I probably spend more money at Amazon than any other store in probably by a
wide margin and because I spent so much money Amazon it makes sense for me to
figure out how to save money when shopping on Amazon and so that's what
we're gonna talk about in this video we're gonna talk about eight practical
things that you can do and they actually work to save money when you're shopping
on Amazon so if that sounds good hang tight we're just about to start
all right so let's look at these eight different ways you can save a whole
bunch of money over at Amazon so if you are an Amazon shopper like I am there's
a whole lot of money that you could be saving and so let's dive right into the
first one and the first one is to save money on sales tax so if you happen to
live in a state where you have to pay sales tax at Amazon I don't know which
states at this point but it's you know spreading throughout the country and I
live in a state and in Tennessee where we do have to pay sales tax over at
Amazon and there's a way to get around that and I'm gonna show you exactly how
to do that and so basically what we do so we'll just go over here to this
particular item is an axe I bought a couple years ago and and so what you
want to do is you like if I just go over here and just buy this from Prime look
all these things he popping up it's gonna cost me 52 bucks and it's gonna
charge me sales tax on that item but if you come down to these new from whatever
that price is and click on this little thing you're gonna see other third-party
sellers who are selling it potentially from states where you wouldn't have to
pay sales tax so in this case if I buy it from Prime it's gonna be $52.68
plus $5.14 estimated sales tax I'd have to pay
now I could just buy this from this second seller right here
aardvark trading for $54.75 with no tax and
so just right there I'm saving close to probably would that be about $4
or something just by doing that and there's plenty of others in here who
aren't charging sales tax this one is but this one isn't this one's not so
there's just plenty of options and and even still this one this might be this
is pretty close this is probably a little bit more expensive but you
can just check if you're in one of those states where you have to pay sales tax
like this is something just to look at every time you buy something because it
might be a day or two more shipping but you know if you can avoid the sales tax
that's free money so why not all right and next up
is kind of using this tool called Earny and basically what this does is it it's
goes beyond Amazon a little bit but you sign up for this program it's free
program and they check your receipts via your inbox and so you know anytime we
get a purchase at Amazon or Target or wherever you'll normally get an email
receipt Earny looks at those and if the price
drops on anything they will help you get a refund on that difference and they
also will check your credit cards to see if you bought anything and they'll help
you kind of use your credit cards purchase protection plan that many of
them have I know mine is a 90-day purchase protection plan so if the price
drops or anything i buy the credit card will actually refund me the difference
and so Earny just takes care of all of that and and so I've recently signed up
I haven't really fully explored it but I'm really excited about it works really
similar to another program I use called Paribus which basically does the same
thing the two are really similar programs and I'm I don't know I'm pretty
excited about it I was a little bit nervous like any time I join one of these programs
I have to enter in all this information you know it makes me a little bit
nervous I care very much about my privacy and I you know don't want to be
hacked just like anybody else but I did some research on these guys I mean
they're a legit company I went over to the App Store here - they have a 4.6 rating
with over almost 10,000 ratings so it's like it's not some fly-by-night
company it just started yesterday so all-in-all I feel good about them I'm excited to
start using them and you know everything I've heard has been really good in terms
of like savings that people are getting I will probably create a separate video
for this as I get more data points to kind of share but it's one of those
things that can save us money on Amazon and you know I'm kind of excited about
so I'll pass along more information as I get it with them alright so number three
is Prime Student and so I think we all know that Amazon Prime is just one of
those great fantastic programs with lots of different features kind of all rolled
up into that one annual or monthly subscription depending on how you do that
but you may not know that students can get it for six months for free and so
you got to go to this page in order to do that and sign up as a student and
yeah like I mentioned before we'll have links down in the description below I'll
try to have them pop up above whenever possible but all the links to everything
we're talking about will be down in the description below and so if you're a student
this is definitely something to check out because you know you can do it for
the six month period and then cancel if you wanted to so it's six months free
Prime if nothing else alright next on the list is the Amazon Rewards Visa
Signature card and this is one that I use I have other credit cards that I use
I don't use this one I really like my Chase Sapphire Preferred because I like
our travel rewards and we use those and we use those really well and we've
gotten tons of travel and so it's been a major blessing for us so I don't use
this card but it is definitely way you can save some cash on Amazon so if you
happen to be a Prime member like you will get 5% back on Amazon if you are a
Prime member which you know 5% of all your purchases is really great even if
you're not you I believe should still be getting 3% back on Amazon and Whole
Foods anything you buy there and then 1% on all your other purchases and 2% on
some selects things so it's definitely a way to kind of get some cash back now I
will say the reviews on this card aren't amazing it's 4.2 out of 5 stars there's
a decent amount of one-star reviews so do your own digging see if it's
something you want to do but definitely a way to kind of save some cash over at
Amazon alright next one is this tool that I love this is so cool it's called
Camelcamelcamel and basically what you can do over here is kind of type in a
particular item that you're interested in buying and what they're gonna do is
they're gonna give you let me just get the URL of an item that we want to buy
say we want to buy this axe it's 52 dollars right now and I want to see if
that is the best price we can get on it so let me put that in here so just go
ahead and search and what it's gonna do is it's going to tell me
let me go to one year it's gonna show me the price that this axe has been and I
can kind of see the price that it's been in the past what it is currently I can
also see like third party used prices to see you know what those average prices
are so the average price for the third party used is $40 you know with Amazon
the new price it looks like it's the average it appears to be $56 and right
now it's 52 so that's pretty good but I've also seen that it's been as cheap
as $46 so back in May it was 46 dollars and so what you could do besides just
seeing that data you can actually set the price that you want so right now
it's $52.68 so I could say I'd love to get this but I'm
only gonna pay $45 for it so if it doesn't go any cheaper than that I'm
not gonna get it then you throw a new Twitter handle or you could enter in
your email address and just click start tracking and they will send you an email
whenever the price drops to that point and then you can buy it so it's just a
great way to get a lower price on whatever that item is and just kind of
if you know as long as you be patient to wait for that price to drop because
Amazon changes the prices all the time and so this is just a great tool to have
in your back pocket and next up is the Amazon Warehouse deals so you may not
know this but Amazon sells a lot of pre-owned items as well as items that
might have been returned from customers maybe just because they didn't want them
you know so nothing necessarily wrong with them and you can get some really
big discounts here as well sometimes Amazon will show these prices on the the
normal listing page you know so if you're looking at you know the Echo it
might have a little section down below where it shows a Warehouse Deal but you
can just come to this page and just kind of you know shop by category if you
wanted or if you're looking for something specific kind of dive in
deeper that way but this is great way to save some cash as well all right
next up is a program called Subscribe and Save just in case you're not
familiar you might be aware but basically if you subscribe to an item on
Amazon so for example maybe you want to buy toilet paper on Amazon and you can
subscribe to have them send a package of toilet paper every three months every
six months or whatever time you know frame you specify
I believe it's one month to six months you can pick any of those options and they
will send it to you automatically every whatever certain amount and you can
always change this and adjust this on the fly so they're not just gonna send
you a ton of them without having any control over it and if you do that if
you agree to subscribe to the item the first item normally is five percent off
the price and if you subscribe to up to five items per month they'll drop the
price by fifteen percent and so that turns out to be some pretty big savings
as long as you subscribe to two five items per month and we've done this and
it'll save a whole bunch of money and there's tons of stuff in here so for us
you know it's a lot of the household goods a lot of the stuff that we might
buy it you know Target or Walmart things like that you know toothpaste batteries
like I said toilet paper anything along those lines and really a lot of dry
foods we get from here as well and so it's just a great way to save some cash
and I actually did a breakdown comparing the prices of ten different items if we
would buy them at our local grocery store or Walmart versus the
Subscribe and Save price and in every instance except for one of these ten we
were saving money and for us it turned out to be with these particular ten
items and we actually have done this with way more than ten items and so your
savings can actually be a whole lot higher but for us it netted out to be a
$290 savings over the course of that year just by doing that so Kleenex was
one of the items that actually was a little bit cheaper at the grocery store
for whatever reason but all these other items actually were cheaper over using
the Amazon Subscribe and Save Program so that's definitely something to consider
as well the other thing is you don't have to go to the store you know so like
I haven't driven to the store to get paper towels or toilet paper or any of
these items in a long long time so it saves me a trip it makes my life a bit
more convenient because it comes to me instead of me having to go out
and get it so anyway not to mention the money
savings as well alright next on the list is Amazon Coupons and so you may not
know this and you might have seen this on certain items but Amazon occasionally
has coupons available for different things and so you can
over to this page and we'll have this linked up down below so you can get over
there and you can just clip a coupon for whatever it is so say you want to give
these Bounty paper towels you can just clip the coupon and then whenever you
buy it it's just going to knock that amount off of your purchase price so
it's just really really simple and sometimes you'll be shopping for an
actual item and and just be looking for this because sometimes they have the
coupon on the item page itself and so be keeping an eye out for that
whenever you're shopping on Amazon but you can come to this page directly and
just kind of you know peruse through just like when you get the coupons in
your weekly mail at home so another thing to consider alright and then one
last trick that you can do if you so this is just my book and I'll just come
over here and if you come down here scroll on down it's pretty far down here
right down here underneath the product details or whatever the product is
Amazon has an option to tell them about a lower price now this actually has to
be something that you found you can't just make this up they're gonna check
but say you found my book somewhere for cheaper for paperback is $14.99 say you
found it over at Barnes & Noble and they're selling it for $12.99 like what
you want to do is come tell Amazon that and click this little link you can tell
them I saw it over at Barnes & Noble and then tell them you know the price and
the date you saw it and you can submit that in and what happens a lot of
times Amazon will go they'll confirm it they're not just gonna take your word
for it yeah it's free I saw it for free but they'll confirm that and then once
they do Amazon wants to be the lowest price they don't want to bebe beat out
they don't hit it didn't want anyone to have a lower price on any item really
than them so they lower that price to whatever anyone else is selling it at
and I've seen this happen and actually happen with one of my other books as
well because somebody else was selling it for a lower price and Amazon lowered
it and matched it so if you do find a price on something and you don't want to
buy it from that store just submit it over to Amazon let them know that it's
the ex price over at this store and wait a couple days and oftentimes you'll see
that price come down to match that other price you saw so anyway hope you found
this helpful these are eight of my favorite kind of Amazon shopping hacks
and how I save some money over at Amazon
all right well thank you for watching
hope you found this video helpful and if you did who would love it if you give us
a thumbs up and also let me know which one of these eight you were going to try
out and maybe you're gonna try out multiple ones so just leave the number
down in the comment section down below so we can hear which one are resonating
with you the most and if you're looking for more ways to save money I'm gonna
point you to this video we did where you can save up to about $400 a month just
by doing these five things and I promise you some of these are very uncommon
things you've never heard before so definitely check that video out if
you're looking to save a little bit more money and that's all for today so have a
great rest of your day and I'll see you in the next video
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