hey guys and welcome back to my channel
today I have Rachel Talbott here one of
my biggest role models and today we're
gonna talk about crushing goals we've
been chatting all day kind of walking
around her property she does a beautiful
home and a beautiful heart and every one
of her videos I feel so inspired when I
watch her on tech yeah awesome and I'm
not just like buttering you up or
telling you that I love your condo thank
you been watching her forever
definitely pop on over to her channel
she's gonna be doing a video about how
to stay motivated and how to get out of
a funk and we kind of did that together
we hashed out our tips and ideas
definitely check that one out I'll have
it in the description box below but for
now let's talk about how we're gonna
crush our goals all right the very first
thing I do it across my goals is listen
to motivational speeches they helped me
a ton
especially if I'm in a funk or if I just
really have a big goal that I want to
accomplish sometimes I need that extra
like Bava boom and they're usually an
hour long I do my makeup and kind of
listen to it and I just feel really
recharged and ready for any goal that I
have I feel like I listen to podcasts
and we talked about this a little bit on
my channel now and I try to read books
that are inspiring and - in terms of
like motivational videos but I've never
done that it's sometimes maybe a little
intense but they only check it out
alright for number two we've kind of
brainstormed and we thought the next
thing you should do to crush your goals
is to do something small towards your
habit every day this is actually
Rachel's big tip so I'm gonna let you
take this one away well this I write a
book called the slight edge a few years
back which is basically in investing in
your future self okay yeah everyday
habits so little things that you do
every single day that over time
accumulate and it's a long-term
investment little things that you do if
you work out ten minutes every day as
opposed to not working out at all that
ten minutes
time is going to accumulate and you're
gonna see those results over time but
that's throwing it every day is better
than nothing for the next way to crush
your goals we were talking about
blocking off time and protecting your
time if you have a goal that you're
really trying to achieve
definitely block off some time might say
like oh I gave myself an hour every day
absolute maybe it's just that I gave
myself a block of time every day period
and it's something that simple is like
even when I practice the piano if I
practice 10 minutes a day if I do that
every day I'm gonna be a master at
something absolutely in a few months
time our next tip that we have to really
crush your goals is to make sure your
reevaluating your goals make sure
whether it's every month every two weeks
we evaluate how much effort am I really
putting towards the goal where am I and
my meeting Michael so how do you
evaluate your goals I definitely write
them down but I don't necessarily look
at them consistently one thing I find
that it's really interesting though is I
write down goals and sometimes I'll look
at them like a year later
mm-hmm Wow I think just writing it down
and putting it out there with any
project or goal that I've had it always
takes longer than I was initially
imagine the next tip that we have to
pressure goal is to have role models and
resources and what we mean by this role
models Rachael is actually an incredible
role model for me and I'm not just
saying this if you go to her Channel and
you see your content it is crisp it is
beautiful and she has really good
routines and habits but she's a good
role model for me and I feel like when
you have a role model somebody to look
up to it pushes you so for me whenever I
watch your content know how she's really
creative she's not dropping the ball
she's always putting on her very best
content and always just being her most
authentic self it encourages me to keep
doing it putting out my best version of
myself so whatever your goal is find a
good role model that you look up to
somebody that
you really feel like can help you
achieve whatever go you've got going on
Lady Gaga motivates me musically like Oh
musician and I are like whoa I love her
do I want to be exactly like Lady Gaga
no I just like her because she's
eclectic she plays all sorts of
different types of things she like
she'll sing country what then she'll
sing jazz and like isn't a musician the
side of things like that really inspires
me in terms of like a mom there's other
women who inspire me or home decor
things like that there's always just
kind of like a different place that I
find inspiration and I kind of pick and
choose so that I'm still I feel like a
myself and that's a really hard thing to
do to fight to be you to be that
authentic version of you but still look
to people for inspiration because there
are people who are doing it in a way
that maybe is a way that you never would
have thought to do it that way and so
it's a creative inspiration the next big
tip that we have to crusher goals is to
reward yourself even if you've only
achieved a small part of your goal I
always try to give myself a little bit
of a reward because if you don't you get
stuff yeah and you feel like frustrated
because like you said goals take a
really long time most goals take a
really long time so there's gonna be
times where you get demotivated and I
feel like rewards is a good way to kind
of give you what are ways that you
reward yourself I like to maybe go to
the spa I like to give myself a me time
so like a me time is a big reward okay I
wanna hear it what are your good rewards
that you do for your but it's
interesting sometimes accomplishing the
goal itself is a reward for me both but
if it takes seven years but one good
example was I wanted to put out music
and make enough money that I could buy
myself a piano for you I put out enough
and saved enough from that chunk of
money so my own created my own music
made enough money to buy myself a piano
and that to me was my reward Wow so it
could be something small to like like
what you said it's that self-care time
like that any time I'll be like
like I am gonna like have a glass of
wine and take a hot shower that's Annie
is like I don't know what it is about
hot shower glass of wine this feels good
whatever your reward it's your reward
don't let anybody sabotage that reward
just enjoy him yeah it's only meant to
like make you keep going further in your
nose whatever he did no judgment so
she's gonna have her but come on if
that's her word for that date but for
you I'm like yes feels good I need this
so the next way to crush your goals
which I have been doing or trying to do
is get away maybe not necessarily a
full-blown vacation because that's
really hard but even having a day to get
away or escape your goal a lot of times
I give time to my goals every single day
or I try to do something towards the
goal every single day whatever that is
so having a day or two to just recharge
and not have your life be entirely about
the goal and just step back for a second
it gives you like a new energy in life
for the last one for me personally and I
think we talked about this together that
absolutely Oh women in general myself
included we can kind of self-sabotage so
it's like if we're not accomplishing our
goal you get discouraged so you're like
screw it you know all right like I don't
even care anymore so if you're not it's
so dramatic nobody it also we're just
we're we're so hard on ourselves because
we are looking at other people we all do
it we all do it maybe look at other
people we go I'm not I'm not doing as
well as that person or seemingly doing
as well as that person so I'm gonna give
up I'm gonna sabotage my own situation
thing that's really important is to
grace on yourself be kind to yourself
and don't self-sabotage if you haven't
hit your goal
that's okay but I'm one of those people
that I tend to make big decisions
without really knowing what I'm getting
myself into
okay I know I'm that's me and so I like
I started a shop this year do I know how
to run a shop know a shop in moments
where I'm like I don't
what are we doing how are we gonna do
this yeah but I also do that to myself
to challenge myself because so many
people are afraid of failure to the
point where they don't allow themselves
to do anything yeah like if my shop
isn't successful like I'm not gonna die
and so you can self-sabotage yourself by
just not doing anything because you're
afraid of failure and when it's time to
crush these goals like we want to get
all of these goals done but we want to
make sure we're doing in a healthy way
so those are all of our tips to
literally crush your goals this year
before 2019 I hope you guys really like
this video and I really hope you like my
special guest it is no give me a hug
thank you so much you don't understand
like and if you go to her channel she
adds a lot of value to your life so
that's one of the best things about you
it's not only here you have breath the
fresh air and refreshing you add a lot
of value to people's life she gives you
a lot of tips and ideas so definitely go
check her out and let us know in the
comments below if you have any tips that
really crush your goals we would love to
hear that yeah to read your guys's ideas
and what you're doing what works for you
guys so thank you guys so much for
watching and I'll see you in my next
video bye guys
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