Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 23 2018



I mean look at the RAM!

And the storage - it's like a PC feast for your eyeballs!

Hey folks and welcome to DIY in 5!

My name is Trisha Hershberger and if you've ever ogled a custom PC setup that's lit

up like the grand finale on the 4th of July, then you maybe, just maybe,

have been sucked into the PC hardware RGB craze.

Whether you love or hate the color vomit that's taken the hardware world by storm

in the past few years, it's hard to deny that adding light and color to your gaming PC build

can really help customize the aesthetic.

And in the world of DIY PCs, it's all about customization.

If the info in today's video lights up your motherboard, then please go ahead and hit

that like and subscribe so you don't miss out on any future tech tips.

When it comes to RGB-ing your life, like liquid cooling and other DIY PC trends,

it's gotten MUCH easier in recent years than it used to be.

That being said, customizing the lighting in your build

is still not as plug and play as one might think.

That's because there is no real standard that would allow for RGB lighting compatibility

and not every manufacturer's cool new RGB component works with everyone else's.

This adds another layer of complexity when picking compatible PC components.

There are, of course, RGB lighting kits that include LED strips you can stick in your case

with double sided tape and control with a remote.

These are by far the simplest way to go.

But, with so many high-end components built nowadays with RGB built-in,

it seems, silly not to make use of it.

So if you are going to pick out some fancy RGB components, try to stick to hardware that

can be synced by the motherboard software - things like fans, SSDs, graphics cards, cases, etc.

The best way to tell if your RGB components will work with your motherboard is to check

your motherboard manufacturer's compatibility page.

Remember before when I said there's no real RGB standard - that's true,

but there are a few main cable formats.

Some use a 4-pin cable format - one ping for R, G, B and power respectively,

while others use 5, adding an extra pin for pure white light

instead of maxing out all the colors to make white.

Also, most motherboards have 2 RGB headers, but if you have say a whole bunch of RGB fans

and need more than that, this could be a problem.

There are other solutions to make this happen via daisy-chaining and adapters,

but that will require its own separate research.

Picking components that are all compatible with your motherboard usually also ensures

that you can control everything from your motherboard's lighting specific software

instead of relying on different software for each specific component.

Now we've talked a lot about RGB lighting inside your PC, but it's important to

look at your setup cohesively, and the tower is only one part of the whole picture.

Peripherals like keyboards, mice, mousepads, headsets and more have all jumped on the RGB

bandwagon and can really set the tone in your gaming room if synced appropriately.

Again, here there's no real standard and each peripheral manufacturer usually provides

their own proprietary software to control each product.

As an example, HyperX has NGenuity software, which let's you set up and control

lighting effects by zone, and set button bindings,

and program macros and create and store game profile presets.

But what if you have another manufacturer's headset but a HyperX keyboard and mouse?

Guilty as charged!

You would need two different software solutions to control everything

and good luck manually syncing that pulsing effect.

I want to give a huge shoutout to all the Kingston & HyperX community members who

sent in photos of their sleek RGB builds to showcase in this video.

It's always so awesome to see what other people have created & draw inspiration from it.

If your build didn't make it into the video, or if you've RGB'd your setup for the first time

as a result of watching this video, feel free to share it online

using the hashtag #DIYin5 so we can give it some love.

Thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next time with some more DIY in 5!

For more infomation >> PC Build - How To Choose An RGB PC Lighting System - DIY in 5 Ep 88 - Duration: 4:06.


Battlefield V Boot Camp: Pro Tips & Tricks To Max Your Skills | BFV - Duration: 12:27.

For more infomation >> Battlefield V Boot Camp: Pro Tips & Tricks To Max Your Skills | BFV - Duration: 12:27.


Renault Captur 1.5 dCi Helly Hansen Xmod Bluetooth/Camera/Navi/Keyless/Rlink/PDC/PrivacyGlass/Velgen - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.5 dCi Helly Hansen Xmod Bluetooth/Camera/Navi/Keyless/Rlink/PDC/PrivacyGlass/Velgen - Duration: 1:06.


Romina Power e Al Bano di nuovo insieme: l'annuncio sui social emoziona... - Duration: 13:44.

For more infomation >> Romina Power e Al Bano di nuovo insieme: l'annuncio sui social emoziona... - Duration: 13:44.





Together with Volkswagen we present: the e-Golf McDrive Edition | Campagnes | McDonald's - Duration: 1:38.

What is McDonald's Restaurant?

While you're in the car...

Welcome to McDonald's, can I have your order please?

If you are in a hurry, you can have a quick bite.

Actually, this is really practical.

What?! Look.

Wow! Right.

Is it open?

Now this is a sweet ride.

What is this?

Electric Heating Compartment.

Now, that's nice.

Oh wow, look.

That's your table.

What is McDonald's Restaurant?

While you're in the car...

Fancy a test drive throught the McDrive?

Yes, I want to try this right away.

Welcome to McDonald's, can I have your order please?

Can I have two Big Mac menus?

What do you want?

The same for me please.

Yes, thank you.

It fits in here perfectly.

That goes here.

Want to keep it warm? That can be arranged.

This is cooled.

It's now even more chilled then it already was.

Yes, dude.

Anyone fancy a hamburger?

Why certainly.

Some music, yes!

This is my style.

But seriously, can we exchange our car for this?

This is absolutely perfect.

For more infomation >> Together with Volkswagen we present: the e-Golf McDrive Edition | Campagnes | McDonald's - Duration: 1:38.


Enzo Paolo Turchi e Carmen Russo piangono miseria: "Pensione ridicola.." la cifra choc - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Enzo Paolo Turchi e Carmen Russo piangono miseria: "Pensione ridicola.." la cifra choc - Duration: 3:13.


Fettuccine Alfredo: reactions of the Alfredo alla Scrofa restaurant to the most popular videos! - Duration: 16:03.

M: Hi everybody. We're in Rome at Alfredo alla Scrofa

I am Mario Mozzetti and I'm here with Sergio Peri, our executive chef, Ubaldo

Salvatori, our mixer, and my grandfather Marzio. We're here to watch

all together the most popular video in the world about Fettuccine Alfredo. Ok!

Scampi... Alfredo pasta. S: Can't be looked at.

Shrimps and parsley, well... no.

Marzio: Those are linguine, not fettuccine! S: And the shrimps...

Marzio: I like that as well, but this is a joke... M: Should we go on?

U: Butter and onion.

S: Garlic...

M: I don't know, it's truly painful, isn't it? Marzio: I've never seen... U: Fettuccine in this way...

M: There's nothing, not a single thing.

Just the water is right. Let's go on.

U: Wine, as well...

S: Is that milk?!

M: Milk cream!

S: No.

M: So, there's a problem here. They're browning here, while the

big, substantial difference is that we add butter out of the flame. Parmesan

out of the flame. It cooks while thickening. They're browning in the first place.

Marzio: There's nothing belonging to the recipe.

M: Parsley.

U: They're quite heavy, for sure... S: Mamma mia!

U: Parmesan with big shrimps can't even be looked at.

M: Then again, cheese with fish... U: Go on, go on!

M: The scandal is not only that this is not an

imitation, but also that all of the ingredients that they add are not even matchable

with each other. Fish with cheese... Onion S: Garlic. M: But they call it

Alfredo, don't they? As it seems, Alfredo means "creamy" to the Americans.

But it's not like that. They didn't use the two real products that

we've been using here for a century now. Butter and Parmigiano Reggiano.

Let's proceed!

Recipes in movement. Alfredo sauce.

U: Let's see.

M: Wait, the egg... Why? Maybe they're making the sauce, not the pasta, with it.

U: She's adding butter in the pan. And milk, this is milk! S: Milk cream.

U/M: And nutmeg, as well. S: She's making a fondue. M: French Parmesan.

U: Yeah, and they add it in the pan, all together. M: Yes, they do.

M: Roman cheese? What's that? S: Pecorino. M: Oh, I see. Roman Pecorino.

U: So, Parmesan first, then Pecorino.

S: She's making a fondue. U: She's making Alfredo sauce and pouring it on top

S: And then Parmesan on top. M: And she pours the sauce on the pasta.

And then she just throws cheese on top. S: There's no thickening.

S: No comment. M: I have a sour taste in my mouth.

Marzio: I still have to see a fettuccina. S: These are their fettuccine, nothing more!

M: There's an historical problem about all of the ingredients

that they use. Some of them are there, like butter and Parmesan. Others

are just not right. S: Like, egg? Cream... U/S: Nutmeg!

M: Exactly. S: Pecorino. U: Pecorino and Parmesan, together with

butter, in a pan... M: What's more, cooked butter! They're erasing

the historical recipe that uses butter out of the flame, cooking while

thickening. It's too much to remember.

S: It might be for the color. M: Ok, the color. S: But there's the yellowish egg already...

M: Oh, wow! Well... She's talking about us and giving us a big recognition.

M: The Twenties! She forgot Alla Scrofa, but then again...

M: Well, Mediterranean diet. Let's now see

how's gonna be. Something nice she says is that it became famous thanks to the two

incredible monsters of the American cinema,

Douglas Fairbank and Mary Pickford, colleague of Chaplin and a great

character. They fell in love for this dish and gifted Alfredo with a

set of golden cutlery with their dedication. Thanks to them, the opening of this whole

story and of this worldwide fame for fettuccine Alfredo is due to these two

characters. I'm glad that the Spanish chef and presenter recalls them,

as they were the ones to gave birth and fame to such a world dish.

But let's see, now... S: What will they make! M: Here we go!

M: Alfredo sauce... What is it gonna be? S: Let's see what they show us.

M: Get ready, they're showing us an Alfredo sauce.

M: 125 grams of butter...

M: Ok, he just said "Parmesan or Emmenthal cheese". What do you say?

M: Garlic... Salt...

M: It looks like... Oh, come on! S: He's making the cream, as well. Just like everybody else.

Marzio: It's so laughable!

U: Well, everybody's doing it like this. He's not the only one.

M: Here it is!

M: Of course. S: Cream. U: Everybody's doing it.

M: Or Emmenthal.

S: Looks just right. Marzio: You can notice that what's missing in

these recipes is always the main actor.

M: Which is? Marzio: The mixer. Obviously.

It's like a priest saying mass, identical. M: They just don't know about the mixer.

Marzio: It's just the same.

M: Salt.

M: Salt, and then? S: Garlic. M: Oh. A bit of garlic.

M: Well, they add it a more intense soul.

S: And parsley, as well.

M: This is such a magic touch, a real magic.

M: They are nice. Everybody is, but they add some passion as

they tell the story, tell who we are, give recognition... But unfortunately, they don't know it

so the originality and simplicity of this dish is lost, and it is

being complicated in Spain as well, unfortunately. Are we going on, guys? Ready and

focused? Voilà!

S: At least, the pasta's water -

S: Well, it looks kind of fresh.

Woah, a load of salt!

M: She added kosher salt.

M: Here they used fettuccine, though. For the first time... Did you see? They added

fettuccine nests!

S: At least they have Parmigiano Reggiano. Original. M: Parmigiano Reggiano, and she's saying to

pay attention to the writing on the crust, Parmigiano Reggiano.

M: Well, in some way... S: It looks like it, but... M: There's an idea.

U: That butter in the pan. M: There's always this butter, cooking in a pan.

S: Well, she's using water...

M: Then again, grated Parmesan doesn't form strings...

S: Well, they're just dissolving it, there. M: Of course.

M: Oh,well. S: This gets a little bit closer. There's no cream.

S: Aren't those pappardelle? M: Yes, they are. They're larger.

S: At least the ingredients were right. Water, Parmigiano...

M: ...Reggiano.

S: The ingredients are all there. M: Yes, they are.

M: I liked the fact she showed the crust of the parmesan, Parmigiano Reggiano

explaining not to buy it if the name is not there...

S: Maybe this is the most original. M: Oh, guys... and she's also eating them!

So, here we can find all of the right ingredients, when compared to the others.

U/M: The thickening is still missing. S: And the butter was melt in the pan.

U: With water... M: Exactly, mixing the butter with water as

she's slowly combining butter with water to make

this cream. S: Let's say that this one, among all of what

we've seen, is the closest to Alfredo fettuccine.

M: Ok, let's proceed.

S: We're bad from the start here.

Oh, well, the fettuccine are ok.

M: Did you get it? She's making the dough and saying

that it's a whole different thing when the pasta is homemade.

And she lets it stand for 30 minutes.

S: Well, the dough is quite nice. M: Yes, it is.

So, they even know they should make them as thin as possible.

So, they're in some way relating to our fettuccina.

Got it? When you can see your fingers

in transparency through the dough.

They're really good here.

U: This looked to me quite... S: The right movements,

the hole in the middle, the eggs, proceeding gradually... M: It's surely a recipe that is

closer. This style, this way... The kind of

pasta, how she explained them, and mostly, the fact that for us is

a prestige. U: The mixer is always missing, anyway. M: You can forget about that!

S: This pasta, maybe, with the previous sauce...

M: It could have worked. S: It's something similar. M: What she said is nice:

fettuccine are exclusively enriched by the presence

of Alfredo sauce. This is a beautiful sentence that is an honor to us. Obviously, we're

here not only for critic, nor negatively judge. The element that

makes us reflect is to communicate

the simplicity of this dish, the naturalness of two ingredients that have

been used for 100 years and every day in this restaurant and that, at this point,

we're going to show you with pleasure, here in Alfredo alla Scrofa. How it is really

made, weighed, cooked and thickened:

fettuccina Alfredo. Thank you! Kisses to everyone, see you!

Marzio: So, what? Aren't you going away?

For more infomation >> Fettuccine Alfredo: reactions of the Alfredo alla Scrofa restaurant to the most popular videos! - Duration: 16:03.


Fettuccine Alfredo: original recipe from the Alfredo alla Scrofa Restaurant in Rome - Duration: 6:20.

Good morning, I'm Mario Mozzetti. We're at Alfredo alla Scrofa, in Rome. With me is

our legendary executive chef Sergio Peri.

Today, we're presenting you the recipe for Fettuccine Alfredo. This recipe, which

is born in this restaurant around the year 1914, so it's more than 100 years,

is made with the same ingredients of more than 100 years ago. We're talking about butter and

Parmigiano Reggiano. The butter will have to be sweet, as a contrast to the sapidity

of Parmigiano Reggiano and Parmigiano Reggiano, that will have to be aged 24 months.

Let's see how to make fettuccine Alfredo, from scratch. S: I'm Sergio Peri,

executive chef in Alfredo alla Scrofa.

Today we're presenting you the legendary fettuccine Alfredo. The ingredients are: for 6

people, 250 gr Italian pastry flour, 250 gr semolina flour, whole

eggs. Let's take the two flours and place them in the center of the counter.

Let's give it a quick mix and make a nice hole in the center.

We're adding the eggs and starting to break them with a fork, just like it's done

at home. Let's mix well and after it became denser and firmer,

we can start working it by hand. We're using some semolina

flour to clean our hands. Using a spatula, let's remove the part

that is still sticking to the table. We're working it for at least 7/8 minutes, until we obtain

a dough that is smooth and homogeneous. Once we work it for 7/8 minutes,

let's try to make a ball and let it stand for about half an

hour, wrapped in a wet cloth or in film. Once

the dough is wrapped, we're letting it rest. If the room is warm, the dough

should be put in a fridge. If the room is fresh,

it can be left out. After half an hour, the dough will be tougher and ready

to be spread out. After we cut the pasta, we're pressing it a little

and covering it lightly with semolina. We're starting to spread it out.

In this way, we're folding it a couple of times.

After folding the dough in two or three parts, we're working it in a simple machine,

that can be bought in every supermarket. After passing it in two or three times,

we're starting to tighten the rolls.

With your machine, try to make the fillo dough as

thin as possible, in order to reach the best thinness, just as ours

here at Alfredo's. Once we obtain the fillo doughs, we're starting to cut our pasta.

Here we are. We can spread them or create nests, in this way.

These are our fettuccine Alfredo. Since the cooking time is really short, about

30 seconds, we have to get our

ingredients ready: the butter must be cut and Parmigiano Reggiano grated

and sifted. Using a fine net sieve, sift the Parmigiano. Use your hand to help

the process. Try to collect as much

Parmigiano Reggiano as possible, without wasting it. Here is the result. Now, we're

moving to the kitchen and making our fettuccine.

We weighed around 220 gr of pasta for two people. In abundant

water, we're adding salt. Let's take our

pasta and unfold it lightly, throwing it in in this way.

We're preparing our tray with 40 grams of butter and

get close to the pot. While stirring, we're moving it out, in

this way. We're now handling them to our mixer. M: So, we've seen the

recipe, the preparation, how to

cook them. We're now getting to the key atmosphere. The true

turning point in the whole process of fettuccine Alfredo is the thickening,

meaning the creation of a regular pasta dish: fettuccine, butter and

Parmigiano into fettuccine Alfredo. Here is Ubaldo, our master

mixer, who will proceed with this thickening.

Ubaldo is covering the plate with fine Parmigiano Reggiano and is going to

thicken. Observe the movement well, as the movement he's making is

wonderful. This waving movement, one, two, three - one, two, three that makes us

dancing, that makes us feel this dish as a music. He's incorporating the butter

that was placed on the hot plate before. The butter is lightly

soft and it's thickening the Parmigiano Reggiano with the butter, the water.

This is a key movement, as it prevents the pasta from breaking.

He's now proceeding to the portioning. Our grandfathers, to give the sense of perfection

in the execution of the thickening of fettuccine Alfredo, said they had

to be drooling. So, you went through the complete preparation of this dish,

from the ingredients to the cooking made by Sergio, to the thickening

made by Ubaldo. When you'll be in Rome, you can come and taste them here in

Via della Scrofa 104. 104, as much as the years of history written in this voyage.


For more infomation >> Fettuccine Alfredo: original recipe from the Alfredo alla Scrofa Restaurant in Rome - Duration: 6:20.


Anticipazioni Una Vita: Maria Luisa e il fratello Antonito litigano a causa di Lolita - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Una Vita: Maria Luisa e il fratello Antonito litigano a causa di Lolita - Duration: 11:17.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CGI Automaat Avantgarde - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CGI Automaat Avantgarde - Duration: 1:13.


Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 51KW 5DR - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 51KW 5DR - Duration: 0:52.


10 Productos chinos que son un peligro para la salud - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> 10 Productos chinos que son un peligro para la salud - Duration: 7:10.


(FREE) BlocBoy JB x Key Glock x Tay Keith 2018 Type Beat "THREES" | DRK | Trap Type Beat - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> (FREE) BlocBoy JB x Key Glock x Tay Keith 2018 Type Beat "THREES" | DRK | Trap Type Beat - Duration: 3:14.


The 3 lesson is "Massage for beginners" - How to relax muscles - Duration: 4:48.

Hello, friends!

Channel of aesthetic beauty and psychological health

again with you.

And we continue our marathon "From beginner to amateur."

Today we have the third part marathon.

In the last series we did transition from one part

body to another.

And now we show the following motion.

We will retract the muscle aside for her relaxation.

I am telling for newbies, for those who do not know the anatomy,

does not know the massage.

We stand in the rack wizard.

If you forgot how to stand, see the first part


We put both hands on the client, loved one, relative.

We begin to divert muscle to the side.

We walk next to the spine do not press much, we feel

tension, muscle retracted aside and turn on

the base of the palm.

Circular motion.

Come back.

Making the movement weaker.

Getting pressured.

Shift the muscle.

And go to the base of the palm.

It is important to work the body.

We work by weight.

If we snuggled up to the couch, make movement shoulders

pursed - this is not right!

The master must do massage beautiful,

physiological and ergonomic for his body.

The back is straight and the legs are half bent.

We work by weight.

Shoulders lowered.

Make circular motions over the entire surface of the back.

How to go down.

With a slight movement we move.

And again we start the movement down up.

We walk along the spine.

A little push.

Feel muscle, overcome her and go to the ground


That is, move the muscle first with fingers, then

the base of the palm.

And the next movement that would be a logical conclusion.

Leave one hand and weight body applied to a small

back areas.

If we distribute the weight two hands, the client feels

one load on the muscles.

If we collect body weight on one hand, the load will be

deeper movement more strong.

And we pass under the spatula, around her, and go to the forearm.

We also work with the body.

Hand load: from fingers go to the base


Here is the movement: let's go with our fingers, load on the fingers, then

shift the load on the base palm and finish the movement

already moving your weight on the base of the palm.

These movements are for beginners.

But, I think for professionals may also be helpful.

Come to us for training.

Buy webinars if in distant countries are.

Put huskies.

We are with you.


Go to our site.

See you!

For more infomation >> The 3 lesson is "Massage for beginners" - How to relax muscles - Duration: 4:48.


Drake x Yvng Zen x Travis Scott Type Beat - "Guzu" | Hip-Hop/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:59.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> Drake x Yvng Zen x Travis Scott Type Beat - "Guzu" | Hip-Hop/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:59.


E.X.C.E.L.E.N.C.I.A VLOG 003 - Duration: 25:34.

3, 2, 1

We are here with our apostle Rodolfo Rojas.

Prophet Blady, how are you?

All good?


Can we take a photo?

Of course.

A prophetic photo.

Here I am with the prophet Blady.

A faithful man of the Home.

Did you sleep well?


Can I have the honor to invite you to ...

You want to eat?

Yes, apostle.

His dream has come true.

I don't know. This Jimmy went to sleep hungry.

I was thinking about him. I thought he dreamt about a big chicken following him.

I think that HE was following a giant chicken.

That chicken ran for its life.

So this morning he got revenge at the breakfast. He didn't have mercy.

Today there is no mercy.

"Each morning the grace is new" doesn't exist for him.

The apostle Raúl…

You know in the dream I had he was the one saying to you, do you remember that I told you right?

Yeah, powerful.

That the time had come.

Three weeks later, at the Conference in Las Vegas

If there were someone who had jealousy for his church

for the maturity and growth has been you.

The watch that I gave you three years ago was only the sign that you will see great achievements.

But the Italian likes it when you're direct.

You will get to their hearts.

The second thing that God has done with you, Son, this year was the Summit.

That wasn't a personal success.

That was a breakthrough from the Spirit.

And it's telling that while others are believing the system is closing the churches.

Since you believe in me I will open up them for you.

There will be growth, expansion, glory and anointment in your house, in your life.

And even though you Rodolfo already have people there. God will do something with you, you, you.

That the time had come to harvest everything.

Something will release. Remember that. Let's go.

Let's make the first try. From first to third November.

You let me know when.

Apostolic Summit of Multiplication and Consolidation with the apostles:

Rodolfo Rojas, Nergio Barrera, Marcelino Sojo.

Hosts, the apostles: Fernando and Monica Rodriguez.

Place: Ministry Light to the Nations in Alberville, Alabama.

Was it OK?

How are you, blessings. Please have a seat.

That's much lights! God bless you.

This is Radio or Television?


5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Now we are here with our apostle Rodolfo Rojas.

Apostle, how are you?

It's a huge blessing to be here with you. Happy.

Amen, that's great apostle.

Speaking about who created us, who made us.

I believe that today, more than ever we need a coverage, paternity.

The spiritual orphanage has never been as big as it is in this time.

And so the need of a paternity.

And the paternity doesn't only exist to engender.

Sometimes we think that paternity is something that only has to do with engendering.

But paternity also comes to form.

And forming is the hard part.

Because engendering is an event, a happening, but forming is a process for life.

And to be able to form, you cannot form without correcting.

You can't form without hurting.

And it's in that pain where many get upset.

But if you manage to put up with a discipleship training the Word also promise that there will be a fruit.

I love the millennials a lot.

I don't have any problem with them. My children are millennials.

One of the things I see that we need to help this new generation with

is that things aren't fast nor easy.

And when you face an adversity or a struggle that's not the sign of something bad.

God trains you with the bad, with adversity and opposition.

So when God permits it it's not because he has abandoned you.

God permits it because he is training you, forming you.

I believe that we first of all can't forget that the sacrifice for excellence is the one of Christ.

We can't add anything to what he already payed on the cross.

But Christ dies on the cross to also give us the example of a lifestyle that here we cannot give something.

here we need to be prepared to give everything

just like he gave it all at the cross we also have to give everything.

But, what does it mean to give it all?

That we will go step by step giving and leaving certain things that God can ask for.

God can ask someone for a job

he can ask to give up a relationship

he can ask for an financial offering.

He will ask all of us for things that he knows we value in our hearts

and that can be the threat for you to fulfill your purpose.

And all of that he can ask for as an offering.

God never ask for anything to take that away from you.

Let's say that God is asking you to leave a relationship. And he tells you to give up that relationship.

We can give the example that you are in love or a guy is in love.

And they don't understand how God can ask for the relationship if they love the person so much.

But God is asking for it because of two things.

Number one: he is freeing you from a suffering in the future.

And number two: he asks for it because he knows what he prepared for you in the future.

And that you can never lose.

Because when God asks for something it's never to take something away from you.

God asks for things because he has already something better prepared for you.

So to everybody who is listening to us: obedience is the key to open up doors.

The person who walks in obedience doesn't have to break the doors, the doors opens up by themselves.

Amen. Thank you apostle, it's an honor to have you.

Bless you, and hope seeing you soon.

God bless you!

Thank you very much apostle.

God bless you, man of God.

Keep on with this excellent work.

I like it very much. I like the excellence.

Tank you.

Keep on with that please.

Time for lunch

I believe the excellence is determining in the ministry.

I told the pastors that the mediocrity hurts me more than the bad.

I'm not saying that I prefer the bad

but if I had to give my suffering a grade I think that the mediocrity is one of the things that hurts the most.

Why do I say that?

Because what makes something be bad is that you are missing resources, staff, finances, experience.

But the reason why mediocrity is so hurtful is because you have all of this.

You have the resources, you have the finances, you have people, you do even have experience.

but you don't have passion, commitment for what you are doing.

We also need to make a difference between perfection from excellence.

Nothing will be perfect.

The person who is looking for a perfect preaching, a perfect song, a perfect day

a perfect book, a perfect ministry, a perfect church, a perfect pastor, a perfect disciple.

In that searching for perfection you will get exhausted. I believe it doesn't exist.

But excellence does. And what makes these two different is that excellence is a constant bettering.

It's not perfect, but it's better than yesterday.

Today you have to be better than yesterday.

Tomorrow you have to be better than today.

But what I see that people are in lack off and the reason why people can't transcend, go any further

is because excellens demands those two components.

I can give you the resources, but there are two things I can't give you. And those two things you have to give.


You can give a guitarist the best guitar in the world, but that doesn't mean he will be a good guitarist.

To a person who play drums you can give the best drums in the world

but if the person doesn't have passion for the instrument, and the commitment to practice everyday

if he wont have the commitment everyday, try hard to play well.

Even if you give him the best guitar in the world you wont have an excellent melody or song.

That's why there are people who doesn't have much

but with the little they have they have a bigger impact than others who have many resources.


Because sometimes the resource, material, isn't the most important.

The passion is. It's the commitment you have.

I challenge you to during these day detect in what area you are being mediocre.

Mediocre en you devotional, mediocre in your calling,

mediocre in your worship, in the preaching, in the leadership.

Detect all the areas where you are being mediocre

and see if what you really are in lack off are the resources, or if it is passion and commitment.

Many of you are waiting for a resource to come.

"Oh, if I had this… Oh if I had that computer, camera, guitar, church, pastor."

All of that, all those excuses are garbage that wont let you conquer anything in your life.

Stop looking for reasons to why you can't be excellent.

Stop blaming others. "My dad, my mom, my leader, my pastor, this and that".

Stop blaming others for your lack of excellence.

Take responsibility, admit the areas where you are failing.

areas where you need to transcend, and the areas that you have to better everyday.

And if you don't have what you need today, let's say that you don't have what you would like today,

Perfect. There are millions of people who doesn't have them.

But when you have passion and commitment all the resources will come to your life.

I believe that when people see you passionated and committed, at least that's what has happened to me

when I have seen passion and commitment I want to give, I want to provide and bless.

And when I se apathetic, indifferent people who doesn't want to do anything with their lives and that are mediocre

they don't move me at all.

But when I see excellent people I want to do something for them.

I guarantee you, when someone sees your excellence

God will move his hand to open up and give you the resources you need.

Just let me make a phone call.

Try to register that so when you do it again you know: "Ah, right, he told us he didn't like that".

Sometimes it's a bit tiring for me to have to repeat the same things over again.

I always do it but it's a blessing if you capture some things.

I'm actually tremendously thankful to God for you.

I believe you are doing a great job. I like what you have done until now.

But we can't fall in the satisfaction that everything is well and perfect.

No, if something is well let's try to better it.

What's the question?

How can I fight against the discourage, when you don't achieve your goal how to keep on and don't go back?

Every leader struggles with the feeling of frustation at some point because we didn't achieve our goal.

That happened to every man of God in the Bible.

When they saw, visualized and wanted something but didn't manage to materialize it

there was a some kind of discourage, frustration.

What I find dangerous when we talk about goals is that it affects you so much personally,

that your first feeling is to let go of this.

I've been sitting with winning people.

And what I admire about them is that when these things happens to them

they don't have this thought of letting go, or leave.

It doesn't work, I better do something else.

No, they ask themselves: "Ok, what can I learn from this? What didn't I do well? What can I do better, or different".

Another thing I've learn about these people is: they don't blame others of their personal failures.

Sometimes you can fall in the trap and say:

"No, my team, my disciples, they don't love this. The people around me, the team doesn't have the heart".

No, they take responsibility themselves for the result they are having.

And they also have this thinking:

"Well, it didn't turn out this time. What can I try out, do different?

What did God want to show me with this that didn't turn out well?".

What is he showing me?

I see so many people that when things don't turn out it affect them.

Listen to the word I'm using here: they personalize the failure.

It's a big difference between "I failed" and "I'm a failure".

Every person who reaches success, Marcelo, when they fail at some point in life

they say: "Maybe I failed" but they know they're not a failure.

Never personalize the failure at the point that because something didn't turn out well

you believe that your whole life is not well.


If it didn't turn out this time I'll try it again.

What says the Bible?

Six times the righteous man fell, even seven. But he rise again.

This is not about turning out well at first.

This is about trying over and over again.

The other day I went to a conference in Latin America.

And they asked me to talk about how to plant churches.

"How do you do to plant churches in such a difficult continent today?".

Do you know what I answered? They got chocked with my answer.

Let me first tell you about all the churches we have closed.

"Have you closed churches?" they asked.

"Sadly I have."

"Do you also close churches?".

"Yes we do."

"And how do you struggle with that, what goes through your mind?"

And why do I speak with people about that?

Because sometimes people don't understand that one has also closed churches.

Nobody wants to tell that part.

No one wants so talk about the pain it is to close a church.

Every time we close a cellgroup I suffer, I wont deny it, Marcelo.

Every time a leader let go of its calling I suffer, I can't deny it.

Every time we've closed a church, the pain is horrible. I can't deny it.

I will not say: "I let go, leave and abandon everything, this is not for me".

Because I know very well who called me.

Even if the wish can be present of letting go I can't do it.

Because if I let go now, Marcelo, I would throw away 24 years of serving God.

And what heritage will you then leave to your children?

What will you tell them: "Your father served God one day until a certain age and then he let go of his calling".

You leave a heritage to your children.

One day they will say: "My mom, my dad, in the struggle they didn't give up but kept on until the end."

Most of the christian leaders that has a certain position in the ministry

if you speak with them about when they fall in the trap of pornography

it's in a moment of frustration, when things don't turn out as they expect.

And I will tell you why, the reason is:

Pornography gives you an immediate pleasure that Gods kingdom don't always give you.

The Devil is expert in giving you immediate pleasures.

Because when God promises you something, what he promises never comes fast.

For Abraham it took 25 years. For Joseph it took 13 years. It took Moses 80 years.

God never operates in the fast.

The things God says will take time.

Here we are with Nelson, he is nervous.

Look at this!

Nelson likes to drive, huh?!

Later at the Conference

We receive my friend the apostle Rodolfo.

If you want to have a transformation at a personal level,

if you want to download something from God

it's not only the mission of the preacher be anointed so that you can receive.

But it's the responsibility of the recipient sitting on bench

to come from its home already connected, warm, clean, prepared

to receive all of what the heavens wants to release from the eternity to this natural world.

There are people who can go from one to another conference

go out from there with only a small spiritual tickling but without a life transformation.

It isn't enough to be anointed here infront.

If you're not hungry, if you don't want to receive, if you're arguing, struggling in your mind

and have other thoughts and another agenda don't be amazed if Jesus goes by your side but don't touch you.

Because there is a moment when you need to know that the recipient, to be able to recieve the eternal

needs to be so attentive, needs to look with such fokus

that there is nothing that can distract you from what you've determined to receive.

When you have expectation you know that God wont speak to the people, he will speak to you.

God wont touch the people, he will touch YOU, he wont heal the people he will heal YOU.

The vessels of honor aren't being used all the time to whatever

God reserves you to special and significant moments.

Say: "I'm a vessel of honor".

Many of you are thinking how to pay the bills on Monday right now.

Some of you are thinking how to pay the car.

The mortgage, how to pay the house.

What job to get.

Some of you are looking at your Instagram right now, your Facebook, how many likes you have.

Thats why Elisha told Elia: "You have asked me for something good, it's important but it's difficult".

What you've asked for requieres focus

What you've asked for demands you not to get distracted.

What you've asked for demands you to maintain the vision 24/7.

Listen to this: When Elisha told Elia: "I can give you the double portion,

only if you manage to see me when I will be taken away from you".

Because we have been taught to receive Christ.

But the discipleship training is for you to receive the authority God has given you.

That's why you will discover that what makes somebody rebellious isn't not having Jesus.

What makes you a rebel is your lack of ability to accept the person God put to lead your life, teach, press

and take you to another level.

That's why the recipient must understand these days that he must break his agenda.

If you are going to be able to receive what the heavens prepared for you

through a coverage, a apostolic anointment

if you want to receive it you'll need to break your schedule, break your agenda

to follow somebody who may seem to be crazy, to follow someone who God gave something to.

Maybe you will have to pay a price but if you follow that person until the end

and you put up with the process I have a promise and a word for you:

You will see that everything that God spoke about you will manifest.

And that you wont leave the earth until you've fulfilled ALL the purpose that God planned for you.

We've just landed from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Mission accomplished!

Now this week we are going to work hard to start our European Apostolic Summit.

Much work to do.

We wont have any rest, now we have much work here in Stockholm.

And the following week a conference in Las Vegas and then in Houston, Texas.

Argentina, well much work. But well that's what this is about.

All for the kingdom.

So now we are preparing for a super mega Summit here in Stockholm.

We will mark Europe.


That can help you go much further and to have success in the will of...

For more infomation >> E.X.C.E.L.E.N.C.I.A VLOG 003 - Duration: 25:34.


The Most Watched TV Events In History - Duration: 1:59.

EXO PICTURES - The Most Watched TV Events In History

For more infomation >> The Most Watched TV Events In History - Duration: 1:59.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : FUTURO PRESIDENTE DA PETROBRÁS ACHA A GASOLINA NO BRASIL BARATA - Duration: 4:42.


Ağlama Anne / Don't Cry Mom - Episode 8 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


I don't want to hurt anyone but I always get hurt.

That's why I did it.

What's going on?

What is going on? Where are you, Zeynep?

Ye, Damla. What happened? Did you hear from Zeynep?

God, please do not test me with her life!

Is this how a man would behave?

You had my hands tied! You made a piece of me cry!

Enough, I don't have the patience to wait.

- Get out of the way, Ali Osman. - Enough is enough!

Where is Zeynep?

That bullet gets in through me and goes out through Zeynep.


For more infomation >> Ağlama Anne / Don't Cry Mom - Episode 8 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


Emirates Airlines : Como é morar em Dubai? Clarissa Dubai.. Parte 2 - Subtitles available - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> Emirates Airlines : Como é morar em Dubai? Clarissa Dubai.. Parte 2 - Subtitles available - Duration: 14:49.


Opel Insignia A- Recenzja [PL/ENG] 🚘🔥 - Duration: 8:22.

Welcome to the next episode on our channel.

Today we have a car, which quite often can be found on Polish roads.

And I mean here Opel Insignia A. I invite you to watch.

Our copy comes from 2010.

This is the first generation of Insignia, which was presented in London in 2008 as the successor of Vectra C.

In the German city of Russelsheim it was produced until 2017.

And this is where the Insignia B entered the market.

The car was made on the General Motors Epsilon II floor-tile, which occurs, for example, at Chevrolet Malibu.

In 2009, Insignia won the title of the car of the year.

And for this reason, interest in this car was so great that producers had to increase production four times.

In 2011 Insignia underwent a minor modernization, i.e. new upholstery colors and new rim designs were added, and two years later the total face lifting.

The interior changed the appearance of the steering wheel, clocks and dashboard.

The number of buttons has been reduced and an 8-inch touch screen has been added.

Whereas the front lane was redesigned from the outside, and a new headlight and grill pattern was added.

The Insignia has quite large dimensions, but its silhouette is very dynamic and it attracts a very large number of people willing to buy this car.

She competes with Kia Optima, Skoda Superb, Toyota Avensis and Volkswagen Passat.

The prices in this year are very diverse.

We can find Insignia for 25,000, but also for PLN 55 thousand.

Regarding the engine, here we have 160 diesel 2.0 CDTI EcoTec.

Manufacturers offer a very wide range of engines.

We have 6 gasoline, up to 10 Diesels and one gasoline unit with a factory gas installation.

Their power is very diverse.

It ranges from 110 to 260 horses.

The version we have in our copy has a good opinion, and the user of this car for 5 years did not have any problems with it.

Burning is about 7 liters per 100 kilometers.

Well, the boot in this car is really big.

Its minimum capacity is 530 liters of cargo.

However, when we fold the seats, then we have at our disposal 1470 liters

We have here the richest equipment version of Cosmo, and Infinity speakers.

The interior itself looks very elegant.

The three-color cockpit looks great.

The finishing material is hard plastic of decent quality.

As I mentioned a moment ago the equipment is very rich and let's discuss it.

So we have ABS, ASR and ESP in our driving systems.

We will electrically set the windows, driver's seat and mirrors.

The front seats and mirrors are heated.

On the other hand, sensors include parking sensors, front and rear sensors, rain sensors.

If we decide on a manual transmission, then a six-speed gearbox will be necessary with this amount of horses.

We will also find an mp3 radio with entry to CDs, automatic air conditioning, on-board computer and factory navigation.

The light leather upholstery adds a nice effect.

The amount of space in the middle is adequate, although it does not knock on your knees, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle.

The front seat will move back to this position to the rear.

However, forward to this position.

The storage capacity is sufficient.

As for the ride, the Insignia went very well.

Silencing is at a good level.

You go very nicely and comfortably.

It is mainly due to the contoured seats and a great steering system.

Another positive aspect is the driving dynamics.

For the advantages we include the dynamic engine, rich equipment, a large trunk or a great chassis.

However, the disadvantages include the level of silence at higher speed and the versatility of the interior with the overall dimensions of the vehicle.

This car was rated at 9 points on a scale of 10.

In this episode it would be enough.

Be sure to check out our previous episodes, and let us know in the comments which cars you want us to record.

And if you want your car to appear in the next films, it is necessary to contact us.

Meanwhile, I say goodbye to you and see you in the next episode. Hey

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia A- Recenzja [PL/ENG] 🚘🔥 - Duration: 8:22.


Sharp Objects • Teaser Fanfiction - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Sharp Objects • Teaser Fanfiction - Duration: 0:40.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4TSI/150pk Highline/ R-Line DSG AUTOMAAT|2018|LED+|Navi|Trelkaa|El. achterklep|A - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4TSI/150pk Highline/ R-Line DSG AUTOMAAT|2018|LED+|Navi|Trelkaa|El. achterklep|A - Duration: 1:10.


Volvo V60 2.0 D4 R-Design Navigatie, parkeersensoren voor en achter - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D4 R-Design Navigatie, parkeersensoren voor en achter - Duration: 1:13.


Volvo V40 1.6 T3 R-Design Navigatie, Winter Line, 18'', Camera - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 T3 R-Design Navigatie, Winter Line, 18'', Camera - Duration: 1:13.


Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC Leer, R-link, Climate, Cruise, 19'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC Leer, R-link, Climate, Cruise, 19'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.


PC Build - How To Choose An RGB PC Lighting System - DIY in 5 Ep 88 - Duration: 4:06.



I mean look at the RAM!

And the storage - it's like a PC feast for your eyeballs!

Hey folks and welcome to DIY in 5!

My name is Trisha Hershberger and if you've ever ogled a custom PC setup that's lit

up like the grand finale on the 4th of July, then you maybe, just maybe,

have been sucked into the PC hardware RGB craze.

Whether you love or hate the color vomit that's taken the hardware world by storm

in the past few years, it's hard to deny that adding light and color to your gaming PC build

can really help customize the aesthetic.

And in the world of DIY PCs, it's all about customization.

If the info in today's video lights up your motherboard, then please go ahead and hit

that like and subscribe so you don't miss out on any future tech tips.

When it comes to RGB-ing your life, like liquid cooling and other DIY PC trends,

it's gotten MUCH easier in recent years than it used to be.

That being said, customizing the lighting in your build

is still not as plug and play as one might think.

That's because there is no real standard that would allow for RGB lighting compatibility

and not every manufacturer's cool new RGB component works with everyone else's.

This adds another layer of complexity when picking compatible PC components.

There are, of course, RGB lighting kits that include LED strips you can stick in your case

with double sided tape and control with a remote.

These are by far the simplest way to go.

But, with so many high-end components built nowadays with RGB built-in,

it seems, silly not to make use of it.

So if you are going to pick out some fancy RGB components, try to stick to hardware that

can be synced by the motherboard software - things like fans, SSDs, graphics cards, cases, etc.

The best way to tell if your RGB components will work with your motherboard is to check

your motherboard manufacturer's compatibility page.

Remember before when I said there's no real RGB standard - that's true,

but there are a few main cable formats.

Some use a 4-pin cable format - one ping for R, G, B and power respectively,

while others use 5, adding an extra pin for pure white light

instead of maxing out all the colors to make white.

Also, most motherboards have 2 RGB headers, but if you have say a whole bunch of RGB fans

and need more than that, this could be a problem.

There are other solutions to make this happen via daisy-chaining and adapters,

but that will require its own separate research.

Picking components that are all compatible with your motherboard usually also ensures

that you can control everything from your motherboard's lighting specific software

instead of relying on different software for each specific component.

Now we've talked a lot about RGB lighting inside your PC, but it's important to

look at your setup cohesively, and the tower is only one part of the whole picture.

Peripherals like keyboards, mice, mousepads, headsets and more have all jumped on the RGB

bandwagon and can really set the tone in your gaming room if synced appropriately.

Again, here there's no real standard and each peripheral manufacturer usually provides

their own proprietary software to control each product.

As an example, HyperX has NGenuity software, which let's you set up and control

lighting effects by zone, and set button bindings,

and program macros and create and store game profile presets.

But what if you have another manufacturer's headset but a HyperX keyboard and mouse?

Guilty as charged!

You would need two different software solutions to control everything

and good luck manually syncing that pulsing effect.

I want to give a huge shoutout to all the Kingston & HyperX community members who

sent in photos of their sleek RGB builds to showcase in this video.

It's always so awesome to see what other people have created & draw inspiration from it.

If your build didn't make it into the video, or if you've RGB'd your setup for the first time

as a result of watching this video, feel free to share it online

using the hashtag #DIYin5 so we can give it some love.

Thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next time with some more DIY in 5!

For more infomation >> PC Build - How To Choose An RGB PC Lighting System - DIY in 5 Ep 88 - Duration: 4:06.


Battlefield V Boot Camp: Pro Tips & Tricks To Max Your Skills | BFV - Duration: 12:27.

For more infomation >> Battlefield V Boot Camp: Pro Tips & Tricks To Max Your Skills | BFV - Duration: 12:27.


Renault Captur 1.5 dCi Helly Hansen Xmod Bluetooth/Camera/Navi/Keyless/Rlink/PDC/PrivacyGlass/Velgen - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.5 dCi Helly Hansen Xmod Bluetooth/Camera/Navi/Keyless/Rlink/PDC/PrivacyGlass/Velgen - Duration: 1:06.


Snap Wrapples Clap

For more infomation >> Snap Wrapples Clap


Je sais pas si t'as vu cette semaine... Fianso ambassadeur - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Je sais pas si t'as vu cette semaine... Fianso ambassadeur - Duration: 1:43.


Ağlama Anne / Don't Cry Mom - Episode 8 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


I don't want to hurt anyone but I always get hurt.

That's why I did it.

What's going on?

What is going on? Where are you, Zeynep?

Ye, Damla. What happened? Did you hear from Zeynep?

God, please do not test me with her life!

Is this how a man would behave?

You had my hands tied! You made a piece of me cry!

Enough, I don't have the patience to wait.

- Get out of the way, Ali Osman. - Enough is enough!

Where is Zeynep?

That bullet gets in through me and goes out through Zeynep.


For more infomation >> Ağlama Anne / Don't Cry Mom - Episode 8 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


BRKLYN & Fairlane - Things I've Learned (Lyrics) Feat. Jocelyn Alice - Duration: 3:51.

The things IÕve learned from you

I do what I do cause you hurt me first

I donÕt wanna ghost

In a state of reality

I do what I do cause of atmosphere

I donÕt want to be here

in a state of emergency

The things IÕve learned from you

The things IÕve learned from you

The things IÕve learned from you

The things IÕve learned from you

I do what I do cause you hurt me first

I donÕt wanna ghost

in a state of reality

Now IÕm leaving

I do what I do cause of atmosphere

I donÕt want to be here

in a state of emergency

You left me

I miss the things you didnÕt say

I miss the way you looked away

I miss the colder sheets that still smell like you

I miss the secrets you were keeping in the bedroom

Wasting time on someone who donÕt believe

Do I still wonder if you think of me

I still ask myself why

I cry to sleep most nights

The things IÕve learned from you

The things IÕve learned from you

I do what I do cause you hurt me first

I donÕt wanna ghost

in a state of reality

Now IÕm leaving

I do what I do cause of atmosphere

I donÕt want to be here

in a state of emergency

You left me

I miss the things you didnÕt see

I miss the way you looked at me

I miss the cold heart beat that I didnÕt know

I miss the secrets I was telling in the living room

That you are just like me

But I still donÕt believe

I ask him to help me change

I pray to god everyday

For more infomation >> BRKLYN & Fairlane - Things I've Learned (Lyrics) Feat. Jocelyn Alice - Duration: 3:51.


Teen Discovers Sometimes A Free Dog Isn't Even A Dog - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Teen Discovers Sometimes A Free Dog Isn't Even A Dog - Duration: 4:17.


Trump Says Republicans Lost Because He Wasn't On The Ballot - Duration: 4:33.

In the weeks and months before the midterm election, Donald Trump was doing rallies,

sometimes back to back rallies to a day, day after day after day, where he would tell the

crowds than I am on the ballot, even though you don't see my name, a vote for whoever

it is I'm supporting.

Here is also a vote for me.

He said that in Mississippi said it in West Virginia.

He said it in many other states all along the way that I am on the ballot.

This guy's name is really my name.

That's what trump said.

Now, the reason I bring that up is because during his interview with Chris Wallace on

Fox News this past Sunday, trump said that the reason republicans lost the House of Representatives

was because his name wasn't on the ballot.

They had nobody to latch onto.

They had nobody to really inspire them to go vote for Republicans, and that's why Republicans

lost the house.

And again, this is coming from a man who spent the prior few months telling people that yes,

his name was on the ballot.

I mean, does the American public forget about these things this easily or does Donald Trump

think were that stupid that we weren't paying attention?

He can't change his story just because the people he supported got shellacked in the

midterms, but that's exactly what he's trying to do here.

Trump thinks that he is the only person who can save the Republican Party, that he is

the only reason anyone in this country ever votes Republican and as long as the Republican

Party wants to tie their identity to that, they're going to continue to fail.

Now, that's not saying that trump wouldn't get reelected, assuming he's still in office

in 2020.

I firmly believe this man could.

He is such a good con man.

Such a good, you know, disaster artist really that, yeah, he has a real good opportunity

of defeating nearly any Democrat you put up against him, which is why the Democratic primaries,

uh, which you know, going to start in two years basically, uh, or, or one and a half

years scurry.

Um, that's why they're going to be so important.

We have to get this right because Donald Trump has been able to tap into the minds of these

conservative voters.

They firmly believe everything he tells them, so when he says, we lost, because my name's

not on the ballot.

They believe it.

They forget that just two weeks ago he told them his name was on the ballot in the form

of this other person, and they'll do it again.

But for trump, it's all about ego.


He thinks he's the only one who can save the party.

He thinks he's the only reason this party has been successful, ignoring the fact that

it's existed for more than 150 years before he ever even came along.

But he'll never be convinced of anything else.

And as long as the Republican Party continues to buy into this cult of trump, this personality

cult that he has created, they will continue to fail.

They will eventually lose the Senate along with losing the house again and again and


But if we don't hold trump accountable for some of the stupid lies that he tells all

the time, then we're also a part of the problem.

And that's why issues like this are important.

The public needs to understand, even if it takes a thousand times to hear it, that this

man is going to lie about every single thing he can.

It's a habit for him.

It's an addiction almost.

If something bad happens, he's not going to tell the truth.

He is going to continue to lie and deflect blame and say, oh, somebody else, or it was

because I wasn't there.

He'll never accept responsibility.

And that's the biggest downfall that the republican party faces right now.

Because what's going to happen in 2020, if the Republicans do lose the Senate and yet

he retains the presidency, he is going to trash every single republican loser to the

point that it's going to be difficult for them to win any elections in the years after


He is going to cause so much harm to that party and they refuse to acknowledge it because

they're just happy to get a few conservative judges appointed throughout this country.

I can't wait to ask these Republicans in three, four years from now if it was all worth it

because I'm betting almost all of them are going to say, hell no.

It wasn't.

For more infomation >> Trump Says Republicans Lost Because He Wasn't On The Ballot - Duration: 4:33.


Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8t Intro Edition - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8t Intro Edition - Duration: 1:08.


JP Saxe - Blurry - Duration: 4:14.

You're breathin' heavy over me You're settin' my sails

Getting lost at sea You're wanting me where I wanna be

And all that I'm in Are the parts of my skin touching yours

You've only got one thing left on Back and forth swings that necklace I bought

Hypnotizing me.

Please don't stop Cause all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

And everything's blurry but you Everything's blurry but you

Everything's blurry but you

And all that I'm in Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Your lips up against my neck You whisper in my ear "don't let go yet"

And I don't gotta know what's next 'Cause all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

And everything's blurry but you Everything's blurry but you

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

All that I'm in are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you And all that I'm in

Are the parts of my skin touching yours

Everything's blurry but you

For more infomation >> JP Saxe - Blurry - Duration: 4:14.


Volvo V40 2.0 T Sports Edition 163pk 2e eig Navi Clima Trekhaak Historie - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 T Sports Edition 163pk 2e eig Navi Clima Trekhaak Historie - Duration: 0:53.


Toyota Auris 1.2T Dynamic ( Navigatie, Parkeercamera ) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.2T Dynamic ( Navigatie, Parkeercamera ) - Duration: 1:14.


Peach's Quest - Part 3 - Duration: 26:08.

Welcome aboard the Great Glory - the best cruise ship in all of Sarasaland!

Hi there, I'm Kitu!

I'm so excited to be on the Great Glory. I love boats!

And this is... uh...

Oh, yeah, that's right!

Uh... I'm Bowser and she's Princess Peach.

A princess?

Daisy is our princess around here.

Oh yeah, I've been on Daisy cruiser before!

Did you know? The Great Glory is the second largest cruise ship ever made capable of sailing at 30 knots?

And it's 40 years to the day since the current captain has been-

Oh, such a fascinating plant!

Ah, hello there! Have we met?

I've known as Kolorado, the archaeologist.

I'm heading over to the Birabuto Kingdom in Sarasaland.

I love a good dose of exploration and ancient artifacts!

Well, actually, we're looking for an old book on this ship.

Oh, this very ship? Well I never! That will get the historical juices flowing!

So interesting...

You're looking for a book?

Hmm. Well I can ask the captain, if you like!

Mr. Captain?

Some passengers are looking for a book in the library.

All right, sounds like a job for me. Let's get this ship safely on autopilot.

Wait for me, oh, I want to see the text!

Ugh, this blasted leg!

Yarr, this be the one.

The Book of Delopp.

Mighty fine, isn't she? She has been in my possession since I were a child.

Oh, fascinating! Look at that writing.

You want to take it? Oh my, no.

But you see, we're from the Mushroom Kingdom,

and these Duplighosts have ruined everything.

They've stolen all my minions from me. So I'm all alone.

The Princess has lost her two best friends.

We need this book to bring back order to the kingdom!

I think they should take it.

All it doesn't sit here, but think how much of a difference it could make if they have it.

All right, you can have it.


We'll have a grand presentation ceremony for you.

This book means a lot to me, and I want to give it a proper farewell.

Oh yes, I'd love to get my hands on a volume like this...

The captain's room was empty?

I could have snuck in while he was gone! The dream room, all those controls and radars...

Sorry, that room is for members of staff only.

Alright, everyone!

Enjoy your trip. Dinner will be served in three hours.

I was running from the water temple, when a boulder fell on my leg...

Let's bake some cookies later! I'll show you how!

That was a fabulous dinner. Thank you so much.

All right, I'm gonna go bed now. See you guys!

This cruise ship is pretty nice, isn't it?

Tomorrow we'll get that book.

What happened?

This is your captain speaking.

Don't panic, please. The ship has collided with a rocky outcrop.

Help is on the way.

There are 12 hours,

before the ship sinks.

The book!

It's gone!

Someone must have stolen it.

Also... I think that water is rising.

Who could have done this?

I'd love to get my hands on a volume like this...

Help me, somebody! Please!

Oh, goodness me!

Oh, thank you so much...

Oh, the pain!

Oh, my leg... It feels like it has been hit by a double-decker bus!

All right, you! What have you done with the book?

I - I didn't! What are you talking about?

Oh yeah, I saw the book was there right before the crash.

He couldn't have had time to get it, if his leg is hurt.

Oh, believe me, it hurts!

Ooh, is this a good old-fashioned detective story? Hmm.

Well, I don't know who's responsible.

Perhaps the missing book has something to do with the ship crashing?

The captain? Yeah, let's ask him what happened.

Would I make a good Sherlock Holmes?

All right, you two.

Who threw my poor ship into the rocks?

We were about to ask you the same thing.

You... you don't know?

You see, I like the stretch me legs every so often.

It gets a bit cramped up in that room all day.

I always make sure the ship is on a safe course before I go.

The last thing I want is, well...this.

I came back after the crash and the controls were all on the wrong settings.

All of them!

Someone must have been in there while I was out, and yawed us off course!

That must be the rescue boats calling.

Yeah, let's ask some more people.

Is everything okay?

Where were you at the time of the crash?

Well, the two of us came back here to make cookies, but then the ship flipped and they fell all over the floor...

...I mean ceiling!

We've been in here the whole time.

I was gonna sweep them up, but there's no real point if that ship is sinking...

They're still warm.

But the plug socket for the oven is way up there.

So the cookies must have been made before the crash.

So, you're saying...

Kolorado was in his room, and those two were in there.

So if the captain was really out of the control room,

then that only leaves one passenger who could have crashed the ship.

Lovely day, isn't it?

...Fine! I did it! I crashed the Great Glory...

I doomed us all!

I'm sorry, Princess...

You see, I waited for the captain to leave his room.

And I could take a peek inside and just... wow!

It was even better than I imagined!

The wheel, the lights, the buttons, the dials...

I started by trying out one, but then... I couldn't stop!

It was so much fun to press them.

But no, I forgot to check the radar!

My steering drove the ship into a collision!

What have I done!?

I'm going to jail for this...

Great, but we don't really care.

We just need to find out who took the book so we can leave with it.

Who else could it be?

Well, actually, we know where everyone was at the time of the crash,

and none of them could have been in the library.

Except for one person...

Attention, passengers.

Rescue boats have arrived.

Please make your way towards the front of the ship to leave through the control room.

I'm returning to the scene of the crime!

So the captain didn't want us to have the book, but if he took it, is it still with him?

Just in the nick of time! My room was turning into a swimming pool.

Oh, this blasted leg...

You're the last two.

Come along now, before this ship sinks.

Did... you find out who crashed the ship?

Yes, and that's not all we found out.

Put the book down and get off the ship.

You stole it from us. We're stealing it back!

You don't understand, do you.

Yes, I went to the library and grabbed the book, and that's when the perpetrator snuck in and crashed the ship.

But that book was a gift from the most inspirational person I've ever met.

A Duplighost.

My parents were fighters in General White's army in the Bob-Omb war.

It's a fact of war that when you go out, one day you may never return.

I was eight at the time.

I waited all night, not wanting to believe they were shrapnel.

Then I was greeted by a Bob-Omb, who realised my situation,

and looked after me for the week while setting me up with an orphanage.

At the end of the week, the Bob-Omb revealed to me that he was actually a Duplighost the whole time.

He gave me the book of Delopp as a parting gift, and told me to look after it,

just as he looked after me.

That almost makes the Duplighosts sound like nice people.

But they still took my minions from me, so they have to be defeated.

I owe a lot to that Duplighost, and I won't break my promise.

Then we have no choice.

Let me handle this, Princess; I know his weakness.

Yarrr! You got me!

Go on then, taunt me.

I'm not leaving this ship. I failed.

I let her crash and fall.

I couldn't even protect the book that I've cherished for my whole life.

The captain goes down with the ship.

Thank you, Princess, I... I don't know what came over me.

I have a wife and three kids back at home.

They miss me so much.

I should be devoting me life to them. Not the sea.

Peach, where were you?

Look, we got it!

Ah, you've rescued the text! I knew you would solve the mystery.

Let's take a peek inside. Shall we?

This book is the sacred book of the Duplighosts.

Its words flow through its pages,

just as the names flow through the minds of every member of our species.

Remarkable! Let's read on.


What's a Tripliss? Oh, it's a name!

And look at all these smaller names. What could they mean?

Oh did I just imagine that? Or did those names just appear out of nowhere?


Such terrifying titles, and so many names on these pages.

But there's only one more. Maybe they say the best til last!

Well, this one doesn't sound as threatening.

Well, hi there!

Big welcome to my beautiful lair here in the Crystal Palace!

We hope you enjoy your stay!

Although of course,

we'll be keeping you safely locked up in that cage.

I heard you two like to play the heroes, so I'm keeping you out of the way...

...Whilst the Duplighost army takes over the Mushroom Kingdom!

You'll be under the watchful eye of my two assistants:


...and T.

So Boss, you want to hear that news yet?

Fine D, go ahead, humor me.

Oh, it's good. I can tell you.

Princess Peach has been spotted aboard the Great Glory.

The Princess? What, was she on vacation?

We don't know but this is hilarious. She was with Bowser!

Didn't see that coming!

Don't you think that's funny, Boss?

Well, she's clearly not smart enough to even get to this palace.

I mean, she didn't realize her faithful Toad companion was T all along!

He took her on a huge detour to stall her from getting to me at Bowser's,

whilst I brainwashed the minions!

It brings me great sadness to inform you of this, but King Bowser has...

...been defeated by Mario!

Yeah, I even set some guy's hat on fire to waste time.

Again!? You play with fire too much, Slick!

And he said it was all because she needed a hammer. I mean seriously,

What's she gonna do with one of those? Fix my dressing-table?

You think your princess is going to save you!?

Oh please! She's a princess!

You're supposed to be the ones who save her, right?

Some heroes you are.

Right, I'm ready to get my hair done.

It's been a long day of hard work.

Good luck to you both apiece. Enjoy your text!

This book hurts my head. It looks like we need the other two items to use it ourselves.

Where's our next stop?

For more infomation >> Peach's Quest - Part 3 - Duration: 26:08.


BMW Winter Driving Tips - Can you Drive the BMW M Car In The Winter? - Duration: 10:14.

Can you drive your BMW M car in the winter time? I have the e60 m5 here

with the S85 v10 engine this thing produces over 500 horsepower so can you

drive a 500 plus horsepower super sedan or super saloon car in the winter time

there's definitely some things to consider and we're gonna walk you

through that today I know with this m5 this car has in fact been driven in the

winter time but there's some things that you must consider number one is the

hardware up to snuff first of all you have to understand this car with the SMG

transmission or even a manual gearbox can be challenging a lot of times these

cars are like an on/off switch and so engaging and disengaging to find that

optimal point of traction is very very difficult and often very difficult on

the clutch so that whole issue about traction becomes a question and a

serious question in fact for these cars so you have to consider tires that's the

first thing you need to consider when buying or when utilizing your m5 or m6

or any other rear-wheel drive em car for the winter time tires and so if you look

down here I'm gonna show you these are the tires that I'm using right now

these tires I've yet to put them on but I am running the bliz acts so these are

a Bridgestone Tire and they're blizik LM 60 of course now these car these tires

here are actually an 18-inch rim a duplicate to the factory wheels that I

have actually on the car over here which is a 19-inch wheel that's the factory

19's this is the 18s looks identical just the diameter is a little bit

smaller on the 18s obviously and that's partially because it's easier to find

tires at 18 inch then it would be for the 19's a little bit cheaper too so

we've got the blizzaks LM60 so these are the tires now you have to consider this

is a winter tire of course you'll notice winter tires are by their very nature in

most cases are unidirectional so they have to go

in a certain fashion of course what makes them a winter tire of course are

these nice little sipes these little tiny little ridges these have a way of

grabbing and dissipating the snow and the moisture as well as do a better job

of gripping the ice these are a must if you do not have these you're not capable

of driving this car properly in the winter time and how do you know that

it's a winter tire you'll have this symbol here it's the snow symbol the

snow and ice that means this is a dedicated winter tire it's a must-have

in these cars you use the factory tires the summer tires you're going to be all

over the place it's dangerous it's hazardous and more importantly you just

won't be able to move as a matter of fact I got caught here one time before

winter and I hadn't put on the winter tires yet and the car was down on the

driveway I really couldn't get it up on into the

garage even at a slight incline because even just slightly the tires all he do

is to slowly spin and of course the wider the tire the more the power and

the torque the less chance of you gripping the road and of course you need

to have those grippy winter tires for this car now of course the other thing

to consider if you have a car with traction control like the e60 m5 has a

factory traction control system that does a pretty good job of keeping things

at bay you need to keep that enabled as well as disable any power options you

don't need to run in M mode when you're running in winter time all that's going

to do is accelerate the urgency of the shifting and the transmission pickup

that's just gonna make it even more difficult to engage as you accelerate

and move away so do not drive in M mode that's just going to be a lot worse

another thing that you have to consider of course is this oil and we all know

that I've had a lot of discussions around rod bearings and these e60 M fives

this here is the factory oil that I use yeah it's a synthetic but look it's a 10

W 60 the problem with this is you would not use a 10 weight oil in any car so

why would you use it in the M car if you're driving around in weather of

say -20 - 30 degrees which is very possible in these parts I know even in

the northern US a lot of the states have temperatures like that you cannot use

this oil well you can but at obvious detriment to your engine of course when

you consider winter driving you're not only considering traction and all those

factors you're also considering what is it doing to the engine the transmission

all the fluids that you run have to be taken into consideration when you're

driving in winter for example you're driving this in winter you have to

consider maybe a zero weight or a five weight now the problem with because

these cars are known for rod bearing issues using these in the winter anyway

has its obvious detriment to a car - these cars in particular the S85 engine

why well because we know that there's a few factors that go in to the rod

bearing problems number one is the extremely tight tolerances and that is

just exaggerated by the fact that the oil that they spec is too heavy and of

course the warmup period is extremely critical and if you don't do that

properly that's as well going to add extra wear

so there's a few things of course if you're running the car in very cold

weather that's going to take much longer to get the car up to warming and

operating temperature so that's even more important the lighter weight of oil

is much much more important even yet so that's extremely critical that you run a

lighter weight oil for winter driving run the winter tires run the traction

control on but that will get you on your way and once you do that this car with

nearly 50/50 weight distribution can be a lot of fun yes you can drive it in the

winter time I've driven this car in the winter time and it actually works ok as

long as you follow those guidelines now the other thing you have to consider

when driving these cars in the winter time now fortunately a lot of these car

parts on this car are made out of aluminum not everything is some of the

panels are aluminum some of them are plastic and of course some of them are

steel now with that we have to consider corrosion now I know a lot of

Provinces here in Canada as well as probably in Europe I would imagine

there's countries that utilize similar products certainly in somes US states

particularly some of the northern US states will use gravel on the roads for

traction in the winter time for people that don't prepare their cars properly

for winter it helps for additional traction not only for taking off they

don't just dump gravel at the intersections they dump gravel all along

major roadways to keep fire cars from skidding off the road so there's gravel

that is on these roads as well as a lot of states and provinces as well use

products that are either sprayed or laid on the road to help assist ice melt so

the roads become less icy to travel on and so the application of these salty

products or any of these other corrosive products does a real number on your

paint and it does a real number of course on the metal underneath it's not

just the surface metal that takes a hit often because the moisture and the and

the slop that you find in the winter time driving often you get water in

behind the fenders and you can't even clean a lot of those areas so sadly

enough often rust sets in from the backside and you don't even know about

it until five six seven years down the road and it's too late then the car has

started to rust and then you might as well consider you know what that car has

hit beater status so you have to consider whether your car is up to snuff

for taking on rock blasts because driving on a roadway with lots of gravel

will subject your car - lots of gravel splatter of course from adjacent

vehicles driving by and the salty road conditions that will of course initiate

the rust process for a lot of these cars now again as I said before there's a lot

of cars that are made out of plastic or composites or aluminium and rust is less

of an issue but again the gravel blasting that your car is subjected to

take a real toll that being said with that you're gonna look at changing your

windshield very regularly probably once you know every year or every two years

your windshield will be changed as well as your hood and your fenders and your

mirrors are likely the best protection for them is to be

putting on some sort of a clear coat paint protection film like a 3m product

or expel or one of those products that does a number on preventing the actual

rock from penetrating the paint job and creating an ugly paint so if you are to

consider driving your car in the winter time you need to consider a lot of

factors so everybody I really hope you enjoyed the video I just want to give

you a short summary can you drive your M car or in this case your M five car in

the winter time and the short answer is yes

but the long answer is yes under certain conditions and there's numerous things

that you have to take into account so I really hope you enjoyed the video

everybody make sure you give it a thumbs up like subscribe to the channel so make

sure you drop a comment in the comment section below and I'd love to hear

whether you drive your fancy car your 500 horsepower M car or 400 horsepower M

car rear wheel drive car in the wintertime do you and how do you prepare

it for the wintertime anyway so thanks again for coming out everybody and I

hope to see you on the next one catch you that bye bye

For more infomation >> BMW Winter Driving Tips - Can you Drive the BMW M Car In The Winter? - Duration: 10:14.


With NASA's Kepler retired, is this the end of exoplanet hunting? - Duration: 8:01.

You have probably heard of the Kepler space observatory, a spacecraft that hunted for

exoplanets in our galaxy.

It carefully examined a patch of space which contained roughly 150,000 visible stars, and

with its combined camera resolution of 94 megapixels, it searched for stars that dip

in brightness periodically.

The theory is that if a star dims regularly in constant intervals, it's because one

of its planets has passed in front it from Kepler's perspective, which causes that

star to dim.

The Kepler mission has been wildly successful, beyond the expectations of most, discovering

a total of 2,662 planets since 2009.

But sadly, Kepler hasn't been in full operation since 2013 as two out of four of its reaction

wheels have failed.

These reaction wheels keep the viewing angle of the spacecraft stable, otherwise it loses

sight of its fixed field of view.

The reaction wheels that were still working couldn't keep Kepler steady enough to continue

its mission.

So instead of abandoning the spacecraft altogether, NASA came up with a new mission.

Instead of fighting against its rotation as it orbits, it would see what it can find in

different fields of view.

The way they did this was quite ingenious, using solar wind pressure, they could keep

the spacecraft aligned for about 3 months looking at one patch of sky, all the while

preventing rotation of the spacecraft, so very much a balancing act.

During the second mission, or K2 as they called it, it found even more exoplanets which brought

it to the 2,662 total, with about twice that still considered exoplanet candidates.

On the 30th October, just 2 weeks ago from writing this script, Kepler finally ran out

of fuel, and the mission has been retired.

Kepler will be left roughly 100 million kms away from us, forever orbiting the Sun now

that it can finally rest after its almost 10 year mission.

Because of this mission, 2,946 scientific papers have published, it found worlds similar

in size to our own, and has confirmed that there are more planets than stars in our galaxy.

But what now?

Is this the end for exoplanet hunting?

Fortunately, it's not!

Earlier this year, NASA launched the TESS spacecraft, an ambitious upgrade to Kepler.

But what sets TESS, or the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, apart from Kepler?

Unlike Kepler, TESS will be in orbit of the Earth and not the Sun.

Its orbit is quite interesting, in that it approaches the orbital distance of the moon,

except its orbital plane is about 40 degrees compared to the moon.

This highly elliptical orbit maximises the time it can spend observing the stars.

During its orbit, it approaches close to the Earth, during which time it will transmit

the data it has collected, before setting its cameras back to the sky.

It orbits the Earth roughly twice a month, meaning it avoid the gravitational tugs of

the moon that would otherwise affect its orbit.

TESS began testing its cameras as it approached its orbital plane in July 2018.

It fixed its view on a region of space, and this is what is saw over the course of 17


The first thing that comes into view is this big white blob that moves across the image.

This is actually a comet, and you can even see the direction of its tail shift as it

moves around the Sun.

These two stars here are variable stars, stars that change in brightness very quickly for

astronomical standards.

Most of the other dots in the image are fixed stars, although, if we speed up the footage,

you can even see a few asteroids moving across the image.

Here are a few of them moving here!

In August of 2018, TESS reached its intended orbit, and began its own mission in earnest.

Although still using the transit photometry method to find exoplanets like Kepler did,

it is different in that it has four 16-megapixel cameras which each covers a square 24 degrees


That's wide enough to easily fit in an entire constellation.

These four cameras are arranged so TESS can view a whole strip of the sky at once.

It will lock onto this section of the sky for 27 days before moving on to the next,

eventually covering the whole southern sky over the course of its first year.

After that, it will move on to the northern sky, eventually observing 85% of the total

sky, an area 350 times bigger than the Kepler telescope.

Here you can see the Kepler and K2 fields of view for comparison.

Through this method of observation, the poles will be under constant surveillance, meaning

it will be able to detect exoplanets even if their orbital periods are greater than

27 days in these sectors.

TESS won't be the only exoplanet hunting mission either.

The ESA will be launching their own version of this mission in 2026 called Plato.

And once the James Webb space telescope is in finally in operation, it will look at trying

to image these exoplanets to see what kind of atmosphere they have.

One last exciting proposal which hasn't been approved yet is the New Worlds mission.

It would be a large occulter that would block the intense light of a distant star in order

to see the planets around it.

It could work with missions like the James Webb telescope, or have its own dedicated


Have you been inspired to learn about more about exoplanets?

How about with a more hands on approach?

Passively learning about exoplanet discovery is great, but actively grappling with the

process of how scientists do it means you can truly understand and retain this knowledge!

An excellent place to start exploring astronomy is through Brilliant.

They have a bunch of courses teaching you how to think like a scientist.

Each course is interactive and breaks up complicated concepts into bite-sized chunks!

As Brilliant have supported this video, you can try Brilliant out for free today by using

the link

Then, if you like what you see, the first 200 people that used that link will get 20%

off the annual Brilliant premium subscription!

Also, want to know more about the exoplanets we have already discovered?

Check out my previous video by clicking the card here.

And a big thanks for watching!

If you enjoyed what you saw, consider supporting the channel on Patreon.

It really helps me to make more videos like these in the future!

All the best, and see you next time.

For more infomation >> With NASA's Kepler retired, is this the end of exoplanet hunting? - Duration: 8:01.


Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 11/23/18 1PM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:22.

For more infomation >> Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 11/23/18 1PM | November 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:22.


Boston Celtics: Marcus Smart Won't Hold Anything Back | - Duration: 5:48.

Boston Celtics: Marcus Smart Won't Hold Anything Back |

After last season's playoff run, the Boston Celtics were expected to be back to the Eastern Conference Finals as they were planning to get two of their injured superstars back to the court.

And once the Cleveland Cavaliers were going to be without LeBron James, the Eastern Conference became wide open, and the Celtics were favored.

As we are 18 games into the 2018 season now, the Celtics are more pretender, than a contender.

The Celtics took an upsetting loss to the New York Knicks at home on Wednesday night, which dropped their record to 9-9 on the season, leaving them 5.5 games back from first place.

A slow start could've been expected, but nobody could guess that the Celtics would still be struggling at this point in the season.

Boston's locker room is not happy at all.

Celtics head coach Brad Stevens was forced to make some changes that nobody expected him to make.

For instance, Gordon Hayward, who was brought here from Utah as he was a star with the Jazz was supposed to add a ton of star power to the Celtics' squad.

Unfortunately, Hayward hasn't figured out how to gel with the Celtics, forcing Stevens to send him to the bench.

Hayward's struggles are far from the only reason why the Celtics are underperforming, but it's just a relevant example of how/why the Celtics are not as good as they were last season.

If you ask Celtics' guard Marcus Smart about what's going on with the Celtics, he definitely won't sugarcoat the situation.

Smart sees some guys wanting it more than others, and he sees the guys that just don't want it at all.

Smart Calls It How He Sees It.

"It's the same old song," he said in a quiet, matter-of-fact tone.

"You know, it gets annoying.

I don't even know what to say at this point.

You've already done heard it.

I'm tired of talking about it.

I don't know." "It's not everybody.

You've got guys out there that are playing and playing hard.

That's some, but we don't have all five guys at the same time.

So teams are going to continue to whup us.

We've got to stop sugarcoating things.

That's the problem.

We've got to stop sugarcoating it.

We've just got to call it what it is.

We're playing like punks; that's just what it is.".

Smart not only blames the motivational factor for what is currently going on, but he also pointed out everybody's lack of defense as well.

As the Celtics are now on a three-game losing streak, they have let up 117 points in two, of the last three games.

And since their offense isn't exactly playing like a high-powered scoring team, then their lack of defense on a nightly basis is definitely becoming a huge factor that is killing Boston.

The good news for Smart and the rest of the Celtics is that they have plenty of time left in the season to turn things around.

Although it won't be easy as the Eastern Conference has some surprise contenders this season, Boston definitely has the weapons to go on a run to get themselves back into good shape.

For more infomation >> Boston Celtics: Marcus Smart Won't Hold Anything Back | - Duration: 5:48.


When You're Not the Right Person - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> When You're Not the Right Person - Duration: 1:25.


Stan Lee's Bizarre Creation: The Puppet Master - Duration: 3:18.

- [Presenter] Stan Lee has created a bevy

of wonderfully colorful heroes

and deeply emotional, frustrated super-villains.

But at the end of the day, the reason

his characters resonate so much with mass audiences

is because they are human.

- And I have a bow and arrow.

- [Presenter] Today we're gonna fill you in

on one tragic villain from Mr. Lee's

first superhero team, the Fantastic Four.

World, meet the Puppet Master, not that one.

- Next time, fantastic fools,

the Puppet Master will not fail!

- [Presenter] There he is; that's him.

And if you're concerned about spoilers, you've been warned.

Making his first appearance in Fantastic Four number eight,

artist Jack Kirby and Lee's character

has since cemented himself as one

of Time magazine's top 10 oddest Marvel characters.

Puppet Master's real name is Phillip Masters

and has a rather tragic upbringing.

With a distant father and alcoholic mother,

Phillip grew up in the nation of Transia,

where he turned to sculpting and carving

using materials found near the base of a nearby mountain.

As he continued to play with the clay he harvested,

the material started to warp his mind

and slowly affected his sanity.

After moving to the US, Phillip's problems continued

as he was constantly bullied.

- You did a mean thing to a little kid!

- [Presenter] And endured the death

of his mother at the age of eight.

Following a barrage of unfortunate circumstances,

Phillip eventually becomes ill in his own madness

and assumes the identity of the Puppet Master.

He uses radioactive clay puppets

to physically control people

along with rock people and invisible people,

the Thing and Invisible Girl; you get it.

- I don't get it.

- [Presenter] He uses them to stage a massive jailbreak,

but ends up tripping and falling to his death.

Oh, no. (yells)

(imitates splat)

Here's where things get a bit spooky.

(dog barking in rhythm)

His fall is mentioned in a later appearance,

but no one knows how he's still alive.

- By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.

- [Presenter] After being committed to a sanitarium,

of which he believes will allow

the world to forget about him

so he can exact his revenge,

he emerges and continues to fight the Fantastic Four.

He admittedly has an intense beef with the Thing,

who is romantically interested

in his stepdaughter, Alicia Masters.

Throughout his career, the Puppet Master

controls various heroes and people,

like Ballox the Monstroid, Wrecker,

Power Man, and even Thor.

The Puppet Master's actual abilities are quite interesting.

Other than being able to mentally control

the minds of others with his clay puppets,

he was once absolutely wrecked by Dr. Doom,

and his conscious body created

and controlled a bunch of clay.

He could then split himself up

into 10 smaller mini-Phillips,

ooh, that's a lot of Phillips,

or just one big, regular, ol' clay Phillip.

You can catch Puppet Master

in the Fantastic Four animated series from 1994

and the one from 2006.

He also appeared in the 1982 episode

of Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner Unmasked,

and is mentioned in the extended edition

of the 2005 live-action Fantastic Four film.

- Those are your puppets, too?

- Those are my stepdad's.

- [Presenter] As weird as Puppet Master was,

he was the epitome of a good villain.

And Stan Lee knew just how to create those.

Let us know in the comments

who your favorite Stan Lee characters are,

and don't forget to hit the bell thingy,

follow us on Facebook, Instagram, all that stuff.

We'll see you next week.

- Now if you'll excuse me,

I'm just going to rub my hands together

for another hour or so.

For more infomation >> Stan Lee's Bizarre Creation: The Puppet Master - Duration: 3:18.


50 Things About Me - MD - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> 50 Things About Me - MD - Duration: 6:45.


Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson 'The Match': Pick & Updated Odds | - Duration: 5:11.

Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson 'The Match': Pick & Updated Odds |

The 2018 PGA Tour season wrapped up with Tiger Woods completing an incredible comeback by winning the Tour Championship.

It was an amazing moment which sports fans as a whole will certainly never forget.

And with the final event wrapped up and Justin Rose taking home a cool $10 million for winning the FedEx Cup, golf fans know what's next.

The post-Thanksgiving battle between Woods and the golfer he's spent the bulk of his career battling with Phil Mickelson is here.

The event between the two is dubbed as 'The Match,' and is set for Friday, November 23 at Shadow Creek Golf Course in Las Vegas, as ESPN's Bob Harig originally revealed.

With the event set to hold the attention of the golf community, the odds have been updated just ahead of the event, and we're going to break them down below.

Tiger Woods vs.

Phil Mickelson 'The Match': Odds & Pick.

After the odds shortly following Woods' victory at the Tour Championship featured him as a -175 favorite, there's been quite a shift.

As revealed, the popular bet had seemingly become Woods, who jumped up as high as -250 around the start of November, but things have shifted a bit.

Here's a look at the latest odds, courtesy of Bovada:.

Tiger Woods: -190 Phil Mickelson: +150.

ESPN revealed The Westgate Superbook in Las Vegas originally posted Woods as a -180 favorite with Mickelson at +150, showing the latter has actually received some betting action.

Although it would take a $190 bet to make a $100 profit, the smart pick here is Tiger.

It's tough to go against a player who's surging in the right direction and beginning to thrive once again.

Tiger is coming off a season in which he played 18 events and posted 12 top-25 finishes, seven top-tens and of course the Tour Championship victory.

He finished second in the FedEx Cup standings as well and really hit his stride down the stretch.

Dating back to the start of July, Woods made the cut in all eight of the events he played.

He also finished outside of the top-25 just twice in that span – a T31 finish at the World Golf Championships-Bridgestone Invitational and T40 at The Northern Trust.

For those bettors looking to take the better odds with Mickelson, there's no denying his 2018 season was solid in its own right.

Phil was a cut-making machine, getting through to the weekend in 21-of-24 events and posting six top-ten finishes.

He also had one victory which came at the World Golf Championships-Mexico and tied for second place at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

Mickelson wasn't quite as dominant down the stretch as Woods, though.

While he made all but one cut going back to the start of July, he failed to post a single top-ten and only had two top-20 finishes.

READ NEXT: LOOK: Amazing Photos, Video of Tiger Woods' Tour Championship Win.

For more infomation >> Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson 'The Match': Pick & Updated Odds | - Duration: 5:11.


How to Make Wine Soaked Cheese - AKA Drunken Cow Cheese - Duration: 13:58.

Hi friends, I've always wanted to make a wine soaked cheese, and I'm excited to say today that day!

It's harvest season around here and the grapes have just been harvested.

So I contacted my friends at Indian Creek Winery and they invited me to come

So the reason I'm excited about this is because I think that it's going to

give it a nice deep red color on the rind of the cheese. So come into my kitchen. Let's make some white soaked cheese.

Heat three gallons of pasteurized un homogenized milk slowly to 90 degrees.

Take 1/4 cup of non-chlorinated water

Add a 1/4 of a teaspoon of lipase

We're going to let that stand for 20 minutes while the milk is heating.

When the milk has reached the target temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit go ahead and sprinkle

1/4 teaspoon of the mesophilic culture to the top of the milk and

let it rehydrate for 5 minutes.

So while the culture is rehydrating

Let me take a couple of moments to explain the additive process in the beginning stages.

You'll notice that my other videos that I always add

the additives to the milk in the same order every time and there's a reason for that.

The culture should be added first because it needs a few minutes to rehydrate on the top, and then it needs

about a minute or so to stir in and make sure that all of the cultures spread evenly through the milk.

Now there may be a ripening period and

sometimes the cheese requires it. This one does not require it,

so as soon as the culture is added through the milk

I'm going to proceed on to the next steps

If your recipe calls for lipase the best time to add it is directly

after the culture and before the calcium chloride and the rennet.

Typically after that the calcium chloride would be added next and then the rennet would be in the final stage is because it's the

coagulant agent and within a minute that agent is already beginning to produce a curd,

so we don't want to stir it too much or you'll shatter the curds and it won't be able to form a good curd mass.

So always make sure that your rennet is last.

Cover the pot and let the milk rest for 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes remove the lid and check for a clean break.

I'm going to take my curd knife and just insert it into the curd,

pull it back and

the whey should begin to seep into the cut and it is!

We are ready to go.

Cut the curd into one-half inch cubes

vertically first then horizontally. While you're doing this heat up one gallon of

non-chlorinated water to

175 degrees Fahrenheit. You're gonna need it in a minute.

Cover the pot and let the curds rest for ten minutes. Now

it's time to wash the curds. we're going to remove approximately

1/3 of the whey so we can replace it with the heated water.

This first washing

the target temperature will be 92 degrees. So watch your thermometer carefully once you start adding the water.

Now I'll replace the whey that I took out with the 175 degree water. I

Can get a pretty good idea of how much I took out because there's a high-water mark-

or I guess I should say a high whey mark- on the pan and that's what I'm judging it by.

Stir the curds gently for five minutes.

Let the curds rest for 10 minutes. Now

we'll wash the curds for a second time, and we'll accomplish this by removing the whey and

replacing it with water. and

until the target temperature of

100 degrees is reached. Once you reach a hundred degrees, go ahead and stop.

All right, I just reached 100 degrees now, I'm going to go ahead and stir the curds for 5 minutes.

And then I'm going to let it rest for 30 minutes.

I kind of like this recipe. It doesn't require much stirring, so my arm doesn't get so tired.

Gently pour the curds into a fine mesh colander.

Because this whey has been diluted I'm not going to try to make ricotta out of this batch

But you can use this to feed your chickens or whatever.

Place the towel over it and let it rest for five minutes.

Now take the slab and place it on a clean and sterilized cutting board and

we're going to cut this slab into a

1/4 inch dice.

Once you're finished with the dicing go ahead and take three tablespoons of salt and

sprinkle it all over the curds and mill it with your hands. I'm going to give you a tip-

It's important to be able to get it as uniform as possible all throughout the curds so you can do that by sprinkling high

Sprinkle high, do some milling, rinse and repeat until it's all milled through.

Don't worry.

It seems at first like that's a lot of salt but it's really not because

much of this salt is going to go away during the first pressing.

Transfer the curds to a cheesecloth lined mold

Wrap the curds with the cheesecloth and

place it into the press.

Press this cheese at ten pounds for thirty minutes.

Vince built me this press and I like it a lot. I can reach the 10 pounds in one of two ways. I can estimate

by lightly tightening the wing nuts just so that there's just a little bit of

whey coming out. Im going to judge it by the whey, because 10 pounds is a light press.

But there's another way to do this:

I'm just going to place ten pounds of weight

right on the top plate.

And that way it takes the guesswork out of it!

Either way, your choice.

About 15 minutes into this press I noticed that my follower had reached the edge of the mold,

which means that the cheese is shrinking that's a good thing because we want to get rid of the whey

So this is an easy fix.

All you need to do is continue to use

these disks so

that the press continues to happen just watch your cheese as it continues to press and as followers as needed.

At the half hour mark, remove from the mold

flip the cheese and

redress it with a new cheesecloth.

Place it back in the mold and press again at ten pounds for 12 hours.

You'll do this twice for a total of a 24 hour press.

In the meantime place the pressings in the oven at 250 degrees F for 15 minutes.

So I decided to take this piece outside just in case I made a bit of a mess.

And here's what I've done. I've taken half of the grape pressings and I've placed them in a sterilized

2 gallon bucket. Add 3 tablespoons of non-iodized salt

to the wine and pressings.

Mix well.

Just so you know, if you don't have access to the pressings you can just do this with the wine.

I'm just fortunate enough to have a friend in the wine business,

so I wanted to see if this would work.

Once the salt is mixed through, add 2 teaspoons of calcium chloride to the mixture.

And mix it well.

You'll want to be sure to add the salt and the calcium chloride before you add the cheese!

Then I removed the cheese from the press 24 hours later. And here it is!

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to

bury the cheese

In the wine and pressings and then I'm going to take

some beautiful Indian Creek wine

and I'm going to pour it over the cheese. This is the exciting part - I'm so excited!

And go ahead and pour it over the cheese.

And my hope is is that the wine is going to rehydrate those great pressings and

that the grape pressings are going to provide an additional staining property. That's that's the goal here.

I just finished pouring the wine all the way in

and that is it.

The cheese is now

completely submerged in the wine and the pressing and I'll take this back into the house at room temperature for 24 hours.

I'll do a flip halfway through tomorrow morning and see how the staining is coming along.

I did end up having to do an extra second bottle of wine

But that's okay. I already think I'm going to make another cheese since I've got this beautiful

staining property here and we'll we'll check it in the morning.

Remove the cheese from the bucket, dry it off with the paper towel,

put it on a drying rack and let it air dry

for 24 hours or until it's dry to the touch.

You can use the food tent to keep out any unwanted dust or bugs or kitties.

And here it is!

drunken cheese or

wine-soaked cheese.

This cheese was really very easy to make. It took less than four hours from milk pour to press and I

really like the fact that it ages in a refrigerator instead of a cheese cave,

so if you don't have a cheese cave you can still make this and I'm sure your friends and family will appreciate

It. the flavor of the wine comes through the rind of the cheese and a little bit into the cheese.

But the cheese itself is very flavorful and I would say a little sharp and maybe a little pungent.

So if you like that sort of cheese, I think you're going to enjoy this one.

Thanks so much to Indian Creek Winery for inviting me to visit!

As always we appreciate your support! Like and subscribe and ring the bell for future notifications. We will see you in the next episode!

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