Monday, November 5, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 6 2018

R. Jai Gillum, Andrew Gillum's Wife: 5 Fast Facts to Know |

Jai Gillum is the wife of Mayor Andrew Gillum, who is  running for governor of Florida in one of the most contested gubernatorial races of the year. According to Tallahassee Magazine, R.

Jai Gillum is an executive director of United Way of the Big Bend's The BEST Project, which "helps people achieve long-term financial stability and quality of life through services such as tax preparation help.".

Gillum is one year older than her husband.

When he proposed, he reportedly asked her to be his "life partner" rather than his "wife.".

Here's what you need to know.

Jai & Andrew Gillum First Met in Florida A&M's Student Government.

According to The New Yorker, the power couple first met while participating in student government at Florida A&M, though they wouldn't date for several more years.

To Tallahassee Magazine, Andrew Gillum revealed that he first flirted with her by penalizing her for wearing a "short skirt" to student government, but she wasn't pleased by that.

They reportedly met again in 2003, and Gillum gave her his home phone number, which R.

Jai Gillum promptly ignored.

She said, "I didn't think he was serious.

He was wearing both of his cell phones, and then he gave me his home phone number.

I said, 'Anyone with two cell phones is never at home.'".

The Gillums were finally arranged by mentors from college, according to Tallahassee Magazine, and their first date took place at Bennigans, which they now refer to as "the first date that never ended.

Jai Gillum Has Defined Her Two Biggest Passions to Be 'Unmet Health Needs: Dental & Mental'.

Jai currently runs the Foundation for Florida Dental Association.

To First Coast Today, she said that her largest platform as first lady of the state of Florida would be to address what she believes are the two biggest "unmet health needs" for the people of Florida: dental issues and mental issues.

As Gillum's campaign for governor has begun to near the final election, R.

Jai has become more outspoken about her husband's campaign.

To First Coast News, she said of her husband's rallies, "I look out into the audience and it's so diverse and there are multiple people in tears as he's speaking, and that was a sobering moment for me.

I teased him.

I said it was like being at a Michael Jackson concert and then I laughed.".

She added.

"On November 6 we don't want tears and people feeling like we didn't do all that we could do but also knowing that we're carrying a lot of hopes and dreams for a lot of other folks and we just want to do right by them as much as we can.".

Andrew Gillum Describes His Wife as 'the Epitome of Grace'.

In a video titled "Meet Florida's Next First Lady, R.

Jai Gillum," Andrew Gillum said of his wife, "R.

Jai is, I think, the epitome of grace, really in all ways.

And I've known that about her from the very, very beginning.

I think she cares deeply about not only our family, but she cares deeply about any causes she's ever been involved with.".

As for his wife, she seems to reciprocate that respect and appreciation for her husband.

To First Coast Today, R.

Jai noted that her husband did confer with her before deciding to run for governor, but that she never would have stood in his way.

She said, "We did have some conversations about, 'well what do you think about governor?' And I was pregnant at the time so it was a fun conversation.".

She added, "I appreciated that he asked me but I also knew it wasn't a question for me to say no to.

I think that Andrew is destined to do what he's doing.

I would have never forgiven myself if I stood in the way of that.".

When asked about her husband's role as a father, R.

Jai Gillum said, "Andrew is a really great dad, he's making sure that this campaign doesn't affect our family time and our family life.".

Jai also described her husbands dance moves, she said, "He's a great dancer! He's a better dancer than I am.".

Jai Gillum Hosted a 'Women for Andrew Gillum' Event.

In a video that revealed R.

Jai Gillum hosting a "Women for Andrew Gillum" event, Gillum said, "Yes I know that African-Americans will be proud to have the first African-American Governor.

I think women would be proud to have a woman Governor.

But that is not why an educated electorate picks their leaders.

They don't just pick and choose for those reasons.".

Gillum continued later in the video, "People are realizing that, 'Time's up,' we got to do something different.

And I think there's at least an ear for those different ideas.".

Jai and Andrew Gillum Have Twins Named Caroline & Jackson, & a Baby Boy Named Davis.

Jai and Andrew Gillum have two twins together named Caroline and Jackson.

Prior to their marriage, Andrew Gillum's proposal was intended to be straight out of a fairytale, but to Tallahassee Magazine, he revealed that it didn't exactly turn out that way.

Gillum said, "There was this one place, Larson Family (Winery), where you could horseback ride through the vineyard.

So I convinced her that we were going to go here and take a horseback ride.

The guy (was) there in advance and had set up a table and two chairs with some wine out in the vineyard. The horses were so familiar with a certain route that when they got out there and saw the tablecloths, the horses freaked out.".

At that, point, R.

Jai realized what was going on.

Gillum said, "I got down on one knee and asked her if she would be my life partner.

She said yes.".

The couple has reportedly had some issues with conceiving children, but R.

Jai finally gave birth to the twins on May 19, 2014.

Then, in May 2017, they announced the birth of a baby boy, Davis Allen Gillum. .

To First Coast News, R.

Jai talked about the challenges she faced spiritually when she struggled to conceive.

She said, "Something like this really tests your faith.

We were able to get pregnant and experienced four miscarriages.

Three in one year so that was a really tough experience.".

For more infomation >> R. Jai Gillum, Andrew Gillum's Wife: 5 Fast Facts to Know | - Duration: 10:37.


Volvo V40 T4 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 T4 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 0:56.


Volvo V40 D3 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D3 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 1:11.


Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 7 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 7 - Duration: 5:14.


ホンダの米国部門、『シビックハッチバック』(Honda Civic Hatchback)と『シビックタイプR』(Honda Civic Type R)の2019年モデルを発売した - Duration: 5:33.

ホンダの米国部門、アメリカンホンダは11月3日、『 シビックハッチバック』(Honda Civic Hatchback)と『シビックタイプR』(Ho nda Civic Type R)の2019年モ デルを発売した。

シビックハッチバックとシビックタイプRの2019年 モデルでは、インテリアを中心にアップデートが施さ れた。

ディスプレイオーディオシステムを新デザインとし、新 しいインターフェースを導入する。 Bluetoot h機能も性能を引き上げた。

Appleの「CarPlay」とグーグルの「And roid Auto」にも対応する。 ステアリングコ ントロールスイッチも新デザインとなり、より直感的 な操作性を追求した。

音声認識機能の性能向上、電気式パーキングブレーキの インジケータ追加、カップホルダーの大型化などの改 良も施されている。

シビックハッチバックの2019年モデルには、ホンダ の先進運転支援システム(ADAS)、「ホンダセン シング」の最新版を搭載する。

ホンダセンシングは、ミリ波レーダーと単眼カメラによ る車両前方の状況認識とブレーキ、ステアリングの制 御技術が協調することで、運転や事故回避を支援する 先進運転支援システムだ。

衝突軽減ブレーキシステム(CMBS)、車線逸脱警告 、低速追従が可能なアダプティブクルーズコントロー ル、交通標識認知機能、レーンキーピングアシスト、 前方衝突警告、「レーンウォッチ」と呼ばれるサイド ビューカメラなどが用意される。

シビックハッチバックのパワートレインには、直噴1. 5リットル直列4気筒ガソリンターボエンジンを搭載 する。

このエンジンには、高効率な過給を実現する吸排気デュ アルVTCや電動ウェイストゲート付ターボチャージ ャーを採用した。

最大出力は174hp/6000rpm、最大トルクは 22.4kgm/1800-5500rpmを引き出 す。 1.5ターボは排気量をダウンサイズしながら、 自然吸気の2.4リットルを上回るトルクを獲得した 。

この直噴1.5リットル直列4気筒ガソリンターボエン ジンの174hp仕様は、入門グレードの「LX」と 「EX」、中級グレードの「EX-L」と「EX-L ナビ」の4グレードに搭載する。

上級グレードの「スポーツ」と「スポーツツーリング」 では、最大出力が180hpに引き上げられる。

また、1.5ターボのトランスミッションは、CVTが 基本とした。 このCVTはアクセル操作に対してリニ アな加速Gを生む変速制御技術の「Gデザインシフト 」によって、ターボラグを感じさせないパワフルな加 速フィールや静粛性を追求する。

スポーツグレードには6速MTも設定する。 6速MTは シンクロナイザー機構の形状のチューニングにより、 スムーズで気持ちの良いシフトフィールを追求した。

米国EPA(環境保護局)燃費は、LXグレードの場合 、市街地13.2km/リットル、高速17km/リ ットル、複合モード14.5km/リットルと公表さ れている。

「タイプR」の2019年モデルでは、ボディカラーに 、新色のソニックグレイパールを設定した。 シビック タイプRには、直噴2.0リットル直列4気筒ガソリ ン「VTECターボ」エンジンを積む。

米国仕様の場合、最大出力306hp/6500rpm 、最大トルク40.8kgm/2500~4500r pmを引き出す。 トランスミッションは、レブマッチ 機能付きの6速MTを組み合わせる。

サスペンションは、コンフォート、スポーツ、+Rモー ドが切り替えられる。

米国EPA(環境保護局)燃費は、市街地9.4km/ リットル、高速11.9km/リットル、複合モード 10.6km/リットルと公表されている。

なお、アメリカンホンダは、2019年モデルのシビッ クハッチバックのベース価格を、2万1450ドル( 約242万円)に設定する。

シビックタイプR、シビックハッチバックともに、生産 はホンダの英国スウィンドン工場で行われる。 タイプ Rのエンジンは、米国オハイオ州のアンナ工場で組み 立てられる。

For more infomation >> ホンダの米国部門、『シビックハッチバック』(Honda Civic Hatchback)と『シビックタイプR』(Honda Civic Type R)の2019年モデルを発売した - Duration: 5:33.


《凉生》姜生在剧中和程天佑虐恋,在现实生活中却嫁给了爱情 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 《凉生》姜生在剧中和程天佑虐恋,在现实生活中却嫁给了爱情 - Duration: 4:26.


9.5 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 9.5 - Duration: 5:02.


UNL未勝利のW杯準優勝クロアチア、スペイン&イングランド戦の招集メンバー発表 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> UNL未勝利のW杯準優勝クロアチア、スペイン&イングランド戦の招集メンバー発表 - Duration: 1:24.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI BlueMotion / 5drs / Airco /1e eigenaar !! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI BlueMotion / 5drs / Airco /1e eigenaar !! - Duration: 1:05.


Skip pulls e-scooters on rainy days - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Skip pulls e-scooters on rainy days - Duration: 2:25.


A Fazenda tem festa com tema Viking e Nadja Pessoa exagera na bebida - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda tem festa com tema Viking e Nadja Pessoa exagera na bebida - Duration: 2:14.


Faustão dá suposta alfinetada em Bolsonaro e manda recado de alerta - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Faustão dá suposta alfinetada em Bolsonaro e manda recado de alerta - Duration: 1:59.


Las dos razones que ayudarían a Yaritza Owen a alcanzar el triunfo en NBL | NBL - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Las dos razones que ayudarían a Yaritza Owen a alcanzar el triunfo en NBL | NBL - Duration: 0:46.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Limousine Automaat | Comand | Multibeam | Parkpilot - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Limousine Automaat | Comand | Multibeam | Parkpilot - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:07.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 68PK 5D ACTIVE *garantie / beurt en APK* - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 68PK 5D ACTIVE *garantie / beurt en APK* - Duration: 1:11.


Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino di nuovo insieme: ecco la reazione di Andrea Iannone - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino di nuovo insieme: ecco la reazione di Andrea Iannone - Duration: 2:41.


杨紫再穿棉服走机场,换成肥大款竟然更好看,堪称行走的大棉被! - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 杨紫再穿棉服走机场,换成肥大款竟然更好看,堪称行走的大棉被! - Duration: 4:14.


8 Amazon Savings Hacks - Duration: 14:00.

I probably spend more money at Amazon than any other store in probably by a

wide margin and because I spent so much money Amazon it makes sense for me to

figure out how to save money when shopping on Amazon and so that's what

we're gonna talk about in this video we're gonna talk about eight practical

things that you can do and they actually work to save money when you're shopping

on Amazon so if that sounds good hang tight we're just about to start

all right so let's look at these eight different ways you can save a whole

bunch of money over at Amazon so if you are an Amazon shopper like I am there's

a whole lot of money that you could be saving and so let's dive right into the

first one and the first one is to save money on sales tax so if you happen to

live in a state where you have to pay sales tax at Amazon I don't know which

states at this point but it's you know spreading throughout the country and I

live in a state and in Tennessee where we do have to pay sales tax over at

Amazon and there's a way to get around that and I'm gonna show you exactly how

to do that and so basically what we do so we'll just go over here to this

particular item is an axe I bought a couple years ago and and so what you

want to do is you like if I just go over here and just buy this from Prime look

all these things he popping up it's gonna cost me 52 bucks and it's gonna

charge me sales tax on that item but if you come down to these new from whatever

that price is and click on this little thing you're gonna see other third-party

sellers who are selling it potentially from states where you wouldn't have to

pay sales tax so in this case if I buy it from Prime it's gonna be $52.68

plus $5.14 estimated sales tax I'd have to pay

now I could just buy this from this second seller right here

aardvark trading for $54.75 with no tax and

so just right there I'm saving close to probably would that be about $4

or something just by doing that and there's plenty of others in here who

aren't charging sales tax this one is but this one isn't this one's not so

there's just plenty of options and and even still this one this might be this

is pretty close this is probably a little bit more expensive but you

can just check if you're in one of those states where you have to pay sales tax

like this is something just to look at every time you buy something because it

might be a day or two more shipping but you know if you can avoid the sales tax

that's free money so why not all right and next up

is kind of using this tool called Earny and basically what this does is it it's

goes beyond Amazon a little bit but you sign up for this program it's free

program and they check your receipts via your inbox and so you know anytime we

get a purchase at Amazon or Target or wherever you'll normally get an email

receipt Earny looks at those and if the price

drops on anything they will help you get a refund on that difference and they

also will check your credit cards to see if you bought anything and they'll help

you kind of use your credit cards purchase protection plan that many of

them have I know mine is a 90-day purchase protection plan so if the price

drops or anything i buy the credit card will actually refund me the difference

and so Earny just takes care of all of that and and so I've recently signed up

I haven't really fully explored it but I'm really excited about it works really

similar to another program I use called Paribus which basically does the same

thing the two are really similar programs and I'm I don't know I'm pretty

excited about it I was a little bit nervous like any time I join one of these programs

I have to enter in all this information you know it makes me a little bit

nervous I care very much about my privacy and I you know don't want to be

hacked just like anybody else but I did some research on these guys I mean

they're a legit company I went over to the App Store here - they have a 4.6 rating

with over almost 10,000 ratings so it's like it's not some fly-by-night

company it just started yesterday so all-in-all I feel good about them I'm excited to

start using them and you know everything I've heard has been really good in terms

of like savings that people are getting I will probably create a separate video

for this as I get more data points to kind of share but it's one of those

things that can save us money on Amazon and you know I'm kind of excited about

so I'll pass along more information as I get it with them alright so number three

is Prime Student and so I think we all know that Amazon Prime is just one of

those great fantastic programs with lots of different features kind of all rolled

up into that one annual or monthly subscription depending on how you do that

but you may not know that students can get it for six months for free and so

you got to go to this page in order to do that and sign up as a student and

yeah like I mentioned before we'll have links down in the description below I'll

try to have them pop up above whenever possible but all the links to everything

we're talking about will be down in the description below and so if you're a student

this is definitely something to check out because you know you can do it for

the six month period and then cancel if you wanted to so it's six months free

Prime if nothing else alright next on the list is the Amazon Rewards Visa

Signature card and this is one that I use I have other credit cards that I use

I don't use this one I really like my Chase Sapphire Preferred because I like

our travel rewards and we use those and we use those really well and we've

gotten tons of travel and so it's been a major blessing for us so I don't use

this card but it is definitely way you can save some cash on Amazon so if you

happen to be a Prime member like you will get 5% back on Amazon if you are a

Prime member which you know 5% of all your purchases is really great even if

you're not you I believe should still be getting 3% back on Amazon and Whole

Foods anything you buy there and then 1% on all your other purchases and 2% on

some selects things so it's definitely a way to kind of get some cash back now I

will say the reviews on this card aren't amazing it's 4.2 out of 5 stars there's

a decent amount of one-star reviews so do your own digging see if it's

something you want to do but definitely a way to kind of save some cash over at

Amazon alright next one is this tool that I love this is so cool it's called

Camelcamelcamel and basically what you can do over here is kind of type in a

particular item that you're interested in buying and what they're gonna do is

they're gonna give you let me just get the URL of an item that we want to buy

say we want to buy this axe it's 52 dollars right now and I want to see if

that is the best price we can get on it so let me put that in here so just go

ahead and search and what it's gonna do is it's going to tell me

let me go to one year it's gonna show me the price that this axe has been and I

can kind of see the price that it's been in the past what it is currently I can

also see like third party used prices to see you know what those average prices

are so the average price for the third party used is $40 you know with Amazon

the new price it looks like it's the average it appears to be $56 and right

now it's 52 so that's pretty good but I've also seen that it's been as cheap

as $46 so back in May it was 46 dollars and so what you could do besides just

seeing that data you can actually set the price that you want so right now

it's $52.68 so I could say I'd love to get this but I'm

only gonna pay $45 for it so if it doesn't go any cheaper than that I'm

not gonna get it then you throw a new Twitter handle or you could enter in

your email address and just click start tracking and they will send you an email

whenever the price drops to that point and then you can buy it so it's just a

great way to get a lower price on whatever that item is and just kind of

if you know as long as you be patient to wait for that price to drop because

Amazon changes the prices all the time and so this is just a great tool to have

in your back pocket and next up is the Amazon Warehouse deals so you may not

know this but Amazon sells a lot of pre-owned items as well as items that

might have been returned from customers maybe just because they didn't want them

you know so nothing necessarily wrong with them and you can get some really

big discounts here as well sometimes Amazon will show these prices on the the

normal listing page you know so if you're looking at you know the Echo it

might have a little section down below where it shows a Warehouse Deal but you

can just come to this page and just kind of you know shop by category if you

wanted or if you're looking for something specific kind of dive in

deeper that way but this is great way to save some cash as well all right

next up is a program called Subscribe and Save just in case you're not

familiar you might be aware but basically if you subscribe to an item on

Amazon so for example maybe you want to buy toilet paper on Amazon and you can

subscribe to have them send a package of toilet paper every three months every

six months or whatever time you know frame you specify

I believe it's one month to six months you can pick any of those options and they

will send it to you automatically every whatever certain amount and you can

always change this and adjust this on the fly so they're not just gonna send

you a ton of them without having any control over it and if you do that if

you agree to subscribe to the item the first item normally is five percent off

the price and if you subscribe to up to five items per month they'll drop the

price by fifteen percent and so that turns out to be some pretty big savings

as long as you subscribe to two five items per month and we've done this and

it'll save a whole bunch of money and there's tons of stuff in here so for us

you know it's a lot of the household goods a lot of the stuff that we might

buy it you know Target or Walmart things like that you know toothpaste batteries

like I said toilet paper anything along those lines and really a lot of dry

foods we get from here as well and so it's just a great way to save some cash

and I actually did a breakdown comparing the prices of ten different items if we

would buy them at our local grocery store or Walmart versus the

Subscribe and Save price and in every instance except for one of these ten we

were saving money and for us it turned out to be with these particular ten

items and we actually have done this with way more than ten items and so your

savings can actually be a whole lot higher but for us it netted out to be a

$290 savings over the course of that year just by doing that so Kleenex was

one of the items that actually was a little bit cheaper at the grocery store

for whatever reason but all these other items actually were cheaper over using

the Amazon Subscribe and Save Program so that's definitely something to consider

as well the other thing is you don't have to go to the store you know so like

I haven't driven to the store to get paper towels or toilet paper or any of

these items in a long long time so it saves me a trip it makes my life a bit

more convenient because it comes to me instead of me having to go out

and get it so anyway not to mention the money

savings as well alright next on the list is Amazon Coupons and so you may not

know this and you might have seen this on certain items but Amazon occasionally

has coupons available for different things and so you can

over to this page and we'll have this linked up down below so you can get over

there and you can just clip a coupon for whatever it is so say you want to give

these Bounty paper towels you can just clip the coupon and then whenever you

buy it it's just going to knock that amount off of your purchase price so

it's just really really simple and sometimes you'll be shopping for an

actual item and and just be looking for this because sometimes they have the

coupon on the item page itself and so be keeping an eye out for that

whenever you're shopping on Amazon but you can come to this page directly and

just kind of you know peruse through just like when you get the coupons in

your weekly mail at home so another thing to consider alright and then one

last trick that you can do if you so this is just my book and I'll just come

over here and if you come down here scroll on down it's pretty far down here

right down here underneath the product details or whatever the product is

Amazon has an option to tell them about a lower price now this actually has to

be something that you found you can't just make this up they're gonna check

but say you found my book somewhere for cheaper for paperback is $14.99 say you

found it over at Barnes & Noble and they're selling it for $12.99 like what

you want to do is come tell Amazon that and click this little link you can tell

them I saw it over at Barnes & Noble and then tell them you know the price and

the date you saw it and you can submit that in and what happens a lot of

times Amazon will go they'll confirm it they're not just gonna take your word

for it yeah it's free I saw it for free but they'll confirm that and then once

they do Amazon wants to be the lowest price they don't want to bebe beat out

they don't hit it didn't want anyone to have a lower price on any item really

than them so they lower that price to whatever anyone else is selling it at

and I've seen this happen and actually happen with one of my other books as

well because somebody else was selling it for a lower price and Amazon lowered

it and matched it so if you do find a price on something and you don't want to

buy it from that store just submit it over to Amazon let them know that it's

the ex price over at this store and wait a couple days and oftentimes you'll see

that price come down to match that other price you saw so anyway hope you found

this helpful these are eight of my favorite kind of Amazon shopping hacks

and how I save some money over at Amazon

all right well thank you for watching

hope you found this video helpful and if you did who would love it if you give us

a thumbs up and also let me know which one of these eight you were going to try

out and maybe you're gonna try out multiple ones so just leave the number

down in the comment section down below so we can hear which one are resonating

with you the most and if you're looking for more ways to save money I'm gonna

point you to this video we did where you can save up to about $400 a month just

by doing these five things and I promise you some of these are very uncommon

things you've never heard before so definitely check that video out if

you're looking to save a little bit more money and that's all for today so have a

great rest of your day and I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> 8 Amazon Savings Hacks - Duration: 14:00.


1999 FIFA Confederations Cup: Mexico Winner - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 1999 FIFA Confederations Cup: Mexico Winner - Duration: 4:11.


Il Segreto anticipazioni, dal 10 al 16 novembre 2018: Alfonso ed Emilia verranno fucilati? - Duration: 10:22.

 Il Segreto non ha mai avuto trame più ricche di intrecci e novità incredibili come quelle della settimana che vi stiamo per raccontare

Alfonso ed Emilia rischieranno di venire giustiziati. Francisca non si troverà, dove sarà finita la belva di Puente Viejo? Tra tutto il dolore che gli abitanti della cittadina spagnola stanno costantemente sopportando, almeno gli eredi Miramar aggiungeranno ilarità e frizzanti, nonché senza senso innovazioni ed intenti

Che escogiteranno durante la prossima settimana? Vediamo tutte le anticipazioni relative alla Soap di Aurora Guerra relative alla settimana che va al 12 al 16 novembre 2018

Il Segreto, anticipazioni e trame: nuovi problemi per Alfonso ed Emilia  Prima di raccontarvi quanto succederà durante la settimana dal 12 al 16 novembre 2018, vedremo in questo articolo alcuni preamboli sulla puntata di sabato 10 c

m., utili per la comprensione degli avvenimenti futuri.  Sabato, 10 novembre 2018  Alfonso non riuscirà a sopportare psicologicamente i traumi dovuti a ciò di cui sente che verrà a conoscenza

La prigione ha segnato la sua vita e quella di Emilia. Entrambi hanno subito violenze e la figlia di Raimundo si ritroverà incinta

 In tutto questo il Generale ha fatto centro, il rapporto dei due locandieri verrà messo duramente alla prova

Julieta sarà terrorizzata dal marito, i suoi occhi le esprimeranno un così grande odio che la giovane deciderà di lasciare Puente Viejo

 Ancora una volta i Mirañar vedranno fallire il loro piano lavorativo. Hipólito ed Onesimo, come sempre hanno mostreranno di avere molta fantasia, ma pochissimo cervello

Come reagirà Dolores?    Lunedì, 12 novembre 2018  Il giorno d'inizio di questa nuova settimana della soap iberica vedrà Onesimo felicissimo dell'incarico che si assumerà

 L'emporio infatti verrà riaperto e si dovrà preparare una grande festa per l'occasione

Riuscirà lo strampalato Miramar a raggiungere l'obbiettivo, senza combinare disastri?  Prudencio tramerà strategie di vendetta nei confronti della sua sposa e del fratello

Egli arriverà a dare a Severo un misterioso pacchettino. Donna Francisca scomparirà nel nulla e Raimundo incaricherà il fido Mauricio di cercarla

 Saul e Julieta scapperanno da Puente Viejo. Meliton si recherà in veste ufficiale da nonna Consuelo e chiederà di poter parlare con Julieta

Anticipazioni Il Segreto: Un mandato di arresto per Julieta  Martedì, 13 novembre 2018 – puntata pomeridiana su Canale 5  Scopriremo che Meliton andrà da Consuelo con un mandato di arresto per Julieta

Naturalmente Prudencio sta tramando contro il fratello e la donna che non si è concessa a lui

 L'Ufficiale non la troverà e si metterà alla sua ricerca nella cittadina ed in tutta la zona circostante

La Uriarte ricordiamo ha subito un tentativo di violenza da suo marito ed è immediatamente corsa tra le braccia di Saul

 I due si sono sistemati quindi da Consuelo, ma il loro intento è sempre stato di fuggire da Puente Viejo, fatto che Prudencio sospetterà e non sarà mai in grado di concedere

   Martedì, 13 novembre 2018 – Rete 4 ore 21,25  Duplice appuntamento per la soap il Segreto che nell'episodio serale, trasmesso da Rete 4, mostrerà altri problemi

Severo infatti nutre dubbi sulla giornalista che si è presentata a Puente Viejo e gli ha posto troppe domande

Vicino a lui però l'amico Carmelo cercherà di ascoltare ed indagare.  Severo cercherà di non rimanere da solo con Irene e confiderà al fido Carmelo Leal i sospetti sulla donna

Nel frattempo la Montenegro non si troverà e l'Ulloa con Mauricio non sapranno darsi pace

 Mercoledì, 14 novembre 2018  Il generale otterrà ciò che aveva promesso, starà per fucilare Alfonso ed Emilia

Proprio un istante prima, arriverà l'Alto Commissario Padial che arresterà Perez de Ayala

Alfonso ed Emilia colpevoli di non avere svelato dove si trovano Matias e Marcela sono finiti in carcere senza alcuna colpa

 La permanenza in prigione sarà una vendetta a carico di Emilia e Alfonso. I due

con l'intervento del Commissario Padial deporranno dal giudice, ma la buona locandiera non racconterà tutto ciò che è accaduto mentre era in carcere

 Giovedì, 15 novembre 2018  Diego, il fratello di Samuel, arriverà ad Acacias e, come abbiamo accennato farà colpo immediatamente su Blanca

Úrsula avrà paura che il nuovo arrivato sia in grado di scombussolare i suoi piani

 Arturo svelerà a Ramón che Antoñito lo ha truffato e gli comunicherà di volerlo sfidare a duello

Antoñito si scontrerà con il padre, ma accetterà la sfida.  Julieta finirà in prigione, ma solo Meliton ne conoscerà il motivo

Francisca è sparita, Raimundo e Mauricio si sentiranno impotenti.  Emilia chiederà a Tiburcio di aiutarla ad imparare l'uso del pugnale

Prudencio, preso di mira dalle domande di Saul, getterà rivelerà il suo vero carattere malvagio

   Venerdì, 16 novembre 2018  A Puente Viejo verrà organizzata una raccolta fondi per ottenere un legale per aiutare Julieta di prigione Julieta

 Raimundo chiederà a don Anselmo di poter parlare con Alfonso ed Emilia. Severo si riavvicinerà ad Irene e i due si chiariranno

 Julieta riuscirà a corrompere la guardia della sua cella e farà consegnare un messaggio a Saul

Alfonso proverà di nuovo a spingere Emilia a raccontargli quanto accaduto in prigione

 Nella soap Il Segreto, proprio Emilia confesserà qualche cosa di molto grave, a presto per nuove anticipazioni!!!

For more infomation >> Il Segreto anticipazioni, dal 10 al 16 novembre 2018: Alfonso ed Emilia verranno fucilati? - Duration: 10:22.


スバル、完成車検査問題で10万台を追加リコール 不適切行為の終了期間にずれ判明 - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> スバル、完成車検査問題で10万台を追加リコール 不適切行為の終了期間にずれ判明 - Duration: 2:02.


Cha Com Casca de Marapuama Pra Ejaculação Precoce e Suas Causas - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Cha Com Casca de Marapuama Pra Ejaculação Precoce e Suas Causas - Duration: 2:12.


Ejaculação Precoce Tratamento Caseiro Que Você Não Conhecia - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Ejaculação Precoce Tratamento Caseiro Que Você Não Conhecia - Duration: 2:00.


3 Métodos INFALÍVEIS para Superar a Disfunção Erétil - Duration: 13:15.

For more infomation >> 3 Métodos INFALÍVEIS para Superar a Disfunção Erétil - Duration: 13:15.


R. Jai Gillum, Andrew Gillum's Wife: 5 Fast Facts to Know | - Duration: 10:37.

R. Jai Gillum, Andrew Gillum's Wife: 5 Fast Facts to Know |

Jai Gillum is the wife of Mayor Andrew Gillum, who is  running for governor of Florida in one of the most contested gubernatorial races of the year. According to Tallahassee Magazine, R.

Jai Gillum is an executive director of United Way of the Big Bend's The BEST Project, which "helps people achieve long-term financial stability and quality of life through services such as tax preparation help.".

Gillum is one year older than her husband.

When he proposed, he reportedly asked her to be his "life partner" rather than his "wife.".

Here's what you need to know.

Jai & Andrew Gillum First Met in Florida A&M's Student Government.

According to The New Yorker, the power couple first met while participating in student government at Florida A&M, though they wouldn't date for several more years.

To Tallahassee Magazine, Andrew Gillum revealed that he first flirted with her by penalizing her for wearing a "short skirt" to student government, but she wasn't pleased by that.

They reportedly met again in 2003, and Gillum gave her his home phone number, which R.

Jai Gillum promptly ignored.

She said, "I didn't think he was serious.

He was wearing both of his cell phones, and then he gave me his home phone number.

I said, 'Anyone with two cell phones is never at home.'".

The Gillums were finally arranged by mentors from college, according to Tallahassee Magazine, and their first date took place at Bennigans, which they now refer to as "the first date that never ended.

Jai Gillum Has Defined Her Two Biggest Passions to Be 'Unmet Health Needs: Dental & Mental'.

Jai currently runs the Foundation for Florida Dental Association.

To First Coast Today, she said that her largest platform as first lady of the state of Florida would be to address what she believes are the two biggest "unmet health needs" for the people of Florida: dental issues and mental issues.

As Gillum's campaign for governor has begun to near the final election, R.

Jai has become more outspoken about her husband's campaign.

To First Coast News, she said of her husband's rallies, "I look out into the audience and it's so diverse and there are multiple people in tears as he's speaking, and that was a sobering moment for me.

I teased him.

I said it was like being at a Michael Jackson concert and then I laughed.".

She added.

"On November 6 we don't want tears and people feeling like we didn't do all that we could do but also knowing that we're carrying a lot of hopes and dreams for a lot of other folks and we just want to do right by them as much as we can.".

Andrew Gillum Describes His Wife as 'the Epitome of Grace'.

In a video titled "Meet Florida's Next First Lady, R.

Jai Gillum," Andrew Gillum said of his wife, "R.

Jai is, I think, the epitome of grace, really in all ways.

And I've known that about her from the very, very beginning.

I think she cares deeply about not only our family, but she cares deeply about any causes she's ever been involved with.".

As for his wife, she seems to reciprocate that respect and appreciation for her husband.

To First Coast Today, R.

Jai noted that her husband did confer with her before deciding to run for governor, but that she never would have stood in his way.

She said, "We did have some conversations about, 'well what do you think about governor?' And I was pregnant at the time so it was a fun conversation.".

She added, "I appreciated that he asked me but I also knew it wasn't a question for me to say no to.

I think that Andrew is destined to do what he's doing.

I would have never forgiven myself if I stood in the way of that.".

When asked about her husband's role as a father, R.

Jai Gillum said, "Andrew is a really great dad, he's making sure that this campaign doesn't affect our family time and our family life.".

Jai also described her husbands dance moves, she said, "He's a great dancer! He's a better dancer than I am.".

Jai Gillum Hosted a 'Women for Andrew Gillum' Event.

In a video that revealed R.

Jai Gillum hosting a "Women for Andrew Gillum" event, Gillum said, "Yes I know that African-Americans will be proud to have the first African-American Governor.

I think women would be proud to have a woman Governor.

But that is not why an educated electorate picks their leaders.

They don't just pick and choose for those reasons.".

Gillum continued later in the video, "People are realizing that, 'Time's up,' we got to do something different.

And I think there's at least an ear for those different ideas.".

Jai and Andrew Gillum Have Twins Named Caroline & Jackson, & a Baby Boy Named Davis.

Jai and Andrew Gillum have two twins together named Caroline and Jackson.

Prior to their marriage, Andrew Gillum's proposal was intended to be straight out of a fairytale, but to Tallahassee Magazine, he revealed that it didn't exactly turn out that way.

Gillum said, "There was this one place, Larson Family (Winery), where you could horseback ride through the vineyard.

So I convinced her that we were going to go here and take a horseback ride.

The guy (was) there in advance and had set up a table and two chairs with some wine out in the vineyard. The horses were so familiar with a certain route that when they got out there and saw the tablecloths, the horses freaked out.".

At that, point, R.

Jai realized what was going on.

Gillum said, "I got down on one knee and asked her if she would be my life partner.

She said yes.".

The couple has reportedly had some issues with conceiving children, but R.

Jai finally gave birth to the twins on May 19, 2014.

Then, in May 2017, they announced the birth of a baby boy, Davis Allen Gillum. .

To First Coast News, R.

Jai talked about the challenges she faced spiritually when she struggled to conceive.

She said, "Something like this really tests your faith.

We were able to get pregnant and experienced four miscarriages.

Three in one year so that was a really tough experience.".

For more infomation >> R. Jai Gillum, Andrew Gillum's Wife: 5 Fast Facts to Know | - Duration: 10:37.


Volvo V40 T4 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 T4 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 0:56.


Volvo V40 D3 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D3 R-Design incl. Luxury line - Duration: 1:11.


Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 7 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 7 - Duration: 5:14.


ホンダの米国部門、『シビックハッチバック』(Honda Civic Hatchback)と『シビックタイプR』(Honda Civic Type R)の2019年モデルを発売した - Duration: 5:33.

ホンダの米国部門、アメリカンホンダは11月3日、『 シビックハッチバック』(Honda Civic Hatchback)と『シビックタイプR』(Ho nda Civic Type R)の2019年モ デルを発売した。

シビックハッチバックとシビックタイプRの2019年 モデルでは、インテリアを中心にアップデートが施さ れた。

ディスプレイオーディオシステムを新デザインとし、新 しいインターフェースを導入する。 Bluetoot h機能も性能を引き上げた。

Appleの「CarPlay」とグーグルの「And roid Auto」にも対応する。 ステアリングコ ントロールスイッチも新デザインとなり、より直感的 な操作性を追求した。

音声認識機能の性能向上、電気式パーキングブレーキの インジケータ追加、カップホルダーの大型化などの改 良も施されている。

シビックハッチバックの2019年モデルには、ホンダ の先進運転支援システム(ADAS)、「ホンダセン シング」の最新版を搭載する。

ホンダセンシングは、ミリ波レーダーと単眼カメラによ る車両前方の状況認識とブレーキ、ステアリングの制 御技術が協調することで、運転や事故回避を支援する 先進運転支援システムだ。

衝突軽減ブレーキシステム(CMBS)、車線逸脱警告 、低速追従が可能なアダプティブクルーズコントロー ル、交通標識認知機能、レーンキーピングアシスト、 前方衝突警告、「レーンウォッチ」と呼ばれるサイド ビューカメラなどが用意される。

シビックハッチバックのパワートレインには、直噴1. 5リットル直列4気筒ガソリンターボエンジンを搭載 する。

このエンジンには、高効率な過給を実現する吸排気デュ アルVTCや電動ウェイストゲート付ターボチャージ ャーを採用した。

最大出力は174hp/6000rpm、最大トルクは 22.4kgm/1800-5500rpmを引き出 す。 1.5ターボは排気量をダウンサイズしながら、 自然吸気の2.4リットルを上回るトルクを獲得した 。

この直噴1.5リットル直列4気筒ガソリンターボエン ジンの174hp仕様は、入門グレードの「LX」と 「EX」、中級グレードの「EX-L」と「EX-L ナビ」の4グレードに搭載する。

上級グレードの「スポーツ」と「スポーツツーリング」 では、最大出力が180hpに引き上げられる。

また、1.5ターボのトランスミッションは、CVTが 基本とした。 このCVTはアクセル操作に対してリニ アな加速Gを生む変速制御技術の「Gデザインシフト 」によって、ターボラグを感じさせないパワフルな加 速フィールや静粛性を追求する。

スポーツグレードには6速MTも設定する。 6速MTは シンクロナイザー機構の形状のチューニングにより、 スムーズで気持ちの良いシフトフィールを追求した。

米国EPA(環境保護局)燃費は、LXグレードの場合 、市街地13.2km/リットル、高速17km/リ ットル、複合モード14.5km/リットルと公表さ れている。

「タイプR」の2019年モデルでは、ボディカラーに 、新色のソニックグレイパールを設定した。 シビック タイプRには、直噴2.0リットル直列4気筒ガソリ ン「VTECターボ」エンジンを積む。

米国仕様の場合、最大出力306hp/6500rpm 、最大トルク40.8kgm/2500~4500r pmを引き出す。 トランスミッションは、レブマッチ 機能付きの6速MTを組み合わせる。

サスペンションは、コンフォート、スポーツ、+Rモー ドが切り替えられる。

米国EPA(環境保護局)燃費は、市街地9.4km/ リットル、高速11.9km/リットル、複合モード 10.6km/リットルと公表されている。

なお、アメリカンホンダは、2019年モデルのシビッ クハッチバックのベース価格を、2万1450ドル( 約242万円)に設定する。

シビックタイプR、シビックハッチバックともに、生産 はホンダの英国スウィンドン工場で行われる。 タイプ Rのエンジンは、米国オハイオ州のアンナ工場で組み 立てられる。

For more infomation >> ホンダの米国部門、『シビックハッチバック』(Honda Civic Hatchback)と『シビックタイプR』(Honda Civic Type R)の2019年モデルを発売した - Duration: 5:33.


《凉生》姜生在剧中和程天佑虐恋,在现实生活中却嫁给了爱情 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 《凉生》姜生在剧中和程天佑虐恋,在现实生活中却嫁给了爱情 - Duration: 4:26.


9.5 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 9.5 - Duration: 5:02.


UNL未勝利のW杯準優勝クロアチア、スペイン&イングランド戦の招集メンバー発表 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> UNL未勝利のW杯準優勝クロアチア、スペイン&イングランド戦の招集メンバー発表 - Duration: 1:24.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI BlueMotion / 5drs / Airco /1e eigenaar !! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI BlueMotion / 5drs / Airco /1e eigenaar !! - Duration: 1:05.


How to Achieve Med School Goals

For more infomation >> How to Achieve Med School Goals


Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion Demo! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion Demo! - Duration: 1:07.


Preview: A Chance At A Whole New Life | Season 2 Ep. 8 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Preview: A Chance At A Whole New Life | Season 2 Ep. 8 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 0:36.


Puppy Potty Training - How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing Indoors - Professional Dog Training Tips - Duration: 3:30.

- Every day we get lots of questions

about puppy potty training on our YouTube videos

and I feel that I spend a lot of time

typing out replies that include the same two answers.

Are you going through all the appropriate steps

of puppy potty training but your day still includes this?

Oh, gross.

Oh, gross.

That one's still warm.


Then you're probably missing two very important elements

of puppy potty training that I'm gonna teach you

in this video so that your puppy very quickly

understands the rules of the house

and so that they stop having accidents indoors.

I'm Ken Steepe and welcome back to McCann Dogs.

(guitar strum)

(dog barking)

We train over 500 dogs every single week

at our training facility.

So if this is your first time on our YouTube channel,

make sure you hit that subscribe button

so that I can help you to have a well-behaved

four legged family member.

The first element of puppy potty training

that we need to talk about is supervision.

Now you've heard me talk about supervision

in other puppy potty training videos on our channel

but if you're doing everything else right

and your puppy's still having accidents on the floor

then it's time that we get focused

on giving them good information

for your puppy's sake...

And for your sake.

That means that even if you just had your puppy out

for a pee but they're still occasionally

having accidents in the house,

when you come back inside you need

to have your eyes on them 100% of the time.

If you aren't able to supervise your puppy

then just put them in their crate.

That way they can't sneak away

and have an accident in the house

without you knowing.

Now I'm not talking about supervision like this.

But I'm definitely not talking about supervision like this.

But if you're supervising and still struggling,

then it's time for the secret sauce.

(bell ringing)

Now that you're monitoring your puppy really closely,

you're going to see them if they start to have an accident

and it's your responsibility to give them the information

that this kind of behavior isn't allowed.

You need to mark that moment in time for your puppy.

You need to use your voice with an ah or a hey

to really let them know that at that moment

they're making a mistake.

Use a sound or a word or something abrupt

that will capture their attention immediately

and in some cases it will even interrupt them midstream.

Use something really short and sweet.

You don't wanna be speaking in full sentences

to your puppy about how disappointed you are

that this is the third time today

that they've peed on floor.

You have no idea how disappointed I am

that this is the third time today

that you've peed on the floor.

That's two days in a row and that's two days too many,

if you know what I'm saying.

I think the first time I really noticed...

So focus on making that negative verbal reprimand

short and sweet.

Now if your marker doesn't stop your puppy midstream,

don't take them up and drag them to the door.

You're just gonna end up with a huge mess

all the way out of your home.

But if your puppy is interrupted by that verbal marker

then quickly take them up and carry them outside.

Put them down in a place where you do want them to go pee.

Once they've finished their pee there, praise them.

Let them know that this is the place

that they are allowed to go.

Giving your puppy clear information

is the key to puppy training

and using this verbal marker

while your puppy's having an accident indoors

is the key to stopping those puppy potty training problems,

especially if it's a routine that they've developed.

If you've got a question about puppy potty training,

drop it in the comments below

and make sure you check out that video next to me.

It's all about the reasons that

your puppy potty training isn't working.

On that note, I'm Ken.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Puppy Potty Training - How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing Indoors - Professional Dog Training Tips - Duration: 3:30.


Stunning 24ft cottage for Sale in louisa, Virginia - Duration: 2:02.

Stunning 24ft cottage for Sale in louisa, Virginia

For more infomation >> Stunning 24ft cottage for Sale in louisa, Virginia - Duration: 2:02.


Best Bank for Nickel Boxes - Bank Battle Round 1! - Duration: 10:17.

let's go and have a battle of the bank boxes with nickels

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and since I'm doing that penny bank battle series I

thought I would go ahead and do one with nickels as well you can see here we got

the box from Bank of America Chase and Wells Fargo so I've created myself a

nickel battle sheet we will be looking for the nickels buffaloes Silver's any

foreign-owned inés of course because they're low mint any types of errors and

varieties 30s 40s and 50s nickels all get their own point system

I've got the points down below really cares to see which Bank produces the

best just like the penny battles we'll be doing this with ten boxes of each

this is round one and we're gonna start with Wells Fargo then go to Bank of

America and then chase I've chose Chase last in this series because I hunt Chase

nickels the most I know what I get which is pretty good so I'm curious to see

what we get in the other two without further ado we're gonna kick it off with

Wells Fargo box and I can already see the Enders they're all circulated by the

way I've already open them all so we know that they're good for the hunt and

there's no Enders in this box that I could see clearly let's get the Sun

started with this roll right here first roll the Wells Fargo Bank box and we've

got ourselves a 40s nickel a 1946 Philadelphia rule number two we've got

back-to-back fines here the 1947 Philadelphia and check it out

2009 D roll number four and we've got ourselves a 1946 San Francisco also find

a 51 D which is semi key and a 59 roll 5 another 40s nickel 1948 OH

Denver roll number 10 guys and we're gonna get ourselves a look out of 1939

can it be an S or D mint mark nope it's one of the key dates if it is but it's

not we'll still take it though it's a 30s nickel roll number 35 we've got a

1940 here first one from that year and it's a Philadelphia

don't let the number of fines for you guys in the 40s because we've got a lot

of other ones in the 50s no.9 well 37 another 1940 Philadelphia 48 it's gonna

have a 1948 do it all fiha same roll few coins later 1949 Philadelphia the Wells

Fargo box has hunted guys we got 409 s 1 in the 30s 8 in the 40s and 14 in the

50s to belong with a couple of nice coins here 64 and a 65 will check them

against the album no silver no Buffalo's no really crazy finds but a lot of them

so that's gonna set the bar pretty high for Bank of America but she gets a

buffalo or a few Silver's it's in the money

alright let's kick off Bank of America then roll number 11 of B of a we've got

our first 40s nickel here and it is in 1940 a 1940 Philadelphia roll number 17

and we're gonna have our second 40s nickel the box a 1941 Philadelphia well

we're on roll 25 almost halfway through the box we've only got a couple of 40s

cup three 50s and a couple of oh nine s but look what I see peeking out at me

we're gonna have a proof nickel holy cow and it's a peace proof nickel a little

bit dinged up but I can wipe that with a micro cloth

still a nice-looking nickel you don't see these too often I think I've maybe

found six or seven in my life so we're gonna wipe it down and I don't have a

spot on the stat sheet for this so I've got to be fair and a proof nickel is

definitely worth more than a foreign but maybe not as much as a silver off to add

a column for proofs I do find these beautiful find love it let's get back to

the hunt rule 36 is gonna finally give us our third 1940s coin 1940

Philadelphia slow box but proofs gonna help out we still get a buffalo or

silver in there to really help out asking you shall receive rule 38 should

be a silver there looking like it has that color and those edges it is it's a

Denver Mint 1945 so that's gonna help the Box a lot but the silver that's find

more rule 46 we're gonna have another 40s coin here this one's a 47 Denver

final roll the box for all 50 we've got another 40s coin here the 1948 looks

like there could be a couple of more old ones so just a quick peek just in case

we'll just take a little look here never know

64 I'll go through it more detail but we'll give you a wrap up here in a

second all right the Bank of America box is hunted it didn't have as many finds

as the Wells Fargo box but it had some better ones we've got two three four

five six seven eight in the 50s so six less one two three four five in the 40s

so three less but we did find a silver or nickel and a proof can't get mad at

that in a box I have four coins a look at against my album and 409s so probably

just got edged out by the Wells Fargo picked up some points for these but we

didn't have a 30s and we had a number of 40s and 50s less

still we won't know the final tallies until we get the spreadsheet done which

we'll do after we hunt that chase box let's get on to the chase box

all right guys roll number two well you've got a 47 nickel here we'll take

it for sure 47 filly chase boxes starting up slow

we're on roll number 13 but we finally got another 40s nickel here and this

one's in 1941 is that an S 1941 NS I believe it's not focusing very good cuz

it looks like it might be damaged I'll take a look at it under the microscope

but our second 40s nickel rule 14 another 40s nickel a 1946 Philadelphia

rule number 19 I'm gonna have another 40s nickel here 1941 Philadelphia roll

number 26 we've got another 1940's nickel 1940 Philadelphia roll 43 gonna

have another 40s nickel 47 actually 47 Philadelphia rule 45 guys and check this

out right here I've got a 1939 nickel will there be a mint mark there is a

mint mark e7s 1939 s hits one of the key dates 6.6 million minted and we got one

that's a good fine in the box it's gonna help the cause definitely

rule 46 we got a 1946 Philadelphia's well same roll a few

coins later another 1941 this time it's a San Francisco roll 47 guys and check

this out we got a proof pretty discolored like it was kept in a manila

envelope something but it's most definitely a

1981's it's beat-up and I don't think I need it for my collection but I'll be

checking shortly still proof in the box again well you finished that box of

Chase nickels and we ended up getting two three four five eight nine ten

eleven in the 50s and two four seven eight and eight in the 40s

we got a 1939 ass which is a key date we also got a proof 1981 ass pretty toasty

but we found one and for 2009's we're gonna to get these in the stat sheet and

see which Bank won round one well guys after the first round of nickels

it looks like Wells Fargo and Chase Bank tied at 32 and a half points and BFA

made 26 and a half it's only the first round but the Wells Fargo had three more

50s than the chase but the chase had the proof nickel and that tied it up so

first rounds in the bag it's anyone's game like I said we'll be doing 10

rounds of the nickels just like we're doing 10 rounds of the pennies hopefully

you're enjoying my battle of the bank box syriza's if you are I'd appreciate a

thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Best Bank for Nickel Boxes - Bank Battle Round 1! - Duration: 10:17.


30 Useful English Greetings (HELLO) for English Learners - Duration: 4:06.

⏩Please like and subscribe and click the bell icon to get new video updates.

For more infomation >> 30 Useful English Greetings (HELLO) for English Learners - Duration: 4:06.


U.S. midterm elections unlikely to lead to big shift in North Korea policy: Experts - Duration: 2:40.

now tens of millions of Americans will begin heading to the polls in the coming

hours to cast their ballots in the 2018 midterms elections touted by many US

media outlets as a referendum on Donald Trump's presidency while the polls don't

give us a clear indication of what might happen we thought in the meantime we'd

find out how the different outcomes could affect the Trump administration's

North Korea policy our party June met with some experts here in Seoul for

their insight so let's take a look these midterm elections in the u.s. are

particularly important for the Korean Peninsula as the outcome is directly

linked to the future direction of nuclear negotiations with North Korea

right after the elections North Korean the US will hold high-level talks to

make progress on the North's denuclearization and sort out the

details of a second summit between North Korean leader Kim jong-un and US

president Donald Trump planned for early next year so the midterms are of

immediate concern for the Korean Peninsula there are four possible

scenarios what the latest polls suggest the most palpable one is where

Republicans maintain control of the Senate and Democrats win back the house

according to one expert for South Korea that outcome would complicate the

ongoing peace drive including inter-korean cooperation projects the

Trump administration will lose some of its political clout to push through the

president's plans to engage the north think the human right issue will be

raised by the Democrats and also more pressure on North Korea will be raised

by Democrats in the Congress which is contradictory to the president Trump's

policy which is negotiation so all in all I think the president Rumpel will be

you know kind of uh you know isolated petitions by Congress as far as the

North Korea policy is concerned and so there may be a change of pace but a

different expert doesn't expect much to change from the status quo even if

Democrats regain control of Congress obviously from next year going on the

united states going to go into election period in the second half of the

year so probably leading up to that point the first half we might see a

little stalemate and postponing everything every process and try to keep

everything under control and manageable president Trump will have to seek

support from Democrats for a successful outcome with North Korea but ultimately

it comes down to president Trump's response whether he will push for

dialogue with the regime and its denuclearization as he has up until this

point packagin arirang news

For more infomation >> U.S. midterm elections unlikely to lead to big shift in North Korea policy: Experts - Duration: 2:40.


8 Amazon Savings Hacks - Duration: 14:00.

I probably spend more money at Amazon than any other store in probably by a

wide margin and because I spent so much money Amazon it makes sense for me to

figure out how to save money when shopping on Amazon and so that's what

we're gonna talk about in this video we're gonna talk about eight practical

things that you can do and they actually work to save money when you're shopping

on Amazon so if that sounds good hang tight we're just about to start

all right so let's look at these eight different ways you can save a whole

bunch of money over at Amazon so if you are an Amazon shopper like I am there's

a whole lot of money that you could be saving and so let's dive right into the

first one and the first one is to save money on sales tax so if you happen to

live in a state where you have to pay sales tax at Amazon I don't know which

states at this point but it's you know spreading throughout the country and I

live in a state and in Tennessee where we do have to pay sales tax over at

Amazon and there's a way to get around that and I'm gonna show you exactly how

to do that and so basically what we do so we'll just go over here to this

particular item is an axe I bought a couple years ago and and so what you

want to do is you like if I just go over here and just buy this from Prime look

all these things he popping up it's gonna cost me 52 bucks and it's gonna

charge me sales tax on that item but if you come down to these new from whatever

that price is and click on this little thing you're gonna see other third-party

sellers who are selling it potentially from states where you wouldn't have to

pay sales tax so in this case if I buy it from Prime it's gonna be $52.68

plus $5.14 estimated sales tax I'd have to pay

now I could just buy this from this second seller right here

aardvark trading for $54.75 with no tax and

so just right there I'm saving close to probably would that be about $4

or something just by doing that and there's plenty of others in here who

aren't charging sales tax this one is but this one isn't this one's not so

there's just plenty of options and and even still this one this might be this

is pretty close this is probably a little bit more expensive but you

can just check if you're in one of those states where you have to pay sales tax

like this is something just to look at every time you buy something because it

might be a day or two more shipping but you know if you can avoid the sales tax

that's free money so why not all right and next up

is kind of using this tool called Earny and basically what this does is it it's

goes beyond Amazon a little bit but you sign up for this program it's free

program and they check your receipts via your inbox and so you know anytime we

get a purchase at Amazon or Target or wherever you'll normally get an email

receipt Earny looks at those and if the price

drops on anything they will help you get a refund on that difference and they

also will check your credit cards to see if you bought anything and they'll help

you kind of use your credit cards purchase protection plan that many of

them have I know mine is a 90-day purchase protection plan so if the price

drops or anything i buy the credit card will actually refund me the difference

and so Earny just takes care of all of that and and so I've recently signed up

I haven't really fully explored it but I'm really excited about it works really

similar to another program I use called Paribus which basically does the same

thing the two are really similar programs and I'm I don't know I'm pretty

excited about it I was a little bit nervous like any time I join one of these programs

I have to enter in all this information you know it makes me a little bit

nervous I care very much about my privacy and I you know don't want to be

hacked just like anybody else but I did some research on these guys I mean

they're a legit company I went over to the App Store here - they have a 4.6 rating

with over almost 10,000 ratings so it's like it's not some fly-by-night

company it just started yesterday so all-in-all I feel good about them I'm excited to

start using them and you know everything I've heard has been really good in terms

of like savings that people are getting I will probably create a separate video

for this as I get more data points to kind of share but it's one of those

things that can save us money on Amazon and you know I'm kind of excited about

so I'll pass along more information as I get it with them alright so number three

is Prime Student and so I think we all know that Amazon Prime is just one of

those great fantastic programs with lots of different features kind of all rolled

up into that one annual or monthly subscription depending on how you do that

but you may not know that students can get it for six months for free and so

you got to go to this page in order to do that and sign up as a student and

yeah like I mentioned before we'll have links down in the description below I'll

try to have them pop up above whenever possible but all the links to everything

we're talking about will be down in the description below and so if you're a student

this is definitely something to check out because you know you can do it for

the six month period and then cancel if you wanted to so it's six months free

Prime if nothing else alright next on the list is the Amazon Rewards Visa

Signature card and this is one that I use I have other credit cards that I use

I don't use this one I really like my Chase Sapphire Preferred because I like

our travel rewards and we use those and we use those really well and we've

gotten tons of travel and so it's been a major blessing for us so I don't use

this card but it is definitely way you can save some cash on Amazon so if you

happen to be a Prime member like you will get 5% back on Amazon if you are a

Prime member which you know 5% of all your purchases is really great even if

you're not you I believe should still be getting 3% back on Amazon and Whole

Foods anything you buy there and then 1% on all your other purchases and 2% on

some selects things so it's definitely a way to kind of get some cash back now I

will say the reviews on this card aren't amazing it's 4.2 out of 5 stars there's

a decent amount of one-star reviews so do your own digging see if it's

something you want to do but definitely a way to kind of save some cash over at

Amazon alright next one is this tool that I love this is so cool it's called

Camelcamelcamel and basically what you can do over here is kind of type in a

particular item that you're interested in buying and what they're gonna do is

they're gonna give you let me just get the URL of an item that we want to buy

say we want to buy this axe it's 52 dollars right now and I want to see if

that is the best price we can get on it so let me put that in here so just go

ahead and search and what it's gonna do is it's going to tell me

let me go to one year it's gonna show me the price that this axe has been and I

can kind of see the price that it's been in the past what it is currently I can

also see like third party used prices to see you know what those average prices

are so the average price for the third party used is $40 you know with Amazon

the new price it looks like it's the average it appears to be $56 and right

now it's 52 so that's pretty good but I've also seen that it's been as cheap

as $46 so back in May it was 46 dollars and so what you could do besides just

seeing that data you can actually set the price that you want so right now

it's $52.68 so I could say I'd love to get this but I'm

only gonna pay $45 for it so if it doesn't go any cheaper than that I'm

not gonna get it then you throw a new Twitter handle or you could enter in

your email address and just click start tracking and they will send you an email

whenever the price drops to that point and then you can buy it so it's just a

great way to get a lower price on whatever that item is and just kind of

if you know as long as you be patient to wait for that price to drop because

Amazon changes the prices all the time and so this is just a great tool to have

in your back pocket and next up is the Amazon Warehouse deals so you may not

know this but Amazon sells a lot of pre-owned items as well as items that

might have been returned from customers maybe just because they didn't want them

you know so nothing necessarily wrong with them and you can get some really

big discounts here as well sometimes Amazon will show these prices on the the

normal listing page you know so if you're looking at you know the Echo it

might have a little section down below where it shows a Warehouse Deal but you

can just come to this page and just kind of you know shop by category if you

wanted or if you're looking for something specific kind of dive in

deeper that way but this is great way to save some cash as well all right

next up is a program called Subscribe and Save just in case you're not

familiar you might be aware but basically if you subscribe to an item on

Amazon so for example maybe you want to buy toilet paper on Amazon and you can

subscribe to have them send a package of toilet paper every three months every

six months or whatever time you know frame you specify

I believe it's one month to six months you can pick any of those options and they

will send it to you automatically every whatever certain amount and you can

always change this and adjust this on the fly so they're not just gonna send

you a ton of them without having any control over it and if you do that if

you agree to subscribe to the item the first item normally is five percent off

the price and if you subscribe to up to five items per month they'll drop the

price by fifteen percent and so that turns out to be some pretty big savings

as long as you subscribe to two five items per month and we've done this and

it'll save a whole bunch of money and there's tons of stuff in here so for us

you know it's a lot of the household goods a lot of the stuff that we might

buy it you know Target or Walmart things like that you know toothpaste batteries

like I said toilet paper anything along those lines and really a lot of dry

foods we get from here as well and so it's just a great way to save some cash

and I actually did a breakdown comparing the prices of ten different items if we

would buy them at our local grocery store or Walmart versus the

Subscribe and Save price and in every instance except for one of these ten we

were saving money and for us it turned out to be with these particular ten

items and we actually have done this with way more than ten items and so your

savings can actually be a whole lot higher but for us it netted out to be a

$290 savings over the course of that year just by doing that so Kleenex was

one of the items that actually was a little bit cheaper at the grocery store

for whatever reason but all these other items actually were cheaper over using

the Amazon Subscribe and Save Program so that's definitely something to consider

as well the other thing is you don't have to go to the store you know so like

I haven't driven to the store to get paper towels or toilet paper or any of

these items in a long long time so it saves me a trip it makes my life a bit

more convenient because it comes to me instead of me having to go out

and get it so anyway not to mention the money

savings as well alright next on the list is Amazon Coupons and so you may not

know this and you might have seen this on certain items but Amazon occasionally

has coupons available for different things and so you can

over to this page and we'll have this linked up down below so you can get over

there and you can just clip a coupon for whatever it is so say you want to give

these Bounty paper towels you can just clip the coupon and then whenever you

buy it it's just going to knock that amount off of your purchase price so

it's just really really simple and sometimes you'll be shopping for an

actual item and and just be looking for this because sometimes they have the

coupon on the item page itself and so be keeping an eye out for that

whenever you're shopping on Amazon but you can come to this page directly and

just kind of you know peruse through just like when you get the coupons in

your weekly mail at home so another thing to consider alright and then one

last trick that you can do if you so this is just my book and I'll just come

over here and if you come down here scroll on down it's pretty far down here

right down here underneath the product details or whatever the product is

Amazon has an option to tell them about a lower price now this actually has to

be something that you found you can't just make this up they're gonna check

but say you found my book somewhere for cheaper for paperback is $14.99 say you

found it over at Barnes & Noble and they're selling it for $12.99 like what

you want to do is come tell Amazon that and click this little link you can tell

them I saw it over at Barnes & Noble and then tell them you know the price and

the date you saw it and you can submit that in and what happens a lot of

times Amazon will go they'll confirm it they're not just gonna take your word

for it yeah it's free I saw it for free but they'll confirm that and then once

they do Amazon wants to be the lowest price they don't want to bebe beat out

they don't hit it didn't want anyone to have a lower price on any item really

than them so they lower that price to whatever anyone else is selling it at

and I've seen this happen and actually happen with one of my other books as

well because somebody else was selling it for a lower price and Amazon lowered

it and matched it so if you do find a price on something and you don't want to

buy it from that store just submit it over to Amazon let them know that it's

the ex price over at this store and wait a couple days and oftentimes you'll see

that price come down to match that other price you saw so anyway hope you found

this helpful these are eight of my favorite kind of Amazon shopping hacks

and how I save some money over at Amazon

all right well thank you for watching

hope you found this video helpful and if you did who would love it if you give us

a thumbs up and also let me know which one of these eight you were going to try

out and maybe you're gonna try out multiple ones so just leave the number

down in the comment section down below so we can hear which one are resonating

with you the most and if you're looking for more ways to save money I'm gonna

point you to this video we did where you can save up to about $400 a month just

by doing these five things and I promise you some of these are very uncommon

things you've never heard before so definitely check that video out if

you're looking to save a little bit more money and that's all for today so have a

great rest of your day and I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> 8 Amazon Savings Hacks - Duration: 14:00.


Business Partners: How & When To Break Up - Duration: 8:32.

in business with your friend or maybe a romantic partner and it's not going well

how should you break up with them should you break up with them let's talk about

it hey guys Jeremy here back today to talk

about if you are in business with a friend or a romantic or even potential

romantic partner and it isn't going well how do you break up with them so I want

to talk about this because from personal experience I've navigated this twice in

my life and I've learned some key themes one situation went very well

one situation did not go so well and so I want to talk about these things to

help you if you're someone because I didn't really have anybody to look to

when I was navigating this a few years back so two situations in my life to

give you guys context and maybe this is similar to one of your situations I'd

love to know in the comments so they can you know definitely help you out my

first business was my first legal business was a clothing line the way it

worked out is one of my childhood best friends he had asked me in high school

if we wanted to do this and fast forward a couple years he called me back up

again was like hey I really want to do this you're the only person I could

think about doing this with do you want to do it and I remember the phone call

is walking out an apple at the time where I was working and I said hey let's

do this and so we went to business together we started making designs and

kind of started doing what we thought or knew at least to do at the time to make

a business start and grow there were times where I was doing the majority of

the work there were times where he was doing majority of the work there were

times where we were both doing a lot of the work there were times we were both

doing nothing and we were young and we were learning and through time we just

decided to dissolve it me and that friend are still really good friends we

talked almost every single day at least through DM on Instagram or text or

something like that you know everything has ended well I you know I could see

maybe someday down the road we end up picking it back up and doing something

similar or different with it there was no hard feelings it was just business it

just is it was what it was we were young and figuring things out I appreciate

that friendship and that relationship and

that that time of my life because it taught me so much about partnerships in

business and the dank the kind of power dynamic that comes with human

interactions and and the sort of a mental dynamic that comes with bringing

a project to life and so that's scenario number one that I have gone through to

give us context the second scenario was a scenario where I was asked by someone

to do a podcast and they say I've never even had at that point mouth

expressed that I wanted to do a podcast or even considered it and this person

said that I'm the only person again that they could think of doing it with yadda

yadda and so he started going down this route but in the back of my head the

person who had asked me is someone who I really really liked and in fact you know

when I look back that situation I made a lot of decisions because I was so

interested in them and there were times an interaction where I felt like hey

this is not gonna work with us romantically so let's just be friends

let's pursue this project that's kind of where we ended up and basically the

second I made that decision she started really liking me and so we started

creating a romantic relationship together in addition to this business

that we were doing or this podcast that we were doing and so fast forward

there was a dynamic of so much work in our interaction that she felt we weren't

doing anything outside of that and long story short she decided that that was

not the relationship she wanted to be in and in the same stroke that this

business was not gonna work out that this this whole scenario was not gonna

work out I'm the sort of person that is you know you you're gonna do what you

want to do that's what I that's what I want for you and so as hurt as I was I

accepted that as a scenario and decided to put one foot in front of the other

that situation impacted my health very negatively that situation was not one

that was enjoyable there was nothing joyous about that process of the undoing

of that in comparison the first one not that I enjoyed that process but it was

just fine we just we'd handled it right the second one was a lot more emotional

and so I want to do that to bring you guys and counsel in some wisdom if

you're thinking through your situation you know if you're someone who's you

know looking to go into business with someone at someone right now that you're

romantically interested in you may want to hear what I'm saying and handle that

a little bit differently what if you're in business right now with someone you

know a friend or someone who you already romantic with and how do you break up

with them the the biggest thing that I can that I can lend to you in the

process of figuring this out for yourself is thinking through the

communication and the transparency for me and in most situations in my life I

create issues by not communicating or by not sorting through how I'm feeling

emotionally into words and then communicating those things and being

vulnerable enough to share it and so what I have learned to do

in this you know later part of my life is just to be more honest with what I'm

experiencing and how I'm feeling and what I've also found from that is that

usually the other people don't know that they feel like they're a part of that or

they're causing that or they don't know that you're that I'm feeling that way

and so they can handle it differently we can just get over those humps a lot

faster than in previous parts of my life building them up into things that just

end up becoming a huge weight on on my shoulders and ends up impacting what

we're working on what we're doing in business so in the process of thinking

through maybe you're at that point already where you you are aware that you

need to break up maybe your friends are telling you that this business

relationship is not gonna work maybe you feel it instinctually already that this

is not the thing for you what I want for you to do is I want for you to first I

want you to visualize what you're actually wanting from the whole scenario

what it what's the win on both sides do you want for them to be hurt after you

bring this to them do you want for them to be happy how do you walk for them to

feel what's that feeling you want at the end of this kind of talking through of

the break-up the second thing I want for you to do is I want for you in your do

this is for yourself I'm worried for you to think of the backup plans that you

have this business is very important to you maybe it's an only way bringing in

money I hope not but I'm not for you to think through your backup plan maybe it

is going and getting a job maybe it's working for mom and dad maybe it's

selling stuff maybe it's you know you got to do what's right for you in your

situation but I want for you to think that through because I want for you to

have a safety net to know that everything is gonna be okay regardless

the third thing I want for you to do is I want for you to sort through what this

conversation is gonna look and sound like and in my opinion my advice to you

is to try to remove all emotion as possible and make it more as much as

possible about what you are wanting and how you are wanting to direct your

energy versus anything the other person is doing even if they are doing other

things because when you start getting into that it starts getting really

personal it starts getting hurtful and the last thing I want is for you to ruin

a relationship or a friendship that could you know that could help you some

day down the road you know you can't help others are gonna react to it but

you can't help where you're coming from with all of this if you can just

consider them in this process and consider their feelings

and make this a two-way conversation then you can help them to see where

you're coming from and hopefully help them to see that this is nothing

personal and maybe even help them see a way for them to help you in this which

is going to be empowering and is gonna be something that maybe that person

feels like they can you know continue to be a part of your journey with what I

want to underscore is that breaking up with a business partner doesn't mean and

in order to need to be the end of a relationship you know I don't have the

experience of having a widely successful business with a business partner and

then breaking up so you might be watching this right now and be think you

know what do I do but I think some of this advice still lean to that consider

the other person but also really consider what you want if you're just

hurt at the other person you got to take the emotion out because any reaction you

have that this is gonna cause some issues but if you can pause and you can

think about why you're feeling this way and what you're wanting out of it then

maybe you can come from a more rational standpoint and you can communicate that

through time or through sitting and marinating on it

to figure out how to actually bring it to that person and take it to the right

time for it so if you are in business and you are looking to break up with a

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For more infomation >> Business Partners: How & When To Break Up - Duration: 8:32.


Subscapularis glide for strong shoulders – Mondays with Margot - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Subscapularis glide for strong shoulders – Mondays with Margot - Duration: 1:33.


Smith recovers fumble after failed handoff | Cowboys vs Titans | NFL - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Smith recovers fumble after failed handoff | Cowboys vs Titans | NFL - Duration: 0:30.


HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 11.05.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.

For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 11.05.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.


Hannity 11/05/18 9PM | November 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:41.

For more infomation >> Hannity 11/05/18 9PM | November 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:41.


D'Onta Foreman Injury: Texans' RB is Unsure of Return | - Duration: 4:40.

D'Onta Foreman Injury: Texans' RB is Unsure of Return |

The road to NFL stardom hasn't been great for Houston Texans second-year running back, D'Onta Foreman.

The former third-round pick hasn't had it easy at all since his rookie season ended due to a torn Achilles that he suffered last season.

Ever since he's gone down, Foreman hasn't had the chance to return to practice.

And now that we are halfway through the NFL season, Texans fans are curious as to when he will return.

There's some good news that came on Saturday morning head of week nine.

D'Onta Foreman just might return to practice next week! On Sunday, the Texans travel to Denver to take on the Broncos, which Foreman will not be a part of.

After week nine, the Texans will get the week off as they were issued a late, week ten bye week for 2018.

Texans head coach Bill O'Brien spoke to the media a few days ago regarding Foreman's return and made it very clear that they were going to at least wait until after the bye week.

But even with that information, there was still a chance that Foreman could wait even longer before his return in 2018.

Fortunately, NFL Network's Ian Rapoport has come with great news on Sunday morning, regarding Foreman's injury status.

Is the Return Coming Soon?.

This is excellent news for Foreman and the Texans as they are automatically going to get a week off after their matchup against the Broncos.

Although Foreman will be a longshot to play week 11, any progress is a step in the right direction as of now.

At this point, Foreman is on pace to miss an entire season's worth of games in his young career.

Last season, Foreman rushed the ball 78 times for 327 yards and two touchdowns in a ten game span.

This season, the Texans will be hoping just to get him back so he can return to the game.

It's doubtful that there are any expectations for Foreman to have any major significance for this season.

At this point, the Texans just want to make sure that he is going to be fine moving forward, as he was drafted to be the future of their backfield in 2017.

Bill O'Brien Sends Mixed Signals.

As of Monday morning, Bill O'Brien and the Texans stir things up, as the Foreman's return may be held off a little bit longer.

Although there is still a chance that Foreman can get back to practice this week, the uncertainty from the head coach definitely indicates that this process could be held off a little longer, which isn't great news for Foreman.

Considering the severity of the injury, the desire to take it easy makes a ton of sense.

At this point, though, it feels like Foreman could realistically miss the majority of the 2018 season.

Hopefully, we hear some better news regarding Foreman's as the week progresses.

For more infomation >> D'Onta Foreman Injury: Texans' RB is Unsure of Return | - Duration: 4:40.


Science Matters - Duration: 1:47.

Welcome back. Many illnesses can be prevented with vaccinations, but what

about diseases caused by a constantly changing parasites? NAZ Today's Jessica

Duarte is live in the studio to tell us what she learned in this week's science

matters. Jessica. That's right, we sat down with one NAU researcher who is trying to

find out what it is that makes these constantly changing parasites tick. While

cattle across the u.s. have been safe for years, many south-of-the-border

are still affected by ticks that carry the parasite that causes cattle fever.

Researcher Joseph Busch is studying these ticks with a grant from the US

Department of Agriculture. He says the first step in the tricky process of

eliminating the ticks is to learn how they adapt. Busch: "These ticks are able to

switch to other hosts and that's an important reason why it's hard to

eradicate them and so we are trying to find new DNA mutations that are

responsible for resistance to the chemicals." Cattle fever is a lot like

malaria. If an animal is exposed to cattle fever at a young age, it tends to

survive and becomes immune. Busch says the big risk is to adult cattle that

haven't been exposed to the virus. Busch: "So when adults are exposed and infected

with the parasite, that's when mortality is really high." Busch says he isn't

working alone in this fight. He has contacts around the world who may be

able to send DNA samples of the parasites from their countries and from

there, the lab work can continue. Busch: "So they will test on resistant ticks and test on

susceptible ticks and maybe we'll see some differences in the way genes are

expressed." The study will take about three years after which Busch and his

team will submit their findings to the USDA and hopefully this could lead to a

vaccine to stop the spread of cattle fever.

Jessica Duarte, NAZ Today.

For more infomation >> Science Matters - Duration: 1:47.


Traveling to Champaign Urbana - Vlog 2017 (#2) - Duration: 4:25.

(upbeat music)

- Hey everyone.

How's it doing?

So, I'm in Urbana-Champaign visiting some friends

over the weekend.

It is currently

how time is it?

What time is it?

Okay, I can't look.

Okay, it's about ten o' clock.

And I haven't eaten all day.

I left about seven

and I'm going to get some grub.


I'm here at the good old Steak 'n Shake

so let's get some food.

(upbeat rock music)

(wind blowing)

Some food.

Steak 'n Shake is lovely

and here we go.


(chair dragging)

Excuse me, miss while I stand in your way.

(chatter) People, so many people, okay.


(people chattering)

Now time to go back to the car.

And now I'll go to my friend's house.

Staying at a friend's place tonight


trying to

check them out.

It's actually a very warm night right now.

(heavy breathing)

It's really warm.

It's like leaning just towards having like

an Indian summer.



let me pop in here.

Okay. (car door closing)


So in case you're wondering.


I'm actually using a different car

because this car is a bit more durable

when it comes to distance travels

given that Urbana is two and half hours away

from Chicago and Evanston.

It's better to be safe than sorry


as they say.

You know, it's actually kind of cool

that like I was lucky and I picked the spot

where there's actually lightness in front of me.

So I'm actually really bummed of it right now.

Normally, I'd have to

let me see.

What happens if I turn on the (buttons clicking)

Nope, that's not.

That's the wrong button.

Okay that's that.

That's small.

That's really small.

Okay, alright.

(upbeat rock music) So one of the cool things

about this car

is it has Bluetooth,

so I don't actually have to plug in

you know

you saw my other car

in the last video.

It has it's own kind of thing that I stick out from there

and stick in my phone.

This one's got Bluetooth,

so I can just connect to Bluetooth and I'm good.

So one thing I love about this car.

Okay, so I just finished dinner

at a nice little six dollar,

five to six dollar meal at Steak 'n Shake.

Now I'm going to go to Griffin's place

and see if I can get in.

He left the key.

If I can't or I just don't feel like it,

I'll probably just go to the union or library

or some place and get some work done.

So wish me luck.


Just parked at my buddy Griffin's place.

Unfortunately on the other place there is no front light

so I have to use the one in here.

Got to get my stuff out

and get inside the house. (car door opening)

Griffin told there's to be a bird

which is on top of a nest or something in front

so I'm going to try and be careful

so we don't light this place.

(birds chirping)


Let's head inside.


I got into the house,

so that wasn't too bad.


It's pretty nice.


I'll probably just do a little more work

and then I am going to go to bed

because I have to wake up super early

it'll be my best day tomorrow at 10:30.

We're eating at this really nice tavern in Champaign.


this will be fun.

I actually just realized I'm actually the only person here

so I don't know why I was talking so quiet.

I guess it's just I don't want to be really awkward

and you know, strange

because I'm in someone's house.


(upbeat rock music)

For more infomation >> Traveling to Champaign Urbana - Vlog 2017 (#2) - Duration: 4:25.


丁野《This One Is for You》【電視劇極速青春片尾曲 Speed OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 丁野《This One Is for You》【電視劇極速青春片尾曲 Speed OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 2:32.


Breaking News - Serena Williams shares tender moment with her daughter after outburst - Duration: 6:30.

She reacted furiously to claims she had cheated during Saturday's U.S. Open. Now Serena Williams has shared her first picture to Instagram following the explosive final - in which she snuggles up to her daughter, Alexis Olympia

Wrapped under a Moana blanket, the 36-year-old sits in an arm chair. a protective arm around her child, who turned one last week

The tender loving moment comes after Serena had her prize money docked following her turbulent defeat in Saturday's women's final

The American star, who lost 6-2, 6-4 to Japan's Naomi Osaka, was given a $17,000 fine for being given three separate code violations that resulted in her opponent being given a whole game

This compares to her fortnight's prize money of $1.85million, and her official career earnings (without endorsements) of more than $88million

Williams was attempting to win her 24th Grand Slam singles title and equal the record of Australian legend Margaret Court

While many ex-players were supportive of her, and her suggestions that there was an element of sexism in Portuguese umpire Carlos Ramos's conduct, the outspoken Court was not among them

'It's sad for the sport when a player tries to become bigger than the rules,' she told The Australian

'Because the young player (Osaka) outplayed her in the first set, I think pressure got her more than anything

' Andy Roddick, 2003 US Open champion, tweeted: 'Worst refereeing I've ever seen!' Initially unhappy about being penalised for Patrick Mouratoglou coaching from the stands, Williams was then given a point penalty for smashing her racket before Ramos took a game away from her after she called him a 'thief'

The American tennis great stated afterwards that it was 'sexist' for her to have been penalised a game

During her post-match press conference, the 36-year-old said: 'I can't sit here and say I wouldn't say he's a thief, because I thought he took a game from me

'But I've seen other men call other umpires several things. I'm here fighting for women's rights and for women's equality and for all kinds of stuff

'For me to say 'thief' and for him to take a game, it made me feel like it was a sexist remark

He's never taken a game from a man because they said 'thief'. It blows my mind. 'I just feel like the fact that I have to go through this is just an example for the next person that has emotions, and that wants to express themselves, and wants to be a strong woman

'They're going to be allowed to do that because of today. Maybe it didn't work out for me, but it's going to work out for the next person

' Saturday's rant was not the first on-court outburst of Serena's career. She clashed with umpire Mariana Alves during a 2004 US Open quarter-final against Jennifer Capriati

Five years later at Flushing Meadows she threatened to shove a tennis ball down the throat of a line judge who called a foot fault against her

 She was fined a record 82,500 dollars (£51,000) and put on a two-year probation. Another fine was dished out at the 2011 US Open after Williams berated umpire Eva Asderaki, who had awarded a point against the American because she shouted 'Come on' mid-rally

 Williams was furious and harangued Asderaki, calling the umpire 'a hater' and saying she was 'unattractive inside'

She was fined only $2,000 (£1,250). Tennis legend Billie Jean King, who won 12 Grand Slam singles titles, including four US Opens, was among those who jumped to back Williams as the row escalated

King said on Twitter: 'Several things went very wrong during the Women's Finals today

'Coaching on every point should be allowed in tennis. It isn't, and as a result, a player was penalized for the actions of her coach

This should not happen.' 'When a woman is emotional, she's 'hysterical' and she's penalized for it

When a man does the same, he's 'outspoken' and there are no repercussions. Thank you, @serenawilliams, for calling out this double standard

More voices are needed to do the same.' Meanwhile, Mouratoglou admitted to ESPN that he had sent Williams a signal during the match — but claimed every coach does it

Responding, Williams said: 'I literally just heard that too. I just texted Patrick because we don't have signals, we've never discussed signals

I want to clarify myself what he's talking about. I wasn't being coached.' The row has completely overshadowed Osaka's maiden Grand Slam victory

Through all the chaos, the 20-year-old kept her nerve, and served it out with remarkable sangfroid despite the mayhem in the Arthur Ashe Stadium

However, she was left in tears as her triumph was met with a chorus of boos, even if not directed at her

The whole incident had been reminiscent of Williams's loss of control on the same arena when she threatened to ram a ball down a line judge's throat in 2009

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