Watch your step, mister. Be careful in love
There's much deceit...
there's much deceit in these paths
Why is your head bowed? Why do you look lost?
lt's as if you have lost everything
This is only the first step you've taken
Even your own will appear to be strangers
There's much deceit...
there's much deceit in these paths
Watch your step, mister. Be careful in love
There's much deceit...
there's much deceit in these paths
This is love for you, oh innocent man
Do not surrender your heart to sorrows
Delicate are these matters of love
There's been many a slip between the cup and the lip
There's much deceit...
there's much deceit in these paths
lf you have broken off with someone...
find another beloved
Strange are the ways of life
You have a million foes when you're all alone
Watch your step, mister. Be careful in love
There's much deceit...
there's much deceit in these paths
For more infomation >> Aar Paar - Babuji Dhire Chalna - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
猫かわいい 超可愛い宇宙人のような猫 Cat like a super pretty alien - Duration: 0:53.
😀 1 апреля День смеха или День дурака откуда он взялся #ValeryAliakseyeu - Duration: 3:39.
''I'll do'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:47.
i understand how it feels~ lydia - Duration: 0:25.
I understand how everything feels,
having people ripped from you.
Brad Corrupts: SCPH-1001 - Duration: 4:23.
Happy April Fool's day. Sadly, I don't have enough time for commentary as the wife and I have to leave for a personal trip. Just know that the corruptions get better as it goes along. enjoy. :)
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 - Airco / Ecc - Duration: 0:54.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 - Airco / Ecc - Duration: 1:02.
my name BLYAT - Duration: 0:05.
overused meme
*zimbabwe gorilla mating call*
(This entire video is super choppy, because, surprise, I ran out of storage on my phone at the VERY END, so I didn't get the entire performance of the OUTRO: WINGS, and I'm really mad at myself.)
(Other than that, please enjoy my footage of the performance :D. Thank you BTS for an amazing performance. It was worth standing outside for 9 hours in the wind and cold.)
The rainbow army bomb project was a success!!
Schools, homes, alleys, the sea
Shouting the day of youth
The dead end was an entrance to the maze
Stigma-like smeared blood, across the palm,
wrecking pain shaking up open wings
Tis a dream to soar
In search of a sea nowhere to be found
the boy walks
The boy with not one but seven hearts
(I couldn't decipher the next few ones, damn my camera auto focus)
up against a cliff
in a world of swaying seduction
what is he looking for with closed eyes?
When curtains are open to break the mirror
A path leading into fragments appears
Outside is inside, inside is outside
entangled worlds
A crossroad for all
Relentlessly merges into one
seven boys are on the road
seven, but One
seven boys with one heart
one boy with seven heart
one and Seven, a reflection of each other
How many roads must a boy walk before you call him a man?
roads are another name for the world
Night and day, crossroads and tunnels
The roads take endless forks
And always alone in the moment of decision
T'was alone in the corner (?) (lol oops)
And are the crimsons...youth still...
Tears are another way to smile
The boy smiles
(I can't read it ugh)
The boy walks on
(At this point, armies are in tears and emotional af)
My Fnaf Ships [Don't Judge some of them plz.] - Duration: 0:37.
1. Foxy x Mangle (Fangle)
2. Bonnie x Mangle [BonGle]
3. Freddy x Chica [Freddica]
4. Bonnie x Toy Chica [Toy Bonnica]
5. Bonnie x Chica (Bonnica)
6. Toy Chica x Springtrap (Toy ChiTrap) (No I am not Springtrap.)
7. Nightmare Foxy x Nightmare Mangle [Nightmare Fangle]
8. Baby x Funtime Freddy [Funtime Fredby]
9. Ennard x Ballora [Ennarllora]
Youtubers Play Undertale - ANIMATED! But everyone is holding nice cream - Duration: 3:18.
Jingle bells
PieDiePew: I don't understaaaaaaaaaaaaand why these aren't selling.
It's the perfect weather for something cold.
dat wind blows
A customah!
Booper Dooper: Aaahhh, party duuuude!
Would you like some-
Niice cream?
That's brilliant.
Nice cream? I do.
It's frozen treat that warms ur heart.
Now just fifteen...
A'right, f*ck it.
Here you go!
What up, G? Yes.
Have a terrible day.
I'm unna buy summore. Can I?
Batman smells
Bald guy: I been thinkin' about sellin' treats too.
Want some fried snow?
It's just 5G.
UUUuummMM, sure!
Ah huh.
Did I say 5G? I meant 50G.
No, atz too moch. I dun't wanna spend it all.
You're right...
That's still too low.
Robin laid an egg.
*It's empt-* Jack: AH HAHAHAHA!!
WholesomeHowellisNotaTrashCan: YO!
You're a kid too, right?
I ken tell 'cause your wearin' a striped shirt.
Izzat how you tell kids apart?
dere's dat wind again
Dan: Oh.
Oh god.
Am I gonna die in the cold if I stay out in this?
Papyrus: Whoopsy doopsy! I just remembered!
I have to go to the bathroom.
*quick footsteps*
Dooper: Papyrus!
AmazingRainbow: Human!
Allow me to tell you about some complex feelings.
Here we go.
Feelings like:
The joy of finding another pasta lover!
Don't be upsetti.
The admiration for another's puzzle solving skills.
The diessafier to sahhve a aoclso mcwoemajota
These feelings...
They must be what YOU are feeling RIGHT NOW!
Oh. Ah hahahahaa.
I can hardly imagine what it must be like to feel that way.
Phil Trash #1: Mmhm.
I don't ever wonder what having lots of friends is like.
His mailbox says that.
-lonely human.
Worry not!
I- the great Papyrus
will be yoooooorr
No! No!
No, this is all wrong!
I can't be your friend.
You are a Youtuber!
Stop discriminating!
Turn and look at me, bro!
I must capture you!
That's fine, I consent!
Then, I can fu-Phil my lifelong dream!
The newest membah...
...of the Royal Gaaaad!
Uh oh!
Pew pew: I- love- nice cream!
Janice: I hope you survived.
I know I didn't.
Jack: They're sooo cuuute!
Dan: Wot
the f*ck is that?
Is that a..BEE?
Savage Phil: It's ur mum.
06 Phrases MEN should not say to WOMEN – Advanced English lesson to speak English fluently - Duration: 10:35.
im back - Duration: 3:49.
So, I have alot to explain, it seems like...
I finally got me new car and my facial hair has bloomed
My videos are very very very fun to make
If you have the subtitles on because you cannot hear...
Many people will join you after this video...
How to Draw a Turtle | Drawing Lessons with CT - Duration: 1:07.
Happy April Fools Day! Enjoy! :)
Babydoll vs. Dragon (Scene) - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:07.
AMBER [OVER RADIO]: I got an idea.
Hold on!
L got you now!
Take that, you ugly mother.
Amber, where is she?
AMBER: Check our 6. I don't see her.
Blondie, keep your eyes peeled.
KNIGHT: I'll kill yo--
AMBER [OVER RADIO]: She's all yours, Baby.
Плетение из газет. Угловая корзинка. Мастер-класс. - Duration: 2:12.
Aar Paar - Mohabbat Kar Lo Jee Bhar Lo - Duration: 4:09.
Fall in love, go ahead. What's stopping you?
But words from the wise, there's deceit in it
Complain all you want. What's stopping you?
Once you're carried away by this feeling...
you can hear nothing else
When gazes meet, peace is what you get
Fool, there's no point in whining
Fall in love, go ahead. What's stopping you?
But words from the wise, there's deceit in it
Complain all you want. What's stopping you?
Leave the world, if you can. The world is deceit, too
Let me tell you what love is. lt means everything to me
l fell in love too, but l got nothing from it
l got nothing from it
Complain all you want. What's stopping you?
Leave the world, if you can. The world is deceit, too
Fall in love, go ahead. What's stopping you?
But words from the wise, there's deceit in it
You get separation when you seek a union
That's the worst thing about love
All differences are sorted out when two lovers meet
When two lovers meet
Fall in love, go ahead. What's stopping you?
But words from the wise, there's deceit in it
Complain all you want. What's stopping you?
Leave the world, if you can. The world is deceit, too
Even if you're against love, there's so much enjoyment in it
When you take a blow to the heart, then you'll know what it has to offer
Complain all you want. What's stopping you?
Leave the world, if you can. The world is deceit, too
Fall in love, go ahead. What's stopping you?
But words from the wise, there's deceit in it
anti dandruff hair mask home made Hindi and English subtitle - Duration: 6:21.
hello friends, i am yashoda and welcome to my channel its all about experience
today i am going talk about hair mask which is for dandruff
because i can easily attack by dandruff
because of sweat as i work out, raining etc..
yes i use shampoo which if for dandruff but that kind of shampoo have lost of chemical
by that your can be rough or dull
so i also apply home made shampoo that so my hair does not loose shining, smooth and i get rid of dandruff
so lets start with home made hair mask
first i take 2 table spoon of yogurt according my hair length
in curd there is anti bacterial and anti fungal properties, which help to reduce dandruff from your scalp
second is lemon, i am using 1 lemon
in lemon also have same thing which is in yougurt
3rd is 1 table spoon of honey
by that my hair can smooth and moister
so now mix it all well
now i am going to apply in my hair
if have time then first wash your hair then apply it, by that it will effect more
i washed my hair in morning and in afternoon i am applying this
you can use hair brush or hand what you like
first apply in scalp then rest of hair
you can see how i am applying
you should apply hair mask at least once in a month for good hair
lightly massage it
leave it for 15 min or if you have time then for one hour
then rinse it with normal water and mild shampoo
apply this once in a week till dandruff not get rid of
subscribe and share for more videos
till that be happy, be fit and JAI HIND
A beast named Eliza: The beast named Fray Sub español - Duration: 3:56.
Слизь Лизун Пупсики Укол Разноцветные Шприцы Лечим куклу Сборник учим цвета Развивающее видео детям - Duration: 10:01.
Псевдонатуралы Michael O'Hearn, Майк О'Херн - Duration: 2:48.
Are you SPORT SCIENCE Mayk Ohern was born on January 26
1969 in Seattle, Washington.
Its height is 188 centimeters, and weighs about 118 kilograms.
He was the youngest, the ninth child in his family.
Before his eyes he always an example was
own father, who He was acting bodybuilder
and avid soccer player.
He managed to infect their love for the sport all his
As a result, each of the They picked their way to a healthy
and an active lifestyle.
At age 15, Mike is involved in their first competition
and is the winner bodybuilding, powerlifting
and martial arts.
Even then, he weighed 80 kilograms with the growth of 175 centimeters.
Mike won the title of Mr. Universe 4 times.
Just in the treasury of his victories you can record title
California in 1998 in judo and taekwondo.
In addition to sports He is also an actor,
playing a role in 13 movies and in the same series.
About Hearn attended covers more than 470 sports
Apart from this it has its own Journal of fitness.
How to remember some Mike familiar they saw
his squat in training to 390 kilogram barbell
and zhimom per 250 kilograms.
And, of course, for all while Mike Hearn about most
real natural athlete.
He with undisguised disgust says that
it is unpleasant even thought any prohibited drugs.
Whether business peanut butter.
A damn good thing, he advises everyone
at his seminars.
Well, as they say, a century live, learn.
Who will finish with this video and run to the store for the butter.
By the way Mike in instagramme signed more than 663 thousand
A reference to his instagram you can find in the description
to the video.
Write in the comments, Who of you believes in what
similar shape can be done clean?
All other place huskies this video, I want to learn
how many of us sane.
If you want more reviews psevdonaturalov, write
I know in the comments and share this video
with friends.
This will greatly help the development of our channel.
On our site are gathered all editions and text
articles to them.
Not to miss the next Video - subscribe
to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to
And yes, one more thing.
If you still do not done, then click on the bell
near the subscribe button.
Put a tick "report me all the news of this
Channel "and click save.
So you will not miss our new release.
Resident Evil 6 O Capítulo Final - Duration: 1:47:03.
Псевдонатуралы Michael O'Hearn, Майк О'Херн - Duration: 2:48.
Are you SPORT SCIENCE Mayk Ohern was born on January 26
1969 in Seattle, Washington.
Its height is 188 centimeters, and weighs about 118 kilograms.
He was the youngest, the ninth child in his family.
Before his eyes he always an example was
own father, who He was acting bodybuilder
and avid soccer player.
He managed to infect their love for the sport all his
As a result, each of the They picked their way to a healthy
and an active lifestyle.
At age 15, Mike is involved in their first competition
and is the winner bodybuilding, powerlifting
and martial arts.
Even then, he weighed 80 kilograms with the growth of 175 centimeters.
Mike won the title of Mr. Universe 4 times.
Just in the treasury of his victories you can record title
California in 1998 in judo and taekwondo.
In addition to sports He is also an actor,
playing a role in 13 movies and in the same series.
About Hearn attended covers more than 470 sports
Apart from this it has its own Journal of fitness.
How to remember some Mike familiar they saw
his squat in training to 390 kilogram barbell
and zhimom per 250 kilograms.
And, of course, for all while Mike Hearn about most
real natural athlete.
He with undisguised disgust says that
it is unpleasant even thought any prohibited drugs.
Whether business peanut butter.
A damn good thing, he advises everyone
at his seminars.
Well, as they say, a century live, learn.
Who will finish with this video and run to the store for the butter.
By the way Mike in instagramme signed more than 663 thousand
A reference to his instagram you can find in the description
to the video.
Write in the comments, Who of you believes in what
similar shape can be done clean?
All other place huskies this video, I want to learn
how many of us sane.
If you want more reviews psevdonaturalov, write
I know in the comments and share this video
with friends.
This will greatly help the development of our channel.
On our site are gathered all editions and text
articles to them.
Not to miss the next Video - subscribe
to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to
And yes, one more thing.
If you still do not done, then click on the bell
near the subscribe button.
Put a tick "report me all the news of this
Channel "and click save.
So you will not miss our new release.
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