For more infomation >> prison life#2 w/josh - Duration: 7:52.-------------------------------------------
Só mais uma brisa cotidiana.wmv - Duration: 1:59.
March 26, 2017
Nunes: "Why would I not" remain intel chair? - Duration: 13:51.
Zara Larsson - Only You ( Lyrics / Lyric Video ) - Duration: 3:43.
[Verse 1] I don't wanna shower even if I stink
'Cause I don't wanna wash you off, wash you off my skin
It's been about an hour, and I'm still trembling, oh
Feelin' you deep, feelin' you deep within Ayy-eh-ayy, ayy-eh-ayy
[Pre-Chorus] Opened bottles on the drawer
Rolling papers on the floor Ayy, don't want a cigarette yet
Don't want no drink on my breath, yes Wanna taste your taste some more
Feel you pourin' through my pores Ayy, I'm goin' back in my bed to play it back
in my head
[Chorus] 'Cause I can't love nobody like I love myself
Like I love myself, only you, ayy No one's ever touched me like I touch myself
No, nobody else, only you, only you Only you
[Verse 2] I feel you in my fingers, even in my toes
Steam up on the mirror and on the windows Baby, that was it, wish it would never end
I just wanna do it, do it again Ayy-eh-ayy, ayy-eh-ayy
[Pre-Chorus] I can smell your smell so sweet
On my pillow, on my sheets Ayy, I wanna keep it like that
Keep on sleeping like that, yeah Baby, you'll be hard to beat
What I have is yours to keep Ayy, I never wanted so bad, best that I ever
[Chorus] No, I can't love nobody like I love myself
Oh, like I love myself, only you, oh No one's ever touched me like I touch myself
No, nobody else, only you, only you
[Bridge] Only you
Only you Only you
Oh, oh, oh, oh
[Chorus] I can't love nobody like I love myself
Like I love myself, only you, only you No one's ever touched me like I touch myself
No, nobody else (nobody, nobody, nobody) Only you (no, oh, only you)
"The Girl I Mean to Be" from Spotlight Night for The Secret Garden - Duration: 1:33.
I need a place where I can go, where I can whisper what I know,
where I can whisper who I like, and where I go to see them.
I need a place where I can hide, where no one sees my life inside,
where I can make my plans and write them down so I can read them.
A place where I can bid my heart be still, and it will mind me.
A place where I can go when I am lost and there I'll find me.
I need a place to spend the day, where no one says to go or stay,
where I can take my pen and draw
the girl I mean to be.
Jamie's liver donor: 'I don't think the responsibility ends there' - Duration: 1:32.
came together to help
little Jamie find a liver donor.
Now, she needs more help so she
can stay with her brothers and
sisters in a new home.
First News Reporter Amanda Smith
is live in the newsroom-
with how you can help.
[A16]20170328 HOME FOR
There's a family who wants to
adopt Jamie and her three
brothers and sisters.
But there's a problem that has
to be solved first.
The family has two biological
children already. AND they're
caring for little Norr-
ee-ah and Reese-ee already. They
want to adopt them, and Jamie
Jeremiah too. But the state
says their three bedroom home is
too small. It will cost 90
thousand dollars to
make their home big enough. The
man who gave part of his liver
to the
little girl says he knows the
area can pull through.
He says he wants to see the kids
stay together.
LIVER DONOR David Denovchek -
About half of that 90 thousand
dollars has been raised.
Childrens services is looking
for donations of money,
materials and labor for the
[A19]20170328 HOME FOR JAMIE-TAG
They're asking for contractors
and private individuals to come
If you think you can help,
contact Homes for Kids in Niles
or Trumbull County
Childrens Services. Reporting
in the newsroom, amanda
I'VE GOT A GIRL CRUSH!!! - Duration: 4:31.
Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i X Limited - Duration: 1:08.
Easy Weight Loss Tips - Ash Kirwan - Duration: 15:20. value and in this short video
i bring to youd easy weight loss tips which
like we both and all would come to
readily easily be aware of, losing weight
isn't easy, however in this short video i want to share
with you one of those secrets about
like finding the easiest path which is
never easy but the easiest part to lose
weight and which is kind of the reason
why I'm standing here with no clothes
on but I will admit that I'm not naked I
promise! made you think though although the
very reason I'm standing here with no
shirt on talking about easy weight loss
is because to love oneself is
probably the easiest quickest path to an i'm gonna
own this looking as sexy edges because
there's a big point of my life where
where i looked
nothing like I do now and even now
Ive still got to fight with certain parts of
myself and learn to love those types
myself that aren't really developing the
way that I want them to because I'm
training now for calisthenics and doing
a lot of hollow human monkey work on the
monkey bars and as part to me the
lacking out constantly gotta learn to
love those parts in order to integrate a
greater level of a building for me to
rise beyond the plateaus which is where
I want you guys to get to and I'd love
to share this joint journey with you
because there was a point in my life I
125 kilos you know you may look at this
video now and go I can't see that I
can't pause the first / seed that but
and but I'll and steal the videos over
the next few days what I will be sharing
with you with pictures of me when I was
overweight and you know there was a long
period of my client disappear out of
friendships and the public guy because
of how felt about myself but I know it's
like to to not be able to look in the
mirror and say I love you and that's the
actual point of exact point of this one
people are making this video use the
importance of now look into the mirror
or into that camera and say I love you
man you're fucking sexy your I'm you
look at this and then learn to love all
the bits of your body always beats that
you look at and you think all that's
disgusting like probably the quickest
way to start stepping into training a
bunch of loose way drop that and change
the whole dynamic
the is to love those bits and that's not
easy for anyone you know because you
know what ironik like heroes for the
biggest thing I had to accept to myself
is what got me there you know what I was
doing in my life that had me get to a
point darkness and pressure and not
feeling good about myself that had me
wearing size 44 jeans and really not
wanting to play the game of life at any
level really I was just happy residing
where I was and I mean I had a good life
of that stage yet I have no reason to
call my cell poor or in poverty mindset
yet a lot of emotional unresolved that
port of the life I felt very hard to
look in the mirror and say you know ash
you're right man everything's cool like
what it was going on right now we're
going to get there we're going to get
that together and you know it's only
when I started actually saying that
stuff to myself and believing in myself
that I could go to where I was so where
I want to be god I've managed to be able
to find the mindset and the peace of
mind to get me to where I am now none
that's the point of one lap you guys in
this video is that wherever you're out
on the weight loss journey the easy tip
you can have is realize that you know
who you are it's being if you are in
that mirror that's the person you need
to love that person in the mirror wants
to look like anything in particular that
person is to love that person that's
right on there we need to learn to love
that person in front of that mirror now
they'll stand there and look at the
ameristar oh man I love you oh hey babe
let's do this together this golden
fucking journey you know might take a
little while right above it's fucking
worth it that's really the bottom line
you know like in my turning down to a
month laps to reverse leaders and 20 the
thought that was possible I'm enjoying
it from self and monkey bars why to the
monkey it's like it's structural in
super fuck you know sitting up on top of
a monkey bars off
with you now have a battle time having a
right field and select the best feeling
ever you know I couldn't imagine that
when i was on 25 kilos it was neither y
or possibilities clean to four feet
apart to get there you know and I mean
it's a rare thing for me now I mean I
think you've got challenge is going on
the life just until I managed to lose
the weight and I'm a lot moving a lot
freer don't get sick as much and I've
got a whole different life doesn't mean
I don't have challenges to the equal
level that i did back then it just meant
a bit different it means of gaining the
skills thanks to them and the mindset
gotta go about solving problems at an
ever greater capacity in order to move
closer towards the lifestyle or a crate
because I can some of those other videos
are talked about quite part of your
journey to results will come from
changing your lifestyle whether that be
eating where that be increasing the
pizza that be getting rid of toxic
relationships or doing something
completely different with your spare
time whatever it is for you there's all
different components and counterparts
and diets or fit with different people
different body types react and respond
differently different peeps there is no
one key trick to weight loss you know
really ultimately that fits a
one-size-fits-all techniques you know
it's something we've got a customized
entire Lane for ourselves because you're
getting to know yourself loving yourself
for who you are as a being is probably
one of the most fulfilling things I've
managed to find it myself you know I
have a look at me i was down and they
can record your video dokie but you get
what I'm saying you're you find that
confidence to actually step into your
truth in your space and and love that
person looking back in in there and you
can look in the mirror and you can talk
to that person right there your best
friend like you don't need anybody else
to make you happy in this world you know
many people will design you a compliment
on who you are as a person because you
get to see reflection back for other
people and how you
acting the demo timing and how the
quality of your relationships developed
based upon your ability to shady crews
and stepping into trees you know when I
crisis teams what my Commerce things of
fountains have gone into coaching and
gone into the person's own world is
developing stronger connections with
people of developing deep relationships
and sharing a greater truth to the
people in my life and my clients and and
only my space because portly sergeant
more about myself with some more I ever
imagined or deemed possible you know
like helping people step through their
emotional terminal even after I've done
that for myself and and start to face a
little stuff that I had word because a
lot of my way it was emotional stuff
that's gone through my family dynamics
three mental health and you know my lack
of understanding how my body works so I
brought moved through the issues and
start to resolve those issues and share
that junior clients had clients sharing
bits of their troops and parts of their
stories that are just really deep in my
connection to myself and my love for my
journey through life because you'll just
be part of I lost when I was overweight
though it wasn't really sharing my life
with anybody and like I didn't know how
to understand the bridges I need to
cross in order to get to an indigo
because there's so much confusing them
so much unresolved in my life there's so
many ways and things that we're probably
in blockage ISM and problems issues and
bad relationships our formula didn't
know how to resolve but do you know how
to deal with a deep no hat or Prime's
that were they like anchors man and
they'll keep me limited in honor that
that tall straight out like it was a
large portion of time where I have had
massive levels of Shaving guilty massive
level of fear around a lot of the thing
is a potential for the future and you
know I still live with it every
that's one thing I'll get you as well is
that every single person doesn't matter
what position of life or the game or
culture they're playing at home all
these different child is going on their
world is just different to yours yet if
you give yourself permission to look in
the mirror and love that does to looking
back at you you're going to have a
greater ability to go out there assault
problems and solve of issues in order to
get you to a greater level of gain more
conducive to who you want to be or what
you want to do what you are seeing what
you want to have and what you want to
change United because it's resolving
this problem is through being abrasive
towards that challenges and
constructively moving beyond the thing
to little anything else in our life now
that bring us to a greater level of our
character and our charisma and out grip
because you know it's like the butterfly
effected a butterfly where it breaks out
of its cocoon Yun's break all of its
wings in order to release its sending a
fluid out of the joints you know the
strengths and swings to about spread its
wings and there's life because if you
breaking calculor up you break but fly
out of its cocoon before three it won't
actually have that releases the family
fluid in order to strengthen swings and
it won't actually fire so through our
challenges it's we also built and
strength to the neural pathways in our
mind that give us the ability in the
access to solve problems in ever greater
level based upon exceptions itself and
the role will reply moving towards those
goals and those dreams or the
relationships or whatever it is we're
moving towards the United States life is
never ever meant to be a straight line
and many parts from here point A to
point B because I think that's part of
the moral experience part of human
experience that you know life is meant
to be a struggle you know baby wasn't
born with an angel actually that's wrong
they all are and then they turn into
little devils by the age of two to three
and then we're never the same thing
Jackson because we're all abrasively
abrupt in and corrupting one another
with something because we've all got
different personalities mindset five
that's going along this whole world is a
bowl I don't believe there is one great
truth I think we're here to experience
and grow within ourself to build a world
culture where we night and embrace
actually experiencing whatever that
looks like whether it be overweight
underweight whatever the perception at
the modern time is as good looking or
embracing that self and immunity keeps
that we bring into the world and
actually stepping into them in a full
device and then I love them and bring
them to the front of Aaron Aaron finit
existence and life and lifestyle and
generate a greater understanding
yourself you're not going to share that
with other people you know thinking
about 35 kilos I didn't share much of
myself with many people at all and it's
probably my penis regret problem when I
had that weight on because it really
segregated me from a social isolation
group from my peer group and it really
had me become ostracized by lot of
people and it's probably stay on how to
cross now losing all the ladies how to
allow people back into my life to
rebuild those trust issues that have
developed by the times of all the
heartbreak and other issues have shown
up so it's family what I put that weight
on because you know a lot of weight is
stacked on with people because of the
quantum mechanics of all the bipolarity
as a word of all the vital area wise and
loaded and good stuff its goal in a
world that we don't know how to cope
with and deal with in order to create
black party to move beyond and they're
just stacks on stacks and builds up over
time but until we can be cluttering our
life the declare our mind it's very hard
to move beyond that and lose that weight
and that's the importance of been
outstanding in there
and they'll love that reflection looking
back at you and give that person
permission to feel loved give that
person permission to love themselves and
to be able to look themselves in the
ions they hate I love you I love
everything about you all you bet your
sexy home that if you can do that when
you're over wine it's going to be 10
times the epiphany when you've lost all
our when you're looking as you would
like to be like and it's a giggle who
does one get your lap you can stand
there in the mirror be all idea you're
on your second day I to enter your party
motherfucking build a right now you're
still going to get a bit straighter
because you just owning that space it
upon that space you can create the
momentum to go about losing more weight
about getting that dryer to really go
that extra mile when you're going for a
job or not eat that chocolate bar or get
on thurs or fri an eyeball you know
whatever it is the plan of program is
set for yourself I mean most of my
weight loss I want drinking alcohol the
way through it so coming out booze
wasn't a big part of my journey big part
of my journey was I'm staying here comes
a quality and decreasing Sugar's getting
rid of processed foods and then
integrating fermenter put the sauerkraut
and kimchi and all these other beautiful
organic vegetables green leaves and
stuff like that that was the main te to
most of my weight loss was ultimately
changing my diet yeah I'm lifted my
exercise up by about ten thousand
however good majority of lion weight
loss all came from under danny how this
would you know to understand this how
this works I had a lot of learn to love
this place
TANGLED Disney Animators Collection Littles Rapunzel Micro Play Set Unboxing Toy Review - Duration: 10:55.
HEY GUYS its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today MRS SUPERSORRELL wants to share with
you our latest find from our DISNEY STORE TOY HAUL its the latest DISNEY ANIMATORS MICRO
time its TANGLED'S RAPUNZEL - With long flowing hair and a wide-eyed gaze, our Disney artists
have depicted the young Tangled princess perfectly!
The Rapunzel Animator Doll wears a satin gown and is accompanied by her loyal pal Pascal.
Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!
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About Me ********
Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,
Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to in depth Action Figure reviews of Star
Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.
I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!
My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where we do Disney Store
Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!
I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!
I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!
I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star Trek too!
I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!
I am a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I
a lot of conventions across the UK come and say hello!
I always answer comments from fans so feel free to ask anything in the comment section!
So don�t forget to subscribe!
- *New content uploaded daily!
My Equipment *************
Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240
Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000
Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD
Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset
Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum
TANGLED Disney Animators Collection Littles Rapunzel Micro Doll Play Set Unboxing Toy
disney animators collection littles rapunzel,disney animators collection littles,disney animators
collection micro playset,disney animators collection micro playset rapunzel,disney store,disney
animators,disney doll,tangled,rapunzel,micro playset,playset review,review,supersorrell,unboxing,toys,disney
store haul,disney princess,toys for girls,girls toys review,doll haul,disney dolls,rapunzel
micro playset,disney store dolls,disney animators rapunzel playset
Woman recorded while in changing room at Robinson Macy's - Duration: 2:31.
10 Good Samaritans Refuse to Let 300 Homeless Dogs Starve and Freeze to Death - Duration: 2:30.
(gentle music)
(sound: puppy playing in snow)
(faster paced music)
(sound: birds singing)
(piano music)
Lori Lieberman october 2011 Killing Me Softly with His Song (Captioned) - Duration: 2:04.
I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him
to listen for a while
And there he was, this young boy
a stranger to my eyes
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly
with his song
Telling my whole life
with his words
Killing me softly
with his song
I felt all flushed with fever
embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he'd found my letters
and read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish
but he just kept right on
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly
with his song
Telling my whole life
with his words
Killing me softly
With his song
"The Pizza Boy" Official Music Video - Duration: 2:01.
Don't touch that,
my property little boy...
Don't wear that hat little boy!
It gives you powers that you don't neeeeed!
*Zeno Music - The Pizza Boy*
Where did my pizza box go?
Here ya go!
Thank you sir.
You're welcome.
*music starts again*
Płaska Ziemia. To nie jest prawda... - Duration: 12:00.
4th man to walk on the moon makes surprising claims about Aliens - Duration: 4:18.
4th man to walk on the moon makes surprising claims about Aliens
Alan Bean�the fourth man to walk on the surface of our moon�says he �knows the
truth� about aliens.
According to the former Apollo 12 pilot, aliens have yet to visit Earth our planet and if
they did, they would have made contact already.
In an interview, the former astronaut confessed that he does not believe that �someone outside
the world has visited the Earth�, but despite that, he is convinced that we are not Alone
in the Universe.
Even though there is �abundant evidence� that we are being contact by alien civilizations,
one of the few humans to have set foot on Earth�s moon says that he knows the truth
about extraterrestrials and that if �they� had visited Earth, they would have already
made contact
The former NASA pilot has said that advanced alien civilizations would be �more altruistic
and friendly� and would have announced their �peaceful� arrival.
Interestingly, Bean followed the footsteps of some of his colleagues who developed an
immense interest in countless theories about alien life.
However, while speaking to Megan Palin with, the former astronaut said: �I
do not believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth.
One of the reasons I don�t believe they have been here is that civilizations that
are more advanced are more altruistic and friendly � like Earth, which is better than
it used to be � so they would have landed and said �we come in peace and we know from
our studies you have cancer that kills people, we solved that problem 50 years ago, here�s
the gadget we put on a person�s chest that will cure it, we will show you how to make
The former NASA moonwalker explained that when we finally obtain the ability to travel
to distant alien worlds, � in around 1,000 years�, mankind would help aliens in distant
parts of the universe by teaching them all of our cures.
Bean continued: �There are so many billions of stars and these stars have planets around
them so there must be statistically many planets around many stars that have formed life,�
he said.
Maybe some of them are like our life was 100,000 years ago, and some of them are like we are
now, and there are probably some out there that are 10,000 years in the future from where
we are now.�
However, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain, and Founder of the Institute
of Noetic Sciences thinks otherwise: �Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies
We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.�
Furthermore, Dr. Brian O�Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and, Princeton Physics Professor
said that: �There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations
have been monitoring us for a very long time that their appearance is bizarre from any
type of traditional materialistic western point of view.
That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use
co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, which seems to be a common denominator
of the UFO phenomenon.�
Featured iamge: Alan Bean-pictured right, a former pilot aboard the Apollo 12 mission
in 1969, said that more advanced civilizations would be �more altruistic and friendly�.
Let's Hike to Amir's Garden in Griffith Park - Duration: 2:33.
Alright it's about 8:30 on a Sunday morning and I'm on my way up to Amir's Garden.
Amir's Garden is kind of like this hidden oasis right in the middle of Griffith Park
and I'm hoping because of the recent rains that it's going to look extra beautiful today.
Let's check it out!
You can't really tell the story of Amir's Garden without talking about Amir himself.
Amir Dialameh was an Iranian immigrant, a wine merchant, and a frequent hiker of Griffith Park,
who volunteered at one of the park's other gardens: Dante's View.
After a brush fire in 1970 swept through this hillside and left the area desolate,
Amir decided that it was his job to do something about it.
He petitioned the city to begin cultivating the land, and so the story begins.
For more than three decades Amir worked tirelessly, often seven days a week,
often by himself to create Amir's Garden.
Amir's features a mix of native and non-native plants, along with benches, trees
and plenty of shady spots and terraces to enjoy a quiet moment.
Oh, and the views aren't bad either.
You'll also find a water fountain and horse trough,
making Amir's the perfect pit stop for you and your animal companion.
As you can imagine, the garden doesn't tend itself.
That job has taken up by on another volunteer, Kristin Sabo, who is the current garden caretaker,
holding that mantle since Amir passed away in 2003.
The five-acre garden actually has 9 different access trails,
including a pretty steep set of stairs that'll give you a nice workout if you attempt it.
Because of all the hard work that goes into Amir's, we urge you to be respectful of the area,
and not cut down or poach any of the plants that reside there.
The easiest way to access Amir's to park near the Mineral Wells Picnic Area
then make an about half-mile walk up the fire road that'll lead right to the center of the garden.
It only takes about 20 minutes or so to make that walk,
and it's totally worth it to see one of the true jewels of Griffith Park.
Alright, well that's it, that's Amir's Garden
If you want more information I will leave some helpful links and info in the description below.
As always if you want more videos like this please subscribe, like, and comment.
And I'll see you next time. Take care!
prison life#2 w/josh - Duration: 7:52.
InsaneMC Building | Server Soon To Be Released! - Duration: 17:01.
Song -
Online Endometriosis Support Sessions - Duration: 0:57.
Hi Peace With Endo community!
I have a new idea brewing that would help bring us together on a more intimate level,
but before I moved forward, I wanted to make sure that it would interest you.
So, it's an online, membership community for ladies with endo that would provide weekly
face to face support sessions, group meditations and continuing education for women that want
to address and manage endometriosis from a natural, holistic way of healing body, mind
and spirit.
Does that interest you?
If it does, raise your hand, drop me a YES in the comments below.
Sending you so much love.
Bye for now.
Aşk-ı Memnu (Zakazana Miłość) Napisy PL Ep. 48 FULL HD - Duration: 1:27:05.
#REDEnaTV: Assista o programa da REDE - Duration: 10:01.
025 [O MASSACRE DO NATAL] Herodes suborna os Reis Magos de Ur - LIVRO DE URANTIA - Duration: 3:45.
A realidade é plástica! | Hipnose (ft. Anthony Jacquin) - Duration: 11:24.
Ponto de Exú - Exú pede licença - Duration: 2:15.
Como Converter Vídeos e Clipes para Assistir no DVD Automotivo 2017 - Duration: 6:02.
Grupo de Jazz | Musica Instrumental para Festa Casamento | Sax Piano Bass Drums | Midivan Pop Jazz - Duration: 3:22.
Ric Flair 06/15/1985 - Duration: 2:18.
Dimensiones de la conciencia en el reino de Digitaces - Duration: 2:29.
Easy Ear Irrigation | Auburn Medical Group - Duration: 8:08.
Rick we we actually haven't met before
you're dr. glenn's patient that's
correct and I'm sure you get wonderful
care from dr. Gwynn I just started with
oh it said I had to google Kim UC Davis
okay no church so this one things that
I've been here new insurance new doctors
we hope you have a good experience to
your auto medical groups and that's
right well my wife has been coming here
for about a year oh yeah okay I thought
the name was familiar yeah all right so
we'll get started looking at your ears
all right is it one or moto oh it's like
we'll take a look at them and we'll see
what we have okay so and we have our
friends who come along and they like
watching earwax removal videos so hey
come on along and we'll show you some
your electrical this is the right now I
can already tell you we will get
comments on YouTube saying you should
have cut that guy's your hair's going
through the ear hair into the canal and
we see light in fact I boo there's a
little red spot there too did you try to
get the wax out yeah i've been using the
little too oh yeah you kind of scrape
those or finale and then it looks like
it almost looks as if like a q-tip
Ursula has been packing in the wax is
that been the key either side and I send
me getting a bunch out but I need to get
it was pushing in here well that's the
right here let's see what the left here
looks like yeah the thing about q-tips
is the diameter is not that much smaller
than the ear canal itself ago and then
listen to right here we see kind of
thing picture actually it may be a
little register from blood possibly so
we'll get started so don't let talk to
Gwen know that i'm using his instrument
Oh too busy know about ok so we have had
so many comments I'm gonna pull switch
places with you turn a little more that
hurt that way so many comments on min
ear here well my wife cranberry Falvo
tired yeah so when I grabbed the
scissors Lisa called what we're doing
here manscaping
see this is a first for us we have never
trimmed your hair before now here inside
the canal a little tiny hairs they serve
a purpose in helping right to keep stuff
out that should be in
now have I have I cut your skin yet no
not yet doc does that inspire you with
confidence for me to ask it in that
manner yeah not good but you know if you
do I've got to make up truck outside
time you don't scare us how you guys say
something about how your your knee is
strategically positioned right there to
give me a certain type of injury it's I
if I do what is it I wouldn't do that
wait until we're done oh that's right
because it's nothing this presented here
do it the wrong timing cutting the hairs
on me well this one's tamer you know why
I might have every so often I tried to
take my shaver and get them out and
maybe I did that one recently okay I do
that to you I can't imagine doing just
what I know maybe you got interrupted
that's it phone call maybe we're talking
on the phone while you did it that's it
yes yes I can tell it's creepy fun
there was wheeled in pain yet more
pleasure here we go brace yourself
oh it's already coming look at that
very productive right from the beginning
all right and let them stop down a
little bit and let's see what we got
here just kind of pull that off your
cheek all right I haven't even finished
the first fill but I'm going to see some
pieces are starting to come out on boy
it's that sound of it yeah I had a lot
we're we're productive here today so
after one actually not even a full
washing of the right ear we make it
through the hairs that I didn't cut and
find an intact tympanic membrane or ear
drum with with a clear canal that one's
done or a wow ok let's go on it up the
left side yeah I should help them thank
you hear that yeah oh yeah
I'm already getting some coming through
the outlet oh man look at that if you're
at oh man this was productive let's
recite in a little bit give it back out
we should I can it's probably get about
time to recharge this thing okay oh like
it's just fairly squared I don't think I
was going to be doing much working up
and going to change the angle here it
reverses the image so I have the hardest
time a meanness because up is down and
down is up ru student of optics uh an
engineer so I understand oh yeah so
you've done optics now you remember that
semester of physics anyway the parts of
the Titanic memory and I can see there's
no wax in front of it ok the canal is
clear and except for hair what would be
the best way to cut up a new load
there we go a little better view and
you're currently retains its little red
and claim but it's intact okay ear
canals are clear we are pleased with
that going so easily could there do it
tall Gary well good yeah so we can take
your bib off hey thanks for doing this
ricka racka show you things and making
it fun hey if you liked videos like this
make sure you already subscribe patrons
on patreon all the metals group of
patron we start over yes thank you thank
thank you for listening to be a part of
it hey those of you like this kind of
thing you want to subscribe to this
channel and if you want to be be able to
behind-the-scenes videos you have to
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link to learn more information about
that until next time brick myself dr.
Vaughn telling all of you to stay in
good health thanks
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