Monday, November 5, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 6 2018

Let us go to a checked in reservation.

Click the Cancel button. You will notice that the room 106 is checked in.

Click OK on the drop down window "Cancel?".

Click OK on the drop window "Booking Cancelled".

Right click the Go to Reservation button to open it on a different tab.

Click the Details tab.

You will find the status is Cancelled.

Let us change the status to Active.

Click the Update button.

Click OK on the "Reservation Successful" window.

We are now able to check in the same guest.

Click the Check In button.

Click OK on the "Check In?" window.

Let us use the room number 109.

Click the Update button.

Click OK on the "Room marked as occupied" window.

Click Home.

Lat us go back to checked in reservation.

Click Rooms on the left.

Click the Room List button.

You will now see that the room number 106 is now vacant.

And room 109 is now occupied.

For more infomation >> How to Reactivate a Reservation on e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 0:56.


E se a guerra as drogas nunca tivesse ocorrido? - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> E se a guerra as drogas nunca tivesse ocorrido? - Duration: 7:25.


Kids in crisis: What teens aren't saying about sex - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Kids in crisis: What teens aren't saying about sex - Duration: 2:44.


Blood, Sweat and Terrors - Movie - Duration: 1:38:15.

For more infomation >> Blood, Sweat and Terrors - Movie - Duration: 1:38:15.


Intensive Care - Movie - Duration: 1:19:54.

For more infomation >> Intensive Care - Movie - Duration: 1:19:54.


The Prayer Box - Movie - Duration: 1:43:22.

For more infomation >> The Prayer Box - Movie - Duration: 1:43:22.


Mother Krampus 2: Slay Ride - Movie - Duration: 1:36:33.

For more infomation >> Mother Krampus 2: Slay Ride - Movie - Duration: 1:36:33.


Psicoterapie Brevi - Il Libro! - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Psicoterapie Brevi - Il Libro! - Duration: 4:23.


Alcatraz - Movie - Duration: 1:27:06.

For more infomation >> Alcatraz - Movie - Duration: 1:27:06.


Christmas Manger - Movie - Duration: 1:30:11.

For more infomation >> Christmas Manger - Movie - Duration: 1:30:11.


Airshow China 2018: PLAAF mostra capacidades na exposição de Zhuhai - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Airshow China 2018: PLAAF mostra capacidades na exposição de Zhuhai - Duration: 4:15.


098 Carla & Anke - Duration: 14:39.


Hiii! Have you been at the Holding?


Any objection to my playing music?

No, but not so loud, please, there are some things I still have to do

Ooops, what a dumb move!

Good night

You will please see to it that this video here gets featured in tomorrow morning's Lahnstein Bank visual presentation

It's not G-rated

And if you then assure the old Count that Jones is the one responsible for his daughter's soft porn...

... her days will be numbered, and we will have achieved our goal


I see you're still in the middle of preparations

Yes. I'll be ready by this afternoon.

Good. Then you'll be a worthy representative of the Lahnstein Bank.

Do I hear something akin to envy?

Would you perhaps like to present the year-end finances yourself?

My main concern is the reputation of the Holding

After all the negative headlines, lately,... this meeting today is just particularly important

No kidding

Yes. Fortunately the actual presentation is contained here on this.

The business partners of the Lahnstein Bank will for sure... be satisfied by it

And by the way, that promotional spot was created by the best ad people. You just have to do a little emceeing around it.

Idiot-proof then. I'm glad about that!

Nevertheless, I wish you good luck

At today's meeting Carla will be playing a DVD that you gave her

A promotional spot, yes

Not exactly

I swapped it out

For sex footage of Carla and her lover

WHAT did you do?!

You have to prevent that DVD from playing, or you're gonna be a goner!

== So, the attendees are all here now. == Good, then we can start. Thank you.


Carla von Lahnstein

Ms. Jones

What do you mean "call it off"? Do you want me to look like a complete fool?

That is totally out of the question. We're starting now!

Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention?

I welcome you all, in the name of the Lahnstein Bank, to our fourth quarter analyst meeting

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to take a glimpse into the future with you

What are the prospects and our vision for the coming year?

We've prepared a film for you that will bring you a closer understanding of the future of the Lahnstein Bank. - Nicole...

I tried to warn you


It's true I promised you an exciting presentation, but...

... even I wasn't expecting that

Ladies, gentlemen...

Since the presentation of our anticipated financials is unavailable at the moment, I think it would be better if we adjourn this meeting

Everything you need to know can be learned from the brochures

I thank you for your understanding, good day

Carla, don't worry about it. People hardly saw anything. And uhm, in a few days I'm sure nobody will be talking about it anymore.

She orchestrated the whole thing

How dare you show up here?

== Unfortunately I got here too late, I was trying to warn you! == Because you got cold feet?

Do you realize your ugly intrigue speaks only against you?

I had absolutely nothing to do with this whole thing

Right. I received the DVD from YOU!

No, for sure not THAT one

And of course you have no interest in getting rid of me, right

Well, definitely not like THAT

You should have thought of that sooner. There will be consequences from this.

Carl-- Countess Lahnstein, at least please listen to me?!

I will absolutely NOT listen to you! Get lost, before I lose my temper.

I think this is really not the right time...

== Just calm down... == I cannot calm down!

Ms. Beyenbach, your coffee

Not now, I am WORK-ING

As always, friendliness personified. Is that part of a lawyer's training?

Carla isn't here

I can wait

It could be awhile. You know where the exit is.

Listen to me, I have an agreement with Carla that you won't show your face here anymore

Oh really?

And plus, after that scandal, she has other things on her mind besides seeing you, anyways


Someone filmed you two, in bed. And then smuggled the recording into the Lahnstein Bank analyst meeting.

Father, what happened with the DVD... I'm really sorry

You have no reason to blame yourself

That somebody violated your privacy and trespassed in your bedroom is not your fault

What happens next? I mean, with the leadership of the bank?

I'm sure you must realize, Carla, that after this incident, having you as CEO of the bank right now is out of the question

Sadly, Father is right about that

After this scandal, you will hardly be taken seriously in business circles

Don't you act all innocent, you're the one behind this!

I'm glad you're here, Ansgar

Yes, is it about running the bank?


I'm going to take over running the bank again myself

How can I help it that some pervert filmed us having sex?

Carla, FINALLY. Throw HER out of here, right this instant!

Vanessa, just calm down. What's wrong?

It's all her FAULT!

Nonsense! Anke is as little to blame as I am.

The thought that somebody is circulating bedroom videos of me around in public doesn't exactly turn me on, you can believe me

Who would have such a perverted idea, anyway?

I'm not entirely sure

You have a suspicion?

Yes, several. But all of my suspects are unfortunately way too clever.

It won't be exactly easy proving anything against any of them

That means you aren't going to do anything?

It's way too late, anyhow. Somebody wanted to publicly out me, and they accomplished that.

Still! You shouldn't take HER into your bedroom anymore.

== You promised me that-- == I didn't promise you ANYTHING!

== You did so! You said you-- == You misunderstood something.

We had an agreement - you were going to keep out of my private affairs

And here I was hoping Carla had arrived

Such a bummer!

Surely you must have your own bathroom

In contrast to you, I live here and I can put on my makeup wherever I want

And how much longer do you need?

You can always call Carla if you want to throw me out

Pffh, like what you just tried doing?

Just so something is clear to you, once and for all:

I am not going to sit idly by, while you take up residence here

I grasped that a long time ago, kiddo. You don't need to put on such an act.

And I've actually been bathing long enough now

Will you hand me the towel, please?

What a day!

But that means it can only get better

I'm not interrupting, am I?

Didn't you have plans?

What makes you think that?

Well, you were certainly doing quite a bit of primping earlier

I'm getting together with a few people from my seminar

But not until later

You've met some pretty nice people at the Uni, haven't you?


Would you like to drink a glass of wine with us?

You can drink one by yourselves

Vanessa, I know we have issues with each other, but things can't go on like this

Don't we want to at least try to get along together?


I still choose my own friends

You feel like maybe going to a movie?

Hmm, I'm not sure

Wellll, I'll be going now

Have a nice evening, and... don't let anybody film you again

Well, I wasn't figuring that would happen

What's wrong?

== I'm gonna go home, too. == What?!

But why? Now we have the whole place to ourselves.

I'm just not in the mood anymore

I'll talk to Vanessa again

You're not going to change her. All she thinks about is herself, and does whatever the hell she wants.

But feel free to try. After all, it can't hurt.

Anke not here anymore?

Did you guys enjoy yourselves?

No, we didn't

Too bad

Vanessa, neither of us is really happy with our current living arrangement, isn't that right?

I like it just fine. As long as Anke isn't here.

I would have expected a bit more understanding and tolerance from you

What's your point?

I think it would be best if you moved out

You want to throw me out?

Naturally, I will pay your rent

But you promised you would help me

Am I supposed to fight for Dad's release all alone now, or what?!

Vanessa, of course not!

I will continue trying to get Bernd out of prison, but that doesn't require that we both live under the same roof

If I move out, the press is going to have a field day

They'll immediately start speculating again about your guys' marriage!

Since my embarrassing outing at the meeting, our marriage is nothing but one big farce anyway!

But you can't just abandon me this way on account of that!

I'm NOT! But the two of us being here isn't working.


You'll move out, as soon as you've found a new place

Until Vanessa moves out, I'm sure she'll do a good job of making my life difficult

From what I've learned of her, she's not going to give up without a fight

Speak of the devil...

== Hi. == Hello.

Uh, Carla?


I'm sorry I overreacted like that, earlier

Because of what's going on with Dad, I haven't been doing so hot lately, and... I'm sure I've been pretty unfair, now and then

At the same time, you haven't exactly had it easy, either, with Hanna's death...

I know she was your true love

Losing her must have been awful

At any rate, I don't want to stand in the way of your new happiness

I'm glad you've come to recognize that

Then don't let me hold you guys up any longer. And you have a nice evening.

You too, thanks


For more infomation >> 098 Carla & Anke - Duration: 14:39.


Aeronave EP-3 dos EUA interceptada por caça Su-27 russo no Mar Negro - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Aeronave EP-3 dos EUA interceptada por caça Su-27 russo no Mar Negro - Duration: 2:09.


✅ Как живет "средний класс" в Европе: плюсы и минусы – познавательная реальность (Суть вещей) - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> ✅ Как живет "средний класс" в Европе: плюсы и минусы – познавательная реальность (Суть вещей) - Duration: 10:05.


KC-390 abrirá desfile aéreo do 7 de setembro em Brasília - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> KC-390 abrirá desfile aéreo do 7 de setembro em Brasília - Duration: 2:21.


♪ Em Nhớ Anh Vô Cùng ‣ KaNa Ngọc Thúy 「Video Lyric」 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> ♪ Em Nhớ Anh Vô Cùng ‣ KaNa Ngọc Thúy 「Video Lyric」 - Duration: 3:58.


如若巴黎不快乐【第46集】戴靖杰知道何喜嘉身份 | Paris Unhappy 46 - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> 如若巴黎不快乐【第46集】戴靖杰知道何喜嘉身份 | Paris Unhappy 46 - Duration: 7:49.


如若巴黎不快乐【第45集】佟卓尧当阮曼君是陌生人 | Paris Unhappy 45 - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> 如若巴黎不快乐【第45集】佟卓尧当阮曼君是陌生人 | Paris Unhappy 45 - Duration: 6:58.


Kareem Adbul-Jabbar speaks at University of Rochester - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kareem Adbul-Jabbar speaks at University of Rochester - Duration: 0:54.


How to Achieve Med School Goals

For more infomation >> How to Achieve Med School Goals


Professional hackers reveal why most companies don't stand a chance - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Professional hackers reveal why most companies don't stand a chance - Duration: 5:25.


【LIVE精華】#15-3 邁向Zero的領域!Don't say lazy - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 【LIVE精華】#15-3 邁向Zero的領域!Don't say lazy - Duration: 2:40.


Many North Texans Getting Inundated With Messages Reminding Them To Vote - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Many North Texans Getting Inundated With Messages Reminding Them To Vote - Duration: 2:22.


Kate's Monday Night Forecast - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Kate's Monday Night Forecast - Duration: 3:28.


What the Tech: Don't wait to buy these gadgets - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> What the Tech: Don't wait to buy these gadgets - Duration: 1:40.


Crafter's Companion Gemini FoilPress Bundle - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Crafter's Companion Gemini FoilPress Bundle - Duration: 12:46.


Many regions blanketed in toxic smog _ 110618 - Duration: 1:54.

good afternoon most parts of Korea are trapped under a cloud of dust due to

stay in an airflow and more toxic smoke from China so a face mask is a must on a

day like today but an ultrafine dust advisory in place for some of these

southern provinces and regions in the east we'll see showers from the

afternoon and that will help to relieve the dryness in the air while the rest

will still be covered with a thick blanket of dust today so going for an

after your stroll is not recommended but you know those in Busan and Busan should

enjoy clear skies but you know check the dust levels before heading out single

digit money lows will jump to the upper teens and even low 20s again today so

we're getting up to 17 degrees Celsius this afternoon as hold will also see

showers tomorrow done but that's not going to help much but heavy showers on

Thursday will wash away the dust in the air

that's Korea for you and here's the International weather for viewers around

the world

For more infomation >> Many regions blanketed in toxic smog _ 110618 - Duration: 1:54.


Huawei Honor 8x Water Test- Surprise Waterproof Level with No Water Resistance👌🏼 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Huawei Honor 8x Water Test- Surprise Waterproof Level with No Water Resistance👌🏼 - Duration: 3:13.


What you need to know about traffic, parking for Bruno Mars concerts - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> What you need to know about traffic, parking for Bruno Mars concerts - Duration: 2:25.


Cracks In The Election System Raise Concerns About Double Voting - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Cracks In The Election System Raise Concerns About Double Voting - Duration: 2:49.


Xi addresses keynote speech at China International Import Expo... emphasizes free trade - Duration: 2:12.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech on Monday at the opening

ceremony of the first China International import Expo in Shanghai

now his main focus was on free trade but he couldn't stop himself from aiming a

few subtle digs at his US counterparts leadership style our easing de has the

story with the first China International import Expo taking place in Shanghai

Chinese President Xi Jinping was on hand to deliver a keynote speech at the

opening ceremony greeted by a number of foreign leaders President Xi welcomed

the world to the expo on behalf of the Chinese government's the Chinese people

and in my own name I hereby extend my cordial welcome to the guests who have

arrived here and express my sincere greetings best wishes to the friends

from the five continents during his 30 minute speech President Xi focused on

various issues such as economic globalization common efforts to maintain

free trade and the multilateral trading system but more importantly president

she promised to open the Chinese economy further to international investment

opening door will not be closed become wider wider China will never stop her

steps to push forward and open the building of an open world economy and

the construction of a community with a shared future with the United States

notably absent President Xi took the opportunity to criticize president

Trump's a leadership style saying that as globalization deepens the practices

of law of the jungle and winner-take-all are a dead end the remarks come as the

two leaders are said to me this month at the g20 summit in Argentina President Xi

however gave few signs that he's in the mood to make significant concessions

watchers say while President Xi's speech covered important issues like free trade

and intellectual property protection everything will fall on deaf ears unless

Beijing and backs up its words with concrete actions even death Arirang news

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