George R Binks was the unfortunate father of the maddening Jar Jar Binks.
But unlike his son, George was pretty hardcore and was actually competent.
He was a professional whaler and the proud owner of the successful family business, Binks
and Son Whaling Company.
Even when he was a mere child he already commanded a fishing gang.
So what could drive such an accomplished and steadfast man into wanting to commit suicide.
Well you guessed it, his son Jar Jar.
One day George set out on an ambitious Whaling expedition with just his family on board.
When they approached and harpooned a Naboo whale, George called for his 9 year old son
to take the ship's wheel and to hold it steady.
But boy did he make a mistake trusting such an important task to Jar Jar, as the moment
he turned his back Jar Jar let go of the wheel and began acting like a fool.
As a result the whale crashed into the ship and got tangled in the rigging.
Cut off from the steering wheel himself, George shouted for his son to make a quick maneuver
as a last ditch attempt at freeing the ship from the whale.
But Jar Jar didn't do jack and just somehow managed to get himself stuck in the wheel.
So the ship sunk.
But they didn't die and instead washed up onto an isolated, uninhabited island.
A month passed and George grew more and more irritated by his son's clumsiness, so much
so that he almost strangled him to death, but was quickly stopped by his wife who scolded
him for his high expectations out of Jar Jar.
George started to go insane over losing everything but snapped back into reality when Jar Jar
came up with the idea of swimming back to civilization.
Although such a task would result in certain death, George came up with the idea of tricking
his son in taking it up anyway, in the hopes that he would drown or get eaten.
But before he was able to throw Jar Jar into the water so he could start the deadly journey,
he was stopped by his wife.
Not being able to take it anymore, George whipped out his blaster pistol and placed
it right onto his head, getting ready to take his own life and escape this torture.
His wife quickly stepped in and tried to talk him out of it, but she made a mistake in mentioning
their son, which triggered Geroge into pulling the trigger.
He didn't die, only grazing his scalp and knocking himself out.
While unconscious he dreamed of the woman he truly loved, a Gungan warrior who he didn't
marry due to her not being able to bear any children.
Oh how he must have regretted that decision.
When he regained consciousness the first thing he saw was Jar Jar being attacked by a small
octopus like creature.
He then recollected his thoughts and the situation that he was in, and he then broke down crying.
And that's the end of George R Binks' story.
It's unknown how Jar Jar Binks or his parents got back to civilization on Naboo, or if Jar
Jar's parents even made it off of the island alive, as they are never seen alive again
and have only been mentioned in future stories.
But we can assume that at least Jar Jar Binks was eventually rescued by another fishing
ship which took him back to his Gungan colony on Naboo.
For more infomation >> Why Jar Jar Binks' Father Tried to Kill Himself [Legends] - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L2H2 Energy 170PK Euro 6 Schuifdeur L+R (nr.7121) - Duration: 0:54.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L2H2 Energy 170PK Euro 6 Schuifdeur L+R (170gr2x) - Duration: 1:02.
Best Off Grid and Homesteading Channels on YouTube? - Duration: 4:06.
hi i'm back and today i'm sharing the
best off grid and homesteading channels
on youtube with you so stay tuned
Im sorry that I tricked you in the end of
the last video telling you that the next
video would be a tour inside of the
cabin I lost some video material so i
have to reshoot them. So before i started
to upload videos i watched a lot of
YouTube videos and I still do that's
probably one of the reason that only
managed to upload once a week there are
a few channels that I would like to
highlight these channels brings a lot of
value and I love them all i present them
in a random order and i will have links
to all of them in the description here
we go the first channel that got me
started was preppernurse1 if you
follow that channel you will get no ad
and his twins Heather and Eddie and all
of their cats they moved off grid about
two years ago ed is sharing his life
with us and adds a lot of value he's a
great father and great youtuber that
should have a lot more subscribers then
you got my favorite couple Doug and Stacy
with their channel off grid with doug and
I am Doug and I'm Stacey and welcome to
Off grid with Doug and Stacy. they live totally
off-grid with no electricity at all they
are very much in living a simple and
healthy life you get a ton of tips from
them regarding off with living home
studying and staying healthy they are
adding a tremendous amount of value to
the community and of course I'm one of
their homestead homies so go over to
them and become one you too. Tthis is
modern homesteading. Then we have the
modern homesteader he don't need much of
an introduction it's cody on the
Wranglerstar channel he have really
succeeded on youtube if you don't
subscribe to him already you have to do
it he had such a broad value and a ton
of information on modern homesteading
in an entertaining way that have been
invaluable for me next channel is a
channel about a modern couple that's
building a depth free sustainable home
of grid on pure living for life we get
to follow Jesse and Alicia from the
beginning of the journey to where
they're at right now this channel is a
must if you are planning on going
off-grid they show a lot of information
and often in a really fun way and lost
but not least the boss of the swamp this
is a channel that always makes me happy
we get to follow him on his homestead
and in his cottages there's a lot to
learn from him he is really living the
life he want to live close to the nature
he will give you tips on everything from
gardening restoring old cookware and
just answering questions about life in
his serious vlog with a dog so these
were a few on my favorite YouTube
channels be sure to visit them you got a
link to them in the description I hope
you will find them as entertaining and
full of information as I do do you got
any more channels that you love or do
you want to share your channel
post the links to them in the comments
so we all can find those channels too
until next time stay safe and live your
life as you want to leave it cause you
only get one chance see you in the next
video if you haven't subscribed already
do so by clicking down there on the
swedish flag and then you can also click
on the little bell icon up there and
then you'll get notified when I put out
new videos and if you want to watch
another video I got one over there for
Wiosenny MyBookBox || Unboxing - Duration: 4:33.
Circo e seus encantos - Duration: 2:03.
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI 5DRS. FEEL AIRCO/LED - Duration: 1:02.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:59.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active Direct leverbaar - Duration: 1:00.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active Direct leverbaar!! - Duration: 0:54.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active Direct leverbaar!! - Duration: 1:03.
Questão de pesquisa #4 | Norman Vaughan - Planejamento e avaliação no Ensino Híbrido - Duration: 13:16.
many of us in higher education think we
know what hybrid or blended learning
means and I think that's true for
students as well we often use a very
simple definition its face to face and
it's online learning the biggest
challenge I find is to design for a
meaningful rich engaging blended or
hybrid learning experience in order to
consider this design we need to street
see consider three aspects what happens
before a class what happens during a
class and what happens after class the
biggest challenge is that students
perceive there is more than one course
taking place there's the online course
in the face-to-face course our challenge
for the design is to integrate those
environments so that students can
experience what learnings like all the
time not just inside but outside of the
classroom so this sort of design begins
with what are the outcomes what is the
knowledge the skills the attributes the
habits of mind that we want students to
take away from a learning experience so
that's what we must start with what do
we want students to leave the learning
experience with next we consider the
assessment what sort of feedback
feedback the students are going to give
themselves each other the peer feedback
the teacher and the expert feedback to
help them achieve those X those outcomes
so again a very close alignment between
outcomes and the assessment activities
once we've identified those we need to
break down the activities so there's a
clear link what's happening before after
and during class before class it's
really critical that we create the
excitement we call this a triggering
event students are challenged with ideas
and what we really want to do is raise
questions we want to raise their
awareness about the topic but from a
teacher perspective
if we also want to get an idea of what
do they know what do they not know about
this concept or topic so in terms of
activities before class we can get
students to work on different apps on
their phones different games activities
that really inspire excite students but
are also allowing us to collect
information about what they know and
don't know it's critical then when we
begin the face-to-face session that we
link to that activity they already did
for example it could be simple as a
reading and an online quiz and with the
online quiz we need to share the results
in class with the students oh my
goodness only twenty percent of the
students understand this concept the
student understands they're not alone
there's others in the classroom who
don't understand it they're much more
ready to accept and to have a dialogue
about those topics the other question I
always ask before class is what don't
you understand what are you concerned
about what should we have a dialogue or
a discussion in the classroom so again
the key is is setting the triggering
event up before the class during the
class is integrating bringing that
conversation into the classroom and then
providing more opportunities to students
to go deeper to have a richer dialogue
around the questions the issues that
challenge they have and then what we
must link is linked that to the homework
what are the activities what our
students going to do after the class and
often what they're going to do is work
collaboratively on problem-solving
activities we've had a discussion we've
had a debate in the class about the
issuer challenge students have started
to come up with pass their ideas that
they need to then go outside of class to
test them to talk to people in the
community to collect research from the
library to do experiments and streams
and in the natural environment and then
they're able to bring those back to the
next next class to continue the dialogue
so the key is
is using technology tools to make clear
links before during and after the class
that is the key successfully designing
and engaging a rich blended or hybrid
learning environment there's a saying in
English we teach how we were taught it's
a cycle so for many of us I'm growing up
we're used to coming to a classroom
where people would talk at us sometimes
we were able to ask questions and for
homework we read books and we answered
questions about the content of the books
so murr for many of us entering higher
education the Academy this is the type
of teacher assignments and feedback we
give to our students we focus on tests
and writing assignments we call this a
form of summative assessment and again
this is important but I'm not sure it
always helps students grow and develop
and often it can have the reverse effect
is that students get it very afraid and
they don't understand how to use our
feedback and they look at it the form of
almost punishment so what I think we
need to do is teachers is there's always
a time and a place for summative but
learn how we can give students
meaningful feedback we call it formative
assessment throughout a chorus now this
is important for students but it's also
important for us to learn to do it in a
way that's efficient and effective
because like anybody we're very busy and
again I think we can do this in
partnership with others we as teachers
are ultimately responsible for the final
grades the summative assessment of each
student in our class but throughout the
course we can use experts in the
community in our institutions at other
universities to help provide meaningful
feedback for students and I think this
is very valuable not just for students
because they're getting feedback from
experts but it's also valuable for the
other experts the other professors the
people in the workplace because it gets
to sin
for them about what students know and
don't know so the key for me around
teacher assessment is to rely not just
on one form of assessment not just a
summative assessment to focus also on
formative assessment with experts in
your field in English we often use the
word assessment and the word evaluation
interchangeably both is making judgments
and giving feedback but to distinguish
those two in the English language we
talk about assessing people giving
feedback to people such as students and
an evaluation we often talk about
evaluating things such as disciplines
courses and programs I'd like to talk a
little now about evaluation and I think
evaluation really is a very powerful
form of research and it's something
that's becoming more and more important
in north america is the evaluation or
the research of our own teaching
practice and again I think we need to do
this in partnership with others with our
students with our graduate students but
it's very important when we're
evaluating we're researching our hybrid
and distance courses that not only do we
look at student success in terms of the
grades or the summative assessment how
successful students are in completing
the course but we also examine the
challenges the road neck there was a
bottlenecks is of the the roadblocks
what are the issues what are the
challenges that are preventing all
students from being successful in the
class for me those are the most
meaningful things that I like to
evaluate is why what is is about my
teaching the technology the environment
that is hindering that is holding
students back all students from being
successful in terms of conducting this
sort of research I think it's important
to first identify what are those issues
and concerns
secondly I think it's important that I
work collaboratively with a team to
explore why is this happening what's
already existing in the literature
building on the research of others
designing my own research and
partnership with others and then third
actually conducting the research
actually creating an experiment creating
a situation we run collecting
information for more than one just form
of data so i may be surveying my
students but i'm also getting someone
else to interview the students and i may
be actually getting data from the
virtual learning environment such as
moodle so I'm triangulating my data last
but not least when I collect this data
and analyze it's critical that I do
something with it I use the findings
from my study to not only improve my own
teaching practice but to share it with
others in my own institution through
presentations and conferences but I
share it with the larger educational
research field through again conference
presentations and journal publications
one of the most difficult things for for
myself as a teacher in a higher
education is to admit that I have
problems or challenges when I'm doing my
research my academic research this is
what I'm looking for is problems and
challenges but I often feel very
insecure and nervous about talking with
other people about my teaching
challenges or problems because I don't
want to admit that I have problems so I
think what's important is to find people
that I can trust environments sometimes
that could be a colleague INSEAD someone
outside of my department because I'm a
new member and I'm embarrassed to talk
to people in my faculty or department so
I'm a talk with someone insead or I may
be very fortunate that I have a mentor
who I can talk with but again I think
the key is to find someone to talk about
we need to share our problems
because our problems can often become
very rich research activities so I think
what I need to learn as a teacher to
begin is not to be afraid not to be
embarrassed when I have a problem that
we are in an age when I can get help
sometimes I'll be honest I I even the
older I get I'm gaining more confidence
is I can ask my students and and it
begins by this I really want to learn
help you learn this concept and i have
taught this for many years but i find
often students have difficulties
learning this can you help me and this
becomes a very powerful learning
opportunity for students because they
can say yes we would love to help you
students are sometimes much more
sophisticated at finding a youtube video
that demonstrates the concept maybe it's
an application and app for their phone
so i think this can be exciting when we
work with with students to solve these
issues or problems so what it needs to
do it needs to begin with me not to look
at this as a weakness or something it's
a problem with me but took the problem
outside of me and working at solving
this problem in partnership with other
people again it could be teaching
specialists at sad it could be my
colleagues in the faculty or if I have
the confidence it could be even students
in my classroom the key is to get the
problem outside of me and have a
dialogue with others about how to solve
the problem
World of Tanks Console: Modo Marte - Duration: 1:18.
Great Things | HLA Nazareth Music Video | Group Publishing - Duration: 2:36.
Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids!
We've come here expecting God to do amazing things
Right here, right now
Our friends and our family gather here to have some fun
Right here, right now
Great things happen when we come together
Great things happen when we praise our Savior
We sing, we serve
We laugh, we learn
Great thing are gonna happen
Great things are gonna happen here
We've come here expecting God to do amazing things
Right here, right now
Our friends and our family gather here to have some fun
Right here, right now
Great things happen when we come together
Great things happen when we praise our Savior
We sing, we serve
We laugh, we learn
Great things are gonna happen
Great things are gonna happen
Great things happen when we come together
Great things happen when we praise our Savior
We sing, we serve
We laugh, we learn
Great things are gonna happen
Great things are gonna happen
Great things are gonna happen here
Ashe Montage , Insane Machine killer with Korea Buid | Ashe pentakill 2017 - Duration: 10:51.
Like this vid and help me get 500 sub. Thanks U so much :)
How Thinking Brings Success - The POWER of Your Thoughts! Law of Attraction - Duration: 23:00.
Soy Luna 2: Spoiler Alert 1 - Duration: 0:36.
Episode One - PEG The Store: Behind The Scenes with Jinkx Monsoon! - Duration: 4:39.
Hi everyone!
I'm Jinkx Monsoon and I'm meetin' and greetin' here at the PEG Store in scenic LA downtown
artist district area.
I'm excited yes.
So excited.
Yeah well I see her everytime she's in town but I like it here because we get to talk
My favorite meet and greet moment - I always like it when cute boys want me to sign their
I bought this poster for Jinkx to sign.
Very excited to meet her, so...
Just wanna meet her I've been a fan since forever.
My favorite city to perform in is London, England.
I have just a very loyal hip and with-it fan base there.
I'm a huge Jinkx Monsoon fan.
She's my favorite drag queen and human being.
So excited.
I know I'm like aah!
First time.
I've tried for the past few years now and I've been thwarted every time by delayed flights,
freeway closures, just a myriad of things that have kept me from her so this is terribly
exciting for me.
I love - I love that towel.
I love the picture on the towel which is the teal towel that it's kind of like a mermaid.
She looks beautiful.
I already have all the Jinkx shirts so I had to buy the towel cause that's the only thing
I didn't have.
I like when people are wearing my face on anything.
What's weirder is when they've made their own t-shirt, when they've printed some obscure
photo of me dabbing or something from the internet and created some kind of pop art
t-shirt out of it but it's all great.
Hi everyone!
But I always think of you as Idina Menzel.
Idina Menzel's here!
Hi again mom!
Nice to see you!
I love this!
The worst gift a fan has given.
I don't know.
I find joy in everything.
Here's the thing is, some of the art work can be revealing.
The best gift is a taxidermied mouse dressed like Little Edie.
It all sounds familiar but I don't have any memories past last week.
Right after my season of Drag Race aired I was on tour for like seven months straight
so I didn't get to see my friends or my family or anything and I was doing a gig in Portland,
Oregon - my birthplace - and like everyone in my entire weird family came out to this
club event and waited in the meet and greet line just to like say hi to me and catch up
with me cause it had been a while.
So it's like here's my grandma Linda.
I've never seen her out after 10:00.
The weirdest thing a fan has asked me to sign ooh I don't know.
An urn.
That never happened but wouldn't that be weird?
My favorite song to perform live is probably "All That Jazz".
I've been singing that song since I was you know in my first pair of pumps.
Yeah I have a Kickstarter going.
It's called The Ginger Snapped, is my new album.
It's a 90s garage band, rock n' roll throwback.
We're going for a $20,000 goal and it's to help offset and leverage the costs of production
and mastering and the album's already been recorded but the Kickstarter is to make sure
that it's going to be produced at the highest possible caliber that it possibly can be.
I just met Jinkx.
She's so nice and sweet and so tall.
My mother.
I'm deceased and very shook up.
I'm Jinkx Monsoon highly encouraging you to check out the PEG social medias and check
out their YouTube channel for additional videos like this one and keep up to date with all
the crazy happenings in this drag-tastic little experiment called life.
Insieme per una società non violenta - Unione Induista Italiana - Duration: 0:45.
Free to be true
Respect for all thoughts
Words of kindness
Concrete actions
"Otto per mille" to Italian Hindu Union
The roots of a better future
Silk Thread Festive Special Bangles - Duration: 7:07.
Hi Viewers
Now we will see how to make Silk Thread Festive Special : Party Wear Bangles
These are very easy to make,
and the items/material required for this are..
Small size ball chain
Pearl Chain and Stone Chain
Silk Thread
Plastic Bangle and Glue
Now I am taking the silk thread in 20 strands of 1 meter length.
As you can see, I have applied glue at one and left the other end free like this
Now I took kada bangle with lager width
apply glue to the inner side of the bangle
and stick the silk thread on glue applied
wrap it slowly after sticking
wrap it tightly, line by line and without any gaps
so that the bangle will look so neat
In the same way, wrap the whole bangle like this
Ok Viewers, we have completed wrapping the thread
apply glue at the end and cut the extra thread if any
Now I will show how to decorate this bangle with designs
I am now showing the finished bangle for- how to cut the stone/pearl chain for designs
If you the design here, it was decorated with stone and Pearl chains
lets see the required length/sizes for each material
As you can there is a long chain in the middle.. Its a stone chain
I took that by cutting the stone chain to a line having 9 stones
count the stones and cut the long chain to get a 9-stone chain
It should contain 9 stones
cut it like this
with the same measurement, I have cut the long chain into few more pieces - each having 9 stones in it.
and as you can see, there are small lines also in the design
Its a stone chain having 7 stones
I have cut and took few more stone chains having 7 stones per each one
And this is a Pearl chain
and I have cut the pearl chain into pieces - each one having 7 Pearls in it
and one on the top in U shape is small size ball chain
I took those by cutting the ball chain into parts and each part having 9 balls in it.
As you can see
If you measure & cut all the chains like this
and get everything ready before you start making this model
it will be very easy to decorate the designs and so its so simple to complete the bangle
Now I will show how to decorate them on the bangle
Next on the top of the banlge
apply glue like this in the form of a line
Now stick the stone chain (having 7 stones)
and adjust that with a toothpick to get it in a straight line
adjust like this so that stones should look equal and near
Now apply glue just adjacent to it in a thick line
and stick the stone chain (having 9 stones) on glue applied
Adjust both of them to get in straight line
The 9 stone chain should come in middle
like this adjust/press them with a toothpick
Now again apply glue beside the chain
and there stick the small stone chain( having 7 stones)
As you can see, adjusting them to get straight and equal
Again apply glue adjacent to it in the form of a line
and there I am going to stick now the pearl chain
this chain also should contain 7 Pearls
Adjust with a toothpick to get that also straight and equal to stone chain
Ok..I am going to place the same patteren again on the bangle
apply glue and stick the stone chain(7 stones)
again sticking the big size stone chain( 9 stones)
Adjust that to get straight and apply glue again like this
stick the small size stone chain( 7 stones)
stick now the pearl chain( 7 Pearls)
Adjust them with a toothpick to get straight
The design will look so neat once the glue dried up
Since we still have glue, you are not able see the design clearly here
you will be able to see the lines in the design clearly once the glue dried up
Apply glue now like this in a U shape
applying glue from one pearl chain to other pearl chain in a U shape
apply like this as shown in the video in a U shape
and there I am going to stick small size ball chain
bend the ball chain like this and stick
adjust that with the toothpick
In the same way, sticking the small size ball chain for the other design as well
adjust that as well to get it in U shape
Repeat the same step to stick the ball chains to the opposite side of the design
The whole bangle will come up with the same design
and we need to stick the ball chains on both sides of each design
As you can see, I am sticking the ball chains on both sides in a U shape
As I already said, it will look beautiful once the glue is dried up
Repeat the same steps and same pattern/design for whole bangle
ok Viewers..all the previous designs will keep getting dried one by one and
now I am showing the last step of the last design on the bangle
Applying glue and finishing this with a Pearl chain
Adjusting with a toothpick to get them in a straight line
As you can see, all the chains/lines came equal and looking nice
and lastly apply glue in U shape on both sides of Pearl chain
stick the ball chains on glue applied
adjust them with a toothpick to get in U shape
Ok Viewers .. the bangle is finished now.
As you can see, most of the glue on the designs was dried up and the bangle is looking good. right?
and as you can see, all the chains are looking straight and equal on the bangle
If you start this making with all the chains already cut and ready, this will be very easy to make:)
You too can try making these Silk Thread Festive Special bangles
Thanks for watching my video...
Please Subscribe and leave your valuable comments on this.
Thank you..!
Lego Worlds - Rocket Ship Away! Worlds to explore. Part 1 [KM+Gaming S01E30] - Duration: 19:38.
Rocket ship away!
So, welcome back to Kid Matters plus TV.
And today we are playing a different game
We just got it from the store
and it's called LEGO Worlds
It's a game where you can travel to different worlds.
and it sounds awesome.
but first, I'm going to do what happened in the first...
Ah, what happens when you start.
which is falling
So I'm going to fall now.
from where I started, I think was over...
there, uh, but I don't know really
uh, because I was somewhere...
I think I was over there, or something
somewhere, anyways...
so now we are going to go over to the pirate ship
and show you what I did
so, where's the pirate?
So, here's the pirate.
sits on this chair
but I am now.
I don't really sit here anymore
I sit somewhere else.
Well, I'm going to show you the rest of the stuff.
Is that...? No, that's a bird.
I, it's not a bird, it's a seagull.
We're going to go over to the skeleton
That's one skeleton.
Come here!
you...punch, punch punch
Aw, I could have used my sword.
Oh, I'm going to use my sword now.
Argh. Argh
I'm glad I have a...
I'm glad I had a...
Oh, wait!
I still have to fight these skeletons
This sword does a lot of damage.
Anyways, let's go to the other world.
We're going to the second world.
Oh, wait!
First, I'm going to show you the rest of stuff I did.
That was just the pirate ship.
Uh, where's...where's the thing?
Okay, there it is.
There's a pirate over here
that you have to get
That from the treasure chest
But first you have to talk to her
then you get the treasure chest
But, it's hard...
because you actually have to punch this
It's not very hard.
And then, if you want, you can scan it.
or delete it
Or do I want to delete it?
I'm just going to punch it
Now, I actually have all this stuff
I have that
and I have that
I also have that
We're going back over here.
Only, I'm going to show you what is in the pirate clock
Go in
from wherever side that the door is
Then you climb up...
Which there is a tree here
[audio cut out]
Cause it's a tree and you can't go through a tree
and then you can go back on to the ladder after this
Can't find it because it is dark
Then you can climb up it
Then you can see the whole entire world
Which this is a funny bit
So this...
is where you get...
This is the discover tool
You can discover anything
that... characters... where's character?
characters like these
I collect... Well...
These you get for the beginnning
Then you get these two for discovering them.
But first you have to knock them out.
When they have the little stars on their head
you...can collect them
But the zombies you can't
for some reason
nothing [?]
All the zombies are going nuts on that bird
That's cool
It's weird looking at that.
Anyways, let's get to the next part.
is this!
Oh no zombies are [audio cut out] coming [?]
So this, you can talk to the person
Then you have to get three, uh, pigs
and, uh, five chickens
the chickens...[audio cut out]
But you have to scan them
because it said at the...when you talk to her
you need this thing
And what you actually do is you go into this
And you find all these
Oh, I didn't buy the crab
anyways, I'm going to put the crab at the beach
Where you going crab?
I can't see it now
So now, that's it of all these
You only need that many bricks
You get three.
Then you go inside the pirates ship
Well, not the pirate ship. Why did I say pirate ship?
The space ship...
and you go to this place
flying now
Which you can see the little feet
The feet is for, um...what is it?
for landing
I'm forgetting all the words for this
Now you can turn the camera
so now we are going to CRASH!
you'll see
It has, uh, noise.
so yeah....
Now we go out of this....thing.
So what I actually did...
is like...where's the meteor?
I don't know
I forgot where the meteor crashed.
Was it here? No, that's the...
this wasn't here...Oh, right...
you can spawn in stuff.
so, I can spawn in people
spawn in...
because I have a girl
Oh, now he's running from the skeletons
Going to put a little... What the heck?!
Oh, right...
Now, what you do, is you do this.
and you spawn in pirate
You spawn in how many as you want
I spawn in three, because...uh...three...
but it's
seven is my lucky number
For Real!
for real, i don't know my lucky number
Ugh, fight
Not go all wild on the skeletons, I like skeletons
Better than pirates
And when they have the stars it means their in [inaudible] about what they did
I don't know...
I don't know...
What else I did was this...
So, it was really frustrating...
Because it wasn't the gap...
It was like....him.
I had to talk to her
and he would go across the bridge like....Ug.
and goes towards her and she would give me it [brick]
And then I did the rest of this
Of candyland
It turns out they gave me that...
Uh, that...
and that. That's from the meteor.
That's from...for building a wall.
And that is for painting a wall.
Oh, no. Oh, this I thought was lava
But it just turns out it's just orange glass.
Then I was done building my house.
I was like, "that's it, I'm done"
So now we're going in my house.
I know, it's from candy world.
Uh, I forgot I have torches.
And you spawn like that after you die.
and there's meows.
I don't know what his name is, I forgot
[inaudible] as you can find out in candy land.
I'll show you that world.
anyways, let's go to candy world.
Oh, and that.
I just, I just, I just...
spammed stuff.
And I got that. This weapon.
From this place.
I don't...I haven't looked in this yet.
Oh, it's like a thing...
for what...
It's like an item box.
for builds.
Go here, now we're going to...
go to this world.
and I call it candy land but really it's numbers
of worlds
Oh, and this place I said tragen's world
for some reason
Now, I'm going to call it kid matters plus tv world.
Now, I'm going to rocket there
Rocket ship... AWAY!!!!!
Now we're rocketing that way.'s candy land.
Nope, we're landing
We're landing!
land, Land, LAND!
Ah, doesn't it just look delicious?
You just want to eat it!
You WANT to EAT it!
But for real, you can just climb up it.
Oh, and I...
Did I show you what else you can do?
From the...
From the original game, there's a computer one.
You can not, you can not...
Wait! Where did my snake...
Where did the snake go?
Here, I'll show you.
Go into animals...
And I put a little snake up here.
There we go.
Oh, it went off the edge.
Don't go down, little snake.
I like...I like snakes
Oh wait! I forgot to show you other things on my world.
anyways, where is it?
Before I do that...
Let's go here. Actually, no.
Let's go back
to show you a land that I put...
because it said you could put a land far from the sea.
I'm going to turn the camera after this cut scene.
Oh this is my favorite part
It's awesome!
and as you see those little things are from like from star trek
Yeah, and also, what's it called...
Star Wars!
A volcano, yes.
You can go in the...
hole of the volcano, but it's...
full of lava!
It's full of lava.
yea...yeah. Hehehe
and it said
and it said this gun you can...
no. This gun, you can paint lava.
I'm not going to
because there...I haven't seen a lava thing ever.
That's lava.
and it...
And it also sprouts, I forgot.
So this is what I was going to show you.
That place.
There's my little thing.
Where's the frog?
I think the frog went off.
And yes, you can pick up stuff.
even the snake, I already showed you in the thing.
And I also have a skeleton.
I can sit down here.
When I first started, I had...uh...
Hair like this
but now I don't
anymore because [audio cut out]
I don't like it.
but I can also just...
Not have this on my land, but...
It's my land! So I can put whatever I want on it.
And you can see that I had to make it with this.
Nope, I think that is this.
Yeah, it's that.
And I put it in blocks.
Like, one block here
one block there
and one block here.
that's off center
and one block over here
Little trouble at the chair [?]
Actually found the grass and the tree somewhere.
I forgot
Oh, back on the first land where there is skeletons and stuff.
Oh and I forgot I can spawn in bats.
Bats' from the swamp.
Bye bat!
I'm going to spawn in other stuff. Like...
What would you suggest?
Another crab on this land?
"Make another crab"
I can't hear you, because it's a video.
I'm going to put the crab right here
Oh and no sea.
Oh wait!
Crab I can pick up.
Nope. You can' can't snip me.
You can't snip me.
I'm going underwater with him.
Nope, he's going underwater actually.
So yes, you can collect..uh...fishes.
Do this.
and that.
It's silly.
because you are holding a fish.
And I also have a paint gun
paint. Paint. Paint everything!
Paint everything!!!
I'm going to paint like this.
Er, where's that coming from?
Oh wait!
I could just like do that to my walls.
Paint the masterpiece.
yes, purple!
and...something. Oh that's green.
another green
Okay, now I'm going to do some other stuff
because I haven't painted it all.
That was finished.
That was not finished.
because this is...
the gun just paints random colors
I think
I accidentally did something
Oh, I have no more lights now
Anyways, I'm going to put back...
the lights
Bye everybody!
Don't forget to leave a like...
and SUBSCRIBE! and...
Hit that bell icon!
and we have more to show you in the next video
Perreo Brasileño 2017: Essa Novinha - MC Kevinho - Duration: 2:36.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L3H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R (l3cas) - Duration: 0:54.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L3H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R (nr. 7101) - Duration: 0:59.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L3H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R (nr.4839) - Duration: 1:03.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L3H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R (nr.7128) - Duration: 0:58.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L2H2 130PK Euro 6 schuifdeur L+R (nr. L2H2W2X) - Duration: 0:57.
Arma 3 "King Of The Hill" - South Africa - Duration: 29:22.
Why Jar Jar Binks' Father Tried to Kill Himself [Legends] - Duration: 3:14.
George R Binks was the unfortunate father of the maddening Jar Jar Binks.
But unlike his son, George was pretty hardcore and was actually competent.
He was a professional whaler and the proud owner of the successful family business, Binks
and Son Whaling Company.
Even when he was a mere child he already commanded a fishing gang.
So what could drive such an accomplished and steadfast man into wanting to commit suicide.
Well you guessed it, his son Jar Jar.
One day George set out on an ambitious Whaling expedition with just his family on board.
When they approached and harpooned a Naboo whale, George called for his 9 year old son
to take the ship's wheel and to hold it steady.
But boy did he make a mistake trusting such an important task to Jar Jar, as the moment
he turned his back Jar Jar let go of the wheel and began acting like a fool.
As a result the whale crashed into the ship and got tangled in the rigging.
Cut off from the steering wheel himself, George shouted for his son to make a quick maneuver
as a last ditch attempt at freeing the ship from the whale.
But Jar Jar didn't do jack and just somehow managed to get himself stuck in the wheel.
So the ship sunk.
But they didn't die and instead washed up onto an isolated, uninhabited island.
A month passed and George grew more and more irritated by his son's clumsiness, so much
so that he almost strangled him to death, but was quickly stopped by his wife who scolded
him for his high expectations out of Jar Jar.
George started to go insane over losing everything but snapped back into reality when Jar Jar
came up with the idea of swimming back to civilization.
Although such a task would result in certain death, George came up with the idea of tricking
his son in taking it up anyway, in the hopes that he would drown or get eaten.
But before he was able to throw Jar Jar into the water so he could start the deadly journey,
he was stopped by his wife.
Not being able to take it anymore, George whipped out his blaster pistol and placed
it right onto his head, getting ready to take his own life and escape this torture.
His wife quickly stepped in and tried to talk him out of it, but she made a mistake in mentioning
their son, which triggered Geroge into pulling the trigger.
He didn't die, only grazing his scalp and knocking himself out.
While unconscious he dreamed of the woman he truly loved, a Gungan warrior who he didn't
marry due to her not being able to bear any children.
Oh how he must have regretted that decision.
When he regained consciousness the first thing he saw was Jar Jar being attacked by a small
octopus like creature.
He then recollected his thoughts and the situation that he was in, and he then broke down crying.
And that's the end of George R Binks' story.
It's unknown how Jar Jar Binks or his parents got back to civilization on Naboo, or if Jar
Jar's parents even made it off of the island alive, as they are never seen alive again
and have only been mentioned in future stories.
But we can assume that at least Jar Jar Binks was eventually rescued by another fishing
ship which took him back to his Gungan colony on Naboo.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L2H2 Energy 170PK Euro 6 Schuifdeur L+R (nr.7121) - Duration: 0:54.
Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi L2H2 Energy 170PK Euro 6 Schuifdeur L+R (170gr2x) - Duration: 1:02.
Best Off Grid and Homesteading Channels on YouTube? - Duration: 4:06.
hi i'm back and today i'm sharing the
best off grid and homesteading channels
on youtube with you so stay tuned
Im sorry that I tricked you in the end of
the last video telling you that the next
video would be a tour inside of the
cabin I lost some video material so i
have to reshoot them. So before i started
to upload videos i watched a lot of
YouTube videos and I still do that's
probably one of the reason that only
managed to upload once a week there are
a few channels that I would like to
highlight these channels brings a lot of
value and I love them all i present them
in a random order and i will have links
to all of them in the description here
we go the first channel that got me
started was preppernurse1 if you
follow that channel you will get no ad
and his twins Heather and Eddie and all
of their cats they moved off grid about
two years ago ed is sharing his life
with us and adds a lot of value he's a
great father and great youtuber that
should have a lot more subscribers then
you got my favorite couple Doug and Stacy
with their channel off grid with doug and
I am Doug and I'm Stacey and welcome to
Off grid with Doug and Stacy. they live totally
off-grid with no electricity at all they
are very much in living a simple and
healthy life you get a ton of tips from
them regarding off with living home
studying and staying healthy they are
adding a tremendous amount of value to
the community and of course I'm one of
their homestead homies so go over to
them and become one you too. Tthis is
modern homesteading. Then we have the
modern homesteader he don't need much of
an introduction it's cody on the
Wranglerstar channel he have really
succeeded on youtube if you don't
subscribe to him already you have to do
it he had such a broad value and a ton
of information on modern homesteading
in an entertaining way that have been
invaluable for me next channel is a
channel about a modern couple that's
building a depth free sustainable home
of grid on pure living for life we get
to follow Jesse and Alicia from the
beginning of the journey to where
they're at right now this channel is a
must if you are planning on going
off-grid they show a lot of information
and often in a really fun way and lost
but not least the boss of the swamp this
is a channel that always makes me happy
we get to follow him on his homestead
and in his cottages there's a lot to
learn from him he is really living the
life he want to live close to the nature
he will give you tips on everything from
gardening restoring old cookware and
just answering questions about life in
his serious vlog with a dog so these
were a few on my favorite YouTube
channels be sure to visit them you got a
link to them in the description I hope
you will find them as entertaining and
full of information as I do do you got
any more channels that you love or do
you want to share your channel
post the links to them in the comments
so we all can find those channels too
until next time stay safe and live your
life as you want to leave it cause you
only get one chance see you in the next
video if you haven't subscribed already
do so by clicking down there on the
swedish flag and then you can also click
on the little bell icon up there and
then you'll get notified when I put out
new videos and if you want to watch
another video I got one over there for
Wiosenny MyBookBox || Unboxing - Duration: 4:33.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC Tekna - Duration: 0:54.
Opel Mokka 1.4 T INNOVATION - NAVIGATIE -E.C.C HALF LEDER - PARKEERHULP - 31.643KM - Duration: 1:02.
Fiat Tipo Hatchback 1.4 T-Jet 16v Bns - Duration: 1:03.
BREAKING It's Actually Happening! Trump Just STRIPPED Sanctuary Cities! - Duration: 10:26.
BREAKING It's Actually Happening! Trump Just STRIPPED Sanctuary Cities!
What the United States new Commander in Chief lacks in diplomacy, he more than makes up
for in follow through.
President Trump promised to fix the illegal immigration problem in the US, and he's
hitting it from all angles.
Not only is he making plans for the new border wall, he's finding new ways to round up
the illegals and deport them.
Obviously, something that he's doing is working because the illegals are so worried
about deportation they are willingly removing themselves from programs like SNAP.
One of the more ridiculous benefits that illegals have enjoyed with liberals running the country
is safety from ICE in sanctuary cities.
This basically means that there is no asking a potential alien about his status, and no
holding them for ICE if their status as being illegal comes out.
It's an entirely defiant stance that has no legal foundation.
It's pretty much just a way for cities to keep their massive illegal population from
becoming a hassle that they have to deal with in the city jails.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions today made an announcement about the alteration of these
When cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe.
Failure to deport aliens who are convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities
at risk, especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek
to protect perpetrators.
Today I'm urging states and local jurisdictions to comply with these federal laws including
8 USC § 1373.
Moreover the Department of Justice will require that jurisdictions seeking or applying for
Department of Justice grants to certify compliance with 1373 as a condition for receiving those
Liberals are trying so hard to not hurt the feelings of the criminals that they are endangering
the innocent.
Not only is it bad for the safety of the locals to allow the current criminals to roam free,
it's actually encouraging the new hordes that are still attempting to breach our borders
to congregate there.
I have no idea how anyone could say with a straight face that these cities are a good
Thankfully the current Administration with President Trump at the helm is going to reintroduce
government to a little think know as common sense.
(Source: Young Cons)Al Sharpton Gets DEVASTATING NEWS After Attacking Ivanka Trump … INSTANT
here is nothing Democrats hate more than Republicans.
But in this case they hate Republican women far more.
If you are black or a woman and Republican then you have to be a Democrat in the mind
of a liberal.
Which is why Democrats hate Ivanka Trump.
She is gorgeous, intelligent, powerful, and successful.
And she is Donald Trump's daughter.
Al Sharpton went on the attack and Ivanka Trump was next in line for his disgusting
Sharpton is a prominent African American activist and race baiter who shipped in busloads of
protestors after Trump was elected in order to make it seem like more people didn't
like Trump.
Sharpton recently told reporters the following,
"If President Barack Obama had given his daughters or his mother-in-law an office and
some access to classified documents and cleared security status, they would have run him and
everybody else out (of) the White House.
Giving a office on the West Wing of Ivanka Trump, somebody explain to me how you can
give security clearance, access to classified material, and a office to somebody that don't
have a title or job?
They say now she ain't got no title.
She ain't got no role.
We ain't payin' her no money.
But she can see everything classified."
But ethics advisor Jamie Gorelick excoriated the man for his false slander.
In response to Sharpton's comments Gorelick said the following,
"Our view is that the conservative approach is for Ivanka to voluntarily comply with the
rules that would apply if she were a government employee, even though she is not.
The White House Counsel's Office agrees with that approach."
Al Sharpton's theory falls flat because their is no equivalency.
The Obama daughters were and always have been underage teenagers during their father's
They would never be in a position to need the clearance Ivanka Trump has.
Whereas Ivanka Trump is a successful businesswoman and educated servant.
Like so many times before Sharpton just wants something to complain about.
Ivanka Trump is the epitome of class and integrity and Sharpton can't take it because it doesn't
fit the narrative he has created and perpetuated about Republicans.Trump's
NEW Air Force One Just Rolled Out, Look What Everyone Noticed That's VERY Different
The contract was up on Barack Obama's Air Force One with the expiration of his presidency.
While that was just a chance of timing, President Trump stepped in to not only renegotiate the
exorbitant cost of the aircraft, which came in millions higher than necessary but also
took advantage of the renegotiation to make some much-needed changes to the new design.
These proposed changes weren't revealed to the public until today and as soon as his
plans for the new Boeing rolled out in public view, everyone immediately noticed one thing
that has liberals losing their minds more than before.
Being the leader of the most powerful nation in the world comes at a great cost, some of
which is at the hands of your own citizens.
For that reason, the vehicles that transport our Commander-in-Chief need to be specially
equipped to do so safely, especially to protect against angry imbeciles who will stop at nothing
to get a "winning" round off as the martyr for the liberal movement.
Such is the plan for what's set to be completed a few years from now.
eftist psychopaths have posed a threat that no liberal leader ever saw from conservatives.
While our president saved a substantial amount renegotiating the production cost of the new
Air Force One, he didn't scrimp on details that will benefit leaders for years to come
on this contract.
As part of the perks of being the president with golden taste and fierce negotiation skills
to support the luxe accommodations on a "dime," you get an Air Force One that resembles that
of the Trump Tower in Manhattan.
If Trump isn't elected in 2020, heaven forbid, his replacement will enjoy this new ride in
the sky no matter how much he/she hates their predecessor.
Looking more like a five-star hotel, here's a sneak peek into Trump's Air Force One,
compliments of GreenPoint, that liberals thought Barack Obama deserved but didn't necessarily
The accommodations are fit for a king or queen and Trump knew how to negotiate it in a way
that cost far less but resulted in much more.
That's the kind of leader America can benefit from and nobody can argue the luxurious accommodations
for how hard our new president works to fix the mess that Barack Obama left him.
reat deals are made in great spaces, and Obama didn't make those arrangements to warrant
such accommodations.
While the previous Air Force One had similar safety and luxury assets installed, Trump's
aircraft has at least twice the protection and comfort as others in the event of those
plotting to dispose of him actually get crazy enough to try it.
The next thing liberals will likely complain about is that Trump is using too much of America's
funds for his protection.
However, this wouldn't be the case if they hadn't created the problem and need for
it, but he creates the budget for the extras that Obama couldn't ever fathom.
Crooked Soros Just Busted Smuggling In SICKENING Shipment On Massive Ships And Its BAD!
Authorities in Italy are now calling out for monitoring of the funding that took place
in support of a NGO fleet bussing migrants into the EU from the North African coast.
Soros is at the head of the investigation as their first suspect they are looking into
as funding the entire operation.
This was acknowledged after a report released showing that the members of the fleet are
acting as accomplices to human smugglers and were directly contributing to the risk of
death that migrants do face when they attempt to make it across into the EU.
The report also suggests that member of the NGOs that sponsor the ships that are part
of this fleet are now even acting as veritable accomplices to these human smugglers, all
due to their service that provides a reliable shuttle service for migrants travelling from
North America to Italy.
It lowers the smugglers' costs substantially and just about eliminates the need for them
to procure seaworthy vessels that are capable of making the voyage across the Mediterranean
to the European coastline.
Now they want to know who is funding this whole dark plot.
So the chief prosecutor of Catania is calling for monitoring of the funding behind the NGO
groups engaged in operating the migrant fleet.
He is claiming that "the facilitation of illegal immigration is a punishable offense
regardless of the intention"
Or course it is not considered a crime to enter the waters of a foreign country and
pick up the migrants, however the NGOs are suppose to then land them at the nearest port
of call.
If they had done that it would have been somewhere near the North African coast instead of in
The Chief prosecutor also noted that Italy itself is going to investigate Islamic radicalization
that is occurring in prisons and even camps where these immigrants are being hired and
paid under the table.
The migrant problem has turned into a widespread plague of illegal immigrants coming out of
North Africa and making their way to Italy.
There is not as stated by the mayor of Vatican City a war brewing between migrants and the
poor Italians who were already just barely surviving, and now have to fight the access
flow of migrants into their cities making it even more difficult to take care of themselves.
This new wave of migrants has also caused numerous issues in southern Italy, where the
Sicilian Cosa Nostra has literally declared war on migrants and are fighting back.
Even the Italian mafia has gotten in o the fight with North Africa crime gangs who have
entered the EU among migrant populations.
It's utter chaos, and destruction.
The Battle of Henry Johnson | The Great War - Duration: 1:03.
It's this story that is picked up by all of the papers,
black press and white press,
as a story of heroism.
The white press is a little more given to stereotype and minstrel-sy.
And the black press on the other hand builds him up into this super human hero that is
emblematic of all black manhood and all black potential.
Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts became household names.
They were the war heroes that black America had been searching for.
Johnson and Roberts are literally the first heroes of the war because there's a censorship
that prevents the naming of any American unit or soldier,
but because the 15th is serving with the French, they don't come under censorship.
And it goes into the newspapers as the "Battle of Henry Johnson."
Trump's NEW Air Force One Just Rolled Out, Look What Everyone Noticed That's VERY Different - Duration: 10:26.
Trump's NEW Air Force One Just Rolled Out, Look What Everyone Noticed That's VERY Different
The contract was up on Barack Obama's Air Force One with the expiration of his presidency.
While that was just a chance of timing, President Trump stepped in to not only renegotiate the
exorbitant cost of the aircraft, which came in millions higher than necessary but also
took advantage of the renegotiation to make some much-needed changes to the new design.
These proposed changes weren't revealed to the public until today and as soon as his
plans for the new Boeing rolled out in public view, everyone immediately noticed one thing
that has liberals losing their minds more than before.
Being the leader of the most powerful nation in the world comes at a great cost, some of
which is at the hands of your own citizens.
For that reason, the vehicles that transport our Commander-in-Chief need to be specially
equipped to do so safely, especially to protect against angry imbeciles who will stop at nothing
to get a "winning" round off as the martyr for the liberal movement.
Such is the plan for what's set to be completed a few years from now.
eftist psychopaths have posed a threat that no liberal leader ever saw from conservatives.
While our president saved a substantial amount renegotiating the production cost of the new
Air Force One, he didn't scrimp on details that will benefit leaders for years to come
on this contract.
As part of the perks of being the president with golden taste and fierce negotiation skills
to support the luxe accommodations on a "dime," you get an Air Force One that resembles that
of the Trump Tower in Manhattan.
If Trump isn't elected in 2020, heaven forbid, his replacement will enjoy this new ride in
the sky no matter how much he/she hates their predecessor.
Looking more like a five-star hotel, here's a sneak peek into Trump's Air Force One,
compliments of GreenPoint, that liberals thought Barack Obama deserved but didn't necessarily
The accommodations are fit for a king or queen and Trump knew how to negotiate it in a way
that cost far less but resulted in much more.
That's the kind of leader America can benefit from and nobody can argue the luxurious accommodations
for how hard our new president works to fix the mess that Barack Obama left him.
reat deals are made in great spaces, and Obama didn't make those arrangements to warrant
such accommodations.
While the previous Air Force One had similar safety and luxury assets installed, Trump's
aircraft has at least twice the protection and comfort as others in the event of those
plotting to dispose of him actually get crazy enough to try it.
The next thing liberals will likely complain about is that Trump is using too much of America's
funds for his protection.
However, this wouldn't be the case if they hadn't created the problem and need for
it, but he creates the budget for the extras that Obama couldn't ever fathom.
Crooked Soros Just Busted Smuggling In SICKENING Shipment On Massive Ships And Its BAD!
Authorities in Italy are now calling out for monitoring of the funding that took place
in support of a NGO fleet bussing migrants into the EU from the North African coast.
Soros is at the head of the investigation as their first suspect they are looking into
as funding the entire operation.
This was acknowledged after a report released showing that the members of the fleet are
acting as accomplices to human smugglers and were directly contributing to the risk of
death that migrants do face when they attempt to make it across into the EU.
The report also suggests that member of the NGOs that sponsor the ships that are part
of this fleet are now even acting as veritable accomplices to these human smugglers, all
due to their service that provides a reliable shuttle service for migrants travelling from
North America to Italy.
It lowers the smugglers' costs substantially and just about eliminates the need for them
to procure seaworthy vessels that are capable of making the voyage across the Mediterranean
to the European coastline.
Now they want to know who is funding this whole dark plot.
So the chief prosecutor of Catania is calling for monitoring of the funding behind the NGO
groups engaged in operating the migrant fleet.
He is claiming that "the facilitation of illegal immigration is a punishable offense
regardless of the intention"
Or course it is not considered a crime to enter the waters of a foreign country and
pick up the migrants, however the NGOs are suppose to then land them at the nearest port
of call.
If they had done that it would have been somewhere near the North African coast instead of in
The Chief prosecutor also noted that Italy itself is going to investigate Islamic radicalization
that is occurring in prisons and even camps where these immigrants are being hired and
paid under the table.
The migrant problem has turned into a widespread plague of illegal immigrants coming out of
North Africa and making their way to Italy.
There is not as stated by the mayor of Vatican City a war brewing between migrants and the
poor Italians who were already just barely surviving, and now have to fight the access
flow of migrants into their cities making it even more difficult to take care of themselves.
This new wave of migrants has also caused numerous issues in southern Italy, where the
Sicilian Cosa Nostra has literally declared war on migrants and are fighting back.
Even the Italian mafia has gotten in o the fight with North Africa crime gangs who have
entered the EU among migrant populations.
It's utter chaos, and destruction.BREAKING It's Actually Happening! Trump Just STRIPPED
Sanctuary Cities!
What the United States new Commander in Chief lacks in diplomacy, he more than makes up
for in follow through.
President Trump promised to fix the illegal immigration problem in the US, and he's
hitting it from all angles.
Not only is he making plans for the new border wall, he's finding new ways to round up
the illegals and deport them.
Obviously, something that he's doing is working because the illegals are so worried
about deportation they are willingly removing themselves from programs like SNAP.
One of the more ridiculous benefits that illegals have enjoyed with liberals running the country
is safety from ICE in sanctuary cities.
This basically means that there is no asking a potential alien about his status, and no
holding them for ICE if their status as being illegal comes out.
It's an entirely defiant stance that has no legal foundation.
It's pretty much just a way for cities to keep their massive illegal population from
becoming a hassle that they have to deal with in the city jails.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions today made an announcement about the alteration of these
When cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe.
Failure to deport aliens who are convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities
at risk, especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek
to protect perpetrators.
Today I'm urging states and local jurisdictions to comply with these federal laws including
8 USC § 1373.
Moreover the Department of Justice will require that jurisdictions seeking or applying for
Department of Justice grants to certify compliance with 1373 as a condition for receiving those
Liberals are trying so hard to not hurt the feelings of the criminals that they are endangering
the innocent.
Not only is it bad for the safety of the locals to allow the current criminals to roam free,
it's actually encouraging the new hordes that are still attempting to breach our borders
to congregate there.
I have no idea how anyone could say with a straight face that these cities are a good
Thankfully the current Administration with President Trump at the helm is going to reintroduce
government to a little think know as common sense.
(Source: Young Cons)Al Sharpton Gets DEVASTATING NEWS After Attacking Ivanka Trump … INSTANT
here is nothing Democrats hate more than Republicans.
But in this case they hate Republican women far more.
If you are black or a woman and Republican then you have to be a Democrat in the mind
of a liberal.
Which is why Democrats hate Ivanka Trump.
She is gorgeous, intelligent, powerful, and successful.
And she is Donald Trump's daughter.
Al Sharpton went on the attack and Ivanka Trump was next in line for his disgusting
Sharpton is a prominent African American activist and race baiter who shipped in busloads of
protestors after Trump was elected in order to make it seem like more people didn't
like Trump.
Sharpton recently told reporters the following,
"If President Barack Obama had given his daughters or his mother-in-law an office and
some access to classified documents and cleared security status, they would have run him and
everybody else out (of) the White House.
Giving a office on the West Wing of Ivanka Trump, somebody explain to me how you can
give security clearance, access to classified material, and a office to somebody that don't
have a title or job?
They say now she ain't got no title.
She ain't got no role.
We ain't payin' her no money.
But she can see everything classified."
But ethics advisor Jamie Gorelick excoriated the man for his false slander.
In response to Sharpton's comments Gorelick said the following,
"Our view is that the conservative approach is for Ivanka to voluntarily comply with the
rules that would apply if she were a government employee, even though she is not.
The White House Counsel's Office agrees with that approach."
Al Sharpton's theory falls flat because their is no equivalency.
The Obama daughters were and always have been underage teenagers during their father's
They would never be in a position to need the clearance Ivanka Trump has.
Whereas Ivanka Trump is a successful businesswoman and educated servant.
Like so many times before Sharpton just wants something to complain about.
Ivanka Trump is the epitome of class and integrity and Sharpton can't take it because it doesn't
fit the narrative he has created and perpetuated about Republicans.
Identity Issues - My Personal Struggles (CS:GO Gameplay) - Duration: 5:38.
Hello people my name is seven and today I want to give a small update about what's
been going on lately on life and spoiler alert: it's not a good one.
So over the past I'd say 3 months I've been having what I'm going to call as Existential
Or, in other words, I'm just fucking sad and I don't want to talk about it issues.
This isn't anything new, I've been having these issues for about 3 years now but it
has always been on and off.
Some weeks were better than others but for the most part I'd say I was coping very
well with it and it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
Everybody has existential doubts and feeling down every once in a while wasn't bad.
That is until 3 months ago were, I don't know why (maybe it's because I'm getting
older), my moodiness started to because more frequent.
This channel completely depends on me being on a good mood.
I cannot work when I'm sad so I completely avoid my channel and any type of work for
that matter when I'm not feeling well.
So that's why there hasn't been that many videos lately.
I try to grab the little time were I'm not contemplating the meaning of life to develop
my channel but they haven't been as frequent as I'd like.
Why do I feel sad?
Well, my entire life has been me trying to discover myself and failing.
I have this belief in my head that I've had since ever that I exist for a reason.
That there's something out there that I was made for.
An activity, another person, something that would identify me.
I tried sports, quit.
Amazing school grades?
Very good in fact, but not exceptional.
Maybe a musical instrument!
Swimming, football, handball.
As soon as I realized that I wasn't exceptional at them, I would just stop.
I even tried juggling, took me weeks to do it reliably and I'd heard people picking
it up in just 3 days.
I wanted to find my gift, the thing I was exceptionally good at and not just average.
There had to be something.
I wanted something that would identify me, like: hey, I'm seven, I'm the best swimmer
in the district or I'm the best musician in town or I'm the best juggler in the country.
Okay, I admit, the juggling thing was more of curiosity and it wasn't going to bring
me anywhere.
And that brings me to 15-year-old me.
The time which marks, thanks to all my previous failed attempts to discover myself and a little
bit of experience with the L word, the beginning of this existential issues that I'm still
Dealing with
A few years later I started making videos and it was one of my final attempts to discover myself
This channel is probably one of the few things I haven't quit.
I promised myself I wouldn't no matter what and that's why I'm still here.
I feel like THIS is the thing.
The thing I was waiting for.
However, I feel like I haven't had the chance to prove myself.
This is weird because even though I feel like I'm exceptional at it, I still feel like
I haven't completed my goal.
I'll explain it with an example: let's say that I have found my gift and I play the
Even though it's my gift and I know that I'm especially good at it, it all won't
matter if I'm just playing the guitar in a random corner of the subway.
It's the same thing here.
At the end of the day, I still have the same problem.
I'm sad.
Worried that I'll never leave the same corner of the subway.
I'm still having the same identity issues that started 3 years ago and even though I
have accepted this channel as my identity, it's just more psychological pressure on
me because I don't want to play in the subway for my entire life.
And that's the worst part, knowing you're good at something but never proving yourself.
These past 3 months have been really though on me because of that.
Because I only realized that now.
It's like knowing an entire school subject by heart, but succumbing to the pressure on
the final exam and failing the subject.
This is what It feels like.
But anyways, that's just something a wanted to get out of my head.
I've been thinking a lot about this over the last 3 months.
Also note that this is not going to change anything on my channel whatsoever, so don't
I know this was a big confusing info bomb so:
Tldr; Spent my entire life searching for something and now that I have it, it still feels like
I don't.
This makes me sad because now that I have found it and realized this channel as it,
it puts a lot of pressure on me because I don't want this to became another failed
life project.
Al Sharpton Gets DEVASTATING NEWS After Attacking Ivanka Trump … INSTANT JUSTICE! - Duration: 10:26.
Al Sharpton Gets DEVASTATING NEWS After Attacking Ivanka Trump … INSTANT JUSTICE!
here is nothing Democrats hate more than Republicans.
But in this case they hate Republican women far more.
If you are black or a woman and Republican then you have to be a Democrat in the mind
of a liberal.
Which is why Democrats hate Ivanka Trump.
She is gorgeous, intelligent, powerful, and successful.
And she is Donald Trump's daughter.
Al Sharpton went on the attack and Ivanka Trump was next in line for his disgusting
Sharpton is a prominent African American activist and race baiter who shipped in busloads of
protestors after Trump was elected in order to make it seem like more people didn't
like Trump.
Sharpton recently told reporters the following,
"If President Barack Obama had given his daughters or his mother-in-law an office and
some access to classified documents and cleared security status, they would have run him and
everybody else out (of) the White House.
Giving a office on the West Wing of Ivanka Trump, somebody explain to me how you can
give security clearance, access to classified material, and a office to somebody that don't
have a title or job?
They say now she ain't got no title.
She ain't got no role.
We ain't payin' her no money.
But she can see everything classified."
But ethics advisor Jamie Gorelick excoriated the man for his false slander.
In response to Sharpton's comments Gorelick said the following,
"Our view is that the conservative approach is for Ivanka to voluntarily comply with the
rules that would apply if she were a government employee, even though she is not.
The White House Counsel's Office agrees with that approach."
Al Sharpton's theory falls flat because their is no equivalency.
The Obama daughters were and always have been underage teenagers during their father's
They would never be in a position to need the clearance Ivanka Trump has.
Whereas Ivanka Trump is a successful businesswoman and educated servant.
Like so many times before Sharpton just wants something to complain about.
Ivanka Trump is the epitome of class and integrity and Sharpton can't take it because it doesn't
fit the narrative he has created and perpetuated about Republicans.Trump's
NEW Air Force One Just Rolled Out, Look What Everyone Noticed That's VERY Different
The contract was up on Barack Obama's Air Force One with the expiration of his presidency.
While that was just a chance of timing, President Trump stepped in to not only renegotiate the
exorbitant cost of the aircraft, which came in millions higher than necessary but also
took advantage of the renegotiation to make some much-needed changes to the new design.
These proposed changes weren't revealed to the public until today and as soon as his
plans for the new Boeing rolled out in public view, everyone immediately noticed one thing
that has liberals losing their minds more than before.
Being the leader of the most powerful nation in the world comes at a great cost, some of
which is at the hands of your own citizens.
For that reason, the vehicles that transport our Commander-in-Chief need to be specially
equipped to do so safely, especially to protect against angry imbeciles who will stop at nothing
to get a "winning" round off as the martyr for the liberal movement.
Such is the plan for what's set to be completed a few years from now.
eftist psychopaths have posed a threat that no liberal leader ever saw from conservatives.
While our president saved a substantial amount renegotiating the production cost of the new
Air Force One, he didn't scrimp on details that will benefit leaders for years to come
on this contract.
As part of the perks of being the president with golden taste and fierce negotiation skills
to support the luxe accommodations on a "dime," you get an Air Force One that resembles that
of the Trump Tower in Manhattan.
If Trump isn't elected in 2020, heaven forbid, his replacement will enjoy this new ride in
the sky no matter how much he/she hates their predecessor.
Looking more like a five-star hotel, here's a sneak peek into Trump's Air Force One,
compliments of GreenPoint, that liberals thought Barack Obama deserved but didn't necessarily
The accommodations are fit for a king or queen and Trump knew how to negotiate it in a way
that cost far less but resulted in much more.
That's the kind of leader America can benefit from and nobody can argue the luxurious accommodations
for how hard our new president works to fix the mess that Barack Obama left him.
reat deals are made in great spaces, and Obama didn't make those arrangements to warrant
such accommodations.
While the previous Air Force One had similar safety and luxury assets installed, Trump's
aircraft has at least twice the protection and comfort as others in the event of those
plotting to dispose of him actually get crazy enough to try it.
The next thing liberals will likely complain about is that Trump is using too much of America's
funds for his protection.
However, this wouldn't be the case if they hadn't created the problem and need for
it, but he creates the budget for the extras that Obama couldn't ever fathom.
Crooked Soros Just Busted Smuggling In SICKENING Shipment On Massive Ships And Its BAD!
Authorities in Italy are now calling out for monitoring of the funding that took place
in support of a NGO fleet bussing migrants into the EU from the North African coast.
Soros is at the head of the investigation as their first suspect they are looking into
as funding the entire operation.
This was acknowledged after a report released showing that the members of the fleet are
acting as accomplices to human smugglers and were directly contributing to the risk of
death that migrants do face when they attempt to make it across into the EU.
The report also suggests that member of the NGOs that sponsor the ships that are part
of this fleet are now even acting as veritable accomplices to these human smugglers, all
due to their service that provides a reliable shuttle service for migrants travelling from
North America to Italy.
It lowers the smugglers' costs substantially and just about eliminates the need for them
to procure seaworthy vessels that are capable of making the voyage across the Mediterranean
to the European coastline.
Now they want to know who is funding this whole dark plot.
So the chief prosecutor of Catania is calling for monitoring of the funding behind the NGO
groups engaged in operating the migrant fleet.
He is claiming that "the facilitation of illegal immigration is a punishable offense
regardless of the intention"
Or course it is not considered a crime to enter the waters of a foreign country and
pick up the migrants, however the NGOs are suppose to then land them at the nearest port
of call.
If they had done that it would have been somewhere near the North African coast instead of in
The Chief prosecutor also noted that Italy itself is going to investigate Islamic radicalization
that is occurring in prisons and even camps where these immigrants are being hired and
paid under the table.
The migrant problem has turned into a widespread plague of illegal immigrants coming out of
North Africa and making their way to Italy.
There is not as stated by the mayor of Vatican City a war brewing between migrants and the
poor Italians who were already just barely surviving, and now have to fight the access
flow of migrants into their cities making it even more difficult to take care of themselves.
This new wave of migrants has also caused numerous issues in southern Italy, where the
Sicilian Cosa Nostra has literally declared war on migrants and are fighting back.
Even the Italian mafia has gotten in o the fight with North Africa crime gangs who have
entered the EU among migrant populations.
It's utter chaos, and destruction.BREAKING It's Actually Happening! Trump Just STRIPPED
Sanctuary Cities!
What the United States new Commander in Chief lacks in diplomacy, he more than makes up
for in follow through.
President Trump promised to fix the illegal immigration problem in the US, and he's
hitting it from all angles.
Not only is he making plans for the new border wall, he's finding new ways to round up
the illegals and deport them.
Obviously, something that he's doing is working because the illegals are so worried
about deportation they are willingly removing themselves from programs like SNAP.
One of the more ridiculous benefits that illegals have enjoyed with liberals running the country
is safety from ICE in sanctuary cities.
This basically means that there is no asking a potential alien about his status, and no
holding them for ICE if their status as being illegal comes out.
It's an entirely defiant stance that has no legal foundation.
It's pretty much just a way for cities to keep their massive illegal population from
becoming a hassle that they have to deal with in the city jails.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions today made an announcement about the alteration of these
When cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe.
Failure to deport aliens who are convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities
at risk, especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek
to protect perpetrators.
Today I'm urging states and local jurisdictions to comply with these federal laws including
8 USC § 1373.
Moreover the Department of Justice will require that jurisdictions seeking or applying for
Department of Justice grants to certify compliance with 1373 as a condition for receiving those
Liberals are trying so hard to not hurt the feelings of the criminals that they are endangering
the innocent.
Not only is it bad for the safety of the locals to allow the current criminals to roam free,
it's actually encouraging the new hordes that are still attempting to breach our borders
to congregate there.
I have no idea how anyone could say with a straight face that these cities are a good
Thankfully the current Administration with President Trump at the helm is going to reintroduce
government to a little think know as common sense.
(Source: Young Cons)
my arse hole hurts - Duration: 3:13.
3 Stars That Shouldn't Exist - Duration: 4:37.
It's a big universe out there, and even though astronomers have been studying it for
hundreds of years, there's still a lot we don't know.
We've already talked about planets and galaxies that shouldn't be possible, based on our
understanding of the universe.
But with over 100 billion stars in just our galaxy alone, there are also plenty of stars
out there that are so mind-bogglingly weird, astronomers aren't sure how they exist.
Here are three of them.
There's a faint star about 4000 light years from Earth, in the constellation Leo, named
SDSS J102915+172927.
We'll call it J1029 for short, since that's kind of a mouthful.
When J1029 was discovered, astronomers found that it had the lowest concentration of heavy
elements that we'd seen in any star.
In astronomy, all the elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are considered heavy elements.
And all these heavy elements are called metals, I guess because astronomers like to make things confusing.
After the Big Bang happened around 13.8 billion years ago, the first elements that formed
were hydrogen and helium and small amounts of lithium.
And a couple hundred million years later, the first stars began to form out of those elements.
Since these stars only contained hydrogen and helium and a little bit of lithium, astronomers
would classify them as "metal-poor".
Heavier elements didn't even exist yet — they were made in the cores of stars later on,
then spread through the universe by exploding supernovas.
We know that J1029 is more than 13 billion years old, and astronomers would expect a
star that old to have concentrations of hydrogen, helium, and lithium similar to what existed
in the universe right after the Big Bang, plus maybe a few heavier elements.
But J1029 has just a fiftieth the amount of lithium you'd expect, making it so metal-poor
that stellar formation models say it shouldn't even exist.
The second star on this list is the most massive star we've ever seen.
It's called, R136a1, and it's 265 times the mass of the Sun — almost twice what
astronomers thought was even possible.
They used to think that any star heavier than 150 times the mass of the Sun would radiate
so much energy that it would blow itself to smithereens.
But somehow, R136a1 managed to get a lot more massive than that.
Researchers calculated that at one point, it would have had 320 times the mass of the
Sun, and it's lost some of that mass over time.
Extra-massive stars like this are rare, probably because they don't live very long.
More massive stars have shorter lifetimes because they tend to generate more heat and
blow up faster.
R136a1 has been around for about a million years, so it's already halfway through its
estimated 2-million-year lifetime.
So we still don't know how this star is possible, but we do know that we're lucky
we caught it while it was alive.
A third unexpected star was born when another star died.
SN 1987A gets its name because it's a supernova that was first detected in 1987.
It's what's called a type II supernova, a kind of supernova that's supposed to end
up with either a neutron star or a black hole at its core.
Based on the size of the exploding star, 1987A should have formed a neutron star.
But it didn't.
When we look at the supernova, we don't see anything.
And that has astronomers stumped.
One possibility is that instead of forming a neutron star, 1987A formed a quark star,
a type of star that hypothetically could exist, but we've never seen before.
A quark star starts out kind of like a neutron star: the collapsing stellar core condenses
to the point where the protons and electrons combine to form neutrons.
But then, the neutrons break down into their components, aka quarks.
A quark star would be tinier and denser than a neutron star, so if 1987A really does have
a quark star at its center, it makes sense that we wouldn't be able to see it.
But that's just one possible explanation, and we haven't been able to confirm it.
All we know for sure is that 1987A is really strange.
Like all these stars, it's another reminder that we have a lot left to learn about the universe.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space, and thanks especially to our patrons
on Patreon who help make this show possible.
If you want to help us keep making episodes like this, just go to
to learn more.
And don't forget to go to and subscribe!
Character Catch-Up: Sara Tancredi | Season 5 | PRISON BREAK - Duration: 1:12.
[music playing]
Sara, she has moved on with her life.
You're talking about a woman that
had this profound life-changing relationship
with a man seven years ago that lasted less than two years.
She's a different person than she was before.
She was never a wife and mother on the show,
and she certainly was never a widow.
I don't know that Sara would have made it,
were it not for her son.
I think her son has become the center of her universe.
Somewhere along the way, without looking for it,
she met a man who was willing to take what she had left to give,
which isn't a lot.
Jacob Ness is a professor of game theory
at the University of Ithaca.
He's a really good guy.
He's basically there for her in her moment of need.
And he has stepped in to raise a child who is not his own.
The reintroduction of the possibility that Michael might
be still alive starts to threaten that relationship,
because she's very conflicted, because the man she's
married to is a wonderful guy.
But, you know, of course, we as "Prison Break" fans
are like, well, but you've got to get
Sara and Michael together.
[music playing]
New Lego Jurassic World Dinosaurs Complete set / Indominus Rex, TREX, Dilophosaurus, Velociraptors - Duration: 15:30.
New Lego Jurassic World Dinosaurs Complete set / Indominus Rex, TREX, Dilophosaurus, Velociraptors
islands put together and we got the gate
from the original drastic world place it
and then here we got some of the dinos
back there you've got the t-rex you got
the indominus rag you've got a
Dilophosaurus you've got Velociraptor
Delta velociraptor blue velociraptor
echo velociraptor Charlie at Gallimimus
Pterodactylus and then you've got some
like salamander looking lego
Velociraptor creatures so all guys we're
going to go ahead and pump all three of
these sets together and actually four of
you set these are made by schleif if you
are interested on amazon has beads i
found amazon has the best price of these
i'll have a link to them off we loan the
video if you want to buy any of these
set they are very durable they're super
realistic looking and a lot of fun guys
so anyway let's go ahead put these
together and have some fun okay guys
let's start by putting these schleich
sets together so this is going to be
three supper aw sleight set first of all
we got this piece here we're going to
put this like scenery piece here and
then you got this awesome like plastic
piece over here which you're going to
pull on top
so like I said I'll have all the name
and everything down below the video so
there you can see it's like a lake
effect with the scenery underneath that
like you can see through the water into
the lake so it looks cool and then we've
got these three pieces here so these
okay I think it's easier if I start on
one end the work Donald so this piece is
going to go right here on top man we've
got this piece here which is going to go
right in see here
and then we've got this final piece here
which fits right into there okay and
then now we've got this piece here which
we're going to put right on to their
then it comes with this big rock here
which is going to go over here and let's
turn it a little bit so we could put
these plants and over here so this has a
bunch of like it'd be like tall growing
grasses here that you could plug right
into your set over here then it has an
awesome off holding tree island which
you could place right on plug it right
into there sorry I had it upside down so
this tree set it looks like a old dead
tree you could pull this down you do is
a lot of fun and then here they have
like a continuous continuing piece you
could add to it okay so first you're
going to start off with that piece there
then you have like the riverbed scenery
that goes right on to hear you've got
these little knobs and holes there and
then you've got the water look that goes
right on top of that and then you've got
the side pieces so you've got this piece
over here which snaps right on to there
and you've got this piece here which
snapped right on there
okay and then this also has a bunch of
like plants and stuff you could add to
it it's got a bunch of these off grasses
that grow on the sides of the river and
then it's got like a big cool like
cactus plant you could place over here
and like some ferns you could place over
here and then this is made to expand
each set so this one fits right in over
there as you can see it fits like
perfectly together over there so this is
an expansion teeth so you could keep
adding expansion pieces and make the
things you okay like this is another
offset so here would be like the bottom
of the river there so you're going to go
ahead and just take that right in there
here is the water effects that go over
that so I mean I really like the
schleich set the law okay then you're
going to take this big stand piece here
and place it right over the top of that
they're like so and then you got the big
cake piece here which snaps right on to
their then you got the waterfall effects
over here which just fit and snap right
on to here and then you've got plants
that come with the set so you could
pretty much place the plants anywhere
you want got some ah like cacti you
could put up here
and then the top or the threat get some
more grass effects or the bottom and
then once again just like the other sets
these all fit together so you're going
to take the expansion piece here you're
going to add the waterfall piece here
and as you can see they all fit together
like really nicely so you could keep
buying these expansion pieces and make
this set as big as you want and you can
make me sick I also bought another cave
one that I use sometimes for on my
dinosaur battles so this one is really
easy to put together to you get this two
piece here you snap together you snap
this piece right on top there there you
have an awesome cave with our removable
top so you could have some really cool
dino battles
okay then let's go ahead and take a look
at some of these Dino here you've got
the ah this is the original Lego on
Dominus Rex it comes with the huge like
Lego playset which i'll be making a
video of that one in stopped time motion
I do have a video of it now well I'm
gonna remake it because I got a animated
softer now so i'll show you guys it
being put together in real time so that
is cool but anyways so this is the
original indominus rex good type
movement on his head it clicks different
spots the mouth will click open and
close in two different spots the arms
turn the left I mean the arms go up and
down the risks turn so you could have aa
her carry stuff the length click into
different position so I think for her
we're going to put her back here
breaking out all drastic part so she's
gonna be breaking right out of the gate
back over there and then the other cool
big one that also comes with one of the
jurassic world set is the big drastic
world Lego one i also have a bunch of
that off-brand ones you could buy from
china the big ones and the small ones if
you want to check out my jurassic world
playlist at the end of the video or my
lego playlist which i got them in there
too so the head clicks it's a different
position the mouth open and closes the
arms move all the leg clicks and locks
into different position
so we're going to put this one over here
so this one is going to attack the
indominus rex when he breaks out of the
cage also and then we have a cool
Dilophosaurus so this guy opens and
closes his mouth feel turned his head
360 degrees a really good movement on
the arms the legs move all the way
forward and backwards and this is the
original one so we're going to put this
one over here that also comes in one of
the lake upset so if you want to check
that one off and then we've got blocked
the Raptor echo which comes with a movie
camera is her mouth will open and close
turn 360 degrees the arms move up and
down the legs move backward and forward
so we're going to hide her over here in
the grass so she could jump out eat
something and then we have Velociraptor
blue so blue also does come with the
video camera the unfortunate thing is
that original ones you can't buy them
suffer you have to buy the offset so I
bought all of the drastic world Lego set
so I got all of these but the I the off
brand ones you could buy supper and they
are they're pretty comparable so the
arms move the leg moves Lego blocks or
the top here and you could tell these
are original because it says Lego on
every one of these little protrusions on
back for the blocks so we're going to
also hide Hugh over beers in the grass
okay and then we have the original block
erupter delta same movement on the head
the mouth opens and snaps into different
positions the arms move the legs move so
we're going to go ahead and place this
one over here on the island oh she fell
over okay we're going to have to
convince her she's made there okay so he
told her she could get some chicken if
she stayed there so we have the
Velociraptor Charlie so she is really
cool to snap open and closed mouth at
360 arms move legs move so we're going
to go ahead and set this one up in the
plant over here because these
velociraptors like to hide and jump out
at their prey okay and then we have
Gallimimus I believe this is from one of
the drastic world set it's a little tiny
one God if you want to check out my
playlist like wow that was a lot of what
and if you enjoyed the video make sure
you click Subscribe and the thumbs up
button down below the video in today's
secret word is the word
go ahead and put that in the comments
section below the video on those you
remember my club due to the video ends
there's an awesome incurred loss whore
fuck with you and I click the boxes
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HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 03.27.2017 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.
VS RIP-SPIN Warriors BATTLE: The Joker, Batman, Ninja Turtles, & Superman ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 5:03.
VS Rip-Spin Warriors.
Hi everybody my name is Sammy from TottyChoCho and today I'm so excited because today we
are opening up the coolest thing in Dollarama (Dollar store).
It's this weird thing called VS Rip-Spin.
They look like this.
We bought a bunch to battle.
These are called VS Rip-Spin Warriors.
You pull this thing, they spin around and they battle.
We have The Joker, Superman, Michelangelo, Batman and we also have Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Let's open them up so you can see what's inside.
I'm going to open the one I think will win - Superman.
His head fits on to this spin thing.
His arms just kind of squish in.
OK, so we see how they work, should we open up the rest of them so they can battle?
Let's have a look at the figures.
Let's see these guys BATTLE!
These guys are supposed to come with their own arena, but we don't have it...
but we have something just as good.
I shot your head off.
One Two THREE!
One Two THREE!
I wonder if… we put a little something under here so they can go over here and fight more.
One Two THREE!
These things look like they might be fun, but you need to get the arena for it.
I hope that will make it better.
It's pretty cool how they look and each of them have their own weapons.
I really hope this will be fun, but right now, I'm not sure.
If we get the arena, we will make an update.
Thanks to everyone out there for watching our video.
Woah! hahaha.
You know when we release videos…
And have a lucky RIP-SPIN!
Behind the VVC FORCE 2015. Part 2 - Duration: 4:11.
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Car is almost fucked up
Gopro is turned on
All cameras are on
George, play!
I'm putting the mic...
into the pocket
I'm ready, Ivan!
Come on, Andrew!
So, it's recording...
Okay, everyone is ready?
We're ready!
Andrew, how're you?
I'm going then!
Hurricane Pressto Spin Mop with 2 Mop Heads and Bucket - Duration: 22:15.
Roasted Potatoes: An Easy Baby Potato Recipe - Duration: 1:41.
Roasted Potato Recipe [How Do You Do]
4 chopped Mushrooms
2 chopped Green Onions
1 Green Pepper
20 Baby Potatoes
Butter casserole dish
1 - 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
Seasoned Salt
Crushed Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 - 25 minutes
Shake it half way through
Please Subscribe : )
Making Shabu Shabu at Home - Duration: 6:55.
So one way to get a lot of greens and keep your carbohydrates down is to do something called Shabu Shabu
What is also known as hotpot. So today I am going to prepare hotpot and let you come alone as I do it
So first off lets do some shopping. This is a local japanese store we like to go to but your normal grocery store will be just fine.
Now while you can use just about any pot you like these shallow but wide stainless steel pots work great.
They can go on just about any stove and can also work on an induction stove. Now this one was $19 and worked great for us.
Next we need to get some vegetables.
Any any green leafy vegetable will work so I like Choy Sum, which is like a chinese broccoli and we also use some chinese cabbage as well.
Next we need to pick up some dipping sauces
Now these are japanese imports and I will be honest will be hard to find. But you can also just use Soy Sauce as a dipping sauce.
Next we are going to pick up some utensils. Now these work great to add the meat into the soup
Now we need some meat. I already have some beef at home I am going to slice up but I am going to pick up some more like this bacon here.
Thinly sliced is the way to go.
Seafood is always a welcome addition. Now shrimp works great, but I think I am going to pick up some scallops.
Now my wife likes fish balls and these pollack ones don't have a ton of taste so should work great.
Oh and if you don't already have it, a little table top burner like this is great. You will understand when we start cooking.
Time to check out and head home.
So lets unpack all the stuff we bought.
And you can see our messy little apartment with all the dog stuff on the floor and yes, that table is where I do work sometimes.
We get our little japanese table set up.
Then our burner
Then our utensils
Then our bowls
Time to prep
I am just going g to break the vegetables up and clean them real good to get rid of any dirt and residual chemicals.
And now its time to open up our fancy new pot
Let's prepare our meat.
Slicing thinly is the key here. As thin as you can get it is what you want to make the meat cook fast.
So broths are easy. You can do water, chicken stock, we have a bonito one here (Dashi) or what we will be using, a premed Chanko Nabe broth.
Now the soup base is hard to find. It's an import from Japan but stay tuned to the end
And let me know if you want me to create a package that gets sent to you with a few different of these import items.
And lets get started
First we add the vegetables
Cabbage take a little longer but the Choy Sum cooks real fast.
You can see the utensils we bought hook to the side of the pot.
And just like that, the veggies are ready to serve with your tasty broth.
Now excuse my fingers but its hard to film and use utensils at the same time.
And just like that, the meat is ready
And what would a meal be without a little surprise
So thanks for watching and putting up with the shakes video.
I think this is an easy thing for you to have at home, even if you are not a good cook.
Now I know I used a lot of import stuff that you might have a hard time getting ahold of.
If you and a group of friends would be interested in a care package of these imported products to use for your own hot pot I have a link to a form below. Just go ahead and fill it out and let me know if you are interested.
I would need at least 25 people to sign up for it so let your friends know so we can get enough people to make it worthwhile.
And if you just want to do this at home and you want to find stuff from amazon, I have left links in the description below.
So, enjoy healthy eating and I will see you in the next video.
PEG + CAT | Cat Counts to 20 | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:05.
- Me! Mac's gonna shoot the movie.
He's the best in the business! - That's a fact.
- The business of cooking. He's a chef.
- Yes I am! - He's not much of a cameraman.
- No I ain't. - But he does own a camera--
- Yes I do. - ...and willing to help us out.
- I'm an enthusiast. - But his time
is extremely limited. - Yes it is.
- So we should get started. - Yes we should.
- But first I have to count the set pieces
to make sure there are exactly 20!
- Oh ho ho, sheesh! - 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10-- Wait!
- Why'd you stop, Richard? - I should save my voice
for directing. To make the film really great,
I'll have to yell a lot.
- Oh good! - Don't worry, Richard,
Cat and I can do the rest of the counting!
- But I can't count past 10
You know I'm sensitive about that!
- Aw, Cat. Counting from 11 to 19 is totally easy!
It's just like counting from 1 to 9,
but with a 1 that stands for ten in front.
- All I heard was: "It's totally easy!"
And then a bunch of hard stuff.
- Look. 11 is just 10
and 1 more! And 12
is 10 and 2 more!
- Hey! That's a neat trick!
- And after 19, the 1 in front
changes to a 2, and you get 20!
- Let's get counting! ♪ Eleven ♪
- ♪ That's ten, plus one more! - Twelve ♪
- ♪ What Abe Lincoln called a 'score ♪
- ♪ Thirteen - That's ten plus three ♪
- ♪ Fourteen - Look! Food that's free ♪
- ♪ Fifteen! Sixteen ♪ - Hey, where's Mac?
- ♪ That table there - Little snack ♪
- ♪ Seventeen, eighteen nineteen, then ♪
- ♪ Change the 1 to a 2 - And that makes twen-- ♪
- Ahem! ♪ "ty" ♪ - We've got 20 objects
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