Thursday, March 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 31 2017

Almighty God's words are so vast. They've truly opened my eyes.

In every passage of God's word, I always receive sustenance.

This is the living water of life which flows from God's throne. (Amen!)

The more I read, the more sweet I feel.

Yes, indeed. We're all truly blessed.

It's the confirmation of the Holy Spirit and our hearts. (Amen!)

And now, as we eat and drink the words of Almighty God,

our states become normal.

We have renewed faith and love,

and we've tasted the sweetness

and experienced the joy of the Holy Spirit's work.


Just lovely!

This is God's great love bringing us all together. (Yes, it is.)

Thanks be to God.

In these days of fellowship on the words of Almighty God,

we've all grown considerably. (Yes, we have!)

We've sensed that Almighty God's word is truth and reality. (Amen!)

We've come further in these few months than in many years of faith.

It does seem so! Yes, indeed!

It's true.

We now understand aspects of the truth we hadn't before known.

We've enjoyed the Holy Spirit's work. (Praise God! Thanks be to God!)

Seems we've come face-to-face with God.

Yes. We are all truly blessed.

Yes, indeed. We're all truly blessed.

It's the confirmation of the Holy Spirit and our hearts. (Amen!)

I'm ever more brightened reading Almighty God's word.

It's a pity we received His word so late

and only now accept Almighty God.

Indeed! Yeah.

If we must blame someone, blame the religious pastors and elders.

They entrapped us with their lies and their fallacies.

Yes. They did!

But now,

we know that Almighty God's words are the expression of the Holy Spirit.


They're the words of the Holy Spirit to the churches. (Amen!)

We've heard God's word and accepted

Almighty God as the second coming of the Lord, (Amen!)

the one and only God who created heavens, earth, and all things.

Amen. Thanks be to God.

One could say, we've been raptured before God's throne. (Yes.)

What say you? Am I right?


We have been raptured before God's throne.

God has truly given us His grace. (Thanks be to God!)

Yes, in these few months, I've read much of Almighty God's word,

and I've come to understand truths which have long puzzled me.

I've resolved various notions and confusions I had within my own faith

and achieved a clearer understanding. (Amen.)

Almighty God's words are so vast. They've truly opened my eyes.

In every passage of God's word, I always receive sustenance.

This is the living water of life which flows from God's throne.

The more I read, the more sweet I feel.

Thanks be to God! That's great!

Let's hear another passage. (Alright! Yes!)

We haven't communicated the truth in the Bible in a way that's clear.

Our believers understand very little of the Lord's word

and aren't capable of discerning.

They have yet to keep their footing on the true way!


We must continue to expound the truth in the Bible.

So we can ensure they'll follow the Lord's way

and not the Eastern Lightning.

This is how I see it:

If it's true that the Eastern Lightning has really arisen from God,

and if the words of Almighty God are the truth,

then more believers will follow the Eastern Lightning.

If that's so, then nothing will stop them.

However, if this really were the work of men,

they'd've vanished long ago, succumbing to the CCP's brutal suppression.

How is it that they've developed at such a rapid rate?

This is not what any human can do.

Recently, I keep wondering:

If the Eastern Lightning really does come from God,

but this seems impossible.

God's words and work can't exist outside the Bible!

Yet the Church of Almighty God has developed so quickly.

They've managed to stand firm despite such brutal suppression.

Only the work of God could account for it!

Has the Eastern Lightning arisen from God?

It's really hard to say.

Brother Hu is here.

Let's get going. (Let's go!)

Who would be coming here now?

Who's there?


Someone's there.

It might be someone from church. I'll go see.

It's Pastor Zhu and Elder Liu. Please come in.

It's Pastor Zhu and Elder Liu.

Oh …

Pastor Zhu and Elder Liu are here.

Brother Chen, Brother Lin, why are you not reading the Bible?

Why do you instead read the Eastern Lightning's books?

You're even watching their films?

It seems you've become their adherents.

How could you do that!

We must follow the Bible.

During sermons we should interpret the Bible. (Amen!)

Neglecting the Bible amounts to betrayal of the Lord.


You all ought to confess your sins.

Yes, the prophecies are coming true.

The Lord could come at any moment to lift us up into the kingdom of heaven.


You two should lead brothers and sisters to read the Bible

and watch for the Lord's coming.


Only by reading the Bible do we keep the Lord's way.

When the Lord comes, we will be taken by Him into the kingdom of heaven.

Is this not so?

The Lord has come with new words.

If we continue reading the Bible, we'll be lagging behind. (You're right.)

There's no way more truths can be understood through the Bible

than through the word of Almighty God. (That's right.)

Brother Chen,

you read Almighty God's word in meetings

and commune about Almighty God's word too.

Why don't you read the Bible?

Tell me, what's going on here?

Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu, please have a seat.

Yes, have a seat, please.

How about we all have a seat?

Elder Liu, you can sit here. (Thank the Lord!)

Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu,

these years, the religious world has become so bleak.

So many have lost their faith and their love.

Attendance numbers are way down for meetings.

You are well aware of this situation. (Yes. That's true.)

It is only because of the bleak situation within the church

that we've sought the work of the Holy Spirit.

That's true.

And now,

we've finally found what the Holy Spirit says to the churches. (Amen! Indeed!)

We've heard the voice of God, found the footsteps of His work. (Amen!)

Shouldn't we be rejoicing? (Right.)

Why? Why do you still object? (Yes.)

You say that faith in the Lord must be in accord with the Bible,

and so we must interpret it.

All these years, have we not all been reading the Bible?

Have you not often interpreted the Bible for us?

For what? Where's the work of the Holy Spirit?

Not enjoyable at all. There's no work of the Holy Spirit.

It's true. There isn't.

Our lives have not received the least bit of provision.

We have become passive, and some have even left.

How could you not be aware of these facts?

If we still don't seek the work of God

or the words of the Holy Spirit to the churches,

we will be stuck here or starve to death.

Yes, that's right. Indeed.

And now,

as we eat and drink the words of Almighty God, our states become normal.

We have renewed faith and love,

and we've tasted the sweetness and experienced the joy of the Holy Spirit's work.

Reading the words of Almighty God, we feel the Lord's voice.

It is the voice of the returned Lord Jesus. (Amen!)

The more we read His words, the more we grasp truth.

We see more clearly how to move forward.

Seems now, we're on the right path of our faith. (Yes, indeed.)

Are you not happy to see how we have been blessed at last?

Are you not willing to welcome the Lord's appearance? (Yes. That's right.)

We can't continue to cling to the Bible.

We must accept God's words of the last days! (Yes.)

Read the words of Almighty God,

see if they are indeed the words of the returned Lord,

words of the Holy Spirit to the churches,

the expression of the truth, the way, and the life.

These things are most important.

If you become clear with regard to these things, you'll know who is speaking,

who it is that does the work of judgment in the last days. (Yes. That's right.)

Only God can do this work.

As pastor and elder, shouldn't you investigate like this?

That's right. You ought to be investigating!

Now when we read Almighty God's word in meetings,

we better understand the truth

and resolve some of our problems. (Right. That's right.)

We have ways of practice no matter what problems we face. (Yes.)

As I often host, to me, it is clear.

In the past, we all felt one meeting a week was too much.

Now it seems three times a week is not enough!

Yes. Right. Indeed.

We get so much out of every meeting.

Is this not the effect of the work of the Holy Spirit? (Amen!)

Doesn't this prove that what Almighty God expresses is the truth? (Amen!)

Yes, indeed. Yes, I agree.

That's right!

In present meetings,

the more we commune Almighty God's word, the more we understand truth.

To be honest, you interpreting the Bible never achieved that effect on me.

Why is it that as soon as we read Almighty God's words,

we start to grasp the truth and have a clear understanding?

Why is it that reading His words brings the supply of life,

understanding of God's will, knowledge of God and the work of the Holy Spirit?

Yes. Yeah, why?

This all proves that the words of Almighty God are the truth

and the voice of God!


Come now, why not just try to seek the true way?

Come see for yourselves the words of Almighty God!

Yes, that's a good idea. Come see for yourselves.

Come see for yourselves.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Thank the Lord.

You've received renewed faith through reading the words of Almighty God.

You're all gaining joy from church life. That's a good thing!

Thanks be to God!

This is God's love.

We do not object to searching for the true way,

but there's a problem when you leave the name of Lord Jesus for Almighty God!

We can't stray from the Bible in our faith!

The Bible's words are all God's words.


In reading it, we read the words of God. (Amen!)

I can't understand why you need to look for God's word elsewhere.

God's word and God's work are within the Bible.

You still haven't realized?

You've worked and preached for many years.

You must know God's words are all within the Bible. (Right.)

The word of God is nowhere else.

Doctrines that stray from the Bible are heresy. Don't you understand?

Why read the words of Almighty God?

Why is it exactly? Tell me.

Pastor Zhu, Elder Liu, let me ask you:

In your many years of interpreting the Bible,

why couldn't we enjoy the work of the Holy Spirit? (Yeah, why?)

Why didn't we receive the supply of life

through listening to your interpretations? (Right. That's a good point.)

Have you once considered any of this?

Why is it we've come to understand many truths

through reading the words of Almighty God?

Why do we receive the work of the Holy Spirit at meetings now? (Amen.)

Can't you see what "it is this" means?

We all know Lord has promised He will come again.

He will come again to do the work of judgment starting with the house of God.

Almighty God is doing judgment starting with the house of God. (Amen!)

Why don't you seek and investigate?

That's right! You all should be investigating.

Do you think the Bible can substitute the returned Lord Jesus' work?

Do you think that interpreting the Bible can be a substitute

for seeking and hearing the voice of God?

You say the Bible is all God's word,

and therefore you aim to block people from seeking the true way

and hearing the voice of God.

Does this not oppose God? (Yes, this is opposing God!)

Can God's words in the Bible

replace the Holy Spirit's words spoken to churches as prophesied?

Can the Bible substitute God's judgment in the last days?

Hmph! All along you've held such absurd ideas and fallacies.

No wonder you've been holding back the believers from seeking the true way.

You really ought to reflect on your actions.

Stop blocking people from seeking the true way.

Right. Stop holding people back from seeking and studying the true way.

Right. We should all be seeking and studying.

When Lord Jesus began His work, the Pharisees clung to the Bible.

They opposed and condemned the Lord

and even held others back from following Him.

And what became of them?

Did they not meet with God's curses and His punishment?

That's right, we can't make the same mistake.

The lesson of the Pharisees' failure is quite clear.

We can't take the same wrong path.

Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu,

why don't you read the words of Almighty God with us. (Yes, please.)

See for yourselves if the words of Almighty God

are indeed those of the returned Jesus.

If the Lord has returned, shouldn't we seek and study more?

Yes, we should. Let us study together.

Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu,

tomorrow join us as we commune with witnesses from the Church of Almighty God.

Yes, join us! Please! Come on!

If you still have questions, you can then debate with them.

The more we debate, the more we understand.

Please don't miss out on this opportunity. (Right.)


Thank God! Thanks be to God!

And you?

Invite them over.

I wanna see how high the way of the Eastern Lightning is.

For more infomation >> Gospel Movie clip "The Bible and God" (1) - The Desolate Church Has Been Revived 01 - Duration: 24:52.


Mujeres de negro | Borguetti asesinó a Tomás a sanfre fría - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Mujeres de negro | Borguetti asesinó a Tomás a sanfre fría - Duration: 1:45.


Mujeres de negro | Miriam encontró la computadora de Julio - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mujeres de negro | Miriam encontró la computadora de Julio - Duration: 1:03.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT Automaat Airco 5 drs. - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT Automaat Airco 5 drs. - Duration: 1:10.


Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.


Historias de inmigrantes a través de la fotografía | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Historias de inmigrantes a través de la fotografía | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.


PREGNANCY INFORMATION WEEK 6 II गर्भावस्था का 6वां हफ्ता और ढेरो खुशियाँ II - Duration: 3:33.

Hello & welcome back to celebrate life, celebrate pregnancy

I am your friends Parinita Rohrra & I am here to talk about the developments of the baby in the 6th week of the pregnancy.

Well you must take good care of yourself now since you are in the sixth week of the pregnancy.

And you may be experiencing all the symptoms which one goes through in the first trimester.

But you need not worry as this is just a passing face & you will soon be hail & hearty.

Well so till week 5 we saw that how, all the internal as well as the external

organs of the body has starting developing including the features of the face

as well as the buds of the fingers and the toes.

And now in week 6 too the baby is growing to grow really fast.

The baby would now be around a 1/4 a inch a long

and since the organs are developing there could also be some movements.

So, now coming back to week 6

let's begin with the heart, which has now divided into left & right chambers

and it is beating around 100 to 160 times per minutes.

Which is most twice as fast as yours.

the blood is of course pumping

the pituitary gland which releases hormones is also forming.Along with the rest of the brain.

The lungs, the intestine, the liver & the pancreas are firming.

The muscles and the bones tissues are also building up.

The external organs like the arms and the legs are protruding

while the facial features like the eyes, nose, ears, mouth & the nostrils are also forming.

Now if you could see that your baby find that it has an over sized head in proportion to the body.

Some facial features to would be visible.

Now let's play the small guess game again.

if you would see some dark spots, some opening & some mark fits what do you think they would be.

Well the dark spots would be the eyes the pits would be other than the ears

and the opening would be the nostrils.

And what would be the protruding buds that you see

well these buds are none other the arms & the legs of your baby.

Well that was really a cute bundle of joy, And why not?

Almost the baby has grown to almost double in size than what it was last week.

And it will continue to grow double its size next week

And that is what we are exactly going to see in celebrating life, celebrating pregnancy week 7.

Hope you have subscribe to our channel & also noted the email address given below.

Wherein you can send in your queries & also send your feedback.

So don't go anywhere so we will soon be back

And till then you must Breath, chill & relax, Thanks for watching....

For more infomation >> PREGNANCY INFORMATION WEEK 6 II गर्भावस्था का 6वां हफ्ता और ढेरो खुशियाँ II - Duration: 3:33.


Cây Mật Nhân Thần Dược Cường Dương chồng uống cây thuốc này đảm bảo trả bài cả đêm không biết mệt - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Cây Mật Nhân Thần Dược Cường Dương chồng uống cây thuốc này đảm bảo trả bài cả đêm không biết mệt - Duration: 11:13.


[ENG] #LuHan x Canon EOS M: Not a special effect worth only five cents, but a conscientious magic - Duration: 0:31.

Are they cute? Bring them home quickly!

Take me away

For more infomation >> [ENG] #LuHan x Canon EOS M: Not a special effect worth only five cents, but a conscientious magic - Duration: 0:31.


Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.


Ruth B - Lost Boy, Cover by Chris Dennis Rosenberg. - Duration: 4:53.

♪There was a time when I was alone With nowhere to go and no place to call home♪

♪My only friend was the man in the moon And even sometimes he would go away, too♪

♪Then one night, as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high♪

♪He came to me with the sweetest smile Told me he wanted to play for a while♪

♪He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me♪

♪I promise that you'll never be alone, " and ever since that day♪

♪I am a lost boy from Neverland Usually hanging out with Peter Pan♪

♪And when we're bored we play in the woods Always on the run from Captain Hook♪

♪"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me Away from all of reality♪

♪Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe♪

♪Believe in him and believe in me Together we will fly away in a cloud of green♪

♪To your beautiful destiny As we soared above the town that never loved me♪

♪I realized I finally had a family♪

♪Soon enough we reached Neverland in peace Peacefully my feet hit the sand♪

♪And ever since that day♪

♪I am a lost boy from Neverland♪

♪Usually hanging out with Peter Pan And when we're bored we play in the woods♪

♪Always on the run from Captain Hook "Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me♪

♪Away from all of reality Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me♪

♪And lost boys like me are free Neverland is home to lost boys like me♪

♪And lost boys like me are free Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling♪

♪Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book♪

♪Neverland, I love you so You are now my home sweet home♪

♪Forever a lost boy at last Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling♪

♪Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book♪

♪Neverland, I love you so You are now my home sweet home♪

♪Forever a lost boy at last And for always I will say♪

♪I am a lost boy from Neverland Usually hanging out with Peter Pan♪

♪And when we're bored we play in the woods Always on the run from Captain Hook♪

♪"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me Away from all of reality♪

♪Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me Away from all of reality♪

♪Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

For more infomation >> Ruth B - Lost Boy, Cover by Chris Dennis Rosenberg. - Duration: 4:53.


How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 4 Layout customize [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 15:59.

Please Subscribe Our YouTube Channel

For more infomation >> How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 4 Layout customize [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 15:59.


PJ Masks Doc Mcstuffins Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors With Balloons Finger Family Nursery Songs Rhyme - Duration: 3:27.

I have a tummy ache. I think the babies want to come out

PJ Masks help me

I need help 911. Doctor Mcstuffins help me!

Ambulance siren

PJ Masks: Romeo/Catboy and Gecko came to help pregnant mommy

I am Romeo Catboy

Who are you?


Yes, I have babies in me that want to come out

My amniotic fluid is broken. Help delivery my babies

Push, Push Push

Yellow Balloon Finger where are you? Here I am.

Here I am. How do you do?

Purple Balloon Finger where are you? Here I am.

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Red Balloon Finger where are you?

Here I am . Here I am. How do you do?

Orange Finger where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Red Balloon Finger where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

My fair lady!

Iron will bend and break will bend and bread.

Sticks and Stones. Stick and Stones

Build it up with Stick and Stones. My fair lady

Stick and Stones will all fall down, will all fall down. My fair lady

Build it up with bricks and mortal, bricks and mortals. My fair lady

Bricks and Mortars will not stay, will not stay, my fair lady

Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold! My fair lady


For more infomation >> PJ Masks Doc Mcstuffins Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors With Balloons Finger Family Nursery Songs Rhyme - Duration: 3:27.


Peugeot 208 Style 1.2 PureTech 82 PK 5-DEURS NAVIGATIE NETTO DEAL - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 Style 1.2 PureTech 82 PK 5-DEURS NAVIGATIE NETTO DEAL - Duration: 1:02.


How to Draw south park mexican Easy Step by Step | Teach Drawing to Kids | Art Video for Children - Duration: 6:35.

How to Draw south park mexican Easy Step by Step | Teach Drawing to Kids | Art Video for Children

For more infomation >> How to Draw south park mexican Easy Step by Step | Teach Drawing to Kids | Art Video for Children - Duration: 6:35.


in which i try to speak german off the cuff [CC: German & English] - Duration: 2:07.

It is easier, MUCH easier, to speak German when I'm alone in my own room.

It is so, so easy, and simple, and... so on.


I'm not so nervous?

I'm only... a little scared.

But... most(ly), it's okay.

I know that I, um, make mistakes.

I know.



But, I don't care, I...

I'm still learning, and...

...yeah. I have to...

...train? (I meant practice) order to get better.

You know? hahahaha.

Okay, tha-- that's...

I said that in a... in another video?



I said...

...this, okay, I said, "That's all for today, and forever, bye!"

And I found myself (incorrect)...

I found myself (correct), I found myself (correct)/I found myself (incorrect) so cute.

Oh, I have my... these (retainers)... in my mouth.

Sorry, okay.

That's all for today, and forever...

I'm sorry, bye!

For more infomation >> in which i try to speak german off the cuff [CC: German & English] - Duration: 2:07.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance AUTOMAAT - NAVIGATIE - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance AUTOMAAT - NAVIGATIE - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën Nemo 1.4I MULTISPACE / AIRCO / RADIO-CD / PDC / 2X SCHUIFDEUR - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Citroën Nemo 1.4I MULTISPACE / AIRCO / RADIO-CD / PDC / 2X SCHUIFDEUR - Duration: 1:03.



(I was afraid to get caught recording so I stopped recording, but I had to get the ending)

For more infomation >> 170329 (FANCAM) BTS SILVER SPOON 'BAEPSAE'- WINGS TOUR IN CHICAGO - Duration: 2:18.


Lindsay's NDIS Story - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Lindsay's NDIS Story - Duration: 2:37.


Ruth B - Lost Boy, Cover by Chris Dennis Rosenberg. - Duration: 4:53.

♪There was a time when I was alone With nowhere to go and no place to call home♪

♪My only friend was the man in the moon And even sometimes he would go away, too♪

♪Then one night, as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high♪

♪He came to me with the sweetest smile Told me he wanted to play for a while♪

♪He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me♪

♪I promise that you'll never be alone, " and ever since that day♪

♪I am a lost boy from Neverland Usually hanging out with Peter Pan♪

♪And when we're bored we play in the woods Always on the run from Captain Hook♪

♪"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me Away from all of reality♪

♪Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe♪

♪Believe in him and believe in me Together we will fly away in a cloud of green♪

♪To your beautiful destiny As we soared above the town that never loved me♪

♪I realized I finally had a family♪

♪Soon enough we reached Neverland in peace Peacefully my feet hit the sand♪

♪And ever since that day♪

♪I am a lost boy from Neverland♪

♪Usually hanging out with Peter Pan And when we're bored we play in the woods♪

♪Always on the run from Captain Hook "Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me♪

♪Away from all of reality Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me♪

♪And lost boys like me are free Neverland is home to lost boys like me♪

♪And lost boys like me are free Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling♪

♪Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book♪

♪Neverland, I love you so You are now my home sweet home♪

♪Forever a lost boy at last Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling♪

♪Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book♪

♪Neverland, I love you so You are now my home sweet home♪

♪Forever a lost boy at last And for always I will say♪

♪I am a lost boy from Neverland Usually hanging out with Peter Pan♪

♪And when we're bored we play in the woods Always on the run from Captain Hook♪

♪"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me Away from all of reality♪

♪Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me Away from all of reality♪

♪Cuz Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

♪Neverland is home to lost boys like me And lost boys like me are free♪

For more infomation >> Ruth B - Lost Boy, Cover by Chris Dennis Rosenberg. - Duration: 4:53.


Facial Hair???? Love it or Leave it..... - Duration: 4:59.

Hey there, welcome back to Paperboy.

It's Friday's with Tygh and this weeks topic is Facial Hair. hmmmmm....Like it or not?

I really really really would like to have facial hair.

Well, apparently I like it because obviously I have facial hair.

One of the biggest things I wanted to happen when I started testosterone was to get facial


All my life, I was that kid who was in the bath tub putting the soap around the face

and pretending like I had a beard.

Dressing up for Halloween as a guy just so I could wear a beard.

Facial hair is important to me.

Luckily for me I got it early on.

Within three months I had a full beard.

Sounds kind of crazy and strange but I did.

I think it's genetics, in fact I'm pretty sure it is.

A lot of people say that you get facial hair after you have this acne breakout, but I didn't

have acne until a year into my transition.

So, I don't think that was a factor for me.

I just think it was genetics.

What I'm gonna talk about it a little...some grooming tips.

Talk about some grooming tips.

What I do is I condition my beard because its hair, I condition my hair so I condition

my beard and I use this.

It's a leave in conditioner.

So I just spray it on.

Another thing I do is I brush my beard.

You want to brush it to the direction that you want it to grow.

Because sometimes it can just be all over the place.

It will also keep it stimulated.

Another thing I use is a tool that exfoliates and scrubs your face, and I also use it on

the beard.

It keeps the hair follicles stimulated.

Another thing I use is a beard balm.

Yes beard balm.

This is Honest Amish Beard Balm and Finley Gaines from England, he turned me onto this


Smells really good and you just take a little finger full just like you would put in your

hair and you put it on your beard and it smells good, and I also put it on the short parts

of my hair right here.

So that's what I do.

I don't plan on shaving my beard off.

It's just finally filling in.

There's still a little bald spot right here, but other than that it's filling in.

I keep the neck shaved up to here, like your jawline.

This kind of gives you the illusion of having a nice square jawline.

If you let it grow down sometimes you just look like you have this big long face.Big

round long face.

So, I do that to keep it nice and crisp.

I trim the hairs that grow all the way up to here, so I just trim that down a bit.

So that's what I do.

Today happens to be Transgender Day of Visibility so I have these visibility bands.

We have a stealth band and we have a rainbow band and we have a trans band and it says

visibility matters.

So, get out there, stay visible.

Male or female, beard or not, just stay visible.

Visibility Matters.

Did you get that?

Alright, see you guys next week OH..So, come on.

Questions, questions, questions..

We're having a Q and A. Let's go.

Down below, let's have some questions.

Please, please.

Like and subscribe.

Alright, talk to you soon.


I'm going in.

AHHHHHH..I will never shave my beard.


For more infomation >> Facial Hair???? Love it or Leave it..... - Duration: 4:59.


All Star Just Like This - The Chainsmokers (& Coldplay) & Smash Mouth (Mashup) - Duration: 4:01.

oml i died at the whistling when i was making this

i sAiD yEP


For more infomation >> All Star Just Like This - The Chainsmokers (& Coldplay) & Smash Mouth (Mashup) - Duration: 4:01.


How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 4 Layout customize [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 15:59.

Please Subscribe Our YouTube Channel

For more infomation >> How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 4 Layout customize [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 15:59.


Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.


★Как ИЗБАВИТЬСЯ ОТ ФИНГАЛА в домашних условиях. Холодные компрессы ОТ СИНЯКА.Маскировка УШИБА. - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> ★Как ИЗБАВИТЬСЯ ОТ ФИНГАЛА в домашних условиях. Холодные компрессы ОТ СИНЯКА.Маскировка УШИБА. - Duration: 6:05.


PJ Masks Doc Mcstuffins Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors With Balloons Finger Family Nursery Songs Rhyme - Duration: 3:27.

I have a tummy ache. I think the babies want to come out

PJ Masks help me

I need help 911. Doctor Mcstuffins help me!

Ambulance siren

PJ Masks: Romeo/Catboy and Gecko came to help pregnant mommy

I am Romeo Catboy

Who are you?


Yes, I have babies in me that want to come out

My amniotic fluid is broken. Help delivery my babies

Push, Push Push

Yellow Balloon Finger where are you? Here I am.

Here I am. How do you do?

Purple Balloon Finger where are you? Here I am.

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Red Balloon Finger where are you?

Here I am . Here I am. How do you do?

Orange Finger where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Red Balloon Finger where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

My fair lady!

Iron will bend and break will bend and bread.

Sticks and Stones. Stick and Stones

Build it up with Stick and Stones. My fair lady

Stick and Stones will all fall down, will all fall down. My fair lady

Build it up with bricks and mortal, bricks and mortals. My fair lady

Bricks and Mortars will not stay, will not stay, my fair lady

Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold! My fair lady


For more infomation >> PJ Masks Doc Mcstuffins Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors With Balloons Finger Family Nursery Songs Rhyme - Duration: 3:27.


i be flying now daddy [Placeholder... For now...] - Duration: 0:12.


i be flying now daddy



For more infomation >> i be flying now daddy [Placeholder... For now...] - Duration: 0:12.


Describing nearly getting hit by the train at S Lander - Duration: 1:04.

Me: Alright, so if you just wanna say your name..

Andrea: Sure. I'm Andrea.

Andrea: We were walking here on Lander.. crossing [the tracks] and the arm for a train going by went [by?].

Andrea: Then [the arm] went up. We started to cross..

Andrea: And then as we were crossing, it sounded again and [the arm] started closing, so we had to book it. order to make it around [the arm] in time before the next train came.

Me: So you had to run across?

Andrea: Yeah, we had to run across. Luckily, we were able to do it. But I don't know if everybody would've been able to move that quickly.

Andrea: So.. it didn't seem like the best design for the alarm system [working?].

Me: And I noticed there's an arm on one side but not the other side.

Andrea: Yeah, we noticed that too. A couple of us noticed that. It didn't seem like it was the best preventative measure.

Me: Okay. Did you get a rough idea of how long you['d have to] cross over before the train actually came?

Andrea: What do you think? 10 seconds? 15 seconds?

Other: 15 seconds.

Andrea: Yeah, probably no more than 15 seconds.

Me: Pretty close, then.

Andrea: Yeah, it was pretty quick.

Me: Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Describing nearly getting hit by the train at S Lander - Duration: 1:04.


The Arsenio Hall Show (1993) - Duration: 15:39.

For more infomation >> The Arsenio Hall Show (1993) - Duration: 15:39.


Top 10 Ray Kurzweil Quotes | Inspirational Quotes | Motivational Thoughts - Duration: 3:08.

Raymond "Ray" Kurzweil is an American author, computer scientist, inventor and futurist

and and a director of engineering at Google.

"Death gives meaning to our lives. It gives importance and value to time. Time would become meaningless if there were too much of it."

"I do have to pick my priorities. Nobody can do everything."

"Information defines your personality, your memories, your skills."

"I'm working on artificial intelligence. Actually, natural language understanding, which is to get computers to understand the meaning of documents."

"Doing real world projects is, I think, the best way to learn and also to engage the world and find out what the world is all about."

"Life expectancy is a statistical phenomenon. You could still be hit by the proverbial bus tomorrow."

"We appear to be programmed with the idea that there are 'things' outside of our self, and some are conscious, and some are not."

"Our technology, our machines, is part of our humanity. We created them to extend ourselves, and that is what is unique about human beings."

"What we spend our time on is probably the most important decision we make."

"I'm an inventor. I became interested in long-term trends because an invention has to make sense in the world in which it is finished, not the world in which it is started."

Thank you so much for watching..

please SUBSCRIBE for Latest Inspirational videos.


and DON'T forget to be AWESOME... Bye !!!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Ray Kurzweil Quotes | Inspirational Quotes | Motivational Thoughts - Duration: 3:08.


O Rei do Gado - Abertura [1080p] - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> O Rei do Gado - Abertura [1080p] - Duration: 1:07.


Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Elton John Skyline Pigeon Karaoke - Duration: 4:03.


Как перевести бесконечную десятичную периодическую дробь в обыкновенную. Часть 2. - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Как перевести бесконечную десятичную периодическую дробь в обыкновенную. Часть 2. - Duration: 5:22.


PJ Masks Doc Mcstuffins Pregnant Mommy Learn Colors With Balloons Finger Family Nursery Songs Rhyme - Duration: 3:27.

I have a tummy ache. I think the babies want to come out

PJ Masks help me

I need help 911. Doctor Mcstuffins help me!

Ambulance siren

PJ Masks: Romeo/Catboy and Gecko came to help pregnant mommy

I am Romeo Catboy

Who are you?


Yes, I have babies in me that want to come out

My amniotic fluid is broken. Help delivery my babies

Push, Push Push

Yellow Balloon Finger where are you? Here I am.

Here I am. How do you do?

Purple Balloon Finger where are you? Here I am.

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Red Balloon Finger where are you?

Here I am . Here I am. How do you do?

Orange Finger where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Red Balloon Finger where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

My fair lady!

Iron will bend and break will bend and bread.

Sticks and Stones. Stick and Stones

Build it up with Stick and Stones. My fair lady

Stick and Stones will all fall down, will all fall down. My fair lady

Build it up with bricks and mortal, bricks and mortals. My fair lady

Bricks and Mortars will not stay, will not stay, my fair lady

Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold! My fair lady


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