Monday, November 5, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 5 2018

You wanna hug as a thumbnail?

Hi everyone...

Hello everyone!!!!

You wanna say it again?


Hey everyone! Today's video is going to be really special

because in this video I have my Hong Kong friend!!!:)

Why don't you introduce yourself

What's your name?

And behind the camera is my friends Cheryl

In this video my friends will be eating Finnish snacks ;)

Okay, let's get started

Number 1

Garden cookie?

well we'll see

Okay, the first item we have is...


Is it really chocolate?

Try it out

Which one do you want?

I want the one with the snowflake

Is that really a snowflake?

Why you so picky?

No one can see it


Is it Oreo's friend

The middle is very similar to an Oreo cookie

but do you like it


They like it. Hong Kong approved

Who wants to eat the last one?


I thought you were going to eat it

It does not taste like Oreos, right?

No, It kinda does

but not exactly

I think it's better than Oreo

Aeee, sorry :)


I really want you guys to eat this

It looks like a wine gum

I'm so happy right now:)

Eat it EAT IT EAT IT!!!

Is it candy?

Yeah, it's a wine gum



I'll still eat it... it's kinda yummy


It kinda taste like Chinese medicine for saw throat. I have a saw throat right now so it is good for me

This is really gross can i borrow that's even worse than Chinese medicine

I think it's way better

It's actually called Salimiakki

And it means salted liquorice




Ohhhh 鹹柑桔 yeah yeah

it taste just like 鹹柑桔

No it's even worse than 鹹柑桔. It's next level

It says "aito Suomalainen" which means the most Finn ( true Finn)

It's actually not that bad!

My dad said that this is his favourite liquorice, I like sweeter liquorice.


I usually put it with butter but you guys go. or ham

Is it sour bread? It looks like sour bread... look at the outside

it's a bit weird but it doesn't taste bad

It's no you know what it's like soy sauce on bread

Oh yeah, It taste like soya sauce on bread

So this is rye bread! What's rye bread in Chinese?

I don't know if there is a Chinese name for it

Finnish people usually eat dark bread

because we're healthy

And it makes you have diarrhoea if you eat too much of it. ( if you're not use to eating it)

Do Hong Kong people approve it?

Audrey: Approve Katelyn: Nah

It think it's okay. Not very good

Michelle: I like it


What's the difference from this chocolate to other chocolates?

Well, once you've tried it then you'll find out

1, 2, 3

What?!! But on top of the chocolate it says fashan

Even though it's quite sweet its very gooey and chewy

This chocolate has milk chocolate and hazel nut filling

Fazer is a very famous brand in Finland that sells sweets and snacks

And it's like crunchy tooo

I like it:)

Hong Kong use to have this chocolate in 711 but than it got cancelled

Are you serious + what idiots

Do you guys approve?

Approve :)

I think it's better than the Oreo that we ate. Not the Oreo


This one you guys have to break by yourselves

It's so gooey. Help

This is my dad's favourite chocolate

It tastes like MARS

Is it better to worse than mars bar?

Not better because the inside doesn't look like there is caramel

The chocolate is called Tupla

Tupla means double

It exactly looks like Mars bars

I forgot that this is in Finnish


is it the same one like we previously ate?

You're going to love this one


Yeah ;)

It's so cute

Who is brave enough to eat this first?

I'll eat a little bit first

Here I'll show you

I swallowed a piece!!!

It is not as bad as the first one that we just ate but it's still about the same

This one's better

Yeah, this one's sweet

It's better but I still don't really like the flavour

I never really dislike a type of food but...

Do you guys approve this?

I bet this one tastes like liquorice

How many liquorice type tings did you bring us today?

Next item

I'm so excited for this one!!!!

No no no, don't go don't go!!!

The next item I am extremely excited about

I'm not excited

So excited!!!


It tastes so bad

You already ate it?!!

Yeah, she already ate it

It tastes...

Is there a way where I can break this in half?


You took it out so fast

No, once the taste hit my tongue

I had to take it out ASAP

What does it taste like? Can you explain it to me

It tastes like this!

You didn't even eat it

It tastes really weird

It's sweet and salty

it means Turkish pepper. So it's spicy liquorice

It's like 3 liquorice fires🔥

I know you want to see us cry

Yeah, but you guys are too smart

Yeah, you can't do anything about it

It's the final one... I was going to start the final countdown song

but I don't think any of you know it...


Sing it

No idea😅

little white balls


Trying the last one

You look so scared

Um, yummy

It's just like mint chocolate

This one is called Marianne

Which is like mint chocolate

I use to LOVE this when I was younger



Which one was your favourite?

Do you like Dimno more or Geisha?

I like this one

Okay, so Domino is the winner!!!!!

Teaching my friends Finnish

Thank you

For watching

My video:)

Bye bye

Thank you for watching today's video

See you guys next time

Bye bye 👋🏻✨

For more infomation >> 香港人第一次吃芬蘭食物//Hong Kong friends try Finnish snacks - Duration: 11:00.


Топ Моменты с Twitch | Игры и Папич 😅 | Куб в Fornite | Оляша и Хлопушка | PUBG или COD BO4 ? - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Топ Моменты с Twitch | Игры и Папич 😅 | Куб в Fornite | Оляша и Хлопушка | PUBG или COD BO4 ? - Duration: 10:07.


ダイハツ・ワゴンR、スズキ・ムーヴが揃う軽自動車で人気のハイトワゴン4車種まとめ - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> ダイハツ・ワゴンR、スズキ・ムーヴが揃う軽自動車で人気のハイトワゴン4車種まとめ - Duration: 11:39.


他们拆了 iPhone XR,发现它就是那台「丢失」的 iPhone 9 - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> 他们拆了 iPhone XR,发现它就是那台「丢失」的 iPhone 9 - Duration: 6:40.


マクラーレン セナ にサーキット専用車「GTR」, 最高出力825ps、最大トルク81.6kgm - Duration: 4:53.


マクラーレンオートモーティブは11月2日、マクラー レン『セナGTR』(McLaren Senna GTR)のスペックを発表した。

セナGTR はF1ドライバー、故アイルトン・セナの 名前を冠したスーパーカー、マクラーレン『セナ』を ベースに開発されるサーキット専用車となる。

2018年春、スイスで開催されたジュネーブモーター ショー2018において、コンセプトカーの『セナG TRコンセプト』が発表されていた。

セナGTRは2019年9月から、世界限定75台の納 車を開始する予定で、価格は110万ポンド(約1億 6000万円)だが、75台はすでに完売している。


セナGTRでは、軽量かつ高剛性なカーボンファイバー 製のモノケージを、ロードカーと共用する。

そのミッドシップには、4.0リットルV型8気筒ガソ リンツインターボエンジンを搭載しており、サーキッ トでのさらなるパフォーマンスを目指して強化される 。

最高出力はロードカーの800psから825psへ、 25ps引き上げられた。 最大トルクは81.6kg mに据え置かれる。

車両重量は現時点では公表されていないが、マクラーレ ンオートモーティブによると、パワーウェイトレシオ はロードカーを上回るという。


セナGTRではロードカーに対して、サーキットに特化 したエアロダイナミクス性能を追求する。

カーボンファイバー製のボディは、フェンダーをよりワ イド化。 フロントスポイラーは、ロードカーに比べて 大型化され、リアのディフューザーも大きく長くなり 、より後ろまで伸ばされた。

リアデッキは、マクラーレン車の中で最も低い位置にあ り、エアロダイナミクス性能とクーリング機能を向上 させる。 アクティブリアウィングの性能も最適化した 。

ウィングをディフューザーからのエアフローに合わせる ことで、空力効率を向上させ、低速時により大きく、 よりアクセス性の高いダウンフォースを追求する。

これらの変更により、最大1000kgのダウンフォー スを獲得している。

また、ヨーイングにおいて最適化されたエアロダイナミ クス性能が、より安定したコーナリングを可能にする 。

また、その一方でピッチングの感度を低く抑えることに より、ブレーキの安定性を向上させているという。


さらに、セナGTRでは、マクラーレンのGT3カスタ マーレーシングプログラム用に作られたシステムをベ ースに開発されたスプリング、ダンパー、アンチロー ルバーを搭載する。

サスペンションはダブルウィッシュボーンとした。 ロー ドカーにも導入されたピレリ製レーシングスリックタ イヤは、3Gを超える重力加速度に対応するとともに 、最大減速度を20%上昇させるという。

インテリアには、エアバッグやインフォテインメント・ セントラルスクリーン、折り畳み式のドライバー用デ ィスプレイは装備されない。

その一方で、ギアシフトコントロールが組み込まれた、 新開発のレース用ステアリングホイールが、装着され る。 この他、エアコンとレーダーアシストの追突回避 システムが標準装備される。

マクラーレンオートモーティブでは、セナGTRの開発 プロトタイプ車両の走行テストを、2018年11月 から開始する。

マクラーレンオートモーティブは、セナGTRのデザイ ンスケッチを1点公開しており、フロントとリアとも に、より広いトレッドとセンターロックホイールを持 つシャシーをベースとしたものになる予定、としてい る。

For more infomation >> マクラーレン セナ にサーキット専用車「GTR」, 最高出力825ps、最大トルク81.6kgm - Duration: 4:53.


Peugeot 208 1.6 HDI ACTIVE 5DRS / NAVI / AIRCO / CRUISE CTR. / PDC / * APK 04-2019 * - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.6 HDI ACTIVE 5DRS / NAVI / AIRCO / CRUISE CTR. / PDC / * APK 04-2019 * - Duration: 0:52.


Faustão dá suposta alfinetada em Bolsonaro e manda recado de alerta - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Faustão dá suposta alfinetada em Bolsonaro e manda recado de alerta - Duration: 1:32.


Faustão dá suposta alfinetada em Bolsonaro e manda recado de alerta - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Faustão dá suposta alfinetada em Bolsonaro e manda recado de alerta - Duration: 1:32.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Active vouwdak radio bluetooth - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Active vouwdak radio bluetooth - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:07.


Seat Ibiza 1.2 TDI 75pk E-Ecomotive Copa, LMV, Cruise, Clima - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.2 TDI 75pk E-Ecomotive Copa, LMV, Cruise, Clima - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI ACTIVE AUTOMAAT / AIRCO-ECC / PANORAMADAK / CRUISE CTR. / AUDIO AF FABR. / - Duration: 1:08.


Cloud Backup for QNAP and Synology - Installing Qloudea Cloud - Duration: 4:07.

Hello everyone, today we will see how configure our Qloudea Cloud system

directly on a NAS server QNAP, for this we will access our

NAS server and the only thing we need it is these two files that we will already have

sent to us username and password that we will also have sent it to us and

we just open as a first step app center

we click on install manually and we click on search select the

application as not and we click on install

we click ok and the installation begins

we click on ok once the application and we click again on

search to install the application backup

we click on install and click again in ok

once the installation is done click on ok we click on close and

we closed our app center now we just have to access the menu

lateral and we can right click and create a shortcut we open the

Qbackup application and here the first thing we see is the

configuration of the first execution we are going to tell you that only

we have an account and we will add a backup we will configure

the new backup we click on next we will give a name

let's select AES256 encryption and let's put a safety phrase

this security phrase has to be very strong and we're going to need to remember it in

every moment we click on next and we are going to select type of

Qloudea storage and we're going to enter this route

and we are going to give it a name

now let's put the username that we have provided and we are going to

make a test connection tells us that Qloudea test does not exist we click

itself to create it and now we click on next now

we are going to have to select in our cradle the source data for it

we select computer we go down to be

and we're going to select volume 1 that it's 1 data cache and here we go to

select the folders that we want perform the backup in

our case we will select all the test folders

and we are going to click on next let's select what time we want

that the backup is made in our case we are going to put at 1900 and

let's put for example make it all the days or we can even do it every

three hours for example and we're going to do from Monday to Friday we click on

following and we are going to select the space that

we have hired in our case 5 gigas and we're going to select keep

all our copies in case we let's have the monitoring service

we will be able to request it here and we click on save

once this configuration is done we click on run now

we would have finished doing the configuration of our backup

For more infomation >> Cloud Backup for QNAP and Synology - Installing Qloudea Cloud - Duration: 4:07.


ITALIA vs MALESIA | Confronto Militare (2018) - Duration: 3:46.

Military Power Comparison

Italy vs Malaysia

Total Population

Land Area (km²)

Defense Budget

Active Military Personnel

Nuclear Weapon


Armored Fighting Vehicles

Multiple Rocket Launchers

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery


Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft

Attack Helicopters


Air force

Aircraft Carriers






Patrol Boats


Military Ranking

For more infomation >> ITALIA vs MALESIA | Confronto Militare (2018) - Duration: 3:46.


Asia Bibi Case Full Story By Asia Husband Ashiq Masih - Asia Masih Toheen e Rasatlt Case Details - Duration: 7:38.

Asia Bibi Case Full Story By Asia Husband Ashiq Masih - Asia Masih Toheen e Rasatlt Case Details

Asia Bibi Case Full Story By Asia Husband Ashiq Masih - Asia Masih Toheen e Rasatlt Case Details

For more infomation >> Asia Bibi Case Full Story By Asia Husband Ashiq Masih - Asia Masih Toheen e Rasatlt Case Details - Duration: 7:38.


Anticipazioni Beautiful di novembre: l'undicesimo matrimonio dei Bridge - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Beautiful di novembre: l'undicesimo matrimonio dei Bridge - Duration: 11:16.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

My son!

My son!

Daughter, wait! Stop!

Demir, I think someone kidnapped the child, son.

- God, please help us. - Mother, I am telling you, Yılmaz has waged a war on me!

He entered my house, he put a knife on my throat. He kidnapped my child!

So, the man behind Yılmaz - the dog- is Fekeli, huh?

Ali Rahmet Fekeli who killed uncle Adnan.

I don't want it! I don't, Gülten. I want my son! My son!

No matter how much you want and dream about something...

...nothing happens other than destiny.

No matter how strong Demir Yaman is, he cannot do anything.

I am here from now on.

Let him come and face the consequence.

For more infomation >> Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


Squash sauce - a very simple recipe - Duration: 3:10.

Ingredients for 6 servings: squash - 450 g; onions - 150 g; vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons; parsley - 50 g; garlic - 4 slices; salt; ground black pepper. Caloric content - 82 kcal per 100 g Cooking time - 30 minutes

Hello everyone!

Have you ever cooked squash sauce?

If not - join

First you need to clean and chop the onion into half rings, then fry it until golden brown

Grate the squash

Young squash can not be cleaned

When the onion becomes golden, add squash to it

And stew until soft

Cut greens and put it in a chopper.

Peel the garlic and add it to the parsley.


Put the squash in the blender bowl

Add parsley with garlic

Add salt

Add pepper

Beat until smooth.

If the sauce is very thick, add a little water or broth.

If you want a more homogeneous mass, rub the sauce through a sieve.

Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Squash sauce - a very simple recipe - Duration: 3:10.


What is the Difference Between Hestia vs Hestia PRO? - Duration: 9:36.

Are you using the free version of Hestia WordPress theme and want to see what you would get in

the PRO version or you are just considering this theme for your website?

Either way, you are in the right place!

In this video, I am going to show you the main difference between HESTIA FREE and the

PRO version of the theme.

Stick around until the end, and I will share with you the main advantage of going PRO.

With Hestia, you can easily customize the way your site looks, and see the changes in

real time in the WordPress Customizer.

Let's check how you can fine-tune your website:

Hestia is now available with a site library.

You get 3 pre-made websites in the free version of the theme for niches such as Online Shop,

Pet Center, and Energy Company.

In Hestia PRO there are 4 more site demos: Lawyers, Travel, Coffee Shops, and Gym salons.

More demos coming up so keep your eyes on the updates.

Changing the style of your website has never been easier.

Hestia offers you advanced typography options for customizing font family and font size

for the front page and internal pages and posts.

Plus, in Hestia PRO you get the ability to change all the typography options differentiated

on the desktop, tablet, and mobile environments.

One more thing you get in the pro version is the Menu option in the Generic Options

which allows you to change the size of the text used in your menu.

Cool, right?

In the free version of Hestia, you can change the Background and the Accent color.

That's it!

With Hestia PRO you have extra options to change the Secondary color of the theme as

well as colors for the Body Text, Header Overlay, Header/Slider text, and Navbar.

Only Hestia PRO comes with fully-integrated animations for all frontpage elements.

This way, the front page becomes more interactive and has a better visual appearance.

For each post and page, you can select an individual layout, like

Full Width, Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar.

There is also a generic control for the layout of all pages.

Want to have the option to control the width of your sidebar and another option to control

the width of the containers in all pages?

Get Hestia PRO!

Hestia FREE comes with a variety of frontpage sections.

On the other hand, the PRO version adds even more sections including Pricing Plan Section,

Portfolio Section, and you can add new sections as well by using Hestia Pro Hooks.

You can use codes here to add text, button, etc. and you can use shortcodes as well.

When using Hestia PRO you can set video background in the big title section on your front page.

You can upload a video from your computer or you can use a video hosted on Youtube as


Want to use the slider option instead?

Sure, Hestia PRO offers an unlimited number of slides.

The Portfolio section comes with two possible layouts and opens each portfolio in a lightbox.

The Pricing Section has a fresh design with two pricing tables that catch the attention

of the customers making it easy for you to showcase your products or services.

One of the best features in the PRO version of HESTIA is the ability to reorganize your

Frontpage Sections, easily and quickly.

Just drag-and-drop them in place.

More of that, you can easily re-create the front page, or part of it, on any other page

of your site, by using the highlighted shortcodes for each section.

I definitely recommend getting the PRO version because it comes with fully-integrated animations

for all frontpage elements.

This way, the front page becomes more interactive and has a better visual appearance.

Just take a look at the animations when you scroll down on your homepage.

Hestia FREE comes with a VERY Top Bar section that can be used for social icons, contact

address or phone number.

In Hestia PRO the custom options are extended.

You can change all the colors as well as the alignment.

Remember that only Hestia PRO comes with a full-screen hamburger menu, and Mega Menu

compatibility, for incredible looking menus.

The free version of Hestia comes with a number of layouts available for the header area.

Hestia Pro enables you to switch between the transparent navigation and solid colored navigation as well.

Moving down to the footer area, you can see that with Hestia PRO you have the possibility

to easily change the number of Footer Widgets columns to better match your site requirements.

If you get the PRO version of Hestia you will be able to edit the Footer credits and copyright information too.

The footer credit information bar layout can be rearranged on the left, right or center.

More of that, you have a new alternative layout for the footer area.

You can choose either the black footer or the white one.

Extra Authors Section & Subscribe Section on the blog page available only for PRO users!

You get additional layout options too, like the ability to display posts in alternative

positions, and other customizations like viewing the post from a specific category in the Blog

Section on your front page.

With the masonry Blog Layout selected you can choose between many grid layouts, from

1 to 4-columns.

More of that, you have the possibility to choose your desired posts category.

With Hestia PRO, when using WooCommerce on your site, you will get a nice looking cart

icon in the primary menu.

The cart is automatically updated with the corresponding products and is an easy way

for your users' buying process.

Also, Hestia PRO allows better management of the Shop section on the front page.

You can filter the products by category or by publish date.

You can even add a WooCommerce shortcode in this section.

Moreover, besides you can see a new section called Shop Settings where you can choose

between two different Product Styles and Product Hover Style.

Moving down you can set either pagination or infinite scroll on the category/shop pages,

and you can check this box to hide categories.

Last but not least, you have the possibility to disable the Order Note, Coupon and set

a Distraction Free Checkout.

Only Hestia Pro is fully compatible with WPML and Polylang WordPress plugins.

This means you can efficiently use them to translate your website into multiple languages

and get more potential customers and clients for your business.

This is the main advantage of getting the PRO version of HESTIA I was telling you at

the beginning of the video.

On top of the security updates, you will also access the fast and friendly support.

Being up to date with the latest updates is the best way to keep out those nasty hackers,

and our Happiness Engineers are here to help.

Check this video tutorial on how to customize Hestia to get started with your website.

Also, if you have any questions about Hestia WordPress theme, please leave a comment below

and I will do my best to answer it.

For more infomation >> What is the Difference Between Hestia vs Hestia PRO? - Duration: 9:36.


ENG CC] 스탬핑 초간단 프렌치 네일 스티커 만들기 | 2018 How to Nail Stamping French Tips, DIY Self Nail Art Stickers - Duration: 7:39.

The stamp plate I will use today is

called "Fancy Lover 01" from Pueen.

There are a lot of images such as flower,

butterfly, and other great images

for making French tip designs.

Images on this plate have pretty thick lines

so I will use two opposite colors

to make images more noticeable.

They will be a black nail polish mixed with green glitters

and a white stamping polish.

Let's get into it!

I've already applied base coat on my nails.

And i will apply 1 coat of a nail polish

called 'Bliss' from Formula X

only except middle finger nail and thumb nail.

This nail polish is so pretty because of glitters

but the polish itself is somewhat thick

so it is not that easy to apply.

I'm doing my best to apply 1 coat very thinly.

For my middle finger and thumb,

I will apply this beautiful light pink color

to make my nails look more vibrant.

I'll put French stickers a little later on these nails.

Now let me use this image here to make

super easy DIY French nail stickers.

I will use this white stamping polish.

I'm gonna make 2 stickers at this moment

for my middle finger nail and thumb nail.

This image looks like this.

Isn't it so pretty?

I will stamp another one on the other stamper.

When you have some unwanted images on the stamper head,

you can easily remove them by using a regular tape.

Two same images are here.

Now, I will apply 1 coat of 'Bliss' polish

on these two stamper heads.

When the polish gets fully dried,

just take the images off and apply them on nails.

That's it. How easy that is to make French nail stickers!

Just put them aside for now until they get dry,

and I'll apply liquid latex

on my fingers for stamping.

Now, I have a hard time deciding

between these two images for

stamping on the rest of my nails.

Let me pick this one!

I won't cover my whole nail with stamping

but leave some space to show

this beautiful black glitter color.

Stamp it on my index finger nail.

Ah~ it looks great!

I will repeat the process for the rest of my nails.

I love the design.

Now take this DIY French nail sticker off from the stamper head.

I'm curious how it will turn out.

WOW~ it is a perfect French style sticker!

Apply it on my middle finger nail right away

and press it well but carefully.

I'm satisfied with this design on my nail!

Cut out the excess part of sticker.

Repeat the same process for my thumb nail

but this time I wanna do

regular depth of French style (Not the deep French).

Now let me apply some beautiful beads

on my French nails.

I'm applying a super tiny sized crystal ribbon

on my middle finger nail.

HA~ what a cute little shiny ribbon!

There is enough space on my thumb

so I will use bigger crystal beads for my thumb nail.

Now, take liquid latex off from my fingers.

I'm using 100% pure acetone to clean around my nails.

I will apply my favorite top coat one more time

to seal the beads that I just applied

and to make my nails more shiny.

For the last step,

I'll apply this cuticle oil on my cuticles.

It will moisturize my skin

which was extremely dried because of pure acetone.

I'm done today's stamp nail art!

For more infomation >> ENG CC] 스탬핑 초간단 프렌치 네일 스티커 만들기 | 2018 How to Nail Stamping French Tips, DIY Self Nail Art Stickers - Duration: 7:39.


[AGENDA] K-pop Comeback Agenda: 5 November 2018 — K-POPNL - Duration: 2:21.

K-pop Nederland K-pop Comeback & Concert Agenda Week of 5 November 2018

Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Week

Shown info might differ.

Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Month

Shown info might differ.

Upcoming K-pop Comebacks in December

Shown info might differ.

Upcoming K-pop Concerts in The Netherlands

Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!

Upcoming K-pop Concerts in Europe

Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!

Missing something? Let us know in the comments.

For more infomation >> [AGENDA] K-pop Comeback Agenda: 5 November 2018 — K-POPNL - Duration: 2:21.


Come è fatto il fascicolo tecnico di un ventilatore industriale? - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Come è fatto il fascicolo tecnico di un ventilatore industriale? - Duration: 5:42.


frase do dia minha Fé é o meu escudo - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> frase do dia minha Fé é o meu escudo - Duration: 0:30.


香港人第一次吃芬蘭食物//Hong Kong friends try Finnish snacks - Duration: 11:00.

You wanna hug as a thumbnail?

Hi everyone...

Hello everyone!!!!

You wanna say it again?


Hey everyone! Today's video is going to be really special

because in this video I have my Hong Kong friend!!!:)

Why don't you introduce yourself

What's your name?

And behind the camera is my friends Cheryl

In this video my friends will be eating Finnish snacks ;)

Okay, let's get started

Number 1

Garden cookie?

well we'll see

Okay, the first item we have is...


Is it really chocolate?

Try it out

Which one do you want?

I want the one with the snowflake

Is that really a snowflake?

Why you so picky?

No one can see it


Is it Oreo's friend

The middle is very similar to an Oreo cookie

but do you like it


They like it. Hong Kong approved

Who wants to eat the last one?


I thought you were going to eat it

It does not taste like Oreos, right?

No, It kinda does

but not exactly

I think it's better than Oreo

Aeee, sorry :)


I really want you guys to eat this

It looks like a wine gum

I'm so happy right now:)

Eat it EAT IT EAT IT!!!

Is it candy?

Yeah, it's a wine gum



I'll still eat it... it's kinda yummy


It kinda taste like Chinese medicine for saw throat. I have a saw throat right now so it is good for me

This is really gross can i borrow that's even worse than Chinese medicine

I think it's way better

It's actually called Salimiakki

And it means salted liquorice




Ohhhh 鹹柑桔 yeah yeah

it taste just like 鹹柑桔

No it's even worse than 鹹柑桔. It's next level

It says "aito Suomalainen" which means the most Finn ( true Finn)

It's actually not that bad!

My dad said that this is his favourite liquorice, I like sweeter liquorice.


I usually put it with butter but you guys go. or ham

Is it sour bread? It looks like sour bread... look at the outside

it's a bit weird but it doesn't taste bad

It's no you know what it's like soy sauce on bread

Oh yeah, It taste like soya sauce on bread

So this is rye bread! What's rye bread in Chinese?

I don't know if there is a Chinese name for it

Finnish people usually eat dark bread

because we're healthy

And it makes you have diarrhoea if you eat too much of it. ( if you're not use to eating it)

Do Hong Kong people approve it?

Audrey: Approve Katelyn: Nah

It think it's okay. Not very good

Michelle: I like it


What's the difference from this chocolate to other chocolates?

Well, once you've tried it then you'll find out

1, 2, 3

What?!! But on top of the chocolate it says fashan

Even though it's quite sweet its very gooey and chewy

This chocolate has milk chocolate and hazel nut filling

Fazer is a very famous brand in Finland that sells sweets and snacks

And it's like crunchy tooo

I like it:)

Hong Kong use to have this chocolate in 711 but than it got cancelled

Are you serious + what idiots

Do you guys approve?

Approve :)

I think it's better than the Oreo that we ate. Not the Oreo


This one you guys have to break by yourselves

It's so gooey. Help

This is my dad's favourite chocolate

It tastes like MARS

Is it better to worse than mars bar?

Not better because the inside doesn't look like there is caramel

The chocolate is called Tupla

Tupla means double

It exactly looks like Mars bars

I forgot that this is in Finnish


is it the same one like we previously ate?

You're going to love this one


Yeah ;)

It's so cute

Who is brave enough to eat this first?

I'll eat a little bit first

Here I'll show you

I swallowed a piece!!!

It is not as bad as the first one that we just ate but it's still about the same

This one's better

Yeah, this one's sweet

It's better but I still don't really like the flavour

I never really dislike a type of food but...

Do you guys approve this?

I bet this one tastes like liquorice

How many liquorice type tings did you bring us today?

Next item

I'm so excited for this one!!!!

No no no, don't go don't go!!!

The next item I am extremely excited about

I'm not excited

So excited!!!


It tastes so bad

You already ate it?!!

Yeah, she already ate it

It tastes...

Is there a way where I can break this in half?


You took it out so fast

No, once the taste hit my tongue

I had to take it out ASAP

What does it taste like? Can you explain it to me

It tastes like this!

You didn't even eat it

It tastes really weird

It's sweet and salty

it means Turkish pepper. So it's spicy liquorice

It's like 3 liquorice fires🔥

I know you want to see us cry

Yeah, but you guys are too smart

Yeah, you can't do anything about it

It's the final one... I was going to start the final countdown song

but I don't think any of you know it...


Sing it

No idea😅

little white balls


Trying the last one

You look so scared

Um, yummy

It's just like mint chocolate

This one is called Marianne

Which is like mint chocolate

I use to LOVE this when I was younger



Which one was your favourite?

Do you like Dimno more or Geisha?

I like this one

Okay, so Domino is the winner!!!!!

Teaching my friends Finnish

Thank you

For watching

My video:)

Bye bye

Thank you for watching today's video

See you guys next time

Bye bye 👋🏻✨

For more infomation >> 香港人第一次吃芬蘭食物//Hong Kong friends try Finnish snacks - Duration: 11:00.


Топ Моменты с Twitch | Игры и Папич 😅 | Куб в Fornite | Оляша и Хлопушка | PUBG или COD BO4 ? - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Топ Моменты с Twitch | Игры и Папич 😅 | Куб в Fornite | Оляша и Хлопушка | PUBG или COD BO4 ? - Duration: 10:07.


ダイハツ・ワゴンR、スズキ・ムーヴが揃う軽自動車で人気のハイトワゴン4車種まとめ - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> ダイハツ・ワゴンR、スズキ・ムーヴが揃う軽自動車で人気のハイトワゴン4車種まとめ - Duration: 11:39.


他们拆了 iPhone XR,发现它就是那台「丢失」的 iPhone 9 - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> 他们拆了 iPhone XR,发现它就是那台「丢失」的 iPhone 9 - Duration: 6:40.


マクラーレン セナ にサーキット専用車「GTR」, 最高出力825ps、最大トルク81.6kgm - Duration: 4:53.


マクラーレンオートモーティブは11月2日、マクラー レン『セナGTR』(McLaren Senna GTR)のスペックを発表した。

セナGTR はF1ドライバー、故アイルトン・セナの 名前を冠したスーパーカー、マクラーレン『セナ』を ベースに開発されるサーキット専用車となる。

2018年春、スイスで開催されたジュネーブモーター ショー2018において、コンセプトカーの『セナG TRコンセプト』が発表されていた。

セナGTRは2019年9月から、世界限定75台の納 車を開始する予定で、価格は110万ポンド(約1億 6000万円)だが、75台はすでに完売している。


セナGTRでは、軽量かつ高剛性なカーボンファイバー 製のモノケージを、ロードカーと共用する。

そのミッドシップには、4.0リットルV型8気筒ガソ リンツインターボエンジンを搭載しており、サーキッ トでのさらなるパフォーマンスを目指して強化される 。

最高出力はロードカーの800psから825psへ、 25ps引き上げられた。 最大トルクは81.6kg mに据え置かれる。

車両重量は現時点では公表されていないが、マクラーレ ンオートモーティブによると、パワーウェイトレシオ はロードカーを上回るという。


セナGTRではロードカーに対して、サーキットに特化 したエアロダイナミクス性能を追求する。

カーボンファイバー製のボディは、フェンダーをよりワ イド化。 フロントスポイラーは、ロードカーに比べて 大型化され、リアのディフューザーも大きく長くなり 、より後ろまで伸ばされた。

リアデッキは、マクラーレン車の中で最も低い位置にあ り、エアロダイナミクス性能とクーリング機能を向上 させる。 アクティブリアウィングの性能も最適化した 。

ウィングをディフューザーからのエアフローに合わせる ことで、空力効率を向上させ、低速時により大きく、 よりアクセス性の高いダウンフォースを追求する。

これらの変更により、最大1000kgのダウンフォー スを獲得している。

また、ヨーイングにおいて最適化されたエアロダイナミ クス性能が、より安定したコーナリングを可能にする 。

また、その一方でピッチングの感度を低く抑えることに より、ブレーキの安定性を向上させているという。


さらに、セナGTRでは、マクラーレンのGT3カスタ マーレーシングプログラム用に作られたシステムをベ ースに開発されたスプリング、ダンパー、アンチロー ルバーを搭載する。

サスペンションはダブルウィッシュボーンとした。 ロー ドカーにも導入されたピレリ製レーシングスリックタ イヤは、3Gを超える重力加速度に対応するとともに 、最大減速度を20%上昇させるという。

インテリアには、エアバッグやインフォテインメント・ セントラルスクリーン、折り畳み式のドライバー用デ ィスプレイは装備されない。

その一方で、ギアシフトコントロールが組み込まれた、 新開発のレース用ステアリングホイールが、装着され る。 この他、エアコンとレーダーアシストの追突回避 システムが標準装備される。

マクラーレンオートモーティブでは、セナGTRの開発 プロトタイプ車両の走行テストを、2018年11月 から開始する。

マクラーレンオートモーティブは、セナGTRのデザイ ンスケッチを1点公開しており、フロントとリアとも に、より広いトレッドとセンターロックホイールを持 つシャシーをベースとしたものになる予定、としてい る。

For more infomation >> マクラーレン セナ にサーキット専用車「GTR」, 最高出力825ps、最大トルク81.6kgm - Duration: 4:53.


Peugeot 208 1.6 HDI ACTIVE 5DRS / NAVI / AIRCO / CRUISE CTR. / PDC / * APK 04-2019 * - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.6 HDI ACTIVE 5DRS / NAVI / AIRCO / CRUISE CTR. / PDC / * APK 04-2019 * - Duration: 0:52.


Tritonal - U Found Me

For more infomation >> Tritonal - U Found Me


Toyota Auris 1.2T Energy Plus | Automaat | Navi - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.2T Energy Plus | Automaat | Navi - Duration: 1:09.


Maxima des Pays-Bas inquiète, de quelle maladie souffre-t-elle ? | HOT NATICIAS 24/7 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Maxima des Pays-Bas inquiète, de quelle maladie souffre-t-elle ? | HOT NATICIAS 24/7 - Duration: 2:04.


В Этих Наушниках 12 динамиков! - Duration: 16:00.

For more infomation >> В Этих Наушниках 12 динамиков! - Duration: 16:00.


Gov't and party leaders meet for inaugural joint consultative meeting - Duration: 2:11.

hi jungle on the domestic front South Korea's political parties held a big

meeting today with the administration the first meeting of what they hope will

be an ongoing discussion the goal is in this consultation to get the country's

political forces working together our presidential office correspondent Shin

Semin reports the leaders of the five political parties and members of the

government were brought to one table by issues that have been gripping the

nation from domestic affairs like the economy to diplomacy with North Korea it

was for the inaugural meeting of the joint policy consultative meeting and in

its leaders that put their heads together to find ways to support small

and mid-sized businesses and revitalize economy

namely by making employment processes affair and by creating more jobs on

domestic issues at the parties and the government agreed to work to secure the

people safety to expand the budget for supporting childbirth and to rectify

unjust practices in businesses the parties have also agreed to look at

lowering the voting age from 19 to 18 and to take up bills and related to the

moon administration's push for decentralization on diplomacy they have

agreed to give bipartisan supports to lasting peace and denuclearization on

the divided Peninsula the parties have also said yes to the two Koreas holding

a meeting of their Parliament's Monday's meeting was the first of its kind and

the president expressed hope that the format will promote cooperation between

the parties and the government

putting someone the goal is to hold the joint consultative meeting once every

quarter and the interests of joint governance by the ruling and opposition

parties and the government as a president had initially proposed since I

mean I didn't use

For more infomation >> Gov't and party leaders meet for inaugural joint consultative meeting - Duration: 2:11.


K-POP Idol in Spain EP2- Paella Dinner with Sori - Duration: 8:58.

Sori's Channel

I left my luggage at the hotel

and I rest a little bit

I took a nap for 5 hours

so now I am going out

I am heading to Barcelona beach

Let's go together

We almost arrive

Arrived to Barcelona seaside

Look at the sky beautiful

Can you see the sea?


Next destination after UK



It takes around 2~2 hours and half by plane from UK to Spain

It takes similar time from Korea to Japan

Like this

A place in Barcelona where

a lot of tourists are visiting

Like this

next to the sea

You can enjoy it freely

Here is the sea!!


Today the sky and sea color is really nice

my clothes have similar color with the sea



Spain is the country I wanted to visit the most

But now

I finally arrived at this age

Kim Sori arrived to Spain

As expected

As I am getting hungry I have to eat

(saying everyday that she is on a diet)

I think Spain is a country that fits me well


Today is the football game between Brazil and Belgium

(The tourists and the locals are gathered to watch the game)


Everybody is watching the game

Is a little bit similar to

my mother's chicken restaurant in Korea

Hola (hi in Spanish)

He wanted to ask me where I am heading but he lost his confidence

Me too I need to move

Hot Hot

(discovered an unique sandcastle)

Wow (title: burning sandcastle)


I came to UK to try out some stage costumes which I will wear them for my solo debut

So I went to UK and chose the costumes

While I was preparing for my solo

I listened to many famous singers

I also did research and learned

By that time when Katy Perry came to Korea

I went to her concert too

but along all singers I listened


as she is a famous and talented singer

I did a lot of research about her

Since I was young Shakira was already famous

So I listened a lot of her songs

But in order to know her as an artist better

I find out that her image is really nice

Like healthy and sexy

I feel like she is really cool

I came to like her

Shakira is now on her World tour

El Dorado

She is on her world tour and now she in performing in Spain

I think yesterday she had concert in Madrid

And tomorrow she will come to Barcelona

and will hold her concert!

So I decided to go to her concert

So after finishing the schedule in UK

I came directly here


to Spain to go to Shakira's concert

(feeling thrilled)

Aren't you exited too?

So I came here

Actually regarding Spain

Since I was little I wanted to visit it

Of course I was interested in UK too

But when I was at university one of my professor when she saw me

she was actually from UK, she told me that she thinks that I would fit well if I go to Spain

So I checked by that time information about Spain

I really wanted to go


I finally came to visit Spain

I am really exited about tomorrow

But first things first

Because I came to Spain, let's eat some delicious food

I want to eat paella.(Spanish dish)

So I ordered paella

Let's start again the Mukbang session

Please enjoy

This is the first dish which it has avocado on top


It looks like dessert

Like blueberry color?

It's raw beef

Minced beef?

It looks delicious

So I will try the first dish

(what is this reaction?

It gets tastier while you are chewing it

Everybody while I was eating the "beef" I realized that

this is not beef

but it's beet


Because I am on a diet

I ate low calories food

Somehow I saw there was a lot of red sauce

So I was wondering why is so much red sauce

Anyway here

the salad came ..should I try it?

(second dish monkfish salad)

It's really fresh

I have hot news

I checked the Instagram

and Shakira posted an update


Hola Barcelona (Hi Barcelona)

Shakira posted a photo from the concert venue in Barcelona

I think it's a photo from rehearsal?

Shakira Shakira


Tada Paella is here

The most anticipated dish is here


This is one of the most representative Spanish dishes


Paella is made by seafood and

Maybe you cannot see well as it is really dark

but here there are the mussels

and shrimp

as well as crab...the one I like

All of these

You put them on a pan and

after you fry them

add water

and rice and mixed it

Paella is done

As I like rice I am sure I will like this one too

As you can...if you want you can take the food with this and eat (joking)

(the advent of great Kingdom)

(Is almost as big as my face )

It looks like we can take the food with the spoon

(Please enjoy watching the next Paella episode too)

For more infomation >> K-POP Idol in Spain EP2- Paella Dinner with Sori - Duration: 8:58.


★SKINNY★ Horror GamePlay Android Download Link Below - Duration: 18:40.

For more infomation >> ★SKINNY★ Horror GamePlay Android Download Link Below - Duration: 18:40.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

My son!

My son!

Daughter, wait! Stop!

Demir, I think someone kidnapped the child, son.

- God, please help us. - Mother, I am telling you, Yılmaz has waged a war on me!

He entered my house, he put a knife on my throat. He kidnapped my child!

So, the man behind Yılmaz - the dog- is Fekeli, huh?

Ali Rahmet Fekeli who killed uncle Adnan.

I don't want it! I don't, Gülten. I want my son! My son!

No matter how much you want and dream about something...

...nothing happens other than destiny.

No matter how strong Demir Yaman is, he cannot do anything.

I am here from now on.

Let him come and face the consequence.

For more infomation >> Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


林青霞22歲女兒身價破10億!隱瞞身分證明「不靠爸媽」也能闖出一片天! - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 林青霞22歲女兒身價破10億!隱瞞身分證明「不靠爸媽」也能闖出一片天! - Duration: 4:19.


MediaBuzz 11/05/18 3AM | November 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 30:04.

For more infomation >> MediaBuzz 11/05/18 3AM | November 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 30:04.


Sprayway Glass Cleaner Product Review - FOAM VS. SPRAY? - Duration: 10:48.

What's your favorite glass cleaner and why?

That's a great question and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now today, we're going to be doing a product review on Sprayway,

which is my favorite glass cleaner.

I will tell you this, this is not a paid endorsement, they do not know that I'm reviewing this product,

but I'm going to share with you how I discovered it, how it works, and we're going to test

it and try it on a couple of different things,

and I'm going to let you know if it actually works.

I'll give you a hint, it's my favorite, so it works.

Okay, let's look at the company.

Sprayway Inc. is the company that manufactures Sprayway.

And they've been around since 1947, which makes the company almost as old as my dad.

But please don't tell my dad I said that.

So, in the 71 years they've been in business, they have an all-purpose cleaner, they have

a stainless-steel cleaner, they've got a marble and granite cleaner, along with the glass

cleaner that they have and they have an entire line of auto cleaning products.

On this show when we do a review, we cover the safety data sheet, which is required by

the Globally Harmonized System that says every chemical manufacturer has to list the proper

protocols for their customers and consumers so you know what the safety issues are and

how best to use the products.

The hazard identification is that it is a gas under pressure, so it may explode if heated.

The ingredients of Sprayway are propane, butane, ethyl alcohol, and butoxyethanol,

and that is an organic compound which is basically an inexpensive solvent that has low toxicity.

In the first aid measures, it says there are no specific first aid measures noted.

Then it says "If you inhale it, move to fresh air."

In the firefighting measures, it says "Suitable extinguishing media is water fog, foam, dry

chemical power, carbon dioxide," which is basically any household fire extinguisher

in the event that this should catch fire while it's in your possession.

Alright, accidental release measures.

For any reason, if this can should get punctured while it's in your possession, then you want

to take it outside and get away from it as quick as possible.

Don't inhale it and let it fizzle itself out.

Alrighty, the handling and storage precautions.

"Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames, and hot surfaces."

Then it says "Do not use if the spray button is missing or defective," but if the spray

button was missing or defective, you wouldn't be able to use it anyway, so there you go.

Alrighty, the exposure guidelines.

The butoxyethanol can be absorbed through the skin, so if you're going to be cleaning

windows for a long-extended period of time,

it might be wise to use a pair of disposable gloves.

The physical properties.

It is a gas, it's an aerosol, and it is a liquified gas.

Stable and reactivity, the product is stable and nonreactive under normal conditions of

use, storage, and transport.

On the toxicological information, it has an eye contact warning.

"Direct eye contact with the eyes," as in if you spray this in your eyes, "It could

cause temporary irritation."

Don't spray it in your eyes.

In the ecological information, there's a note here that says the product is not classified

as environmentally hazardous.

The transport information is that it does ship under nonflammable aerosols, so that's

good to know, and if you're a house cleaner and you're just commuting from house to house,

if you want to carry it in your cleaning caddy, that's perfectly fine, keep the lid on it

and that way it will prevent it from falling over and accidentally spraying it inside your

car without your authorization.

Then the regulatory information.

The product is a hazardous chemical, then it breaks down what the hazards are.

"Immediate hazard, no.

Delayed hazard, no.

Fire hazard, no.

Pressure hazard, yes," so don't puncture it.

"Reactivity hazard, no."

Other information that the manufacturer wants you to know is that the product is ammonia

free, it's streakless, and they are so convinced that you're going to excited about using that

they offer you a 100% money back guarantee on the Spray Away product.

So what we did first of all is we wanted to spray some glass that was on a large picture

over a leather sofa.

I like the Sprayway for the fact that when I sprayed over the leather sofa, the foam

stuck to the glass and there was no over spray that landed on the floor or the sofa.


Okay, the next thing that I really enjoy is cleaning glass itself, it's great for small

areas like transoms over doors and the small pane areas that go to the sides of doors,

because it doesn't leak down in those areas.

One tip for cleaning glass windows, there are two sides to a glass window, so if you

will clean both sides in different patterns, so you clean one side in a vertical pattern

and you clean the other side in a horizontal pattern, then if there are any streaks, you

can see which direction the streak is going in, and you'll know on which side of the window

is the streak, so booyah.

Alright, also this is great for mirrors because this doesn't leak behind the mirror itself.

It's a foam, it sticks the front of it, you wipe it down with a paper towel or a lint

free cloth.

Lots of people like to use microfiber cloths, that's fine.

You can also use coffee filters, you can use newspaper.

Newspapers are kind of hard to come by anymore though, but paper towels work just fine.

You want to use something that's lint free, and just spray a little bit on the window

and a little bit goes a long way.

You do not need a lot of spray.

Another thing that's awesome for this, glass tabletops, because lots of stuff gets on glass

tabletops and there are constant fingerprints, so as a professional house cleaner, just to

touch up a couple fingerprints here and there, you don't need to clean a whole area that's

not dirty.

If a piece of glass is already clean, you can simply spray on that area, wipe it down,

and the rest of the window is clean.

You just dust the rest of the window, so that works as well.

Other areas that I really enjoy using it for are the rear view mirror of a car.

When you're sitting inside your car, you don't want to spray that mirror, because then there

will be over spray that falls down in the console and the little buttons and areas of

your car, so this is great because it just hits that one area, now you can clean the

area, wipe it down, and you're done.

Another great use for Sprayway are the glass panes that are built into your cabinets that

are either above your coffee bar or above your stove.

There are lots of stoves that have these, and there are probably china or something

in the cabinets behind them, but these little glass windows get lots of grease from bacon

grease or from cooking grease or fried foods or whatever, and it's very difficult to get

clean, but the Sprayway does an amazing job, and again, it doesn't leak because it's

foam, so it doesn't leak from pane to pane, and then it doesn't leak down onto your stove below.

As a professional house cleaner or as a homeowner who cleans your own windows, one of the things

that is really important is that you have a step stool that allows you to reach the

height of the windows that you're trying to clean.

If you are trying to clean and you are overreaching, you put yourself in a dangerous situation,

so if you are wearing shoe covers, you may want to take your shoe covers off unless you

are completely at the right height to clean the windows.

Another thing that we must thing about are also the blinds.

After you get done dusting the blinds, you may want to go ahead and clean the windows

at that time, that's just a good time to do it.

As long as you're cleaning windows, make sure that you clean the ledges below the windows.

These are also known as window sills because you already have your paper towel, your paper

towel already has cleaning solution on it from the Sprayway,

so it's a damp cloth anyway.

It's a great chance to get the corners of those window sills, get out any bugs or any

cobwebs that are there.

Again, you want to go in a S pattern so that you're not going backwards over the area that

you just cleaned, and you want to make sure that you get all of the corners after you've

cleaned the main area of the window.

You want to go back over and get all of the corners so it doesn't leave a little fog or

a film in the corners.

Of course, you want to go in opposite patterns on both sides of the window.

Eww, look how dirty that is.

That came out really dirty.


That's another reason why I like to use paper towels for windows because when you're done,

you just discard the paper towel in the trash instead of having to do laundry then for the

window glass.

You'll notice that the little bag that I'm wearing around my waist, and it's just clipped

on with a carabiners clip so that I can just unclip it when I'm done and toss it in the

trash, but that little bag that I have around my waist, I've cleaned an entire house full

of windows and I've probably used a maximum of 10 paper towels.

If you're going to use paper towels on windows, this is a plug for Bounty.

Bounty does an amazing job because they're so durable and like I said, you can clean

an entire house full of windows with 10 or 12 paper towels, so again, it's working smart,

not hard and making your work smart not hard tools work for you so that you're not spending

a lot of time later on doing wash or what have you.

I have to confess, there's a customer that I had that used to take her liquid makeup

foundation and instead of putting it on her hand as a palette, she would put it on her

bathroom mirror, and it didn't matter what I used, I couldn't get it off the mirror.

I would come back two weeks later and there would be 14 little dabs of liquid foundation

on her mirror that she dabbed her little sponge from to put on her face.

Every week, it was this constant fighting with this customer to try to get off this

liquid foundation that was caked on and dried,

but the Sprayway made it come right of and

it just did an amazing job cleaning it without smearing that around or without creating a

film or a foggy area that other glass cleaners did.

When I first discovered this product, I fell in love with it because it was so different

from everything I've tried.

If you haven't given it a try, I recommend that you do because it's so many uses for

this product, and I'm going to give Sprayway the Savvy Cleaner Seal of Approval.

Now if you use Sprayway, I want to hear about it.

I want you to leave me notes below.

I want you to let me know how much you love Sprayway and if you've tried any of the

other Sprayway products.

I'm just curious, let's start a conversation.

Alrighty, if you found this helpful, please pass this on to a friend

and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Sprayway Glass Cleaner Product Review - FOAM VS. SPRAY? - Duration: 10:48.


Chelsea news: Willian launches Diego Costa attack on Antonio Conte amid exit rumours - Duration: 2:27.

 Spain international Costa re-joined Atletico Madrid in January following a fall out with Conte and being deemed surplus to requirements

 Conte informed the hot-headed striker that he was no longer part of his plans via text message, a decision which was crictised by many

 The Italian's handling of the Costa situation didn't sit well with Willian, who has claimed his old boss also had issues with David Luiz

 "He also had problems with David Luiz and Costa," Willian told ESPN.   "With Diego, I remember it was after the season

I was in Australia with Brazil and Diego texted me. "He said, 'I'm leaving, Conte said he doesn't need me anymore'

I said, 'What do you mean?' "And he said, 'He texted me saying that he doesn't need me on the team anymore and I'm not supposed to go back'

  "You don't lose a player like Diego Costa. It was a difficult situation."  Like Costa, Willian's future looks certain to lie away from Stamford Bridge

 Manchester United are understood to be keen on signing the Brazilian, who has admitted he wants to work under Red Devils boss Jose Mourinho again

 "Mourinho is the best manager I've ever worked with. We have a good relationship, we are friends," Willian said

 "Sometimes we talk, we text, we send messages to each other via WhatsApp. "He is a great manager, I really enjoyed working with him

I hope I can work with him again someday." Chelsea kick off their Premier League season on Saturday afternoon, taking on Huddersfield Town at the Kirklees Stadium

For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Willian launches Diego Costa attack on Antonio Conte amid exit rumours - Duration: 2:27.


Diwali Special Mathri Recipe in Hindi by Indian Food Made Easy - Duration: 5:52.

Diwali special mathri is a perfect snack to serve with tea

We can store them for upto 15 days they won't be spoiled

These are all the ingredients required for mathri recipe

To begin with mathri recipe add 1 spoon fennel seeds in a hot pan

And add 1 + 1/2 spoon white sesame seeds and dry roast them together

We will roast them for about half minute only

Keep the spoon moving all time while roasting them

Roasting sesame seeds for more than half minute will make them taste bitter

In about half minute, they start cracking, now we take them out of the pan

Add about two spoons of desi ghee in the same pan

Add half cup of milk

And add 1/3rd cup of sugar and mix well

We will cook it until all the sugar dissolves

For which it won't take more than 1 to 1+1/2 minutes

Turn off the flame and put it away for now

Now filter and add half cup of all purpose flour in a mixing bowl

And add one cup filtered wheat flour to it

Filtering will make this mixture fine and it'll be easy to mix it together

Now mix them well together

Now add and mix 2 spoons of semolina to it

Knead this mixture using the milk mix we made earlier

Milk is still hot so use a spoon to mix it

Now knead with some force and pressure

The dough will be very soft because we have ghee (clarified butter) in this

Add roasted fennel and sesame seeds to it

We will make soft dough with this, if your dough is too loose for some reason, you can add some dry flour to it

Similarly if the dough gets too hard you can add a little milk to make it just right

You need to cover and put away for 5 to 7 minutes so semolina could absorb moisture

Dough is ready after 7 minutes, now we will cut to shape mathri

Roll the dough flat on a flat surface

Here you can see its thickness

For cutting we are using this little square container, you can use any container, bowl, or even cookie cutters

Press and cut off mathries off the dough

We will reuse the remaining dough

You can see perfect mathries are ready to fry

Add some desi ghee in a hot pan to fry these

If you don't want to use desi ghee you can use any cooking oil you prefer

Turn flame to sim when ghee gets hot and fry mathries in it

We will fry these mathris on sim gas, so they could get well cooked from inside too

Flip and fry them from all sides

Since we have used milk in these, they will have longer shelf life and won't be spoiled any time soon

After frying for 10 minutes on sim gas when they get golden brown in colour, they are ready

Take these mathris out on a absorbing paper so all the extra oil could be absorbed

These mathris can be stored in a airtight container after they cool off completely. they won't be spoiled for 15 days

Serve these with hot tea, everyone will love them

If you liked my video then please press the like button below

And do subscribe to my channel

And do press the bell icon so you don't micc any of my new videos

Thank you

For more infomation >> Diwali Special Mathri Recipe in Hindi by Indian Food Made Easy - Duration: 5:52.


Light into the Blackbox AI - Duration: 2:46.

I believe that Artificial Intelligence, especially in the form of digital assistants, will increasingly become a part of our everyday life.

We can already see chatbot are everywhere. The systems become smarter, they benefit from the fact that everything is connected,...

... that we can gather a lot of data through sensor technology. And in the end we make faster and better decisions and are ...

... thereby able to better automate day-to-day processes.

That there is so much uncertainty about it and, to some extent, fear of digitization, of course, is a problem. It is partly due to the fact that

... developments are taking place very, very fast, and I believe it is most important for us to ensure that the speed at which

... technology finds its way into daily life, that we accompany it and that we explain certain things simply better or that we

... even slow down a little the urge automate processes commercially as well. I believe, for example, that ...

... something like the General Data Protection Regulation helps companies to gain a new awareness of how they use customer data...

... and that we should not demonize the GDPR but instead consider how we can bestput the GDPR framework to meaningful use.

... I also believe that AI must no longer be associated with science fiction or mythology and that it is not simply good ...

... or bad but just a technology. It is a tool that helps us to make decisions better and faster and on the basis of these ...

... decisions to automate processes as a rule here and now. On the basis of a few user data we may, for example,already ...

... be able to say which products are suitable for somebody. Or in medicine, for instance, we may be able on the basis of ...

... relatively few data that we can correlate well by means of AI to make a statement on health conditions that can help the user.

I believe there is an incredible number of scenarios of which we may not yet be aware and which we have yet to discover.

Whenever we use our smartphone we use weak AI in some way or other and we benefit enormously from being so well connected.

And I believe that is the way in which we should proceed and, indeed, that is precisely what is happening.

Each generation of smartphones has slightly more capabilites, the networks are growing will be more and more powerful, and services become increasingly sophisticated ...

... and we are iterating, so to speak, into a future, which of course also includes AI more naturally. I believe that just as mobile Internet ...

... is a matter of course for young people today, a certain kind of smartness and automation in...

... our everyday live in ten years will be just as self-evident.

For more infomation >> Light into the Blackbox AI - Duration: 2:46.


Mysteriöse SMS: So erfuhr Justin Timberlake von Baby-News - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mysteriöse SMS: So erfuhr Justin Timberlake von Baby-News - Duration: 0:57.


Johny Johny Yes Papa - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Song Play Doh - Duration: 2:01.

Hello everyone! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Song Play Doh - Duration: 2:01.


True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2 - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 3:21.

True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2 - New Best Android iOS Game HQ

For more infomation >> True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2 - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 3:21.


БЛИЦ! 1000 и 1 факт обо мне😊 Откровение. Часть 12 - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> БЛИЦ! 1000 и 1 факт обо мне😊 Откровение. Часть 12 - Duration: 11:27.


What is the Difference Between Hestia vs Hestia PRO? - Duration: 9:36.

Are you using the free version of Hestia WordPress theme and want to see what you would get in

the PRO version or you are just considering this theme for your website?

Either way, you are in the right place!

In this video, I am going to show you the main difference between HESTIA FREE and the

PRO version of the theme.

Stick around until the end, and I will share with you the main advantage of going PRO.

With Hestia, you can easily customize the way your site looks, and see the changes in

real time in the WordPress Customizer.

Let's check how you can fine-tune your website:

Hestia is now available with a site library.

You get 3 pre-made websites in the free version of the theme for niches such as Online Shop,

Pet Center, and Energy Company.

In Hestia PRO there are 4 more site demos: Lawyers, Travel, Coffee Shops, and Gym salons.

More demos coming up so keep your eyes on the updates.

Changing the style of your website has never been easier.

Hestia offers you advanced typography options for customizing font family and font size

for the front page and internal pages and posts.

Plus, in Hestia PRO you get the ability to change all the typography options differentiated

on the desktop, tablet, and mobile environments.

One more thing you get in the pro version is the Menu option in the Generic Options

which allows you to change the size of the text used in your menu.

Cool, right?

In the free version of Hestia, you can change the Background and the Accent color.

That's it!

With Hestia PRO you have extra options to change the Secondary color of the theme as

well as colors for the Body Text, Header Overlay, Header/Slider text, and Navbar.

Only Hestia PRO comes with fully-integrated animations for all frontpage elements.

This way, the front page becomes more interactive and has a better visual appearance.

For each post and page, you can select an individual layout, like

Full Width, Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar.

There is also a generic control for the layout of all pages.

Want to have the option to control the width of your sidebar and another option to control

the width of the containers in all pages?

Get Hestia PRO!

Hestia FREE comes with a variety of frontpage sections.

On the other hand, the PRO version adds even more sections including Pricing Plan Section,

Portfolio Section, and you can add new sections as well by using Hestia Pro Hooks.

You can use codes here to add text, button, etc. and you can use shortcodes as well.

When using Hestia PRO you can set video background in the big title section on your front page.

You can upload a video from your computer or you can use a video hosted on Youtube as


Want to use the slider option instead?

Sure, Hestia PRO offers an unlimited number of slides.

The Portfolio section comes with two possible layouts and opens each portfolio in a lightbox.

The Pricing Section has a fresh design with two pricing tables that catch the attention

of the customers making it easy for you to showcase your products or services.

One of the best features in the PRO version of HESTIA is the ability to reorganize your

Frontpage Sections, easily and quickly.

Just drag-and-drop them in place.

More of that, you can easily re-create the front page, or part of it, on any other page

of your site, by using the highlighted shortcodes for each section.

I definitely recommend getting the PRO version because it comes with fully-integrated animations

for all frontpage elements.

This way, the front page becomes more interactive and has a better visual appearance.

Just take a look at the animations when you scroll down on your homepage.

Hestia FREE comes with a VERY Top Bar section that can be used for social icons, contact

address or phone number.

In Hestia PRO the custom options are extended.

You can change all the colors as well as the alignment.

Remember that only Hestia PRO comes with a full-screen hamburger menu, and Mega Menu

compatibility, for incredible looking menus.

The free version of Hestia comes with a number of layouts available for the header area.

Hestia Pro enables you to switch between the transparent navigation and solid colored navigation as well.

Moving down to the footer area, you can see that with Hestia PRO you have the possibility

to easily change the number of Footer Widgets columns to better match your site requirements.

If you get the PRO version of Hestia you will be able to edit the Footer credits and copyright information too.

The footer credit information bar layout can be rearranged on the left, right or center.

More of that, you have a new alternative layout for the footer area.

You can choose either the black footer or the white one.

Extra Authors Section & Subscribe Section on the blog page available only for PRO users!

You get additional layout options too, like the ability to display posts in alternative

positions, and other customizations like viewing the post from a specific category in the Blog

Section on your front page.

With the masonry Blog Layout selected you can choose between many grid layouts, from

1 to 4-columns.

More of that, you have the possibility to choose your desired posts category.

With Hestia PRO, when using WooCommerce on your site, you will get a nice looking cart

icon in the primary menu.

The cart is automatically updated with the corresponding products and is an easy way

for your users' buying process.

Also, Hestia PRO allows better management of the Shop section on the front page.

You can filter the products by category or by publish date.

You can even add a WooCommerce shortcode in this section.

Moreover, besides you can see a new section called Shop Settings where you can choose

between two different Product Styles and Product Hover Style.

Moving down you can set either pagination or infinite scroll on the category/shop pages,

and you can check this box to hide categories.

Last but not least, you have the possibility to disable the Order Note, Coupon and set

a Distraction Free Checkout.

Only Hestia Pro is fully compatible with WPML and Polylang WordPress plugins.

This means you can efficiently use them to translate your website into multiple languages

and get more potential customers and clients for your business.

This is the main advantage of getting the PRO version of HESTIA I was telling you at

the beginning of the video.

On top of the security updates, you will also access the fast and friendly support.

Being up to date with the latest updates is the best way to keep out those nasty hackers,

and our Happiness Engineers are here to help.

Check this video tutorial on how to customize Hestia to get started with your website.

Also, if you have any questions about Hestia WordPress theme, please leave a comment below

and I will do my best to answer it.

For more infomation >> What is the Difference Between Hestia vs Hestia PRO? - Duration: 9:36.


林更新王丽坤被爆领证,下月巴黎举行婚礼,王思聪将做伴郎 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 林更新王丽坤被爆领证,下月巴黎举行婚礼,王思聪将做伴郎 - Duration: 4:12.


WOLFOO MEET GHOST 👹| Cartoons for kids - Duration: 15:44.

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