what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on the vengers 4 so you
have tuned in to the number one spot on YouTube for Avengers based and news so
if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe to never miss any other
videos and also we are doing a giveaway for infinity war or Deadpool
scooby-dooby-doo / - or for ant-man and wasp all you gotta do is comment down
below who is your favorite super hero so in this video we're gonna go over a
trader leak that popped on reddit on Tuesday I will leave the link in the
description box down below for transparency reasons and there's some
pretty bad news guys if you're respecting the Avengers full trailer
tomorrow sadly it's not actually coming it's being confirmed due to a Disney
press release that there is no Avengers full trailer at least dropping on Good
Morning America or the Jimmy Kimmel Live show but this does not mean it won't
100% drop randomly but Marvel don't do things
randomly normally but there were some reports coming from some media outlets
saying the Avengers 4 is going to be marketed very different to any other
Avengers movies ever would put out that doesn't make sense so I can't see a
random Avengers floor trader posting on the internet tomorrow but hang on walls
to you you just said they're marketing it very different yeah that's what I
said so it will be out of the ordinary for them just to post a video with no
kind of hype and at the end of day Disney Walt Disney is a massive company
they've lost a lot of money by buying the Fox it's costing 70 billion plus I
think 70 million haven't got the stats in front of me they've lost a lot of
money buying Fox so they have to recuperate money their business so they
will tell people so like I've always said it would drop bracket Ralph's most
likely but racket Ralph UK so by the end of next week it should be there it'll
make more sense for it to post with Monday Night Football for the European
viewers it's well I believe they're on about NFL like they're not on about
soccer like I believe they're on about American
football is what I'm saying or it could drop at the Collider infinity war
screening with the Russo brothers that's happening next week
next week will be the anniversary of the first trailer I don't really know why we
need to talk about oshi of the first trailer and the reason
I don't really think it's coming tomorrow is a very reputable source on
Twitter called trailer trap their credentials their track record is
amazing they don't have anything listens so the
source for the rest of video is coming from reddit yes would you read it isn't
a good source well actually reddit is a good source
sometimes so this is specifically coming from the Marvel Studios spoiler pay now
it's a very interesting story I'm not going to read it all out cuz it'd be
like a 25 minute video but essentially what it is saying is the people that
drop this elite description for the first trailer they worked with James
Gunn and because he was sacked and caused them to scrap the gardens to
galaxy 3 and too much into one movie and what should have made it like but
wasting what again is they got really annoyed but James Gunn was fired so
today's society to drop a kind of elite description for a trailer but what is
even weirder is they've signed it by Ricky bubbles and Julian um they've only
made one post on the reddit account if they actually did work for a studio
house that make the trailers they I mean some information would get out but it
wouldn't be this detail and also if you are a professional in that kind of job
the writing level wouldn't be as bad as it is you'll see what I mean when I
start talking about it so the reason I think this isn't true but you know me I
love to go over anything leagues I love to discuss where I think things are true
or false it's because I don't think the first Avengers trailer is gonna be very
long like I've said before guys they don't even have to market this video
movie they don't have to market it at all because everyone wants to see it so
before we get into that let's get into the video and like I said guys this most
likely isn't true but you guys always asked me to go over stuff so well so
like I said in mind that makes sense but I try and make sense of it the trailer
begins closing in on a television showing only static in a disk shelf
living room just before a picture as the camera closes in a news report begins
and as second later you hear that overlapping
voices of reporters describing the aftermath of infinity war in vague terms
another alien invasion those missing beings reported in billions half the
population of the world gone with the snap of their finger now already this
has got a lot of red herrings as the voice of new castes come in your ear the
12 Titans dust ash remac remix begins playing and continues until indicated
between the time the television screen snaps from static to news and the
newscaster voice stops on the snap of a finger you see three different images
rotating in quick flashes lasts in about six seconds total see in each image for
one Mississippi second and the closing on the screen in faster flashes water
what got what do I even continue making this video yes because I've already
started this sounds so vague but let's go on it might get more interesting as
we get into it first in rotation is the camera drawing closer to the TV screen
until it's only pixels seconds it's scattered around the living room where
the TV sits third are scenes from infinity war visions falling to his
knees black and white Peter Park attorney to dust cap struggling to fight
off darkness the cycle ends I mean seriously they're not going to
advertise any of the dead Avengers obviously spider-man will be advertised
in his own movie but they're not gonna advertise any of the dusted Avengers in
the first trailer or in any trailer with a close-up on a broken picture and frame
of the Barton family and Hawkeye as the news cast says with the fingers snap
imply in the scene was from the Barton home as the music the screen snaps back
and the Marvel studio logo shows with ten years detail I mean maybe the only
thing realistic about this at the moment is the fact that the 10-years logo shows
do i yeah okay I'm going to continue because I don't always my
I'm next you see Barton a pullin back a bow aiming at an unlit scene and then
rolling through the grass in a field with a sword coming to clash with an
unclear human opponent a coy voice says we've lost so much as you see the scene
switch to a coy pleading face in a room in Wakanda
Bruce browner says we've lost the only things that matter also in a room in
Wakanda cap says from the same room declaring no not yet we haven't Natasha
screams with tears welling in our eyes we've lost everything I've lost
everything they're both standing in the trashed living room from the opening
sequence next you see Tony for the first time battered and distraught turning to
say we've lost for good this time don't you get that as a scene of the
unknown spaceship comes to hold far above Titan cap voiceover answers Tony
but we didn't do it together so yeah I mean this sounds legit but not
really because we do know that they have shot scenes together in Avengers four as
we've seen imagism of it so whoever wrote this I've got no idea what's going
on but this does not sound any more far-fetched than anything else I've been
over there is a short montage of everyone suiting up as new music begins
it's the Avenger score from before the mid-credits scene of age of Ultron as
this epic score plays you see cap put on a new shield Barton slides his roan in
mask on as the sword slides into its sheath Tony is in a nanotech suit
slightly more angular than that of infinity war Thor puts on a helmet
modified from thor ragnarok gladiator version and from a seating position
electricity crackles through Stormbreaker and his classic ooh armor
snaps into place a piece at a time over his arms and legs
you see rocket climb on to war machines shoulder and a cock a massive weapon as
war machine face plant snaps down and his shoulder cannon slaps
the shoulder opposite rocket natasha attaches her wrist weapons and you see
black and grey visions and we actually that's been in concert like so yeah that
could actually be true eyes like brutally with a camera focus only there
so you cannot see the rest of his body this montage of everyone suiting up
lasts eight seconds that's a lot to play in eight seconds next you see a scroll
leader turn to another and say he took half of us as well and the scroll
replies at half our might our people are still stronger than any race alive next
Captain Marvel in full gear is shown saying I think you might be disappointed
when you learn the truth the scrolls turned to look at another this scenes
are out of sequence cut together for effect that ice is seen walking towards
the camera in full armor palace he passes you see his farmer cloven hanging
on the scarecrow wear his helmet had rested at the end infinity war you see
fallows assessing the damage infinity gone as you hear his voice for the first
time chaos order there's forces the fulfillment of my
destiny but this as Donna speaks you see him being attacked by war machine rocket
Captain America trying to hold them off while sprouting shield from the damaged
infinity goner as a double fisted blast from Captain Mal hits the power stone
directly and it cracks breaking open breaking open two looks of horror from
the surrounding heroes and the phallus alike as the stone explodes in a
blinding purple and white flash that opens the sky like a book followed in
open where from the purple and black boots of an unbelievable large figure
steps forward and Thanos finishes his statement this is something beyond any
of our control this is the end of the world
this is title screen comes up and into focus to finish his statement
annihilation written with Avengers a and a font cuts the Hulk shrugging when you
say it like that doesn't sound bad Scott lying appears
for the first time and says wait he talks now how long was I gone
credits opening date comes up that's it enjoy when you see it this week so guys
I'm pretty sure that's the mostly fake because for starters the tile isn't
actually Avengers annihilation it will probably be something like avenge as
that site makes more sense the last Avengers the annihilation has
been debunked but let me know what you think the title for the movie should be
I personally think it should be Avengers or the last Avengers or eternity war
Quentin realm war something like that's something that actually has a powerful
impact annihilation is just weak in my opinion so don't be expecting the
Avengers full trailer tomorrow it definitely won't be on Good Morning
America or the Jimmy Kimmel show cuz it's not listed so hopefully you don't
wake up tomorrow thinking it's a vengeance war trade a day because it's
not it most likely will be sometime next week but that's not being verified or
confirmed by anyone officially at Marvel or a Disney Wrap so no one really knows
it's just everyone's kind of theories or they're kind of like sources of a source
of a source but even if you get from reddit that's no better than someone
randomly saying it on my Instagram or Twitter so guys let me know what you
think about these kind of videos if you like me doing them I'll keep doing them
but she promised this leak was it's probably the weakest one I've ever ever
had to do but you guys seem to like these kind of videos so I do videos that
you like so anyway guys please like subscribe and comment let me know what
do you think it's gonna be an Avengers full trailer personally I think the
Avengers war trailer is just going to be a tease trailer because they can't
really show any of the heroes that would turn to dust and also they don't want to
give away too much because there's already a lot of skepticism out there
there's a really lot of like discussion kind of speculative stuff out there so
it's pointless for them to give more fire to all the fuel anyway guys like I
said please like subscribe and comment it does help the channel grow massively
YouTube's in a bit of a problem moment with article 13 maybe getting past and
all that kind of stuff and also YouTube being in debacle with kind of YouTube
keeps crashing and notification since they did it do you Google bus so it just
helps me out a lot if you could hit the like button and the subscribe button a
notification button that would be cool anyway guys I'll catch you in another
video very soon it catch ya later
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