Use a socket №17
Use a socket №24
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №16
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Using hydraulic press, press off the hub bearing.
Abigail Breslin - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
MEJORANDO EL CANAL: NEW INTRO!! | Tania LeWalsh - Duration: 6:45.HEY GUYS, IT'S TANIA!
And today I am extremely excited because, as you saw on the tittle of the video, WE HAVE A NEW INTRO!!
And the reason is I really liked the old intro but there were somethings that didn't fulfill my expectations
And I wanted to add more things that would make it look more "ME". So the new one is very similar to the previous
one, but it has some changes that I would like you to compare. So right now I'm gonna show you the old one
for you to remember it... so that when you see the new one, you will be able to distinguish them.
So let's watch it!!!
Alright! I hoped you remembered, I hoped you like it... because this was the LAST TIME you were gonna
see it in this channel!! I know you are very anxious to watch the new one... BUT FIRST
I wanted to tell you something very nice that happened to me the other day,
and because of the fact I am on vacations in El Salvador, that I came home; I wanted to go out and vlog that day
to share it with you and see what happened... So I was on the street, but the weather was extremely hot, in such a way I can't even explain, It was something terrible!!
So I was wondering around... I saw a park, and I noticed people selling traditional food. So I thought I could eat something to refresh myself.
And I came across with a "Shaved-ice" vendor. I doubt you know what it is... Here's a picture!
It's like flavored shaved-ice... I don't know how you call it
let me know in the comments below how you called this 'cause I have no idea and I would like to know!
So the kind man started making it, he was a little nervous about me filming, but he kept smiling anyway
but at the end he said he wanted to greet you guys!!!
So I wanted to share it with you all, and here's what happened...!
AWWW!! You have no idea how happy I am to watch this kinda things because YOU are the reason I have this channel, and I can't explain how much support you give
me, all the support you make me feel, and everything is thanks to YOU!! So you are the main reason I am making all these changes to the channel... for you to watch
improved videos, with better content... and even though this channel is still very small, we have been growing slowly, and I know we will grow even more together
and that's the best part!! So I feel beyond grateful, and I love you all so much!!!!
Alright! It's the time you have all been waiting for; it's time to see the NEW INTRO!!!! Are you ready?????
Are you ready?? ARE YOU READY??!?!.... LET'S WATCH IT!!!
WHAT DO YOU THINK? :) Do you wanna see it again?? Let's see it again!!!
WOOO!!! I really can't stop watching it! I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!! I hope you guys love it too!!!
just for you to get used to it, LET'S WATCH IT ONE MORE TIME!!!! :)
WOOHOOO! That was the new intro!! I hope you liked it a lot, and that you see the differences with the old one!
But before I leave, I wanted to take the opportunity of saying hi to a very special person who I had the blessing of meeting a few weeks ago... Well, I didn't actually meet
her in person, but we did talk for a bit, and I am REALLY REALLY THANKFUL for all her support!
And her name is "Guliana González" !!!
Beautiful, lots of kisses all the way down to CHILE! I would love to meet you in person someday... YOU are very special for me!!
God Bless you!!! And I send you an giant kiss! <3
OK, so that's it for this video! I just really want to THANK YOU for all the support you have given me this whole year!!
And I know we haven't been very constant with the videos, but I want to let you know that I have decided to upload one video in Spanish and one video in English every other week!!
And for you too! Because SPANISH videos are gonna have ENGLISH subtitles... and vice versa!!
That way we are all going to understand each other and we are going to be a very nice and cool channel!!
So that's it for today! BUT I leave you with the new outro! AND I'LL SEE YOU SOON! BYEEEE!! :)
Resultados Sorteo del Miercoles 2 de Agosto 2017 Loteria Nacional Panama : Loteria 2 de Agosto 2017 - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Alimentos para subir los niveles de hierro|Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 7:58.-------------------------------------------
Edgar Wright's "Hot Fuzz"-------------------------------------------
Seranovi 38 epizoda (Povratak u školu) - Duration: 1:25:17.-------------------------------------------
How to make Chicken Kadu - Duration: 2:08.
click here to watch
Activate touch id only for iTunes and App store for downloading or purchasing apps - Duration: 2:06.Now go to "Settings" here.
Go to "Touch id & passcode".
Now use touch id for and then enable "iTunes & app store".Now what you need to place your
finger on this home button so that this can take the finger print, this can scan the finger
So, let me place the finger print . Now you have to lift and then place the finger print
until the process is completed.
Now you need to select "Continue" again and again put your finger on this button here.
Now again "Continue".
Now you need to enter a pass code in case if the touch id does not work.
Then you need to enter the pass code.
So, let me enter it.
Re-enter to confirm.
Now you need to enter the password for your apple id in order to enable the touch id.
After entering the password for your apple id, select "OK".
Now you can see that I have activated my touch id only for iTunes & app store, not for iPhone
That means whenever I need to download or purchase an application from app store I need
to use the finger print.
ITALIAN LANDSCAPES Watercolor Keiko Tanabe Art - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Малосольные огурчики на минеральной воде - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Smino - Netflix & Dusse-------------------------------------------
Why I Fired My House Cleaner - Duration: 5:22.Hi there, I'm Angela Brown in this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Today's question comes from a homeowner who is going to fire her house cleaner.
And her house cleaner is a woman, whom she says it's kind of immature and probably won't
take the news very well.
But she wants to know
"Should she tell the house cleaner the reasons why she's being fired?"
Okay, I love this question and here's why.
If you are able to tell your house cleaner why they're getting fired.
They can take that information and constructive criticism and apply that towards their business,
and as they go forward into the future not make the same mistakes again.
That's the perfect scenario, right?
Okay, the truth of the matter is if she's emotionally not mature enough to take the
information, she's probably a new business owner who hasn't had much experience.
And hasn't been fired, or doesn't know how to deal with that on a very professional level.
But the reality is you thought you hired a professional.
And the professional thing to do is to give a rating and review to this house cleaner.
And let them know "Yes, we love you, or nah, we're not so happy."
Now I am one of these people I don't like confrontation.
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings that's just not who I am.
However, if a house cleaner were being paid by me, and they were receptive to my opinions.
And we had some kind of a good relationship where we were able
to communicate back and forth.
I would certainly want her to know the reasons why.
And so, my suggestion is yes, share the reasons why.
It might be painful, and the house cleaner may not want to hear it.
And she may even get upset and frustrated with you.
And she may even go to social media and blab to her friends that she got fired.
This happens all the time.
But, when she stops to think about it and she starts to grow her business.
And she realizes that she's getting fired over and over and over and over again, but
there was one customer that told her the reasons why.
She can take those reasons why and then she can reinvent her business
so she can stay in business.
And some house cleaners are not receptive to constructive criticism.
They take their business personally because they are the business.
When you go into a customer's house and it's you - and you're bringing your sweat equity
it's a really hard not to take that personally, when you have an upset or an angry customer,
or you get fired.
It's hard not to do that.
However, having said that, you can bless the life of this house cleaner by being diplomatic
and being honest.
"There are four reasons that I fired you and I'd like to share with you what they are.
Do you think that you would like to hear what they are so that it will help you for your
future business?"
And if they say "No, I don't even care."
Then I would not share those four reasons why.
But, if they say "Yeah, I guess I need to know."
Then maybe they're receptive and then yes go ahead and share those four reasons why.
Now, in your four reasons why please back up and look at your own personal issues are
these issues that you had with a multiplicity of house cleaners?
Because maybe it's you.
And if it's not you the homeowner, then yes it would make sense to find out what those
four issues are that really bother you that's causing you
to fire house cleaner after house cleaner.
And then my suggestion to you would be this: if you're going to be open enough to share
that information with your house cleaner, please be open enough to share that information
with the new house cleaners you're about to hire.
"Hey, before I hire you, there are four hot buttons that I have.
Four things that are really important to me.
Can you help me with these 4 things?"
And if that particular house cleaner that you're about to hire does not have that in
their range of capabilities, then you need to move on and find a house cleaner who does.
Because as a customer it wastes a lot of your time to have a whole bunch of house cleaners
come in and do initial walkthroughs of your house only to discover that you are in fact
too high maintenance, or that you have requirements they cannot meet.
And there are home owners that have unrealistic expectations.
Like "you'll come and you'll clean my house for 2 hours then you will leave
while my children take naps.
And then you will come back after nap time and you will finish up the job."
That is an unrealistic expectation because the house cleaners
have other jobs they need to go to.
They cannot come back and finish a job because you had someone sleeping in
your house during a particular time of the day.
That's just unrealistic, that doesn't make sense.
So should you tell your house cleaner?
Yeah, you should.
If you think the house cleaner would be able to receive that information.
And if your house cleaner is not, (some are not) then you have to vote with your money
and just quietly go away and hope that they figure it out.
That's my two cents for today.
And until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Guess How Much I Love You DVD Intro (UK) - Duration: 0:42.Dancing in the springtime flowers and rays of summer sun!
Catching white snowflakes on your nose
Running in through autumn leaves that float the trees of high
With our love that is bigger in the sky!
Guess How Much I Love You (x3)
Guess How Much I Love You (x4)
ROBLOX Xbox One | Be Crushed by a Speeding Wall | pt 2 | I SUCK AT THIS - Duration: 7:04.Oh crap
i am safe now 😜
फटे दूध से बनाएं स्पन्जी रसगुल्ला | Rakhi Special - Sponge Rasgulla Recipe at Home | CookWithNisha - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Pudel – pierwszy polski czołg w World of Tanks! - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
«SKAM» Boys and seeing yourself without a shirt on TV - a bit awkward (Eng Sub) - Duration: 3:52.Inter: Norway's coolest boys! How's it going?
Cengiz: ?
Inter: How is it to be finished?
Simo: it is sad, but it has been an amazing experience
Inter: This is the brother to Sana and we in the production team has been watching you for over half a year now, how has it been being so nationally famous? Okay Scandinavian famous..
Simo: it is a big testing from the past life, but it has been an fantastic experience. Much love from all over the world, which is something we put a very big price on. So pretty amazing
Inter: when we look at you I think "yes, Norway 2017, the worlds funniest people. Are you really friends in real life?
Simo: yes!
Cengiz: yes of course. It's like, the first day we met each other it was... and Okay! People started to wonder if we had been friends for 10 years and that's like:. "No we just met today"
Inter: have you guys hanged outside of the set to?
Simo: Yes! a lot. We have for example been at his house *points to Cengiz*. Opened up the fasten because it is Ramadan right now. And we have done a lot of things together outside of the set.
Inter: are you fasting right now?
Simo: Yes
Inter: Are you hungry?
Simo: a little bit... Actually a lot!
Inter: that's something i'm wondering about, because it is such a beautiful ritual, but blood sugar is blood sugar.. Don't you get a little bit mad on fastan?
Simo: you get a little annoying, that I can say. But it works pretty good.. I'm okay!
Inter: how's it been being directed by Julie Andem while being on fastan and being hungry?
Simo: Julie Andem is an amazing women..
inter: how's it going?
Yousef: It's going very fine!
Mutta: Come closer!
Yousef: right now its the last thing so I just need to be on here.
Inter: we are talking about the friendship with you guys.. After skam, will you guys keep on hanging with each other?
Adam: yes that's the plan! We have become such a good crew after hanging with each other so much. So of course we will hang a lot together in the future.
Inter: what do you guys think have been the most funny with all of the skam seasons?
Simo: with this season?
Mutta: It must have been the training scene!
Inter: the training scene? I was going strait on the ground (?)
Cengiz: there we got very well-worn because we took like "okay one more time." We started at 15 and went down to 2 kilo because we couldn't take anymore...
inter: so you had to stand there with a ...?
Cengiz: yes
Simo: we trained for like many hours but it was pretty cool to see yourself on the TV without a shirt on.. It was a little awkward
inter: it wasn't awkward! if it would have been me I would have just "yes! i look so good"
Simo: yeah it was haha yeah
Inter: have you gotten a lot of attention from the lady's now?
Simo: you can say that
Inter: do you have a girlfriend?
Simo: ehm.. no...
Inter: do you have many?
Simo: that's something you will have to wonder about..
Inter: let's go around. Do you have a girlfriend?
Everyone: No Elias: Right now it's ramadan so...
inter: in this season it has been very much about religion and the believes, a lot about Islam and muslims. How important do you think that the season have been for Norwegain people's understanding of Islam?
Simo: well, there are many who is seeing the Islam in many different ways. I think this season has opened a lot of views for many people. So many have opened their eyes for this
Yousef: for us i think its a part of the theme that is pretty obvious, but for other people who doesn't have the same....
Inter: is everyone in the group muslims?
Yousef: i'm not but the rest of the guys are i think
Adam: when i first found out that Sana would be the main character, i got very excited and hoped for it to be a show that everyone in Norway would see and that it would give a good look inside Islam and they have done really good!
When You Wish Upon A Star // Cliff Edwards Cover - Duration: 2:47.I got a little puppy dog down here.
Do you wanna come up here?
Why are you looking in the distance like there's a ghost?
Don't do that.
Don't look in the distance like there's a ghost.
Where did you go?
Apologies, my dog was looking at ghosts.
Is it normal, ha, for her to look at ghosts
(nervous fake laughter)
We are going to sing, um, ah, a beautiful song.
And it's going to be great and uh, no ghosts are going to interrupt it...
But if there are any ghosts with some rad harmonies, that would be great.
Come in at any time.
There's a spider on my ceiling.
If you can do harmonies, you can come in at any time, too!
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
And if your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
(ghosts and spiderssing oo's in the background)
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
Thanks guys!
Thanks ghosts!
Thank you, um spider!
Love- where'd he go?
Anyways, I'm going to go, um, find my uninvited guest and uh,
I will see you maybe tomorrow?
We'll see!
Unseen Photos of Urvashi Rautela at School Age Will Shock You | Rare Photos of Urvashi Rautela - Duration: 3:55.Unseen Photos of Urvashi Rautela at School Age Will Shock You
Rare Photos of Urvashi Rautela
Dive Conditions Report For Caloundra 2 August 2017 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia #ScubaDive - Duration: 2:43.Hey people of the interwebs it is Q bringing you your dive conditions midweek
report. At the Caloundra coast guard jetty we're on an outbound tide and we're just
about coming up to low tide, but surprisingly The Passage is still
looking quite clean and the good news is the tide times are in your favor if you
were considering a drift dive in The Pumicestone Passage either Saturday or
Sunday morning this weekend. The wind is all over the place at the moment, but
right now it's coming from a Southerly direction, which means there's a little
bit of surface chop as we have a look at the water on King speed boat ramp.
Visibility is not so good at the moment, we are on low tide, however I would
estimate that if you went in today you'd probably get around about 3 meters
of visibility. The dive conditions at Shelly Beach not to flash at the moment,
zero visibility in the water due to it being very milky, but bear in mind it
could cleanup somewhat by the time the weekend rolls around when the tide times
will be more in your favor for a morning dive on Saturday and Sunday.
Our bird's-eye view look down onto The Keyhole dive site, just confirming the
lack of visibility at the moment, the water is very milky indeed and the
current wind conditions are also producing one or two whitecaps. The good
news is that the wind will drop to very gentle for Saturday and Sunday morning
so the surface conditions should be a bit better if not the visibility. Moffat
Beach the most protected from the current wind direction and of course
that means beautiful calm, flat surface conditions and the visibility is the
best I've seen so far today with I would estimate 4 meters if you went in
today and bear in mind we are at low tide or thereabouts.
Tide times for this weekend, Saturday we have a high at 6:24 am and a low at
12:26 pm. Sunday we have a high at 7:04 am and a low at 1:03 p.m and the swell
for both Saturday and Sunday is just over a half meter. So in summary I would
suggest the Moffat Beach be your first look for a shore dive in Caloundra this
weekend, with the best surface conditions and possibly the best visibility too. The
tides will be in your favor of course so it can hopefully only get better from here
on in. If you found this dive conditions midweek report with Q helpful, don't
forget to leave a thumbs up down below it really helps me out and of course
subscribe to the YouTube channel to see future videos.
Thanks for watching and take it easy.
Example Articolation - Duration: 4:24.Welcome to this new Open Technologies Tutorial
I'll show you how to scan the data when you want to use the Dynamic Articulation Module
Remember to select the right Articulator in the drop down menu on the bottom of the Job Definition
Scan Way will automatically select the correct Articulator base
The first step is the acquisition of the entire Articulator.
Place the Articulator inside the scanner on the proper support.
Adjust the brightness
And start the acquisition
The second step is the lower model
Remember to place the model, prepared for the Articulator on the correct split cast.
Adjust the brightness
And start the acquisition
We can check the acquisition result and continue to the cleaning step
Now we can cut the support with the Rectangle Selection tool
Scan Way will always save the project after every editing
The last step is the Upper Model
We can place it on the same split cast
Then we can check and clean the Upper Model too
Scan Way will automatically align the two models
And now we just have to wait for the Mesh Generation
The Lower Model generation was done in the background during the Upper Model acquisition
Now we can export the data back to exocad
Commercial for Lay's with Guillermo - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
이혜영 재혼 남편 부재훈,이혜영 딸 서현 출산없이 생긴 - Duration: 14:17.-------------------------------------------
Cure thyroid Naturally and Permanently - Duration: 3:51.Pure thyroid naturally the thyroid gland is a small gland in front of the
windpipe and that works with pituitary gland to know how much hormone needs to
be secreted to keep you healthy there are two conditions that can affect the
thyroid gland one is hypothyroidism which is when you have an underactive
thyroid the second condition is hyperthyroidism which is when you have
an overactive thyroid and produce too much thyroid hormone having a healthy
thyroid is important there are lifestyle changes and medications you can use to
get and keep a healthy thyroid how to heal your thyroid gland with most
effective home remedies here are some most effective home made and oil with
remedies to cure thyroid coriander seed water for this you can also use
coriander seeds or coriander powder now let us start the process take a Wizzle
add water and boil it we need to take 4 to 5 tablespoons of coriander seeds or
and boil it in 1 liter of water till the water changes its color and reduces to
half the quantity then filter this water and drink on an empty stomach this is
the top home remedy made to cure thyroid apart from this you can also make a
powder for this we need carom powder coriander powder fenugreek seed powder
take all the 3 in equal quantities mix all the 3 powders and take a glass of
lukewarm water make this powder into it and consume daily in morning and evening
before meals by doing this regularly you can cure thyroidism edible coconut oil
it can be consumed daily by mixing with coconut milk or by adding it to our
regular diet by doing this regularly you can cure thyroidism apple cider vinegar
take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar on 1 TSP of honey
mix it in lukewarm water and consume it daily by doing this regularly you can
cure thyroidism Ayurvedic remedies Kanchana Boogaloo it is an already kerb
for thyroid you can take it in powder form or in the form of tablets you can
consume in afternoon before post meal or in the evening by taking this regularly
you can reduce thyroidism you can get this in any oil Vedic stores assured on
top this oil Vedic herb also helps in
production of hormones and helps in curing hyperthyroidism you can get this
in any oil Vedic store hard powder this Ayurvedic powder is available in any oil
Vedic store consume this 1 teaspoon with lukewarm water in morning and in evening
by consuming this regularly you can cure thyroidism yoga the best effective
medicine to make thyroid active is yoga by doing all the above effective home
remedies you can cute thyroidism
thank you for watching this video
like and subscribe for more videos
Activate touch id only for iTunes and App store for downloading or purchasing apps - Duration: 2:06.Now go to "Settings" here.
Go to "Touch id & passcode".
Now use touch id for and then enable "iTunes & app store".Now what you need to place your
finger on this home button so that this can take the finger print, this can scan the finger
So, let me place the finger print . Now you have to lift and then place the finger print
until the process is completed.
Now you need to select "Continue" again and again put your finger on this button here.
Now again "Continue".
Now you need to enter a pass code in case if the touch id does not work.
Then you need to enter the pass code.
So, let me enter it.
Re-enter to confirm.
Now you need to enter the password for your apple id in order to enable the touch id.
After entering the password for your apple id, select "OK".
Now you can see that I have activated my touch id only for iTunes & app store, not for iPhone
That means whenever I need to download or purchase an application from app store I need
to use the finger print.
Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian Reveals Favorite Post - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Feeling Exposed - Duration: 41:10.-------------------------------------------
Windows RG BUILD 207. [read description] - Duration: 7:16.Hello thank you for watching this video
Sorry for the poor quality but i'm trying to make better quality videos
i will try to upload a better quality video in a week or two
but anyways enjoy the video
Thanks for watching!
Adam Ruins Dating - Duration: 24:34.-------------------------------------------
Midcentury Modern Rustic - Duration: 20:05.-------------------------------------------
快樂氰化物:新畫風 The Newer Model - A Cyanide & Happiness Sketch [中文字幕] - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
IT / O Türkçe Altyazılı 1.Uluslararası TV Spotu - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Walter Martin Najväčšie nebezpečenstvo pre cirkev dnes. - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Fondón, ruta de Las Fundiciones Reales. Almería - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Cómo cambiar cojinete de rueda delantero AUDI A4 B5 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.Use a socket №17
Use a socket №24
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №16
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Using hydraulic press, press off the hub bearing.
3 Best Cyclocross Bikes - Duration: 5:16.Wiki zone best product advisor behind Amazon wiki zone presents top three best
cyclocross bikes let's see which cyclocross bikes is best for you to buy
starting with the list number one bike named Takara Gann Kai cyclocross bike
bike information the Takara genkai cyclocross bike features a handcrafted
durable lightweight frame that is ideal for taking charge of the race it has a
wheelbase that is light without sacrificing strength so you can navigate
the rough terrain of the racecourse quickly and easily you can keep your
hydration levels up with a dual water bottle mounting system at the base of
the frame it weighs approximately 10 to 15 pounds making it easy for you to
transport the bike to the starting line along the course and around obstacles as
needed without placing stress on muscles already fighting exhaustion it is
available in 22 inches and 25 inch body sizes feature at a glance chrome alloy
steel frame and fork one and one eighth inch Threadless stem 16 speed Shimano
STI drivetrain dual water bottle mounts pros this bike is fast to ride on the
road assembly doesn't take too much time with this one you have multiple options
when you decide to choose the bike disc brakes are a sign of quality comes with
big tires to facilitate quick rolling list number two bike named GMC Denali
road bike bike information the GMC Denali road bike presents you with a
sleep design built for a long distance and wind resistance you have several
gear options to select from and you can easily switch between each gear
depending upon which terrain you are currently facing in the race the body
frame of de spike is aluminum which makes it lightweight and easy for you to
transport to the starting line around racecourse obstacles and any
other time you need to carry the bike without taxing your muscles you can save
your strength for the course and let dispite do all the heavy lifting for you
that GMC denali road bike follows the same creation standard that GMC employs
for its top quality truck bearing the same name you will know that this bike
is one of the best purchase options you can make without breaking the bank
hydration is never an issue with a water bottle mounting feature on the base of
the bike frame feature at a glance alloy calipers and alloy brake levers
high-profile alloy Vitus racing rims light await aluminum frame high
performance 700c tires pros has lightweight construction and race
friendly design years function well and beyond expectations the design allows
you to sit upright and comfortably great bike at a negligible price assembles
very quickly list number 3 bike name Vilano aluminum road bike Shimano bike
information the Vilano aluminum road bike 21 speed Shimano equips you with 21
different gears to operate with depending upon the terrain you are
currently in during you can easily switch between each of the gears without
losing your place in the race it has a lightweight design weighing
approximately 24 pounds you can easily transport the bye to all areas of the
race without straining your muscles it is the perfect bike if you are just
starting out in the world of cyclocross racing the bike packs a powerful
performance punch while allowing you to learn everything there is to know about
racing with having to worry about your bike keeping up your purchase of this
bike will come with an extra set of bike pedals and no extra costs feature at a
glance fork 700 c1 and 1/8 inch thread list
shifters Shimano ao5 OSIS handlebar mounted wheel set 700 C double walled
CNC machined sides free pedals included pros this is a lightweight buy get a
cool price point the shifter works perfectly to cycle through gears you
have mount points to put on cycle computers water bottles and more frame
and suspension will stand most of the impact from the road
features a comfortable seat thank you for watching our video about top three
best cyclocross bikes to get those cyclocross bikes follow the description
link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future upload
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