Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 23 2018

Sori's Youtube Channel

Today I will do some stretching exercises for you guys

You can bend your head like this and relax your shoulder

Press the part under the hair line

So refreshing

Hi everybody, SoriNotSorry, I am Sori

Today I am siting on the exercise mattress wearing this pretty sportswear

Do I look like an instructor?

Today I will do some stretching as my shoulders and neck are bothering me usually

When I was little I didn't hold the right position for my back and shoulders

so if I have pressure on my neck I feel pain

so naturally I feel it till my shoulders

so because it is quite uncomfortable I usually do stretching to release the pain

so today I will do it with you guys

Shall we start?

So first let's try some side bends

Place your hand here

And you bend your head like this but your shoulder shall not follow up

(Tip-the shoulder should go opposite to your head)

It should look like a line that goes down

And the opposite side Grab again and slowly bend down

And as I said the shoulder should bend to the opposite direction

You will feel a little bit refresh

and down

(Tip-breath out while push your head in front)

So bend your head in the back too but don't throw your head like this

Keep you body straight

and without lifting your shoulders

Let your head slowly go on the back

(Tip-bend you jaw slightly on the back)

You can stretch like this

But be careful as if you bend your head too much in the back you can feel pain too

so stretch it slowly on the back

(Neck stretching is recommended for those with turtleneck syndrome)

Now some neck rotations once

now on the opposite side



And when your shoulders are feeling rigid and are in pain

you can try bringing them like this together

and loose them after

One more time

~like this

one more time

After doing this

bring them to the back and rotate



Can you hear the sound from my back?



and opposite





Before I was doing only stretching

~these days I do upper lymph massage

The blood circulation it get way better and also the pressure in the shoulders is reduced

So I will let you know the procedure of this massage

(the lymph massage is good for blood circulation)

~On the left side of your neck if you grab

Some people have this part kind of rigid at touching same as me

so you have to grab like this while you grabbing firmly

the pressure is relieved

And it feels really refreshing

So you should go down from the ear down to the neck line

And on the opposite side too

I usually I do this massage routine before I am singing

Is not only pain relief but the neck it gets more relax too

When you are going to work in the morning too before leaving if you do this massage the neck feels relaxed and the face won't be swollen

And in front too

Press on the side of vocal cords

(grab the part of vocal cords and spin like this)

Now if you go down there is this space between clavicles.

Here too you can push like this

Massage in circular mode

By doing this massage it doesn't only release stress from your neck but also it relaxes the shoulder and the back of your neck

Each bones from your back of your neck

If you press exactly on your hair line from the back and massage it in circular mode

it's really refreshing


And now massage in the opposite circular direction

1, 2, 3,4

Now after the stress is relieved

Here, under the chin if you press you can feel something under

As here there are also some veins by massaging this area too it helps for blood circulation

Circular moves

(press it firmly)

Like this

Because the neck and shoulder are connected when the neck is in pain also the shoulders would be in pain

So by massaging between it helps the blood to circulate right and the stress from both neck and shoulders is relieved

So if you do the massage like this it helps

(press firmly along the clavicle line too)

under the clavicle line too if you press it the pain in the shoulders is reduced

It also helps for the lungs?

For those who feel a lot of pain when they are doing this massage

it means you need to do it regularly ~every time before sleeping

On the opposite side too

It hurts for me too

So relax your shoulders and the most important on daily life too the shoulders stature

we usually bring our shoulders together like this when we have some worries, or especially during winter when is cold

So in order to not have pain in your shoulders we should keep our shoulders relaxed and the shoulders and ears should form a line like this

The distance between ears and shoulders should be as far as possible

So this was the today's neck and shoulders stretching lesson with Sori

Everybody, don't you feel refreshed after doing this stretching together?

I always do this together with massage every time I feel pain in my shoulders and neck

As I am a singer, by doing this massage the neck pressure is relieved too and the sound of my voice gets clearer

even I am not doing an excessively warm-up for my neck

By doing this massage little by little it helps a lot

On daily life if you guys would try it, it will help you a lot too

Neck and shoulder stretching lesson with SoRi came to an end

Next time too I will prepare a fun video lesson for you

If you enjoyed watching my video please don't forget to click on like button

And please leave a lot of comments and share


For more infomation >> (EN/日) 목,어깨 스트레칭 그리고 림프마사지 [소리] - Duration: 10:26.



I've been investigating and playing with drones for many years

like for filming, for scoping lines, for everything

and finally I'm here with a real pros and they're gonna teach me what it's all about

We are in Nice right now and we're going to meet one of the drone champions

so he's going to teach me how he's able to do magic with this drone.

Follow me.

Hey, how's it gonna man?

And you're gonna teach me your tricks, if that's okay with you, if you want to reveal your secret?

Dude, let's do it, that's gonna be all time, cool, alright.

So we got a few drones, huh, is that, does that mean that we're gonna crash a lot.

Probably, ha ha.

So the drone racing league is, it's basically the World Championship of Drone Racing.

So who wins in the end, will win a hundred thousand dollars?

Yyeah, you get the contract

So do you think I can get hired today, or not?


To start things off UFO said he'd show me how it's done

easy-peasy, ha ha.

You know when I see him going through that, I tell my myself this could be

changing, kind of the filming in the mountains,

like, narrow lines going full-speed like this, well this is, this is rad.

Rather than destroying UFOs precious race drone

we decided to take the training ones into the tunnel

What are the basic rules in a tunnel like this? Like

Any spot that you first show up at, take a lay of the land, before you fly before you do anything

look at the strands of plant you got going down here

you want to scope your line right, yeah,

It's basically the same as freeriding, isn't it?

Absolutely, cool.

These racing drones are so sensitive and really different from what I'm used to

when you let go the control it doesn't just hover

it keeps going whatever angle you've been putting it into.

Nice and smooth

UFO gave me a few tips, and it's starting to get better, at least a little bit

Keep the body steady, maintain full concentration

and then keep track of the drones orientation.

Get that throttle management.

This is it man. This is it, big stadium huh. Yeah.

Yeah so this is a starting stands

Hey! it's me.

And that's you

And we launch straight out that way.

Right off in the first gate. God

What these pilots are doing is really insane, and to be honest I'm really inspired

and really excited for flying tomorrow

yeah, woo hoo.

okay my turn!

We're ready.

*La Marseillaise - French National Anthem*



Alright, cut it, cut it

S**t! I'm sorry.

*nervous laughter*

These drones are weapons!

I've been flying drones for many years and I thought I'd be good at this

and I thought I could fly the course, but I'm not even close,

I need so much more training.

and yeah I can't wait to see what they can do into the mountains.

Thank you, that's how you fly a drone!

It's not over yet!

For more infomation >> RACE A DRONE LIKE A PRO WITH UFO | TRY TO XV - Duration: 5:03.


David Brazil manda recado no Instagram após polêmica com Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> David Brazil manda recado no Instagram após polêmica com Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 2:29.


Muhteşem İkili / The Magnificent Duo Trailer - Episode 5 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.

- Your brother must have kept it from you so that you don't worry about it. - Kept what?

Look dear..

...we got hurt so much.


Your wife...

...died because you could not keep her out of all this.

Let him go to prison and rot away there. Let him rot away like a rat, alright?

Don't let him free himself. Come on!

Let go!

I have only one son, man!

Don't take him away from me.

For more infomation >> Muhteşem İkili / The Magnificent Duo Trailer - Episode 5 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.


Top Hits 2018 | Best English Songs November 2018 | New Acoustic Mix Of Popular Songs Music Hits 2019 - Duration: 1:14:02.

Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> Top Hits 2018 | Best English Songs November 2018 | New Acoustic Mix Of Popular Songs Music Hits 2019 - Duration: 1:14:02.


Wie kann man Menschen für Elektromobilität begeistern? ǀ Goran Marić im Gespräch - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Wie kann man Menschen für Elektromobilität begeistern? ǀ Goran Marić im Gespräch - Duration: 1:03.


"저 살아있어요"…마지막 힘 짜내 필사적으로 꼬리 흔들며 SOS 요청한 유기견 - Duration: 2:18.

금방이라도 숨이 멎을 듯 겨우 호흡을 이어가고 있는 유기견 한 마리가 사람을 보고 마지막 힘을 다해 꼬리를 흔들었다.

최근 동물 전문 매체 '아리러브독쏘머치(ilovemydogsomuch)'는 미국 텍사스주 포트워스에서 발견된 강아지 걸리(Gully)의 사연을 전했다.

얼마 전 지역 유기견 구조 단체(The Abandoned Ones)에 전화 한 통이 걸려왔다.

청소년들이 유기견 한 마리를 붙잡고 호스로 목을 조르는 등 물고문을 하고 있다는 제보 전화였다.

유기견 구조 단체를 설립한 여성 주디 오브레곤(Judy Obregon)은 부디 강아지가 살아있길 바라는 마음으로 황급히 현장으로 달려갔다.

오브레곤이 도착한 곳에는 털이 흠뻑 젖은 하얀 강아지 한 마리가 숨이 멎은 듯 누워있었다.

빨리 도착하지 못해 미안하다며 강아지의 눈을 감겨준 오브레곤. 그 순간, 강아지의 꼬리가 조금씩 움직이기 시작했다.

녀석은 마치 오브레곤에게 '제발 도와달라'고 말이라도 하듯 필사적으로 꼬리를 흔들었다.

삶고 싶은 의지가 매우 강해 보였던 강아지의 모습에 오브레곤은 녀석을 품에 안고서 동물 병원으로 향했다.

수의사 진찰 결과 강아지는 영양실조와 탈수 증세를 보였고, 물고문 충격에 걷지도 못하는 상태였다.

오브레곤은 녀석에게 걸리(Gully)라는 귀여운 이름을 지어주며 회복 기간 내내 옆에서 곁을 지켜줬다.

자신이 구조됐다는 사실을 알아서일까. 걸리는 수의사가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 건강을 회복해 갔다.

또 걸리의 안타까운 사연을 접한 한 남성이 걸리가 퇴원하면 입양을 하고 싶다며 문의를 했고,

현재 걸리는 새로운 주인을 만나 배고픔과 학대의 고통에서 벗어나 행복한 삶을 살고 있다.

For more infomation >> "저 살아있어요"…마지막 힘 짜내 필사적으로 꼬리 흔들며 SOS 요청한 유기견 - Duration: 2:18.


Country offering Visa on Arrival With 1 Year Permit 2018 - Duration: 5:19.

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For more infomation >> Country offering Visa on Arrival With 1 Year Permit 2018 - Duration: 5:19.





IX Всероссийский сельский Сабантуй 2018 (Альменево) Концертная программа Часть 8 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> IX Всероссийский сельский Сабантуй 2018 (Альменево) Концертная программа Часть 8 - Duration: 5:57.


Exigências de Meghan Markle fazem funcionários da família real pedirem demissão - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Exigências de Meghan Markle fazem funcionários da família real pedirem demissão - Duration: 2:08.


メルセデスAMG GT R がさらに過激に進化…サーキット仕様「CS」がニュル激走 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> メルセデスAMG GT R がさらに過激に進化…サーキット仕様「CS」がニュル激走 - Duration: 2:12.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4-16V Comfortline nw apk nap 5drs ele pakket - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4-16V Comfortline nw apk nap 5drs ele pakket - Duration: 1:07.


Wrapples Music Video

For more infomation >> Wrapples Music Video


Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0T 200pk Super AWD Aut. CORPORATE EDITION (Prijsvoordeel op deze auto: 4000 eur - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0T 200pk Super AWD Aut. CORPORATE EDITION (Prijsvoordeel op deze auto: 4000 eur - Duration: 1:06.


Approach and landing runway 27 Agadir – Al Massira Airport (AGA GMAD) - Duration: 20:14.

CPT: Captain FO: First Officer

CPT: Lovely! FO: Yes... Nice he!

FO: Looking nice he! CPT: Yes.

FO: Yes, approaching FL090 CPT: The airport is over there...

...cause it's looking more cloudy than expected.

FO: Will there ever be any traffic jam overhere??

CPT: I don't think so...

FO: A water reservoir... nice.

CPT: Ah... OK.

CPT: Lots of energy!

FO: I'll keep the speed at 230kts for the moment.

... If we can turn earlier then... Well we are in time any way.

CPT: Yes. FO: Now we can enjoy the view!

CPT: Absolutely!

FO: The soil overhere is looking red! Very nice view.

CPT: If you look to the right it is even nicer because you don't look into the light.

CPT: The controller really waits, until we have passed this ridge. ..

Which is good off course.

FO: We have 33 nm to fly...

or 31nm now...

CPT: So flying straight towards 10nm final...

CPT: You gain nothing with with flying straight to the 10 nm considering this altitude.

FO: No, just fly the regular approach towards the runway.

CPT: If they keep us high... we will need to select a early gear down...

FO: Yes yes..

FO: I think we could start our descent now... Did he forget about us.

FO: Let's have a look.... 4000ft.

CPT: Indeed QNH 1011hPa, you have 1010 installed...

FO: I'll keep the speed 230 kts for the moment. Flaps 1 please.

FO: Like I mentioned... speed 230 kts.

FO: Also using the speed brake for now.

CPT: Yes, we still have a tailwind component of 25 kts.

FO: Thats why I use Speedbrakes.

CPT: Now we have a nice descent rate.

FO: Yes.

FO: And here we need to be 4500ft or higher.

CPT: Yes.

FO: I will use speed intervent... (done to keep current speed)

CPT: I will select the ILS as well. FO: Now I select 2500ft.

CPT: Yes we were cleared 4000ft and for the ILS approach.

FO: yes.

FO: So 2500ft. I wait until we are on the right paths...

before arming the approach mode to intercept te ILS.

CPT: You are indeed on the Glide slope ...

and the Localizer is alive.

CPT: It's nice to have the sun behind us.... This way you see a lot more!

FO: If you have the sun in your face...

on those early flights... than... uh....

.... you don't see much. CPT: No.

CPT: "Unreadable"...

FO: 119.95 is what he said I think.... CPT: Yes... 119.50!

CPT: Lot's of greenhouses overhere!

FO: Also on this side.

CPT: But no lights needed overhere.

FO: Indeed... they don't need lights here.

CPT: Just between the clouds.

CPT: Wind was from the North so from the right...

...with the same strength.. so the wind will only turn to the right.

CPT: FEW clouds.... so that's correct, isn't it?

FO: Yes... this is really FEW.

FO: Sometimes in Spain they also mention....

...FEW clouds and then you only see one cloud miles away!

CPT: It could have been here the same...

FO: You are right.

CPT: Ok... the wind is now from direction 260 or 250...

... and it still needs to turn to the North.

FO: Yes...

FO: You know what...

CPT: Now the wind will start turning I think.

FO: First it turns to the left and now to the North.

CPT: Strange.

FO: I'll take the next exit. CPT: Yes no problem.

CPT: In the middle of the runway... hit all centerline lights! ;-)

CPT: So thats straight ahead...

FO: Check. CPT: Because we are already on "F".

CPT: Straight ahead F1...and then to the right F2.

CPT: And then it is the 3th to the ....

... oh... I mean the 7th to the left in front of the terminal

FO: Yes.

CPT: CTOT on time.

CPT: As soon as we approach the apron...

.... I will start the APU. FO: Check, thats good.

CPT: Switching off the turnoff lights.

FO: I see our fuel truck. CPT: Yes.

FO: Do they have a fuel supply in the ground overhere??

CPT: I think so... otherwise he doesn't have a lot of fuel in his truck!

FO: You don't expect it overhere... isn't it? CPT: Well...

FO: I expect an ordinary fuel truck.

FO: But I think this part of Maroc is a well developed area....

... like those greenhouses we've just seen.

And if you compare that this other areas of this country.

CPT: I have no idea.... You could be right.

CPT: I will send you a taxi chart..

... because it is straight ahead...

... then towards the terminal and then a sharp turn to the right.

FO: Yes, turning to the right.

FO: Let me have a look...

... no traffic from the right... CPT: I will start the APU now.

CPT: Lets have a look... We just passed stand 5...

... so this will be 6 and then at number 7 we turn to the left.

FO: Well... please switch off the taxi light.

CPT: I will guide you....

... there is an arrow on the left indicating the start for the right turn.

FO: If you could tell me when to turn to the right.

FO: I see our parking line overhere on the right.

CPT: Yes, You can start turning.

CPT: Yes... just about.

CPT: As long as we are within the parameters.

FO: I think... something like this.

CPT: Yes... this is ok.

For more infomation >> Approach and landing runway 27 Agadir – Al Massira Airport (AGA GMAD) - Duration: 20:14.


Neck and shoulder stretching and lymph massage with SoRi - Duration: 10:26.

Sori's Youtube Channel

Today I will do some stretching exercises for you guys

You can bend your head like this and relax your shoulder

Press the part under the hair line

So refreshing

Hi everybody, SoriNotSorry, I am Sori

Today I am siting on the exercise mattress wearing this pretty sportswear

Do I look like an instructor?

Today I will do some stretching as my shoulders and neck are bothering me usually

When I was little I didn't hold the right position for my back and shoulders

so if I have pressure on my neck I feel pain

so naturally I feel it till my shoulders

so because it is quite uncomfortable I usually do stretching to release the pain

so today I will do it with you guys

Shall we start?

So first let's try some side bends

Place your hand here

And you bend your head like this but your shoulder shall not follow up

(Tip-the shoulder should go opposite to your head)

It should look like a line that goes down

And the opposite side Grab again and slowly bend down

And as I said the shoulder should bend to the opposite direction

You will feel a little bit refresh

and down

(Tip-breath out while push your head in front)

So bend your head in the back too but don't throw your head like this

Keep you body straight

and without lifting your shoulders

Let your head slowly go on the back

(Tip-bend you jaw slightly on the back)

You can stretch like this

But be careful as if you bend your head too much in the back you can feel pain too

so stretch it slowly on the back

(Neck stretching is recommended for those with turtleneck syndrome)

Now some neck rotations once

now on the opposite side



And when your shoulders are feeling rigid and are in pain

you can try bringing them like this together

and loose them after

One more time

~like this

one more time

After doing this

bring them to the back and rotate



Can you hear the sound from my back?



and opposite





Before I was doing only stretching

~these days I do upper lymph massage

The blood circulation it get way better and also the pressure in the shoulders is reduced

So I will let you know the procedure of this massage

(the lymph massage is good for blood circulation)

~On the left side of your neck if you grab

Some people have this part kind of rigid at touching same as me

so you have to grab like this while you grabbing firmly

the pressure is relieved

And it feels really refreshing

So you should go down from the ear down to the neck line

And on the opposite side too

I usually I do this massage routine before I am singing

Is not only pain relief but the neck it gets more relax too

When you are going to work in the morning too before leaving if you do this massage the neck feels relaxed and the face won't be swollen

And in front too

Press on the side of vocal cords

(grab the part of vocal cords and spin like this)

Now if you go down there is this space between clavicles.

Here too you can push like this

Massage in circular mode

By doing this massage it doesn't only release stress from your neck but also it relaxes the shoulder and the back of your neck

Each bones from your back of your neck

If you press exactly on your hair line from the back and massage it in circular mode

it's really refreshing


And now massage in the opposite circular direction

1, 2, 3,4

Now after the stress is relieved

Here, under the chin if you press you can feel something under

As here there are also some veins by massaging this area too it helps for blood circulation

Circular moves

(press it firmly)

Like this

Because the neck and shoulder are connected when the neck is in pain also the shoulders would be in pain

So by massaging between it helps the blood to circulate right and the stress from both neck and shoulders is relieved

So if you do the massage like this it helps

(press firmly along the clavicle line too)

under the clavicle line too if you press it the pain in the shoulders is reduced

It also helps for the lungs?

For those who feel a lot of pain when they are doing this massage

it means you need to do it regularly ~every time before sleeping

On the opposite side too

It hurts for me too

So relax your shoulders and the most important on daily life too the shoulders stature

we usually bring our shoulders together like this when we have some worries, or especially during winter when is cold

So in order to not have pain in your shoulders we should keep our shoulders relaxed and the shoulders and ears should form a line like this

The distance between ears and shoulders should be as far as possible

So this was the today's neck and shoulders stretching lesson with Sori

Everybody, don't you feel refreshed after doing this stretching together?

I always do this together with massage every time I feel pain in my shoulders and neck

As I am a singer, by doing this massage the neck pressure is relieved too and the sound of my voice gets clearer

even I am not doing an excessively warm-up for my neck

By doing this massage little by little it helps a lot

On daily life if you guys would try it, it will help you a lot too

Neck and shoulder stretching lesson with SoRi came to an end

Next time too I will prepare a fun video lesson for you

If you enjoyed watching my video please don't forget to click on like button

And please leave a lot of comments and share


For more infomation >> Neck and shoulder stretching and lymph massage with SoRi - Duration: 10:26.


EXO is back! With more powerful 'Eris' - Duration: 6:31.

What are you talking about!!

Look it up before you write it!!

Take your sledgehammer!

Hush! Hush! Hush!!

(Comment Defenders)

We are one! Let's love EXO!

We're EXO-L who protect EXO!!!

Hello. I'm EXO-L Kim Ga Young

who's been in love with EXO for 6 years

Everyone, believe EXO~ do EXO~

My bias is EXO! My second favorite is EXO-L

I'm Hwang Danbi~

They've made a comeback with "Tempo"

in a year and a half!

EXO who has made a comeback

as an entire team in a year and 2 months

(They) hit quintuple million seller!

Hit quintuple million seller

Who saved the record industry~?

It's EXO! EXO!!

The reason why we're here (after EXO ep.1)

is because people are still hating on them,

so we've come to defend bad comments

Maniac power test

TEST 1. Guess the member's name from the part of the picture!

Ah x3 this x2

(Who's this?) (What if I'm wrong?)

One, two, three!


The answer: Suho

(I'm screwed)

It hurts my pride...

Pull it together!


Honestly my heart is speaking to me


The answer: Sehun

Sehun has the best eyebrows

Agh scary!


Ah this is~~!!!

(I got a feeling)


The answer: D.O.

I respect you

I respect myself

TEST 2. Guess the song after listening to the first one second!

Are you guys ready?


Call me baby~

This street is completely crazy~

Check x2

The answer: Call Me Baby-EXO

Ah!!! / (I got it!!)

love me right~ Uhuh~

The answer: Love Me Right-EXO


In case you don't know, I'm warning you

Listen well!

It's "Growl"~

The answer: Growl – EXO

This is EXO-L

This is the best thing I've done in my life!


Pull it together!!!!

EXO failed to be ranked on No.1, 2 and 3 in a row lol

They're not strong anymore lol

What the heck are you talking about

EXO-L, calm down

Chanyeol posted this on instagram saying 'thank you'

User number was 70k for "Ko Ko Bop"

and it was 90k for "Tempo"

How could you call this not strong?

Do you get 20k more users in a blink?

This is the strength of 7 years of experience.

I'm telling you!

This is EXO's official goods? Look at the quality

Ah this

I really hate it

This is not my Oppa (cry)

You know, this is a quality of a small figure

you get from machine

that you use with 4 of 500 hundred won coins

back in the days

Should be discarded!

The pigeon dance is f***ing funny lolol

po~~wer~~ (flapping)

Your pigeon dancing is f***ing funnier!!!

You have no sense of art!!

Bad comment like this should be discarded too!!

I thought Xiumin and Chen are Chinese.

Chen is still confusing

Hater, are you Chinese by any chance(?)

Xiumin's Korean name is 'Kim Minseok'

and Chen's is 'Kim Jongdae'

and they're from Guri and Siheung,

Gyeonggido South Korea

I think you're confused since they didn't come out on TV shows

for men and women of all ages

Xiumin and Chen are Korean

Wow, a chestnut guy is drawing eyes on EXO's stage

(A chestnut guy??!!)

Take your sledgehammer

My hand is a sledgehammer!!

Hater, hush! hush! hush!!

He shaved his head

for a North Korean soldier role

in the movie <Swing Kids>

It takes a lot of courage to shave his head as an idol

and it's not nice to make fun of someone's passion

and it's not 'Ding' but 'D.O.' of EXO

Please support <Swing Kids> coming on Dec 19th!

Sehun looks like a grandpa, his teeth look loose

It seems like he'll lose them

if he chews something like almonds

You're mean, hater

If you smile.. I'm gonna..

(So pissed)

(Purification water)

Should we do a skit? Cuz I love skits~

What? x4

What?! How dare you say that?!

I'm so thirsty~! Give me some water

This is our sparkling water 'BORSEC'!!

Would I be okay if I drink this?!

You're gonna be okay~

Can I defeat haters?!

You can!

Hold on!

Gulp x2

So smooth!

BORSEC is the best!

You make this face from this angle!

Can you look handsome like him?

It's possible since it's Sehun's face

Honestly Sehun is god

His nose is like Mount Everest that you can climb on


Mom~ please get me Sehun!!

A crushed can doesn't get flat again......☆

Sunny 10!!

He runs well

Oh!! He slides well

A crushed can doesn't get flat again

This was a commercial for "Sunny 10" soda

Wasn't he good tho?

You take Juniel's role if you don't play,

Rock, paper, scissors!

Another skit???

Impersonating EXO! Eri's dubbing theater


Gulp x2

A crushed can doesn't get flat again

I gotta transfer to another school~


I even love this thing

EXO I LOVE YOU! Wo ai ni(I love you in Chinese)~

EXO can never be ranked No.1 on Billboard

even if they release a song in all languages

What are you talking about

Time out x3

Can you be only recognized

if you're ranked no.1 on Billboard?

They perform for the fans,

not for the idea of 'We must be No.1'

They release songs

because they want to show their new looks to fans

and meet them

not to make a record

EXO is

No.0 forever in my heart~

I met you here today

but if I see you next time then

I'll see you in court

You haters!!!

Don't mess up~ EXO tempo!!!

Don't mess up EXO tempo!

Before you go to jail~

For more infomation >> EXO is back! With more powerful 'Eris' - Duration: 6:31.


Yeast Infection Treatment | Vaginal Yeast Infection Natural Treatment | Vaginal Thrush Infection - Duration: 3:05.

a natural remedy for a vaginal yeast infection that works every time

vaginal thrush is a type of infection that most women suffer from in fact it

affects up to three out of four women at some point in their lifetimes some women

may even experience more than one episode of it please subscribe and watch

this video until the end to know the complete information vaginal thrush also

known as a vaginal yeast infection or candidal Volvo vaginitis occurs due to

excessive growth of yeast Candida in the vagina the most common symptom of

vaginal thrush is itching in the vagina and the vulva which may be severe other

symptoms include a burning sensation with urination white and thick vaginal

discharge having an appearance like cottage cheese severe pain during

intercourse and redness and soreness around the vagina most cases of vaginal

thrush are easily treatable if you would like to avoid taking prescription

medication you can give natural home remedies a try one yogurt yogurt

contains good bacteria or probiotics and thus helps maintain the proper balance

of good bacteria to keep yeast from over growing simply dip a tampon in yogurt

and insert it in the vagina for two hours after removing it clean the area

with lukewarm water and pat dry thoroughly do this twice a day to

coconut oil coconut oil stands out as a natural remedy for vaginal thrush

it has effective antifungal properties that can kill the fungus pon scible for

yeast infections directly apply extra virgin coconut oil topically on the

affected area two or three times a day until you see improvement you can also

include it in your daily diet start with one teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil

daily and gradually increase the dosage to up to three tablespoons per day 3

apple cider vinegar the natural enzymes in

while cider vinegar help regulate the pH of the vagina which in turn helps

prevent yeast growth additionally it is known to boost immunity and good

bacteria in the gut and vagina which helps in preventing as well as treating

vaginal thrush add three tablespoons of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar to

two cups of warm water use this solution to wash the vaginal area two times a day

until you notice improvement in your condition thanks for watching please

like comment subscribe and share my videos with your friends and family

For more infomation >> Yeast Infection Treatment | Vaginal Yeast Infection Natural Treatment | Vaginal Thrush Infection - Duration: 3:05.


Special Report With Bret Baier 11/23/18 3AM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:23.

For more infomation >> Special Report With Bret Baier 11/23/18 3AM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:23.


Top Hits 2018 | Best English Songs November 2018 | New Acoustic Mix Of Popular Songs Music Hits 2019 - Duration: 1:14:02.

Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> Top Hits 2018 | Best English Songs November 2018 | New Acoustic Mix Of Popular Songs Music Hits 2019 - Duration: 1:14:02.


Dushyant Chautala का सबसे बड़ा महा संग्राम देख के विपक्ष के उड़े होश - Ajay Chautala को हुआ गर्व - Duration: 2:09.

Dushyant Chautala


For more infomation >> Dushyant Chautala का सबसे बड़ा महा संग्राम देख के विपक्ष के उड़े होश - Ajay Chautala को हुआ गर्व - Duration: 2:09.


[VLOG] 미국 공대생의 땡스기빙 보내기-Thanksgiving week - Duration: 8:02.

Hello guys,

This week is Thanksgiving day!

So, I don't need to go to school this week

I was gonna go my friend's house

or go to short trip

But I am planning to go 3 weeks trip this winter

So, I decided to save my money instead.

I might do nothing during Thanks giving day

I am alone at home now

since my roommate went to his home at San Franscisco

Also, there is no one at school

My friend asked me to work for him today

So, I have to go to work today

Let's check my boring thanksgiving week!


I am heading to work

Our school is normally really crowded

But I can't see anyone today

There is literally no one here

I don't know why they have work today

But I am going~

My first schedule of Thanksgiving week is

Let's GO

I am done with work today

And now I am going to downtown

I will see some good food and look around there

I was gonna go to downtown

But it starts to rain

It has been really gloomy today

So, I think I will go to downtown tomorrow

I am heading to home

It is raining really heavily

So, I just stop at some building

My camera can't show this rain, But it rains really heavily

I don't know what to do

My home is 10 mins away from here

What should I do?

Should I run?

Today is the day to go to downtown

The weather is...

It is not a perfect day but it is better than yesterday

Let's go to downtown

I just get up lol

It is almost 12 pm

I watched Dreamgirls til 5 am

That's Why I get up now

I will be ready really fast

I am ready to go but..

I think there is nothing to do in downtown today

So, I changed my plan to north mall

Let's get it

I always miss a bus whenever I try to take a bus

My bus just left bus station

I think I need to wait about 10 mins

I am already tired

It is only 15 mins away by car but it takes more than an hour by bus

You know what

The mall is closed today

I checked the mall hours in the bus for just in case

It is closed...

It could be worse if I didn't check the hours

So, I'm going

to central market. right next to this place

Let's check

I think I lost

there are a lot of cars


Why am I so stupid?

Waste time...

I just went to central market

there was nothing special

I am going to downtown now

Here is my favorite place in Austin


Because I can see a beautiful downtown

there are a lake and downtown

There is really no one here

It has been crowded during normal day

I haven't seen anyone lol

I think they are doing a party at their home

But I am alone!

Today weather is really good

Perfect day to walk around

I think it is really good to walk around here

I feel like it is really good experience

Since it is really hard to come here often

I have too much homework...

It only takes 10 mins from school to here by bus

But It is still hard to come

So, I am enjoining this place today

I have to decide where I go next

But I do not really know where I go

I only think about this place

So...idk most stores are closed today

Due to holiday

There isn't many options

I am not sure where I am going

But I will walk toward downtown

I was gonna go to some cafe, But I couldn't find a cafe

I think I have to go to home now

Happy Thanks Giving Guys!

For more infomation >> [VLOG] 미국 공대생의 땡스기빙 보내기-Thanksgiving week - Duration: 8:02.


The Lion King Official Teaser Trailer Reaction - Duration: 4:09.

just give her you got Happy Thanksgiving pumpkins it's your girl question now and

I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving today's video I am gonna

react the iliacus fishel teaser trailer oh my gosh the Alaia King has been part

of my childhood for years it was my favorite childhood movies to watch and

know so Tarzan and The Little Mermaid but this is by far one of my favorite

most of all I love the music the characters the storyline everything

everything about this movie was just perfect

it was just perfect one of my favorite song from The Lion King

fuck it it's our problem-free

if you guys haven't seen the Lion King yet you are missing out so if you guys

don't want to miss any of my posts remember to hit that Bell and if you

guys all follow me on any social media I will be following you guys back I got


everything the light touches is our kingdom but a caged tiger who rises and

falls like the Sun

one day sunset on my time here

and will rise with you as the new king

it's like I want to take him home well Disney got my money oh they got my money

For more infomation >> The Lion King Official Teaser Trailer Reaction - Duration: 4:09.


International Education Week | Teaser - Duration: 1:00.

Hi everyone!

From November 12 to 16 is the International Education Week.

A joint initiative of the U. S. Department of State and the U. S. Department of Education,

to promote the benefits and importance of international education and exchanges worldwide.

Here in Chennai the U. S. Consulate and EducationUSA Center,

have a range of events lined up to celebrate this week.

We have a science workshop by an American professor.

A film screening and discussion on "Campus life at U. S. Universities. "

An elocution competition on the topic "Re-imagining the world"

We also have an interesting workshop on "Crafting an American style resume for

U. S. University applications." To all those students out there waiting to

apply for U.S. Universities, please register for the event.

Do you want to be part of these events? Please get in touch with us through your school or college,

and don't forget to check our Facebook Page

and social media for more updates.

For more infomation >> International Education Week | Teaser - Duration: 1:00.


Ancient Scissor Knife (Katar) - Weird Weapons of India - Duration: 6:06.

Hey guys, today we are going to look at an ancient Indian weapon called Katar . There

are many interesting details about the origin and types of Katar.

I met this gentleman called Jayesh Kumar Pandian who is a collector of antique weapons and

he has an extraordinary collection of these Katars.

The word Katar actually comes from Tamil language kattari, which means a dagger or a push knife.

These daggers are short and cannot be used for slashing, but they were used for stabbing


One good thrust will send the dagger through the body and the edge will come out through

the other end.

The main difference between most daggers and the Indian Katar is the H-shaped horizontal

hand grip.

When you hold this, you clench your fist as though you are ready to punch someone, and

you make the exact motion like punching somebody.

This design allows the fighter to put his whole weight into a thrust, and you can target

the head or the upper body of the enemy.

Since it is light and small, It is more like an extension of the fist than a dagger, and

it seems more natural to attack and defend with a Katar.

A very interesting modification was made in later stages and this fancy weapon is called

a Scissor Kattar.

You can see that that the blade is forked into two blades.

And the hand grip has a lever, and when you press the lever, the blades open up and there

is a smaller blade inside.

The idea is to stab someone and then when you press the lever, the blades will open

up and tear the internal organs.

But there was another deadly practice - on the tip of the inside blade, poison was smeared.

So, when the Katar went inside someone's body and the outer blades opened, the inner blade

would come in direct contact with blood vessels and other organs, and, the poison would mix

directly with the blood.

Remember, we are using an antique Kattar, which is at least a 100 years old.

Imagine the damage a new weapon can create.

Royal Katars were richly engraved and some even have gemstones placed on them.

This one has tigers engraved on it, and even on the sides you can see this tiger chasing

a deer.

These figures have gold inlays on them.

Now, some people claim that Katars were not native to India and were brought in during

the last few centuries.

Is this fabulous weapon really an ancient invention, or was it just created a few centuries


To find the answer to this question, let us go to the ancient Srirangam temple, which

is older than 2000 years.

Here we can see ancient Indians using the Kattar in multiple sculptures.

It is quite fascinating to see that the design and stabbing style is still identical to what

we see today.

Some carvings even show the Kattar going into a man's body and the edge coming out on the

other side.

Here, we can even see a fighting style which is focused on fighting with a pair of Katar,

one in each hand.

So, yes Kattar is in fact , an ancient weapon developed by Tamil people.

There is an interesting story about how Katars were created.

When the blades of long swords got broken, instead of throwing away the blade, they were

modified and reused as Katars.

Soldiers began using them as backup weapons.

The main advantage of a Katar is how it covers your knuckles and the wrist.

The long handles on either side cover your hands and will protect them.

There is a better version of this called the Patta Kattar or a Hooded Katar, which completely

covers your hand.

There is also another type called the Snake Kattar which has a curved, snake like blade.

Katars made of wood, were used during practice and training sessions.

I hope you enjoyed watching this strange ancient weapon, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for

watching, don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates.

Please give this video a thumbs up and share it with your friends and I will talk to you



For more infomation >> Ancient Scissor Knife (Katar) - Weird Weapons of India - Duration: 6:06.


"저 살아있어요"…마지막 힘 짜내 필사적으로 꼬리 흔들며 SOS 요청한 유기견 - Duration: 2:18.

금방이라도 숨이 멎을 듯 겨우 호흡을 이어가고 있는 유기견 한 마리가 사람을 보고 마지막 힘을 다해 꼬리를 흔들었다.

최근 동물 전문 매체 '아리러브독쏘머치(ilovemydogsomuch)'는 미국 텍사스주 포트워스에서 발견된 강아지 걸리(Gully)의 사연을 전했다.

얼마 전 지역 유기견 구조 단체(The Abandoned Ones)에 전화 한 통이 걸려왔다.

청소년들이 유기견 한 마리를 붙잡고 호스로 목을 조르는 등 물고문을 하고 있다는 제보 전화였다.

유기견 구조 단체를 설립한 여성 주디 오브레곤(Judy Obregon)은 부디 강아지가 살아있길 바라는 마음으로 황급히 현장으로 달려갔다.

오브레곤이 도착한 곳에는 털이 흠뻑 젖은 하얀 강아지 한 마리가 숨이 멎은 듯 누워있었다.

빨리 도착하지 못해 미안하다며 강아지의 눈을 감겨준 오브레곤. 그 순간, 강아지의 꼬리가 조금씩 움직이기 시작했다.

녀석은 마치 오브레곤에게 '제발 도와달라'고 말이라도 하듯 필사적으로 꼬리를 흔들었다.

삶고 싶은 의지가 매우 강해 보였던 강아지의 모습에 오브레곤은 녀석을 품에 안고서 동물 병원으로 향했다.

수의사 진찰 결과 강아지는 영양실조와 탈수 증세를 보였고, 물고문 충격에 걷지도 못하는 상태였다.

오브레곤은 녀석에게 걸리(Gully)라는 귀여운 이름을 지어주며 회복 기간 내내 옆에서 곁을 지켜줬다.

자신이 구조됐다는 사실을 알아서일까. 걸리는 수의사가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 건강을 회복해 갔다.

또 걸리의 안타까운 사연을 접한 한 남성이 걸리가 퇴원하면 입양을 하고 싶다며 문의를 했고,

현재 걸리는 새로운 주인을 만나 배고픔과 학대의 고통에서 벗어나 행복한 삶을 살고 있다.

For more infomation >> "저 살아있어요"…마지막 힘 짜내 필사적으로 꼬리 흔들며 SOS 요청한 유기견 - Duration: 2:18.


Muhteşem İkili / The Magnificent Duo Trailer - Episode 5 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.

- Your brother must have kept it from you so that you don't worry about it. - Kept what?

Look dear..

...we got hurt so much.


Your wife...

...died because you could not keep her out of all this.

Let him go to prison and rot away there. Let him rot away like a rat, alright?

Don't let him free himself. Come on!

Let go!

I have only one son, man!

Don't take him away from me.

For more infomation >> Muhteşem İkili / The Magnificent Duo Trailer - Episode 5 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.


Ride With Reason | Week 4 - Ride On for World Bicycle Relief - Duration: 1:01.

Ride With Reason is back!

And this November you

can make a difference by riding Zwift.

Sign up in-game

and join weekly community challenges

to unlock donations from Zwift

to worthy causes.

You Zwift

we give back.

In week 4,

we're riding for World Bicycle Relief.

For the past 10 years,

World Bicycle Relief has

built and distributed, locally assembled,

rugged bicycles to sub-Saharan Africa.

Ride 31 miles or 50 kilometers

to help us unlock a

250 Buffalo Bike donation

from Trek,

for World Bicycle Relief.

For more infomation >> Ride With Reason | Week 4 - Ride On for World Bicycle Relief - Duration: 1:01.


1hr of Snow Falling on Ceiling | Relaxing Winter Piano | Meditation | Sleep | Global Mantra - Duration: 1:00:37.

1hr of Snow Falling on Ceiling | Relaxing Winter Piano | Meditation | Sleep | Global Mantra

For more infomation >> 1hr of Snow Falling on Ceiling | Relaxing Winter Piano | Meditation | Sleep | Global Mantra - Duration: 1:00:37.


Angela Brown's Top 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a House Cleaner for 2019 - Duration: 6:53.

What are some questions you should ask when hiring a house cleaner or a maid?

This is a great question and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi, there.

I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show, where you get to ask a house cleaning question

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, this is a revised updated list for 2019.

In the past, we've had certain questions, but more questions have become important as

time has gone on.

So if you're getting ready to hire a house cleaner, the house cleaner is going to either

come to your house and they're going to do a walkthrough, or you're going to talk to

them on the phone first.

Instead of just asking them for a price like, "How much would it cost for my house,"there

are some better questions that can help the house cleaner gauge where you are and how

to give you a fair price.

So what you're going to ask your house cleaner, very first and foremost is, "Are you bonded

and insured?"

Because that's going to protect you as a homeowner.

If they're not insured and they don't know what they're doing, they could screw up the

appliances in your home, or your furniture, or perhaps your flooring, or maybe a granite

countertop or something else.

So you have expensive items in your home, so the very first thing you want to ask is,

"Are you bonded and insured?"

The next thing that you want to ask is, "How do you accept payments?"

Because they might say, "Well, I just prefer cash."

If they only accept cash, run very fast in the opposite direction.

Because it's very easy for a house cleaner to say, "Well, you didn't pay me."

And you go, "Yeah, I did.

I gave you cash," but the cash doesn't trace.

So it's hard to prove.

It's also very hard on the other end, whereas a house cleaner, the customer says,

"I paid you last week."

And you say, "No, you didn't pay me," and then money is still owed.

So don't pay cash, nobody pays cash anymore.

Everybody pays by credit card.

So if they don't accept credit cards, then you want to run very fast in the other direction,

unless you want to write them a check every week.

But the new way of doing it, is accepting credit cards.

So just ask them, "How do you accept payment?"

And their answer should be something like, "PayPal, Stripe, Venmo, CashMe, or something

like that."

Right, it's going to be some kind of an app or it's through their website, that just takes

online credit cards.

Now the good news is, all of these different services that take the credit cards, encrypt

your information so the house cleaner does not have it.

They have you on file and they can charge your credit card, but you can also reverse

the charge if the service is not satisfactory.

So you want to make sure that they accept credit cards.

All right, another question is, "Do you work on holidays?"

And the reason that this is an important question, is because sometimes as the year rotates,

your cleaning, your scheduled cleaning will fall on a holiday.

And if they're coming on that holiday, you need to know, are you going to be charged

for a cancellation?

Or, are they going to be coming while your family is there?

You need to know.

Then you need to know, and this is the next question, or the follow-up question to that

is, "Do you charge extra for working holidays if you do work them?"

So if they show up on a holiday, are they going to milk you for extra money because

it's a holiday?

Then you need to ask them about the time.

"When you say you're going to show up, do you show up at that time?

Or, do you just give me a random range?"

And the reason that's important is because a lot of homeowners work out of their houses.

If you're expecting a conference call, or if you need to run out and run errands, are

you planning on being home when the house cleaner is there?

Or, are you planning on them not running the vacuum while you're making a conference call?

So there are little nuances that are important to your situation.

Now every household has a different set of circumstances that are important to you.

So you will customize your own questions to them, but you want to just ask them those

kinds of questions.

Also, ask about special projects.

"If I have something that comes up, do you do special projects?

Or, do you only do maintenance cleaning?"

Because some house cleaning companies don't do special projects, and if you have someone

coming in from out of town and you need extra things, like let's say that there's a guest

bedroom that you haven't included and you need to throw that guest bedroom in.

Is that something that could be added into their regular schedule?

Or, do they just not do it at all, and you're just going to have to clean it yourself, or

pay a different service to come in and clean it?

So those are good questions to ask.

So my suggestion to you, would be sit down and write down the things that are important

to you, and one of them might be, "Is the person I'm talking to right now the person

that's making these promises to me?

Is this the person that's going to be coming to my house to clean?"

And if the answer is, "No, we send in a different team of people," then your question should

be, "May I meet those people before I make an agreement?"

Because you want to build rapport with the person that's going to be in your home.

These people are going to be working in your biggest asset, which is your home.

And they're going to be working around your children, and your pets, and maybe your elder


And so you want to make sure that the person who comes into your house or the people that

come into your house are a good fit for you and your family.

And then another follow-up question to that would be,

"Does the same person come back every time?

Or, am I going to build rapport with this person, and the next time, I have a completely

different house cleaner, that may bring a partner that I've never met before, and it's

just a revolving door of house cleaners that come and do the job, and I never see the same

person twice?"

Because some people are very finicky about that and they want to make sure that the person

that comes to their home is the person that they met.

And the person that they know, like, and trust.

I don't know why, but that's the way it is.

All right, so make a list of the questions that are important to you, and as your house

cleaner comes, or as you get that person on the phone, make sure that instead of just

asking how much will it cost, ask the questions that are going to lead you down the road to

determine if it's even the right person for you.

And a great question to ask your house cleaner is, "Tell me about the cleaning supplies you

use and why you chose them?"

And that will lead you into a discussion about the types of chemicals they believe in, or

why they use the ones they've chosen.

Now some people only use non-toxic green chemicals, and other people use mostly non-toxic green

chemicals, and then they might use something like bleach, for example, in the event that

there's something horrific that requires bleach.

And it's not their normal every day go-to product, but they may use it under certain


And so just having a conversation with the house cleaner, will let you know what they

believe about the chemicals that they're using in your home.

All right, those are a few questions.

I hope that helps a little bit.

If you found this interesting, please pass it on to a friend.

If you have questions or if you have better questions about what you would ask a house

cleaner, let's start a conversation, leave your comments below and we will check in,

and we'll answer those, and we'll get people to participate in that conversation.

All righty, until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Angela Brown's Top 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a House Cleaner for 2019 - Duration: 6:53.


Always something new to discover | SETAPP - Duration: 1:22.

My name is Tamara. And my name is Luka Anicic.

We've known each other so long, it's almost natural

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I would say Setapp is the best value

as far as anything I'm paying on the recurring basis

Just the amount of new applications being added

to the service is just incredible.

I'm discovering so many great new things

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off their logo, or existing website

and then save it into a color palette and use it later on

My go-to is Mosaic, I could not live without that app

Basically Mosaic is a window management application

If it weren't for Mosaic, I'd have a very cluttered desktop

or I'd be resizing and redragging windows all the time

it's just a huge time saver.

I just fell in love with having this huge selection of apps

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I would 100% recommend Setapp

Setapp is my favorite tool on my computer

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it's been really that valuable.

For more infomation >> Always something new to discover | SETAPP - Duration: 1:22.


Arsenal 'serious' about launching transfer bid for €45m star to bolster Unai Emery attack ● AFC News - Duration: 2:48.

As per reports in Italy, Arsenal are being increasingly linked with making a bid to sign

Cengiz Ünder from Roma, although it could cost them up to €45m.

The 21-year-old has continued to impress this season, scoring three goals and providing

five assists in 14 appearances thus far having made an initial impact last year in his first

campaign in Italy.

Although Giallorossi coach Eusebio Di Francesco will undoubtedly hope to see the Turkish international

stay at the Stadio Olimpico, Calciomercato report that Roma will face increasing pressure

to do so as Arsenal are 'now serious' about the idea of signing Ünder.

No offer has yet been lodged, as per the report, but it's suggested that Roma will try to

negotiate a new contract with the attacker in order to insert a €45m release clause

into the equation.

If that plays out, then it remains to be seen if Arsenal are willing to splash out that

kind of money to land their target, as that's a hefty fee for a player who hasn't yet

proven himself at the highest level on a consistent basis.

Nevertheless, Ünder would certainly add a different dynamic and threat to the Arsenal

line-up, as he is most effective out wide on the right which would offer more width

for Emery compared to other creative individuals such as Mesut Ozil and Henrikh Mkhitaryan,

who are more comfortable in a more central role.

With that in mind, it certainly makes sense for Arsenal to make their move as Ünder will

only improve further with experience and maturity,

but whether or not they satisfy Roma's demands and if the player himself is keen on a move

to England so soon after moving to Italy could still be factors in whether or not a deal

goes through.

Cengiz Ünder is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a right winger for A.S.

Roma in the Italian Serie A, and for the Turkey national football team.

Ünder has represented the U18 and U19 levels of the Turkey national youth football team.

He most recently was called up to the Turkey national under-21 football team.

In November 2016 Ünder received his first call-up to the senior Turkey squad for the

match against Kosovo.

He scored his first international goal in his second cap for his country in a friendly

victory against Moldova in March 2017.

For more infomation >> Arsenal 'serious' about launching transfer bid for €45m star to bolster Unai Emery attack ● AFC News - Duration: 2:48.


다리 한쪽 없는데도 '입양'해준 커플에 매일 '코 뽀뽀'로 감사 인사하는 아기 냥이 - Duration: 2:33.

몸이 불편하단 이유로 어미에게까지 버림 받은 아기 고양이는 천사 같은 가족을 만나 진정한 행복을 찾았다.

지난 18일(현지 시간) 온라인 미디어 러브뮤는 생사의 기로에서 극적으로 구조된 고양이 록키(Rocky)의 사연을 소개했다.

사연에 따르면 미국 뉴저지에 사는 여성 돈 파이어스톤(Dawn Firestone)의 남편은 길가를 떠도는 고양이 가족을 발견했다.

그런데 고양이 가족 중 유독 아기 고양이 한 마리의 모습이 이상했다.

다리 한쪽이 불편한지 녀석이 제대로 걷지 못하고 있었기 때문이다.

이후 얼마 동안 고양이 가족을 지켜보던 남성은 어미에게 버려진 아기 고양이를 극적으로 구조했다.

당시 어미의 보살핌을 받지 못한 아기 고양이는 탯줄도 제대로 떼지 못한 채 간신히 숨이 붙어있는 상태였다.

남성은 아내인 파이어스톤과 함께 급히 녀석을 동물병원으로 옮겨 치료를 받게 했다.

다행히 빠른 치료 덕에 아기 고양이는 점차 기력을 되찾았지만, 안타깝게도 한쪽 다리는 회복하지 못했다.

파이어스톤과 남편은 그런 아기 고양이에게 힘이 되고자 록키라는 이름을 지어주고 진짜 가족으로 받아들였다.

파이어스톤은 평생 제대로 걷지 못할 녀석에게 딱 맞는 휠체어까지 제작해 선물했다.

주인의 노력을 알았는지 녀석도 휠체어를 능숙하게 타며 이곳저곳을 돌아다녔다.

생전 처음으로 진짜 가족이 생긴 녀석은 파이어스톤과 남편에게 애교까지 부리며 자신의 기쁨을 한껏 표현했다.

시도 때도 없이 자신의 코를 주인에게 비비면서 나름의 방법으로 고마움을 전했다. 녀석은 자기만의 애정표현도 서슴지 않았다.

어느덧 무럭무럭 자라나 어른이 된 록키는 이제 자신이 받은 사랑을 다른 아기 고양이들에게 고스란히 전달하고 있다.

파이어스톤은 "록키는 정말 사랑스럽다"며 "녀석을 입양했다는 사실이 자랑스럽다"고 소감을 밝혔다.

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