Monday, November 5, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 6 2018

Hey, umm...

Yeah! Come here!



You such a pretty kitty~

TT: Meow~


(Water flows)


Take a look~

One, two~



I think I need to get rid of some water on it.



Oh, I'm so sorry...

I didn't meat to do it.

Gotta get rid of the water on the tail.


Ah... Please, please...

Get out of my way!

Hi, Mr. fresh salmon.

Look at the eyes glittering.


Smooth skin~

And a tail that looks so powerful!


DD, look at this.



I brought a new friend~

Are you just sitting there watching?


Then I'll...

cook this right away for you.

I eat this salmon~ ans so do you~

We can eat it together.

Momo: Umm... OK...

Momo: Where did you come form?

Salmon: I. from. New Zealand.

Momo: Oh yeah... New Zealand...

Momo: The country of sheep shaving.

Momo: It's already autumn...

Terrific, huh?

Don't get the tongue out, sweetie. (lol)


Lulu: Oh...!

Lulu: Is this a new friend?

Yeah, it came to our home for fun!

Oh, he looks so heavy!

Even heavier than DD.

Too heavy...

(Grinds a knife)

(Cutting sound)

(Cutting sound)

It's too tough to cut.


Come on!

Fish bone!



Wait a sec...






What are you doing, Lulu?

Are you having a break while I'm working here?

What a funny kitty...

It's almost done.

I only need to cook it, honey.



It looks like the one displayed at the mall.


(Cutting Sound)


Then let's cook it!

I used to just buy some sliced salmon

but now I know that it's not an easy job.

We should be grateful.


Let's cook it~

Oh, its still hot.


Hold on...

One, two, POK!


It's amazing!

Oh! Hi, Chuchu!

Here you are.

How is the taste? Good?

Is it hot?

It's still a bit hot so you need to cool it down.


No no! It's hot!


Hey, umm...

Yeah! Come here!



You wanna have some too?

Come here~


Hold on! Be careful!

Huh? Why is it so dark??


It's good for your health. Help yourself.



Ugh... I think DD and Chuchu want to eat something else.

I was told that salmon is good for your health.



Let me help.

You don't wanna eat it?

This one is different.


Let's move~

For more infomation >> What happens if I bring a huge salmon in front of the cats. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:48.


Giselle Blondet le dio un sabio consejo a Yaritza tras verla temerosa en su reto en vivo | NBL - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Giselle Blondet le dio un sabio consejo a Yaritza tras verla temerosa en su reto en vivo | NBL - Duration: 2:14.


Bài thuốc trị viêm loét dạ dày trong 7 ngày từ thứ nguyên liệu không ai ngờ - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Bài thuốc trị viêm loét dạ dày trong 7 ngày từ thứ nguyên liệu không ai ngờ - Duration: 4:04.


Defeat Korean defense industry! Sales and operating profit sharply decreased! - Duration: 6:14.

Korean Defense Industry Reduction! Export / operating profit shrinking drastically! (Translated by

I have found that the defense industry, which will maintain Korea's self defense, is in a downward trend.

Since the subsequent fraud has been rampant, strengthening regulations and surveillance has resulted in a contraction of the domestic industry.

LIG_Nex1, the top seller, posted an operating profit of W4.3bn against sales of W1.7trn. The operating margin is only 0.24%.

Exports were even worse, with a drastic drop of 34.5% last year. Large companies are also suffering, but small and medium defense industries are the same.

The government also has a reconciliation mood between the North and the South, and is considering further cutting down of conventional weapons.

As a result, the operation rate of factories is decreasing, and SMEs are chasing after the crisis of survival.

In recent years, it has failed to win an advanced trainer for the United States, and the marine accident has made the way to Philippine exports.

However, it is a bright news that exchange trade between Spanish transport aircraft and Korea's trainer has just emerged as a trainer business challenge.

There is also a voice saying that it can find a way to the European market.

Though the industry has invited such a situation from the beginning, there is no chance to make up for it, and there is a contradiction in the word self-defense.

Article Source:

Korea's reaction

I do not know what to do.

Stay tuned ... Because the constitution is low quality.

The government does not do anything right.

I was disciplined by putting my sins on my hands to raise my earnings.

Audit offices are also ministers.

They say that they will defend themselves against the military, and they take the hardest people. Mostly innocent.

Minsan, the hotbed of all kinds of irregularities, must be thoroughly examined and examined in the future.

So far, all the privileges and illegal living have reduced technology and competitiveness.

In this case, Minsan will have to completely improve its constitution.

If you reveal the corruption, it will not work because the business is shrinking ... Can you accept that you should continue cheating?

The reason why the defense industry is bogged down is that it is only aimed at the national support without the corruption and innovation of the defense companies.

In any area, it is necessary to point out the historical cohesion of the past.

It is said that investigating corruption is the cause of deteriorating performance.

When rationally considered, the reliability of domestic weapons has declined due to customary arson (as in the case of Suwon)

Is not that the logic that led to a decrease in earnings soon?

It costs me to go to the middle of it, and the quality goes up.

Everything about national defense is dying ... If there is no defense, there will be no future ...

These technicians will also buy from China.

Is only the defense industry retreating? Every industry is a bomb.

Why is the tram power back a sloppy and missile can not fire?

What good results have you got from supporting them with tax money?

Honestly, is there any thing that made the domestic title well?

Comment from:

Editing impressions (Japanese editor's thoughts)

It is inevitable that these evils will come out when correcting negative. It is the reason that I have been so unchalant so far.

However, it seems that the Korean government has suddenly strengthened regulations and cut off SMEs that can not cope with them.

From the beginning, Moon Jae-in may not be interested in national defense and defense industry upbringing there.

When I think about it, it seems like there was a bad news of the defense industry every week at the time of the Park Geun-hye regime.

When it became the Moon Jae-in regime, it became really quiet.

Because the regime has changed, I think that pus has come out to the end rather than what is the place of truth?

It seems that the defense industry and the regime have been deeply rooted in cohesion for a long time, and they have been coming out of the way very carefully.

I was looking for a cunning flaw after deployment because it was appropriate without being too detailed.

Now it is very strict, and LIG_Nex1, which developed multi-function radio in the previous time, was charged with delayed money of 66.6 billion won due to the delay of schedule.

It is because it is two years late, but it is worth seeing that LIG_Nex1 's operating profit last year was 4.6 billion won.

Regarding reinforcement of regulation and monitoring, thing which was so lukewarm until now is suddenly severe and is not coped with too much.

Moreover, it is considered that there is a problem such as the calculation of the cost and the delivery time which are not suitable to the technical level.

I think it would be right, but I think that it is undermining Korea's defense industry by promoting it at a rapid pace without understanding the phenomenon.

Only the enemy page so far has been a disaster in the industry because it pushes forward tense at the same time.

Thank you for watching.

I would appreciate your evaluation of the video if you do not mind.

It is fortunate that you can give me a favorable rating, bad value, and no specifications.

In addition, please register in channel if you are ok.

For more infomation >> Defeat Korean defense industry! Sales and operating profit sharply decreased! - Duration: 6:14.


張韶涵母親再次喊話要搞垮她,只要我活著每月生活費必須6萬! - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 張韶涵母親再次喊話要搞垮她,只要我活著每月生活費必須6萬! - Duration: 4:10.



For more infomation >> [SUB ESPAÑOL] MARK GUN CHULACUTEBOYS / LOVE BY CHANCE - Duration: 11:43.


Otro personaje más fuera: Lauren Cohan se va de The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:22.

Como muchos fans deben saber, Lauren Cohan se despidió de su personaje "Maggie" a principios de año, cuando se confirmó que solo participaría en unos pocos capítulos de la novena temporada, sin embargo, es hasta este momento que AMC confirma que el quinto capítulo, "What Comes After", es el último para Cohan… por ahora

La salida de la actriz, quien formó parte del elenco principal durante ocho años, tuvo varias razones, entre ellas el hecho de que no pudiera llegar a un acuerdo respecto a su salario y que además comenzará a trabajar en la serie Whiskey Cavalier, de ABC

Aun así, la showrunner del programa, Angela Kang, dijo en entrevista para The Hollywood Reporter que este no es el adiós definitivo de Maggie, sino que se trata de una pausa indefinida

"Este (capítulo) fue el último de ella esta temporada. Hemos estado hablando con Lauren y ojalá podamos contar más de su historia

Definitivamente tenemos algunas cosas bajo la manga que nos encantaría hacer. Mucho de esto son simplemente conversaciones de agenda, así que ojalá podamos resolver eso porque creo a amabas partes nos gustaría continuar con la historia de Maggie", dijo

Si entendemos bien, Maggie no regresaría necesariamente a la serie, aunque de hacerlo, no sucederá en un tiempo cercano

Sin embargo y a sabiendas de que los dueños de la franquicia de The Walking Dead pretenden expandirlo por mucho más tiempo, también es posible que veamos a Maggie aparece ya sea en una de las tres películas nuevas de Andrew Lincoln o incluso como protagonista de su propia película o serie

En su último capítulo, podemos ver a Maggie regresando a Alexandria con la intención de matar a Negan, el responsable de la muerte de su amado Glenn en la sexta temporada, pero al percatarse de las condiciones de éste, decide que el mejor castigo que puede tener dejarlo vivo y encerrado

Al final del episodio, la historia avanza seis años, mostrando a Judith (que ya tiene 10 años), salvando a un grupo de sobrevivientes; pero no hay más rastro de Maggie

For more infomation >> Otro personaje más fuera: Lauren Cohan se va de The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:22.


iPad 3. Como prender iPad sin pila con fuente de poder BAKU y caimanes - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> iPad 3. Como prender iPad sin pila con fuente de poder BAKU y caimanes - Duration: 1:48.


Algo más - Newton Andrés - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Algo más - Newton Andrés - Duration: 4:07.


Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. Como prender celular sin pila con fuente de poder BAKU 305D - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. Como prender celular sin pila con fuente de poder BAKU 305D - Duration: 0:28.


谢娜怼郭晓东:你们生活那么枯燥啊!应采儿:难怪你婚姻不幸福! - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> 谢娜怼郭晓东:你们生活那么枯燥啊!应采儿:难怪你婚姻不幸福! - Duration: 6:04.


"Straciłam ciążę..." Poruszające wyznanie Edyty Górniak! Ostatni rok był wyjątkowo trudny dla artyst - Duration: 1:18.

 Poruszające wyznanie Edyty Górniak w Dzień Dobry TVN! W dzisiejszym wydaniu programu widzowie mogli zobaczyć wywiad z artystką, która opowiedziała o trudnych chwilach w swoim życiu

Piosenkarka zdradziła, że ostatni rok był dla niej wyjątkowy. Edyta Górniak po raz pierwszy przyznała, że była w ciąży! O tym, że jest w błogosławionym stanie wiedzieli tylko jej najbliżsi

Niestety, okazało się, że Edyta Górniak straciła długo wyczekiwane dziecko.  Zobaczcie, co powiedziała Edyta Górniak! Artystka w poruszajacym wywiadzie opowiedziała o trudnych i bolesnych doświadczeniach

 Jak poradziła sobie po stracie ciąży?  Zobacz także: Edyta Górniak zaskoczyławyznaniem w porannym programie

Diva chce wziąć kolejny ślub!  >>> NASTĘPNA STRONA >>>

For more infomation >> "Straciłam ciążę..." Poruszające wyznanie Edyty Górniak! Ostatni rok był wyjątkowo trudny dla artyst - Duration: 1:18.


핫이슈 l 가요무대, 가수 류계영 '인생' "남편 서종환 자녀 아들 서보현 고향 원주" 가족사 고백 - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l 가요무대, 가수 류계영 '인생' "남편 서종환 자녀 아들 서보현 고향 원주" 가족사 고백 - Duration: 8:13.


Choices:- High School Story: Class Act (Chapter 5) {Diamonds} - Duration: 23:01.

Choices:- High School Story: Class Act (Chapter 5) {Diamonds}

Choices:- High School Story: Class Act (Chapter 5) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - High School Story: Class Act (Chapter 5) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - High School Story: Class Act (Chapter 5) {Diamonds Used}

For more infomation >> Choices:- High School Story: Class Act (Chapter 5) {Diamonds} - Duration: 23:01.


"If I could vote" message from students urges adults to vote - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> "If I could vote" message from students urges adults to vote - Duration: 1:34.


What happens if I bring a huge salmon in front of the cats. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:48.

Hey, umm...

Yeah! Come here!



You such a pretty kitty~

TT: Meow~


(Water flows)


Take a look~

One, two~



I think I need to get rid of some water on it.



Oh, I'm so sorry...

I didn't meat to do it.

Gotta get rid of the water on the tail.


Ah... Please, please...

Get out of my way!

Hi, Mr. fresh salmon.

Look at the eyes glittering.


Smooth skin~

And a tail that looks so powerful!


DD, look at this.



I brought a new friend~

Are you just sitting there watching?


Then I'll...

cook this right away for you.

I eat this salmon~ ans so do you~

We can eat it together.

Momo: Umm... OK...

Momo: Where did you come form?

Salmon: I. from. New Zealand.

Momo: Oh yeah... New Zealand...

Momo: The country of sheep shaving.

Momo: It's already autumn...

Terrific, huh?

Don't get the tongue out, sweetie. (lol)


Lulu: Oh...!

Lulu: Is this a new friend?

Yeah, it came to our home for fun!

Oh, he looks so heavy!

Even heavier than DD.

Too heavy...

(Grinds a knife)

(Cutting sound)

(Cutting sound)

It's too tough to cut.


Come on!

Fish bone!



Wait a sec...






What are you doing, Lulu?

Are you having a break while I'm working here?

What a funny kitty...

It's almost done.

I only need to cook it, honey.



It looks like the one displayed at the mall.


(Cutting Sound)


Then let's cook it!

I used to just buy some sliced salmon

but now I know that it's not an easy job.

We should be grateful.


Let's cook it~

Oh, its still hot.


Hold on...

One, two, POK!


It's amazing!

Oh! Hi, Chuchu!

Here you are.

How is the taste? Good?

Is it hot?

It's still a bit hot so you need to cool it down.


No no! It's hot!


Hey, umm...

Yeah! Come here!



You wanna have some too?

Come here~


Hold on! Be careful!

Huh? Why is it so dark??


It's good for your health. Help yourself.



Ugh... I think DD and Chuchu want to eat something else.

I was told that salmon is good for your health.



Let me help.

You don't wanna eat it?

This one is different.


Let's move~

For more infomation >> What happens if I bring a huge salmon in front of the cats. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:48.


English Grammar: Comparative Adjectives - Duration: 18:44.


My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you about comparative adjectives.

So, what are comparative adjectives?

They are words we use when we are comparing different things or different people.


So, let's look a little bit more into this.

I just wanted to remind you about what a noun is and an adjective is before we begin.

A noun is a person, a place, or a thing.

So, for example, this marker is a noun because it's a thing.

I'm a person, my name is Emma - I'm also a noun.


Right now we are in a classroom - a classroom is a place, so "classroom" is a noun.

So, a noun is a person, a place, or a thing.

An adjective is something...

Or I should say it's a word that describes a noun.


So, I said before this is a marker.

If I called it a blue marker, "blue" would be the adjective.

Or if I said: "This is a colourful marker" or "a dull marker", these are all adjectives

to describe the noun "marker".


So, here are some other examples of adjectives.

We can use the word "cold", okay?

Right now I'm cold.

We can use the word "hot"; that's an adjective.

"Tall", "old", "rich", "poor".

We use these words to describe something.


So, a lot of the times we like to compare things.


We like to compare people.


Which celebrity is hotter?



Which dress is nicer?

In English, we often compare two things; and when we compare things, we need to use comparative


So, let's look at that.

So, we have some rules when it comes to using adjectives to compare two things.

When an adjective, so such as these, are one syllable or one beat, we add "er" to it when

we want to use it to compare.

So, let's look at an example of this-okay?-because it's sort of hard to understand unless you

actually see what I'm talking about.

I have here two cups.


I want to compare these two cups.

This cup is old, this cup is new, so when I compare these two cups, I add the word "er"

to the adjective when I compare them.

So, I can say: "This cup is older than this cup.

This cup is newer than this cup."


So, let's look at this.

What did I do?

I added "er" to the word "old", and I added "er" to the word "new".

So, when I'm comparing two things, if the adjective...

In this case, the adjective is "old" and "new".

If the adjective is one syllable or one beat, meaning it's a short adjective, we add "er".

Let's look at another example.

This book is very heavy.

So, I have here this book: The Unabridged Edgar Allan Poe.

It's a very nice book, but it's very heavy.

And then I have this book: The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly.

It's a book written by a South Korean author that's really good, but it's...

It's very light.


So, I want to compare these two books.

What can I say about these two books?

How are they different?

Well, this book is very long.

This book is longer than this book.


This book is longer than this book.

So, notice we have the word "long"; this is long; that describes the book.

And we add "er"-"er"-to compare it to this book.

Now, maybe I want to talk about this book.

I can say: "This book is shorter than this book."

And, again, all I need to do is add "er" to the adjective.


So, this book is longer; this book is shorter.

Let's look at another example.

I have a lot of things today to show you.

Best part of all: The swords.


These are swords.

I don't know if you can see that, but this is a little sword.

It looks like something you could put in a sandwich, maybe.

This is a much bigger sword.

So, how can we compare these two?

Well, again, there's many things we can say about these two swords; there's many adjectives

we can use to describe them.

Let's look at the one we have on the board.

Let's do...

Well, this isn't really thicker.

We can say "longer" and "shorter" with this.

We can also say: "lighter" and "heavier".

This sword is a heavier sword.


It's a lot bigger.

It's bigger and it's heavier.

This sword is smaller.


Notice it's smaller and it's lighter.

So, what I did there was I just added "er" or the sound "er" to "heavy" to make it "heavier",

and I added "er" to small to make it "smaller".


So let's do some more practice, and talk about different adjectives that are more than one

syllable and what we do.

Okay, so we've talked about how you can add "er", which is pronounced "er" to adjectives

when the adjectives are short.

What about with longer adjectives?


Adjectives that are two syllables or more?

So, for example, we have the word "serious" - this is three syllables; "colourful" - this

is three syllables; "difficult" - three; "popular"-okay?-that's also three syllables.

So, when we have longer words that are more than one syllable, we use the word "more"

when we want to compare.


So, I'll give you an example.

I have here two ducks.


I have this nice, wooden duck; and I have this duck that is dressed in...

I guess it's a gladiator.

So, I have these two ducks.

I want to compare them.

So, when I'm comparing them, I look at them and I think: "Hmm.

Which one is more serious?"


I think this duck is more serious.

It is more serious.

Now I want to say something about this duck.

This duck is more serious; this duck is less serious.


So, we use "more" and we use "less" when we're comparing two adjectives that are long adjectives;

more than two syllables or two syllables.


What else can we say about these two ducks?

Well, this duck is very colourful.

This duck, it's mainly yellow.

It's wearing colourful clothing, but it's yellow.

So I would say: "The feathers on this duck are more colourful than the feathers on this


So, the feathers are more colourful on this duck.


So let's put these ducks away.


They're just going to swim away.

Let's think of some other examples.

What about if we're talking about languages?

Maybe we're talking about grammar.

I think English grammar is more difficult than Spanish grammar.


So, here's the word "difficult".

I think English grammar is more difficult than Spanish grammar.

I don't actually know; maybe Spanish grammar is hard, but just as an example.

Or maybe I want to compare two people.

Maybe I want to compare Ryan Reynolds and Phillippe.


You probably...

You might know Ryan Reynolds.

I would say Ryan Reynolds is more popular than Ryan Phillippe.

Ryan Phillippe is less popular than Ryan Reynolds.

Sorry, if Ryan Phillippe is watching; probably isn't, but...

Okay, so that's an example of using these adjectives.

One exception that a lot of students find very challenging is that sometimes adjectives

that are two syllables sometimes have "er" endings, and sometimes use "more".

So, this can get really confusing for students.

For example: "friendly".

"Friend-ly", okay, it has two syllables, but we would say: "friendlier"; we add "er" in

that case.

So, the main rule is: If it's one syllable, "er"; three or more syllables, you use "more"

or "less"; and if it's two syllables, sometimes it's "er" and sometimes it's "more", and sometimes

you have a choice.

I know it's a little confusing, but that's just what the grammar is.

So, now let's look at spelling because spelling is also important when it comes to comparative


Okay, so we've talked about when to use "er" or "er", and when to use "more" and "less"

when we're describing or comparing two objects and we're using adjectives.

So, now we're going to talk a little bit about the spelling, because here's where it gets

a little bit tricky.


So, imagine I am comparing these two elephants.

This elephant is bigger than this elephant.

So, even though we pronounce it "bigger", when we spell it, we use a bit of a different


So, I have here the word "big", so that's the adjective we're using, and I have the

"er", but I've added a second "g".

So, if you notice in green, I've added another letter.

Why do I have a second "g" there?

So, when we are using comparatives, we need to pay attention to vowels and consonants,

because this is going to help us with spelling.

So, a vowel is: a, e, i, o, and u.

A consonant are the other letters.


So, vowels are these letters and they have different sounds, and consonants are not vowels,

so they're the rest of the letters or the sounds in English.

So, what happens is when you're spelling...

When you're using an adjective and you're making it a comparative adjective by adding

"er", you need to look at the word and you need to figure out the last three parts of

the adjective, so in this case, "big"...

"B" is a consonant, so I'm going to put a "c"; "i" is a vowel, so I'm going to put a

"v"; and "g" is a consonant, so I'm going to put a "c".

When you have consonant, vowel, consonant - you need to add a second consonant or a

second letter.

So, in this case, the last letter...

The last consonant is a "g", so when we're making a comparative adjective, we need to

add another "g".

Why is this the case?

I don't know.

I think it makes English a little more complicated, but that's okay.


So this is the rule; I didn't make this rule, but this is what it is.

So, let's look at another example.

We have here the word "hot", okay?

So, right now I am very hot.

I am feeling hotter than my sister.

So, what I can say is, if I look at these three letters, we have "h" which is a consonant,

we have "o" which is a vowel, and we have "t" which is a consonant.

So, because we have consonant, vowel, consonant - I needed to add another letter, and this

letter is the same as the one before it, so I add another "t".

So, "bigger", we have two g's when we spell it; "hotter" we have two t's, and it's because

of this consonant, vowel, consonant rule for spelling.

Okay, so now let's think about "smaller".

In this case, if you look at the word "small", the last three sounds-okay?-you get a vowel,

and then you get a consonant which is the "l", and you have another consonant which

is the "l".

So, in this case, we don't need to add another letter.


Unlike with "bigger" and "hotter" - because we have a vowel, consonant, and a consonant,

we don't need to do anything.

Let's look at another example.

So, I have here the word "cold".


Canada is colder than Mexico, just as an example.

So, if I wanted to write out this word as a comparative adjective, I would look at the

last three letters - we have "o" which is a vowel, we have "l" which is a consonant,

and we have "d" which is a consonant.

So, because it's vowel, consonant, consonant - we can just add "er"; we don't need to add

another letter.


So, just to recap: When we have consonant, vowel, consonant - you need to double up the

last letter; if you have something different than consonant, vowel, consonant - you do

not need to add anything.


And this might take a little bit of practice, and that's okay.

We have a quiz at the very...

That you can take at the end of this video where you can practice these skills some more.

Let's look at one other spelling rule we have when we're talking about comparative adjectives.

If an adjective ends in a "y", so we have: "happy", "heavy", "scary" - when we turn it


For these ones, they're two syllables: "happ-y", "heav-y", "scar-y".

These are some two-syllable adjectives that we can use "er" on.

So, when we add "er", we need to change the "y".

We change the "y" to an "i".

So, we have: "happy", the "y" becomes an "i" and then we add "er".

We have the word "heavy", again, it ends in a "y", so when we make it a comparative adjective,

we change the "y" to an "i" and we add "er".

Let's do one final example for this video.

So, I have here two monkeys.

This is a monkey made out of wood, and this is a monkey made out of plastic.

So, I want your opinion: Which monkey is scarier?

Which monkey is the scary monkey?


Is it this one or this one?

I think this monkey is scarier than this monkey.

So, if I'm going to spell out the word "scarier" - "scary" ends with a "y", so we change the

"y" to an "i" and we add "er".

This monkey...

This monkey's really scary.

I hope you're not afraid at the end of this video; I'll be putting this away in a moment.

Thank you for watching.

I hope you've learned a lot in this video.

You can practice a lot of what you learned by taking our quiz at; there,

you can actually practice your spelling, as well as the different concepts we've covered

in this video.

You can also subscribe to my channel, where we have a lot more resources on grammar, on

listening, on pronunciation; on all sorts of different topics.

So, thank you, again, for watching; and until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> English Grammar: Comparative Adjectives - Duration: 18:44.


Tu Sì Que Vales, Marco Baruffaldi commuove i giudici con la sua storia: 'Bullizzato dal ...' - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Tu Sì Que Vales, Marco Baruffaldi commuove i giudici con la sua storia: 'Bullizzato dal ...' - Duration: 3:25.


Synopsis | KDrama Because I Love You - Duration: 1:37.

Hello guys and welcome to Madawana

The Korean movie Because I Love You

produced by AD 406 PICTURE

a fresh dramatic morning for Lee-Hyung

he donned his clothes, put perfume

and check combing his hair well

he walked to the car with a smile

it's a really big day

he's going to meet his girlfriend and ask to marry her

but this dramatic feeling will end due of his forgetfulness the Ring

I won't say that kind of change was a nice

it won't be nice when he wakes up

and his is soul has moved to a female high school student body

besides to feeling of throw up because of pregnancy

he'll meet Scully who helps him to figure out what's going on

he'll see Hyun-Kyung singing in public

who has not recovered from stage fright yet

gets a little of his memory about her

again, find himself that his soul moved to a dirty cop

has a bad relation with his wife

and then to a teacher

who knows how to talk to women


to a sick old woman

this bodies transmission wasn't for no reason

he is compelled to deal with people's different situations

to solve what could be solved

with Scully's help

and the best performance I liked

if you liked this video, don't forget to share it with your friends

make me happy and subscribe to my channel

drop a comment down below

before hitting to another video

wish you all enjoy watching ✌

and take care 👋


For more infomation >> Synopsis | KDrama Because I Love You - Duration: 1:37.


I did it, One Dime Blues by BLIND LEMON JEFFERSON ver.2018-09-24 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> I did it, One Dime Blues by BLIND LEMON JEFFERSON ver.2018-09-24 - Duration: 2:46.


'Here I am' from Dolly's Netflix film Dumplin' now out - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> 'Here I am' from Dolly's Netflix film Dumplin' now out - Duration: 0:41.


Maxine Waters On The Historic Midterm Elections | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Maxine Waters On The Historic Midterm Elections | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 6:22.


Mưa Nhớ Anh - Chee ft. Machiot 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Mưa Nhớ Anh - Chee ft. Machiot 「Lyrics Video」 #Chang - Duration: 4:54.


藍潔瑛姐姐已經找到,生前三度被封殺,兩度被侵,與姐姐通話爆內幕! - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> 藍潔瑛姐姐已經找到,生前三度被封殺,兩度被侵,與姐姐通話爆內幕! - Duration: 8:41.


這才是最大威脅!美軍到底遭遇了什麼,西方:已難以制衡中國 - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> 這才是最大威脅!美軍到底遭遇了什麼,西方:已難以制衡中國 - Duration: 6:34.


Anudah shoah! Neon-Nazis break into kosher food truck! - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Anudah shoah! Neon-Nazis break into kosher food truck! - Duration: 1:32.


Buying An ATM Machine for Your ATM Business - Duration: 7:40.

what's up everybody so are you interested in buying an ATM machine well

that's what this video is gonna be all about hey there my name is Carey Buck

and I am an independent ATM owner operator big one since 2009 and I've

been an ATM business mentor to people just like you since 2011 so someone I

think I don't know if he was a YouTube viewer or he was in my facebook group I

don't quite remember where he was where it made me he's a just an email

subscriber but he asked me to do a video on buying ATM machines so by the way if

you have any recommendations on you know what kind of videos you would like me to

make post them below in the comments okay so I figured out I would make a

video real quick about buying ATM machines so you might think yeah that's

a simple thing to do and yeah it is simple to buy the ATM machine but you

gotta be careful guys you really gotta be careful you want to make sure you're

dealing with a reputable supplier knowledgeable supplier you want to make

sure when you're new in this business you were buying a brand new ATM machine

brand new okay don't buy from eBay don't buy from

Craigslist don't buy from some guy who you know sold his uh convenience store

and now he has an ATM machine that he's willing to sell you for $300 don't do

that okay there are some things that go into programming the ATM and some rules

and regulations that apply to your machines that most likely will be all

screwy and just not not a good situation for you if you end up buying a used

machine from like Craigslist or Ebay or you know from this guy who sold his

convenience store and now he wants to sell you this $300 ATM right just soon

there's no like this is serious right if you if you let's say for example your

machine is not a d8 complain that's American with Disabilities Act the first

fine minimum fine from the government for that is 50 grand that's

50 G's you know I mean that's not that's not gonna screw around with all right

don't fuck with the federal government basically so just just be careful right

and there's a lot of them there's a lot of shadiness that goes on in the ATM

business unfortunately you know it's probably like all businesses right but

I'm in the ATM business I've got screwed over by the shadiness

back when I started so I know firsthand the shadiness as its associated with the

ATM business right so you you want to be really careful that you are dealing with

a reputable knowledgeable trustworthy your ATM suppliers okay that's of the

utmost importance okay I mean it's it's just really important like that that

will save you a world of headache right there know that when you are purchasing

an ATM they don't really make that much money on ATM machines like the self new

ATM machines they wanted your processing so again that's why it's really

important to know what you're doing right and to make sure you're dealing

with reputable knowledgeable suppliers and processors right because you can get

shafted on the on the processing side as well right so just just know all that

going in sorry I need it so we got water here I know all that going in as far as

what type of machine to buy honestly we're using many retail machines for

what you or I would do right we're using mini retail machines and they're all I

mean they're all pretty compatible you know or I should say comparable price

wise and functionality wise right some of them just look different you know I

have a machine that I've been using for years since I started and you know I

won't switch like I've upgraded my older versions to make sure that it's EMV

compatible EMV that's the you know chip in your your credit cards right and

again that's very important to when you're buying a new a new machine or

buying an ATM machines EMV compatible because

here's the thing the way it used to work before if somebody's card got screwed

over and got scammed the bank the you know the the bank on the back of their

car that would take the hit for them that's no longer the case if your

machine is not EMV compliant you are now on the hook right so that's really

important that you know what you're doing when it comes to buying an ATM

machine and that's why I say do not buy use machines do not buy from eBay

Craigslist things like that do not buy from suppliers that are not reputable

and trustworthy okay oh it was I'm saying now once you of

course get into the business and you know what you're doing and you know all

you know what you're looking for for use machine or what have you that's totally

fine but when you're new don't do it I just don't do it like I had a guy call

me once was so excited because he bought a $500 ATM machine and I instantly knew

that if he would put it out there he's gonna get in trouble and yeah I got that

info for the kind of machine it was and I went and I talked to my supplier and I

was like hey this is machine compliant and he told me no and he did the math

and he said it's gonna cost a dude about $3,000 to make this $500 machine

compliant so it's 3500 our machine he ends up paying for when he did just

bought a brand new one for like somewhere between two to twenty two

hundred dollars you know I'm saying guys so just trust me and I tell you just buy

a new machine okay and and that's also goes with if you're thinking about

buying like an existing route you gotta know what you're doing okay I'm gonna

make another video about that but you gotta know what you're doing cuz if you

don't know what you're doing with these used machines that are in on this

existing route and you know the questions to ask you're gonna be paying

way more for that route then you agree - yeah it's gonna be way more than the

actual purchase price that makes sense guys hopefully this all makes sense just

honestly buy new buy from a reputable trustworthy

you know knowledgeable supplier just stay away from you stuff they were from

craigslist and ebay all the mini retail machines are pretty

parable you're just yours honestly just gonna base it on what what looks best to

you to be honest comparable price-wise functionality-wise

right got any questions post them below don't forget to click that little ATM

machine right there and subscribe to this channel and I welcome you to come

to my free Facebook group it's called ATM money makers and I'll put a link in

the description below okay ATM money makers and feel free to jump over to ATM

business blueprint comm and grab my free ATM business roadmap where it shows you

how one from zero to five to three to five thousand dollars per month in

passive income by owning ATM machines alright ATM business blueprint calm

alright guys I'll talk to you soon have a great day and may you live happily off

of passive income

For more infomation >> Buying An ATM Machine for Your ATM Business - Duration: 7:40.


Mindful Parenting (CHILD CRYING & ANXIOUS WHEN PET DIED) - Duration: 3:44.

Mommy, Sunny's sleeping on the floor...

oh boy.

the instant I heard my four-year-old

I knew it was going to be a long difficult day.

Sunny you see is one of the two budgies we gave BB

for her birthday and well birds don't sleep on the floor.

Apparently ready or not

I was going to have a conversation about death

with my four-year-old

and my husband was out of town at a conference...

this video is all about the child's fear of the unknown, death anxiety.

(but if you're pregnant and you fear the unknown of labor and birth don't worry you can check out my hypnobirthing series up there.)

Just as your own fear and anxiety can come from the

way you were parented or even inherited from your family and carried within you

you can also pass on fear and insecurity to your children.

I knew this moment was

a significant fork in the road for BB's innocence.

I was anxious about the answer I felt compelled to give her.

My first instinct was to delay the inevitable.

Let Sunny sleep! and proceeded to let her watch as many cartoons as she wanted to

stuff her face with Coco Pops anything else that might distract her

while I frantically texted my husband.

When I pulled myself together,

i sat down with my anxious child and told her gently

that Sonny wasn't actually sleeping.

In our family we talked about energy, the mind and body are connected

and without energy of the mind the body cannot function

so I told her that Sunny's body just doesn't work anymore, her energy her soul had left.

Your family may be religious, spiritual

agnostic or something else and your explanations can be what you need them

to be in keeping with your beliefs and values.

It's less about the words and

more about being consistent in your message

because they'll ask again and again!

Heartbreaking but it's our jobs to give them that reassurance,

that confirmation of what sadly IS.

so here's the plan:

Keep the facts simple and use the same turn of phrases and explanations

Be consistent between each conversation you have

and like perfect partners in crime, you and your partner have to stick to the same story.

She asked me really hard questions like:

"you mean she'll never chirp again?"

"she'll never fly and sit on my hand?"

and so the two of us just crumpled on the floor and cried a lot

and I guess we just let ourselves feel that sadness and I'm so glad I didn't try to rush through it.

BB spent the entire day holding her dead bird honestly I didn't know whether to laugh or cry

we held a funeral and had a chance to talk about why we love Sunny and how she made us happy

and then inevitably the real bombshell landed.

She asked me if she was going to die and would it hurt? and where would she go?

whoa I mean how do you even answer that?

I guess you got to get okay with saying

"I don't know, let's think about that"

get okay with taking the time to consider your answer carefully to ask people for help

to ensure that you and your partner are consistent in your message.

I told her that everyone dies.

i weaved into our mundane conversations little teachings about

the impermanence of things the impermanence of time and form.

something strange compelled me to watch

The Land Before Time with BB and a big box of chocolates that evening

then I knew why: I burst into tears and just hugged my baby during that bittersweet

scene where the little dinosaurs mother dies and tells her son little

"Some things you see with your eyes others you see with your heart"

that gets me every time!

I guess what I want to teach her is that impermanence is what makes all things, moments and people so precious.

When we forget to live in the moment we forget to cherish what really matters most.

This is why YOU and I practice mindfulness together.

Yes! Motherhood is going to be hard, it's going to be beautiful it's gonna be

bittersweet but we are not going to miss a bit of it!

If this story affected you in any way I want to hear about it in the comments.

You can even download a printable worksheets below so you can formulate your consistent message and plan of action in advance!

see y'all in the next video!

SUBSCRIBE for more conscious PARENTING tips, PREGNANCY mindfulness tips, BIRTH mindset, growth mindset and how to teach emotional intelligence for children.

For more infomation >> Mindful Parenting (CHILD CRYING & ANXIOUS WHEN PET DIED) - Duration: 3:44.


Mike Posner - Song About You (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.

Mike Posner - Song About You (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018

For more infomation >> Mike Posner - Song About You (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:11.


Update Jane really hard to sit and tired so much,She touch her under cos hurt - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Update Jane really hard to sit and tired so much,She touch her under cos hurt - Duration: 3:24.


Sarah Palin Fires Back at "Saturday Night Live" for Mocking Wounded Veteran - Duration: 2:02.

In a social media message to Lorne Michaels, the creator and producer of Saturday Night

Live, Sarah Palin rebuked the popular show for its recent mockery of wounded veteran

and GOP candidate Dan Crenshaw.

The former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate said "I challenge you to wrestle

back control of the show," which she said he had "allowed to be hijacked by some pretty

sick – and boringly uncreative – young men."

"You're going down with the ship, Lorne," said Palin, who told the 73-year-old entertainment

pioneer that it is "Sad to see your life's work and worth crumble under the heartless


Palin's comments came as a harsh rebuke to Saturday's skit, in which Pete Davidson

mocked Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in an IED explosion in Afghanistan,

for his eyepatch, which he likened to a "hit-man" in an adult film.

From Fox News:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted "Saturday Night Live" creator and producer Lorne Michaels

after a comic on the show made fun of a Texas GOP congressional candidate who lost an eye

serving in Afghanistan.

Comedian Pete Davidson joked about retired Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw's eye patch, saying

he looks like a pirate in a pornographic film.

Davidson, 24, giggled afterwards, saying, "Sorry.

I know he lost his eye in war, or whatever."

"With all the grace I can muster I challenge you to wrestle back control of the show you'd

shepherded, but allowed to be hijacked by some pretty sick – and boringly uncreative

– young men," she said of Michaels, 73.

"You're going down with the ship, Lorne.

Sad to see your life's work and worth crumble under the heartless no-talents."

For more infomation >> Sarah Palin Fires Back at "Saturday Night Live" for Mocking Wounded Veteran - Duration: 2:02.


Shallow - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (A Star is Born) Fingerstyle Cover - Duration: 6:31.

When you're picking a song don't blindly just pick the notes but know the

general framework and how the chords play into the actual arrangement

It makes learning a song a lot easier

You'll know what the bass note is by the chord

Say if you were to play for somebody else and you're just strumming the chords

The pre-chorus would be: Am D G Em

The melody in this case could be...

To add this with the chord you have to change the chord or switch it around so

that your fingers are able to accomplish the melody the chord and the rhythm at

the same time. So in this case a minor the a minor chord higher up is...

If the chord is like this, I'm preserving the top strings like this but I'm also

preserving this note. And I have to play the melody with it which is...

For the D chord

you also want to play the melody that's...

The first note with the D chord

sounds like... and the equivalent of this is...

In order to play... I'll play this chord, the D chord plus the melody

Then the melody on the top string

For the G chord you want to play this melody

It's like...

If your fingers can't stretch this far you could also play up here so

this is a good thing about the guitar, because the guitar fretboard is continuous

and there's many ways you can play a certain chord and different melodies

according to your own liking.

From the previous chord it goes like...

and the E minor chord

Up here

it's played like this...

What happens is when you reach the top

This B note, you just have to complete the chord shape which was this...

Remember the chord was...

and keep picking the rhythm

It sounds like

That's all for today!

Please leave a comment if you have any questions

I'm gonna try to do

one of these tips at the end of every recover I do, so if you want to see more

tips please subscribe and good luck practicing!


For more infomation >> Shallow - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (A Star is Born) Fingerstyle Cover - Duration: 6:31.


If Diwali Was A Person 💥 | Rickshawali - Duration: 5:13.

Did you subscribe to my channel?

Wake up Anisha

Wake up

Why is the light so bright, What's happening

That's because Diwali has arrived

Hey Diwali where are you going

Please came back or else my leaves will be cancelled

Hey Anisha

Why are you sitting idle, draw some Rangoli

I don't know how to draw


Every year I bring happiness, gifts and light

Holidays and lot's of money

You can't draw a Rangoli for me?

Listen son

When are you coming back from college

Have to do cleaning for Diwali

Guests are coming


Can you here me?




Please leave, fire crackers are banned

What happened?


For what?


I can't eat any more

One last Ladoo

One More

One more Anisha one more

Thank God all the ladoo's are over

Now eat kaju katli

Oh my!

How was the video?

The golden costume that I was wearing, was brought from Japan

Just to make this video

Let me know how are you going to celebrate Diwali this year

Please don't burst crackers

It''s not good for our environment

If you do everything, all would be alright

For more infomation >> If Diwali Was A Person 💥 | Rickshawali - Duration: 5:13.


Silverberg Group & People Corp - Woohoo! - Duration: 3:27.

Hi. Allan Friesen here ,Employee Benefit Specialist with Silverberg group. You

might have heard of a partnership between Silverberg group and People

Corporation. I'm going to tell you a little bit more about that

but I want to interject with one thought for you to consider. What value really do

I provide for an employer, an employer who values their employees, what do I do

for them? So there's really three facets that I

bring to the table if you will . There's know- how and Know- how is really a function

of what I've learned from studying and continue to study and experience, right? I

tried this before, that was okay solution, here's even a better one right. So know

how one facet. Okay the second part in terms of , is access to solutions. So

the more solutions I have and understand that I can marry that solution up with

your needs as an employer, who values their employees, well the better off we

are right? And then the third part and I kind of love this phrase -it actually

came from a People Corp senior leader- and it was "jump to the pump" and

for many of you "jump to the pump" won't mean anything . But back in the day ,before

my time as well , they had service stations where you pull up and there were

like three people come out in uniforms and hats and bow ties and they would

check your oil and wash your windows and check your air pressure in your tires

and put $3 with a gas in or whatever you'd ask for. So it's like the epitome

of service or a service orientation - looking after your customers. So those

are really the three things that I have to offer employers who value their

employees in terms of assisting them with benefit programs and services that

contribute to the health and well-being of their employees . So now what does that

mean then in relation to People Corp? Okay so People Corporation is a large

firm ,publicly traded, their acquisitions or their partnerships that they've been

created in the past - all of those firms have done better than they did

previously. So that's pretty exciting but the big thing for me is access

to more tools and solutions. So it's going to take some learning of course to

get those things figured out but the more I learn the better that I can serve

you and that's embedded in my mission statement - to be on a continuing

education or continuing improvement type process. So you might be saying man

Friesen, you've been doing this a long time and how long will you

continue to do this work? And here's what I can tell you - so long as I can continue

to provide increasing value for my clients, I'm going to do this forever.

I'm going to do this - die with my boots on. That's my plan. Okay so if you want

any other information about the People Corp corporation partnership with

Silverberg group, I will gladly speak to you more at length about it. But in a very

short order I will have access to more tools , more solutions than I do now which

then allows me to better serve you. So a lot to learn, like Yoda "but learn them I must"

A Yoda to throw that in there as well right? Keep well. If I can help please do give

me a call. Thanks much

For more infomation >> Silverberg Group & People Corp - Woohoo! - Duration: 3:27.


Cruz, O'Rourke gearing up before Election Day - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Cruz, O'Rourke gearing up before Election Day - Duration: 3:23.


Negocios - Emprende con Servicio de Comida Para Oficina - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Negocios - Emprende con Servicio de Comida Para Oficina - Duration: 2:38.



For more infomation >> GANA MILLONES Y MILLONES ... TE HAGO UN FUERTE PACTO PARA QUE ASÍ SEA ! - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> LADY BEARS PRE NICHOLLS - Duration: 1:30.


Fiuk troca farpas com professora da 'Dança dos Famosos': ''Ridículo'' - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Fiuk troca farpas com professora da 'Dança dos Famosos': ''Ridículo'' - Duration: 1:55.


Sérgio Malheiros revela exigências de Sophia Abrahão e fala sobre cobrança - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Sérgio Malheiros revela exigências de Sophia Abrahão e fala sobre cobrança - Duration: 1:41.


Receitas Naturais para Emagrecer Rapidamente QUE VOCE NAO CONHECIA... - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Receitas Naturais para Emagrecer Rapidamente QUE VOCE NAO CONHECIA... - Duration: 7:54.


Disputa política entre famosos afeta programa de Márcio Garcia - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Disputa política entre famosos afeta programa de Márcio Garcia - Duration: 1:49.


Luísa Sonza se envolve em polêmica no Popstar e é detonada na web - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Luísa Sonza se envolve em polêmica no Popstar e é detonada na web - Duration: 2:08.


Defeat Korean defense industry! Sales and operating profit sharply decreased! - Duration: 6:14.

Korean Defense Industry Reduction! Export / operating profit shrinking drastically! (Translated by

I have found that the defense industry, which will maintain Korea's self defense, is in a downward trend.

Since the subsequent fraud has been rampant, strengthening regulations and surveillance has resulted in a contraction of the domestic industry.

LIG_Nex1, the top seller, posted an operating profit of W4.3bn against sales of W1.7trn. The operating margin is only 0.24%.

Exports were even worse, with a drastic drop of 34.5% last year. Large companies are also suffering, but small and medium defense industries are the same.

The government also has a reconciliation mood between the North and the South, and is considering further cutting down of conventional weapons.

As a result, the operation rate of factories is decreasing, and SMEs are chasing after the crisis of survival.

In recent years, it has failed to win an advanced trainer for the United States, and the marine accident has made the way to Philippine exports.

However, it is a bright news that exchange trade between Spanish transport aircraft and Korea's trainer has just emerged as a trainer business challenge.

There is also a voice saying that it can find a way to the European market.

Though the industry has invited such a situation from the beginning, there is no chance to make up for it, and there is a contradiction in the word self-defense.

Article Source:

Korea's reaction

I do not know what to do.

Stay tuned ... Because the constitution is low quality.

The government does not do anything right.

I was disciplined by putting my sins on my hands to raise my earnings.

Audit offices are also ministers.

They say that they will defend themselves against the military, and they take the hardest people. Mostly innocent.

Minsan, the hotbed of all kinds of irregularities, must be thoroughly examined and examined in the future.

So far, all the privileges and illegal living have reduced technology and competitiveness.

In this case, Minsan will have to completely improve its constitution.

If you reveal the corruption, it will not work because the business is shrinking ... Can you accept that you should continue cheating?

The reason why the defense industry is bogged down is that it is only aimed at the national support without the corruption and innovation of the defense companies.

In any area, it is necessary to point out the historical cohesion of the past.

It is said that investigating corruption is the cause of deteriorating performance.

When rationally considered, the reliability of domestic weapons has declined due to customary arson (as in the case of Suwon)

Is not that the logic that led to a decrease in earnings soon?

It costs me to go to the middle of it, and the quality goes up.

Everything about national defense is dying ... If there is no defense, there will be no future ...

These technicians will also buy from China.

Is only the defense industry retreating? Every industry is a bomb.

Why is the tram power back a sloppy and missile can not fire?

What good results have you got from supporting them with tax money?

Honestly, is there any thing that made the domestic title well?

Comment from:

Editing impressions (Japanese editor's thoughts)

It is inevitable that these evils will come out when correcting negative. It is the reason that I have been so unchalant so far.

However, it seems that the Korean government has suddenly strengthened regulations and cut off SMEs that can not cope with them.

From the beginning, Moon Jae-in may not be interested in national defense and defense industry upbringing there.

When I think about it, it seems like there was a bad news of the defense industry every week at the time of the Park Geun-hye regime.

When it became the Moon Jae-in regime, it became really quiet.

Because the regime has changed, I think that pus has come out to the end rather than what is the place of truth?

It seems that the defense industry and the regime have been deeply rooted in cohesion for a long time, and they have been coming out of the way very carefully.

I was looking for a cunning flaw after deployment because it was appropriate without being too detailed.

Now it is very strict, and LIG_Nex1, which developed multi-function radio in the previous time, was charged with delayed money of 66.6 billion won due to the delay of schedule.

It is because it is two years late, but it is worth seeing that LIG_Nex1 's operating profit last year was 4.6 billion won.

Regarding reinforcement of regulation and monitoring, thing which was so lukewarm until now is suddenly severe and is not coped with too much.

Moreover, it is considered that there is a problem such as the calculation of the cost and the delivery time which are not suitable to the technical level.

I think it would be right, but I think that it is undermining Korea's defense industry by promoting it at a rapid pace without understanding the phenomenon.

Only the enemy page so far has been a disaster in the industry because it pushes forward tense at the same time.

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For more infomation >> Defeat Korean defense industry! Sales and operating profit sharply decreased! - Duration: 6:14.


"Straciłam ciążę..." Poruszające wyznanie Edyty Górniak! Ostatni rok był wyjątkowo trudny dla artyst - Duration: 1:18.

 Poruszające wyznanie Edyty Górniak w Dzień Dobry TVN! W dzisiejszym wydaniu programu widzowie mogli zobaczyć wywiad z artystką, która opowiedziała o trudnych chwilach w swoim życiu

Piosenkarka zdradziła, że ostatni rok był dla niej wyjątkowy. Edyta Górniak po raz pierwszy przyznała, że była w ciąży! O tym, że jest w błogosławionym stanie wiedzieli tylko jej najbliżsi

Niestety, okazało się, że Edyta Górniak straciła długo wyczekiwane dziecko.  Zobaczcie, co powiedziała Edyta Górniak! Artystka w poruszajacym wywiadzie opowiedziała o trudnych i bolesnych doświadczeniach

 Jak poradziła sobie po stracie ciąży?  Zobacz także: Edyta Górniak zaskoczyławyznaniem w porannym programie

Diva chce wziąć kolejny ślub!  >>> NASTĘPNA STRONA >>>

For more infomation >> "Straciłam ciążę..." Poruszające wyznanie Edyty Górniak! Ostatni rok był wyjątkowo trudny dla artyst - Duration: 1:18.


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For more infomation >> 중3 영어 과외 하면서 공부하는 법을 알고싶다 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:30.


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Otro personaje más fuera: Lauren Cohan se va de The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:22.

Como muchos fans deben saber, Lauren Cohan se despidió de su personaje "Maggie" a principios de año, cuando se confirmó que solo participaría en unos pocos capítulos de la novena temporada, sin embargo, es hasta este momento que AMC confirma que el quinto capítulo, "What Comes After", es el último para Cohan… por ahora

La salida de la actriz, quien formó parte del elenco principal durante ocho años, tuvo varias razones, entre ellas el hecho de que no pudiera llegar a un acuerdo respecto a su salario y que además comenzará a trabajar en la serie Whiskey Cavalier, de ABC

Aun así, la showrunner del programa, Angela Kang, dijo en entrevista para The Hollywood Reporter que este no es el adiós definitivo de Maggie, sino que se trata de una pausa indefinida

"Este (capítulo) fue el último de ella esta temporada. Hemos estado hablando con Lauren y ojalá podamos contar más de su historia

Definitivamente tenemos algunas cosas bajo la manga que nos encantaría hacer. Mucho de esto son simplemente conversaciones de agenda, así que ojalá podamos resolver eso porque creo a amabas partes nos gustaría continuar con la historia de Maggie", dijo

Si entendemos bien, Maggie no regresaría necesariamente a la serie, aunque de hacerlo, no sucederá en un tiempo cercano

Sin embargo y a sabiendas de que los dueños de la franquicia de The Walking Dead pretenden expandirlo por mucho más tiempo, también es posible que veamos a Maggie aparece ya sea en una de las tres películas nuevas de Andrew Lincoln o incluso como protagonista de su propia película o serie

En su último capítulo, podemos ver a Maggie regresando a Alexandria con la intención de matar a Negan, el responsable de la muerte de su amado Glenn en la sexta temporada, pero al percatarse de las condiciones de éste, decide que el mejor castigo que puede tener dejarlo vivo y encerrado

Al final del episodio, la historia avanza seis años, mostrando a Judith (que ya tiene 10 años), salvando a un grupo de sobrevivientes; pero no hay más rastro de Maggie

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