episode 6 of sugar daddy gacha verse mini movie
Girl Defined Is Gay (Lesbian Roasts Girl Defined) - Duration: 13:54.[Upbeat Piano Music]
Hi, my name is Tatum Borealis
and today I want to roast Girl Defined. But I asked myself,
"What would girl define to do?"
To that, let us look to the Holy Bibble.
So today I ask the Bible,
"Is it alright to make fun of these girls?"
And I think Second Corinthians
1:20 answers that very well for me.
blah blah blah blah
And to the question, "Am I only doing this because Cody Ko did this?", we can look to the same verse.
So, Girl Defined is back in the YouTube spotlight
because they posted a video called "Why I Waited Until Marriage
to Kiss". Which we're gonna look at right now, but at the very end of this video...
we are going to look at her very first kiss.
[Upbeat Piano Music]
Hey guys, it's Bethany and Kristen from Girl Defined Ministries
and today we are going to be talking about why I saved my first kiss for marriage.
So actually as y'all are watching this video right now. I will be on my honeymoon!
[Super Slow Motion Excited Sound]
[Bethany]: Yes! [Kristen]: Wooo!
[B]: I'm so excited about that! [K]: [Low Pitched] Yeah!
[B]: It's actually been a really cool thing and I'm actually really excited about it.
So, when I decided like, "Hey, that would be a cool idea and then you know each you're like, "Oh yeah,
this is a cool idea... Right?!"
[Small Laugh]
Yeah, this is still cool...
This is cool...
This is totally cool.
If God has marriage for us one day,
we're gonna get to enjoy all of this just like you and Dave are actually enjoying now.
[K]: Umm...'Cause you're married now... as we watch this. [B]: [Laughing uncomfortably]
[B]: In future time! [K]: [Laughing]
[B]: In future time! [K]: [Very High Pitched] IN THE FUTURE TIMES!
I love how just offended she is that this other chick would even speak in the present tense.
She even goes along with it
Like she's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm so sorry. Oh my god,
I can't even believe I just said that!"
It really, you know, when your focus is on honoring Christ, when your focus is on being set apart, when your focus is on building
just a relationship,
and getting to know the other person. And when you set up good boundaries and don't put yourself in the way of temptation,
to be honest, it's not as hard as it seems! [K]: It's very freeing. I've heard you say.
[B]: Yes! It's very freeing because you're not like always like, "Ah! Did we go too far?
Did we do this?". Like we are free not to kiss.
We do not have to kiss until we get married!
"Oh, thank God that I don't have to kiss this man!!"
[Loud Laughter]
Can you imagine saying that about...
anyone that you love? "Ugh, thank God! I do not have to kiss them!"
She's so happy that she doesn't have to kiss this guy!
Think about just those smaller aspects I guess of romance in kind of a newer way.
Just instead of thinking like, "Oh, like yeah.
Of course everyone just kisses!" Like maybe take a step back and think about it a little bit differently!
You should definitely take a step back and think about those smaller things! Like...
Do I want to kiss this man?
Do I want to kiss any man ever?
Why do I want to kiss girls so much?
[B]: Both of us did not kiss until we got married and we found guys that were willing to wait, that were
[B]: actually excited to do that. [K]: Yeah! It did not scare them away. They were for it as well.
[B]: I'm not dragging Dave along like, "We have to do this!!!"
He was 100% on the same page, on board with doing that.
So I'm sure we're all curious who these men that willingly went along with this whole thing are. So, let's watch their video
"Practical Advice for Dating and Marriage"
[Same Upbeat Piano Music yet again!]
[Kristen]: Hey guys! It's Kristen and Bethany. And obviously, we have some extras!
[K]: We have Zack and we have Dave! [Bethany]: [High Pitched] Wooo!!
[K]: On the vlog today! And we're so excited and today's vlog is called... [B]: So excited!
[Extremely Loud and Heavy Bass]
Dave is a savage!!
Also, umm...
I have to mention this
Dave is a --
[Robotic Text-to-Speech Voice]
There's... There's just no other way to put it..
[K]: Also note that Dave and Bethany are in a relationship. So, in this vlog we thought would be so fun if...
[Talking Fades to Silence]
Smile through the pain! I don't hate this person! We're totally fine! I'm just gonna commit my life to them!
[Small Scream of Terror followed by Painful Laughter]
[Silently] Ooh my god.
[Katy Perry Vine Audio]: They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine and you're not really fine.
Hmm, okay.
[B]: We have actually three specific things
that we're doing and these are things, like, they're not like the, "Oh,
if you do these you're gonna have the perfect relationship." or anything like that.
They're just ways for us to get to know each other on a deeper level!
[Dave]: The first of those things is... We have a list of a hundred and thirty questions. Which--
[K]: [Whistles] [Zack]: One thirty!
[Bethany, Kristen, and Zack Laughing]
[D]: What? You didn't do this?
[Bethany and Kristen Laugh More and Even Whiter Than Before]
[Z]: That's a lot of questions. That's good. It's good!
[D]: Anyway...
If you are genuinely interested in another person in...
spending the rest of your life with another person, you should be interested in them enough
to know how to ask them questions, to want to genuinely ask them questions.
Have you ever had a crush on a girl, Dave?
You should have questions running through your mind about her every single day.
Questions like:
What's her favorite color? What's your favorite TV show? Oh my god! Does she... does she want to have kids?
Where does she want to live?
I wonder... I wonder what it feels like to kiss her.
That one shouldn't be on your mind too long either because you should just do it.
You should not be asking her questions like the ones on this list. Like...
[Katy Perry Vine Audio]: They ask you how you are and you just say that you're fine and you're not really fine
but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.
I thought we were past this. It should be an insult to ask someone that question.
[D]: The next thing we've been doing is, uh, regular times of
scripture reading and prayer together. And this is really, really
helpful for us because it's really those times that we get to really come and center our focus and
Why we're doing this. Why are we in a relationship doing all these intentional things? And where are we going?
Why are we doing this? Why are we in a relationship?
Those are questions that you should be able to figure out on your own.
You shouldn't need a-- you shouldn't need this guy to help you out with that one.
[B]: Thanks so much for watching today's video with our super, extra special guests! If you liked it
you can subscribe to our channel below because we post new videos every Wednesday!
[Super Annoying, Super White Laughter]
Subscribe... through Patreon! There's ways to donate to this ministry.
[Bible Thump]
[Extremely White Laughter]
Comedic genius! Oh my god!
[Bible Thump]
[Replicated Laughter] [Tatum]: Oh my god I'm just so funny! Like this video! Subscribe!!
And he does that all after
begging, BEGGING for people to donate to their Patreon. Which is understandable because they only have a hundred and
ninety five patrons.
And you gotta love the way they have their patreon account set up.
I don't-- I haven't really looked at a whole lot of other people's patreon accounts
but their tiers seem a little manipulative. If you give them
one dollar or more per video, you can be their friend. If you give them
three or more dollars per video, you
get to be their best friend. If you give them five dollars or more per video, you
become their sister. And if you donate 10 dollars or more per video, you my friend are a
kindred spirit.
So I am really afraid for this poor, closeted lesbian.
So let's watch this video called "Marriage, Sex, and My New Life as a Wife" where she looks absolutely
terrified in the thumbnail.
[B]: Hey guys, it's Bethany and Kristen with Girl Defined Ministries.
Imagine-- Imagine being a person that agreed with a dress code that said no shoulders.
[K]: Why are you and Dave actually saving sex for marriage?
[B]: Oo... [K]: Just a personal question! No big deal!
[B]: Yes let's just jump right into it. But I think it's good. [K]: Let's get to it!
[B]: I'm glad we're talking about these things because I do feel like you know, especially like before I'm married and especially as a single
I'm curious. I'm like, "Why do people do things?" I want to know like, "Why are you doing that?"
I think one of the big reasons is because when we look in scripture,
we do see that sexual intimacy is reserved for a husband and a wife. You never see that
displayed as God's good design outside of marriage.
In fact a verse that was really convicting for me was Hebrews 13:4, which I wrote down.
It says, "Let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled." and
so that to me was just talking about, "Okay the marriage bed like this is something sacred,
this is something holy, something that sex with it should be reserved for a husband and a wife.
I love that this is the verse-- THIS IS THE VERSE that makes her not want to even kiss before marriage.
This verse states:
Do you think...
kissing before marriage makes you a whoremonger, Bethany? What the-- What?!
What is a whoremonger?
Let me get a definition for whoremonger.
A whoremonger is a person who has dealings with prostitutes.
[B]: When I talked about my wedding. I would get these direct messages - not public - like direct, like, "Are you nervous? Are you nervous?
Are you nervous?"
[K]: And that's a very relevant question. You've never had sex. You're gonna have it with your husband for the first time like.. yeah!
[B]: Yeah, and it I think that I'm not nervous.
I think the more that I have studied God's good design for intimacy, the more that I've learned why God created sex, why God created
marriage, honestly the more excited I've come to get to experience that level of deep intimacy. Not just physically but emotionally.
She's gotten really
excited to finally have sex with a man
after learning about it, after all of this research,
[High Pitched, Uncomfortable Voice] "It should be fun... Yeah..."
"It'll be okay!"
[B]: And God designed sex to be super pleasurable for like our
enjoyment and so it's like, I've never experienced that. I love a good like new experience! I love adventure!
This is like the ultimate adventure and it's my best friend! So it's like it's not awkward. It's not weird.
It's like he's my bestie.
Can you imagine having sex with your best friend?
[Disgusted Noise]
That is weird. That is weird!!
That's not a normal thing!
As much as I love making fun of these white chicks.
I think it's finally time to conclude that
Bethany is a lesbian.
Okay. Bye!!
But in all seriousness,
I think it's really possible that Bethany
loves this idea of being a wife and she thinks that a man
is the only person that's gonna get her there.
But, Bethany...
[Sexy Saxophone Music Starts to Play]
I'm right here, babe.
And as promised let's check out this kiss.
[Minister]: Bethany has been sharing-- saving her first kiss to share with you in this very moment.
So you've never had the privilege of kissing your bride.
[Laughter from Crowd]
[M]: You may now kiss your wife.
[Crowded Cheering and Woo-ing]
I have been watching
wedding kiss videos all day to
make sure if there's a hug afterwards. And I have not seen a single one where the people
embrace each other like that afterwards.
I really think it's a way of saying,
"That was terrible, but it's okay!"
"We're gonna get through this!"
"We're gonna have to do this for the rest of our lives"
Well, I've been Tatum Borealis!
Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't already, and
for the love of God, please go kiss somebody.
Rethink nationalism! - Duration: 2:02.- Nationalism doesn't sound good to me, but--
- Tears apart the idea of globalization
and coming together as human beings.
- Can you say I'm not a German?
But then who am I?
I'm a Berliner or I'm a European or--
- In contemporary societies which are increasingly diverse
and people in themselves bring multiple identities
and multiple dimensions.
These multiple identities can be either a resource
or can be something that basically forces you into a box.
Hi, I'm Nando Sigona.
- I'm Anna Triandafyllidou.
- I feel European, I feel Italian and I feel Neapolitan.
Actually probably I feel European, Neapolitan
and Italian in this order.
- I'm Greek by origin but I'm not sure I
identify totally with Greece
and maybe I think I identify as European.
- So the question is?
- Nationalism is important, it does respond
to an existential need for some sort of anchoring,
some sort of, I belong to somewhere.
- I think it's important to really understand
that your nation is not something fixed
and in a way you make it, everyday, with your practice.
You create what does it mean to be part or not of a society.
- Borders?
Ah, no I think good.
Because everything has a limit.
- The romantic idea of the nation,
that's something from the past.
- This is a very complicated debate you're going into.
I tell you.
La Génération Z : Qui sont-ils ? - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Proctor U Student Video - Duration: 6:24.SPEAKER 1: Students use SmarterProctoring
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ÇUKUR 2.SEZON 9.BÖLÜM FRGAMAN - ÖN ANALİZ - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Çukur Müzikleri - Karakuzular v3 (Uzun Versiyonu) - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Short Bob Haircut, Bob hairstyles, New hair style for female, trendy haircut by Amal Hermuz - Duration: 15:03.hi this me Amal Hermuz
i wil show you today how to cut boblijn haircut
Surgery Residency at The University of Rochester - Duration: 6:18.The faculty are beyond supportive I mean everyone's been so excited to see us.
The residents that I get the opportunity to work with are incredibly compassionate
and incredibly thoughtful to the work that they're doing I wanted a place that
had amazing surgical training the University of Rochester has always been
an innovator in medical education so we're proud of our history and legacy
but we're always moving forward our residents get broad-based training in
general surgery that include the whole gamut from bread-and-butter general
surgery cases such as cholecystectomy appendectomy and hernia repair to the
most complex procedures such as pancreaticoduodenectomy the esophagectomy
and even liver and heart transplantation we're one of the few
centers that does many tertiary and quarternary types of surgical care so in
your training here you'll be exposed to numerous complex patients that will help
you hone your surgical skills in your craft this department flourished on the
fertile soil of the University of Rochester Medical Center which was a
direct outgrowth of the famous Flexner report which was published in 1910 in
in which it was defined that a medical center should be aligned with a
university. Our program has many unique strengths at the residency level
this means that we have implemented a coaching program. All of our residents
are engaged in the process of learning about how to not only be sound
technically but also how to engage and best practices so that they are more
efficient and effective in their communication and dialogue one-on-one
with patients and as teams. Building our clinical legacy in the vision of
department we aim to train the next generation of surgical scientists this
is highlighted by our annual research symposium which last year alone
accounted for over 40 abstracts submitted by our house staff. We have been leaders
in the country with our resident wellness program which is in direct
alignment with our institution strategic plan placing the highest priority on
physician and resident wellness. You want to prepare our residents to be the best
surgeons they can be and to be successful in the future we've had a
great long history of doing really well on the boards. There's not a more
powerful team in a hospital than that OR team there's something magical that
happens in the operating room. We have a very robust curriculum that includes
advanced laparoscopic and robotic training. Surgical simulation, it is an
ancient art but a young science of course we've come a tremendous distance
from that we now have robotic surgery simulators and we have a cardiac bypass
simulator we have a microscope that helps simulate micro surgery and in
acquiring an endoscopy simulator to really give the skills and thrills that
you need. The faculty members here who are involved in surgical education are
our leaders I think that their practices are exemplary of what
national leaders in surgical education should aspire to
I think this program really provides everything that most people are looking
for in a surgical residency program the people the surgical training the
environment residents input is always welcome resident recommendations are
always incorporated in our program improvement measures. When you look at
our residency training program one thing that's quite striking and notable is the
fact that the residents are interacting with each other all the time there are
multiple special events where we get families together for events within the
department of surgery a lot of our residents have families and young
children and so we will host events that are family friendly and it's something
that we pride ourselves on is taking care of each other and looking after
each other not only in the workplace but outside as well you can live in
Rochester very affordably even on a resident salary and the amount of
cultural things you can access from the kids museums, the Zoo I mean there's the
lakes there's just so much that you can show to your family and to your kids it
was I mean it was an instant attraction for us it is very collegial there's a
sense of camaraderie amongst the residents amongst the residents and the
faculty the faculty really care about the residents and their performance and
becoming excellent surgeons and building that into the framework of their lives
so they become good community members good family members
and good surgeons of the highest order. Those who have passed through these
portals either as students, as residents or as faculty have gone on to
an extraordinary number of positions of leadership in surgery, surgery
sub specialties and in medical education I very quickly learned that I could
operate as well as anybody around I knew how to take care of patients better than
most people around and could work with the team as well as anyone or better
those are the things I learned the University of Rochester. Faculty at the
University of Rochester are committed to their role as mentors of future surgeons
so I felt very proud to be a product of this program both nationally and locally
I think residents that Graduate University of Rochester know where
they've come from and feel very proud of that they've the lineage that they are
part of one of the things that we take great pride in is our finished product
if you look at a graduating chief resident of ours they're skilled
surgeons they're confident people they're accomplished and they go out
into the world ready and prepared to innovate in surgery they become surgical
leaders they go on to great fellowships we have an excellent track record of
matching residents into the most competitive subspecialty fellowships and
we also send people out into practice in multiple different settings where
they're highly successful and they always look back to the training that
they got here at the University of Rochester and I hear time and time again
that they were extremely well prepared for the next step once finishing our
training program
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105PK BM CLIMA NAVI - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Çukur Müzikleri - Meliha Kapın Her Çalındıkça - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
ASMR I STRONGLY TINGLE YOUR EARS!!! [Spanish] - Duration: 23:36.-------------------------------------------
Can I Buy Real Estate in an IRA? - Duration: 3:13.Real estate in your IRA.
I like real estate.
I like IRAs, but I don't really like those together, and I'll tell you why.
Now, first of all you can do it.
It's all an allowable investment.
You can put real estate -
you can buy real estate in an IRA.
So you have to set up a self-directed IRA.
You can't go to a typical custodian like Schwab or T.D. Ameritrade.
You have to go to a special custodian that will hold real estate. So you can do it,
but I'm not really a fan of it, even though I like real estate investing.
The reason I'm not a fan of it - there's a bunch.
That's why I brought my little cheat sheet here.
So the first one is, you can't have a mortgage in an IRA. And typically with real estate having
a mortgage is what allows you a greater rate of return, because you're using other
people's money it's not just your own money.
So that's one thing.
Second one is you cannot work on the property yourself.
So if there's something that needs to be fixed, you can't fix it.
Now how will the IRS catch it?
Well, they won't.
I'm just giving you what the rules are.
So you're not allowed to fix it yourself.
You have to hire a handyman.
There's no tax benefits per se, because when you own a piece of property outside of a retirement
account, you get to take depreciation deductions, sometimes you create a loss.
Sometimes you get to write off that loss against other income.
You can buy and sell properties using a 1031 exchange on a rental property.
And then when you pass away, if you own it outside of your property, your heirs get a
step up in basis.
So it means when they sell the property they don't have to necessarily pay any tax on it.
None of that happens inside of an IRA.
You must pay all your property taxes in the IRA.
So in other words, like, let's say you need a new roof and it's going to cost you $10,000
bucks and you don't have $10,000 bucks in the IRA you're not allowed to fix the roof.
You have to have that inside the IRA.
It makes it really tricky.
There's no personal use allowed. Personal use, so if it's a vacation rental, you can't use it.
You're not allowed to use it.
That's not something that you can do. And then, finally, your required minimum distribution
at 70 and a half.
You still have to take it out of your real estate.
And if there's not enough money in that real estate account you're in a bit of trouble.
So for those reasons, I don't typically like owning real estate inside of an IRA.
I will say - so for most people, that's probably true.
Now if you're really good at real estate flipping or buying land and selling it at a higher
cost, whatever, maybe that might be good for you. For all the rest of us, including myself,
I'm not recommending owning real estate in your IRA.
For more information go to
The Talk - Catt Sadler Talks 'seismic shift' After Leaving E! Over 'Pay disparity issue' - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
I can't hug you S2 Cap 10 Sub Esp - Duration: 32:15.-------------------------------------------
I can't hug you S2 Cap 12 Sub Esp - Duration: 30:35.-------------------------------------------
I can't hug you S2 Cap 15 Sub Español - Duration: 30:56.-------------------------------------------
I can't hug you S2 Cap 14 - Duration: 40:19.-------------------------------------------
DAY IN MY LIFE | Cozy fall day vlog ✨ - Duration: 6:30.Happy Sunday! Today we are just going to have a cozy fall day the
weather in Florida is finally a dream it is currently like I don't know like 65
degrees and when I woke up I was 50 something so needless to say it's the
perfect day so after church Brandon and I going to the pumpkin patch and a Fall
Fest and probably gonna bake something Cody later so I thought oh we it's so
fun to take you guys along
I found my perfect pumpkin
hey welcome to the fall of us now I don't know if you can hear the music but
we're getting close so cute it's a little carnival vo is dancin and it's it
them here we go I love
I told Brandon I want to know with me this tiger
okay why are we leaving you didn't win me the tiger no comment
but the Fall Festival was a cute little time the weather is just so perfect we
do their fried anything though because somebody's have cramps
we actually used to go all the time to the ball festival and well maybe not all
its might only once a year you really can't go all the time but we used to go
so much growing up and high school so we went I don't know
now it's fun to be all nostalgic and I think it's just kind of like a tradition
for us to go every year wanting to take our little kids their
disability so cute okay I've got a little pumpkin as well which I'll show
you when we get home we found a pink one which is pretty amazing
it might love me it's not the classic gifts you usually get so we're really
switching things up this year but yeah just headed back to the apartment and
then go to the grocery store tickets give me ingredients for making a fall
tree okay people this is the pumpkin we ended up with look how cute it is
it's so cold you I love the color of it so unique I've never seen anything like
it before and I am obsessed also we have the windows open which is so happy
that's what we're working with but we have a cute little pumpkin to decorate
our little home is it weird if I get my pumpkin a bath because it's been outside
for a long time and I think that's appropriate
okay I'm sitting at our coziest little corner of our apartment in a little blue
chair from a kombucha to get me inspired in the cutest little unicorn mug I love
it so much and now I'm going to look on Pinterest for the perfect thing to bake
on our cozy little fall day so requirements it definitely has to have
pumpkin in it number one and number two it definitely has to be warm and cozy
and we have to bake it but other than that I'm pretty flexible so also three
we don't really have a lot of baking utensils here yet so it has to be
muffins because we only have a muffin pan winner winner pumpkin pie dinner
this is the one that we are going to make it is a little bit healthier of a
recipe apparently so we will see how yummy there
all right I got all my ingredients for delicious pumpkin muffins it was funny
because I went to Publix and I had a coupon for five dollars off thirty
dollars and when I got to the register and she rung everything up I had 30
dollars and 85 cents so I barely made it but I reached 30 dollars I got some
yummy things and we're gonna be making muffins with some coconut oil which I
absolutely love and my feet on the ground take time to enjoy maybe all that
you are now that there's you
they taste very healthy definitely not super sweet but I mean you can eat them
and not feel bad about them like not feel guilty so I like them they taste
like life cereal I don't know if you guys have ever had that but that's it
reminds me up so I'm gonna eat these and for dinner I want to cook this autumn
harvest soup from Trader Joe's and then just have a cozy night relaxing and
working on editing videos and whatnot but I really hope you guys enjoyed this
Kobe a fall day plug and you have a wonderful autumn season too right
I can't hug you S2 Cap 11 Sub Esp - Duration: 29:54.-------------------------------------------
I can't hug you S2 Cap 13 - Duration: 30:18.-------------------------------------------
Things Suicidal People Want You To Know - Duration: 15:16.Hey everyone today I wanted to talk about some pretty full-on important
stuff but we also recreated our garden and I filmed a bunch of bodysurfing
stuff out in the ocean and that is really good medicine for your mental
health just being creative and also creating a garden you're reconnecting to
nature as well so hopefully I can inspire and encourage a few people to do
that what has been on my mind this week is
the fact that amy has gone deathly quiet as soon as I
started talking but yeah I was probably the closest to take him out in life that
I've been for quite some time on Monday - a few days ago and I was I was ready
to go well I like if I really go inside myself and I think about it like I was I
was really close to physically doing it like I could have like one action could
have been the end of my life like one physical action but mentally I was much
further away like I wasn't mentally prepared to take that one action but I
was in that place and I was I don't know how to explain it but it's like once I
was in that place and I saw myself physically in that place I was one
physical action away from ending everything I just had the like all of
the like the feelings of the consequences of that action and thoughts
of like my family and my friends and everything it flooded into me and I just
like broke down and I had a big cry and I like let go of all of that
that suffering that was inside of me new little plant babies
well I think I'm gonna get that put the huzza tumeric in it and pour all the
soil in there so it grows like a green plant and then when the plant wilts
that's when you harvest the root I am an amateur gardener I don't really know
what I'm doing
it's just all a learning process but you're the reason I wanted to like first
of all be honest about it like I didn't I don't
I have my social media all the time and I'm doing all this inspiring and
empowering stuff and like working on mental health making a garden today
filming some stuff in the ocean like having a good time like trying to trying
to bring all this positivity out and trying to maintain that but I
interviewed somebody recently who like just opened my eyes to how much we're
all bullshitting each other and like we all have like really rough days maybe
you don't get to the point where your one physical action away from taking
your own life but if you even like think about suicide at all or if you think
about harming yourself or if you like if they even even if you don't think that
you think about it deeply if the idea crosses your mind like that's enough of
a warning that you're not 100% okay and you should reach out and like get some
support and that doesn't necessarily mean go to a GP and get a diagnosis and
some treatment because we all know these days or I believe that most of us don't
need a diagnosis and treatment we just need support we just need more people
around us who understand us and it takes time to educate the people around you
about your personal situation and your personal preferences and how you would
like to be treated and the only time to do that is when you're in a healthy
state so you need to talk about this like in times like now like I am and I
do talk to people about like what I would prefer
that kind of stuff because it the one of the biggest reasons I believe that a lot
of people then talk about suicidal thoughts and suicide even attempting to
end their own lives is because they're afraid of losing and their autonomy
that's one thing that I'm afraid I've got afraid that something like
somebody's gonna intervene and they're gonna start making my decisions for me
and I'm gonna end up in the hands of somebody who doesn't understand me it
doesn't have any emotional connection to me and they're diagnosing and treating
me off a checklist and I just hate that idea I respond much better to a lot of
different kinds of treatment and therapies and people like I just don't
like the medical model at all and I know so many people hate it and they don't
want to get sucked into that vortex and like even getting someone to call the
ambulance on you is like a fear that a lot of people have because then you then
all of a sudden you're being treated by like emergency personnel and like it's
just a nightmare and sometimes that can be the reason why you don't reach out to
anybody because it's just like such a nightmare to deal with those
consequences are now that that makes it even worse when you're thinking about
how you're in this situation you're in this dark place and you want to end it
all and you're like this is there's no way out of this it's only gonna get
worse and you picture like what might happen if you message each particular
person as you're scrolling through your phone desperately trying to find that
human connection and you're thinking like God nobody's really going to
respond the way that to respond and like that this is gonna
escalate this is gonna get worse and if you're at the point where you want to
take care in life it's already as bad as it can get right like it copy you don't
you just put in that moment you believe you can't enjoy any more suffering any
any worse you can't go through any more you don't want to do any more that's why
they're crying on the floor
never repotted strawberries before
oh my goodness yeah oh there's lots of hurt
we're pools are this dead stuff as well
what do you think how I broke the puzzle sorry Buzzle
there's all the tough plans black out of everything I've tried to
grow basil is the only one that thrives a hectic enough event can can trigger a
relapse type episode like it can put you back in that place that you thought that
you would never end up in again and if everybody thinks that you'll find all
the time and everybody thinks that everybody's fine and nobody's really
talking about any of this then if you don't really feel comfortable coming
forward but if we all just admit it to each other that life's really hard and
sometimes we are unstable and we we do need help then it would become normal to
sense to just send a message to somebody I have heaps of people in my life that
it's normal to just send them a message and say like are you struggling right
now and you and I would even think that I would never get to a place where I'm
one physical action away from taking my own life again but I underestimated the
power of like things that could still happen to me and like that like I was
really heavily triggered and all of my worst fears were presented to me and
like I was just like all of my demons resurfaced like in the course of say ten
minutes because of an interaction that I had with another human being who was
coming from a place of fear and not not really thinking about the consequences
of what they were saying and they were just they were about destroying me like
just making me feel bad and making me feel wrong making me feel like my my
whole life was in dullard and like people don't know that they're doing
that that people don't know how unstable you are and that's another part of the
fear I'm afraid that if it's that easy to make me kill myself people won't
trust me with my own independence my own autonomy I feel like people are gonna
interfere if if somebody just saying some mean shit to me is enough to tip me
over the edge like I don't want people to think that about me and it's all
that's all of this stuff is that all the stuff that prevents people from reaching
out for help and like they think the thing that's preventing lives being
saved is because we're worried about what other people think about us so
hopefully by just like talking about this right now I've helped just open up
a few conversations stuff you can message me any time and it will be on
your terms how much we talk about what's going on with you I'm never gonna like
force you to talk to me about anything I'm not good I'm not gonna take any
action that you don't only take like it's on your terms and that I feel like
there's a lot of people out there like you call a lifeline how you call
ambulance oh you call like there's a lot of different avenues you can go down but
maybe some people need somebody like that but sometimes you just need
somebody that you can talk to that isn't going to do anything no matter what like
I'm not going to force any kind of action on you I'm not gonna take away
your independence I'm not going to take away your a ton of me you can send me a
DM and I'll talk to you and I'll help you through that single emotional storm
and then if that will be the end of it like it will not change our relationship
but will not change the way that I think about you it won't change anything I
will just be there in that space with you and then after that business as
usual unless you want it otherwise it's your choice like it's a hundred percent
on your terms and I think that's an important way to deal with this stuff
for a lot of people maybe a lot of people would disagree with this but I
just want more people to put their hand up and say I can be that for people and
then that's like a wider spectrum of the kind of help that's available and we
don't necessarily always need a professional professional help like a
doctor or a psychiatrist or a psychologist sometimes you just need a
mate so if you agree with that kind of way of dealing with somebody who's in a
in a crisis like that if you think that's a good way to do it you've been
in that place yourself and you would like people to treat you that way please
like share this video and talk about it like write a post and say like I just or
make it do whatever you need to to communicate to other people that that's
how things need to be and just get that to circulate and I feel like
not only would we save lives people would just feel better people would just
be more comfortable in their own skin they would be able to like be their true
selves they would be able to be confident in a decision-making they'll
be able to do everything way better like we were just our lives would just be way
more enriched and helping each other as well every every person that I've helped
to stay on this earth makes me feel like my life has a little bit more meaning
it's kind of selfish it's kind of egotistical it's kind of weird but like
I sometimes when I'm in my darkest place and I'm thinking about ending it I just
remember like but if I had it with my life then this person may have not been
here anymore or definitely wouldn't have been here anymore this person wouldn't
have been here anymore I already want another one of these back
to Bunnings okay even if my purpose is just to keep you here like keep one
other person here for a bit longer so they can have a little bit more of this
beautiful magical experience that we call life I love my life my life is
fantastic my life is beautiful every minute of every day is a miracle to me
and like my relationship is amazing everything is so epic but I'm still
vulnerable enough and damaged enough that an adverse situation can completely
Avalanche me like I can just be buried by hectic hectic emotional turbulence
like I don't know the words like it's just full-on and I can't express it and
when it happens it's extremely hard to see through like all of the suffering to
the light at the end of the tunnel
thanks for watching this video thanks for being here
thanks for being champions you little legends human beings man love you guys
so we have two little succulent cacti er kind of things I don't know whether we
call worth is the better business or there we go look at that
done but their brute on this one it's about to go in your little plan
well ala beer is good because like the job that you get out of it is really
soothing for your skin when you have someone so it's perfect living here up
they go to the beach all the time and I get sunburned just I just cut some bit
and he needs all Americans
this is actually some sacred geometry it's very important shape
looks pretty cool
FART PRANK GONE WRONG!! - GETS POLICE! - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 People Freaking Out In Public - Part 2 - Duration: 13:44.Is this real life right now, what the heck is going on that woman was freaking out at
planet fitness maybe because she thought the prices were to high.
Maybe she was high, or possibly drunk.
I don't know what is going through this womans mind.
Hows it going you guys I am landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top
10 video.
Lets get right into this one this is the top 10 people freaking out in public part 2.
If you missed part 1 click right over here.
Alright starting us off at number 10 with a woman freaking out about a service dog that
was in a restaurant.
This woman wasn't having it.
The person that had the service dog was actually a soldier.
Well let me show you guys what happened.
what is this womans problem, does she really have a problem with this dog or does she have
a problem with someone who served in the army.
I think this woman is just insane and very rude, why did she have to make a big deal
about this situation.
Whats wrong with a dog in a restaurant, the dog isn't the one cooking or serving the
Poor little guy is just there to help its owner out after serving for there country.
Moving into number 9 with someone who you shouldn't be freaking out at.
Ok hold on, let me tell you guys what the heck is going on.
We have a police officer who is telling this woman to get out of the vechile because the
vechile has to be towed because the driver didn't have his license on him and the vechile
can't be towed away with someone inside of it.
So this woman tries to use the constitution and the laws against the police officer saying
that they don't have control over human beings.
What the woman was saying was wrong and she was cooperating. this officer was actually
really relaxed and I feel like he dealt with this situation really well.
I know police officers have a bad reputation but in this case the officer was just trying
to do his job.
Well after a while when the woman finally left the vechile things took a turn and the
woman was yelling out rape rape, its so disgusting that someone especially during a time with
the Me too movement that someone would falsely call out rape.
its really obvious that this woman is seeking attention and wants this police officer to
get into trouble.
Number 8.
Is this real life right now.
Can this guy not talk?
This man is freaking out in an apartment lobby.
And than for some reason he starts hitting himself.
That's not even light slaps.
Once the drugs wear off this guy is for sure going to be feeling everything.
What happens next is insane.
So at this point in time we have no idea what this guy even wants because hes talking like
a caveman.
So next we are about to see this guy taking off his clothes.
I kid you not.
This guy is taking of his clothes and than starts performing some sort of ritual.
I am not sure what hes doing, but I am terrified.
I think this guy needs to be a youtube because he had my attention the whole time.
If he keeps doing crazyniess like this I would watch it for sure.
The guys retention on his videos would be so high because you gotta watch the video
till the end to see if the police shows up or now.
Well in this case it was a grand finale, a great end to the video because the police
show's up.
I don't know if you guys heard what the man mumbled but it sounded like my blood sugar
is low.
Someone get this guy a snickers bar quick.
Moving into number 7 we have a video that went viral at the end of this summer.
It's a teenager who was making a bit of noise while he was deadlifting.
Well a stranger at the gym was annoyed and he decided to do something about it.
was that really necessary.
I know about bad backs and having slip discs this guy could have easily pulled something
in his back because that other guy went all hulk on him.
holy crap.
I think this guy went too far why is he freaking out like that.
I think he skipped his angry management classes this week.
So apparently this was a staff member at a Buzz Fit gym in Montreal, Quebec.
Pretty sure after this video went viral the Hulk was fired.
Number 6. and that was my same reaction when I lost a Pokémon card.
All jokes aside I know this can be a very scary getting a flu shot but it least this
girl wasn't running away from it.
Also quick true story for you guys I had 10 stiches on my leg when I was a kid I was pushed
off a bike and I made it very difficult for the doctor to put the stiches in.
They were able to eventually but when it was time to take it out apparently there were
many many people holding me down trying to take the stiches out.
I was about 7 or 8 and I was moving way to much so they didn't take it out.
I ended up going home and I took them out myself a week later.
So now to this day I have a pretty bad scar on my leg.
So I know for sure what this little girl is going through.
Needles are very scary.
ok what the heck this girl is like 8 what do you mean you can't wait till she has
a baby.
Slow it down grandma.
Moving on.
It's a bad day at the office and its time to let everyone know about it at number 5.
I like how Timmy in the background just stood up and was like what the heck and he sits
right now.
Also this video looks hella old because ive never seen a computer monitor like that for
a long time.
Its actually funny because those tub monitor are more durable than our current flat screen
monitors if I slapped my computer monitor now it would for sure crack.
I am so glad for this video camera capturing this moment because that freakout was pretty
I know the computer monitor is probably now destroyed but just to make sure,
Number 4.
I think this girl just found out Trump is president.
Half way through the roller coaster this girl was saying stop stop, as if the ride can just
come to a complete stop.
Do you really want to yell stop 200ft up in the air.
Pretty sure you want this horrible nightmare to just be over and done with as soon as possible.
I think its safe to say this girl is going to play the rest of her life out very very
From a girl who is probably going to get a head ach from screaming so much, to a kid
who probably will be in detention for the rest of his life.
So at number 3 we have a student who freaks out and breaks his teachers computer.
You guys probably wouldn't believe this unless it was filmed and it was. this kid
totally loses his cool and smashes the teachers computer.
Not sure if you guys heard but the teacher said the student goes into his desk he will
write a referral for stealing, so that's when the student grabbed the computer and
smashed it to pieces, than he said write a referral for that.
Another detention is about to be given away to a kid who freaks out and attacks another
student in the classroom.
I am really concerned for this person at number 2.
I think this kid should talk to someone about his drug habbits that's not right.
Why are you yelling like King Kong grabbing people.
Everyone in the classroom was kinda of egging him on because they were laughing and giving
him attention and where the heck is the teacher.
Maybe they were the smart one and ran for their life.
Finally at number 1 we have a father standing up for himself as he freaks out in front of
a police officer.
Let me explain what happened.
This officer pulled this man over because of a traffic violation.
The man forgot to put his turn signal on so the police officer stopped him on the side
of the road and approached the man with his gun out.
The man starts freaking out saying are you serious, you have a gun pointing at me because
of a turn signal.
It seemed like the officer got scared just because it's a black man in the car.
the officer is just standing there doing nothing at all I looks like the officer feels bad.
I am not sure why he had his gun drawn.
this guy is bringing up a lot of great points.
He even said, what if he got scared or an altercation happened and he was shot.
He has kids that he would have left behind and for what, not having a turn signal on.
Well this is the end of this video thank you guys so much for watching I will see you all
in the next video.
Arsene Wenger lined up for shock return to football with top Euro club - Duration: 2:44.Arsene Wenger is being lined up for a sensational return to football with AC Milan
The former Arsenal boss has been out of work since finally ending his 22-year reign at the Emirates last season
Despite recently insisting he intends to return to work in 2019, he is understood to have been in talks with Milan's owners over a move to the San Siro this month
The axe for Gennaro Gattuso would be harsh on the Milan coach as the club have won their last three and been victorious in six of their last eight
But the former midfielder found himself under pressure last month after successive defeats to Inter Milan and Real Betis
Arsene Wenger reveals date he will return to management - and hints where it could be In addition, former Arsenal chief Ivan Gazidis - who quit his job as CEO in September - has taken a similar role at Milan
He and Wenger established a strong working relationship at the Emirates over nine years he was there
Wenger insists he will be back in work in the new year and offered an indication to where his next post could be
"I believe that [I'll] start again on January 1," he told Bild . "I don't know yet [where I'm headed]
I am rested, and I am ready to work again." "There are associations, national teams; it could be also [in] Japan
"Thanks to my 22 years at Arsenal, I have big experience on different levels. There are enquiries from all over the world
" Wenger spent a year in Japan with Nagoya Grampus Eight before his move to Arsenal
He has also been linked with a move to PSG, working alongside boss Thomas Tuchel in a general manager capacity
Wenger, 68, spent 22 years in north London and there had been suggestions he would retire
SUGAR DADDY - Mini Movie / gacha verse // part 6 | Gachaverse Movie / Gacha life - Duration: 10:12.intro
episode 6 of sugar daddy gacha verse mini movie
"Osuh" - Afrobeat x Wizkid x Drake x Popcaan x Dancehall Type Beat - Duration: 4:13.Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:
22 ASMR Tapping Triggers | No Talking | Intensely Relaxing Sounds - Duration: 1:56:23.22 ASMR Tapping Triggers
No Talking ASMR
Intensely Relaxing Sounds
WhispersRed ASMR
ASMR Sequin tapping
ASMR Tapping on a Cardboard Box
ASMR Tapping on Jewellery, Necklaces
Tapping on a cardboard box of tea
Slow and speed ASMR tapping on a wooden bowl
Light finger nails on a slate tile
Tapping on Soaps in the packet and without wrapping
Tapping on a Silver Metal Moroccan Lamp
Singing Bowl Tapping ASMR
light ASMR tapping on glass pots. Plastic and a metal lid
Tapping on a Mosaic Coconut bowl
Tapping on Skulls. Decorative resin and Quartz Crystal
A Soapstone aromatherapy oil burner
Decorative Gong Tapping ASMR
A beautiful glass and metal box - ASMR Tapping
Tapping on a a handmade ceramic mug with a crystal on ❤︎
Tapping on an old wooden memory box with metal details
Light tapping sounds on a carved Himalayan Salt Lamp
Light tapping sounds on a peaceful crackle glass Buddha Head statue
Labradorite Crystal tapping
Tapping on a perfume bottle
Tapping on a lovely Ceramic Pot with Succulents
Sweet dreams ❤︎ Goodnight
Survivor Details How Yoga Student Tried to Fight Off a Mass Shooter Who Killed 2 Women - News today - Duration: 3:03.The actions of a 33-year-old man may have stopped further carnage Friday night after a gunman opened fire at a hot yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida — ultimately killing two women and shooting four others before he took his own life
Daniela Garcia Albalat, 19, was shot through the thigh by the 40-year-old assailant
Get push notifications with news, articles, and more! Follow Following Hooray! You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications! Albalat told Good Morning America on Sunday that she was able to escape the yoga studio with her life because of Joshua Quick's bravery
"Thanks to him, I was able to try to rush out of the door," Albalat said. "I was slipping, I was dripping blood everywhere, 'cause I got shot through my thigh
" "I want to thank that guy from the bottom of my heart, because he saved my life," she said
During a lull in the shooting, Quick grabbed a vacuum cleaner, according to Albalat, and bashed the gunman over the head with its bulky base
Several yoga students managed to escape during the ensuing struggle. Quick told GMA the blow had little effect on the shooter, who "turned and pistol-whipped me," continuing their altercation
"I felt myself fall to the ground. I didn't lose consciousness. I jumped up, ran over and grabbed the only other thing that I could find — which is a broomstick — and I hit him over the head with that," Quick explained
"Again, he pushed me off, but some people were able to run out of the room." Others stepped in to assist Quick
At that point, the shooter put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Without naming Quick, Tallahassee Police Chief Michael DeLeo confirmed at a news conference on Friday that "several people fought back and tried not only to save themselves but other people, which is a testament to the courage of the people who don't just turn and run [and] the strength of our community and the spirit of those people trying to help and save and protect others
" (Tallahassee police did not immediately respond Monday to a request for further comment on Quick's actions
) Two victims did not survive Friday's shooting: Maura Binkley, 21, and 61-year-old Dr
Nancy Van Vessem. Binkley was studying at Florida State University, while Van Vessem — a doctor specializing in internal medicine — taught at the university's medical school
She was also the chief medical director for Florida's Capital Health Plan. A motive for the violence has not been publicly discussed
Girl Defined Is Gay (Lesbian Roasts Girl Defined) - Duration: 13:54.[Upbeat Piano Music]
Hi, my name is Tatum Borealis
and today I want to roast Girl Defined. But I asked myself,
"What would girl define to do?"
To that, let us look to the Holy Bibble.
So today I ask the Bible,
"Is it alright to make fun of these girls?"
And I think Second Corinthians
1:20 answers that very well for me.
blah blah blah blah
And to the question, "Am I only doing this because Cody Ko did this?", we can look to the same verse.
So, Girl Defined is back in the YouTube spotlight
because they posted a video called "Why I Waited Until Marriage
to Kiss". Which we're gonna look at right now, but at the very end of this video...
we are going to look at her very first kiss.
[Upbeat Piano Music]
Hey guys, it's Bethany and Kristen from Girl Defined Ministries
and today we are going to be talking about why I saved my first kiss for marriage.
So actually as y'all are watching this video right now. I will be on my honeymoon!
[Super Slow Motion Excited Sound]
[Bethany]: Yes! [Kristen]: Wooo!
[B]: I'm so excited about that! [K]: [Low Pitched] Yeah!
[B]: It's actually been a really cool thing and I'm actually really excited about it.
So, when I decided like, "Hey, that would be a cool idea and then you know each you're like, "Oh yeah,
this is a cool idea... Right?!"
[Small Laugh]
Yeah, this is still cool...
This is cool...
This is totally cool.
If God has marriage for us one day,
we're gonna get to enjoy all of this just like you and Dave are actually enjoying now.
[K]: Umm...'Cause you're married now... as we watch this. [B]: [Laughing uncomfortably]
[B]: In future time! [K]: [Laughing]
[B]: In future time! [K]: [Very High Pitched] IN THE FUTURE TIMES!
I love how just offended she is that this other chick would even speak in the present tense.
She even goes along with it
Like she's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm so sorry. Oh my god,
I can't even believe I just said that!"
It really, you know, when your focus is on honoring Christ, when your focus is on being set apart, when your focus is on building
just a relationship,
and getting to know the other person. And when you set up good boundaries and don't put yourself in the way of temptation,
to be honest, it's not as hard as it seems! [K]: It's very freeing. I've heard you say.
[B]: Yes! It's very freeing because you're not like always like, "Ah! Did we go too far?
Did we do this?". Like we are free not to kiss.
We do not have to kiss until we get married!
"Oh, thank God that I don't have to kiss this man!!"
[Loud Laughter]
Can you imagine saying that about...
anyone that you love? "Ugh, thank God! I do not have to kiss them!"
She's so happy that she doesn't have to kiss this guy!
Think about just those smaller aspects I guess of romance in kind of a newer way.
Just instead of thinking like, "Oh, like yeah.
Of course everyone just kisses!" Like maybe take a step back and think about it a little bit differently!
You should definitely take a step back and think about those smaller things! Like...
Do I want to kiss this man?
Do I want to kiss any man ever?
Why do I want to kiss girls so much?
[B]: Both of us did not kiss until we got married and we found guys that were willing to wait, that were
[B]: actually excited to do that. [K]: Yeah! It did not scare them away. They were for it as well.
[B]: I'm not dragging Dave along like, "We have to do this!!!"
He was 100% on the same page, on board with doing that.
So I'm sure we're all curious who these men that willingly went along with this whole thing are. So, let's watch their video
"Practical Advice for Dating and Marriage"
[Same Upbeat Piano Music yet again!]
[Kristen]: Hey guys! It's Kristen and Bethany. And obviously, we have some extras!
[K]: We have Zack and we have Dave! [Bethany]: [High Pitched] Wooo!!
[K]: On the vlog today! And we're so excited and today's vlog is called... [B]: So excited!
[Extremely Loud and Heavy Bass]
Dave is a savage!!
Also, umm...
I have to mention this
Dave is a --
[Robotic Text-to-Speech Voice]
There's... There's just no other way to put it..
[K]: Also note that Dave and Bethany are in a relationship. So, in this vlog we thought would be so fun if...
[Talking Fades to Silence]
Smile through the pain! I don't hate this person! We're totally fine! I'm just gonna commit my life to them!
[Small Scream of Terror followed by Painful Laughter]
[Silently] Ooh my god.
[Katy Perry Vine Audio]: They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine and you're not really fine.
Hmm, okay.
[B]: We have actually three specific things
that we're doing and these are things, like, they're not like the, "Oh,
if you do these you're gonna have the perfect relationship." or anything like that.
They're just ways for us to get to know each other on a deeper level!
[Dave]: The first of those things is... We have a list of a hundred and thirty questions. Which--
[K]: [Whistles] [Zack]: One thirty!
[Bethany, Kristen, and Zack Laughing]
[D]: What? You didn't do this?
[Bethany and Kristen Laugh More and Even Whiter Than Before]
[Z]: That's a lot of questions. That's good. It's good!
[D]: Anyway...
If you are genuinely interested in another person in...
spending the rest of your life with another person, you should be interested in them enough
to know how to ask them questions, to want to genuinely ask them questions.
Have you ever had a crush on a girl, Dave?
You should have questions running through your mind about her every single day.
Questions like:
What's her favorite color? What's your favorite TV show? Oh my god! Does she... does she want to have kids?
Where does she want to live?
I wonder... I wonder what it feels like to kiss her.
That one shouldn't be on your mind too long either because you should just do it.
You should not be asking her questions like the ones on this list. Like...
[Katy Perry Vine Audio]: They ask you how you are and you just say that you're fine and you're not really fine
but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.
I thought we were past this. It should be an insult to ask someone that question.
[D]: The next thing we've been doing is, uh, regular times of
scripture reading and prayer together. And this is really, really
helpful for us because it's really those times that we get to really come and center our focus and
Why we're doing this. Why are we in a relationship doing all these intentional things? And where are we going?
Why are we doing this? Why are we in a relationship?
Those are questions that you should be able to figure out on your own.
You shouldn't need a-- you shouldn't need this guy to help you out with that one.
[B]: Thanks so much for watching today's video with our super, extra special guests! If you liked it
you can subscribe to our channel below because we post new videos every Wednesday!
[Super Annoying, Super White Laughter]
Subscribe... through Patreon! There's ways to donate to this ministry.
[Bible Thump]
[Extremely White Laughter]
Comedic genius! Oh my god!
[Bible Thump]
[Replicated Laughter] [Tatum]: Oh my god I'm just so funny! Like this video! Subscribe!!
And he does that all after
begging, BEGGING for people to donate to their Patreon. Which is understandable because they only have a hundred and
ninety five patrons.
And you gotta love the way they have their patreon account set up.
I don't-- I haven't really looked at a whole lot of other people's patreon accounts
but their tiers seem a little manipulative. If you give them
one dollar or more per video, you can be their friend. If you give them
three or more dollars per video, you
get to be their best friend. If you give them five dollars or more per video, you
become their sister. And if you donate 10 dollars or more per video, you my friend are a
kindred spirit.
So I am really afraid for this poor, closeted lesbian.
So let's watch this video called "Marriage, Sex, and My New Life as a Wife" where she looks absolutely
terrified in the thumbnail.
[B]: Hey guys, it's Bethany and Kristen with Girl Defined Ministries.
Imagine-- Imagine being a person that agreed with a dress code that said no shoulders.
[K]: Why are you and Dave actually saving sex for marriage?
[B]: Oo... [K]: Just a personal question! No big deal!
[B]: Yes let's just jump right into it. But I think it's good. [K]: Let's get to it!
[B]: I'm glad we're talking about these things because I do feel like you know, especially like before I'm married and especially as a single
I'm curious. I'm like, "Why do people do things?" I want to know like, "Why are you doing that?"
I think one of the big reasons is because when we look in scripture,
we do see that sexual intimacy is reserved for a husband and a wife. You never see that
displayed as God's good design outside of marriage.
In fact a verse that was really convicting for me was Hebrews 13:4, which I wrote down.
It says, "Let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled." and
so that to me was just talking about, "Okay the marriage bed like this is something sacred,
this is something holy, something that sex with it should be reserved for a husband and a wife.
I love that this is the verse-- THIS IS THE VERSE that makes her not want to even kiss before marriage.
This verse states:
Do you think...
kissing before marriage makes you a whoremonger, Bethany? What the-- What?!
What is a whoremonger?
Let me get a definition for whoremonger.
A whoremonger is a person who has dealings with prostitutes.
[B]: When I talked about my wedding. I would get these direct messages - not public - like direct, like, "Are you nervous? Are you nervous?
Are you nervous?"
[K]: And that's a very relevant question. You've never had sex. You're gonna have it with your husband for the first time like.. yeah!
[B]: Yeah, and it I think that I'm not nervous.
I think the more that I have studied God's good design for intimacy, the more that I've learned why God created sex, why God created
marriage, honestly the more excited I've come to get to experience that level of deep intimacy. Not just physically but emotionally.
She's gotten really
excited to finally have sex with a man
after learning about it, after all of this research,
[High Pitched, Uncomfortable Voice] "It should be fun... Yeah..."
"It'll be okay!"
[B]: And God designed sex to be super pleasurable for like our
enjoyment and so it's like, I've never experienced that. I love a good like new experience! I love adventure!
This is like the ultimate adventure and it's my best friend! So it's like it's not awkward. It's not weird.
It's like he's my bestie.
Can you imagine having sex with your best friend?
[Disgusted Noise]
That is weird. That is weird!!
That's not a normal thing!
As much as I love making fun of these white chicks.
I think it's finally time to conclude that
Bethany is a lesbian.
Okay. Bye!!
But in all seriousness,
I think it's really possible that Bethany
loves this idea of being a wife and she thinks that a man
is the only person that's gonna get her there.
But, Bethany...
[Sexy Saxophone Music Starts to Play]
I'm right here, babe.
And as promised let's check out this kiss.
[Minister]: Bethany has been sharing-- saving her first kiss to share with you in this very moment.
So you've never had the privilege of kissing your bride.
[Laughter from Crowd]
[M]: You may now kiss your wife.
[Crowded Cheering and Woo-ing]
I have been watching
wedding kiss videos all day to
make sure if there's a hug afterwards. And I have not seen a single one where the people
embrace each other like that afterwards.
I really think it's a way of saying,
"That was terrible, but it's okay!"
"We're gonna get through this!"
"We're gonna have to do this for the rest of our lives"
Well, I've been Tatum Borealis!
Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't already, and
for the love of God, please go kiss somebody.
How Lime bikes work | Two things holding them back in Calgary - Duration: 7:08.Hey guys, what's up? It's Tom here today and I'm in my home city of Calgary and
this is a big week here in Calgary. It is bike-share week. Yes, we finally,
finally have a bike share program in Calgary. Exciting, right? Well most of you
probably have bike shares already but we don't, so this is a big deal. I'm not even
exaggerating. I checked last year around this time and there was something like
600 cities around the world that had bike-share programs but not Calgary. So
we're finally joining the ranks of cities with bike-share programs so today
I'm gonna go check it out and try it. I haven't tried it yet this is going to be my
first time and I'll share with you how it goes. Let's go check it out. So in Calgary
we've got what I guess you could call is Bike Share 2.0. The first wave of bike
shares in places like Paris and Montreal with the Bixi program, was a system based
on a series of docking stations placed throughout the city. But what's emerged
in the last couple of years and what we've got here
it's a dockless system so there's no docks. Each bike is GPS enabled so you can find
its location on your phone, you walk up to it unlock it with your phone and take
it for a ride and then park it in any public space as long as it's not you
know obstructing traffic or pedestrians. And so the bikes are wherever you can
find them -- they're left around inside a certain home area in the downtown core.
So it's a different kind of system. It's interesting, it's been rolled
out lots of places it's been a little bit controversial in some cities because
some people feel the bikes are cluttering up the streets and there's
some questions about the long-term sustainability of these programs, but
anyway it's happening so it's exciting and I'm coming upon my bike I see
right up here, so let's go check out how it works. OK so there's
the app you can see the bike, maybe you can see the bike, on my phone right
across the street, and there it is. There is the bike right across the street. So
exciting -- my first ride. I should say this company is Lime. There's a few of these
dockless bike-share companies, they are very popular it's in lots of other cities.
Calgary should be getting another one later in the spring, but this was the
kickoff one. See it there. There we go we're almost there.
OK, here we are. Here's the bike. So check it out it's pretty cool. Its
brand new. it looks like it's been ridden like two times. What's
interesting here is that these Lime bikes that we've got are electric bikes,
which has some interesting implications which we'll talk about a bit later. But I
just need now to figure out how this thing works.
All right, so it's it's going. The bike is pretty cool the pedal-assist is super
simple. There's no gearing or different levels of pedal assist like you
sometimes see on ebikes. You just get on and ride and hit that nice little
electric boost. Bike share bikes are always big and heavy and clunky because
they're built to last. They have to be super sturdy and these ones are intended
to last throughout the whole winter, which is great because that's not the
case in every city. These bikes are not built for speed they're built to get you
where you're going. I actually have nowhere to go right now I'm just riding
around in circles because I wanted to try it out, but you know it's a good comfortable ride.
It feels good. Yeah feels like a-bike share bike.
It feels pretty normal.
OK, I finished the ride and parked the bike in a safe spot, but to end your ride I guess
it says well you have to do is lock the back tire. A little song and I'm
done. Good to go. Wow, that was easy. This is by far the simplest bike share I've
ever used. It's really easy to get going and really easy to stop. OK I'm done.
There it is my first Lime bike ride. It's cool, I mean those bikes are fun so
it's a really cool addition to Calgary. There's a couple of weird things about
this here. right now, Lime I'm is the first company to get
started here in Calgary and they began with e-bikes which is an interesting
choice. There's no regular old pedal bikes, just pedal-assist bikes. That means
the price on these ones is a bit more expensive. In other cities.
Lime offers old-fashioned pedal bikes for one dollar every 30 minutes which is
like absurdly cheap to me. These ones are $1.00 to get started plus
15 cents for every minute you ride which makes it, you know, I wouldn't say it's
expensive but it's not that affordable. So we'll see how the uptick is on it.
it's starting right now in fall, which is a bit strange. Winter is about
to hit - it's actually snowing a bit right now - so
we'll see how the how people use it. In thinking about the electric bit,
the home area for Lime here in Calgary is in the downtown area, which
is in the river valley, and it's pretty flat and so what you'd
really want to use the pedal-assist is on the hills coming in and out of the
river valley. But you can't really because it's out of the home area so
you're paying for the service that you can't really put to use. The other
strange thing about what's happening here in Calgary is this, I'm going to
show you one thing. OK, it's recommending we wear a helmet. No problem
wear a helmet if you want. But it also says you are legally required -- legally
required in the province of Alberta. Alberta does not have a mandatory
bicycle helmet law, but I didn't know this until recently, until this happened,
but we actually have a helmet requirement for power-assisted bicycles.
Which is weird to me. I feel like this law is a bit antiquated. I feel like it
was probably put in the books back in the days of mopeds and you know those
little two-stroke bicycle motor engines, and not in this new era of pedal assist.
I mean there's no comparing: a pedal-assist bicycle is not in a
motorcycle. It's a bicycle. I feel like maybe the law hasn't quite caught up to
where the industry is at right now, and hopefully the law does not snag a lot of
people, but it's strange because you're not going to be carrying a helmet around
in your day-to-day life just in case you might want to pick up a Lime and go for
a ride, so it's a bit of a strange situation we're in right now. We'll see
how it plays out. I mean later this year another company will start and I've a
feeling Lime will bring in some old-fashioned pedal bikes in the spring so I
think I'll reserve judgment for now. We'll see how things pick up as the year
goes on and as spring comes. Anyway it's an exciting day I'm glad Calgary's
finally joined the ranks of those other cities and I'm going put these bikes
through as much use as I can. Thanks for watching maybe I'll see you
out on a Lime.
UMA ÚNICA FOLHA DE ABACATE FAZ MILAGRES! O QUE ACONTECE NO SEU CORPO É INCRÍVEL - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
O PRÍNCIPE DE BOLSONARO E O 'GOVERNO MACHÃO' - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
BOLSONARO COLOCA A IMPRENSA, EM ESPECIAL A FOLHA, NUMA ENCRUZILHADA - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
Abertura de pesca aos Chocos com montes de amigos - Duration: 11:19.the cuttlefish have a beak
NOOO , this was new
hello and welcome to a new fishing video, I'm with a caravan coming from Portugal
there are Portuguese fishermen everywhere, we are in Spain
and want to fish for cuttlefish
every year, NorthYakers do a fishing event to cuttlefish
this is my second year
above all it is a great meeting with many fishermen
we have fun, we fish and that's what matters
I have a rod to cuttlefish and squid but that kind of fishing does not fascinate me much
so I am fishing with lures too
I am trying to fish for Seabass, Mackrel and other predators
maybe I can get a Needlefish
let´s see how it goes
so I got the first
it was not a cuttlefish
is a Mackrel
he is here
here is the second
look how many people is here
lot´s of boats
lot´s of kayaks
and all the people is fishing for cuttlefish
I am trying a new lure from Savage Gear (3D Hybrid Shrimp Egi)
let me show you
this is the big
this is the small
I am fishing with the small
I love the pink color
I like this color too
for now it is working, we are getting some cuttlefish
one more
now let´s release
I was trying to fish for Seabass but today is hard
and I don´t want to skunk so I am fishing some cuttlefish
and so far is good, they are hitting my lure
this is the new Egi lure from Savage Gear
and is working just fine
has you can see he is not even hooked
but don´t let go
You're going to get me dirty.
water with him
here we have another
down here
the cuttlefish have a beak
NOOO, this was new
down here the cuttlefish have a beak
It hurts if they bite
very strong
look at this
so my fishing day is over
I am going for shore now, there are a lot of people there already
the people who came from Portugal
we came to Spain to fish some cuttlefish
and beside was not a great day I think all people have fun and all get cuttlefish
I try has must has I could to fish with lures
and I got one Mackrel so was not all bad
I got a Mackrel with Mini Sandeel
and next to have a good video and also because we all came here
to fish for cuttlefish so I started to fish for them
I think I got 5 or 6, don´t know, but I got some
with this I can make a decent video
some people is already going out, I am going to spend some time with them
hope you like this video and see you in next video
Carros usados: cuidado com os galhos jurídicos ao comprá-los - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Programa Consciência Humana explorou tema da Redação Enem 2018 - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
A Fazenda: Leo Stronda muda o visual novamente, descolore todos os pelos faciais e choca participant - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
3 Erros ao Utilizar o Whatsapp no seu Negócio | Por Nara Prado - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Como Usar Cúrcuma Para Emagrecer - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
O MUNDO SOMBRIO DE SABRINA | crítica com spoilers - Duration: 11:15.-------------------------------------------
Remedios caseros para eliminar los hongos en las uñas de los pies, - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Neymar deixa escapar algo importante envolvendo Bruna Marquezine e fãs ficam animados com possível - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
ÇUKUR 2.SEZON 9.BÖLÜM FRGAMAN - ÖN ANALİZ - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jake Gyllenhaal & More Celebs Encourage Fans to Vote in Midterm Elections - 247 - Duration: 7:03.The midterm elections are more important than ever, and many celebrities are using their voices to encourage their fans to get out there and vote
In an emotional video posted on Twitter over the weekend, actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus asked concerned citizens to vote on Tuesday for candidates who have stood against what she described as the fear-mongering and racist rhetoric endorsed by Donald Trump and like-minded Republican candidates
Get push notifications with news, articles, and more! Follow Following Hooray! You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications! "Donald Trump, you are the president of all citizens of this country
You must not inflame the hatred of some at the violent expense at others," the actress, 57, told her 1
3 million followers. The video also included interviews with two Holocaust survivors, who spoke about how since Trump first assumed office, anti-Semitism is "getting, by day, worse and worse and worse
" "We call on the president to unequivocally denounce fascism, Neo-nazism and white nationalism," the Veep actress remarked, urging her fans to "vote for unity" and "decency" on Nov
6. In addition to endorsing a number of Democratic candidates, Jake Gyllenhaal is also asking his followers to vote for compassionate leaders
"Vote for change, for compassion, for civility, for wisdom. Vote because you think the government doesn't effect you or there's no such thing as a good politician
Vote because you can, because we fight for rights by exercising them," the actor, 37, wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday, alongside an image of himself wearing a shirt supporting Beto O'Rourke, the Texan candidate challenging Republican Ted Cruz for his Senate seat
"Vote for Stacey Abrams and Beto O'Rourke and Andrew Gillum. Vote for Kyrsten Sinema and Jacky Rosen
Take your kids and friends and parents. Vote up and down the ballot — and if there's no one on there that inspires now, vote anyway
And throw your own hat in the ring next time," he continued. But ABOVE ALL — VOTE TUESDAY NOV 6th! (And if you can't vote, make sure your people do)
" They're not the only celebrities who have made political statements in the months leading up to the election
Taylor Swift, who recently broke her silence on politics to endorse two Democratic candidates running in Tennessee midterm elections, has continued to encourage fans to vote on social media
In addition to reposting early voting photos from fans, last week she shared a photo of her and her mother, Andrea Swift, 60, after they cast their vote for Democratic Tennessee Senate candidate Phil Bredesen
"These two Tennessee women voted for the candidate who has proven himself to be reasonable and trustworthy," the Grammy winner, 28, captioned a photo of herself with mom, in which they hold American flags and pose with a Bredesen campaign sign
"We want leadership, not fear-based extremism." Swift's decision to open up about politics is the perfect example of the positive impact celebrities can have on voting
Almost as soon as the singer first posted about why she wouldn't be voting for the Republican incumbent, Marsha Blackburn, there was a massive spike in voter registration
"We are up to 65,000 registrations in a single 24-hour period since T. Swift's post," Kamari Guthrie, Vote
org's director of communications, told BuzzFeed News. Saying "Thank God for Taylor Swift," Guthrie added that 155,940 people checked out the website — which gets an average of 14,078 hits per day — in a 24-hour period
The list of celebrities encouraging their followers and fans to vote in the midterm election is growing by the day, and also includes Oprah Winfrey — who actually went door-to-door to support Georgia's Democratic candidate for governor, Stacey Abrams — Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian West and Rihanna
Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt also filmed a joint PSA, released by NowThis, to remind Americans to get out and vote
In the video, DiCaprio, 43, and Pitt, 54, emphasize the implications that the election will have on the United States — and highlight some of the major ballot issues affecting the United States today
"The future of our country will be decided this week. Elections don't just matter when voting for president," says the Wolf of Wall Street star
"Statehouse elections will determine the future of climate change, criminal justice reform, education funding, LGBT equality and even your ability to vote," Pitt says in the video
"All of these races and ballot measures are chances to decide on the direction of our country," DiCaprio adds
"We, the voters, have the power to decide all of this."
Episódio 4 - Nubank - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
Mousse Funcional de Manga - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Mocinho e Bandido - Trailer com audiodescrição - Duration: 1:01.-Let's go home, Robson? -In a while.
Come, I'll give you a ride.
It's not good to be on the streets late.
You will not always have a policeman to protect you.
Face on the wall! I didn't tell you to turn.
Watch out for the cops. They're not playing!
Who has finished the paper I asked for? Robson?
It's because the Maicon had the paper. He was going to bring it today.
But... He couldn't.
How come you don't have the document, boy!
This is not your slum, for you to go out like this.
You're just your father.
Do you want to be a bum like him and go around like you own the street?
You'll see where this takes you!
Quiet! Don't be scared.
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