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Noche de bolos en Obregón I Bowling night - Duration: 3:12.Hey guys! How are you today? We are still in more destinations to visit in Cajeme.
Here we are in the bowling alley of city of Obregón. This is a place where I would love to go as a child and still do.
As soon as local students finish school they tend to come over and spend some time here.
And also on Saturdays they teach bowling to kids.
Thank you!
Here all the players names are put into the screen and are shown up there.
You can take a picture to go with it.
And you can also chat with other lines and post on facebook that you are here.
I´m in first place!
Lets go Pepito! Give it all you´ve got!
After a very fun game you can get something to eat: hamburgers, sandwiches, wings... You can also order
while you are bowling and a waiter will take it to your line. Nachos, salads, beer too, and breakfast because
they open at 10:00am and close at 1:00am
Or you can also go upstarts to visit La Chuza Bar,
to spend an enjoyable time,
watching a sports game or the main street of city of Obregón
while you enjoy a delicious drink.
If you liked the video, make sure to give it a like and subscribe to my channel and share it anywhere you can
so that everyone can know what Cajeme has to offer. I will see you in my next video, bye!.
Learn Colors with Yogurt Surprise Toys Finger Family Nursery Rhymes and Balloons - Duration: 9:21.-------------------------------------------
MOTIN . Supernova (Prod. PUNTOBEATS) [FOSILES] (2014) - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Focaccia | Felicitas Pizarro - Duration: 4:04.Today, a super spongy Focaccia.
With a lovely crispy crust.
With cherry tomatoes, black olives and red onions.
It's easy and you will love it!
Let's begin.
I have 500GRS. 000 FLOUR.
Let's add 1 TSP. SALT.
I have also, 15 GRS. FRESH YEAST.
Let's add 1 TBSP. ORGANIC SUGAR. You can use the type of sugar you prefer.
Time to add the water. 300 ML. WARM WATER.
Make a little hole in the middle and add the water there.
And slowly add the edges to the mixture.
Time for 50 ML. OLIVE OIL.
Keep on joining the ingredients and take the dough to the table.
Knead until you get a smooth, even dough.
If the dough asks for it feel free to add some water or flour.
It's up to you.
Feli's tips.
Ready. The dough is smooth, is lovely.
Now we will leave it to leaven so it doubles it size.
Well, ready, the dough has doubled it's size. It's a grown up now.
Look at it.
Before taking it to the oven tray, add some olive oil to it.
Now, let's take the dough and began to degas the dough.
Have you seen the typical focaccias have this little holes on top?
Well, these are our fingers my friends.
Rustic, I love this.
Now it's time to add the ingredients you prefer.
You can use some sea salt and rosemary, or some garlics...
some...I love them...some, artichokes, whatever you like!
So, here I have 1 RED ONION. Slice it.
Ready, cherry tomatoes, you can put them whole or cut it into half.
Good. Time for 100 GRS. BLACK OLIVES.
Let's finish this up.
I have a good quality and delicious sea salt to give it a good final touch.
Last but not least, olive oil.
Time to take it to the oven for half an hour.
Ready, look at this beauty. Crispy and golden.
Check it out Delfi.
Super! Let's check the inside.
Let's cut a good slice.
So spongy, so delicious.
Look at this please!
The edges so crunchy.
My name is Felicitas Pizarro,
remember we are what we eat and today we are...
Problematic progress 42%/Geometry Dash 2.1/ Isaacelvro - Duration: 1:19.fuck!
to be able to offer
Pokemon X Shiny Hunts - Duration: 1:46:06.-------------------------------------------
Dolan Twins - BRAIN FREEZE CHALLENGE (Subtitulado en español) - Duration: 8:10.-------------------------------------------
2017 Bilveneers TV Commercial $149 dn for Chipped, Broken or Crooked teeth Brighter Image Lab - Duration: brighter image lab .com we don't believe anyone should be embarrassed to
smile we've heard your stories about the negative impact bad teeth or an
embarrassing smile can have on your life if your teeth are chipped broken or
misaligned and you feel stuck then our removable veneers could be the solution
you've been hoping for introducing BilVeneers a new digitally designed
smile makeover by brighter image lab dot com using the latest innovation in
design and technology to completely transform your smile the process is lab
direct there's never a dentist visit it's all done online and that's what
makes it so affordable most people don't have two years to wait for braces or
thousands of dollars to spend on a cosmetic dentist you can have an amazing
smile we did it for them we'll do it for you brighter image lab dot com
Klopp ya se pone la venda por Coutinho - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Bad Baby Romeo PJ Masks Crying for Lollipops Little Kids Learn Colors - Duration: 3:33.Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger.
where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Drop Dead {ANIMATION MEME} Ft:Eddsworld - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
2017 Bilveneers TV Commercial $149 dn for Chipped, Broken or Crooked teeth Brighter Image Lab - Duration: brighter image lab .com we don't believe anyone should be embarrassed to
smile we've heard your stories about the negative impact bad teeth or an
embarrassing smile can have on your life if your teeth are chipped broken or
misaligned and you feel stuck then our removable veneers could be the solution
you've been hoping for introducing BilVeneers a new digitally designed
smile makeover by brighter image lab dot com using the latest innovation in
design and technology to completely transform your smile the process is lab
direct there's never a dentist visit it's all done online and that's what
makes it so affordable most people don't have two years to wait for braces or
thousands of dollars to spend on a cosmetic dentist you can have an amazing
smile we did it for them we'll do it for you brighter image lab dot com
Learn Colors with Yogurt Surprise Toys Finger Family Nursery Rhymes and Balloons - Duration: 9:21.-------------------------------------------
浦和、アントニオ加入内定 DF補強で堅守再建に期待、救世主なるか - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Official Interview With California Winemaker Alaks: The Pink Grape - Duration: 14:28.Hello everyone, my name is Anthony Metzger Winemaker and Sommelier today I have a really
cool fun interview with a winemaker named Alaks.
Alaks has traveled the planet and made wine in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Chile,
and California.
He is from California and he is joining me live via Skype to tell me about his experiences
traveling the planet and making wine.
Alaks, welcome to the show Thanks Anthony It's a pleasure having you on.
So, you're a traveling wine maker from California, is that correct?
I am yup based… from southern California based in central California
So where have you traveled to make wine?
Ah lets see man well I got my first start in California and after that my cellar master
recommended I go abroad just to get the experience in the off season, so from that new Zealand
was the first choice.
He's like go to NZ its easy to get the visa. he said to hop on down there and work 3 months
to a year, whatever you want to do and come on back.
That was the first step and dude I was just bitten by the bug, you know you couldn't
get enough international traveling wine makers.
From there I came back up to the states but then down to AUS and then from AUS most recently
went over to Germany so had the opportunity…
yea Australia its called AUS as well yea
um yea but yea that was interesting yea the most interesting wine making episode of my
You know awesome wines over there.
Stuff you never really get to try cause it doesn't make it on to market sometimes.
what in Australia you mean?
yea in Australia for example what kind of wine are you talking
oh man they just have some big big reds in the (barasa valley) but if you get into some
of these smaller more particular wineries that are basically supplying the Australian
and asian markets sure
that never really get the chance to be shipped over, you know you can't really find it
in specialty bottle shoppes over here.
So yea its just really cool taking some side trips on the weekend when your not really
working yea
and you get to try some pretty unique stuff.
nice nice, so you have been to NZ, Australia, and you have been to germany
yea that is correct but your from California and you started from
So that is what I was going to get to, How do you become a traveling wine maker?
dude yea good question, uh I mean I guess people can go around in different ways.
You know some people are more full time in the industry and cant really afford to travel
abroad and do this.
yea other people like myself I was fortunate enough
I didn't study, I didn't go to school for wine making but the best thing you can
do, the advice that was told to me, is to just get as much experience as you can in
the cellar so you can find new techniques and stuff.
So yea man I set out and the advice was look online for the job boards for NZ, you know
some people have contacts, but being so fresh its difficult finding smaller producers so
you kind of have to get stuck with the big guys which can be good or bad depending on
your own experience and what you want to go for.
But essentially you research a place you want to go and send out an application, some of
them are pretty easy and then make sure your passport is in check and your off to a different
country to make wine.
What was working in germany like? it was definetley the most unique wine making
experience ive had really?!
Australia was cool and new Zealand was my favorite by far just because I love the country
and the people and culture.
But germany was just sort of a different experience.
yea germany is more of a different experience then the southern hemisphere has to offer.
oh yea, yea, especially there was a (devino wines) in (Franconia) wich is mostly white
First of all ive never worked with so much white wines in my life.
Yea just a variety of grapes ive never worked with, never heard of as well.
We associate germany with greisling.
I was getting thrown out like (short ribert) or sauvana or moritow) and just grapers where
I was like are you saying a word right now?
laughs uh but uh it was really cool you know a real
difference in working experience with people from all over the world as well.
People from south Africa, parts of germany, states, Australia, NZ, people were coming
from all over wich made it really fun to embrace these different cultures, while in this totally
different country.
yea that's the thing is you in germany you were part of an international team of wine
makers is what they called it, and so what that means is for the harvest because of the
place you worked produced about five million bottles a year.
So they hire people from all over the world and created this team of international wine
makers to come assist with the harvest.
yea So you had people from NZ, Australia, there
was one from namimbia, south Africa, finland right?
The states.
So that's pretty wow.
So you show up in this winery and you've never been there before and never met these
people from all over the world before, I mean now your all living under the same roof to
and sharing the same room to from im hearing.
I mean that's just got to be a wild wild adventure in itself and also getting the pleasure
to talking to different people from around the world, so your really getting an understanding
of how the wines of the world goes.
Tell us about that, I mean living and meeting up with all these people you never met?
yea you know again its I think its this job, something I should have added before, its
not for the faint of heart you know your going to be putting yourself into different settings
all over the world.
I mean theres winery regions where you can be in eastern Europe where they don't even
speak much English if at all.
So you can go to these forgeign places and you just have to have an open mind, you just
have to be the personality type to go with the flow.
It makes it all a lot easier, it makes it easier on yourself the progression of the
And so like you said your going to be under this roof with all of these different people
that you have never met before.
And the best thing you can do is to just break bread with them.
You just sit down, if you're a drinker you open some wine or open some beer make some
food together and you just start talking.
You just start getting along with these people and learning about them and about where they
come from what their doing here and what they hope to expect.
It's a really unique experience that you really don't get in any other industry in
at least ive ever worker at.
A lot of people I know from back home just site in a desk chair and the only time they
get to travel is for pleasure which is all good.
But uh to be just putting yourself in a small town in germany with people from all over
the world that you never met before, its just a lot of fun you sort of go with it.
You sort of cant explain the feeling of ok so no responsibilities except for just show
up for work tomrow.
You know lets have some fun to tell me about yourself.
yea yea for me a really different experience but
I love talking to people and love traveling so for me it's a little more easier and
a little bit more fun.
sure some people maybe it takes a little while
to open up, but you got to be patient with people like that and just know your meeting
people from different parts of the world.
sometimes you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable
oh exactly what were the german people like compared
to the Australian people compared to the new Zealanders?
oh man I think that every culture is definetley different but um in the wine regions and winerys
everyone is sort of the same.
Sort of this mentality of lets harvest and celebrate this vintage.
But the german people where I mean in my experience have always been great and kind people.
But um in this old village this old school village.
So friendly so open minded so willing to ask questions, like you said this international
wine making team, who are you guys what are you all about, and they have you over for
dinners I mean they will just strike up a conversation on the (fitcha) we had next to
the wine).
And just warm friendly people and you just you would experience something like this unless
you were in this exact same situation cause when you travel it's all a little different
but when your living there you sort of become one of them a little bit you know you have
the dinners and vis versa so I guess between them all their all sort of the same but germany
was by far the most welcoming and the most, yea most welcoming ill say
What is it about wine making that you love most?
one is travel like I said, just having the opportunity to not only get paid to go to
a new place but also traveling is epiriienceing a part of the world.
But at the same time its creating this product, this may sound a little cliché, but creating
a product that people get to enjoy, you know all over the world.
Its just being like part of um.
Its like the pefect balance of being creative and scientific.
In wine making you have decisions that you know you have to make sure that ( fermentation
temperatures are like this) but at the same time you can introduce oak you can introduce
blending you know theres so many different ways but at the end of the day like I guess
its like (beer) making spirits you just have this creative product that you get to, it
just brings people together, it helps with people not doing the wrong reasons like over
You want them to crack open a bottle of wine over dinner.
Just talk about anything, life so that's probably my favorite part is traveling but
also making a really unique product.
so out of the three places why don't you share with us a story.
Something like the craziest story that happened to you involving the wine making or traveling
wine making, or something funny or just one of your good experiences.
I have to say that my favorite experience thus far has been germany actually.
Within the first week there was only about 2 of us or 2 or 3 of us that were early enough,
everyone else sort of came late.
Nut those 2 or 3 of us got really close really quick.
And as it happened a bunch of the locals said " you know why don't you come over for
dinner and lets just hang out and see what happens and how the night goes.
So you know not having any clothes I was sort of like well what else do I have to loose.
But we rocked out the three of us had a great dinner some great wine and then its like who
wants to have a bonfire?
Okay, bonfire sure why not, where are we going to do this?
And they have this mine river which flows through their village in this little section
of the beach so little cabanas big bonfire pit and for hours and hours we sat there playing
music you know starting at one end of the river floating down singing dancing we made
these like little what we would do for smores here, except they were making like home made
They were on a little stick and we put them into the fire.
And just sharing this experience.
I mean this thing raged until like 5 in the morning.
(laughs) just a casual bonfire by the river until 5 am.
(laughs) yea, I just cant explain it except it was like you would have some drinks and
someone would be like who wants to go float down the river.
And it was a beautiful like full moon as well so you could see everything.
And then we float down this part and their like swim over here, swim over here.
And there was this rope swing and they were like lets do some back flips in the river
and then continue to float down.
So it was just really unreal really unexpected and just fun.
Fun loving fun people fun company, and you cant plan for anything like that it was just
one of those mysterious events that just take place.
that's one of those stories to that um, you I want at the winery working but in the
sense you kind of needed to be the traveler wine maker to do that, because if you do go
and travel for pleasure and you go to a country for a week you usually stay in the hotels
and go to the touristy sites.
Your not really getting in with the locals, your not going for a bonfire late at night
and being personally invited over for dinner where they share with you the traditional
meals and how things are done and sharing your guys own experiences and what not.
So that also plays a facture as a part of a traveling wine makers life style.
Its not always just about stomping grapes with your feet its also about going to float
down a river at 3 in the moring with some of the locals because your going to be working
a harvest with them so you might as well get to know them.
absolutely, yea like you said when you go to travel just for pleasure you don't get
a chance to be embraced, for the most part embraced by this local culture and that where
they see you yea as and international but at the same time.
You know its like baby steps you just make this relationship with them and then from
there its all awesome theres events.
We had a few times an international wine tasting event where there was people from all over,
everyone was told to just bring some wine from their respective countries and you get
together and share wines from all over and you might be able to do that if you go to
a (bethal tasting) or something like that, but for the most part you would never get
to try these unique wines with a bunch of strangers so to speak.
And its just all fun you get to talk about stories like wheres your wine from and what
are we doing tonight.
So itas just an awesome industry and Im glad that I fell into it.
alright alex well thanks for joining the show today and best of luck with your future adventures
and in Chile.
I appreciate it man.
you know Im always looking forward to if you ever find yourself in that part of the world
or for the viewers out there just look me up and lets share some wine together but thanks
Anthony for having me man and im excited to see where wines of the world takes off to
as well im following you close over there.
yea my pleasure and we will have to have you back on after your Chilean harvest and find
how that was.
yes I would like that man perfect
aight man cool dude thanks for having me yes thanks Alaks
Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of Wines of the World.
Make sure you check in next week as I will be interviewing another winemaker
If you have any questions you like me to ask a winemaker during any of my interviews just
reach out to me through my social media accounts which you can find on my website
Be sure to check my website tomorrow and every single day this week as I will be releasing
some really unique and fun wine stories thank you an please be sure to subscribe
Bad Baby Romeo PJ Masks Crying for Lollipops Little Kids Learn Colors - Duration: 3:33.Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger.
where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Smino - Netflix & Dusse-------------------------------------------
LaVar Ball's Latest Hot Take: I'm Better At Football Than Gronk - Duration: 1:53.Hey everyone, for Complex News, I'm Justin Block.
NBA parent and consistent shit-talker LaVar Ball is back at it again.
We're all familiar with his claim that he'd beat the GOAT Michael Jordan in a game one-on-one,
and now, he's talking his talk about another GOAT: Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski.
Yesterday, LaVar went on ESPN Radio for an interview, and was asked about his brief pro
football career.
In case you didn't know, LaVar played tight end at Long Beach College, and got an NFL
tryout from it.
LaVar was actually signed to the New York Jets' practice squad as a tight end in 1994,
and as a defensive end in 1995.
Later, he was loaned out to the London Monarchs to continue his football development in the
now-defunct NFL Europe.
Obviously, pro football didn't end up working out for LaVar, but he still thinks he was
better than Gronk, who has 68 touchdowns in 88 games.
Anyway, here's what LaVar had
to say:
So, we know about LaVar's college basketball career, and apparently, the six-foot-six-inch
former pro athlete was one of the first ballers to experiment at playing tight end.
Former college basketball players like Antonio Gates and Jimmy Graham have had amazing NFL
careers, but LaVar wasn't of that caliber.
In fact, according to former teammates like Kenny McEntyre, despite showing some potential,
LaVar wasn't very good:
"Man, he's talking all that junk—and he was garbage.
Personally, I think the most athletic people in the world are basketball players, and he
actually wasn't a bad athlete, to be honest with you."
Maybe in a different era, LaVar would've had a better shot at becoming an NFL tight
But given who his kids are, we'd say things are working out pretty well for the Ball family.
That's the news for now, but for the latest on LaVar Ball, be sure to subscribe to Complex
on YouTube today.
For Complex News, I'm Justin Block.
Painted-over mural on I-95 re-tagged with graffiti - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Noche de bolos en Obregón I Bowling night - Duration: 3:12.Hey guys! How are you today? We are still in more destinations to visit in Cajeme.
Here we are in the bowling alley of city of Obregón. This is a place where I would love to go as a child and still do.
As soon as local students finish school they tend to come over and spend some time here.
And also on Saturdays they teach bowling to kids.
Thank you!
Here all the players names are put into the screen and are shown up there.
You can take a picture to go with it.
And you can also chat with other lines and post on facebook that you are here.
I´m in first place!
Lets go Pepito! Give it all you´ve got!
After a very fun game you can get something to eat: hamburgers, sandwiches, wings... You can also order
while you are bowling and a waiter will take it to your line. Nachos, salads, beer too, and breakfast because
they open at 10:00am and close at 1:00am
Or you can also go upstarts to visit La Chuza Bar,
to spend an enjoyable time,
watching a sports game or the main street of city of Obregón
while you enjoy a delicious drink.
If you liked the video, make sure to give it a like and subscribe to my channel and share it anywhere you can
so that everyone can know what Cajeme has to offer. I will see you in my next video, bye!.
Seshaan Ratnam - Why I chose Clovis Community College - Duration: 1:29.I chose to attend Clovis Community College for many reasons
so initially in high school I had I consider say that I had a lot of options available
to me but it wasn't until I talked to my my parents my brother my most
important of my counselors that I began to realize how important community colleges
actually are because you can go to a four university or an Ivy League and
UC and you can choose to get a degree from there but at the end the first
two years no matter where you go is going to be general education and that's
that's everywhere it's everywhere you go you're going to have to take this so
after doing a lot of considering I decided to come here because you're going
to finish your two years of general education here and from my past experiences
and coming on campus because my high school is right across the street
I really got a feel of like the the atmosphere how intimate the school was
how amazing the instructors were in they come from an education educational background
where they've all graduated from very prominent universities and they
have so much of knowledge to back up their position at the school Clovis Community
College has provided me number one I would say is the amazing educational background.
It's because of that education that I feel very confident that whatever school end up
transferring to I know that I won't be behind
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC 7P. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Berati qyteti historik i 1000 dritareve - Duration: 10:47.-------------------------------------------
Chicago Style Hot Dogs ~ Vienna Beef Chicago Dogs ~ How to Make a Chicago Dog ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:47.
Homeschool Haul 2017!! | Target & Staples - Duration: 7:48.hey everybody welcome back to my channel today I'm going to be discussing with
you guys if I am going to be homeschooling my boys or not and I got
some really cool fun school things for it Liam that I'm going to show you so
first off it is a huge huge topic of homeschooling or public school private
school any type of schooling it's a huge topic when you talk to parents like oh
where are you spending your school your kid to school and love is Amissah I
don't even know he is only two and a half and you can't send them to
preschool until they have been potty-trained but he wants to learn so
he is not potty trained yet we are going to working on that look out for that
video but I got some really fun cool likes cool things for him so I'm going
to start homeschooling him before we figure out exactly what we're going to
do I don't plan on homeschooling when he is into elementary school junior high
high school that just makes me want to pull my hair out and I haven't even
started yet because he is so stubborn and I am NOT a teacher so I feel like I
wasn't doing the right things and he just he needs to kick out and see things
and do things got kind of the house so I do plan on putting him in some type of
curriculum like out of the house but before that I am going to start doing
homeschooling for preschool this is kind of pre preschool it's just something for
him to start learning just a little bit more than what we are doing now I plan
on doing a scheduled day so it'll kind of get him ready for school I am not
sure when we will put him into preschool like I said he has to be potty trained
but we will some time and I want him to be ready for that so we are going to
start a schedule a school schedule and that includes actually doing work
sitting down doing work and try to make the whole day about learning just like
school would be now I did get some few things that are for Liam but Nolan will
start to doing these things probably earlier because he will be around man
and the first thing I have is mostly from Liam's but Nolan will start doing
it because it's with fingers and that is finger painting this is just regular
kids paint I got it at Staples for things like seven bucks and it is a
bunch of color than a bunch of paint he can start knowledge they're doing this
with his fingers but I'm going to have Liam do different types of painting once
again I've got this is stable and it's just construction paper so I'm going to
have lamps are doing painting working on colors and then have Nolan do painting
as well so I will make a video when they start doing painting I will make a video
about that and I have some ideas Pinterest Pinterest is amazing I have
some ideas about how to paint with a baby but yeah I thought this was really
cute he is obsessed with colors Liam does not like mess so I know it'll be
interesting because he will not want to make a mess but this will be super cute
to see them painting then next thing that I got for him I believe or all from
Target so I have my target bat here and just have to pull them out to show you
guys so it might get a little crunchy something when I'm going into the bag
but the first thing I got we're number stacking numbers so we can
learn how to start from zero and work our way up and he loved numbers now we
count Holten on the couch and just count out how he'll keep going and it's so
cute he will go one through six and then he misses seven and eight and goes nine
ten he knows them he just won't say them so hopefully this will help and it's
super easy I mean you can just stack them and they're just little wood
numbers I know they're so cute the next thing is a character saying I'm
okay with having character things like Disney characters some people aren't so
this might not be for you but all of this stuff was purchased in the dike
dollar section of Target I'm so proud of myself I didn't spend too much money and
that is this little matching game so it says ages three it up but he is two and
a half almost three so I'm sure he will be fine he is stuffed putting everything
in his mouth so we're good there but they are little they're the little
guys from lionguard and you just match them so I believe they're little cards
we can play games with them we can just you can learn how to match housings or
matching that is the point of this and he can also identify maybe what the
animals are so this is a multi use of multi function but I thought that was so
super cute and it was three bucks and next thing I was super excited when I
found this this is for three enough also and it was three dollars and it says
cute little my giant work pad so if I want to do like work books I couldn't
find anything for like the little guys just learning how to do things so it
turns with um are these I'm not too sure what is all erasers but you can just use
them as numbers and it has different activities so let me find so I can sit
down with him and work with him for tracing for counting and we can just
kind of do like a page at a time I thought this was so - and it's nice and
big in its farm animals they had its way all different kinds of animals I think
but they had different ones and this was the one that looked more like what Liam
would like so I just think this is so cute I'm not sure how he's really going
to deal with it at first but I think he'll eventually get the hang of it and
once again it's numbers which he loved okay so one of the final things that I
got for like this haul were these little wooden blocks of letters so they're
alphabet blocks he knows his alphabet and we have
flashcards that's another thing I think I've shown you guys the flashcards in
another whole video but I have number of flashcards letter flashcards dinosaur
flashcards and I think some other kind of flashcards animal won and he loved
the flashcard so I thought this would be super cute because it's something that
he can touch and grab that is the type of learner I think he is going to be is
a hands-on learner so this will help and he can learn his colors he can learn his
letters everything needs to kind of be multi functions
and because he kind of gets bored so I'm going to scratch that ideas go to
something different but I thought these blocks were just
adorable and once again three dollars so Nolan can use these two because they are
wood so it's fine if he chews on them or something but
obviously I'll be watching them so I just thought those were super cute so
there you guys so that is a little look into my home schooling tall and kind of
my ideas about what we're going to do with William to get him ready for
preschool so this is a pre pre school home schooling hall and once I get into
a good schedule with that I will do a video about it so that you guys can see
what we're actually doing on a daily basis to get him ready for school I am
so excited to sit down with him and do these things and see him learn that is
such an amazing thing as a parent is to see your child learn new things I hope
you guys enjoyed give this video a big thumbs up subscribe if you're new leave
me a comment down below and I'll see you guys next time
MY NEW GAMING/EDITING SETUP!! (PART 1) - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
The Secret Crystals in My Little Blacksmith Shop - Let's Play My Little Blacksmith Shop Live Stream - Duration: 2:44:15.-------------------------------------------
Making the mushroom knife from stainless steel and carved beech. (with voice) - Duration: 8:23.Hi everybody in this video I'm going to show you how I've made the custom curved
knife which I've made for my son as the present for him. 'oh yeah I like mushrooms..'
..very very much'. As you can notice this video will be a little bit different
from my other videos because for the first time ever I will try to comment my
work instead of writing subtitles so we will see how it will work
I'm using a piece of wood which left me from making my kitchen island. This is a
part of the beech kitchen countertop and it is pretty dense wood which allows me
to make detailed and fancy shapes in it. Now I'm making a little mushroom at
the top of the handle. I wanted to make it to be similar to very good mushroom
which is called in my language BOROWIK I believe that in English this would be
Belatus, Belitusor something like this. Anyway..
..first I was marking the shape on the handle then I was cutting along the
lines and now I'm starting carving
as you can see carving isn't as complicated as rocket science. In fact there is one rule
You have to obey during carving: do not work across the grain, work along it
and that's all! I'm using a stainless steel blade but
with poor quality. It is very thin and not very sharp and it is very elastic.
This is exactly what I wanted in this project because it will be used by my son
and I do not want him to hurt hisself
the first step in making the blade is to mark the final shape. I'm a little bit lazy,
so I tried to make it by hand, but it didn't work, so I tried with a piece of wood
it didn't work either, then I finally take a ruler and it works okay as you can see
I'm making a little bit curved blade which is because such sshape is better to use
when you cutting mushrooms
now I'm making the Blade straight. Yes yes this isn't the best way to do that but I
do not have every tool in my workshop and I have to improvise and make hacks like this
I think that the best and device for the job would be a belt sanderr or something
like this (simmilar)
it is a pretty straight at least for me but of course haters gonna hate and they
will be writing comment below my video that this was inappropriate method for
making this blade straight by the way don't you think that the DIY projects are
defined by such hacks ?
Now it's time to glue the blade into the handle. I'm using polyurethane glue for
that purpose. The holes which left after the gluing, I will cover with the
putty which I've made from the wood dust and normal wood glue
now the most satisfying part of every woodworking project. You take a raw material
you put a stain on it and You end with the final product
this is very satisfying! If you ever tried to stain wood - you know what I mean
I'm using standard wood stains based on oil but not oil paints! Anyway,
during making this video it turns that one of my stains is almost 8 years after
expiration day so it turns into something greaish and smells awful, so I had to change it
to another one
as I said before this is a very satisfying thing to do. You paint..
and watch... paint... and watch...
after staining I'm using a very fine sandpaper to make a handle look more
interesting and finally I'm using a spray laquer to
cover the final coat as a protection
and that's all knife is ready to cut some mushrooms
I hope that you've enjoyed the video at least so much as I enjoyed making this
project. Iit was a really good one If so, then leave a thumbs up and
subscribe my channel. You can also watch my other videos
Till the next time!
What We Can Learn From The Departed In Spirit - Duration: 5:17.What We Can Learn From The Departed In Spirit
By consciousreminder
�Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine
down to let us know they are happy.� � Eskimo Saying
When you lose a loved one it can feel like a part of you has also died.
You may not feel like yourself or you may be in a complete state of shock before you
can move through any other emotions.
You may wonder if the grief will ever go away.
You may also wonder if your loved one is okay on the other side and if he or she is still
You may also wonder if your loved one is perhaps still around in Spirit and how you can communicate
with him or her.
These are some of the common concerns and emotions of my clients in my work as a professional
intuitive and spiritual medium.
I never dreamed that I would be a medium but when you hear the call to your purpose you
have two choices: 1.
Run or 2.
I decided to answer and embrace my gifts as a medium.
As years have progressed in my career, most of my clients seek to connect with their loved
ones who have crossed over.
They come in seeking guidance, answers or closure.
I don�t prey on people�s vulnerabilities and always honor my work as a medium.
It is a sacred practice and experience for me and the client.
From my years of doing readings, there are some common universal messages I have noticed
spirit loved ones want to give to their family or friends.
They may communicate to simply say, �I�m proud of you� or �I love you.� Other
times if the relationship was challenging they come back asking for forgiveness and
express remorse for their behavior and actions.
A story I will never forget: A client came in once and her ex-boyfriend who passed away
came through profusely apologizing to her for how abusive he was.
Prior to our appointment she had trouble sleeping and nightmares from that relationship for
many years.
After our appointment, a year later she came back and told me that her nightmares stopped
immediately after our initial appointment and she had finally met a man who she absolutely
adored and who adored her.
I was over the moon happy for her and for the powerful work Spirit had done to bring
her the peace she needed.
You see, when we cross over to the afterlife and evolve, we change too.
We see life differently and reflect on how we lived.
Spirit will go through a life review and sometimes work through karmic scars such as in the case
with my client and her ex-boyfriend to try to fix what was done.
Your spirit loved ones will try to repair the past as best they can, guide you to fulfill
your dreams, and send you messages along the way to show they are still around.
Here are some universal signs and messages the departed want you to know:
They can absolutely hear your thoughts about them and will try to respond in a way that
will resonate most with you.
They are around helping and guiding you in your journey and want to see you happy.
They send people as angels to look out for you in their place.
Did someone come into your life shortly before or after your loved one passed?
He/she may be an angel sent from your loved one to help you in this transition.
They are okay and not suffering.
They are restored to full health and life upon transition and no longer carry the body
they once had.
They will visit you in your sleep and send you messages in your sleep.
If it felt real, it was.
They may send you reoccurring special dates or number sequences related to them such as
their birthday or anniversary to catch your attention.
They may also send you gifts through people.
For example, a client�s daughter who passed said she would send a puppy as a gift to her
brother and that would be her gift to them.
Shortly before her birthday a co-worker surprised her with a puppy that her son absolutely loves.
If you are wondering if your loved one is around, try asking.
For a few minutes before you start your day ask him or her to show you a sign or send
a message that he/she is still around.
Trust and be open to the possibilities.
You may even want to light a candle or send out your thoughts to them that you are thinking
of them.
Be open to the magic of receiving a message back.
There are no coincidences.
Ethtrade News Plans-BULL COIN updated-Ethtrade portfolio sold Reason from 3 August 2017 - Duration: 16:35.Hello dear Ethtrade members! For the past year and a half, Ethtrade and members have accomplished a huge amount of work. Most of the work has been mainly positive and not in vain. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how things were because the Ethtrade management team has come to a clear, unanimous conclusion about the future stable development of the company and it's community which depends on only ourselves. The past month of July, Ethrade Global was forcefully made to go through many, only previously imaginable, major changes. The main highlights of major issues are: Ethereum hack using a multi-signature and a force-major split of coins, a huge dump with many promising ICO Coindash and Veritaseum all because of hack attacks. Closing of BTC-e exchanger with huge amount of Companies assets, where over the last months, all main trades have been taking place. That was only July Ethtrade predicted the need for change so it partnered with a new crypto partner & found a solution. In order for us to be successful, the company will have to break away from the old business model with traders (as we all can see that Ethtrade depends directly on such negative things that have taken place) and come to a absolutely new stage of development. So we as predicted we already have started making agreement beforehand with the new crypto partner, but for that Company will have to refuse from the old business model (as we all can see that Ethtrade depends directly on such negative things which taking place) and come to an absolutely new stage of development. The company will manage to switch from the old business model to the new one securing a more dynamic, controlled, and predictable future for all of us because we will be depending on ourselves. We have practically proven that, yes, development using trading strategies on side platforms, and exchanges can be extremely profitable. We also have managed how rapidly everything changes, and as it continues to go the same direction it would be too high of a risk and more obvious failure if we do not make serious changes as proven by recent incidents mentioned above. We all remember the risks with wallets security and assets safe keeping on them, huge risks participating in aside ICO, partners security measures, and many many other factors, negatively affecting the stability of the entire system. We did not stored all your funds in our wallets, we forwarded them direct to stock exchanges and iCO, but on the basis of recent bad news, we will refuse even to forward them because I we obvious risks, even that everyone was warned and theoretically prepared for them. All these things have given a clear signal, that any further development without fundamental changes in business model is no longer possible. So what does this mean? Ethtrade platform has found a crypto partner, congratulating you all genially, declaring transition stage from Ethtrade to crypto partner «Bullcoin». What does this partnership give you? First of all it gives you safety your coins. Secondly, Opportunity to trade using skills and strategies without any limits and restrictions, in all countries (except USA), where an internet only exists. Most importantly, it gives you up to 12% of monthly increase when mining using the POS system, only under one condition, that all your coins are being kept on your PC, and every time you keep it your crypto client turned at your PC. Due to all major - force stories Ethtrade has went through during last month July, you all be having your assets recalculated from Ethtrade into BLC, with next way: portfolios minus 60% (we hope everybody understood situation according to the article 10 Force-majeur of the User agreement of the web site & do our best to find the solution. Thank's to BLC we have a great chance to join in the first row (only Ethtrade users will get coins now) and convert funds to BLC, which were lost on exchangers and ICOs, under condition, that new crypto currency will leave open, mined on your daily turned BLC clients at your PCs. Software client already works in high-grade mode and available on some exchanges. Currently, the purchase of Cryptobullcoin is available to only Ethtrade users. In foreseeable future, all others will be able to buy, so don't rush to sell BLC - the planned growth rate can be 100-200% within a year (provided organic development and mining). Also, with development and expansion of new coin, you will be able to control the rate of coin on your own. The higher demand is, the higher price. All these opens doors at a furious rate, with even more incredible possibilities in future. Our will, and dedication to this new business model plus your urge towards success, can significantly improve the current way of business, and improve the quality of provided services. These are education, practical lessons, and physical tangible results. It is important to add, that from now on, all users, except only citizens of USA, will be able to continue to work using Bullcoin client. Here are some facts about Bullcoin: Bullcoin is not a security, an equity or a bond. Bullcoin didn't and doesn't plan to do ICO Bullcoin doesn't require additional capital, it is created to exchange among users and for speculative trades and exchanges. Users of client control the system by them selves Configuration: To start BLC mining, you must meet a number of conditions: - download the wallet app for Windows, Mac OS, Linux on the following web site - install the Cryptobullcoin wallet app following the installation instructions; - run this app and wait for the full synchronization of the BLC blockchain (after the synchronization is completed, a green check mark should appear in the lower right corner); - always make a backup of your wallet (File>Backup wallet). Receiving of coins: To do this, press "Receive coins" button in Cryptobullcoin app, then click "New address" - your BLC address will looks like "BDs5znQjXLT2GE8HGhhDsZmqFJ2NP5umfz". This address should be inserted in the in your account on the website before August 5. Storage: In addition to storing in wallets for Windows, Mac OS and Linux, it's also possible to store BLC on an Android wallet. In this case, there is no need to download blockchain to your phone, since it's a Lite client. Be sure to save the backup phrase when creating a wallet - this phrase is the main key to your Android wallet. Attention! Storing BLC in your Android wallet & any stocks & exchanges eliminates the possibility of POS mining. The BLC network generates 12% of new coins a month, they are obtained by miners with each new block. The confirmation time of each block is about 2 minutes. Each miner has a chance to get a new block and get a reward for it, his chances depend on the number of coins on his mining balance and the total volume of coins in the BLC network. The state of the network can be observed online at Now you can trade and manage the whole process by own. Store your coins online using the client and earn on mining without additional risk factors. If you have any questions, you can support contact for advice. We strongly believe this business model performs it self as more safe & stable one. Best regards. Evolution Begins! 02/08/17Tell friends: AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Facebook Share to Vkontakte Share to Pinterest Share to LinkedIn Share to Blogger Share to Slack Share to Twitter Share to More BTC-E under maintenance Crypto August. Bitcoin. Plans. Viet Nam F_THANKS EVENT
Efterlysning BPA - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
2017 Bilveneers TV Commercial $149 dn for Chipped, Broken or Crooked teeth Brighter Image Lab - Duration: brighter image lab .com we don't believe anyone should be embarrassed to
smile we've heard your stories about the negative impact bad teeth or an
embarrassing smile can have on your life if your teeth are chipped broken or
misaligned and you feel stuck then our removable veneers could be the solution
you've been hoping for introducing BilVeneers a new digitally designed
smile makeover by brighter image lab dot com using the latest innovation in
design and technology to completely transform your smile the process is lab
direct there's never a dentist visit it's all done online and that's what
makes it so affordable most people don't have two years to wait for braces or
thousands of dollars to spend on a cosmetic dentist you can have an amazing
smile we did it for them we'll do it for you brighter image lab dot com
【東方紺珠伝】 Purify「GET IN THE RING」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:11.Purify English translated by Releska
I bit my lips, and blood ran down. It mixed with a single tear and I swallowed it.
It tasted like my memories.
Today, too, I rolled the dice in my hands.
By making myself swing from joy to sorrow
I feel a little better…
I've been chasing after you, only you, since who knows when. How far have I come?
But now, even that no longer matters.
We lay everything bare, as it is.
We lay bare the innocent things we share.
You are somewhere at the end of this night once more.
Are you looking at the same sky? In my clear eyes,
The answer is always purified.
Yes, this nameless song is a thing of purity, born from love and madness.
I dedicate it to you.
No matter how much it fades, my hatred won't vanish. I tire of my heart, polluted by it
But, somehow, I'm relieved.
Your smiling face, hazy in my memories. The wishes that vanished in my dreams. My prayers. My crime and punishment.
I'll wash them all away…
My persistent emotions grow so hot they defy me
Yet they only live for a short while.
I can't pin them down.
Are you looking at me from somewhere?
My first love, for example… it's such purity.
If I will be wounded each time my hopes turn to despair,
Then even if my happiness and sadness vanishes,
I don't care.
If I could do as I like, if I could become nothing,
I wonder if I would be at ease someday.
But one more thing, just one more thing…
Do you know the whereabouts of my heart? Please tell me.
I am fallen purity.
Learn Colors with Yogurt Surprise Toys Finger Family Nursery Rhymes and Balloons - Duration: 9:21.-------------------------------------------
Oh My Oh My . New Original Song . By Darren Burch - Duration: 3:42.Oh My Oh My . New Original Song . By Darren Burch
We like to run through the long tall mace.
Holding each others hands
We were in a field of love.
There was no one around
And then you go and kiss me.
I felt into a trance.
An then we softly fell.
On the soft brown mace
I like to look at the clear blue sky
Show you all of the clouds.
Can you see the rabbit running
It's trying to hide from the sun.
And then you turn and kiss me.
As I close my eyes.
I couldn't help myself.
I kissed you back.
I love the way, that you look at me.
With your loving eyes.
I never want to leave your side.
You're my la la bye
Hand by hand we ran through the mace.
Some chicken passed us by
We couldn't stop laughing.
Oh my oh my
Oh my oh my
In a field of love
Oh my oh my
Now we're sitting on our porch.
Looking up at the stars
Now we're sitting side by side.
Looking at each others eyes.
And then I go and kiss you.
As we both close our eyes.
And then you softly fell
Into my arms.
Oh my oh my
In a field of love
Oh my oh my
Oh my oh my
Oh My Oh My . New Original Song . By Darren Burch
Hourglass Body With Plastic Surgery by Dr.Cortes YouTube - Duration: 7:36.Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Star Bodies.
Today we are going to discuss: Is the hourglass body achievable through plastic surgery.
In this channel we discuss everything you need to know to get that star body that you want.
Welcome back!
The hourglass body has become one of the most coveted figures in the US,
with women working hard to achieve it.
There are some women who fortunate enough to be born with an hourglass body shape.
Unfortunately, most women have to rely on external interventions to achieve this figure of their dreams.
The distinct features of the hourglass shape include smaller waistline, wider hips, full buttocks,
which provide a curvaceous silhouette.
For this reason, many women look to plastic surgery in order to achieve this because
there are just some things that even a strict diet and exercise regimen can achieve.
Luckily, it just so happens that I specialize in creating the coveted hourglass figure.
In fact, I am known as Dr. Hourglass in the industry.
I am an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who has spent many years studying
and analyzing the aesthetic qualities of the female body to help women achieve the hourglass body.
Due to my long career as a plastic surgeon, I have developed the necessary skills to create
the hourglass figure.
I developed my very own signature procedures, which became widely popular.
This includes the hourglass butt augmentation, hourglass liposuction, hourglass fat transfer,
and hourglass tummy tuck.
When it comes to choosing your plastic surgeon for the hourglass surgery, the experience
and expertise of the surgeon is imperative to the results of your surgery.
Having said that, for the surgeon to help you achieve the hourglass figure,
they need to have more than just plastic surgery skills and experience.
Ideally, these are other important qualities your plastic surgeon should have:
1. A great sense of aesthetics of the female body
2. In-depth knowledge and understanding of the hourglass figure
3. Artistic skills to create killer and voluptuous curves
4. Extensive experience in performing the hourglass plastic surgery procedures
5. Specialized skills to handle sophisticated surgical need, such as proportion and balance.
These are important qualifications because not all board-certified plastic surgeons
can deliver the hourglass body.
This is why your surgeon should also be an artist who is adept in the female anatomy.
Moreover, they should fully understand your realistic aesthetic goals to help you achieve it.
During the initial consultation, the surgeon should be able to identify which procedures
are required to attain the hourglass figure.
The doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your body configuration in order to analyze
what needs to be done.
Some patients only require 1 procedure, while others need a combination.
For example, the hourglass fat transfer is recommended for a patient with narrow hips
and an abdomen that contains stubborn fat pockets so that the surgeon can utilize those fats.
On the other hand, the hourglass tummy tuck coupled with the hourglass fat transfer procedure
is suited for those with saggy and bulky abdomen and narrow hips.
This shows that the type of procedure is different for each patient.
As you can see, the hourglass body is achievable through plastic surgery.
It is all just a matter of determining the right procedure for you.
You should be able to determine the best procedure for you as early as the initial consultation
with the plastic surgeon.
In this video, we discuss: Is the hourglass body achievable through plastic surgery.
In the next video, we will discuss: Abdominal liposuction before tummy tuck.
Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel
for more information, here at the Star Bodies channel, only on YouTube.
Also, you can log in to our website,
for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.
If you have a question please post it below and we will be happy to answer it.
Maybe we will make a video about it.
Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.
On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.
Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.
Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.
Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.
Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.
And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.
And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.
All these and more in the Hourglass TV!
【東方風神録】 Kaze no Iro「森羅万象」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:10.かぜのいろ (Colours of the wind) English translated by Releska
In April, the cherry blossoms of parting bloom.
In May, the rain is cold.
The June bride flies in the sky after the rain.
July brings warm winds
And August brings heat, but one must endure it.
In September, the post-full moon floats in the sky.
My multi-world interpretation (interpretation)
And my fashionable clothes have no chance of victory.
As the seasons pass,
The shrine is decked out in pastel colours.
Today is the birthday of the god
That watches over it.
December brings a blanket of snow
And in January, even the springs freeze.
The demons of February, left behind, run away.
Myself, humanism, and love letters— (love letters)
Even if you mix them together, they'll come apart again.
I change the channels on the TV.
The radio is noisy. The weather report predicts rain.
Today, well… There's nobody here.
I'll go shopping with God.
The UV rays run wild
And the teru teru bozu is upside-down. (2)
The showers will clear, at least in some places.
It's God's birthday party.
Yes, when I fly in the sky, I can be free.
I can be myself, someone for me alone.
(If my wishes, my prayers arrive, then you could call it a miracle.)
The days pass
And hopes and dreams check in and out of hospital.
There are no more homeless children
And God isn't here, either.
The torii is ruined beyond repair. (3)
Coins are leaping. The rain of farewells falls.
Even if I'm begged at in that tone,
A miracle won't happen.
"Ready? Not yet!"
I play hide-and-seek by myself.
Today is God's birthday—
They shouldn't even exist.
(Swaying in the wind)
(The seasons pass.)
(La la la… la la la la)
(La la la… la la la la)
Como RECLAMAR de um COLEGA de trabalho PARA o CHEFE? - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
1 milhão a menos na Poupança?😨 | Ghaio Finanças Pessoais - Duration: 7:14.-------------------------------------------
O poder da Confiança - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Minha Vida FIlmmaker | Bruna Tito - Duration: 2:01.How do you record videos?
when it's something more elaborated I often write a script...
Though what I really like is to improvise, you know?
I always try to take my camera with me when I go somewhere
We never know what we gonna find
and mostly we get the best shots like that
before taking things seriously I thought that everything was easy
I just had to turn on the camera and record stuff
You have no idea of the things I went through to get a good shot angle
Your dignity doesn't matter if it's for a good shoot, am I right?
lady, you can't record in here
run, Bruna, run
Also, I'm gonna tell your that I've been through some hard times..
I've lost many recordings over stupid things
Nothing is worst than creative block
It's always annoying when you can't develop an idea you had
I always end up trying things that I never thought would help...
but they do
But you know, it's all worth it
Even though there are some stressful situations, I love doing this
There is nothing better than watching people's reactions when they watch something you did
Absorbing all the emotions you wanted to express
watching the results of all that hard work
I can't imagine myself doing anything other than this.
Banda para Casamento | Iris Instrumental Goo Goo Dolls | Músicos para Cerimonial - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
BOXDEL POKAZUJE PRZEDPREMIEROWO FILM Z JETCREW! - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
2017 Bilveneers TV Commercial $149 dn for Chipped, Broken or Crooked teeth Brighter Image Lab - Duration: brighter image lab .com we don't believe anyone should be embarrassed to
smile we've heard your stories about the negative impact bad teeth or an
embarrassing smile can have on your life if your teeth are chipped broken or
misaligned and you feel stuck then our removable veneers could be the solution
you've been hoping for introducing BilVeneers a new digitally designed
smile makeover by brighter image lab dot com using the latest innovation in
design and technology to completely transform your smile the process is lab
direct there's never a dentist visit it's all done online and that's what
makes it so affordable most people don't have two years to wait for braces or
thousands of dollars to spend on a cosmetic dentist you can have an amazing
smile we did it for them we'll do it for you brighter image lab dot com
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon | Wii | Só Gameplay | Parte 12 - Duration: 26:07.-------------------------------------------
Noche de bolos en Obregón I Bowling night - Duration: 3:12.Hey guys! How are you today? We are still in more destinations to visit in Cajeme.
Here we are in the bowling alley of city of Obregón. This is a place where I would love to go as a child and still do.
As soon as local students finish school they tend to come over and spend some time here.
And also on Saturdays they teach bowling to kids.
Thank you!
Here all the players names are put into the screen and are shown up there.
You can take a picture to go with it.
And you can also chat with other lines and post on facebook that you are here.
I´m in first place!
Lets go Pepito! Give it all you´ve got!
After a very fun game you can get something to eat: hamburgers, sandwiches, wings... You can also order
while you are bowling and a waiter will take it to your line. Nachos, salads, beer too, and breakfast because
they open at 10:00am and close at 1:00am
Or you can also go upstarts to visit La Chuza Bar,
to spend an enjoyable time,
watching a sports game or the main street of city of Obregón
while you enjoy a delicious drink.
If you liked the video, make sure to give it a like and subscribe to my channel and share it anywhere you can
so that everyone can know what Cajeme has to offer. I will see you in my next video, bye!.
MEGA SENA 1954 Results - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
BOXDEL ROBI RAJD DO DANIELMAGICAL! - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
ECHARLE VINAGRE A UN PAN Y TIRALO EN EL BOTE DE LA BASURA LO QUE PASA AL DIA SIGUIENTE ES INCREIBLE - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
IF YOU SING YOU LOSE (KPOP) - Duration: 6:33.More Videos
Drop Dead {ANIMATION MEME} Ft:Eddsworld - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
The Secret Crystals in My Little Blacksmith Shop - Let's Play My Little Blacksmith Shop Live Stream - Duration: 2:44:15.-------------------------------------------
Aleyna Tilki - O sen Olsan Bari (EN Lyrics) - Duration: 3:09.That heart you stole, put it in place please
If you are not sure of your feelings
if you look love, most beautiful
Then another, I open doors ready yesterday.
That heart you stole, put it in place please
If you are not sure of your feelings
if you look love, most beautiful
Then another, I open doors ready yesterday
If it is you, it is you at least
If it is you, it is you at least
I said that I was ready on yesterday, you don't fall from my tongue
It's already happened, it's you at least
I wish you see my mystery
you believe me, you could go crazy
If you look love,it is the most special
then another, open doors for you, you must enter before
If it is you, it is you at least
If it is you, it is you at least
I said that I was ready on yesterday, you don't fall from my tongue
It's already happened, it's you at least
If it is you, it is you at least
If it is you, it is you at least
I said that I was ready on yesterday, you don't fall from my tongue
It's already happened, it's you at least
The Box - Duration: 1:12.(Snoring sounds)
(Clayman stretches)
Where are you?
I'm coming!
Where are you!
Son? Oh, no! Son!
(Dramatic music plays)
(Alarm plays)
I found a cool box!
Son, I don't appreciate you sneaking up here, especially into a box as big as this!
I took my arms off to nap... and then you were gone!
I had to climb up there without my arms!
Do you have any idea how hard that is?
There was a door on the other side of the box!
If you're going to do stupid things like that, leave me out of it!
Listen, son: The only reason I'm not giving you a stern talking-to is because you found
us a pretty good house!
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