Dreaming is contagious
In ProFuturo Lebanon
The Garage - 1x03 El Sistema de Aislamiento de Anne - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
CUANTO DINERO INVERTIR ok - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
El regalo de doña Letizia a la infanta Cristina que ha emocionado a la reina Sofía - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Fallece Melquiades Sánchez, la voz del Azteca, a los 90 años de edad - Duration: 1:18.El Estadio Azteca ha perdido su voz. Don Melquiades Sánchez Orozco, falleció a la edad de 90 años en la Ciudad de México, casi un mes después de haber prestado su voz por última vez al Coloso de Santa Úrsula durante el Clásico entre América y Chivas que terminó con un empate 1-1 el 30 de septiembre
Televisa, empresa dueña del inmueble, confirmó el fallecimiento de Melquiades, quien fue la voz del Azteca durante 52 años, lapso en el que vio a los dos máximos exponentes del futbol coronarse en los Mundiales de 1970 y 1986, hablamos del brasileño Pelé y al argentino Diego Armando Maradona
Su voz no sólo se escuchó en el estadio dos veces mundialista, también fue la voz institucional de XEQ y XEW, así como la XHGC, canal 5 y su servicio a la comunidad
Los problemas de salud fueron apartándolo de su profesión gradualmente y fue sustituido por otras voces para los juegos de la Selección Mexicana y de Cruz Azul
Para los partidos del América había regresado después de una pausa. Tanto la Liga MX como periodistas han lamentado el deceso a través de redes sociales
CNIO & The City: Historia del cáncer - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Auf was Männer achten müssen, damit sie gesund bleiben - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
The Garage - 1x03 El Sistema de Aislamiento de Anne (Teaser) - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Cây Vối - thuốc hay từ hoa và lá của cây vối - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
'Honestidad' ¿Cómo sé si es el momento de mudarme con mi pareja? - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Sleep, Spa - Duration: 2:02:46.Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Sleep, Spa
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Sleep, Spa
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Sleep, Spa
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Sleep, Spa
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Sleep, Spa
Mercedes-Benz Citan 109 CDI Trend 45000 KM !! - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Máquina esterilización de productos químicos, equipo esterilización por microondas de la industria - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Nueva muerte en "Verdades Ocultas": Uno de los galanes dejará la producción - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante - Duration: 2:01:19.Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante
Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante
Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante
Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante
Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante
Beautiful Relaxing Music | Sleep Music | Study Music | Calm Music | Meditation Music | relaxante
Daniela Aránguiz hace un llamado a no criticar la apariencia física del resto - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Squash sauce - a very simple recipe - Duration: 3:10.Ingredients for 6 servings: squash - 450 g; onions - 150 g; vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons; parsley - 50 g; garlic - 4 slices; salt; ground black pepper. Caloric content - 82 kcal per 100 g Cooking time - 30 minutes
Hello everyone!
Have you ever cooked squash sauce?
If not - join
First you need to clean and chop the onion into half rings, then fry it until golden brown
Grate the squash
Young squash can not be cleaned
When the onion becomes golden, add squash to it
And stew until soft
Cut greens and put it in a chopper.
Peel the garlic and add it to the parsley.
Put the squash in the blender bowl
Add parsley with garlic
Add salt
Add pepper
Beat until smooth.
If the sauce is very thick, add a little water or broth.
If you want a more homogeneous mass, rub the sauce through a sieve.
Bon Appetit!
Tema 1 - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
U 선생님이 말씀하십니다! 에헴 - Duration: 0:23.Hello, Makestar people!
I am U, leader of Vermuda!
I am charging for dancing of our team.
I'm going to show you until now..
I am into computer games these days,
Do not play computer games too long.
I hope you enjoy it as a good hobby!
Until now, I am U, leader of Vermuda!
Please give us lots of love.
Co zcenzurovala Česká televize a neuvedl ani Český rozhlas – Nohavica u Putina - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
DİPSİZ KUYUM'U EN GÜZEL KİM SÖYLEDİ (SİBEL EMRAH SEDA BÜLENT MABEL VE YILDIZ ) TİKTOK challenge - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Królowa zrobi wyjątek dla Matki Meghan Markle? Rodzice księżnej Kate nie mieli tyle szczęścia! - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Monsters vs. Aliens You Can't Breathe in a Diner in Space! Episode 90 - Toby Abbott - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
Sorry minor teleportation whoopsies carry on with your food eating everyone
Walk it off I assure you my next attempt just
This blasted fuel source, I'm missing some key ingredient mystery ingredient
You genius don't beg me pretty sure the general just said no more teleportation experiments
But we've got our full tank now here's the plan I teleport nearly pumps deliver three times
I'm awesome astounding
It's cool. I can see the earth right outside the window. I'll just run over there and get more
with no
Teleportation fuel at least it's just good ol indestructible, dude. I'm on the moon
Yes, but like an astronaut
We should go mudak you may may I also strongly suggest staying inside with your friend mr. Precious life-giving oxygen
Zombie Mooney once he was quite a fictional Hollywood movie monster
You said nobody would ever want to watch might be a scrapbook? Yes, fine told Ross gentlemen
I'm going to fly you up a fresh batch of burger grease in sqweep's
Spaceship yeah, I've never told anyone about the president's nervous flatulence
Yes, then grill me up. A slab of cow cake Papa bear's gotta feed the beast Oh
Can't get in knock knock
The convenience store, would you like some condiments for your burger those two phrases sound nothing alike?
Dr. Cockroach you only six rolls of paper now
Mr. President, you're not burrito samurai
You did it this is a victory for both of us Bob you kept the president safe
Sorry the washroom is over there. Thank you
Mad than scientist why?
Delete delete' visionary
Listen when I removed my hand, you stopped with the screeching and the running and the what not
For me because my birdhouse was prettier than his
Okay, don't sweat, but everybody loves it. You've gone viral big boy, and I need a kill trying to conduct the mating here
I reiterate
Yes, we could try that
Hello sqweep. Remember your report about me here to pass will result in expulsion from earth hogs
Come on
Heavens. No, I haven't seen sqweep anywhere
It's not iron nickel and other trace elements
May I take a potty break test pause?
Little squib is wrong
That's a good guess Bob yes, but sqweep's quiz demands more than guesswork
Off alien speak to me. What do you see?
Good sweeps people beep Oh
What is it rich creamy quite delicious, in fact there it makes not a whit of scientific sense stabby
Tell me you didn't didn't what vornicarn spit out the quitter
Not if mad science has anything to say about it
You may continue your earth studies. Oh, thank you for your honesty, of course
It's all this with my intellect
Got me a man
Let's do not worry. My penis money is worth more current. Mr
Peattie savings are estimated at Bob now. You were calmly saying sqweep's a Quadro gajillion air
Come on
Massive lats are in the way sqweep is stinking rich not us. So no crazy
linkie linkie schemes sues
testicle applause evildoing
and I'm such a
Iris to borrow and I promise I will
Borrowing from a kitty Bank redhead curtains gotta eat. Well, I am shocked
Allow me to welcome you to the relaxing shores of ether
What happened to no crazy schemes indeed at least when Susan and I borrowed bakery
Eyes on the skies men bogeys on a direct on behalf of epsilon allowance management I am
Benjamin I have come for the joyous task of collecting the loaning x' you owe my client
Isla de link is gonna have chief exports any day now, whatever
Suzette's get at all pretty sure we can take
Don't worry guys. I've already got the perfect plan to get us out of this
Okay, trash is awesome, but this is between I'm controlling my job
Excavate and extricate our salvation
The locations of planet will be it will spend for this
Clear guy gut don't family now
Modesty alone is probably worth a fortune cuz it's the best to go on it
My friends are worth more than money your account is repaid. Thank you for choosing epsilon allowance management for all your piggy beggin
Well, that was easy. Yeah SEP now
Margit coffee not my job, sir. Get your own. No Mike. No outside. This is a crisis
I need to ask the country to make some hard sacrifices and I'm just not authoritative enough. Oops
Seriously, you really don't need them with every meal
Sue did this this
Authority. Yes, exactly
I wanted to do whatever he said air of authority a delicate cologne with hints of sandalwood
Spice and the ability to make everyone do exactly what do you know? I'm right lock that authority step up for good
What's all the noise
Covert in. What are you doing here? Please hover. Jerk. No. No. No. No. No. I was just doing something extremely
G Bob now that you say it, I think you're right guys
Color Song | Little Eddie | Preschool Learning Videos For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 38:46.Color Song
ACUKA NASIL YAPILIR? - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 1:37.Materials 1 tablespoon pepper paste 1 tablespoon tomato paste 75 g white cheese 2 cloves of garlic 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 cup walnut
Add all ingredients in order
[Behind the scenes] Starlight tour by I-Rip and Teo | Top Management - Duration: 6:15.Hi! I'm Irib
Hi! I'm Teo
- Shall we say hi to the fans? - Sure
One, two, three
S.O.U.L in Your Heart
It's really awkward
- Let's introduce our recording studio - Yes
Follow me
- Teo - No, I'll do it
- Do you know what this is? - Of course
This is the piano
This is the piano exclusively for the MIDI
I forgot the exact name
- Monitor keyboard - Monitor keyboard?
- Master keyboard - Master keyboard?
- I'm not sure - All right
I'll see what the exact name is
This is not like the normal speaker
Your voice comes out through this speaker
They're medium speaker and monitor speaker
This looks expensive
- I know this, can I try? - Sure
DJ, drop the beat!
Like this?
This is the keyboard
and generally in the studio
MAC and a program called Throttle is used
But this is Windows
- Is this for the beat? - Yes
- A lunch pad - Yes
I heard it's very expensive
Do you want to try it?
So expensive
- What's next? - Do you know this?
I heard it's from the Philippines
Maybe not
I'm asking you because I don't know it
I saw instruments like this in the Philippines
and they sell souvenirs with coconut wrapped on it
I have one at home
Isn't it cool?
The sound is good
It was an improvisation
This is an electric guitar called Stratocaster
There's also Halloween and Les Paul
but this is a Stratocaster
They only have Stratocaster here
- What is this? - It's a diffuser
- This one? - Yes, a diffuser
- Which one do you like? - I like cats
Hold this, wait it's attached
I was going to take a picture
These are the albums
but they don't have ours
This is a toaster
The toaster is really small
- Garlic bread - Is this a decoration?
No, it's real bread
- Maybe it's hard - Really?
This is the tea table
for snacks
Irib's favorite corner
- Butter? - Yunwoo's favorite
Teo's favorite, jam
- Jam - Jam
How can you compare it to music?
Check it out next week
Jam is really delicious
Strawberry jam is really delicious
but people don't buy it
So we can paste the jam on a hot bread
But we need bread, a toaster and a knife
All these are required
It's delicious I'm hungry
We all praise for Sooyong's piano play again today
Am I a genius?
But people don't know about this album
But they can always listen to Icarus album
Where's the bread?
Watch Top Management on YouTube Premium
K-POP Idol in Spain EP2- Paella Dinner with Sori - Duration: 8:58.Sori's Channel
I left my luggage at the hotel
and I rest a little bit
I took a nap for 5 hours
so now I am going out
I am heading to Barcelona beach
Let's go together
We almost arrive
Arrived to Barcelona seaside
Look at the sky color...so beautiful
Can you see the sea?
Next destination after UK
It takes around 2~2 hours and half by plane from UK to Spain
It takes similar time from Korea to Japan
Like this
A place in Barcelona where
a lot of tourists are visiting
Like this
next to the sea
You can enjoy it freely
Here is the sea!!
Today the sky and sea color is really nice
my clothes have similar color with the sea
Spain is the country I wanted to visit the most
But now
I finally arrived at this age
Kim Sori arrived to Spain
As expected
As I am getting hungry I have to eat
(saying everyday that she is on a diet)
I think Spain is a country that fits me well
Today is the football game between Brazil and Belgium
(The tourists and the locals are gathered to watch the game)
Everybody is watching the game
Is a little bit similar to
my mother's chicken restaurant in Korea
Hola (hi in Spanish)
He wanted to ask me where I am heading but he lost his confidence
Me too I need to move
Hot Hot
(discovered an unique sandcastle)
Wow (title: burning sandcastle)
I came to UK to try out some stage costumes which I will wear them for my solo debut
So I went to UK and chose the costumes
While I was preparing for my solo
I listened to many famous singers
I also did research and learned
By that time when Katy Perry came to Korea
I went to her concert too
but along all singers I listened
as she is a famous and talented singer
I did a lot of research about her
Since I was young Shakira was already famous
So I listened a lot of her songs
But in order to know her as an artist better
I find out that her image is really nice
Like healthy and sexy
I feel like she is really cool
I came to like her
Shakira is now on her World tour
El Dorado
She is on her world tour and now she in performing in Spain
I think yesterday she had concert in Madrid
And tomorrow she will come to Barcelona
and will hold her concert!
So I decided to go to her concert
So after finishing the schedule in UK
I came directly here
to Spain to go to Shakira's concert
(feeling thrilled)
Aren't you exited too?
So I came here
Actually regarding Spain
Since I was little I wanted to visit it
Of course I was interested in UK too
But when I was at university one of my professor when she saw me
she was actually from UK, she told me that she thinks that I would fit well if I go to Spain
So I checked by that time information about Spain
I really wanted to go
I finally came to visit Spain
I am really exited about tomorrow
But first things first
Because I came to Spain, let's eat some delicious food
I want to eat paella.(Spanish dish)
So I ordered paella
Let's start again the Mukbang session
Please enjoy
This is the first dish which it has avocado on top
It looks like dessert
Like blueberry color?
It's raw beef
Minced beef?
It looks delicious
So I will try the first dish
(what is this reaction?
It gets tastier while you are chewing it
Everybody while I was eating the "beef" I realized that
this is not beef
but it's beet
Because I am on a diet
I ate low calories food
Somehow I saw there was a lot of red sauce
So I was wondering why is so much red sauce
Anyway here
the salad came ..should I try it?
(second dish monkfish salad)
It's really fresh
I have hot news
I checked the Instagram
and Shakira posted an update
Hola Barcelona (Hi Barcelona)
Shakira posted a photo from the concert venue in Barcelona
I think it's a photo from rehearsal?
Shakira Shakira
Tada Paella is here
The most anticipated dish is here
This is one of the most representative Spanish dishes
Paella is made by seafood and
Maybe you cannot see well as it is really dark
but here there are the mussels
and shrimp
as well as crab...the one I like
All of these
You put them on a pan and
after you fry them
add water
and rice and mixed it
Paella is done
As I like rice I am sure I will like this one too
As you can...if you want you can take the food with this and eat (joking)
(the advent of great Kingdom)
(Is almost as big as my face )
It looks like we can take the food with the spoon
(Please enjoy watching the next Paella episode too)
Alexandre Lacazette reveals the secret behind his stunning Arsenal form - Duration: 3:24.Alexandre Lacazette stole the show for Arsenal once again on Saturday with a stunning goal to earn his side a deserved point against Liverpool during an absorbing contest at the Emirates
The France striker's 82nd minute strike was his sixth goal his his last 11 appearances and it extended Arsenal's unbeaten run to 13 games in all competitions
For Lacazette it was just another standout moment in what is becoming a particularly fruitful campaign, one that has just seen him voted the club's player of the month for October
The fact that he is keeping the prolific Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang out of the central striking spot at Arsenal right now is a clear example of just how well he is playing
So just what is the secret to the 27-year-old's sparkling form? "I feel well," he explains
"I've played a lot of games and I've helped the team with some goals and assists too
"In training I feel good. I feel confident. There's a good feeling here with staff and with my team-mates too, so I'm happy with the start to the season
"When you're feeling really confident, you notice it from your feeling on the pitch too
If I'm happy, I know I'm in form. I'm 27 now and I think I know my body better than I did before too
" Saturday's goal saw Lacazette move ahead of Danny Welbeck to be Arsenal's second highest scorer so far this season, with Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang leading the way with nine goals, three more than the Frenchman
Given they are both vying for the central striking role in Emery's side, it would perhaps be understandable if there was a bit of competition between the two - but that is not the case
In fact the two forwards are very close and between them they have also played a key role in helping Matteo Guendouzi adjust so quickly to life in north London following his move from Lorient in the summer
"Auba and i get on well but it's not just with him that I have a good understanding," said Lacazette
"I really enjoy playing in this team and with this group of players. "Matteo came over from France in the summer and we spend a lot of time with him
He's young and maybe when he signed he didn't know too much about the professional life at a big club, so we had to help him with some things
"It's nice because he's happy to learn and we always have fun together." Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football
london via the free football.london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
[ENG/INDO SUB] iKON - Star Road Higlihgt B. I - Duration: 7:29.[Binge watching B.I]
[#1. I'm the MC (ft. zoom in)]
[Zoom in] What side of you haven't you shown them yet?
A side that's very special.
We'll be looking forward to it a lot.
Today's concept is iKON MT.
But honestly, none of us have been on MTs.
- That's true. - That's true.
What does MT stand for, Hanbin?
- MT? - Yes.
I don't think I have to know everything.
Just tell us that you don't know.
[Honest] I don't know.
Membership training.
- That's right. - Membership training.
Membership training. What things come to mind when you hear MT?
Good. That's great.
- 7 guys. - OK.
I don't like this that much but it's all right.
OK, good.
- That was too normal. - Then what do you suggest?
I'm not that sure myself but if it's something that I know of...
[Eyes shaking] Are you an insider?
[#2. YG University]
We are at the iKON MT!
I entered this school in 2014.
[You're such a fossil] - You're supposed to just say '14. - What? 14?
Class of 2014?
- You're supposed to say Year of '14? - What is that?
Class of '14.
- I'm the class president, so everyone be quiet. - OK.
- OK? - OK.
What about you?
How dare you speak casually to your seniors?
[Angry] I can't even see you, you're so far down the road.
What about you two, in the jean jackets? What majors are you two?
- I major in cookies. - Cookies?
How does it feel to be in YG University?
It's nothing special.
A good quality of Yunhyeong is that he is a nice guy. He's so nice.
[So he's a nice pervert...?] The down side is that he's a pervert.
You're making me a pervert.
[#3. All sorts of drinking games (ft. Ggyu ggyu ggya ggya)]
- Let's start right away. - You're supposed to learn new games by losing and being hit at first.
[BPM 120 please] BPM 120, here we go.
Let's eat strawberries. Yummy, yum, yum.
- Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry. - Strawberry, strawberry.
[Confused] That's not it.
That's not it.
[Oh no] [He lost track of the beat because he was busy trying to be sexy]
He can't do sexy.
- Cute! - Cute!
- I have to do this for sure. - Why do I always land on that?
Which camera should I look in too?
- 1, 2, 3, 4. - Ggyu ggyu ggya ggya?
[Since it was so great, here it is once more]
[Angry] Then what else should I do?
It's was so great.
The reaction wasn't all that great just now.
[Koo Ju-Ne]
Watching it from the front is even worse than watching it from the back.
Hello Cleopatra! The best potato chip in the world!
[#4. Holding on to B.I's pants]
[Save me]
- Penalties with the members. - Smacked in the butt! - OK.
[He changed them all]
[Doing their best]
[Even when Chanwoo was being hit]
[B.I copy and paste]
[His hand is lost]
[Please stop] [I'm sorry]
When you smack people in the butt, you should yank up the pants up to your bellybutton.
That's the highlight.
I think it would be so much fun to play games like this.
Getting your butts kicked.
[#5. I'll dream of you too]
What are you up to?
Are you lying in your bed?
You're going to go to sleep now?
Me too.
What are you doing tomorrow?
You're going on a date with me.
I got 2 tickets to go to the movies with you.
Do you want to go with me?
All right.
Dream about me.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Get dressed up.
So I could fall in love with you again.
All right.
See you tomorrow. Good night.
Dream about me.
I'll dream about you too.
Let's meet in our dreams.
[#6. An introduction about B.I]
Age, 23 years old.
Hometown, Cheonan.
Height, weight. 175,5cm and 60kg.
Blood type O, a Libra.
Ideal type of girl.
I look for beyond what's inside and outside. I look for a spiritual match as well.
I like soup and rice.
And I can't eat cilantro.
What I am most scared about? CEO Yang Hyun-suk.
Make a poem with your own name. "Kim". Kim Hanbin is...
"Han" A representative of Korea.
He's a burglar.
[#7. Everyone eat up (ft. Chicken is for sure)]
Everyone, eat up.
- Do we just start eating? - Don't leave foods.
[Yum] Everyone, take a bit of the chicken.
- I'm listening. - I'm listening.
Didn't you say rice cake with grilled pork?
Rice cake with grilled pork over there.
Boiled pork?
- This is boiled pork. - For a true eating show...
You add this on top.
You don't have to know everything in the world.
Pass me a drumstick.
- Eating so well. - Thanks.
Thank you.
Ju-Ne drinks the best drinker among us, right?
Yeah. This kind of situation calls for drinks.
- We each finished a bottle. - One bottle each? - The two of you?
Two 1 liter bottles?
[#BONUS (B.I's stomach)]
[Trying to keep a straight face]
[Yunhyeong: That's a Mafia style]
E-fakturering i framtiden - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
包藏禍心!孤立中國!美國對中國策劃新動作,特朗普太陰險! - Duration: 16:34.-------------------------------------------
장윤정 하차, '슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다' 측 입장 들어보니 - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
塔罗测试:凭直觉选一张牌,测你最近适合谈恋爱吗? - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
顔が剥がれるメイクやってみた!Showing My Real Face! - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
42岁林心如小腹微凸喜怀二胎?知情人爆料:这次是龙凤胎! - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Terra 7p. - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Auris Touring Sports 1.8 VVT-i Lease Pro Panoramadak, stoelverwarming, leder, parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
年過40還沒人娶的13位女星,個個都國色天香,你最想把誰娶回家? - Duration: 8:02.-------------------------------------------
She said Pakistan Zindabad - Duration: 8:20.-------------------------------------------
BTTF 1 Mini Mod (TURN ON SUBTITLES) - Duration: 8:12.Press 1 To spawn BTTF 1 DeLorean.
Cutscene Time Travel.
vent is still the same.
sparks sound effect is the one from the first movie.
re-fuel sound effect is the plutonium chamber sound.
Instant Time Travel.
The DeLorean still flies. (I'm still trying to fix that)
remote control is still the same from the original mini mod.
the "z" thing where the DeLorean fly's away is still a thing. (I'm trying to get rid of that to)
you can rescue the DeLorean like you could in the original.
and you can send the DeLorean to the Ice Age because.. well.. What are you gonna do with 2 DeLoreans?
and thats it for today. I will be releasing this to the public soon when i am fully done.
See you in the future!
309. Miracle Pill Saves Girl - Duration: 0:56.Hey guys and welcome to goodness!
Today's goodness is about a miracle
medicine that saved a little girl!
Mila Makovec was a 6 year old girl
diagnosed with an extremely rare disease
called Batten disease,
which is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder,
with symptoms of Parkinson's disease,
dementia, epilepsy, blindness,
and up till now, always, death.
But, Mila's mother, Julia,
was determined to save Mila,
and started Mila's Miracle Foundation to Stop Batten,
to raise awareness and funds to save her daughter.
With GoFundMe, she managed to raise $3 million,
and with the help of a neurologist, Dr Yu,
they managed to develop a new drug
for Mila in less than a year,
which is basically unheard of!
Mila now has less seizures,
is able to sit upright,
and is aware of the world around her!
And that's today's goodness!
See you tomorrow!
SUPRA BUILD PT 3 - Duration: 7:43.Goodmorning!
How are you feeling?
Now we're out walking our dog Lola
What are we going to go get from the store?
angle grinder cutting disc
Okay so we will weld wastegate togheter with downpipe today
so we will need more discs
did you find what you needed
they are a little thick but it'll work
now we've been in the store, Prisma
i will get Mc Donald
So today it is Sunday
And then you get to treat yourself a little
we are going to weld
waste gate and the downpipes
and ignore that it looks like crap
(Jeremias have done it) i will make a new one
when we have the car lift
when we have a tig so we can weld stainless steel
now it's just black
yesterday we put it all togheter
and marked
where the downpipe will be
So now the marks fit
So it will look exactly like this when it's ready so we can weld it now
Hello Now I'm going to help Jeremias to put back his
what's this? breathing thing for the tank
I've already started
So I got this side ready
now I will just
check that..
it fits on the other side
there you go
I don't know what that was
so much to keep in mind
but you need to believe in yourself
believe in yourself
where did you put the other piece?
I don't know
We have lost one of these
i have screwed for 10 minutes
and fix the problem for one hour
Now I will continue to make a mess
Now I've got that part ready
that intake part
Jeremias is welding
I've put this ..
painted part...intake somth..
in Swedish you say only intake
okay intake
but not completely done yet cause I can see here that I forgot the bolts
but I can do that right now
And I've also put those damn brackets on point
Which we lost that one piece
We will wait with this next piece
It gets in the way of turbo
We need to get turbo and the other things ready first before we put this back
So now we will make this ready
fittings for this waste gate
seriously how do you measure that out? the exact measure.?
I really don't get that
neither do i
okay handsome you look
you just need to try it out
I've put my very first intake
now I wonder what it really became
(babbling in Finnish)
Let's put it like this
are you happy? No
No, not really but whatever
will you put marks/numbers?
now we'll tape it Okay
this will not hold I've used this before
if you say so
i'm going to pat this
are you going to pat it? i die
Can you hold it like this
will you do the dots now?
yes maybe I can do it?
the battery died
so I couldn't show you, but the last piece didn't fit
when I tried to fit it in the car it got stuck in the steering wheel
i made a new one
this is how it looks
now it should fit
it's getting colder outside and darker too
it's just the last part now
let's hope that it fits
how I started to get in this car interest
as you know I have a husband
Jeremias Östman...
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