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For more infomation >> Lo Mas Nuevo Abril 2017 Shakira Y Prince Royce Bachatas Mix Romeo Santos, Anthony Santos - Duration: 59:37.-------------------------------------------
PROTOCULTURE, THE MASTER CODE - Hidden and forgotten codes to develop new technologies - Duration: 1:19:47.
How to Start a Youtube Channel in 2017 and be Successful? - Duration: 20:59.
Hello, I'm a Youtuber since 2007 and yes I have an annoying accent because I am a Dutchman,
but that has become my trademark on Youtube.
This video is about how to start a successful YouTube channel in 2017 or improve your channel.
In the next minutes I give advice on video content, software and hardware, Fresh Youtube
2017 tips, and my 10 years YouTube experience.
Keep watching!
Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground.
I hope you have a fantastic day.
So you want to start a YouTube channel.
Do you know about what?
I recommend to do something that has to do with your passion, because than you enjoy
your work and that reflects in your content.
TIP: Over the years I have seen channels come and go because they think to make easy money
on Youtube
Not so many people do think longer term, so tip: Think longer term!
I see many people copying another channels and that is wrong.
First of all, it's your channel, reflect your personal characters in your channel.
In one glance a fresh visitor should get a clear impression of what your channel is about,
Tip: Just like in real life you have to build a relationship with your viewer.
This can be achieved by being yourself.
I advise you not to smoke, drink or use drugs in your videos.
There is a channel that does that and people talk bad about this Youtube channel behind
his back.
Content is king, no matter what you look like, what kind of voice you have.
If your content is super nice, sleek and straight forward the viewer "reward" you with positivity.
Your video must have a wow factor.
This may be an action, information or what I do, people to think.
Tip: Youtube 2017 wants every day new videos, because the more content on YouTube, the more
traffic to Youtube and that counts.
Publish videos every day, "I upload every business day".
A channel that publishes every day performs better than a Youtube channel that publishes
once a week videos.
In long term you build a video library faster.
There are two types of videos that you should publish, short term videos and long term videos.
A short term video is a video based on a trend of today you can find for example, Google
Trends and YouTube Trends.
This provides a boost in viewers and subscribers but the downside is, it don't live long.
Then you have a long term video, a video which gives you a longer-term views and subscribers,
like this video which is also a long term video.
Tip: Decide for yourself the balance between short term and long term videos videos.
My advice is to make at least one timeless video once a week.
This fact provides lifelong viewers, subscribers and revenue.
When making your videos remain yourself and stick to the topic which is also called 'niche'.
So if you have a channel about dogs do not video just about horses.
But you can make a video about a dog driving a horse for example.
Concentrate on the quality of the information and motivate the viewer to continue watching,
or try to let the viewer as much of your videos.
The longer you keep the viewer, the better.
This can be done through 'cards' and 'links' to the next video in your playlist.
Tip: Youtube gives you invisible penalties if the viewer you leave the platform caused
by your video.
So, try to prevent they leave the website.
Software & Hardware
Anyone want to grow rapidly, which is a healthy mentality.
But I advise you not to invest money in expensive training, software and hardware.
No disrespect to Youtube channels that educate people, but there are some great boys selling
training material of $250 while I get the impression that they want to keep students
small and dependent on one or other way.
For example: They give for instant wrong advice on using the video tags.
According to them you should first enter keywords, the title and then keyword phrases.
That way, your main focus is not only the search phrase keywords.
For starters, I recommend a good microphone and a camera (if you want your face on YouTube).
I use the SL150 editors key, this is a USB Microphone recording high quality vocal.
This costs $139.99.
Note this does not include pop-filter and a microphone boom arm.
If you have no money for that look on eBay or go to a Chinese store.
You can buy a microphone for $20 or less.
If you decide to buy a camera look closely at the resolution.
Buy a camera of at least 1080p, which is 1920 pixels in width and 1080 pixels in height.
You can also use your cell phone.
In the video description, I will add some good deals to microphones and cameras.
I use Adobe CC all in one package, it cost me $65, - per month.
If you do not have the money, I recommend "Filmora" for video editing, for image editing,
I recommend the website and audio editing I recommend Audacity.
They are all free and provide a good foundation to work with.
If you decide to buy a microphone for $10 I will add an audacity file in the video description.
After recording, you can improve your vocal 1000% with one click.
Tip: If you record audio make sure there is no background noise and prevent recording
in rooms with a lot of echo.
Seek up a room with a lot of stuff that kills audio reflection.
Shut off all devices that makes sound.
With video recordings make sure there is enough light in the room.
Youtube Tips
You know the myth click bait is bad?
The purpose of click bait is exactly the purpose of your title.
To lure potential viewers or people searching specifically for your information and motivate
them to click your video.
As long as your click bait title is related to the subject of your video its not bad.
Tip: The perfect title is a title that contains a call to action and a maximum of one or two
Your video description describes with at least 321 characters what the viewer can expect.
It is important to add some relevant keywords or phrases, especially in the first sentence.
Tip: Do not overload your video description or title with keywords or search phrases.
This can backfire.
Remember, Youtube aka Google is cleaning up.
Create playlists.
Here too it is important that you conduct research concerning keywords and search phrases.
Make good use of the title and description.
If you look at my Youtube channel, I have a number of different playlists because I
cover different kinds of topics.
UFO related videos are going into my UFO playlist, Illuminati related videos in my Illuminati
playlist and so on.
Tip: Place your playlists on your channel as you can see on my channel.
It is organized for the visitors and the more likely they stay longer on your channel because
they are watching your other videos.
Youtube, Twitter and Facebook do not like each other anymore.
I advise not to share your video on social networks directly.
Facebook censor Youtube related posts.
The views from on Facebook are no longer counted.
What I do, I use
A website where you can easily schedule your posts.
I upload a good picture, I give a concise powerful description (do not forget the hashtags)
and I link to the video in my playlist.
Not straight to my video.
How do you find that link?
Visit the playlist where the video is listed and right-click the title of the video you
want to share and copy the link. automatically generates a short link.
This way, you increase the likelihood that they watch more of your great content.
This gives a boost to your watch minutes or watch time.
People who focus on money will not get far.
Focus on your content, always try to improve your content and the rest will follow.
I advise you to focus on your stats, I'm talking about the watch time.
This is only possible if you have good content and by cross Promoting other videos using
cards, end screens and links.
What I do, I make sure that i promote related videos through 'cards' with a strong call
to action such as "MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO NOW"
The higher the watch time the better your video is promoted the more exposure on YouTube.
Youtube love content creators that keeps people on Youtube.
This means, if someone comes to you on Youtube say via your video.
The viewer leaves your video to other video and still say an hour on YouTube than you
get credits from Youtube too.
Youtube thinks, "Hey thanks to your video the viewer stayed 1 hour on Youtube".
Here's another myth: The Longer the video the better the watch time, wrong... incorrect.
People who makes 10 minute videos on purpose is only focused on generating additional revenue.
A 10 minute video of which a viewer leave after one minute than your video perform worse
than a video of three minutes in which the viewer watched 1.5 minutes.
The short video has been watched for 50%, while the 10 minute video is only viewed a
lousy 10%.
In the analytics you can look into audience retention (it shows when someone leaves your
Keep an eye on that, this helps to improve your videos.
Tip: Do not focus on money focus on content.
The rest will follow.
One of the most asked question is "When is the best time to publish your video?"
The best time to publish your video is one to two hours for the Internet peak time.
The question is, how do you know the peak time?
The peak time is when it is busiest on the Internet.
The best place to find out where the people are, Facebook.
Please note that you only can figure out if you have a Facebook page:
Go to insights, check out posts, and you will see exactly which day and time is the busiest.
Currently, the peak time is 4PM.
If I have to plan a video I plan on Youtube two hours before the peak moment so I set
it to 2PM and on Buffer I publish 30 minutes before peak time on Facebook and Twitter so at
3:30 PM.
Tip: If you hover with your mouse on a particular day you can see what time it is busiest.
When you remove the mouse pointer you can see the average time when it is busiest.
I recommend to focus on that and I recommend checking this every week because these times
are always different.
There is a huge difference between summer and winter.
The mentality on Youtube is not really positive.
Almost all the Youtube channels make no effort to respond to viewer's comments.
I think they forgot something very important: The viewer makes you or breaks you.
In fact, they take time to view your video and place a comment.
Tip: Build a relationship with your audience, one way to do that is always to respond to
You see that little things matter a lot.
What should you do with hate comments?
Healthy criticism is good, but you should immediately take necessary actions to hate
By blocking the user on YouTube and Google+ and then to remove the comment.
This may scare off your visitors and fear to be ridiculed or attacked.
Take for example my channel.
I have a section that deals with debunking.
When I carry out a debunk on a video from a popular channel I get a flood haters, trolls,
and usually accompanied by fake accounts.
They all say the same thing, "I'm a hater, I'm jealous that I work for the government."
I get about between 100 and 150 similar messages.
What impression does the video leave behind when I allow all those comments?
A terrible Bad impression, that is precisely the aim of those people.
Give them no voice and remove the negative comments immediately.
Also, do not argue because they want your attention.
This technique is called "cointelpro" poluting the topic and deriving people from the topic.
Protect your viewers and your channel at all times.
What I would like to add when you make a video.
Don't be an actor but be yourself.
I advise to put yourself under a magnifying glass and enhance your strongest characteristics
with 200% so that you deliver your emotions and personality.
Talk to the camera or microphone as if you were talking to your best friend or your mother
or father.
My 10 years on Youtube
I started on October 16, 2007, my channel name was back then "The Lions Ground Entertainment
I made terrible videos but I do not remove them.
They are part of my history.
Youtube has changed my life, actually saved my life.
In 2011 I became homeless because of a bad relationship and with an old laptop and a
720P Canon camera and Wifi I rebuild my life in less than 6 months and now I live in the
Spanish resort of Marbella.
That thanks to Youtube.
Earlier this year I've got to deal with red numbers for the very first time in my Youtube
I really thought this is it.
By applying this tactic my watch time increased by 23%.
And this month I have 2,033 subscribers more than last month.
I grow every month between 1200-3000 subscribers and get more and more and more.
I pay close attention to Youtube updates so my content or channel is Youtube friendly.
So if I can do it, you can do it too!
On my PATREONpage I will publish every month a training video "how to start a successful
YouTube channel in 2017."
I will also publish a Youtube Ebook, so do visit
Do you have any questions please let me know in the comment section below.
Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.
I sincerely want to thank you for your time watching this video, it's really appreciated.
I'll see in the next video.
I'm Heathcliff, your host,
Juego de Motos para Niños - Mario Bros Paseo en Moto - Carrera de Motos - Duration: 14:16.
Bachata 2017 Shakira, Prince Royce, Enrique Iglesias, Romeo Santos Mix Bachata Romantica - Duration: 1:00:13.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Fitness News: Nike Launches Sports Hijab - Duration: 1:47.
Hi I'm Raquel Domínguez
and today I am here with another news about the fitness world.
And it is that Nike has launched its first hijab for sports.
On 8 March, which was the International Women's Day,
Nike took this date to launch its first sports hijab.
The Nike Pro Hijab. This presentation was made in collaboration
a skater from the United Arab Emirates, Zhara Lari,
No doubt this launch has been quite controversial.
While some believe that Arab women should do
sport in the same conditions as the others,
others believe that this is a step forward for women of these pasíses
they can devote professionally to the sport.
To launch these sports veils Nike has been working
for 13 months with different athletes of Muslim origin.
And the end result has been as veils in which the
breathability has been made possible by a special fabric
It is including tiny holes that facilitate evaporation of sweat.
Nike sports veils can not be purchased until
the spring of next year, the year 2018. And in principle firm
you plan to get them in 3 colors, black, gray and dark green.
And you, do you think this measure? think is a step
forward for Muslim women to play sports
or you think it's one more way of submission. Tell me in the comments.
In today's video I greet Alejandra Ojeda, Ever 82
Josh and Fitness. Hi guys. I hope my video today
Invitación al Coro de Hombres Isós de Gran Canaria - Duration: 0:38.
Top aplicaciones CURIOSAS para iPhone!! - Duration: 2:45.
Video De Peppa Pig 2017 | George se Enferma | Peppa Pig En Español Capitulos Completos 2017 - Duration: 4:45.
Bandas Romanticas 2017 - La Adictiva, La Trakalosa de Mty, Ariel Camacho, Banda MS, Carnaval - Duration: 54:25.
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Giúp Hàng Nghìn Người giữ hưng phấn trong chuyện ấy Xuất tinh Sớm Và Mộng Tinh Bạn Cần Biết - Duration: 9:42.
[台灣大學法律服務社][歡迎星期六下午光臨][猴子哥哥][推薦第一名][工地主任+品管工程師][證照合作][0932256199][0909587588][依依][一一][11][衣衣][伊伊] - Duration: 4:11.
Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Maluma, J Balvin, Sebastián Yatra, Enrique Iglesias, Don Omar - Duration: 1:06:20.
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Learn Colors Baby Doll Bath
Dinosaur Coloring Page for Kids to Learn to Color and Paint - Duration: 5:33.
Dinosaur Coloring Page for Kids to Learn to Color and Paint
how to pay professional tax online - Duration: 10:38.
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Jennifer Lopez And Alex Rodriguez Wedding Can Happen Soon!!! - Duration: 1:13.
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are turning the fire on with their back to back outings.
The pair went out on a romantic dinner date at an Italian eatery at Los Angeles.
earlier they were spotted hitting the gym together on friday and they were later snapped
at the ritzy Hotel Bel-Air.
While JLo and A-Rod are enjoying their time together until now their friends think they
are a perfect match for eachother.
it is learnt that Alex has wedding on his mind after his Bel- Air date.
with the two share same interests, are family oriented and are successful marriage sounds
like a possibility between them.
most important fact both are almost the same age and would finally like to settle down.
Justin Bieber & Zayn Malik's New Video Song - Duration: 1:17.
The two biggest artists in pop music Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik may collaborate for
a new single.
As per reports, Justin Bieber is eyeing a collaboration with former One Direction star
Zayn Malik after he was impressed with Malik's new single Still Got Time.
Well the two are becoming friends and it seems that Sorry singer Justin is a fan of Malik
as he shared a picture of himself listening to the song Still Got Time.
Reports further say Justin has been really complimentary of Zayn's new music and there
have been tentative discussions about them working on something together.
Well if this happens than it would indeed be a huge collaboration.
So are you excited to see Justin and Zayn in a new music video, comment below and share
with us your views.
To know more Hollywood news, subscribe to our channel.
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Chest Tummy Tears "Tomboy Grapefruit" Effect 100 times Silicone By Taking Each Cup This Day - Duration: 10:20.
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Moonraver Reloaded - Ozean der Zeit (90er | Rave | Techno | NDD | Eurodance) - Duration: 3:48.
Watch Music Happens Here
Hyundai Getz 1.3i Dynamic Sky - Duration: 0:47.
Hyundai i30 1.6 CVVT I-VISION 5DRS - Duration: 0:58.
Kia Rio 1.2 I met fabrieksnavigatie en achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:41.
Kia Venga 1.4i DynamicPlusLine nieuw binnen en rijklaar - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai Matrix 1.6I ACTIVE Cool, NAP, Airco, Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:56.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-WAVE (Navigatie) - Duration: 0:59.
My new intro (Mother 2) - Duration: 0:21.
Notwithstanding Clause - Duration: 2:34.
Thailand to Nepal with Thai Airways travel vlog (Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Kathmandu) - Duration: 11:59.
So Sam down to your last minutes here in Chiang Mai.
What are you feeling?
How are you feeling?
My thoughts exactly what happened to the time when we were here.
I know.
We were here for a month and it flew by.
It like absolutely flew by.
And now it is time to go.
It feels like we've just settled in kind of found our groove but we're back on the road
Really excited to be going to Nepal for the first time.
A country that neither of us has visited.
Woo hoo!
New adventures.
We are currently at the airport.
Sam is being camera shy.
He's running away.
No, I'm not.
He's running away.
I'm not being camera shy.
Come on.
Anyways, we had the quickest check-in ever.
Maybe like two minutes.
Thank you Thai Airways.
Super fast.
So now we have quite a bit of time to kill.
I'm a little bit hungry so I think we're going to go find some food.
Chow time.
You know when you think the food options are going to be a little bit better once you go
through security.
That was not the case today.
I'm going to be having ramen noodles for dinner.
Thanks a lot Sam!
Horrible service too.
They didn't even bring us the food to the table.
I had to go fetch.
It is good.
You need the exercise.
Oh ha ha.
Bad food makes me grumpy.
I'm grumpy right now.
And it is bland.
Happy wife, happy life.
So what did I go and get you?
Show and tell.
Sam found chocolate.
Ritter Sport.
This stuff is so good.
German college.
German chocolate.
For the win.
German quality.
I'm so tired.
And pan o chocolate.
There we go.
That makes up for the nasty ramen noodles.
Take a bite.
Make sure.
It is hot.
They warmed it up for you.
Better than noodles.
Thank you.
We're here.
Oh wow.
I didn't say that.
Sam said film me.
Okay, I'm filming you.
What is the update.
I did say that.
Well, the update is we're here in Bangkok finally.
And uh that was such a smooth flight.
It was.
Why can't all flights be like that.
Just one hour long.
So we're just grabbing our bags and we're actually staying overnight because we fly
out tomorrow to Nepal.
So grab our bags and take it to the hotel.
Alright, and then call it a night.
Let's go, let's go.
Good morning.
It is five AM.
It is a very early start.
Is Sam awake?
Is Sam awake.
Oh, there is an arm.
I saw an arm over there.
Anyways, I thought we were flying out at like twelve noon or something like that.
And that we would be in Nepal in the afternoon.
But it turns out it is actually an early morning flight.
So I'm glad we checked.
It is five AM we have to be up.
Our shuttle is at six.
We need to be at the airport by seven thirty.
So yeah, somebody needs to wake up.
So we made it to the airport a little bit too early.
We can't check in yet.
So we're going to grab some breakfast even though it is way too early to be having breakfast
in my opinion.
But we have to kill time.
Rocking them sweats early in the morning.
Actually whenever I can I try to dress as comfortable as possible.
Especially if it is a bit of a longer flight.
Something like three hours or more.
Plus it is going to be cold when we get there.
Too cold for shorts.
Plus Burger King coffee because it is the cheapest coffee we know of at the airport.
So somebody is perking up with the coffee over here.
He's in the mood for a chit chat.
Yeah, considering like 30 minutes ago I was pretty much dead so this is kind of nice.
Fast asleep.
Caffeinated over here.
And you know what?
There is another reason we have a little bit of extra pep in our step.
Oh yeah?
And that is because we're going to a new country for the first time.
The two of us.
This is the first time we've been going to a new country in a long time.
Quite a long time.
Since Kyrgyzstan.
Since Kyrgyzstan of last year.
So there is just like that extra element of excitement and anticipation and because we've
never been to Nepal it is just everything is going to be fresh.
Everything is going to be new.
We're just going to be hitting the ground running.
Not really knowing anything or yeah.
We are clearly so prepared.
Actually we haven't even done any research in terms of what we want to do once we get
to Kathmandu.
It has just been like very last minute so I think we're going to wing it.
We'll see what happens.
We do know that we're going to go to Pokhara uh you know about five days into our stay.
Aside from that we haven't booked transportation to there.
We don't have any idea what kind of activities we're going to do.
We don't know what we're going to eat.
Totally winging it and I kind of like it.
Sam is shoe shopping.
What are you doing?
Looking at basically my favorite shoes.
They're like the most comfortable shoes you could ever wear.
The most fashion forward shoe out there.
Well, definitely not that.
They're probably a little more fashionable than my crocs but yeah.
Crocs are also quite comfortable too.
So Sam finally got new glasses.
I'm going to introduce you to his new look.
Are you ready for this?
The blue glasses are gone.
Instead gold.
The blue glasses are not gone.
In fact, I still have them.
Okay, the blue glasses are still here.
They're not going anywhere.
What is going on here?
They're not going anywhere.
What color is this?
This is like gold.
It is gold.
Light gold.
So we went from like 1970's to maybe 1978.
Oh my gosh.
Late 1970s.
Okay guys.
Is this an improvement over the blue glasses?
Or is this a flop again?
Please do tell us.
High five.
High five.
I would like to point out that our flight is already boarding.
They've already called.
And I'm backing up our files.
And Sam is just dilly dallying.
Dilly dallying.
2 more minutes and then we can walk over.
I'm getting nervous.
I'm pissed.
They're saying final call and this man.
I have 25 seconds.
25 seconds.
We're totally going to make it.
(Street sounds)
Dun da doo doh.
So we've arrived in our room.
This is going to be our place in Kathmandu for a few days.
We are exhausted.
That was a long day.
We started early.
We did start really early.
So we're going to end the vlog here and more videos from Kathmandu, Nepal.
Wait wait wait.
First impressions Sam?
Come on.
What do think so far?
Yeah, it is a very.
Kathmandu is a very chaotic city.
Oh yeah.
So a little bit dusty but yeah we're going to pound the pavement and check it out.
Pound the pavement he says.
Pound the pavement.
See you later.
See ya.
Chow time.
So the vlog is not over yet.
We were feeling pretty hungry.
It has been a really long day of travel.
And you know what?
It is a lot cooler here in Nepal than in Thailand.
We're warming up with tea.
Waiting for our food to arrive.
Yeah, so we found a little restaurant called Places and we've ordered Momos.
Pumpkin momos with chocolate and chili sauce.
So that should be good.
And a masala.
That is exciting.
If you want an honest answer.
What were you saying?
Just something about looking younger.
Is this tea going to make you younger.
Not the tea.
No just the lighting on the camera.
So what are you having?
I'm having a lemon honey ginger tea.
And you can see the chunks of ginger in there.
That looks so good.
It looks so nice.
I can smell it from here.
Well Sam?
How does that look to you?
It looks amazing and it smells even better than it looks.
Oh well let's dig in.
Alright, so this is the paneer butter masala.
Nice of you letting me try yours first.
Let's try that.
Oh my gosh.
I can tell by the way you're chewing slowly and savoring that it must be good.
You are going to love this.
This is such a creamy flavorful masala sauce.
This is awesome.
Wait until you try it.
And we still have momos coming.
Momos on the way.
Here are the pumpkin momos.
Okay, so I've never had momos before.
And I have to say this is not what I was expecting.
I thought it was going to be like a dumpling.
Like a steamed bun.
Well these ones are pan-fried yeah.
Um, so yeah filled with pumpkin and the sauce is chocolate and chili.
Oh my!
Oh la lah.
This might be dessert.
I wonder.
We'll find out.
Somebody should have worn a jacket.
Yeah, it is getting cold.
And I have my very own bar over there.
Sam's bar.
Sam's Reggae bar.
Let's go check it out.
Saturday Reggae Day at Sam's Bar.
Already hosting events in Kathmandu.
You're on it.
Are those your dance moves?
Your reggae dance moves.
Woah woah.
The vlog is getting ridiculous.
See ya later!
Smart with Heart: The Human Face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Duration: 2:53.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is rapidly reshaping the way we live, the way we interact
with one another and even challenging our ideas about what it means to be human.
But experts in the field say as we push technology forward, ironically, it's the human side of
things that needs the most work.
This is the subject of Moon Connyoung's special documentary "Smart with Heart: The Human Face
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" and we have a quick preview for you now...
"As an oncologist trying to address the fundamental challenge and clinical oncology today which
is cancer evolution.
That we'll be able to hopefully to anticipate the evolutionary potential and disrupt it
with our therapeutic protocolsanticipate with adaptive therapeutic remedy."
"Robot is not a medicine.
It's not a living thing.
It's just a system.
What I think is important is not the robot itself but the person who designs the robot."
"And people used to say, "Oh what happened to your arm?
Did it get cut off?
Did it get run over?"
Stuff like that which made me sad.
"I think it's so important to be able to use engineering to help real people.
"Well, I was born with one hand.
And nobody knows why.
Before, when I didn't wear a hand, I would have to roll up my coat sleeve and it would
be very uncomfortable and bulky."
"So these are the things technology can actually help you live for a longer time, independent
and actually, more happy life.
That's for me the purpose of this technology."
"For example, now we confront about computers understanding emotions with people now that
we are at a point where computers can play games where they have to bluff and deal with
There are lots of ways to use that.
"Before this competition, it hadn't seen a one hand of poker.
So it's learned all of this by optimizing, using the game through solution concept and
our algorithms just from the rules of the game.
And then it jumped against the best human in the world."
"It was pretty fun in hindsight, but we didn't win.
"We're also trying to model the human in our cognitive architecture.
A whole organism.
So we have models of psychology, emotions of metabolism to simulate the heart and core
and body of a human because what we need to do is to give the robots a feeling."
Our Moon Connyoung's documentary, Smart with Heart: the human face of the fourth industrial
revolution will be aired at 9 pm, Korea time, on this Monday right here on Arirang TV.
Paula and Hette chat about the Macmillan's Carmarthenshire Buddy Service - Duration: 2:31.
Well every Tuesday afternoon I visit Henrietta.
Before I used to come Henrietta didn't go out.
The care workers come in three days a week.
So since I've been coming and volunteering on Tuesday afternoon
I take Henrietta out.
We go and pay her bills.
We do any little errand she's got to do (such as) shopping
And then we come back and we'll have a cup of tea.
We might meet some of her friends in town
and have a cup of tea with them.
Basically I'm just Henrietta's lifeline.
So she can go out still.
Because otherwise she can't walk very well
she can't see very well
so I'm her legs if you like.
I push her in a wheelchair otherwise she would be housebound.
And I love it!
Yeah, I wouldn't change anything.
I wish I'd have done it sooner to be honest .
And the reason I started volunteering for Macmillan is my own father died from cancer
14 years ago now
And I wanted to give back straight after he died
but because my children were so young
and I was on my own with my children
I didn't have the time then
So as soon as - my youngest is now 15
so she looks after herself
and that's why I've been up to volunteer for the last couple of years.
And I'd recommend it to anybody.
I think me and Henrietta have been very lucky
because right from day one - for whatever reason - there was an instant connection.
She actually feels like a grandmother figure to me.
You've helped me just as much as I've helped you.
On a personal level
Sometimes you just want to chat with somebody
that's perhaps not family
or not related in any other way
or connected in your life
Oh, she's so wise.
She's so wise and she's had so much life experience.
And she's helped me in so many ways like that.
And she laughs and doesn't think she's helped me
but she has.
It works both ways I suppose.
Yes it's volunteering so, you don't get paid for it.
It's like an afternoon - my afternoon off work
and we're having a little social.
It doesn't feel like work at all.
It really is marvellous.
And if anybody can help to do this kind of work
If I was young enough, I'd do it.
To go to somebody's house and help somebody.
If it's only just to sit with them for an hour.
It's a marvellous thing.
EEEE!_ EduRaps S01E13_ SEASON FINALE (English pronunciation tips) - Duration: 1:05.
[Legendado] JB e Youngjae falando da briga com o Mark - VLIVE - Duration: 1:51.
Against All Odds Ep13 - Duration: 48:01.
How to Start a Youtube Channel in 2017 and be Successful? - Duration: 20:59.
Hello, I'm a Youtuber since 2007 and yes I have an annoying accent because I am a Dutchman,
but that has become my trademark on Youtube.
This video is about how to start a successful YouTube channel in 2017 or improve your channel.
In the next minutes I give advice on video content, software and hardware, Fresh Youtube
2017 tips, and my 10 years YouTube experience.
Keep watching!
Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground.
I hope you have a fantastic day.
So you want to start a YouTube channel.
Do you know about what?
I recommend to do something that has to do with your passion, because than you enjoy
your work and that reflects in your content.
TIP: Over the years I have seen channels come and go because they think to make easy money
on Youtube
Not so many people do think longer term, so tip: Think longer term!
I see many people copying another channels and that is wrong.
First of all, it's your channel, reflect your personal characters in your channel.
In one glance a fresh visitor should get a clear impression of what your channel is about,
Tip: Just like in real life you have to build a relationship with your viewer.
This can be achieved by being yourself.
I advise you not to smoke, drink or use drugs in your videos.
There is a channel that does that and people talk bad about this Youtube channel behind
his back.
Content is king, no matter what you look like, what kind of voice you have.
If your content is super nice, sleek and straight forward the viewer "reward" you with positivity.
Your video must have a wow factor.
This may be an action, information or what I do, people to think.
Tip: Youtube 2017 wants every day new videos, because the more content on YouTube, the more
traffic to Youtube and that counts.
Publish videos every day, "I upload every business day".
A channel that publishes every day performs better than a Youtube channel that publishes
once a week videos.
In long term you build a video library faster.
There are two types of videos that you should publish, short term videos and long term videos.
A short term video is a video based on a trend of today you can find for example, Google
Trends and YouTube Trends.
This provides a boost in viewers and subscribers but the downside is, it don't live long.
Then you have a long term video, a video which gives you a longer-term views and subscribers,
like this video which is also a long term video.
Tip: Decide for yourself the balance between short term and long term videos videos.
My advice is to make at least one timeless video once a week.
This fact provides lifelong viewers, subscribers and revenue.
When making your videos remain yourself and stick to the topic which is also called 'niche'.
So if you have a channel about dogs do not video just about horses.
But you can make a video about a dog driving a horse for example.
Concentrate on the quality of the information and motivate the viewer to continue watching,
or try to let the viewer as much of your videos.
The longer you keep the viewer, the better.
This can be done through 'cards' and 'links' to the next video in your playlist.
Tip: Youtube gives you invisible penalties if the viewer you leave the platform caused
by your video.
So, try to prevent they leave the website.
Software & Hardware
Anyone want to grow rapidly, which is a healthy mentality.
But I advise you not to invest money in expensive training, software and hardware.
No disrespect to Youtube channels that educate people, but there are some great boys selling
training material of $250 while I get the impression that they want to keep students
small and dependent on one or other way.
For example: They give for instant wrong advice on using the video tags.
According to them you should first enter keywords, the title and then keyword phrases.
That way, your main focus is not only the search phrase keywords.
For starters, I recommend a good microphone and a camera (if you want your face on YouTube).
I use the SL150 editors key, this is a USB Microphone recording high quality vocal.
This costs $139.99.
Note this does not include pop-filter and a microphone boom arm.
If you have no money for that look on eBay or go to a Chinese store.
You can buy a microphone for $20 or less.
If you decide to buy a camera look closely at the resolution.
Buy a camera of at least 1080p, which is 1920 pixels in width and 1080 pixels in height.
You can also use your cell phone.
In the video description, I will add some good deals to microphones and cameras.
I use Adobe CC all in one package, it cost me $65, - per month.
If you do not have the money, I recommend "Filmora" for video editing, for image editing,
I recommend the website and audio editing I recommend Audacity.
They are all free and provide a good foundation to work with.
If you decide to buy a microphone for $10 I will add an audacity file in the video description.
After recording, you can improve your vocal 1000% with one click.
Tip: If you record audio make sure there is no background noise and prevent recording
in rooms with a lot of echo.
Seek up a room with a lot of stuff that kills audio reflection.
Shut off all devices that makes sound.
With video recordings make sure there is enough light in the room.
Youtube Tips
You know the myth click bait is bad?
The purpose of click bait is exactly the purpose of your title.
To lure potential viewers or people searching specifically for your information and motivate
them to click your video.
As long as your click bait title is related to the subject of your video its not bad.
Tip: The perfect title is a title that contains a call to action and a maximum of one or two
Your video description describes with at least 321 characters what the viewer can expect.
It is important to add some relevant keywords or phrases, especially in the first sentence.
Tip: Do not overload your video description or title with keywords or search phrases.
This can backfire.
Remember, Youtube aka Google is cleaning up.
Create playlists.
Here too it is important that you conduct research concerning keywords and search phrases.
Make good use of the title and description.
If you look at my Youtube channel, I have a number of different playlists because I
cover different kinds of topics.
UFO related videos are going into my UFO playlist, Illuminati related videos in my Illuminati
playlist and so on.
Tip: Place your playlists on your channel as you can see on my channel.
It is organized for the visitors and the more likely they stay longer on your channel because
they are watching your other videos.
Youtube, Twitter and Facebook do not like each other anymore.
I advise not to share your video on social networks directly.
Facebook censor Youtube related posts.
The views from on Facebook are no longer counted.
What I do, I use
A website where you can easily schedule your posts.
I upload a good picture, I give a concise powerful description (do not forget the hashtags)
and I link to the video in my playlist.
Not straight to my video.
How do you find that link?
Visit the playlist where the video is listed and right-click the title of the video you
want to share and copy the link. automatically generates a short link.
This way, you increase the likelihood that they watch more of your great content.
This gives a boost to your watch minutes or watch time.
People who focus on money will not get far.
Focus on your content, always try to improve your content and the rest will follow.
I advise you to focus on your stats, I'm talking about the watch time.
This is only possible if you have good content and by cross Promoting other videos using
cards, end screens and links.
What I do, I make sure that i promote related videos through 'cards' with a strong call
to action such as "MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO NOW"
The higher the watch time the better your video is promoted the more exposure on YouTube.
Youtube love content creators that keeps people on Youtube.
This means, if someone comes to you on Youtube say via your video.
The viewer leaves your video to other video and still say an hour on YouTube than you
get credits from Youtube too.
Youtube thinks, "Hey thanks to your video the viewer stayed 1 hour on Youtube".
Here's another myth: The Longer the video the better the watch time, wrong... incorrect.
People who makes 10 minute videos on purpose is only focused on generating additional revenue.
A 10 minute video of which a viewer leave after one minute than your video perform worse
than a video of three minutes in which the viewer watched 1.5 minutes.
The short video has been watched for 50%, while the 10 minute video is only viewed a
lousy 10%.
In the analytics you can look into audience retention (it shows when someone leaves your
Keep an eye on that, this helps to improve your videos.
Tip: Do not focus on money focus on content.
The rest will follow.
One of the most asked question is "When is the best time to publish your video?"
The best time to publish your video is one to two hours for the Internet peak time.
The question is, how do you know the peak time?
The peak time is when it is busiest on the Internet.
The best place to find out where the people are, Facebook.
Please note that you only can figure out if you have a Facebook page:
Go to insights, check out posts, and you will see exactly which day and time is the busiest.
Currently, the peak time is 4PM.
If I have to plan a video I plan on Youtube two hours before the peak moment so I set
it to 2PM and on Buffer I publish 30 minutes before peak time on Facebook and Twitter so at
3:30 PM.
Tip: If you hover with your mouse on a particular day you can see what time it is busiest.
When you remove the mouse pointer you can see the average time when it is busiest.
I recommend to focus on that and I recommend checking this every week because these times
are always different.
There is a huge difference between summer and winter.
The mentality on Youtube is not really positive.
Almost all the Youtube channels make no effort to respond to viewer's comments.
I think they forgot something very important: The viewer makes you or breaks you.
In fact, they take time to view your video and place a comment.
Tip: Build a relationship with your audience, one way to do that is always to respond to
You see that little things matter a lot.
What should you do with hate comments?
Healthy criticism is good, but you should immediately take necessary actions to hate
By blocking the user on YouTube and Google+ and then to remove the comment.
This may scare off your visitors and fear to be ridiculed or attacked.
Take for example my channel.
I have a section that deals with debunking.
When I carry out a debunk on a video from a popular channel I get a flood haters, trolls,
and usually accompanied by fake accounts.
They all say the same thing, "I'm a hater, I'm jealous that I work for the government."
I get about between 100 and 150 similar messages.
What impression does the video leave behind when I allow all those comments?
A terrible Bad impression, that is precisely the aim of those people.
Give them no voice and remove the negative comments immediately.
Also, do not argue because they want your attention.
This technique is called "cointelpro" poluting the topic and deriving people from the topic.
Protect your viewers and your channel at all times.
What I would like to add when you make a video.
Don't be an actor but be yourself.
I advise to put yourself under a magnifying glass and enhance your strongest characteristics
with 200% so that you deliver your emotions and personality.
Talk to the camera or microphone as if you were talking to your best friend or your mother
or father.
My 10 years on Youtube
I started on October 16, 2007, my channel name was back then "The Lions Ground Entertainment
I made terrible videos but I do not remove them.
They are part of my history.
Youtube has changed my life, actually saved my life.
In 2011 I became homeless because of a bad relationship and with an old laptop and a
720P Canon camera and Wifi I rebuild my life in less than 6 months and now I live in the
Spanish resort of Marbella.
That thanks to Youtube.
Earlier this year I've got to deal with red numbers for the very first time in my Youtube
I really thought this is it.
By applying this tactic my watch time increased by 23%.
And this month I have 2,033 subscribers more than last month.
I grow every month between 1200-3000 subscribers and get more and more and more.
I pay close attention to Youtube updates so my content or channel is Youtube friendly.
So if I can do it, you can do it too!
On my PATREONpage I will publish every month a training video "how to start a successful
YouTube channel in 2017."
I will also publish a Youtube Ebook, so do visit
Do you have any questions please let me know in the comment section below.
Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.
I sincerely want to thank you for your time watching this video, it's really appreciated.
I'll see in the next video.
I'm Heathcliff, your host,
McCain The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain - Duration: 5:35.
McCain The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain
by Tyler Durden
It was a bumper day for John McCain when on Friday Donald Trump's Republican nemesis gloated
as Trump's "art of the deal" collapsed in the last minute, after the President and Ryan-led
effort to repeal Obamacare suffered what appears to be a terminal setback.
In the wake of Trump's misfortune, McCain renewed his calls on Friday for a return to
a legacy neocon status quo, when speaking at the Brussels forum, said that the world
"cries out for American and European leadership" through the EU and Nato, and said that the
EU and the US needed to develop "more cooperation, more connectivity".
In a "new world order under enormous strain" and in "the titanic struggle with forces of
radicalism � we can't stand by and lament, we've got to be involved," said McCain who
is now chairman of the armed services committee in the US Senate, quoted by the EU Observer.
"I trust the EU," he said, defending an opposite view from that of US president Donald Trump,
who said in January that the UK "was so smart in getting out" of the EU and that Nato was
He said that the EU was "one of the most important alliances" for the US and that the EU and
Nato were "the best two sums in history", which have maintained peace for the last 70
Further attacking Trump's global worldview, McCan said that "we need to rely on Nato and
have a Nato that adjusts to new challenges."
He noted that "the EU has too many bureaucrats, not much bureaucracy," but added that "it's
not the only place on earth with that problem."
He said that he was "still wondering what the overall effect of Brexit will be" and
that he did not know "if this is the beginning of a serious problem for the EU".
McCain did not disagree, however, with Trump's demand that European countries increase their
defense spending for Nato.
McCain also revealed he hasn�t met the President Donald Trump in person since he took office,
and he urged Trump to reach out to his opponents�Democratic and otherwise�ala Ronald Reagan if he wants
to repeal Obamacare.
�Do some outreach.
Get to know some of these Democratic leaders,� he said.
�You can find common ground.� McCain said he�d met Trump �some years ago� when
he was a businessman, but had not met him since.
McCain said he did speak �almost daily� to National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R.
McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, however.
�He doesn�t seem to be that upset that he�s not talking to him,� said German
Marshall Fund�s Derek Chollet, a former Obama Pentagon official.
�He�s trying to run U.S. defense policy through Mattis and effectively ignore Trump.�
That said, McCain also said it was "too early" to pass judgment on his presidency, although
his series of critical comments in recent weeks have demonstrated his growing skepticism
about the Trump administration.
Furthermore, while McCain said he was "very pleased" by Trump's picks for his national
security team - despite suggesting that they were being bypassed by more ideological and
less competent people - he took the opportunity to attack Trump's decisionmaking, saying "the
question is: who does the president listen to, who drives the tweets at 6 in morning?�,
he said.Asked whether he thought that "Russia owns a significant part of the White House,"
he said: "I don't worry about that."
The unspoken suggestion: Russia.
What worries McCain, he said, was "the Russian role in our elections", even if he admitted
that he has seen "no evidence they succeeded� in affecting the outcome of last year's US
Noting that Russia was now trying to influence elections in France and in Germany, he said
that if it succeeded it would be "a death warrant for democracy".
"It's an act of destruction that is certainly more lethal than dropping some bombs," he
McCain, a Russia hawk, said that Putin wanted to restore the Russian empire: �He wants
the Baltics, he has taken Crimea, he's been in Ukraine."
"These are KBG thugs, my friends," he said, referring to the former Russian spy service
for which Putin used to work.
He added that the US needed to "respond accordingly".
He said however that there was "nothing wrong" if Trump met Putin.
"I'm not against meeting," he said, reminding the Brussels forum that US presidents met
Soviet leaders during the Cold War.
But he added that "the best way to go to a meeting is with a strong hand" and that was
not the case for
the US right now.
5 Simple Life Hacks For Your Phone YOU SHOULD KNOW - Duration: 5:25.
5 Simple Life Hacks For Your Phone
You should know
Phone Hacks
バイバイ北海道。私の初めての成人式・ 北海道雪旅行挿話#6[Eng sub Bye Bye Hokkaido] - Duration: 6:58.
That's dangerous, stop it
We are leaving now
Today is Leona's full age ceremy
Leo's full age ceremony was a lot of fun
Going home now
I got through
And of course, my double luggagm
It's getting dark now so I thinl
That seat is probably at the wiw
Yeah, let's fly home, bye bye Ho
It was so much fun
I arrived at the Osaka Airport
The weather is so bad, and there is NO SNOW, I can't believe it!
5 days ago I came in from here
And that's the gate from where 9
That's the last video
I jumped into the bus
That trip was just amazing
Thank you Leo, thank you Sakinoy
Yeah, and it's evening now
And no snow
And the Video from the first daw
It will be ready on Youtube soo.
Yeah, it's been amazing. See yo.
What to Do When You Reach Out to Every Company in Your Industry? - Duration: 4:48.
Here's an issue with cold emailing
that becomes more common the more outreach you do.
What happens when you've had at least one touchpoint
with every company in your industry?
We're running into this right now.
We actually ran into this a few months ago because
our sales team is reaching out to about 150 people
each per week, and there're only really about 2000,
3000 digital agencies that fit.
So they were gonna run into it quick.
You've probably seen this in your cold email outreach
to your industry, and in this video,
I'm gonna run through three things you can do to
keep that ball rolling without having to change markets.
Basically how do you keep your cold email campaigns
relevant, how do you keep making sales
when you've touched everybody in your entire industry?
Let's jump into it.
So the first thing you should do is ask for feedback
from the people that have responded no.
Here is an email that one of our sales guys Liban
recently sent out to insurance companies
in the United States.
And we went over this last week.
So I'm not gonna run through what the script is
or how to improve.
If you wanna see that, check out last week's video.
But I show you this to show you Laura's response.
So, Liban sent this email out, Laura responded,
"A phone call certainly should have made it through,
"it's unfortunate you had trouble.
"I'll pass at this time."
So standard, non-interested response.
And you probably have hundreds of these
if you've been reaching out with any regularity.
Now here is what we do when we get this.
So we did some light research on the insurance company
and we found out that they were a small, Florida-based firm
who was working with this other company called Confluency,
which, for insurance companies, apparently
they build insurance company websites.
And we found this because at the bottom of their site,
this company's site said built by, or powered by Confluency.
So we wrote this simple email to Laura,
so "Hey Laura, no worries.
"Would you mind giving some feedback for why you passed?
"Happy with Confluency?
And Laura got back almost immediately.
And she said "Hi Liban, quite frankly I found your initial
"I couldn't get through by phone an odd approach, thanks."
So if we go back to the email we sent,
now we know, in the future, couldn't get through to you
by phone so I thought email might be more convenient
is probably a bad way to start the message.
Or maybe there's a better way to do it.
We know we have to rewrite that first line now.
So homework for you, for everyone that's responded no
to your campaigns, as long as they're not aggressively
like remove me from your list, but even if they are
you can still send this quick feedback email.
You don't even have to do research,
but that will increase your conversion rate.
You could even just send something like this.
And they'll give you feedback that will help you
improve your campaigns going forward.
Then the next step is to optimize
your cold email campaigns.
I've got a checklist you can use here.
There's gonna be a download link
at the bottom of this video.
But it runs through the step-by-step process
of rewriting your cold email campaign that you can use.
To quickly recap, it's, make sure the leads are coming
from a qualified place.
So are you emailing the right people?
Rewrite the subject line till you get an 80% open rate.
And then look through the body of the email
for these three things, right, does the first line
do a good job of saying why you're reaching out?
Does the middle give value and background
in an appealing manner?
And three, does the email end in a question mark
and have next steps?
There are even some benchline states in this doc
that you can check out to see if your open rate
and response rate is good or if you need to keep improving.
And if you're having trouble figuring out
what to put into the subject line
and what to put in the body of the email,
this is where the feedback is really going to help.
And then sending the emails out
in batches to 50 or 100 people.
And then the next logical question from there is
what 50 to 100 people, if you've already touched everyone,
in your industry?
And that brings us to point number three which is,
target different titles in the same company.
Let's say you have 1000 leads, 1000 companies total
worth contacting in your industry.
If you reach out to the CEO, that's 1000 contacts.
But then if you reach out to the CMO with the next drip,
there's another 1000 right there you can reach out to.
Maybe you reach out to the CTO after that,
or you reach out to a director of marketing
underneath the CMO, or an SVP.
Like there are many people at each company.
You can turn 1000 leads into 10,000 leads
just by reaching out to 10 different titles.
And that's the next step, so take these optimized campaigns,
batch them in groups of 50 to 100,
and test them based on the feedback you're getting
until you can get your emails to these benchline stats.
If you like this video feel free to give it a thumbs up.
Let me know in the comments if you found this useful
or if you have any questions
about raising your benchline stats.
Subscribe to this channel for more B2B sales training
and if you need marketing support for your digital agency,
check out, thanks.
Korean businesses in Beijing on front line of China's THAAD backlash - Duration: 3:15.
China's backlash against the South Korean government's decision to deploy the U.S. missile
defense system THAAD peaked this month, with unofficial sanctions placed on Korean products
and companies... and public protests and boycotts.
Those at the forefront of Beijing's ire are the Koreans living and doing business in China.
Our correspondent Kwon Jang-ho is in the Chinese capital to see how they've been affected by
the anti-Korean sentiment.
Beijing has a total population of 21 million and Koreans make up zero-point-5 percent of
that with a community of 100-thousand.
They are mostly found in Wangjing in the northeastern corner of the Chinese capital.
Many here call the district the Koreatown of Beijing.
The streets are lined with Korean restaurants and stores... serving Korean and Chinese alike,
but business has slowed significantly in recent weeks.
Korean restaurants started to see the number of Chinese customers fall since news broke
of Seoul's decision to deploy a U.S. missile-defense system in South Korea.
And then in March, the one of owners tells us... they stopped coming altogether... making
it difficult to keep his business running.
"What's really amazing is that it's as if they all agreed to stop coming on the same
Not one Chinese customer has come since.
I was shocked."
It's a story shared by most throughout this district.
This Korean supermarket saw sales slashed by a third in the last month.
The owner also tells us he would have to consider shutting down if the trend continues.
Anti-Korean sentiment in the Chinese capital peaked at the beginning of the month, when
the Korean conglomerate Lotte agreed to a land-swap deal with the government in South
Korea... allowing THAAD to be deployed to one of its golf courses... southeast of Seoul.
The Chinese government strongly objects to the deployment... and the state media and
politicians were quick to denounce the move... sparking public protests calling for the boycott
of Lotte and Korean products altogether.
"This WAS the biggest Lotte store in Beijing.
Written here is a notice saying it has temporarily been shut down for failing safety regulations.
It's one of roughly 90 stores around the country that have suffered similar fates, leaving
only a handful open."
Those that do remain open are also suffering heavy losses.
Deserted aisles, bored staff and empty shelves.
This store we visited felt like an abandoned town.
The local Korean community have tried to rally and put on a brave face as they deal with
an unprecedented situation.
"We're doing everything we can to facilitate communication between the community, the Chinese
people and the authorities.
We believe things will return to normal soon."
But at the mercy of a geopolitical power struggle that is expected to continue for some time,
there is little they can do to prevent further backlash.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News, Beijing.
Jang-ho will be back with the second part of his report from Beijing, looking at how
anti-Korean sentiment is spreading among the Chinese public.
How To Live On Your Terms.
[Legendado] JB e Youngjae falando da briga com o Mark - VLIVE - Duration: 1:51.
Public Works? | The 'Buck O'Neil' Bridge Inspection - Duration: 2:14.
- And you gotta remember that all bridges,
it's federal law that all bridges
that are on a public road are inspected
once every two years.
We have engineers and technicians as well
that do inspections, all trained inspectors.
Some of the problems you might see on this bridge.
We've drilled the cracks
to stop the crack from propagating.
Can you see that area up there,
where we have the bolted on member,
where we've done a retrofit there?
In Missouri, when we have bridges that
are worse off than others ...
On this side, you can see where, two girders,
we're talking about a two-girder system,
and then if you look above you,
you can see that the area between the approach spans
and the main spans,
you can see this is a multi-girder system,
you see the multiple girders.
So, this part over here would be fracture critical.
This part over here would not be.
So, we might inspect them once every year,
instead of once every two years,
just so that we're sure that they're safe.
Let me get you a vest.
- [Cameraman] Okay, cool.
- We're gonna walk up to the main span,
to the main truss spans.
You can see here where the armor's
just gave up.
There's a good gap, right here, let's go across.
So, the three open grate areas,
the water's just dumping over onto those stringers.
All the expansion joints on this bridge
are deteriorated to the point where
they're done with their useful life.
These cars are just comin'.
(traffic noise obscures speech)
This is your rocker, supporting it.
What happens is, this can tip back and forth.
With the heat and the cold, as it expands and contracts,
this rocker can move,
and so, the bridge can shift this direction, like this.
- [Cameraman] So, a bridge actually moves,
that's not a--
- No, a bridge actually moves.
Are you ready? - Yeah.
- We feel that this bridge needs to be rehabbed,
within the next three years.
If there is a problem, we will close the bridge,
and we have shown that, we have done that in the past.
Do we want to?
No, and we'll do what we can to keep them open,
and to make sure they're safe,
but, like I said,
the number on thing is safety of the traveling public.
Notwithstanding Clause - Duration: 2:34.
Fitness News: Nike Launches Sports Hijab - Duration: 1:47.
Hi I'm Raquel Domínguez
and today I am here with another news about the fitness world.
And it is that Nike has launched its first hijab for sports.
On 8 March, which was the International Women's Day,
Nike took this date to launch its first sports hijab.
The Nike Pro Hijab. This presentation was made in collaboration
a skater from the United Arab Emirates, Zhara Lari,
No doubt this launch has been quite controversial.
While some believe that Arab women should do
sport in the same conditions as the others,
others believe that this is a step forward for women of these pasíses
they can devote professionally to the sport.
To launch these sports veils Nike has been working
for 13 months with different athletes of Muslim origin.
And the end result has been as veils in which the
breathability has been made possible by a special fabric
It is including tiny holes that facilitate evaporation of sweat.
Nike sports veils can not be purchased until
the spring of next year, the year 2018. And in principle firm
you plan to get them in 3 colors, black, gray and dark green.
And you, do you think this measure? think is a step
forward for Muslim women to play sports
or you think it's one more way of submission. Tell me in the comments.
In today's video I greet Alejandra Ojeda, Ever 82
Josh and Fitness. Hi guys. I hope my video today
HERNANDES DIAS LOPES - Outono, Tempo de Renovar (DLP 057) - Duration: 2:46.
How to Start a Youtube Channel in 2017 and be Successful? - Duration: 20:59.
Hello, I'm a Youtuber since 2007 and yes I have an annoying accent because I am a Dutchman,
but that has become my trademark on Youtube.
This video is about how to start a successful YouTube channel in 2017 or improve your channel.
In the next minutes I give advice on video content, software and hardware, Fresh Youtube
2017 tips, and my 10 years YouTube experience.
Keep watching!
Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground.
I hope you have a fantastic day.
So you want to start a YouTube channel.
Do you know about what?
I recommend to do something that has to do with your passion, because than you enjoy
your work and that reflects in your content.
TIP: Over the years I have seen channels come and go because they think to make easy money
on Youtube
Not so many people do think longer term, so tip: Think longer term!
I see many people copying another channels and that is wrong.
First of all, it's your channel, reflect your personal characters in your channel.
In one glance a fresh visitor should get a clear impression of what your channel is about,
Tip: Just like in real life you have to build a relationship with your viewer.
This can be achieved by being yourself.
I advise you not to smoke, drink or use drugs in your videos.
There is a channel that does that and people talk bad about this Youtube channel behind
his back.
Content is king, no matter what you look like, what kind of voice you have.
If your content is super nice, sleek and straight forward the viewer "reward" you with positivity.
Your video must have a wow factor.
This may be an action, information or what I do, people to think.
Tip: Youtube 2017 wants every day new videos, because the more content on YouTube, the more
traffic to Youtube and that counts.
Publish videos every day, "I upload every business day".
A channel that publishes every day performs better than a Youtube channel that publishes
once a week videos.
In long term you build a video library faster.
There are two types of videos that you should publish, short term videos and long term videos.
A short term video is a video based on a trend of today you can find for example, Google
Trends and YouTube Trends.
This provides a boost in viewers and subscribers but the downside is, it don't live long.
Then you have a long term video, a video which gives you a longer-term views and subscribers,
like this video which is also a long term video.
Tip: Decide for yourself the balance between short term and long term videos videos.
My advice is to make at least one timeless video once a week.
This fact provides lifelong viewers, subscribers and revenue.
When making your videos remain yourself and stick to the topic which is also called 'niche'.
So if you have a channel about dogs do not video just about horses.
But you can make a video about a dog driving a horse for example.
Concentrate on the quality of the information and motivate the viewer to continue watching,
or try to let the viewer as much of your videos.
The longer you keep the viewer, the better.
This can be done through 'cards' and 'links' to the next video in your playlist.
Tip: Youtube gives you invisible penalties if the viewer you leave the platform caused
by your video.
So, try to prevent they leave the website.
Software & Hardware
Anyone want to grow rapidly, which is a healthy mentality.
But I advise you not to invest money in expensive training, software and hardware.
No disrespect to Youtube channels that educate people, but there are some great boys selling
training material of $250 while I get the impression that they want to keep students
small and dependent on one or other way.
For example: They give for instant wrong advice on using the video tags.
According to them you should first enter keywords, the title and then keyword phrases.
That way, your main focus is not only the search phrase keywords.
For starters, I recommend a good microphone and a camera (if you want your face on YouTube).
I use the SL150 editors key, this is a USB Microphone recording high quality vocal.
This costs $139.99.
Note this does not include pop-filter and a microphone boom arm.
If you have no money for that look on eBay or go to a Chinese store.
You can buy a microphone for $20 or less.
If you decide to buy a camera look closely at the resolution.
Buy a camera of at least 1080p, which is 1920 pixels in width and 1080 pixels in height.
You can also use your cell phone.
In the video description, I will add some good deals to microphones and cameras.
I use Adobe CC all in one package, it cost me $65, - per month.
If you do not have the money, I recommend "Filmora" for video editing, for image editing,
I recommend the website and audio editing I recommend Audacity.
They are all free and provide a good foundation to work with.
If you decide to buy a microphone for $10 I will add an audacity file in the video description.
After recording, you can improve your vocal 1000% with one click.
Tip: If you record audio make sure there is no background noise and prevent recording
in rooms with a lot of echo.
Seek up a room with a lot of stuff that kills audio reflection.
Shut off all devices that makes sound.
With video recordings make sure there is enough light in the room.
Youtube Tips
You know the myth click bait is bad?
The purpose of click bait is exactly the purpose of your title.
To lure potential viewers or people searching specifically for your information and motivate
them to click your video.
As long as your click bait title is related to the subject of your video its not bad.
Tip: The perfect title is a title that contains a call to action and a maximum of one or two
Your video description describes with at least 321 characters what the viewer can expect.
It is important to add some relevant keywords or phrases, especially in the first sentence.
Tip: Do not overload your video description or title with keywords or search phrases.
This can backfire.
Remember, Youtube aka Google is cleaning up.
Create playlists.
Here too it is important that you conduct research concerning keywords and search phrases.
Make good use of the title and description.
If you look at my Youtube channel, I have a number of different playlists because I
cover different kinds of topics.
UFO related videos are going into my UFO playlist, Illuminati related videos in my Illuminati
playlist and so on.
Tip: Place your playlists on your channel as you can see on my channel.
It is organized for the visitors and the more likely they stay longer on your channel because
they are watching your other videos.
Youtube, Twitter and Facebook do not like each other anymore.
I advise not to share your video on social networks directly.
Facebook censor Youtube related posts.
The views from on Facebook are no longer counted.
What I do, I use
A website where you can easily schedule your posts.
I upload a good picture, I give a concise powerful description (do not forget the hashtags)
and I link to the video in my playlist.
Not straight to my video.
How do you find that link?
Visit the playlist where the video is listed and right-click the title of the video you
want to share and copy the link. automatically generates a short link.
This way, you increase the likelihood that they watch more of your great content.
This gives a boost to your watch minutes or watch time.
People who focus on money will not get far.
Focus on your content, always try to improve your content and the rest will follow.
I advise you to focus on your stats, I'm talking about the watch time.
This is only possible if you have good content and by cross Promoting other videos using
cards, end screens and links.
What I do, I make sure that i promote related videos through 'cards' with a strong call
to action such as "MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO NOW"
The higher the watch time the better your video is promoted the more exposure on YouTube.
Youtube love content creators that keeps people on Youtube.
This means, if someone comes to you on Youtube say via your video.
The viewer leaves your video to other video and still say an hour on YouTube than you
get credits from Youtube too.
Youtube thinks, "Hey thanks to your video the viewer stayed 1 hour on Youtube".
Here's another myth: The Longer the video the better the watch time, wrong... incorrect.
People who makes 10 minute videos on purpose is only focused on generating additional revenue.
A 10 minute video of which a viewer leave after one minute than your video perform worse
than a video of three minutes in which the viewer watched 1.5 minutes.
The short video has been watched for 50%, while the 10 minute video is only viewed a
lousy 10%.
In the analytics you can look into audience retention (it shows when someone leaves your
Keep an eye on that, this helps to improve your videos.
Tip: Do not focus on money focus on content.
The rest will follow.
One of the most asked question is "When is the best time to publish your video?"
The best time to publish your video is one to two hours for the Internet peak time.
The question is, how do you know the peak time?
The peak time is when it is busiest on the Internet.
The best place to find out where the people are, Facebook.
Please note that you only can figure out if you have a Facebook page:
Go to insights, check out posts, and you will see exactly which day and time is the busiest.
Currently, the peak time is 4PM.
If I have to plan a video I plan on Youtube two hours before the peak moment so I set
it to 2PM and on Buffer I publish 30 minutes before peak time on Facebook and Twitter so at
3:30 PM.
Tip: If you hover with your mouse on a particular day you can see what time it is busiest.
When you remove the mouse pointer you can see the average time when it is busiest.
I recommend to focus on that and I recommend checking this every week because these times
are always different.
There is a huge difference between summer and winter.
The mentality on Youtube is not really positive.
Almost all the Youtube channels make no effort to respond to viewer's comments.
I think they forgot something very important: The viewer makes you or breaks you.
In fact, they take time to view your video and place a comment.
Tip: Build a relationship with your audience, one way to do that is always to respond to
You see that little things matter a lot.
What should you do with hate comments?
Healthy criticism is good, but you should immediately take necessary actions to hate
By blocking the user on YouTube and Google+ and then to remove the comment.
This may scare off your visitors and fear to be ridiculed or attacked.
Take for example my channel.
I have a section that deals with debunking.
When I carry out a debunk on a video from a popular channel I get a flood haters, trolls,
and usually accompanied by fake accounts.
They all say the same thing, "I'm a hater, I'm jealous that I work for the government."
I get about between 100 and 150 similar messages.
What impression does the video leave behind when I allow all those comments?
A terrible Bad impression, that is precisely the aim of those people.
Give them no voice and remove the negative comments immediately.
Also, do not argue because they want your attention.
This technique is called "cointelpro" poluting the topic and deriving people from the topic.
Protect your viewers and your channel at all times.
What I would like to add when you make a video.
Don't be an actor but be yourself.
I advise to put yourself under a magnifying glass and enhance your strongest characteristics
with 200% so that you deliver your emotions and personality.
Talk to the camera or microphone as if you were talking to your best friend or your mother
or father.
My 10 years on Youtube
I started on October 16, 2007, my channel name was back then "The Lions Ground Entertainment
I made terrible videos but I do not remove them.
They are part of my history.
Youtube has changed my life, actually saved my life.
In 2011 I became homeless because of a bad relationship and with an old laptop and a
720P Canon camera and Wifi I rebuild my life in less than 6 months and now I live in the
Spanish resort of Marbella.
That thanks to Youtube.
Earlier this year I've got to deal with red numbers for the very first time in my Youtube
I really thought this is it.
By applying this tactic my watch time increased by 23%.
And this month I have 2,033 subscribers more than last month.
I grow every month between 1200-3000 subscribers and get more and more and more.
I pay close attention to Youtube updates so my content or channel is Youtube friendly.
So if I can do it, you can do it too!
On my PATREONpage I will publish every month a training video "how to start a successful
YouTube channel in 2017."
I will also publish a Youtube Ebook, so do visit
Do you have any questions please let me know in the comment section below.
Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.
I sincerely want to thank you for your time watching this video, it's really appreciated.
I'll see in the next video.
I'm Heathcliff, your host,
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