนวทางปลดหนี้กับหวยมาเลยวันนี้(วันเสาร์) - Duration: 9:56.


วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: แมนฯ ยูไนเต็ด, แมนฯ ซิตี้, สเปอร์ส - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> วิเคราะห์จุดแข็ง-จุดอ่อน: แมนฯ ยูไนเต็ด, แมนฯ ซิตี้, สเปอร์ส - Duration: 3:51.


孟庭苇离婚真相曝光?被传恋上小12岁女性助理 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> 孟庭苇离婚真相曝光?被传恋上小12岁女性助理 - Duration: 6:00.


为何很多人都不喜欢王菲,反而喜欢张柏芝赵薇八字说出真相 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 为何很多人都不喜欢王菲,反而喜欢张柏芝赵薇八字说出真相 - Duration: 4:54.


Kia Picanto 1.0Turbo GT-Line 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0Turbo GT-Line 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:12.

------------------------------------------- | Cell Phone Signal Boosters That Work, For Less.

For more infomation >> | Cell Phone Signal Boosters That Work, For Less.


i told you don't hideeeeee :S - Duration: 0:25.

i told you don't hideeeeee :S

i told you don't hideeeeee :S

For more infomation >> i told you don't hideeeeee :S - Duration: 0:25.


[EN CC] T-Buster - EP02 - Don't Blaze Up! - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> [EN CC] T-Buster - EP02 - Don't Blaze Up! - Duration: 11:35.


Renault Espace 2.0T Dynamique Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0T Dynamique Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:08.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 405 - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 405 - Duration: 10:15.


Nightcore - Hurts Like Hell (Madison Beer feat. Offset) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Hurts Like Hell (Madison Beer feat. Offset) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.


Ibrahimovic names the Arsenal great who was key to Man United move - Duration: 5:44.

 Zlatan Ibrahimovic has revealed that Arsenal great Patrick Vieira played a key role in his move to Manchester United in 2016

 Making a big impression during his time in Holland, Italy, Spain and France, many had called for the Swede to seal a move to England to prove that he could do it against the Premier League's best

 Finally arriving in the top flight in 2016 after leaving Paris Saint-Germain, the 37-year-old proved to be a huge hit during his time at Old Trafford

 Scoring a total of 29 goals in 53 games for the Red Devils, Ibrahimovic helped Jose Mourinho's side win the Community Shield, EFL Cup and Europa League during his first season in England

 Speaking to the BBC about his career, the LA Galaxy striker claimed that the Frenchman was key to his move to England having first come across him at the Amsterdam Tournament during Vieira's time with the Gunners

  "When I met Patrick for the first time it was in Juventus I knew who he was," the Swede told BBC's Football Daily (via the Mirror )

 "I remember we played against Arsenal when I was in Ajax.  "There was this Amsterdam Arena tournament and I remember when we were sitting on the bench, the whole Ajax team, Patrick Vieira was the only player from Arsenal to give their hand to every player when he went past them

 "The other ones pass, hello, hello, nothing. But he gave his hand to every player and already I said to myself 'wow, this is something else

This is different.'  "Then I played against him and as a player everybody knows him

 "He is the hard guy. He is box-to-box, quality, good mentality and when he came to Juventus he had big influence in my game

To train every day good.  "The way you train is the way you play and he was on me every time

 "When you yell at somebody, put pressure on somebody normally the pressure doesn't come back because of different personalities, different characters

 "But from him it came back twice and I was not used to that so he was on me all the time

 "When I thought I did good he said I did bad. And he was always on me and he triggered my mentality by not being satisfied

 "You have to do much more because it is not enough. And he knows what he is talking about

 "He won the trophies he won and played with fantastic world class players.  "And so my moment when I should have gone to England, I was talking to different players that I know well, trust and will give me an honest opinion

 "And from all of them, everybody said, 'don't do it. It's not good for your career because you put one year - because the [United] contract was one year plus another - and you put your whole career [at risk] because of one season

 "If you don't do a good season people will say the rest of what you did before is useless because you didn't make it in England

Especially from the England side.  "They will say 'yes you did it there but you didn't do it here

'  "But that triggered me because that is the challenge I want.  "So I went against everybody that said to me know and said this is exactly what I want to do

 "I come to their garden and I will show myself in their garden. I was 35 when everybody thought that I am too old but I came and made the Premier League look old

 "That is the nice thing. It took me three months to convince everybody who I was

"That is the challenge I like and I never turned down a challenge."  "The only thing I have to say is the Premier League should be happy I didn't come ten years before I did because it would be a different story

You can read the book with all my numbers.  "Those numbers would have been in the Premier League

No difference. Wherever I went I brought those numbers.  "And I came to the right club in England

United was the club, the shirt I was supposed to shine in and I did it." Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football

london via the free app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Ibrahimovic names the Arsenal great who was key to Man United move - Duration: 5:44.


10 Changes to Make to Your Eating Habits to Lose Weight - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 10 Changes to Make to Your Eating Habits to Lose Weight - Duration: 3:54.


Bun Pak Raksmey - How to Change Bad Habit in Khmer - Duration: 18:17.

Bun Pak Raksmey - How to Change Bad Habit in Khmer

For more infomation >> Bun Pak Raksmey - How to Change Bad Habit in Khmer - Duration: 18:17.


Reveals reason Prince Charles is considered the 'Pampered Prince' of Royal Family - Duration: 11:21.

Reveals reason Prince Charles Is considered the Pampered princess

The Royal Family

Prince Charles isn't even looking at

But he's certainly being treated as

Thanks to a revealing new document

We now know just how it

Extensive Charles's

Fans really are

Serving the Royals

Inside the firm

Which is available to stream on Amazon Prime

Gives all the dirty


In the documentary

Paul Burrell

Princess Diana's former Butler

Reveals All The Reason

Why Clarence House


The Charles has the Pamper

Here are some of his most diva-like Behavior

He has oddly specific and simple demand

Charles may be royalty

But he has to do some things on his own


Apparently not

Many of his demands

Include a simple

You're ugly

Play specific

Of tasks

Some of which really shouldn't require anyone else's help

Braille spilled

His pajamas are pressed every morning

His shoelaces are pressed flat with an iron

The bath plug has to be in

Certain position

And the water temperature

Your has to be just happy

Plus Charles has his valets squeeze one in

Toothpaste onto his toothbrush every morning

You may think all of that sounds demanding

But he's made it even worse request

Braille explain

On one occasion

He rang me from his library and he said


A letter from the queen

Seems to have fallen into my waist

Would you pick it up


It gets worse

It might be bad enough

For staff to take care of Charles is menial


He has certain routines

That require more

Extensive work on a regular basis

Tom Bower's 2018 book

Rebel Prince

The power

Passion and defiance

Prince Charles

Spills even more of his demand

With the help of 120 personal injury

According to win


Explains the Charles

Not only changes his outfits 5 times a day

But he sends his own food ahead of his arrival at

Dinner parties

Only uses his own toilet seat

And only sleeps

Sun special Royals

That are pressed and wrinkle-free

A process

Can take over an hour

The media has to sign a contract

Like to speak with him

When it comes to

Speaking to the media

Charles has some very specific

The guidelines

That must be followed

In 2015

It was revealed the Charles requires the media

Design a 15 page contract in order

Speak with him

He's clearly controlling about how he's perceived to the pub

Because the contract demands

The Clarence House

What would have the right

Do you have any interviews

According to Yahoo

They have the power to

To keep it from being brought


Camilla parker-bowles

Has reportedly become demanding too

Considering Camilla Parker

Super Bowls has been married

The Charleston


It appears the princess demands

Pants have rubbed off on his wife

Prayer requests are more so linked to when they travel

How many royal family members

Have their own

Specific travel required

For starters

Parker-bowles always brings along her own drinks

For fear of any sort

Drinks being

Treating Charles also travel with

Their own special Orthopedic bed

As well as a

The specific type of toilet paper

Charles reportedly requires a flask

Containing a premixed martini waiting for him in a special

Eyeglass wherever he trap

Although he's deny these claims

We wouldn't be so

Surprised if it were true based on his other demanding


What do you think about this

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section


And do not forget like and share the video with everyone

If you feel this video is used

Pampered Prince put something in shade

Even the queen is such a regard her son test

His lifestyle would seem extravagant to Louis XIV

Is always available to pick up his clothes

A servant's

Squeeze his toothpaste onto his brush

What's the specimen bottle

Step into the world

The Prince of Wales a lifestyle

As the storm of Scandal

That the Paul Burrell continues unabated

Attention is focusing on the vast household employed by senior Royals to look after every aspect of the person

In public life

Annabelle in bringing about the current crisis

It is the 85 strong Court of Prince Charles that has emerged most seriously discredited with a growing number of

MPS demanding to know how we can justify such a large

Staff at least one gift



The public this week

Institution that has

Sneaks into the 21st century



In general

In the end it might not be the right tape allegations

What will the British public think of an answer

The tution

Already fabulously wealthy

That has servants

Carry out the most medial of tasks

Well others

For a Pocketful of tax


Supporters make much of the Sun from the Earth


His twins households at st. James's Palace and is gloucestershire

Are financed by the lucrative estate of the duchy of Cornwall

His Birthright as the male heir to the throne

According to the latest


The estate made a profit of 6.9

When it was valued at around pound 300

The princess

And stays little

The biggest


According to the accounts

Is the full-time domestic an office staff of around 85

Whose duties range from contacts with the 400 organizations within the prince is involved

To answering the three hundred thousand letters he and his sons receive every year

It is lavish domestic staff which is caused most consternation

Compared with George Smith's on Sunday that he was raped by member of the princess

The Revelation that he was one of five to a company

Richmond Sonic

Egypt may not have registered high on the shots


The number of

Has since been reduced

For two senior

To assistant in the spirit of Royal kit

But the central concern

Exactly does one man need so many people to help him get dressed

According to Ingrid Seward

Editor of majesty magazine

The answer can be found in Charles's fondness for being fussed over

The prince often changes if 5 times a day

The discarded

Including mm

I'll ask to cross the floor for one pickup

Job to make sure the clothes are washed and returned to the correct place in his mahogany wardrobes

He is in the world

Charles or two of the assistance are available around the clock to prepare

His wardrobe

Picking up

His clothes from the floor is not the only menial task is staffer expected to perform

Is a merge

Search this week that depends even get one of his

To squeeze his toothpaste onto his toothbrush

From a crested silver dispenser

Bizarre facts


Michael Fawcett

To hold his specimen bottle

It is mr. faucet

Since promoted to personal consultant to the prince

Who has been causing most Emmys for St James's Palace

I can do without just about anyone

Except for Michael

Prince Charles is said to have told a friend

At an employment tribunal where former eight Elizabeth Burgess alleged she was the victim of racial and sexual disc

Discrimination from mr. faucet

She claimed that she had been advised not to bother complaining because Charles adored mr. faucet

Camilla parker-bowles is understood to be

Mr faucet has been accused of selling gifts given to the

It has been claimed that as much as $100,000 has been added to Charles

So adept

It is said at Shops

The fence

Sir Michael Pete

The prince

Secretary of the Fallout from the

Has promised to investigate the allegations

Charles does not limit his generosity to himself

Since she was publicly unveiled as the princes partner

Mrs. Parker


Why was her appearance

Required nothing more

She never dresses in designer gowns Valentino Versace

Picked up by Charles

Has escalated accordingly

He also pays for the least of his Vauxhall Omega and a chauffeur for her

The queen is reported to believe that the amount of around is protest

But Her Majesty's household is no less extravagant

Last Christmas

During separate trips


Charles took 3

The queen 11

Books for chefs

His mother 12

The Coweta

250 stance on foreign trips

According to a report from The Commons Public Accounts committee on Royal

Published in July

After the death of the Queen Mother

It emerged that she had employed a massive household to including a Watchman to sit outside

This 19th century style Entourage may not last much longer

MPS are calling for Parliament

To take a closer look at the size of the staff

Trimming down the household would be a start

Said Paul Flynn Labour MP for Newport West

Why anybody in this day and age needs that number of servants is completely beyond me

Even the president of the United States makes his own breakfast

For more infomation >> Reveals reason Prince Charles is considered the 'Pampered Prince' of Royal Family - Duration: 11:21.


庾澄庆再当爸 妻子顺产第二胎是男孩 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 庾澄庆再当爸 妻子顺产第二胎是男孩 - Duration: 2:04.


Mobile Meals packs up Thanksgiving meals for homebound seniors - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Mobile Meals packs up Thanksgiving meals for homebound seniors - Duration: 0:49.


[2X FASTER] TWICE (트와이스) - YES or YES - Dance Cover? by Frost - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> [2X FASTER] TWICE (트와이스) - YES or YES - Dance Cover? by Frost - Duration: 3:26.


蒋劲夫遭威胁6000万?女友律师:保密义务 不便回应 - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> 蒋劲夫遭威胁6000万?女友律师:保密义务 不便回应 - Duration: 5:10.


15 Boldly Elegant Eclectic Staircase Designs You Must See - Duration: 3:50.

15 Boldly Elegant Eclectic Staircase Designs You Must See

For more infomation >> 15 Boldly Elegant Eclectic Staircase Designs You Must See - Duration: 3:50.


First Alert: Weather cooperating for Black Friday shoppers - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> First Alert: Weather cooperating for Black Friday shoppers - Duration: 3:17.


Rustic The Van Alstyne Tiny House (340 Sq Ft) | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Rustic The Van Alstyne Tiny House (340 Sq Ft) | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:08.


Walmart Site Recover After Site Crashed!!Black Friday( Update) New - Duration: 3:43.

welcome to Nosey Rosey News this video about the Walmart site recovers you know

the Black Friday that's happening where one more site recovers after a shaky

start to a Black Friday so I'm just giving you guys a little bit of update

on what really um happen and um you know officials are say out there did you know

that it was so many people out there you know buying things online to wear a head

crash and Walmart I thinking up it's a Walmart Target Amazon you know

and one more join the ranks of Amazon as the former website crash the second as

its Black Friday sales went live Walmart have been teasing his Black

Friday deals all week you know they had like this let's pass you want a $99

Samsung Chromebook that people was flirting in like they never seen that

happen like that and we're in recently years or whatever or probably in the

past but this have been this year have been the most busy hectic for them get

on the customers have been putting on him or whatever so they said that they

had set up to go live at 10:00 and seconds crashed or whatever and first

Walmart's fight began to slow down a second later very shoppers and customers

began receiving error pages where browsers was freezing up in an extinct

man Walmart spokesman said due to extremely high demand for a Black Friday

deals last night I was fighting spirit some delay shortly after I they begin

online me customers were still able to check out

smoothie and we were able to quit quickly fix the issue we apologize to

any customers that's impacted and I will link a website failure tracker in the

description in my box which is called down detector calm and the report goes

on to say that beginning receiving reports a lot more band ow and precisely

it and with many shoppers commenting that the site would not allow them to

check out with their purchases well I would have been so I would have been so

mad oh my gosh I would be so mad comments from angry shoppers who were

stuck in any commerce limbo as their shopping carts filled to proceed fail to

proceed to checkout we reached out to Walmart and we'll update our story when

the retailer requires so it is very unclear why the outage will affect it

Walmart dollars but in the meantime that $25 Google home may need or buster is

now live and mental spot this it for my video for today you guys if you have any

experiences problems while shopping and Walmart leave me a comment below and I

will see you guys next time

For more infomation >> Walmart Site Recover After Site Crashed!!Black Friday( Update) New - Duration: 3:43.


Gov. Greg Abbott volunteers at 'Meals on Wheels' - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Gov. Greg Abbott volunteers at 'Meals on Wheels' - Duration: 1:43.


Collecting More Debt Money (I Get Shanked) | Red Dead Redemption 2 Episode 24 - Duration: 19:20.

Welcome to mikegolden Games and welcome back to another episode of Red Dead

Redemption 2 okay I know my voice is still a little messed up hopefully

tomorrow it will be perfect maybe 90% better

I hope my voice is gonna get better but as of yesterday my voice was like

completely gone the last few episodes I've recorded right before this one it's

Sunday right now and I'm just trying to get as much as I can get done over the

weekend because you know during the week I'm pretty busy but I hope you guys are

enjoying these episodes so far let me know what you think of them in the comments

below and I'm gonna be doing some more LSPDFR videos as well as Fallout

76 so I hope you guys do you know consider subscribing if you haven't

already so you guys can save mr. Morgan I've been wondering to ask you something

yeah I've been wanting to for days I've ruined my life with it

then stop doing it yeah just put it down oh no I can't do that

really I can't you serious Reverend put it down just

put it down you're a real Paragon now's not the time

Arthur okay don't worry I'm serious whatever okay so let's get over here

Leopold Strauss has another mission for us fries some more money in lending

going on so let's go speak with him and see what he's got all right so looks

like he's inside this little shack here here we go get up here

can I not climb up there come on now get a walk all the way around to these

stairs what is that in the water some kind of a fishing trap or something

all right Leopold what's going on man

still working mr. Strauss what you've been up to trying to wrap up our

accounts before we leave mr. Morgan so you'll be joining us in Tahiti I rather

fancied Australia a similar kind of people to us lots of opportunity that

tells me we're gonna be rich perhaps but so far we have not raised

many cattle you know so mr. Morgan will you help me

finalize our business here this is filthy work will you need money in

Australia for kettle infeed I mean why flinch now you never have done before

Bell yeah they are some fisherman by the name of Davison LG Davison living in a

place called catfish Jackson near scarlet meadows sufficient and that's it

there a union built on that email okay

okay looks like we got to go get some more money from these guys get back over

to our horse midnight individuals I wrote the getting money are marked on

the map for the money sign seek other you'll seek out the debtors in

recovering money no problem still keep getting them money back get $667 in the

camp funds and wrap him up in that let's go boy

right out

what is going on over here well I think we're gonna blow up us they just blew

themselves up oh that is disgusting Wow let's sleep this guy see we just got

home oh that's dad's atrocious a billfold we'll take that how much money

we got twenty dollars and another twenty dollars forty bucks not bad oh man that

guy's leg is blown off that sucks for these two Wow

we're just gonna go anything special nope Warren the cattleman right for a

pistol okay looks like we are good only we mean can i leap this darn no I'm

gonna get away from that dynamite because they just blew themselves up the

Sun might be a little volatile mom midnight let's go boy

good boy good boy let's go boy

we got over here how did a pope get up in that tree yikes

maybe a hurricane or something I mean we are down in the Bayou find it what do we

got over here anything doesn't look like it what's this some pirate rum oh yeah

baby some aged pirate rum beautiful that stuff is the most potent alcohol in the

game Wow I really don't know how okay that thought got up there I'm guessing

maybe I heard we're not too far away now again I apologize for my voice it is is

pretty bad right now let me know how bad I sound in the comments below

I do love hearing from you guys just say hi I'll respond hi back you guys we're

coming up to the house Oh what's up okay

yikes let's get my revolvers out reload reload two guys down

Lemoine Raiders where you boys that huh

I don't know it's one first-person you know I haven't done too much

there's person holy shoot it's kind of freaking do I have anything I can throw

at this guy

wow that's not bad that's not what I meant to do I was trying to throw the

diamond they had a freaking Gatling gun they had a Gatling gun on that I think

it was a stagecoach or something or a wagon I have not seen that happen before

Dale okay looks like we just spawned right up here to get back on my horse

the back is third person wow I was not expecting them to have a freaking

Gatling gun that's crazy okay it looks like the mission is still

available so that's good maybe I should have my Lancaster just in case what does

a poor condition well it's not good hold on a second let me maintain my wife I'm

really quick here we go oh that is disgusting

it's more first-person look at that I love this game so much it's gotten so

it's the small details in it first person is awesome I have not used first

person but I really need to start doing first person like I've had the game for

what two three weeks now and I've barely touched it in first person let's

complete this beauty off oh there we go yeah cleaner off get that good gun oil

on her on so much better looking that is freaking beautiful the

craftsmanship on this rifle it's seriously unparalleled this is a

beautiful rifle you can flip it over oh look at that

seriously that is a beautiful rifle I really want to get a Henry I think it's

a golden boy it's got the brass receiver but they're like 300 400 bucks so

probably not gonna do that now I think they might be a little more if you get a

brand new but I've seen a few online used for not too better than horizon

let's get inside this house

alright there's somewhere up here okay let's get up inside this house see if

they're in there they could be somewhere around the property but let's see if we

knock on it anybody home hello okay

doesn't look like they're inside whoop I need to eat something I'm about to die

can't speak or not too bad there we go let's get around here there's a boat no

that's just the log never mind hello oh here's a kid over here

what are you doing man you drink hey you better have a damn good reason for being

on my property mister yeah I am actually you remember that alone you took mr.

Davison what times long since up I'm here to collect sure sure I got your

money every speaking cent it's in the house hell I'll even offer you a drink

we can toast to never lay eyes on each other again okay sounds good to me

now I notice he does not have a gun on me right now how about you you got to be

stinking drunk already to do this kind of work I like doing it sober and you

take my money surely you take a drink off me as well

that would be the mannalie thing to do let us handle the money first we're

about manners later okay yeah I don't think I'm gonna excise you were catching

flies you weren't catching fish come on let's get us there yeah okay just stand

there drink another look down here for our savings savings under the sink best

place for not gonna drink it hmm now where's them drinks boy drinks ready

right they're missing oh oh you just stabbed me you kidding me I don't think

so dude get on the ground on the ground drop the knife right now LSPD drop the

knife drop it dude get on the ground nope drop it oh shoot come on come on

get down on the ground damn he just tried to frickin kill me

there let's loot his body let's see what he's got on there's blood all over the

place what do you got on you dude okay let's get my hat back huh

where'd this kid go something up here assorted biscuits

okay there's gin but I can't take any more of it I can't take that drink I was

gonna take it now let's see what we've got over here

what was that blue the drawer could be swimmin in it

Premium cigarettes no see nothing over here okay what you got in

this cabinet nothing okay what about this drawer nothing in there ooh nope

doesn't look like we can take that either

dang nothing over here Oh what is that just a double-barrel shotgun nothing

special dang what about this cabinet just gin

nothing come on does this guy seriously not have any

money what did he spend all the money on that we loaned him just leave me alone

kid son I want to get out of here but I can't until I find some money this like

I've been keeping it away from them ain't that lucky oh no no I feel bad cuz

it's the kids money that sucks okay we'll take it and we'll close good

should be proud of yourself

okay nothing here nothing in there what else we got Oh

cover solution we'll take that one I searched the drawer

nothing come on I've got some whiskey but I think I'm full on whiskey nothing

there either what is that candy I'll leave the candy we got a

cigarette card there we'll take that one that you got the money goes and he's got

two horse cards nice

all right kid getting out of here just after I search the father I don't think

this is Wow this room is like destroyed compared to the kids room wow this guy

is a freakin drunk let's see what do we got in here oh oh never open pisses

cards are just nothing good nothing good there get a letter here we got here okay

dearest Nate I don't know how many letters I have written now but I won't

stop trying even the act of writing feels like some connection to you which

is certainly better than none I can understand how hurt and angry you must

be for walking out on you like I did when I promised that I loved you with

all my heart I just couldn't take it any longer you know your father's temper

especially when he was drinking which was all the time at the end I found work

and then renting a small house just give me the word and I'll send for you we can

both start again love always mama that sucks

the father must have got the letter that sucks maybe we can talk to the kid about

it let's see what we got in this cabinet

pistol cartridges okay I'll take that and what else is here nothing

damn okay so it looks like we got what we needed let me go speak with the kid

really quick if it'll let us I don't know if that's it

please go that doesn't look like it'll let me talk to him

let's get out of here I guess we probably have to go fetch

Oh what's going on up there little man what's up what happened man my horse

threw me and I landed on my foot and I heard a snap oh no okay okay okay all

right man let me help you out oh okay no I don't think so bitch drop

it drop it now shoot pistols out here

come on come on get him get him I don't know how I missed that guy what a bitch

whoo okay let's see what she's got on her I'm guessing she's with the monoi

drivers that's a nice-looking hat can I not pick it up apparently not it's

probably cuz it's a good one Sam that's pretty sexist to them to do that

JK it's just good okay nothing good there was a african-american in there so

I don't think that was the lowboy graders

she's a group of Raiders because but Lemoine Raiders they basically still

think civil wars going on and you know they had slaves back then so I wouldn't

think they would have whoa Oh freaking boars

yikes okay so let's get back to our camp and turn in I've lost my mind well I've

always been happy as a fool okay so let's get upstairs here and see if we

can turn in that debt money we should be able to since get over here and give all

that's there go got some good amount of money in there

and there's the den money $24 is it I got a $4 share though that's not bad

okay guys so I am gonna leave this episode here I hope you guys enjoyed it

let me know what you thought in the comments below have a great day guys and

see you next time maybe kids just subscribing if it didn't

already and yeah my voice is so messed up right now

so I hope you guys enjoyed the episode maybe hit that like button take it easy


For more infomation >> Collecting More Debt Money (I Get Shanked) | Red Dead Redemption 2 Episode 24 - Duration: 19:20.


The Best English Songs 2018 - Best Of 2018 Cover - Duration: 25:31.

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